Elena Malysheva presenter, what kind of car does she have? Elena Malysheva: “I am alive only because I am a doctor by profession. Television career


Biography of Elena Malysheva

Elena Shabunina (Malysheva). born on March 13, 1961 in the city of Kemerovo, Soviet and Russian general practitioner, cardiologist, teacher, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor.

Elena's father is Vasily Iosifovich Shabunin. Mother - Galina Aleksandrovna Morozova, both were doctors. Elena has an older sister and twin brother Alexey. Sister is a neurologist, brother is a surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences, chief physician State Clinical Hospital named after. S.P. Botkin.

Elena Malysheva in childhood

Graduated as a child music school in piano class. After 7th grade I went to work with my twin brother. Her mother got her a job as a barmaid in a hospital, and her brother as a janitor.

“I carried food from the kitchen to the children's department and fed small children. I earned 40 rubles a month, as I remember now, and I gave every penny to my parents,” she said, adding that her children were raised on the same principle.

Elena graduated high school No. 19, Kemerovo with a gold medal and entered the Kemerovo Medical Institute at the Faculty of Medicine. Since childhood, Elena has become accustomed to taking everything she does seriously. Therefore, she plunged headlong into understanding the secrets of the medical profession. As one would expect, the result of such conscientious training was a diploma with honors and confident admission to graduate school. Elena decided that if she was to be a doctor, then she should be successful and famous.

She graduated from the institute with honors in 1984. In the same year, she entered graduate school at the Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow, and three years later she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences on the topic “Prevention and elimination of cardiac arrhythmias through adaptation to stressors and activation of gamma-aminobutyric acid.”

Elena Malysheva - doctor

Elena began her medical career in a regular district clinic as a local general practitioner. But she didn’t like this kind of work too much, because it was boring and monotonous. Therefore, as soon as the opportunity arose, Elena moved to the Second Medical Institute to the Department of Internal Medicine, where she already had the opportunity to seriously engage in science. There she became an assistant in the Department of Internal Medicine. Now Elena Vasilievna works as a professor at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University.

Elena's personal life

The personal life of Elena Malysheva has never been a top topic for the tabloid press and did not provide food for rumors and gossip.

Elena Malysheva got married while still studying at medical school. It is not surprising that my husband Igor Malyshev is also a doctor. Currently he is one of the leading Russian microbiologists

The couple has two sons, Yuri and Vasily.

Health and the fight against cancer

For the first time in a long time, the famous TV presenter and doctor Elena Malysheva revealed some details of her fight against cancer. The Channel One star claims that she was rescued by doctors about 3 years ago.

Host of the program “Live Healthy!” previously preferred to avoid topics related to her cancer. And only now Elena decided to admit that several years ago she managed to overcome cancer thanks to the coordinated actions of experienced doctors. They diagnosed Malysheva with a precancerous colon polyp and successfully got rid of it.

After the operation, according to the TV presenter herself, she is forced to do gastro- and colonoscopy once every 3 years, which are designed to prevent new cancer formations. Malysheva claims that similar procedures must be performed by every person who has crossed the line at 50 years old. The presenter of Channel One reminds that initially cancer does not have any symptoms, and if they appear, then the cancer has already seriously developed.

Recently, in her program, Malysheva stated that the most terrible disease of the 21st century is not cancer, but Alzheimer’s disease. Elena talked about how they fight cancer every year more and more successfully, but this disease, associated with memory loss and dementia, has not yet been completely cured.

Children of Elena Malysheva

The eldest son, Yuri Igorevich Malyshev (born March 16, 1988), is a doctor by training, is the author of themes and the leader of a group writing scripts, a creative producer of the “Live Healthy!” program, and is married. He is married, his wife’s name is Karina, on January 25, 2015 they had a son - the grandson of Elena Malysheva.

The children of Elena Malysheva now live in America.

Presenter Elena Malysheva

When Elena's youngest son was only ten months old, he fell seriously ill. The baby was operated on in Moscow, and the family returned to Kemerovo: it was easier to go through the rehabilitation period in their hometown. It was then that Malysheva suddenly noticed that there were no good and informative medical programs on the air. Elena Vasilyevna even called the press service of the Kemerovo administration to complain about this omission.

It turned out that one of Elena’s friends has connections on local television. He introduced her to the production editor, soon after which the first program, “Recipe,” appeared. (Kuzbass channel). According to media reports, she was not at all afraid in front of the cameras - she worked straight away live.

The family leaves Kuzbass again and a year later “Lazaret” appears (Channel 5, TV channel “Northern Crown”).

After working for only two years on a local TV channel, having gained some popularity and invaluable experience in hosting programs on medical topics, Elena decided to try to break into television in Moscow. The couple are moving to the capital again with their children.

And in 1994, Elena already came to RTR with daily program. “Did you call the doctor?”

Since the revival of the “Health” program on ORT (October 1997), Malysheva has become its author and presenter. During this time, the program changed its format more than once, being both a television magazine and a talk show. It was here, in this studio, that real operations were carried out - for the first time in the history of popular science broadcasting.

She has been hosting a talk show of the same name on Russian radio since 2013.

“Life is great!” with Elena Malysheva

And since August 2010, the program “Live Healthy!” has appeared on Channel One, which covers issues related not only to medicine as such. In addition, Malysheva raises slippery controversial topics from time to time. Sometimes, even of an intimate nature. Heated discussions, and even a number of parodies, were caused by an episode in which she showed a woman how circumcision is performed by cutting off the collar of her turtleneck.

The new program was fundamentally different from its prototype. There were practically no special medical terms, and all information was presented in a simple and in clear language accompanied by a visual demonstration. It is not surprising that the new medical show was liked by the audience. And Elena Malysheva became the most famous Russian doctor.

Russia's chief TV doctor and her team are not afraid to raise slippery and risky topics in their programs. Problems with potency or gas formation may be discussed on the federal channel. The show often includes puppet performances, models and costumes are used, children participate, especially in episodes related to children's health, spectators bathe in tea, doctors pretend to be internal organs— what’s happening in the studio is the least likely to look like a serious medical transmission.

According to experts, this story (and like others - of a provocative nature) made it possible to return the viewer to a period when there was a drop in the program’s audience figures.

The TV presenter is criticized from time to time for harsh statements and for individual recommendations voiced on air (in particular, from her famous colleagues).

This makes Malysheva’s broadcasts bright and memorable, causing public outcry. Although sometimes this resonance also has a humorous connotation, providing ample food for parodists. “Friendly cartoons” of Malysheva were made more than once by Maxim Galkin and Ivan Urgant. In 2011, the presenter was even awarded the “Silver Galosh” anti-prize in the “Malysheva and Udalysheva” nomination.

Also, the leading ill-wishers on the Internet were often accused of inadequacy, and sometimes they attributed various world conspiracies to her, for unclear reasons, often referring to her external resemblance with Leon Trotsky and alleged Jewish nationality.

"Elena Malysheva's Diet"

Another fact that Elena’s name is associated with is her diet. Malysheva boasted the day before that she managed to lose about 10 kilograms with her help. At the same time, the diet that Elena practices is her own. She actively promotes it and advises everyone in need to use it.

Since 2012, she has been promoting a commercial project - Elena Malysheva’s Diet. Some time ago it became known that she had submitted an application to Rospatent to register the trademark “Elena Malysheva’s Diet”.

As part of this diet, the doctor suggests purchasing special sets of products, the cost of which per month ranges from 15 to 22 thousand rubles, which many of its fans consider an unaffordable amount. However, the TV presenter herself calls this amount quite acceptable.

Read more about the Malyshevoy Diet, official website “Elena Malyshevoy Diet” - dietamalyshevoy.ru

In July 2019, Elena Malysheva’s new project “Losing the excess” will start. Let’s lose weight together!”

The host of the “Live Healthy” program Elena Malysheva launches new project. The TV presenter spoke about this on her Instagram page.

The TV presenter also noted that fighting overweight in summer it is easier than at other times of the year.

Malysheva advised to eat plenty before the start of the show. It is noted that those who want to reset will be able to take part in the project extra pounds. Other details about new show The TV star promised to announce her participation later.

Protection against dementia: what the TV presenter shared on Instagram with subscribers

TV presenter Elena Malysheva posted on her Instagram a video of herself getting an experimental vaccine against herpes zoster in an American pharmacy. According to the TV presenter, this virus may be one of the causes of age-related dementia, or Alzheimer's disease. Despite the lack of compelling reasons for this, the therapist confidently concluded that “now she and her husband are protected from this.”

Presenter of the TV programs “Health” and “Live Healthy!” Elena Malysheva got herself vaccinated against dementia at a New York pharmacy. The most famous therapist in the country announced this on her Instagram.

"Today in New York I went to the pharmacy and saw a new vaccine against herpes zoster. This is a serious disease that manifests itself as bubbles along the nerves and is accompanied by terrible pain,” the TV presenter wrote.

- It is believed that this virus is one of the causes of age-related dementia or Alzheimer's disease. Now my husband and I are protected from this!”

Achievements of Elena Malysheva

Today, Elena Malysheva already has many regalia. She's a dick Russian Academy television and the International Academy of Television and Radio. She was awarded the Order of Friendship, and the medal “For Services to National Healthcare” and badge"Excellence in Health Care" Unofficially, she is called “the country’s main television doctor.”

She doesn't give up either scientific activity, defending in 2007 in MMA named after. I. M. Sechenov doctoral dissertation (“Reprogramming cellular responses of macrophages: a new strategy for controlling the inflammatory process”). Published more than 50 scientific articles in medicine, is a professor at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University.

Income of Elena Malysheva

Elena Malysheva is a good businessman. She earns about 1 billion rubles a year for her health.

She owns a clinic that opened at the end of 2015 on the site of City Clinical Hospital No. 19 on Krasnaya Presnya.

She also owns the media portal Zdorovieinfo.ru.

In addition to Elena herself, her sons Yuri and Vasily have shares in the company. Malysheva’s two other companies are engaged in attracting advertising. Malysheva owns one of them - LLC WV Am Corporation - solely. Revenue in 2014, according to the latest data from the Spark database, amounted to 249 million rubles, net profit - 13 million rubles. Another company, PM Partners LLC, is owned by Malysheva together with famous TV presenter, producer, ex-senator Alexey Pimanov. Revenue in 2014 was declared at 1 million rubles, net profit - 571 thousand rubles.

Malysheva’s most profitable business is diet kits. Together with Shchiglik, the TV presenter owns Elena Malysheva’s Diet LLC, created in 2012. The company sells meal kits for those who want to lose weight. The kits are packaged in boxes, each of which weighs 13.5 kg and, according to the seller, is enough for two weeks. The menu includes “meatballs in red sauce with buckwheat”, “Italian spaghetti with meat balls and tomato sauce", "chum salmon fillet with steamed bosto rice." These are mostly ready-made frozen meals. One box costs 14.5 thousand rubles. The company's revenue in 2014 amounted to 503 million rubles, net profit - 100 million rubles.

Rating of Malysheva’s most outstanding phrases:

  • And today we want to start the program with a section that we love very much. Am I normal?
  • If you want to leave life with a beautiful smile, we will provide it for you.
  • It is clear that they entered into a second marriage with traces of the first. Ay-ay-ay!
  • Doctors know that the number of patients increases if my colleagues, like me, work as cardiologists!
  • At this age, madness is contraindicated... (E.M. about makeup after 40).
  • After 40 years, you are already an unhealthy person!
  • Chili peppers are very hot. Volodechka, we want you to try the pepper. We need to know what's going on in your mouth. Will you bite? Prepare a glass of water. Gnaw! Wait with the water, he's not feeling bad yet. Is it already bad?
  • Wait, don't let us - now let's see what's going on. This is interesting: what does pepper do? Does it really burn?.. Some people eat pepper and die.
  • Germanshaich, come here! Now we will perform in vitro conception!
  • In a good way, pans should be changed every six months!
  • Silver should not be washed in the dishwasher together with steel utensils, otherwise they will darken!!
  • Because for a skeleton it’s the same as losing consciousness.
  • Water is water. 0 calories. We only drink water. All other drinks are FOOD. We eat them.
  • Unfortunately, when you get out of bed, you have no control over yourself.
  • Medicine is the ONLY, most logical science.
  • There is an unusual creature in our kitchen today. When I say ‘creature’, I don’t mean you, Dmitry Nikolaevich.
  • Cleaning the house does not need to be done very carefully so that the germs do not become accustomed.”
  • If your salad has become weathered, you can refresh it by adding a few drops of hydrogen peroxide and put it in the refrigerator. And then you can treat your guests!


    Contents Biography of Elena MalyshevaElena Malysheva in childhoodElena Malysheva is a doctorElena’s personal lifeHealth and the fight against cancerChildren of Elena MalyshevaPresenter Elena Malysheva “Live healthy!” with Elena Malysheva “Elena Malysheva’s Diet” In July 2019, Elena Malysheva’s new project “Drop the excess” will start, Let’s lose weight together!” Protection against dementia: what the TV presenter shared on Instagram with subscribers Elena Malysheva’s achievements Elena Malysheva’s income Rating of the most outstanding phrases...

Elena Malysheva- an ambiguous character, almost every resident of the post-Soviet space knows her. Some admire this woman even after the program "Life is great" they immediately run to carry out all her advice, for example, eat kiwi skins, empty the intestines according to all the rules, placing a small stool under the lower limbs during the process, sew a top from her husband’s old underwear, and what else has this madam not managed to advise the unfortunate TV viewers for for many years the existence of their programs. But other people treat with sarcasm Elena Malysheva, they openly laugh at her and even consider her to be a fool, and some even collect the pearls that she gave out on air Elena Malysheva, by the way, candidate of medical sciences, professor! Look it up, you'll laugh until you cry.

At the time of writing this article Elena Malysheva turned 56 years old, on television she is with 1992 years, although she began her vigorous educational medical activity in her native Kemerovo, where she spent her maternity leave with her parents.

Elena Malysheva happily married for about thirty years, together with her husband Igor Yuryevich Malyshev they gave birth to and raised two sons.

Eldest son Yuri born in 1988 year, named after his paternal grandfather, trained as a doctor, married, happy father of a son Igor. But youngest son Elena Malysheva name is Vasily, he is named after his maternal grandfather, and is a lawyer by profession.

Interesting story of close acquaintance Elena, back then Shabunina, and her future husband Igor Malyshev. The two attended graduate school together at Moscow, we knew each other casually, but one day we met quite by accident on the street of our hometown Elena- in beauty Kemerovo. Elena out of politeness, she invited a colleague to come visit her, Igor I was not at a loss and came for dinner that same evening. Elena was a chaste girl, it seemed to her the height of bad manners to accept a girl’s polite, routine invitation and come to her house. To entertain the silent guest, Elena Malysheva began to show him the first book that came to hand, it turned out to be an illustrated album on fine arts. Renaissance paintings, kissing scenes, slight indiscretion, Elena I was embarrassed and closed the album, but the ardent young man decided that all this was a hint at the beginning of a relationship. Then bored Elena I decided to turn off the lights and turn on the New Year's, flickering lights on the tree, all this without any intention, but here Igor I almost showered the shy girl Elena kisses, again taking this as a hint, if the parents had not entered and called the guest to the table, he would not have escaped a hot slap in the face. Then events began to develop rapidly, Igor Malyshev Dad liked it Elena, and, therefore, the matter remained small, Igor I had to simply obey the impulse of feelings. Offer Elena Igor did a very original thing, he invited her to become the mother of his two sons, and this request was made on the metro platform, the doors slammed, confused Elena set sail, she didn’t sleep all night and wondered where she got Igor children, and what happened to their mother, and in the morning she replied that she agreed to adopt her beloved’s children, but let him first reveal the secret of what happened to their mother. Igor was confused, as you probably already were. guessed, he didn’t have any children, they were talking about future ones, together with Elena kids.

In this photo you see Elena Malysheva, her husband Igor Malyshev, their sons Yuri And Vasily.

In this photo Elena Malysheva with my husband Igor.

And like this Elena Malysheva looked like in her youth, in the photo she is on the right.

Family in this photo Elena Malysheva. It turns out that Elena I have a twin brother and his name is Alexey. Sister Marina older than the twins by several years.

Like this Elena Malysheva could now look on air. Several years ago, TV viewers were asked to choose new image For Elena Malysheva or vote for the old one, that is, the presenter of the program "Live Healthy" I could take off my glasses, put on contacts and start putting on bright makeup. But the audience did not want changes!

On this children's photo you see from left to right: Elena Malysheva, her sister Marina and twin brother Alexey.

In this photo you see Elena Malysheva in his youth.

In the photo Elena Malysheva and her twin brother Alexey.

The whole family is in this photo Elena Malysheva assembled. Brother in the top row Alexey and father Vasily, bottom row: sister Marina, mother Galina, well, she’s young, young Elena Malysheva.

- You have an absolutely amazing family abode... It’s clear how much effort, time, money has been invested in it...

Our apartment - shining example how a good idea can create something amazing out of nothing. Previously there was a technical attic floor. My mother, when she saw all this, said that Igor and I had gone crazy, because it was impossible to live in such a place. There were continuous pipes here... My husband was doing repairs for a whole year, and then he left for America. I moved here alone. But now we are all together again. I always tell my family: the only family member who doesn’t have his own corner is me. The husband has an office, the sons have one room each. And I only have a kitchen. But not so long ago I was given personal space. My husband set up a table for me in the dressing room. (Laughs.) So now I have an office. Only in the locker room!

- You are from Kemerovo. How they decided housing issue in Moscow?

We moved into our first apartment in 1994. Before that, we lived in a hostel for many years and were absolutely happy. They gave birth to children, defended their dissertations, and loved each other. When I hear: “We don’t want to have a child - there are no living conditions,” I think: we need to put a full stop after the words “we don’t want to have a child.” And living conditions have nothing to do with it.

Leskov in his story “Peacock” wrote: “Human frivolity is more often seen to such a terrifying extent in anything else than in the structure of marital unions”...

Unhappy are those people who change from one family to another. Very rarely does the next family turn out to be better than the previous one. There is such a pathological condition: intimophobia. This is when a man has a million mistresses, and loved one as it was not, so it is not. Usually such people themselves are afraid of close relationships. Because intimacy is, essentially, taking responsibility for each other. If the intimacy is formal - today Tanya, and tomorrow Manya, then you are lonely, not Tanya and Manya. I feel sorry for people who have passed through life and have no one to return to. There is no shore where you will be accepted by anyone. For me, this shore is my family and the family of my parents, in which I grew up. And I was absolutely happy when one day our children came from classes English language: “Do you know, parents, that we have perfect family? We ask: “Why?” - “And today we translated the text. It says: the ideal British family is a mother, father, two children, a dog and a housekeeper.”

- There are three men in your family. What's it like the only woman in this union?

When there are only men in the family, a woman needs to be in line all the time, since she is responsible for everything. I realized a long time ago: you shouldn’t demand order in the house from men. I will have to solve this problem. Moreover, it must be resolved in such a way as to remain a close person to those I love. It’s sad when, when a woman comes home, she cannot pay attention to her husband and children, but instead must cook, do laundry, and mop the floors. If possible, I wish all women to have at least a dishwasher. Happened to me culture shock when my husband gave me this assistant. I suddenly realized that I always have clean hands with a fresh manicure and no chipped nail polish. Thank God, now we also have a keeper of the hearth - it’s hard to call her a housekeeper! An amazing woman, dear to us, a member of the family - Nadezhda Semyonovna. She loves and accepts the Malyshev family with all their troubles. Running a home is a difficult, hard job. I think it’s difficult for her with us, but for us with her it’s heaven.

- Are you a demanding mother?

I'm an active mom. My children are lucky that I work hard, otherwise I would completely exhaust them. (Laughs.) Both sons are now studying in America. One is 17, the other is 20. The eldest, Yuri, will be a doctor, the youngest, Vasily, will be a lawyer. I ask them all the time: “What will you do on the weekend?” They, like soldiers, report on the phone: “First we go to the Metropolitan Museum, then there, and then there.” And if I call when they are in a clothing store, I say: “What a shame! You are men!

- Maybe they really need to buy something?

They don’t need anything, they have everything! In our family it is not customary to just wander around idly. I educate them - while they listen to me. Health big money not worth it!

- As far as I know, your husband worked in the USA for a long time. And now?

My husband, the great Russian scientist Igor Malyshev, is now working in Russia. It must be admitted that our state has begun to take the first steps to support science. Igor received a large grant. My husband's home office is his world. He writes endlessly. It is a great happiness and luck in my life to meet such an intelligent and decent person. I don’t understand when a woman demands that her husband hammer nails and tile the toilet. I think this is stupid. My husband is a prominent scientist, and if anything remains in the history of our family, it will be what he did. I never told Igor: nail the shelf, fix the faucet. Although he is a man with beautiful hands.

The television world in which Elena Malysheva moves is very different from the scientific one. How does your husband feel about your publicity?

When we go to parties together, my husband immediately gets tired to the point of insensibility from the noise and hubbub reigning there. And after 5 minutes he says to me: “Do you mind if I leave? Would you like me to wait for you in the car?” I then answer him: “Go home, I’ll call you so you can pick me up.” Igor is completely far from this world... It would be funny if he combed his hair and went to some party ahead of me. Last time We were at the presentation of Valeria’s new disc - we really love this singer and her family.

Do you have obligations to the TV channel regarding experiments with your appearance? Once you held a vote among the audience: to remove or leave Malysheva’s glasses?

I have no written obligations to anyone. Once I came to Oleg Volnov, Konstantin Ernst’s deputy, rebellious, sexy, without glasses. He told me: “Very good, Elena Vasilievna. But you can’t broadcast like that.” I think he's right. The audience gets very used to the image of the presenter. That’s why I don’t experiment with hair color. I don't feel blonde in the traditional sense. Because she’s smart, she takes on passion! (Laughs.) By the way, there are only 4% of real blondes in the world.

- How can a family with little income maintain health?

It’s completely crazy to think that maintaining health requires any kind of material investment. There are 5 risk factors. Smoking. We need to quit smoking! Obesity - comrades, eat less! Hypertension - with every kilogram of weight lost, blood pressure drops by 1-2 mmHg. Physical exercise - 40 minutes of vigorous walking at a frequency of 120 steps per minute prolongs life. Hypercholesterolemia. High level cholesterol can be acquired in obese people - see point 2: eat less. It can be hereditary. Then only drug treatment will help. If you follow all the rules listed above, you will save a lot of money on cigarettes, food and medicine.

There is a poster on your refrigerator: “I will lose respect for myself if I open the refrigerator.” Tell women: how to get a wasp waist?

In our program, we are already tired of talking about obesity... But this is such a popular topic... Our society lives in the world of food. This is an entire industry that owns a huge amount tricks to get us to buy and eat. A lot of overweight people eat sausage, thinking that they are consuming protein. And this has NOTHING to do with meat at all. There bone meal, fat, dyes and flavorings that give appetizing odors. The older you get, the less carbohydrates you need to eat. I used to always eat oatmeal in the morning - beautiful thing, especially if it is uncooked. But in lately I make a vegetable salad for breakfast. I don't add anything vegetable oil, no mayonnaise, no sour cream. Only kefir 0% fat. Wonderful gas station!

A person who sees this presenter on air for the first time will definitely wonder how old Elena Malysheva is? Her image of an all-knowing doctor, which is emphasized by stylish glasses, is somewhat at odds with the almost complete absence of wrinkles on her young face and her magnificent figure.
Meanwhile, as the presenter claims, she never resorted to plastic surgery, and impeccable appearance- the result of a healthy lifestyle, which, of course, she knows better than anyone.

But still, how old is Elena Malysheva?

She was born in Siberian city Kemerovo on March 13, 1961, that is, today she is a full 52 years old. Her parents are famous doctors, moreover, she is a representative of an entire medical dynasty. Her brother and sister connected their lives with healing. Future star the same fate awaited the television screen, although she tried to timidly declare her desire to become a journalist. The family was against it, and Elena did not dare to contradict her.

At school, a diploma with honors at the Kemerovo Medical Institute, graduate school, defending a dissertation, a candidate of medical sciences degree... Everything in her life was correct, so to speak, according to plan. Elena also married a doctor: her husband Igor Yuryevich Malyshev is a famous scientist involved in molecular biology. Together they raised two sons, who, however, did not follow in the footsteps of their parents.

Apart from the difficult time in the early nineties, when the couple had to work almost 24 hours a day in several hospitals, Elena’s life was quite successful. Only the old dream of journalistic activity. Her first television programs“Recipe” and “Infirmary” were released on Kemerovo television. And it doesn’t matter how old Elena Malysheva was when her youthful dream came true. As it turns out, television is her calling. She very harmoniously fit into the role of a TV presenter, as if she had been doing just that all her life.

The local TV channel, which became the launching pad for Malysheva, could not realize all the creative ambitions of the future favorite of millions. With the firm intention of creating her own TV show on one of the central channels, Elena and her family set off to conquer Moscow. It is not surprising that the “excellent student in medicine” very soon achieved her goal. In 1994, she became the host of the program “Did you call the doctor?” on the RTR channel. “Health” on ORT, which was revived on her own initiative, brought her national fame. The channel's management was so impressed by the ideas leading in the direction of the development of the program that they also left her the position of project manager. How old was Elena Malysheva then? Only 36! Not bad for a doctor who decided to become a famous TV personality.

Today she is the face of Channel One. Under her strict leadership, the programs “Health” and “Live Healthy!” are broadcast with her as the presenter. When asked how old Elena Malysheva will be when she gets tired of work, the presenter replies: “You won’t wait!”

Having realized her childhood dream, the screen star did not stop developing as a doctor. She is the author of many scientific medical works. The biography of Elena Malysheva is also rich in information about various medical awards. And this means that viewers of her programs have every reason to trust her conclusions and judgments.

Elena's parents were talented and fairly well-known doctors and had absolutely no doubt that their daughter would follow in their footsteps. Moreover, the siblings continued the medical dynasty. However, Elena saw slightly different prospects for herself.

She studied well at school and easily graduated with a gold medal, which actually opened the doors of even the most prestigious Moscow universities for her. Which she did not fail to take advantage of and went straight to Moscow. After the first exam, she was enrolled in the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University.

Elena Malysheva with her family

However, the parents reacted very negatively to their daughter’s choice, considering journalism to be an extremely frivolous activity. Through less than a year Elena finally gave in to her parents’ pressure and dropped out of Moscow State University. The next year she was already a student at the medical institute in her native Kemerovo.

Difficult start

Since childhood, Elena has been accustomed to taking everything she does seriously. Therefore, she plunged headlong into understanding the secrets of the medical profession. As one would expect, the result of such conscientious training was a diploma with honors and confident admission to graduate school. Elena decided that if she was to be a doctor, then she should be successful and famous.

Elena began her medical career in a regular district clinic as a local general practitioner. But she didn’t like this kind of work too much, because it was boring and monotonous. Therefore, as soon as the opportunity arose, Elena moved to the Second Medical Institute to the Department of Internal Medicine, where she already had the opportunity to seriously engage in science.

Quite quickly after studying, she defended her candidate’s and soon her doctor’s dissertation. However, in the early 90s, it was time for doctors difficult times. Scientific developments have ceased to be funded. Doctors had to really survive.

By this time, Elena had already gotten married and given birth to two sons, the youngest of whom, unfortunately, became seriously ill. And after a complex operation, the parents were forced to move with their children to hometown Elena Kemerovo.

TV debut

It was there that Elena made her television debut, and quite by accident. Returning to her hometown, Elena called one of her old acquaintances, and in a conversation with him it was discovered that there was not a single original and useful program about health and medicine on local television. He invites Elena to become the author and host of such a program, to which she happily agrees.

So two were born at once interesting programs: “Recipe” for healthy and healthy eating and “Lazaret” - an analogue of the “Health” program, which was very popular in the Soviet past. Even Elena herself was surprised by how confidently and freely she managed to carry herself in front of the camera. The presenter's relaxed manner was also appreciated by the audience, especially since the programs were broadcast live.

Conquest of Moscow

After working for only two years on a local TV channel, having gained some popularity and invaluable experience in hosting programs on medical topics, Elena decided to try to break into television in Moscow. The couple are moving to the capital again with their children.

Elena begins to knock on all doors and luck smiles on her. Just at this time, the commercial channel “RTR” was preparing to air the program “Did you call the doctor?”, the host of which Malysheva was approved. And soon she got lucky again. She was chosen among eight other journalists for an internship in the United States, where she received training in the techniques of running such programs.

After Elena’s return, the heads of the ORT channel drew attention to her, who decided to once again revive the formerly popular “Health”. The skills and abilities acquired in America were very useful here. She becomes the author, director and part-time presenter new version programs.

“Life is great!”

Project “Live Healthy!” appeared on Channel One, replacing the “Health” program. It was created in a completely new format, the purpose of which was to attract people’s attention to their own health and give people at least a minimum level of medical literacy.

The new program was fundamentally different from its prototype. There were practically no special medical terms in it, and all information was presented in simple and understandable language, accompanied by a visual demonstration. It is not surprising that the new medical show was liked by the audience. And Elena Malysheva became the most famous Russian doctor.

Sometimes there were incidents during the programs. Some demonstrations were not very successful. One of them (about female circumcision) even became a topic for parodies in other show programs, but in general even critics responded very positively to Malysheva’s work, since the program managed to interest the general public in medical topics and popularize healthy image life.

Family and business

Elena Malysheva got married while still studying at medical school. It is not surprising that her husband is also a doctor. Currently he is one of the leading Russian microbiologists. The Malyshev family has two sons.

Elena Malysheva with her husband and children

Sometimes she says that only next to three beloved men can you feel a real woman. Family means a lot to Elena - it is both her quiet haven and a reliable rear.

In addition to working on television, Elena is currently successfully promoting her own method of healthy weight loss and improving the system developed using her method fast food. This idea came from years of working on television, during which literally thousands of questions were asked about weight loss.

And many people complained that, due to constant employment, it was simply unrealistic to follow a healthy diet and prepare special dishes.

This system is a completely balanced diet made from natural products, which can be prepared in 2 minutes by simply pouring water into the contents of the sachets. After a preliminary consultation, specialists select a diet for each week, taking into account the initial weight and taste preferences. The diet from Malysheva is very popular.

Besides successful work on television, Elena Malysheva is also a good businessman. Her earnings for health are about 1 billion rubles a year.

Since 2015, Elena Vasilievna has been the owner of the clinic on Krasnaya Presnya. In addition, she owns the media portal Zdorovieinfo.ru. The co-owners of the company are Elena’s sons, Yuri and Vasily. Yuri also takes an active part in television project“It's great to live!”, being its creative producer and the head of the writing group preparing the scripts.

Malysheva is also actively involved in advertising activities, being the owner of two companies with multimillion-dollar annual profits. But most profitable business Malysheva's diet kits became available. Together with Shchiglik, Elena Vasilyevna owns Elena Malysheva’s Diet LLC, created in 2012. The company's annual profit is more than 100 million rubles.