Lana del Rey year of birth. Lana Del Rey: tragedy, dark aesthetics and melancholy

Lana Del Rey (English) Lana Del Rey is the pseudonym of American singer Elizabeth Grant. The girl achieved great success in American show business. However, her work has gone beyond America; she has many loyal fans in the most different countries. A songwriter, composer and performer is what Lana Del Rey does. And the girl’s biography can serve a shining example perseverance and desire to do what you love.

  • Real name: Elizabeth Woolridge Grant
  • Date of birth: 06/21/1985
  • Zodiac sign: Gemini
  • Height: 170 centimeters
  • Weight: 54 kilograms
  • Waist and hips: 67 and 87 centimeters
  • Shoe size: 39 (EUR)
  • Eye and hair color: dark green, brunette

Life story

Lana Del Rey - the personal life of this singer is in the public domain. She does not hide the mistakes of the past and openly shares her life experience with fans. However, many believe that everything available within means mass media data about this person is the result of the coordinated work of a team of professional managers involved in promotion issues. Many critics are sure that their father’s money did not play a role last role in her exaltation. After all, he is a well-known businessman in the USA.

The future singer spent her childhood in the small cozy village of Lake Placid. Lana Del Rey is not the only child in the family. The younger sister was born three years after her birth, and the brother seven years later. It is known about young Elizabeth that she began singing at the age of eleven. It was at this age that she began attending the church choir. Around this time, her passion for music began.

The parents supported their daughter in every possible way. However, I had to forget about music for some time, since the future singer became addicted to alcohol. Elizabeth's addiction was so obvious that her parents were forced to send her to boarding school. There the fourteen-year-old girl had to find new meaning life and find yourself. After graduating from school and coping with her problem, Lana Del Rey returned to New York and entered university. However, the girl preferred singing to study. She performed in cafes and restaurants, where she sang songs own composition. From that moment on, the girl’s ascent to the top of the musical Olympus began.

Singer career

The girl took her first steps in the entertainment industry herself. The self-released album was not a success with the public. However, the work was not in vain, because rising star noted producer David Kahne. Under his leadership, the girl recorded her first real album Lana Del Rey, the previous one was urgently removed from sale. It was necessary to do this so that the first songs would not have a significant impact on her career.

2011 was Lana Del Rey's most successful year. Her song "Video Games" was named Best New Track by Pitchfork Media. In the same year the first solo concert in her hometown.

The second album was presented to the public one year later. It was called Born to Die. However, the opinions of professionals and the public about him differed. The former greeted him very coolly, while the latter allowed him to occupy the top of the charts.

To date, the singer has five albums. The first two collections were named above. In addition to them, the albums Ultraviolence (2014), Honeymoon (2015) and Lust for Life (2017) were presented to the public.

Between 2010 and 2013, Lana Del Rey took part in the creation of three short films. She also has three concert tours under her belt. Spectators could enjoy the performance of their favorite singer in 2011-2012, 2013 and 2015. Although the star admitted in one interview that live performance makes her numb. The process of creating a musical composition brings her much greater pleasure.

In the summer of 2013 and 2016. The American performed in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Curious facts about the girl’s personal life

The private life of show business stars has always been the center of attention of the press. The public always discusses new details of the lives of their favorite artists with great pleasure. And Lana Del Rey is no exception.

The desire to die at a young age is widespread known fact about this performer. For a long time she dreamed of following the path of her idols Kurt Cobain and Amy Winehouse. However, the daughter of one of them was able to convince the singer.

Musician Barry James O'Neill is one of our heroine's lovers. The girl dated him until mid-summer 2014. A main reason parting, according to the singer, is too much mutual understanding with the guy.

Another lover of the star is Francesco Carrozzini, whose career is connected with photography. The press is discussing the possible fact of the couple's breakup, but the singer herself, like her partner, remain silent.

A mystery girl - that's who Lana Del Rey is. A special attention deserves what's in different sources There is a discrepancy in the year of her birth. According to some sources, the singer was born in 1985, according to others - in 1986. Most often, the second option is mentioned on websites dedicated to show business stars, but sometimes the first option is also found.

The media also often discusses the public's favorite Lana Del Rey. The singer's figure is always in the center of attention of fans. Many articles are devoted to the features of her physique. But the singer herself has repeatedly said that she never considered herself a fan of diets, but an active lifestyle is her hobby.

Sometimes there are reports in the press that Lana Del Rey has children. However, they are not true. The American show business star does not have a husband or children, although she has had several serious long-term relationships in her life.

The singer entered the world of show business by posting her videos on the Internet, which did not leave many indifferent. And it is unclear what excited the audience more – the performance of the compositions or the sexy appearance of the singer under the spectacular pseudonym Lana Del Rey. Her real name is Elizabeth Grant, and her sonorous pseudonym is made up of the name of a famous performer in the sixties jazz music Lana Turner and parts of the Ford Del Rey car name.

The singer most likely owes the takeoff of her career not only to her own talent, but also financial capabilities his father - one of richest people America, domain investor Rob Grant. Lana's personal life also does not stand still - the singer admits that she had a huge number of boyfriends, but most of these relationships can be called frivolous and do not pretend to be a serious romance, which usually end in a wedding. Is it true, common law husband Lana Del Rey still existed - for several years she lived in a civil marriage with musician Barry James O'Neill from the band Kassidy.

In the photo - Lana Del Rey and Barry James O'Neal

Their union was quite strong, and everyone expected that a wedding ring, but this did not happen - the couple broke up in 2014 after three years of relationship, and in this Lana to a greater extent I blamed myself. The singer admits that this relationship was very important to her, but her unstable character and tendency to depression caused discord between the lovers. True, neither Lana Del Rey nor Barry denied the possibility of renewing their relationship, which indicated that there was a real feeling between them. However, the singer soon found a replacement for her lover - Lana began dating Vogue magazine photographer Francesco Carrosini. They have been spotted together more than once, and looking at how they spend time, it seems that they are quite happy and, perhaps, in the near future, Carrosini will become Lana Del Rey’s husband.

In the photo - the singer with Francesco Carrosini

Lana Del Rey’s creative biography began in 2005, but popularity came to her only six years later, when her first single “Video Games” was released, which she posted on YouTube. Having aroused serious interest in her work, Lana Del Rey soon gave her debut concert, the tickets for which were completely sold out. It is impossible to deny the possibility that her influential and rich dad plays a big role in the singer’s promotion, because a huge staff of professionals working on the singer’s image and dealing with other issues requires a lot of money. However, one cannot deny the talent of Lana Del Rey, whose music is called cinematic, and her style resembles “gangster”.

The complete secrets surrounding the singer’s biography also contribute to the growth of interest in her person. She says that despite growing up in a very wealthy family, she spent her childhood in a trailer with her father, who preferred a mobile home to a luxurious mansion. In addition, according to Lana, at the age of fifteen she was kicked out of school for drunkenness, after recovering from which she began singing in New York clubs. It’s hard to believe that a girl from a wealthy family did odd jobs, and the meeting with the famous producer David Cain, who helped Lana get promoted, was unintentional.

Lana Del Rey (born June 21, 1985) – popular American singer, a songwriter, is one of the most streamed singers in the United States and the world. Her style is characterized by originality, melancholic and romantic elements, and references to earlier pop culture.

Early years

Lana was born in New York and received the name Elizabeth Woolridge Grant at birth. Has ancestors of Scottish origin. His father is a businessman, a former copywriter for the Gray Group, his mother is a school teacher. Del Rey has a sister and a brother. Lana spent her childhood in the village of Lake Placid, primary education she received it at a Catholic school. From an early age she sang in the church choir. However, as a teenager she had serious problems with alcohol, drank it almost every day, and could drink alone. At first I thought this hobby was charming, but then I realized my mistake. She recovered from addiction at the age of fifteen after attending school in Kent. She later called her relationship with alcohol her first love; it had a significant influence on the girl, including her creativity.

As a child, I listened a lot to my father’s country songs performed by my mother, and wanted to become a poet. Loved listening to K. Simon. After school I entered the university, but did not attend classes. She went to stay with relatives on Long Island and worked there as a waitress. At this time, I became involved with music and, thanks to my uncle, learned to play the guitar. Later she began writing songs and performed in city clubs. Then she introduced herself by various pseudonyms and did not take her hobby seriously. But it was at this time that she began to make her first friends.

Young Elizabeth Grant

Puzzled philosophical problems, the girl began to study them at Fordham University. During her studies, she was involved in volunteer activities and was an active participant in campaigns against alcohol and drugs. After receiving her diploma, she lived in the Bronx for four years.

Beginning of a musical career

In 2005, the aspiring singer registered her copyrights on seven tracks, then recorded a small album, signing it as May Jayler. In 2006, she decided to perform at one of the competitions with her own song, where she was noticed by an employee of 5 Points Records. Having reached adulthood, she signed a contract with the company and left her parents' home, moving to the suburbs. Lived in a trailer. It is known that on initial stage Her wealthy father helped her career.

She recorded her first album, which consisted of only three songs, after which she was offered cooperation by producer D. Kane. It was then that the girl decided on her musical style and chose a pseudonym, under which she became famous singer. Fame came to her in 2011, when the video clip “Video Games” appeared online. For short time The clip was watched by several hundred people. The single brought the singer victory in major music awards. During the year, three more videos were filmed.

Del Rey was blonde early in her career

Popular singer

After the release of the hit, new contracts followed, and work began on the next disc, “Burn to die.” A tour of the same name was organized. The album took fifth place in sales, and the number of fans grew steadily. At the same time, there were also negative assessments, the singer was accused of excessive drama and monotony. In September 2012, two music videos of the singer were released at once. Del Rey received an offer to participate in an advertisement for the H&M brand, and later she presented a clothing line under this brand.

In 2012, six videos were released, Lana was nominated three times for an MTV award, winning as best alternative artist. A year later she received the British Award for International Singer. She was later awarded several more awards, confirming her international popularity. The following year was marked by the release of the soundtrack to the film adaptation of The Great Gatsby. Both the film and the composition were successful. Del Rey's collection of songs became a Grammy contender. In addition, at the end of the year, the singer presented the short film “Tropico”, designating it as a farewell film. At the premiere, the singer explained that she was saying goodbye to the old album and was going to release “Ultraviolence.”

The disc, which turned out to be rock-oriented, was released in 2014 and received fairly high ratings. In twenty countries the album reached the top of the charts. It went gold in the USA, UK, Australia and Canada. Also in 2014, the famous A. Jolie, who starred in the new film “Malificent,” decided that Del Rey should perform the soundtrack to the film. New album was released in 2015, called “Honeymoon”. The songs were characterized by a return from rock to baroque pop. The theme is again dark: difficult love experiences, melancholy, violence. The disc was rated highly by critics compared to the singer's other albums.

Lana Del Rey at the pre-Grammy party, 02/14/2016

Lana Del Rey quickly made a dizzying career, becoming the idol of millions of fans. Her unusual style, which many call “Hollywood sadcore,” interesting timbre and love for the 50s made a real revolution in musical world. Her work was influenced by Presley, Sinatra, Streisand, Cobain and other famous performers. The singer has a wide range, but is afraid to perform on stage.

Little is known about the singer’s personal life. In 2012 – 2014 she dated the lead singer musical group"Kassidy" by D. O'Neill. The couple did not part for a minute, the young people accompanied each other on tour, and Lana even moved to Scotland, where O’Neill is from. They planned a duet, but the singer’s high employment did not allow this idea to be brought to life. The romance ended on Lana's initiative. This was followed by a short relationship with the Italian photographer F. Carrosinni. Nothing is known about the reasons for the separation.

Now Lana Del Rey lives between New York, London and Glasgow and has not consumed a drop for several years. (She, of course, portrays a diva from the 1960s, but she solved the alcohol problem, as too outdated, in the fashion of the 21st century.)

MC: You sing about disappointment all the time. Have you ever had a sad love story?

Lana Del Rey: Yes, there was a person in my life with whom I would like to live my whole life. We were both innocent and happy. But his feelings soon began to fade. He was sitting at home in front of the computer, not paying attention to me. It became impossible to live together. It was hard to accept. Before him, I struggled with loneliness for so long! And when it seemed that I had finally found someone who would take care of me, it was all over.

MC: What have you come up with to successfully compete with monsters like Lady Gaga? Have you created your own image?

L.D. Ray: Thank you for thinking so! (Laughs.) I don’t think I’m doing anything on purpose. I don't wear crazy suits. I agree, sometimes my sweaters look vintage - but that's because they fit the mood of my music perfectly. That's it. Perhaps my voice and lyrics are a little provocative, but I just want everything to be beautiful. So that my music evokes pleasant memories.

MC: But the songs are quite dark. All about loss of innocence and unmet expectations. Has your difficult life in New York led you astray from your optimistic path in life?

L.D. Ray: It all started before New York. During adolescence I had a lot of problems, I was a terribly unhappy creature. I behaved inappropriately, drank sip at a time to calm down, and got very drunk several times. In New York I decided to start new life, compose songs. I was all alone in the city, and it stimulated me - in many ways. I met interesting (and even quite unusual!) people whom I began to imitate. So, with the help of music, I learned to solve problems.

MC: Why did you call one of your albums Born to Die?

L.D. Ray: The inspiration was the fear that I experienced as a child, when I suddenly realized that my dad, mom and I, all of us in this world, would die sooner or later. This philosophical crisis still exists in my life.

MC: Your favorite topic is loneliness. Do you still feel unwanted?

L.D. Ray:(Laughs.) No, I feel satisfied. But I'm an introvert by nature. So I sing about what happens to girls who think they have found the one person for life, and then their dreams are suddenly crushed. Being lonely and not feeling attached to anyone is very difficult. I want to believe that you will find happiness.

MC: Are you a shy person?

L.D. Ray: Closed. I get very nervous when I have to be the first to talk to someone I don't know.

MC: Doesn’t this interfere during concerts?

L.D. Ray: Sometimes it's even noticeable. But I'm learning to deal with it. I repeat to myself: “Relax, think only about the notes, and not about what and who is around you.”

MC: What do you have besides notes?

L.D. Ray: I have many other interests. I love decorations. Precious jewelry. I have a favorite jeweler in New York who does amazing things. Perhaps this is not a very original hobby? But I don't care. I always tell myself: “Think about those who like you, everything else should not bother you.” In my opinion, the main thing is to be good person and live interesting life. This may sound naive, but this is what I am all about.

Elizabeth Woolridge Grant, best known to the world as Lana Del Rey, was raised in a wealthy, intelligent family. The girl's father, Robert Grant, is a major businessman who works in the Internet industry. Mother Patricia Hill is an accountant by training. Eldest daughter her parents affectionately call her Lizzie.

The childhood of a peaceful girl

Almost immediately after Lana's birth, the Grant family moved to her mother's homeland in the small town of Lake Plaid. This is where my younger sister was born future star Carolyn and brother Charlie. From childhood, parents instilled in their children a love of the Catholic faith, so every Sunday of the Grants began with a church service.

Elizabeth graduated primary school named after Saint Agnes. After classes, the girl sang in the choir, although she later admitted that she did not share the religion that her parents imposed on her. At the age of 11, Grant wrote her first song, which she called “China Place,” and dedicated it to little princesses and pink dreams. Lizzie grew up as a reserved, peaceful child who dreamed of going far away.

At the age of 15, Elizabeth became interested in philosophy and found new friends who, like her, were looking for an answer to the question: “Why do we live?” Teenagers who considered life dark and unfair became addicted to alcohol and cigarettes. The talented girl shared her experiences and this terrible period in the song “Born to Die.”

The parents were at a loss as to how their quiet daughter could change so dramatically. At a family council, Robert and Patricia decided to send Elizabeth for rehabilitation to a closed boarding school located in Connecticut. Until she came of age, Grant lived away from her family, but was able to get rid of alcohol addiction.

Start of a new life

After graduation, Elizabeth moved to New York, where she entered Fordham University to study metaphysics. Outside of classes at the university, the girl was actively involved in charity work, helping the homeless, as well as people suffering from alcohol and drug addiction. At the same time, Grant’s first performances took place in the nightclubs of the metropolis: “The Living Room”, “Laila Lounge”, “Galapagos”.

Elizabeth's popularity grew with each performance, so the aspiring artist took the creative pseudonym May Jailer. In 2005, Grant presented her debut album “Young Like Me” under this name, and a few months later an acoustic version of the album “Sirens” was released.

May Jailer's first works are written in folk style, they do not yet contain the depressiveness and gloom of inner life.

The first popularity and money pushed Elizabeth towards independence. The girl decided to live separately from big family. She immediately bought herself a home - a comfortable trailer. But in order to move on, it was necessary to find a producer. This is what Grant did, sending out demo records to leading American labels.

Interesting notes:

David Kane, who works for the creative association “5 Points Records,” was the first to appreciate May Jailer’s talent. Soon, the folk singer presented the EP “Kill Kill”, released under the pseudonym Lizzie Grant. Elizabeth's devoted fans were still her parents, her sister and brother. Soon the performer again changed her creative pseudonym to Lana Del Rey.

Change for the better

In 2010, the singer of the music label “5 Points Records” Lana Del Ray presented a new album of the same name “Lana Del Ray a.k.a. Lizzy Grant". Unfortunately, the record failed, and the singer began to make drastic changes. Lana broke her contract with the studio and decided to set off on her own.

Del Rey presented new clip"Video Games", filmed with the help of composer Justin Parker. The composition is filled with the singer’s suffering and personal experiences. Music critics described the work as gloomy and depressing. At the same time, the track began to be rotated on a local radio station, and soon representatives of the Interscope label contacted Lana.

In December 2011, Lana Del Ray presented the song “Born to Die” to fans and critics. The song quickly rushed to the top of the American charts. Music critics described the single as a combination of hip-hop with pop music and elements of jazz.

On the eve of the presentation of the new album, Lana took part in the entertainment show “Saturday Night Live”. As part of the program, she was supposed to perform the song “Blue Jeans”. But already in the first verse the singer forgot the words, and despite attempts to continue the performance, the screams and whistles of the audience did not stop. This incident turned into black PR, which became useful for Del Rey.

In 2012, Lana recorded a cover of the song “Blue Velvet,” famous in the 50s. A few months later, the singer presented a video of the same name, which in a few days gained millions of views on the YouTube video hosting site. The latest video was played with enviable frequency on music channels. Soon Del Rey informed her fans that she was going on a tour in America and Europe next year.

It opened with a concert in Paris, where tickets were sold out within a few minutes from the moment the box office opened. Lana's popularity went through the roof, but at the same time the singer remained herself. In 2013, Del Rey recorded the song "Young and Beautiful", which became the soundtrack to the film "The Great Gatsby" starring Leonardo DiCaprio.

In addition to her singing career, Lana Del Rey tried her hand at producing films. Del Rey became the author of the short film "Tropico", which was distinguished by its fantastic image and sound quality.

Returning from a vacation spent on the West Coast of America, Lana presented a new album, “Ultraviolence,” which is different from her previous works. According to the singer, the record is filled with psychedelic tracks a la Anthony Burgess with his “A Clockwork Orange.”

In 2015, another Del Rey album called “Honeymoon” was released. The new album was an echo of the singer’s past; it mentioned the start of her career and sharp criticism. Two tracks from this work were released as singles: "Music to Watch Boys To" and "High by the Beach".

In 2017, Lana presented a bright, multifaceted album “Lust for Life”. The album includes tracks recorded together with such artists as: ASAP Rocky, The Weeknd, Sean Lennon.

In 2018, this work was nominated for a Grammy, but Del Rey failed to win the prestigious statuette. Soon the singer went on a world tour in support of the album “Lust for Life”.

Folk singer's boyfriends

Lana Del Rey's personal life has been troubling the public and fans for many years. After all, it is thanks to the singer’s relationships with men that we can hear Lana’s incredible lyrics. Lana's first love was a fellow university student, rock musician Steven Mertens.

Lana with Barry James O'Neil

Creative students performed together at parties, and then the guy became Del Rey's producer. After several quarrels, the couple broke up, and the debut album was finalized by David Cain.

In 2011, Lana began dating the musician of the popular band “Kassidy” Barry James O’Neill. A couple of brunettes did not hide love affair, they performed together and dreamed of living together until the end of their days. Del Rey got bored with harmony in 2014, the singer decided to put an end to her relationship with Onil.

Then Lana started affairs with the actor (although it is still not clear whether the rumors are true, because the artists have known each other and have been friends for quite some time), Italian music video director Francesco Carrozzini, as well as with the eccentric rapper G-Eazy.

With her last chosen one, Del Rey recorded the song “Him and I.” But after the breakup, the rapper removed Lana's vocals from the track. It is currently unknown whether Lana Del Rey has a boyfriend, but there is no doubt that the talented beauty is unlikely to be alone for a long time.

Discography of Lana Del Rey

Year Name
2010 Lana Del Ray
2012 Born to Die
2014 Ultraviolence
2015 Honeymoon
2017 Lust for Life

Norman Fucking Rockwell