Dean Winchester year of birth. Places where Sam and Dean Winchester were

Dean Winchester - fictional character American mystical television series "Supernatural" produced by Warner Brothers, performed by.

Dean Winchester was born on January 24, 1979 in Lawrence, Kansas, to John and Mary Winchester. Dean is the first child in the family; he is 4 years older than his brother Sam and his half-brother Adam by 11 years.

What Dean loves most in life is his family, his car, (1967 Chevrolet Impala) and classic rock. In their early years, Dean and Sam learned from their father how to track down and exterminate supernatural creatures. Unlike his brother, Dean does not feel resentment towards his father for raising them as hunters, as he believes that after the brutal death of their mother, their father could not have raised them differently. Dean prefers to hunt rather than live a "normal" life. Thanks to his father, Dean acquired the qualities necessary for a true fighter against " evil spirits": he is a marksman, knows how to handle weapons and knows almost everything about the supernatural creatures with whom he has to fight. Dean is distinguished by his sense of humor, which does not leave him even in the most hopeless situations. Dean often tries to hide his real feelings with his irony. While Sam always talks about how he feels and what worries him, Dean prefers to keep everything to himself. It's not at all easy for Dean to talk about his feelings openly; he prefers to just laugh it off. Dean has an increased interest in the female sex and constantly flirts with girls. He has absolutely no respect for authority and is ready to do anything for the sake of the cause, which is why he has problems with the law and the police. Introducing himself under false names, Dean often names rock musicians. It also turns out that he is a big fan of cinema, knows the names of the actors and the films in which they played. Dean loves to eat, which can be seen very often in many episodes of the series. He is afraid of flying on airplanes, so he prefers to travel by car. Dean always tried to keep a weapon under his pillow, perhaps because he was afraid of some evil spirit that had harmed him in childhood. After all, it’s not for nothing that Dean’s eyes were bleeding in the “Bloody Mary” series. Dean also had an amulet that his brother gave him as a child. With the help of this amulet, Cas tried to find God. When approaching the god, or when he was close, the amulet began to heat up. In moments of fear, despair or confusion, Dean hummed his favorite music, thereby calming himself, this allowed him to do right choice. In the last episode of the third season, when Dean had a little less than a day to live, he acquired the ability to see demons, even those who were in the human body, and after resurrection this ability disappeared. As Bobby said, it appears in all people who made a deal with the devil and had only a few hours to live (shortly before their souls went to hell). Dean values ​​the safety of his family above all else and even twice killed a man possessed by a demon to save the life of his father, and later Sam. From the very early years Dean is used to playing the role of an older brother, taking care of and protecting Sam, and is ready to do anything for his younger brother, even make a deal with the forces of evil. Dean is the only one allowed to call his brother "Sammy". One of my favorite films is “The Shawshank Redemption”.

Dean drives a black 1967 Chevrolet Impala, which he inherited from his father. The car has Sedgwick County, Kansas license plates (though the Winchesters themselves are from Lawrence, Kansas). The number KAZ 2Y5 is a reference to the Winchesters' home state of Kansas and the year 2005 in which the television series premiered. Starting from the episode "What Is and What Never Will Be", the car now has different signs (CNK 80Q3, Ohio), as the brothers are hiding from the FBI.

The car plays a very significant role in the film. The first mention of it occurred in an advertisement for the pilot episode of the series, when John Winchester and his sons, sitting on the hood, watched their house burn. Dean's car is his most prized possession, and he protects it with almost the same dedication as he protects his family. The Winchesters keep all their weapons in the trunk of their car. The car was slightly damaged at the end of the first episode, and completely destroyed in an accident in the last episode of the first season. Dean manages to repair the car, and now fully restored, it appears in the episode "Bloodlust" to the AC/DC song "Back in Black". Dean's car continues to play an important role throughout the second season.

Dean uses an 1836 Colt Paterson revolver (.36 caliber), and his personal chrome plated Colt 1911 (.45 ACP caliber), 7-round magazine, which previously belonged to John (as shown in one of the flashbacks). Dean also fired more than once from a double-barreled shotgun, a sawn-off Winchester Model 1887 and sniper rifle HK G3.

Interesting Facts

In episode 4.18 "Darkness at the End of the Tunnel", Dean says his favorite songs are "Ramble On" and "Traveling Riverside Blues" by Led Zeppelin.

Dean has aerophobia - a fear of airplanes.

Character development in a television series

First season

When Dean was 4 years old, his mother Mary was brutally murdered by the Demon in his brother Sam's nursery. Twenty-two years later, the same Demon kills Sam's girlfriend, Jessica Lee Moore. Dean and Sam hit the road in search of their missing father, John, slaying supernatural creatures along the way.

In the episode "Skin", Dean and Sam encounter a werewolf responsible for a series of brutal murders in St. Louis. The werewolf takes the form of Dean, which leads the police to believe that he committed all these murders. However, Dean kills the werewolf, who is still in the guise of Dean, and the authorities officially declare him dead.

IN last episode season Sam tries to take Dean and his father to the hospital in his brother's car, but due to the fault of the Demon, the Winchesters' car is full speed ahead a truck hits and knocks her off the road.

Second season

All three Winchesters survive the accident, but Dean suffered more than his brother and father. In the first episode of the second season ("When My Death Calls"), Dean is in a coma, and the angel of death named Tessa tries to convince him that he must die. To save Dean, John makes a deal with the Demon, promising his life and the Colt along with the last bullet in exchange for his son's life. Before he died, John whispered something in Dean's ear.

Throughout the first half of the second season, Dean tries to come to terms with his father's death and the fact that he was the one who had to die. Moreover, he is burdened last words father, and in the middle of the season it turns out that John told him: the Demon wants to lure Sam to his side, and if Dean fails to save him, then he will have to kill his brother.

In "The Usual Suspects", Dean is arrested in connection with another series of murders. It turns out that the police have a number of charges against him, including burglary, forgery credit cards and desecration of graves. Although Dean and Sam could prove that the murders (except, of course, those killed by the werewolf in St. Louis) were committed by one of the detectives, it is still unclear whether charges were officially brought against Dean. However, the police now know that Dean is not dead. FBI agents led by special agent Victor Henriksen discover the whereabouts of the Winchester brothers, and an attempted bank robbery and several more murders committed by a werewolf are added to Dean's list of alleged crimes.

At the end of the first part of the episode "The Gates of Hell", Dean comes to his brother's aid, but Sam is killed and dies in Dean's arms. Dean believes that he has failed Sam and goes to the crossroads, where he makes a deal with the demon, the price of which is Sam's life in exchange for Dean's soul. Sam is resurrected and Dean is allowed to live another year. Bobby is the only one who knows what Dean did because Sam doesn't remember anything after Jake killed him. Bobby yells at Dean and confronts him about what he did. Dean begs Bobby not to tell Sam anything, because he believes that if Sam finds out that Dean sold his soul to the devil, it will kill him. However, the Demon asks Dean if he is sure that the Sam he brought back remains the same, since he did not hesitate to kill Jake, firing several bullets at him and seeming to have no regrets about what he had done. Sam eventually finds out what Dean did. Dean tells him that he couldn't let him die. Sam vows to help Dean get out of this deal.

Season three

After the last fight with the Demon, Dean has only a year to live. Sam is desperate to save his brother, while Dean lives life to the fullest and puts his life in danger in every battle, justifying himself by saying that he has nothing left to lose. In the first episode of the third season, Sam meets Ruby, a “good” demon. Dean develops a conflictual relationship with her over the course of the series. In the second episode, Dean meets with an old friend of his who has a son. Dean thinks that this is his son, but when he learns that this is not so, he is upset. In his heart he hoped that he would at least leave something behind, but he still claims that family life not for him. The Last Day of Dean's Life is the sixteenth episode of the third season. Dean finally quarrels with Ruby. Sam and his brother try to sneak up on Lilith, but the operation is unsuccessful. Lilith somehow inhabits Ruby's body, opens the door to the Black Dogs and they tear Dean apart. Dean goes to Hell...

Season four

After spending 4 months (they lasted 40 years in hell), Dean discovers that he finds himself on Earth. Together with Sam and Bobby, he tries to find out who brought him back to life. After performing the ritual, Dean learns that the angel Castiel pulled him out of hell, as the demon Lilith is trying to release Lucifer. For unknown reasons, only Dean can stop her. Dean later encounters a fallen angel named Anna, who is being hunted by Castiel and Uriel, as well as the demon Alastair, whom Dean met personally in Hell. Although Dean initially claimed that he did not remember his time in Hell, he later told Sam everything. Moreover, in hell, Alastair tormented him for more than 30 years, each time inviting him to torture others. In the end, Dean agreed, and tormented other souls for about 10 years. As he learned later, this was precisely the beginning of the liberation of Lucifer. That's why Castiel pulled Dean out of hell - only the one who started it all can put an end to it. Dean begins to doubt that the angels have placed their trust in the right people and refuses to carry out their tasks. To convince him otherwise, Castiel's boss, the angel Zachariah, erases the memories of Dean and Sam and gives them normal jobs and lives. Both work in an ordinary company until they find out that a ghost lives in the building. Having destroyed the ghost, Dean realizes that usual life- not for him, after which Zechariah returns everything to its place.

Afterwards, Dean and Sam meet the prophet Chuck and learn about Lilith's approach. Dean tries to save Sam by trying to stop the prophecy. But he learns from Castiel about the inevitability of prophecies and that the prophet is protected by archangels. Taking advantage of this, he forces Chuck to go to Sam and Lilith, and the archangels force her to flee. The brothers learn that they have a brother on their father's side, whose mother was killed by an evil ghoul. Sam and Dean want to help, but it turns out that their brother is dead and the ghouls have turned into him and his mother. They tie Sam up and want to eat him, and they wall up Dean in a crypt. But Dean gets out and manages to free his brother before he bleeds to death. Castiel comes to Dean in a dream and says that they should meet. But at the meeting place they find Jimmy, who has been possessed by Castiel. The brothers try to save Jimmy from the demons, but are captured. They are saved by Castiel, and Dean finally finds out that his brother drank demon blood. Fearing for Sam, he locks his brother in a special room in Bobby's house. But Castiel frees him, and Dean goes in search of his brother. Knowing him very well, he eventually finds him with Ruby. Dean tries to kill Ruby, but Sam stops him. Dean tries to convince Sam that he shouldn't drink demon blood and that Ruby is manipulating him. But Sam doesn't listen to him, and the conversation turns into a fight. As a result, a defeated Dean, lying on the floor, tells Sam that if he walks out the door, he may never come back. Sam freezes for a moment, but still leaves. Bobby tries to convince Dean to make peace with Sam, but he is kidnapped by angels.

Dean finds himself in a beautiful room, and Zachariah offers him everything to make him feel good, but Dean just wants to know the truth. The angels talk about the approaching Apocalypse, and that Sam should not be seen by him. Dean tries to get out, but Zechariah says that the angels are not trying to stop the Apocalypse. This terrifies Dean. Zechariah says that only Dean is destined to stop Lucifer. But Dean does not want to put up with this and forces Castiel to take him to Sam. He makes it just in time, but Ruby slams the door (Ruby and Sam were at St. Mary's Monastery at that time, where Lilith was). Dean tries to break in and shouts his brother's name, but Sam, hearing Lilith's mocking laugh and her words that he is unable to kill her, destroys her without responding to his brother's screams. The last seal is broken, Lilith's blood flows into a certain symbol. Ruby tells a stunned Sam that Lilith's death is the final seal, and that Lucifer is now free. When Dean finally breaks into the room, he pulls out a knife and kills Ruby, who is being held by Sam. A blinding white light emanates from the center of the symbol; Dean tries to lead his brother away, but he stands still, amazed, and says, “He’s coming.”

Season 5

After the final seal was broken, Lucifer escaped from the underworld and began preparing for Judgment Day. The Horsemen of the Apocalypse actively help him in this. It turns out that the end of the world will come when Lucifer fights his brother Michael. But before this happens, they need to inhabit human bodies (the so-called “vessels”), with Sam being Lucifer’s true shell, and Dean being Michael’s. But angels cannot move into “vessels” without their consent, so the Winchester brothers decide to take advantage of this and imprison Lucifer back. Archangel Gabriel tells them how to do this. To open the entrance to the cage they need the rings of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse. They defeat three of them (War, Famine and Plague) and make a deal with the fourth (Death).

Having taken possession of the rings, Sam and Dean set a trap for Lucifer. According to their plan, Sam must allow Lucifer to take over his body and jump into the cage, the entrance to which Dean will create using the rings. But everything went wrong: Lucifer managed to suppress Sam’s will, close the passage and take away the rings. Afterwards, Lucifer goes to battle with Michael, who has taken over the body of Adam, the Winchesters' half-brother. During the final battle, Lucifer kills Castiel and Bobby and brutally beats Dean, but when his gaze falls on the toy soldier left in the car by little Sam, Sam gains the upper hand over Lucifer. He opens the cage and jumps in, dragging Michael, who is in Adam's body, with him.

Castiel appears, now an archangel. He heals Dean and brings Bobby back to life. From his words it is clear that he will now become the eldest among the angels instead of Michael. Dean and Bobby say goodbye. After this, Dean, as promised to his brother, goes to his ex-girlfriend Lisa. All events are accompanied by a monologue from Chuck the Prophet, who eventually finishes the book about the Winchesters and disappears into thin air... The last shots of the season: Dean is having dinner with Lisa and her son, and the street lamp suddenly goes out. A clap of thunder is heard and we see an unharmed Sam looking at his brother.

Season six

Almost a year has passed since Sam went to hell. All this time Sam was hunting without telling Dean about his return from Hell, because Dean had found normal life with Lisa and her son Ben. Sam saves Dean when he is poisoned by Gene. After their reunion, Sam says he returned almost immediately and hunted all year with their mother's relatives, the Campbells, led by their grandfather Samuel, who was also resurrected, likely by the same force that pulled Sam from Hell. Dean soon notices that Sam acts differently during the hunt. He became more cold-blooded and cruel than he had ever been. Dean becomes convinced that something is wrong with Sam when he easily allows Cas to perform a painful procedure to test the soul of a child, and also that Sam deliberately did not stop the vampire from turning Dean. After the brothers encounter the goddess of truth Veritas, Dean and Cas are finally convinced that Sam is not okay. Castiel learns that Sam's soul is not with him, but is still locked in a cage with Lucifer and Michael. It is revealed that Crowley resurrected Sam and Samuel so they could help him find Purgatory - the place where all the dead are. supernatural beings, and that Samuel works for him. Crowley claims that if Sam and Dean help him, he will return Sam's soul, but if they refuse, he will return Sam back to Hell. Sam is completely different without his soul, although he has all the memories, he is not able to love, feel or even sleep. He is only capable of making rational decisions, which makes him the best hunter. However, this simultaneously makes him almost inhuman. At first, Sam admits that there are some advantages to living without a soul, but he would like to get it back. However, when it turns out that returning his soul could kill him, he abandons this idea and does everything to prevent this from happening. He almost kills Bobby, since parricide is such a sin that the soul can no longer be in the body. Dean, in order to return Sam's soul, makes a pact with death. Death pulls Sam's soul out of Lucifer's cage and returns it to Sam. He builds something like a "protective wall" in Sam's head, since his memories of hell, where Lucifer and Michael more than a year They mocked him, they will destroy him. Death warns that Sam must never undermine this barrier, otherwise he will die. But after some time it turns out that Cas is working with Crowley to find purgatory and divide the souls of all monsters equally. When Sam, Dean and Bobby find out about this, Castiel breaks the barrier inside Sam and he falls into a coma. Sam inside himself must kill his soulless part and the part that remembers hell in order to fully remember everything and wake up. After Sam picked himself up, he went to help Dean and Bobby in an attempt to prevent Purgatory from opening. Having reached the place and barely able to stand, from the horror of the surging memories, Sam discovers that Castiel was ahead of Crowley, being the first to open purgatory and absorbing the millions of souls living there. As a result, Castiel's power increased many times over, and his mind became clouded from an excess of power. Castiel proclaims himself God and demands to bow before him, otherwise death.

Season seven

Dean, along with Sam and Bobby, is looking for a way to stop Castiel, but soon Cas himself comes to the brothers for help. At the portal to Purgatory, a bleeding Cas asks Dean for forgiveness, but Dean does not forgive. Cas returns the souls to Purgatory, but some time later it turns out that the most ancient monsters, leviathans, did not leave his body. They drive Castiel's vessel into the lake, where it dissolves, releasing the leviathans into the world. Dean is taking Cas's death very hard. Need for Once again saving the world, worry for Sam and the pain of Castiel's betrayal and death break Dean from the inside. Hunting is losing its former attractiveness for him. After Bobby's death, Dean becomes obsessed with revenge against the leviathans. It is noticeable that Dean drinks a lot in the seventh season. Some time later, Sam ends up in a psychiatric hospital: Lucifer in his head keeps him awake. Dean is looking for a way to save his brother and is given the address of the healer Emmanuel. Arriving at specified address, shocked Dean finds out that the healer Emmanuel is unknown as the resurrected Cas. Cas doesn't remember anything about the Winchesters or the fact that he is an angel. Dean and Cas go to the hospital to see Sam. On the way, Dean tells “Emmanuel” about his friend Cas, who betrayed him, and who is to blame for the misfortune that happened to Sam. Killing demons at the hospital, Cas remembers his whole life. The feeling of guilt and remorse turns out to be unbearable, and he wants to leave. Dean catches up with him and returns the cloak he caught from the lake, which he had kept all this time. Cas stays behind and saves Sam at the cost of his own sanity. The Winchesters are forced to leave Cas at the clinic. Dean understands that Cas has more than atoned for his guilt before him and Sam, but he still cannot forgive the violated trust. A couple of months later, Castiel emerges from a coma, which is immediately reported to the brothers by Meg, who remains Cas’s nurse. Cas's sanity was greatly shaken. Dean in silent horror watching what's left of his friend. In a desperate attempt to return the former serious Cas, Dean tries to blame him again, but this does not help: Cas withdraws into his madness. In the last episode of the season, Dean finally forgives Cas, which he tells him about. Cas, who has gradually regained his sanity, goes with the Winchesters for the last operation. Dean and Cas kill Dick Roman, but they themselves end up in Purgatory.

Season Eight

A year later, Dean returns without Castiel and brings the soul of the vampire Benny from Purgatory to earth inside his hand, which he helps to regain his body. During their stay in Purgatory they became good friends and brothers in arms. Arriving at Rufus' cabin in Montana, Dean unexpectedly meets Sam there. Finding out that Sam gave up the hunt and wasn't looking for him, Dean experiences the anger and bitterness that is destined to mark the brothers' relationship for much of the season. Teaming up with Kevin, the brothers figure out how to close the Gates of Hell and trap all the demons. The elder Winchester decides to go through all the most difficult tests himself in order to give Sam a chance at a normal life, but by chance it is Sam who begins to pass these tests. Dean is tormented by an unbearable feeling of guilt in front of Cas, whom he could not get out of Purgatory. After all, Dean, who had been looking for the angel for many months and found him, convinced Cas that he would get him out no matter what, but could not keep his word, as Cas’s hand slipped into last moment. When Cas inexplicably returns from Purgatory, Dean discovers that the angel himself pushed his hand away, choosing to remain in Purgatory as punishment for his sins. Dean and Cas' relationship remains quite tense throughout the season. As Sam begins to undergo trials, Dean experiences excruciating anxiety for his brother, trying with all his might to take care of him, as Sam weakens with each passing stage. After learning that completing the third test will kill Sam, Dean stops his brother at the last moment.

Genealogy of Dean and Sam Winchester and other characters from the series

The beginning of the new millennium brought with it one interesting innovation - excellent TV series began to appear on screens in large numbers. Majority television shows, which appeared in the early and mid-2000s, instantly became popular among millions of television viewers. You can still find series that began in the fourth or fifth year of the millennium, and which are still being filmed. And one of such famous film epics is the series “Supernatural”. The name Dean Winchester is known to many fans of the series, especially the fair sex, as many consider him very charming. This will be discussed in the article. You can also see a photo of Dean Winchester, the famous heartthrob.

Brothers - hunters of evil spirits

Most working formula for anyone television project is the combination of a well-written script with a rich storyline and unexpected turns of events, the presence of visually attractive actors or actresses, as well as a fair amount of humor that can defuse the most tense situations.

Apparently, it was this principle that the creators of the series started from when inviting Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki to play the roles of the Winchester brothers. It’s hard to refuse the creators the quality of the script, at least in the first seasons of the series. Apparently, no one expected such a success for the enterprise, so they decided to come up with an intriguing storyline only a few years ahead. In any case, this is what a number of foreign and domestic critics say.

Regarding the attractive appearance of the actors, the directors really hit the nail on the head here, and it’s simply impossible to argue with that. Remembering the same critics, there is an assertion that “Supernatural” was able to survive until the tenth season only thanks to the appearance of the main actors. This was a kind of excellent bait for millions of women’s hearts, who simply could not take their eyes off such charismatic and seductive characters.

A fair amount of humor, presented in the form of sarcastic barbs and everyday jokes of the brothers (especially Dean), also could not leave viewers indifferent. Works for many people unspoken rule- don't watch if it's boring. And no matter how beautiful the actor shone, without the plot and humor it would have been difficult for him to reach the anniversary season.

Dean Winchester - actor who played the eldest brother

Jensen Ackles, who played the role of the eldest of the Winchester brothers, instantly fell in love with millions of TV viewers. His hero has been a permanent character since the launch of the project. This is not the actor’s only role, but perhaps the most striking and memorable. Jensen's name is associated with another popular American TV series, published in Russia under the title “Smallville,” where the actor played the role of one of the heirs of three families that were part of a secret society whose goal was to get a small alien on the lost planet Krypton.

However, it was not a very big role. The projects “My Bloody Valentine 3D” and “Ten Inch Hero” also did not bring him fame. Perhaps at that time the creators of these films simply failed to see in time the diamond that shone modestly under their feet.

An attractive face and a toned body are not the only things that Dean Winchester can make you fall in love with. It would be foolish to dispute the fact that Jensen's acting is truly on point. high level. Even those critics who spoke negatively about the script of the series silently agree that the actor played Dean Winchester perfectly.

Perhaps as icing on the Jensen Ackles cake, the writers decided to give Dean some of the most humorous humor in the entire Supernatural series. Here it is really worth giving credit to the creators, because his jokes, always sounding on time, give each episode a richer color and allow them to slightly reduce the intensity of the unfolding events. Of course, a little humor will not make you laugh out loud, but your soul will be left with a small feeling of satisfaction and joy from the fact that this particular joke was heard at that very moment.

Dean's pendant

The fan clubs of most series have interesting paraphernalia from them. And according to all the laws of the genre, Dean Winchester’s pendant simply could not help but become another public property in the form of various replicas of the serial prototype. According to the story, the pendant itself was given to Dean by his younger brother Sam for Christmas. The main task of this amulet is to increase the strength of the wearer of this talisman, and, if necessary, call upon the help of light spirits to fight the most powerful opponents. This is a completely logical gift, considering that the brothers’ main activity is the destruction of various people from the other world - ghosts, vampires, ghouls. The amulet looks like a human head with horns and a spiral at the top. Most likely, this “artifact” was created by artists and jewelers specifically for the series, since among the real symbols and amulets different nations Couldn't find any analogues.

Pendant meaning

However, there are enough rumors among fans a large number of opinions and assumptions on the origin of such an unusual and original means of protection. For example, the most common version indicates that similar symbolism could be present in Ancient Egypt. The human head conventionally designates a person, most likely a specific person wearing this sign or amulet. The next element is the horns. Presumably a bull. All peoples of the world associate the bull with powerful force. And it would be quite logical to assume that the presence of bull horns on human head should grant the bearer of the amulet literally “bull” strength, which periodically happens throughout the series.

There are still many disputes and questions about the spiral located on the head of the amulet. Oddly enough, most theories prefer not to pay any attention to it, suggesting that this element was added either for decoration or has some kind of hidden meaning, which our humble minds are unable to reach on their own. However, if we consider the mythology and religious treatises of ancient centuries, we can find mention that the spiral is used as a communication channel between worlds - higher world, where the gods live, and the earth. And this symbol is found in nations that have not existed for thousands of years.

In relation to the series "Supernatural", it can be assumed that the spiral located on the human head of the amulet functions as a communication channel between Dean and the higher powers that protect him. And throughout the series there is confirmation of this - when faced with an opponent that is too strong, Winchester Sr. receives literally supernatural strength, which helps him resolve the current situation in his favor.

Replica pendant

This pendant, like all legendary items from cult films, has become in great demand. Thanks to its fairly simple form, it began to be literally stamped not only by the official copyright holders, but also by small forges capable of casting metal into pre-prepared forms. Typically, iron, zinc and titanium alloys are used for this. Accordingly, several colors are available - bronze, gold and silver. But if you follow the canons, then you should still use exclusively silver to fight evil spirits.

Buying such a pendant is quite simple, and it does not have a very high price. If you have no idea what to give to a fan of the TV series “Supernatural”, then this pendant will definitely come in handy. Especially if you give it for Christmas.

Dean dub

In the TV series Supernatural, Dean Winchester is an extremely colorful character. Plus, Ackles' excellent acting and his indescribable voice acting skills make the task of dubbing into other languages ​​quite difficult. Many people voice Dean Winchester, trying to pick up the style of Ackles. But one of best options Dubbing by Mikhail Tikhonov is recognized.

This is not the first work of the talented actor. And even using all his existing experience, Mikhail could not create the image of Dean speaking Russian. Although, it would be more accurate to say that Mikhail created a new Dean, slightly changing his manner of speech. But the most important thing is that new image Russian-speaking Dina was as close as possible to the original. And that’s why Tikhonov’s dubbing is recognized as one of the best in the world.

Dean Winchester Quotes

As already noted, the Supernatural series is replete with fairly high-quality humoresques. But there is one “but” that did not allow the project to slide into a simple sitcom with flat jokes. This is a fairly deep philosophy. You may not always see it right away. But it adds a slight touch of irony to what might otherwise have been a stupid joke.

Thanks to the close union of humor and philosophy, quotes from the series become so popular that they easily go out to the people, turning into funny aphorisms. They constantly fall into news feed almost everyone social networks, they are remembered and retold to each other. This doesn't happen with the average TV series. This means that based on the level of popularity of quotes from Supernatural, one can draw another conclusion about the unprecedented popularity of the latter and the high-quality work of the authors.

While the religious feelings of believers are beginning to be protected by law, secular society a fair wave of caustic sarcasm begins to arise. And in fact there is a clash of masses, each of which defends its point of view. And amid all this crazy fuss, one of Dean's quotes should be in everyone's memory: "God deliver us from those who think they are doing his will." Other Dean Winchester quotes are definitely worth checking out as well.

  • Accidents do not happen by chance.
  • Sometimes, it is better to remain silent and seem like an idiot than to open your mouth and prove it.
  • My main rule is no rules!
  • I'm a very funny dude, I'm wonderful and amazing, but right now I'm not in the mood...
  • “The world is suicidal, we save it, and it swallows pills again”
  • A soldier does not cease to be a soldier even when wounded.
  • Just because you love someone doesn't give you the right to ruin their life.

Dean's car

There is a version that the creator of the series, Eric Kripke, planned to create something that would truly be on par with the best. He devoted a lot of time to creating the picture, and, as practice has shown, he created a legend. He achieved his goal. A simple series turned into one of the most popular products.

It is symbolic that Dean and Sam Winchester’s car is also a legendary product, only of mechanical engineering. The 1967 Chevrolet Impala can fully be called another hero of the series, since it has a piece of screen time in each episode.

This car was extremely popular among the American population, and is considered one of the most expensive cars in its class. Not everyone could own such a vehicle. Queues for the four-wheeled legend lined up for years to come. These cars had their peak popularity in 1965, after which some restyling took place and in 1967 they appeared new car with recognizable features of the old.

In the story, Dean Winchester's car belonged to his father. He was, in his way, the founder of the “family business” of destroying evil spirits, as the brothers liked to joke. But the best part is that it was Dean and Sam Winchester who purchased this car, moving back to ’67, after which they presented their future vehicle to their father.

Any car requires careful attention and periodic repairs, which, in fact, is what Dean does in between hunting monsters.

Dean's hairstyle

One of the most important aspects The image of on-screen heartthrob Dean Winchester is his hairstyle. It organically complements his image, gives his facial expression a more courageous and stately nature. Naturally, after the series was released, many guys decided to do something similar for themselves. And not so much for personal reasons, but out of a desire to please your soulmate and be a little like her favorite movie character.

The basic principle of creating such a hairstyle is to have more long hair on the front of the head and a shorter one on the back. This is a fairly common type men's haircuts, and you can quite often see a similarly trimmed crown among first magnitude stars.

Dean Winchester's hairstyle itself is called "Canadian". Presumably, her homeland is Canada, from where she so successfully migrated to Eccles’ head and was able to make the ladies who were already in love with him even more fall in love with the actor.

Actor or Person

As happens periodically, if an actor plays the same role for a long enough time, then some merging of the image and real person. And it is difficult to understand whether the image has adopted some aspects of the personality, or whether the personality has absorbed some aspects of the image. But most often this leads to disastrous consequences. Actors who get too “played” and stop distinguishing between their inner “I” and “Alter Ego” can go crazy, succumb to the influence of the green serpent, become addicted to drugs and, as a result, lose everything that was dear - career, money, family.

Naturally, reporters like to interview Jensen's acquaintances and colleagues about his relationships with other people. Perhaps everyone secretly hopes that the on-screen heartthrob is like that in real life, a simple rake who does not miss a single passing skirt. In fact, it turns out that Ackles is an exemplary family man and does not give insatiable reporters reasons for gossip and speculation about his nature.

And those around them confirm that Jensen and Dean are completely different personalities, who can only have one thing in common - charming appearance. And we should pay tribute to the actor, because he has been playing the same role for more than ten years, which is the most difficult test for the psyche and willpower of the actor.


It's hard to find a person who doesn't know absolutely nothing about the Supernatural series. This project has long outgrown the scope of the standard series and stood on a par with the legends of American cinema. The creators of the series and the actors earn millions of dollars by creating new adventures of two blood brothers with a rather original " family business" The people demand bread and circuses, and if you can’t help with the first, then you can get the second in abundance. The series not only has airtime on television, but is also one of the most downloaded on the Internet. The count of downloaded torrents reaches hundreds of thousands, which once again confirms the people's love and popularity of the series.

We can only hope that the new troubles in which the second generation of fighters against evil spirits, bearing the name of the famous weapons manufacturer, will find themselves will be more complex and require maximum effort from the heirs, not so much for victory, but for the sake of survival. New characters, new events, new and unexpected plot twists. And the good old 1967 Chevrolet Impala.

Dean Winchester
Dean Winchester

Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester
Appearance Pilot
Species (race) Human
Floor male
Age 33
Date of Birth January 24, year.
Occupation Supernatural Hunter
Family Sam Winchester (brother)
Adam Millegan (brother)
John Winchester (father)
Mary Winchester (mother)
Samuel Campbell (grandfather)
Diana Campbell (grandmother)
Children Emma (deceased)
Relationship Lisa Braden (ex-girlfriend), Cassie Robinson (ex-girlfriend),
had sympathies for Jo Harwell (deceased), Anna Milton (deceased), Jamie (Dean left), Andrea Barr (Dean left)
Number of episodes 149
Creator Eric Kripke
Performer Jensen Ackles
Ridge Canipe (Dean 9-12 year old)
Brock Kelly (Dean is 17 years old)
Chad Everett (Dean is 80 years old)

Dean Winchester was born on January 24, 1979 in Lawrence, Kansas to John and Mary Winchester. Dean is the first child in the family, he is 4 years older than his brother Sam.

Character traits

Most of all in life, Dean loves his family, his car (1967 Chevrolet Impala) and classic rock. In their early years, Dean and Sam learned from their father how to track down and exterminate supernatural creatures. Unlike his brother, Dean does not feel resentment towards his father for raising them as hunters, as he believes that after the brutal death of their mother, their father could not have raised them differently. Dean prefers to hunt rather than live a "normal" life. Thanks to his father, Dean acquired the qualities necessary for a real fighter against “evil spirits”: he is an accurate shooter, knows how to handle weapons and knows almost everything about the supernatural creatures with whom he has to fight. Dean is distinguished by his sense of humor, which does not leave him even in the most hopeless situations. Dean often tries to hide his real feelings with his irony. While Sam always talks about how he feels and what worries him, Dean prefers to keep everything to himself. It's not at all easy for Dean to talk about his feelings openly; he prefers to just laugh it off. Dean has an increased interest in the female sex and constantly flirts with girls. He has absolutely no respect for authority and is ready to do anything for the sake of the cause, which is why he has problems with the law and the police. Introducing himself under false names, Dean often names rock musicians. It also turns out that he is a big fan of cinema, knows the names of the actors and the films in which they played. Dean loves to eat, which can be seen very often in many episodes of the series. He is afraid of flying on airplanes, so he prefers to travel by car. Dean always tried to keep a weapon under his pillow, perhaps because he was afraid of some evil spirit that had harmed him in childhood. After all, it’s not for nothing that Dean’s eyes were bleeding in the “Bloody Mary” series. Dean also had an amulet that his brother gave him as a child. With the help of this amulet, Cas tried to find God. When approaching the god, or when he was close, the amulet began to heat up. In moments of fear, despair or confusion, Dean hummed his favorite music, thereby calming himself, this allowed him to make the right choice. In the last episode of the third season, when Dean had a little less than a day to live, he acquired the ability to see demons, even those who were in the human body, and after resurrection this ability disappeared. As Bobby said, it appears in all people who made a deal with the devil and had only a few hours to live (shortly before their souls went to hell). Dean values ​​the safety of his family above all else and even killed a man possessed by a demon to save Sam's life. From a very early age, Dean was accustomed to playing the role of an older brother, taking care of and protecting Sam, and was ready to do anything for his younger brother, even make a deal with the forces of evil. Dean is the only one allowed to call his brother "Sammy".

Character development in a television series

First season

When Dean was 4 years old, his mother Mary was brutally murdered by the Demon in his brother Sam's nursery. Twenty-two years later, the same Demon kills Sam's girlfriend, Jessica Lee Moore. Dean and Sam hit the road in search of their missing father, John, killing supernatural creatures along the way.

In the episode "Leather" Dean and Sam encounter a werewolf responsible for a series of brutal murders in St. Louis. The werewolf takes the form of Dean, which leads the police to believe that he committed all these murders. However, Dean kills the werewolf, who is still in the guise of Dean, and the authorities officially declare him dead.

In the last episode of the season, Sam tries to take Dean and his father to the hospital in his brother's car, but due to the Demon's fault, a truck crashes into the Winchesters' car at full speed and blows it off the road.

Second season

All three Winchesters survive the accident, but Dean was more injured than his brother and father. In the first episode of the second season ( "When my hour of death strikes") Dean is in a coma, and an angel of death named Tessa tries to convince him that he should die. To save Dean, John makes a deal with the Demon, promising his life and the Colt along with the last bullet in exchange for his son's life. Before he died, John whispered something in Dean's ear.

Throughout the first half of the second season, Dean tries to come to terms with his father's death and the fact that he was the one who had to die. In addition, he is burdened by his father's last words, and in the middle of the season it turns out that John told him: the Demon wants to lure Sam to his side, and if Dean fails to save him, then he will have to kill his brother.

In the episode "Usual suspects" Dean is arrested in connection with another series of murders. It is revealed that the police have a number of charges against him, including burglary, credit card forgery, and grave desecration. Although Dean and Sam could prove that the murders (except, of course, those killed by the werewolf in St. Louis) were committed by one of the detectives, it is still unclear whether charges were officially brought against Dean. However, the police now know that Dean is not dead. FBI agents led by special agent Victor Henriksen discover the whereabouts of the Winchester brothers, and an attempted bank robbery and several more murders committed by a werewolf are added to the list of Dean's alleged crimes.

At the end of the first part of the episode "Hell Gate " Dean comes to his brother's aid, but Sam is killed and dies in Dean's arms. Dean believes that he has failed Sam and goes to the crossroads, where he makes a deal with the demon, the price of which is Sam's life in exchange for Dean's soul. Sam is resurrected and Dean is allowed to live another year. Bobby is the only one who knows what Dean did because Sam doesn't remember anything after Jake killed him. Bobby yells at Dean and confronts him about what he did. Dean begs Bobby not to tell Sam anything, because he believes that if Sam finds out that Dean sold his soul to the devil, it will kill him. However, the Demon asks Dean if he is sure that the Sam he brought back remains the same, since he did not hesitate to kill Jake, firing several bullets at him and seeming to have no regrets about what he had done. Sam eventually finds out what Dean did. Dean tells him that he couldn't let him die. Sam vows to help Dean get out of this deal.

Season three

After the last fight with the Demon, Dean has only a year to live. Sam is desperate to save his brother, while Dean lives life to the fullest and puts his life in danger in every battle, justifying himself by saying that he has nothing left to lose. In the first episode of the third season, Sam meets Ruby, a “good” demon. Dean develops a conflictual relationship with her over the course of the series. In the second episode, Dean meets with an old friend of his who has a son. Dean thinks that this is his son, but when he learns that this is not so, he is upset. In his heart, he hoped that he would at least leave something behind, but he still claims that family life is not for him. The Last Day of Dean's Life is the sixteenth episode of the third season. Dean finally quarrels with Ruby. Sam and his brother try to sneak up on Lilith, but the operation is unsuccessful. Lilith somehow inhabits Ruby's body, opens the door to the Black Dogs and they tear Dean apart. Dean goes to Hell...

Season four

After spending 4 months (they lasted 40 years in hell), Dean discovers that he finds himself on Earth. Together with Sam and Bobby, he tries to find out who brought him back to life. After performing the ritual, Dean learns that the angel Castiel pulled him out of hell, as the demon Lilith is trying to release Lucifer. For unknown reasons, only Dean can stop her. Dean later encounters a fallen angel named Anna, who is being hunted by Castiel and Uriel, as well as the demon Alastair, whom Dean met personally in Hell. Although Dean initially claimed that he did not remember his time in Hell, he later told Sam everything. Moreover, in hell, Alastair tormented him for more than 30 years, each time inviting him to torture others. In the end, Dean agreed, and tormented other souls for about 10 years. As he learned later, this was precisely the beginning of the liberation of Lucifer. That's why Castiel pulled Dean out of hell - only the one who started it all can put an end to it. Dean begins to doubt that the angels have placed their trust in the right people and refuses to carry out their tasks. To convince him otherwise, Castiel's boss, the angel Zachariah, erases the memories of Dean and Sam and gives them normal jobs and lives. Both work in an ordinary company until they find out that a ghost lives in the building. Having destroyed the ghost, Dean realizes that ordinary life is not for him, after which Zachariah returns everything to its place.

Afterwards, Dean and Sam meet the prophet Chuck and learn about Lilith's approach. Dean tries to save Sam by trying to stop the prophecy. But he learns from Castiel about the inevitability of prophecies and that the prophet is protected by archangels. Taking advantage of this, he forces Chuck to go to Sam and Lilith, and the archangels force her to flee. The brothers learn that they have a brother on their father's side, whose mother was killed by an evil ghoul. Sam and Dean want to help, but it turns out that their brother is dead and the ghouls have turned into him and his mother. They tie Sam up and want to eat him, and they wall up Dean in a crypt. But Dean gets out and manages to free his brother before he bleeds to death. Castiel comes to Dean in a dream and says that they should meet. But at the meeting place they find Jimmy, who has been possessed by Castiel. The brothers try to save Jimmy from the demons, but are captured. They are saved by Castiel, and Dean finally finds out that his brother drank demon blood. Fearing for Sam, he locks his brother in a special room in Bobby's house. But Castiel frees him, and Dean goes in search of his brother. Knowing him very well, he eventually finds him with Ruby. Dean tries to kill Ruby, but Sam stops him. Dean tries to convince Sam that he shouldn't drink demon blood and that Ruby is manipulating him. But Sam doesn't listen to him, and the conversation turns into a fight. As a result, a defeated Dean, lying on the floor, tells Sam that if he walks out the door, he may never come back. Sam freezes for a moment, but still leaves. Bobby tries to convince Dean to make peace with Sam, but he is kidnapped by angels.

Dean finds himself in a beautiful room, and Zachariah offers him everything to make him feel good, but Dean just wants to know the truth. The angels talk about the approaching Apocalypse, and that Sam should not be seen by him. Dean tries to get out, but Zechariah says that the angels are not trying to stop the Apocalypse. This terrifies Dean. Zechariah says that only Dean is destined to stop Lucifer. But Dean does not want to put up with this and forces Castiel to take him to Sam. He makes it just in time, but Ruby slams the door (Ruby and Sam were at St. Mary's Monastery at that time, where Lilith was). Dean tries to break in and shouts his brother's name, but Sam, hearing Lilith's mocking laugh and her words that he is unable to kill her, destroys her without responding to his brother's screams. The last seal is broken, Lilith's blood flows into a certain symbol. Ruby tells a stunned Sam that Lilith's death is the final seal, and that Lucifer is now free. When Dean finally breaks into the room, he pulls out a knife and kills Ruby, who is being held by Sam. A blinding white light emanates from the center of the symbol; Dean tries to lead his brother away, but he stands still, amazed, and says, “He’s coming.”

Season 5

After the final seal was broken, Lucifer escaped the Underworld and began preparations for Judgment Day. The Horsemen of the Apocalypse actively help him in this. It turns out that the end of the world will come when Lucifer fights his brother Michael. But before this happens, they need to inhabit human bodies (the so-called “vessels”), with Sam being Lucifer’s true shell, and Dean being Michael’s. But angels cannot move into “vessels” without their consent, so the Winchester brothers decide to take advantage of this and imprison Lucifer back. Archangel Gabriel tells them how to do this. To open the entrance to the cage they need the rings of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse. They defeat three of them (War, Famine and Plague) and make a deal with the fourth (Death).

Having taken possession of the rings, Sam and Dean set a trap for Lucifer. According to their plan, Sam must allow Lucifer to take over his body and jump into the cage, the entrance to which Dean will create using the rings. But everything went wrong: Lucifer managed to suppress Sam’s will, close the passage and take away the rings. Afterwards, Lucifer goes to battle with Michael, who has taken over the body of Adam, the Winchesters' half-brother. During the final battle, Lucifer kills Castiel and Bobby and brutally beats Dean, but when his gaze falls on the toy soldier left in the car by little Sam, Sam gains the upper hand over Lucifer. He opens the cage and jumps in, dragging Michael, who is in Adam's body, with him.

Castiel appears, now an archangel. He heals Dean and brings Bobby back to life. From his words it is clear that he will now become the eldest among the angels instead of Michael. Dean and Bobby say goodbye. After this, Dean, as he promised his brother, goes to his ex-girlfriend Lisa. All events are accompanied by a monologue from Chuck the Prophet, who eventually finishes the book about the Winchesters and disappears into thin air... The last shots of the season: Dean is having dinner with Lisa and her son, and the street lamp suddenly goes out. A clap of thunder is heard and we see an unharmed Sam looking at his brother.

Season six

Almost a year has passed since Sam went to hell. All this time, Sam was hunting without telling Dean about his return from Hell, because Dean had found a normal life with Lisa and her son Ben. Sam saves Dean when he is poisoned by Gene. After their reunion, Sam says he returned almost immediately and hunted all year with their mother's relatives, the Campbells, led by their grandfather Samuel, who was also resurrected, likely by the same force that pulled Sam from Hell. Dean soon notices that Sam acts differently during the hunt. He became more cold-blooded and cruel than he had ever been. Dean becomes convinced that something is wrong with Sam when he easily allows Cas to perform a painful procedure to test the soul of a child, and also that Sam deliberately did not stop the vampire from turning Dean. After the brothers encounter the goddess of truth Veritas, Dean and Cas are finally convinced that Sam is not okay. Castiel learns that Sam's soul is not with him, but is still locked in a cage with Lucifer and Michael. It is revealed that Crowley resurrected Sam and Samuel so they could help him find Purgatory - the place where all dead supernatural beings are - and that Samuel is working for him. Crowley claims that if Sam and Dean help him, he will return Sam's soul, but if they refuse, he will return Sam back to Hell. Sam is completely different without his soul, although he has all the memories, he is not able to love, feel or even sleep. He is only capable of making rational decisions, which makes him the best hunter. However, this simultaneously makes him almost inhuman. At first, Sam admits that there are some advantages to living without a soul, but he would like to get it back. However, when it turns out that returning his soul could kill him, he abandons this idea and does everything to prevent this from happening. He almost kills Bobby, since parricide is such a sin that the soul can no longer be in the body. Dean, in order to return Sam's soul, makes a pact with death. Death pulls Sam's soul out of Lucifer's cage and returns it to Sam. He builds something like a “protective wall” in Sam’s head, since his memories of hell, where Lucifer and Michael mocked him for more than a year, will destroy him. Death warns that Sam must never undermine this barrier, otherwise he will die. But after some time it turns out that Cas is working with Crowley to find purgatory and divide the souls of all monsters equally. When Sam, Dean and Bobby find out about this, Castiel breaks the barrier inside Sam and he falls into a coma. Sam inside himself must kill his soulless part and the part that remembers hell in order to fully remember everything and wake up. After Sam picked himself up, he went to help Dean and Bobby in an attempt to prevent Purgatory from opening. Having reached the place and barely able to stand, from the horror of the surging memories, Sam discovers that Castiel was ahead of Crowley, being the first to open purgatory and absorbing the millions of souls living there. As a result, Castiel's power increased many times over, and his mind became clouded from an excess of power. Castiel proclaims himself God and demands to bow before him, otherwise death.

Season seven

Dean, along with Sam and Bobby, is looking for a way to stop Castiel, but soon Cas himself comes to the brothers for help. At the portal to Purgatory, a bleeding Cas asks Dean for forgiveness, but Dean does not forgive. Cas returns the souls to Purgatory, but some time later it turns out that the most ancient monsters, leviathans, did not leave his body. They drive Castiel's vessel into the lake, where it dissolves, releasing the leviathans into the world. Dean is taking Cas's death very hard. The need to save the world once again, worry for Sam and the pain of Castiel's betrayal and death break Dean from the inside. Hunting is losing its former attractiveness for him. After Bobby's death, Dean becomes obsessed with revenge against the leviathans. It is noticeable that Dean drinks a lot in the seventh season. Some time later, Sam ends up in a psychiatric hospital: Lucifer in his head keeps him awake. Dean is looking for a way to save his brother and is given the address of the healer Emmanuel. Arriving at the indicated address, the shocked Dean finds out that the healer Emmanuel is unknown as the resurrected Cas. Cas doesn't remember anything about the Winchesters or the fact that he is an angel. Dean and Cas go to the hospital to see Sam. On the way, Dean tells “Emmanuel” about his friend Cas, who betrayed him, and who is to blame for the misfortune that happened to Sam. Killing demons at the hospital, Cas remembers his whole life. The feeling of guilt and remorse turns out to be unbearable, and he wants to leave. Dean catches up with him and returns the cloak he caught from the lake, which he had kept all this time. Cas stays behind and saves Sam at the cost of his own sanity. The Winchesters are forced to leave Cas at the clinic. Dean understands that Cas has more than atoned for his guilt before him and Sam, but he still cannot forgive the violated trust. A couple of months later, Castiel wakes up from a coma, which is immediately reported to the brothers by Meg, who remains Cas’s nurse. Cas's sanity was greatly shaken. Dean watches in quiet horror at what's left of his friend. In a desperate attempt to return the former serious Cas, Dean tries to blame him again, but this does not help: Cas withdraws into his madness. In the last episode of the season, Dean finally forgives Cas, which he tells him about. Cas, who has gradually regained his sanity, goes with the Winchesters for the last operation. Dean and Cas kill Dick Roman, but they themselves end up in Purgatory.

Over the twelve seasons of the TV series “Supernatural,” the heroes of the film, brothers Dean and Sam, have experienced a lot. More than once they died and came back to life, but the most unexpected event in the entire history of the series was the transformation of Dean Winchester into a demon.

Becoming a Demon

Before the release of the ninth season of the series, the creators of the project promised fans that the end of the chapter would shock them. And so it happened; the final episode of the season surprised viewers more than once. At first, fans were shocked by the moment where he dies at the hands of Metatron main character series "Supernatural" Dean. In the next scene, a demon named Crowley begins to talk to the body of the deceased, after which he opens his eyes, which turn out to be black instead of green. This is where the episode ends, and fans of the tape had to wait almost a year to find out the continuation of the story.

As it turns out, because Dean wore the Mark of Cain, he couldn't die, so she brought him back to life, just not like ordinary person, and turned into a Hell Knight. Demon Dean decides to fully enjoy his new identity. As the guy later finds out, Crowley knew what would happen to him after death, but did not tell him so that he could then use his powers to solve his own problems. However, Crowley's plan does not work because Dean does not intend to obey anyone's rules and do the dirty work.

Differences from other demons

Due to Dean being transformed into a demon in an unconventional manner, his abilities were different from normal demonic abilities. First of all, Demon Dean could not leave his body like other beings from hell do. The reason for the attachment to the body was the Mark, which changed Dean’s essence.

In the first episodes of the tenth season, it also becomes known that in other areas of existence Dean is much stronger. The demon can counter Abbadon's abilities, which gave him an advantage in his fight with her. Holy water also had a different effect on Dean. Like all demons, he was burned by it, but recovered much faster. Additionally, Dean's strength was superior to other demons and was equal to that of Abbadon, who was also a Hell Knight.


Even though the Mark turned Dean into a demon, it remains possible to correct the situation. Sam intends to heal his brother, thereby returning him to his human essence. To do this, it was necessary to inject him with purified blood, but even then everything did not go according to plan. As it turned out, the blood of the person who confessed caused Dean incredible pain. For a while, Sam was sure that the demon Dean would die.

However, something happened that no one expected. Since Dean was only half a demon, human blood helped the guy get out of the demon trap. Then the demon Dean decided to kill his brother and the angel Cas, who were in the house at that time.

In the end, Sam managed to defeat a slightly weakened Dean and inject him with the last dose of blood. There is practically no hope left for Dean's healing, but the elder Winchester does become human.

This is exactly the outcome that fans of the series expected from the creators of the film. However, during the filming of the tenth season, fans came up with many theories for continuing the story.

Once upon a time, Dean Winchester was a simple boy, just like millions of others on our planet. But on the night of November 2, 1983, when his mother, Mary Winchester, died, the world changed forever for him. Four-year-old Dean carried his little brother out of the burning house and since then considered himself responsible for his fate, protecting and preserving Sam by any means, even at the cost of his own life.

Everyone in childhood dreamed of becoming doctors, astronauts or film actors. Dean also dreamed, he wanted to be a firefighter. But fate, in the person of his own father John Winchester, decreed otherwise. Dean became a rescuer, but he didn’t save people from flames or from robbers with high road and not from infectious diseases, but from terrible creatures living in the dark from the worst nightmares.

The only problem in choosing such a necessary and important profession was the complete lack of wages and health insurance. Instead of thanks, bonuses for holidays and vacations by the sea, the hunter of evil spirits received a bunch of problems - increased injuries, the constant risk of parting with a sinful soul, and as a bonus there were troubles with the police, the FBI and others government services. Therefore, Dean Winchester had to earn his living by virtuoso playing billiards, cards and fraud with credit cards.

Whatever Dean did, he was a virtuoso in his field, he was equally good at playing poker, seducing girls, comforting the unfortunate, shooting, fighting, exorcising demons, and sending ghosts to their place of registration, i.e. to another world.

Hunters of evil spirits are nomadic people, and another “other side of the coin” of this profession was the impossibility of permanent relationships with persons of the opposite sex, not to mention creating a family. Therefore, Dean had to be content with communicating with waitresses in roadhouses, pretty receptionists in motels, nurses and other ladies from the service industry.

Only once did Dean dare to truly fall in love and open his soul and the secrets of the family business to his girlfriend, Cassie Robinson, but for some reason she did not throw herself on the neck of the brave savior of humanity, the brave hunter of evil spirits. Cassie decided that her boyfriend was a dangerous mental patient, and hastened to break up with him until she became convinced from her own bitter experience of the existence of the supernatural. But, alas, it was not possible to restore the relationship.

When Dean was still very young, his father often left him with his younger brother, going hunting, where he could stay for several days. It so happened that in their house (i.e. the motel room where they were staying) there was not even basic food. And Dean gave the last crumbs to his younger brother, caring for him like his own mother. It seems that since then the guy has acquired his “blockade child complex.” Dean could not resist free food and, being “on duty,” greedily pounced on the treat - be it a wake, a party, a buffet at a sale, or a light afternoon snack on a Hollywood set.

There was one thing Dean loved more girls and all the food combined (although Dean himself hardly dared to call it a thing) - the most beautiful and most beloved lady of his heart, a ’67 Chevrolet Impala. Dean took good care of his car and hated letting strangers drive, even if it was his own brother. The Impala reciprocated Dean's feelings and was for him not only a means of transportation, but also a home (for lack of anything else).

Dean preferred not only rare cars, antediluvian equipment (such as a cassette recorder), but also music that was far from modern. His music collection included greatest hits hairy rock. Perhaps Dean was not familiar with the works of Kant and Hegel, but if he woke him up in the middle of the night, he could, without hesitation, tell the biography of Metallica, the discography of AC/DC, or list best works world cinema. Dean often used his knowledge at work, introducing himself as the names of movie and rock stars, choosing names for fake cards and identification documents.

Due to the specific nature of his work, Dean often got into all sorts of troubles, and he was not without injuries. A couple of times he was even on the verge of life and death. The first incident occurred when, during the next hunt, saving children from a strange-looking monster, Dean received a severe electric shock, which provoked a massive myocardial infarction. The doctors gave him no more than a month to live, but Sancho Panza’s faithful squire brother did not allow him to rest in peace. He found a healer who, with a simple touch of his hand and prayer, restored Dean to health. True, as it turned out later, while taking the life of another young man. During the healing session, Dean came face to face with the messenger of Death, the Reaper, for the first (but not the last) time.

Less than a few months later, Dean's life was once again in danger. This time, a demon that possessed his father worked on him, torturing the guy half to death. But the troubles didn't end there. Dean was in a car accident on the way to the hospital. arranged by the or a demon. The injuries were extremely serious. Dean lost a lot of blood, his liver and kidneys were damaged, and his head injury resulted in swelling of the brain. And while the Reaper who came for his soul tried to persuade Dean to go with him, John Winchester - a beloved and loving father - made a deal with the Yellow-Eyed Demon, giving his soul, life and Colt for his son - the only weapon with which you can kill any evil spirits. And again, miraculously, Dean was healed, and again his life was returned in exchange for someone else’s.

By leaving, his father dealt a crushing blow to Dean's love of life. The father’s last request was to look after his little brother, take care of him, try to save him, and if that doesn’t work, then kill him. Dean unconditionally trusted his father all his life and promised to fulfill his request without discussion. However, John Winchester miscalculated; Dean would rather die himself than kill his own brother.

To those who did not know Dean closely, he might seem arrogant, mocking, cynical and selfish, but this was just a mask behind which he hid his true feelings. Family always came first for him - his father and younger brother. My own life Dean didn't care about anything and seemed to consider himself an unworthy, worthless person; all his priorities were focused on the younger Winchester. Even in his dreams, Dean didn't want anything good for himself; the best should always go to Sam.

No matter how angry Dean was at John for selling his soul, he was his father's true son. And when evil fate in the person of Jake Tully deprived him of the only relative he had left on earth, Dean, without hesitation, did the same - he made a deal with the demon, exchanging his soul for his brother’s life. True, he managed to conclude an agreement for more favorable conditions than my father's. Dean was given a whole year to live, but was warned: if he tries to dodge or somehow avoid paying the debt, the deal will immediately be terminated, and Sam will turn into a piece of rotten meat.

So Dean has a year left to live. The whole year. Just a year.

The countdown has begun.

* * *

The year flew by like one day, and all Sam's attempts to save Dean from paying for the contract did not bear fruit. When the time came, a hellish dog came for him and tore him to pieces right in front of his younger brother. Dean was doomed to eternal torment, but exactly four months later, on September 18, 2008, a certain high power considered that there was no place in hell for a brave hunter of evil spirits. He was returned to mother earth unharmed, and only the five fingers burned on his left shoulder indicated that the miraculous resurrection of the elder Winchester was not without the intervention of some very influential forces. Who brought Dean back to life and why? He has yet to find out.

Interesting Facts

  • After his mother's death he did not speak for a long time.
  • I was afraid to fly, and not only on Aeroflot planes.
  • He kept a knife under his pillow, perhaps to protect him from evil spirits, or perhaps he was hiding some secret, because it was not for nothing that his eyes bled when he met Bloody Mary.
  • In his free time from hunting, he liked to disassemble and clean weapons.
  • In moments of confusion, in crisis situations, he purred to music to calm his nerves.
  • In his arsenal is a Colt 1911 with a mother-of-pearl handle.
  • The amulet that Dean never takes off was given to him by his brother for Christmas as a child.
  • A few hours before his death, Dean gained the ability to see true face demons under the guise of a person, after a miraculous resurrection this ability disappeared.

To be continued