Timur movement. History of the Timur movement. The era of the great war

“So among us there are modest people with a pure heart, unnoticed, but with a huge soul. They are the ones who decorate life, containing everything that exists in humanity - kindness, simplicity, trust,” wrote G. Troepolsky.

Mercy and kindness... in lately we began to refer to these words more often. As if having seen the light, we began to realize that the most acute shortage we have today is human warmth and care for our neighbors. After all, a person is born and lives on Earth in order to do good to people. Perhaps that is why, even in the old alphabet, the letters of the alphabet were designated by the words closest to a person: Z - “earth”, L - “people”, M - “thought”, D - “good”. The ABC seemed to call: People of the Earth, Think, Think and do Good!

Each of us has the sun. This sun is kindness. Kindness, the ability to feel the joy and pain of another person as one’s own, a sense of mercy ultimately make a person a Human.

Yes, a person should be taught to do good as early as possible, from childhood. We do not know what graduates of our school will become in the future - lawyers, engineers, teachers, but we are sure of one thing: they will always do good, because they grow up as caring people. The essence of our movement is to help everyone who needs help. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, pedagogical work and older people should feel that there are people around who, at the call of their souls and hearts, are able to share their problems and concerns and give them hope. We should not forget that the world consists not only of joy: it, alas, contains torment and the suffering of old age and loneliness.

Timurites must help those who need it. Not all modern young people know who the Timurites are. Gaidar wrote a book about them a long time ago, and it is no longer fashionable. But still, it is rightly said that “the new is the well forgotten old.”

Timurov’s work is very necessary, because elderly people sometimes need not only help, but also just attention. In addition, by communicating with elderly fellow villagers, children can learn a lot of new things about their village, traditions and customs, as well as listen to their memories of events of bygone days.

Timurov's work has been going on at our school for many years. It is carried out systematically, and most importantly - with desire. Students from grades 5 to 9 are involved in it.

Timurites participated in various operations “Snow”, “A Veteran Lives Nearby”, “Salute to Veterans” and “Obelisk”. The guys went to their wards and provided them with all possible help: they sawed and chopped wood, stored it in the barn, cleared the paths of snow, threw snow off the roof, cleaned the room, washed the floor, and carried water.

The children's sensitive attitude towards people was manifested not only in helping pensioners in household. Along with this, the Timurites provided them with moral support: they congratulated them on the occasion of the holiday, organized meetings with war veterans. And won’t the former warrior’s heart beat excitedly when, on Victory Day, the guys congratulate him and present him with a gift made with their own hands?

We also conducted raids on younger schoolchildren: “Study, work, have fun, like us”

Kirillova Anastasia, commander of the “Care” detachment, says: “We like to help such elderly, helpless people. This is pleasant for both yourself and others. As they say, life is a mirror, if you do something good for someone else, it will come back to you in the future or soon.”

The work carried out made it possible to verify that extracurricular groups represented by Timur’s groups significantly influence the degree of growth in demands on each other.

In the process of performing Timurov's work, children come into contact with people who have great life experience, worthy and respected in society. They have a huge educational influence on the behavior of young Timurites.

The work Timurovites do is the acquisition of citizenship, involvement in the affairs of adults. Timurites adhere to the commandments:

  • Do no harm, do not destroy, but help and improve the life around you;
  • Live for the smile of your comrade;
  • Better difficult than boring;
  • Beauty, but without embellishment
    And goodness is not for show -
    This is what is dear to us.
  • Help and protect those in need of help;
  • Think collectively
    Work quickly
    Argue with evidence -
    A must for everyone.

Absolutely special role the song is playing. It evokes feelings that are difficult to express in words. The main thing in the song is that it brings people together and makes them closer. Our traditional collective song:

The road of goodness

Words by Yu. Entin, music by M. Minkov

1. Ask strict life,
Which way to go?
Where in the white world
Head out early in the morning?
Follow the sun
Although this path is unknown.
Go, my friend, always
Walk the path of goodness.

2. Forget your worries,
downs and ups.
Don't whine when fate
She doesn't behave like a sister.
But if with friend is bad,
Don't rely on a miracle.
Hurry to him, always
Walk the path of goodness.

3. Oh, how many different ones there will be
doubts and temptations.
Don't forget that life is
Not a child's game.
Drive away temptations
Learn the unspoken law.
Go, my friend, always
Walk the path of goodness.

Program “Mercy”


  1. Fostering kindness, sensitivity, compassion and empathy, tolerance and goodwill.
  2. Revival of the best domestic traditions and charity.
  3. Development of a children's initiative to provide assistance to elderly and lonely people in need of their care and attention, veterans and disabled war veterans and disabled children.
  4. Creating conditions conducive to the formation of a personality capable of independently building their life on the principles of goodness, truth, and beauty.

Area of ​​activity

Implementation period

Expected results

Identification, in cooperation with the local administration, of those in need of help for the elderly, lonely, war veterans and disabled people. Provide all possible assistance in everyday life.

Provide moral and feasible financial assistance

Cooperation with kindergarten “Shankarav” Carry out concert and theater work, provide all possible and material assistance to children in need Education of citizenship and morality in students. Formed sense of compassion and mercy.
Chef work with primary grades schools Helping little ones organize leisure and educational activities Education of citizenship and morality in students. Formed sense of compassion and mercy.

Main activities

Home without loneliness

Constant communication with veterans and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, with those who are practically only within the walls of their home

1. Surrounding with care and attention, providing specific assistance to lonely elderly people.

2. Organization and conduct:

  • “lights”, meetings, concert programs
  • Day of the Elderly “Let’s warm our palms, smooth out wrinkles”
  • operations “A veteran lives nearby”, “A gift to a veteran”, “Please accept our congratulations”.

“Step forward”

1. Surrounding orphans in care with care and attention.

2. Organization and conduct:

  • charity events “kindness” will save the world”, “We do good with our own hands”;
  • charity relay race “Peace is in me and I am in the world”;
  • holidays, game programs, concerts;
  • operations “Letter to a Friend”, “Friendship Lantern” (greeting cards, mini-newspapers).

“You know I’m close!”

1. Creation of interest groups, clubs and other children's associations, which include sick children and their healthy peers, the degree of social well-being of which is different: here are children from complete and cared for children, low-income and dysfunctional families and others.

2. Organizing joint activities to help children with disabilities and socially vulnerable teenagers enter society.

H. Carrying out joint excursions, trips, hikes, etc.

“We are your older friends”

Caring for the younger ones, the desire to make their life exciting and interesting, “Treasured Box”, “4 + Z”, “Magic Carousel”, “Our School Planet”, “Sun Rays”, “Children’s Republic”, “Seven-Flower Flower”, “Teremok of Miracles”, “Fairytale Houses”, “Ding-Dong”, etc.

Caring for the younger ones, the desire to make their lives exciting and interesting through the implementation of the “Do Good” and “Treasured Box” programs. Games, holidays for kindergarten students.

Among friends

Organizing and conducting for your peers:

  • lessons of goodness “Who else if not you”, “Life is given for good deeds”, “Care and attention”, “Kindness brings joy to people”, “The magical power of goodness”.
  • Collectively creative deeds “Man needs man”, “We need each other”, “Good is the way”, “It is better to be kind in the world, there is enough evil in the world”, “Bells of goodness”

Problem. The legislative act - “Law on Education” - defines that “... education is a purposeful process of upbringing and training in the interests of an individual, society, state...”. It is education that comes first. Education is, first of all, a purposeful process of upbringing. And one cannot but agree with this. My position is this: it is possible to teach science almost always and to almost everyone, but teaching to become a human being is a more difficult task. In this matter in modern school there are disadvantages. Being carried away by all kinds of technology, electronics, and modern educational technologies, we sometimes forget about morality. We educate and train through individual events (Day of Politeness, Mercy, Anti-Smoking Day, etc.), but this is a constant, systemic process. We should always be polite, merciful, and lead a healthy lifestyle. And when this becomes a need, and not a momentary necessity, we will be able to say that we have raised a moral and educated person who will do good and necessary deeds for people. There is no doubt that in our time the problem of patriotic education of schoolchildren arises. In previous years, this area of ​​educational activity was underdeveloped. As a result of this, we see a grown-up generation for which the concepts of “Motherland,” “Patriotism,” and “Fatherland” are alien. Therefore they began current problems education of defenders of the Motherland of law-abiding citizens, education of mercy and philanthropy. Patriotic education, like everything else, is primarily the responsibility of class teachers. In the Federal Program of Patriotic Education, the development of the Timur movement is highlighted as a separate line. And this means its importance for society as a whole. For many reasons of a socio-economic and political nature, we were deprived for a long time of an organization designed to raise children and organize their reasonable leisure. This could not but cause a surge in many negative phenomena that began to seriously worry society: increased crime among teenagers and, in particular, the movement of so-called skinheads, fans of sports clubs, alcoholism and drug addiction, idle pastime, extreme individualism and aggressiveness of some and withdrawal from reality into computer games of others. In order to avoid the deepening and expansion of these negative processes, it is necessary to revive and develop the Timur movement, the purpose of which help organize reasonable and creative leisure time for children, promote the upbringing of children in the spirit of national moral values: patriotism, a sense of mercy, compassion and mutual assistance, the desire to work for the good of others. And this education needs to start as early as possible. It is possible that from older preschool age.

Today the task is to revive and develop the Timur movement in Russia. Is this possible and is it necessary? My opinion is the following:necessary, but a number of features should be taken into account:

First, Timur's movement is needed by society. As strange as it may seem, we will no longer be able to cope without the help of children. Is the Timur movement, that is, voluntary and free help from children to adults, possible in our mercantile age? Of course, in the form in which it is described in the story “Timur and His Team,” the revival of the Timur movement is practically impossible. The fact is that the children organized their team during the holidays, in a holiday village, not being there with their parents. Leisure, not limited by everyday academic duties, and the absence of petty supervision allowed the children to independently create their own self-governing small organization (team). SuchModern schoolchildren do not have unlimited leisure.

Second, The school should also not stand aside from the organization of the Timur movement. But there is a danger that class teachers, who in the 80s had experience working in this direction, will not be able to avoid the temptation to use “old, proven” methods of work, which at one time led Timur’s movement to degenerate into ordinary compulsory training, “working out ”, which causes nothing in children except boredom and a feeling of wasted time. Stands in front of the schoolthe task is to find new forms of organizing Timurov’s work, which may interest modern children. In my opinion it is:

Business games, specialized shifts in camps"I am a leader" experience of which is available in many cities. The new Timurs can be helped in their work, including by the so-calledstreet psychologistswho have been working with teenagers in the West for quite a long time, and now they are trying to introduce this position in our large cities.

- Replacement of command and administrative formspartnerships between adults and children. This is one of the central tasks in organizing the Timur movement at the present stage.

- Working with parents. Parents of today's 10-12 year old children, who have survived all the economic and political upheavals and have experienced massive financial pressure mass media who promoted Western values ​​of individualism and personal success at any cost are unlikely to take a favorable view of their children wasting time on “someone else’s uncle.” Class teachers it is necessary to provide appropriate work with parents.

. Timurov movementis not only a mass patriotic movement of pioneers and schoolchildren, the content of which is civic concern for people in need of help, but also an effective (with game elements) form of social useful activity children, promoting their spiritual, moral, physical, heroic and patriotic education, the development of initiative and initiative, and the socialization of the teenager’s personality.

In our class, the guys have been caring about pensioners and veterans for a long time. Gradually, this voluntary assistance grew into the organization of a rapid reaction squad. We are often joined by high school students and parents. This year we developed the squad's Charter.

RAPID RESPONSE UNIT (RET)is an association created for boys and girls, fathers and mothers, teachers, everyone who wants to do good and useful deeds, who loves their native land, your people.

The OBR includes children who can rightfully be called kind, friendly, selfless, and sociable.

They love very much do good deeds, actively participate in the life of the school, village, district.

They really don't like when they offend children, do not respect elders, do not take care of their health and harm the environment.


We are members of the OBR WE - children and our adult friends, united by a common desire, a common idea: “Light yourself, light up another.”

We came together in our squad in order to create good works and do onlygood deeds , do the world around us warmer and kinder.

We are united by FAITH in what is GOOD can save the world.

We set and implement high GOALS:

Involvement in people's concerns and problems;

Providing assistance to those in need;

Showing love and care to native nature and the animal world.

The SPIRIT reigns in our squad...








We protect:

The weak

Elderly and lonely


Our squad is distinguished special relationship:



One noble cause.

We honor and protect TRADITIONS:

Respect for the older generation: caring for veterans,

In memory of those who gave their lives for their people, for their Motherland,

Friendship: do not leave each other in trouble,

Mutual aid: help everyone in difficult times,

Words and deeds: keep all promises,

Precision: don't be late.

In our squad there are LAWS:

KINDNESS: “Kindness is born of kindness”;

TRUTH: “Where there is truth, there is happiness”;

RESPONSIBILITY: “If not me, then who?!”;

HONOR: “It’s not the one who is stronger who is right, but the one who is more honest”;

CONCERNS: “Before you demand attention to yourself, show it to others.”

Here we take care of:

To the person

His health (physical and moral),

Towards relationships

To the beauty and harmony of nature at any time of the year.

Here we always remember that:

Life is the main value.

Mercy is the highest selfless form of love.

Good contributes to the moral improvement of a person and the salvation of his soul.

Our main activity is CARE OF:

Veterans of labor and wars,

Lonely and elderly people

Four-legged and feathered.

In our squad it is allowed:

Do only good deeds

Do only good deeds

Fantasize and make your fantasies come true.

Our team encourages:



Hard work,

Love for nature

Healthy lifestyle.

Relationships between adults and childrenin the detachment are built on the basis of mutual assistance and understanding. Good relationships are cherished here.

Adults are helpers and like-minded people for younger ones.


Timurov's work has been going on at our school for many years. It is carried out systematically, and most importantly - with desire. Our work is needed, because elderly people sometimes need not only help, but also just attention. In addition, by communicating with elderly fellow villagers, the children learned a lot about their village, traditions and customs, and also listened to their memories of events of bygone days.

The guys took part in various operations “Snow”, “A Veteran Lives Nearby”, “Salute to Veterans” and “Obelisk”. The guys went to their wards and provided them with all possible help: they cleared the paths of snow, threw snow off the roof, cleaned the room, washed the floor, and carried water.

The children's sensitive attitude towards people is expressed not only in helping pensioners with household chores. Along with this, schoolchildren provide them with moral support: congratulating them on the occasion of the holiday, organizing meetings with war veterans. And won’t the former warrior’s heart beat excitedly when, on Victory Day, the guys congratulate him and present him with a gift made with their own hands?

Along with helping veterans, schoolchildren help animals and birds survive the winter, and in spring and summer they take care of green spaces and look after the school garden.

Conclusion: The work carried out made it possible to verify that extracurricular groups represented by Timur’s groups significantly influence the degree of growth in demands on each other. In the process of carrying out Timurov’s work, children come into contact with people who have extensive life experience, are worthy and respected in society. They have a huge educational influence on the behavior of young Timurites. The tasks carried out by Timurovites are the acquisition of citizenship, the cultivation of kindness, sensitivity, compassion and empathy, involvement in the affairs of adults, the development of children's initiative; This is the creation of conditions conducive to the formation of a personality capable of independently building their life on the principles of goodness, truth, and beauty.


Alarm Committee

(reception of applications and distribution of cases)

Committee "Patronage"

(Timurov's post)

Committee "Creativity"

(souvenir workshop “Joy”)

1. General provisions and terms

“Timurovets” is a participant in a children’s social movement to help families of soldiers, the disabled, and the sick (named after Timur, the hero of A. Gaidar’s story “Timur and His Team” - S.I. Ozhegov “Explanatory Dictionary”, p. 798).

The children's public organization "Timurovtsy" of the Dmitrov secondary school No. 9 was created in January 2014 as a voluntary association of students in grade 6, focused on universal human values and motivated by the desire to accomplish good deeds for the benefit of society, development of social activity of schoolchildren, development of responsibility towards others, development of communication skills.

In their activities, participants of the Timurovtsi preschool educational institution are guided by the Legislation of the Russian Federation, the Convention on Human Rights, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

    “House without loneliness” (helping lonely elderly people).

    “Heroes live nearby” (communication with war and labor veterans).

    “We are your older friends!” (help for students in grades 1-2).

    “Within the circle of friends” (conducting conversations, informational minutes, games, competitions for primary school students).

3. Goals of the Timurov organization

    formation in children of a culture of social service as important factor development of modern society;

    creating conditions for implementation creative potential individuals in organizing free assistance to war veterans, the elderly, and children in need of help and complicity.

4. Objectives of the Timurov organization

    formation of civic feelings of junior schoolchildren;

    support for social initiatives aimed at spreading humanism, mercy, philanthropy and compassion;

    development of children’s social activity, independence and responsibility, communication skills;

    providing opportunities for self-realization in the development of organizational skills of students through participation in planning and carrying out socially significant activities and events;

    revival of the Timur movement as a means of helping those in need of attention.

5. Participants of the preschool educational institution "Timurovtsy"

Participants in the preschool educational institution “Timurovtsy” can be students who voluntarily accepted the ideas of the Timurov movement and agree to implement them in their lives.

A member of the preschool educational organization “Timurovtsi” is obliged to:

    Comply with the Charter of the preschool educational organization “Timurovtsi”;

    Be a model for other students, do good to people, stand up for the elderly, younger, weak and offended, always be ready to help;

    Be responsible for your behavior and actions, recognize the equality of all people, work to improve the society in which you live.

    Take care of your good name and dignity of the Timurovtsy organization.

6. Principles of activity of members of the preschool educational organization “Timurovtsy”



    Awareness by members of the organization of the personal and social significance of their activities

    Continuity and systematicity



7. The squad has its own symbols and attributes (motto, emblem, laws).

Laws of the Timur detachment:

    The law of accuracy (the “zero-zero” law): start everything on time, don’t be late.

    Law of the Raised Hand: If a person raises his hand, it means he has something to say.

    Law of truth: remember, truth is needed not only by you, but also by the people around you.

    The law of goodness: be kind to your neighbor, and goodness will return to you.

    Law of caring: before demanding attention to yourself, show it to the people around you; remember their interests, needs, needs.

    Law of mercy: you feel good today, but there may be people nearby who have tears in their eyes. Don't forget about it, help them.

    Law of memory: people must know their history and remember their people.

    Law of respect: if you want to be respected, respect the human dignity of other people.

    Law of old age: remember, old age is respected among all nations.

    Law of honor: remember physical strength only when alone; remember spiritual strength, nobility, duty, dignity.

Unit symbols – an emblem with the image of a steering wheel. On the helm is the squad’s motto “Warm people with your hearts.” There - five pointed star, symbol of the Timur movement.

Timurov movement

a mass patriotic movement of pioneers and schoolchildren, the content of which is civic concern for people in need of help. Originated in the USSR in the early 40s. influenced by A.P. Gaidar’s story “Timur and His Team” as a movement to help military families. Etc. - an effective (with game elements) form of socially useful activity for children, contributing to their moral education, development of initiative and initiative.

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45, Timurov's teams and detachments operated in schools, orphanages, at palaces and houses of pioneers and other non-school institutions, at the place of residence; in the RSFSR alone there were over 2 million Timurites. Timurites patronized hospitals, families of soldiers and officers Soviet Army, orphanages and kindergartens, helped harvest the harvest, worked for the defense fund; in the post-war period they provide assistance to the disabled, war and labor veterans, and the elderly; care for the graves of fallen soldiers. In the 60s The search work of the Timurites to study the life of Gaidar greatly contributed to the opening of memorial museums of the writer in Arzamas and Lgov. Using funds collected by Timur's members, a library-museum named after. Gaidar. In the early 70s. for practical leadership of Timur associations by the Central Council of the All-Union Pioneer Organization (See All-Union Pioneer Organization) named after. V.I. Lenin created the All-Union Timur Headquarters under the editorial office of the magazine “Pioneer”, and local republican, regional, district and city headquarters. Traditional gatherings of Timur members are held regularly. In 1973, the 1st All-Union meeting of Timurites (about 3.5 thousand delegates) took place in Artek, which adopted a program for the development of etc.

The traditions of etc. found their expression and development in the voluntary participation of children and adolescents in the improvement of cities and villages, nature conservation, and assistance labor collectives adults, etc.

Timurov teams and detachments were created in the pioneer organizations of the GDR, People's Republic of Belarus, Poland, Vietnam, Czechoslovakia.

Lit.: Ukhyankin S.P., Timur Pioneers, M., 1961; Kamov B.K., Ordinary biography (Arkady Gaidar), M., 1971; Furin S. A., Simonova L. S., Young Timurovites, M., 1975.

S. A. Furin.

Big Soviet encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what the “Timurov movement” is in other dictionaries:

    It arose in the USSR among pioneers and schoolchildren in the beginning. 1940s under the influence of the story by A.P. Gaidar, Timur and his team. We provided assistance to the families of military personnel and veterans, as well as the elderly, kindergartens, looked after the graves of fallen soldiers, etc... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    It arose in the USSR among pioneers and schoolchildren in the early 1940s. under the influence of A.P. Gaidar’s story “Timur and His Team”. We provided assistance to the families of military personnel and veterans, as well as the elderly, kindergartens, looked after the graves of fallen soldiers, etc... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Timurov movement- TIMUROV MOVEMENT, mass patriotic. movement of pioneers and schoolchildren, the goal is to care for people in need of help. At the end of the 1930s. In some pioneer detachments, an initiative arose for patronage of military families, expressing... ... Great Patriotic War 1941-1945: encyclopedia

    movement- , iya, wed. 1. Movement in space in which l. direction. == Progressive movement towards communism. pathet. Titarenko, 6. 2. Social activities, pursuing certain goals. * Revolutionary movement. MAS, vol. 1, 368. ◘ I... Explanatory dictionary of the language of the Council of Deputies

    Emblem of the pioneer organization of the USSR Pioneer movement movement of children's communist organizations in the USSR and in other countries. Modeled after the scouting movement, the pioneer movement differed from ... Wikipedia

    Children's movement- children's social movement, a set of activities of various children's public organizations and children's public associations; one of the forms of socially significant activities of children and youth. The term children's and... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    Timurovets is a concept from Soviet times, denoting an exemplary pioneer who freely performs good deeds for the benefit of a socialist society. Derived from the book “Timur and His Team” by Arkady Gaidar, the hero of which, Timur, ... ... Wikipedia

    Timurites- members of societies. movements within the framework of the All. pioneer organization named after. V.I. Lenin, primarily in the 1940s. Published in 1940. pov A.P. Gaidar Timur and his team, who set an example of self-organization for children. team without control and... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

    Timurovskaya Street runs from Demyan Bedny Street to Ushinsky Street. On October 2, 1970, a new street in the Kalininsky district was named Timurovskaya. “In honor of the patriotic education of pioneers,” the decision stated. IN … St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

    ALL-UNION PIONEER ORGANIZATION, mass amateur communist organization of children and teenagers Soviet Union, formed on May 19, 1922, bore the name of V. I. Lenin since 1924; as a single organization ceased operations in the early 1990s... Encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Timur and his team, Gaidar A.. The story “Timur and his team” was written in 1940 and immediately became a favorite book of millions of young readers, and Timur’s movement - to selflessly help those in need - literally...

"Fatherland - 2013"

From the history of the children's movement

City scientific and practical tourism and local history conference "Fatherland", dedicated to the 270th anniversary of the founding of Orenburg

Timurov and volunteer movements: similarities and differences


WITH possession




Features of the Timur and volunteer movements: volunteering ………………………………………………………......



Timur movement …………………………………………………...



Volunteer movement…………………………………………..………



Volunteer movement of the Orenburg region……………………………………



Results of a sociological survey of schoolchildren…………………......




List of sources used.………………………………………………………





Book by A.P. Many people know Gaidar “Timur and his team”. We immediately associate the name Timur with the “Timurites,” that is, it has become, as it were, a common noun. And the word “team” is synonymous with the word “friends”. It turns out that the title of the book “Timur and his team” means “Timur’s people, friends.”

I learned about the Timurites as a child. Watched feature film"Timur and his team." But I learned about volunteers quite recently, when Bayramov Fariz, a graduate of our school, came to our school. It was he who introduced me to his activities. A team of volunteers conducts various events, develops and implements social projects.

At the First Volunteer Forum, I learned that there are many other similar organizations. There I learned that the beginning of the volunteer movement goes deep into history. That is why this topic became interesting to me.

This work is related to the study of voluntary organizations, namely volunteers and Timurovites.

Purpose of the work: to find similarities and differences between these movements.

Object of study: Timurov and volunteer movement.

Subject of research: the role of Timurov and volunteer movements in public life.

In accordance with the goal, the following tasks are formulated:

Determine the nature of the Timurov and volunteer movements;

Study the historical aspects of the development of Timur and volunteer movements;

Conduct a sociological survey of students;

Conduct an analysis of the results of a sociological survey;

1. Features of the Timurov and volunteer movements: volunteering

Volunteering is based on the involvement of various segments of the population in decision processes social problems. But the question often arises: is volunteering new or well-forgotten old?

The term “volunteering” in its modern understanding, or, moreover, “volunteering” was not familiar to Russia until the mid-80s of the 20th century. Until this time, “volunteers” primarily referred to people who, in wartime, without waiting for a mobilization agenda, went to defend their country. It was like that the first time world war, and during the Great Patriotic War. The practice of multifaceted interpretation of this term also existed abroad. In Italy, gratuitous social assistance is called “social volunteering.”

And in our country in Soviet times there were a lot of people who volunteered to go to the virgin lands to build the BAM.

Today we mean something different in the term “volunteering”. There is a Law “On Charitable Activities and charitable organizations”, adopted on July 7, 1995. But the legislator limited the range of activities that can be classified as charitable, as well as the range of organizations called charities. But volunteer activity is difficult to limit. The range of work performed by volunteers and organizations that involve volunteers in their work is very wide, so the following definition would be more correct.

Volunteer is a person who is engaged on a free voluntary basis (without any coercion) in activities to resolve socially significant problems.

But in order to more clearly imagine volunteerism in Russia, it is necessary to turn to the deeper history of our country. There is also no clear terminology here, but there is voluntary charitable work of people for the benefit of those in need of help, which is Russian history there are many examples.

The traditions of charity have been developing in Rus' for centuries, forming the foundations of charity, rising from the depths of centuries as a desire to help “the poor, decrepit, sick, and indigent.” During my formative years Kievan Rus charity was rather not the norm, but rather the lot of individuals. Facts have been preserved that, for example, Ivan Danilovich was nicknamed Kalita for the bag that he carried with him, distributing alms from it, and Dmitry Donskoy was so compassionate towards the poor and orphans that he fed them from his own hands.

But we cannot say that charity and volunteerism were the lot of only people from high society. History has brought to us many customs of self-help, selfless support of one's neighbor ordinary people. This includes the joint construction of a new house for a fire victim, and the collection of donations by volunteers for the construction of schools, hospitals and churches.

It happens that the term “volunteer” turns out to be associated with other realities of our lives. In December 1996, a live broadcast was conducted on Novosibirsk radio. The program was called “Why do people work for free?” The name of the program was associated by some radio listeners with months-long delays in payment wages. People called and spoke about their difficult situation, demanding that enterprise directors and the government be held accountable. Many in the discussion that arose called themselves volunteers. Their argument was: “We work and don’t get paid for it, therefore we are volunteers.” But can people whose wages are delayed be called volunteers? I'm sure not.

A distinctive feature of a volunteer is that, while performing this or that work, he consciously goes to the complete absence monetary reward or agrees to a significantly reduced payment for his labor, while having a real opportunity for his services at the same time to receive higher earnings. Would the people who called during the radio broadcast agree to work for free, giving up even the hope of receiving the money they were owed in the future? Probably not. Delays in payment of wages are a very serious problem, but it has nothing to do with volunteering.

Today, volunteering continues to be a relatively new idea in society, perceived ambiguously. Some perceive it as a launching pad, others find it incomprehensible and, therefore, not very necessary.

  1. Timurov movement

The Timur movement is a mass patriotic movement of pioneers and schoolchildren, the content of which is civic concern for people in need of help. It arose in the USSR in the early 40s. XX century under the influence of A.P. Gaidar’s story “Timur and His Team” as a movement to help military families. The Timur movement is an effective (with elements of play) form of socially useful activity for children, contributing to their moral education, development of initiative and initiative.

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, Timurov's teams and detachments operated in schools, orphanages, at palaces and houses of pioneers and other non-school institutions, at the place of residence. Timurites patronized hospitals, families of soldiers and officers of the Soviet Army, orphanages and gardens, helped harvest crops, and worked for the defense fund; in the post-war period they provided assistance to the disabled, war and labor veterans, and the elderly; looked after the graves of fallen soldiers.

Liberation struggle Soviet people against fascism was a powerful stimulus for the development of the Timur movement, which arose back in peacetime. The “birthday” of this movement, amazing in its nature and direction, quite definitely dates back to the time of the appearance on the screens of the country in 1940 of the film “Timur and His Team” (script by A. Gaidar, directed by A. Razumny). The exceptional popularity of the film lay in the fact that the film responded to the most ardent patriotic aspirations of Soviet children - to be useful to the Motherland not after finishing school, but now, immediately. The film revealed to children the romance of their simple affairs, forced them to look closely at the life around them, to be sensitive and attentive. The word “Timurovets” clearly reflected best features characteristics characteristic of a schoolchild in the Soviet country: an insatiable thirst for activity, nobility, courage, the ability to stand up for one’s interests. During the Great Patriotic War, this movement grew and expanded literally every day: only in Russian Federation Timur's teams numbered over 2 million people in their ranks. The title “Timurovets” was obligatory; it had a disciplinary effect on the guys, encouraging them to noble, patriotic deeds.

The activities of the Timurites had enormous socio-political and pedagogical significance. In the Chelyabinsk region alone in 1942-1943 academic year 3,138 Timurov teams, uniting 28 thousand students, helped over 15 thousand families of front-line soldiers. From the first day of the war, the Timurovites of the Khabarovsk Territory launched a vigorous activity: about 1 thousand Timurov’s teams repaired apartments for a family of front-line soldiers, looked after small children, helped cultivate vegetable gardens, and prepare fuel. Timurov's teams Voronezh region numbered over 50 thousand schoolchildren. They considered one of the most important areas of their activity to be monitoring the condition of the roads along which troops and ammunition were transported to the front. Timur's team also did a lot of work in sponsored hospitals. Thus, during the 1941-1942 academic year, the Timurites of Vologda prepared 153 amateur performance concerts for wounded soldiers. During all the years of the war, schoolchildren of the Gorky region organized 9,700 amateur performances for soldiers who were being treated in hospitals. Timur's men were on duty in hospitals, wrote letters on behalf of the wounded, gave out books from libraries, and helped carry out a wide variety of chores. Timurites provided great assistance to children's institutions. Schoolchildren patronized the children. The Timurites collected and sent literature, textbooks and teaching aids, present. In August 1943, the first steamship Pushkin set sail from Kazan to Stalingrad, loaded with gifts collected by the pioneers and schoolchildren of the republic.

The scope of Timur's movement and the full-blooded content of the work were ensured by constant attention, care and daily leadership of local party and Komsomol organizations. From year to year, the Timur movement developed rapidly, becoming more and more broad both in form and content. In February 1942, rallies of Timurites were held throughout the country, at which they proudly reported on their activities. The work of Timurov’s teams was talked about on the radio, written in newspapers and magazines, and they received the heartfelt gratitude of tens of thousands of front-line soldiers and their families. Timur's movement acquired particular significance in Leningrad, besieged by the enemy. The Timurov troops were here the “younger brothers” of the Komsomol household brigades, who played an exceptional role in saving the population from death, especially in the first winter of the siege. In 1941 - 1942 12 thousand pioneers successfully worked in 753 Timurov teams in Leningrad. Patronizing the families of front-line soldiers, disabled people, and pensioners, they prepared fuel for them, cleaned their apartments, and received food cards. Already on September 29, 1941, the Irkutsk regional committee of the Komsomol adopted a special decision, which emphasized the need to fully promote the spread and development of the Timur movement in the region, to ensure its effective leadership from senior pioneer leaders and secretaries of Komsomol organizations. In the 1941-1942 academic year, 237 Timurov teams, uniting 3818 children, worked in only 17 districts of the region. In the 1943-1944 academic year, Timurovites patronized 1,274 families of front-line soldiers. In the Perm region in the same year, about 10 thousand schoolchildren were in 689 Timurov teams. Over 2 thousand Timurov’s teams helped the families of front-line soldiers in the Azerbaijan SSR. About 1,260 teams of Timurites operated in the Kirghiz SSR. With their active participation, schoolchildren of the republic sent 25 thousand warm clothes and 6 thousand individual parcels to the front.

The noble patriotic activities of the Timurov pioneers received well-deserved recognition from the army and navy soldiers, all Soviet people, high praise and gratitude to the Communist Party and the Soviet government. The main driving force of all thoughts and aspirations, all volitional efforts and the practical affairs of the Timurites during the war days was their ardent desire to give all their strength and skills to the Motherland and the people.

In the 60s The search work of the Timurites to study the life of Gaidar greatly contributed to the opening of memorial museums of the writer in Arzamas and Lgov. Using funds collected by Timur's members, a library-museum named after. Gaidar. In the early 70s. for practical management of Timur associations by the Central Council of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after. V.I. Lenin created the All-Union Timur Headquarters under the editorial office of the magazine “Pioneer”, and local republican, regional, district and city headquarters. Traditional gatherings of Timurites took place regularly. In 1973, the 1st All-Union meeting of Timurites (about 3.5 thousand delegates) took place in Artek, which adopted a program for the development of the Timur movement. Even today, in some regions of our country, Timur’s detachments have been preserved, in which the guys want to help people.

  1. Volunteer movement

The word “volunteer” comes from the French volontaire, which in turn comes from the Latin voluntarius and literally means a willing volunteer.

The volunteer movement can be divided into 4 types of activities:

1. Military volunteering.

2. Labor volunteering.

3. Missionary volunteering.

4. Public volunteering.

In this paper I look at public volunteering.

In the last two years, the Russian volunteer movement has seen changes in the direction of volunteer activities. Nowadays, most volunteer movements are divided into three groups:

the first (the most numerous) is preventive work to combat HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases;

third (new direction) – educational activities aimed at creating a culture healthy image life, work is carried out with those categories of the population that volunteers can interest and contribute to the formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle. The volunteer movement has deep roots in history. Even the English humanist and writer Thomas More, trying to define the essence of the ideal relationship between the individual and society, emphasized their inextricable connection and its voluntary nature: “These two - society and the individual - are inseparable. You cannot have a true society unless it is composed of true individuals, and you cannot be an individual unless you are freely involved in the affairs of society."

Webster's Dictionary defines volunteering as: “Voluntary (self-motivated) participation in an activity or system.”

The history of the volunteer movement is quite difficult to trace, since no one has previously accurately recorded actions of this kind. But the history of mankind itself indicates that more than one society was not alien to the ideas of voluntary and selfless help. Volunteering is a concept as ancient as the concept of “society”. There have always been people in society for whom the way of self-realization, self-improvement, connection and communication with other people was to work for the benefit of others, for the benefit of the community in which they happened to be born and live.

Volunteer help can take many forms: from traditional types mutual assistance to the joint efforts of thousands of people aimed at overcoming the consequences of a natural disaster, resolving conflict situations, eradicating poverty, etc.

In some states, the volunteer system, before the introduction of universal conscription, was the main way to recruit armies. For example, in Great Britain this method of recruiting the army remained until 1961.

In Russia, volunteering is associated not just with voluntary free work in an interesting field, but with sacrificial, selfless service to the weak, sick, and poor.

In Russia, one of the earliest official mentions of volunteerism dates back to 1894. This year, city guardians of the poor were established, in which voluntary donations were given and where volunteers worked. IN Soviet times volunteers went to the virgin lands and BAM, worked on clean-up days and harvesting. There was no law on volunteer labor. The concept, content and form of volunteer work in modern Russia acquired a concrete form only in the 90s, simultaneously with the emergence of the so-called third sector, which consists of non-profit, public and charitable organizations. On July 7, 1995, the Law “On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations” appeared, which defines a volunteer: “Volunteers are citizens who carry out charitable activities in the form of unpaid work in the interests of the beneficiary, including in the interests of a charitable organization.”

4. Volunteer movement of the Orenburg region

The majority of Russian volunteers are in the Orenburg region.

In 2012, the regional youth public organization “Union of Orenburg Students” held a number of events, the main indicators of which were the support of youth councils, both at the enterprise and in educational institutions in the region.

As part of the assistance to student youth, youth educational camps “Activation”, “First Step”, “Gathering Camp for Leaders of Youth Public Associations” were held, and the “Favorite Song” and “On Nikolaevskaya” festivals were held to develop creative potential. For working youth, the III regional educational and tourism rally of working youth was held, a number of trainings on the development personal growth, professional communication skills and creative potential.

The final event was the participation of the Orenburg region in the XII All-Russian Festival creativity and sports of working youth "YUNOST", at which the regional delegation received the Grand Prix of the festival and 1st place in the creative and sports areas of the festival.

In addition, the Orenburg region ranks 1st in the ranking of regions of the Russian Federation for the development of the volunteer movement and unites 35,429 volunteers.

A striking example is the work of volunteers in the Rainbow Rehabilitation Club of the Orenburg Clinical Psychiatric Hospital No. 1 and in the Edelweiss Club of the Regional Psychotherapeutic Center OKPB No. 2. Volunteers contribute to the active involvement of patients in society, especially those who have lost social ties.

With more frequent interaction, students gain and consolidate the skill of establishing contact, conducting a conversation with a mentally ill person, and revealing his internal picture of the illness. Subsequent discussion in a group of volunteers under the guidance of a specialist helps not only to consolidate the knowledge acquired through the curriculum, but also to expand understanding psychological state patient. Experienced volunteers conduct classes with newly arrived student volunteers, thereby transferring their own skills, forming continuity of club work and systematizing their own knowledge (“learning and learning”).

There are 7 patient circles in the rehabilitation club, five of which are led by student volunteers with experience in group leisure work with patients from 1 to 4 years.

In addition to in-hospital work, volunteers, together with patients, participate in events held outside the hospital. Here their role is especially great, since any departure from the usual conditions is a stressful situation for patients. Volunteers help patients prepare and discuss possible options with them in advance. difficult situations, and then accompany and support them. A striking example of such cooperation was the city sports competition for the disabled. Hospital patients, with the support of volunteers, actively participated in sports competitions and won five prizes.

During the meetings, the patient and volunteers visited shops and markets together, made purchases, paid utilities, went to the movies, theaters, museums, walked, and communicated with other people. Relationships with volunteers provided a model from which patients could later reconstruct the social and practical skills needed to be a member of the community (e.g., the ability to make appointments, network, plan activities, visit public institutions, take care of oneself, stand up for oneself) .

Summing up the experience of the volunteer movement in the Orenburg region, it is necessary to note the significant benefits both for patients and for student volunteers themselves, namely:

1) in the process of volunteering, students decide on their choice future profession, acquiring the first skills of working with mentally ill people already from their student days, thereby solving the problem of replenishing the psychiatric service with young personnel;

2) despite the fact that volunteering in psychiatry in Russia is a relatively new type of psychosocial assistance, the development of this movement is one of the main components of the formation of “community-based psychiatry”;

3) the active participation of volunteers creates the opportunity to use new progressive forms and methods of psychosocial work that students master;

4) there is an expansion of the social connections of patients through the possibility of organizing their leisure time, the social functioning and quality of life of patients improves;

5) the level of self-stigmatization of patients is reduced, and since volunteers bring psychiatric culture to society, they thereby help reduce the stigmatization of psychiatry in society as a whole;

6) patients’ competence to various forms psychosocial rehabilitation, as a result of which the effectiveness of treatment increases.

It should be noted that in June 2010, a founding meeting was held at the Regional Psychotherapeutic Center OKPB No. 2 (headed by S.M. Babin, MD) Public Council on mental health of the Orenburg region, which is designed to unite the efforts of public organizations in our region working in the field of mental health. One of priority tasks The Council actively supports the development of the volunteer movement in psychiatry.

  1. Results of a sociological survey of schoolchildren

During the work, a survey was conducted among students in grades 9-11 at our school. 43 people took part in the survey. The questions were:

Have you heard about Timur's movement?

What, in your opinion, were the Timurites doing?

Have you heard about the volunteer movement?

What do you think volunteers do?

Do you think Timurovites and volunteers are the same thing?

Do you consider the concept of “Timurovites” outdated?

What qualities should a volunteer have?

The purpose of this survey is to find out what students think about the Timurov and volunteer movements and whether they are familiar with these concepts at all.

While conducting a sociological survey, I wanted to find out what qualities, in the opinion of my peers, a volunteer should have. After surveying students, I got the following results. The most important quality of a volunteer turned out to be hard work. Also important qualities were kindness, mercy, pity, responsiveness, understanding, conscientiousness, sociability, selflessness, nobility, generosity, responsibility. The guys decided that such qualities as sympathy, intelligence, honesty, determination and patriotism would also not hurt a volunteer. And only a few believe that a volunteer is characterized by relaxedness, patience, independence, sincerity, punctuality, a sense of humor, ideology and willpower. Unfortunately, among the qualities of volunteers, only a small number of children named compassion. In my opinion, most of the children surveyed at our school will not be able to help the seriously ill or disabled.

The results showed that only 21% of respondents have an idea about volunteers, while 70% have an idea about the Timur movement. It is worth noting that many people know about Timur’s men from Gaidar’s book.

The most common answer to the question “What do Timurovites do?” was “helping people and moving grandmothers across the road.” Unfortunately, many people do not know what volunteers do. Among the answers to the question “What do volunteers do?” There were the following answers: “Maybe they protect nature” and “They travel to different countries or Russia, helping to harvest, for example. They get a free holiday for this.” Indeed, such people exist and they are also called volunteers.

To the question “Are Timur members and volunteers the same thing?” 72% answered negatively. 5% of respondents believe that the concepts “volunteers” and “Timurovites” mean the same thing. And 23% do not know whether these movements are similar or not. This may be due to the fact that students are unfamiliar with the features of each of the movements.

Based on the survey results, we can conclude that few children in our school are familiar with the Timur movement, and especially the volunteer movement. That is why I plan to introduce the children of our school to the main activities of the Timurov and volunteer movements.


Having studied the history, areas of activity and conducted a survey among schoolchildren, I concluded that the concepts of Timurites and volunteers are different, although the areas of their activities sometimes coincide. The volunteer movement is not a continuation of the Timur movement; each of these movements has its own history.

To summarize, I would like to point out the similarities between the volunteer and Timur movements.

1. The activities of these movements are aimed at providing assistance that is of a social nature.

2. Help is provided to people who find themselves in difficult life situations: the elderly, children, the sick, etc.

3. The spirit of romanticism permeates both of these movements.

Nowadays, the Timur movement is not as widespread as in the 40-70s of the last century. The volunteer movement has developed and is currently developing in different countries peace.

List of sources used
Literary sources

1. Slabzhanin N. Yu. How to work effectively with volunteers. 2nd ed. - Novosibirsk: “In-quarto”, 2002. - 98 p.

2. Ukhyankin S.P. Timur Pioneers. - Moscow, 1961.

3. Kamov B.K. Ordinary biography (Arkady Gaidar). - M.: Young Guard, 1971. - 415 p.

4. Furin S. A., Simonova L. S. To young Timurites. - Moscow, 1975.

5. School French-Russian and Russian-French dictionary.

Website materials

6. www.webster.ru -- Electronic English explanatory dictionary

7. www.kdm56.ru – youth information portal Orenburg region

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Collection of information

Meeting with volunteer Bayramov Fariz

Appendix 4

Sociological survey of school students