Oatmeal diet: a new gentle option for losing weight. Oatmeal diet options

Cleansing the body with cereals is an advanced technology for weight loss and getting rid of waste and toxins. We suggest you consider how a fasting oatmeal diet is useful for weight loss, a menu for the week, as well as a recipe for the most delicious porridge and what effect you can expect.

Benefits in losing weight

The oatmeal diet is one of the ten great ways to quickly lose weight and normalize metabolism; it is surpassed only by the Kremlin diet, drinking diet and 6 petals. The essence of the method is to eat oatmeal every day. There are two ways to do this: switch to a mono-diet (like buckwheat or pineapple) or eat oatmeal as often as possible (for example, instead of snacks or evening meals).

Oatmeal is used by women different nationalities for the body. Folk recipes beauties from France tell how to use oatmeal to get rid of pimples and blackheads, and Italian women often make themselves scrubs for delicate and even intimate parts of the body.

This type of food has a lot of possibilities and positive qualities:

Video: composition and calorie content of oatmeal

Cons of the oatmeal diet

It is worth remembering that monotype diets have very serious contraindications. Like rice, it is not prescribed for serious digestive problems, and is not used during periods of active growth of the body.

Contraindications and disadvantages oatmeal diets:

  • Calorie intake is lower than recommended for safe and healthy weight loss;
  • Lack of variety in the diet will limit normal nutrition, and it can also cause a breakdown and double the extra pounds;
  • The diet involves complex changes to normal meals, this is bad for the body;
  • Not a single mono-diet is prescribed for gastritis, ulcers, intestinal inflammation, etc.
  • If you have problems with daily bowel movements, then we do not recommend using oatmeal for weight loss;
  • An oatmeal diet with yogurt and apples is prohibited for pregnant women (it can cause malnutrition in the baby and flatulence in the mother).
  • Breastfeeding patients, cancer patients, children under 16 years of age and women over 45, people with endocrine diseases;

According to doctors, a diet with oatmeal is effective method lose a couple of kilograms in a week, but only if there is a complete absence of salt for at least the first day and exercise.

2 ways to lose weight

Photo – Oat flakes

Let's get acquainted with the first option how to lose weight with oatmeal. Replace all snacks with cereal. It’s unlikely that anyone will like sitting on the water all day, but many people like snacking on porridge seasoned with honey or yogurt.

It is also recommended to start the day with oatmeal. It perfectly lifts your mood and provides a burst of energy for the whole day. Oat grains are complex carbohydrates that have enough low calorie content, but at the same time, to break them down the body requires more strength than with regular food or chocolates with condensed milk (most of which is practically indigestible at all).

Second way– this option is more effective, such an oatmeal diet will be effective only if you last from beginning to end. First, you need to limit yourself in the consumption of sugar and salt, switch to natural products, sugar is an excellent substitute for honey, molasses and fruit acids. Meals are multiple, up to five times a day, but don’t forget about physical exercise. Doctors also advise closely monitoring your bowel movements; they should be regular; if there is a disruption in the functioning of the excretory system, you should immediately consult a doctor. Before eating oatmeal, you need to drink a spoonful of flax or olive oil every morning.

  1. If you really want something sweet, then drink a glass of water with honey; oatmeal cookies are also allowed during the diet, but only on condition that they are natural and low-calorie;
  2. Mix the porridge with dried fruits and nuts, this will diversify the menu a little;
  3. Don't lose your temper! Mono-diets have one bad trait, they always give a powerful effect, but at the same time, if you don’t control yourself afterwards, you can gain almost twice as much.

Menu for the week

Photo – Porridge with fruits

The first day: Breakfast

  • ½ cup oatmeal
  • ½ cup skim milk
  • 1 tablespoon raisins
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  • coffee or tea.

Second breakfast: ½ glass of blueberries, currants, raspberries.

  • ½ cup oatmeal
  • 1/2 cup low-fat yogurt
  • 1 banana

Afternoon snack: ½ cup of raw vegetable sticks.

  • 100 grams fried chicken breast
  • Big green salad
  • ½ cup oatmeal
  • Pudding without sugar.

Fruits and fresh vegetables (bananas, spinach, apples) will help raise the level of endorphins in the blood and also increase the amount of glucose. Your head won't hurt and you won't feel drowsy.

Photo – Oatmeal cookies

Second day: Breakfast

  • A glass of oatmeal filled with kefir
  • Cup of black coffee
  • A slice of cheese, a teaspoon of flax seeds.


  • Compote
  • Oatmeal porridge brewed in milk with apricots or dried apricots
  • Greek yogurt
  • Afternoon snack
  • Apple.
  • Boiled chicken,
  • oatmeal, orange juice,
  • before bed, herbal tea made from sage.

Day three: Apple-oat

  • Boiled oatmeal, apple juice
  • Apple and carrot salad seasoned with honey
  • Strong coffee and lemon juice.


  • You need to prepare protein foods, this is low-calorie homemade cottage cheese;
  • Uzvar made from dry and fresh fruits.
  • Boiled chicken breast, steamed oatmeal with nuts;
  • Two pieces of cheese;
  • Black coffee with milk.

Afternoon snack: apple.

  • Spinach and lettuce salad, chicken leg;
  • Steamed oatmeal with cheese;
  • Green tea with jasmine.
  • Fruit-juice mixture “Tatosha” or any other similar.

After a week, 10 days or a month has passed (depending on the results), the stage of exiting the oat diet follows. For breakfast you are allowed to eat a small piece of rice bread; if you wish, you can add it to daily menu pasta (no more than 150 grams), cream and full-fat cottage cheese.

Methods for preparing dietary oatmeal

Photo – Breakfast with oatmeal

An excellent and most healthy porridge, regardless of the type, is obtained if it is poured with juice or kefir at night, in which case it does not lose absolutely any beneficial properties and the next morning it becomes completely suitable for food.

To get a more familiar mixture, you need to put a glass of water on the fire and pour half a glass of oatmeal into it, stirring all the time before boiling and after. After three minutes of boiling, you can remove from the heat.

You can also simply pour hot water, this will significantly speed up diffusion, the porridge will not have time to lose everything beneficial features and at the same time it will be cooked and soft in a matter of minutes.

Afterwards, we repeat all days in the same order. Depending on the purpose, the oat protein diet can last for 10 days, but no more, in addition, like the Dukan diet, it should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Oatmeal is special because a few grams of it contain more substances than a spoonful of rice. The oatmeal diet has a very good feedback, she is praised by both the forum of ordinary women and the meeting place for nutritionists.

The popular oatmeal diet is a simple and budget-friendly way to lose weight. Experts recommend sticking to this diet for no more than two weeks. And for the first experiment it is better to choose the weekly option. Over this period of time, you will be able to lose several kilos of excess weight without harming your body.

The effectiveness and benefits of the oatmeal diet

Oatmeal cannot be called a low-calorie product. 100 g contains more than 340 kcal. But with proper preparation of oatmeal dishes, this figure can be reduced by exactly 3 times.

In addition, regular consumption of oatmeal cleanses the body, saturates perfectly (the feeling of hunger does not appear until 3 hours), improves metabolism and digestion, normalizes cholesterol levels and brings other undeniable benefits. A diet based on the product under discussion will be especially relevant for those with a sweet tooth. This nutrition system suppresses cravings for desserts.

We can say that an oatmeal diet not only helps to get rid of those hated extra pounds, but also improves a person’s overall health. The main thing is to observe it correctly and not violate the basic principles. Under these conditions, you will be able to reduce your weight by about 4–7 kg. The exact figure depends on individual characteristics the body losing weight and its initial parameters.

Basic principles and important rules

In order not to harm your body, before such a diet, the first thing you need to do is check for contraindications and get permission from your doctor.

This stage is especially important for people who have serious chronic illnesses.

To achieve the desired result during the diet, you will have to follow the following rules:

  1. Cook oatmeal in water. You will have to avoid adding cream or milk to it. It is best to use filtered water.
  2. Do not add spices, sweeteners, or any oil to the treat. It is allowed to use only honey, cinnamon, pepper, and ginger. The listed spices speed up the process of weight loss.
  3. Start your morning with oatmeal jelly.
  4. Do not wash down oatmeal dishes. You can drink water only 40 minutes after eating.

Oatmeal diet Anna

Oat diet rating



Variety of products

Total: The oatmeal diet is very popular. In 7 days you can get rid of 5-10 kg. Pros: Fast results, easy diet plan. Cons: monotony of products, although there are more various options; There are also contraindications to the diet.

3.3 popular diet

The oatmeal diet is rightfully considered the simplest and most beloved. It promotes weight loss in short time without harm to the body, and if released correctly, the weight will be maintained for a long time. This is one of the few diets that promotes both treatment and weight loss. After a 7-day course you can lose weight from 5 to 10 kilograms.

The oatmeal diet is universal and has no age restrictions. The seven-day course helps to completely cleanse the body of old toxins, toxic substances. In this case, weight loss occurs gradually, without discomfort, without harm to the body.

Benefits of oatmeal

Oats are a very healthy grain product that contains a huge supply of useful microelements. Oatmeal is rich in magnesium, iron, chromium, and other vitamins: zinc, nickel, fluorine, iodine, sulfur, silicon, potassium. It also contains vitamins B, PP, K, E, C, even the rare vitamin H, which contains nicotinic and pantothenic acids. Oatmeal is rich in amino acids and fiber, which contributes to proper operation stomach.

By following a diet, the body is cleansed of waste and toxins, the complexion becomes fresh, and the general condition of hair, nails, and skin improves. Using oatmeal for weight loss will help you lose excess weight without risking your health.

The diet is contraindicated for people who suffer from cereal intolerance, people suffering from gastritis, stomach ulcers, colitis, as well as pregnant/lactating women. Not recommended for sports activities.

Before you sit down oat diet, You should consult an endocrinologist and gastroenterologist!

Doctors recommend it for people with high cholesterol, high content blood sugar, heart disease, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), severe acne. You can practice it for no more than 7 days, as it can greatly harm your body. Repetition is possible only after 6 months.

Authorized Products: all types of berries, apricots, pears, apples, oranges, grapefruit. Allowed all types of vegetables, except potatoes, beets, carrots. Prohibited eat bananas, melon, grapes, mangoes, meat and all protein foods.

For weight loss with oatmeal won't fit cereals, porridge instant cooking, muesli or oatmeal bread.

Advantages and disadvantages

This is a mono-diet, since it uses one product, so you shouldn’t get carried away with it for more than a week. Despite the fact that oatmeal is rich in vitamins, the phytic acid it contains, accumulated in large quantities in the body, can wash calcium out of the body. Therefore, an additional vitamin complex is used together.

The effectiveness is greater if the porridge is cooked in water and consumed without salt. But it is allowed to dilute the diet with buttermilk or low-fat kefir in the mornings and evenings.


  • Possible weakness.
  • Using only one product, which quickly gets boring.
  • Limitation of use: the course lasts 7 days, after which the use of a strict oat diet can lead to serious disorders in the body. Reuse is possible only after six months.
  • Long-term adherence to the given diet can lead to constipation, therefore The oatmeal diet can be followed for no more than 10 days.!


  • Gradual, even weight loss.
  • When losing weight, the skin remains elastic and does not sag.
  • Oatmeal helps boost immunity, cleanses the body of toxins and helps improve the functioning of the digestive system.
  • Copes well with the feeling of hunger.
  • Availability is a cheap product that is sold in every store.

Rules of the oat diet

If all the disadvantages don’t scare you, then before you start you need to know the basic rules:

  • Do not eat 4 hours before bedtime.
  • Drink up to 2 liters of water per day (exclude sparkling water).
  • The porridge is not washed down with water.
  • Breakfast cereals, muesli and cereal are contraindicated.
  • When eating oatmeal, do not use: salt, sugar, honey, butter, jam, or any fatty foods.


Everything happens in two stages: the first is cleansing the body, and the second is losing weight.

The first stage is purification. Cleansing occurs with the help of rice. To do this, pour 4 tablespoons of rice into 1 liter of water, leave overnight, and in the morning cook the rice over low heat until it turns into jelly, cool slightly and drink on an empty stomach. After this, it is not recommended to drink or eat for five hours, then you can eat, but no later than 4 hours before going to bed.

Second stage - oatmeal. Following the diet is quite simple. After the cleansing with rice comes the oatmeal stage. You can eat oatmeal in small portions throughout the day. It is best to take five doses of 200 grams each. Drink at least 2 liters of water, exclude coffee, carbonated drinks, for example green tea. It will be more effective if you start your morning with a glass of water half an hour before meals.

If you feel hungry, you can eat porridge as much as you want, but overeating is not recommended. The recipes are quite simple: the first is to soak the oatmeal in boiled water overnight, the second - cook for 5 minutes until the water is boiled down and the porridge thickens. When taking oatmeal, do not wash it down with water; water should be taken half an hour after eating.

If a strict diet seems quite difficult, you can try combining porridge with vegetables or fruits. Let's consider detailed menu each of them.

With fruits

Unlike the strict oat mono-diet, this variation allows the use of fruit. The menu can include any fruit (except bananas, persimmons, grapes) and dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes, dried apples).

A diet containing fruits can be followed for 2 weeks. If you follow all the rules, weight loss will be from 5 to 10 kilograms. A serving should contain 200 g of oatmeal and 100 g of fruit. Consumption of salt and sugar is not allowed.


The diet is divided into five meals throughout the day.

With vegetables

Considered the most in a simple way weight loss. It is acceptable to eat vegetables such as cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, cabbage, peppers, herbs, and eggplants. Vegetables are consumed both raw and stewed or boiled. Eliminate potatoes, carrots, and beets from your diet.


Quitting the diet

After completing the oatmeal diet, in order to consolidate the results of weight loss, it is recommended to limit yourself to flour, fatty foods, and eat only wholesome, healthy foods. It is better to go out gradually, adding to the diet more vegetables and fruits, as well as meat and eggs. This step-by-step solution will help you consolidate your results and part with what you hate. overweight forever.

Results and reviews of those losing weight

The results of losing weight on oatmeal show that in a week you can lose from 5 to 7 kilograms or more without harm to the body. After completion, with proper nutrition, the extra pounds continue to go away, since intestinal function has completely improved, the skin is cleansed, heartburn goes away, and toxins are removed.

All nutritionists unanimously note the benefits of a week on oatmeal: skin tone and elasticity increase, freshness and energy appear.

Nutritionist Elena Vladimirovna Sh. left her comment:

« With prolonged use, a deficiency of microelements occurs, so the use of vitamins is necessary. It's great to use for fasting days and observe no more than a week».

Oatmeal is a product rich in slow carbohydrates. This means that the glucose contained in rolled oats is released gradually, uniformly supplying the body with energy for a long time. Oatmeal is a healthy product, but high in calories, especially if cooked with milk. Therefore, many people who want to lose weight have a logical question: how effective is an oatmeal diet, and is it possible to have oatmeal on a diet?

Can you have oatmeal on a diet?

Oatmeal is perhaps the best breakfast. Firstly, it contains complex carbohydrates, which saturate the body with energy for a long time, and at the same time has a low glycemic index. Secondly, it contains essential amino acids, vitamins, microelements and a large number of soluble fiber, which binds cholesterol. Thirdly, oatmeal is great for fasting days, as it cleanses the intestines of salts and toxins, and this, in turn, contributes to weight loss and the condition of the skin, hair and nervous system.

Because of these properties, oatmeal is included in many balanced diets, especially those that allow excesses until 12 noon. Therefore, to the question whether it is possible to have oatmeal on a diet, especially when this porridge is cooked with milk, we answer unequivocally: if this is not a special diet with a strict menu restriction, then allowing yourself a hearty porridge in the morning is not only possible, but also necessary . Reviews of girls who include oatmeal in their diet note that it does not interfere with weight loss either if you cook the porridge in water or when the porridge is prepared with milk diluted with water.

In addition, there are several mono-diets in which oatmeal is the main product. However, such a diet can be practiced for no longer than 1-2 weeks.

Classic diet rules

The classic oatmeal diet continues for a week. The main product, as you might have guessed, is oatmeal - “Extra” or “Hercules”. Nutritionists are inclined to believe that the latter type of porridge is healthier, since it is made from less polished cereals and contains more elements grain shell, although it takes longer to cook. Be that as it may, for the diet you should use fresh cereal, preferably in a cardboard box rather than a cellophane box, as well as coarse cereal, which requires cooking and does not include sugar or other flavoring additives.

How to cook porridge if you are following an oatmeal diet? As a rule, diets indicate the amount of dry cereal that should be consumed per day. You can measure this amount in the morning, sort through and rinse. Then the daily portion is filled with water in a volume that covers the flakes. This porridge ripens in water overnight or 24 hours at room temperature. The next morning or at another appointed hour you measure required amount oatmeal, drain excess liquid, add the cereal to boiling water at the rate of 1 part cereal to 1.25 parts water and cook for 5 minutes over low heat, stirring. At the end of cooking, you can add salt, steam the porridge and even season it with a drop of olive oil.

Of course, the oatmeal diet includes more than just porridge. In addition to it, you can drink up to 4 cups of green tea and from 1.5 liters clean water in a day. The liquid is drunk half an hour before or an hour after meals.

Between main meals, a snack is meant - you can eat any fruit except banana and grapes, as well as other fruits with a high glycemic index. You can eat two apples, two oranges, or four kiwis or other fruits of similar volume per day.

The result of an oatmeal diet can be a weight loss of 3-4 kg.

Oatmeal, cottage cheese and apples

This version of the oatmeal diet is called “Three Products” and is designed for 12 days. If you're ready for this for a long time, we present to your attention a diet with cottage cheese, oatmeal and apples.

The system is quite simple. Over the course of three days, your menu should include three meals. For breakfast you eat oatmeal cooked in water without sugar or milk, as well as two apples. For lunch, oatmeal is combined with three apples, 100 grams of cottage cheese and 1 tsp. honey For dinner, eat four apples and 200 g of cottage cheese.

For three days you follow a diet with cottage cheese, oatmeal and apples, and on the fourth day 300 g of vegetables are added to the diet, which can be eaten raw or steamed.

The system includes three cycles of four days. In addition to these products, a diet based on cottage cheese, oatmeal and apples implies daily consumption of at least 1.5 liters of plain water without gas.

One of the varieties of the oatmeal diet allows the consumption of fermented milk products as a snack, namely kefir. You can drink no more than 1.5 liters per day.

Nutritionists have always drawn the attention of their clients to the use of oatmeal when various techniques for weight loss. It belongs to dietary nutrition, helps cleanse the body of waste and toxins, and gives the necessary supply of energy at the beginning of the day. This article will talk about the oatmeal diet. You will learn about the pros and cons of this porridge, contraindications and side effects, see how to correctly create a menu for the week ahead, and we will also consider reviews from people who have used this universal technique.

The oatmeal diet has many strengths and some weaknesses.


  1. Oatmeal contains a large amount of fiber. Thanks to these plant fibers, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized. Also, after eating, the body feels completely full.
  1. With the help of this porridge you can get rid of toxins and waste. It has a positive effect on the internal and external condition of the skin.
  1. With the help of a diet oatmeal, you can lower blood cholesterol levels, thereby improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  1. This product is 95% digestible. There is no stagnation in the stomach.
  1. Oatmeal contains great amount carbohydrates that have a low glycemic index. Thanks to this, you can stabilize your blood sugar levels.
  1. This porridge contains lignans. They strengthen blood vessels and improve heart function.
  1. This product can be purchased at any grocery store at a low price.
  1. Oatmeal has a calming effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  1. This method for losing weight is suitable for all groups of people.


  1. The diet is not distinguished by the variety of dishes and products. Because of this, stress arises, and after it, extra pounds are gained.
  1. Low daily caloric intake is harmful to health.

This technique does not have any serious disadvantages. However, there is one exception -. She can provide negative impact on the body.


To objectively imagine what awaits you on the oatmeal diet, you need to know the approximate menu for the week. After receiving such data, you can evaluate the capabilities of your body in mastering this technique.

Day of the week Eating Menu
Monday Breakfast Boiled oatmeal in water – 200 grams
Dinner Porridge boiled in water, a glass of yogurt
Dinner Oat flakes boiled in water
Tuesday Breakfast Same as Monday + orange
Dinner Porridge, a salad of carrots, cabbage and onions, dressed with olive oil or balsamic vinegar
Dinner The same as on Monday + a glass of kefir
Wednesday Breakfast Oatmeal boiled with milk, half a grapefruit
Dinner Porridge, fruit salad of kiwi, banana and apple
Dinner Same as Monday
Thursday Breakfast Oat flakes on water, apple or pear
Dinner Porridge, salad of fresh radishes, tomatoes and cucumbers
Dinner Same as Monday + glass of milk
Friday Breakfast Oat flakes boiled in milk
Dinner Porridge, slice of cheese, broccoli, cauliflower, toast
Dinner Same as Monday + a handful of prunes
Saturday Breakfast Oatmeal boiled in water, two bananas
Dinner Porridge, salad of fresh herbs, cucumbers, sweet peppers and tomatoes
Dinner Same as Monday + dried apricots
Sunday Breakfast Oat flakes with milk, kiwi
Dinner Porridge, Chinese cabbage, lettuce, balsamic vinegar and cucumbers
Dinner Same as Monday + 250 ml yogurt

This is an approximate oatmeal diet menu. The method of heat treatment is only cooking in water or milk. Vegetables can be grilled. You should definitely eat oatmeal for dinner to lose weight. This oatmeal diet menu can be extended for a whole month. If you don't particularly like oatmeal, you might be interested.

Permitted and prohibited products

With such a strict method, it is very important to know what you can eat and what you can’t.


  • various berries and fruits;
  • all vegetables;
  • legumes;
  • dried fruits;
  • dairy products with the lowest percentage of fat;
  • fresh greens.


  • any types of meat and fish;
  • sugar;
  • baked goods, chocolate, sweets, flour products;
  • canned food;
  • semi-finished products;
  • sausages;
  • mayonnaise;
  • various sauces;
  • alcohol;
  • bread, cereals, pasta.


The oatmeal diet can be divided into several varieties depending on the predominance of additional products:

  1. - This technique is an excellent option for people involved in sports. In addition to oatmeal, the diet is dominated by foods containing a large amount of proteins.
  1. – also suitable for sports activities. Thanks to this diet of oatmeal with milk, you can lose more than 10 kilograms in less than two months.
  1. – a common combination that has a positive effect on the condition of the figure. With its help you can lose 6 kilograms in 10 days.
  1. Egg is a technique designed to quickly reduce excess weight and preserve muscle fibers. You can lose one kilogram every day.
  1. Buckwheat – thanks to the combination of two grains, the body is cleansed of everything unnecessary. Cooked porridges should be consumed without salt and butter. You need to drink more than 2.5 liters of clean water per day.
  1. Rice is a diet that requires special preparation using jelly. To prepare it you will need 4 tablespoons of rice and a liter of clean water. Rice is soaked in water for 12 hours. After this, they need to be simmered over low heat for an hour. The resulting jelly should be drunk. You cannot eat anything for 6 hours. A few hours before bedtime, you need to consume some protein and fat.
  1. Oatmeal-apple diet - this technique has one very important advantage. A large amount of fiber enters the body. In 10 days you can lose 8 kilograms.


In order not to put yourself in a stressful situation and gain extra pounds, you need to try to make a variety of dishes. However, this is very difficult on an oat diet. Here are some recipes to diversify your daily diet.

Diet cutlets

An interesting recipe that is suitable for any day of the week. To prepare, you will need half a glass of oatmeal, half a glass of boiling water, one clove of garlic, half an onion, parsley, dill, cumin, rosemary, basil.


  1. First of all, you need to mix the flour with boiling water and leave the resulting mixture alone for 15 minutes.
  2. Chop the greens and grate the garlic on a fine grater. Mix everything together and add to the flour.
  3. Mix the resulting minced meat thoroughly, form cutlets and steam.


For this dish you will need 250 grams of oatmeal, 500 ml of low-fat milk, 1 tablespoon of honey, 2 pears and 2 apples.


  1. Grind the oatmeal in a blender or coffee grinder.
  2. Pour the resulting powder into a deep plate and pour milk.
  3. Peel the fruit and cut into small pieces.
  4. Add them to oatmeal and milk, sweeten with honey. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Let it brew for half an hour.
  5. Bake the resulting mixture in a slow cooker.


It can be consumed along with main dishes. To prepare you will need two glasses of oats, 1 pear and 1 apple, half a tablespoon of honey, 500 ml of kefir.


  1. In a deep container, thoroughly mix kefir and oatmeal. Leave them to swell for half an hour.
  2. Using a coarse grater, grate the apple and pear. Add chopped fruit to the porridge.
  3. For taste, add a spoonful of honey. Mix the mixture thoroughly.
  4. Use your hands to form the shape of the future cookies and place on baking paper.
  5. Place the pan in the oven for 30 minutes. Recommended temperature is 200 degrees.


For this dish you will need one and a half cups of ground oatmeal, 2 chicken eggs, a glass of skim milk, 2 teaspoons vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon sugar.


  1. In a separate container, mix eggs, sugar and milk. It is better to use a blender for this.
  2. Slowly add the ground oats. When the mixture thickens, add oil to it and stir thoroughly.
  3. Fry the pancakes in a frying pan.

Contraindications and side effects

People suffering from stool disorders should not adhere to an oatmeal diet. It is also prohibited for pregnant and lactating women. The use of such a diet is strictly prohibited for people with individual intolerance to oatmeal.

This diet has some side effects:

  1. Due to the small amount of calories consumed per day, headaches, dizziness, nausea, increased drowsiness and fatigue may occur.
  2. The condition of hair and nails may deteriorate due to a lack of beneficial microelements in the body.
  3. To prevent vitamin deficiency, it is necessary to consume vitamin complexes.
  4. Monotony in the diet leads to stressful situations.

Oatmeal diet - reviews and results

Alexandra 32 years old

For a very long time I wanted to try some fast-acting diet on myself. It was not a sporting interest. I wanted to adjust my figure a little. As a result of a long search on the Internet, I found an oatmeal diet. To be honest, it was a severe test of my willpower. For a week I had to eat this porridge, slightly diluting the diet with vegetables and fruits. The result is worth it.

Evgeniya 38 years old

Dano wanted to go to the sea, but she had a lot of complexes about her body. Overweight it needed to be removed urgently. For this I signed up for Gym and began to choose the appropriate method of changing nutrition. I was not interested in long courses, because the result was needed in at least one month. I heard about the oatmeal diet in a television program about healthy eating. I decided to try it. I compiled a two-week course for myself and began to follow it. This diet is very difficult during the first 3 days, but then you get used to it and it becomes much easier. Incredible results in 14 days.

Elena 29 years old

I am not a supporter of diets in principle, but ordinary experiments with my diet without significant restrictions did not bring desired result. Excess weight continued to accumulate. Then I decided to use a fast-acting method. Used for this oatmeal, fruit and vegetable salads, milk and yogurt. As a result, I was able to significantly improve my figure in just a week.