Making a reading diary. Literary lesson "How to keep a reading diary?"

Topic: “My reading diary”

Subject area: " Literary Reading»

Age group: 8 years

Full name supervisor: Aptrakhmanova Zhanna Georgievna, teacher primary classes

Prepared by: Ivanova Y., Pirozhenko A., Timkanov A.

MAOU Lyceum No. 81, 2-D class.


1.1. Justification for choosing the topic.

1.2.Goals and objectives of the work.

1.3.Expected results.

2. What have we learned about the reader's diary?

2.1. The value of reading.

2.2. Definition of a reader's diary.

2.3. Tips for keeping notes in a diary.

2.4. Which books generate the most interest?

2.5. Parents' opinions about the reading diary.

4. List of references.

5. Applications.


More than one generation of children and adults is faced with the problem of not wanting to read, modern children trust images and sound more, reading as a learning process requires great intellectual effort on the part of the student. Against the backdrop of easier ways to consume information, it becomes less significant and non-competitive. The line between “traditional adulthood” and childishness is blurring. Children and adults read the same books, watch the same TV shows.

In order for reading lessons to successfully compete with television and computers, an elementary school teacher requires special knowledge.

As the epigraph to our project, we took the statement of the famous writer-philosopher Enlightenment era François-Marie Voltaire

who write well

You get used to speaking well.

1.1.Rationale for choosing the topic.

We chose this topic because we want to help our peers overcome the difficulties of not wanting to read, and show that this process can be fun and interesting. When teaching today's schoolchildren to read, we are faced with the following questions: how does the reader of the 21st century differ from the reader of the past century, why is it so difficult to introduce modern children to books?


Does a reading diary contribute to the development of speech, the ability to work with text, increasing the pace of reading, improving the quality of reading, and the development of creative abilities in young children? school age.

1.2. Goals and objectives of the work:

The purpose of our work:

is to foster a culture of reading and the formation of spiritual and moral values ​​through the mass familiarization of students with books and systematic reading as part of the implementation of a program for spiritual and moral education.


    Collect material on the topic.

    Study the collected material and arrange it for clarity in the form of a presentation.

    Tell the children in an accessible form about the design of a reading diary and its benefits

    Introduce children to the names of classics of children's literature

    Awaken and develop interest in reading

    Provide incentives to comprehend what you read

    Develop students' creative abilities, cognitive activity- increasing the prestige of reading as a developing intellectual activity

    stimulation literary creativity students

    rational use of free time.

1.3. Expected results.

1. The emergence of an interest in reading, a love of books.

2. Familiarization with the works of many children's writers and poets.

3.Ability to analyze read works.

4.Improving reading technique.

5. Creatively designed voluminous reading diaries.

We took the material for our work on the Internet, at the regional library. We have already discussed this topic in extracurricular activities. I’m learning to create a project.

2.What did we learn about the “Reader’s Diary”

The structure of the diary consists of a title page, a personal list of works, a list of books recommended by the literature teacher, and a work analysis form (the student fills out a separate form for each work), which provides information about the author, the history of the creation of the work, the genre, the character system, and explains unfamiliar words. Favorite quotes are indicated, conclusions and impressions about the book read are formulated. To register a reading diary, the student must fill out the title page, indicating the last name, first name, course, specialty, academic year; fill out the “List of Works” form, indicating those works that the student wishes or plans to read; at the end of the diary, more experienced readers can answer additional questions. The main thing is to figure out for yourself what to read and what to write about!

Theoretical information included in the students' reading diary is presented in a coherent logical system, illustrated and supported by solid practical material corresponding to the general education curriculum. It should be noted that the work of students in reading diaries is also aimed at developing independent practical creative activity.

2.1 The value of reading.

Until recently, the value of books and reading was undeniable in our country. In the 70-80s. In the 20th century, there was a myth about Russia as “the most reading country in the world.” Of course, it was a fairly stable image-myth, but, in comparison with other countries, our affairs in the field of mass reading were not bad. Russia was a society that sociologists called “literary-centric.” The high prestige of reading in society, and especially reading “serious” literature, classics, works in “thick magazines”, book collecting and the creation of one’s own home libraries - all this promoted reading and really reinforced our ideas about ourselves as a reading country (in the 80s in 80% of families read books to children, and now only 7%!).

IN last decade We are in an unprecedented situation of a radical change in reading in Russia, and the reading of young people is changing especially significantly. Reading for young people is the key to life in the information society, and it is increasingly becoming extremely important factor, which determines the level of culture of the society of the future. But today, when the features modern development society are informatization, development of high technologies and complication social life, the price of illiteracy and the inability to read and analyze information becomes especially high. As we see, the attitude towards the level of development of an individual’s reading culture, as well as the process of reading activity, has changed today and is becoming extremely important and of paramount importance for society. Facts confirm that reading today is becoming a value, and a value both in the sphere of education, ideology, culture, and in the world big business.

Analysis work of art teaches you to think metaphorically. Metaphorical thinking allows you to “jump over barriers” and find semantic connections where a flat view will not find anything in common. Human thought, like the heart, works in the “compression-expansion” mode. We either reduce the thought to a formula, thesis, summary, or expand it with the help of analogies and associations.

2.2. Definition of a reader's diary.

Reader's diary- this is an opportunity to do something interesting on your own, making the most of your capabilities; This is an activity that allows you to express yourself, try your hand, apply your knowledge, bring benefit and publicly show the results achieved; This is an activity aimed at solving an interesting problem, formulated by the students themselves in the form of a goal and task, when the result of this activity - the found way to solve the problem - is practical in nature, has important applied significance and, most importantly, is interesting and significant for the discoverers themselves.

Keeping a reading diary from the point of view of a teacher is an integrative didactic means of development, training and education, which allows you to develop and develop the following research competencies of students in accordance with their individual capabilities:

Analysis of the problem field, identification of subproblems, formulation of the leading problem, setting tasks;

Goal setting and activity planning;

Self-analysis and reflection (self-analysis of the success and effectiveness of solving the problem within the framework of the research question);

Search for necessary information, its systematization, structuring and classification;

Conducting research (analysis, synthesis, hypotheses, detailing and generalization);

Ability to answer questions, concise and well-reasoned answers.

A properly designed reading diary opens up wide possibilities for its use. It can be considered as historical source, as a means of self-education, self-improvement, increasing the culture of reading, as a reference guide, as a means of communication and revealing oneself to others.

We believe that the product effective use reader's diary will be creative subject Olympiads, extracurricular research and project work, as well as the study of extracurricular literary material(especially in modern literature).

Keeping a reading diary helps improve communication skills, information skills (extracting information, highlighting the main, key point, condensing information), helps the value-semantic determination of students, stimulates the development of reading habits. Improving the communicative, linguistic and literary competencies of students will help improve the level spiritual and moral education and preparedness for the exam in the discipline “Literature”.

Therefore, by studying and analyzing literary text, students unwittingly enrich their cultural baggage, form ideas about different aspects of life, different eras, improve moral sense. They learn to compare, think logically, defend their own opinions, admit and correct their mistakes. Finally, they acquire a wealth of accurate and expressive oral and writing, research competencies are formed.

Famous musician and teacher G. Neuhaus wrote: “Talents cannot be created, but culture can be created, i.e. the soil on which talents grow and flourish.” Creativity leads to the emancipation of the individual, the ability to navigate society and find one’s place in life, to be needed and useful people, and this is it main result our work.

There are many definitions of a diary. One of them, owned by M.O. Chudakova, precise and clear, seems especially acceptable for school practice: Diary - a form of narration conducted in the first person in the form of daily entries. Typically, such records are not retrospective - they are contemporary with the events described. Most definitely, diaries act as genre variety literary prose and as autobiographical records of real persons”(Brief literary encyclopedia).

To begin with, it is worth identifying the plot and the main characters. You can help separate the main ones from the secondary ones with simple leading questions: “Which of the characters acts from the beginning to the end of the book?” “Whose actions are most important?” “Without whom the story would not have been written?” “Which hero needs to be removed for events to seriously change?” The same thing needs to be done with the selection of events, both for retelling and for analysis: “Which events are important and which are not?” It is ideal for the child to talk about these topics himself.

2.3 Tips for keeping notes in a diary.

The main goal of keeping a Reading Diary is not to burden the child and parents with additional work, but to teach them to draw conclusions and develop a reader’s culture. Consequently, the requirements for the Reader's Diary are based on this goal. Therefore, the design requirements are minimal. When keeping a reader's diary, you must immediately write down your conclusions after reading the work.

For the Reader's Diary, we take a very ordinary squared notebook. We draw it into several columns (Appendix 1, Appendix 2)

♦ reading date,

♦ main characters,

♦ review, my opinion (“About what?” Here the child, with the help of his parents, writes down in 1-2 sentences the main idea of ​​the work)

If you fill it out regularly, it doesn’t take much time, but it does a good job of cementing the work in the child’s memory. And then, during the school year, we have quizzes, extracurricular reading, children turn to their Reader's Diary and remember which stories by N. Nosov they read, which characters are in fairy tales, the authors of the works and other data.

Teach your child to keep a Reading Diary from the second grade, help him in the third, and then the child will do it himself. By spending very little time filling out the Reading Diary, you will teach your child to analyze what he read, better understand and remember books, and form a culture of reading.

Here are some basic tips (if a lesson is being taught, students can write them down).

1. “Not a day without a line” (Yu. Olesha).

2. Date each entry.

3. Be sincere and honest in your notes.

4. Don't read someone else's diary without permission!

2.4 Processing of personal data. Which books generate the most interest?

In order to find out and understand what genre of works our peers like to read, whether they like reading, whether they keep reading diaries, whether this process arouses their interest or, on the contrary, difficulties. We conducted a survey in which second grade children from our school took part. (Appendix 3)

After processing the results of the “Book in Our Life” survey, it turned out that:

90% answered positively, only 7% found reading difficult, and 3% of the children surveyed did not have the opportunity to read due to lack of free time.

    To the second question, “What genre of works do you prefer to read?”

13% of the guys chose science fiction.

3% read books on military topics.

    To the third question, “Name the works that you have read over the past month?”

most of us like to read folk tales, stories by V. Dragunsky “Deniska’s Stories”, D. Rodari “The Adventures of Cipollino”, stories by N. Nosov, “The Adventures of Pinocchio” by A. Tolstoy...
We like to read them because they talk about our peers.
We empathize with their heroes and rejoice at their resourcefulness.

    The fourth question: “Do you keep a reading diary?”

32% of children keep reading diaries and this process arouses their interest.

16% do not always write in a diary when they remember.

13% of children keep notes only at the request of the teacher.

8% of students do not have a reading diary.

Based on the results of the survey, we can conclude that most of the children love to read and keep entries in a reading diary. Our hypothesis about the benefits of a reading diary was confirmed. If we generalize the tastes of our peers, we can say that they prefer modern literature, preferably funny and with a dynamic plot. They love bright aphorisms, language games, surprises, they do not like pretentious, sad and everything related to military topics. (Appendix 4)

But unfortunately, many children still work with a book based on an adult’s instructions. Which indicates a low level of independence.

2.5 Parents’ opinion about the reader’s diary.

Let's figure out why and who needs a Reader's Diary.

Parents of our class also took part in our survey and were asked to leave a review, their opinion about the benefits of a reading diary, how parents help children in keeping a reading diary, and reading together. (Appendix 5)

Some parents say indignantly: “I am against reading diaries. Who needs to write out the main characters, storylines? Sometimes I don’t even remember what someone’s name is and the name of the author is parallel to me. I liked it, read it, and forgot about it.” Based on this comment, it turns out that we read in order to forget?!

Children read works not in order to forget, but in order to take away some thought from any work, to learn something new for themselves. In addition, very often the school holds various competitions, quizzes, intellectual marathons in which you need to remember everything you once read. If a child reads it and forgets, then, of course, he won’t remember anything. Those. The book was read in vain, nothing remained in my head.

“My child doesn’t need this, he keeps a reading diary under pressure. This does not add to his love of reading.” Of course, if a child does it under pressure, then positive emotions it won't cause. And the Reading Diary is not intended to develop a love of reading. It has a completely different goal - to teach the child to draw conclusions from what he read, to help the child better remember and understand the work.

There are many parents who support keeping a Reader's Diary. "IN elementary school a reader's diary is good. This disciplines, allows you to draw conclusions, at least two or three sentences. Ultimately, it helps to express your thoughts in writing. “It has been quite rightly noted that keeping a Reader’s Diary disciplines and teaches you to draw conclusions about what you read.

Another mother continues the same thought: “No, he definitely didn’t discourage us from reading or the ability to do it. But new skills, one might say, have appeared. It was clearly visible how in 2nd grade I was generally bad at text analysis; I could barely write a diary. And at 3 it was already easy”

3. Conclusion

Thus, our hypothesis is the benefits of a reading diary, it promotes the development of speech, the ability to work with text, increasing the pace of reading, improving the quality of reading, and the development of creative abilities in children of primary school age.

The introduction of a reading diary into the educational process of a primary school student allows for the formation of spiritual and moral values ​​through the mass familiarization of students with books and systematic reading. According to the opinion of A.S. Makarenko “the essence of education is not the acquisition, but the use of books”, it is obvious that to the younger generation you need to help understand a simple truth: by reading a book and analyzing the significant experience contained in it, a harmonious personality develops. It is impossible to come to reading under pain of punishment, only in conjunction with personal interest, that is, reading is a process recognized by the individual as necessary for development. And finally, all of the above is directly related to the pedagogy of future success in the society of a developing personality.

4. Literature:

Increase reading speed. A set of exercises for speed reading. Author of the article: Osmakova Marina Vasilievna - teacher of psychodiagnostics and correctional pedagogy at Tyumen Pedagogical College No. 1 (highest category).

Story pre-revolutionary Russia in diaries and memoirs. Volume 1. M.: Book, 1976.

Literary encyclopedic dictionary. M., 1987.

New school encyclopedia: Literature. M.: ROSMEN; Book World LLC, 2004.

Encyclopedic Dictionary young literary critic. M., 1997.

Information taken from the site:


Appendix 1

Beginning of the form

End of form

Reader's diary

teaching____ 2D grade

MAOU Lyceum No. 81 of the city of Tyumen


1. Make sure your eyes move along the line.

2. Try not to return to reading a word you have read if you understand it.

3.When reading, be attentive to every word.

4. Try to understand what you are reading about.

5.Read daily:

· “to myself”

2. Flip through me, look at all the illustrations.

3. Guess what I will tell you about.

4.Read the text yourself in small parts, check and clarify your assumptions.

6. Work on the features of speech: voice coloring, volume, tempo.

Talking about a story or book you read,
use these questions.

1. Who advised you to read this book (story, fairy tale, etc.)? If you chose it yourself, then why exactly her?

2. Surely, you have a favorite hero. It's time to create his personal page!

Describe the character's appearance

Name his character traits

What are his favorite activities?

What he likes to eat, his favorite words, his habits, etc.

Who are his friends? What are they?

Would you like to be like this hero? How?

Is there anything you don't like about him? Why?

Draw a portrait of your favorite hero

3. Which passage from the book did you like (or remember) most? What is it about? Why did he leave you indifferent? Write a few words about it.

Draw an illustration for the passage.

4. Did you like the book? How? Write your impression or opinion about what you read.

5. What will you tell your friend about this book so that he will definitely want to read it? Choose and write these words...

How I read (March):

    Reading method:______________________________

    Reading quality – error-free – (yes/no)__________________________________________

    My mistakes:
    replacement, omission, distortion of letters - __________________________________________

repetitions of words and syllables - __________________________________________
incorrect placement of stress - __________________________________________

distortion of endings in words - __________________________________________

This month I read next books:


Appendix 2.

Questionnaire for 2nd grade students “Knika-in our life”

Full name, class

Answer options

B) not really, I don’t have much free time.

C) reading gives me great difficulty.

2.What genre of works do you prefer to read?

A) Fairy tales

B) Science fiction

B) Adventure

D) Military

3.Name the works that you have read over the past month?

4. Do you keep entries in a reader’s diary?

A) Yes, this is interesting

B) not always when I remember

B) when the teacher demands

D) I don't have it

1.Anderson G.H. “The Little Mermaid”, “Ole-Lukoe”, “The Nightingale”

2. Bazhov P. “Silver Hoof”, “Malachite Box”

3.Barto A.

Starting from the first grade, children are given a certain list of books that they must read before starting a new one. academic year. Journal entries will help the student remember the contents of the book. The reader's diary contains all the information about the books assigned for reading. It is not difficult to prepare such a diary, the main thing is to put in a little effort.

Step 1. Diary cover page

At the very beginning, you need to decide on how to design your reader’s diary. You can take a regular checkered notebook as a basis. On the title page we place the inscription: “Reader’s Diary”, indicate the author’s first and last name and class. The child can design the cover to their liking.

Step 2. List of books read

On the next page, the contents of the reader's diary are prepared. It will list all the books that the child read over the summer. For maximum convenience, you can number the pages.

Step 3. The procedure for recording information about books read in the reading diary

When filling out information about the book you have read, you should adhere to a certain order:

We fill out all items in neat and beautiful handwriting. You will have the best reading journal in the class!

During the holidays, schoolchildren have to work a lot with books. Assigned works it is necessary not only to read, but also to remember the main nuances, characters, events, and write down quotes in order to apply them in essays. For such purposes, it is advisable to keep a reading diary.

How to create a reader's diary?

Ready-made reading diaries are sold in stores, where you need to fill out the following items in order: title of the book, author, date of reading, main characters, short story, what you liked in the book, unfamiliar words, etc. To save money, you can make a reading diary from an ordinary notebook or notepad. Already exist on the Internet ready-made templates reader's diary for printing. Some students like to keep a reading diary electronically.

The beginning of the reader's diary

At the very beginning of your notebook, write down full list books you should read over the holidays. After reading each work, put a tick next to it or a rating. This way you will be able to create your own book rating at the end. The teacher will probably ask which book you liked best and why. This way you won’t get confused and will be ready to give a clear and structured answer.

Sketches in a reader's diary

Some children find it easier to remember information through pictures. Don't limit yourself to just text. Make small sketches of your favorite moments in the book. You can draw the characters of the book as you see them.

Comparison of books in a reader's diary

For “advanced” readers, you can write down in a separate column which other book the work you read reminded you of, and conduct your own little investigation. This broadens your horizons, develops logic and promotes better assimilation of the material.

Quotes in the reader's diary

Pay special attention to quotes from the book. Write them down separately. Underline or highlight in red those quotes that in your opinion are the most “strong” in the work. Quotes can also be embellished with drawings, sketches, or magazine clippings. Show some imagination.

Is there a reading diary for adults?

We are all children at heart. Therefore, with a great desire, any adult who loves to read can start a reading diary. It is impossible to keep in your head all the works you read in a year. Therefore, any adult can start a reading diary for himself.

A reader's diary is very useful thing both for children and adults. It helps you quickly remember the plot of the book. Some schoolchildren, inspired by keeping such a diary, begin to blog on the Internet, where they share with the whole world their impressions of various works. Someone uses quotes from a reader's diary to create cards, paintings, write personal letters and wishes.

How to create a reader's diary?

1 . First you need to decide on the design of the reader's diary. The easiest way is to take a simple checkered notebook as a basis. On the title page you need to write: “Reader’s diary”, the author’s first and last name, class. Also, the child can design the cover at his own discretion.

2 . On the next page, prepare the contents of your reading diary, which will list all the books you need to read.

3 . When writing information about a book you read, you can adhere to the following order:
First write the title of the work, Surname I.O. author. In addition, you can indicate the author’s biography and place his photo.
Next, you need to list the main characters of the book, you can give them a brief description.
The next point is the presentation of the plot (for example, where and when the events take place, what the conflict is, when it is resolved, etc.)
You can describe one of your favorite episodes in the book.

You can also format it differently:

If you liked the book:

you can draw a character you like or paste a coloring picture with him

If the book is very liked:

create illustrations (or comics) based on what you read;

come up with riddles or puzzles about heroes;

make a crossword puzzle based on what you read;

you can write and “send” a letter to the characters or the author of the book in your diary;

find out and write down interesting facts from the writer's biography.

More experienced readers can write in a diary, answering the following questions:

1 . Draw an illustration at the very beginning of reading, when you haven’t learned much yet. It can be anything you want. Write a few words to what you drew.
2. Surely you have a favorite hero. It's time to create his personal page! Here are questions to help you:
Describe the character's appearance
Name his character traits
What are his favorite activities?
What he likes to eat, his favorite words, his habits, etc.
Who are his friends? What are they?
Would you like to be like this hero? How?
Is there anything you don't like about him? Why?
Draw a portrait of your favorite hero
3 . What passage from the book did you like (or remember) most? What is it about? Why did he leave you indifferent? Write a few words about it. Draw an illustration for the passage.
4. Imagine yourself as the hero of a book. What would your name be? Give yourself a name and appearance. Describe your character. Indicate who you would be friends with, where you lived, etc. If you want, draw your portrait or a story with your participation.
5. So you turned the last page. Did you like the book? How? Write your impression or opinion about what you read.
6. What will you tell your friend about this book so that he will definitely want to read it? Select and write such magic words.

GDZ Reader's Diary 2nd grade (answers on works) from "GDZ Gramota" comes to the rescue.

GDZ based on the reader's diary allows you to see correct design reading diary in 2nd grade and directly filling out the reading diary in 2nd grade.

Depending on school curriculum, the reader's journal sample may vary.

Therefore, in this section of our website you will find a ready-made reading diary for grade 2 in several versions:

1. Standard example of a reading diary for grade 2

Such a GDZ for a reader’s diary, grade 2 (ready-made reader’s diary) contains the title, author’s name and genre of the work, summary works for a reading diary, plan for a reading diary, main idea, what the work teaches, syncwine, review for the reading diary and proverbs for the work.

In addition, all works are illustrated with children's drawings. Colorful pictures help children visually remember the plot of a particular work.

2. Diary of Reader Klyukhin answers 2nd grade

This is the GDZ reader's diary school of Russia Federal State Educational Standard 2nd grade - answers to print edition author I.V. Klyukhina from 2017.

This ready-made reading diary for grade 2 differs from the usual one in its works and questions.

It contains tasks on lexicology, word formation and spelling.

Also in Klyukhina’s Reader’s Diary, each work has creative task– draw an illustration depicting your favorite character or episode.

Why does a second grader need a reading journal?

1. This form of work allows you to better remember the work. The child not only reads, but analyzes fairy tales and stories for the 2nd grade reading diary.

2. Keeping a reading diary 2nd grade disciplines and teaches you to draw conclusions about what you read. Rereading large number works, the second grader begins to better understand moral values ​​and distinguish between good and evil.

3. The child learns to express his thoughts briefly and clearly.

5. If necessary, the student will be able to quickly remember the plot of a fairy tale, story, or poem. To do this, you don’t have to read the work again, just re-read your notes. This is very important point. After all, during the school year, children do not always have time to work in accordance with the rhythm of the curriculum. And when you don’t have enough time for reading or physical rest, the GDZ reader’s diary (answers) will come in handy.

6. Keeping such a notebook helps to train writing skills: handwriting, spelling, punctuation.

7. Filling out a reader's diary shapes the reader's culture and generates a love for literature.

In addition, it happens that children, for one reason or another, do not have time to re-read the entire list of literature for the 2nd grade reading diary.

In this case, you can copy the reader's diary directly from our website.

The information indicated in it gives a fairly comprehensive idea of ​​the plot of the work and fully reflects its meaning.

Now the question “How to fill out a reading diary for grade 22 is closed.

You can safely enjoy the summer!