Trinity: signs, traditions and customs. Holy Trinity Day: traditions, signs, prohibitions

Trinity (Pentecost) ends the Green Christmastide, dedicated to the end of spring and the beginning of summer. This is one of the important transitory holidays when enormous power The magical energy of the Earth manifests itself, and herbs acquire amazing healing properties. What to do on this day? It is important to know the rituals and signs of the Trinity in order to attract success into your life.

What date is Trinity in 2018?

Trinity - the time for magical rituals

The celebration period is the end of May and the beginning of June. In 2018, Trinity Sunday is celebrated on May 27. The holiday lasts three days, each of which has its own meaning, signs and rituals. Previously, pagans on Trinity Day in Rus' glorified the goddess of spring Lada, who defeated the demons of winter. They also honored Triglav - the union of three Slavic Deities who created the Universe: Svarog, Perun, Svyatovit. It is believed that on this day nature reveals its secrets, dissolving the boundaries between the worlds of the living and the dead. Otherworldly forces and entities influence people, changing fate and life. Mermen, Mavkas, mermaids, goblins, lost ones (the souls of children who died unbaptized) are especially active.

Signs for Trinity

Rain on Trinity was considered a gift from heaven. Get wet under it - be happy for a whole year

In order to direct powerful energy forces for good, and not suffer from unwanted interventions, you need to know what they do on Trinity - these signs and customs have been observed for thousands of years. Neglect can result in loss of life. Rituals and ceremonies performed on Trinity Day have a centuries-old history. Magicians and healers consider them very effective and powerful. This is the time of fortune telling, collecting medicinal herbs for the whole year.

What not to do on this holiday

If you walk in the forest, then only in a large group!

Trinity is a celebration of the flowering of nature. You need to relax and enjoy its beauty. It is prohibited to work, plant plants, mow, stick stakes, sew, weave, cut, or chop wood, otherwise losses will occur.

  • The ban did not apply to cooking or feeding domestic animals. Only on Spirits Day - the second day of the holiday - is it allowed to touch the earth to search for treasures.
  • There are no weddings or weddings on Trinity Sunday, so as not to bring grief to the future family.
  • Do not visit cemeteries on Trinity days. Everyone, including suicides, is remembered in Parents' Saturday. They bring treats, things of the departed, and cajole. If this is not done, the dead will take someone close to them.
  • Many prohibitions on the Holy Trinity are associated with activation and revelry evil spirits. To protect yourself from influence negative energy, strictly follow the rules. It is strictly forbidden to approach the water, swim, or ride a boat, so that the mermaids do not get pulled to the bottom. On this day they are allowed to go out onto the land. If you get close to the water, the mermaids will take you to the world of the dead. Only witches swam on Trinity Sunday. We abstained from water procedures for all three days of the holiday. Water spirits will cause harm everywhere.
  • It is not advisable to go into the forest or field alone, so as not to suffer from maks, goblin, or losers. Cattle are not grazed in the forest on Trinity Sunday. To prevent evil spirits from taking over your soul and body, you must not quarrel, entertain dark thoughts, or experience envy, anger, or hatred.
  • You can't throw away Trinity branches. They must be in the house for at least seven days. Then they are burned. You cannot leave the house without a pectoral cross in order to protect yourself from evil spirits. You cannot consecrate it in a church, or decorate your house with willow and aspen. It is forbidden to go to Trinity under a ladder - you will bring trouble.

What to do: traditions and customs

Collecting herbs and weaving wreaths for Trinity is a long-standing tradition.

  • The energy force of nature on Trinity Day reaches enormous power. A person should take advantage of open borders and make a foundation for a prosperous future. Healing herbs enhance their healing properties three times, so they are stored for the whole year at dawn and sunset. Consecrated in church for greater power.
  • They set the table with a green tablecloth, invite guests, treat them to egg dishes, pies, and jelly. They bake Trinity bread and light it in the church. The mother of an unmarried girl dries one piece and stores it until she gets married. Then it is added to the wedding loaf so that family life is free of grief, problems and adversity.
  • They bring a few blades of grass from the church as a talisman for the whole year. The stub of a ternary candle is not thrown away. It is given to a dying person to relieve the death throes. On Trinity Sunday they consecrate it in the church, and then hide behind the icons the “tearful” herbs mourned the day before. Then the weather will be good and fruitful all year. They leave them in the forest, floating milk and bread on the water to appease the spirits of the forest and water.
  • Healers and sorcerers collect grass from the floor of the temple to enhance rituals and spells. So you need to collect the morning dew, which will serve as medicine for a year.
  • According to popular belief, it is good to send matchmakers on Trinity Sunday, talk about the wedding, and introduce the parents of the bride and groom.
  • They decorate the home (windows, doors, floors) with branches of birch, maple, rowan, oak, herbs (calamus, lemon balm, thyme, lovage), and wildflowers. Greenery is a symbol of rebirth. It is believed that the spirits of ancestors come to visit and hide in it, scaring away evil forces. Peasants still attract and appease forest and field spirits in this way to guarantee a good harvest.

Signs for the weather: rain on Trinity - expect a rich harvest, lots of mushrooms, prosperity; hot day - get ready for drought; thunder and lightning - evil spirits will be driven out.


Thyme collected on this day was used for love spells

Magical rites, conspiracies, and ritual actions that are performed on Trinity Day have powerful energy powers. If you do everything correctly with pure thoughts, you will notice the result very soon.

Magic ritual for Trinity for married couples

After visiting church, the wife fries two eggs to seal the marriage, saying:

“Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us! Lord, cleanse our sins! Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name's sake. Lord have mercy (three times). Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Prepared in a special way Thursday salt, decorated with sprigs of greenery. Then the spouses break the bread, put scrambled eggs in it, wrap it in a towel, go to a field or forest, where they eat the magical dish.

Fortune telling for girls

Wreaths are also placed on water on Ivan Kupala Day.

Unmarried women make wreaths strictly separately from guys. They tilt their heads, float on the water, and watch:

  • floats smoothly - a calm life;
  • the wreath sailed not far away, landed on the shore - to sit in girls for another year;
  • drowned immediately - expect trouble;
  • swims underwater - to illness;
  • rocking on the waves - a stormy year;
  • the wreaths come together - she will get married;
  • If a guy takes a wreath out of the water, he must be kissed.

Getting rid of constricted disease

Celebrate mass and vespers in church. Every time with fresh flowers. Dry them. After 12 days at sunset, brew. Soak two fingers in the broth, draw crosses on the body, and read quietly:

“Exploration of salt, blood, veins, go from the servant of God (name) to where there is no plowing, where there are no people and no horses. Spread yourself over the forest snags, over the river grass. That's where you belong, that's where you live. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Love spell on thyme

Collect thyme while reciting the Lord's Prayer. Hang it in a secret place. Once dry, hem it into the pillow on which the desired man sleeps.

Trinity is a mystical holiday when the rituals and beliefs of many generations are united. It is important to know what they do on Trinity, signs, prohibitions - in order to attract good luck, health, love and prosperity.

In June, one of the biggest Christian holidays is celebrated - Trinity Day, which falls on the 50th day after Easter. In 2017 it falls on June 4th. It is immediately followed by Holy Spirit Day. Steeped in traditions and superstitions, it originates in ancient times.

The people of Trinity were associated with a whole cycle of beliefs and prohibitions, which were not allowed to be violated under the threat of misfortune.

What not to do

— On Trinity, it is not customary to paint or sew, or to work in the garden or bake pies. You can only cook food.
— Wedding ceremonies are also prohibited. A family that becomes an official unit of society on this day will face a series of troubles in the future.
“On this day you couldn’t look at your reflection in the water.” This could lead to the girl or guy losing their true love.
“It was not advisable to run on this day - you could run away from your fate.” But in order to bring the meeting with happiness closer, on Spiritual Day it was necessary to walk barefoot in the dew in the morning.
— It was forbidden to make birch brooms on Trinity;
— For a week, it was forbidden to fence the fence or repair harrows so that “ugly-looking domestic animals would not be born”;
- you cannot go to the forest, river or lake during the week - swimming on Trinity Day is undesirable, because, as our ancestors believed, Trinity Day belongs to mermaids - if you swim, you will go to the bottom.


- To prevent adversity, illness and all sorts of troubles from being drawn into life, people gave generous alms and provided any help to those who needed it.
— The tablecloth that was used to cover the festive table on Trinity Sunday was not washed, but was carefully stored and not shown to anyone. This directly affected the fate of unmarried and unmarried family members. People believed that such a tablecloth could attract rich sons-in-law, as well as beautiful and hard-working daughters-in-law, into the house.
— All plants on Spiritual Day were endowed magical properties. With the help of infusions and decoctions prepared from plants, people were cured of many ailments.


- If this holiday was rainy, then, according to signs, the next six weeks will be the same.

“On this day, when going to get water, they always said, “I went on water.” If you say “let’s go get water,” you can easily drown.

— To protect yourself from evil spirits, in ancient times, fragrant plants such as wormwood, garlic or onions were worn on this day.

- Whatever the weather will be on Spiritual Day, the same is expected for the whole summer.

- But there is a thunderstorm and lightning on this day - good sign, because in this way the earth drives away evil spirits, because since ancient times it was believed that it is fire that can get rid of them.

Fortune telling

Fortune telling with wreaths was also relevant on this day. Therefore, the girls did not miss the opportunity to tell fortunes on the river. To do this, they floated a wreath along the river: if it drowned, then there would be trouble and the girl would soon become very ill; if she landed on the shore, then she will get married this year; if the wreath floated far away, then its owner will soon meet strong and long-lasting love.

Unmarried girls curled the birch tree a few days before the holidays, and already on Trinity or Spiritual Day they came to develop it. If during this time the branches have withered, then expect illness or misfortune; if the branches are fresh, then this means good luck, joy and luck this year.

Traditions and customs

It seems that such a day should begin with a service in the temple or prayer. However, according to ancient belief, on Spiritual Day many tried to listen to the earth. To do this, even before sunrise, they went out into the street, put their ear to the ground and listened. This ritual was carried out in the hope that in this way great secrets would be revealed to them. But at the same time, everyone then sincerely believed that this could only happen to a select few.

Since Spiritual Day is strongly associated with paganism, even after the adoption of Christianity, people tried to appease evil spirits. To do this, women went into the forest, to the river and hung old children's clothes everywhere.

It was also common practice to feed the earth on this day. To do this, they went out into the field, laid out a blanket and had a meal. If this ritual is performed, then, according to our ancestors, there will be a good and rich harvest all year.

After the temple, many hurried to the cemetery to decorate the graves with birch branches. There was also a meal there. However, they did not take all the remaining food home, but left it in the churchyard.

Is it possible to visit the cemetery

Trinity Saturday, the day of remembrance of the dead, falls on June 3 this year. Orthodox believers strive to visit the cemetery and atone for the sins of those who left this world before the Almighty.

On this day you need to visit the church, light candles and read prayers.

In Orthodoxy, special places are reserved for visiting cemeteries and commemorations. parenting days. It is they who delimit and distinguish the celebrations of the living and the dead. By reinterpreting these concepts and wasting time, we anger the Creator and attract failure. Therefore, you should visit the deceased on the eve of Trinity, on Saturday.

In some countries of the Spirits, the day is considered a day off, since this holiday always follows Trinity. In Russia, Holy Spirit Day is a holiday for Orthodox Christians and an ordinary working day. In all churches, a service is held with the blessing of birch branches, which are then taken home to decorate the house. In ancient times, for this purpose, they specially went with a priest so that he would sprinkle one tree with holy water, from which all the women would subsequently pick a branch and carry it into the house. It was believed that in this way one could drive away evil spirits from one’s family. Even before the baptism of Rus', this day was also dedicated to spirits, but already to the spirits of the earth. Our ancestors believed that the Earth also possesses a certain spirit, which has a huge influence on the fate of each person and humanity as a whole. Therefore, it was the name day of Mother Earth. This day was also saturated a huge amount superstitions, for example, they used to believe that various evil spirits woke up on Spirit Day - mermaids, mermen, and so on. Perhaps that is why the coming week was called Rusalya.

Traditions and customs on Spiritual Day

It seems that such a day should begin with a service in the temple or prayer. However, according to ancient belief, on Spiritual Day many tried to listen to the earth. After evening prayer, people went out into the street before sunrise, put their ear to the ground and listened. This ritual was carried out in the hope that in this way great secrets would be revealed to them. But at the same time, everyone then sincerely believed that this could only happen to a select few.

On this day, not only did they go into the forest with the priest to sprinkle the birch tree with holy water, this ritual was also performed over the well. Our ancestors sincerely believed that in this way they saved it from drying out, and also this sprinkling of the well helps to keep the water clean and fresh.

If on the feast of the Holy Trinity women did not have time to collect medicinal herbs, then on Spiritual Day they corrected this. After all, according to beliefs, on this holiday all herbs do not lose their special power, and are also capable of healing, like herbs collected on Trinity. We stocked up on herbs and flowers, because... It was believed that plants collected and dried on this day had healing properties. Because it was believed that fire comes from the sky and destroys all evil spirits. It was from the herbs collected during this period that healers prepared a special herbal powder to exorcise demons.

Since Spiritual Day is strongly associated with paganism, even after the adoption of Christianity our people tried to appease evil spirits. To do this, women went into the forest, to the river and hung old children's clothes everywhere. At the same time, it was believed that if you meet a mermaid, then there is a huge chance of gaining wealth and prosperity, but there is also a risk of getting misfortune and misfortune on your head. After all, at the same time, there was a belief that mermaids could tickle you to death, or carry you away in a round dance. Girls and children had to be especially wary, so during Rusalya Week they were not allowed into the forest. They believed that people who swim on these holidays die. And if not, many considered them witches, since only they could escape from the mermaids who live in lakes and rivers.

On Spiritual Day it was forbidden to wash your hair or cut your hair. Do repairs, do crafts, sew, etc. it was also impossible.

It was also common practice to feed the earth on this day. Spiritual Day in many villages was considered a women's holiday. It was accepted that married women The villagers, including the oldest representative, gathered on the outskirts. A tablecloth was laid there, right on the ground, and a meal was arranged. The women sang, had fun, and danced in circles. This ritual was meant to show respect and reverence for the land. To do this, women went out into the field, laid out a blanket and had a meal. If this ritual is performed, then, according to our ancestors, there will be a good and rich harvest all year. And some of the food was either distributed around different parts fields, or tried to bury some food, saying: “Birthday Earth, give us a harvest.”

The well, which was consecrated, was constantly visited throughout the day. They washed, left funeral food, threw a coin and prayed. Thus, in ancient times in Rus' they tried to wash away all sins and cleanse themselves.

Blessed birch branches were brought home from church. They were placed in the house as protection from evil forces. When the branches dried out, they were necessarily stored in a secluded corner.

After the temple, many hurried to the cemetery to decorate the graves with birch branches. There was also a meal there. However, they did not take all the remaining food home, but left it in the cemetery.

The holiday ended with the symbolic burial of Kostroma, the role of which was most often taken by a young girl. She was dressed in white clothes, and then they laid her on boards, after which they carried the girl to the river and performed the “awakening” ritual. Then everyone swam together and had a party. This ritual symbolized that Kostroma resurrects after death and bestows fertility and a good harvest.

Signs and beliefs on Spiritual Day

Our ancestors believed that under no circumstances should you look at your reflection in the water on this day. This could lead to the girl or guy losing their true love.

If this holiday was rainy, then, according to signs, the next six weeks will also be the same.

On this day, when going to get water, they always said, “I walked on water.” If you say “let’s go get water,” you can easily drown.

They also believed that the mermaids and mermaids who can be met on this day are people who died before their time or committed suicide.

On Spiritual Day, all the dead gather near birch trees or sit on their branches. Perhaps for this reason, the birch tree was appointed as the symbol of this holiday.

Since our ancestors believed that the earth had a name day on this day, it was forbidden to work, sew, sow, or dig. It was allowed to cook food.

And in order to protect themselves from evil spirits, in ancient times they wore fragrant plants on this day, such as wormwood, garlic or onions.

Whatever the weather will be on Spiritual Day, the same is expected for the whole summer.

But a thunderstorm and lightning on this day are a good sign, because in this way the earth drives away evil spirits, because since ancient times it was believed that it is fire that can get rid of them.

Despite the fact that the mermaid is the embodiment of an evil spirit who needs to be feared and feared, there is still a good omen associated with her. Thus, in the old days they believed that wherever a mermaid set her foot, there would be a rich harvest of wheat and rye.

They also used to say: “Don’t trust the heat until the Spiritual Day.”

But it was undesirable to run on this day - you could run away from your fate. But in order to bring the meeting with happiness closer, on Spiritual Day it was necessary to walk barefoot in the dew in the morning.

There were different signs for Spiritual Day, some of which have survived to our times. Previously, on the Day of the Holy Spirit, some symbol of the Spirit was hung from the shrines - these were wooden doves. Many Christians still believe in the phenomenon that the Holy Spirit descends to earth on the evening of Trinity Day. And therefore, on such a day you cannot run either around the house or on the ground outside. It is believed that the Earth is the birthday girl.

Spiritual Day in Russia and other Orthodox countries is always associated with rain and thunderstorms. It is believed that after this day there should be no frost until winter. What the weather will be like on such a day will indicate what it will be like in the next 6 weeks.

Fortune telling on Spiritual Day

Fortune telling with wreaths was also relevant on this day. Therefore, the girls did not miss the opportunity to tell fortunes on the river. To do this, they floated a wreath along the river:

  • if he drowned, then there will be trouble and the girl will soon become very ill;
  • if she landed on the shore, then she will get married this year;
  • if the wreath floated far away, then the girl will soon meet strong and long-lasting love.

The girls also tried to find out through fortune-telling about which side she should wait for her beloved. To do this, they circled on this day, who would fall in which direction, and from there await their fate. Or they scattered the fragments of an old plow - in which direction it fell, she would wait for her beloved.

Also, unmarried young girls curled a birch tree a few days before the holidays, and already on Trinity or Spiritual Day they came to develop it. If during this time the branches have withered, then the girl will soon get sick or be in trouble, but if the branches are fresh, then the girl will have good luck, joy and luck this year.

Whatever exists folk beliefs associated with this date, it is important to remember that the truth is different for each person. An Orthodox believer must always remember God and pray to him, regardless of what holiday is in the yard and what folk signs and beliefs are associated with it.

Christian church calendar full Orthodox holidays, and they are all founded for a reason. Radonitsa, Spiritual Day, Easter of the Dead, the Holy Trinity... These celebrations have a deep religious background, and the traditions of their celebration are closely intertwined with a lot of pagan customs and rituals. But main theme our article today will not magical rituals, and time-tested folk signs for the Trinity. Our ancestors used them to find out about the weather, reveal the secret of the future, scout for possible matchmaking, and even get pregnant. Therefore, modern Christians will be able to use them to their advantage.

What kind of church holiday is Trinity (Trinity Day)

"Green Christmastide" This is exactly how in Rus' they colloquially called the famous church holiday with a deep history - Trinity (Trinity Day). The triumph of the Lord's trinity (God the father, God the son and God the spirit) is traditionally celebrated on the 50th day after Easter and is celebrated for three days. In 2018, Trinity falls on May 27, and Spiritual Day falls on the following Monday - May 28. The sacred celebration has other names - God's Day, Green Sunday, Pentecost. There are also numerous customs and traditions that characterize the spring-summer church celebration. A trip to the temple, the blessing of flowers and herbs, a visit to the cemetery, a festive dinner, folk festivals and maiden fortune-telling are just a small part of them. More information about what kind of church holiday Trinity (Trinity Day) can be understood by learning about the biblical events preceding it.

Biblical background to the Orthodox church holiday - Holy Trinity

Exactly on the 50th day after his Resurrection, Jesus Christ sent down to the apostles the long-awaited Comforter - the Holy Spirit. On that distant morning, a strong noise sounded in the sky, and it filled the house where Christ’s disciples were sitting. The Holy Spirit appeared to the apostles in the form of tongues of flame and rested over each of them. Filled with the Holy Spirit, the disciples began to praise the Lord in completely different, previously unfamiliar languages. So the Almighty gave the apostles the opportunity to preach Christian teachings all over the earth.

Then it was revealed to people last person The Lord is God the Holy Spirit. The people saw that the Almighty is one in His three hypostases, therefore the holiday of Pentecost is also called the Holy Trinity. It is believed that it was the descent of the Spirit to the apostles that was the final step in the salvation of man, for whose sake Jesus was born, died and rose to life again. The apostles went around the world with important sermons, and the Lord helped them by performing numerous miracles. At that moment it began long history formation of the Christian church.

Customs, traditions and signs for Trinity: how many days are celebrated, what not to do

Almost everyone Orthodox Christian I have heard a lot about the religious overtones of the Trinity, but not everyone knows how many days the celebration is celebrated, what cannot be done, and what customs, signs and traditions should be followed. You should know! After all, one of the most important twelve holidays is associated with many important rites and rituals that attract happiness to the family, peace to the home, success to business and strong love to relationships.

  1. Attendance at a church service. Every year on the day of the Holy Trinity, the clergy hold a delightful service, during which they bless parishioners’ bouquets. As a result, the herbs become a strong amulet for the whole family for the whole year;
  2. Decorating your home with greenery. According to the assurances of our ancestors, for the holiday, housing should be decorated with branches of maple, birch or oak, and it is better not to use willow at all. From flowers and herbs, you can choose cornflowers, ferns, daisies or calamus leaves. After Trinity, greens cannot be thrown away; it is better to collect the branches and burn them in a fire;
  3. Preparing a festive dinner. Most often, housewives cooked meat and fish, cooked dumplings and jelly, baked pies, pies and pancakes. In families with unmarried girls a piece of festive baking was saved until the matchmakers arrived, so that the marriage would be long and happy;
  4. Remembering relatives who did not die a natural death. On Trinity Sunday they go to the cemetery and give out alms for those who have gone missing or been killed.
  5. Collecting medicinal plants. They say that on Pentecost, medicinal herbs have the greatest effect, so on this day they are collected for infusions, ointments and other folk medicines;
  6. Fortune telling. Towards the evening of Trinity, young girls went to the river, wove wreaths and floated them on the water to find out which side to wait for their betrothed. Also often on Pentecost they told fortunes, observed signs and appeased nature with various rituals.

If you have already become familiar with the customs, traditions and signs of Trinity, how many days are celebrated and what not to do, read in the next section.

What not to do on Orthodox Trinity (Pentecost)

All Orthodox church celebrations, to one degree or another, limit Christians in actions and deeds. The Holy Trinity is no exception. It's time to find out what you can't do on Pentecost?

  1. Envy, get angry, slander people close to you or strangers. These actions, as well as any negative thoughts, are considered a grave sin on Trinity Day;
  2. Work. On Pentecost you cannot sew, cook, or do housework. The only exception is feeding livestock among the village population. Usually housewives try to complete all their work before the holiday, so that they can dedicate the bright day of Trinity to the family and the Lord;
  3. Celebrate a wedding. A marriage contracted on Pentecost is considered doomed to failure. In this case, matchmaking for Trinity, on the contrary, is the key to success;
  4. Relax by the water and enter open water. Our ancestors believed that on Trinity Day, Mermaids and other water evil spirits came ashore to drag young people into their nets.

Folk signs for the weather on Trinity and Spiritual Day

Folk rituals and signs about the weather on Trinity and Spiritual Day originate hundreds of years before the adoption of Christianity by our ancestors. The traditions of appeasing nature and observing its characteristic changes are drawn from deep paganism. For a long time smart people They connected all weather changes with the future, and beliefs in these connections have survived to this day. For modern Christians, folk signs for the weather on Trinity and Spiritual Day are a kind of hint about what the next season, the future harvest, and the health and well-being of family members will be like.

What the weather will tell you on Spiritual Day and Holy Trinity

  1. If dew falls on Trinity morning, autumn frosts will be early, and the first haymaking will be wet;
  2. A sultry Spiritual day - to a rich and generous harvest;
  3. Heavy rain on Trinity - to summer drought;
  4. If the holiday is damp and cool, September will be warm;
  5. Rainy Trinity leads the mushroom season;
  6. On Spiritual Day, the new month means there will be rains until the next new moon;
  7. The Feast of the Holy Trinity passed without precipitation - farmers will have to fight for their harvest;
  8. On Spiritual Day there is never a cold snap, and the water in the river gets warmer.

Signs for the Orthodox Trinity to get pregnant

In the old days, the festive morning service for Trinity always continued with mass festivities in the village. Young people actively danced, sang songs, had fun and had fun with everyone possible ways. In the evening, the girls began to dance in circles, and meanwhile the guys looked closely at potential brides. The most loving men sent matchmakers to the house of selected girls (after all, they say whoever wooed on Trinity and gets married on Intercession will be happy in marriage all his life). And married women observed all possible signs of the Orthodox Trinity in order to get pregnant.

What traditions, customs and rituals to perform on Trinity Sunday for women who want to get pregnant?

The most popular signs for the Orthodox holiday of the Trinity, which contribute to the early onset of a long-awaited pregnancy, are associated with nature, environment and even simple household things:

  1. If the thyme and Bogorodsk grass, which were used to decorate the house on Trinity, are dried and tied into a bouquet under the pillow, the likelihood of giving birth will soon increase significantly;
  2. Those who want to get pregnant need to bake pies on Trinity Day and distribute treats to the poor. They say that such a small good will certainly return with great happiness;
  3. Another way to acquire an heir is to read a prayer on the feast of the Holy Trinity. On this day, requests will be heeded by three hypostases of God at once.

“Lord, my God!

How You gave people the Sun and the Moon,

Stars and light clouds are frequent,

So that I, God’s servant (name),

She carried and gave birth to a child.

How are you, the month, born in the sky today?

That’s how my child would be born in my womb.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Perhaps some traditions, customs and signs on Trinity (Trinity Day, Spiritual Day, Pentecost, Parents' Day) are funny, ridiculous and even similar to absurdity. But we should not forget that behind them stands a great folk wisdom, rooted in the depths of centuries. Observing nature and the environment on an Orthodox church holiday often made life easier for our grandparents. Especially those who want to protect their home from evil spirits, get a good harvest, start a strong family and get pregnant after many futile attempts.

In 2017, Trinity Day is celebrated on June 4. The Day of the Holy Trinity, Trinity, Pentecost, Descent of the Holy Spirit is one of the main Christian holidays, included in Orthodoxy among the twelve holidays. Orthodox Church celebrates Holy Trinity Day on the 50th day of Easter, Sunday.

On Trinity Day in Orthodox churches One of the most solemn and beautiful services of the year is taking place. After the liturgy, Great Vespers is served, at which stichera glorifying the descent of the Holy Spirit are sung, and the priest reads three special lengthy prayers:
- about the Church;
- for the salvation of all those who pray;
- about the repose of the souls of all the departed (including those “held in hell”).
While reading these prayers, everyone (including the clergy) kneels - this ends the post-Easter period, during which no kneeling or prostration is performed in churches.

According to Russian tradition, the floor of the temple and the houses of believers on the Day of the Holy Trinity is covered with freshly cut grass, the icons are decorated with birch branches, and the color of the vestments is green, depicting the life-giving and renewing power of the Holy Spirit. Trinity is a very beautiful and beloved holiday among the people.

Rituals for Trinity

Trinity Day is one of the most important holidays in Eastern Slavs, especially loved by girls. In the folk tradition, Trinity Day is included in the Semitsko-Trinity holiday complex, which included Semik (the seventh Thursday after Easter two days before Trinity), Trinity Saturday, and Trinity Day. In general, the holidays were called “Green Christmastide”. The main components of the Semik-Trinity festivities were rituals associated with the cult of vegetation, maiden festivities, maiden initiations, commemoration of the drowned or all the dead.

U Slavic peoples The holiday of the Holy Trinity is also closely connected with seeing off spring and welcoming summer:

  • During Trinity (Semitic) week, girls 7-12 years old they broke birch branches and decorated the house with them outside and inside.
  • Thursday (the next day) children's morning fed scrambled eggs, which was then a traditional dish: it symbolized the bright summer sun. Then children went into the forest to curl a birch tree: it was decorated with ribbons, beads, flowers; The branches were tied in pairs and braided. Children danced around the decorated birch tree, sang songs, and had a festive meal.
  • On Saturday, on the eve of the Holy Trinity, the Slavs have one of the main memorial days. This day is often called “stuffy Saturday” or parent’s day.
  • On the day of the Holy Trinity, everyone went to church with flowers and birch branches. On this day, houses and temples were decorated with a green carpet of leaves and flowers. After the festive service in the church, the youth went to develop a birch tree. It was believed that if this is not done, the birch tree may be offended. After the birch tree had developed, they repeated the meal, again danced in circles and sang songs. Then the tree was cut down and carried around the village singing. Often the birch tree could also be sent down the river, believing that the tree would give its strength to the first shoots in the field.

Traditions for Trinity

As usual in Russia, Orthodox holidays are closely intertwined with folk traditions:

So, leaving the church, people tried to grab grass from under your feet, to mix with hay, boil with water and drink as a healing medicine. Some made wreaths from the leaves of the trees that stood in the church and used them as amulets.

Beautiful Trinity tradition Decorating houses and temples with branches, grass, and flowers has been around for centuries. The ritual of decorating for Trinity is not accidental. In folk tradition, greenery symbolizes life on Trinity Day. By tradition, decorating houses on Trinity Day with branches, herbs and flowers, people express joy and gratitude to God for reviving them through baptism in new life.

Historically, to decorate temples and houses, according to folk traditions, birch branches are used. We can say that the Trinity holiday without a birch is the same as celebrating Christmas without a tree. At the same time, in some areas the tradition of decorating houses and churches on Trinity Day may be slightly different and oak, maple, rowan can be used for decoration...

The people revered Trinity as a great holiday, they carefully prepared for it: they washed and cleaned the house and yard, put out the dough to prepare dishes for festive table, harvested greens. On this day, pies and loaves were baked, wreaths made of birch (in the south made of maple) and flowers were made, guests were invited, and young people held parties in the forests and meadows.

The girls wore their best outfits, often sewn specifically for these holidays. Everywhere heads were decorated with wreaths of herbs and flowers. Dressed up girls usually walked around during a general meeting of the people - the so-called "bride's viewing". For a long time it was believed good omen to get married on Trinity. The wedding took place in the fall, on the Feast of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary. Many people still think it helps. family life: those married on Trinity, they say, will live in love, joy and wealth.

On this day, roes were baked for the girls - round cakes with eggs in the form of a wreath. These roe deer along with scrambled eggs, pies, kvass made up a ritual meal, which the girls arranged in the grove after curling the birch tree, that is, decorating it with ribbons, flowers, and weaving wreaths from its thin branches.

The girls worshiped through these wreaths- they came up in pairs, kissed each other, sometimes exchanged pectoral crosses and said: Let's kiss, godfather, let's kiss, we won't quarrel with you, we'll be friends forever. For the ritual of nepotism curled the tops of two birch trees, intertwined them with each other. Then the girls split into pairs and walked under these birch trees, hugging and kissing. Having thought about each other, they formed one big round dance and sang trinity songs. Then we went to the river. When we approached the river, everyone threw their wreaths into the water and used them to cast spells on future destiny . After this, they cut down the birch tree and carried it to the village with songs, placed it in the center of the street, danced around the birch tree and sang special Trinity songs.

What not to do on Trinity Sunday - popular beliefs

A whole cycle of beliefs and prohibitions was associated with the Trinity Days, the violation of which was strictly prohibited under the threat of misfortune:

  • It was forbidden to make birch brooms on Trinity;
  • for a week it was forbidden to fence the fence or repair harrows so that “ugly-looking domestic animals would not be born”;
  • it was strictly forbidden to work on the first three days of Trinity - however, you can prepare a treat, as well as invite guests to a festive meal;
  • It was impossible to go to the forest for a week, to swim - it was undesirable to swim on Trinity Day, because, as our ancestors believed, that Trinity Day belongs to mermaids - if you swim, the ancient Slavs believed, you will go to the bottom. Starting from the “Green Christmastide” and until Peter’s Day (July 12), mermaids come out of the pools, hide in the forests, in the trees, luring travelers with their laughter.

Signs for Trinity

There are other beliefs and traditions for the Trinity. Let's now find out what signs there are on Trinity Day.

  • If it rains on Trinity, then expect a mushroom harvest.
  • Flowers and medicinal herbs collected on such a day are considered healing and can cure any ailment.
  • It is believed that from Monday - Holy Spirit Day there will be no more frosts, warm days are coming.
  • On the Day of the Holy Spirit, it is customary to give away all the change to the poor, thereby protecting yourself from adversity and illness.
  • There was also such a belief, honest man could find a treasure, as if hearing its call from the depths of the earth.
  • There was a belief that plants on Trinity are given a special magical power , which was reflected in the custom of collecting medicinal herbs on Trinity night.

Trinity Celebration

Trinity passes noisily and cheerfully. In the morning everyone rushes to the temple for the festive service. And after it they organize folk fun with round dances, games, and songs. Loaves were definitely prepared. They invited guests to a festive dinner and gave each other gifts. Fairs were held in some areas. With the revival of faith in Russia, the traditions of celebrating Orthodox holidays are also being revived. And already in our time, folk festivities are organized in the cities of the country on Trinity Day.