Essay “My profession is a speech therapist teacher. Essay “My profession is a speech therapist teacher

Salyaeva Ekaterina Aleksandrovna teacher-speech therapist MADOU No. 29 “Vasilyok” p. Bobrovsky Sysert city district Sverdlovsk region

My profession: Speech therapist

I have been working since 2006, since I was 22 years old

My education: in 2001, after school, I chose to study at the Ural State Pedagogical University at the Institute special education specializing in speech therapy

My responsibilities include: Carry out work aimed at maximizing the correction of deficiencies in the speech development of children, in other words, conduct individual, subgroup classes, group classes aimed at correcting speech disorders. Provide consultations for teaching staff, as well as parents of pupils on the prevention of speech disorders, as well as on the use of special methods and techniques for the correction and development of speech and other higher mental functions.

Advantages of my profession: Short working hours, so I can combine 2 jobs (there is the possibility of additional income). My professional knowledge helps me in raising and teaching my own child.

Disadvantages of my profession: The result of my work depends not only on my activities, but also on the participation of teachers and parents in the correctional process.

Qualities that are necessary in my profession: patience, the ability to find an individual approach to each child, as well as to find common language with teachers and parents, becoming one in the upbringing and development of the child.

A speech therapist, or more correctly a teacher-speech therapist, is a teacher who combines the professions of an actor, musician, psychologist, designer and many other professions. And, of course, this is a person who loves children, which is why after university she came to work in kindergarten her home village, where she herself went as a child and realized that in practice, working with children is very interesting and exciting.

preschoolers are always very interested. Of course, there are also difficulties (poor kindergarten attendance by some children, who especially need the help of a speech therapist, the lack of interest of some parents in the correctional process), but the children bring more joy than grief, this forces me to be in constant creative search. A speech therapist teacher should try to satisfy the needs of a rapidly developing child’s brain, grow intellectually, look for his own path, think outside the box, strive to find the most effective ways correction of speech deficiencies, that is, to be a master of his craft, and this great art. Of course, this does not come immediately, but gradually. I was convinced of this own experience and talking with speech therapists in our area. We have very interesting methodological associations of speech therapists, because they are all creative, highly professional people. In their offices there are a lot of different manuals, tables, games, cards, most of which they made with their own hands, showing extraordinary creativity and skill.

Besides the fact that I am proud of my profession, I am also endlessly in love with it, because it is so nice to have a job that benefits children, to see the joy on their faces from communicating with me. And it must be said that the victory over speech disorders is the merit of not only the teacher - speech therapist, but also other participants in the correctional process (educators, parents); many follow my recommendations with pleasure and interest, learning something new for them.

I believe that it is important in the profession of a teacher - speech therapist to respect oneself and others, strive forward, create and not stop there. And start every day with our main articulation exercise “Smile”!

Essay "My educational philosophy»

Batina Svetlana Yurievna

"The ability to educate -
it's still art
how to play the violin or piano well,
good at painting."
A.S. Makarenko.

There are thousands of professions in the world, all of them necessary and interesting. But each person must choose the one that best suits his natural abilities, i.e. find your calling. I have always loved children and dreamed of becoming a teacher. I believed that among the many different professions on earth, this profession is the most interesting and attractive.

The most important thing in our profession is to love children, to love just like that, for nothing, to give them your heart.

For me, the profession of a teacher is an opportunity to constantly be in the world of childhood, in the world of fairy tales and fantasy. You especially realize the importance of the profession of a speech therapist teacher when you see children’s eyes wide open; eyes greedily catching my every word, my glance and gesture; eyes ready to embrace the world.

I work as a speech therapist in a kindergarten, “teach words,” and work with children who have speech disorders. My task is little by little, step by step, to go through the difficult path from making sounds to independent, detailed statements, to prepare preschoolers for mastering school educational programs. And what joy there is, how a child’s eyes glow with happiness when we manage to “start the engine,” learn to pronounce sounds correctly, not confuse them in words, and construct sentences correctly! A child “grows wings” when he can express his opinion, say what he thought and dreamed about.

Working in a kindergarten, I saw how difficult it is for children with speech disorders. They were withdrawn, unsure of themselves, irritable, touchy, as a result of which they had difficulties communicating with others. These children could not fully express their desires, explain, ask, or establish contacts with their peers. I really wanted to help such children, so it was quite conscious that I entered the pedagogical institute at the defectology faculty, specializing as a speech therapist.

I work with “special” children. Such children have less compensatory capabilities to adapt to to the outside world, and here my task is to liberate the child, help him accept himself as he is, feel unique, significant in a group, team, society.

Working in a kindergarten, I never once doubted my choice of profession, but every year I become more and more convinced of how difficult it is to teach and raise children. They believe in you, they rely on you, they expect understanding from you. And you must correspond to all this, always be on top. After all, it largely depends on you how they will turn out in school life children. I can call myself happy man who give their knowledge, their energy, their love to children. Children are the most great value on earth, these are those in whose name we live.

The teacher must constantly improve his skills, using the achievements pedagogical science and best practices. Must go forward, master innovative technologies, unconventional methods. Working with children, I understood the meaning of Michel Montaigne's statement: “In order to teach another, it takes more intelligence than to learn on your own.” I agree with this statement, so I try to improve myself: I get acquainted with new discoveries in correctional pedagogy; I use new innovative technologies (ICT, Internet resources); I am expanding and modernizing the means of correctional and speech therapy work. Professor V.M. Lizinsky is right: “A teacher is a person who studies all his life, only in this case does he acquire the right to teach.”

I have the main thing - patience, optimism and love for children. Desired result It won’t be soon, but gradually, in small steps, day after day, we are diligently moving towards it. And how nice it is to see the successes of children achieved through persistent, painstaking work, and to hear words of gratitude from their parents. I am a speech therapist teacher. I say these words with a feeling of pride, I help people become happier!

“What makes us rich in this world is

Not what we get

And what we give away"

Bigger Henry Ward.

Kindergarten is a special world where you need to be interesting and useful to the people around you, to give children your energy, knowledge, and ability to learn new things.

Here, each child is unique and unrepeatable in their manifestation and development. Working with children is very interesting. Only the most persistent, patient, courageous, sincere, responsible, kind, proactive, creatively active and amazing people live in this country.

“Our special duty is that if anyone is particularly in need of our help, we should make every effort to help that person.” These words reveal the essence of my profession in the best possible way. I am constantly driven by the desire to help every child. For me, my profession is not only work, it is a space for my self-realization. When I come to work, or simply communicate with children, I open my heart to them, discuss with them topics that concern them, and sincerely answer their questions. "Job - best way enjoy life,” said I. Kant. And I share his point of view. “He who has never been a child will never be an adult” (Chaplin) - I have the opportunity to “be a child again”, but at the same time remain an adult. How to help a child find his place in life? The most effective technologies preschool education, the socialization of a preschooler is based on the unique possibilities of play. I am guided in my work by M. Montessori’s idea that a child learns easily when he does not notice what he is being taught.

My work is not limited only to working with children, I include parents in the correctional process, acting as a partner, mentor, consultant, and assistant in our joint work. The active participation of parents in the correctional and developmental educational process can significantly increase work efficiency and create a unified space speech development. It's nice to talk to parents who want to hear from you. practical advice For joint activities with children at home, which will undoubtedly help their children overcome certain difficulties in speech development. It makes me happy when not only I, but also my parents see the results of my work.

When creating conditions for the correction of speech disorders in children, I try to make the environment attractive and comfortable, where each object carries a meaning, aesthetic pleasure and always a fairy tale, secret or riddle. This is the only way to captivate and interest a child. “Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity.” (V.A. Sukhomlinsky) The child himself takes part in creating a favorable environment, bringing his favorite toys, homemade toys, prints of his “Cheerful palms”, drawings made by himself or together with mom and dad. And then the environment becomes close and dear to the child, since there is a piece of his home next to him. Our classes begin with a mutual greeting, a smile, a kind word, and it is very pleasant to see children’s smiles and wide-open eyes in response in anticipation of something new and interesting. In the apt expression of V. Soloukhin, “the soul freezes and turns to stone without a smile.” To be interesting for children, I prepare for each lesson, think through game techniques, plots, select didactic material, I use Internet resources.

Being “on the same wavelength” with the child and creating different communication situations helps me information Technology. Specialized speech therapy computer program “Games for Tigers” computer games: “Learning to speak correctly”…. Out of the child’s interest, I extend a “thread” to his abilities. The first success, and then many victories, inspire the child and me, contribute strong desire achieve good results. At every lesson I try to maintain a friendly atmosphere so that the children feel free and comfortable. I try to help the child open up, to instill in him confidence that we will overcome all difficulties. After all, in the hands of a speech therapist, the most valuable asset is the child, his development and prospects.

A teacher-speech therapist is a teacher who can combine an artist, a musician, a designer, a diplomat, and a psychologist. We can go on and on. Children are drawn into the theatrical performance with pleasure, in which they begin to hear and understand the word, confirming the idea of ​​J. Korczak that children are “artists, dreamers and poets, and researchers and artists.” Equating speech and music, Aristotle wrote: “Speech that is pleasant to the ear is a kind of music.” A designer - because the speech therapist creates comfort, beauty, which encourages communication with the child.

The personality of the speech therapist plays a big role in correctional work. When you give a lot to your children and receive a lot from them. Children, while studying, enjoy communicating with me, rejoice at their successes and achievements, share various information with me, eagerly go to classes and enjoy playing all the games offered. This means that for every child, I am not just a source of information, but also a creator of a positive emotional mood.

The skill of a speech therapist teacher is not an accidental success, not a lucky find, but a systematic, painstaking search and work, often rough, everyday, filled with anxious thoughts, discoveries and failures. What will happen tomorrow? Tomorrow will be a new day, where the eyes of my “preschool children” will look at me again. And I will strive to put my ideas and plans into practice, to constantly improve my own educational level, my teaching skills.

Today my profession is in great demand. A speech therapist teacher is a humane profession that harmoniously combines the compassion of medicine, the wisdom of pedagogy and the insight of psychology.

The realization that children came to me with speech defects, and left with competent and beautiful speech, acquired new knowledge, abilities, communication skills that will help them in life and in school, fills my heart with joy, pride in myself, for my kindergarten, for the fact that it was not in vain that I chose my professional path. Every day I enjoy the process of work, I devote myself to my favorite work with all my soul, and devote my free time to it.

My profession is very interesting; every day, together with children, I experience a feeling of joy, compassion, and other important emotions. I feel useful. To be useful is a great happiness!

“What is the most important thing in my life?

Without hesitation I answer – love for children.”

V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

Essay on the topic: “One day in kindergarten”

Kolesnikova Snezhana Anatolyevna, teacher-speech therapist at Nikolsky Kindergarten
Description of work. A few days ago I took part in the regional “Teacher of the Year” competition. So the first round included 3 tasks, one of which was writing an essay. This is exactly what I present for your discussion.

Throughout my conscious childhood I dreamed of becoming a surgeon. But fate wanted to send me in a completely different direction. Just a few years ago I couldn’t even think that I would become a speech therapist. Nevertheless, I entered this profession consciously, proving by my own example to everyone, and, first of all, to myself, that it is never too late to learn and improve!
As a creative and energetic person, I believe that this work meets all my internal attitudes. Monotony is clearly not my thing life credo. In the classroom I am a teacher, an actress, a designer, an artist, and a director. It seems to me that a person is happy at work only when he gives free rein to all his talents... The profession of a speech therapist helps me fully in this.
Profession of speech therapist for me, this is not just a manifestation of love for children, but also a desire to understand, comprehend their amazing thinking mechanism, and again and again discover simple truths that we, adults, conveniently forget.
Time flies very quickly, and I have been working in kindergarten for 4 years now. This is the place where I rest my soul and heart. Every morning of the working day I start by walking around my groups, where I am greeted by the enthusiastic screams of my beloved children. Not a single day is complete without tender hugs, which are not alien even to boys!
Despite the fact that I am a teacher and an adult for children, I try to communicate with them on their “wavelength”. Sometimes I even switch to children’s slang in order to establish a trusting relationship with children. Therefore, you have to watch the cartoons that they watch, play the games that they play. Minions, Winxes, Barboskins are now my favorite heroes!
For me my office– this is the territory of correct speech. I try to make all the manuals in it multifunctional. Children see many of them for the first time in their lives, and then use them at school. Children know every corner of it and what this corner is needed for.
So, morning. I really love Tuesdays and Fridays. Group literacy classes begin. At 8 am, many children are still sleeping, so you have to wake them up with help. various games. My kids are delighted with visual graphic dictations. They love to catch sounds and perform various kinesiological exercises.
Lesson summary- we populate the letter in Bukvograd. You should see the intense look of the children! Thoughts run across their faces, because everyone dreams of an honorable role, everyone wants to move the letter into its house! How difficult it was at the beginning, and how easy it is in the middle!
And of course assessments! Who among us didn’t like getting A’s? Children look for their pocket and put down the earned circle with such trepidation! They count how many each person has, because the results will soon be summed up, and someone will receive a prize they honestly earned.
Group classes are over, it's time individual lessons. How well noted Jan Amos Comenius: “If you want to teach a child something, show how others do it, and he will imitate without any orders.” That’s why I always do all the exercises together with the child - I make faces in front of the mirror, if it’s facial gymnastics showing my tongue during articulation gymnastics.
A lot of mine and my children's were wasted nerve cells, but finally, the child utters the sound that has been elusive for so long. And here there are a lot of emotions and even, not rarely, enthusiastic screams – mine and the children’s!!!
It's 12 noon. The working day is over, and I’m tired but happy, returning home.
I have never regretted that I chose such a wonderful profession! The work of a speech therapist can be compared to the work of a sculptor. Day after day, bit by bit, I grind out the correct sounds, like a master, achieving the ideal relief - the correct pronunciation. The personality of a speech therapist is multifaceted. She accumulates professional competence, speech etiquette, culture of interpersonal relationships, endurance and patience, tolerance, goodwill and resourcefulness.
To the question: "What do you do?", I proudly answer: "I'm a speech therapist teacher!".

Once upon a time, while still in school, I decided that I would work with children. And for the past twenty years, every morning, I enter the kindergarten, walk along the bright, spacious corridors and open the doors of a small cozy office. On his door there is a sign - “Teacher-speech therapist”. Toys, books, magazines - a familiar familiar environment. But every day brings new meetings with children...

Quiet, shy Maxim, a boy of four and a half years old, just recently said his first word. Finally, we managed to break this wall of silence! Artem is still afraid to get a massage. But without it, we won’t be able to cope with difficult sounds! Reasonable, friendly Masha will again ask many questions. During classes, she always carefully watches my every move and listens to every word. A very diligent girl! And I think he will study well at school. In the evening, I'm waiting for Ruslan's mother. He just recently came to our kindergarten and does not communicate with the children at all, does not make eye contact and has difficulty understanding spoken speech. Difficulties in adaptation? Speech delay or hearing loss? You can’t do without medical help here... What to say to a worried, confused mother? What words to choose so as not to frighten her and set her up for long-term work together?

Every day brings new tasks that require immediate solutions, and new questions to which we have to find answers...

Who is he - a teacher - speech therapist? Doctor, whose task is to help a child overcome an existing illness? A psychologist who is ready to listen, reassure and instill confidence? Or a teacher who has entertaining games and answers to hundreds of children’s questions? Or maybe a speech therapist is a talented designer who can transform small office to a cozy workshop of correct speech?

In order to form the correct sound pronunciation in a child, it is necessary to have knowledge from the field of neuropsychology and anatomy, to be able to use speech therapy massage and modern health-saving technologies, to know methods and techniques for establishing correct speech breathing and voice. It is important to correctly formulate a speech conclusion and develop a correction route. In short, you need to be literate doctor.

It is equally important to interest the child. First time visiting speech therapy session, the child experiences genuine interest in everything that happens around him. It is very important not to extinguish this spark of curiosity in children's eyes. Be able to not only give directions and instructions, but also organize new, interesting activities for children, in which, through their own trial and error, they will find the right solutions. I believe that with such organization of children’s activities, the child will strive for a positive result and rejoice in his achievements. Need to be creative teacher

It is important to keep up with the times, to use modern achievements in speech therapy and related sciences in your practice. Therefore, I attend advanced training courses, speak at teacher councils and conferences, participate in competitions, and I am sure that self-education is a necessary condition for professional growth, important stage continuing education.

When communicating with children and parents, it is important to provide the necessary help and support in a timely manner and not leave them alone with the difficulties that have arisen. To suggest, reassure, instill faith and hope that our joint hard work will not be in vain. After all, while a person is struggling, he has faith and hope that he will cope with the most serious illness, and parents, in addition, have great love for their children and the desire to give them a happy, healthy life. You need to be sensitive and attentive psychologist.

A speech therapy room is not just a place where children come to work with a specialist. This is a real workshop where various miracles. Some of the guys here will say their first word, some will make the correct, long-awaited sound for the first time. And for some, learn to compose a story based on a picture or retell a fairy tale. And in order for the guys to look forward to our meeting with pleasure, you need to be a talented designer. The interior of the office, games and manuals created with their own hands - everything should be interesting and useful for them. After all, a child’s interest is already half the success in such a serious matter as mastering correct speech! Creative and talented skills required designer.

I have a wonderful specialty that organically combines the skills of different professions!

Sometimes it's not easy correctional work It's very difficult and slow. But step by step, day by day, we, together with our students, are moving towards a positive result.

And I see the results of my work everywhere. When I meet the parents of my students, who greet me with a special smile, I understand that I was able to help their child. It is interesting and important to me how my graduates study at school, I am proud when teachers praise them. My heart is filled with joy that their successes include a piece of my work...

K. D. Ushinsky said: “If you successfully choose work and put your soul into it, then happiness will find you on its own.” Therefore, we can say that I am a happy person!