Wishes to elementary school students in prose. Beautiful congratulations to the graduates from the first teacher

2013-06-18 12:31:20 - Tatyana Dmitrievna Loseva
Marina Leonidovna! Maybe it will be useful?

Sad moments of parting,
But we won't cry now.
Everything is behind: excitement, anticipation,
And I would like to say in memory:
The whole path that we went through together,
Walking up the steep steps,
I will remember it for a long time, honestly!
You have become my family forever.
I've enjoyed you all these years,
I gave my whole soul to you,
Like a mother, I admired my children,
I had tender feelings for you.
Thank you for your honesty,
For your sincerity. Patience.
For those eyes that looked at me,
Understanding everything, without a doubt.
Each of you has your own path,
Whatever path you choose.
I'm waiting for you all at the school door
With an open, pure soul!

I had an amazing class!
You children subtle soul, rich responsiveness, openness to everything good and beautiful.
My dear children!
I say thank you from the bottom of my heart
It was easy for me to work with you.
And today I see you off,
I wish you good luck and health.
And I hasten to tell you,
That I want to hug you all,
Protect from potholes in the road,
So that you do not know anxiety in life.
The main thing is never to be discouraged...

I wish you, dear children,
Never lose heart!
Even though the roads ahead of YOU are difficult -
Never lose faith!
And let him be nearby, no matter what happens,
Only luck and success come!
What was planned happened right away!
Let adversity and worries go away!

I wish your eyes to warm,
Burn with love, tenderness and passion!
I wish my soul to sing songs,
Words to which happiness dictates.
I wish you to live in harmony with yourself,
Illuminate friends and loved ones with a smile,
Know how to give and receive love,
And light up at the slightest spark.
With the fire of hopes and wildest dreams,
I wish that fate protects you all,
And all desires are like many bright candles,
She did it only for you
I wish you a strong shoulder next to you,
So that you won’t be afraid to lean on him,
Love so hot
Be happy! Loved and desired!

Dear guys!
So they flashed by school years, YOU have a long life ahead, and there are many roads in life. There is only one compass - a dream and a goal. I really want YOU to successfully achieve your goal and all YOUR dreams come true.
YOU will succeed, everything will be fine!

Remember! My dears, what is it by you that our people are judged? Be simple, friendly, but not flattering. Maintain your dignity, but don't be proud. We must also remember: will is not self-will, daring is not robbery, valor is not cruelty. The brave are always kind because they are strong! Any service is YOURS, let it be a service to the people! When you don’t lecture anyone down, but explain and advise, and only when YOU are asked for advice. Goodness and happiness on YOUR path!

The years flew by unnoticed
Goodbye, school forever!!
Know this minute of parting
You will never be able to forget!
Try to make your dream come true
And in great life go boldly!
Believe in friendship, don’t doubt yourself
Success and happiness lie ahead!
And that's the end! And maybe even strange
You will be without teachers, guys
Don’t leave right away, I’ll tell YOU,
What they say to loved ones when they say goodbye:
I wish YOU to walk through life boldly,
I wish everyone to find happiness,
Let everyone's wish come true.
On the road, friends! Have a nice trip

You grew up in front of us
And before everyone’s eyes they became wiser!
Suddenly they suddenly blossomed
And they grew up imperceptibly!
Just yesterday, students
That we became best friends!
And now the graduates
We admire, we are proud of YOU!

I am glad that you have matured so much,
That instead of foolish children,
which once surrounded me,
You have grown into worthy people.
I'm glad that you are all so beautiful,
That you are in the prime of life's spring!
That there are no soulless and arrogant among you
And your dreams are directed into the distance.
I rejoice at your dreams and plans
And I believe you will go far!
But there is sadness in the soul that came to the wounds
Parting, oh, how difficult it is

My children! Darlings! Dear ones! How glad I am to see you now, Grown up, beautiful, big, Not my first, but my favorite class. How can I live without you now, Will I be able to fill the void? I will get over the separation from you, I just don’t know what I will find in return. Let the years fly by I will remember All your radiant eyes, kind light And no matter how much time passes, I will hear And your voices and ringing laughter. And after many years you will be loved, Believe me, so Etc. He tells you guys, dear, you are unique, and in this life you are my bright moment.

I look at you and remember the days when you came to first grade. How we were left alone for the first time. And I, worried, studied you. There was interest in me in your glances:
What is she like? And what are they? I was burning over a low fire, You were blazing like field poppies. Days flew by, and months, and years flew by. And again we are almost alone now. Well, what did you want to remember today? How did you make noise in class? Didn’t you go to physical education? Didn’t you teach literature? How did you cover for each other, And give nicknames to teachers? Yes, that was all once, And you also had nicknames. But I will remember you guys, As the coolest class in the world.

You're going to fifth grade - you're big,
Beautiful, tall, cool,
And wise and literate too.
And there is no one more valuable in the world!

May your studies be easy for you,
And the big world will open with a smile,
And the sun from heaven smiles at you,
And there will be many amazing miracles!

And we thank all the teachers -
We thank them for everything,
We wish you earthly prosperity,
Great daily success!

The school year has ended
That's it, goodbye, fourth grade.
Are you graduates today?
Congratulations on this!

No more primary school,
Middle management is waiting for you.
We wish you success
And “fives” at the same time!

Dear children, you have passed initial stage school life and successfully overcame the first obstacles, made the first discoveries, and achieved the first victories. Today is your little graduation. You have completed fourth grade, now your adult life begins and you have more serious goals ahead of you. May your future path be cheerful and brave, prosperous and uncomplicated. I wish you true knowledge, strong friendship, diverse interests and excellent studies.

Happy graduation 4th grade!
We are glad to congratulate you.
A new path in life awaits you,
It leads to the pinnacle of knowledge.

We wish you aspirations,
New glorious adventures,
Only positive ratings
And have fun changes.

Develop yourself, don't be lazy,
Learn everything important.
Good luck, bright days,
And cool and loyal friends.

4 school years have passed.
Guys, you have grown up.
A wonderful road awaits you,
Everything is just ahead of you.

Four years unnoticed
Already gone, they cannot be returned,
But there is still time to come
It's a long, important journey to go through.

Your teacher free of charge
Taught the basics of science.
Don't forget these years.
A new stage has arrived for you!

Fourth grade is already over,
Your graduation is today, kids.
We wish you great success,
Let childhood beckon with bright light.

May everything succeed in your studies,
Let success be your reward,
May there be cheerful laughter and smiles
They will destroy obstacles on the way.

Health to you, new aspirations,
Big and small victories,
We wish you very beautiful,
Such fun school years.

You have completed fourth grade,
We sincerely congratulate you on this!
You have gained so much knowledge
We wish you new success,
And also great happiness to everyone!
May knowledge bring light to you!
May the fifth grade give a lot
Various discoveries and victories!

You are already quite big,
Fourth grade is behind us.
You are so beautiful
It's not your graduation!

You will gain strength over the summer,
Grow up even more
Have fun and laugh
Come again in September!

Four years have flown by
And now your graduation has come,
Say goodbye to elementary school
This spring you need
Graduates, we wish you
Continue to study only for “five”,
Listen to all your teachers,
Grow up, grow, don’t lose heart!

In primary classes
Today is graduation.
4 years have passed
At a desk alone.

You will replenish in the fall
A team of high school students.
New items are waiting for you,
And weekdays await, and holidays.

With the teacher first
It's time to say goodbye.
And more kids
You don't need to be named.

I wish in high school
May you achieve success
To make it interesting
And just for you to learn.

This was only the first stage,
And behind him there is a second one,
Only joy will not disappear
This is the first graduation.

This is a holiday, this is an occasion
Please note -
Everything now with the initial let,
But with education!

2013-06-18 12:31:20 - Tatyana Dmitrievna Loseva
Marina Leonidovna! Maybe it will be useful?

Sad moments of parting,
But we won't cry now.
Everything is behind: excitement, anticipation,
And I would like to say in memory:
The whole path that we went through together,
Walking up the steep steps,
I will remember it for a long time, honestly!
You have become my family forever.
I've enjoyed you all these years,
I gave my whole soul to you,
Like a mother, I admired my children,
I had tender feelings for you.
Thank you for your honesty,
For your sincerity. Patience.
For those eyes that looked at me,
Understanding everything, without a doubt.
Each of you has your own path,
Whatever path you choose.
I'm waiting for you all at the school door
With an open, pure soul!

I had an amazing class!
You, children of a subtle soul, rich responsiveness, openness to everything good and beautiful.
My dear children!
I say thank you from the bottom of my heart
It was easy for me to work with you.
And today I see you off,
I wish you good luck and health.
And I hasten to tell you,
That I want to hug you all,
Protect from potholes in the road,
So that you do not know anxiety in life.
The main thing is never to be discouraged...

I wish you, dear children,
Never lose heart!
Even though the roads ahead of YOU are difficult -
Never lose faith!
And let him be nearby, no matter what happens,
Only luck and success come!
What was planned happened right away!
Let adversity and worries go away!

I wish your eyes to warm,
Burn with love, tenderness and passion!
I wish my soul to sing songs,
Words to which happiness dictates.
I wish you to live in harmony with yourself,
Illuminate friends and loved ones with a smile,
Know how to give and receive love,
And light up at the slightest spark.
With the fire of hopes and wildest dreams,
I wish that fate protects you all,
And all desires are like many bright candles,
She did it only for you
I wish you a strong shoulder next to you,
So that you won’t be afraid to lean on him,
Love so hot
Be happy! Loved and desired!

Dear guys!
Your school years have flown by, YOU have a long life ahead of you, and there are many roads in life. There is only one compass - a dream and a goal. I really want YOU to successfully achieve your goal and all YOUR dreams come true.
YOU will succeed, everything will be fine!

Remember! My dears, what is it by you that our people are judged? Be simple, friendly, but not flattering. Maintain your dignity, but don't be proud. We must also remember: will is not self-will, daring is not robbery, valor is not cruelty. The brave are always kind because they are strong! Any service is YOURS, let it be a service to the people! When you don’t lecture anyone down, but explain and advise, and only when YOU are asked for advice. Goodness and happiness on YOUR path!

The years flew by unnoticed
Goodbye, school forever!!
Know this minute of parting
You will never be able to forget!
Try to make your dream come true
And go boldly into a great life!
Believe in friendship, don’t doubt yourself
Success and happiness lie ahead!
And that's the end! And maybe even strange
You will be without teachers, guys
Don’t leave right away, I’ll tell YOU,
What they say to loved ones when they say goodbye:
I wish YOU to walk through life boldly,
I wish everyone to find happiness,
Let everyone's wish come true.
On the road, friends! Have a nice trip

You grew up in front of us
And before everyone’s eyes they became wiser!
Suddenly they suddenly blossomed
And they grew up imperceptibly!
Just yesterday, students
That we became best friends!
And now the graduates
We admire, we are proud of YOU!

I am glad that you have matured so much,
That instead of foolish children,
which once surrounded me,
You have grown into worthy people.
I'm glad that you are all so beautiful,
That you are in the prime of life's spring!
That there are no soulless and arrogant among you
And your dreams are directed into the distance.
I rejoice at your dreams and plans
And I believe you will go far!
But there is sadness in the soul that came to the wounds
Parting, oh, how difficult it is

My children! Darlings! Dear ones! How glad I am to see you now, Grown up, beautiful, big, Not my first, but my favorite class. How can I live without you now, Will I be able to fill the void? I will get over the separation from you, I just don’t know what I will find in return. Let the years fly by I will remember All your radiant eyes, kind light And no matter how much time passes, I will hear And your voices and ringing laughter. And after many years you will be loved, Believe me, so Etc. He tells you guys, dear, you are unique, and in this life you are my bright moment.

I look at you and remember the days when you came to first grade. How we were left alone for the first time. And I, worried, studied you. There was interest in me in your glances:
What is she like? And what are they? I was burning over a low fire, You were blazing like field poppies. Days flew by, and months, and years flew by. And again we are almost alone now. Well, what did you want to remember today? How did you make noise in class? Didn’t you go to physical education? Didn’t you teach literature? How did you cover for each other, And give nicknames to teachers? Yes, that was all once, And you also had nicknames. But I will remember you guys, As the coolest class in the world.

I bring to your attention wishes for 4th grade graduates from their teacher - my option to help the teacher.

All wishes are personal, for each child - their own. Knowing the character of your children and making the necessary changes, you can make them even more individual - and this is many times more valuable and interesting, I will not tire of repeating this.

In some places I first write a short description of the proposed student, and immediately - possible ones from their teacher. Any similarities are, of course, random.

An important point: I am a supporter of objectivity and justice, as far as this is real in our subjective world. Therefore, I will not only praise, but also transparently hint at problematic behavior traits with an offer to correct them.

How delicately this turned out is not for me to decide. But in any case, you will have to customize the text of the parting words to suit your children, so I don’t accept any complaints)))

But I gladly accept any constructive ideas and feedback in the comments below the article - please take a few minutes for them.

So, let's go.

Wishes to 4th grade graduates from their teacher

For a cheerful boy who doesn’t bother at all about studying and homework:

One boy got into the country Lessons unlearned and enjoyed life until he met a cow who wanted to eat him, because he called her a carnivore, and one and a half diggers, which he himself obtained through incorrect calculations. I wish you to be a resident of the country of only lessons learned, and that the results please, and do not darken your wonderful smile!

For a good child who finds school difficult despite his efforts:

There is a saying: “If you try, everything can work out.” You’re great, you’re trying, that’s the main thing. The result may not be visible immediately, but it will be more durable. And I wish you that everything succeeds. Never give up!


For a girl who is diligent, responsible, but talks to others, let’s say, too loudly:

You are very obliging. This is a wonderful trait that confirms the reliability of a person. But when we say something, we want to be heard. However, here’s the paradox: scientists have proven that the quieter and calmer we say the words, the better the interlocutor will hear us. People also hear each other much better when they communicate with mutual respect. This is exactly the kind of communication I wish for you!


A wish for a sporty, purposeful boy:

- “I see the goal - I see no obstacles” - these words are called the formula for success. You are a purposeful boy, this is always worthy of respect. Only I wish you to still see the obstacles on your path to your goal and always find ways to overcome them. And these methods must be worthy. The principle “we will achieve at any cost” is not our principle.


Parting words to a slightly arrogant student who would do well to learn to be friends and respect his classmates:

Sometimes alone - a warrior in the field. But still, we live in a world of people and we need to communicate with them, and it is much easier to do this when you know how to see the good in a person and treat him with respect. In addition, no one has canceled the main law of the Universe: before you receive something, you must give something (work, effort, time, good attitude). But there is good news - than more people gives, the more he receives. I wish you only good news!


For a neat girl who is an excellent student, good, but talks a lot, often and too quickly:

You are a great neat person and a great smart girl. Keep learning and developing. Re-read, for example, Omar Khayyam - in it everyone can find words for themselves that will help them correct something in themselves and become better. And to speed this up, start with a list of his quotes. For example - “Silence is a shield from many troubles”...


- “A stupid person does what is not asked. Smart man does not do what is not asked. And only the wise do what is necessary.” You are a smart, well-mannered boy. I wish that over time you will also become wise. And know that wisdom does not depend on age, it depends on our experience and the ability to comprehend it.


- “When a person really wants something, the whole Universe conspires to help him realize his dream,” Paulo Coelho tells us and you. But our dreams and desires will not come true without our participation; here we need to develop character, strive for independence and rely on ourselves. Then the Universe will say: “What a great guy, I think I’ll help him!” He - good friend, and he tried so hard. He deserved it!

I wish you the well-deserved help of the Universe!



- “Nothing is impossible for me” - this phrase could become yours business card, if some other character traits didn’t get in the way, right? You are a good, fair boy, but I advise you to learn how to properly direct and spend your energy, otherwise it will not be enough for everything. In the heat of the moment, you can even break firewood, but it’s better to chop it calmly.


A strong person is not one who is doing well because he was lucky. A strong person is one who influences his own life. Temper your soul and body, train your muscles and mind, and everything will be fine for you, which is what I wish for you!

- everything secret always becomes clear - so says folk wisdom, and the truth of these words is confirmed at every step. It is better to be wise than cunning, and kind rather than evil. You are kind, this is a very good trait. You can figure out the rest yourself if you think it over and weigh it carefully.


There are only two days a year when we can't do anything. One of them is called “yesterday”, the other is called “tomorrow”. But in between is “today,” when we have the opportunity to do something useful for ourselves and others. You are a diligent person. I wish you that your efforts will always be positive!


You know that you are a cheerful, affectionate girl, right? These are wonderful traits, you should be proud of them! There’s no need to be arrogant, of course, but you shouldn’t be shy either. And you are also brave. Not every person can come out and sing, but you can! Remember this more often, and life will become more fun and easier.


You - creative personality. Use this wonderful quality of yours not only to have an interesting time, but also to express yourself. But be sure to remember - the brighter the Master and his creations, the stronger his influence on the world. I wish you to change the world and yourself only for the better!


You are persistent, inquisitive, and you achieve a lot. I wish you to be able to direct your strength in the right direction, and turn all pranks into scientific experiments. And who knows - maybe in a few years we will have our own Bill Gates or Elon Musk? You don't mind, do you?


You cannot be good to everyone, just as you cannot have a point of view that always coincides with others. Only those who do not know how to think for themselves immediately agree with others. You can do it! It is also important to be able to correct your opinion as new circumstances arise and admit at times that it is wrong, so that your point of view does not turn into dogma. You need to study not only at school, but throughout your life. And you will succeed!


Everything that comes easy to us, we often stop appreciating. And everything that we don’t value leaves us. I wish you to appreciate and develop all your abilities so that they help you achieve success. You are a well-mannered, respectful child, which is always a pleasure. Treat both people and your own talents with respect.


Life is harmony; there should be a place for both pragmatism and romanticism. A constructive approach to business, having your own opinion and the ability to convincingly substantiate it are wonderful qualities, for this - respect to you! Just remember from time to time about harmony and add a few other moments to your life.


Each of us is an individual, each of us has our own purpose and desires. Omar Khayyam said: “You are where your thoughts are. So make sure your thoughts are where you want to be.” You are a smart boy, and I wish the right place for your thoughts and for yourself!


Something like this)))

And do not think, dear Reader, that some parting words are complex and incomprehensible for a fourth grader. Children, as a rule, understand more than we think.

Where and how to use the teacher's wishes

primary school graduates

Orally - directly at the graduation ceremony, if there are few children, or at the final class hour, or on last call. But let's be honest - they may not be heard there, long reading will tire everyone, and the issue of privacy is also important - some of the graduates or their parents will not like it being talked about in public

In writing - this option seems to me preferable, although more labor-intensive. If a teacher writes his own in a memorial album, a personal certificate in honor of the end of the 4th grade, on any other paper that will remain in the family of the young graduate, then there is a chance that the words will be read and even thought about)) Maybe not on the same day and not the same year, but all the more interesting...

If you can’t write by hand, print it out, sign it with your personal signature, and hand it in the form of a scroll with a ribbon or as a note in a small bright envelope. And mentally suggest to your parents that they put these words on the photographs, which they will periodically take out and look at, or hang them on the door as a sign with a hint that.

P.S. dated 09/16/2017.

With the wish that there will always be good things in life,

and the bad - as little as possible,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

The unrest of former students of grades 4, 9 and 11 is always noticeable at the last bell celebration. The guys don’t yet know what awaits them ahead, they are assessing their strengths and capabilities. Beautiful parting words from teachers can give elementary, middle and high school graduates great memories of graduation and help them forget about worries. These could be wishes for good, success, or instructions touching to tears. Among the examples we have selected, you can find suitable words from teachers to graduates of all ages. We also recommend that for easy preparation for the presentation, class teachers and children’s first teachers watch the proposed video example.

Wise words of encouragement from teachers to 11th grade graduates on the last bell - example texts

Beautiful and wise parting words from teachers are appropriate at any graduation. After all, they are the ones who help to cheer up the guys and give them useful tips. Match to last call original words from teachers for graduates, you can use the examples below.

Examples of wise words of parting words from teachers to former 11th grade students for the last bell

The parting words we have chosen can sound beautiful from teachers both at the beginning and at the end of graduation. They will give to former 11th grade students great mood And positive emotions.

Today you are leaving your home school, and everything that awaits you in adult life now depends only on you. Here you were taught to be sincere, independent, responsible, and responsive. They taught us to be friends, to defend our opinions, to love science, to treat knowledge with care, that is, they gave us the basis of what it is impossible to become a real Man with a capital “H” without! We wish you not to lose all this, but to multiply and cultivate in yourself best qualities. We wish your dreams to come true. Good luck to you, luck, new achievements, happiness and success in your future life!

Well, perhaps one of the most important days in your life has come. Outlet. So many paths are trampled around the school and so many roads open in new life. I wish you to always remember with warmth your school years, school friends and, of course, teachers who gave you such an important impetus in life, investing the most valuable and necessary things. I wish you to do right choice and take the road that will help you master your beloved and the right profession, will help you overcome all the failures, obstacles and acquire the benefits that you are striving for now, because your future depends on this. Strive, dare, go only forward and never retreat.

Graduation is a memorable event in everyone's life. Leaving the walls of an educational institution, we enter a new life. So today, let each of us be able to say with confidence that his future will be bright and his plans will be grandiose. May everything that is wished for us today come true, and may the people who said kind words not be forgotten.

It's over next stage in your life. You are moving into adulthood with more responsibility. Therefore, we want to say some parting words to you. Always follow your dreams and don’t give up, find happiness in life and don’t miss it. Good luck and success to you on a difficult, but very interesting life path.

This is important and wonderful holiday We wish you to realize everything you have planned and dreamed about. The responsible life of an adult lies ahead. So let there be no adversity or obstacles on the way. Remember your teachers, don’t forget how much effort and work they put into everyone!

Beautiful words from teachers to 9th grade graduates at graduation - examples of parting words

Kind words Former 9th grade students should definitely hear the instructions. They will give the children wonderful memories and help them forget about their worries. You can choose beautiful words for graduates from the teacher for the graduation celebration from the examples provided.

Examples of beautiful parting words for 9th grade students from teachers to graduation

Using one of our examples last words, every middle school teacher will be able to beautifully wish former students success and fulfillment of their dreams. At the same time, ready-made parting words can be changed or supplemented in your own words.

The school fulfilled its high mission with honor - it attracted you to the sources of culture and spirituality, enriched you with the treasures of your native language and humanistic values, and pointed to the high horizons of national consciousness and civic conscience.

Graduation is only the first step on the path to adulthood, followed by obtaining a profession. I wish you that the chosen one future profession really became a favorite thing, inspired and brought real pleasure.

I wish that you define the highest life and professional heights for yourself, and that each of you say: I have achieved the highest plans.

When setting out on a distant and unknown road, take with you the blessings of your parents and teachers - eternal, like native land, parting words that will give you faith in the future, hope in your own strength, determination and courage in achieving high ideals and desired goals of your happy future. Not only your future, but also the happiness, well-being of your families, and the prospects of Russia depend on this choice.

Dear graduates! WITH today opens before you new world, completely different, not similar to the one that was before. Now you are independent individuals who are responsible for their actions. Don’t forget your favorite school and the teachers who taught you everything!

Today is your significant day, a solemn and touching event - school graduation party. This is a holiday of the best time in a person’s life - a holiday of youth. With all my heart I congratulate you on graduating from school and starting your adult life. Behind is the courtyard of my native school, ahead are the uncharted roads of the future. However, you are the happy owners of a powerful force that will take you to the desired heights. That power - youthful enthusiasm and self-confidence. You are destined to live during big changes, when education, intelligence, creativity and talent became decisive. I believe that love is native land, deep respect for the achievements of previous generations, high ideals, creative work will make your life happy, glorifying hometown and Russia to the whole world.

I sincerely wish each of you to be confident in your abilities and your chosen path. Feel free to make your choice. Study, work, create and dare. May your destiny be generous with goodness and joy!

Dear students, dear graduates! I cordially congratulate you on the holiday of the last bell, which symbolizes the end academic year. For many students, this means successfully overcoming the next milestone in school life, moving to the next grade, and for almost 12 thousand graduates, today is a particularly joyful and memorable day. After all, they are saying goodbye to school and heading off to independent adult life.

I sincerely wish you, dear graduates, good health, success, personal victories, implementation of plans and creative plans!

Let the knowledge gained at school certainly become the key to significant achievements and help you reach maximum heights in your future activities!

God's blessing to you, generous fate, true friends, inspiration, optimism and inexhaustible energy!

Good luck with everything! Good luck!

Graduate, today I would like to congratulate you on a wonderful holiday, which is both sad and joyful - the day of graduation. You will no longer cross the school threshold as a student, so don’t forget your favorite teachers!

Video example of teachers’ speech at graduation to former 9th grade students with parting words

The following video example will help teachers prepare original parting words for former 9th grade students for the last bell. It includes good and warm wishes that will help the children believe in themselves.

Touching words to tears from the first teacher to primary school graduates - examples

For every elementary school student, the first teacher becomes a true friend. Therefore, parting words from him will be the most the best gift for the guys at the farewell ball. We have selected for teachers touching wishes and instructions. Such words from the first teacher will give graduates confidence in themselves, their strengths and talents.

Examples of parting words touching to tears for graduates of 4th grade from the first teacher

Our dear daughters and sons! We are proud to see you graduate from 4th grade. Congratulations on your graduation evening! This is only the very beginning of your studies, but you have all shown that you are ready to continue working. Today is an important day, because soon we will see you completely different. Over these years, you have not only gained the necessary knowledge, but also found true friends and comrades. We wish you that the time spent together will be remembered for a long time, and that friendship will overcome all adversity and obstacles.

Today, when you are finishing fourth grade, I would like to wish you to gain strength, health and a thirst for knowledge, because these are the qualities that you will need most in secondary and especially high school. I wish you to grow up, think about the future, choose a profession to which you would like to devote your life, and devote special attention studying the sciences that will be useful in it. Good luck to you and strong teeth with which you will gnaw the granite of science!

Today is our 4th graders' Graduation Day! Congratulations to the young graduates on their holiday. We wish you to boldly and cheerfully step through the stages of education. To develop in every possible way, to discover new opportunities, to learn interesting, unusual and alien things. Let there be a lot of joy, high grades and good mood in your lives!

Congratulations to the 4th grade graduates on their graduation! You went through the initial base, where you received a lot of useful and necessary things for yourself. We wish you excellent studies and fulfillment of all your dreams. Be perfect in everything, your future depends on it.

Dear graduates, today you are leaving the elementary school classroom. Now new adventures await you in the land of real science, now you will make serious discoveries and often make independent decisions. Don’t forget your first teacher, don’t be afraid to open the door to new knowledge, always remain a friendly class and certainly achieve great success.

After reviewing the examples of last words for graduates we have selected, and class teachers, and the first teacher will be able to easily find suitable parting words for graduation. With their help, teachers will be able to express their attention and love to children. They will help former 4th grade elementary school students forget about worries and give self-confidence to 9th and 11th grade students. Beautiful words from teachers to graduates can be supplemented with their own instructions and wishes. Also, examples touching to tears are suitable for writing completely new and unusual parting words for the last call.