When talc died. Igor talc died due to ordinary male stupidity. What happened after Talkov's death

The murder of Igor Talkov remains one of the most resonant and mysterious crimes of the late 20th century. It still remains unsolved despite the fact that a lot of materials and testimony of witnesses have been collected. Regarding the questions of why Igor died and who was the initiator of this murder, there are only versions.

In fact

All that is known 100% is the actual circumstances of death. Talkov was shot on October 6, 1991 in St. Petersburg, at the Yubileiny Palace at about 16:00 right before his performance. A scuffle occurred between the singer’s guards and Igor Malakhov, a friend of the then popular singer Aziza. Talkov took part in the conflict, as a result of which he died. Malakhov shot the singer with a pistol. The weapon was never found subsequently.

What preceded the murder

The murder of Talkov, which occurred under such strange and absurd circumstances, had a long backstory. Probably, shortly before Igor’s death, someone threatened him. This is evidenced by the fact that Talkov turned to a serious government agency for help (the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the KGB, it is not known exactly). The singer asked for permission to carry weapons. He also needed personal protection. Both of Talkov's requests were granted. It is not known who specifically threatened the singer.

At the same time, Talkov begins working with a new commercial director (since August 1991). It was a certain Valery Shlyafman. Many of the singer’s colleagues noted that Shlyafman constantly aggravated the situation around Talkov and provoked all sorts of conflicts.

Around the same time, the singer was forced to fire his former driver, who was a very loyal person to him. After this, Talkov began to receive unambiguous threats.

Sequence of speeches

At that concert at Yubileiny, there was a dispute over the order of performances by Aziza and Talkov. To perform last is considered the most prestigious.

Right before the concert, the administration decided to swap Aziza and Talkov. The singer allegedly did not have time to prepare for her performance. Talkov calmly agreed, but he commercial director Shlyafman was dissatisfied with the unexpected castling and decided to look into the situation. He found out that it was the same Malakhov, Aziza’s friend, who asked for a replacement.

Shlyafman started a trial in which Talkov was drawn into. As a result, the parties to the conflict argued. Malakhov was taken out of the dressing room by Igor’s guards. The argument continued in the corridor, after which Talkov was shot. After 2 shots, someone knocked the weapon out of Malakhov’s hands. Then it disappeared completely without a trace.

But according to the testimony of costume designer M. Berkova, the pistol was in the hands of Shlyafmash, and not Malakhov. And Shlyafman also shot. Witnesses to the crime gave very contradictory testimony. It was not clear who exactly shot Talkov, nor where the revolver went after that. The bullet hit Igor right in the heart. The doctors who came to the call confirmed death and noted that the shot was fired professionally.

Two killers

Malakhov disappeared after the murder. This may indicate both his guilt and the fact that he did not hope to defend his innocence. He was probably afraid of someone more powerful who could influence the course of the investigation. Crime bosses often bribed judges and prosecutors, in addition to paying huge attorney fees.

Malakhov was put on the wanted list. At the same time, an examination was carried out. The investigation established that from the angle from which the fatal shot was fired at Igor Talkov, only his commercial director Valery Shlyafman could have fired. Interestingly, the latter also disappeared. According to some reports, he crossed through Ukraine to Israel.

Due to the lack of a murder weapon and the confusion of eyewitness testimony, a request for Shlyafman’s extradition was impossible. As a newly minted Israeli citizen, it turned out to be difficult to even interrogate him. Malakhov hid for 22 years. After the trial, he received a short suspended sentence for illegal possession firearms(2.5 years). It was known about Malakhov that he was a member of a criminal group.

In Israel

It took 6 long years to reach an agreement with the Israeli Ministry of Justice on cooperation in the case of Talkov’s murder. But Shlyafman should have been tried in Israel. As a result, the process stalled again. Valery Shlyafman himself completely denied his guilt. He changed his last name to “Vysotsky” and continues to live quietly in his new homeland. Officially, the case of the murder of Igor Talkov remains open to this day.

Why could the singer be killed?

Journalists from various publications (Moskovsky Komsomolets, AiF, etc.) have repeatedly undertaken all sorts of investigations into this mysterious crime. Many agree that Igor could have been “ordered” because of his creativity. He touched on too “hot” and topical topics at his concerts. Many high-ranking officials did not like this. They were afraid to reveal the names of these people openly. They had too much influence.

According to other versions, the singer could have conflicts with a variety of organizations and people. Among them were communists, Black Hundreds, etc. There was also a version that Talkov had long been planned to be killed. He crossed the path of many people with his songs. Allegedly, Shlyafman and Malakhov simply carried out a contract killing, acting together. That is why both went unpunished, and the case hung like a dead weight in the archives.

Talkov's song "Mr. President" caused a lot of noise. He was going to perform it on that last concert. In this unique anthem, the singer demanded the overthrow of M. Gorbachev from the post of president. One of former employees KGB M. Kryzhanovsky, who conducted his unofficial investigation, suggested that Talkov’s murder could have been ordered “from above.” It's probably marked "Secret".

The talented poet and musician Igor Talkov came from noble family. Igor’s parents were repressed even before his birth and lived in the Kemerovo region, where their eldest son Vladimir was born. After rehabilitation, Vladimir Talkov Sr. and his wife Olga Shvagerus could not live in Moscow, so they settled near the town of Shchekino, in the village of Gretsovka, where Igor was born.


In parallel with his secondary education, Talkov also studied at music school accordion class, but his main passion in childhood was hockey. The boy trained seriously, as a teenager he even went to Moscow and tried to qualify for the CSKA and Dynamo clubs, but to no avail. In high school, Igor independently mastered guitar, drums and piano, organized school ensemble"Guitarists" I wonder what's on my favorite musical instrument, saxophone, Talkov did not know how to play, but loved listening to its sounds.


It is also worth noting that that magical hoarse voice, which the whole country would later fall in love with, was due to the fact that the boy lost his voice and developed chronic laryngitis. Thanks to special breathing exercises Igor weakened the influence of the disease, developed his ligaments again, but his hoarseness remained.

Another hobby of Talkov was the theater. He was not a member of the drama club, but loved watching plays. Having received a matriculation certificate, Igor goes to conquer the capital for the second time and submits documents to theater institute. But this time Moscow did not open its arms to the guy: he could not pass the literature exam, although with creative competition did it successfully. The young man returns home and enters the Faculty of Physics and Technology of the Tula Pedagogical Institute.


A year later, the guy takes the documents, since he has no interest in the exact sciences, and becomes a student at the Leningrad Institute of Culture. However, even here one year was enough for Igor Talkov to understand: the Soviet education system did not suit him. During the same period, Igor criticized the communist regime for the first time. It was only by a miracle that the case did not go to trial, but people from the military registration and enlistment office arrived in time: Talkov is sent to serve the Fatherland in Nakhabino, near Moscow.


Private in the army engineering troops Talkov organized the Zvyozdochka ensemble, and after demobilization, he decided to make a living from music. He leaves for Sochi and gets a job in a group. But in 1982, Igor stops restaurant concerts, because he believes that it is humiliating, although commercially very profitable, and goes on the big stage.


Igor Talkov began writing his first songs in his youth. His first composition was “I’m a little sorry,” and he considered his own creative debut to be the ballad “Share” about the fate of a person living in such a difficult world. The singer called this thing his first professional creation.

In the mid-80s, Talkov toured with the group and worked as an arranger at Stas Namin's studio. During that period, Igor wrote such songs as “Vicious Circle”, “Aeroflot”, “Looking for Beauty in Nature”, “Holiday”, “The Right is Given to Everyone”, “An Hour Before Dawn”, “Loyal Friend” and many others.

In 1986, Igor Talkov, together with him, became the vocalist of the pop-rock group “Electroclub”, which was created by David Tukhmanov. Quite quickly the team took leading positions in the Soviet pop music. In 1987, the song " Chistye Prudy"performed by Igor Talkov ends up in the mega-popular program "Song of the Year", which was hosted by. At that moment Igor turns into a very famous person.

But this lyrical hit was very different from the hits that Talkov usually wrote and wanted to convey to listeners. He is strongly drawn to social and civic issues, so the musician leaves the Electroclub and founds his own group, Lifebuoy. In 1989, on the TV show “Before and After Midnight,” a video clip for the song “Russia” was shown for the first time, and the singer went from being famous to legendary performer, which is listened to by tens of millions of citizens.

The peak of Talkov's popularity as a musician occurred in 1990-91. His songs “War”, “I’ll be back”, “CPSU”, “Gentlemen Democrats”, “Stop! I think to myself!”, “Globus” sound in every entrance. During the August putsch, Igor and the group “Lifebuoy” perform on Palace Square in Leningrad and immediately after that he writes the song “Mr. President,” in which he expresses disappointment with the policies of the first president of Russia.


Igor Talkov got his first experience working in cinema back in 1983, when he starred in the short film “Lyrical Song”. Also, as part of the “Lifebuoy” group, he appeared in the crime drama “Hunting the Pimp.”

Igor Talkov in the film "Tsar Ivan the Terrible" | Cinema

After the release of the “Russia” video, the director invited him to play the main character in historical picture"Prince Silver". But as filming progressed, the management changed the director, the genre was transformed from historical to farce comedy, and the new title of the film became “Tsar”. Talkov refused to continue filming and did not voice his role as the silver prince, and later even asked for forgiveness from the audience for seeing him in this film.

Igor Talkov in the film "Beyond the Last Line" | Cinema

At the same time, Igor managed to play a racketeer in the action-packed action film “Beyond the Last Line.” It’s interesting that the singer was offered the main positive role, but for this he needed to cut his hair and shave his beard. Talkov refused and appeared in the form of a negative character.

Personal life

There was only one great love in the musician’s life. In July 1979, in the Metelitsa cafe, Igor Talkov met a girl named Tatyana. At that time, the man was playing guitar in the ensemble of the program “Come on, girls” and invited new girlfriend take part in the crowd.

Igor Talkov with his wife Tatyana and son Igor |

Conversations about who killed musician Igor Talkov in October 1991 have not subsided to this day. Recently, several programs appeared on television, and articles about Talkov appeared in newspapers. Almost everything is a lie, and there is irrefutable evidence of this.

The journalists found themselves in the hands of unique documents - the results of numerous examinations, interrogations of participants in those tragic events. And the conclusions of the most authoritative experts: only the artist’s director Valery Shlyafman could shoot! And no one else, writes the Interlocutor.

It would seem that there is nothing to talk about. The name of Shlyafman as the main person involved has been heard more than once. However, after 20 s extra years Representatives of the former director, who immediately after Talkov’s funeral fled to Israel, suddenly appeared on the central channels.

They want to whitewash the fugitive director

Shlyafman is not guilty, and in general he is very good man! – director Mikhail Gladkov, who lives in the USA, but recently has suddenly become a frequent visitor to Russian spaces, announced recently on the air of the program “Property of the Republic” on Channel One.

They objected to him from the audience: would an “innocent” person hide in his historical homeland for many years? But Gladkov pretended not to hear.

And I have nothing to do with it! – singer Aziza hastened to disown.

Her bodyguard and, concurrently, lover Igor Malakhov was suspected of murder then, in 1991. But the investigation proved that he is innocent. Important point: the investigation was conducted by a special investigator important matters Prosecutor's Office of St. Petersburg, a first-class lawyer with extensive experience. The experts are leading specialists of the Military Medical Academy: professors, doctors of science, whose experience in the profession is at least 30 years. Professionals who can't make mistakes.

According to the official version, Talkov and Aziza quarreled over a place in the concert. Representatives of the artists started negotiations, and soon a fight broke out near the dressing rooms. From Aziza was Malakhov. Hefty guy, USSR kickboxing champion. From the “talk” ones: Shlyafman, three personal bodyguards, and Igor himself, who was dragged into the fight by his own director. This is what the witnesses testified. Although usually directors at all costs strive to protect the ward from everything that does not relate to creativity.

Subsequently, Talkov's guards who participated in the fight will die in their prime. Someone fell out of a window, someone crashed a car... The question of who removed the unnecessary witnesses hung in the air.

The investigation proved that Malakhov pulled out a pistol and managed to fire two bullets. To scare away Talkov's guards who tied him up. His arm was pressed to his body, so he could only shoot at the floor. The guards knocked the pistol out of his hands and threw the athlete to the floor. And then the third fatal shot sounded.

From the case materials:

“...the right hand of Malakhov I.V. with the revolver was firmly held by A.M. Barkovsky, and was always directed downward, towards the floor... The barrel of the revolver was I.V. Malakhov. on Talkova I.V. didn’t direct... Shlyafman snatched the pistol from Malakhov’s hands... While beating Malakhov, who was lying on the floor, a third shot was heard...

The shot was fired at close range. Talkov managed to put forward left hand, closing the heart. The bullet penetrated the arm and then the aorta, the main muscle of the heart. A close shot immediately cuts off the version of a sniper from the audience - this version is still adhered to by the singer’s brother Vladimir.

And only one bullet was removed from the body.

“...Under the circumstances set out in the materials of the criminal case, Malakhov I.V. could not have caused a fatal injury to Talkov I.V. ...Shlyafman V.M. is the only person who caused the fatal wound to I.V. Talkov.”

The murder investigation lasted two months. Only in mid-December were we able to obtain the results of all the examinations. Until that day, according to the existing rules, no one could be arrested. But by that time Shlyafman was already far away - he had left for Israel. Talkov's fans picketed the Israeli embassy, ​​demanding not to issue a visa. But nothing was achieved.

It is known that upon arriving in the promised land, Shlyafman opened a grocery store.

Who stripped the dead artist?

But maybe Shlyafman accidentally fired? Did you want to hit Malakhov and missed?

We don't think so! - Talkov's fans Irina Krasilnikova, Natalya Khlobystova and Igor Sheshunov told us with indignation, - Why did the “stray bullet” hit the heart immediately? Not in the arm, leg or stomach? And on the spot, leaving no chance? In general, only specially trained people shoot so accurately. In addition, the case file says: Igor put his left hand forward, instinctively trying to close himself. That means he saw that the gun was pointed at him. In addition, Shlyafman was not interrogated as a murder suspect, but only as a witness. When an investigator from our prosecutor’s office came to Israel for this, Shlyafman did not appear for questioning, and the Israeli authorities completely forbade questioning their citizen. Therefore, the issue of an accidental shot remains a very big question. The motives that made a person pull the trigger are known only to him. This is why it is necessary to bring the matter to court.

Director concert hall"Anniversary" Olga... , also does not believe in coincidence. She is one of the witnesses to the tragedy; moreover, Talkov literally died in her arms.

Walked normal festive concert, - Olga Yuryevna recalls that day, “Suddenly there was a call on the internal phone, they were shouting into the receiver: there was shooting behind the scenes! The first thing I saw when I rushed backstage was Igor’s back. Behind him hung a mirror. Igor took a step and began to slowly slide down the mirror. It was like a vacuum, there was no one around. Usually, if there is noise, the artists run out to look. And then everyone seemed to hide in their dressing rooms. I grabbed Igor's hand.

It seemed to me that he made a movement forward, as if trying to get up. But no, his hand became increasingly colder, his face

it became pale and then somehow greenish. Fog, shock. I scream: help! And no one around...

Can you remember how Igor’s director behaved before the concert? – I asked.

He was very... fussy, running around. He was wearing a bright shirt with palm trees, very rich colors - impossible not to notice. Dressed up as if for a holiday.

Only 30 minutes after the tragedy the ambulance arrived. The singer was carried out on a stretcher. To Olga Yuryevna’s surprise, Talkov for some reason was wearing only his shorts. Who undressed him, already dead, is still a mystery.

The murder could have been ritualistic

There is an opinion that Talkov was removed by the Freemasons. A world organization that intends to put its people “at the helm” in Russia. Talkov was an intelligent and very educated man, and he figured out this plan. It's obviously worth listening to his latest songs.

Whether Shlyafman was a member of this organization is a question that we are also unlikely to be able to answer now. But it is reliably known that he appeared on the artist’s team after a major scandal. Talkov was photographed with the leader of the “Memory” society, a pronounced anti-Semitic organization. Few people knew that the leader’s mother was Jewish, and he himself acted as a provocateur. There are good reasons to believe that he worked for one of the foreign intelligence services.

Those photographs also became a provocation. The newspapers were full of notes: Talkov has become an anti-Semite! The artist began to be bullied. In response, the confused Igor took Shlyafman into the group. The latter regularly - as people from Talkov’s inner circle say - tried to drag the artist into a fight.

The murder could also be ritual. In the specialized literature there are rules for conducting ritual murders that are very reminiscent of Talkov’s murder. And also - Royal family, Sergei Yesenin, monks from Optina Pustyn during Easter. The “ritual” issue was once seriously studied by the scientist Vladimir Ivanovich Dal.

There are too many "coincidences"

The ambulance in which the artist’s body was placed stood near the service entrance for about half an hour. Olga Yuryevna, unable to bear it, looked into the car and asked with hope: are there any chances? To which the doctors answered irritably: yes, he died, it was clear from the very beginning, and don’t interfere at all. What manipulations they performed with the body remains a mystery.
In general, there is a lot of mystical and inexplicable things in this story.

A year and a half before Talkov’s murder, strange posters began to appear: the musicians of the group “Lifebuoy” were smiling and holding a mirror. And in the mirror, in profile, Igor is captured - a greenish-dead color. And on his sleeve there is a triangle with the point down and numbers. The triangle sign with the point down, according to Masonic symbolism, means “cessation of life.”

There was another poster that appeared around the same time: a black silhouette of Talkov falling from the sky, against a blood-red background. And the heart is pierced by a black star - like a bullet, a shot in the heart.

But that's not all! Exactly a year before the artist’s death, director Nikolai Istanbul shoots the film “Beyond the Last Line,” where leading role the then still living musician starred. Talkov's opponent in the film - a boxer with a criminal past, played by Evgeny Sidikhin - is surprisingly similar to Malakhov. And the beloved woman, according to the film, is an oriental beauty. True, in the film the heroine was a prostitute, but this does not change matters. But most importantly: the famous scene of the execution of the hero Talkov at point-blank range was filmed on October 6, 1990. Exactly one year before the real murder on October 6, 1991!

Employees of secret missions - Dahl also wrote about this - love to “beautifully frame” their actions: mysticism, symbolism, “amazing coincidences”...

We can't say anything. But, for example, director Gladkov recommended Shlyafman to Igor. The same one who is now protecting the fugitive director as best he can.

Two months before the artist’s death, Gladkov made a strange film: “The Dreams of Igor Talkov.” According to the plot, the musician has already died and speaks from heaven.

I didn’t even know that the picture could become prophetic, but it happens... - the director was surprised on the set of “Property of the Republic”. But his eyes remained cold and impassive.

What role did Aziza play in this story?

Its director in those tragic days was a woman - Ellie Kasimati. And if the singer had sent her, and not an armed athlete, to negotiate with Shlyafman, the tragedy might not have happened.

But it's not just that. Aziza hid the pistol - the main murder weapon - which Shlyafman gave her. If these people ever appear in court, the question will arise: is this a conspiracy?

From the case materials:

“Testimony of witness A.A. Mukhamedova... I heard 3 clicks. I saw a hand with a gun and other hands twisting it, but it was impossible to understand who was holding the gun. After shouting: “gas, gas,” I felt a pain in my eyes and ran into dressing room No. 107. There, an unknown man said that we needed to hide the gun...” Which is what she did.

According to the Yubileiny administrators, on that fateful day behind the scenes Aziza was calm, and even dispassionate.

Now the singer is in constant contact with Igor’s son, Talkov Jr. Made friends by taking advantage of a special health condition young man and his lack of money.

Igor Jr. innocently said in one of his TV shows: “I sometimes call Aziza: “Give me a thousand!” And she gives.
Thanks to this friendship, the singer got the opportunity to shout even louder: I am not guilty of murder, so Igor’s son understands this!

But it would be nice for the younger Talkov to know this moment. That on the way from St. Petersburg to Moscow to continue the investigation in the fall of 1991, Aziza (the St. Petersburg investigators who were traveling with her in the same car told us about this) all the way... sang. Talkov's body has just been buried, and the woman, before whose eyes the murder took place, is singing! And now the singer goes on TV shows, smearing her tears, grieving: what a poet was killed!

“A very strange thing began to happen to the mirror near which Igor fell,” Olga Yuryevna, the administrator of Yubileiny, said finally. “The next day the mirror turned yellow. The administrators scolded the cleaners for not being able to wash away the yellow stains. On the 9th day after Igor left, the mirror began to crack - like nylon tights with arrows. By the 40th day, very deep cracks appeared, and after the 40th day the mirror... no, it didn’t break, it crumbled into dust...

Biography and episodes of life Igor Talkov. When born and died Talkov, memorable places and dates important events his life. Quotes from a musician and actor, photos and videos.

Years of life of Igor Talkov:

born November 4, 1956, died October 6, 1991


“Tomorrow I’ll go into battle again,
But I know for sure that I will return,
Even after a hundred centuries
To a country not of fools, but of geniuses.
And, defeated in battle,
I will rise again and sing
On the country's first birthday,
Returning from the war."
From Igor Talkov's song “I'll be back”


His parents met in the zone where they were repressed. His older brother, Vladimir, was born there. Nevertheless, Igor himself always grew up cheerful and kind child- red-haired, freckled, cheerful. The biography of Igor Talkov should have developed as the story of a talented and sought-after performer, which he was, but, alas, Talkov’s death cut short his bright stellar path.

Since childhood, he wrote poetry, played the piano, guitar, accordion, and learned to play the bass guitar and violin. After school, he moved from Shchekino to Moscow to enter drama school, but, alas, he was unable to enroll. I had to go to serve. The service played a big role in Talkov’s biography. Then, in the army, the cheerful Igor began to understand what a deplorable state the country was in. It was a time of destruction of ideals. He began to become interested in the history of his country, its past and present. At the same time, he became interested in music and performed with various musical groups, worked in musical theater. Finally, he began to perform on his own. In his work one could feel love for the country and empathy for its fate and tragedy. IN recent years Talkov’s life seemed as if he felt his imminent death and was trying to have time to tell his listeners as much as possible.

On October 6, 1991, Talkov performed at a concert at the Yubileiny Sports Palace. There was a quarrel between the director of the singer Aziza, one of the concert participants, and the administrator of Talkov’s group over the order of going on stage. A scuffle ensued, during which several shots were fired. One of the bullets hit Talkov’s heart. He died almost instantly. The arriving doctor confirmed the death of Igor Talkov. The cause of Talkov's death was an injury incompatible with life. The news that Talkov was killed shocked his fans. A long investigation began into who killed Talkov; the main accused were Aziza’s director Igor Malakhov and Talkov’s administrator Valery Shlyafman. The investigation showed that the last shot was fired by Shlyafman; he was accused of the death of Talkov, but at that moment Shlyafman had already left for Israel, and the murder case was suspended.

Talkov's funeral took place on October 9, 1991; Talkov's grave is located at the Vagankovskoye cemetery. Hundreds of his fans came to say goodbye to their beloved singer at the funeral of Igor Talkov. A monument to Talkov may soon be erected in the Tula region, in the city of Shchekino, where the musician was born.

Igor Talkov has always been very deeply interested in the history of Russia

Life line

November 4, 1956 Date of birth of Igor Vladimirovich Talkov.
1973 Writing the first songs of a musician.
1974 Graduation from high school.
1975 Admission to the Tula Pedagogical Institute, where Talkov studied for a year.
1976 Talkov's performances on the professional stage.
1987 Performance of Talkov’s song “Chistye Prudy” by David Tukhmanov in the “Song of the Year” program.
August 22, 1991 Talkov's speech on Palace Square in St. Petersburg during the putsch.
October 6, 1991 Date of death of Igor Talkov.
October 9, 1991 Funeral of Igor Talkov.

Memorable places

1. High school No. 11 of the city of Shchekino, where Talkov studied.
2. Tula pedagogical university(former pedagogical institute), where Talkov studied.
3. St. Petersburg state university culture and arts ( former Institute culture named after Krupskaya), where Talkov studied.
4. Nakhabino, where Talkov served in a construction battalion.
5. Palace Square in St. Petersburg, where Igor Talkov spoke during the days of the August putsch.
6. The Yubileiny Sports Palace, where Talkov’s murder took place.
7. Moscow Youth Palace, where the farewell to the musician took place.
8. Vagankovskoe cemetery, plot number 25, where Talkov is buried.
9. Igor Talkov Museum in Moscow.

Episodes of life

Shortly before his death, Talkov starred in the film “Beyond the Last Line.” In the film, his character dies from gunshot wound in the stomach. Two months after the end of filming, Talkov dies in exactly this way.

One day Talkov was flying on a plane with his group to Tyumen for a concert. The plane hit a zone of turbulence, everyone began to worry, and the musician began to calm everyone down: “Don’t be afraid. As long as you are with me, you will not die. They will kill me in front of a large crowd of people, and the killer will not be found.”

Still from the film with the participation of Igor Talkov “Beyond the Last Line”


“Live, don’t be afraid of anything. The more we are afraid, the longer it will take us to reach a normal human life.”

“You have to fight with yourself. Fighting - winning. Victory is self-affirmation. Self-affirmation is a force that helps you find the only the right way to your happiness."

The plot of the series of programs “Secrets of the Century” about Igor Talkov


“While candles are burning all over Russia in memory of Igor, he lives next to us, in every Russian soul, in every heart that aches for our Great Russia, which he loved so much.”
Dmitry Ivanov, musician

“In general, he was a completely unselfish person. But despite large number positive traits, the character of this man was very complex. He was sharp and very independent. Immediately before Igor died, I felt that it was very difficult for him. All his external conflicts somehow sharply escalated, he began to withdraw into himself, and alienation appeared in him. He was lonely, and there is large share our fault, we should have had enough sensitivity and understanding to forgive him for being wrong and making some mistakes, because he was an extraordinary, very talented and vulnerable person, he was a Poet. And it is always more difficult for such people to survive in this world, especially without the support of friends.”
Andrey Dmitrishin, musician

"Everyone creative person little reality - he has something hidden from others inner world. And Igor was all wide open, his whole life was a stage. And if someone wants to know everything about him, let him listen to his songs. They are autobiographical. There is so much pain and sadness, kindness and warmth in them...”
Andrey Blinov, Talkov's manager, friend

“Igor left us, taking with him his dreams and hopes. But the soul put into the songs remains with us, and we will preserve and protect it. After all, as long as the Soul is alive, the Poet himself is alive.”
Mikhail Skubilin, former director Talkov group