Drawing lesson in a preparatory group on the theme "spring", "winter", "space". Drawing lesson in the preparatory school group “Spring Melodies”

Non-traditional drawing technique “Early Spring” in the senior group.

Description of material: I offer you a direct summary educational activities for children senior group on drawing on the theme “Early Spring”.
Goals: to consolidate children’s ideas about spring and the signs of the onset of spring (the day is getting longer, the sun is getting hotter, the snow is melting, streams are flowing, grass is growing; migratory birds are returning);
1 developing:
develop logical thinking(teach children to carefully look at pictures and analyze them);
using non-traditional drawing techniques to develop children's interest in visual arts;
2 training:
improve color perception (choose shades of a given theme - cold, joyful).
introduce the children preschool age With unconventional technology drawing - monotype;
Continue to teach children to work with paints, develop creative imagination, thinking, and fantasy.
3 educational:
cultivate interest in creativity.
Equipment: reproductions of paintings, album sheet, paints, brushes, sponge.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, for our lesson to be successful, we need to “call” good mood. The sun is smiling at us from the window, let us also smile at him and smile at each other. Well done! We are starting a lesson in visual arts, and you will tell me the topic when you guess the riddle:
The snowball is melting, the meadow has come to life,
the day comes, when does it happen? (Spring)
Educator: Right! You and I will draw “Early Spring”. We will draw it in a special unconventional technology drawing - landscape monotype.
To draw it correctly, we need to talk: find out, remember the signs of the onset of spring.
(Showing reproductions of paintings famous artists)

A. Savrasov “The Rooks Have Arrived”
Educator: This is A. Savrasov’s painting “The Rooks Have Arrived”. What do you see on it?
Educator: Children, tell us what colors the artists used in these paintings. What mood appears when looking at these works of art?

Early spring (Kuindzhi)
Educator: Guys, this is a painting by the artist Kuindzhi “Early Spring”. What does it show? What colors did the artist use? Why did you call it “Early Spring”?

Educator: This painting was painted by Levitan and is called “Spring. Big water." Describe her.
What colors are there in the artist’s painting? Look closely at the melt water in the picture, what can you see there? What sky? (blue) why? Yes, that’s right, it’s spring, the sun has become more in the sky, so the sky is blue-blue, as if the sun is illuminating the sky and light clouds are floating.
Educator: As you already know, we will paint early spring using the monotype landscape type.
Monotype is a technique of freedom and Divine intervention!
Monotype: Two words: “mono” and “type.” Monotype (from “mono” - one and the Greek “typos;” - imprint, imprint, touch, image...) is a type of printed graphics.
Educator: Take a landscape sheet and place it vertically. Bend it in half.

Educator: We will draw on the top half of the album sheet, and the bottom part will be a reflection of your drawing. For this we will use paints and brushes.
Educator: draw the sky, trees, melting snow, thawed patches, rooks, etc. Draw in free form how you imagine the coming of spring.
While you are drawing, I will read you “A Spring Tale” by D. N. Sadovnikov, to give you a hint about what elements of the landscape and signs of spring you can draw.
Children, spring is just around the corner!
Ice on a frozen window
A fairy tale about sweet spring
She reminded me this morning.
In the kingdom of harsh winter
There's no fuss
Only cruel frost
He walks everywhere with a stick.
(While reading a fairy tale, the teacher adds strokes to the children’s drawings to make it more expressive).

Sees if the ice is reliable,
Is the fallen snow thick?
Are the wolves in the forest fed up?
Is the woodcutter alive in the hut?
Everyone left Frost,
Everyone to whom life is dear,
Only the trees stand:
They were crushed by snow...
There is nowhere for the forest to go:
Its roots have grown into the ground...
Walks around and knocks
White Frost with a stick.

The streams run loudly,
The ice rushes noisily:
Where Spring passes
In the brilliance of its beauty,
Dressed in green meadows
And flowers run out.
The forest is covered with leaves,
Everything in him grows and sings...
Near Merry Spring
Motley wove a round dance.
“Honey, sing, tell me,
What did you see in your dream? -
Frisky children scream
Noisily running towards Spring.
I heard Frost about Spring,
He thinks: “Let me see,
I'll look at people myself,
I will show myself to people.
Why am I not Vesna’s groom?
(Thoughts come to him.)

If he doesn't want to, then
I will take you as a wife by force!
I'm old, what's the big deal?
Still, in the area I am the king.
I'm all over these places
All creation obeys..."
I got ready and went on my way,
Having abandoned my friend Blizzard,
The one that cold winter
The bed is made of snow.
Everyone's favorite Spring
A messenger brings news,
Motley comrade of people -
Our homely starling.
This morning I saw Frost...
We all have a big problem:
He got angry again
Wants the cold back.

I saw it myself: in the fields
It became white and white,
Seen on calm water
Ice blue glass.
He himself has a big beard,
White and austere in appearance...
We don't let him in, but he:
“I’m going to get married!” - speaks.
It’s stuffy for the frost to go...
Will the journey end soon?
He thinks where to lie down,
Where should he rest?
He sees a deep ravine,
There is a forest hidden in it...
How did you reach the birch tree?
He curled up and lay down next to him.
Is he a lot or a little?
I slept in this ravine,
I just woke up when -
Became surprisingly small.
They ran into the forest in a crowd
Children pick bird cherry...
This is how the ice lies -
We took it to show Vesna.
Children! Have you been to the forest?
Didn't you get Frost?
We just found an icicle!
Here he is! I brought it in my pocket!
Hearing such words
Everyone around laughed:
Birds, flowers and streams,
Lake, grove and meadow.
So, the queen herself
I laughed until I cried...
Made her laugh a lot
Grandfather White Frost!

Educator: Take a sponge to wet the sheet clean water, and wet the bottom half of the sheet. Well, can't wait to see what happens in the end?

Event theme


Types of children's activities

Purpose of the lesson

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“Analysis of a lesson in a preparatory group on the topic “Signs of Spring.” Drawing “Spring has come, the birds have arrived.”

Analysis of the lesson in preparatory group.

Event theme: “Signs of spring. Drawing “Spring has come, the birds have arrived”

Date and place of its holding. Who conducted: 03/11/2016 MBOU "Zorkinskaya SOSHDS" Komarova Zh.V.

Group: short stay group

Types of children's activities: gaming, visual, communicative, cognitive-research, musical, perception fiction and folklore.

Purpose of the lesson: clarify the signs of spring; learn to convey pictures of nature in drawing; practice beautiful arrangement of images on a sheet of paper; consolidate the ability to use expressive solutions to topics different materials develop aesthetic perception; to form ideas about spring as a period of awakening of nature; consolidate the name of the first spring flowers.

Psychological justification for choosing the form and content of the activity: The lesson corresponds to educational and developmental goals, the level of development of students, their age characteristics. During the lesson it is realized Team work teacher and children.

Observing the progress of the lesson: The teacher began the event with the poem “Spring” by Yu. Moritz, which made it possible to clearly and emotionally reveal to the students the goals and objectives of the upcoming activity. The work of analyzing the poem was structured meaningfully and interestingly. The teacher used bright dolls Vesna Martovna Podsnezhnikova, Vesna Aprelevna Skvoreshnikova and Vesna Maevna Chereshnikova. Children described the signs of spring based on their own observations; everyday analogies were used as a way to include children’s subjective experience in the content.

The teacher assessed the intermediate result; the assimilation of the material was low. Children, together with the teacher, memorize “The call for spring - Come to us, spring, with joy.” The formulation of questions of a reproductive nature and questions that require mental activity is used by Zh.V. Komarova. She works on the correctness and awareness of the main content of the studied material by the majority;

Eliminating gaps in children’s understanding of new material, evaluating the final result, observing positive dynamics. The result has been achieved.

The lesson is aimed at creating a social orientation and developing aesthetic perception. The teacher uses appropriate techniques educational tasks, age and individual characteristics children.

General assessment of the educational event

This lesson is methodically structured correctly, the topic and purpose are clearly visible. The specific tasks that were implemented throughout the lesson are highlighted.

The lesson consists of stages, and the teacher gives clear instructions for each of them. It started with organizational moment, where the children's attention became more active. The students were motivated throughout the entire lesson. The species changed gradually educational activities. The children themselves took part in the game moments and were active. Lexical material was selected taking into account the age and speech characteristics of children. Of particular note is the use of a variety of methodological techniques, which were arranged in order of increasing difficulty. The teacher uses different kinds visibility. Komarova Zh.V. did not have time to conduct a reflective moment, the teacher did not encourage the children to express their attitude to the situation, to their activities

Analysis of the teacher’s activities: Komarova Zh.V. encourages children to show initiative and independence, encourages the manifestation of subjectivity, stimulates children's individual achievements. The teacher takes into account the emotional state of the group, temperament, stimulates passive students, encourages active children.
Director of MBOU "Zorkinskaya SOSHDS"_____________I.G. Savelyeva

Head teacher of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Zorkinskaya Secondary School of Children’s School” ________________ S.V. Sufan

Teacher primary classes _______________________ N.V. Kudievskaya

Summary of GCD for children of the preparatory group "Spring Tree"

(Slide 1)

Goal: Create an image of a spring tree.


  1. Educational: continue acquaintance with the genre of painting - landscape. To consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Improve technical skills (use a brush skillfully).
  2. Developmental: develop a sense of color.
  3. Educational: arouse interest in self-creation landscapes. Bring up careful attitude to nature.

Materials: reproductions of paintings by artists I. Grabar "March Snow" , V. Baksheeva "Blue Spring" , I. Levitan "March" And "Big Water" , K. Yuona "March Sun" etc.

Literature: riddle about a tree, poems by A. Kushner "Song about Pictures" , S. A. Vasilyeva "Tree" .

Technical means: computer, projector, presentation, recording of P.I. Chaikovsky "Seasons" , "Spring" .

Quiet music sounds, the teacher reads a poem: (Slide 2)

If you see in the picture
A river is drawn
Or spruce and white frost,
Or a garden and clouds,

Or a snowy plain
Or a field and a hut, -
Required picture
It's called ………landscape.

Guys, let's remember what paintings can be called landscapes? (Children's answers) (Slide 3)

A landscape is a picture that depicts the nature around us: the sky, the sun, rivers, cities, roads, etc.

Landscapes are:

  • urban
  • rural
  • marine.

A true artist does not just draw, he knows how to feel and understand the mood of nature. Russian nature is beautiful at any time of the year. And every artist sees and loves it in his own way. Some people often paint autumn, others winter, and there are artists who depict nature at any time of the year. Landscape artists chose Beautiful places, admired it themselves, shared their impressions with us through the paintings. They really wanted to preserve the enchanting beauty of nature forever.

Now these paintings are kept in museums and all people can come and look at them.

I suggest you take a correspondence excursion to an exhibition of paintings by Russian landscape artists.

Here are paintings by Russian artists.

Landscape artists:

  • I. Levitan "Big Water" ; (Slide 4)
  • I. Grabar "March Snow" ; (Slide 5)
  • A. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived" ; (Slide 6)
  • V. Baksheev "Blue Spring" ; (Slide 7)
  • F. Vasiliev "Thaw" ; (Slide 8)
  • K. Yuon "March Sun" , "Spring Sunny Day" and etc. (Slide 9, 10)

Questions for the paintings:

  • What is shown in the picture? (Children's answers)
  • What mood did the artist convey? (Children's answers)
  • Did you want to be in that place? What would you do there? (Children's answers)
  • What time of year is shown in all these paintings?
  • Children's answers. (Spring, they call the signs of spring).

Our excursion has come to an end. Remember what we saw in the paintings? (A game "Fourth wheel" ) . (Slide 11)

-Guys, guess the riddle about what is depicted in almost all landscapes:

Its spring and summer,
We saw dressed
And in the fall, from the poor thing,
All the shirts were torn off. (Tree) (Slide 12)

Guys, let's remember what a tree has?

The tree is mighty, the tree is strong,
After all, it is anchored in the ground by its roots.
Take a closer look at it, don’t be lazy:
The trunk is a support for the tree and runs upward.

You touch the hard tree bark -
It reliably protects the tree in the forest.
Leaves create coolness under the tree,
They grew from a bud in early spring.

Gently touch the leaves on the branches,
But be careful not to prick yourself with a Christmas tree needle!

(S. A. Vasilyeva)

Children's answers (Trunk, branches, leaves, roots).

Looking at trees.

Creative work.

Where do we start drawing a tree?

The trunk could be...

The branches are below... and above...

What else can be depicted in the picture?

Guys, I suggest you draw spring tree and everything that happens around in the spring.

Physical exercise.

Hands raised and shook -
These are trees in the forest.
Arms bent, hands shaken,
The wind blows away the dew.

Let's wave our hands to the sides, smoothly -
These are the birds flying towards us.
We'll also show you how they sit down.
The wings were folded back.

Independent activity of children, assistance from the teacher.

Children do their work to the music.

Well done! Which beautiful trees turned out, you look at them and understand that Spring has come to us! (Slide 13)

I propose to organize an exhibition so that we can all admire these beautiful paintings together.

Completed by: Zakharova A.P.,

teacher MBDOU No. 264

Goals: to create positive and emotional relationship to the beauty of spring nature, develop creative imagination, consolidate the idea of ​​spring.


Expand children's knowledge about migratory birds. Foster a sense of kindness and love for birds;

Learn to harmoniously arrange a plot on a sheet of paper, draw spring landscape, independently come up with the composition of the drawing, highlight the foreground and background of the landscape;

Reinforce the methods and techniques of drawing with colored pencils.


Develop fine motor skills hands, range of motion of the hand;

To develop the ability to look at the world through the eyes of artists, to evoke a feeling of admiration for the beauty of spring nature;

Develop creativity and imagination, observation and imagination.


Foster love and respect for the fine arts;

Bring up artistic taste and a sense of beauty;

Develop independence skills.

Vocabulary work. Use of words in speech: painting, landscape, nature, artist, names of migratory birds, signs of spring.

Materials: sheets of A4 paper, pencil, eraser, colored pencils. Video equipment (tablet) - reproductions of paintings “Early Spring”, “Spring. Big water."

Preliminary work: Observing nature and birds outside. Looking at illustrations about spring. Reading a poem about spring.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator. Guys, tell me, what time of year is it now?

Children. Spring.

Educator. Right. As you may have guessed, today we will talk about spring. About early spring.

Educator. Where does spring begin?

Children. From the drops, thawed patches, the sun is shining brightly, snowdrops are appearing, migratory birds are flying in, etc.

Educator. What migratory birds come to us in the spring?

Children: Rooks, cranes, starlings, swallows, larks.

Educator. Right. Spring is a very beautiful time of year, when all nature awakens. Many poets dedicated poems to this time. Listen to how he describes early spring in his poem.

Driven by spring rays,

There is already snow from the surrounding mountains

Escaped through muddy streams

To the flooded meadows.

Nature's clear smile

Through a dream he greets the morning of the year;

The skies are shining blue.

Still transparent, forests

It's like they're turning green.

Educator. What mood do these lines make you feel?

Children. Joyful.

Educator. Yes, spring brings the joy of life, the joy of creativity, not only to poets. See amazing world nature, its beauty, artists help us. Now I'll show you the pictures different artists who loved to paint the nature of our country. I won’t tell you what they are called yet. Let’s try to guess (the teacher shows paintings by artists “Early Spring”).


What time of year is shown in the picture?

Why did you decide so? What signs can be used to tell that spring is approaching?

The main detail that confirms our conclusions about the approach of spring is the rooks. Where do the rooks sit? What do they care about when they return from warmer climes?

What colors did the artist use to paint the picture?

What is written in blue? What's gray? Brown?

What is the brightest thing in the picture?

What mood does the artist convey? How did the artist manage to show this?

What is this picture about? What would you call this painting?

Children. Vein. Trees with young leaves blue sky, melt water, etc.

Educator. What colors do artists use to depict spring?

Children. Light green, light blue, light brown.

Educator. People always waited for spring and rejoiced at its arrival, as evidenced by the arrival of rooks. There is a proverb: “The rook is on the mountain...spring is just around the corner.”

And now, guys, I suggest you become artists and paint your own spring picture. Guys, think about what you will draw on your sheet of paper. What colors will you take for early spring? You need to visually divide a piece of paper into parts and think about where the sky, earth, stream will be...

Independent work of children.

To begin with, children make a sketch with a simple pencil. After the compositional sketch, the children begin to color scheme your drawing. Colored pencils give an excellent effect to children's work, especially when several colors or shades are used to decorate the image. During the work, the teacher makes sure that the children hold the pencil correctly and freely, without tension, and the teacher also monitors the children’s posture.

Physical education lesson: “Sunshine.”

Sunshine, bell (Children raise their hands above their heads).

You get up early, (Cross them).

Wake us up early. (Make rhythmic claps).

We should run to the fields, (Run on the spot).

Let's welcome spring. (Stretch your arms forward, to the sides).

What are you waiting for? Don't wait, it's spring! (Make rhythmic claps).

Come! We need you! (Walk in place).

When the children have finished their work, analyze the children's drawings, note who tried very hard and who could draw better.

Guys, today we talked a lot about spring, looked at paintings by different artists. Each of you tried, and in your drawings it is clear that nature has awakened and come to life.

Let us finish our lesson by reading E. Baratynsky’s poem “Spring”:

Spring, spring! How clean the air is!

How clear is the sky!

Its azuria alive

He blinds my eyes.

Spring, spring! How high

On the wings of the breeze,

Caressing the sun's rays,

Clouds are flying!

The streams are noisy! The streams are shining!

Roaring, the river carries

On the triumphant ridge