Evgeny Onegin main idea. The theme of love in the novel "Eugene Onegin" - essay

“Eugene Onegin” reflected the entire life of Russian society early XIX century. However, two centuries later, this work is interesting not only in historical and literary terms, but also in terms of the relevance of the questions that Pushkin posed to the reading public. Everyone, opening the novel, found something of their own in it, empathized with the characters, noted the lightness and mastery of the style. And quotes from this work have long become aphorisms, they are pronounced even by those who have not read the book itself.

A.S. Pushkin created this work for about 8 years (1823-1831). The history of the creation of “Eugene Onegin” began in Chisinau in 1823. It reflected the experience of “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, but the subject of the image was not historical and folklore characters, and modern heroes and the author himself. The poet also begins to work in line with realism, gradually abandoning romanticism. During the period of Mikhailovsky exile, he continued to work on the book, and completed it during his forced imprisonment in the village of Boldino (Pushkin was detained by cholera). Thus, creative history The work absorbed the most “fertile” years of the creator, when his skill evolved at breakneck speed. So his novel reflected everything that he learned during this time, everything that he knew and felt. Perhaps the work owes its depth to this circumstance.

The author himself calls his novel “a collection of motley chapters,” each of the 8 chapters has relative independence, because the writing of “Eugene Onegin” took a long time, and each episode opened a certain stage in Pushkin’s life. The book was published in parts, each release becoming an event in the world of literature. The complete edition was published only in 1837.

Genre and composition

A.S. Pushkin defined his work as a novel in verse, emphasizing that it is lyrical-epic: a storyline expressed love story heroes (epic beginning), adjacent to digressions and author’s reflections (lyrical beginning). This is why the genre of Eugene Onegin is called a “novel.”

"Eugene Onegin" consists of 8 chapters. In the first chapters, readers are introduced to central character Evgeniy, they move with him to the village and meet their future friend - Vladimir Lensky. Further, the drama of the story increases due to the appearance of the Larin family, especially Tatyana. The sixth chapter is the culmination of the relationship between Lensky and Onegin and the escape of the main character. And in the finale of the work there is a denouement of the storyline of Evgeniy and Tatiana.

Lyrical digressions are related to the narrative, but it is also a dialogue with the reader; they emphasize the “free” form, the closeness to an intimate conversation. The same factor can explain the incompleteness and openness of the ending of each chapter and the novel as a whole.

About what?

A young nobleman, already disillusioned with life, inherits an estate in the village and goes there, hoping to dispel his blues. It begins with the fact that he was forced to sit with his sick uncle, who left his family nest to his nephew. However, the hero soon becomes bored with rural life; his existence would become unbearable if not for his acquaintance with the poet Vladimir Lensky. Friends are “ice and fire,” but differences did not interfere with friendly relations. will help you figure this out.

Lensky introduces his friend to the Larin family: the old mother, sisters Olga and Tatyana. The poet has long been in love with Olga, a flighty coquette. The character of Tatyana, who herself falls in love with Evgeny, is much more serious and integral. Her imagination had been picturing a hero for a long time; all that remained was for someone to appear. The girl suffers, is tormented, writes a romantic letter. Onegin is flattered, but understands that he cannot respond to such a passionate feeling, so he gives a harsh rebuke to the heroine. This circumstance plunges her into depression, she anticipates trouble. And trouble really came. Onegin decides to take revenge on Lensky because of an accidental disagreement, but chooses a terrible means: he flirts with Olga. The poet is offended and challenges yesterday's friend to a duel. But the culprit kills the “slave of honor” and leaves forever. The essence of the novel “Eugene Onegin” is not even to show all this. The main thing worth paying attention to is the description of Russian life and the psychologism of the characters, which develops under the influence of the depicted atmosphere.

However, the relationship between Tatiana and Evgeniy is not over. They meet at a social evening, where the hero sees not a naive girl, but a mature woman in full splendor. And he falls in love. He is also tormented and writes a message. And he meets with the same rebuke. Yes, the beauty did not forget anything, but it’s too late, she was “given to someone else”: . The failed lover is left with nothing.

The main characters and their characteristics

The images of the heroes of “Eugene Onegin” are not a random selection characters. This is a miniature Russian society of that time, where all the known types of noble people are meticulously listed: the poor landowner Larin, his secular but degenerate wife in the village, the exalted and insolvent poet Lensky, his flighty and frivolous passion, etc. All of them represent Imperial Russia during its heyday. No less interesting and original. Below is a description of the main characters:

  1. Evgeny Onegin is the main character of the novel. It carries within itself dissatisfaction with life, fatigue from it. Pushkin talks in detail about the environment in which the young man grew up, about how the environment shaped his character. Onegin's upbringing is typical of the nobles of those years: a superficial education aimed at being successful in decent society. He was not prepared for real business, but exclusively for secular entertainment. Therefore, from a young age I was tired of the empty glitter of balls. He has “direct nobility of soul” (he feels a friendly attachment to Lensky, does not seduce Tatyana, taking advantage of her love). The hero is capable of deep feelings, but is afraid of losing freedom. But, despite his nobility, he is an egoist, and narcissism underlies all his feelings. The essay contains the most detailed characteristics character.
  2. Very different from Tatyana Larina, this image appears ideal: an integral, wise, devoted nature, ready to do anything for love. She grew up in a healthy environment, in nature, and not in the light, so real feelings are strong in her: kindness, faith, dignity. The girl loves to read, and in books she drew a special, romantic image, shrouded in mystery. It was this image that was embodied in Evgenia. And Tatyana gave herself up to this feeling with all passion, truthfulness and purity. She did not seduce, did not flirt, but took upon herself the courage to confess. This brave and honest act did not find a response in Onegin’s heart. He fell in love with her seven years later, when she shone in the world. Fame and wealth did not bring happiness to the woman; she married someone she didn’t love, but Eugene’s courtship is impossible, family vows are sacred to her. More about this in the essay.
  3. Tatiana's sister Olga is not of great interest, there is not a single acute angle, everything is round, it’s not for nothing that Onegin compares her to the moon. The girl accepts Lensky's advances. And any other person, because why not accept, she is flirtatious and empty. There is immediately a huge difference between the Larin sisters. The youngest daughter took after her mother, a flighty socialite who was forcibly imprisoned in the village.
  4. However, it was the flirtatious Olga that the poet Vladimir Lensky fell in love with. Probably because it’s easy to fill the emptiness with your own content in dreams. The hero still burned with a hidden fire, felt subtly and analyzed little. He has high moral concepts, so he is alien to the light and is not poisoned by it. If Onegin talked and danced with Olga only out of boredom, then Lensky saw this as a betrayal, ex-friend became an insidious tempter of a sinless girl. In Vladimir’s maximalist perception, this is immediately a break in relations and a duel. The poet lost in it. The author poses the question, what could await the character if the outcome is favorable? The conclusion is disappointing: Lensky would have married Olga, become an ordinary landowner and become vulgar in routine vegetation. You may also need .


  • The main theme of the novel “Eugene Onegin” is extensive - this is Russian life. The book shows life and upbringing in the world, in the capital, village life, customs and activities, typical and at the same time unique portraits of characters are drawn. Almost two centuries later, the heroes contain features inherent in modern people; these images are deeply national.
  • The theme of friendship is also reflected in Eugene Onegin. Main character and Vladimir Lensky were in close friendship. But can it be considered real? They got together by chance, out of boredom. Evgeniy sincerely became attached to Vladimir, who warmed the hero’s cold heart with his spiritual fire. However, just as quickly he is ready to insult a friend by flirting with his beloved, who is happy about it. Evgeny thinks only about himself, the feelings of other people are absolutely unimportant to him, so he could not save his comrade.
  • Love is also an important theme of the work. Almost all writers talk about it. Pushkin was no exception. In the image of Tatiana it is expressed true love. It can develop against all odds and remain for life. Nobody loved and will love Onegin as much as main character. If you miss this, you remain unhappy for the rest of your life. Unlike the sacrificial, all-forgiving feelings of the girl, Onegin’s emotions are self-love. He was afraid of a timid girl who had fallen in love for the first time, for whose sake he would have to give up the disgusting but familiar light. But Evgeny was captivated by the cold, secular beauty, with whom visiting was already an honor, let alone loving her.
  • Subject extra person. The trend of realism appears in Pushkin’s works. It was the environment that raised Onegin to be so disappointed. It was precisely this that preferred to see superficiality in the nobles, the focus of all their efforts on creating secular splendor. And nothing else is needed. On the contrary, education in folk traditions, society ordinary people made the soul healthy and the nature whole, like Tatyana’s.
  • Theme of devotion. Faithful to your first and most strong love Tatyana, and Olga is frivolous, changeable and ordinary. Larina's sisters are completely opposite. Olga reflects a typical secular girl, for whom the main thing is herself, her attitude towards her, and therefore she can change if there is a better option. As soon as Onegin said a couple nice words, she forgot about Lensky, whose affection is much stronger. Tatiana’s heart is faithful to Evgeniy all her life. Even when he trampled on her feelings, she waited a long time and could not find another (again, unlike Olga, who was quickly consoled after Lensky's death). The heroine had to get married, but in her soul she continued to be faithful to Onegin, although love had ceased to be possible.


The problematics in the novel “Eugene Onegin” are very indicative. It reveals not only psychological and social, but also political shortcomings and even entire tragedies of the system. For example, the outdated, but no less creepy, drama of Tatyana’s mother is shocking. The woman was forced into marriage, and she broke under the pressure of circumstances, becoming an evil and despotic mistress of a hated estate. Here's what current problems raised

  • The main problem that is raised throughout realism in general, and by Pushkin in Eugene Onegin in particular, is the destructive influence secular society per person per capita. A hypocritical and greedy environment poisons the personality. It imposes external requirements of decency: a young man must know a little French, read a little fashionable literature, be decently and expensively dressed, that is, make an impression, seem, and not be. And all the feelings here are also false, they only seem. That is why secular society takes away the best from people, it cools the brightest flame with its cold deception.
  • Eugenia’s blues is another problematic issue. Why does the main character become depressed? Not just because he was spoiled by society. The main reason is that he does not find the answer to the question: why is all this? Why does he live? To go to theaters, balls and receptions? The absence of a vector, direction of movement, awareness of the meaninglessness of existence - these are the feelings that overcome Onegin. Here we are confronted with eternal problem the meaning of life, which is so difficult to find.
  • The problem of selfishness is reflected in the image of the main character. Realizing that no one would love him in a cold and indifferent world, Evgeniy began to love himself more than anyone else in the world. Therefore, he doesn’t care about Lensky (he only relieves boredom), about Tatyana (she can take away his freedom), he thinks only about himself, but for this he is punished: he remains completely alone and is rejected by Tatyana.


The main idea of ​​the novel “Eugene Onegin” is a criticism of the existing order of life, which dooms more or less extraordinary natures to loneliness and death. After all, there is so much potential in Evgenia, but there is no business, only social intrigue. There is so much spiritual fire in Vladimir, and besides death, the only thing that can await him is vulgarization in a feudal, suffocating environment. There is so much spiritual beauty and intelligence in Tatyana, and she can only be the hostess of social evenings, dress up and carry on empty conversations.

People who do not think, do not reflect, do not suffer - these are the ones for whom the existing reality suits. This is a consumer society that lives at the expense of others, which shines while those “others” vegetate in poverty and filth. The thoughts that Pushkin thought about deserve attention to this day and remain important and pressing.

Another meaning of “Eugene Onegin”, which Pushkin laid down in his work, is to show how important it is to preserve individuality and virtue when temptations and fashions are rampant around, subjugating more than one generation of people. While Evgeny was chasing new trends and playing the cold and disappointed hero Byron, Tatyana listened to the voice of her heart and remained true to herself. Therefore, she finds happiness in love, albeit unrequited, and he finds only boredom in everything and everyone.

Features of the novel

The novel “Eugene Onegin” is a fundamentally new phenomenon in the literature of the early 19th century. He has a special composition - it is a “novel in verse”, a lyric-epic work of large volume. In lyrical digressions, the image of the author, his thoughts, feelings and ideas that he wants to convey to readers emerges.

Pushkin amazes with the ease and melodiousness of his language. His literary style devoid of heaviness and didacticism, the author knows how to talk about complex and important things simply and clearly. Of course, a lot needs to be read between the lines, since harsh censorship was merciless even towards geniuses, but the poet is also not a natural person, so he was able to tell in the elegance of verse about the socio-political problems of his state, which were successfully hushed up in the press. It is important to understand that before Alexander Sergeevich, Russian poetry was different; he made a kind of “revolution of the game.”

The peculiarity also lies in the image system. Evgeny Onegin is the first in the gallery of “superfluous people”, who contain enormous potential that cannot be realized. Tatyana Larina “raised” female images from the place “the main character needs to love someone” to an independent and complete portrait of a Russian woman. Tatyana is one of the first heroines who looks stronger and more significant than the main character, and does not hide in his shadow. This is how the direction of the novel “Eugene Onegin” is revealed - realism, which will more than once open the theme of the superfluous person and touch upon the difficult woman's destiny. By the way, we also described this feature in the essay “”.

Realism in the novel "Eugene Onegin"

"Eugene Onegin" marks Pushkin's transition to realism. In this novel, the author first raises the topic of man and society. A personality is not perceived separately, it is part of a society that educates, leaves a certain imprint or completely shapes people.

The main characters are typical, but at the same time unique. Eugene is an authentic secular nobleman: disappointed, superficially educated, but at the same time not like those around him - noble, intelligent, observant. Tatyana is an ordinary provincial young lady: she was brought up on French novels, is filled with the sweet dreams of these works, but at the same time she is a “Russian soul”, wise, virtuous, loving, harmonious nature.

It is precisely in the fact that for two centuries readers see themselves and their acquaintances in the heroes, it is precisely in the inescapable relevance of the novel that its realistic orientation is expressed.


The novel “Eugene Onegin” evoked a great response from readers and critics. According to E.A. Baratynsky: “Everyone interprets them in their own way: some praise them, others scold them, and everyone reads them.” Contemporaries criticized Pushkin for the “labyrinth of digressions”, for the insufficiently defined character of the main character, and careless language. The reviewer Thaddeus Bulgarin, who supported the government and conservative literature, especially distinguished himself.

However, V.G. understood the novel best. Belinsky, who called it “an encyclopedia of Russian life,” a historical work, despite the lack historical characters. Indeed, a modern lover of belles lettres can study Eugene Onegin from this point of view to learn more about the noble society of the early 19th century.

And a century later, the comprehension of the novel in verse continued. Yu.M. Lotman saw complexity and paradox in the work. This is not just a collection of quotes familiar from childhood, it is an “organic world.” All this proves the relevance of the work and its significance for Russian national culture.

What does it teach?

Pushkin showed the life of young people and how their fate could turn out. Of course, fate depends not only on the environment, but also on the heroes themselves, but the influence of society is undeniable. The poet showed the main enemy that affects young nobles: idleness, aimlessness of existence. Alexander Sergeevich’s conclusion is simple: the creator calls not to limit oneself to secular conventions, stupid rules, but to live life to the fullest, guided by moral and spiritual components.

These ideas remain relevant today, before modern people Often a choice arises: to live in harmony with oneself or to break oneself for the sake of some benefits or public recognition. By choosing the second path, chasing illusory dreams, you can lose yourself and discover with horror that your life is over and nothing has been done. This is what you need to fear most.

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History of creation

History of the creation of the novel Writing the novel took Pushkin more than seven years (1823 - 1830). It was published in separate chapters: the first chapter of the novel appeared as a separate book in 1825, the second in 1826, the third in 1827, at the beginning of 1828 the fourth and fifth chapters appeared, and in March 1828 - the sixth, seventh came out in March 1830 and the last - the eighth - was published in 1832. In outline general plan The novel had nine chapters, but during the writing process the plan changed slightly, so in the first complete edition of Eugene Onegin (1833) Pushkin included eight chapters and “Excerpts from Onegin’s Journey”

In addition, at the same time in Boldino the tenth chapter of “Eugene Onegin” was written, which Pushkin burned, and only separate excerpts from the drafts have reached us (the poet encrypted the draft text, and literary scholars managed to decipher incomplete 16 stanzas), containing pro-Decembrist messages that were dangerous for Pushkin the statements, as can be assessed from the restored parts, are very caustic and caustic. The tenth chapter is not included in the canonical text of the novel. Completed work on “Eugene Onegin” on September 26, 1830.

Genre. Subject. Problem. Idea.

“Eugene Onegin” Pushkin analysis A. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” is the first realistic novel not only in Russian, but also in world literature.

Genre - socio-psychological novel in verse.

Theme - depiction of Russian life first quarter of the XIX century

Main characters: Evgeny Onegin, Vladimir Lensky, Tatyana Larina, Olga Larina.

Composition: built “mirror”: Tatiana’s letter - Onegin’s response - Onegin’s letter - Tatiana’s response.

The main conflict of the novel: the conflict of two life philosophies, the conflict of man and society, the conflict of man and the environment.


A man against the background of an era, time, the meaning of his existence on earth.

The problem of education and upbringing;

Literary creativity;

Fidelity in married life;

Human relationships;

True and imaginary life values;

Internal freedom of a thinking person and the dictates of a secular society;

The ideal of female beauty;

Family relationships.

"Eugene Onegin" is a work about love. Pushkin's love is high, free feeling. A person is free in his choice and happy with it, but not in this novel. ALTHOUGH Tatiana loved Onegin, she was not happy with him, she did not even receive love in return. The theme of love can be traced through two meetings between Tatiana and Evgeniy.

Lyrical digressions - this is a compositional and stylistic device that consists in the author’s deviation from the plot narrative and the introduction of direct author’s speech. They create the image of the author as a living interlocutor, a storyteller, and open the world of the narrative outward, introducing additional themes not related to the plot. In “Eugene Onegin” lyrical digressions constitute a significant part - almost a third of its volume. Lyrical digressions perform numerous functions in the novel: they mark the boundaries of the novel’s time and replace the plot narration, create the completeness of the image characteristic of an “encyclopedia” and provide the author’s commentary on events. It is lyrical digressions that introduce the author’s “I” and allow for a kind of dialogue with readers. By creating a distance between the author and the hero, they allow Pushkin to take the position of an objective researcher in relation to the events and characters depicted, which is necessary in a realistic work.

Plot and composition.


Evgeny Onegin:

Main character Romana - young landowner Evgeny Onegin, this is a person with a complex, contradictory character. The upbringing that Onegin received was disastrous. He grew up without a mother. The father, a frivolous St. Petersburg gentleman, did not pay attention to his son, entrusting him to “poor” tutors. As a result Onegin I grew up an egoist, a person who cares only about himself, about his desires and who does not know how to pay attention to the feelings, interests, and suffering of other people. He is capable of offending, offending a person without even noticing it. Everything beautiful that was in the young man’s soul remained undeveloped. Life of Onegin- boredom and laziness, monotonous satisfaction in the absence of real, living work.

Image of Onegin not made up. In it, the poet summarized the features typical of young people of that time. These are people who are provided for through work and serfs who received a disorderly upbringing. But unlike most representatives of the ruling class, these young men are smarter, more sensitive, more conscientious, more noble. They are dissatisfied with themselves, their environment, and the social order.

Onegin In terms of views and requirements for life, he stands above not only his rural landowner neighbors, but also representatives of St. Petersburg high society. Having met Lensky, who received higher education at the best university in Germany, Onegin could argue with him on any topic, as with an equal. Friendship with Lensky reveals in Onegin’s soul the possibilities of faithful, friendly relations between people hidden behind the mask of cold egoism and indifference.

Seeing Tatyana for the first time, without even talking to her, without hearing her voice, he immediately felt the poetry of this girl’s soul. In his attitude towards Tatyana, as well as towards Lensky, such a trait as goodwill was revealed. Under the influence of the events depicted in the novel, evolution occurs in Eugene’s soul, and last chapter In the novel, Onegin is no longer the same as we saw him before. He fell in love with Tatiana. But his love does not bring happiness, neither to him nor to her.

In the novel “Eugene Onegin” Pushkin portrayed a frivolous young man who, even in love, cannot give himself advice. Running away from the world, Onegin could not escape from himself. By the time he realized this, it was already too late. Tatyana doesn't believe him now. And this opens Onegin’s eyes to himself, but nothing can change.

“Young rake” - these words can briefly describe Evgeniy at this time. He does not serve anywhere, leads a social life, attends balls and dinners, and pays a lot of attention to his appearance. He knows how to seem smart and subtle, but in fact his knowledge is superficial, and he uses it only to impress.

He loves women, but his hobbies are superficial. Using his charm, he conquers women, and then quickly cools down.

Evgeniy Onegin in the village

In the end, Evgeny cools down to this lifestyle. Having had enough of both balls and female attention, he is going to travel, but then his uncle dies, and Eugene remains the heir of the estate.

Here we recognize Onegin on the other side. Not afraid to cause the displeasure of the local landowners, he replaces corvee for the serfs with a light quitrent. Having escaped from the entertainment of the capital, he does not visit his neighbors even in the village, but he becomes close friends with the naive but sincere Lensky.

Killing a friend and rejected love

This friendship ends tragically. The ardent young man sends a challenge to Evgeniy. Onegin realizes that it is better to apologize to his friend, but narcissism forces him to put on his usual mask of indifference and accept the challenge. Lensky dies at the hands of Onegin.

Having received Tatiana's letter, Evgeniy was touched. He sympathizes with Tatyana, but does not love her yet. Having never experienced true love for a woman, using her as a bargaining chip, he is generally not able to take this feeling seriously. Therefore, Evgeny, as usual, plays the role of an experienced, cold-hearted person, while at the same time showing nobility. Evgeny did not take advantage of Tatyana’s feelings, but did not escape the temptation to lecture the girl in love.

Epiphany Onegin

Several years passed and he had to cruelly regret his coldness. In adulthood, he is no longer interested in spectacular poses, he is less focused on himself. Having met Tatyana, a married lady who has perfectly studied the art of “ruling oneself,” Evgeniy selflessly falls in love with her. Time does not heal him, months pass, and he still thinks only about her, driving himself almost to madness.

An explanation occurs; he learns that Tatyana still loves him, but is not going to break fidelity to her husband.

Pushkin hero capable of real feelings, but his early commitment to the world spoils him, forcing him to sacrifice love and friendship in favor of posing. When Onegin finally begins to “be” and not “seem,” many mistakes can no longer be corrected.

Related information.

According to V. G. Belinsky, Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” can be safely called “an encyclopedia of Russian life.” From this work you can, as from a reliable source, learn virtually everything about that era, right down to what they ate and how people dressed. It reflects the life and way of life of the Russian people, the atmosphere of that time. We invite you to familiarize yourself with brief analysis works according to the plan of “Eugene Onegin”. This material can be used for work in literature lessons in 9th grade, as well as in preparation for the Unified State Exam.

Brief Analysis

Year of writing– 1823 – 1830

History of creation– Work on the novel lasted more than seven years, as the poet himself said, it was created on the basis of his thoughts and assessment of the events taking place in his native state.

Subject– The main theme of “Eugene Onegin” is unrequited love. All the themes accompanying human life are involved here - friendship, love, loyalty and disappointments.

Composition– A poetic novel consisting of eight chapters.

Genre– A. S. Pushkin himself defined the genre of “Eugene Onegin” as a novel in verse, highlighting the lyric and epic content.

Direction– Realism, but in the initial chapters there is still a direction of romanticism.

History of creation

The history of the creation of “Eugene Onegin” began in 1823, when the poet was in exile. At this time, the writer was already abandoning romanticism as the leading way of conveying the meaning of his works, and began to work in a realistic direction.

The events of the novel cover the period of the reign of Alexander the First, the development of Russian society during the first quarter of the nineteenth century. The creation of the work is dedicated to the dramatic fate of the noble class.

Against the backdrop of all the events taking place, a love story the novel, the experiences of the main characters, the influence of the environment on their destinies and worldview. The completion of the novel fell on the “golden” time of the poet’s creative work, when a cholera epidemic detained him on the Boldino estate. The novel clearly reflects his brilliant skill and creative enthusiasm, which gave the work a unique depth of content.

The creation of individual chapters corresponded to a certain period of the author’s life, and each of them can serve as an independent work, and be part of the whole novel. For many years the writings took place between 1823 and 1830, the book was published as parts were written, the entire novel was published already in 1837.


The main idea of ​​the novel is Tatiana's unrequited love for Onegin. Pushkin’s book fully and colorfully depicts all spheres of life in Russian society of that period. The author showed the life and everyday life of the Russian village, secular metropolitan society, typical portraits of heroes, fashion and tastes of people of that time.

The main character of the novel, young nobleman Eugene Onegin, is disappointed in life. His uncle left him an estate. Fed up with social life, Evgeniy leaves for the village. Here he meets Lensky, they communicate a lot. Lensky introduced Evgeniy to the Larin family. Lensky himself is in love with Olga, a young, flighty beauty who has a sister, Tatyana, her complete opposite. This is an educated young girl brought up on novels. Her pure, romantic soul longs for bright love, sincere and true. A young girl decides to take a strong action: she declares her love to the hero of her dreams, embodied in the image of Onegin. A young nobleman rejects the girl's love. It is difficult to imagine what feelings overcome the girl after Onegin’s words. This is pain, shame, disappointment. This is a huge stress for a girl who grew up in complete confidence about the real feelings of book characters.

Lensky is ready to fight for his love; he challenges Onegin to a duel after Onegin began to openly court Olga. The young man dies. A few years later, having met the already married Tatyana, he understands, he understands what he missed true love. He explains himself to Tatyana, but now she rejects his love. The girl is highly moral, and she will never commit treason. The main idea of ​​the novel is to show the problems love relationship. The feelings of the heroes, their experiences, reflected the essence of society of that time. The problem with man is that he is subject to the opinions of people. Tatyana rejects Evgeniy's love because she is afraid of condemnation high society, in whose circles she now moves.

Summing up the conclusion of the analysis of the work in “Eugene Onegin”, we can highlight the main point novel– a spiritually devastated person falls under the influence of society, not striving for self-affirmation. Conflict between man and society is subject to one thing, to the fact that the general force suppresses and destroys one individual if he does not go to resistance against the system.

What this work teaches always remains relevant - the ability to make your own choices and live life to the fullest.


A work by Pushkin, the compositional features of which emphasize the deep meaning of the content. The poetic novel consists of eight parts.

The first chapter of the novel introduces the main character and illuminates his life in the capital. In the second chapter, the plot line of the second theme of the novel begins - the acquaintance of the young, vibrant poet Lensky with Onegin. The third chapter traces the beginning of the main theme of the work, where Evgeniy meets Tatyana. The action develops: the girl writes a letter, her conversation with Onegin takes place. Evgeniy is courting his friend's fiancée, who challenges him to a duel. Dreaming prophetic dream Tatyana.

The climax of the novel is Vladimir dies in a duel, Olga marries someone else, Tatyana is married off to a respectable general.

The denouement is Tatyana’s meeting with Onegin, their explanation, where the girl, who continues to love Eugene, rejects him. The ending itself is open, there is no specific certainty.

In the chapters of the poem there are lyrical excursions that do not depart from the main plot, but, at the same time, are the author’s appeal to the reader. Initially, the poet conceived 9 chapters, but the strict limits of censorship forced the poet to remove one of the chapters, and put all his thoughts and feelings between the lines, and use lyrical digressions. Therefore, all the chapters and the poem as a whole have a kind of unfinished look, some kind of understatement.

Main characters


The love line of the novel's plot is an epic beginning, in which the action develops. The author’s reflections and his digressions are a lyrical beginning, and the poet defines his work as "lyric-epic" novel in verse.

During the creation of the novel, the poet had already abandoned romanticism, starting a new round of creativity, and the novel “Eugene Onegin” received a realistic direction.

Despite the fact that the ending of the novel is not very optimistic, it is written in such a lively and sonorous language that the reader looks optimistically into the future, sincerely believes in noble impulses and true feelings. “Eugene Onegin” is truly an expression of the strength and power of the talent of the unsurpassed Russian poet and writer, the great genius Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

The novel has its own inner literary time, and it clearly correlates with real historical time. If you trace, focusing on the time of the novel, its events, connecting them with the history of Russia, you can make interesting observations about Pushkin’s plan and its implementation. It is also interesting to compare some dates in the life of Pushkin and his hero in order to verify the writer’s intention to create a historically accurate portrait of his contemporary. At the same time, the author does not liken the hero to himself, preserving his individuality and personality, noting in chapter one:

I'm always happy to notice the difference

Between Onegin and me.

Pushkin's goal is to describe the type of young Russian nobleman of the first quarter of the 19th century. Therefore, some events coincide or are comparable in time. Onegin was born, according to researchers, in 1795, therefore, like Pushkin, he can be considered the same age as the 19th century. Onegin's childhood years are spent in St. Petersburg near the embankment of the Moika River and the Summer Garden, where the boy's French teacher takes him for walks. After graduating from the Lyceum, Pushkin lived for some time in a house on the Moika, from the windows of which the Mikhailovsky Castle and the Summer Garden were visible. The cultural and everyday atmosphere of Onegin's growing up and his education are shown very accurately, for example, new trends in the education of young nobles and changes in education. Let us remember that the French tutor “slightly scolded” his ward for pranks or “taught him everything jokingly,” which speaks of punishments that had become unpopular and of the introduced manner of teaching children through play.

The next stage of Onegin’s life coincided with the victory in the war and the expulsion of Napoleon from Russia - Onegin goes out into high society. The young hero plunges headlong into the “motley” and “monotonous” carousel of secular amusements; the description of the days of his life is a historically accurate sketch of the pastime of young St. Petersburg nobles in 1819. Pushkin uses expressive artistic device, depicting the years social life Onegin (1812-1819) is like one day, within which, as in a kaleidoscope, the same brilliant and boring events replace each other.

Onegin's departure to the village occurred in 1819 - in public life In Russia, this year was characterized by increased activity of secret political societies and growing tension in the state: the 1820s were approaching - the time of the Decembrist movement, uprising and subsequent political reaction. The years of Onegin's stay in the village were for his generation a time of choice of political orientation and civic position. Therefore, Pushkin introduces the twenty-five-year-old skeptic Onegin and the eighteen-year-old romantic poet Lensky to the village, as if checking which of these heroes will be more in demand in modern Russia.

In 1820, according to the internal chronology of the novel, Onegin and Tatyana met, the theme of love arises in the work, and thus historical theme modern man turns out to be inextricably linked with his soul’s ability to love. In January 1821, in the Epiphany frosts, a duel between Onegin and Lensky took place, the plot connections fell apart, and Onegin left the village. Onegin's wanderings around Russia, not included in final version The novel was supposed to show the situation in the country before the tragic event - the Decembrist uprising.

Onegin returns to St. Petersburg in the fall of 1824. Happens in April next year final explanation Tatiana and Onegin, after which the heroes part forever. It is significant that Pushkin brings the narrative to 1825, leaving artistic rethinking historical events for the future. This explains why Pushkin, after writing the novel, makes an attempt to supplement it the brightest facts modernity and begins to write the so-called chapter ten, in which, judging by the remaining fragments, he plans to create a poetic history of Russia in the first quarter of the 19th century, but for a number of reasons, including censorship, he destroys what he wrote.

Problems of the novel "Eugene Onegin"

The main themes of the novel are the image of modern man, the theme of love and the theme of Russia. Various formulations have been used to characterize Onegin’s personality, but they far from exhaust the complexity of his personality. For example, Onegin is called a “suffering egoist,” they note his “premature old age of soul,” and the author’s words about a modern hero are applied to him:

With his immoral soul,

Selfish and dry,

Immensely devoted to a dream,

With his embittered mind

Seething in empty action.

This is certainly very true and subtle characteristic Onegin, however, one must also discern in the hero the desire for a full life and the opportunity to be reborn to it.

The relationship between Tatiana and Onegin determines the entire development of the plot, and the theme of love is certainly the main one in the novel. Perhaps Onegin's wanderings did not become a separate chapter, because the absence of the image of Tatyana in it would have violated the integrity of the novel. By this, Pushkin seems to want to say that love knows no break, and therefore the plot of love cannot be stopped for a while. The love between Tatiana and Onegin should not be in doubt. Even many years later, refusing Onegin, Tatyana says:

I love you (why lie?),

But I was given to someone else;

And I will be faithful to him forever.

The theme of Russia unites St. Petersburg, Moscow and the countryside; metropolitan and landed nobility; Russian nature. The main thing in the novel were the types of heroes, their characters - Pushkin depicts the images of two young nobles, Onegin and Lensky, trying to find perspective in them further development Russian society. The image of the local young lady, and later Princess Tatyana Larina, is the key to a healthy, moral feminine principle in the nation. The theme of the “Russian blues” became the main theme in the novel.

The theme of “Russian blues” in the novel “Eugene Onegin”

The theme of “Russian blues” appears in the novel in chapter one, runs through the entire novel and has its own composition.

Let us remember chapter one: Onegin lives, like the entire young generation of his time, in idleness and entertainment. It would seem that one should like such a fate young man, because he is rich, well accepted in society, and easily achieves success with women. However, the epigraph to chapter one, taken by Pushkin from Vyazemsky’s poem “First Snow,” indicates the main problem to which the chapter is devoted:

And he’s in a hurry to live, and he’s in a hurry to feel.

With the help of an epigraph, Pushkin raises an important vital and moral question: does Onegin lead a healthy lifestyle, does his soul manage to grow stronger amid the eternal haste and pursuit of pleasure? And as an answer to this question, a turn is planned in the plot of the novel: in the midst of pleasure and bliss, the hero experiences a terrible emptiness in his soul, apathy and disappointment.

Pushkin distinguishes between “English spleen” and “Russian blues”, wanting to say that Onegin’s illness is exclusively national character. In other words, the “Russian blues” is an individual, social and national phenomenon, to which at that time a significant part of younger generation. In it, Pushkin sees the main problem of Russian society: “Russian blues” is the lack of meaning and purpose of existence, the will to live. Of course, the appearance of the blues in Onegin was influenced by satiety with life, but this is not main reason. One can believe in the sincerity of Onegin’s condition, because he, it would seem, has no reason to be disappointed: he will always be rich, since he is “the heir of all his relatives,” he is favorably accepted in society, being, in the opinion of the world, “smart and very nice,” he is a “true genius” at love affairs.

The blues struck Onegin so strongly that any attempt to overcome it ended in failure: he could not pour it out by writing, could not learn anything about it by reading books, and he was content only with melancholy walks and conversations with the author. Onegin did not free himself from the blues even after moving to the village. Pushkin introduces two situations of testing the hero: the test of friendship and the test of love. In an episode on Tatiana's name day, Onegin thoughtlessly offended his friend, cowardly accepted the challenge to a duel and shot Lensky. An illustration of the theme of “Russian blues” in the novel was the epigraph to chapter six, taken from the work of the Italian poet Petrarch: “Where the days are cloudy and short, a tribe will be born that does not hurt to die.”

Meanwhile this tragic outcome became the culmination of the theme of “Russian blues” in the novel, since the hero could not remain indifferent to the crime committed. The former indifference and apathy were replaced by anxiety and the inability to stay in one place for a long time and, as a result, leaving the village. The hero becomes a wanderer, thereby embodying the motif of wandering, so important in Russian literature. The denouement of the theme of “Russian blues” came in chapter eight, when Onegin’s soul opened up to love, and he began to transform as a person, coming to life again.

Of course, Onegin’s love was late, and Tatiana’s refusal is fair and moral. Pushkin leaves Onegin alone, because now only the hero himself can choose his path.

To the question The main thought, essence, idea of ​​the novel Eugene Onegin asked by the author Neurologist the best answer is The novel “Eugene Onegin” occupies a central place in Pushkin’s work. This is his biggest work of art, which had the strongest influence on the fate of all Russian literature.
Pushkin wrote the novel in verse for about eight years. These were the years of real creative maturity of the poet. The work was completed in 1831 and published in 1833. The novel covers events from 1819 to 1825: from foreign trips Russian army after the defeat of Napoleon before the Decembrist uprising. These were the years of development of Russian society during the reign of Tsar Alexander I. History and contemporary poet events.
The plot of the work is simple and well known. At the center of the novel is a love affair. A main problem is the eternal problem of feeling and duty. The heroes of the novel Evgeny Onegin and Tatyana Larina, Vladimir Lensky and Olga make up two love couples. But fate is not given to all of them to become happy.
Tatyana immediately fell in love with Onegin, and he was able to respond to her feelings only after the deep shocks that took place in his chilled soul. But, despite the fact that they love each other, they cannot become happy, they cannot unite their destinies.
“And happiness was so possible,
So close!. . But my destiny
It's already decided. Carelessly
Perhaps I did:
me with tears of spells
The mother begged; for poor Tanya
All the lots were equal...
I got married. You must
I ask you to leave me;
I know: in your heart there is
And pride and direct honor.
I love you (why lie?),
But I was given to someone else;
I will be faithful to him forever.”
And it is not some external circumstances that are to blame for this, but their own mistakes, their inability to find the right path in life. Pushkin forces his reader to reflect on the deep reasons for these mistakes.
Downtime storyline The novel contains many pictures, descriptions, many living people are shown with their different destinies, with their feelings and characters. In Pushkin, all this “collection of motley chapters, half funny, half sad, common people, ideal” showed the Epoch...
What is it main idea, main idea“Eugene Onegin”? In my opinion, the main idea of ​​this work is that only people who think little, know little, and who have no aspiration for the high, spiritual can live happily. People with a sensitive, responsive soul are doomed to suffer. They either die, like Lensky, or are forced to languish “in empty inaction,” like Onegin, or suffer in silence, like Tatyana.
Pushkin clearly shows that it is not his heroes who are to blame for all these fatal mistakes, but the environment, the situation that formed such characters, which made these, in essence or in their inclinations, beautiful, intelligent and noble people unhappy.
Feudal system, the backbreaking, hard work of the peasants and the complete idleness of the landowners and masters made unhappy, distorted the lives of not only serf slaves, but also the best, most sensitive of the nobles, landowners.
These sad and bitter thoughts about the dysfunction of the entire life system are expressed by Pushkin in the last sad lines of the novel.