Russian national features. The mysterious Russian soul - what is it like? Men and women

Dear Comrades. Let me present scientific interpretations of the Theme of the Mystery of Dogma - the "Holy Trinity" ...... or in the interpretations of the Ethno-Russian people this is the culture of the work of three triune sets of processes - this is Rule, Reality, Nav ....... or in the more ancient culture are three triune sets of processes - these are Yasun, Mirdgard, Dasun......... in interpretations based on the technology of Russian Philosophical culture - the Trinity from an idealistic beginning? The most commonly used chronology is from the “Creation of the World in the Star Temple” - a peace treaty between Asur, the prince of the Slavic-Aryans, and Arim, the prince of the Great Dragon Empire (China) in 5527 BC. e. (as of 2019 according to modern calendar) after the victory over China. One of the monuments of that era is considered to be the Great Wall of China and the symbolic image of a horseman slaying a dragon. I am sending materials for one purpose - to familiarize myself and find out when and how this technology will be revived in Russia and what actions on my part need to be taken in your opinion??? The theory of organization, work and CHANGE of generations of spirituality of the Ethno-Russian People. (based on the technology of the Trinity from an idealistic beginning) Why do you call the technology of materialistic dialectics, which was brought into Holy Rus' by the Jewish-Christian-Communist religion, the PHILOSOPHY of Spirituality of Orthodoxy? Preamble. Your Christianity contradicts the technology of the culture of life of the Ethno-Russian People. Because modern Civilization is the dominance of the technology of materialist dialectics. And the Technology of work of the culture of people's life in general is the work of Harmony of diversity or is it the technology of trinity from an idealistic beginning. The name "Orthodoxy" comes from the technology of the Rule or the life experience of the Ancestors. And the Spirituality of the Ethno-Russian People is the work of three triune processes - Rule, Reveal, Navi. NU or the technology of work of three triune sets of generations - these are ancestors, contemporaries, descendants. Let me introduce SCIENCE from a simple Russian Scientist - this is a technology of the trinity from an idealistic beginning, this is a technology that has developed from time immemorial as the culture of life of the Ethno-Russian people and is interpreted as the technology of the work of three triune sets of processes - these are Rule, Reality, Nav...... .. Well, or the technology of work of the culture of life of three triune sets of generations - these are ancestors, contemporaries, descendants....... 1. Technology of the trinity from an idealistic beginning. Philosophy is three triune sets of TECHNOLOGIES - these are three monistic (or metaphysics); three dialectical ones are materialistic dialectics, existential. idealistic; three triune technologies are a trinity from the materialistic beginning (this is the technology of Buddhism), this is a trinity from the existential beginning (this is the technology of Islam), this is a trinity from the idealistic beginning (or this is the technology of Christianity). You will generously excuse me, BUT after reading your materials, this is simply CHILDREN’S pampering, because you live, understand, and reflect through KNOWLEDGE only the material world. And ONLY in interpretations using materialist dialectics. If you want to have SCIENCE from the Ethno-Russian PEOPLE? 2. Scientific interpretations of the Spirituality of ancient Rus'. (based on Russian technology philosophical culture– trinity from the idealistic beginning). The spirituality of the Ethno-Russian people or in the interpretations of the Jewish-Christian-Communist religion is Paganism. The priestly-church lads reshaped the clothes of Ethno-Russian Orthodoxy onto their Jewish shoulders, and the result was Christian Orthodoxy. This religious CLOTHING was brought by Christianity to Rus' and simply put on the BODY of the cultural work of the spirituality of the Ethno-Russian people. Nowadays, like many years ago, the historical memory of the People, traditions, customs, morals, legends, etc., is being revived, returning both in the spirituality of the common people and in empirics, or is it the experience of ancestors, which is passed on in historical memory, and into science. The Spirituality of the Ethno-Russian People is awakening as historical memory three triune sets of processes - both material HERITAGE and social (this is economics, politics, law), and spiritual (or this is ordinary consciousness and KNOWLEDGE, empirical, scientific). Symbols of spirituality are being revived at holy places. Images of gods carved from wood are placed on the temples, and a sacred fire burns in front of them. The words of ancient legends are heard again, new generations of Priests and Magi are being initiated. The renewed pagan movement is gradually gaining strength. Christianity, which originated far from the Slavic tribes, as the spirituality of the humiliated and their masters, perceived Slavic paganism as an alien religion. Because the technology of Christianity is materialistic dialectics. But the technology of work of Ethno-Russian spirituality is a trinity from the idealistic beginning, or from the spiritual, intellectual, SCIENTIFIC. But the objective necessity of the entry of the Ethno-Russian people into the world economic process brought its divine, religious, dogmatic, Christian technologies, terminology, rituals and veneration into Russian SPIRITUALITY. Well, or Christianity is just CLOTHING put on the BODY of Ethno-Russian spirituality. Moreover, in its historical path of development, Christianity also went through three triune sets of stages of complication itself - Protestantism, Catholicism, Orthodoxy. The essence of the stages of development is that there was a change in three triune sets of processes - this is a change in the subject of religion, the technology of its work, the tendency of quantitative-qualitative relationships (the relationships are three triune sets of processes - interactions, relationships, mutual reflections). But the process of development of the spirituality of any people works in the technology of THREE triune processes - this is evolution, revolution, and leaps. So the change in the NAME of the Russian FAITH became Orthodoxy in Christian interpretations and names. But in the interpretations of Russian philosophical culture, the technological principles of trinity, unity, and harmony of the diversity of the totality of generations remain. Due to the objectivity of the spirituality of every people, Christianity simply changed its names in the Russian FAITH. Moreover, each of the three triune sets of World religions works in the technology of trinity. 3. What is the trinity? This is the simultaneous joint work of THREE triune sets of processes - material, social, spiritual. And the essence of the trinity is that in each specific process of life, of any person of property, all three work simultaneously, BUT one of the processes dominates, the second is a contradiction to it, and the third harmonizes the work of the process as a whole. And the spirituality of people is simply people’s interpretation of the RULES, the work of these processes through the abilities available to each people in the work of three triune sets of principles - matter, space, time. But the basis of the spirituality of each people simply becomes more complicated, but does NOT change about the original one, which is laid in these triune sets of processes. Orthodoxy in Rus' was implanted in contradiction with the original Russian interpretations, because in place of the trinity of FAITH, dialectics or contradiction between the people and the authorities was implanted. And therefore Russian spirituality was brutally destroyed from above. The people resisted this for several centuries and introduced paganism into Christianity in different ways (through allegory, coding, allusion, renaming according to consonance or internal similar essence, etc.), in the end, the folk (original pagan) worldview, ethics, dissolved in Christianity, creating a unique alloy. Russian Orthodoxy, as a spirituality by the way and a pagan name, comes from three triune spiritual processes: Prav, Yav, Nav, well, or three triune processes in the life of generations - ancestors, contemporaries, descendants. Therefore, the name comes from the name of the Experience of the Ancestors - from the Rule. And in a more ancient interpretation of this trinity, the totality of persons of property is given in the following names - these are Yasun, Mirdgard, Dasun. The very concept of culture developed historically in the Russian language as processes built on the basis of the LABOR of people, although it has historically different interpretations, which become more complex depending on the complexity of the rules of the very practice of people's lives. One of the interpretations of culture comes from the word “cult” - the faith, customs and traditions of ancestors, created by the LABOR of people in the course of socio-historical development. Moreover, labor itself is three triune types - physical, managerial, mental. And therefore there are three triune commodity processes - this is material production, this is social production (or these are constitutions, laws, tariffs, MONEY, etc.), this is spiritual production. And as the practice of people’s lives becomes more complex, people’s abilities to cultivate the process of life change and the interpretations of these rules of life change. Thus, spirituality, as a commodity production of the spiritual sphere of economic processes, is also changing. The concept of master spirit (and similar ones: ruler; or spirit of locus, spirit of place, genius of the place) fits perfectly here - a commonly used term in primitive religions, as well as modern folklore , which has passed as a synonym for deity into all higher religions. Thus, the Master Spirit is the work of idealistic processes (spiritual, intellectual, scientific, etc.). And they work in three triune sets of processes - material, social (economics, politics, law), intellectual. 4. Master Spirit. The Master Spirit, as a set of RULES for the operation of any specific process, works in three triune sets of processes: - the first set is three triune sets of objects - matter, space, time. Matter is three triune sets of objects - these are physical, chemical, biological processes. Space is the medium for the distribution of these objects, which work in three triune sets of participation in the organization of the process - dominant, contradictory, harmonizing (this applies to all three triune sets of processes). Time is simply the process of the work of periodicities in each of the components. - the second set of processes is the RULES of the technology - these are monistic, dialectical, triune. Monistic technologies are a process in which the main principle is the dominance of one of the components over the others and the organization of processes based on its operating rules. Dialectical technologies are the organization of a process as a basis, where the principle of contradiction of two or more opposites works. The trinity of process work is when all three components work in each component, BUT one of them occupies a dominant position, the second forms a contradiction to it, and the third harmonizes the work of the process as a whole. - the third set of processes is the RULES of work, the tendency of quantitative-qualitative relationships during the work of processes – these are evolutionary processes, revolutionary, JUMP or transition to a new quality of being. 5. Subjectivity of the information work. What symbols, images, customs, etc. NU or visual, verbal, virtual reflections of the RULES of work of Ethno-Russian culture work in the practice of people's lives. Mention should be made here of the work of the trinity from an idealistic beginning. According to this technology, there are three triune levels of complexity of PERSONS OF PROPERTY in the process of people's lives - these are individual processes of existence of persons of property, these are individual, these are common. Well, or so, in the practice of people’s lives, three triune generations work simultaneously - this is the family, the nation, the INTER-national person of property. Moreover, the trinity of family spirituality is three triune sets of persons of property - this is male spirituality, female, children's. Likewise, national persons have three triune sets of components - past, present, future or continuity of generations, or these are three triune sets of generations - ancestors, contemporaries, descendants. And the INTERNATIONAL person forms three triune world religions - Buddhism or the dominance of material spirituality; Islam or the contradiction of the material and spiritual, Christianity is the harmony of the diversity of three triune sets of processes - material, social, spiritual. Moreover, Christianity is three triune STAGES of complication of religious technologies or is it Protestantism, Catholicism, Orthodoxy. Thus, in the practice of people’s lives, according to the existence of the spirituality of the Ethno-Russian people, there are three triune levels of complexity of spirituality processes: - is it the general subjectivity of the process or is it Universal Spirituality. - this is the Mediator between universal and earthly spirituality or a separate one - this is the Spirit-Simargl. - And only then the work of Earthly spirituality is the Spirit-Kin, this is the work of spirituality in the Souls of people or a single or three triune sets of processes or spirituality in the communication of people - these are the Spirits of Mother Earth, which people understand; these are Spirits-Children-People; These are the Spirit-Fathers of the Mind. Sincerely, Simple Russian Scientist Chefonov V.M.

The mysterious Russian soul (national character of Russians and peculiarities of communication)

You can be fascinated and disappointed by the Russian people, you can always expect surprises from them, they are extremely capable of inspiring strong love and intense hatred."

N. Berdyaev

National Character Traits

If they say about England “Good Old England”, meaning the preservation and observance of traditions, about France - “Beautiful France!”, meaning the beauty and splendor of the country for which it has always been famous in all its manifestations, then about Russia they say: “Holy Rus',” suggesting that Russia is a country historically oriented towards spiritual life, a country adhering to a traditional way of life, a country based on Orthodox values.

Historical and political transformations do not have a very positive effect on the character and mentality of the Russian people.

Vague, non-standard, non-traditional values ​​introduced into Russian society - the philosophy of consumption, individualism, acquisitiveness - are one of the main reasons for the formation of a modern national character.

First you need to decide what is considered Russian nationality. For a long time, a Russian was considered to be someone who adopted the Russian system of values, traditions, aesthetics, etc. Historically, a Russian was considered to be someone who accepted Orthodoxy. Thus, a third of the Russian nobility before the October Revolution was represented by Tatars. A.S. Pushkin, his ancestors were generally dark-skinned! And this despite the fact that the poet is considered the most important Russian (!) poet, who absorbed and described Russian life, customs, and traditions of that period in the life of Russia!

And those white-haired and blue-eyed Russians, who can still be seen in Vologda and Uglich, constitute the original Slavic branch of all Russians.

National traits of Russians

In order to understand the “mysterious Russian soul”, you need to get a little acquainted with the origins of the formation of the Russian national character.

The character of Russians was formed on the basis historical conditions, geographical location of the country, space, climate and religion.

Among the national traits is the famous breadth of the Russian soul. In this regard, despite all sorts of rules and regulations that dictate moderation in giving, partners, colleagues of the opposite sex, and “vertical” employees are given gifts that are disproportionate in value. Truly on a Russian scale. It is not without reason that the gift industry is replete with expensive and pretentious gifts that are sold out for every holiday.

The main distinctive features of the Russian people are also the following:

Compassion, mercy. Today, mercy and charity are in trend (this is very Russian - to help not even for the sake of image, but simply because someone is in need and suffering...): many people and companies actively help those who find it difficult, transferring funds to help the elderly, children and even animals. They travel at their own expense to disaster sites and actively help the victims.

A German Wehrmacht soldier wrote about this feature of the Russian character when he found himself in a Russian village during the Second World War: “When I woke up, I saw a Russian girl kneeling in front of me, who was feeding me hot milk with honey from a teaspoon. I told her: “I could have killed your husband, and you are worried about me.” As we passed through other Russian villages, it became even more clear to me that it would be right to conclude peace with the Russians as quickly as possible. ...The Russians did not pay attention to my military uniform and treated me rather in a friendly manner!”

To the number best qualities The Russian people include the interests of their family, respect for parents, happiness and well-being of children.

But this is also associated with the so-called nepotism, when a manager hires his relative, who is forgiven a lot, unlike an ordinary employee, which does not have a very good effect on the performance of professional duties

Russians are characterized by an amazing quality of self-abasement and self-denial, belittling their merits. Maybe this is related to all the words that foreigners hear when they are in Russia, that they are gurus, stars, etc., but Russians seem to have nothing to do with it. Foreigners cannot understand how a people with such a rich culture and literature, a colossal territory full of riches manages to deny itself in this way. But this is due to Orthodox rule: humiliation more than pride.” Pride is considered the main mortal sin that kills the immortal soul, according to Christian beliefs.

National traits also include:

Religiosity and piety exist in the soul of even a Russian atheist.

The ability to live in moderation. Not the pursuit of wealth (that is why Russian society is confused - people do not know how to live only by wealth). At the same time, many, “hungry” for “imports” during the Soviet period, tend to show off and throw money at them, which has already become a byword and is well known in Courchevel. This part of Russian nature is usually associated with “Asianism” and money obtained easily or unjustly.

Kindness and hospitality, responsiveness, sensitivity, compassion, forgivingness, pity, willingness to help.
openness, straightforwardness;
natural ease, simplicity in behavior (and even a fair amount of simplicity);
carelessness; humor, generosity; the inability to hate for a long time and the associated agreeableness; ease of human relationships; responsiveness, breadth of character, scope of decisions.

Wonderful creative potential (that’s why the Olympics were designed so beautifully, with the help of innovative technologies). It’s not for nothing that in Russian culture there is a character called Lefty, who hooks a flea. It is known that Lefty is a right-brain person, that is, a person with creative thinking.

Russians are incredibly patient and tolerant. (see above example with a Wehrmacht soldier).

They endure until the last minute, and then they can explode. Repeating the phrase of A.S. Pushkin: “God forbid that we see a Russian revolt - senseless and merciless!”, and sometimes misinterpreting it (so in the Internet dictionary of aphorisms you can read “The Russian revolt is SCARY - senseless and merciless”), tearing it out from the context, some forget that this remark has a very informative continuation: “Those who are plotting impossible coups among us are either young and do not know our people, or they are hard-hearted people, for whom someone else’s head is half a piece, and their own neck is a penny.” “.

Negative qualities, of course, can also be noted. This is carelessness, laziness and Oblomov’s daydreaming. And, alas, drunkenness. To a certain extent this is due to climate. When there is no sun for six months, you want to warm up and don’t want to do anything. Under certain conditions, Russians know how to gather themselves, concentrate and ignore the climate in the name of an idea. Many feats of arms are confirmation. Carelessness is associated with serfdom, which almost every Russian will have to overcome. The Russian relies on “maybe” for two reasons: hope for the master, the Tsar-Father and the “zone of risky farming,” that is, the uncertainty and unevenness of climatic conditions.

Russians are characterized by a certain gloominess. And you rarely see people with cheerful faces on the streets. This is due to the legacy of the socialist past, which had its difficulties, with the current state of affairs and, one must assume, with the harsh climate, where there is no sun for almost half the year. But in the office the situation is changing: Russians willingly communicate with people they know.

Insufficient ability to unite and self-organize suggests that a leader, ruler, etc. is definitely needed. At the same time, a man is often appointed as a leader, based on patriarchal stereotypes - a man is the best leader. However, the situation is changing, and today we can see many women in top positions.

Perhaps due to the fact that in last decades values ​​not characteristic of Russian peoples were introduced - acquisitiveness, worship of the Golden Calf, Russian people, despite all the existing benefits, modern technologies, the absence of an “Iron Curtain” and opportunities, often remain (and representatives of the middle class) in a state of heightened anxiety and pessimism. Wherever Russians gather, at a festively and sumptuously laid table, there will certainly be a couple of people who will argue that “everything is bad” and “we are all going to die.”

Evidence of this is the active discussion on the forums about the Opening of the Olympics, which was excellent. At the same time, many did not see this beauty because they were discussing corruption and how much money was spent on preparing the Olympic Games.

Russians cannot live without ideas and faith. So, in 1917, faith in God was taken away, faith in the CPSU appeared, in the 90s faith in the CPSU and the communist future was taken away, bandits, outcasts, Ivans-of-kinship-not-remembering appeared, because It became unclear what and who to believe in.

Now the situation is slowly but leveling out. Despite the eternal criticism of everyone and everything (and Orthodox Church and its servants), people turn to God and practice mercy.

Two faces of modern business society

Today the business community is divided roughly into two parts. These parts are presented like this. Directors are middle-aged and elderly, more often representatives of regions, former Komsomol members and party leaders. And young managers, with an MBA education, sometimes obtained abroad. The first ones are characterized by closedness in communication in to a greater extent, the latter are more open. The former are more often endowed with instrumental intelligence and tend to view their subordinates as cogs in a single mechanism. The latter are more characteristic emotional intelligence, and they still try to delve into the problems of their employees, of course, not always.

The first category was not taught how to negotiate. At the same time, in the process of communication, some of them acquired good communication skills and were able to come to an agreement “with whoever needed” and had great connections in their environment. Some representatives of this group, on the contrary, communicated “from top to bottom,” in the usual authoritarian style, often with elements of verbal aggression.

Modern top managers have been trained in negotiation skills and continue their training after completing the basic course. But at the same time, “...Rarely do foreigners who get into top positions in Russian companies last more than a year” (SmartMoney Weekly No. 30 (120) August 18, 2008).

What is the reason? The fact is that, despite their European education, young top managers are carriers of the domestic mentality.

The authoritarian management style is “imbibed with mother’s milk”; profanity may be heard at meetings and on the sidelines. This type was demonstrated by Nikita Kozlovsky in the film “DUKHLESS”. His hero has all the characteristics.

By the way, both the first and second are introverted. The latter may be completely immersed in the world of gadgets and prefer communication through communication devices.

Knowing these features, you can draw conclusions on how to adapt to communicating with Russians.

So, you have to understand that ambitious “red directors” need to be treated with great respect, like a gentleman during the times of serfdom, and young top managers - too, but at the same time understand that they are more democratic in communication. And yet they will prefer communications via the Internet.

Russian etiquette - sometimes meaningless and merciless

Despite all the kindness, generosity, and tolerance, the manners of Russians leave much to be desired, because... Russians are the successors of the Soviet people, who have long been taught that “bourgeois” is bad. It's ingrained into my subconscious. Therefore, sometimes you can observe the manifestation of not very correct behavior.

So, for example, at the Closing Ceremony of the 22nd Olympic Games, when the champion was awarded a medal on a ribbon and had to be hung around his neck, the athlete did not think to take off his hat, although he put it on during the anthem right hand to the heart. On special occasions, men need to remove their hats.

Once the author observed a situation also related to hats in another city. After a seminar on business etiquette and a conversation about what to do and what not to do, two participants stood up without warning, put on large caps right in the training room and left the room.

According to the rules of European and Russian etiquette, indoors and, especially, at the table, he takes off his headdress. Exceptions: artists who claim a certain image, and representatives of faiths where it is customary to always wear a turban or turban.

If a foreigner leans back in his chair, this may mean that he expects to relax and/or end the conversation. Russians have a way of sitting, leaning back on a chair - basic state. Only sports and/or educated people in Russia they sit without leaning against the back of the chair (if the chair is traditional and not ergonomic), while the rest sit as they please, demonstrating many of their complexes and basic attitudes.

Russians are not used to standing elegantly, they may try to accept closed pose and/or trample on the spot.

The view of a Russian person depends on the situation. If this is a leader, then he can look, literally without blinking, with a prickly gaze into the face of his interlocutor, especially a subordinate, or quite benevolently if in front of him is his acquaintance or relative. Of course, intelligent and well-mannered people “wear” a friendly facial expression.

Anxiety and tension are indicated by a transverse vertical fold between the eyebrows, which gives a stern, unattainable appearance, which can somewhat interfere with contact. It’s interesting that in our country such a fold can be seen even in very young girls.

When a lady approaches a colleague sitting on a chair, he does not always think to sit up, but at the same time he can, with an elegant gesture, invite her to enter the elevator, which is wrong, because Either the man or the one standing closest enters the elevator first.

Features of communication in Russia

Communication in our country has its own specifics:

- ungraciousness, poor manners, projective thinking (projection - the tendency to consider others similar to oneself); stiffness or looseness instead of free communication; gloomy facial expression; inability/unwillingness to give an answer and feedback, conflict, inability to have a “small conversation” and listen.

In informal (and sometimes formal) communication, the wrong thematic choice of conversation is often preferred (about politics, problems, illnesses, private affairs, etc.). At the same time, we have to admit that women more often talk about “everyday life” and their personal lives (relationships with parents, husbands, children, while men talk about politics and the future, and more often in gloomy tones.

In Russia, there is a wide range in the nature of communication - from a gloomy style to a feigned positive style, which came back in the 90s and was “copied” from communication models in the United States.

Along with other factors, the inability to communicate in general lowers the personal image of many compatriots, the level corporate culture and the image of the company as a whole.

Errors and main misconceptions in communication in Russia

The main mistakes and misconceptions in Russia include the opinion of the average employee, which still exists in some cases, that the guest owes him something and is obliged to do something: leave a lot of money, purchase an expensive tourist product, order luxurious dishes to the room, etc.

This is based on an irrational psychological attitude called “obligation” (a person believes that everyone owes him something, and when this does not happen, he is very offended) and affects communication in the most direct way. If hopes that a colleague, partner, or customer are not justified, and the interlocutor behaves as he does, then the Russian clerk may experience disappointment and even express his irritation.

A common misconception is also an unkind attitude and, accordingly, communication with a guest who is untenable, from the point of view of an employee.

What influences communication style. Past and modern.

Modern communication style is influenced by:

- a huge flow of information that modern people encounter;

- multiple contacts, open borders of countries and the associated willingness to travel, tourism of all types;

— new technologies, primarily online communication, which sets a certain communication style, fragmented perception of the world, “clip” thinking”;

— enormous speeds and rhythms of life;

— globalization, and the associated processes of interpenetration of languages, speech and communication styles.

Reasons for developing communication skills in Russia.

Historical past, serfdom, political regime, climate and distances, mental duality (duality) - “black” and “white” in one person, geographical borders of Russia, paternalistic (that is, when the ruler is like a father) management culture.

As a result, the formed national character encourages communication that is not associated with courtesy, openness, etc.

This manifests itself, for example, in an internal reluctance to say one’s name on the phone. Although after training they learn this.

Why is it so difficult in Russia to say your name on the phone?

An example of insufficient communicative competence The slight readiness of compatriots to give their name on the phone may serve as a service. This is due to the historical mentality and habits of Russians. And this may happen because

— staff were not trained before business communication, courtesy, etc.

- it has been proven that the lower the social status person, the more difficult it is to introduce yourself.

- it is more difficult for a person from more distant from the centers to introduce himself by name to a stranger.

Soviet man For many decades I have been accustomed not to demonstrate myself, to be secretive. This is due to political regime, which existed for a long time in the USSR.

— The archetypal memory, the collective unconscious, “works.”

- Some mystical ideas (for example, in pre-Christian Rus' there were ideas that one could jinx one by name and therefore amulets were hung around the neck - a bear's claw, etc.)

Centers and regions

Speaking about modern Russian society, one cannot help but mention the constant confrontation between central cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg...) and regions, which is due to the fact that Moscow was always replenished in Soviet times with products that were not available in all regions of the Russian Federation. During the period of stagnation, there were so-called “sausage trains”. People came from other cities of Russia and from the Moscow region to buy scarce products, including sausage

The first consider the inhabitants of the provinces to be not very well-mannered, sometimes cheeky, and that “they walk over corpses,” without taking anything into account.

There is even such a thing as “life outside the Moscow Ring Road,” that is, outside of Moscow. Starting from the nearest regional cities and places, life really seems to freeze and remains unchanged for a long time. Innovations come here with some delay.

At the same time, the regionals consider Muscovites, on the one hand, arrogant and rich, despite the fact that the truly indigenous residents of the capital in this generation are quite calm and friendly people, on the other hand, as “suckers” and “blunderers” who can easily be outpaced in in many directions.

And if Muscovites can look at newcomers condescendingly but tolerantly, then regional residents, even having settled in the capital, cannot always accept the lifestyle and mentality of a Muscovite, and, sometimes, they may even experience residual complexes, saying in a conversation with a native resident something like : “Is it okay that I’m not a Muscovite?” or: “Here you are, Muscovites!” The latter have to prove the “presumption of innocence” in the inadequate distribution system that took place during the years of the USSR.

Now the appearance, the face of the city is changing, and the style and morals of the inhabitants of the metropolis are also changing.

Bulat Okudzhava

Ch. Amirejibi

I was evicted from Arbat, an Arbat emigrant.

In Bezbozhny Lane my talent is withering away.

There are strange faces and hostile places all around.

Although the sauna is opposite, the fauna is not the same.

I was evicted from Arbat and deprived of my past,

and my face is not scary to strangers, but funny.

I am expelled, lost among other people's destinies,

and my sweet, my emigrant bread is bitter to me.

Without a passport or visa, just with a rose in hand

I wander along the invisible border on the castle,

and to those lands I once inhabited,

I keep looking, looking, looking.

There are the same sidewalks, trees and courtyards,

but the speeches are unhearted and the feasts are cold.

They're also blazing there thick paints winter,

but the invaders come to my pet store.

A master's gait, arrogant lips...

Ah, the flora there is still the same, but the fauna is not the same...

I am an emigrant from Arbat. I live, bearing my cross...

The rose froze and flew all over.

And, despite some opposition - open or secret - in difficult historical moment Russians unite and become a united people.

Men and women

Russian men who serve in companies and do not work on construction sites are distinguished by gallant behavior: they will open the door for a lady, let them go ahead, and pay the bill in a restaurant. Sometimes even regardless of official chain of command. Should you hold the door for a lady? Should I give her a coat?

Until now, expert opinions are contradictory, and in each case it helps to understand the moment and intuition. According to American rules business etiquette: Under no circumstances should you hold the door and hand a coat to a lady colleague. But we live in Russia.

Women in Russia have a combination of femininity and homeliness, they are well-groomed, businesslike and very active. In Moscow, every second or third lady drives. Modesty in its traditional meaning seems to be a thing of the past.

At the same time, women continue to love it when office men look after them: hand them coats, etc. So foreigners who advocate emancipation, having arrived in Russia, will have to wait with their advice.

On the one hand, gallantry is pleasant, on the other, in Russia, as in many countries, there is a glass ceiling for women. And they prefer to hire men for leadership positions. Both men and women.

Traditional stereotypes are that a woman cannot think logically, is a weak leader, and will be disturbed by her family.

Moreover, if a woman occupies a leadership position, then she is a “real bitch”, “a man in a skirt” and walks over corpses...

In a mixed team, where both men and women work, there are office romances. Traditionally, the public takes the man’s side, so in some cases it is better not to take risks and not start an unnecessary relationship.

Women's groups have their own specifics. While some employee is doing well, others may sometimes feel envy. Therefore, it is better to try not to excite her by dressing, say, too brightly or stylishly. Moreover, if a misfortune befalls an employee, everyone unites and begins to provide her with all possible assistance: financial, organizational, etc.

According to the rules of etiquette, it is not pleasant to talk about illnesses and family matters at work. However, this rule is violated, especially in the women's team. And woe to the secretary who, in response to her boss’s confidential stories, began to share her problems. It can come back to haunt you harshly.

Men and women in Russia look different.

Clothing, dress code

For the sake of walking career ladder, some men try to dress elegantly, and even buy suits from famous brands. These are mostly top managers and ambitious yuppies.

Another part of men is socially lower and has a lower educational level. This probably has something to do with the way I wear a black top and jeans on any day. The subway can be dark because of such clothes. Black jackets, black pullovers, sometimes black shirts (for negotiations, for which it is customary to wear light shirts) in combination with a black tie.

It is interesting that, as soon as the slightest opportunity is given not to wear a good, stylish suit, like the Italians or the French, Russian men immediately put on the “black style”. This is usually explained by the fact that it is “non-marking”. In fact, the desire to “hide” behind the color black would say a lot to social psychologists...

There is a special demographic situation in Russia: there are significantly more women than men. And, if earlier you had to be wary of harassment directed at a woman, now in Russia, due to natural competition, there is a “hunt” for accomplished men. Therefore, women resort to various tricks just to get a successful husband: neckline, mini, false nails, which does not meet corporate standards, but at the same time “promotes” the lady on the local “marriage market”. This comes as no surprise.

Both of them violate the dress code, which at the same time today has become softer and more democratic. And employers do not require ladies to wear a strict “sheath” suit, which was previously necessary.

Negotiations and reception of delegations

About the rules of conduct business negotiations A lot has been written on the pages of our magazine.

Russian negotiators: perceive the interlocutor as an adversary, treat him with suspicion and some hostility, consider it necessary to hide certain data (opacity allows many things to be done).

Local “princelings” have ambitions. Russian negotiators think that their city or region is the best. And, what’s worse, they try to “knock out” all sorts of preferences for themselves during negotiations, which most often go not for the development of territories, but into their own pockets. At the same time, at the local level, federal authorities often pose the most serious obstacle to innovative development territories.

At the same time, there are very positive examples of territorial development. Thus, Alexander Vasilyevich Filipenko, the former head of the Administration of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, is considered the pride of Siberia, who glorified the region with innovations and amazing projects aimed at the improvement and development of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. The International Biathlon Center is named in his honor.
Specifics of negotiations

Speaking loudly without taking into account the other party's mannerisms can also derail negotiations.

Rigidity, i.e. hardness, inactivity, inadaptability in negotiations. No concessions.

Overt manipulation, when they try to “drive the interlocutor into a corner”

Inadequate appearance(either jeans with a black pullover, or a very smart suit.

Reluctance to take responsibility, attempts to avoid a serious conversation.

Ignorance and not a strong desire to know national characteristics representatives of the other side and the rules good manners(they may take off their jacket at the wrong time, at the beginning of negotiations, or tap on the shoulder)

Unfulfilled promises and careless paperwork complete the list.

Unpleasant hints of bribes (in the case of compatriots), so-called kickbacks.

Pleasing trends. Some Russian local leaders are for own funds build roads and hospitals. Isn't this Russian?.. After all, generosity and charity have always been on Russian soil.

When a delegation is expected in an organization or company, everyone strives to prepare in the best possible way.


But if in modern companies young managers, with all their democracy, can even reach the point of some familiarity in communication (this is expressed in carelessness of address, the truncated name “Tatyan” instead of “Tatyana”, in ignoring the senior-junior positions, some even carelessness in communication, strange business cards), then in organizations with a traditional culture, ceremony, sedateness, and adherence to the rules of behavior adopted when receiving delegations are more honored. There is a protocol department that organizes receptions, delegations, meetings, and events.


In Russia it is accompanied by abundant eating and drinking wine. Only in diplomatic circles can only two snacks be served for Breakfast or Lunch. If you don’t serve too many treats at a corporate party, this may be perceived with surprise, if not offense. Russians at corporate parties eat generously, drink a lot and sometimes dance, but more often they prefer to break into groups and have a heart-to-heart talk.

Etiquette is not always observed, because why observe it if everyone has become friends and almost relatives at that moment?..

It is very important to control yourself at such moments, because office romances that begin at events quickly pass, and the words spoken about a leader under the influence of strong drinks are, “Not a sparrow. If it flies out, you won’t catch it.”

Greetings, address

After the October Revolution, the boundaries of communication between the sexes were erased and the address “comrade” and “comrade” appeared in everyday life, addressed to both men and women.

After Perestroika, when capitalism began to enter Russia, experts in the field of the Russian language tried to introduce into speech the addresses “master”, “madam”, “sir”, “madam”. Sometimes at pretentious corporate events you can hear “Mr. Ivanov”, “Mrs. Petrova”, but more often at the moment when they are spoken about in the third person.

When contacting directly, you have to find an option that is acceptable and convenient for both. So, in Russia an older person is addressed by his first name and patronymic, of course, with “you”; a younger person is addressed by his first name. At the same time, it has become a practice to address even older people by name (depending on the corporate style). This style came from the USA.

Particularly important today is the issue of switching to “You”. The initiator of such an appeal Maybe Only a higher-ranking person, only a client, only an older person, and with equals, only a woman, can speak. Everything else is a violation of the rules of etiquette.

At the same time, in Russia “you” is heard quite often, especially on highways, where it seems that drivers completely forget about the existence of the pronoun “you”.

Nowadays, as an initial address you can hear “respected” in relation to a man or “lady” said to a woman. Or the impersonal: “Would you be kind?”, “Can you tell me?”


It should be noted that the traditional unsmiling and gloomy facial expression by which Russians are recognized all over the world are associated with a sincere desire to appear serious.

Russians smile willingly. But only when meeting friends. Therefore, foreigners could be philosophical about the fact that on the streets they will meet many people who walk with the most negative expression on their faces, with furrowed eyebrows. Obviously, the climate influenced this style. This is also due to the fact that Russians are characterized by a certain closedness, despite the fact that there is a proverb “In the world, death is fair!” Some actors are very reserved in life. But Russians will smile widely and sincerely at their acquaintances and friends. It’s just that in the minds of a Russian person, smiling and laughter are close in meaning, and “Laughter for no reason is a sign of a fool.”

Guests can come not only from abroad, but also from other regions

Forewarned is forearmed. In order to be well prepared for contact with representatives of a separate national culture, in this case modern Russians, it is important to study their customs and traditions, characteristics and possible differences. If you know what certain traditions are associated with, this will make it possible to adapt in relation to partners and visitors, establish the correct style and intonation in communication with them, which will ultimately allow you to establish long-term business relationships. Knowledge of morals, characteristics, traditions will ultimately give a tolerant approach, which in turn will give understanding and create spiritual comfort and loyalty towards, in this case, the Russian people and their mysterious soul.


  1. Paternalism ( lat. paternus - paternal, fatherly) - a system of relations based on patronage,guardianship and control by seniors of juniors (wards), as well as subordination of juniors to seniors.


Irina Denisova, member of the Council, coordinator of the “Personal Marketing” club, “Communications” workshop of the Guild of Marketers

This article was published in the paper business publication “Directory of the Secretary and Office Manager”, No. 4 2014. Please respect copyright and refer to the author and publication when reprinting. Published in the author's edition. - I.D.

Russian people are generally broad people...

wide as their land,

and extremely prone

to the fantastic, to the disorderly;

but the trouble is being wide

without much genius.

F.M. Dostoevsky

One can talk endlessly about the Russian character and its characteristics... There is so much mixed in a Russian person that you can’t even count it on your fingers.

What does it mean to be Russian? What is the peculiarity of the Russian character? How often do gray-haired academics ask this question in scientific debates, smart journalists in various shows, and ordinary citizens in table discussions? They ask and answer. They answer differently, but everyone notes our Russian “specialness” and is proud of it. You can’t lure a Russian person with a roll - Russians are so eager to preserve their own, dear, that they are proud of the most disgusting aspects of their identity: drunkenness, dirt, poverty. Russians make up jokes about how no one can outdrink them, happily showing their dirt to foreigners.

“Mysterious Russian soul”... What kind of epithets do we bestow on our Russian mentality. Is she so mysterious, the Russian soul, is she really so unpredictable? Maybe everything is much simpler? We Russians are capable of self-sacrifice in the name of our homeland, but we are not able to defend our interests as citizens of this country. We meekly accept all the resolutions and decisions of our leadership: we are choking in queues to replace our driver’s licenses; we lose consciousness in passport and visa services while waiting to receive a new passport; We knock on the threshold of the tax office in order to find out what number you now live under in this world. And this list can be continued endlessly. Limitless patience is what distinguishes a Russian person. How can one disagree with foreigners who personify us with a bear - huge, menacing, but so clumsy? We are probably rougher, certainly tougher in many cases. Russians have cynicism, emotional limitations, and a lack of culture. There is fanaticism, unscrupulousness, and cruelty. But still, mostly Russians strive for good.

For a Russian person, this is the most terrible accusation - the accusation of greed. All Russian folklore is based on the fact that being greedy is bad and greed is punishable. The catch, apparently, is that this same breadth can only be polar: drunkenness, unhealthy gambling, living for free, on the one hand. But, on the other hand, the purity of faith, carried and preserved through the centuries. Again, a Russian person cannot believe quietly and modestly. He never hides, but goes to execution for his faith, walking with his head held high, striking his enemies.

Very accurately the character traits of the Russian person are noted in folk tales and epics. In them, the Russian man dreams of a better future, but he is too lazy to make his dreams come true. He keeps hoping that he will catch a talking pike or catch a goldfish that will fulfill his wishes. This primordial Russian laziness and love of dreaming about the advent of better times has always prevented our people from living like human beings. And the tendency towards acquisitiveness, again mixed with great laziness! A Russian person is too lazy to grow or make something that his neighbor has - it is much easier for him to steal it, and even then not himself, but to ask someone else to do it. A typical example of this is the case of the king and the rejuvenating apples. Of course, in fairy tales and satirical stories, many features are greatly exaggerated and sometimes reach the point of absurdity, but nothing arises out of nowhere - there is no smoke without fire. Such a trait of the Russian character as long-suffering often goes beyond the bounds of reason. From time immemorial, Russian people have resignedly endured humiliation and oppression. The already mentioned laziness and blind faith in a better future are partly to blame here. Russian people would rather endure than fight for their rights. But no matter how great the patience of the people, it is still not limitless. The day comes and humility transforms into unbridled rage. Then woe to anyone who gets in the way. It’s not for nothing that Russian people are compared to a bear.

But not everything is so bad and gloomy in our Fatherland. We Russians have many positive traits character. Russians are deeply partisan and possess high strength spirit, they are able to defend their land to the last drop of blood. Since ancient times, both young and old have risen to fight against invaders.

A special conversation about the character of Russian women. The Russian woman has unbending fortitude, she is ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of loved one and follow him to the ends of the earth. Moreover, this is not blindly following a spouse, like oriental women, but a completely conscious and independent decision. This is what the wives of the Decembrists did, going after them to distant Siberia and dooming themselves to a life full of hardships. Nothing has changed since then: even now, in the name of love, a Russian woman is ready to spend her entire life wandering around the most remote corners of the world.

Speaking about the peculiarities of the Russian character, one cannot fail to mention the cheerful disposition - a Russian sings and dances even in the most difficult periods of his life, and even more so in joy! He is generous and loves to go out on a grand scale - the breadth of the Russian soul has already become the talk of the town. Only a Russian person can give everything he has for the sake of one happy moment and not regret it later. Let's remember the poor artist who sold everything he had and showered his beloved with flowers. This is a fairy tale, but it is not so far from life - Russian people are unpredictable and you can expect anything from him.

Russian people have an inherent aspiration for something infinite. Russians always have a thirst for a different life, a different world, they always have dissatisfaction with what they have. Due to greater emotionality, Russian people are characterized by openness and sincerity in communication. If in Europe people are quite alienated in their personal lives and protect their individualism, then a Russian person is open to being interested in him, showing interest in him, caring for him, just as he himself is inclined to be interested in the lives of those around him: both his soul wide open and curious - what is behind the soul of the other.

There are dozens of images in our literature, each of which bears the indelible stamp of the Russian character: Natasha Rostova and Matryona Timofeevna, Platon Karataev and Dmitry Karamazov, Raskolnikov and Melekhov, Onegin and Pechorin, Vasily Terkin and Andrei Sokolov. You can't list them all. Are there really no such people in life? The pilot saves the city at the cost of his life, not leaving the stalled plane until the last moment; a tractor driver dies in a burning tractor, taking it away from a grain field; a family of nine takes in three more orphaned children; the master spends years creating a unique, priceless masterpiece and then gives it away orphanage... You can continue ad infinitum. Behind all this there is also a Russian character. But aren't other people capable of this? Where is the line that will help distinguish a Russian person from the rest? And there is another side to him: the ability for unbridled revelry and drunkenness, callousness and selfishness, indifference and cruelty. The world looks at him and sees a mystery in him. For us, the Russian character is an alloy of the best qualities that will always prevail over dirt and vulgarity, and, perhaps, the most important of them is selflessly devoted love for one’s land. Tenderly stroking a birch tree and talking to it, greedily inhaling the heady aroma of arable land, reverently holding a poured ear of corn in your palm, seeing off a crane wedge with tears in your eyes - only a Russian person can do this, and may he remain like this forever and ever.

The Russian character is complex and multifaceted, but that’s what makes it beautiful. He is beautiful in his breadth and openness, cheerful disposition and love for his homeland, childish innocence and fighting spirit, ingenuity and peacefulness, hospitality and mercy. And we owe this entire palette of the best qualities to our homeland - Russia, a fabulous and great country, warm and affectionate, like the hands of a mother.

From all that has been said, we have to conclude that the only undeniable feature of the Russian character is inconsistency, complexity, and the ability to combine opposites. And is it possible on a land like Russian not to be special? After all, this feature did not appear today, but was formed day by day, from year to year, from century to century, from millennium to millennium...

And Leskov tried to create just such a Russian person in his works...

Russia cannot be understood with the mind, it cannot be measured with a common yardstick: it has become something special - one can only believe in Russia. Fedor Tyutchev.

If the holy army shouts:

“Throw away Rus', live in paradise!”

I will say: “There is no need for heaven,

Give me my homeland."

Sergei Yesenin.

Who are these strange Russians, and what strange laws do they live by?

What is so special about the Russian character, and why doesn’t even a similar mentality exist anywhere in the world?

Why is the behavior of a Russian person abroad so recognizable, and for what reason are we either adored or hated, but never simply indifferent?

All attempts by the government to build in our state a state that lives strictly according to the laws and consciously observes them have failed with a deafening crash. Any imposed Western-style values ​​are rejected by our people like a foreign body.

What is the reason? After all, all of Western Europe and America has stood and prospered on these principles for many years.

At the same time, the revolutionary ideas of Lenin and, which have no analogues anywhere in the world and are not supported by any other countries, were received with a bang, and in just two decades they revolutionized political system, creating a society that is fundamentally different in its mechanisms of existence.

What was that? A utopian idea that has taken root in an atypically thinking society?

You can't understand Russia with your mind,

The general arshin cannot be measured:

She will become special -

You can only believe in Russia.

Fedor Tyutchev.

Faith has always occupied a special place in the life of Russian people, but at the same time we have always been tolerant of people of other faiths. Many nationalities have always coexisted in Russia, and each had its own religion.

Russian character has always been a mystery to any foreigner. Completely illogical actions - this strange tendency towards daring recklessness, ostentatious, inexplicable generosity, reaching the point of wastefulness, love for luxurious expensive things, even for one day, even without a penny in his pocket, as if it were his last day, and then take it and give it away everything to anyone, even to the first person you meet - no, it’s impossible to understand.

Terrible, brutal crime, total corruption and thieves' laws, which are observed better than the criminal code - is this also a feature of the national character or a dead end into which the whole country has reached?

Can our people abroad become so “at home” that they feel happy?

What determines the Russian character - heredity, climate, social system or landscape conditions?

Read on for the most comprehensive and most unexpected answers...

National character. Hot blood cold steppes

Russian character is psychological portrait the whole people, the mentality of the state, and not even Russia alone. It is partially present in every Russian person; these are the features that unite us, make us similar, create the basis on which we understand each other a little better than people with a different mentality.

The formation of national character took place over many centuries, the foundation for this was the special geopolitics of one of the great leaders of the past - Genghis Khan.

The unique combination of endless steppes and impenetrable forests created the preconditions for the emergence of the urethral-muscular mentality, which forms the basis of the Russian character.

The specific role of the representative of the urethral vector is the leader, the head of the tribe, his task is to preserve the living matter of the flock, advance it into the future or develop new lands.

Unpredictable strategic thinking, complete absence of fear and high endurance are the properties that ensure the implementation of its species role.

The highest rank, the first right to bite, given by nature, cannot be challenged or doubted. Anyone who encroaches on his primacy will instantly know what urethral lion wrath is. There can only be one leader in a pack; when a second one appears, everything is decided by a mortal fight, the outcome of which is either the death of one of them or expulsion. The defeated one, at best, leaves to look for his pack.

He himself does not obey anyone and does not recognize any restrictions, having an innate sense of mercy and justice. Merciless towards strangers and the most tolerant towards his own, he forgives everything except crimes against the pack, for which he punishes immediately - cruelly and mercilessly.

The interests of the pack are of the highest value to him; personal interests are always deeply secondary. His pleasure is in giving, in the realization of his animal altruism. That is why the communist ideas of building an ideal society, where everyone works for the good of the country, receiving as much as they need to live, turned out to be so close to the hearts of the Russian people.

The most generous and selfless, he will give his last shirt to the one who needs it most. With this he satisfies his needs for bestowal and receives his pleasure. A fur coat from a master's shoulder, expensive gifts and fabulous tips - all this is a manifestation of urethral generosity, a kind of evidence of his highest rank, his status.

Hence the love for fame and luxury - the leader must have everything that is most expensive, luxurious and unique, but at the same time he has absolutely no intention of keeping, saving or hoarding it all. These are trifles, albeit royal ones, but compared to his goals and values, all these are trifles that he can give to anyone he meets whenever he wants.

Risk is a noble cause!

This expression is typical only for Russians. A leader cannot have fear. He is always the first to rush into battle, the first to attack, conquer new unexplored horizons, and commit actions that no one else is capable of. He was born for this, the whole flock follows him, he does not and cannot have any other way. Only for the flags, only forward, contrary to common sense, logic or experience. Restrictions, rules, laws are for others, he has a purpose and nothing else matters. And this goal is to preserve the flock, even at the cost of one’s own life, the goal is still more important.

Only a representative of the urethral vector is capable of making the decision to ram or throw himself into an embrasure, as the Heroes of the Great Patriotic War, defending the Motherland, their people, even at the cost of their own lives.

The Russian man is a simple man

The impenetrable taiga and other forest areas of Russia are the closest and dearest place for representatives of the muscle vector: only they can accurately navigate and feel quite comfortable among dense forests.

The properties of the muscle vector are basic for all living beings, so they simply dissolve in the desires of other vectors, strengthening them.

The perception of oneself, characteristic of the muscle vector, as only an inseparable part of the common collective “we” and a wary attitude towards strangers is strikingly mixed with urethral generosity, tolerance and hospitality, turning into so-called xenophobia in reverse. This was manifested by our inexplicable love for foreigners, for whom we always set a sumptuous table, organized holidays, gave gifts, and gave the most beautiful girls as wives.

It is thanks to this property that a wide variety of nationalities with their own culture, traditions and religions coexisted peacefully in our vast country.

A muscular person will never take more than he needs for life, he simply does not have such a need and such a desire, and in combination with urethral altruism, he would rather give his own than take what is extra. , it was the muscular people who were ready to work for the good of the Motherland practically for free all their lives.

We have always lived this way - at the call of our souls

There are obvious reasons why the sound idea of ​​Lenin and Trotsky, pushed forward by the urethral commissars and finding a response in inner world every Russian person, for this short time brought such significant results and radically changed the face of the country.

Close to the urethral mentality, such values ​​of the anal vector as honesty, decency, friendship, respect for elders, for the traditions of the past became widespread and became generally accepted, especially during the anal phase of human development, which ended with the end of the Great Patriotic War.

With the transition to the Russian people who until recently considered themselves Soviet, they found themselves in a contradictory situation.

On the one hand, the urethral mentality was and remains, but at the same time new values modern society are sharply counter to this mentality.

The basis of all properties of the skin vector are restrictions that absolutely cannot be perceived in the urethral mentality. Any laws, rules, regulations, which are mandatory mechanisms for regulating skin society, are rejected by the Russian character, which is based on an unrestricted urethral mentality.

The cutaneous phase of human development, like any other, is inevitable for everyone, including Russians. To judge that she is good or bad would be wrong. It continues, and Russia also lives in a world of consumption, high technology and law. Somewhere it’s clumsy, somewhere it’s different, but we are learning to adapt the landscape in such strange conditions for us. This is development, moving forward, a kind of evolution, overcoming obstacles.

It is impossible to fence off the endless steppe, it is simply impossible. Making a leader obey is even more impossible. He would rather die in a mortal fight, but would not bow his head, especially in front of some leather worker, who by nature has a rank significantly lower than the leader. This behavior is contrary to the entire urethral nature. He didn’t care about any skin laws. The law is his word! This is how nature sets it, this is how he feels and simply cannot live any other way.

His urethral laws are the most correct, since they are based on real mercy and justice without a shadow of personal gain, only for the good of the pack, for the same reason they completely contradict logical and rational skin values ​​and cannot be understood.

Representatives of the urethral vector, who have not received sufficient development of their properties before the end of puberty, and often, on the contrary, are beaten at home and driven into the school confines, run away from home in search of their pack, which they find on the street, among street children. Perceiving the world as hostile, as it was throughout childhood, they learn to defend themselves from it and protect their pack, living by their own laws and turning into a crime boss.

Thieves' laws, for all their cruelty, are fair, but they are fair for primitive society, for an animal pack and are, in fact, a manifestation of the archetypal program of the urethral vector.

In which feelings of mercy, justice and responsibility for others are brought up, he perceives the entire society as his flock and is capable of bringing socially useful benefits into it like no one else.

Representatives of the Western skin mentality, being next to Russians, subconsciously feel their lower rank due to our urethral mentality. It manifests itself in any case, even if we are talking about a person with a skin vector, who, it would seem, has every chance of harmoniously fitting into a developed consumer society. A Westerner gets enormous stress from the way Russians spend money, because for him saving is a priority, rational logical thinking in everything that does not fit into urethral habits. Many Western women are captivated by the passionate, generous Russian nature, but at the same time they are alarmed by inexplicable behavior and illogical life decisions, and men are humiliated by the position of a lower rank next to the leader, even if all these points are not clearly manifested in behavior.

Misunderstanding of the behavior of Russians abroad is due to the peculiarities of the national character, which simply cannot be understood in a skin society due to the significant remoteness of innate properties. Only awareness of one’s own nature and the qualities of another person makes it possible to harmoniously communicate with a representative of any vector or mentality, since there are no bad or good vectors, everything depends on the level of development and degree of realization of the properties of each individual person.

A society with a urethral mentality is where the next phase of human development will begin, based on spiritual altruism. Read what awaits us in the next article.

The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»

All these moments formed a specific Russian national character, which cannot be assessed unambiguously.

Among positive qualities usually called kindness and its manifestation in relation to people - goodwill, cordiality, sincerity, responsiveness, cordiality, mercy, generosity, compassion and empathy. They also note simplicity, openness, honesty, and tolerance. But this list does not include pride and self-confidence - qualities that reflect a person’s attitude towards himself, which indicates the characteristic attitude of Russians towards “others”, their collectivism.

Russian attitude to work in a very unique way. Russian people are hardworking, efficient and resilient, but much more often they are lazy, careless, careless and irresponsible, they are characterized by disregard and sloppiness. The hard work of Russians is manifested in the honest and responsible performance of their work duties, but does not imply initiative, independence, or the desire to stand out from the team. Sloppiness and carelessness are associated with the vast expanses of the Russian land, the inexhaustibility of its riches, which will be enough not only for us, but also for our descendants. And since we have a lot of everything, we don’t feel sorry for anything.

“Faith in a good Tsar” is a mental feature of Russians, reflecting the long-standing attitude of the Russian people who did not want to deal with officials or landowners, but preferred to write petitions to the Tsar (General Secretary, President), sincerely believing that evil officials were deceiving the good Tsar, but All you have to do is tell him the truth, and everything will immediately become fine. The excitement around the presidential elections over the past 20 years proves that the belief is still alive that if you choose a good president, Russia will immediately become a prosperous state.

Passion for political myths is another characteristic feature Russian people, inextricably linked with the Russian idea, the idea of ​​​​the special mission of Russia and the Russian people in history. The belief that the Russian people are destined to show the whole world the right path (regardless of what this path should be - true Orthodoxy, the communist or Eurasian idea) was combined with the desire to make any sacrifices (including their own death) in the name of achieving set goal. In search of an idea, people easily rushed to extremes: they went to the people, made a world revolution, built communism, socialism "with human face", restored previously destroyed temples. Myths may change, but the morbid fascination with them remains. Therefore, among the typical national qualities is gullibility.

Thinking "at random" is another Russian trait. It permeates the national character, the life of the Russian person, and manifests itself in politics and economics. “Maybe” is expressed in the fact that inaction, passivity and lack of will (also named among the characteristics of the Russian character) are replaced by reckless behavior. Moreover, it will come to this at the very last moment: “Until the thunder strikes, the man will not cross himself.”

The flip side of the Russian “maybe” is the breadth of the Russian soul. As noted by F.M. Dostoevsky, “the Russian soul is bruised by the vastness,” but behind its breadth, generated by the vast spaces of our country, hide both prowess, youth, merchant scope, and the absence of a deep rational calculation of the everyday or political situation.

The values ​​of Russian culture in to a large extent are the values ​​of the Russian community.

The community itself, “peace” as the basis and prerequisite for the existence of any individual, is the most ancient and most important value. For the sake of “peace” a person must sacrifice everything, including his life. This is explained by the fact that Russia lived a significant part of its history in conditions of a besieged military camp, when only the subordination of the interests of the individual to the interests of the community allowed the Russian people to survive as an independent ethnic group.

The interests of the collective in Russian culture are always higher than the interests of the individual, which is why personal plans, goals and interests are so easily suppressed. But in return, the Russian person counts on the support of the “world” when he has to face everyday adversity (a kind of mutual responsibility). As a result, the Russian person puts aside his personal affairs without displeasure for the sake of some common cause from which he will not benefit, and this is where his attractiveness lies. The Russian person is firmly convinced that he must first arrange the affairs of the social whole, more important than his own, and then this whole will begin to act in his favor at its own discretion. The Russian people are collectivists who can only exist together with society. He suits him, worries about him, for which he, in turn, surrounds him with warmth, attention and support. To become a person, a Russian person must become a conciliar person.

Justice is another value of Russian culture, important for life in a team. It was originally understood as the social equality of people and was based on economic equality (of men) in relation to the land. This value is instrumental, but in the Russian community it has become a target value. Members of the community had the right to their own, equal to everyone else, share of the land and all its wealth that the “world” owned. Such justice was the Truth for which the Russian people lived and strived. In the famous dispute between truth-truth and truth-justice, it was justice that prevailed. For a Russian person, it is not so important how it actually was or is; much more important is what should be. The nominal positions of eternal truths (for Russia these truths were truth and justice) were assessed by the thoughts and actions of people. Only they are important, otherwise no result, no benefit can justify them. If nothing comes of what was planned, don’t worry, because the goal was good.

The lack of individual freedom was determined by the fact that in the Russian community, with its equal allotments, periodic land redistributions, and stripes, it was simply impossible for individualism to manifest itself. Man was not the owner of the land, did not have the right to sell it, and was not even free in the timing of sowing, harvesting, or in choosing what could be cultivated on the land. In such a situation, it was impossible to demonstrate individual skill. which in Rus' was not valued at all. It is no coincidence that they were ready to accept Lefty in England, but he died in complete poverty in Russia.

The habit of emergency mass activity (suffering) was fostered by the same lack of individual freedom. Here, hard work and a festive mood were combined in a strange way. Perhaps the festive atmosphere was a kind of compensatory means that made it easier to carry a heavy load and give up excellent freedom in economic activity.

Wealth could not become a value in a situation where the idea of ​​equality and justice dominated. It is no coincidence that the proverb is so well known in Russia: “You cannot build stone chambers with righteous labor.” The desire to increase wealth was considered a sin. Thus, in the Russian northern village, traders who artificially slowed down trade turnover were respected.

Labor itself was also not a value in Rus' (unlike, for example, in Protestant countries). Of course, work is not rejected, its usefulness is recognized everywhere, but it is not considered a means that automatically ensures the fulfillment of a person’s earthly calling and the correct structure of his soul. Therefore, in the system of Russian values, labor occupies a subordinate place: “Work is not a wolf, it will not run away into the forest.”

Life, not oriented towards work, gave the Russian person freedom of spirit (partly illusory). This has always stimulated creativity in a person. It could not be expressed in constant, painstaking work aimed at accumulating wealth, but was easily transformed into eccentricity or work that surprised others (the invention of wings, a wooden bicycle, a perpetual motion machine, etc.), i.e. actions were taken that had no meaning for the economy. On the contrary, the economy often turned out to be subordinate to this idea.

Community respect could not be earned simply by becoming rich. But only a feat, a sacrifice in the name of “peace” could bring glory.

Patience and suffering in the name of “peace” (but not personal heroism) is another value of Russian culture, in other words, the goal of the feat being performed could not be personal, it must always be outside the person. The Russian proverb is widely known: “God endured, and He commanded us too.” It is no coincidence that the first canonized Russian saints were princes Boris and Gleb; They accepted martyrdom, but did not resist their brother, Prince Svyatopolk, who wanted to kill them. Death for the Motherland, death “for one’s friends” brought immortal glory to the hero. It is no coincidence that in Tsarist Russia the words were minted on awards (medals): “Not for us, not for us, but for Your name.”

Patience and suffering are the most important fundamental values ​​for a Russian person, along with consistent abstinence, self-restraint, and constant sacrifice of oneself for the benefit of another. Without this, there is no personality, no status, no respect from others. From here comes the eternal desire for Russian people to suffer - this is the desire for self-actualization, the conquest of inner freedom necessary to do good in the world, to conquer freedom of spirit. In general, the world exists and moves only through sacrifice, patience, and self-restraint. This is the reason for the long-suffering characteristic of Russian people. He can endure a lot (especially material difficulties) if he knows why it is necessary.

The values ​​of Russian culture constantly point to its aspiration towards some higher, transcendental meaning. For a Russian person there is nothing more exciting than the search for this meaning. For this, you can leave home, family, become a hermit or holy fool (both of them were highly revered in Rus').

On the day of Russian culture as a whole, this meaning becomes the Russian idea, to the implementation of which the Russian person subordinates his entire way of life. Therefore, researchers talk about the inherent features of religious fundamentalism in the consciousness of Russian people. The idea could change (Moscow is the third Rome, the imperial idea, communist, Eurasian, etc.), but its place in the structure of values ​​remained unchanged. The crisis that Russia is experiencing today is largely due to the fact that the idea that united the Russian people has disappeared; it has become unclear in the name of what we should suffer and humiliate ourselves. The key to Russia's exit from the crisis is the acquisition of a new fundamental idea.

The listed values ​​are contradictory. Therefore, a Russian could simultaneously be a brave man on the battlefield and a coward in civilian life, he could be personally devoted to the sovereign and at the same time rob the royal treasury (like Prince Menshikov in the era of Peter the Great), leave his home and go to war to free the Balkan Slavs. High patriotism and mercy were manifested as sacrifice or beneficence (but it could well become a “disservice”). Obviously, this allowed all researchers to talk about the “mysterious Russian soul”, the breadth of Russian character, and the fact that “Russia cannot be understood with the mind.”

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