Millennials – who are they and what are their characteristics? Generation Y: how to build relationships with young people Characteristics of generation y

Generation X, generation Y, generation Z - these expressions often appear in articles by sociologists and demographers, personnel officers and marketers. What do these letters mean?

For the first time, two people spoke about the peculiarities of age differences in 1991 - US researchers Neil Howe and William Strauss. They created a theory that was based on differences in the values ​​of people of different generations. These differences were studied, as well as the reasons behind them, for example, the situation in the economy and politics, technological development of society, etc. Some time later, the theory began to be applied in practice, because she has proven to be very effective in the business field. Today this theory is used more and more often.

Representatives of the following generations now live in Russia (years of birth are indicated in brackets):

  • The Greatest Generation (1900-1923).
  • The Silent Generation (1923-1943).
  • Baby boomer generation (1943-1963).
  • Generation X (“X”) (1963-1984).
  • Generation Y (“Igrek”) (1984-2000).
  • Generation Z “Zed” (since 2000).

Scientists note that the boundaries are calculated with the assumption of plus or minus 3 years, and for people at the junction of generations, features of both are often characteristic.

Post-war generation. Photo from the site

Baby Boomers

Baby boomers are people born between 1943 and 1963. The generation received its name due to the post-war surge in birth rates. The events that had the greatest impact on the formation of the values ​​of people of this generation are, of course, the victory in the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet “thaw”, space exploration, uniform standards of education in schools and guaranteed medical care.

They grew up in a real superpower. These people are optimists, team-oriented, collective people. Best sport for them it’s football and hockey. Best vacation— tourism. They greatly respect curiosity in other people. Now representatives of this generation, the “boomers,” are quite active, go to fitness centers, swimming pools, master new gadgets and the Internet, and travel to other countries as tourists.

Currently, most baby boomers are retired, although there are some who are still working. A distinctive feature of this category of people in Russia is good health and enviable endurance.

Generation X. Photo from

Generation X

Generation X are people born from 1963 to 1983. Generation X is also called the lost or unknown generation. They grew up against the backdrop of the Cold War, shortages, and the beginning of perestroika. Many X's grew up in single-parent families, and working parents allowed them to lead independent life. This generation is often called “”. IN political life Xs are less active due to their individualism and are less patriotic than their fathers.

Their distinctive features are the ability to rely only on themselves, alternative thinking, awareness of what is happening in the world, and a willingness to choose and change. By and large, the people of this age category are loners who are focused on hard work and achieving individual success. They move through their careers throughout for long years, adhering to the chosen direction.

Generation Y

The “autumn” generation Y, which was born from 1983 to 2003, grew up against the backdrop of global upheavals: the collapse of the USSR state, terrorist attacks, epidemics. But the passage of time introduced new symbols - rapid development information technologies. Thanks to the Internet and cellular communications the generation of players received the nickname “generation thumb", for his ability to type SMS with the finger of one hand.

Players can easily communicate with strangers online, but in real life experiencing communication problems. In the virtual world, players create their own ideal world, where their rules and laws reign. Therefore, the generation is distinguished by great naivety and ignorance of the realities of this world.

Players don’t like to start their professional growth from the lower levels; they want to receive awards and high fees right now, just for being there. At the same time, they strive to achieve professionalism in several areas at once, they strive to receive diverse information, which is a plus in modern world.

Generation Y jokes

We were born - the USSR collapsed, went to school - default, entered university - a crisis began, found a tolerable job - the end of the world. Just a generation of lucky ones.

Generation Z

Those born after 2003 belong to generation Z. They saw the restoration of the power of our country, cheered for our winning athletes at the Olympics and world championships. Their school has computers, renovations have been done, the courtyards are clean, new playgrounds and sports complexes have been installed.

Representatives of generation Z actively use tablets, iPads, VR and 3D reality. The term “Generation Z” is often considered synonymous with the term “digital native.” Generation Z is interested in science and technology (for example, many representatives of the generation are expected to work in engineering, biomedicine, robotics), as well as the arts. The generation is expected to be frugal and to lead healthy image life.

Generation Z jokes

When I was a child, I was not accepted as a Padawan, at the age of 10 I did not receive my first Pokemon, at the age of 11 I did not receive a letter from Hogwarts... If by the age of 33 my uncle does not give me the One Ring or at the age of 50 he does not knock on my door wizard, I'll stop hoping and go look for a job...


If we follow the theory of Strauss and Howe, the generation that will replace the zeros (representatives of this generation will begin to be born in 2023-24) will be the generation of Artists, the “new silent generation.” We cannot predict exactly what it will be like, but we can remember what the previous one was like. Here's what the Times wrote sixty years ago: “Waiting for the guiding finger of fate, today's youth work tirelessly and without complaining. The most amazing fact about this young generation is their silence. With very rare exceptions, you won’t see them in the stands... They don’t write manifestos, don’t make speeches, and don’t walk around with banners.”

Just like for the silent ones of the twentieth century, for the “new” ones the main values ​​will be collective values ​​(social networks will play an important role in their lives); they are likely to work a lot and free time go to virtual worlds, just not books (like 100 years ago), but computer games.

19 February 2017, 18:53

"On the golden porch sat: Tsar, prince, king, prince, shoemaker, tailor... Who will you be?"

Today I'll tell you about the theory of generations X, Y, Z

In 1991, a book was published that essentially predicted the September 11 terrorist attack and the 2008 financial crisis in the United States.

Former US Vice President Al Gore called the book "Generations" the most inspiring book about history: "If the United States survives quietly until 2015, then their work will be forgotten, but if they are right, then they will take a place among the great American prophets."

The idea is that generations having the same historical experience at the beginning of life, form a collective portrait and live according to similar life scenarios. Values ​​are formed by the age of 11-12 under the influence historical events(war, human space flight, perestroika, etc.).

Generations X and Y These are those who are now from 31 to 45 years old, the second are from 21 to 30 years old. The generation of schoolchildren and to some extent the 20s are classified as Z.

Below I will give a description of each generation, and you try to relate them to yourself. We'll have a poll at the end)

So, the average basic duration of “generations” is about 20 years.

However, there are no exact boundaries separating one generation from another. People can belong to different generations depending on their growing up environment, social, educational and technological opportunities, as well as trends. Some people grew up alone, while others have younger or older brothers or sisters - this also leaves an imprint.

Researchers identify border zones - this is a period of plus or minus three years from the “official” date of the appearance of the new generation.

People born in this zone share the values ​​of both generations, which gives them greater flexibility and adaptability. This is true called "border guards"

Generation X- the term was first used by Jane Deverson in a 1964 study of British youth that identified a generation of teenagers who “sleep with each other before marriage, don’t believe in God, don’t like the Queen, don’t respect their parents and don’t change their surname when they get married.” "

Typically, "X's" were born from approximately 1963/65 to 1982/84.

Main distinguishing feature- they are very independent, since they grew up in conditions of autonomy - no one told them when, where and what to do. They themselves came from school, warmed up lunch, and went for a walk. That's what they called them - "children with a key around their neck."

Parents were too busy at work and these children learned to occupy themselves. The X's were left alone for days on end.

They received little parental warmth, but many gifts. Therefore, as adults, they formed a “consumer boom”, buying everything that moved.

Self-reliance goes hand in hand with autonomy. They rely only on themselves. and are reluctant to share information (information is value). They thoroughly delve into everything they do and also strive to establish useful connections.

Generation X - generation lost faith in everything- in your parents, social institutions, social order... They are more pragmatic than romantic.

Main characteristics of Generation X

1) increased intellectual abilities, global awareness, technical literacy, desire to learn throughout life;

2) pragmatism and self-reliance; autonomous operation; desire to hide information; survival in critical situations.

3) dissatisfaction with the authorities, lack of trust in leadership and enormous political indifference;

They are sometimes called "Generation" Wanderers" - they are born during social ideals and spiritual quests.

The Travelers grow up as vulnerable children, come of age as alienated young adults, become pragmatic adult leaders, and enter old age after this period with more vitality.

This generation was greatly influenced by Afghanistan and Chechen War, the end of the Cold War, the beginning of the era of personal computers and the emergence of the Internet. They love their computers, nature and fast food from McDonald's (even if they don't talk about it :)

Millennials or Generation Y

In the USA, the “Greek” generation is associated with the rise in the birth rate, which began in 1981-1982, and in Russia it includes the generation born with 1983 to late 1990s.

In general, the beginning of a new generation is a controversial issue. So “border guards” born from 1981 to 1985 will have to identify themselves independently :)

Main characteristics of Generation Y

The Y generation is in no hurry to take on the responsibilities of adulthood because of the negative example of the previous generation (their parents got married early, divorced early, went to work early).

They tend to delay the transition to adulthood for more long term than their peers in previous generations, and also stay longer in their parents' home.

They are called " Peter Pan generation“, - the concept of eternal youth is close to them.

Generation Y grew up in hothouse conditions: they always had food, toys, money. “Yers” are used to having all their desires fulfilled, they are somewhat idealistic and even impractical, but what frustrates the “Xers” most is that they are poorly adapted to the world around them.

The relationship between generations X and Y can be illustrated by this dialogue:

- hello, egg!

- I'm a chicken...

Often Y cannot reveal their talents - they need an experienced mentor. In this regard, “Xers” and “Yers” are able to develop each other: “Xers” bring the “Yers” down to earth, and “Yers” show their elders how to live here and now.

Y is called " generation of disappointed hopes": they expected more from life than they received by thirty. They are characterized by an increase in involvement in the life of the team.

They especially often complain about a lack of feedback and information at work, and in family circle. They need nuances, they want to understand what still needs to be worked on, and where everything is already going well, it is important for them to share what they experience.

Baby Boomers and Xers complain that Ys read few books, and Yers themselves use completely different formats for development - travel, communication, videos, gadgets.

For Millennials, caring for the environment and integration into the global space are important. They often challenge accepted rules and are distinguished by a “horizontal” vision of social contacts. They believe that what is effective is a team that may not need a leader at all.

While baby boomers and Xers adhere to a hierarchical paradigm of social interactions.

The main complaint of hyper-responsible “Xers” to Ys is the lightness of the latter, the desire to try everything without staying long at one job, and excessive emotionality.

Representatives of the Y generation will often change jobs. They need everything and preferably at once: the world is changing too quickly. Hence another name for generation “Y” - generation of trophies, since they want impact from their work and more participation in decision making, they prefer to use flexible working hours.

The values ​​of a generation become what is in short supply. When baby boomers grew up, books were rare—and they were extremely important to them.

"X's" give children the opportunity to learn foreign languages– in their time, it was a passport to the world of success, and the “Igreks” consider it important to teach their descendants the art of communication.

X and Y - the so-called " digital immigrants", since they were born when there were not many modern technologies. And their children - generation Z - are already the first truly digital generation .

After the millennials, the “young, long-legged and politically savvy” have already grown up. They are also called "Generation MeMeMe" - generation "YAYA" or generation Z.

They grow up in the era of the Internet and the rise of social media and do not even remember a time without the Internet in their immediate access...

Their worldview was influenced by the global financial and economic crisis, Web 2.0 and the development of mobile technologies.

Obsessed with techno-fetishes, taking comical selfies in toilets and elevators, they bring mats to spend the night under the doors of Apple Stores...

In the digital world, they are locals, not immigrants. They are called Digital Natives.

There is significant variation in their dates of birth. Many are inclined to believe that these are people born from 1993/98 to 2014, with 1996 and 2010 most often mentioned as boundary dates.

In general, they are still schoolchildren, but are already approaching 20 years old.

Z are very loyal to brands and stick to certain ones throughout their lives. In the long run, this is a jackpot for the fashion business...

Although they are more likely to take risks and rarely wear seat belts, they have lower rates of teenage pregnancy and drug and alcohol abuse compared to Ys.

Generation Z called a generation Artists .

They are overprotected by crisis-focused adults, come of age as socialized opportunists in a post-crisis world, become action-oriented adult leaders, and mature into thoughtful older adults.

Generation Z will be affected by overprotection. After school they study in clubs or with tutors. As a result, the Zetas experience a lack of communication with their peers. They understand gadgets and technology better than they understand people’s emotions. But family will be of great value to them: it is the only thing that is safe in their world.

The next generation after Z is Generation Alpha - "Alpha people" - already among us. They were born approximately after 2010-2011 in families X and Y. Their parents will be people who decided to have offspring after thirty. Alpha people are predicted to be more balanced, positive, and less aggressive.

Wait and see...

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People who have one way or another to do with personnel selection can increasingly hear today about certain generations X, Y and Z. But what does this mean? Who are these people and why should they be involved in cooperation? According to HR specialists, the young theory of generations opens up broad boundaries for attracting and managing personnel.

Date of birth question

For the first time, two people spoke about the peculiarities of age differences in 1991 - US researchers Neil Howe and William Strauss. They created a theory that was based on differences in the values ​​of people of different generations. These differences were studied, as well as the reasons behind them, for example, the situation in the economy and politics, technological development of society, etc. Some time later, the theory began to be applied in practice, because she has proven to be very effective in the business field. Today this theory is used more and more often.

The age theory includes three main components (generations X, Y and Z) and one additional component (baby boomers). Let's take a closer look at them.

Baby Boomers

Baby boomers are people born between 1943 and 1963. As a rule, they work collectively and play as a team. They understand self-development as an increasing ability to achieve collective goals.

Currently, most baby boomers are retired, although there are some who are still working. A distinctive feature of this category of people in Russia is their enviable endurance.

Generation X

Generation X are people born from 1963 to 1983. Their distinctive features are such features as the ability to rely only on themselves, alternative thinking, awareness of what is happening in the world, willingness to choose and change. By and large, people in this age category are loners who are focused on hard work and achieving individual success. They move through their careers for many years, adhering to one direction

Generation Y

Generation Y people are people who were born between 1983 and 2003. Their understanding of determination and success is different: in most cases, they do not like to start their professional growth from the lower levels, counting on being promoted in a few years. Their main focus is immediate growth. This is also considered their disadvantage.

However, this shortcoming can be partially justified by the desire for maximum awareness and professionalism in several areas at once, because It is not permissible for these people to be specialists in any one thing. Generation Y is the hope modern business, because He is characterized by the highest technical literacy, a desire to work outside of school hours and a thirst for knowledge.

Here we can add that, according to some experts, for example, executive director Non-profit partnership“Labor market experts” Mikhail Semkin and HR specialist at MDM Bank OJSC Olga Pavlova, in the next decade, generation Y will become the main workforce.

Generation Z

Those born after 2003 belong to generation Z. It is too early to evaluate these people in terms of professionalism, given their age. And it is not possible at this time to say what values ​​will prevail in their consciousness.

But what is all this information needed for?

"Personnel hunt"

If we approach the question of “hunting” for employees correctly, then it presupposes an answer to why human resource specialists need to know about generations XYZ, because HR literally sounds like “Human Resources,” which means “Human Resources,” which means that man occupies a dominant role here.

The attention of modern HR specialists is increasingly focused on human capabilities. And it is the potential of employees, and not the material base of companies and corporations, that becomes their main wealth.

In addition, in the personnel market there is an increasingly fierce struggle for applicants, and in order to emerge victorious, it is necessary to provide only the best conditions to talented representatives of each generation. Plus, it is extremely unacceptable to evaluate these people on the same scale, because they may have diametrically opposed ideas about “their life’s work.” And employees can be understood the best way only from the perspective of the theory about XYZ generations.

What conditions are acceptable for each generation?

When working with staff, you need to understand that people of different generations will have different needs.

Baby Boomers, as a generation with stable needs, are primarily focused on sustainability. It is stable conditions that are decisive here, and it is possible to motivate these people without even resorting to the use of material benefits.

The main motivation for generation X is the desire to be confident in the future and a clear knowledge of all the details of their work. In addition to this, it is recommended to use the opportunity to constantly be in the process of learning and personal growth as motivation. If we talk about the financial side of the issue, then for people who belong to generation X, the fixed salary is most interesting, and the commercial incentive system does not cause very positive emotions in them.

Considering that generation Y is often called the “network generation,” attracting them can be very successful through the Internet, in particular, through social networks. For generation Y, the basic motivation is monetary reward, the absence of bureaucratic hassles and the technological component, for example, the presence of high-tech equipment in the workplace. In the same case, if new technologies are not introduced into the organization and the work process is not optimized, this may negatively affect the interest of job seekers in this company and activities in it.

Among other things, generation Y prefers those organizations that have the fewest prohibitions and restrictions. What is important here is a relaxed atmosphere, a free style in communicating with colleagues, the ability to dress in a familiar manner, etc. And it will be even better if everyday work is somewhat reminiscent of a game, because this generation was raised on computer games.

What else is important to consider?

Everyone is free to have their own opinion, and many may consider the XYZ generation theory to be a mere “fairy tale” not worthy of attention. However, any company that does not focus on modern trends (like any company that blindly takes everything on faith) slows down its development. According to the opinion of Olga Pavlova mentioned above, HR specialists must certainly take into account the interests and characteristics of the baby boomer generations, X, Y and Z. If a company needs a person from generation Y, then X or a baby boomer will never replace him. The ideal situation is in which person X manages person Y, while paying attention to his point of view and.

If you do not pay due attention to the theory of generational differences, there will be a high probability of negative consequences for the company, because practice shows that very often a completely unsuitable person is hired for a vacant position. In an effort to achieve a quick result, HR employees can “fit” the applicant into a mold, which subsequently causes disappointment for the company, the employee, and the person who approved his candidacy, and they will have to look for a new person.

Undoubtedly, guided by the principles of theory generation XYZ, the company can spend significantly more time on its assessment, compilation and analysis of personal and professional characteristics etc., but the result is worth it, because the company receives not only the opportunity to implement strategic plans, but also a satisfied and grateful employee.

The theory of age differences can also be used to advise existing staff, as well as job seekers. If the recruiter is able to correctly convey information to the applicant, in case of refusal, the applicant will understand that the reason for this may not be his personal indicators, but the combination of the characteristics of the labor market and the specifics of the company. In addition, knowledge about the theory of generations will help the person himself, who is looking for a job, to adjust his actions and begin to move in a new direction, if the previous one did not work out.

And as for corporate culture, then the XYZ generation theory helps to build it properly, because focusing on the characteristics of the differences between generations, you can focus on those values ​​that are important for representatives of the dominant generation in the company. But the interests of others, of course, must always be taken into account.

In their work, HR specialists must focus on both traditional methods of personnel selection and new developments and trends in this area, because the success of the company depends on the application of the most effective strategies, and these can be found in any period of time - both in the past and in the present.

In Russia there is a lot of talk about generation Y - people who were born from 1981 to 1995. Who they are, what they like, how to please them - all because millennials in modern Russia are a key audience for the e-commerce sector: there are many of them, they are solvent and active online.

IN developed countries ah, generation Z is gradually coming to the fore, and they are already beginning to adapt their strategies to them. This is due to the fact that, firstly, the e-commerce market in the States is developing more rapidly, and secondly, due to historical and economic features In Russia, the gradation of generations is shifted by several years. Many Western trends resonate with us (often with a delay of 3-5 years), so it is important to understand where we will be relatively soon and what to do about it.

First, a little theory: according to the American classification, there are now 4 main generations in the world that are significant for the e-commerce sphere:

Baby Boomers- those who were born immediately after the war. They are characterized by optimism, interest in personal growth, a worthy reward for work, at the same time collectivism and team spirit. Boomers are now gradually mastering the Internet (including Russian ones: in 2017, the number of Runet users reached 90 million people, which is 73% of the Russian population), but they are not doing it so intensively as to be of broad interest to e-commerce representatives.

Generation X― people who appeared during the period of decline in the birth rate, after the demographic boom. They are ready for change, value choice, and strive to learn throughout their lives. They rely primarily on themselves and believe in gender equality. “X” are the last witnesses of the world before digital technologies and the only ones who can fully appreciate what it was like “before” and what it was like “after.” According to research, they mostly trust traditional media: 62% read newspapers, 48% listen to the radio and 85% watch their favorite TV shows. People of this generation are not fanatical Internet users, so, like baby boomers, they are not the target audience for online retailers.

Generation Y, also known as , are markedly different from their parents with high self-esteem, digital literacy, and an unwillingness to work as hard as previous generations. In Russia, it includes those who were born from 1985 to 2000 in new socio-economic conditions and grew up observing perestroika and the collapse of the USSR. In the USA, this generation includes people born between 1981 and 1995, as they rely on the sharp rise in the birth rate that began in 1982 - which is why in Russia retailers are still focusing on generation Y. While in the States they are already actively working with representatives of generation Z, or post-millennials.

Generation Z haven’t seen a world without the Internet, for them the norm is to be online 24/7. They do not think at all about the fate of their homeland and have much more in common with their friends in Russia than with the citizens of their country. Often irresponsible and subject to fashion trends. In 2017, 74 million post-millennials were born in the United States; Generation Z now makes up 23% of the total US population.

What is it like, Generation Z?

We conducted a study of Generation Z representatives around the world to figure out: what are they like, what do they need and how to make them fall in love with you?

  • Involved

Technology has evolved along with post-millennials, so this generation is characterized by deep immersion in the digital space. They use their smartphones to explore the world and won't think about making a purchase until they consult their friends. Zetas in the States spend more time online on mobile than any other generation.

  • Curious

Despite the fact that generation Z perceives their smartphone as a remote control from life, tactile sensations and personal experience, and so far online shopping has not fully satisfied their thirst for knowledge.

  • Convinced

Their life principles are instilled by social authorities (close circle, bloggers, public figures) and are unshakable - this, of course, is a minus for retailers. But! Now in America, the Zetas are just entering the maturation stage: soon they will be able to manage their own money and therefore are open to new brands and brands - this is a plus.

What factors are important for buyers when shopping online?

“Zetas” value the opportunity to get acquainted with the product in person, so they are comfortable with webrooming: the opportunity to first study all the available information on the Internet, and then buy the product in a physical store - according to the results of our study, 34% of respondents prefer just such a mechanic. 23% regularly do the opposite: they see an item in a store, but buy it online. Interestingly, the “click&collect” format that is currently developing in Russia (ordered online, picked up at the pickup point) is not so close to post-millennials around the world: only 34% of them regularly use this service.

Mobile communication largely determines the lives of post-millennials around the world, they spend a large share of their time on social networks: 49% log in several times a day, almost the same number actively (43%) use Snapchat, which is not yet popular in Russia. Zetas spend 42 hours a week streaming video and are generally attracted to all video formats.

Their relationship with retail? It's Complicated

The Zetas admit that modern realities e-commerce does not satisfy them: 45% say that it is difficult for them to find a product they like online, 43% say that they are not so comfortable buying on the Internet. Overall, Generation Z can be called the most dissatisfied generation of all. What can retailers do to attract post-millennials and increase their satisfaction?

Don't forget about offline

Despite the title of “digital generation,” post-millennials are ready to interact with the world without using various devices, because they are young and mobile. Therefore, presence in physical stores will help increase trust in the brand and provide an opportunity to examine the product in person. 71% of the world's Zetas say they enjoy shopping to see what's trending, and 80% enjoy visiting new outlets. At the same time, the unusual design of the room and the uniqueness of the products presented are extremely important to them.

Number of post-millennials who use social media several times a day

Example 1. Sephora has found a way to diversify the customer experience in offline stores by installing touch screens that help with the selection of cosmetics. As part of the master classes, clients can get free makeup from stylists, and using the screens, test different foundations, concealers, perfumes and much more without having to open numerous jars. So the beauty retailer leaves an expert assistant in the store, but optimizes the choice from a variety of products.

Example 2. The online store BUTIK, in search of channels to attract a new audience, decided to figure out what motivates their customers who choose offline or online shopping, what are their “digital intersection” points. Using our technologies, the retailer was able to analyze customer data from the Internet and set up personalized targeting. As a result, conversion increased by 27%.

And about online

Virtual space is the natural habitat of post-millennials. Full picture will be achieved thanks to a website with high-quality photos and product descriptions, optimized for a smartphone, mobile application and presence in in social networks. Generation Z needs to know that the brand is on the same page with them.

Average number of hours per week spent by representatives of different generations watching video content

Example. Maybelline used an interesting method of involving people in online shopping: to personalize online communication with customers, the beauty giant launched an application that allows you to virtually apply makeup. The face is scanned, analyzed for more than 60 characteristics, and then the retailer offers products that will allow you to create a similar look in reality.

Work for individuality

Zetas love a personalized approach. Take a step forward by analyzing customer data and recommending the right product: 36% of post-millennials consider recommendations necessary. One of the top UK retailers, clothing seller New Look, after analyzing big data and personalizing recommendations for its products, began to receive 4 times more orders, reducing the cost of customer acquisition by 74%.

How post-millennials buy

To attract them, products must be presented on display in the most at its best- ideally, they should be presented in a limited collection. For Zetas, the design of a store is often the deciding factor for visiting it. Thus, customized fairs that take place in unusual places, markets, stylized retail zones, where “zetas” have the opportunity to choose an item for themselves self made, are becoming a new word in retail. Also, the results of our research indicate that “Zetas” are the most tactile of all generations; it is extremely important for them to feel the product by touch.

At first glance, Generation Z may seem like children whose purchases are influenced by their parents' opinions. However, this will not always be the case. Very soon, Russian post-millennials will begin to earn money and make decisions on their own. It’s important to start understanding the ins and outs of this generation now so that you can offer them an optimal shopping experience in 3-5 years. Well, don’t forget that the older generation is already consulting with their children when choosing gadgets and equipment - so it’s time for IT retailers to focus on the “zetas.”

The term “generation Y” first appeared in Western sociology, where the theory of generations is very popular. According to this hypothesis, developed by Americans Neil Howe and William Strauss in 1991, the entire history of mankind can be divided into several regularly repeating cycles. They correspond to a period of about 20 years.

Origins of the term

The new Millennium generation (translated from English as “millennium”), or Y, are people born in 1981-2000. This gradation may vary depending on what country and what society we are talking about. Western sociologists try this model primarily on the United States. There is also a Millennium generation in Russia. Its boundaries are defined approximately within the framework of 1985-2000.

Howe and Strauss wrote in detail about the phenomenon of “Greeks” in their book “The Rise of the Millennial Generation: The Next Great Generation.” It was published in 2000. At that time, the older representatives of this group had just celebrated their majority and were finishing school. The authors predicted that in the coming years, new youth would radically change the concept of youth.

Children of the new era

The emergence of generation Y is associated with several reasons. The main one was in the early 1980s, when the birth rate in the United States rose sharply. It is also called the “echo boom,” which is why members of this generation are also known as “echo boomers.”

Demographic fluctuations have occurred periodically throughout human history. Therefore, a much more important feature of Millennials was their upbringing during the birth and rapid development of modern means of communication. We're talking about email. mobile phones, SMS, Internet, social networks. All these attributes modern life today they already seem commonplace, but just twenty years ago they were all in their infancy and were not available to everyone, even in the United States.

Generation Y is lucky to be the first to become the owner of new technologies, with the help of which you can freely communicate with a person on the other side of the world. All modern institutions: states, nations, cities, families, churches, corporations, etc. - are forced to constantly change and adapt to new conditions. Among young people, this skill of changing and getting used to changes has been elevated to an absolute level. Generation Y already in their youth received unique experiences that previous generations did not have.

Ability to handle information

Today, everyone can publish their work and express their views without any barriers. Is in this feature modern era and minus. The flow of information has become so large that it takes considerable effort to filter it. At the same time, what we know today may become hopelessly outdated tomorrow. Technologies and projects that only yesterday seemed like the imagination of science fiction writers have become reality. This pace of change continues to accelerate. In a world where nothing is constant, only the fastest reaction becomes truly important. How older man, the more difficult it is for him to accept such principles of existence in the information age. But people of the new generation understood these rules from the very beginning. early age and can navigate the modern world without any problems.

Why do young people live without difficulty in such conditions? Because she didn’t know that it could be otherwise. Constant variability has always been the environment of their existence, and growing globalization allows them to feel like citizens of the world, while in the older generation it causes a feeling of unfamiliarity and, in some places, even rejection. Those born in the mid-20th century struggle to keep up with the accelerating technological boom, while young people take it for granted.

With the help of the Internet, young people can quickly and easily highlight their individuality. They have the habit of absorbing an ever-growing stream of food for their mind: texts, pictures, sounds - today there is no end to information formats. The number of reasons to learn something new is also growing. This could be study, self-education, news, entertainment, health, life planning, everyday life, searching for spiritual foundations, etc. If their parents had to go to the library and spend several days to find the right book, then these youth can find the source of information they need in a matter of minutes. The limit of knowledge that one person can absorb naturally increases. This happens naturally. Millennials can represent the most unexpected mix of views, theories and ideas.

Habit of change

In the modern world, authorities and those in power can change literally before our eyes. But even such changes do not frighten generation Y. They are accustomed to heroes of one day and consider this state of affairs to be the norm. Even the rapid flow of information does not confuse young people. If the older generation gets lost in it, then representatives of the Millennial generation are able to grasp the agenda on the fly and feel like experts in all matters.

Researchers note that new youth grew up in an environment where children were instilled with the habit of being self-confident. Perhaps this pattern is the reason for the calmness with which generation Y faces the unknown future. It is not suppressed by the environment of total control in which X’s previous children grew up.

Interests and priorities

According to UN estimates, today the Millennial generation makes up about a quarter of the entire world population (1.8 billion people). Now these people are between 18 and 35 years old. Researchers note that they are not interested in religion - at least a third of the young population considers themselves atheist. Another half of the “Greeks” are indifferent to politics, do not support any party and do not go to elections. In addition, these young people do not want to connect their lives with the same job.

According to sociological surveys, two-thirds of American students want to be millionaires. Because of this and many other reasons, the next generation is accused of being moody and narcissistic. The desire to earn money among young people is really great. According to the same American statistics, 47% want to retire before age sixty using their own wealth, and approximately 30% believe they will become millionaires before age forty. All these characteristics of generation Y are true not only in relation to the United States. The fruits of capitalism are noticeable in Europe, Russia, and other developed countries - Japan, Korea, Canada, etc.


Young and active members of Generation Y belong to the most racially diverse segment of the global community. There are other fundamental features. They significantly distinguish the “next” generation from previous generations - X (aged 35-49 years) and baby boomers (aged 50-70 years). Education for today's youth is a priority over starting a family. Thus, only a quarter of Americans aged 18-32 have already tied the knot. At the same time, the dynamics are such that the share of married people continues to fall consistently.

Postponing starting a family is most often associated with the desire to learn to live and provide for oneself on one’s own. Regardless of the reasons, we can confidently state that entry into adulthood is much more difficult for today’s youth than for their older relatives. With all this, the “Greek” generation is faced with a serious problem in finding employment. 25% of French youth live without work, in Italy this figure is 40%, in Greece and Spain - almost 50%, in Russia - 23%. Many earn money unofficially.

Attitude to work

What does the Millennial generation mean to employers? A lot of research has been devoted to this issue. Modern youth for the most part want everything at once; they do not want to put up with uninteresting, routine work and do not want to tear it away from their own creative self-realization. All the characteristics of generation Y indicate that it is idealistic and even childish. This means that young people are not happy about having to endure hardships today in order for everything to be good in the unknown future.

“Igreks” care little about the formal component of their work (title and position). They are much more interested in physical and mental comfort. According to their ideal, work should be enjoyable and give rise to a feeling of personal growth and development. The lack of personal movement is of great concern to those considered to be part of the Millennial generation. The need for physical comfort is expressed in the need to spend money, travel and live with dignity. The “Igreks” can be called idealists of a past era with the needs of a generous 21st century.

When finding a new place of work, new youth do not look for a way to adapt to it; on the contrary, they adapt the work “to suit themselves.” Increasingly, young employees refuse to believe that the corporation will help them out difficult situation and therefore are not ready to make big sacrifices for the sake of another vacancy. Modern career young man is a collection of many small transactions with different employers, where all parties get what they want from each other. Such professional relationships are built solely on the principle of mutual benefit. Generation Y more often expresses disagreement with the decisions of their superiors than the more inert previous generation X. Young people tend to ignore the usual hierarchy of power in corporations. At the same time, she has much greater respect for decent and comfortable working conditions.

Positive generation

For all the spoiledness and individualism of the “Greek” generation, its representatives can easily adapt when they find themselves in completely new, unfamiliar conditions. Researchers note that today’s youth have much in common with the youth of the early 20th century, when Europe was experiencing its “Magnificent Century” and technological revolution, but did not know the horrors of world wars.

At the same time, the “Greeks” have a noticeable gap with their parents and grandparents. This gap is especially noticeable in our country. The Millennium generation in Russia does not know and does not remember the turbulence of the 1980s and 1990s, when Soviet Union, and then the Russian Federation found itself in a difficult political, economic and social situation. Hence the cynicism of the elders that comes with experience, and the faith in the bright future of the young.

Egoists or individualists?

In Russia, the egocentrism that characterizes modern youth is often condemned. The millennium is a generation that has become a mirror response to the previous generation, which grew up in the Soviet Union and was highly dependent on what the surrounding society thought about it. Some sociologists suggest that “Greeks” should not be considered egoists, but rather self-oriented. Several previous generations lived within official ideology, when it was extremely difficult to implement your own project, condemned by society. People who strayed from the “general line” became marginalized. Today, when such rigid frameworks no longer exist, young people have greater scope for self-realization.

The new capitalist economy, together with the consumer culture, naturally fosters a craving for everything individual. As a result, representatives of generation Y are much more likely to think about themselves and listen to themselves. They believe that collective interests should not infringe on their own individual interests. Such egocentrism is not destructive - it just denies universal equalization.

Youth and money

Because of the widespread desire to get an education, Generation Y is saddled with much more debt than their parents were at the same age. Therefore, today's youth face serious economic challenges. Research shows that about 85% of Millennials have already learned to save money every month. At the same time, only a third have a specific long-term plan for managing their funds. Today's youth are just saving, while their parents and grandparents were eager to invest. 75% of American students believe they are unable to make financial decisions on their own.

In rich countries of the first world, there is a pattern of reducing their spending on financing programs for social support of young people and their education (instead, they are increasing the injection of funds into pension programs). Therefore, Generation Y people increasingly have to rely on themselves and their abilities or family support. Thus, in the United States, older citizens receive 2.5 times more money from the state than younger citizens. These patterns are explained by the democratic structure of developed countries. It is the elderly who choose politicians, and the government policy is focused primarily on the needs of its voters.

The future of the "Greeks"

Already today, sociologists are trying to understand what the world will be like when the “next” generation, which has finally grown up, takes a key place in it. Globalization and simplification of communication different parts light should lead to more tolerant attitudes different cultures to each other. The same goes for race, nationality, sexual orientation, floor. They have far fewer prejudices than their parents. They are much more mobile and productive. First of all, this breakthrough is associated with the technical revolution, which radically changed the nature of human life in just the last twenty years. The amount of innovation during this period is equal to the progress that people have made over decades and centuries. The Y generation, accustomed to change, will accept future changes much less painfully than their predecessors from the X generation did.

Youth mobility faces many challenges. Some of them create political authorities. The openness of the world is hampered by registration - approximately 60% of states pose barriers to their population. The conflict between “fathers and sons” is expressed not only in this. At the same time, the entire history of mankind shows that in the confrontation between generations, sooner or later the youth wins, replacing the old people.