Why do people dream about dead relatives? I dreamed of a deceased relative being alive. Interpretation and meaning of dreams

Why do you dream about deceased relatives?

You can see deceased relatives in a dream for various reasons: because of longing and bitterness of loss or because of memories of them that visited you during the day. The dream may also be caused by the fact that you have not visited the grave of the person in your dream for a long time. Superstitious people believe that the dead come in dreams to give advice or warn against something, and night visions about deceased relatives have many different and sometimes contradictory interpretations.

What does a dream about deceased relatives portend?

People who have already left us dream of a change in the weather. Dream interpreters advise listening to the words that you hear from deceased relatives in dreams, since they may well become prophetic.

Dreams about the dead are explained differently, depending on who dreamed and what situation the sleeper faced. The only one general interpretation is a popular observation that dreams of dead people strong wind or a sudden change in weather.

Who is dreaming?

Dreams about dead people can be interpreted in a positive or negative direction, depending on who dreamed.

If both deceased parents come to you in a dream, this portends happiness and wealth. The late mother warns against committing rash acts, the father - against shameful ones.

A deceased father, appearing in a dream, can warn of an illness that awaits you, especially if in the dream he himself was sick. For believers, a dream about a father can be a reason to visit church and pray for the health of loved ones and the repose of the departed. When you dreamed of your dead father, think about what kind of father or mother you became? Perhaps it's time to talk to your children about their hobbies, joys and worries.

According to another interpretation, if you dreamed about your dead parents, you should think about your plans. About whether they go against your conscience, and most importantly - what consequences they can bring to you and others when executed. Maybe it’s time to reconsider your own intentions or completely abandon their implementation?

When you dream deceased grandmother, the vision foreshadows the emergence of health problems in one of your relatives. The deceased grandfather dreams of changes in life.

A brother or sister who has passed away comes in a dream to good events, and the brother always to happiness, longevity and prosperity, and the sister to a joyful or uncertain, but not at all sad future. Also, a dream about a deceased sister can be interpreted as an unclear life goal or an unclear motivation to achieve it.

A deceased distant relative appearing in a dream may foreshadow a scandal or discord in your family with devastating consequences.

What are you dreaming about?

There are many plots of night visions in which deceased relatives appear, because there is no person in the world who has not seen a deceased relative in a dream. Let us give interpretations of common situations that occur most often in dreams.

The gloomy plot of the dream, which leaves an unpleasant aftertaste, promises problems in the family, a breakdown in relationships with loved ones. One of these plots is a crying dead man. Only a heart-to-heart conversation will help save the situation between living relatives, which will smooth out all omissions and misunderstandings, and hidden anger and hidden enmity will only aggravate the situation.

Also, such stories involving deceased loved ones may indicate that you are under stress or overwhelmed with aggression that cannot find a way out. In this case, you should take up exercise or find another way to unwind before you start to cause fear to others.

When you dream of the graves of deceased relatives, take time to visit the cemetery or light a candle in church for the repose of the deceased.

If you dream of a relative’s grave, find the time and opportunity to visit it.

Kissing a deceased person in a dream means that in reality you will get rid of the fears that torment you, and life will immediately blossom with new colors. According to another interpretation, when you kiss a dead person in a dream, in reality expect the imminent birth of new ones. romantic relationships, if you kiss the deceased on the forehead, then this is a symbol of forgiveness: either you will remove the burden of guilt from someone’s soul, or you yourself will be forgiven.

A dream in which you hug a deceased relative brings changes, they can be both for the better and for the worse. But lying next to a dead person in a dream is always a harbinger of great successes and a series of good fortunes. Prosperity is also foreshadowed by a dream in which the sleeper receives a gift from a deceased person or takes something from a dead person. Such a plot prophesies happiness and wealth.

Receiving gifts from a dead person in a dream means well-being in reality.

However, if a deceased relative in a dream gives you money, in reality, be as economical as possible and invest only in reliable projects; the dream prophesies financial problems or ruin. Problems with money include dreams of dead people with coins lying in front of them.

If a deceased relative lies in a coffin, the vision warns of troubles at work or of a visit from unexpected guests who will most likely appear from afar and decide to settle in for a long time.

Dreams in which you do not kiss the deceased, but the action comes from him, have a negative interpretation: when the deceased kisses you, the vision foreshadows serious troubles. Misfortunes and danger to life are prophesied by dreams in which you give food, clothing or money to the deceased. Illness or death promises a dream in which a dead person leads you, or you follow in his footsteps.

Dressing the deceased - a dream signals health problems; undressing is a sign of imminent death loved one; the death of the dreamer himself can be predicted by a vision in which he carries the deceased in his arms, as well as any dream in which deceased relatives appear, if the sleeper at that moment is seriously ill.

A dream about the dead that comes to a sick person is a harbinger of death.

What else can dead relatives dream of?
● Talking with a dead person means meeting a person who has been looking for you for a long time.
● Congratulating the deceased - in the near future you will perform a noble deed.
● Running away from a dead person - the dream symbolizes the dreamer’s reluctance to repeat the fate or mistakes of the one he sees.
● The dead man has risen - those around you are trying to influence you in order to benefit, and in difficult times they will not provide you with the necessary support.
● A deceased relative is sick - you will be treated unfairly.
● A deceased person in reality also dies in your dream - people you trust, perhaps family members, are weaving intrigues behind your back.
● Dreaming of many dead people means a mass illness of loved ones or an unpleasant incident in which there will be several victims.
● A sleeping deceased person comes in a dream when his soul has found complete peace.
● Hearing the voice of a dead man in a dream - expect news in reality.
● If the deceased was lively and cheerful in your dream, this is a sign that you have made a mistake that needs to be corrected.

We dream of dead people so that relatives do not forget about them.

Night visions in which the dead appear can make you think about life or even scare you. However, no matter what the deceased relative dreams about, if he visited you in your dreams, you need to pray for him, remember him among your family or friends. It’s even better to visit the grave of the deceased and go to the church to light a candle for the repose, so that his soul finds refuge, and you are no longer confused by thoughts of what the dream you saw could mean and what events it prophesies.

Dreams are an unrivaled source of insight into yourself. It is most useful to analyze vivid dreams: scary, disturbing, terrifying, joyful. But what can compare with the dream in which a deceased relative had a dream?

In terms of the intensity of feelings, these are some of the most exciting stories, which means they are also the most significant for a person. Dreaming about a deceased relative has many meanings. The most common answer to the question, “Why do deceased relatives dream?” is an indication that the dreamer forgets about his present, reaches for the past, has no desire to take responsibility for his actions, strives to be under the care or influence of the deceased loved one.

Why you dream of dead relatives can be found out for sure only by thoroughly clarifying all the details of the dream. Much depends on the dreamer’s experiences, on his attitude to situations in a dream. Everything influences: degree of relationship, emotional coloring dream, in what relationship the person and the deceased were.

If in a dream a person saw a deceased person alive, it is a sign of the need to conduct a full examination of the body. You should not do anything harmful to your health, and also think about quitting bad habits(smoking, alcohol abuse, etc.), and start leading healthy image life ( proper nutrition, physical activity, proper rest).

If you dream of a revived father, it is worth thinking about how much circumstances allow you to start new things; perhaps the dreamer in reality is planning to do something for which his strength and knowledge are not enough. A dream about a deceased brother or sister is a sign that close friends need your help.

If you dream of a grandmother or grandfather who is already dead alive, the dreamer does not want to put up with the loss of care and certainty in life. Grandparents are symbols of established rules, customs, a rooted, unshakable system, so dreams where they are alive, despite the fact that long time dead, this is the dreamer’s longing for self-confidence and in the future.

In addition, grandmother or grandfather can symbolize new stage in the dreamer’s life, when he needs to take responsibility for other people or himself begin to perform the functions that were performed by his grandmother or grandfather.

Details of actions in a dream

If in a dream a close relative rises from the dead when he has already been put in, you should not rely on the help of friends in matters important to the dreamer. When in a dream a living dead person tries to stop the dreamer, in reality you should not embark on adventures.

If a revived dead person is sick in a dream, many unpredictable events occur in the dreamer’s life, from which he can emerge victorious only if he shows character and courage. A dream in which a revived relative dies serves as a symbol of loss and uncertainty. The dream book advises not to try to find certainty externally, but to stabilize the emotional state.

  • If a person dreams of being hugged by a dead person, the dreamer wants security and relief from worries, which is easy to achieve by turning to close people or friends.
  • A dream in which the dreamer hugs the deceased is a harbinger of changes; their nature will depend on the person who saw the dream. Calmness and self-confidence will help you cope with any situation, and self-control will help you maintain satisfactory relationships with others. You can't do anything in a hurry.

A dream in which a deceased relative was seen alive and the dreamer foretells a quick deliverance from fears, the acquisition of courage and inner peace. If a living dead person gives, you should not try to make money in dubious enterprises.

If you often dream of a relative who has already died, but is alive in the dream, and who goes somewhere, this is a sign of an incompletely formed understanding that a loved one is gone forever. A dream in which a deceased relative appeared alive and called for him is a symbol of the dreamer’s desire to fulfill some goals that were very important to this relative.

If you dream of a long-dead relative alive and in the dream the dreamer follows him, then in reality very serious events will soon happen that can greatly change the life of the person who saw such a plot. You need to do everything possible to be ready for change.

When you dream that the dreamer is lying in a coffin with a deceased relative, you should think about your unhurried rhythm of life and, perhaps, take a risk in some business in order to refresh your existence and gain new impressions. The dream book defines such dreams as a desire for variety.

When you dream of a relative who has died in reality, but in your dream he is alive and well, you should be wary of conflicts at work and in the family. The Dream Interpretation recommends not aggravating even minor disagreements, but approaching them as correctly as possible, trying to explain any omissions and doing this very scrupulously.

When you dream about the voice of a deceased loved one, you should remember what exactly was said. If there is advice, then the dream book interprets such a dream as the dreamer’s desire to seek help, despite the fear of hearing a refusal. It is worth opening up to loved ones and getting support. And if there is a warning, then it is best to rely on yourself and boldly look forward, because the dreamer has the right direction, but listens to himself little.

If you often dream of a deceased loved one or relative who is alive in a dream, but seems to be decomposing, and the dreamer is very worried about this, this is a denial of death. A person does not want to let go of someone who is dreaming, is very afraid of something in life and wants protection from his relative. You need to understand the cause of your fears and try to ask for help from living loved ones if it is impossible to resolve this cause yourself.

If you often have visions in which deceased relatives are alive, talk to the dreamer, or live as if the fact did not happen, this is a sign of not very stable nervous system. It’s worth thinking about normalizing the rhythm of life, and not making yourself a racehorse.

Emotional reaction

When you often dream of a long-dead relative who is alive in a dream, but in reality, you need to turn special attention to the dreamer's reaction.

1. If a person experiences positive emotions, is filled with joy, then the dream book interprets the dream as a reflection of the incompleteness of life in reality. A person needs something that is gone forever with the deceased. Therefore, it is worth analyzing what the relative brought most to the dreamer’s life when he was alive.

2. If a person experiences strong negative emotions from a deceased person in a dream, the dream book defines the dream as a sign of indignation accumulated in the dreamer’s soul. He is angry at the circumstances in his life. IN in this case there is a need to reconsider your outlook on life. Understand that no one owes anyone anything, and if there are any unpleasant situations, you just need to solve them.

3. If the dreamer experiences negative emotions in relation to the behavior of other people who communicate with a deceased relative or enter into some kind of relationship with him, the dream book defines this as a sign that the person who saw the dream does not know how to share with others and is very concerned about the issue of property , material problems, does not know how to help selflessly.

Having examined different plots, we can conclude that deceased relatives usually dream about when a person is going through a critical period, he does not feel too comfortable and anxious, he needs outside help or his own courage to overcome all the obstacles on the way to a calm, harmonious life and success.

The dead who come to a person in a dream can talk about various kinds of fears of the dreamer, which a person may not notice while awake. Thus, in dreams a person deals with his personal experiences and with the messages of the Spirit.

When a deceased relative appears in a dream, it always confuses and raises a lot of questions about why such a plot is dreamed of. Many dream books say that the deceased is bad sign, but most often such a dream is only a warning.

If you carefully analyze what you see, you can find many answers and safely resolve a whole series current problems.

It is also possible that such a plot does not mean anything other than the fact that you simply miss your deceased loved one too much and cannot let him go. Try to come to terms with the loss, and then, most likely, you will be able to forget about the frightening dreams.

Miller's Dream Book

If dead relatives come to you in a dream, pay close attention to the vision, as it is a warning.

Did you see your father during your night's rest? Think seriously about the dangers that a new business may pose. Weigh all the pros and cons of this event and decide what you will do if the plan does not end well. There is a high probability that the event will be cancelled.

Communicating in a dream with a mother who is actually buried means health problems. You should not wait for the disease to loudly declare itself. A preventative medical examination and tests will help identify the disease and begin treatment in a timely manner, thereby increasing the chances of recovery.

Seeing a deceased brother means helping a loved one. If one of the people you know in reality is in dire need of support, provide it, and you can rest assured that the good will be returned with interest.

If a friend or girlfriend tries to give you advice in a dream, listen carefully. Perhaps this advice will actually help you avoid making a fatal mistake and harming yourself. You should take the dream especially seriously if a friend or girlfriend made a promise from you.

Seeing dead relatives in a dream who unexpectedly rose again is a sign of the bad influence that those around you have on you. Take a closer look at your surroundings. If someone is overly actively trying to drag you into something monetary enterprise, do not rush to get involved in it. There is a huge likelihood of a disastrous outcome and even complete bankruptcy.

If a deceased relative in the coffin rebels, do not count on difficult situation to help friends. She won't be there.

Vanga's Dream Book

If you dream of a deceased relative, you will soon have to face injustice in real life. If there were a lot of dead people, then the family or close friends will get sick or get into a serious accident. To avoid the fatal consequences of a dream, you should try to prevent trouble.

Hugging a deceased relative or friend in a dream means change. Changes can be both positive and negative. In any case, don't despair. Hard time passes, giving way to new joyful events. Only peace of mind and confidence in a bright future will help you overcome all adversity with dignity. The dream book recommends maintaining composure and being optimistic in any situation, even a seemingly hopeless one.

You dream that a deceased relative is dying. Such a vision is a harbinger of the deceit of your closest friends. People you trusted have been plotting behind your back for a long time. Don’t be so gullible, otherwise you will have to pay severely for your good attitude towards people. Perhaps it is your relatives who are making cunning plans to deceive you. In this case, the dream book advises not to trust anyone and not to let yourself be deceived.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Kissing a deceased relative in a dream means losing your fears. You will be able to overcome all the fears and doubts that tormented you and made you suffer earlier. Life will become much easier without fears. If you dreamed of a long-dead relative calling you to follow him, you should not do this.

If you follow a dead person in a dream, then in reality you may soon become seriously ill or plunge into a real long-term depression.

If you dreamed that deceased relatives were alive, then they would have no peace in the next world. In order for the souls of deceased relatives to find peace, it is necessary to visit the church and light a candle for their repose. You can also arrange a small wake in a narrow circle. Hearing the voice of the deceased - such a dream can indicate illness in real life.

Freud's Dream Book

Seeing deceased relatives: you have a long and joyful life ahead of you, filled with all sorts of events and accomplishments. Freud also calls for listening very carefully to everything that the dead say in their dreams. Their words, as this interpreter says, are of great importance. Much of what deceased relatives say comes true.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

If in a dream you regularly see deceased close relatives, then, rest assured, they warn of danger. You should also accept a gift from a deceased relative or give him something yourself: you will lose part of your vital energy and receive in return powerlessness and despondency. Try not to touch things belonging to the deceased at all.

A few more interpretations of what dead relatives dream about

If you saw a deceased grandmother in a dream, then get ready to take part in solving serious issues in reality. Try to remember if your grandmother told you anything in a dream? If yes, then pay close attention to the words she said. They can help solve problems. A happy and joyful grandmother promises a successful completion of affairs.

In dream books you can also find an explanation of why a deceased relative cries in a dream. A crying dead man warns of conflicts that will soon arise between you and your loved ones. Try not to aggravate the already difficult relationships with relatives. Try to clarify all omissions immediately, otherwise a quarrel may develop into a serious discord between family members.

If in a dream a deceased relative gives money, then in real life try to be as economical as possible. Frivolity in money matters may well result in a great financial ruin. The Dream Interpretation advises at the present time not to chase big profits, but to invest money only in reliable projects.

In dream books you can also find an interpretation of what a conversation with a deceased relative means in a dream. This dream suggests that in real life someone is looking for you, and has been for quite some time. Perhaps this is an old friend with whom time separated many years ago.

Lee Hadwin, famous English artist, who draws in a dream, is sure that through dreams a person receives information from other dimensions and civilizations. Astrologers, many researchers and scientists share the same point of view.

From the book Mysteries of the Underworld"

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    U dream books have your own vision of what you dream about dead relatives. What does it mean? It is very important to remember which of the deceased relatives you saw in your dream. As a rule, if one of the parents visits a person in a dream, this means good sign. Favorable changes in life and joyful events await you ahead. They have a completely different interpretation dreams, in which the dreamer sees others relatives Read more

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    Why see in dream deceased relatives? Everyone is afraid of death - besides, loss relative– it is always a huge loss and sadness. But that's how life works. AND relatives people sometimes leave, leaving only pleasant memories, remaining in memory. Now is just an unfavorable and slightly dangerous period - and it will soon pass. 3. Talk to dead relative in dreams - this is an omen of important news that awaits you in reality. You will learn something very significant that can even change your current life. Read more

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    Dead relatives that a person can see in dream, are a symbol of negative energy. If a person dreams of someone alive relatives dead, such a vision can cause him a real shock. For example, if parents dream of their son dead, this means that very soon he may get married. See in dream dead brother or sister - to a cooling of relationships in reality. Between relatives certain disagreements will arise. Read more

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    See yourself dead in dream- you have ahead long life. Why do you dream dead relatives- talk to them in dream- find out the owl’s future, because through a spiritual connection they want to warn you about something or give advice. Dead relative in the portrait are the personification of the fact that you have a spiritual connection with them.Children's dream book. Dead person by dream book: Why do you dream? Dead congratulate in dream– You will soon do a good deed. Read more

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    Why do you dream about death? relative in dream. Dream about death is a warning about future events. If his atmosphere was gloomy and in reality you continue to worry, this indicates possible problems yours relatives. If you do not live with them, it is recommended to visit relatives.See relatives Dead relative Dreaming relatives.Read more

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    Interpret dream. Dream Interpretation - Dead relatives. Dead in dream- to changes in your life, be aware of them and do not worry. Good luck. Dream Interpretation - Dead relatives. I can't say it's yours dream is of a favorable nature. Almost everything dreams, in which the dead are present relatives or friends do not bode well. But I'm not going to scare you. I can assume that during the lifetime of all the relatives you listed, scandals often arose. Read more

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    Interpret dream. Dream Interpretation - Relatives. The man sees relative male - respect from the outside. If you saw a relative, it means that close people will soon get married. Woman sees relative- a man - to unexpected troubles. If a woman in dream I saw a relative - this means well-being or the birth of a boy. Dream Interpretation - Dead. If a person sees himself in dream dead, - good, this means that he has a long life ahead of him.

5Miller's Dream Book, Vanga

  • According to Miller’s dream book, deceased relatives are harbingers of approaching danger and problems. Everything they say is true. The deceased mother comes to protect the dreamer’s health and well-being, and the father comes to protect him from harm.
  • Vanga's dream book interprets the dream as a warning about a possible illness. The dead hug - expect quick positive changes.

If you dreamed of deceased relatives alive, it’s time to remember them, visit the grave, order a prayer service or service in the church, light a candle for the repose of their soul. Be sure to follow the advice they give or warn against trouble.


Should a person worry if close or distant relatives appear in his dreams from time to time or constantly? The dream book will help you find the correct answer to this question if the dreamer recalls the details of what he saw in his night dreams. Are dreams of loved ones good, what events do such dreams predict?

Why do relatives dream: parents

Much depends on who exactly the sleeping person sees in his dreams. Why do you dream about relatives if they are parents? The appearance of a mother in a dream in most cases foreshadows a joyful event in real life. However, there are also exceptions, say, dreams in which a person loses his mother and cannot find her. Such a plot rather points to pangs of conscience that cause anxiety in reality. In addition, a dream in which the mother suffers from an illness is considered bad. It is possible that the dreamer will soon have or have already developed problems with the heart and respiratory system.

It’s great if the father appears in the dream. In this case, in real life, the owner of the dream will soon receive a profit, which will come from an unexpected source. A conversation with a father in night dreams warns of danger; it is likely that in reality a person will soon expose himself in an unfavorable light to others. Finding out about your dad's illness in a dream means that in reality you will face a serious illness. A dream in which the sleeper fights with his father only reflects longing for loved ones.

Why do you dream about relatives? If parents appear together in night dreams, in real life the dreamer can safely count on support in difficult situation. It can be provided not only by the mother and father, but also by other people. Talking with parents in a dream means needing their help or advice in reality.

Sisters, brothers

What other subjects does the dream book consider? A sister appearing in night dreams can warn of both positive and negative changes in the near future. For example, if she is silent in a dream, minor troubles await a person in reality. Seeing your sister waving her hand in a dream means facing serious problems in real life that you will have to solve on your own. Kissing your sister means waiting for changes for the better.

What other interpretations does the dream book offer? A sister and brother appearing together in a dream is a good dream if they are having fun and are in an excellent mood. Such a dream indicates that in real life a streak of luck has come. A dream in which a brother or sister is sick is also considered good; it predicts a quick recovery from a serious illness. If the sleeper communicates peacefully with them, a long life awaits him. A conflict with a sister or brother dreams of troubles that could affect various areas life.

Grandfathers, grandmothers

Why does grandmother appear in a dream? You should definitely recall her words in your memory; it is possible that they contained some kind of warning or advice. A conversation with your grandmother in your night dreams promises trouble in reality. Watching her cook means welcoming guests in the near future. The death of a grandmother is mainly dreamed of as a warning; it is likely that in real life a person will become a victim of other people's machinations.

Possible reasons why a grandmother appears in a dream are discussed above. Should I worry if my grandfather dreams at night? Perhaps the dreamer has not visited his loved one in reality for a long time, so he is tormented by remorse. Also, the appearance of a grandfather in a dream can be perceived as a kind of warning that the dreamer lacks wisdom and makes the wrong decisions.

Deceased relatives

Obviously, a person can have a dream in which not only living relatives appear, but also relatives who have already left this world. Miller's dream book states that you should not be afraid of such dreams. Close people who are no longer alive appear in night dreams to warn of changes that will soon happen in the dreamer’s life.

The exception is dreams in which the dead invite the sleeping person to come with them, calling them with them. Such a dream predicts imminent death, and not only the one who sees him can die, but also someone from his family. It is also likely that the sleeping person or someone dear to him will develop a serious illness.

In addition, it is worth remembering what character traits the dreamed dead man had during his lifetime. For example, if you see in your night dreams a person who had a reputation as a cunning or a liar, you should beware of deception in real life.

Wake, funeral

The above describes possible reasons why deceased relatives appear in dreams. The dream book also considers other subjects, for example, funerals. If in a person’s night dreams he buried one of his relatives, he needs to remember what the weather was like during the burial ceremony. If it rained, you should mentally prepare for difficult times. If the sun was shining, you can safely count on changes for the better.

A dream in which the same relative is constantly buried hints at mistakes the dreamer has made in the past. It is possible that the time has come to think about the possibility of correcting them. A funeral seen in a dream warns that in reality a person will face a difficult test. Having endured it, you can safely count on rewards from fate.

Coffins in which deceased relatives lie mainly dream of trouble. In real life, the dreamer should be extremely careful and avoid risky transactions and contacts. If a person who is alive in reality is buried in a dream, great luck awaits this character.

Resurrection from the Dead

Why else do you dream about relatives who have left this world? The dream book also describes such an unusual plot as the resurrection of a dead person. To understand its meaning, it is necessary to remember in what mood the revived person was. If it was good, a streak of good fortune will soon come in real life. The bad mood of a resurrected relative promises serious problems in reality.

Some guides to the world of dreams suggest that such a dream indicates that its owner is receiving the blessing of the deceased. There will be changes in the near future that are most likely to be positive.

Visit of relatives

Seeing close relatives coming to visit in a dream means making a profit in reality. However, this is only true if the dreamer in his night dreams was happy about the unexpected visit and gladly received the guests. Conflicts that occur during a visit are considered a bad omen; quarrels in real life are very likely.

There are reasons for concern if you dream of relatives coming to visit, whose visit is accompanied by unpleasant troubles and causes inconvenience to the owners of the house. It is possible that in reality someone is spreading gossip about the dreamer, and he may also become a victim of deception.

Holidays, feasts

Why do relatives dream if in their night dreams they gather together at the table? Such a dream promises family holiday in real life. Also, a dream can predict interesting acquaintances in reality, meetings with people who are not related to the dreamer by family ties. If the owner of the dream is not married, he may soon meet a couple.

Drunk relatives rarely dream of good things. Such a plot suggests that deep down the dreamer dreams of escaping into his fantasies, hiding from real world. Watching one of your relatives get married in a dream means successfully resolving all family conflicts in reality.

Husband's relatives

What might your husband's relatives dream about? It is necessary to remember the mood in which the dreamed relatives of the spouse were. If these people were friendly and cheerful, you don’t have to be afraid in real life family conflicts, the marriage will be successful. Other people's relatives quarreling with each other or with the dreamer - such night dreams promise conflicts with household members.

Do not be afraid when you see your mother-in-law in a dream; such a dream promises a truce with enemies, good relationship in the family. However, the father-in-law appearing in night dreams is not at all good. It is very likely that in real life a storm will soon break out, which could ruin the wife’s relationship with her husband.

Relatives ex-husband may appear in the dreams of a woman who is unable to forget an ended relationship. It is possible that she is jealous of new girl ex-spouse.

Quarrels, conflicts

Why do you dream about relatives if the dreamer sees himself quarreling with them? The guide written by Freud claims that this is a reflection of problems that appeared in childhood. It is possible that the owner of the dream cannot part with some childhood complexes or forgive the insults inflicted on him many years ago by his family.

Loff's dream book states that a person who dreams of conflicts with relatives is a self-sufficient person. He is able to cope with all problems on his own and does not tolerate any restrictions on his own freedom. A fight with relatives in a dream can warn that in real life a person is tired of their misunderstanding and unwillingness to compromise. The blood of someone close is a promise of news that can be both good and bad.

A crying relative may also appear in night dreams. Noble dream book claims that such a plot speaks of the problems that exist in a relationship with this person in reality. It is very likely that he is offended by the dreamer’s behavior. It is also possible that the owner of the dream is about to commit an act that will cause suffering to someone close to him.

Intimate connections

People are traditionally frightened by dreams in which they have sexual intercourse with someone from their family. Dream interpretation will help you get rid of such fears. The relatives with whom a person has sex in his night dreams are simply the closest people to him. He trusts them completely, relies entirely on them.

Dream about a dead man, a deceased acquaintance or relative means you will be restless that you should have stayed or hidden the truth; the dream brings sadness.
Seeing a talking dead man in a dream means you will need advice or friendship. Such a dream can also be explained as a message about a change in weather or the beginning of a disaster.

*№ 2 A dream in which you are visited by your deceased loved ones or friends does not bode well. If they are sad, the dream means that mental anguish and difficult thoughts await you.

If you dream of dead people cheerful and happy, it means that everything in your life will work out. in the best possible way.
Sometimes a dream about a dead man foreshadows a rash, hasty marriage, which will become a yoke around the neck of both spouses and will not bring happiness to either of them. Weak, sickly and vicious children born in such a marriage will complete the misfortune of this family.

*№ 10 If you dream of one of your loved ones being dead, the dream is a warning: you must bravely face some kind of test, maybe even loss.

The voice of a deceased friend is bad news. A dream about death is always a warning. A conversation with your deceased father encourages you to carefully think through the work you have started. After such a dream, everyone should think about their behavior with greater prudence and take care of their reputation.
A conversation with a deceased mother is perceived as a call to control one’s behavior and pay attention to health. A conversation with a deceased brother is a sign that someone needs your help and compassion.
If a deceased person is cheerful and lively in a dream, it means that you have organized your life incorrectly. There may be mistakes that will affect your entire destiny, unless you mobilize. to prevent them.
The voice of a deceased relative is the only one real form warning sent external force from the near future, which our sleeping brain can perceive.
Even in Paracelsus, we find advice to pay great attention to what the shadows of deceased loved ones appear to us in a dream: a sleeper can even receive advice from the dead in a dream, and experience shows that their use brings desired results; the shadow of a deceased person close to us simply awakens dormant areas of the brain, bringing to life the knowledge hidden in them.

*№ 5 Dreaming of a dead person represents a trait of your character that has died. Or it may mean that you are expressionless. You locked yourself inside and died inside.

*№ 10 Dreaming of dead people symbolizes people or a character trait of yours who have died and with whom you dealt. Perception of grief from the death of a loved one or from the inevitability of one's own future death and its inevitability. Analyze what ended in your life?

*№ 11 Dreaming of a dead person symbolizes the end of a phase in some area of ​​your life.

If the deceased is someone you know, the dream may mean that you believe that this person is coming to the end of some stage of his life and the beginning of the next, or it may mean that you are afraid that the person will die or become unavailable for communication .
The dead man can also represent the physical body as a whole, a simple shell that is temporarily occupied by the soul, mind, body and emotions.

  1. Seeing the corpse of a stranger in a dream shows that happiness has happened to you.
  2. A dream in which you saw yourself as dead means that in real life you will get rid of problems and worries.
  3. A dream in which you saw a dead person nearby or examined a corpse means that you will experience something exciting.
  4. If you saw dead relatives in a dream, expect better health.
  5. If you dreamed of a dead family member, it means you will be healthy.
  6. If your father is alive and you dreamed that he died, don't worry, your evil is dead, and your father will live a long time! If your father died and you dream about it, it means that he would like to tell you something.
  7. He may have recently died or been buried.
  8. As a rule, deceased relatives in dreams are the best messengers, whether for good news or bad news!
  9. If you dreamed of a dead friend, expect good health.
  10. If in a dream you saw a living man dead, understanding and happiness will enter your life.
  11. A dream in which a dead person is lowered into a grave means that you will give up hope.
  12. Dreaming about your dead husband symbolizes the feelings you had for him.
  13. To dream that you cannot find your dead husband means that you are struggling to come to terms with his death.
  14. Finding your dead husband in a dream means that you are dealing with emotions associated with him.
  15. If you dreamed of an unknown dead person in a dream, this means deliverance; if the deceased was a loved one, it means you will be healthy.
  16. If you dreamed that you were dead, it means that you will rejoice and success awaits you.
  17. If a dead person gives you something in a dream, you will have good luck.
  18. If you dreamed that you were stillborn, then you should beware of your evil intentions.
  19. If you dream that a dead person is alive, beware of illness.
  20. If you spoke to a dead person in a dream, it means that a fatal outcome is possible in your family.
  21. If you dreamed of a living person as if he were dead, it means that understanding and happiness will prevail in your home.
  22. Seeing your dead mother in a dream indicates that you will live a long time.
  23. A dream in which you spoke to your dead mother or she called you to tell you something warns of death in the family.
  24. A dream about long-dead parents shows that you will be happy in your home and will find understanding.
  25. A dream in which dead people cry or smile predicts that you may get sick.
  26. To dream that a dead person has risen from the dead means that you will achieve good results in your work.
  27. Complaining about a dead person in a dream predicts that you will receive good news.
  28. To dream that you are talking to a dead person predicts that you will learn about something.

*№ 13
A popular European interpretation of a dream about a dead person says that you may have deeply wounded a loved one. If you apologize, you will be forgiven.

*№ 14 Seeing a dead person in a dream is fatal to happiness, as this dream indicates sorrowful news of the absent, and gloomy economic prospects. A young dead man seen in a dream means that you will suffer, experience a lot of disappointments, and stop having fun.

Dreaming of a dead man in a coffin foreshadows immediate troubles for the dreamer.
A dead man in black seen in a dream means violent death friend, or desperate entanglement in business.
A battlefield littered with the dead indicates wars and general tensions between countries and political factions.
Dreaming of a dead animal means an unhealthy situation in business and health.
Seeing the corpse of any of your closest relatives in a dream foreshadows the death of this person or one of the family members, or a serious break in family relationships, as well as extraordinary business depression. For lovers, dreaming of a dead man is a sure sign of failure.
If you put coins on the eyes of a dead man in a dream, it means that you will understand that unscrupulous enemies are robbing you until you are unable to be indignant. If in a dream you place a coin on only one eye, it means that you will be able to restore lost property after an almost hopeless struggle. For a young woman, this dream means suffering and loss due to unsuccessful mutual concessions to the desired person.
For a young woman, a dream in which the owner of the store where she works is dead, and she sees, while sitting with him, that his face is clean shaven, predicts that she will become imperfect. If she dreamed of a dead man's head separated from the body, it means that she will be warned about secret enemies who, while harming her, also belittle her dignity in the interests of their employer. Dreaming of a dead man in a morgue predicts that losses and troubles will be compensated to all interested parties. There are those who are not conscientious about doing the right thing.


Why do you dream of dead relatives alive 5.00/5 (1 votes)

Even after leaving this world, our deceased relatives try to protect us from troubles, warn us about something important, appearing alive in our dreams. Most often, such dreams are associated with an unstable situation in life. This is a warning sign that says you need to think about your actions and reconsider your personal life guidelines. In most cases, a dream with a deceased relative does not bode well.

Why do you dream about dead relatives?

More often deceased mother in a dream is a harbinger of illnesses and diseases. You should be afraid of sleep if your deceased mother is talking to you. The impending illness will be predicted by the deceased brother. Dreams in which relatives who have left this world call you are considered especially bad. Under no circumstances should you follow them. If this happens, serious illness cannot be avoided.

Deceased relatives in a coffin in a dream

A dream in which you put something in a coffin for a deceased relative has a negative meaning. It will be followed by depression, loss of strength and energy. The impetus for the development of diseases will be a dream in which a dead person is dressed.

A symbol of troubles and failures is dear person the one you see in dead coffin. Will start soon family quarrels and scandals. Perhaps they will end with a break in the relationship, suspicion of treason and betrayal. A deceased father looking at you dreams of problems at work and a deterioration in his financial condition. There may be troubles with colleagues.

Deceased relatives appeared alive in a dream

In some cases, you should not be afraid of deceased relatives in a dream. There will be no trouble if you did not interact with the dead. Dead mother dreams of longevity. She wants to say that it is worth paying attention to your family. After all, it is a great happiness to take care of those you love.

The financial situation will improve if distant deceased relatives appear alive in a dream. A stable future is guaranteed to those who take things from the hands of the deceased. By kissing a deceased relative, you will find happiness, but it will quickly elude you.

Quite often, deceased relatives are dreamed of during emotional shock or illness. This is a signal that you should pull yourself together and improve your life. Sometimes deceased relatives warn about problems with children. In this case, you need to pay close attention to everything that happens and not let them make mistakes.

The dream in which the deceased brother came is associated with life's trials. Emotional experiences are coming, but they will not affect your health. Seeing deceased sister, soon you will experience a feeling of anger.

A deceased grandmother who appears in a dream always tries to help and support. After her visit, you will be able to solve all hopeless problems using all your strength. The deceased grandfather appears as a sign of change. This dream also foretells painstaking work.

No need to be afraid of sleeping with dead relatives

There is no need to be afraid of dead relatives in a dream. They won't do any harm. Their main mission is to protect you from trouble. We need to honor their memory, light a candle, and visit the grave.