Internship at the company registration. Internship at the workplace: program, features and rules. Duration of on-the-job internship. Internship Regulations

Before an employee begins his immediate duties in a new workplace, he is expected to demonstrate his abilities either during probationary period, or internships. These two concepts are radically different from each other. An internship is required for complex job specifics. The head of each individual organization himself determines what type of internship the workers will take and how long it will last.

What is an internship, its types

The internship procedure allows the employer to choose the most qualified and experienced specialist among all applicants applying for the position, since by interning at the workplace, each applicant tries to demonstrate his or her best qualities and get a job. An on-the-job internship is also necessary for career growth and holding a higher position. There are the following types of internships, each of which has its own characteristics:

  1. Internship for the purpose of acquiring additional professional education. It can last from two to four months. The employer has the right to send its employees already working in the company to such an internship.
  2. Internship as part of professional retraining. Its duration depends on the rules of the educational institution that provides retraining.
  3. Advanced training through internship. The duration is determined by the educational organization.

Thus, an internship can have educational specifics and become a way to receive additional education. Therefore, in addition to a job, an internship also provides a chance to acquire qualifications.

The difference between an internship and a probationary period

At first glance, the terms “training of workers” and “probationary period” seem, if not synonymous, then at least very similar. But the difference is in the order of signing labor contract. Thus, a specialist with whom the employer has entered into such an agreement performs duties during a probationary period, that is, the conclusion precedes it.

Things are different for a specialist with an on-the-job internship. The employer will need to make the right decision about inviting an employee to the company, for which they are given an internship at work. If during its period the trainee shows himself positively, he will be hired.

An internship at work is a labor activity, in accordance with Art. 212 Labor Code. The internship process is officially documented and the applicant receives wages.

Advantages and disadvantages of internship for parties to labor relations

Despite the apparent benefits of worker internships for both sides of the labor relationship, the process itself is fraught with many pitfalls and nuances.

An employer, organizing an internship for applicants, has the practical opportunity to evaluate specialists, can observe and analyze their work for weaknesses and strengths, and reactions in stressful situations. In addition, the organization receives a freelance subordinate specialist for less pay than his employed colleagues, which is a direct benefit for the business entity. But, at the same time, there are also the following disadvantages of worker training:

  • If the internship is aimed at retraining or advanced training, then the organization incurs a loss on the trainee’s training;
  • Wasted time if the applicant does not live up to the credit of trust given to him by management, which cannot be assessed in monetary terms, but is an important resource. This situation occurs quite often;
  • Due to improper organization of the internship, its benefits may be completely lost.

As with the full performance of job duties, according to the employment contract, the employee on the internship must be familiarized with the tasks and introduced to the team. While performing his work, the applicant evaluates his capabilities, sees their limits, puts into practice the knowledge acquired at a higher educational institution, or acquires new skills. The disadvantages of an internship for an employee include the following:

  • Neglect of the Labor Code norms on the part of management. Very often, managers directly violate the Labor Code by appropriating the work of interns without proper payment or dismissing them without an objective reason, refusing them employment and payment of compensation. For this they face administrative liability;
  • In an organization with high staff turnover and passive management in terms of solutions this issue, high-quality training for the trainee and the demonstration of his existing working qualities is impossible.

Conditions for admission to internship

The conditions for admitting specialists to internships are described in Art. 9 and Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Thus, with a graduate of a higher educational organization, the organization’s management enters into a fixed-term employment contract lasting from two to six months.

During this time, the specialist demonstrates knowledge in his field of activity and the ability to apply the theoretical component in practice. After completing the internship, the specialist fills out the appropriate report and performs certification work.

A part-time intern receives payment for his work. The calculation of remuneration is carried out in proportion to the time worked or the volume of work performed.

The procedure for applying for an internship for workers and employees

To officially document your internship at your workplace, you will need to collect a set of necessary documents:

  • The internship certificate is individual for each organization and is created based on the specifics of the enterprise in compliance with all legal regulations.
  • Contents of the internship. This document contains information about the duration of the internship, its sequence and standard activities required to complete it.
  • Fixed-term employment contract.
  • Order on sending employees for internship. The order records the reason why employees will be sent for an internship, its duration and the details of the instructors supervising the process.

At the end of the internship, specialists are subject to examination tests, based on the results of which the employer issues an additional order stipulating the admission of employees who have passed the exam to perform their job duties.

Duration of internship

The duration of the internship at the workplace is determined by the head of the enterprise, taking into account the flow of the production process. At different enterprises it can last from one and a half months to three years.

The duration of the internship cannot be less than two work shifts, and when concluding a fixed-term employment contract according to Art. 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - more than 14 days from the date of signing the document.

If the employee’s internship is carried out with the prospect of concluding a regular employment contract, it can take from two to three months. For an applicant for a managerial position, the internship period is increased to six months.

It is possible to interrupt your internship at the workplace. The other party to the employment contract must be notified of this three days before the planned moment of cancellation of the internship or dismissal of the intern.

Payment and accounting of intern work

The intern's remuneration is made on the basis of the formalization of the employment relationship between the intern and the organization's management. This is possible by concluding one of three possible agreements:

  • Civil;
  • Fixed-term labor;
  • Indefinite employment.

The above contracts must contain information about the remuneration for the applicant’s work. Otherwise, payment is made in the amount minimum rate for work in this industry.

It is most fair and expedient to combine an internship with a probationary period so that employees can receive payment at the rates of the probationary period.

Students undergoing practical training at the enterprise do not receive payment for their work.

Sick leave during internship

The fact of temporary disability does not in any way affect the success of the specialist’s internship. In the most general case, the internship period at the workplace is extended by the number of days spent on sick leave. In this case, it is necessary to present to management a document confirming the reason for absence from work.

Management’s belief that taking sick leave during an internship is prohibited is regarded as a violation of norms labor legislation.

The amount of payments for an intern on sick leave is calculated based on the average amount of wages from previous places of work. To do this, the applicant must present the relevant documents at the new workplace.

Vacation during internship

There is a very widespread stereotype that during an internship it is impossible to exercise the right to rest and go on vacation. But that's not true. Every working citizen has the opportunity to take advantage of vacation or additional days off, even if he is on an internship. Ignorance of your basic legal rights allows management to manipulate subordinates.

It should be remembered that during an internship it is not advisable to take leave during illness or immediately after it.

Internal transfer during internship

The transfer of a specialist from one position to another within the organization can be carried out only with his personal consent. Next, you need to introduce changes to the employment contract.

For an employee who has been working in an organization for a long time, the appointment of a new internship is illegal, since during the transfer a new employment contract is not concluded, but only an existing one is adjusted.

When transferring to new position An employee on an internship is not required to complete the internship from the first day, but should continue it from the date of transfer.

Bonus based on internship results

The procedure for bonuses for employees is determined by Article 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The bonus is paid by the manager to encourage subordinates.

The most common practice in Russia is to reward all employees with bonuses, but there are also frequent cases of rewarding several candidates who have shown particularly high performance results and maximum interest in the well-being of the company, as well as strictly following the internal labor procedures.

Thus, an intern who demonstrates excellent performance can also receive a bonus. If all tasks of the internship plan are completed in a timely manner and other conditions are met, the supervisor will assign a bonus upon completion. To do this, they issue an order to award the trainee a bonus.

The form of this administrative act is not regulated, therefore it is drawn up in free form.

Dismissal procedure based on internship results

If the results of the internship are unsatisfactory, the employer has the right to dismiss the applicant. However, the fact of the insufficiency of what he has demonstrated must be documented.

In this regard, the organization conducting internships for employees must have a document called “Content of the internship.” It contains information about the duration of the internship, the amount of material that must be learned by the end of it, as well as the essence and algorithm of the exam, the positive result of which will be proof of the specialist’s competence.

An applicant who performs negatively during an internship or fails to pass an exam, the employer has the right to dismiss before last day its expiration. This point is quite important, since after the internship it will be much more difficult to resolve issues peacefully with an incompetent employee.

Procedure in case of an accident during an internship

In the event of an accident during an internship, management is obliged to:

  1. Refer the victim to a medical facility;
  2. Take measures to eliminate the possibility of aggravation of the emergency situation that caused the incident;
  3. Maintain a consistent environment in the room to facilitate the investigation;
  4. Notify the victim's relatives about the accident;
  5. Conduct an investigation or take an active part in it if conducted by other parties.

If during the investigation the applicant’s guilt is confirmed (concealing specific damage that resulted in an accident), then he will be subject to administrative punishment. The management of the organization will be punished in the same way.

The nuances of internships for various specialists

Internships for some specialists, for example, for future lawyers, notaries and judges, are absolutely necessary and natural process, since in order to have an understanding of the various regulatory documents, it will take practice.

Notary internship lasts one year, but can be shortened. The Bar requires a two-year internship. Arbitration managers undergo training for up to three years.

Specialists who have worked in their field for three years or more are exempt from internship.

In legislation Russian Federation the concept of “internship” is mentioned in Article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), which is devoted to a fixed-term employment contract (hereinafter referred to as TD). Let's consider its meaning.

IN explanatory dictionaries The Russian language gives three definitions for this word. An internship is a human activity aimed at acquiring the necessary work experience and mastering skills new profession, which does not require special training.

The second meaning is related to the probationary period. An internship is work in a specialty for some time with the possibility of subsequent admission to the staff. It is also called probation.

Third meaning: internship is a person’s activity aimed at improving professional qualifications in the specialty he has received. Let's consider its classification.

Types of internships

They are divided into two groups. These are work internships and training. The first ones are aimed at obtaining workplace, the second - to gain practical skills.

Internships can also be classified according to certain criteria, for example:

  1. Voluntary and mandatory. The latter are most often found in universities when obtaining specialties that require practical skills. Sometimes it happens that an internship is optional (archaeological practice at a pedagogical university).
  2. Paid and unpaid. If the internship is related to the employee’s probationary period at a new workplace, then it is paid. If this educational practice student, then it is, as a rule, not rewarded financially. But the future specialist gains new skills that he will need when finding a job.
  3. By area of ​​specialization: pedagogical, archaeological, technological, financial, etc.
  4. The internship can be quarterly (spring, summer, autumn, winter), semi-annual (winter, summer).
  5. Internal and external: in the country of residence and international. The best students are sent abroad for student exchange practice.

Work internship

It is aimed not only at gaining knowledge and experience, but also at the subsequent registration of the trainee as a staff member. For an employer, such an internship is good way identify the best candidate who is most suitable for the role of an employee in his organization. This activity is paid and is formalized by the parties in the form of a fixed-term employment contract with a corresponding entry in the work book.

Duration of internship

Working hours may vary depending on the specific conditions of the activity. For example, the internship period ranges from 3 to 10 days if it is carried out at the workplace. The time required for training is not included here. When completing an internship from a university under an apprenticeship contract at work, the duration is determined by the employer, the receiving party.

When concluding a standard TD with a probationary period this activity can last no more than three months in accordance with Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Internships for applicants for management positions can last up to six months. If the employee is not satisfied with the working conditions provided for him or the employer is not satisfied with the results of the employee’s work during the probationary period, then both the employer and the employee have the right to terminate the previously concluded fixed-term employment contract. In this case, each party must comply with certain conditions. The employee must notify the employer of his decision in writing in the form of an application three days in advance, and the employer must issue an appropriate order providing documentary reasons (the employee has the right not to write a reason).

Before starting independent work, the trainee is briefed on safety rules, studies his job descriptions. He also learns to work on certain equipment, machines, and machinery.

This is what an internship is all about. However, not all beginners quickly master new knowledge. If the trainee does not master the necessary skills, then the internship is extended by issuing a new order.

Length of working day

The number of working hours per day or shifts per week is also determined by the employer. At the same time new employee has the rights of an employee enshrined in Articles 91-99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which the receiving party has no right to violate.

Internship payment

The amount of remuneration is set directly by the employer. For the duration of a fixed-term employment contract, in accordance with Article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it should not be less than the subsistence minimum, provided that the intern works full time. At the same time, employers do not assign wages to trainees close to the level of permanent employees. Payment for this activity is not made in case of practical training by students sent by universities and other educational institutions.

End of internship

After practical training, students write a report and, if necessary, course work. Among those who have undergone an internship with possible subsequent transfer to the staff, the best are selected. They receive not only skills, but also a permanent job.

If the internship was associated with a probationary period for new job, then the employee is tested. Has he learned everything, does he know his job responsibilities, and can he perform them independently? If the employee has mastered all the necessary skills before the end of the probationary period, the employer can reduce this period.

What benefits does an internship give to students?

This is a great opportunity for them to see the world if it is an international internship. Establish yourself as a good, reliable and promising young employee. Participate in different projects, engage in activities that are far from the specialty obtained at the educational institution. Or vice versa: get the necessary “live” experience, skills in your own way future profession. During the internship, accelerated professional and personal development, which is important in today's fast-paced world.

Benefits for students

  • Valuable experience, new skills.
  • After an internship, a student can understand whether he likes his specialty or not. More than half of students, even in their fourth year of study, do not know exactly what they want to do in life.
  • An intern's working day is significantly shorter than that of a full-time employee. But at the same time he is also involved in the process.
  • During the internship, you can acquire various useful connections that can help in future employment (as a rule, two out of ten interns after receiving a university diploma come for an interview after completing the internship).
  • The student may be paid money for such activities.

Nowadays, many companies are developing internship programs. This allows the employer to temporarily “rejuvenate” his team. Internship programs allow companies to avoid employee ideas becoming stagnant.

Exists huge amount recruitment agencies, specializing in temporary workers (for example, Anchor). Many have internship programs public organizations, both Russian and international (for example, the well-known international organization AISIEC, the Krasnoyarsk organization Interra).

Internship in the workplace on labor protection in 2019 is carried out in accordance with GOST 12.0.004-2015. Its order has been significantly changed compared to the previous standard. Let's talk about the current rules.

Read in the article:

Who is exempt from on-the-job training?

The requirement for an internship in labor protection is not applicable to employees who are engaged in work of hazard classes 1 and 2. There is also no need to pass for employees who move to other structural units within the same organization, unless this is related to a change job responsibilities. But if an employee moves to a job where working conditions deteriorate (and they become harmful or dangerous), an internship is necessary.

Duration of on-the-job internship

The legislation does not regulate the duration of the internship process: this issue remains at the discretion of the head of the organization, as well as the number of internship shifts at the workplace. At the same time, they take into account not only the “harmfulness” of production, but also the trainee’s work experience (including this enterprise), his education and qualifications. It is clear that the less practice a person has, the longer he should intern.

Duration is set:

  • for blue-collar professions with no work experience – no less than a month, but no longer than six months;
  • personnel belonging to junior service and blue-collar professions - from 3 to 19 shifts;
  • managers and specialists – within 2-4 weeks.


GOST regulates the procedure for passing through general outline, leaving many decisions to the discretion of the employer. In particular, this is the appointment of mentors. Mentoring can only be carried out by experienced workers (qualified as occupational safety instructors), industrial training instructors, and immediate supervisors. Managers and specialists can only learn from higher-level personnel appointed by the first person in the organization.

In order to conduct an internship in labor protection, you first need to draw up a program. It includes:

  • Data on the duration of the procedure.
  • Tasks and goals.
  • The content of the training is the knowledge and skills that will be acquired.
  • Familiarization with documents such as regulations on the structural unit, internal standards and regulations, LNA on occupational health and safety at work.
  • Information about working conditions.

The mentor carefully observes how the new employee works, intervenes if necessary and helps to avoid mistakes. In conclusion, he must write a free-form review of his student, summing up the results of the training.

After this, the employee must. Junior service personnel or workers are examined by a special qualification commission. Managers and specialists apply to the certification commission. The form of the examination is at the discretion of the employer. It is important that in the end both the practical and theoretical knowledge of the employee and his understanding of labor protection requirements are assessed.

The commission should be composed of an odd number of employees to avoid controversial assessments. Usually this is three people. If the commission confirms the qualifications of the subject, . Based on this, the employer issues an order granting permission to work independently.

If the knowledge is considered insufficient, the employee has the opportunity to undergo a second internship within a month and try to pass the exam again. If the commission does not consider the exam passed the second time, the question arises about the employee’s suitability for the position held.

How to apply for an internship at your workplace

It is necessary to prepare a package of documents:

Everyone who... This applies to the youngest service personnel, workers, specialists, managers.

This process must be organized for the listed categories of workers in the following cases:

  • When hiring.
  • In case of internal transfer, if it entails a change in job responsibilities or position.
  • In a situation where an employee is preparing to replace an absent permanent employee (sick leave, long business trip, vacation).

Also, the head of the enterprise has the right to establish the obligation to undergo an internship in other cases, if he considers it necessary for the transfer of experience and more efficient organization of work.

In a highly competitive employment environment, employers are using increasingly stringent measures to screen potential employees. One of the selection methods that is increasingly common among most companies is internship.

The purpose of its implementation can be different - testing the employee’s knowledge, training him in practice, selecting the best candidate. However, it is important that this procedure is formalized in accordance with the law. Therefore, more details about the registration procedure, necessary and payment features are provided later in the article.

The legislation does not provide for separate provisions specifically dedicated to internships. In Art. 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides only for the possibility of a conclusion if an employee is hired for short term(less than two months).

Therefore, at enterprises that practice such tests when hiring, there must be a separate document regulating the conditions for their conduct. For example, this could be “Internship Regulations”.

Also, conditions regarding this may be contained in the Collective Agreement and issued by a separate order.

The terms of the trial must be included in the employment contract with a specific employee.

Typically, an internship is carried out in the following cases:

  1. Regarding young specialists who have just graduated from an educational institution and have no experience practical work. In this case, the internship will be a type of educational process, but more specific and aimed at certain type activities.
  2. With a lot of competition for the position. This option is practiced by many large and prestigious companies when they have a vacancy. In this case, several candidates are accepted for an internship; after completion, only the one who showed the best results gets the job.
  3. For employees who change their type of activity. Such candidates may have practical work experience, but only in a different field. The test is carried out to give them practical skills in a new job.
  4. According to the terms of the prisoner student agreement. This includes situations where trainees are trainees from educational institutions. After completing the internship, they can either leave the place of work or get some kind of position there.

In some cases, internships are also used for not entirely legal purposes, accepting candidates for temporary free or cheaper work.

To avoid getting into such a situation, the applicant should take care of the right documentation procedures.

Admission conditions

Given that official reception During an internship (that is, with the conclusion of an employment contract), the intern is subject to all the same rights as other employees. This means that he has the right to receive wages for hours actually worked, breaks at work, days off, etc. The employer is also obliged to pay all taxes and contributions for him.

As for official duties, they are described in more detail in. Most often, the intern is not assigned any serious tasks, and he only helps the company specialists with whom he is training.

Many enterprises (especially) when hiring an employee for an internship, assign him a supervisor from among the permanent employees, who will be responsible for his training. A work plan and a list of issues that he must study during the test are also drawn up for the trainee.

After completing the internship, the employee must write a report, indicating in it what exactly he learned during this period.

Also, the supervisor must evaluate the success of his training and work, documenting this in a special document (most often it is called a review of the intern or a conclusion based on the results of the internship).


The legislation does not establish the exact duration of the internship; it only limits its maximum permissible duration. Depending on how the employee was registered, this period may be:

  • 2 months - if a fixed-term employment contract was concluded;
  • 3 months - if the employee was hired on a probationary period.

The specific duration must be specified in the employment contract. Otherwise, it will be considered that the period is set at the maximum amount. After its completion, the employer must either continue the relationship with the employee and enter into a new agreement, or refuse him further employment.

In this case, both parties have the right. The only condition for this is to notify the other party of the termination of work at least three days in advance (by writing a statement or issuing an appropriate order).

The employee has the unconditional right to terminate the relationship early, and he is not obliged to explain the motives and reasons for his action.

But the employer must document the intern’s inadequacy for the future position: memos, acts, etc.

Registration procedure

In case of absence from the company special documents regulating the procedure for conducting an internship, the employer, first of all, needs to start processing them. After this, the registration procedure will look like this:

  1. Receiving a corresponding application from the candidate. It is drawn up in free form, similar to a job application. Only the main part of the document indicates a request for acceptance into an internship.
  2. Conclusion of a fixed-term employment contract. Occurs on the basis of the submitted application. The document defines the specific conditions of future activities: duration, payment, responsibilities.
  3. Issuance of an order. It confirms the fact that an employee has been accepted for an internship, indicates his supervisor (or supervisor), the probationary period and the payment procedure. The temporary employee is familiarized with the completed order and signed.
  4. Development of an internship plan (program). It displays the main issues that the employee must study, as well as the goals and objectives that he needs to achieve. The enterprise can either develop a template for this document, or the manager can draw it up for each individual case.

After this, the employee is considered accepted for the internship and begins his duties under the terms of the contract.

After the end of the period, based on the trainee’s report and feedback from the supervisor, the manager makes a decision on his further employment.

Payment Features

At official registration internship payment for this period is prerequisite for the employer. The size is determined between the parties voluntarily.

Obviously, the amount of payment for an intern will be significantly lower than for other employees of the company, because his professional level is in doubt.

But at the same time accrue a salary that is less than it minimum size established by law, the employer is prohibited.

However, there are often situations where the internship is carried out unofficially - the employee is simply offered to go to work for a certain period and study. If, after the test, he becomes unemployed, he will not receive payment for this period. And even if you are hired, they are also unlikely to pay you money for the internship.

At the same time, the applicant will not be able to appeal the employer’s actions and force him to pay, because he does not have any documentary evidence of the employment relationship. Often, employers themselves warn potential employees that the internship will be free. Therefore, he himself must assess all possible risks in advance.

Making a decision based on the results of the internship

The final decision on the further employment of an employee can be made in the following ways:

  1. Based on the curator's review. As already noted, this document is drawn up in almost all cases and contains the conclusions of the trainee’s immediate supervisor about him. The supervisor can most accurately indicate how successfully the employee coped with his responsibilities and what tasks he was unable to complete.
  2. Based on the exam results. Its implementation allows you to determine how well the employee has mastered the training. The exam may take place in different forms: orally, in writing, with a decision practical tasks. The specific method for carrying it out is determined on an individual basis.
  3. Based on the employer's personal assessment. During the internship, the employer often has the opportunity to independently observe the intern: his training, success at work and behavior in the team. Based on this, he decides whether to leave him in the company or not.

In the event that for some reason the employee is not suitable and labor relations will not be continued with him, it is advisable that the employer has documentary grounds for such a decision. For example, negative feedback from a supervisor, poor exam results, etc. an article written by our professionals contains all the information on this topic.

How to resolve the issue of sick leave pay after your dismissal - read.

What do you need to remember about driver training?

Most often, an internship is carried out when the employee’s future activity almost entirely requires practical skills. A striking example This is the profession of a driver, whose admission to driving a vehicle almost never occurs without an internship. This may be due both to the specifics of the work of certain companies (for example, when it is necessary to transport dangerous goods), and to increased risks in the case of transporting people.

A special Driver Internship Program (separately for each category) has been developed and approved by law, which details the conditions for carrying out this procedure.

For example, only a person with at least 5 years of driving experience can be a trainee’s mentor (supervisor).

Based on the test results, the driver confirms his professional suitability both in theory and in practice, since both of these components are important for his work. Based on the tests, interviews and other types of testing, the final decision on hiring him is made.

Given that correct design and conducting an internship is an option that is beneficial for both parties to the employment relationship. The employee is given the opportunity free training and gaining practical knowledge from more experienced colleagues. The employer can evaluate the performance of a potential employee in advance before the final hiring. If successful, the employment relationship can be continued by concluding a new employment contract.