When a home becomes a person’s moral support. Series of articles “Workshop of December essays. Essays on the topic of time

Please help me write an essay on literature in Unified State Exam format on one of the topics:
1. When does Home become a moral support for a person?
2. The path to yourself: ups and downs;
3. What problems does wartime pose to a person?
4. By what signs can you recognize true love?
One of the two arguments must be from the novel War and Peace

Answers and solutions.

The path to yourself: ups and downs.
Perhaps one of the most difficult paths we have to go through in this life is the path to ourselves. Spiritual quest human - this is not an easy test. It requires enormous patience, effort and hard work from those who decide to follow this path. Changing yourself means changing the world around you, as well as your destiny, views and thinking. And not everyone succeeds in this. Moreover, few people even think about it. But there are still writers who have passed a piece of spirituality through their works in order to convey to readers the truly important things in life.
First of all, I would like to cite as an example the great epic novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". The novel traces the fates of absolutely different people, and each of them has their own path and experience gained. I immediately remember Pierre Bezukhov.
At first, Pierre is the unwanted illegitimate son of a rich nobleman. He is inexperienced, does not know what he wants from life. His idol is Napoleon (as a reformer and liberator).
Suddenly, Pierre receives an inheritance, becoming one of the richest suitors in Russia. Not realizing that the attitude towards him in society has changed after receiving the inheritance, he sincerely accepts signs of attention and... makes an irreparable mistake - he marries Helen. His life changed - Pierre “settled down”, became the husband of his society wife, the brilliant beauty Helen, that is, he began to spend his time aimlessly.
After the duel with Dolokhov Pierre found himself faced with insoluble questions: “Why all this? What to live for? What lies ahead? They torture Pierre, involving him in spiritual crisis. Pierre looked for help from outside - and found it in the ranks of the Freemasons, not noticing that behind noble words they hid self-interest and money-grubbing. Pierre is interested in Masonic activities and carries out, as it seems to him, reasonable reforms on his southern estates. But all of Pierre’s efforts in this activity were in vain. This is followed by new disappointment in oneself and people.
At the beginning of the war of 1812, Pierre collected a militia with his own money and decided to take part in the Battle of Borodino. Here the great truth is revealed to Pierre. Seeing soldiers, militias, those who fight, pray, build fortifications, who feed him, he sees Them. They are the saviors of Russia. They are the strength of Russia and its spirit. In a dream, Pierre comes to understand the need to “integrate” his life with the life of the people. This idea is strengthened in Pierre after meeting in captivity with Platon Karataev, who in the novel became the embodiment of everything “kind, round, Russian.” It is under the influence of Karataev that Pierre comes to universal love, patience and forgiveness, like Prince Andrei once did.
Pierre and Prince Andrei, through suffering and spiritual trials, ups and downs, came to understand the highest meaning of human existence - the love of the Gospel. They became close to the people, with a force that preserves traditions and moral values ​​and unites people.
To summarize, I would like to say one thing: in life you just need to be kinder, and only then we will be able to improve, change our character in better side, and also change the people around us, because it all starts with kindness. This is the most the right way to yourself.

The FIPI website gives the following definition: “Home” - the direction is aimed at thinking about home as the most important value of existence, rooted in the distant past and continuing to be a moral support in today’s life. The ambiguous concept of “home” allows us to talk about the unity of small and large, the relationship between material and spiritual, external and internal.

HOUSE- a word with multiple meanings...
This is a family home. This is a symbol of reliability and safety, comfort and warmth. We were born in our parents' house, our close and beloved people live here, our childhood passed here, we grew up here... We keep warm memories of the years we lived in our parents' house all our lives. In our own home we receive our first lessons in morality. It is not for nothing that it is called a cradle, a pier, a pier. A person’s true self is revealed in his home; it is here that he sheds all his masks behind which he hides in society. There is no point in pretending at home, because nothing threatens you there.
This small homeland. IN hometown or in the village we discover the world, we learn to love nature, and get to know people.
This is the Motherland. A big house for all the people. It is the Motherland that calls its sons and daughters for help in terrible years war.
This is a haven for the soul, because the beauty and warmth of the house are closely related to the beauty of the soul of its owners. This is the spiritual beginning of our thoughts.
This is the Earth, and every corner of it is a piece of a large and beautiful planet, which we should love just like our parents’ home.


Our home is Russia.
“Parental home is the beginning of the beginning.”
Home is a place where you are always welcome.
The house is an island, a fortress in the chaos of revolutionary and military events.
Home is a refuge for a tired soul, a place for rest and recuperation.
Home is a place where spiritual, moral, and cultural traditions are preserved.
Home is a statement of eternity, beauty and strength of life.
Home is the basis of human existence.
Home is a wonderful dream of happiness.
A house is a portrait of the soul of a family.
Losing a home is a disaster moral ideals. (About the flooding of villages in the 1970s–80s)
Home is a discord with oneself and the world.

"Home is where your heart is." (Pliny the Elder) My home is my homeland. “A person builds his main house in his soul” (F. Abramov). “Man is small, but his home is the world” (Marcus Varro).
The parental home is the source of morality. “History goes through a person’s home, through his whole life.” (Yu.M. Lotman) "Our houses are mirror image ourselves." (D. Lynn). Home is a person’s personal Universe, his galaxy.
“Happy is he who is happy at home.” (Leo Tolstoy) Whoever curses the Fatherland breaks with his family. (Pierre Corneille) Homelessness is a terrible fate... A man without clan and without tribe
Home of our relationship "Russia is like huge apartment...» (A. Usachev) Home is a small universe...


N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls".
I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov".
L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".
A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin's Dvor".


M.A. Bulgakov " White Guard", "Heart of a Dog".
F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". Description of Raskolnikov’s life.
M. Gorky “At the Bottom”.
Yu.V. Trifonov "House on the Embankment".
V.S. Rasputin "Farewell to Matera".
A.P. Chekhov. "The Cherry Orchard".
A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".
I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons".
M.A. Sholokhov " Quiet Don».


Proverbs and sayings:

Away is good, but home is better.
Not at home as a guest: once you've been there, you won't leave.
Your home is not someone else’s: you can’t leave it.
Without an owner, a house is an orphan.
Love at home what you want, and in people - what they give.
The hut is not red in its corners, but red in its pies.
It is not the owner's house that is painted, but the owner's house.
Nice for someone who has a lot of stuff in the house.
It’s a good speech that there is a stove in the hut.
Thanks to this house, let's go to another one.
Life is bad for someone who has nothing in his home.
Every house is held by its owner.
For the lonely, everywhere is home.


on the topic "Parental home"

1. Introduction to the essay.
Home...Parental home. For each of us it has exceptional significance. After all, in his father’s house a person is not only born, but also receives a spiritual and moral charge for the rest of his life; in his home and family, those moral guidelines that he will need throughout his life are laid in a person.

It is here that a person feels and learns all the beginnings in life. “Everything in a person begins from childhood,” emphasized writer S.V. Mikhalkov. And what we will be like in life depends on the family in which we grew up, on the spiritual atmosphere that reigned in our parents’ home.

The theme of home is a cross-cutting theme of the world fiction. Writers in their works told us about different families and the houses in which these families lived.

2. The main part of the essay - literary arguments(analysis literary works or specific episodes of works).
Argument 1.

In the comedy “The Minor,” Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin shows the landowner’s house of the Prostakov nobles. What kind of house is this?
It is dominated not by a man, the head of the family, but by Mrs. Prostakova.
The atmosphere in this house is very difficult, because from morning to evening you can hear screams, swearing, and rude words. The landowner watches everyone, cheats, lies, no one can calm her down.
Prostakova has no human dignity. She scolds the tailor Trishka and her henpecked husband, who only indulges her. The wife is tyrannical towards her husband. For the sake of her son, she throws herself at her brother. She feels sorry for her overworked son.
Sophia complains to Milo about hard life in the Prostakovs' house.
Lawlessness is happening in this lady's house. Ignorant, cruel, narcissistic mistress builds family relationships from a position of strength. Despotism destroys and destroys everything human in a person.
Starodum remarks: “This is evil worthy fruits" But this evil and cruel woman is a mother. She loves her Mitrofanushka very much. In the atmosphere of his home, ruled by his mother, the son could not learn anything good from his mother; he did not receive the strong moral charge that he so needed in life.
Such a situation in the parental home cannot give Mitrofan good and strong moral lessons.

Argument 2.

A completely different house, the house of the Rostov family, is shown to us by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy in the novel “War and Peace”.
We see big house on Povarskaya Street in the center of Moscow. The large and friendly family of Count Ilya Nikolaevich Rostov lives here. The doors of this house were open to everyone; there was enough space for everyone.
The head of the house is Count Ilya Nikolaevich Rostov, a lover of home holidays. He loves his family and trusts his children. "He is kindness itself." “He was a most wonderful man,” this is how his acquaintances spoke about him after his death. Tolstoy emphasizes that the gift of a teacher is inherent in Countess Rostova. She is the first adviser for her daughters, she is generous, sincere in her interactions with children, hospitable, and open.
The family is musical and artistic; they love singing and dancing in the house. All this contributed to the fact that the parental home became a special atmosphere of spirituality. “The air of love” reigned in the Rostovs’ house.
Happy home at the Rostovs! Children feel parental tenderness and affection! Peace, harmony and love are the moral climate in a Moscow home. Life values The things that the children brought from the Rostovs’ parental home are worthy of respect - they are generosity, patriotism, nobility, respect, mutual understanding and support. All children have inherited from their parents the ability to participate, to empathize, to sympathize, to be merciful.
Parental home and family for the Rostovs are the source of everything moral values and moral guidelines, this is the beginning of beginnings.

3. Conclusion.

Two houses - Mrs. Prostakova's house at Fonvizin's and the Rostovs' house at Tolstoy's. And how different they are! And this depends on the parents themselves and the moral and spiritual atmosphere that is created in the parental home, in the family. I really want to believe that in our time there will be as many parents as possible who care about their home and the strong spiritual atmosphere in it. Let every home become a real source of moral guidelines for young people!


“The theme of home in the novel “Quiet Don” by M.A. Sholokhov"

In the epic novel “Quiet Don” M. Sholokhov painted a grandiose picture of the life of the Cossack Don with its primordial traditions and unique way of life. The theme of home and family is one of the central ones in the novel.
This theme sounds powerfully from the very beginning of the work. “Melekhovsky yard is on the very edge of the farm,” - this is how the epic novel begins, and throughout the entire narrative M. Sholokhov will tell us about the inhabitants of this yard. A line of defense runs through the Melekhovs’ yard; it is occupied either by Reds or Whites, but for the heroes, their father’s house forever remains the place where the closest people live, always ready to receive and warm.
The life of the inhabitants of the Melekhov house appears in an interweaving of contradictions, attractions and struggles. The first chapters show how a common cause, household concerns, unite these different people into a single whole - a family. That is why M. Sholokhov describes in such detail various labor processes - fishing, plowing, etc. Mutual assistance, caring for each other, the joy of work - this is what unites the Melekhov family.
The house rests on the leadership of the elders. Panteley Prokofich and Ilyinichna are truly the stronghold of the family. Panteley Prokofich was hardworking, economical, very hot-tempered, but kind and sensitive at heart. Despite the intra-family split, Panteley Prokofich tries to unite the pieces of the old way of life into one whole - at least for the sake of his grandchildren and children. He constantly strives to bring something into the house, to do something useful for the household. And the fact that he dies outside the home that he loved more than anything in the world is the tragedy of a man from whom time has taken away the most precious things - family and shelter.
M. Sholokhov calls Ilyinichna “a courageous and proud old woman.” She is characterized by wisdom and justice. She consoles her children when they feel bad, but she also judges them harshly when they do wrong. All her thoughts are connected with the fate of the children, especially the youngest, Gregory. And it is deeply symbolic that at the last minute before her death, already realizing that she was not destined to see Gregory, she leaves the house and, turning to the steppe, says goodbye to her son: “Grishenka! My dear! My little blood!”
The entire Melekhov family found itself at the crossroads of great historical events. But the thought of a home is also alive in the souls of the younger generation of this family.
Blood connection with home, native land Grigory Melekhov feels it. Passionately loving Aksinya, he refuses her offer to leave, to give up everything. Only later does he decide to leave, and even then not far, outside the farmstead. He sees his home and peaceful work as the main values ​​of life. In war, shedding blood, he dreams of how he will prepare for sowing, and these thoughts make his soul warm.
Natalya is also closely connected with the Melekhov house. Even realizing that she is unloved, even knowing that Grigory is with Aksinya, she remains in the house of her father-in-law and mother-in-law. Instinctively, she understands that only here, in her husband’s house, can she wait for him and start a new life with him. happy life. And perhaps that is precisely why the love of Aksinya and Gregory is doomed from the very beginning, because it is homeless. They meet outside the home, outside established customs. And in order to be together, they both need to leave home. It is deeply symbolic that Aksinya dies on the road, and Grigory at the end of the novel finds himself in front of his home, with his son in his arms. And this turns out to be his only salvation and hope of surviving in a collapsing, splitting world.
For M. Sholokhov, a person is the most valuable thing on our planet, and the most important thing that helps shape a person’s soul is his home, in which he was born, raised, where he will always be expected and loved, and where he will definitely return.

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“Home is the moral support of a person.”
The concept of the word “home” is multifaceted. It can be a place where you live, sleep, eat, relax, feel safe or internal, spiritual world person (house of the soul).Also this may have more broad meaning, home is like a homeland - the country in which you were born. And as they say, “Where your family is, there is your home.” Undoubtedly, all this is the moral support of a person in life.
To prove this, numerous examples can be given from various works, poems, poems and short stories. I'll give you an example from epic novel"Quiet Don" In the epic novel by Mikhail Sholokhov, the theme of “home” is well explored. It says: about love for your homeland, for the place where the main characters were born, grew up and live in it, and how difficult and painful it is to leave your home, even for a while.
Even at the very beginning of the novel, it tells about “Melekhovsky yard - on the very edge of the farm.” A line of defense runs through the Melekhovs’ yard; it is occupied either by Reds or Whites, but for the heroes, their father’s house forever remains the place where the closest people live, always ready to receive and warm them. The first chapters show how household concerns connect not simple relationships with disagreements between people into a single whole - a family. That is why Mikhail Sholokhov describes in such detail various labor processes - fishing, plowing, etc. Mutual assistance and caring for each other unites the Melekhov family.
Panteley Prokofich and Ilyinichna are the main owners of the house. Panteley Prokofich constantly strives to bring something into the house, to do something useful for the household. And the fact that he dies not at home, which he loved more than anything in the world, is a real tragedy for him, because he spent his whole life on family and shelter. Ilyinichna is the successor of the Cossack family, “a wise and courageous old woman.” I would call her a mother heroine. One day she confesses to Natalya, the wife of her son Grigory, that she has suffered a lot from her husband. And he cheated on her and beat her almost to death. But she endured everything for the sake of duty: family and children. She is a great worker, spending from morning to evening at work. The meaning of her life is to work for the sake of her family. She especially loved her youngest son Gregory and waited until her last day for him to come to home from the front.
Grigory Melekhov is closely connected with his home, his native land, although he wanted to give up everything and run away with his beloved Aksinya, but it did not work out for him, since Aksinya refused. Only later does he decide to leave, but the attraction to his native land does not leave him. He sees his home and peaceful work as the main values ​​of life. In war, shedding blood, he dreams of how he will prepare for sowing, and these thoughts make his soul warm.
Natalya - wife Gregory, although not loved by him, still remains at home with his mother-in-law and father-in-law, in the hope that at home they will be able to create their own family happiness. Aksinya and Gregory do not have their own home and, perhaps, that is why their love was doomed, since there was nowhere to build it. Aksinya dies on the road, and Grigory at the end of the novel finds himself in front of his home, with his son in his arms. And his son became for him the very support that is mentioned at the beginning of my essay.
In conclusion, we can conclude: Home is an integral part of a person’s life, without which his soul is hard. Home is your family, your homeland, which you are ready to protect, just as it protects you for the rest of your life.

1) Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” - the home of the Rostov family. The Rostov family, their home is a real standard of family.

2) Czechs " cherry orchard" - the house of the landowner Ranevskaya. The heroes love their home, where they spent their childhood. They are trying with all their might to preserve their estate.

Reply posted by: Guest

Lermontov composed it in 1832!

open the prison for me, give me the radiance of the day, a black-eyed maiden, a black-maned horse.

Ivan Myatlev “roses” how beautiful, how fresh the roses were in my garden! how they seduced my gaze! how I prayed to the spring frosts not to touch them with a cold hand!

Pushkin "Storm" you saw the maiden on the rocks in white clothes above the waves the sea played with the shores, raging furiously in the stormy darkness.

Reply posted by: Guest

1) the comedy “The Inspector General” is a deeply realistic work, which reflects the vices of the landowner-bureaucratic system of Russia in the thirties 19th century. An important place in the comedy character system is occupied by officials who inhabit county town. this is a collective, generalized image, derived satirically, because it includes everything negative in political system Russia at that time.

2) the first to report about the auditor was Mayor Anton Antonovich Skvoznik - Dmukhanovsky. he gathered all the officials of his town to report to them about a letter from an acquaintance, which said about the imminent arrival of an auditor from St. Petersburg. incognita.

3) rumors were considered the most reliable source of information, and officials took wishful thinking.

4) Khlestakov - a petty official, an insignificant person, reproached by everyone. Even his own servant, Osip, despises him; his father can drag him by his hair. he is poor and incapable of working to ensure even a tolerable existence for himself.

5) in conversations with everyone he tries to increase his value.

6) the plot of the “auditor” is already given in the first phrase: “I invited you, gentlemen, in order to tell you the most unpleasant news: an auditor is coming to us.” and already this phrase gives the main impetus to the whole action - the emergence of fear, which darkened the mayor’s mind.

Reply posted by: Guest

Bazarov! I wanted to write “dear and dear Eugene,” but I don’t like to lie. You're even a nasty guy with cheap rants. I don’t deny that you are smart: not everyone can pass off the absolute emptiness of life as participation in a socio-political movement. Arkady couldn’t do it, even though he tried. judging by the desire of your friends to please you, you are quite charming, strong and give the impression of an impressive person. but why didn’t you, Bazarov, live as you should? I don't mean well-known rules, but some positive feelings: friendship, love, respect, not curiosity, contempt and indifference. too educated and well-read, it seems you were simply afraid of getting burned, feeling weak and attached. but you have already had the opportunity to be convinced that love is stronger than you. but the fact that you thought differently from everyone else and went against them... this is not courage - this is “nothing to lose.” as M.A. wrote. Bulgakov, “there is no greater vice than cowardice.” Do you know what she brought you to? I wasn’t even upset when you died, paying attention to I.S.’s talent. Turgenev, and not to your fate. I’m not insensitive - you were like that and you were just wasting your space on the planet. and them, you know, limited quantity. so hopefully you've freed him up for someone who will do something and change something and not just deny everything. To be a nihilist requires a little work, and you are respected not just because you were the Decembrists. you know, bazaars, I even feel sorry for you. you are truly the most pathetic hero I have read about: what did you know except the body structure of an aquatic beetle and organic? but you, it’s true, could achieve a lot and make a contribution to world development. so think about your behavior and (I know: you can) do everything so that there are fewer people like you. your phrases will not save the world and will not make it think. we need to act. best wishes! without respect, living one hundred percent and that makes her happy to the point of dizziness

All regions of the country.



223. What is the feeling of home?



"Year of Literature"

Central Federal District, Southern Federal District, Northwestern Federal District, Volga Federal District, North Caucasian Federal District, Crimean Federal District

123. Why is time called the best healer?
229. “My home is my fortress”?
333. Does love help you understand yourself?
426. What could be the path to self-knowledge?
525. “Following the thoughts of a great man is the most entertaining science” (A.S. Pushkin)

Volga Federal District

Udmurt Republic, Samara region

126. What are the moral lessons of history?
221. What importance do home traditions have in a person’s life?
331. Is love happiness or suffering?
431. How does travel enrich a person?
523. Do you agree with the statement that reading teaches you to think?

Northwestern Federal District

Kaliningrad region

122. History and modernity: is a look back necessary?
224. When does Home become a person’s moral support?
332. Do you agree with the statement of A. Camus: “Not to be loved is just a failure, not to love is a misfortune”?
422. Why is it important to comprehend the path traveled?
531. What problems raised by writers do you consider relevant?

Ural Federal District

128. Is there anything that is timeless?
232. When does a dwelling become a Home?
325. What is the difference between love and falling in love?
429. Is it necessary to make mistakes in order to find the right path?
526. What books do you enjoy reading?

Siberian Federal District

Altai Territory, Novosibirsk Region, Omsk Region, Altai Republic, Tomsk Region

130. Temporary and eternal in our life.
227. Why do they say: “It’s good when visiting, but it’s better at home”?
323. By what signs can you recognize true love?
425. Do you agree with the statement that there are no hopeless situations?
533. Which of modern writers Are you particularly close to it?

Krasnoyarsk Territory, Republic of Tyva, Republic of Khakassia, Kemerovo Region

131. Is forgetting the past destructive for a person?
230. When does a House need protection?
326. Are actions done in the name of love always noble?
421. The path to yourself: ups and downs.
524. What themes in fiction do not lose their relevance over time?

Republic of Buryatia, Trans-Baikal Territory, Irkutsk Region

132. What is a “connection of times”?
228. Why does a person often return home in search of a better life?
321. Does love require a person to work on himself?
433. What life-saving guidelines help a person not to get lost on the path of life?
529. A book that I will read to my children.

Far Eastern Federal District

Amur region

121. What problems does wartime pose to a person?
226. Is L.N. Tolstoy right when he said: “Everything happy families similar to each other, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way”?
327. How is love for the Motherland manifested?
424. Love as a path of self-knowledge.
532. What universal human values affirmed in classical literature?

Magadan Region, Jewish Autonomous Region, Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory

125. What historical era Are you particularly interested and why?
222. Is the concept of “home” outdated?
329. When does love become a test?
427. What does it mean to “go your own way through life”?
530. What book would I recommend a friend read?

North Kuril urban district

127. What does it take to become a hero of time?
233. Why is a person’s connection with family and home so important?
322. Is egoism dangerous for love?
430. Which way does a person go to himself?
528. Does literature help to form a life ideal?

Kamchatka Territory, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

124. When does a person forget about time?
223. What is the feeling of home?
330. How does love of life manifest itself?
428. Choosing a path as a life problem.
522. How is history reflected in a literary work?