Where does Dieter Bohlen live? Dieter Bolen: biography, personal life, children, creativity Modern talking Dieter Bolen biography

February 7 is the birthday of Dieter Bohlen, who has always been driving force this duo and the complete opposite of the handsome brunette Thomas Anders. Even while on stage, even performing melodic ballads, Dieter could not hide his energy, cheerfulness and ebullient temperament.

It must be said that this temperament gave him enormous creative fertility. And also many novels: Bohlen’s personal life can be called extremely stormy. Restless childhood and scandalous youth

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Dieter Bohlen was born in Oldenburg in 1954 - he is 9 years older than Thomas Anders. Parents had a hard time with the future idol of youth - the hyperactive guy constantly behaved like a hooligan, causing trouble for his parents, he was expelled from school several times, and he, as soon as he entered adolescence, began to constantly run after girls.

Tired of their son's antics, his parents sent him to a boarding school for a year. This measure helped: the guy became more collected and serious, was able to graduate from school with excellent grades and enter the economics department of the university. Music is in the foreground Along with his studies and hooligan antics, the energetic Dieter managed to study music - he played the guitar from the age of 10, and soon began composing his own songs. True, his parents did not like this hobby; they wanted their son to get a serious profession, and not “strum” the guitar.

The guy, however, had his own opinion on this matter. The number of songs he wrote increased, but there was no one to sing them - Bohlen was aware that his vocal abilities were clearly not enough to perform. With his songs, he visited many recording studios, until one day he found Thomas Anders, who was advised to audition him at Hansa. It happened historical event- Thomas and Dieter found each other, the Modern Talking duet was formed.

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It’s interesting that in the USSR the guys were so wildly popular that in 1989 Dieter Bohlen was even given an award as “The Most Successful Artist in the USSR.” This was the only case - even musicians such as the Beatles and ABBA, despite their fame, were not awarded this title.

Dieter Bohlen and Thomas Anders, having achieved world fame, separated for some period, then began performing together again... Dieter Bohlen is also known as a restless heartthrob, around whose personal life there have always been many rumors. Hippie style wedding A musician always bursts with energy. Source - wikimedia.org Dieter got married for the first time even before he became famous. They first lived with Erica in a civil marriage for several years, and then decided to legalize their relationship. At the registry office the couple created a sensation: instead white dress The young couple wore jeans and a black suit, and the wedding ceremony was very relaxed, as was the subsequent cheerful party with hippie friends.

Despite Dieter's constant betrayals and sprees, Erica gave birth to two sons and a daughter. But this did not tie Dieter to his wife and did not make him an exemplary family man. After 11 years of marriage, they divorced, and Dieter signed a contract under which he agreed to pay ex-wife 15% of all your income. Model and backing vocalist Nadya The spectacular and charming Dieter Bohlen has always enjoyed success with women. Source - wikimedia.org Dieter went straight from his wife to his beloved - a beautiful model and backing vocalist in his group, Nadya, who owes her exotic beauty to her mixed blood - her father was an Arab and her mother was German. Nadya set herself the goal of keeping Dieter near her at all costs, and learned to cook delicious dishes, tried to create comfort in the house...

But will steaks and pies stop a man who is accustomed to not restraining his impulses? Having never married Nadya, he left her after several years of living together. TV presenter Verona

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In 1996, Bohlen decided to marry a second time. The ceremony took place in Las Vegas - this “mecca” of sudden and meaningless marriages. According to him, already 10 minutes after the end of the ceremony, he passionately wanted to cancel everything. And this despite the fact that his new wife was a rare beauty, “Miss Germany” and “Miss American Dream”, popular TV presenter Verona Feldbush.

That same year, the marriage of the two stars broke up, which was to be expected. However, Verona was not upset at all: she opened a new show on TV, she was called the country’s sex symbol and was bombarded with lucrative contracts, and she also received half a million German marks in the divorce. Dieter also left the Jaguar car to his ex-wife. A graduate of the Estefania monastery, Dieter Bohlen is actively involved in sports and leads healthy image life - now he looks younger than 10 years ago. Source - wikimedia.org After the divorce, Dieter was accepted by the same Nadya. Apparently, she hoped that the musician would appreciate her loyalty and ability to forgive. But, having rested a little in a quiet haven and enjoying the comfort of home, Dieter again went into all serious troubles.

One day, Nadya, unfolding the newspaper, saw pictures of her beloved frolicking in the Maldives in the company of a young beauty. She had caught her lover cheating on her before, but this was the last straw. Moreover, Bolen, having returned from the islands, confessed everything to her.

His new darling There was a girl completely different from the previous ones. Estefania recently left the monastery where she received her education. She was far from the world of show business, pure and very beautiful. And also - 25 years younger than Dieter.

In 2005, Steffi, as Dieter calls her, gave birth to his son. But even after that he did not marry her. Apparently, the very word “wedding”, after his experience, caused him to tremble nervously. Despite this, the musician claimed that he was a very good father, an attentive and caring man, and that Estefania was happy with him. Another lover and two more children

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However, Dieter Bohlen did not stop there: a year later he left Steffi to exchange her for Fatma Karina Waltz. This girl (also significantly younger than the musician) gave her beloved a daughter and a son. He continues to tell reporters about his love for all his children and his good relationship with them... The “eternal bully” may have realized: children are main value in life. Do you think there is a chance that at 65 years old Dieter will become a real family man?

Dieter Günther Bohlen – German crooner, composer, founder of the musical groups Modern Talking, Blue System, producer of singer C. C. Catch, directed the television competition “Germany is looking for a superstar” for several years.

Dieter was born on February 7, 1954 in the city of Bern, near Oldenburg, in the family of businessmen Hans and Edith Bohlen. At the age of 9, he became interested in the work of The Beatles and decided to learn to play the guitar. To buy a tool, the boy got a job as a potato picker with a neighboring farmer. Having earned 70 marks from the harvest, Dieter bought a guitar. Soon the whole school knew about Bohlen - the boy performed at holidays, performing own compositions and hits famous musicians.

During his studies, the Bohlen family repeatedly moved from city to city, and Dieter managed to change three educational institutions: in Göttingen, Oldenburg and Hamburg. In 1969, Bohlen already had his own musical group, Mayfair, and then Aorta, for which the young man wrote 200 songs in just a few years. musical compositions. Despite the fact that at first music lessons had a negative impact on the young man’s academic performance, Dieter graduated from school with excellent marks.

Dieter Bohlen at school

Having entered the university in the economics department, Bohlen began to earn his living by performing in nightclubs. For each exit, the young man received 250 marks. Having saved enough money, Dieter bought a piano and a car. But the young man dreamed of big stage, so he regularly sent home recordings to various production centers in Hamburg.

In 1978, Bohlen graduated from university and immediately received a position at Peter Schmidt's music company Intersong. Bohlen's responsibilities included monitoring what was new in the popular music market and compiling reports and lists. In addition to his main job, Dieter got the opportunity to write songs and offer them to singers.


Since 1978, Dieter Bohlen has been trying his hand as a soloist of the ensembles Monza and Sunday, writing songs for Katja Ebstein, Roland Kaiser, Bernd Klüver, Bernhard Brink. The musical composition “Hale, Hey Louise,” created for Ricky King, stayed at 14th position in the German music rankings for almost six months and brought Dieter Bohlen his first success and profit.

But to become a millionaire, the composer needed hits on English language. In 1983, Dieter met, and a year later the joint project “Modern Talking” launched, which made the musicians world-class megastars.

In addition to participating in popular group Dieter works with pop stars Al Martino, Nino de Angelo, C.C. Catch, Engelbert Humperdinck. New projects are being launched under the guidance of the musician: music bands Hit the Floor, Major T, Touche. Dieter also creates music for many series and television programs (“Rivalen der Rennbahn”, “Zorc - Der Mann ohne Grenzen”, “Tatort”).

After working in the Modern Talking duo for three years, in 1987 Dieter Bohlen broke off relations with Thomas and created the Blue System musical group. In 1991, with the hit “It’s All Over,” which featured Dionne Warwick, the European disco group entered the U.S. chart. R&B charts. In 1992, the single “Romeo and Juliet” premiered on the RTL channel.

Over the 11 years of its existence, the Blue System disco group recorded 13 albums, the most famous of which were “Twilight”, “Obsession”, “Déjà Vu”, “Forever Blue”. In 1998, Dieter Bohlen returned to the Modern Talking project for five years.

In 2002, the best-selling book “Nothing But the Truth” was published, in which Dieter Bohlen described his own biography. In the same year, the musician launches the project “Germany is looking for a superstar” (DSDS). The final hit of the first season, “We Have A Dream,” hits the top lines of the music charts, and the “United” disc becomes the second best-selling album in Bolen’s discography.

Dieter produces competition finalists Alexandra, Yvonne Caterfield, and Natalie Tineo. In 2007, he began collaborating with Mark Medlock, winner of season 4 of the DSDS television show, with whom he recorded the albums “Mr. Lonely", "Dreamcatcher", "Cloud Dancer", "Club Tropicana". The musicians’ joint single “You Can Get It” received platinum status in 2008.

Since 2010, Dieter Bohlen begins producing Andreu Berg. Under the guidance of the maestro, the singer records the disc “Schwerelos”, which immediately takes first place in German music ratings.

"Modern Talking"

In 1983, the Modern Talking group recorded songs on German“Was macht das schon”, “Wovon träumst du denn”, with which he reaches the first positions in national music ratings. In 1984, the first English-language hit “You"re My Heart, You"re My Soul" appeared, which brought the duo worldwide fame.

During two periods of work, the group created 12 studio albums, which sold 165 million copies worldwide. Modern Talking holds the title for most consecutive multi-platinum albums: “The First Album”, “Let’s Talk About Love”, “Ready for Romance” and “In the Middle of Nowhere”.

Dieter Bohlen in the duet "Modern Talking"

Best selling disc musical group becomes the 1998 album “Back For Good”, which sold 26 million copies. In 2014, the musicians released a collection of hits dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the group.

Personal life

Dieter Bohlen with youth attracted the attention of the opposite sex. In the early 80s, the musician met Erika Sauerland, who became the first wife and mother of the star’s three children: sons Mark (1985) and Marvin Benjamin (1988), daughter Marilyn (1989). 11 years after the wedding, the family broke up due to the musician’s infidelity.

While still married, Dieter began dating a compatriot of Arab origin, Nadia Abd El Farrag. The relationship did not last long, as the girl became addicted to alcohol. Bolen married the second time in 1996 to model Verona Feldbush, but the couple’s personal life did not work out. Dieter's next muse, Estefania Küster, gave the musician a son, Maurice Cassian, in 2005.

In the late 2000s, Dieter Bohlen met Karina Waltz, who turned out to be 31 years younger than the star. The girl gave birth to two more children for the singer, and the musician finally found long-awaited family happiness. To maintain his youth, the musician took up sports. Now Bolen runs up to 15 km a day, plays tennis for an hour and spends another hour on physical procedures. In 4 years, Dieter managed to lose 10 kg and today looks younger in the photo than he did 10 years ago.

Dieter Bohlen now

At the beginning of 2017, a collection of the maestro’s best songs “Die Mega Hits” was released, consisting of three discs. On May 20, the RTL TV channel hosted big show « Dieter Bohlen– Die Mega-Show" in support of the album. The performance was attended by performers of Dieter’s musical compositions, Mark Medlock, and rap musician Key One, to whom Bohlen presented a cover version of “Brother Louie” under the new name “Louie Louie.”

Concert spectators could also enjoy the new sound of the 2000s megahit “We Have A Dream” performed by the winners music competition DSDS different years. Last news, concert videos and new clips can be found on the singer’s official Russian-language website.


  • "The First Album" - 1985
  • "Let's Talk About Love" - ​​1985
  • "Ready for Romance" - 1986
  • "In the Middle of Nowhere" - 1986
  • "Walking on a Rainbow" - 1987
  • "Twilight" - 1989
  • "Obsession" - 1990
  • "Déjà Vu" - 1991
  • "Forever Blue" - 1995
  • "Back For Good" - 1998
  • "Year of the Dragon" - 2000
  • "Victory" - 2002
  • "Universe" - 2003
  • "Dieter - Der Film" - 2006
  • "Die Mega Hits" - 2017

During this time he played in several bands. He started playing guitar and Beatles songs were the first songs he played. At the same time, he wrote his first song, "Viele Bomben Fallen", which did not become popular even among his friends. Studied playing the keyboard.

He met his wife Erica at a Hamburg disco in 1973. They got married on November 11, 1983, also in Hamburg. In 1978, he completed his studies at the university and received a diploma. After receiving his diploma, he begins to think and look for work, but still dreams of a career as a pop star: he sends his songs to record companies, but none of them respond.

Finally, in 1979, after numerous refusals, Dieter finds work as a composer at the Intersong record company. In 1982, he gets the opportunity to record his song. But the recorded song is not like Dieter's other songs. And he again continues to write music and songs for other artists, using the pseudonyms: Steve Benson, Ryan Simmons, Sunday and Countdown G.T.O.

In February 1983, Dieter meets Thomas Anders at the Hansa record company. Dieter negotiates with Thomas regarding the formation of the group "Modern Talking".

In November 1984, they released their first single, "You"re My Heart - You"re My Soul". In March 1985, “Modern Talking” again released a new single, “You Can Win If You Want,” which took first place in almost all the tops. Following this, their first album was released. While the whole world was enjoying the first album, work was underway on their Big First album, which is called "Let's Talk About Love". The album was released at the end of 1985. But it was not as popular as their very first album.

In 1986, their third album, "Ready For Romance", was released. At the same time, Dieter writes songs for other performers. His son Mark, named after the singer Mark Bohlen, is born in 1985 on July 9th. In honor of this, Dieter composes and records new song"With A Little Love" This song can be found on Blue System's 2nd album: "Let's Talk About Love".

Then Dieter had a second child - in 1988, on January 21, his son Marvin was born. And again, in honor of this, Dieter writes the song "Marvin's Song", which can be found on the Blue System album "Forever Blue", released in 1995. In 1990, Dieter gives birth to a girl, Marilyn, and the song "Goodnight Marielin" appears. which is on the album "X-Ten", released in 1994.

By the end of 1986, the 4th album was released - "In The Middle Of Nowhere". It contained the song "Geronimo's Cadillac", which was played in all discos around the world. In 1987, Dieter decides that the group "Modern Talking" should cease to exist. The 5th album "Romantic Warriors" is released, and immediately Dieter creates new group"Blue System". The album "Walking On A Rainbow" is released, which is recorded in the style of "Modern Talking". Modern Talking has sold over 42 million records worldwide.

Best of the day

In April 1998, the group reunited again. Dieter and Thomas Anders had been thinking about this since 1994 and in 1998 they decided to return to the world of music under the old name "Modern Talking". They re-released their 1st single "You"re My Heart - You"re My Soul "98".

In April 1998, this song took first place in the European tops. May 1998 - the album "Back For Good" is released, which contains 12 Remixes and 4 new songs. In August 98, the single "Brother Louie "98" is released. On February 22, 1999, the group "Modern talking" released the album "Alone", which included 17 new songs.

In the summer of 2002, Dieter Bohlen, in collaboration with journalist Katya Kesler, published an autobiographical book “Nichts als die Wahrheit” (“Nothing but the truth”), which went on sale in the fall and became an absolute bestseller. In the autumn of the same year, he became a member of the jury of the German competition for the selection of young talents “Deutschland sucht den Superstar” (“Germany is looking for a superstar”). The first single recorded by the ten finalists, “We Have A Dream,” reaches the top of the charts and becomes double platinum. The subsequent album “United” becomes no less sold out and receives platinum status five times, becoming the second best-selling album among Dieter Bohlen’s albums.

During 2003, Dieter Bohlen entered into many advertising contracts with famous trademarks engaged in the production of clothing, dairy products, and the sale of communications equipment. In the fall of 2003, Dieter Bohlen released his second autobiographical book, “Hinter den Kulissen” (“Behind the Scenes”), which caused a number of scandals and a long legal battle with Thomas Anders, as a result of which Dieter was forced to pay a significant fine for unproven insults to his former partner, and also to delete the most controversial passages from the book.

In 2004, rumors appeared that on the Modern Talking albums the voice of Thomas Anders was allegedly partially duplicated by Nino de Angelo. By this time, against the background of attempts by former backing vocalists of Dieter Bohlen to promote their own project Systems in Blue, statements began to appear that in Blue System Dieter Bohlen sang only in verses, and in the choruses the vocals of the studio singers of Systems in Blue were used. Anders stated that the inability to use the same vocals further was the reason for the closure of the Blue System project. However, for example, in the first Blue System album it is easy to see that both the verses and choruses are performed by Bohlen himself, and there are backing vocals from other band members.

The main news spring 2006 saw the release of a new solo album-soundtrack for the comedy-parody animated film"Dieter - Der Film", which briefly tells his story. The cartoon was first shown on RTL on March 4, 2006 and is based on the autobiographical book “Nichts als die Wahrheit” (“Nothing but the truth”). The song "Gasoline", performed by Dieter, which was performed on the show "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" in February, showed Bohlen's return to the old sound known to fans from Blue System. The soundtrack, which appeared on the shelves of German stores on March 3, 2006, contains mainly ballads, a number of traditional mid-tempo compositions for Bolen and several successful Modern Talking songs from the repertoire of the 1980s. The album also includes the previously unreleased Modern Talking track "Shooting Star".

In 2007, Dieter created and released an album for the winner of the show “Deutschland sucht den Superstar” Mark Medlock. On the second single, Bolen performs one of the songs in a duet with Mark, and Mark’s second disc became a joint album of two musicians: Dieter not only wrote the music, but also sang some vocal parts. The third album also contains Dieter's vocals.

All the albums that Dieter Bohlen wrote for Medlock occupied high positions in the charts in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The collaboration with Medlock ended in 2010.

In 2010, Dieter began collaborating with the “queen” of the German hit Andrea Berg. The released album "Schwerelos" reached number one in the German charts.

At the beginning of 2017, a collection of the maestro’s best songs “Die Mega Hits” was released, consisting of three discs. On May 20, the RTL TV channel hosted a big show “Dieter Bohlen – Die Mega-Show” in support of the album. The performance was attended by performers of Dieter’s musical compositions, Mark Medlock, and rap musician Key One, to whom Bohlen presented a cover version of “Brother Louie” under the new name “Louie Louie.”

Concert spectators could also enjoy the new sound of the 2000s megahit “We Have A Dream” performed by the winners of the DSDS music competition from different years. The latest news, concert videos and new clips can be found on the singer’s official Russian-language website.

Although legendary group Modern Talking has not existed for a long time; the name of Dieter Bohlen still excites his fans who fell in love with the musician’s work. Having achieved wild popularity, the artist worked fruitfully for a long time, creating new musical projects, as well as producing young performers. Today Bohlen continues to pursue his career, however, he surprises the public not only with his creative ideas, but also with his personal life. The singer was married more than once, and was also distinguished by his loving disposition and passionate character, thanks to which he became the father of many children.

Dieter was born in 1954 in Bern, Lower Saxony, Germany. He also has Russian roots, as his maternal grandmother was Russian and lived in Konigsberg, now Kaliningrad. His father was an engineer, and his mother was raising three children. In his childhood, the future singer was a very nimble and active child, causing constant problems for his parents. During his school years, the boy became interested in music, already trying to compose songs. After graduating from school, the young man received economic Education, however, did not begin to work in his specialty, taking up musical career. Bohlen produced German stars and wrote songs for them.

In 1983, together with the singer, he created the duet Modern Talking, thanks to which the group’s songs topped the European charts for several years. However, in 1987 the duo ceased to exist, and the musician took up his career. He created the Blue System group, with which he worked actively. From 1998 to 2003, Modern Talking reasserted itself, after which the participants parted ways with a huge scandal.

In the photo, Dieter Bohlen with his first wife Erica

Dieter's personal life interested journalists and fans no less than his stellar songs. His first wife was the stylist Erika, whom he met at a disco in Göttingen. The lovers celebrated their wedding at the end of 1983, celebrating it rather modestly, and even the newlyweds came to the marriage registration in denim suits. Three children were born to this union: sons Mark and Marvin, and daughter Marilyn. Eleven years later, the couple divorced, as the wife was tired of the singer’s fans and his many mistresses. After the divorce, Bolen did not forget the children, paying necessary expenses former family. He also maintained good friendly relations with Erica.

The musician had long love relationship with a model of Arab origin, Nadia Abdel Farrah. Dieter had strong feelings for the girl, however, she had a harmful addiction to alcohol and often cheated on her star lover, which caused him mental trauma. In 1996, the singer married for the second time, and Verona Feldbush became his chosen one. However, this marriage quickly faded away, since the girl was more interested in Bohlen’s income than in himself. The divorce is over loud scandal, because ex-wife accused the artist of assault.

Pictured is Dieter Bohlen and his wife Estefania Küster

In the early 2000s, Dieter started new novel. His passion was a young girl named Estefania Küster. In March 2011, the lovers had a daughter, Amelie, and in the fall of 2013, a son, Maximilian. The couple lives together to this day, raising children. Off the stage, the artist is an ordinary husband and father who fulfills the whims and desires of his children and the woman he loves.

see also

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published 08/20/2016

Dieter Bohlen, " driving force” and the “creative center” of the “Modern Talking” duet, has always been the opposite of his partner Thomas Anders, not only in appearance (unlike the brunette Thomas, Dieter is a light blond). Energy and temperament always overwhelmed him; as a result, not only high creative fertility, but also a rather stormy and rich personal life (cannot be compared with the modest Thomas!).

Almost Slavic

Dieter has been restless since childhood. He is nine years older than Thomas (born February 7, 1954), his hometown- Oldenburg. It is interesting that one of Dieter’s grandmothers is from Konigsberg (Kaliningrad), so he considers himself “almost a Slav”... Dieter himself admits that he was a difficult child: he was a hooligan, ran after girls and caused his parents a lot of trouble. The future pop star was kicked out of school twice, and he even had to spend one year in a boarding school. Only after this the guy came to his senses, graduated from school with excellent grades and even entered the university to study economics. His parents categorically did not want Dieter to study music, but already at the age of ten he began to compose his own songs, playing the guitar.

By 1983 Dieter wrote great amount songs and even managed to interest some record companies. But for a long time he could not find a good singer who would perform these songs (Dieter Bohlen’s own vocal abilities are very modest). The Hansa company helped Dieter - there was a vocalist who had already performed several of his songs, but had not achieved success with them. The guy's name was Thomas Anders... Further events known. Together, Dieter and Thomas achieved world fame, separated, got back together and broke up again... An interesting fact: at the beginning of 1989 in the Soviet Union, Dieter Bohlen was awarded the “Most Successful Artist in the USSR” award! No one else (not even the Beatles and ABBA) has been awarded this title. In 1987, Dieter created his own project “Blue System”, which turned out to be almost as successful as “Modern Talking”. And there have always been (and continue to be) legends about the “adventures” in Dieter’s personal life...

"Treasure Island"

Dieter Bohlen married for the first time in 1983 - even before he became a pop star - to a girl named Erica. Before this, the couple lived together for several years. The wedding turned out to be unconventional: the bride and groom came in jeans, and the whole event was held in a casual “hipparian” style.

The family life of Erica and Dieter cannot be called happy: the marriage did not calm the blond heartthrob, and Dieter constantly cheated on his wife. Nevertheless, the couple managed to produce three children: sons Mark, Marvin and daughter Marilyn. After 11 years, Erica got tired of her husband’s spree, and the couple divorced. True, now their relationship is quite calm and friendly, no one forbade Bohlen from communicating with children (especially since, according to the contract concluded after the divorce, Dieter is obliged to give 15% of all his income to support the family).

According to the musician, off stage he is an ordinary father who cannot resist the whims of his children. Photo: globallookpress.com

The main reason for the divorce is Nadia Abdel Farah (Bohlen himself called his beloved “Naddel”), with whom the singer began dating while still married to Eric. A beautiful and spectacular girl, born into an Arab and German family, Nadya worked in the modeling business, and after meeting Dieter she became a backing vocalist in Blue System.

They lived together for several years, although they never got married. Nadya tried to create comfort for Dieter, prepare delicious food and please him in every possible way. However, could the quiet family rear keep Dieter from a new novel? In 1996, Dieter married another beauty, Verona Feldbush.

The girl was not a simpleton - she worked as a model from the age of fifteen, received the title “Miss Hamburg”, then “Miss Germany”, and also “Miss American Dream”. At the time of her wedding with Dieter, she worked as a TV presenter - she hosted her own program: an entertainment show. The wedding took place in Las Vegas (in this cheerful city many “sudden” and short-lived star marriages were concluded), at the Treasure Island Hotel - in a small chapel on the fifth floor, designed specifically for such weddings... True, Dieter later said: “ Ten minutes after I gave my consent to the marriage, I wanted to take the elevator back to the fifth floor to call it off.”

The most humble in the world

The saying “what happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas” was true this time too. The marriage did not last long: Dieter divorced Verona the same year. The beauty did not grieve at all after breaking up with the singer: she opened another television talk show"The World of Verona", she was soon called the "Sex Symbol of Germany". In addition, during the divorce, Verona got a Jaguar car and half a million German marks. What about Dieter? Dieter... returned to his faithful friend Nadya - and she took him back! She still hoped that Bohlen would appreciate her all-forgiving love and become an exemplary family man...

Hopes were in vain. Every now and then Nadya learned about the “hooliganism” of her beloved, and one day, opening a newspaper, she saw photos taken by the paparazzi of Dieter vacationing in the Maldives with a young girl... Returning home, Dieter, to his credit, did not hide anything. He admitted to Nadya that he did not see a future together with her and was leaving for that same girl, Estefania Küster.

Estefania (or, as she is also called, Steffi) was noticeably different from Dieter’s previous passions. The daughter of a Paraguayan TV presenter and a German chemical engineer, a graduate of a monastery school, has nothing to do with show business... “My new girlfriend twenty-five years younger than me. What does she see in me? - Dieter confessed. “Good sex and a nice, smart man - very sensitive and attentive.” And, undoubtedly, unusually “modest”, isn’t it?

Estefania started talking about the wedding, but it turned out to be “one-sided.” Photo: Getty Images

Hero of our time

In 2002, Dieter Bohlen practically “blew up” the German book market by releasing his book “Nothing But the Truth,” where he told many details from his life. And about “Modern Talking”, and about quarrels with Thomas Anders and his girlfriend Nora, and about their wives and girlfriends... Professional writers and critics loudly criticized Dieter Bohlen’s “masterpiece”, saying that it was not a book at all, but waste paper and it's worthless. But this only fueled the interest of readers: the circulation exceeded a million copies, and Dieter eventually became “Man of 2002” in Germany!

He is truly called a “hero of our time.” 30 years have passed since the collapse of Modern Talking, and Dieter is still in the public eye, and even constantly throws up topics for gossip and does not even think about disappearing from view. He is about to write a second book, and also directs the program “Germany is looking for superstars.” “And I’m also a good father! - he claims. “I just have a super relationship with my children!”

In August 2005, Dieter became a father for the fourth time: Estefania gave birth to his third son, who was named Maurice Cassian. However, Estefania never succeeded in marrying Bohlen. Obviously, two previous marriages developed in the “bully lover” something like an allergy to marriage... In one of joint interviews, answering a question regarding marriage, Estefania stated: “We often talk about marriage.” Dieter immediately retorted: “No, dear, you often talk about the wedding!” The conversation apparently remained one-sided.

A year later, her place was taken by a new lover - Fatma Karina Waltz, who also significantly younger than the singer. She became the mother of Dieter Bohlen's second daughter Amelie and fourth son Maximilian. According to the musician himself, off stage he is an ordinary father who cannot resist the whims and desires of his children.