Essay “I am a speech therapist teacher. Essay by a speech therapist teacher “My pedagogical philosophy

Ludtsia Gafizova
Essay “I am a speech therapist teacher”

As a child, I raised and taught dolls, I dreamed of becoming teacher and to be not only a teacher for children, but also a mentor and friend. I often played with my friends where I was teacher, and they are students. I desperately wanted to become an adult as soon as possible, get a specialty. Years have passed... Remembering my childhood, I realize that my dream has come true. I speech therapist teacher. The only difference is that instead of dolls and friends, I play with children who expect something new, interesting and educational from me every day. Kindergarten is a special world where you need to be interesting and useful to the people around you, to give children your energy, knowledge, and ability to learn new things. Here, each child is unique and unrepeatable in their manifestation and development.

I am working teacher-speech therapist with children of senior preschool age. I am involved in the correction of sound pronunciation disorders, the development of correct speech breathing, the development of phonemic processes, the enrichment of vocabulary, and the improvement of children’s coherent speech. Work is underway syllable structure words and grammatical structure speech. In my work I use game methods, a variety of visual material, diagrams for writing sentences and stories. In class I use exercises to develop gross and fine motor skills.

Me as a novice teacher, how young specialist Every day we are concerned with questions about how to interest a child, captivate him, how to make the first steps into the world of knowledge easy and memorable, how to make children want to come to classes with a speech therapist with a smile? To be interesting for children, I prepare for each lesson, think through game techniques, plots, select bright didactic material I use modern technical teaching aids and Internet resources. A creative pedagogical approach stimulates the development of children and their interests. Encourages independence.

So that each lesson is not similar to the previous one, I come up with different "light fluff", "funny pencils", "funny tongues". We have cute characters in our classes, like "smart hare", "smart hedgehog", "sly fox" and many others fairy tale characters who captivate and lure children with their interesting games. Or children receive letters with messages and requests from forest dwellers (animals, old forest man). To relieve fatigue, I do physical exercises (we show how the trees rustle, the grass rustles, finger games. To correct sound pronunciation, we hiss like snakes, buzz like beetles, ring like mosquitoes, etc.

My profession is very entertaining; every day, together with children, I experience a feeling of joy, compassion, and other important emotions. I feel useful. To be useful is a great happiness!

I really enjoy working with children. Interesting: each child is unique and inimitable in its manifestation and development. When I come to work and communicate with the children, I ask how they are doing, what they did on the weekend, where did they go? The guys are happy to share their impressions and tell interesting stories. My desire is to help every child open up, instill confidence in him, and make him feel his self-worth. I see in the child’s eyes a keen interest in learning something new, still unknown. The main thing is that this interest does not fade away. I think the most important thing is professional activity educators, teachers, teachers-speech therapists are not only professional, but also his human qualities, because children are drawn to a kind and caring person, and only in this way can a teacher achieve good results.

A speech therapy session is not only a school for teaching and raising a child, but also a kind look, gentle speech, charm and beauty of a teacher, instilling in them confidence that everything it will work out. The first success, and then many victories, inspire the child and me, contribute strong desire achieve good results. At every lesson, I try to maintain a friendly atmosphere so that the children feel free and comfortable.

Personality teachers The speech therapist plays a big role in correctional work. When you give a lot to your children and receive a lot from them. Children, while studying, enjoy communicating with me, rejoice at their successes and achievements, go to classes with desire and enjoy playing all the games offered. By teaching through play, we achieve positive results in children much earlier than using traditional methods.

My work is not limited only to working with children; I also include parents in the correction process. I'm working out educational work, I conduct group and individual lessons, conversations, setting up an information stand for parents in the corners of each group, conducting workshops on how to work with children at home to help the child. The active participation of parents in the correctional and developmental educational process can significantly increase the level of speech development. It’s nice to talk with parents who are interested in their children’s successful speech acquisition. It makes me happy when not only I, but also my parents see the results of my work. Our assistants in our joint work are educators who conduct seminars, round tables, consultations. In their work, they use five-minute speech therapy sessions (finger gymnastics, articulation gymnastics, and are working on automating the sounds they set.

Child - main value in society. And we, teachers, have been entrusted with the most precious things - its development, its prospects. The richer and more correct a child’s speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his opportunities to understand reality, the more complete his relationships with children and adults, his behavior, and therefore his personality as a whole will be.

Any speech disorder to one degree or another can affect the child’s activities and behavior. Children who speak poorly become silent, shy, indecisive, and withdraw into themselves. When teaching a child at school, speech deficiencies can lead to academic failure and create self-doubt. Therefore, it is so important, even in preschool age identify and eliminate existing pronunciation defects in the child, learn children speak beautifully.

Being a speech therapist is honorable and interesting for me, I teach every day, I learn every day, and I hope that my students will continue to delight me with their achievements in mastering beautiful and correct speech.

Novikova Oksana Mikhailovna teacher - speech therapist, MDOU kindergarten No. 1 Veidelevka village


"My educational philosophy»

It's not enough to just love children

We still need to do it right,

So as not to harm them with your love.

A.S. Makarenko

We all come from childhood. Somewhere there, far away, vivid pictures remained in my memory, where we, children, gathered in the courtyard of our house and enthusiastically played builders and doctors, firefighters and astronauts. And I, probably because of my outward seriousness, always got the role school teacher. How long ago it was! But a meaningful desire to become a teacher appeared only in high school. And I wasn’t the only one who had it. We were all enthusiastic about Nina Grigorievna - our beloved class teacher. Her love for us, reverent and selfless attitude towards the profession were so bright and impressive that among my classmates, it seemed, there were no those left who would not dream of making the teaching profession the main business of their lives. And I became one of those whose dream came true. Now my dream profession teacher-speech therapist, brings me only satisfaction.

When you give a lot to your children, then you get a lot from them in return. The personal qualities of a teacher play a big role in building relationships between teacher and child, but they are especially important in correctional work. After all, one way or another, children are very sensitive to their own shortcomings. And my main task is to make every effort to protect them from becoming withdrawn and to avoid the appearance of complexes in the future. During classes, children enjoy communicating with me, rejoice at their successes and achievements, share various impressions, they are always full of cognitive energy, and therefore play all the proposed games. This means that for every child, I am not just a teacher, but also a source of positive emotional mood. I remember funny incident. During the lesson, the children practiced agreeing numerals with nouns, I heard a dialogue between the children - Vicky and Danil:

I have ten parrots.

Watch, or else they'll bite you!

And everyone laughed together.

I love children for their naturalness and spontaneity, for their openness and sincerity in showing feelings and expressing thoughts.

The skill of a speech therapist teacher is not an accidental success, not a lucky find, but a systematic, painstaking search and work, often rough, everyday work, filled with anxious thoughts, discoveries and failures. What will happen tomorrow? Tomorrow will be a new day, the eyes of my “preschool children” will look at me again, eager for answers to all their questions. And I will strive to find these answers in order to put my ideas and plans into practice, to constantly improve my own professional level, my teaching skills.

Today my profession is in great demand. A speech therapist teacher is a humane profession that harmoniously combines the compassion of medicine, the wisdom of pedagogy and the insight of psychology. The realization that children came to me with speech defects and left with literate and beautiful speech, acquired new knowledge, abilities, and communication skills that will help them in life and when studying at school, fills my heart with joy, pride in myself, in my kindergarten, for the fact that it was not in vain that I chose my professional path. In my work, I enjoy every creative day I live, I devote myself to my favorite work with all my soul, and devote all my free time to it.

Being a good speech therapist teacher is very difficult, important and interesting, because every day, when communicating with children, I feel useful, feel a sense of joy and pride in children's successes and achievements. To be useful is a great happiness!

By mastering his native language, a child learns not only words... but an infinite variety of concepts, views on objects, a multitude of thoughts, feelings, artistic images, logic and philosophy of language - and he learns easily and quickly, in two or three years, so much that he cannot learn even half of it in 20 years of diligent and methodical study.

This is this great folk teacher - a native word.”
K.D. Ushinsky

Since childhood, the profession of a speech therapist has attracted me. Even in kindergarten, I watched with curiosity and interest how our speech therapist worked with the children, how they learned to speak beautifully and play. And I also wanted to become a speech therapist.

I approached this profession purposefully, and after graduating from school I entered the Tatar State Humanitarian Academy. pedagogical university with a degree in speech therapy, which she graduated in 2008. And I immediately got a job in a kindergarten, where I still work to this day.

Speech therapist teacher– this is a calling, an internal state of mind, a desire to help and teach. A real speech therapist builds a child’s future, developing and improving not only speech, but also the child’s inner “I,” his individuality.

Speech is a communication skill, without which full communication is impossible, and if from an early age a child feels misunderstood by others and is unable to clearly express his thoughts, this can lead to psychological trauma and problems at school. Of course, speech impairment can be a consequence psychological problems, but this does not prevent the “bouquet from blooming further.” Avoiding the formation of distorted perceptions, understanding how to influence a little person, bringing only benefit, teaching difficult sounds, meeting expectations - these are everyday tasks.

All children require an individual approach; one child must be taught to “whistle”, another to “hiss”. Everyone has their own methods and techniques; you should choose with special care. Selecting the material is half the battle, important aspect– establishing emotional contact with the baby, placing him close to you, creating a friendly atmosphere. Positive emotions help retain information in memory for many years.

A child knows how to enjoy his victories in a way that not every adult can. If the baby gets the long-awaited “growl,” he is proud of himself and happy. And your soul itself feels good, you become infected with childish sincerity of feelings, and accept victory as your own. In addition to the fact that a speech therapist teacher teaches graceful and correct speech, he develops a patient attitude towards work and endurance. Talking about how everything comes with experience is an integral part of the classes. Like this: by encouraging, repeating, rejoicing with the child, I instill eloquence skills, the ability to conduct a monologue and dialogue. Clear pronunciation and good speech will help the child not only at school, but will also bring professional success in the future.

For in simple words there is a lot of work involved. Invaluable experience and professional knowledge is collected bit by bit: proofread huge amount literature, achievements in speech therapy and related sciences are studied, open classes, take on board the advice of other specialists, constantly attend various courses to improve their qualifications, and introduce new ideas into their work. The lesson is designed so that every minute develops one or another mental function of the child.

But this is not enough. A speech therapist teacher must not only be a storehouse of valuable information; he must be able to present information in such a way that it is learned. To do this, different roles are played that captivate the child. In order for the baby to want to speak beautifully, you need to pronounce the phrase like a real actor, arranging little show, in which it is pleasant and interesting to participate. Having said one phrase with expression, another must be sung.

As a speech therapist, I try to combine knowledge, goodwill, etiquette and culture of relationships, hard work and patience, and most importantly the ability to show kindness and affection. A smile is a powerful weapon on the way to achieving your goal. And a word flavored with a smile, a beautiful, inspiring, persuasive word will become a child’s guide to the world of easy communication, casual conversation, and the opportunity to convey one’s thoughts. Communication with a teacher leaves a mark on a person’s soul for the rest of his life; the task of every teacher is to make this mark bright and kind.

A speech therapist teacher is a wonderful profession that brings joy in the form of invaluable results: the speech, psychological and intellectual development of the child. Touching the destinies of children, influencing their future, rejoicing in the successes of my students - I am happy that I chose this path.

Gilfanutdinova Elvira Rustemovna,
speech therapist teacher,
MBDOU No. 126 “Kindergarten No. 126
combined type with Tatar
language of education and training"
city ​​of Kazan

I would like to start my essay with a parable that once helped me understand why I chose the profession of “teacher-speech therapist.”

My path to my favorite profession was not easy. After school, I entered medical college and, after graduating, began working with premature babies. Often children had various developmental disorders. I helped save their lives, but I was always tormented by the question: “What will happen next?” How will children with visual, speech, and musculoskeletal impairments develop? “The doctors answered: “We saved the baby.” We will treat him. Teachers will teach." Hearing this answer, I realized that I wanted to become a teacher! That same year I entered the Pedagogical University. Worked in medicine and learned pedagogical art. One helped and complemented the other a lot. Every day I fell more and more in love with the business I was studying. I understood from a medical point of view “why this or that developmental deviation appeared,” and from a pedagogical point of view “what needs to be done to make a child’s life fulfilling.”

I became a speech therapist and am very proud of my profession.

My profession is mine spiritual path, my service, this is my choice.

And my choice fell on working with children with severe multiple developmental disorders, who also have speech impairments.

“My child doesn’t speak! What to do? Help!" - this is the prayer of the parents who come to me. And the child can be either two years old or seven years old.

I answer: “We will work hard, we will try to do the maximum possible, but first of all we need to accept the child as he is. Understand and accept its uniqueness. Do not compare him with his peers, but rejoice at every new achievement made by him himself. What to do? Love, help, accept, respect, develop and much more!” Of course, everything is not easy, but “EVERYTHING WILL WORK OUT!” And this is our motto! And this “everything” is completely different for children. Some will go to school, while others will only be able to say the word “mom” during a year of study, but what happiness for a mother to hear for the first time this long-awaited word from the lips of her beloved child.

Having once chosen my profession, I did not stop. I chose how to treat mine professional responsibilities, what exactly and how I should do in the profession.

Every day I improve. Getting acquainted with the latest discoveries in correctional pedagogy: I regularly take advanced training courses, attend master classes and seminars, which make it possible to expand and modernize the means of correctional work. I also share my knowledge: I participate in seminars, conferences, teaching marathons, innovation exhibitions, and write articles.

In my opinion, artistry is also a necessary quality for a teacher. The lesson becomes brighter and more interesting if the teacher’s facial expressions, intonation, expressiveness, and emotionality show that he himself is very interested and the children feel it. I use theatrical activities in my work. An important condition The successful use of theatrical games in speech classes is the speech activity of the children themselves. It is expressed in the repetition of the same sounds, sound combinations, words. Through theatrical activities, I form children’s coherent speech, enrich vocabulary, I develop the ability to communicate.

An important area of ​​my work is interaction with families, the purpose of which is to provide qualified support to parents, create conditions for their active participation in the correctional pedagogical process. I always take into account the opinions of other teachers, consult them, if necessary, consult them. The child, parents, teachers and I are a team! The team must work in unity with each other. And we have one goal: to make the child happy, helping him learn to speak, communicate, and enjoy every day.

Sometimes it can be difficult, but I forget about it, because I know for sure that my life and the lives of those whom I can and should help depend on it.

Title: Essay by a speech therapist “I am a speech therapist”

Position: teacher-speech therapist, teacher-defectologist
Place of work: GBOU secondary school No. 1084
Location: SEAD, Moscow, Russia

Essay “I am a speech therapist” (my thoughts about choosing a profession, understanding the mission of a teacher in the modern world)

We often repeat that a person is judged by his deeds, but sometimes we forget that a word is also an action. A person's speech is a mirror of himself. L. N. Tolstoy

When I was little, people always asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I already wanted to become teacher, since a teaching dynasty was already forming in our family. I have grown up, and my desire to devote myself pedagogical mastery was realized, namely, graduated pedagogical university, worked at school as a social worker teacher, teacher foreign language and finally ended up in kindergarten.

If what happens to me in life fully corresponds to what I think and how I speak, then by changing my thoughts and my speech, my life and the world around me will change. (V. Sinelnikov "The Mysterious Power of Words")

In 1996, I entered the ZabSPU named after. N. G. Chernyshevsky at the Faculty of Preschool pedagogy, received a specialty "social teacher» . In the process of learning understood that I did the right thing choice. In 2001, my studies came to an end, and, having acquired a certain amount of knowledge, I got a job at a school. For many years I changed my place of residence and place of work (in connection with the transfer of my husband, a military man, receiving and enriching my professional experience.

IN profession of speech therapist I came already accomplished kindergarten teacher. At first it worked musical director since I graduated music school, then the head of physical education and a kindergarten teacher. She started working as a teacher with preparatory group, then the youngest, which is very glad: together we got used to kindergarten, grew up, played, explored the world... We also had parting... studying at advanced training courses... Having received knowledge, I hurried to my children. When finally, after a long period pedagogical work, I was lucky enough to become a speech therapist, my jubilation knew no bounds.

TO professions« teacher - speech therapist» I approached more consciously. Working with children, seeing what speech problems children had, I decided that I would help children master correct speech (in the fifth year of social pedagogy I received a referral for speech therapy work in kindergarten).

The first question I asked myself as a speech therapist was deciphering the concept. Speech therapy means, translated from Greek, “education of correct speech”

K. A. Aksakov wrote: “The word is the first sign of conscious, intelligent life. The Word is the re-creation of the world within itself.” This reconstruction continues throughout life, but is especially intense in preschool and primary school age.

Through the word, mood, feelings, attitude towards others, the world are conveyed. The word is the connecting thread in human communication. It is very important when raising and teaching a child to pronounce words, phrases, sentences so that he wants to speak beautifully, and, no less important, correctly.

I consider it important for myself that I am a speech therapist in a kindergarten, since this age is a sensitive period for the development of a child’s speech, a period of development nervous system when the most favorable conditions are created for the development of the child as a whole. And, as you know, there are more speech disorders in preschool age. Working with children is very interesting. After all, kindergarten is a unique country where the most sincere, kind, patient, creatively active and amazing people. But, unfortunately, children with speech disorders are becoming more and more common. Speech is reduced due to deteriorating health, lack of awareness of parents in matters of speech development and many various factors that negatively affect the development of the child. And mine main task– to help those who need my help.

Early detection of speech disorders contributes to their rapid elimination. When a child pronounces sounds incorrectly, he feels insecure, constrained, and does not like to participate in various events, which has negative influence on the formation of personality and on the entire mental development of the child. Helping such a child open up, become confident, and able to overcome any difficulties is a task speech therapist. To do this, I study the relevant literature, rearrange the work, and introduce changes in documentation. Every day I need to look for ways to improve myself and educate myself, for this I participate in annual open events for specialists, teachers, parents, I speak at regional methodological associations. After all, anyone a teacher can be called a teacher with a capital letter, only when he does not stand still, constantly learns and improves his level professionalism.

I agree with the statements of various speech therapists that we should be actors, musicians, designers, and psychologists. Introduction to theatrical activities, the ability to feel the characters and convey their facial expressions, gestures, sounds, allows them to become brighter, more interesting for both teacher, and for children who feel everything well. Mastery of music helps me develop phonemic awareness; in classes we use logorhythmics and rhythm tapping using various means. Identifying speech and music, even Aristotle wrote: “Speech that is pleasing to the ear is a kind of music.”. Designer - because the speech therapist creates convenience, beauty, which encourages communication with the child.

In order to interest a child, it is necessary to create certain aesthetic conditions, comfort, and beauty for the child to master speech. An attractive environment, aesthetic design, play material... this is the only way to interest a child, captivate him, and invite him to dialogue.

We must not forget about the smile... In the apt expression of V. Soloukhin - “the soul freezes and turns to stone without a smile”. Only it promotes goodwill, emancipation, evokes a desire to communicate, encourages trust, and creates a friendly emotional background.

To create those same conditions, you need to become a child for a while and imagine what will be more interesting and beautiful for him.

We conduct articulation gymnastics with the help of fairy tales, funny pictures. Using the bioenergoplasty method (frog toy "Funny Tongue", gloves, classes become even more exciting. We massage our fingers with beautiful bright balls, rugs, "knots", traveling through fairy tales. Finger and articulation exercises are performed in game form. By using fairy-tale heroes children learn to pronounce and consolidate sounds.

To learn how to breathe correctly, we use pipes, umbrellas, leaves, snowflakes, feathers and different games with cotton balls...

In such conditions, indifference is excluded, and the child gets involved in work with pleasure. I conduct classes in a confidential atmosphere with kind, enthusiastic positive emotions. For each subgroup lesson "a guest is coming". Toys immerse children in a playful situation; children teach them what they themselves learn.

"Children should live in world of beauty, games, fairy tales, drawing, fantasy, creativity.” (V. A. Sukhomlinsky). The child himself takes part in creating a favorable environment, bringing his favorite toys, so the environment becomes close and dear to the child, since there is a piece of his home next to him. To be more interesting, I prepare for each lesson, think through game techniques, plots, and use Internet resources. After all, in the hands speech therapist the most precious value is the child, his development, prospects.

I will never forget the day when I first saw the glowing eyes of a child because he heard the right sound! How much a child’s speech changes! This is the highest reward! This means that I am not only just a carrier and transmitter of information, but also a creator of an emotional mood. The first success, and then many victories, inspire the child and contribute to a strong desire to achieve good results.

I agree with those who say that the main thing is pedagogical activity - personality teacher, his human qualities, because callous, rude teacher will not be able to achieve good results. And vice versa, kind and attentive teacher educates with just his presence.

Very great value My work involves working with families of pupils. As I already wrote, parents are little informed about the speech development of their child. Therefore, we hold consultations, conversations, open classes and celebrations, presentations. Only collaboration speech therapist and gives parents the opportunity to achieve maximum results. Parents should understand that we are links of one chains: child – parents – teachers – speech therapist. And if even one link falls out, all the work to eliminate defects will take a longer time.

In practice, I had to deal with families of different statuses. And here, it is even more important to find contact with everyone, to be a kind of psychologist. Parents want a full explanation, participation, while others are distant, you need to talk to them more firmly and persistently.

So, the final result in the work speech therapist is pure, competent, correct speech of the child. When teacher hears the correct speech of the children he taught, it becomes obvious why it is so important profession of speech therapist.

My dream has come true! Now I work independently teacher-speech therapist. The work is very responsible and difficult. Speech defects negatively affect the mental state of the child. If the child’s speech problems are not solved in preschool age, significant difficulties in schooling may arise.

I won’t hide it, it’s not easy for me now, correctional work it’s difficult, slow, the children have never visited before speech therapist. But I work, I learn with them - endurance, patience, understanding, responsiveness and kindness, because without this we will not achieve the desired result. Patience and optimism are now important components for me in working with children with speech disorders. Desired result It won’t be soon, but we will definitely get there. I must serve this professions, do not stop and do not give up in the face of any difficulties that are in our professions a huge number arise every day.

My main goal is to give starting opportunities to every student, regardless of the problems he or she has. So that every child walks through life boldly and confidently, feels good and is happy. After all, happy children are the happy future of our Motherland, but also of our little Kokuy. I try to solve the assigned problems.

The profession of a speech therapist is good what is changing before your eyes little man, the range of its capabilities is expanding.

My profession multifaceted and interesting.

It is chosen by creative people who are endlessly in love with their work. And not without reason speech therapists dedicated to such words:

Now we are familiar with a wonderful profession,

All you have to do is knock on the door

In a hospital, school or kindergarten

With a modest sign "Speech therapist"