Calculation of planets at birth. Individual horoscope by date of birth for free on Astrodaily

For the inhabitants of our planet, the most important celestial body is the Sun, which determines belonging to one or another sign of the Zodiac. However, not only this luminary influences our lives. In addition to the fact that the location of many celestial bodies in the horoscope contributes to the formation of personality traits, inclinations, energy potential, etc., each of us has planets that are called rulers. Knowing your main planet and the qualities it imparts, you can understand a lot about yourself and others, which means you can change something for the better. Before inviting you to get acquainted with the ruling planets of the Zodiac signs, let us clarify that in astrology the Sun and Moon are classified as planets.

The planet of Aries is Mars. This planet endows its wards with a huge reserve of physical strength, an indomitable thirst for activity, fearlessness, increased sexuality, but at the same time - excessive aggression, insolence, and conflict.

The planet of Taurus and Libra is Venus. They can thank her for her special attractiveness in the eyes of others, excellent taste, the ability to enjoy the various manifestations of life. But Venus also relaxes them, turns them into hostages of comfort and pleasure.

The planet of Gemini and Virgo is Mercury, whose influence is associated with the intellectual sphere, the work of the mind, consciousness, and information. The negative impact is manifested in a tendency to causticism, deception, and intrigue.

Planet Cancer - Moon. This celestial body influences the sphere of the unconscious, emotions and makes Cancers especially sensitive, receptive, impressionable, changeable, passive, and sometimes capricious, unprincipled, frivolous.

The planet of Leo is the Sun. She is responsible for leadership, power, being in the center of attention, endowing her wards with internal and physical strength, complacency, success, but at the same time - arrogance, pride, and a tendency to idleness.

The planet of Scorpio is Pluto, a relatively little-studied celestial body associated with extreme manifestations - of individuals, society as a whole, natural forces, with reform, the desire for power.

The planet of Sagittarius is Jupiter, endowing its wards with versatile abilities, breadth of views, desire for knowledge, luck, optimism, but also capable of making them insensitive egoists, lazy and proud.

The planet of Capricorn is Saturn, a stern patron, cultivating strength of character through overcoming difficulties, rewarding only for merit, endowing with integrity of nature, seriousness, and readiness for self-restraint.

Planet of Aquarius - Uranus, stimulating the wards to move forward, without regard to the past and traditions, pushing to dramatic changes, revolutions of different scales. The negative influence of Uranus can turn people into uncontrollable, cynical anarchists.

The planet of Pisces - Neptune - is bewitching, leading a person away from reality, connecting him with higher energies, endowing him with remarkable creative abilities, but capable of destroying his wards, depriving them of solid ground under their feet.

Planets of the Zodiac signs

This is the key of the soul and destiny, it is a genuine, unchanging reflection of our “I”. We are often called differently in different situations (at home, at work, friends, loved ones, etc.), and it turns out that in such cases you will have another planet as your patron, but still the most important name is the one with which you identify yourself.

Computational signs and celestial bodies strongly interconnected. Can't count numeric code without taking into account which one way or another affects life, and the number associated with it.

Each number from one to nine corresponds to a planet. This calculation gives us the opportunity to know ourselves and those around us. , Can identify the planet influencing a specific life. To do this, add up all the numbers of your first and last names. The corresponding meaning of the letters can be found below:

1 - A, I, C, B

2 - B, J, T, S

3 - B, K, U, b

4 - G, L, F, E

5 - D, M, X, Y

6 - E, N, C, Z

For example, let's calculate the name number:

1+6+6+1=14; 4+1+4+3+1=13; 14+13=5+4=9

Having received one number in this way, it needs to be correlated with a specific planet - so that the most full picture your destiny.

We operate with only nine numbers. (Zero is not used in our calculus). Zero means that this numerical cycle has ended and the next one has begun, and of a higher level.

Any arbitrarily chosen date can also be reduced to its root number obtained by the cross sum. This simple calculation in concentrated form, just like in astrological analysis, makes it possible to know yourself. With the help of such calculations, you can compare characters, determine which people are in harmony with each other and which are in conflict.

Number 1: Sun

The Unit is the original, the source of everything. This number is part of any other number. People whose patron planet is the Sun are very strong personalities by nature, and as a rule, they are leaders. They are characterized by impulsiveness, they will never go unnoticed. They achieve success in almost any endeavor.

People of the Sun are characterized by such character traits as the desire for power, generosity, justice, responsibility, and initiative. This category will develop harmonious relationships with people of the same group.

Number 2: Moon

The moon gives emotionality to those under its control. These people are open and naive. They easily come into contact with others and, accordingly, easily and quickly adapt to surrounding circumstances. They have a highly developed intuition, thanks to which they achieve their goals without bothering too much, do not go ahead, but find easier, but no less worthy ways to achieve their goals.

The character is generally uncomplicated, but there are mood swings, which can be helped by people, for example, of the first type, who are stronger emotionally. Moon people are serious about family and marriage. They are faithful to their spouse and home-loving.

In addition, they are introverts, sometimes withdrawn and taciturn. The problems they try to solve within themselves often lead to mood swings. Among other things, these are individuals with character; it is not so easy to force them to dance to someone else’s tune. They are independent, diplomatic and responsible.

Number 3: Jupiter

Planet Jupiter gives people optimism. They treat others with respect and expect the same attitude towards themselves. These people, like a magnet, attract happiness and harmony to themselves. They are not assertive, but they know how to get their way.

They are prone to self-examination, and this leads to good results. They have a fairly good understanding of themselves and can correctly assess a person literally from the first moment of meeting. Realizing that a person is not ideal, they strive for self-improvement, but do not demand the same from others.

They stand up for those and help those who require help or support, are selfless, and prone to travel. They harmonize well with people of their own, sixth or ninth types.

Number 4: Uranus

People belonging to this category are very stubborn and willful. They have their own ideas about the world and life principles, which they follow, neglecting generally accepted norms of behavior. Their main quality is independence.

They are responsible, love nature and seek friends with similar qualities. They have a lot of friends and are always happy to chat with them. People of this type are active, sociable, and hardworking. They have an excellent memory, but they are often irritable and nervous. Among other things, they have excellent organizational skills.

Number 5: Mercury

People of this type have highest degree lively and resourceful mind. They tend to take initiative, love novelty and frequent changes of environment. Routine is alien to them. They take on any job, and it literally burns in their hands. Everything works out for the Mercury, everything works out. Swiftness is simply in their blood.

They act quickly, think quickly, and make decisions quickly. People under the influence of the planet Mercury are drawn to knowledge, are self-critical and know how to criticize friends, but they do it gently and appropriately, without offending the person in any way.

As a rule, everything works out for them, but if they suddenly fail in business, they quickly become despondent. The charm that these people possess replaces many other qualities necessary in family life. They do not like to run a household, but show interest in all aspects of life. People of this type find common language with representatives of almost all types.

Number 6: Venus

It is quite natural that representatives of this type are sensual and loving, since Venus is their patron planet. They are so charming that it helps them in very difficult situations. life situations, when you need to show strength of character and resourcefulness of mind, i.e. qualities that these people do not naturally possess.

They love everything beautiful and sublime. They often achieve recognition in one or another field of art. They always have enough money for their favorite activities, since they are often married to wealthy people. Outwardly, these people are very attractive, they have refined taste.

They love everything beautiful, but are often arrogant. They often keep up with the times and are receptive to everything new. If they are faced with a specific task, they are capable of showing extraordinary diligence. But most of all they love to indulge in rest with their soul and body. The character is peaceful and accommodating. They can get along with any of the nine types.

Number 7: Neptune

Neptune is interconnected with the Moon, so Neptune people harmonize well with individuals of the second type. As a rule, they are compliant, with a gentle character. They are interested in religion and philosophy. But they are impractical, which is typical for individuals with a philosophical mindset. Therefore, they don’t have money, and if they do, it quickly melts away.

They have extraordinary mental abilities, they often have brilliant thoughts, but due to their lack of concentration, Neptunes do not complete any of their undertakings. They are prone to gambling. By nature, these people are very receptive and sensitive, showing compassion and mercy to their neighbors.

Physically, as a rule, they are weak and have difficulty making decisions. They have a capricious nature, and it is difficult for them to deny themselves anything. They do not accept scandals and quarrels, as they have a subtle and sensitive soul.

Number 8: Saturn

People of this type are lonely, they often face misunderstanding from others. Outwardly they are cold, but this is just a mask to hide their natural craving for warmth and well-being. Saturn people do not like anything superficial and do not make rash decisions.

They are prone to stability, to a stable financial situation. But although they manage to achieve all this, it is only with their sweat and blood; nothing comes easy to them. They are constant in everything: in connections, in habits, in work. By old age, they are most often financially secure.

Among other things, they are stubborn, which helps achieve any goals. These people are punctual, prudent in in a good way of this word, careful, methodical, hardworking. As a rule, Saturn people subjugate rather than being subjugated themselves. They are always faithful and constant, you can rely on them. Harmony is achieved with people of the second type.

Number 9: Mars

Like the patron planet, the people of this planet are ready to conquer everything for themselves on their own. If Mars encounters any objections or resistance from the outside, they will never take them into account; rather, on the contrary, this will make them even more fierce in the fight. They will begin to resist these obstacles with renewed vigor.

People of Mars are courageous and have an iron will, but it often happens that their impulsiveness, the habit of acting on the fly without weighing their strengths, ruins the whole thing. In addition, they are very proud, which leads to problems in family life in general and in relationships with partners in particular.

Possessing excellent organizational skills, Mars cannot stand a subordinate position. These are leaders by nature. They are enterprising, proactive, active and energetic.

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If you were born under the sign of Aries, your ruling planet is Mars. It is he who gives Aries ardor, belligerence, assertiveness, since it is the planet of fire and war. Mars is the planet of emotions and instincts.

People born under the sign of Taurus are protected by Venus. This planet gives Taurus a love of sensual pleasures and comfort, for which typical representatives of this sign are ready to work hard. Because of this, Taurus may be too materialistic about the world, relying only on themselves and their abilities.

If you were born under the sign of Gemini, your planet is Mercury. He is considered the patron of the mind, movement, information and communication. Thanks to his influence, Geminis are one of the most sociable, curious and active signs of the zodiac.

Those born under the sign of Cancer are under the protection of the Moon. This astrological planet is responsible for emotions and the subconscious. It is the Moon that makes Cancers so emotional, closed and sensitive. The excessive influence of the Moon makes Cancers hysterical.

Leo is ruled by the Sun. It makes its “wards” generous, proud, and regal. A typical Leo cannot live without the attention of others; the excessive influence of the Sun makes people of this zodiac sign unbearable; such Leos find it difficult to adequately perceive themselves and interact with society.

Virgos are also patronized by Mercury, but it gives them a tendency to analyze all sorts of little things. Virgos work very well with information, but at the same time they are absolutely devoid of the charming lightness and mobility characteristic of Gemini.

Libra, like Taurus, is ruled by Venus. She allows this zodiac sign to find a common language with anyone. Libras easily achieve perfect harmony in any relationship. However, the excessive influence of Venus sometimes leads to the fact that Libra begins to imitate sympathy.

People born under the sign of Scorpio are ruled by Pluto. He is responsible for sexual instincts, transformation, destruction of the old. This planet gives Scorpios mystery, stamina and heightened sexuality. Excessive influence of Pluto leads to jealousy and a desire for self-destruction.

The ruler of the zodiac sign Sagittarius is Jupiter. This is the planet of optimism, expansion and good luck. Jupiter gives Sagittarius faith in the future, optimism, and a thirst for knowledge. In some cases, representatives of this zodiac sign can be tactless and overly teaching.

Capricorns are ruled by Saturn. It is considered the planet of responsibility, patience and discipline. It is not surprising that he fully passed on these properties to his “wards”. Unfortunately, Saturn is the planet of limitations and time, so Capricorns are often too serious and pessimistic.

The ruler of Aquarius is Uranus. This is a planet of revolutionary spirit and freedom. It makes Aquarius extraordinary personalities who are rarely understood by others. The main characteristic Aquarius is a love of freedom, sometimes it leads to complete loneliness, if the influence of Uranus on the life of Aquarius becomes too strong.

People born under the sign of Pisces are ruled by Neptune. It gives Pisces inspiration, creativity, and compassion. If the influence of this planet is too strong, Pisces may simply lose touch with reality and move into their own dream world.

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On the day of the beginning of spring and the equinox, March 21, zodiac circle moves into the sign of Aries. On this day, day and night are the same length, which is why it is called the day of clarity.

Born on the day of clarity

Inheriting the qualities of the entire day at birth, people born on March 21 are most often open, straightforward, and are not characterized by excessive sensitivity or suspiciousness. It often happens that these people do not fit into the existing models of society at all and therefore meet with misunderstanding. People born on the spring equinox live according to their own ideas of order, and this extends to the smallest details of their lives.

These people are strong primarily because of their practicality; they cannot be called dreamers; they stand firmly on their feet. Among their talents, they have organizational skills, but at the same time they are completely non-aggressive and never go ahead towards their goal. Aries born on March 21 would rather not communicate with people who do not understand them than to convince someone that they are right. And they have absolute confidence in her, and they consider many around them to be passive types.

It is very important for people born on the very first day of the sign of Aries to give an outlet to the energy they have in abundance. This energy can manifest itself in a wide variety of areas - both in adherence to religion or mysticism and magic, and in following any ideas. You should be wary of psychotropic and narcotic substances, since those born on the day of the equinox are given the purest aura.

General characteristics of the Aries sign

Those born between March 20 and April 19 cannot stand boredom; they are very energetic and active people. They are very curious, always open to new knowledge and love their friends. They are distinguished by some tactlessness, characteristic of all curious people, but those born under the sign of Aries never have bad intentions behind their curiosity. These are straightforward people; they do not know how to take offense and plan revenge.

It is better not to try to start an argument with representatives of this sign, since these fierce and principled stubborn people still cannot be convinced. Aries change their opinion with great difficulty, and this happens very rarely, since they live by their own rules and the ultimate truth for them is always their point of view.

A sedentary lifestyle and routine, measured work are not for them. These people are dynamic, restless, love risks and everything new and unusual. Suitable profession for this sign - a salesman, a doctor, a policeman or security guard, a soldier or a lecturer. Many find themselves in classes various types sports, since Aries really like competitions.

The planet of all Aries born between March 20 and March 31 is Mars. These people are brave to the point of recklessness and absolutely cannot stand any pretense or cunning. Due to their excessive nobility, they often fall into the most primitive traps, since not everyone has developed intuition.


Gemini is one of the twelve signs of the zodiac, each of them belongs to one of the four elements. The personality of people born under the sign of Gemini is formed by the primary element, which is Air.

This is the first sign in the entire air constellation. This is what determines its variability and tendency to fluctuate, as well as its not entirely established potential. The planet Mercury has a residual influence. Air in Gemini gives its representatives a great desire to communicate with others and gives them a tendency to manipulate information. If such a person lacks knowledge, then he tries to find the source of the necessary information. And soon the Twins find him.

The main qualities of Gemini

Among the main qualities of Gemini representatives, the most pronounced ones can be identified. Firstly, communication skills. Basically, contacts with the environment are aimed at removing the necessary information for its further use for one’s own purposes. Mercury presented those under the influence of the constellation with an insightful and agile mind.

A characteristic feature of Gemini is also considered to be drawing attention to oneself. However, this happens in a fairly polite manner, which cannot be said, for example, about Aries.

Geminis are very erudite, but do not have deep knowledge in any particular industry. Some people feel somewhat lower in level when communicating with representatives of this sign.

What else influences personality development

However, a person’s character and nature are influenced not only by the elements of the zodiac sign; often the determining factor is his name, the principles of upbringing adopted in the family, the level of intelligence and belonging to separate segments of the population.

Many people consider it necessary to take into account all aspects of the horoscope: time and place of birth, exact date, location of stars and planets, name given when. It is worth noting that some people even now, by analogy with ancient times, at communion give a child one name, but in the world he is known by a completely different name. It is believed that this protects him from negative impact external sources.

You can have different attitudes towards astrology, but you cannot help but admit that the characteristics corresponding to the signs of the Zodiac quite accurately reflect the characters of people. In many ways, the formation of character is influenced by the planets that patronize the signs of the Zodiac.

Sun and Moon Signs

The most regal sign of the Zodiac is, of course, Leo. It is not surprising that his patron is the Sun. Just like Leo himself, the Sun embodies strength and power. Since it contributes to the achievement of their goals, Leo achieves desired result much faster and easier than other zodiac signs. However, we should not forget that the Sun makes its wards too proud and ardent, sometimes forcing them to make rash decisions. People whose patron is the Sun should not indulge in vanity and an unbridled craving for luxury and entertainment.

The cold and changeable Moon protects Cancers. But despite this, Cancers strive for constancy, dreaming of strong and stable relationships. The Moon endows its wards with sensitivity and emotionality. They are distinguished by modesty, shyness and indecisiveness. The disadvantages that the Moon gives to Cancers are laziness, slowness and absent-mindedness. In addition, they need to try to gain self-confidence and avoid excessive jealousy and suspicion.

Under the auspices of Mercury, Venus and Mars

Two signs of the Zodiac at once - Gemini and Virgo - are patronized by Mercury. As you know, Mercury was the ancient Roman god of trade and symbolized knowledge and luck. Therefore, Virgos and Geminis are characterized by luck, enterprise and excellent erudition. Those born under the sign of Mercury are very charming, know how to win people over, and constantly strive for discoveries. However, they also have negative traits, including talkativeness and excessive curiosity. In addition, they often hide their true face under a mask.

Venus is the patroness of Taurus and Libra. The beautiful goddess of love and beauty endows her charges with the desire to look good and the desire to receive aesthetic pleasure. A sense of beauty helps them achieve significant heights in the field of art. Taurus and Libra are persistent, but they are often hindered by laziness. Venus people are very careful in choosing friends and, as a rule, strive to make as many useful acquaintances as possible. To them negative qualities can be attributed to stubbornness and a tendency to depression.

Warlike Mars is Aries. In the mythology of Ancient Rome, Mars was considered not only the god of war, but also the patron of nature, bringing fertility and vitality. Mars endows people with unquenchable energy, honesty and decency. Martians are ready to sweep away all obstacles on the way to achieving their goals, but they can be hampered by their temper and lack of patience. Aries can achieve success in life only by overcoming their inherent selfishness.

Who is patronized by Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

Jupiter patronizes Sagittarius. IN Ancient Rome Jupiter headed the pantheon of gods and was considered the patron of emperors. Therefore, Sagittarians are recognized leaders. They are ready to help at any time and strive to help the younger ones. Perhaps this is why you can see many teachers among Sagittarians. Sagittarians tend to master several areas at once human knowledge, but to achieve success they need to learn to concentrate on one thing. Negative influence Jupiter can manifest itself in excessive narcissism and pride.

Saturn is the patron of Capricorns. In Roman mythology, Saturn is the deity of time, order and agriculture. Capricorns are fair, love order and are always successful in business. They highly value loyalty and constancy, and are always consistent in their decisions and actions. Among positive qualities– hard work and a heightened sense of duty; disadvantages include excessive conservatism and fear of change.

Uranus patronizes Aquarius. IN ancient greek mythology Uranus is the god of the sky. Under his influence, wild dreamers are born, who are distinguished by originality and creative thinking. Aquarians are excellent organizers, inventors and philosophers. Their main negative trait can be called an unbridled desire for power.

Neptune is the god of the seas and oceans and, of course, the patron saint of Pisces. He endows his charges with heightened sensitivity and takes them away from earthly problems into the depths of the subconscious. Distinctive feature Pisces has a strong craving for everything mysterious and romantic. They love to build “castles in the air” and often become dependent on the opinions of others.

Pluto patronizes Scorpios. The gloomy ruler of the underworld, Pluto endows people born under his influence with great inner strength, making them active and assertive. TO negative qualities Scorpios should be attributed a constant thirst for power and the desire to always be in the center of attention.

If you are interested in how to find out your planet by date of birth, then there is nothing complicated about it. You don’t even need to study astrology - many services on the Internet offer a completely free opportunity to find out which of the cosmic luminaries patronizes you. Some, in order to understand how to find out their planet by date of birth, search the entire Internet, although it is enough to just read this article.

During the development of astrology, scientists of the past could observe only the largest or closest luminaries in the sky. This list included the Sun, Moon, and five parent planets: Mars, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn.

How to determine the influence of planets by date of birth?

When planets move around the zodiac circle, each of them affects a person depending on its location. Although most people know their zodiac sign, few people wonder what their ruling planet is. But it is precisely this that determines the characteristics of the sign. The planet by date of birth is determined by the sign in which the Sun was located at the time of birth.

Each zodiac constellation is ruled by one of the patrons. The identification of planets in the zodiac by date of birth goes back to the most ancient astrological texts. These age-old guides are essentially the cornerstones of astrology and provide deep insight into the personality of each individual.

Aries and Scorpio

The mighty fiery commander of the stars is Mars. He rules these two signs. The stubbornness of Scorpio and the physical strength of Aries are fueled by the energy of Mars. The fiery red planet gives Aries and Scorpios inner passion and warlike disposition. These are action-oriented signs that are driven by the desire to succeed. Sports, competitions and skill tests are encouraged by them. These are people who are born to win!

This courageous planet also bestows hard work and perseverance. It takes Mars about two years to orbit the Sun. During this time, it may be retrograde for several weeks, which is enough time to awaken the warrior in each of us. Mars is the ruling planet of Aries and Scorpio. Those born under the sign of Ram always move forward and have no time for regrets. Scorpio is a sign of a strong desire to win, demanding from oneself and those around them loyalty to their path.

Taurus and Libra

Directly behind the Sun and Moon, Venus shines so brightly that it has even earned the nickname “evening star” or “morning star.” The fact is that it can be visible in the evening or morning hours. In the zodiac system it is a symbol of luxury, aesthetics and quality of life.

Taurus and Libra are very creative and naturally seek the best friendly win-win situation for everyone to find peace and harmony. However, this planet is not limited to charming quirks. Every 18 months she takes a six-week break to rejuvenate and reflect. Thus, both of these signs know how to wait and take a break, accumulating strength and reconsidering their life priorities.

Venus rules art, beauty and, above all, love. Venus moves around the zodiacal circle for approximately eleven months, but during a two-year period it makes one retrograde movement. This lasts almost two months. Such a pause inspires the artist and lover within each of us. It is this planet that encourages some people to become interested in astrology and find out the location of planets by date of birth.

Venus is a muse for everyone. It seems that the signs she rules have little in common. But their personalities reflect the two sides of Venus. Taurus revels in beauty, purchasing art, jewelry And delicious dishes. Libras love the sophistication of the art world, the elegance of fashion and love for their partner.

Gemini and Virgo

Mercury's small and nimble arrows fly around the sky at fast speed. It has the shortest access to the Sun, the king of our solar system. In the same way, natives of the Gemini and Virgo signs move quickly through life. Their changes in direction and speed allow them to be communicative and socially active. They are the fulcrum on which great organizations are built, bringing people and ideas together.

These Mercurial signs thrive on their unintentional ability to first penetrate deeply into the essence of things (and people) and then switch into a relaxation mode, which makes it easier to integrate all the experiences accumulated over a long period of time.

Mercury moves so quickly around the Zodiac that when it approaches the Sun from the front, at times the planet appears to move backward. Three annual periods Mercury retrograde allow us all to reconsider our achievements and allow ourselves a little chaos in our lives. During this time, those ruled by Mercury learn to be really good improvisers, pulling us out of stagnation.

The zodiac sign Gemini expresses the communication dominance of Mercury, and Virgo - its organizational character. Those born under the sign of Gemini learn to talk about what they think and feel, using speech as the main means of self-expression. Virgos take control of their world, establishing hierarchical systems that only they understand.


Owners of this sign are protected by the Moon. This is the only representative of the zodiac that sees its ruling planet once a month. The tides of our ocean and many of life cycles based on the rhythms of the moon. Cancer is one of the zodiac signs obsessed with their safety. Those born under the auspices of Cancer love a sense of security and consistency when at home. They have an intuitive understanding of their own territory in the world around them.


The sun's rays literally make our world go round! Likewise, Leo's charisma makes him the center of attraction of any society he is a part of. High levels energy and warmth make Leo a desirable partner. Like a real lion in the wild savannah, he is a natural pioneer.

Their agility in management makes them good managers at home and in the office. When a Leo finds something he really wants to dedicate himself to, he shines brighter than anyone else around him. The more Leos give to others, the more they receive in the end. A person born under the sign of Leo has enormous self-esteem, fiery intensity and a large supply of vital energy.

Sagittarius and Pisces

With its size and gravity, Jupiter has a strong influence on all the planets around it. This is an aristocrat of the solar system. Both Pisces and Sagittarius influence the people around them with their unique thoughts and philosophical views. Many are very interested in seeing big picture, which awakens a sense of meaning in life.

The carriers of these zodiac signs have no problems with the meaning of life - they clearly know it and live according to their own internal ideas. For many people born under the sign of Pisces and Sagittarius, the revelation of how to find out your planet by date of birth comes as a big surprise.

Jupiter is the largest planet in solar system, ruler of all great things, expansion and excess. Taking twelve years to move through the zodiac circle, he remains in each sign for about a year. Jupiter is the ruling planet of Sagittarius and the ancient ruler of Pisces. These are the signs that he patronizes.

Sagittarians love to have fun gambling, while Pisces tends to have grand visions of how life should be. Each sign reflecting the nature of Jupiter is named after the Roman king of the gods, so everyone interested should recognize the patron planet by date of birth. Suddenly she will find herself with this ancient, noble and very influential celestial body, covered in the glory of ancient Rome.

Capricorn and Aquarius

Saturn has a long-standing connection with time, and as such, Capricorn and Aquarius have a sense of pace and life's rhythm built into their very being. They always know when something is happening and what needs to be done about it. Capricorn is more rational and constructive, while Aquarius is immersed in the world of thoughts. However, both understand the value of constant persistence in achieving a goal. They are usually calm and have a light, slightly thoughtful character.

Saturn is the only planet that rules two adjacent zodiac signs. He rules Capricorn and is the ancient ruler of Aquarius. It takes Saturn about twenty-eight and a half years to circle the zodiac, visiting each zodiac sign for about two and a half years.

Saturn is the planet of limitations, so it is not surprising that from Earth it is seen last of all the planets. Capricorn and Aquarius are opposites to Cancer and Leo, and therefore Saturn completes the cycle of planetary rulers. Saturn rules the darkest months of the year in the northern hemisphere. Capricorn gives a person a sense of his own status, he strives to know his place in the world, acting freely when these boundaries of social agreement and possibilities are obvious.

Aquarius - love people and crowds, means mass media and popular trends. But they are also alienated at the individual level of interaction, reflecting the strict distance maintained by the watchful eye of Saturn.

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto - planets in signs by date of birth

These three planets were unknown to the ancients, but after their discovery, astrologers sought to establish connections between each new planet and one of the zodiac symbols. Soon they too became patron planets. A person’s date of birth determines their influence on their character and life events.

Uranus was recognized as the planet of uprisings and revolutions, which became a real scourge of civilization during the French and American revolutions. He was assigned to rule Aquarius. Neptune was discovered in the mid-nineteenth century and is believed to have a strong connection with the art of photography and spirits, as well as illusions and the birth of psychoanalysis. He was assigned to rule Pisces. Pluto was discovered in 1930 and is associated with secret sources of power, which is a perfect complement to the zodiac sign of Scorpio.

For this reason, everyone should have an idea of ​​​​how to find out their planet by date of birth. The ancient rulers of Aquarius, Pisces and Scorpio are still of great importance in understanding the personal characteristics of the bearers of each of these signs. Modern rulers only complement them. Complex construction of each human personality easier to see when composing natal chart, when the zodiac sign is already known. The ruling planet reveals the main characteristics of each person. Understanding others is what allows us to ultimately understand ourselves.

Some users are surprised why Astrologer places their Sun in a different sign than where they are used to seeing it. I usually answer that my service is dedicated to sidereal astrology and in my calculations I use the positions of the planets in real constellations. In order not to be unfounded, I will show you a free online astronomical service where you can interactively verify where exactly your planets were at the time of your birth.

There is an online analogue of Stellarium on the Internet, with which you can study the sky online, without even installing the program on your computer or phone.

Let's go through the simple process of setting up the sky together step by step to see the planets and constellations that interest us.

Step 1 - Launch Stellarium online

Click on the big blue "Launch Online" button to open the virtual planetarium:

Step 2 - Login without registration

You have the opportunity to simply try Stellarium without registration, to do this, click the "Test drive" button.

Step 3 - Set the location

In the window that appears, move your mouse to the lower left edge and a vertical menu will appear. Click "Location Window" and use Latin letters to find your city in the dialog box. Select a city from the list and close the location window. The program will take the time zone of your city as the time zone. For example, I chose the city of Almaty, which is in the +6 time zone.


If the date you are interested in was in daylight saving time or other time deviations, you should select a different location because Stellarium does not have the ability to set time corrections.

For example, you were born in Moscow, whose time zone is +3. However, due to Daylight Saving Time, another hour has been added to the year you were born. Thus, you should take the value +4 and select a city corresponding to the +4 time zone, for example, Samara.

You can easily find cities in any time zone on the Internet or using the website

Step 4 - Set the date and time

Move your mouse to the lower left edge of the program window, a vertical menu will appear. Click "Date/Time Window" and in the dialog box use the arrows to set right time. Close the date and time window.

Step 5 - Setting up Planets and Constellations

Move your mouse to the lower left edge of the program window, a vertical menu will appear. Click "Sky Settings Window" and in the dialog box check the boxes as shown in the pictures:

On the "Landscape" tab, uncheck "Show Earth" to better see objects below the horizon:

Step 6 - Navigating the Sky

Close the settings dialog and you will see a picture of the sky that corresponds to the location and time you specified. My window displays the positions of the planets on August 29, 2016. The Sun is in Leo and the Moon is in Cancer.

To see other planets, drag the sky with your mouse in any direction. But it is desirable that the pink line of the ecliptic is always in the center of the screen - this way you will see all the zodiac constellations.

Step 7 - Finding Planets

To quickly find the planet you need without dragging the map, use the search in the lower left menu. Enter the name of the planet, click the magnifying glass button, and the program will automatically show you the desired object and all the information about it.

The planetary positions shown by Stellarium are the same as those shown in the Planets tab.