Outbound trade, what documents are required. Trading from a mobile shop - documents and permits. How much money do you need to start a business?

Well, who doesn’t want to quickly grow their business and earn a decent income? But where to start and how to organize activities legally, without attracting the attention of regulatory authorities? Let's talk about street trading: what you can and cannot do with this form of economic activity.

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What do you mean by street trading?

Sale finished products outside of stationary premises from a car, tray or in a tent in areas designated by the authorities, I call it street trading. But there is no need to include trade in products grown in their dachas, when pensioners sell vegetables from their gardens.

No one will even argue that buying products on the street is convenient for everyone: the buyer does not waste time going to the store, and the cost is sometimes significantly lower than for similar products in the store.

Street trading is common in many European and Asian countries: you can buy a souvenir or ice cream.

Choosing a form of economic activity

It is worth noting that individuals, without forming a company, will not be able to obtain a trading permit. You must be registered with the tax authority either as an individual entrepreneur or in another form of business activity as a legal entity.

For example, if you choose the form of an individual entrepreneur, you can choose a simplified taxation system and prepare easy accounting and tax reports.

Well, registration as a legal entity gives the entrepreneur a number of advantages: you can obtain permission to trade any product, provided that its sale is permitted on the territory of Russia. But reporting also becomes more complicated; you will need to conduct activities according to established rules and prepare monthly reports to regulatory organizations.

Where and how to get a permit to sell on the street

When buying products on the street, the buyer must be sure that they are safe for health, but this is not the only reason why it is necessary to obtain permission. The retail space must be properly equipped to ensure the safety of customers.

The permit is issued by the local administration, and you should apply there first. But before submitting an application, you must first determine how the trade will be conducted: from a stall, tent or kiosk. They do not have a separate room for buyers, but at the same time it occupies some area.

You can also engage in mobile trading using carts and light vehicles.

Then select, in your opinion, a suitable place where you plan to organize a trading place. According to Russian law, any registered entrepreneur has the right to apply to the authorities to obtain a small plot of land for trading activities for rent, for a certain fee.

Please note that if you are going to rent land for commercial activities, you cannot use it, for example, for car parking.

Sequence of actions to obtain permission to street trading:

  1. Register as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, choose a taxation regime: simplified tax system or UTII.
  2. Register with the pension and insurance fund if you intend to hire employees.
  3. Submit an application to the local administration department dealing with street trading issues. The following package of documentation must be attached to the application:
    • A map of the area to indicate the future location of the retail facility.
    • Original and photocopy of the certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity.
    • Original and photocopy of a certificate from the tax office stating that tax registration has been carried out.
    • For legal entities - original and photocopy of the organization's charter.
    • Original and photocopy of the applicant's general passport.
    • Documentary confirmation of the absence of tax debts to the state.

    Permits can be issued only in places designated for these purposes; they are determined by the territorial plan, which is approved by the administration.

  4. The issue of obtaining permission can be considered within 10 working days from the date of submission of the application. An entrepreneur may be allowed or denied street trading.
  5. If the decision is positive, then the entrepreneur receives a passport to the outlet. If the entrepreneur is refused, then he is given the minutes of the meeting, which spells out all the reasons for the refusal to the applicant. Such reasons include non-compliance with traffic safety requirements, poor sanitary conditions or non-compliance with environmental requirements.
  6. Lease agreement for the site where the retail outlet will be located.
  7. If additional technical means are used for street trading, for example, in the production of cotton candy or the sale of inflatable balls, a technical examination of the equipment and an expert opinion on the possibility of use in the process of economic activity are required.
  8. If there are gas or water supply pipes on the site, then conclusions from these organizations on the safety of using the site for commercial purposes.
  9. Medical examination of the state of health, medical record of the employee of the outlet.

All this concerns trade in unlicensed goods, but if trade in alcoholic products is intended, then permits are required for this economic activity additionally.

If trading operations will be carried out through easy vehicle, then it is necessary to have a conclusion on the technical condition of the transport, a conclusion from a sanitary and epidemiological station with permission to use it for trade purposes.

It is also necessary to provide a list of goods that will be sold on the street, and an agreement on the removal of garbage that will inevitably appear during the work process. If hiring is expected foreign citizens, then they will be needed registration documents and received work permits.

Obtaining a license

Trade in alcoholic beverages is subject to mandatory licensing, but only legal entities can obtain it; it is impossible for individual entrepreneurs to obtain a license, this is established by our legislation. Trade in medicines, hunting goods, such as ammunition, veterinary or children's goods is also subject to licensing.

What is required to obtain a license to sell alcohol?

Contact the licensing authority and write an application containing the following information:

  • About the legal entity, company name and form of economic activity: LLC, OJSC, CJSC. Postal address and zip code of the company and the place where trade will be carried out. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  • Name of the product group that requires licensing.
  • TIN of the organization, confirmation of registration of the company for tax purposes.
  • OKEVD of economic activity, issuance of the license for which he is requesting.

In addition to the application, you will also need:

  • Constituent documents of the company.
  • Receipt of payment of the license fee.

Typically, the decision to issue a license is considered within five working days, and based on the results of the review, the entrepreneur receives a trade license, which will confirm the legality of the entrepreneur’s activities.

Taxation and reporting on street trading

You can independently choose the tax regime when registering with the tax office; it must be indicated when applying for a permit:

  • UTII, imputed tax is paid. It is determined based on the location of the outlet and the area of ​​the premises. If the total area is 5 m2, then the established profit will be 9,000 rubles, this amount is multiplied by 6%, the tax amount payable is obtained. But there is also a correction coefficient, which is established by local governments. Tax is paid every quarter, and a declaration based on the results of activities is submitted at the same time. To switch to another type of taxation, submit an application to tax authority at the place of registration of the retail facility, to change the tax regime.
  • With a patent taxation system, you first need to obtain it; the validity period can vary from six months to a year. If trade will be carried out only in the warm season, then you can obtain and pay a patent, that is, a tax, for this period. Under this tax regime, no reporting is required, since the tax is paid upon the purchase of a patent.
  • USN, this regime offers a choice of tax payment system: income minus expenses, or only taxation of income. It is better to choose the first option, then the tax amount will be calculated based on actual indicators. A declaration of income received is submitted at the end of the reporting period, and the tax amount can be paid in stages. But with this type of taxation, actual confirmation of profit is required, and this is only possible if there is cash register equipment, registered with the tax office.

Fines and sanctions for small retail trade without permission:

  1. If trade is carried out without organizing an individual entrepreneur or other type of economic activity - the amount of the fine is from 500 to 3000 rubles.
  2. If trade is carried out in unidentified or unauthorized goods, the fine for an individual entrepreneur is 1-3 thousand rubles, for a legal entity from 10 to 30 thousand, if there are no permits - 10-20 thousand.
  3. If economic activity is carried out in a place other than the one for which the permit was issued, from 500 rubles to 2.5 thousand.
  4. If the product is not licensed, for example, the sale of children's clothing requires a mandatory license, the fine will range from 500 to 2000 rubles. And in some cases, for example, selling alcoholic beverages without a license, entails penalties including confiscation and payment of 20 to 100 times the minimum wage in the form of fines.

Why does the government control street trading?

Of course, when going home, it’s good to buy greens or early vegetables, but if they sell dairy products in violation of all established sanitary standards, then it’s time to think about the health of city residents. The authorities believe that all street trading should be under the control of the authorities, and then the health of city residents will not suffer.

Who supervises

The authorities controlling street trading include:

  • Sanitary and epidemiological station, it checks the compliance of food products with accepted storage standards and conditions of sale: if they are expired or the goods are stored improperly, for example, on the floor and not on shelves.
  • Employees of Rospotrebnadzor and the police can draw up administrative protocols on the imposition of penalties in case of violation of trade rules, and tax office controls the registration and availability of permission for this type of economic activity.

Sales of food products

IN lately tents have become widespread fast food, for example, hot dogs and tea. But to organize such trading activities, you need to go through a number of approvals: at the sanitary and epidemiological station about the compliance of the premises and equipment with established standards, obtaining medical books for employees and sanitary passports for products.

You also need permission from the fire inspectorate; it must issue an order on the possibility of organizing a retail outlet in a certain area, that is, practically permitting economic activity. With everyone necessary documents come to local authorities and ask for permission to sell a product group of goods to the public.

Retail trade: conditions

As is clear from our article, it is possible to organize the sale of goods at retail, in street conditions. For some product groups you need not only a trade permit, but also a license, that is, the right to sell a certain group of goods.

But you can start trading only after notifying the Rospotrebnadzor authority about the creation of a new retail outlet; this is regulated by the PP “On the notification procedure for carrying out economic activities.”

The procedure for conducting outbound trade

Any trading activity outside a stationary premises can be carried out only after obtaining permits; this also applies to away trade, for example, participation in fair events. Since it is intended to transport products, you need to provide a vehicle registration certificate and a certificate from traffic police officers about the condition of the car.

Outbound trade includes the following stages.

Issuance by the head of the organization of an order (instruction) on conducting outbound trade. This document appoints persons responsible for organizing outbound trade, as well as financially responsible persons (team leader) who are responsible for the acceptance of goods and their sale at the outbound trade site, and reporting. During outbound trade in another area, orders are additionally issued for the dispatch of persons sent to carry out preparatory work, and subsequently directly participating in outbound trade.

Before the start of outbound trading, it is necessary to conclude a full individual agreement with the employee responsible for the acceptance and sale of goods. financial liability, and in the case of performing these functions by several employees - an agreement of collective liability (Articles 404 - 406 Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Republic of Belarus dated 04.14.2000 N 54, “On approval of the Regulations on collective (team) financial liability, an approximate list of works for the performance of which collective (team) financial liability may be introduced, an example agreement on collective (team) liability material liability", Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated May 26, 2000 N 764 "On approval indicative list positions and work replaced or performed by employees with whom the employer may enter into written agreements on full individual financial responsibility, and sample contract on full individual financial responsibility")

Coordination of the operating mode of the trade facility with local executive and administrative bodies (clause 3 of Rules No. 384). For example, in the city of Minsk, the operating mode of organizations and individual entrepreneurs is agreed upon in accordance with the Decision of the Minsk City Executive Committee dated July 22, 2010 N 1725 “On some issues of approval and coordination of the operating mode of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the city of Minsk and the invalidation of the Minsk decision City Executive Committee dated January 13, 2005 N 53".

Determining the range of goods for sale. Trade organizations independently determine the range of goods sold. This takes into account the specialization of the organization, the existing conditions for storing and selling goods. The range of goods sold can be very diverse - from perishable goods (bread and bakery products, meat processing products) to consumer goods (sewing, haberdashery and other goods characterized by small volume and weight). However, it should be taken into account that during outbound trade the sale of perishable and especially perishable goods is prohibited. food products in the absence of refrigeration equipment, as well as goods whose places of sale are limited (part 2, paragraph 40 of Rules No. 384).

When carrying out outbound trade, it is not necessary to coordinate the assortment list of goods for sale with local executive and administrative bodies (clause 5 of Rules No. 384)

Organization of workplaces. At this stage, the installation of an outdoor trade facility (tent-shop, pavilion, etc.) and the arrangement of trade equipment, which, as a rule, are used during a certain period of time (season), are carried out.

Upon delivery by road transport tent-shop (pavilion), trade equipment for the location of outdoor trade must be issued TTN-1.

The facility must use equipment that has passed verification (STB 8003-93 “System for ensuring the uniformity of measurements of the Republic of Belarus. Verification of measuring instruments. Organization and procedure”). Based on the verification results, verification stamps must be applied to the measuring instruments and a note must be made in a special journal (subclause 1.5 and Appendix 2 of the Regulations on metrological control over the condition of measuring instruments and compliance with metrological rules in the field of trading activities, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Belarus dated 07.12 .1995 N 75). ¦

The use of cash register equipment is allowed only after its registration with the inspection of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus and if there is a concluded agreement for it maintenance and repairs (clauses 4, 7 of Instruction No. 103; subclause 2.3 of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus and the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated 01/09/2002 No. 18/1 “On accepting cash for the sale of goods (works, services) and on some issues of using cash registers and special computer systems" (hereinafter referred to as Resolution No. 18/1); clauses 6, 11 of the Regulations on the procedure for using cash registers, payment terminals, automatic electronic devices, vending machines and accepting cash, banking plastic cards as a means of making payments on the territory of the Republic of Belarus when selling goods, performing work, providing services, carrying out activities in the field of gambling, lottery activities, conducting electronic interactive games, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus and the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated 07/06/2011 N 924/16 (hereinafter referred to as Regulation N 924/16))

If technically possible, electricity is connected to the facility at this stage. These works are carried out in accordance with the Rules for the Technical Operation of Electrical Installations (TKP 181-2009 (02230) “Safety Rules for the Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations”), and the persons carrying out them must pass a knowledge test and obtain permission to perform the work. The above work, as a rule, is performed by employees on the staff of the organization, and if necessary, freelance workers or third-party organizations can be involved under contract agreements on the basis of contracts concluded with them. In addition, the problem of connecting equipment to electricity can be solved using a gasoline or diesel electric generator.

Receipt of goods for sale. As a rule, the organization first receives goods intended for sale at an outbound trade facility at the warehouse. Products can also be delivered third parties directly to the place of their implementation. In the first case, goods are received according to shipping documents drawn up by the organization itself, in the second - by third-party organizations.

Goods are reported to the materially responsible person (team of financially responsible persons) according to the goods and transport waybills of the TTN-1 form or the goods waybills of the TN-2 form (clause 2 of the Instructions for filling standard forms primary accounting documents TTN-1 “Consignment note” and TN-2 “Consignment note”, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus dated December 18, 2008 N 192).

If goods are delivered to an outbound trade facility from an organization's warehouse, you should take into account some features in the preparation of invoices. Thus, in the lines “Consignor” and “Consignee” TTN-1 and TN-2 the name of the legal entity or separate structural unit carrying out outbound trade, and their addresses. In the line “Base for leave” the date and number of the order (instruction) of the head of the organization are entered. The loading address is entered in the line "Loading point" TTN-1. As a rule, this is the address of a legal entity or a separate structural unit. In the line "Unloading point" TTN-1 the address of the outbound trade is indicated. In the line “Accepted by the consignee” TTN-1 and TN-2, the position, surname and initials of the materially responsible person (team leader) responsible for the storage and sale of goods are entered.

Display of goods and registration of price tags. In trading, the basis for successful sales of goods is the competent offer of goods to customers. For this reason special attention it is worth paying attention to the display of goods. Information about the name of the product, variety, price per unit (piece, kilogram, meter, etc.), certified by the signature of the official responsible for its establishment, is placed on the price tag (clause 3.5.24 STB 1393-2003). When carrying out outbound trade, it is allowed, instead of price tags for individual goods, to display a list of goods available for sale, indicating their name, price and country of origin (clause 22 of Rules No. 384).

Sales of goods. At outbound trade facilities, goods are sold using cash registers (hereinafter - CSA) (subclause 2.1 of Resolution No. 18/1, clause 3 of Regulation No. 924/16), with the exception of the sale of soft drinks, beer, kvass, vegetable oil(except for their sale in stores, pavilions with trading floor), as well as live fish from tanks and vegetables, fruits and melons in bulk, when cash can be accepted without cash flow (subclause 2.2.10 of Regulation No. 18/1, subclause 31.9 of Regulation No. 924/16).

When using KSA, in confirmation of accepted amounts, the buyer (consumer) is issued a KSA check (clause 12 of Instruction No. 103), which must contain information about the serial number of the check, the date, time and amount of the purchase, the amount paid by the consumer, the change amount, and the sign of the fiscal regime , taxpayer registration number, etc. (STB 1364.2-2002 "Cash adding machines and special computer systems. Additional requirements for cash adding machines and special computer systems used in trade")

At the end of the working day (shift), a shift closing report (Z-report) is generated on the devices (clause 13 of Instruction No. 103, clause 18 of Regulation No. 924/16). The readings of the accumulating cash counters (cash turnover) of the machine are recorded daily in the book of the cashier-operator (cashier's book), which must be laced, numbered, signed by the head of the organization and the person who manages accounting in the organization, and the seal of the organization (clause 9 of the Instructions N 103, clause 14 of Regulation N 924/16).

Cash for the sale of goods during away trade without the use of cash register equipment is accepted with reflection in the receipt cash orders of form KO-1 (hereinafter referred to as PKO), approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus dated March 29, 2010 N 38, at the end of the working day (shift ) the total amount of revenue for a working day (shift) (part 3, sub-clause 2.2 of Regulation No. 18/1, clause 33 of Regulation No. 924/16). To confirm the fact of purchase of the goods to an individual is issued upon his request sales receipt or another document containing information about the name of the product, cost, date of purchase, seller (manufacturer) (clause 2 of the Regulations on the procedure for issuing a document confirming the purchase of goods (performance of work, provision of services), approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Belarus dated 06.05. 2002 N 23; part 4 subsection 2.2 of Regulation No. 18/1; part 2 clause 33 of Regulation No. 924/16).

Return of remaining unsold goods to the organization's warehouse. From the place of away trade to the organization's warehouse, the goods are also returned via TTN-1 or TN-2 (clause 2 of Instruction No. 192). We believe that the issue of processing documents for returned goods can be resolved by issuing invoice forms to the financially responsible person or the senior team leader for manually recording the balances of unsold goods.

Delivery of trading proceeds. At the choice of the organization, the financially responsible person can hand over the proceeds received (minus the amount of need for changeable cash if it is established) to the bank's cash desk (an advertisement for a cash contribution is issued), to the organization's cash desk (order KO-1 is issued) or to an organization of the Ministry of Communications and informatization of the Republic of Belarus. The procedure and deadlines for the delivery of revenue are established by order of the head of the organization, but at least once every seven calendar days (clause 15 of the Instructions on the procedure for maintaining cash transactions and the procedure for cash payments in cash in Belarusian rubles on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, approved by Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated March 29, 2011 N 107).

Drawing up reports by the financially responsible person and submitting them to the organization’s accounting department. The reporting form of the financially responsible person (team) (these can be registers, commodity reports, commodity-monetary reports or other documents), the procedure and deadlines for its submission are established by the organization independently, based on the characteristics of outbound trading, the procedure for analytical accounting of the movement of goods, the degree of automation this area of ​​counting work and other conditions. So, if outbound trade is carried out only in certain days, a report can be compiled for these days. If outbound trading is carried out throughout the season, the report is generated for a certain number of days (three, five, etc.).

The frequency and deadlines for submitting reports should be fixed in the document flow schedule, which is an integral part of the annex to the organization’s accounting policies, and the person responsible for their preparation and submission to the accounting department should be familiarized with them (Chapter 5 of the Instructions for accounting"Accounting policy of the organization", approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus dated April 17, 2002 N 62)

Reports are drawn up by financially responsible persons in two copies. Each document is recorded in the report separately, indicating the date, number, name, amount (cost of goods at discount prices). The movement of containers can be reflected in a separate column of the report.

The first copy of the report, together with the documents on the basis of which it was compiled, is transferred to the accountant against his signature on the second copy, which remains with the financially responsible person.

After checking the report, the accountant makes an appropriate note and signature. Corrections made in the report are reported to the financially responsible person, who makes the appropriate changes to the second copy of the report and confirms their correctness with his signature on the first copy (Section 1.2 Methodological recommendations By documentation and accounting of commodity transactions in retail trade And catering, approved by Order of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Belarus dated 04/09/2007 N 74).

Organizing a well-paying outbound trade for catering is a matter that requires a skillful approach and dedication! Let's consider which side to approach this new mare, what troubles to expect from her and what standards should be taken into account.

The first timid snowdrops appeared in the form of grandmothers-God's dandelions back in the early 90s. Then the market element began and developed chaotically, and traders dreamed of eating hot and tasty “at home.” It was here that enterprising housewives, often pensioners, first began selling “hot lunches” and delivering them to those who were thirsty.

Today, one of the coolest options is a mobile canteen on wheels or a passenger van that sells ready-made dishes made according to the latest collection of dishes by A. Gottsev. We will tell you more about this in the next article.

And now about the general provisions of the business associated with social catering. This is catering for catering to order at a strictly specified time and place, for special events or along the route. At the same time, professional catering includes not only the preparation and delivery of dishes on time. By agreement, dishes, cutlery, folding furniture and everything necessary for the convenience and decoration of the meal are provided.

The catering contract is not legally defined and does not have strict requirements or restrictions, since these services appeared relatively recently. Therefore, the issues of relationship between the customer and the contractor are regulated general provisions Civil Code of the Russian Federation on an agreement for the provision of paid services. The contract for catering services, in addition to standard items, must establish the range and volume of services provided, the price and payment procedure.

How to organize social catering?

Powerful selling tool ready meals outside the cafe there is a mobile shop for outdoor sales. You can choose any car model, the main thing is capacity. For a simple, unpretentious supply of lunches to offices, the domestic GAZelle or Sobol is more suitable. At a festival or beach, it would be more appropriate to have beautiful foreign cars a la “pie” or trailed, semi-stationary stalls/kiosks on wheels.

Let's look at how outbound trade is organized and look at the documentation. This issue is the responsibility of the local city administration, which annually develops a strategy for the placement of non-stationary shopping facilities. At the same time, places are planned to be allocated for trading from auto shops. But if you don't plan to stay stuck in one place, but are preparing a nomadic life for your four-wheeled friend, it's worth itmention in the application and thereby save money on completing a full set of papers.

Basic rules for outbound trading:

* availability of regulatory documentation for trade from a mobile shop;

* presence of administration permission for the type of activity and certificates of conformity for food products;

* Availability of an SES certificate for the car and sanitary records for the personnel engaged in trade.

Documents, equipment and other goodies

To ensure your business runs without a hitch, learn how to properly organize outbound sales from a drive-thru shop. It is mandatory to have a sign indicating all the information about the enterprise, price tags for the goods with the signature of the financially responsible person. Meals must be packaged in accordance with SES requirements, for example lunch boxes.

An exit trade agreement with the local administration is required. Coordination and obtaining permission is a matter of time and perseverance. And, by the way, do it legally and correctly, it will be easier for the mare.

Now about the equipment for away trade. A car shop is a rebuilt car, but what is the filling of this pie? Systems for providing water and electricity, air ventilation, heated and refrigerated display cases, display cases... As well as dishes made according to the Third Transport Code. The choice of trinkets and sparkles is yours, but don’t forget about a microwave oven for heating food; this is the most versatile and affordable equipment. All this stuff should be easy to clean and tidy up.

Documents and permission for outbound trading are the basis for your impressive business on wheels. If you want to get everything done quickly and correctly, fork out for a lawyer. However, it won’t hurt to read the Law “On the Fundamentals of State Regulation of Trade Activities in the Russian Federation” No. 381-F3 of December 28, 2009.

You, or rather, your accountant and lawyer, need to maintain a variety of documentation:

* forwarding - waybills for issuing food for sale, with signatures of financially responsible persons;

* accounting - under the sections “goods” - the dishes themselves or set meals, “sales expenses” - fuels and lubricants, packaging material;

* reporting - on the delivery of revenue and on personnel;

* permitting, in accordance with laws and regulations.

We hope that our efforts to pave the way for your success will not be in vain, and simple circuit implementing a mobile business will help you decide to start your own business on wheels. So harness your cafe and go on tour! This is where profits can reach record levels, because costs are minimal and the market is vast!

I'm studying different options earnings in the village. For example, trade. Two types: organize a point in your village or outbound trade in other villages. The auto shop is in demand in villages without shops, and in villages with shops they are also welcome. Because it’s cheaper, the products are fresher and you can buy them to order, the range is more flexible to meet customer needs. What you need to start a business and how to make money in the village through outbound trading. Firstly, primary capital and legalization of business (without this there is no way - traffic cops are on guard). It is convenient to register as an individual entrepreneur - there are fewer taxes. Either your own capital or borrow from relatives or friends, with banks there is more hassle and the terms of loans are unavailable. Licensing, permits . Each region has its own rules for determining sites for outbound trading. In theory, municipalities should allocate them in each locality. There are, however, incidents with the allocation of sites. But, it seems to me, in the village it is not necessary to look for a site, and in the village, where there are still shops, the auto shops may be treated harshly. We need to study the laws :). Secondly, the car. The most common choice is the Gazelle truck. Thirdly, partners. This is a job for every day; you definitely won’t be able to work it out on your own. Although in one of the villages I talked to the owners of a car shop. A young family from the Smolensk region, they know how to make money in the village, they travel around their region and the Moscow region, they work every day. Probably, while the young people have the strength, there is someone to leave the farm to. But in any case, partners are better. Fourthly, where to shop. They are looking for wholesale centers and large retail outlets. For example, these young people shopped at the Cherkizovsky market; I don’t know where they moved after it closed. For comparison: a store operating in the same village, where the guys regularly trade, purchases from wholesale stores in the Tver region. Fifthly, how to determine the range and groups of goods. They say that it is most profitable to trade meat and other perishable goods. But there are two restrictions: trade in such products is allowed during the cold season (in the spring - until April 1), and traffic cops “withdraw” their share on the way to the point. Otherwise, sellers, in order to determine how to make money in the village, focus, as in all other businesses, solely on demand. In the outlets that I met, they sold everything from threads and needles to underwear. There are a lot of little things needed in everyday life and the household. It seems to me that gardening tools can also be used - shovels, gardening gadgets - everything that can make life in the village easier. Sixthly, how to determine trading locations. This is also easy to study; you need to interview, travel around, talk with colleagues. I don’t know about safety on the road, except for extortions from regulatory authorities. Probably, deductions also go to the robbers. Having your own retail outlet in the village is also a way to make money in the village. There are two options, in my opinion, for creating such a point: on your own land, closer to your farm, and on rented or purchased land near the highways. As an example: for several years I have been driving past one of the villages through which the highway passes. There is a store there - “Straight Meat”, right next to the road, in the estate. There are always three or four cars parked around it. The estate has already grown to a three-story mansion, and the owner’s wealth is growing noticeably. I think it's very good idea. True, I don’t really want to live near the highway. Here is another example, an entrepreneur from a village on the shores of Lake Baikal (250 km from Irkutsk along a highway and gravel road) also decided for himself the question of how to make money in the village and built a store on his territory. It turned out to be near the road - inside the village, there is no highway there. The store is solid - made of brick, the room is not very large - about 18 square meters. meters. But instead of a porch, he has a small area, fenced with a beautiful stone fence. On this site, the entrepreneur organizes a cafe in the evenings, with music - he comes from neighboring villages youth. The store is open until four, staffed by the owner's wife and neighbor on shifts. He goes to the regional center to shop, it seems twice a week. I used to go every two days. Trades consumer goods, clothing and food. He doesn’t complain about his income. So here’s how to make money in the village from trading in terms of organizing your own store: for the first time, build a kiosk, not necessarily a brick one. Initial capital for first purchases. Purchasing scheme, but it’s not difficult, now in all major cities There are hypermarkets or wholesale centers. The assortment is also not difficult to determine - I live here and know what I and my neighbors need. A car, maybe a small minibus, I don’t think it’s necessary to have a Gazelle truck for that size. A problem can arise with purchases on credit. They are inevitable - you won’t quarrel with your neighbors. Income is not the same as in the city from trade. But you can live in the countryside with much more modest expenses. Therefore, the question of how to make money in the village is not so difficult.

Where do you need to start to get started? trading activities legal? What is the best form to use to register? Do I need to obtain a trade permit and how should this be done? Are there any differences in obtaining documents when trading? different goods? The article answers these and other questions.

Business form

We decide on the form of conducting activities. You can become an individual entrepreneur (IP) or establish a trade organization that has the rights of a legal entity. For conducting activities, these forms have positive and negative aspects. The package of documents required to obtain a trade permit depends on the chosen type of business.

Whether it is necessary to obtain additional documents largely depends on the choice of the form of activity and the range of goods. So, individual entrepreneurs It is easier to keep accounting records, they do not need to adhere to the procedure for conducting cash transactions, the entrepreneur has the right to keep all the proceeds. But you shouldn’t be too happy, since individual entrepreneurs are prohibited from trading in alcoholic beverages, and restrictions apply to them.

A legal entity is obliged to hand over proceeds from trading to a banking institution. The advantage is that the trade permit legal entity can be obtained for the sale of almost any product. The main thing is that the product is not prohibited for circulation in the country.

Package of documents

To obtain a trade permit (certificate of entry into the Trade Register), you must submit the following documents:

  • legal entities provide constituent documents; Individual entrepreneur - extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur;
  • certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service;
  • information about the manager and chief accountant, bank details (provided by legal entities);
  • a lease agreement for the premises and documents on the ownership of the premises in which trading will take place;
  • sanitary passport of the premises where trade will take place;
  • conclusions of the State Supervision Authority and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service;
  • an agreement with a municipal or other waste removal service;
  • list of products for trade.

It is important to know that obtaining a trade permit certain types products (for example, alcohol) is accompanied by the attachment of the corresponding license to the specified list of documents.