Essay by a speech therapist teacher “My pedagogical philosophy. Essay by teacher and speech therapist Elena Olegovna Shadrina “500 lines about myself”

Essay "My educational philosophy»

Batina Svetlana Yurievna

"The ability to educate -
it's still art
how to play the violin or piano well,
good at painting."
A.S. Makarenko.

There are thousands of professions in the world, all of them necessary and interesting. But each person must choose the one that best suits his natural abilities, i.e. find your calling. I have always loved children and dreamed of becoming a teacher. I believed that among the many different professions on earth, this profession is the most interesting and attractive.

The most important thing in our profession is to love children, to love just like that, for nothing, to give them your heart.

For me, the profession of a teacher is an opportunity to constantly be in the world of childhood, in the world of fairy tales and fantasy. You especially realize the importance of the profession of a speech therapist teacher when you see children’s eyes wide open; eyes greedily catching my every word, my glance and gesture; eyes ready to embrace the world.

I work in kindergarten teacher-speech therapist, “teach words”, work with children with speech disorders. My task is, little by little, step by step, to go through the difficult path from making sounds to independent, detailed statements, to prepare preschoolers for mastering school educational programs. And what joy there is, how a child’s eyes glow with happiness when we manage to “start the engine”, learn to pronounce sounds correctly, not confuse them in words, and construct sentences correctly! A child “grows wings” when he can express his opinion, say what he thought and dreamed about.

Working in a kindergarten, I saw how difficult it is for children with speech disorders. They were withdrawn, unsure of themselves, irritable, touchy, as a result of which they had difficulties communicating with others. These children could not fully express their desires, explain, ask, or establish contacts with their peers. I really wanted to help such children, so it was quite natural for me to enter the pedagogical institute at the defectology faculty, specializing as a speech therapist.

I work with “special” children. Such children have less compensatory capabilities to adapt to to the outside world, and here my task is to liberate the child, help him accept himself as he is, feel unique, significant in a group, team, society.

Working in a kindergarten, I never once doubted my choice of profession, but every year I become more and more convinced of how difficult it is to teach and raise children. They believe in you, they rely on you, they expect understanding from you. And you must correspond to all this, always be on top. After all, it largely depends on you how they will turn out in school life children. I can call myself a happy person who gives his knowledge, his energy, his love to children. Children are the most great value on earth, these are those in whose name we live.

The teacher must constantly improve his skills, using the achievements pedagogical science and best practices. Must go forward, master innovative technologies, unconventional methods. Working with children, I understood the meaning of Michel Montaigne's statement: “In order to teach another, it takes more intelligence than to learn on your own.” I agree with this statement, so I try to improve myself: I get acquainted with new discoveries in correctional pedagogy; I use new innovative technologies (ICT, Internet resources); I am expanding and modernizing the means of correctional and speech therapy work. Professor V.M. Lizinsky is right: “A teacher is a person who studies all his life, only in this case does he acquire the right to teach.”

I have the main thing - patience, optimism and love for children. Desired result It won’t be soon, but gradually, in small steps, day after day, we are diligently moving towards it. And how nice it is to see the successes of children achieved through persistent, painstaking work, and to hear words of gratitude from their parents. I am a speech therapist teacher. I say these words with a feeling of pride, I help people become happier!

“My calling is a teacher-speech therapist”

If you choose your work well and invest in

If you give him your soul, happiness will find you on its own.

And a happy teacher is immediately visible in the environment

Children, he understands their needs, establishes

Contacts with parents.

K.D. Ushinsky

Every person is happy in his own way. For me, happiness is having a job I love and a friendly, strong family. And I am happy, having the most important wealth in life for me.

I am a teacher-speech therapist - this is my calling, my inner state of mind, my desire to help and teach. A real speech therapist builds a child’s future, developing and improving not only speech, but also the child’s inner “I,” his individuality.

My choice of profession was not accidental. I started my pedagogical path as a teacher. My dream of working in a kindergarten came true after graduating from Tyumen Pedagogical College, which became a strong foundation for me in my professional activities.

The most precious thing was in my hands - children, so different and unlike each other. Each of them had to find its own “key”, be able to captivate, interest, and win trust and love. Every day, giving children a piece of my heart and soul, my knowledge, I began to notice that more and more children have disabilities speech development. I saw how speech defects negatively affect a child’s development, his communication with peers and adults, and his further education at school. There was a great desire to help these children. It was then that I decided to continue my studies at Tyumen state university Qualified teacher - speech therapist...

And now, giving children a piece of my heart and soul, my knowledge, I understand that I - happy man. I have established myself in the profession. I am a speech therapist!

The most important thing in pedagogical activity– the personality of the teacher, his human qualities.A kind look, gentle speech, and charm of the teacher instill in the child confidence that everything will work out. A speech therapist teacher must be able to pronounce any word, phrase, sentence in such a way that the child wants to speak beautifully and correctly.The first success, and then many victories, inspire the child and contribute to strong desire achieve good results.

Optimism, patience and determination - these three qualities help me in learning the profession of a speech therapist. Patiently, step by step, I strive to achieve my goal. I experience great joy when I hear the beautiful and competent speech of my graduates, realizing that I am the first step at the beginning of their life’s journey.

I would like to express my pedagogical credo with the expressions that I rely on in my daily activities:

- Constant self-improvement. As we develop, our children develop.

To make children happy, you need to make them healthy.

In his statementphilosopher D. Diderot said: “People stop thinking when they stop reading, and a teacher ceases to be a teacher if he does not comprehend anything new.”

Of course, success in work depends on professional knowledge, awareness of domestic and foreign achievements of sciences related to speech therapy, on the stages of development of the teacher himself, on creative activity and initiative. Therefore, in order to be competent in my profession, I constantly undergo retraining courses, work on self-education, improve my professional level, improve my skills and knowledge, and pass them on to children, parents and teachers.

Considering the words of L. Feuerbach: “Where there is no scope for the manifestation of ability, there is no ability,” I am constantly working on the developing environment of the speech therapy room, trying to “transform” it into a bright fairy world, where interesting, educational, bright educational, game and author's manuals, surprise moments, game and educational stands are regularly embodied in every corner. They help me evoke bright emotions in the child and create a situation of success in the classroom.

Making it cozy, bright, rich, the most great attention I devotehealth-saving educational technologies, which are the most significant among all known technologies in terms of the degree of influence on children.

Health-saving technologies influence the formation of a harmonious, creative personality and preparing him for self-realization in life based on value guidelines, such as health. Among pupils with problems in speech development, there is a high percentage of those who have problems with the development of general and fine motor skills, memory, attention, and often thinking. Accordingly, there is a need to carry out comprehensive health and correctional work with these children, which includes muscle relaxation, breathing exercises, articulation gymnastics, finger gymnastics, exercises for the development of higher mental functions (attention, memory, thinking), physical education, exercises for vision prevention, logorhythmics.They help me at different stages of correctional speech work andare a necessary component of complex rehabilitation of children with speech pathology. To achieve this goal, the office has large number didactic, educational games, manuals, card files of articulation, finger gymnastics, games for the development of proper breathing, general motor skills. I use both traditional and non-traditional methods and techniques.

Every day I enjoy the process of work, I devote myself to my favorite work with all my soul, I dedicate it free time. Seeing the result of my work, the emotions of the children, I realized that a teacher-speech therapist is the best profession for me and my favorite!

The realization that children came to me with speech impediments, and left with competent and beautiful speech, acquired new knowledge, abilities, and communication skills, fills my heart with joy, pride that I chose my professional path for a reason. I feel useful. To be useful is a great happiness!

By mastering his native language, a child learns not only words... but an infinite variety of concepts, views on objects, a multitude of thoughts, feelings, artistic images, logic and philosophy of language - and he learns easily and quickly, in two or three years, so much that he cannot learn even half of it in 20 years of diligent and methodical study.

This is this great folk teacher - a native word.”
K.D. Ushinsky

Since childhood, the profession of a speech therapist has attracted me. Even in kindergarten, I watched with curiosity and interest how our speech therapist worked with the children, how they learned to speak beautifully and play. And I also wanted to become a speech therapist.

I pursued this profession purposefully, and after graduating from school I entered the Tatar State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University with a degree in speech therapy, which I graduated in 2008. And I immediately got a job in a kindergarten, where I still work to this day.

Speech therapist teacher– this is a calling, an internal state of mind, a desire to help and teach. A real speech therapist builds a child’s future, developing and improving not only speech, but also the child’s inner “I,” his individuality.

Speech is a communication skill, without which full communication is impossible, and if from an early age a child feels misunderstood by others and is unable to clearly express his thoughts, this can lead to psychological trauma and problems at school. Of course, speech impairment can be a consequence psychological problems, but this does not prevent the “bouquet from blooming further.” Avoiding the formation of distorted perceptions, understanding how to influence a little person, bringing only benefit, teaching difficult sounds, meeting expectations - these are everyday tasks.

All children require an individual approach; one child must be taught to “whistle”, another to “hiss”. Everyone has their own methods and techniques; you should choose with special care. Selecting the material is half the battle, important aspect– establishing emotional contact with the baby, placing him close to you, creating a friendly atmosphere. Positive emotions help retain information in memory for many years.

A child knows how to enjoy his victories in a way that not every adult can. If the baby gets the long-awaited “growl,” he is proud of himself and happy. And your soul itself feels good, you become infected with childish sincerity of feelings, and accept victory as your own. In addition to the fact that a speech therapist teacher teaches graceful and correct speech, he develops a patient attitude towards work and endurance. Talking about how everything comes with experience is an integral part of the classes. Like this: by encouraging, repeating, rejoicing with the child, I instill eloquence skills, the ability to conduct a monologue and dialogue. Clear pronunciation and good speech will help the child not only at school, but will also bring professional success in the future.

For in simple words there is a lot of work involved. Invaluable experience and professional knowledge is collected bit by bit: proofread huge amount literature, achievements in speech therapy and related sciences are studied, open classes, take on board the advice of other specialists, constantly attend various courses to improve their qualifications, and introduce new ideas into their work. The lesson is designed so that every minute develops one or another mental function of the child.

But this is not enough. A speech therapist teacher must not only be a storehouse of valuable information; he must be able to present information in such a way that it is learned. To do this, different roles are played that captivate the child. In order for the baby to want to speak beautifully, you need to pronounce the phrase like a real actor, arranging little show, in which it is pleasant and interesting to participate. Having said one phrase with expression, you need to sing another.

As a speech therapist, I try to combine knowledge, goodwill, etiquette and culture of relationships, hard work and patience, and most importantly the ability to show kindness and affection. A smile is a powerful weapon on the way to achieving your goal. And a word flavored with a smile, a beautiful, inspiring, persuasive word will become a child’s guide to the world of easy communication, casual conversation, and the opportunity to convey one’s thoughts. Communication with a teacher leaves a mark on a person’s soul for the rest of his life; the task of every teacher is to make this mark bright and kind.

A speech therapist teacher is a wonderful profession that brings joy in the form of invaluable results: the speech, psychological and intellectual development of the child. Touching the destinies of children, influencing their future, rejoicing in the successes of my students - I am happy that I chose this path.

Gilfanutdinova Elvira Rustemovna,
speech therapist teacher,
MBDOU No. 126 “Kindergarten No. 126
combined type with Tatar
language of education and training"
city ​​of Kazan

“What makes us rich in this world is

Not what we get

And what we give away"

Bigger Henry Ward.

Kindergarten is a special world where you need to be interesting and useful to the people around you, to give children your energy, knowledge, and ability to learn new things.

Here, each child is unique and unrepeatable in their manifestation and development. Working with children is very interesting. Only the most persistent, patient, courageous, sincere, responsible, kind, proactive, creatively active and amazing people live in this country.

“Our special duty is that if anyone is particularly in need of our help, we should make every effort to help that person.” These words reveal the essence of my profession in the best possible way. I am constantly driven by the desire to help every child. For me, my profession is not only work, it is a space for my self-realization. When I come to work, or simply communicate with children, I open my heart to them, discuss with them topics that concern them, and sincerely answer their questions. "Job - best way enjoy life,” said I. Kant. And I share his point of view. “He who has never been a child will never be an adult” (Chaplin) - I have the opportunity to “be a child again”, but at the same time remain an adult. How to help a child find his place in life? The most effective technologies preschool education, the socialization of a preschooler is based on the unique possibilities of play. I am guided in my work by M. Montessori’s idea that a child learns easily when he does not notice what he is being taught.

My work is not limited only to working with children, I include parents in the correctional process, acting as a partner, mentor, consultant, and assistant in our joint work. The active participation of parents in the correctional and developmental educational process can significantly increase work efficiency and create a unified space for speech development. It's nice to talk to parents who want to hear from you. practical advice For joint activities with children at home, which will undoubtedly help their children overcome certain difficulties in speech development. It makes me happy when not only I, but also my parents see the results of my work.

When creating conditions for the correction of speech disorders in children, I try to make the environment attractive and comfortable, where each object carries a meaning, aesthetic pleasure and always a fairy tale, secret or riddle. This is the only way to captivate and interest a child. “Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity.” (V.A. Sukhomlinsky) The child himself takes part in creating a favorable environment, bringing his favorite toys, homemade toys, prints of his “Cheerful palms”, drawings made by himself or together with mom and dad. And then the environment becomes close and dear to the child, since a piece of his home is next to him. Our classes begin with a mutual greeting, a smile, a kind word, and it is very pleasant to see children’s smiles and wide-open eyes in response in anticipation of something new and interesting. In the apt expression of V. Soloukhin, “the soul freezes and turns to stone without a smile.” To be interesting for children, I prepare for each lesson, think through game techniques, plots, select didactic material, I use Internet resources.

Being “on the same wavelength” with the child and creating different communication situations helps me information Technology. Specialized speech therapy computer program “Games for Tigers” computer games: “Learning to speak correctly”…. Out of the child’s interest, I extend a “thread” to his abilities. The first success, and then many victories, inspire the child and me, contributing to a strong desire to achieve good results. At every lesson I try to maintain a friendly atmosphere so that the children feel free and comfortable. I try to help the child open up, to instill in him confidence that we will overcome all difficulties. After all, in the hands of a speech therapist, the most valuable asset is the child, his development and prospects.

A teacher-speech therapist is a teacher who can combine an artist, a musician, a designer, a diplomat, and a psychologist. We can go on and on. Children are drawn into the theatrical performance with pleasure, in which they begin to hear and understand the word, confirming the idea of ​​J. Korczak that children are “artists, dreamers and poets, and researchers and artists.” Equating speech and music, Aristotle wrote: “Speech that is pleasant to the ear is a kind of music.” A designer - because the speech therapist creates convenience, beauty, which encourages communication with the child.

The personality of the speech therapist plays a big role in correctional work. When you give a lot to your children and receive a lot from them. Children, while studying, enjoy communicating with me, rejoice at their successes and achievements, share various information with me, eagerly go to classes and enjoy playing all the games offered. This means that for every child, I am not just a source of information, but also a creator of a positive emotional mood.

The skill of a speech therapist teacher is not an accidental success, not a lucky find, but a systematic, painstaking search and work, often rough, everyday, filled with anxious thoughts, discoveries and failures. What will happen tomorrow? Tomorrow will be a new day, where the eyes of my “preschool children” will look at me again. And I will strive to put my ideas and plans into practice, to constantly improve my own educational level, my teaching skills.

Today my profession is in great demand. A speech therapist teacher is a humane profession that harmoniously combines the compassion of medicine, the wisdom of pedagogy and the insight of psychology.

The realization that children came to me with speech defects, and left with competent and beautiful speech, acquired new knowledge, abilities, communication skills that will help them in life and in school, fills my heart with joy, pride in myself, for my kindergarten, for the fact that it was not in vain that I chose my professional path. Every day I enjoy the process of work, devote myself to my favorite work with all my soul, and devote my free time to it.

My profession is very interesting; every day, together with children, I experience a feeling of joy, compassion, and other important emotions. I feel useful. To be useful is a great happiness!

“What is the most important thing in my life?

Without hesitation I answer – love for children.”

V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

Essay “I am a speech therapist teacher”

Presentation on the topic: “Calling- speech therapist teacher. ”

Torba Elvira Faridovna MADOU TsRR d/sno.17

Thoughts on the topic "I - speech therapist teacher» - this is a reason to look at your profession from the outside, to try to comprehend its importance for yourself and its significance for other people. In my case, the profession chose me. From teacher to speech therapist teacher. Teach your child the right way, beautiful speech, teach in a fun and engaging way, to give the opportunity to believe in oneself, to understand that any child is talented and successful - this, in my opinion, is the main task of a creative teacher.

Why do I love my profession? For the fact that she gives me the opportunity to come into contact with the world of childhood every day, for the uniqueness and unpredictability of every day. Giving children a piece of your heart, the heat of your soul, with a feeling of deep satisfaction I confess: "I'm in the right place".All my knowledge, all my spiritual strength is for them. Every time I feel an incredible sense of joy for the children’s successes, I am convinced that the chosen profession is important, necessary, necessary!

I love my job. She gives me the opportunity to help children learn correctly, pronounce the sounds of native speech. Every day, coming into contact with the world of childhood, I make a contribution to the future of children. This gives prospects for successful learning to read, write, and in life in general, because beautiful, clear speech is the most important condition comprehensive development of children preschool age, which is the purpose of my work.

Kindergarten is an island of joy, where every child is unique and inimitable, where the world of goodness, the world of health is as important as the world of knowledge.

Teacher- a speech therapist must certainly be passionate, have something of his own, special behind his soul. This is probably why my students are pleased with their success and study with interest. This means that I am not just a carrier and transmitter of information, but also a creator of an emotional mood. I start all classes with a smile, and there is no greater joy for me than to see children’s eyes wide open, to realize that the greatest and most significant thing in the world is laid here.

Every day my little friends sit with me in front of the mirror to learn to speak correctly. Lack of self-confidence and complexes make children withdraw. How scary baby nku: “What if I have nothing? it will work out Here on the first plan: help, caress, sympathize. A speech therapy session is not only a school for teaching and raising a child, but also a kind look, gentle speech, and the charm of a teacher who instills in them confidence that everything it will work out.

When creating conditions for mastering speech, I do not forget about the attractive surrounding environment, each object in which carries a semantic load, aesthetic pleasure and always a secret or riddle. For this there is a specially equipped office, more like a room in which there is no place for strict style. Everything in it: wallpaper, curtains, toys, furniture is imbued with the warmth and comfort of home, "friendly" a world where the child does not feel constrained or squeezed.

My work allows me to feel like a magician - to give children and their parents a kind of "recovery". And every teacher will understand me T: we live in our pupils. A speech therapist must love his job. I believe this is the main and fundamental condition for successful activities. In my opinion, in the hands of a speech therapist, the most valuable asset is children, their development and prospects.

The basis of my teaching activity is an individual approach to each child. Yes. they are all different, each of them is unique, each of them has its own palette of moods and emotions. The main components of my pedagogical philosophy are faith in the child, acceptance and understanding of his amazing soul, his actions, his expectations, as well as the satisfaction of one of his most important needs - the need for love and approval.

The joy of cooperation with parents, the creation of an atmosphere of mutual understanding among like-minded people, emotional involvement with each other - all this is necessary for the favorable development of the child’s personality. Speech therapy classes for mothers and fathers are no less important than for children. As active participants, they "recharging" energy, gain knowledge about how to emotionally communicate with a child. When building interaction with parents, I am guided by principle: “A parent is not a guest, but a full member of the kindergarten team”.

Seeing the result of the work, the emotions of the children, I realized that teacher-speech therapist is the best and favorite profession for me! It's my choice! This is my way!

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