How to remove ears, riding breeches on the hips and inside the thighs at home: effective exercises, nutrition, massage. How to hide ears on your thighs with clothes? How to get rid of ears in the gym using liposuction? How long can it really take to remove ears on your thighs? Ushk

An attractive figure with an hourglass shape is a must-have successful woman. Absence physical activity and not proper nutrition spoil the physique. The volume of fat increases, femininity and fit are lost. Moreover, certain areas are more likely to be problematic for girls than others. One of the common troubles is a figure defect called riding breeches. If this sounds familiar to you, then read below about how to remove bulges on your thighs at home and get quick results with minimal effort.

Breeches-ears on the hips

What are "ears" on the hips?

The femoral ears are fatty deposits. Women with this deficiency may have a generally normal weight or a slight excess, and few problem areas. Adipose tissue can be deep and superficial. The mechanism of its growth is complex and is associated with hormonal balance, lifestyle, and nutrition.

Excess fat is not beneficial to health, it spoils your figure and can even be dangerous to your health. If the ears are pronounced, and a woman cannot get rid of provoking factors for years, then the figure turns into a pear. Therefore, at the first signs of body disharmony, one must begin to act.

What do they look like?

Breeches are a typical women's problem. Fat deposits are located on the sides of the thighs - where upper part the legs connect to the buttocks. Some believe that voluminous hips impart femininity. In fact, it looks ugly and indicates that the person has not taken care of himself for some time. Hips should not be big, but athletic.

Small ears are invisible to the naked eye, but in advanced cases, the hips become clearly disproportionate. At first, you can hide the excess volume with shapewear, but then this no longer works and a lot of problems arise with the choice of clothes.

"Ears" on the inner thigh

Excess fat on your inner thighs looks even worse than your outer thighs. Often these two problems - external and internal ears - are combined in a woman. It is difficult to achieve slender thighs if you have gained a lot of fat.

Even when doing group fitness, sometimes the results are not encouraging, as weight is lost due to the release of excess moisture. Losing weight is not always about losing fat. Imperfect inner part Hips can only be tightened by intensive training with your own weight or in the gym.

Reasons for appearance

A woman is physiologically predisposed to the accumulation of adipose tissue. A strong negative factor is poor nutrition, where fatty foods predominate. It’s bad when the calories consumed are not completely consumed and are stored as excess amounts. Lack of physical activity is one of the common causes of fat thighs.

Lumps on the hips are not always combined with a lot of extra pounds. Disproportional eared hips can occur even if the body weight is generally normal. Not last role undeveloped muscles and poor lifestyle play a role.

Is it possible to remove the ears from the hips?

You probably think that you can easily get rid of bulges on your thighs by doing exercises on the inner and outer thighs. Of course, such loads strengthen the muscles, but these exercises alone are not enough. Remember that the riding breeches area is represented by excess fat, which cannot be burned locally.

To convert fat stores into energy, you need to eat fewer calories and spend more. Not only will fat be burned in the areas worked out during training, it will begin to melt over the entire area of ​​the body.

Definitely, full-fledged cardio will help you. This means intensive cardio training - for one session at least 30 minutes of training on exercise machines, running, dancing. Will not be superfluous strength exercises.

How long does it take?

It is impossible to determine a universal period for body correction. Much depends on the initial state of the body - some have barely noticeable ears, others have huge hips disproportionate to the body. Also significant influence provides the selected algorithm of actions - principles of nutrition, nature of training.

The first results will begin to appear in a few months, if you try really hard. In this matter, regularity is needed - proper nutrition is not temporary, but constant, and consistently several workouts a week. Cardio needs to be properly combined with strength training.

classic squats very quickly remove the bulges on the hips

Fitness against ears on the hips

How to get rid of thigh loops in the gym?

Interval cardio training is effective in the fight against bulges on the hips. There are plenty of opportunities to burn fat at the gym. Even the most budget establishment has effective cardio and strength training equipment that will help you remove excess thigh volume.

The best option is to exercise under the supervision of a trainer who will immediately assess all the pros and cons of your figure and help you determine the right bodybuilding strategy.


Here are the top exercises that are designed specifically to work out the problem area of ​​​​the hips. We perform each exercise for 15-30 repetitions, 2-3 sets in total. Isometric exercises- hold for 15-20 seconds. Exercises can be performed dynamically or statically. Here is a list of exercises for the hips:

  • abduction of the leg from the side support position;
  • lunges forward with the right and left leg;
  • abduction of the leg from a lying position on its side;
  • side lunges;
  • abduction of the leg from the position of support on the hands;
  • abduction of the leg from a standing position;
  • wide squats.

Photo illustrations correct technique The listed exercises are presented below.

standing leg abduction standing leg abduction with expander lunge forward lunge forward lunge to the side leg abduction lying on your side with an expander leg abduction lying on your side leg abduction lying on the side in support abduction of the leg while resting on the forearms


Squats are one of the best exercises for girls, so we consider it separately. Different types This exercise loads individual muscles. Squats quickly transform your hips and buttocks, making your legs slim and athletic. There are classic, ballet squats and with legs together. To learn how to squat different options or with weights, you must first master the standard exercise.

Here is a description of the technique. The squat is performed from a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly. Maintain an even posture without arching your spine; it should be neutral. Your arms can be crossed and placed on your chest.

When lowering, make sure that your knees do not protrude onto your toes, but are directly above them. The weight should be concentrated in the center of the feet and on the heels, the latter not leaving the floor. On inhalation - movement down, on exhalation - upward. For beginners, squat to an angle of 45 degrees at the knees, then increase to 90.

wide squats - front view wide squats - side view


Running in the morning or on a treadmill is an affordable form of cardio training for general fat burning. This is a natural and safe load, from which the results will be fast. When running, muscles develop and weight loss occurs. Running for 50 minutes or more is effective, but this requires appropriate preparation.

It is best to do interval training, alternating fast and slow running or slow running and walking. You need to run 3 times a week. At large quantities If you are overweight, running is contraindicated. If your body weight is more than 80 kg, then consult your doctor and find out if you can run.

Cosmetology for ears on thighs


As an addition to proper nutrition, training at home or in the gym, it’s a good idea to add massage. These must be professional procedures. For example, cupping massage, classic manual massage, and honey massage are effective. You can do a hardware massage in the salon.

With the help of a massage course you can improve appearance hips The outer part and the inner zone will tighten. It is good to perform a massage with anti-cellulite agents, tonic and warming creams. An aromatic massage with essential oils also gives a good effect.


It's good to do body wraps in a salon, but you can also experiment at home. The essence of the procedure is to apply a warming ointment, blue clay, honey, coffee grounds, pepper mixture or melted chocolate on the problem area.

Special cosmetics for wraps and natural products help to quickly tighten sagging skin, increase tone for sagging skin, and correct the shape of the hips.

When the product is applied, wrap the problem area cling film. In addition, cover yourself or wear warm clothes. Some types of wraps require physical activity for the best sauna effect and weight loss.

Wrapping time ranges from 30 minutes to several hours. After the procedure, a contrast shower is required. Next, apply a good cream with lifting and moisturizing properties to your thighs.


The issue of proper and carefully planned nutrition is a fundamental topic in building a good figure. The diet should be tailored to a specific person. Main task- achieve healthy fat burning. This process starts when daily calorie intake is lower than energy expenditure. That is, we need to spend a little more than we consume. You can achieve this effect yourself.

But to do this, you need to know the starting point - the number of calories, that is, the amount of food that does not cause weight gain or loss. You will have to monitor your diet for several months and weigh yourself regularly.

Once the average number of calories is known, you can move anywhere from it. If you add calories, your weight and fat reserves will increase; if you cut calories, your weight will decrease, and at the same time all problem areas will be corrected. After all, fat, as we know, is burned evenly throughout the body. With this approach, it will soon be possible to remove the femoral ears.

On a diet for slender thighs, it is not advisable to eat after 8 pm. The diet consists of giving up everything harmful:

  • fat;
  • fried;
  • smoked;
  • semi-finished products;
  • fast food;
  • sweets;
  • baking;
  • sausages;
  • alcohol.

This food does not have to be completely excluded, but it is advisable to minimize it.

To replace harmful substances, it is proposed to create a menu of dietary products. This:

  • light meat;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • fish;
  • coarse fiber;
  • lots of vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • eggs;
  • porridge;
  • nuts and dried fruits.

It is better to eat all carbohydrates before 6 pm. It is advisable to consume less salt and sugar.

Don't forget to drink plenty of water, it helps fill your stomach and cleanse your body. Eating every 2-4 hours in small portions is encouraged. The diet should be dominated by dishes with proteins and slow carbohydrates, only healthy fats. Instead of regular bread, you can eat whole grain, bran bread or crispbread.

Along with the diet, it is advisable to take a vitamin-mineral complex to improve the health of the body as a whole. Remember that a diet is not a fast. This is a change in diet to healthy and moderate consumption of food. A diet for 1-2 months practically does not work; proper nutrition must be constant.

Sports, diet and cosmetology - these factors act together, enhancing each other’s effect. If you concentrate only on nutrition, and forget about training and everything else, then there will definitely be results, but they are not so noticeable. When we pay all our attention only to training and don’t monitor nutrition at all, we get unpredictable results. Cosmetology alone, massage and wraps, in principle, will do nothing if used separately. But the procedures are a good addition to fitness and diet to get rid of the hated ears on the thighs forever.

People who are far from the topic of fitness and weight loss may be surprised to hear the phrase “ears on the hips.”

However, those who have this problem will not be at all surprised, but will only be upset, because they know very well how difficult it is to get rid of such ears in the hip area.

However, this is possible if you make an effort and approach this issue responsibly and comprehensively.

Ears on the hips: causes and measures to combat them

First of all, you need to figure out why ears appear on your legs, and we will figure out how to remove them. There are several main reasons for this problem:

Excess weight. U overweight women The weight is distributed throughout the body, but the area of ​​the waist, buttocks and hips is especially susceptible to it, so you shouldn’t be surprised by the presence of unsightly “ears”.

Lack of physical activity. An inactive lifestyle and sedentary work often lead to the accumulation of fat on the thighs, especially if there are no movements that involve the muscles of the outer thighs.

Hereditary predisposition. Due to the characteristics of the figure, which are transmitted genetically, even slender girls may not be happy with the protrusions on the hips.

Physiological factor. A woman’s body is designed in such a way that the presence of fat on the hips is inherent in it by nature. Therefore, it is more difficult for them to deal with this trouble than for men.

Regardless of the reason, the same set of methods will be used to combat ears:

  • Necessary review your diet to reduce its calorie content, reduce the amount of harmful foods in it and increase the healthy ones.
  • Important move more, paying enough attention to both general aerobic training and sets of exercises that are aimed directly at working out the hips. Physical activity will help loosen the thigh muscles and wean the body from using this area as a storage area for fat.
  • Additional procedures are a good addition to the complex for combating ears on the thighs. At home you can massage, body wraps, contrast shower. This will help stir up the subcutaneous layer of fat, making it easier to fight it, and metabolic processes in problem areas will be significantly accelerated. Also, many methods for body correction are offered to us by beauty salons and cosmetology centers.

A comprehensive and very serious approach will help you cope with the problem of ears, even if you are prone to them due to heredity. Now let's look at each of the points separately.

Nutrition against ears on the thighs

You cannot effectively remove ears from the sides of your thighs unless you reconsider your diet, especially if it is far from proper nutrition.

So, to lose weight, you need to remember the main rule: you need to consume fewer calories than you burn. The approximate difference should be about 400-500 kcal. It is important not to get carried away strict diets, since they give short-term results and are also harmful to health. It is better to achieve the correct calorie difference through physical activity, as well as replacing habitual harmful foods with healthier and low-calorie ones.

3. Deep lunges forward
You probably know how to do lunges. One leg stands forward and the body weight is transferred to it, the second is behind and rests on the toe. Lower yourself onto your supporting leg, bending your knee and feeling how the muscles of your thighs and buttocks work. Important: Do not touch the floor with your knee. Repeat at least 10 times for each leg.

4. Leg swings while standing
Lean against a wall or the back of a chair and alternately swing your legs back. Repeat the exercise at least 20 times with each leg.

5. Leg abduction in a standing position
Your hands should rest on your lower back. Extend your leg, turning your heel outward and feeling how the muscles tense abdominals. Repeat the exercise at least 25 times with each leg.

6. Leg swings while lying down
Lean on bent arms in a side lying position. Raise your straight upper leg up and swing it without bending it. Then turn over to the other side and do the exercise 20-25 times for the second leg. If desired, you can use an elastic band to enhance the effect of the exercise.

7. Exercise “Gorka”
Lie on the floor with your knees bent. Feet should be shoulder-width apart and resting entirely on the floor. With your arms lying freely along your body, lift your pelvis so that your body and hips are located in the same inclined plane. In this case, the upper back and arms should remain on the floor. Repeat at least 30 times.

Cosmetic procedures for ears on the thighs

To cope with the ear problem more quickly, you can supplement the program with various types of cosmetic procedures. They help improve blood circulation and cellular metabolism, restore skin tone.

At home, you can do body wraps and massage. The same procedures are available in salons from specialists.

Be sure to develop the habit of moisturizing your skin after showering. Pick up good remedy to maintain water-fat balance, which will also help cope with stretch marks and cellulite.

As for wraps, the following mixtures can help with ears on the hips:

Chocolate. Mix 300 grams of cocoa powder and 0.5 liters of hot water, stir until smooth. Let the mixture cool, then apply it to problem areas. Wrap thighs in cling film. It is recommended to keep for 60 minutes. Rinse off in the shower, gently massaging your thighs. Then moisturize your skin.

Honey. Take two tablespoons of honey and add a few drops of orange or peppermint essential oil. Stir the mixture thoroughly and apply to the buttocks and thighs. Leave the composition for an hour under the film. Rinse off in the shower with warm water, then moisturize the skin with cream.

Vinegar. Apple cider vinegar you need to dilute with water in equal proportions, add a few drops of essential oil with an anti-cellulite effect. Moisten a soft natural cloth in the resulting solution and wrap it around the problem areas, wrap with cling film on top. Leave for an hour. Rinse with warm water and moisturize the skin.
Coffee. Take natural coffee and add hot water to it to make a thick paste. Drop a little ether into the mixture and let it cool a little. Apply to thighs. Wrap in cling film for 40-60 minutes, then rinse in the shower.

Clay. To combat earworms, white, blue, black, and gray clay are suitable. Mix it with water to get a consistency thick sour cream. Apply to skin and leave under film for 45-60 minutes.
In order for the active components in the mixtures to work better, it is recommended to wear warm clothes over the film. You can lie down for the necessary time under a warm blanket or do physical exercise or household chores.
It is recommended that massage be done by a specialist, but if desired, the procedure is also available at home. For this you will need large medical jars. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • Steam the skin well in the bath, lubricate it with cream.
  • Apply the neck of the jar to the problem area to create a vacuum inside the jar.
  • Perform the massage first with straight lines, and then with circular movements in the direction from bottom to top.
  • Particular care is needed when massaging the skin on inner surface thighs, since here it is very delicate and can quickly get damaged.

These procedures can be used to complement your fight against ear rashes on the thighs. Remember that consistency is important both in exercise and in cosmetic measures and in nutrition.

How many girls probably envy men because they never ask questions: how to remove fat from thighs or how to get rid of ears on thighs forever? For some girls this topic is very close and painful, so How remove the ears on the hips - this is not such an easy matter. And everyone really wants to look beautiful and fit!

When you are looking for information on the Internet about how to remove fat from thighs, then you find a bunch of articles with all kinds of exercises that supposedly work on the problem area and almost instantly burn fat there. But I hasten to upset you and open your eyes to this problem: THERE IS NO LOCAL FAT BURNING!!! No matter how much you swing your legs to the side or back, YOUR EARS WILL STILL REMAIN BEAUTIFULLY ON YOUR HIPS. What to do? – you ask. Don't worry, there's a way out even from this difficult situation there is always. But first, let's take a deeper look at the issue that interests us, since, I believe, you need to know your enemy well by sight, and "Pop's ears"- this is precisely our common enemy, which you and I will defeat.

What is the reason for the growth of “ears” on the butt?

To understand how to remove fat from thighs, you need to figure out where it comes from and why it’s so difficult to get rid of it. And this has its own scientific and anatomical explanation.

The muscles of our legs can be divided into 4 muscle groups: the gluteal muscles, the muscles of the front and back of the thigh and the muscles of the lower leg. The obvious fact is that if you want to, then you need to work with the gluteal muscles; if you want to create a beautiful relief of the back of the thigh, then you need to pay more attention to this muscle group; but what to work on if necessary get rid of ears on thighs? This is where the rub lies.

The thigh lugs form where the superior bundles of the gluteus maximus muscle attach, in an area called the thigh fascia. This is essentially connective tissue, which is surrounded by muscles on all sides, but such IS NOT.

The only muscle that is woven into the fascia lata of the thigh is the tensor fascia lata (a small muscle on the front of the pelvis). Therefore, due to the fact that this place is not a muscle itself, but is a connective tissue(this is a key point), then there is insufficient blood circulation, and as a result - stagnation and accumulation of fat, which is so difficult to get rid of. This issue seems to have been sorted out. Let's move on.

What and why do “popin ears” grow?

We already know what the growth of the hated “ears” is connected with. Now you need to understand why thigh fat appears so easily?

And this happens mainly for three reasons:

  1. High calorie food
  2. Sedentary lifestyle/low mobility
  3. Genetics

The last point, of course, plays a big role in the appearance of ears, but not the most important one. Girls who complain about their poor heredity and genetic disposition to be overweight, and at the same time declaring that remove fat from thighs unrealistic, they are just looking for excuses and feeling sorry for themselves. Everything is REAL! It does not happen that a child is born with cellulite and then carries this burden all his life. Who we become in the future depends 80% on ourselves, and only 20% belongs to the genetic factor. Therefore, so as not to bring yourself to such a state when you start to rack your brains, how to remove ears on thighs, and you rush headlong to the gym to do numerous leg swings and other local exercises in the riding breeches area, website in my person will suggest a way out of this situation and help get rid of ears on your thighs forever.

To do this, you need to remember the following rules:

  1. To remove “popin ears” you need to reduce the percentage of fat IN THE WHOLE BODY, and not in a separate “breeches” zone. To do this, it is advisable to move as much as possible: walking, cycling, aerobics, etc.
  2. Watch your diet: eat 4-5 times a day in small portions; exclude everything sweet, fried, too salty, fast food and unhealthy foods.
  1. Doing a joint workout “strength + cardio” is the most best option for burning fat.
  2. If possible, massage the problem area and wrap it. This will be a good addition to your workouts and proper diet.

These are perhaps the basic rules that will help you remove fat from thighs and look slim in your favorite skinny jeans =)

And now I have prepared a small workout for you, the regular implementation of which will help you solve the problem with the hated fat on your thighs. This training combines strength exercises and aerobic exercise at the same time. This approach, combined with proper nutrition, will help you most effectively. get rid of "ears" on the thighs and will help you get into the desired shape very quickly.

Training program for getting rid of “ears” on the thighs at home

Instructions for implementation:

  1. It is best to perform this complex with a timer. You can use a telephone timer, or you can use an online timer on your computer. Set 3 intervals: 1st – 45 seconds, 2nd – 25 seconds and 3rd – 60 seconds.
  2. Prepare a jump rope, 2-5 kg ​​dumbbells (if not, then a 5-liter bottle of water will do), and a mat.
  3. We perform the exercises in order, one after the other without rest, as they will be written below, according to the intervals: we do the first exercise for 45 seconds, the second for 25 seconds, and the 60-second interval is rest before the next set consisting of two exercises.
  4. The pace of all exercises is very fast. Maximum number of repetitions per interval.
  5. Number of laps – 2

The whole complex will take no more than 30-40 minutes. But during this time you will burn a lot of calories and are guaranteed to lift your mood due to the release of endorphins, hormones of happiness. Well, let's begin.

Exercise No. 1 Squats

Interval: 45 seconds

Take dumbbells (a bottle of water) in your hands, place your feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing forward, and begin to do regular squats with your pelvis moving back until it is parallel to the floor. The knees do not go beyond the toes, hands with dumbbells along the body (if a bottle of water, then below in front of you), the back is straight. When we get up, we tense our buttocks and exhale.

Exercise No. 2 Kick to the side with a gray hair

Interval: 25 seconds

We do a squat, and when lifting, we bend our right knee and perform a kick (strike) to the side, then bend the knee again and return the leg to the floor. Sit down again, and repeat the same thing with your left leg, etc. The pace is very fast.

Rest – 60 seconds

Exercise #3 Cross Squats

Interval: 45 seconds

Feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells in hands - lunge with your right leg back crosswise to the left, then return to the starting position and lunge with your left leg crosswise back to the right, etc.

Exercise No. 4 Jump squats

Interval: 25 seconds

We do classic squats, and on the way up we jump up, holding our arms above our heads.

Rest – 60 seconds

Exercise No. 5 Abducting the leg to the side with the gray hair

Interval: 45 seconds

Feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing forward - we do a squat and, as we rise, move our straight right leg to the side, do a squat again and change legs, now the left leg goes to the side.

Exercise No. 6 Jumping rope on two legs

Interval: 25 seconds

We jump rope very quickly on two legs.

Rest – 60 seconds

Exercise No. 7 Leg abduction in a lying position

Interval: 45 seconds

We lie down on our right side, our legs are in line with our body, we lean our elbows on our right elbow, and we don’t lean our body back. We lift the left leg up, turn the toe to the floor, and pull the heel to the ceiling.

Exercise No. 8 Jumping rope with knees raised

Interval: 25 seconds

We jump rope very quickly with our knees raised high.

Rest – 60 seconds

Exercise No. 8 Leg abduction in a lying position

Interval: 45 seconds

We change sides and now lift the right leg up.

Exercise No. 9 Jumping in place with knees tucked to chest

Interval: 25 seconds

Feet shoulder-width apart, we do a squat down and when we rise, we push off with our feet from the floor and try to pull our two knees up to our chest as high as possible; when we land, we do a squat and jump again, pulling our knees up.

Rest – 60 seconds

We repeat this complex from the very beginning one more circle .

Performing these exercises 3 times a week and - I never tire of repeating this - adhering to fractional meals throughout the day in small portions, you will see how to remove fat from thighs this is a very realistic and achievable goal. Of course, you shouldn’t expect results after the first lesson, but after 2-3 weeks you will see pleasant changes in your figure and prove to everyone, and first of all to yourself, that remove the “ears” on the hips and you can lose weight in this area of ​​the body, the main thing is to really want it and put in all your efforts and efforts.

Your coach, Janelia Skripnik, was with you!

Have a good training and positive results from them)

Very large number women are interested in how to remove “ears” on their hips - that’s what they call fat deposits on their outer side. It would seem that simple exercises that train the legs should give good results, but practice shows that overweight it is incredibly difficult to lose weight in this area of ​​the body. Such fat deposits are very stable, so experts recommend using an integrated approach. It involves the use of sports exercises, diet, as well as the physical development of the body as a whole.

Experts call an active lifestyle the main condition for combating “ears” on the hips. In most cases, such specific fat deposits arise due to prolonged sitting - behind the wheel, at the computer, at home watching TV. To take the first step towards improving the shape of your thighs, you need to walk more. If conditions do not allow you to go outside free time, it's worth going on a treadmill in gym, taking at least 10 thousand steps daily. Very a good helper To work on your hips, you can use an inexpensive fitness bracelet that tracks a person’s activity throughout the day.

The most best exercises to combat “ears” - these are squats, which should be performed in four sets of 15 times. You can do them at home, but it is better to book at least a few classes in the fitness room so that the instructor can show you the correct approach to performing the exercise.

You should place your legs at least a couple of centimeters wider than your shoulders and do not lift your feet while performing a squat. To make the muscles of the outer thighs work, you should bend at the lower back and push your buttocks back. By the way, such exercises are more effective if performed with a light barbell on your shoulders, since they allow you to improve your form:

  • buttocks;
  • hips;
  • backs;
  • shoulders

The so-called half squats have excellent results, they put a very large load on the hips, but do not pose a threat of sprains or other injuries. To do this, you need to take a position with your heels aligned and your toes wide apart. To get your hips working, first stretch as far as you can by standing on your tiptoes, and then begin doing the exercises. When squatting, try to keep your back straight and spread your knees to the sides. You need to do three sets of 10 half squats per day.

However, performing monotonous exercises over and over again will be ineffective - it is necessary to alternate them with bending and other activities that train the abs. In addition, it is advisable to pick up a jump rope and perform at least 100 jumps a day, which will also help remove excess weight from the hips. If you live in a city apartment and cannot afford to jump in the morning, do leg swing exercises. To do this, you need to rest your hands on a chair or other comfortable surface, and then raise your legs to the sides by approximately 50–70 cm, depending on your height.

At home, you should perform a similar complex at least twice a week if the next day you feel an unpleasant heaviness in your legs. However, you can subsequently increase the intensity and perform the exercises every other day to speed up the results. You should jog or race walk for several days in a row, but you should rest from such activity at least once a week. If you are doing a certain type sports, consult with your trainer to create a personalized exercise schedule that includes hip exercises.


To reduce the amount of fat deposits on the hips, you must follow low calorie diet. You should completely avoid the following products:

  • pork, turkey meat, fried beef;
  • white bread;
  • animal fats;
  • mushrooms.

Instead, you should consume more dairy products, greens, fresh vegetables, and coarse cereals, such as oatmeal or wheat bran. At least once a week you should have a fasting day, eating only bran porridge and water.

It is worth remembering that in any diet you should be persistent, since the thighs lose weight only after the face, chest, shoulders and abdomen.

Therefore, in practice it often turns out that desired result can be achieved only after a year or even a longer period of time. If you want to know how to remove ears on your thighs in a few days, you can use the emergency method. It will come in handy if you are going to wear a short dress to an important event - however, the effect obtained will not last long. To do this, take diuretics for several days or drink herbal tea with a similar effect - the volume of fat deposits will decrease somewhat, although later you will have to face the essence of the problem, and not the external manifestation.

If you have previously encountered sports nutrition, you can try to speed up the achievement of the desired result with the help of nutritional supplements. An excellent tool for losing weight on the thighs, as well as other problem areas female body, is L-carnitine. This active amino acid accelerates the breakdown of adipose tissue and promotes the production of enormous amounts of energy. For carnitine to work effectively, you need to saturate the tissues of the thighs and other problem areas with oxygen. This can be done by running, swimming and creating other serious stress on the body.


If you are interested in how to remove bulges on your thighs as quickly as possible, you should massage the problem area, accelerating the breakdown of fat deposits. Even simple strokes combined with strikes with the edge of the palm and clapping give good results. The best option is to go to a professional massage parlor, where you can benefit from specialized thigh slimming treatments. It is best to order lymphatic drainage or anti-cellulite massage - they help restore the normal process of using the body's reserves, represented by fat deposits.

Hydromassage works well on the surface of the thighs. We are talking not only about specialized boxes, which in our country are called “jacuzzi”, and not only about Charcot’s soul. When taking a shower after exercise, place its mouth on your thighs, turn on the maximum pressure and make circular movements in the places where the “ears” are located. A much better effect can be obtained if you gradually change the temperature, taking a kind of “contrast shower” - this will significantly increase the rate of blood circulation.

Some experts recommend doing a vacuum massage with cups for the hips - this measure also helps to increase the speed of blood and lymph circulation, as well as normalize metabolic processes. There is also a technique honey massage thighs - to do this, apply a thin layer of fresh liquid honey with lemon juice and cinnamon to the skin, after which you need to thoroughly rub the resulting mixture.

Remember that diet physical exercise and massage must be used simultaneously - only with this integrated approach will be able to achieve sustainable results. Experts say that after several months of this regime, the “ears” on the hips go away for a long time, and no longer appear under the condition of an active lifestyle.

- a common problem for many women. The appearance of unwanted fat deposits in the thigh area is not always associated with obesity. Ears can also appear on a slender girl. The reasons are a sedentary lifestyle, poor physical activity and consumption of unhealthy “junk” food. You can remove the ears on your thighs if you systematically perform special exercises.
This is what the ears look like inside hips (left)

Exercises for ears on thighs

Squats. A very effective exercise that will help not only get rid of ears, but also strengthen the muscles of the buttocks. When performing the exercise, you must ensure that your stomach is pulled in and your back remains straight. Squats can also be performed with a barbell or dumbbells.

Twisting. You need to sit down, take your hands back and rest them on the floor. Raise your legs and alternately spread them to the sides. At the same time, pull your legs towards your body and turn slightly to the side. The exercise will be effective if you constantly keep your legs hanging while doing it.

Swing your leg. You need to lie on your side, raise your upper leg and perform upward swings. At the same time, you need to keep your leg straight. Then lie on the other side and do this exercise with the other leg.

Jumping. Perform at least one hundred jumps every day. You can jump on both legs or on one, alternating legs.

Dog. You need to get on all fours. Raise your right leg and put it back. Then, bending your right leg at the knee, touch your right shoulder with your knee. Do maximum quantity times, then repeat the exercise for the other leg.


These exercises must be performed every day. It is better to do several approaches, increasing the number over time.

Physical activity must be combined with proper nutrition. It is worth giving up sweet, fatty and floury foods. It is better to reduce portions and resort to fasting days from time to time.

Massage using various oils will also help in the fight against ears. Blue clay, lemon or rosemary essential oil are ideal. The mixture should be rubbed in with light massage movements. Then cover the thighs with a special film or towel. Massage also has its contraindications, so it is better to consult a doctor.

Getting rid of ears on your thighs is not easy. But proper nutrition and constant exercise will solve this problem. An active lifestyle and systematic exercise will help give your figure an even more slender and perfect look.