The pin is a unique amulet against damage. A pin against the evil eye and damage. How to use this amulet

A pin is an ancient powerful amulet against negative influences. It will protect you from the evil eye and damage if you speak to it first and pin it correctly. How to use it magical properties?

Which pin to choose for a talisman

The pin must be new. If you take an old pin that was lying around your house large number time, you won’t get any results. The thing is that this thing, pinned to clothes, is a kind of shield for a person and protects his biofield from any negative energy influences. That is why, to protect against the evil eye and damage, you need to take a new pin, since it will not contain any information and will be able to accumulate all the negativity that is directed at you.

Pin spell

Before attaching this amulet to clothes, you need to read the plot. This will require church candle. Light a candle, heat a pin on its flame and pierce the candle with it three times. At this time, read the plot: “From trouble, from illness, from evil intent, from failure, from the evil eye and damage. I conjure."

After this, you can use the pin as a talisman

Where to pin a pin against the evil eye and damage

  • It is recommended to pin the pin only on clothes made from natural fabrics. It will not work with synthetics.
  • This amulet should be attached to the inside of clothing, preferably at the level of the heart.
  • It is worth knowing that the pin needs to be cleaned periodically, to release all the accumulated negativity from it. To do this, remove it and wash it in holy or running water. After this, it should be left for a day in a bright place, and it should not be latched.
  • It often happens that a pin turns black or rusts over time. This is a sign that they tried to send a curse, evil eye or damage to you. In this case, it is recommended to bury this pin in the ground, then all the negativity will go underground with it.

With such a talisman against the evil eye and damage, you can protect not only yourself, but also your entire home. To do this, insert a pin into the jamb front door. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

27.06.2014 10:33

Using a simple rope, you can create a powerful amulet that will ward off damage and the evil eye from you and your loved ones. Find out...

Pins are the objects most often used in dark rituals. So familiar and useful in everyday life...

Everyday life. The most common is the pin; this item protected our ancestors from the evil eye and damage. But even in the present high-tech time, many people remain superstitious and pin a pin on their clothes from the outside or inside. To do this, you need not only to “charge” it correctly, but also to know how to wear this item on clothing.

Pin properties

The metal from which the item is made can be anything. It doesn't matter if it's gold, silver or regular steel. Any pin will provide good protection from hateful thoughts and views of others, sent intentionally or unintentionally. If someone gets angry at a person, wishes bad things, or is simply envious, the amulet will ward off negative energy force.

The pin has unusual shape, which facilitates the conduction through itself of both bad energy, and positive. That is why it is used not only in protective rituals, but also when causing damage. Pins and needles are often found under the threshold of an apartment or in the home itself. This means only one thing - someone is trying to harm. Such things will never be thrown to attract good luck.

If such a lining is found, caution should be exercised. It needs to be swept away with a broom and thrown into the fire. You cannot touch such things with your bare hands.

How to wear an evil eye pin correctly

People have different opinions about wearing a pin. In the old days, an object was attached to inside clothes, closer to the hem and not completely removed lunar cycle. Then they looked at it: if the tip of the needle darkened, it was thrown into the fire and replaced with a new one. If the color remained the same, the pin continued to be worn. If she unfastened herself, it means she was completely “saturated” with negativity. It (if found) must also be burned or buried.

If the pin is made of precious metal, it’s a pity to throw it away, but you can’t wear it any longer. In such cases, the item is placed in salt for 3 days. After this, they are washed under running water, and the salt is instilled. Before pinning the amulet again, a new ritual should be performed over it.

How to charm a pin against the evil eye and damage

For the amulet to start “working”, it is enough to perform a simple ritual. On a waxing moon, you should definitely buy a new pin (of any material) and a white or regular church candle. Next:

  • light a candle;
  • open the pin and heat the sharp tip over the flame for a few seconds;
  • read the plot.

The plot is read 3 times. After each reading, wax from the candle is dripped into the small ear of the future amulet. After the pin has cooled, you can use it for its intended purpose.

How to properly pin a pin against the evil eye

The pin must be hooked upside down. It is recommended to pin it in the chest or heart area on the outside of the clothing. It would be nice to decorate the pin with a bright bead or a small pendant in the shape of an eye. Such a talisman will dissipate negative energy and send it back.

It’s good if the amulet is pinned by a close relative. In this case, the pin will gain great power, since its owner will be protected by the spirits of the family.

Spell on a pin against the evil eye

You can speak a pin in any way.

  • The simplest one is reading a special plot. The spell words are addressed to your guardian angel:

"My Guardian Angel

Please protect

From the evil eye and damage

Save me. It will be done as it is said.”

  • The strongest prayer against witchcraft is “Psalm 90.”
  • The prayer for all times is “Our Father.”

If prayers are chosen as a conspiracy, then in these cases the pin should be taken in left hand, bring it closer to your lips and say a prayer to it in a low voice (3 times).


It's no secret that sooner or later you have to pay dearly for magical practice. the performer or his blood relatives begin to deteriorate in health, their careers collapse, or even death occurs. This applies to those conspiracies that were used to attract cash flows, careers or love into life.

This has nothing to do with protective magic. Protective items simply protect their owner from the “bad” thoughts of envious people and actions of a destructive nature. Pins have been used for protection for a very long time. And retribution for such magical actions has not yet overtaken anyone.

If over time the pin changed color (blackened or became rusty), it means that it received magical blows. The used item is usually burned, but if this is not possible, it is simply buried in the ground. Therefore, the pin against the evil eye and damage should be simple - made of cheap material.

A strong amulet against any magical influence - a pin against the evil eye. But how to wear such a talisman correctly? It is very simple to make a pin cease to be a simple decoration, but become a reliable protection against magic.

Evil eye pin - how to wear it correctly

Many people know that a pin can be used as a talisman against the evil eye and damage. However, not everyone knows where to place magical talisman and what are the rules that allow you to increase the power of a protective amulet.

Once you've bought a new pin and placed it on your clothing, you can't re-pin it. Therefore, immediately select the correct place where the pin will be attached.

First of all, remember that the pin is always pinned with the point down. If you fasten the amulet in a different way, it will not protect against the evil eye and damage. Under no circumstances should the enchanted item be moved from one item of clothing to another. It’s better to immediately arm yourself with several charmed pins, which you attach to different things.

In order for the protective power of the talisman to increase, you can use beads different colors. When making a talisman, pay attention to who it will be intended for, and depending on this, use a bead of the desired color.

  • Green is suitable for children.
  • For a partner - red.
  • For a family member - blue.
  • For friends - yellow.

Do not use black beads under any circumstances. It is believed that they attract like a magnet negative energy. Pins can only be attached to items made from natural fabric. People believe that the amulet will not work if it is pinned to synthetics.

If the amulet is pinned to a woman’s clothing, you should refrain from attaching it to trousers. It is believed that this is still more element men's wardrobe, so the protection will not be activated.

People believe that best place for placing the amulet - this is the left side. Place the pin near your heart to be more likely to protect yourself from negative impact.

Remember, many people make the mistake of hiding their hairpins under their clothes. There is no need to do this. The pin should be positioned so that everyone can see it. This is done so that the eyes of the person you meet immediately fall on the pin. In this case, if he is planning something evil, most of the negativity will instantly transfer to the amulet.

Since the pin needs to attract attention, you can use a bright and eye-catching decoration that will definitely attract attention.

There is a lot of debate as to whether pins made from precious metals will be more effective. For example, there is an opinion that gold is a special magical metal that can increase the full power of the talisman.

However, most sorcerers still believe that this is not so, and claim that gold and ordinary pins, correctly charmed and pinned, have the same effect.

You can also use a pin to protect a room from damage and the evil eye. To do this, you need to pin the pin to the curtain correctly. It is important that it is not visible. Such a talisman will protect against negative energy a person who comes to your house, various negative programs, but is powerless against the power of the linings.

If you want to use a pin to secure a room, you can also place it in the doorway.

N Regardless of where you pin the magic attribute, you should initially.

Despite the fact that many people consider this part of the ritual to be insignificant, it is not so. There are many ways to spell a pin before pinning it. There are spells for fire, water, knots, rowan, and onions. Choose the most suitable one and correctly describe the product.

If you want to use a pin, but can’t decide where to attach the amulet, you can use the decorations that you have in your home.

For example, you can attach a security pin to the wind catcher if it is located near the front door. The wind catcher itself will attract the attention of every person who enters the room, and the pin, in turn, will absorb all the negativity that could be brought by this person.

The pin is reliable protection from the evil eye and damage, but even such a talisman is short-lived. The more often you are exposed to magical attacks from outside, the more often you need to change the decoration. On average, a repeat ritual is performed every two months. This usually applies to metal attributes.

The more negativity the jewelry has absorbed, the blacker the needle point will be. In addition, the decoration may come unfastened, break, or become deformed on its own. In this case, you must immediately remove it, bury it as far as possible from the house and, preferably on the same day, charm yourself with a new talisman.

If you use a silver or gold jewelry pin, it is unlikely to turn black, but you still need to remove the negative from them regularly. At least once every two months, perform such a small cleansing ritual.

On a full moon, take the amulet, remove all the beads from it and lower the pin into the flow cold water. Let her lie in it for a couple of hours. After this, the decoration is placed in a container with clean spring water. You should also put a few silver coins in this container. The pin must be cleaned within three days.

After this time, the decoration is taken out and placed in a container with salt. It should lie there for at least a day. Next, the salt is poured outside the house or buried. Now you can use the product again.

There is a situation in which you will have to get rid of a gold or silver talisman. This must be done if the amulet is bent. This suggests that the attack was very strong. It is possible that you were attacked by an energy vampire. In this case, the precious metal product is also buried and a new amulet is made.

The prototype of a modern pin can be called the thorns and thorns of various plants, which have been used for domestic purposes since Paleolithic times. Pins made of metals (copper, gold or silver) began to be actively used several thousand years BC by the inhabitants of Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt.

Among the great variety of pins discovered by archaeologists, there are many examples decorated with skillful patterns and motifs borrowed from local epics and legends. This suggests that the pin has long carried not only practical, but also a certain sacred meaning, which was lost in the mists of time.

A pin as a means of protection against the evil eye and damage

Today it is very difficult to establish who and when first began to use the pin, not as a tool or decoration, but also as a talisman that provides protection from negative influences from the outside. First of all, a pin is an object that is always near a person. Another reason why this particular instrument began to be used as an amulet is the popular opinion that black power and negativity should be “sealed” in an elliptical closed space so that they would not be able to find a way out, thereby harming the owner of the amulet.

The influence of the evil eye and damage occurs as a result of negative thoughts, envy or malice emanating from one person towards another. Most people can remember an incident from own experience When, after communicating with a certain subject, a noticeable unpleasant aftertaste remains, the mood sharply worsens and everything literally “falls out of hand.” The phenomenon of the negative impact of some people on others is recognized even at the level of such official disciplines as psychology and psychotherapy.

However, despite the existence of the evil eye, a much more effective solution would be to use a pin rather than run for help to various charlatans posing as powerful sorcerers and magicians. Some believe that the more expensive the materials used in the manufacture of a given instrument, the more greater degree it is able to provide protection to its owner. However, this opinion is far from true, and you can create a powerful amulet absolutely free, literally from scrap materials.

Varieties of pins against the evil eye and damage

A classic safety pin is suitable for protection against the evil eye, but it is worth considering that the material from which it is made plays a very important role. Gold pins have been used over the past several centuries in wedding rituals of various Russian-speaking ethnic groups and nationalities. With their help, a powerful protective effect was exerted on the bride and groom, since there were often ill-wishers among the number of guests who could spoil the noisy celebration with an envious glance. One pin made of pure gold was pinned on the inside of the groom's suit, the other on the hem of the dress that the bride wore to the wedding.

A gold pin against the evil eye is often chosen as a talisman for children, but many experts recommend using silver or metal specimens for protective purposes. This is explained as follows: the pin, due to the presence of a spiral and an elliptical closed shape, is capable of absorbing a flow of negativity directed at the owner of the amulet. In the case of silver or ordinary metal, the negative will be reflected directly on appearance pins, accordingly it will fade, become dark or even rust.

If the pin changed its color, spontaneously opened or got lost imperceptibly, then the goal was achieved, and the negativity directed at the owner never reached the recipient, and the curse, damage or evil eye was eliminated. The amulet (if it has not been lost) is thrown away and a new one is attached in its place. Therefore, it is very irrational to use gold pins. Picking up accidentally discovered pins is strongly discouraged, no matter how attractive they may look.

How to wear it correctly

The most important requirement for an instrument that acts as a protective talisman is the reliability of the clasp. It must be strong and durable, and also undergo the necessary preparation in the form of cleaning and conspiracy. A safety pin is pinned on the inside of clothing near the heart with the tip down. If it is made not of gold, but of ordinary metal or silver, then every evening it is recommended to visually inspect your amulet: if it has darkened, then you should replace it with a new one, simultaneously remembering which of those around you that day could become a source of negative energy.

If the pin is made of gold, it is necessary to periodically clean it by rinsing it in running water. After this, it is left unbuttoned in a bright room for 24 hours. A gold pin is usually worn in a conspicuous place, since it is believed that this noble metal is capable of attracting the attention of evil and envious people. Young children are often pinned protective amulet on the inside of the sleeve or clothing in such a way that the child cannot injure himself if it comes unfastened. However, correctly attaching such a talisman is only half the battle, because it is very important to correctly “charge” it.


It is believed that it is best to purchase a pin that will serve as a protective amulet on Friday afternoon. The item must be charged during the waxing moon, and after the spell has been cast, it should not be given into the hands of other people. The most common are the following conspiracies and rituals that allow you to charge an ordinary pin and make a serious protective talisman out of it:

  1. The fire ritual involves the use of a wax candle, which only needs to be lit with a match. When the wax begins to melt, you need to drop a few drops onto the hole located on the opposite end from the sharp end. Simultaneously with this process, you need to read a pre-prepared conspiracy or prayer.
  2. Conspiracy using smoke. To implement it, you will need an ordinary saucepan in which dried pine or spruce needles are placed. After setting them on fire, the pin is fumigated with smoke, and at the same time a conspiracy is read, the text of which is best composed independently, carefully choosing the words.
  3. To cast a spell using water and fire, you will need a small vessel, preferably made of copper or clay, into which water from a healing source is poured. The pin must lie in the water for at least 72 hours, and twice a day (at dawn and at sunset) you must read the text of the spell or endow your amulet with protective qualities through visualization.

In ancient times, an ordinary bow was often used to charge a pin with energy. In order to cleanse the house of negativity and strengthen its protective qualities, a large onion was pierced with a pin. After a day, it is removed from the bulb and then thrown away. The amulet can be worn in a visible place, on the inside of clothing or attached to a curtain, which will provide the room with serious protection from negative energy effects.

Those who want to create an amulet that will attract good luck and money should set a specific goal: where exactly the funds will be spent. Then, at midnight during the waxing moon, the pin is magically charged by reading a self-composed text. On the contrary, many experts recommend creating a talisman against damage and the evil eye during the waning moon phase.

How to make it yourself

It is quite difficult to make an analogue of a classic safety pin at home, so many people prefer to limit themselves to a thread of red or another color, on which the most beads are strung. various shades. The elliptical figure made of thread follows the shape of a pin and is closed, which allows it to be used as a talisman with powerful protective properties. To create such a thread with your own hands, you need to use wool, since it has special characteristics.

To create a special amulet designed to protect pregnant women and children, green beads are strung on a thread. In order to create a powerful amulet that will protect parents from an unkind glance, blue beads are strung on a red thread. Bright red beads are intended to protect loved ones from the evil eye and damage, beads yellow best suited as a gift for good friend or an old friend. It is strongly not recommended to use black beads when making a protective bracelet.

It is believed that a person’s name was given for a reason, so pins with initials or full name owner, not only have a distinct personality, but are also able to save a person from an unkind glance or a deliberate energy attack. It is recommended to make such an amulet from copper, silver or gold, and it is best to wear it on the inside of clothing. It is also worth remembering that envy of other people's success financial condition or love victories do not arise out of nowhere, so there is no need to boast once again own achievements in front of unfamiliar people, even if they (achievements) are completely justified.

A pin is a reliable amulet against damage and the evil eye. But for the protection to work, you need to be able to activate the decoration. From the article you will learn: how to wear a pin correctly and what spells against the evil eye to read when pinning.

In the article:

How to pin a pin against the evil eye

The pin is worn point down. An inverted amulet will not protect against negative influences. Moving a charmed decoration from one thing to another is also prohibited.

Remember: the wearing location cannot be changed after attachment.

Beads are used to enhance protection. The color of which changes depending on who the talisman is intended for.

  • Children are strung with green ones.
  • For my beloved one - red ones.
  • For a relative - blue.
  • The other one is yellow.

Black beads are prohibited from being used as a talisman! They attract negative energy.

Pay attention to what things the pin is attached to. The protective effect occurs when it is pinned to natural fabric. Decoration attached to synthetic material is not activated.

Wearing a talisman against the evil eye by a woman on trousers or jeans will not have an effect, since this is for the most part an element of a man’s wardrobe.

Guest pin if placed discreetly on the curtain. But the accessory is powerless against force.

Protective spells against the evil eye and damage to a pin

Pin – strong amulet, but simply clinging to clothes will not have an effect. She is prepared in a special way and spoken to.

The attribute is purchased after noon on Friday. Bring it home, light a candle and say:

Lock up any evil on yourself, let everything that is prepared for me be transferred to you.

Then secure the decoration so that no one can see it.

The next day in the evening, when you return home, unfasten the accessory and see what happened to the needle. Everything is fine - they were not exposed to magical influence.

Leave the pin unfastened until the morning, and fasten it the next day. Check the amulet daily. A needle that is bent, rusted or blackened indicates that an attempt was made to exert a magical effect.

This amulet has served its purpose and will not bring any benefit. Bury it where no one will find it open. Speak a new amulet.

Ritual for the waxing moon

The ritual for the waxing moon is performed on Tuesday either in the evening or in the morning, when it is not dawn. This way is for personal use, home protection.

To cast a spell, take an unused pin. They place a wax candle in front of themselves, open the pin and bring it to the fire. After glowing, sprinkle with holy water and say:

May I, the Servant of God (name), be protected. May the Lord protect me from unclean things, from bad words, from corruption and from the evil eye. Amen.

The text is repeated three times. After each pronouncement of the spell, wax is dripped onto the talisman. When the ritual is legal, attach the cooled pin to the chosen place.

The power of defense gradually weakens, even when no magical attacks are made. To restore the barrier, once every three months the charmed talisman is left in consecrated water for a day.

The next morning, the decoration is taken out and pinned to the item, and the used liquid is poured out. Water will absorb negative energy and restore the protective function of the amulet.

Plot of pins on fire and water

To avoid having to, do everything to protect yourself and your loved ones. To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • new wax candle;
  • holy water;
  • decoration.

Decoration bowl of holy water
new wax candle

Water for the ceremony is collected in the temple. They do this before sunrise.

The decoration should lie in the water for three days. Every morning and evening read the words over the water:

Protect me with a pin from the evil eye, demonic spawn and other infections.

After the specified time has passed, remove the amulet from the water, wipe it, and pour out the liquid.

Place the decoration in front of you, take a candle and fill the eye of the pin while whispering:

The pin is sharp, pierce the evil with a needle, send it away from me. I conjure the word with fire, I secure the word with iron.

Repeat the text five times, after which the amulet is ready for use.

When using a pin as an amulet, it is important to spell it correctly and fasten it to protect it. Follow simple tips when making a talisman, this will also help.