Literature of the late 19th - early 20th centuries - general characteristics. The main directions of Russian literature of the 20th century

Russian literature of the 20th century: general characteristics

Descriptionliterary process of the 20th century, presentation of the main literary movements and directions. Realism. Modernism (symbolism, acmeism, futurism). Literary avant-garde.

Late XIX - early XX centuries. became a time of bright flourishing of Russian culture, its “silver age” (the “golden age” was called Pushkin’s time). In science, literature, and art, new talents appeared one after another, bold innovations were born, and competition different directions, groupings and styles. At the same time, the culture of the “Silver Age” was characterized by deep contradictions that were characteristic of all Russian life of that time.

Russia's rapid breakthrough in development and the clash of different ways of life and cultures changed the self-awareness of the creative intelligentsia. Many were no longer satisfied with the description and study of visible reality, analysis social problems. I was attracted by deep, eternal questions - about the essence of life and death, good and evil, human nature. Interest in religion revived; The religious theme had a strong influence on the development of Russian culture at the beginning of the 20th century.

However, the turning point not only enriched literature and art: it constantly reminded writers, artists and poets of impending social explosions, of the fact that the entire familiar way of life, the entire old culture, could perish. Some awaited these changes with joy, others with melancholy and horror, which brought pessimism and anguish into their work.

On turn of the 19th century and 20th centuries literature developed in other historical conditions than before. If you look for a word that characterizes the most important features of the period under consideration, it will be the word “crisis”. Great scientific discoveries shook the classical ideas about the structure of the world and led to the paradoxical conclusion: “matter has disappeared.” A new vision of the world, thus, will determine the new face of realism of the 20th century, which will differ significantly from the classical realism of its predecessors. Also devastating consequences for human spirit had a crisis of faith (“God is dead!” exclaimed Nietzsche). This led to the fact that the person of the 20th century began to increasingly experience the influence of irreligious ideas. The cult of sensual pleasures, the apology for evil and death, the glorification of the self-will of the individual, the recognition of the right to violence, which turned into terror - all these features indicate a deep crisis of consciousness.

In Russian literature of the early 20th century, a crisis of old ideas about art and a feeling of exhaustion of past development will be felt, and a revaluation of values ​​will take shape.

The renewal of literature and its modernization will cause the emergence of new trends and schools. The rethinking of old means of expression and the revival of poetry will mark the advent of the “Silver Age” of Russian literature. This term is associated with the name of N. Berdyaev, who used it in one of his speeches in the salon of D. Merezhkovsky. Later art critic and the editor of Apollo, S. Makovsky, consolidated this phrase by calling his book about Russian culture at the turn of the century “On Parnassus of the Silver Age.” Several decades will pass and A. Akhmatova will write “...the silver month is bright / Cold over the silver age.”

Chronological framework The period defined by this metaphor can be designated as follows: 1892 - exit from the era of timelessness, the beginning of social upsurge in the country, manifesto and collection "Symbols" by D. Merezhkovsky, the first stories of M. Gorky, etc.) - 1917. According to another point of view, the chronological end of this period can be considered 1921-1922 (the collapse of former illusions, the mass emigration of Russian cultural figures from Russia that began after the death of A. Blok and N. Gumilyov, the expulsion of a group of writers, philosophers and historians from the country).

Russian literature of the 20th century was represented by three main literary movements: realism, modernism, and the literary avant-garde. Schematic development literary trends beginning of the century can be shown as follows:

Representatives of literary movements

  • Senior Symbolists: V.Ya. Bryusov, K.D. Balmont, D.S. Merezhkovsky, Z.N. Gippius, F.K. Sologub et al.

    • God-seeking mystics: D.S. Merezhkovsky, Z.N. Gippius, N. Minsky.

    • Decadent individualists: V.Ya. Bryusov, K.D. Balmont, F.K. Sologub.

  • Junior Symbolists: A.A. Blok, Andrey Bely (B.N. Bugaev), V.I. Ivanov et al.

  • Acmeism: N.S. Gumilev, A.A. Akhmatova, S.M. Gorodetsky, O.E. Mandelstam, M.A. Zenkevich, V.I. Narbut.

  • Cubo-futurists(poets of "Gilea"): D.D. Burliuk, V.V. Khlebnikov, V.V. Kamensky, V.V. Mayakovsky, A.E. Twisted.

  • Egofuturists: I. Severyanin, I. Ignatiev, K. Olimpov, V. Gnedov.

  • Group“Mezzanine of Poetry”: V. Shershenevich, Chrysanf, R. Ivnev and others.

  • Association "Centrifuge": B.L. Pasternak, N.N. Aseev, S.P. Bobrov and others.
One of most interesting phenomena in the art of the first decades of the 20th century there was a revival of romantic forms, largely forgotten since the beginning of the last century. One of these forms was proposed by V.G. Korolenko, whose work continues to develop at the end of the 19th and the first decades of the new century. Another expression of the romantic was the work of A. Green, whose works are unusual for their exoticism, flights of fancy, and ineradicable dreaminess. The third form of the romantic was the work of revolutionary worker poets (N. Nechaev, E. Tarasov, I. Privalov, A. Belozerov, F. Shkulev). Turning to marches, fables, calls, songs, these authors poeticize the heroic feat, use romantic images glow, fire, crimson dawn, thunderstorm, sunset, limitlessly expand the range of revolutionary vocabulary, resorting to cosmic proportions.

Special role Writers such as Maxim Gorky and L.N. played a role in the development of literature of the 20th century. Andreev. The twenties are a difficult, but dynamic and creatively fruitful period in the development of literature. Although many figures of Russian culture were expelled from the country in 1922, while others went into voluntary emigration, artistic life does not freeze in Russia. On the contrary, many talented young writers appear, recent participants in the Civil War: L. Leonov, M. Sholokhov, A. Fadeev, Yu. Libedinsky, A. Vesely and others.

The thirties began with the “year of the great turning point,” when the foundations of the previous Russian way of life were sharply deformed, and the party began to actively intervene in the sphere of culture. P. Florensky, A. Losev, A. Voronsky and D. Kharms were arrested, repressions against the intelligentsia intensified, which claimed the lives of tens of thousands of cultural figures, two thousand writers died, in particular N. Klyuev, O. Mandelstam, I. Kataev, I. . Babel, B. Pilnyak, P. Vasiliev, A. Voronsky, B. Kornilov. Under these conditions, the development of literature was extremely difficult, tense and ambiguous.

The work of such writers and poets as V.V. deserves special consideration. Mayakovsky, S.A. Yesenin, A.A. Akhmatova, A.N. Tolstoy, E.I. Zamyatin, M.M. Zoshchenko, M.A. Sholokhov, M.A. Bulgakov, A.P. Platonov, O.E. Mandelstam, M.I. Tsvetaeva.

The Holy War, which began in June 1941, put forward new tasks for literature, to which the country's writers immediately responded. Most of them ended up on the battlefields. More than a thousand poets and prose writers joined the ranks of the active army, becoming famous war correspondents (M. Sholokhov, A. Fadeev, N. Tikhonov, I. Erenburg, Vs. Vishnevsky, E. Petrov, A. Surkov, A. Platonov). Works of various kinds and genres joined the fight against fascism. First among them was poetry. Here it is necessary to highlight the patriotic lyrics of A. Akhmatova, K. Simonov, N. Tikhonov, A. Tvardovsky, V. Sayanov. Prose writers cultivated their most operative genres: journalistic essays, reports, pamphlets, stories.

The next major stage in the development of literature of the century was the period of the second half of the 20th century. Within this large period of time, researchers identify several relatively independent periods: late Stalinism (1946-1953); "thaw" (1953-1965); stagnation (1965-1985), perestroika (1985-1991); modern reforms (1991-1998) Literature developed during these very different periods with great difficulties, experiencing alternately unnecessary guardianship, destructive leadership, commanding shouts, relaxation, restraint, persecution, emancipation.

At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, all aspects of Russian life were radically transformed: politics, economics, science, technology, culture, art. There are different, sometimes directly opposite, assessments of the socio-economic and cultural prospects for the country's development. The general feeling is that it is approaching new era, bringing a change in the political situation and a revaluation of previous spiritual and aesthetic ideals. Literature could not help but respond to the fundamental changes in the life of the country. There is a revision of artistic guidelines, a radical renewal literary devices. At this time, Russian poetry was developing especially dynamically. A little later, this period will be called the “poetic renaissance” or the Silver Age of Russian literature.

Realism at the beginning of the 20th century

Realism does not disappear, it continues to develop. L.N. is still actively working. Tolstoy, A.P. Chekhov and V.G. Korolenko, M. Gorky, I.A. have already powerfully declared themselves. Bunin, A.I. Kuprin... Within the framework of the aesthetics of realism, a bright manifestation was found creative individuals writers of the 19th century, their civic position and moral ideals- realism equally reflected the views of authors who share a Christian, primarily Orthodox, worldview - from F.M. Dostoevsky to I.A. Bunin, and those for whom this worldview was alien - from V.G. Belinsky to M. Gorky.

However, at the beginning of the 20th century, many writers were no longer satisfied with the aesthetics of realism - new aesthetic schools began to emerge. Writers unite in various groups, push creative principles, participate in polemics - literary movements are established: symbolism, acmeism, futurism, imagism, etc.

Symbolism at the beginning of the 20th century

Russian symbolism, the largest of the modernist movements, arose not only as a literary phenomenon, but also as a special worldview that combines artistic, philosophical and religious principles. The date of emergence of the new aesthetic system is considered to be 1892, when D.S. Merezhkovsky made a report “On the causes of the decline and new trends in modern Russian literature.” It proclaimed the main principles of future symbolists: “ mystical content, symbols and the expansion of artistic impressionability." The central place in the aesthetics of symbolism was given to the symbol, an image with the potential inexhaustibility of meaning.

The symbolists contrasted the rational knowledge of the world with the construction of the world in creativity, the knowledge of the environment through art, which V. Bryusov defined as “comprehension of the world in other, non-rational ways.” In mythology different nations Symbolists found universal philosophical models with the help of which it was possible to comprehend the deep foundations human soul and solving spiritual problems of our time. WITH special attention representatives of this trend also related to the heritage of Russian classical literature- new interpretations of the works of Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Tyutchev were reflected in the works and articles of the symbolists. Symbolism gave the culture names outstanding writers— D. Merezhkovsky, A. Blok, Andrei Bely, V. Bryusov; the aesthetics of symbolism had a huge influence on many representatives of other literary movements.

Acmeism at the beginning of the 20th century

Acmeism was born in the bosom of symbolism: a group of young poets first founded the literary association “Poets Workshop”, and then proclaimed themselves representatives of a new literary movement - acmeism (from the Greek akme - highest degree something, blossoming, peak). Its main representatives are N. Gumilev, A. Akhmatova, S. Gorodetsky, O. Mandelstam. Unlike the symbolists, who strive to know the unknowable and comprehend higher essences, the Acmeists again turned to the value human life, the diversity of the bright earthly world. The main requirement for artistic form The works became a picturesque clarity of images, a verified and precise composition, stylistic balance, and precision of detail. The most important place in aesthetic system Acmeists assigned values ​​to memory - a category associated with the preservation of the best domestic traditions and world cultural heritage.

Futurism at the beginning of the 20th century

Derogatory reviews of previous and contemporary literature were given by representatives of another modernist movement - futurism (from the Latin futurum - future). A necessary condition for the existence of this literary phenomenon its representatives considered the atmosphere shocking, a challenge to public taste, a literary scandal. The Futurists' desire for mass theatrical performances with dressing up, painting faces and hands was caused by the idea that poetry should come out of books onto the square, to sound in front of spectators and listeners. Futurists (V. Mayakovsky, V. Khlebnikov, D. Burliuk, A. Kruchenykh, E. Guro, etc.) put forward a program for transforming the world with the help of new art, which abandoned the legacy of its predecessors. At the same time, unlike representatives of other literary movements, in substantiating their creativity they relied on fundamental sciences - mathematics, physics, philology. The formal and stylistic features of the poetry of Futurism were the renewal of the meaning of many words, word creation, the rejection of punctuation marks, a special graphic design of poems, the depoetization of language (the introduction of vulgarisms, technical terms, the destruction of the usual boundaries between “high” and “low”).


Thus, in the history of Russian culture, the beginning of the 20th century was marked by the emergence of diverse literary movements, various aesthetic views and schools. However, original writers, true artists of words, overcame the narrow framework of declarations, created highly artistic works that outlived their era and entered the treasury of Russian literature.

The most important feature of the beginning of the 20th century was the universal craving for culture. Not being at the premiere of a play in the theater, not being present at the evening of an original and already sensational poet, in literary drawing rooms and salons, not reading a newly published book of poetry was considered a sign of bad taste, unmodern, unfashionable. When a culture becomes a fashionable phenomenon, this is a good sign. “Fashion for culture” is not a new phenomenon for Russia. This was the case during the time of V.A. Zhukovsky and A.S. Pushkin: let's remember " Green lamp" and "Arzamas", "Society of Lovers Russian literature"etc. At the beginning of the new century, exactly one hundred years later, the situation practically repeated itself. The Silver Age replaced the Golden Age, maintaining and preserving the connection of times.


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The main directions of Russian literature of the 20th century. Literature of the early 20th century. introductory lesson literature in 11th grade

"Not one world literature did not have such limitless experience of anxiety, hope, heightened moral quest, pain for the fate of our native people in the hour of danger...” V.A. Chalmaev Three revolutions: 1905, February, October 1917, Russian-Japanese War of 1904-1905. First world war 1914-1918, Civil War Stalinist repressions World War II Environmental disasters Literature of the 20th century

“Our time is a bit difficult for the pen...” V.V. Mayakovsky “Not a single world literature of the 20th century, except Russian, knew such an extensive list of cultural masters who passed away untimely and early...” V.A. Chalmaev “The 20th century broke us all...” M.I. Tsvetaeva Literature of the 20th century

Periodization of literature of the 20th century Russian literature Silver Age (1900 - 1917) First decades Soviet literature(1917 - 1941) literature during the Second World War (1941 -1945) literature of the mid-century (50s - 70s) literature of the 80s - 90s modern literature Emigrant literature (literature of Russian diaspora)

Silver Age “The Silver Age is not so much time and individual creative personalities, as much as a holistic worldview, a picture of the world in which personality and creativity are united...” V.A. Chalmaev “...they wrote as they lived, they lived as they wrote” V.A. Chalmaev

Historical situation in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century Recent years XIX century became a turning point for Russian and western cultures. Since the 1890s. and up to October Revolution Literally every aspect of 1917 changed Russian life, ranging from economics, politics and science, to technology, culture and art. The new stage of historical and cultural development was incredibly dynamic and, at the same time, extremely dramatic. We can say that Russia, at a turning point for it, was ahead of other countries in the pace and depth of changes, as well as in the enormity of internal conflicts.

The most important historical events in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century? Three revolutions: 1905, February, October 1917, Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 World War I 1914-1918, Civil War Stalinist repressions

“Cultural Renaissance” “This was the era of the awakening in Russia of independent philosophical thought, the flourishing of poetry and heightened aesthetic sensitivity, religious anxiety and quest, interest in mysticism and the occult. New souls appeared, new sources were discovered creative life, new dawns were seen, feelings of sunset and death were combined with a feeling of sunrise and hope for the transformation of life” N. Berdyaev

Literary polyphony What is art? What is the role of art in society? What is the influence of art on a person? What is the connection between art and life? What should the art of the future be like? What should a creator be like?

Main literary movements of the 20th century Critical realism. Decadence. Modernist movements: symbolism acmeism futurism Socialist realism.

Critical realism (XIX century - early XX century) A truthful, objective reflection of reality in its historical development. Continuation of Russian traditions literature of the 19th century century, critical understanding of what is happening. Human character is revealed in organic connection with social circumstances. Close attention to the inner world of a person.

Decadence (late 19th - early 20th centuries) From the French. decadence; from medieval lat. decadentia - decline. Mood of passivity, hopelessness, rejection public life, the desire to withdraw into the world of one’s emotional experiences. Opposition to generally accepted “philistine” morality. The cult of beauty as a self-sufficient value. Nihilistic hostility to society, lack of faith and cynicism, a special “feeling of the abyss.”

Decadent lyric A desert ball in an empty desert, Like the Devil's meditation... It has always hung, it hangs to this day... Madness! Madness! A single moment froze - and lasts, Like eternal repentance... You can neither cry nor pray... Despair! Despair! Someone scares you with the torment of hell, Then promises salvation... Neither lies nor truth are needed... Oblivion! Oblivion! Close your empty eyes tighter and quickly turn into aphids, dead man. There are no mornings, no days, there are only nights. End. Z. Gippius

Decadent lyric So life is terrible in insignificance, And not even struggle, not torment, But only endless boredom And quiet horror full, It seems that I’m not living, And my heart has stopped beating, And it’s only in reality I’m still dreaming about the same thing. And if, where I am, the Lord punishes me, as here, - Then death will be like my life, And death will not tell me anything new. D.S. Merezhkovsky

Modernism (from the French moderne - modern) The concept of “modernism” was applied to all art movements of the 20th century that did not correspond to the canons socialist realism. Collective name artistic trends, which established themselves in the second half of the 19th century in the form of new forms of creativity, where it was no longer so much following the spirit of nature and tradition that prevailed, but rather the free gaze of a master, free to change visible world at your own discretion, following a personal impression, an inner idea or a mystical dream. New artistic directions usually declared themselves as highly “modern” art (hence the very origin of the term), most sensitively responsive to the rhythm of the “current” time that daily embraces us.

Silver Age - poetry of the early 20th century. Conventional designation of a cultural era in the history of Russia at the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries. and entered into criticism and scholarship from the late 1950s to early 1960s. The term arose by analogy with the “Golden Age”. The “Silver Age” formula was of an evaluative nature. In the 1920-1930s. it was contrasted with the “Golden Age” as an era bearing undoubted features of secondary, and at the same time, sophistication. The poets of the Silver Age created a new concept of the world and man in this world: not everything created by people realized, there are areas inaccessible to the analytical mind.

Symbolism (1870-1910) Expression of ideas through symbols. “Poetry of hints”, metaphor, allegory, cult of impression. Inner world personality is an indicator of a common tragic world doomed to destruction. Existence in two planes: real and mystical.

Valery Bryusov “To a Woman” You are a woman, you are a book between books, You are a rolled up, imprinted scroll; In his lines there is an abundance of thoughts and words, in his pages every moment is insane. You are a woman, you are a witch's drink! It burns with fire as soon as it enters your mouth; But the one who drinks the flame suppresses the cry And praises madly amidst the torture. You are a woman, and you are right. From time immemorial you have been adorned with a crown of stars, You are the image of a deity in our abysses! We draw an iron yoke for you, We serve you, crushing the firmament of the mountains, And we pray - from eternity - for you!

Acmeism (formed in 1910) Derived from the Greek. “acme” - “edge”, “peak”, “blooming power”, “highest degree”. Clarity, affirmation real life, the cult of feelings over everything else. Returning the word to its original, non-symbolic meaning.

Anna Akhmatova “Before spring there are days like this” Before spring there are days like this: The meadow is resting under the dense snow, The cheerfully dry trees are rustling, And the warm wind is gentle and elastic. And your body marvels at its lightness, And you don’t recognize your home, And you sing the song that you were tired of before, Like a new one, with excitement.

Futurism (beginning of 1910) Restructuring of Russian literature, “the art of the future” (from the Latin f and t and r and m - future). An avant-garde movement that denies artistic and moral heritage. Creation of an “abstruse language”, a play on words and letters. Admiring a word, regardless of its meaning. Word creation and word innovation.

Velimir Khlebnikov “The Spell of Laughter” Oh, laugh, laughers! Oh, laugh, you laughers! That they laugh with laughter, that they laugh with laughter, Oh, laugh with laughter! Oh, the laughter of the mockers - the laughter of the clever laughers! Oh, laugh with laughter, the laughter of the laughing ones! Laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh. Laughers, laughers. Oh, laugh, you laughers! Oh, laugh, you laughers!

Socialist realism (October 1917) A truthful, historically specific depiction of reality in its revolutionary development. The main task: ideological transformation and education of workers in the spirit of socialism. A writer is an “exponent”, “representative”, “teacher”. Real heroes are fighters for the idea, hard workers, honest and fair people, brave and courageous.

Outside literary styles and directions I am the last poet of the village, The plank bridge is modest in songs. At the farewell mass of the birch trees burning with leaves. The candle made of flesh wax will burn out with a golden flame, And the wooden moon clock will wheeze my twelfth hour. An iron guest will soon appear on the path of the blue field. Oatmeal, spilled at dawn, will be collected by a black handful. Not living, alien palms, These songs cannot live with you! Only the horses will grieve about the old owner. The wind will suck their neighing, celebrating a funeral dance. Soon, soon the wooden clock will wheeze my twelfth hour! S.A. Yesenin

Outside of literary styles and trends, the veins have been opened: life is unstoppably, irreparably gushing. Set out bowls and plates! Every plate will be shallow, and every bowl will be flat. Over the edge - and past into the black earth, to feed the reeds. Irreversibly, unstoppably, Irreversibly lashes the verse. M.I. Tsvetaeva

Outside of literary styles and trends, the stories “Epiphanian Locks”, “City of Gradov”, “Potudan River”, “Pit Pit”, “Juvenile Sea” “Dzhan” novels “Chevengur”, “Happy Moscow”

Outside of literary styles and trends, the stories “Diaboliad”, “Fatal Eggs”, “ Heart of a Dog» novels « White Guard", "The Master and Margarita" plays "The Cabal of the Saint", "Days of the Turbins", "Running"

Literature of the early 20th century “This time - the Silver Age - brought forward writers who were amazing in their diversity, courage, sharpness of vision of life and spirituality of feeling... They largely did the work that was necessary for Russia for its self-knowledge at the coming turning point in history” L. B. Voronin

The originality of Russian literature of the early 20th century. Periodization, main trends.

Late XIX - early XX centuries. became a time of bright flourishing of Russian culture, its “silver age” (the “golden age” was called Pushkin’s time). At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. literature developed under different historical conditions than before. If you look for a word that characterizes the most important features of the period under consideration, it will be the word “crisis”. A new vision of the world, thus, will determine the new face of realism of the 20th century, which will differ significantly from the classical realism of its predecessors. The crisis of faith also had devastating consequences for the human spirit (“God is dead!” exclaimed Nietzsche). This led to the fact that the person of the 20th century began to increasingly experience the influence of irreligious ideas. The cult of sensual pleasures, the apology for evil and death, the glorification of the self-will of the individual, the recognition of the right to violence, which turned into terror - all these features indicate a deep crisis of consciousness.

In Russian literature of the early 20th century, a crisis of old ideas about art and a feeling of exhaustion of past development will be felt, and a revaluation of values ​​will take shape.

The renewal of literature and its modernization will cause the emergence of new trends and schools. The rethinking of old means of expression and the revival of poetry will mark the advent of the “Silver Age” of Russian literature. This term is associated with the name N. Berdyaeva, who used it in one of his speeches in D. Merezhkovsky’s salon. Later, the editor of Apollo, S. Makovsky, consolidated this phrase, calling his book about Russian culture at the turn of the century “On Parnassus of the Silver Age.”

Chronological framework of the period can be denoted as follows: 1892 1917 - exit from the era of timelessness (the beginning of social upsurge in the country, the manifesto and collection “Symbols” by D. Merezhkovsky, the first stories of M. Gorky, etc.). According to another point of view, the chronological end of this period can be considered 1921-1922 (the collapse of former illusions, the mass emigration of Russian cultural figures from Russia that began after the death of A. Blok and N. Gumilyov, the expulsion of a group of writers, philosophers and historians from countries). Russian literature of the 20th century was represented by three main literary trends: realism, modernism, literary avant-garde.

Representatives of literary movements

‣‣‣Senior Symbolists: V.Ya. Bryusov, K.D. Balmont, D.S. Merezhkovsky, Z.N. Gippius, F.K. Sologub et al.

◦Mystics-seekers of God: D.S. Merezhkovsky, Z.N. Gippius, N. Minsky.

◦Decadent individualists: V.Ya. Bryusov, K.D. Balmont, F.K. Sologub.

‣‣‣Junior Symbolists: A.A. Blok, Andrey Bely (B.N. Bugaev), V.I. Ivanov and others.

‣‣‣Acmeism: N.S. Gumilev, A.A. Akhmatova, S.M. Gorodetsky, O.E. Mandelstam, M.A. Zenkevich, V.I. Narbut.

‣‣‣Cubo-futurists (poets of "Hilea"): D.D. Burlyuk, V.V. Khlebnikov, V.V. Kamensky, V.V. Mayakovsky, A.E. Twisted.

‣‣‣Egofuturists: I. Severyanin, I. Ignatiev, K. Olimpov, V. Gnedov.

‣‣‣Group "Mezzanine of Poetry": V. Shershenevich, Khrisanf, R. Ivnev and others.

‣‣‣Association "Centrifuge": B.L. Pasternak, N.N. Aseev, S.P. Bobrov and others.

A special role in the development of literature of the 20th century was played by such writers as Maxim Gorky and L.N. Andreev. The twenties are a difficult, but dynamic and creatively fruitful period in the development of literature. Although many figures of Russian culture were expelled from the country in 1922, and others went into voluntary emigration, artistic life in Russia does not freeze. On the contrary, many talented young writers appear, recent participants in the Civil War: L. Leonov, M. Sholokhov, A. Fadeev and others.

The thirties began with the “year of the great turning point,” when the foundations of the previous Russian way of life were sharply deformed, and the party began to actively intervene in the sphere of culture. P. Florensky, A. Losev, A. Voronsky and D. Kharms were arrested, repressions against the intelligentsia intensified, which claimed the lives of tens of thousands of cultural figures, two thousand writers died, in particular N. Klyuev, O. Mandelstam , I. Kataev, I. Babel, B. Pilnyak, P. Vasiliev, A. Voronsky, B. Kornilov. Under these conditions, the development of literature was extremely difficult, tense and ambiguous.

The work of such writers and poets as V.V. deserves special consideration. Mayakovsky, S.A. Yesenin, A.A. Akhmatova, A.N. Tolstoy, E.I. Zamyatin, M.M. Zoshchenko, M.A. Sholokhov, M.A. Bulgakov, A.P. Platonov, O.E. Mandelstam, M.I. Tsvetaeva.

The originality of Russian literature of the early 20th century. Periodization, main trends. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Originality of Russian literature of the early 20th century. Periodization, main trends." 2017, 2018.

In world literature, it is Russian literature as a whole that occupies a significant place. If we talk about Russian literature of the 20th century, then the beginning of the century is marked as silver age the flourishing of literature in Rus'. During this period, the most difficult and significant contradictions for Russia of that era occurred. At this moment, interest in the study of religion began to gradually revive, which in turn had a major influence on the rapid development of Russian literature. More and more talented people began to emerge. Almost all writers of that era began to be troubled by questions about the essence of good and evil, life and death, as well as the inner nature of man.

Scientific discoveries, which were made during that period, greatly shook modern ideas about life. NEW VIEWS OF THE WORLD BEGAN TO DETERMINE NEW UNDERSTANDINGS OF THE REALITY OF THE 20TH CENTURY. It differed very significantly from the vision of life of their predecessors. This all became the first and main step towards the deepest crisis in consciousness. At almost every difficult moment in life, a person simply needs a strong surge of emotions, and even more so if the person is of a creative nature. During these years, not everyone could simply and freely express their experiences. Only writers could do this, and only on paper, because she can endure anything. Literature has made a huge contribution to the ongoing reassessment of life values.

The influence of 20th century literature in Rus' quickly spread beyond its borders. This was felt quite well immediately after the end of the October Revolution. She made it obvious that Russian literature of the 20th century has a progressive influence on human consciousness. Thanks to the works written in this century, outside Rus' everyone considered the Russian man to be a true and brave fighter with strong spiritual qualities of self-knowledge. The works written by the classics of Russian literature of the 20th century began to appear in gigantic editions. Thus, every day more and more new people appeared who read them.

During this significant period of the heyday of Russian literature, most of the writers of that era were expelled from the country, and some voluntarily decided to emigrate, but cultural society Russia and its literary life Since then she hasn’t stopped for a second. Very talented young writers began to appear who took part in Civil War.

You can't ignore creativity brilliant writers like Yesenin, Mayakovsky, Tolstoy, Platonov, as well as dozens of many other writers, whose works to this day remain world classics and role models for aspiring poets and writers. During the Great Patriotic War, patriotism began to appear more and more in literature, which appealed to the people. They quite vividly described scenes of the battle of the Russian people with the fascist invaders and occupiers.