Describe Kostylin from the story Prisoner of the Caucasus. Characteristics of Zhilin from the story “Prisoner of the Caucasus” by L. Tolstoy

Attributed the story written in 1872 for “Azbuka” to “ Caucasian prisoner" Its content was inspired by memories of real case from the life of the writer himself. While serving in the Caucasus, he was almost captured. Lev Nikolaevich and the Chechen riding next to him miraculously managed to escape from the mountaineers who were pursuing them.

The image of Zhilin, a brave and decisive Russian officer who managed to resist the vicissitudes of fate even in captivity, gives the work a special appeal.

Location and main characters

“Prisoner of the Caucasus” is a story about the times of the war in the Caucasus. Zhilin receives a letter from his mother, in which she asks her son to come home at least for a while. He is given leave, and the officer with the convoy - it was dangerous to travel alone - sets off. Time passes slowly, so together with another military man, Kostylin, the hero decides to continue on his own. However, when the prudent Zhilin climbs the steep slope to look around the area, the mountaineers notice him. Kostylin with a gun abandons his companion, and main character remains alone. At the very first minute, he decides to fight to the last, as befits a Russian officer. He himself rushes at the Tatar, but the forces are not equal. The wounded Zhilin is captured. Soon Kostylin is brought there.

In the village

The Tatar, who received the Russian officers, decided to receive a ransom for them. But Zhilin knew that his mother had nowhere to find the money, so he wrote the wrong address on the envelope and began to think about how to get out of captivity himself. Having met the owner’s daughter, the prisoner began making clay dolls for her. In gratitude, Dina secretly brought cakes and milk. The Tatars also liked Zhilin, who could do anything: he repaired a watch for one, a gun for another. The characterization of Zhilin from the story “Prisoner of the Caucasus” makes it clear that he was a hardworking man, accustomed to relying only on himself in everything.

Unlike Kostylin, who was simply waiting for a ransom to be paid for him, the main character is active. He is constantly thinking about an escape plan. While living in captivity he finds common language with the mountaineers, wins the love of a girl. During walks, he studies the area and estimates where the Russian fortress is located. He makes it in a barn - where prisoners were kept - tunnel He even fed the owner's dog. Having provided for all the unexpected, Zhilin began to wait for the right moment.

First escape

Despite Kostylin's betrayal, the hero decides to take him with him. Having successfully escaped from the village, the officers try to find their way in pitch darkness. And here Zhilin behaves courageously. He, short and dashing, with cut up legs, drags the exhausted, overweight Kostylin for a long time. And although in this way they could not get through much during the night, Zhilin did not abandon his comrade.

The mountaineers who went in pursuit grabbed both, but now threw them into a pit. The hero is trying to make a tunnel here, but the Tatars immediately noticed: there was nowhere to put the land. Thus, the characterization of Zhilin from the story “Prisoner of the Caucasus” shows his resilience and readiness to fight to the end in any situation.


The prisoner still managed to escape. Dina helped. When there were almost no men left in the village, she lowered a long pole into the pit, along which Zhilin climbed to the ground. Kostylin did not take risks this time - a month later, exhausted and sick, his relatives bought him from the Tatars.

With stocks on his feet, overcoming pain and fatigue, the officer managed to reach his people overnight. Already in front of the fortress, the mountaineers noticed him, but the Cossacks arrived in time to help - by the way, this is how L. Tolstoy himself managed to escape from captivity. Thus, the best, such as perseverance, courage, willingness to fight in any situation, natural kindness, skill, helped the main character not only survive, but also find a path to liberation. This is the characterization of Zhilin from the story “Prisoner of the Caucasus.”

The main character: assessment of the author and readers

L. Tolstoy sympathizes with the Russian officer. This is evidenced by the hero’s surname: Zhilin - having a strong “vein”, i.e. hardy, strong. And the title of the work: it uses the singular instead of the plural. Consequently, Kostylin, apathetic and relying only on his family, is not taken into account. And the style of the story itself: in the story about a Russian officer, everything seems to be simple, but behind this simplicity lies the true heroism and perseverance characteristic of a Russian person.

The characterization of Zhilin from the story “Prisoner of the Caucasus” can be supplemented by a statement by V. Shklovsky. He noted that the main character is good man. And for the reader to understand this, it is enough to know about him what is in the work.

Recognizing the high significance of L. Tolstoy’s story, S. Marshak put it on a par with the best works which has world literature. “The Prisoner of the Caucasus,” in his opinion, is the most “perfect example of a short story for children.” And big educational value The story is undoubtedly connected with the image of the main character.

The main technique of the story is opposition; The prisoners Zhilin and Kostylin are shown in contrast. Even their appearance is depicted in contrast. Zhilin is outwardly energetic and active. “He was a master at all kinds of needlework,” “Even though he was short in stature, he was brave,” the author emphasizes. And in the appearance of Kostylin, L. Tolstoy brings to the fore unpleasant features: “the man is overweight, plump, sweating.” Not only Zhilin and Kostylin are shown in contrast, but also the life, customs, and people of the village. Residents are depicted as Zhilin sees them.
Zhilin and Kostylin are the heroes of the story “Prisoner of the Caucasus” by L. N. Tolstoy. They are both Russian officers. They are participating in the war for the annexation of the Caucasus to Russia. Zhilin received a letter from his mother, who asks him to come to her before her death and say goodbye. The loving son set off on the road almost without thinking. However, it was impossible to go alone. The Tatars could have caught and killed them. We drove in a group, but very slowly. Zhilin and Kostylin decided to go ahead alone. Zhilin was careful and prudent. Having made sure that Kostylin had a loaded gun and a saber in his scabbard, he decided to climb the mountain and see if the Tatars were coming. As soon as he rode his horse to the top, he saw those whom he did not want to see. The Tatars stood very close to him and noticed the officer. Zhilin was brave and, thinking that if he reached the gun (Kostylin had it), they would be saved, he shouted to Kostylin. But the cowardly officer feared for his life and ran away. having committed a vile act. Both officers were captured, where they met. The chief of the Tatars said that a ransom had to be paid in order to be released. (5000 rubles). Kostylin immediately wrote a letter home asking for the money to be sent. And Zhilin said. that if they killed him they would get nothing at all, he told him to wait. He sent the letter to a different address. He felt sorry for his seriously ill mother, but he didn’t have that kind of money. Zhilin had no other relatives. He thought. that he can escape. While in captivity, Zhilin dug a tunnel at night and made dolls for the girl Dina during the day. In return, the girl brought him cakes and milk. Lazy Kostylin did nothing all day and slept at night. And then the day came. when everything was ready to escape. They fled with Kostylin. They ground their feet on the stones and had to carry the weak Kostylin. That's why they were caught. They were put in a large hole, but Dina brought a stick and helped Zhilin escape. This time Kostylin was afraid to run. Zhilin managed to reach his own people. Kostylin was bought back only a month later for 5,000 rubles. As a result, in Tolstoy’s story “Prisoner of the Caucasus” Zhilin If I find something else, I’ll write it, good luck

Story by A.N. Tolstoy’s “Prisoner of the Caucasus” was written under the impression of real events in which the author became a participant while serving in the Caucasus in 1853. He was almost captured by the mountaineers and lost a comrade in a clash with them.

Later, returning to the events he experienced, the writer created the image of officer Zhilin, who found the strength to get out of Chechen captivity and managed in the most difficult life situation preserve human dignity.

The main character of the work, Zhilin, is a representative of the noble class, but from an impoverished family. There is no sense of lordship or arrogance in his character traits and behavior: he is easy to communicate, knows a lot, and calmly endures the hardships of military service.

Finding himself in captivity due to the indiscretion of his comrade Kostylin, Zhilin does not lose hope of release and, knowing well the customs of the highlanders, tries to find live contact with them: he repairs broken watches, makes toys for children, and behaves confidently during negotiations.

Kostylin is not so resilient. He is morally crushed, dejected, almost falls into despair and unquestioningly fulfills the requirement to write home about a ransom from captivity.

Zhilin indicates the wrong address in his letter to his mother. He is convinced that he cannot make his loved ones worry and relies only on his own strength, convincing Kostylin to flee without waiting for a ransom.

The escape turns out to be unsuccessful, and this complicates the situation for the prisoners. They stop feeding them, put them in a hole and put them in stocks. Zhilin continues to fight for his liberation and tries to support his comrade, who is unable to independently withstand the current circumstances. Kostylin’s life comes down to waiting for a ransom - only in this he sees salvation and refuses to take any action to return home on his own. Kostylin ceases to be the master of his fate and completely, slavishly submits to the will of the mountaineers, who increase the ransom amount.

Zhilin is helped by Dina, a thirteen-year-old girl who has become attached to the Russian officer for his kindness and resilient disposition. The second escape, which Kostylin flatly refused, saves Zhilin from certain death.

Heroes are endowed speaking surnames. The author uses this technique to emphasize the resilience of his main character and the weakness of his comrade’s character. Serves the same purpose portrait characteristic: Zhilin is thin, fit, agile; Kostylin is so slow and heavy that he suffocates when walking. The contrast between the heroes is not striking, but serves to reveal the main idea of ​​the work: Zhilin is free only because of his personal qualities. Kostylin's fate remains unknown, but the reader can assume that the broken man is unlikely to wait for deliverance.





Stepkina Alina Aleksandrovna, teacher of Russian language and literature,

Shchekino 2016

Lesson objectives:

Educational: to develop initial skills comparative characteristics literary heroes; show by the example of the analysis of images of Zhilin and Kostylin two different relationships to life; bring students to understanding moral issues story, its ideas.

Developmental: development of analysis skills, creating characteristics of the hero.

Educational: fostering tolerance and philanthropy.

UMK: Korovina V.Ya. Literature 5th grade. Textbook-reader for general education institutions in 2 hours - M: “Enlightenment, 2013.”

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, handouts.

Planned results:

Subject: understanding the content of the story by L.N. Tolstoy's "Prisoner of the Caucasus"; the ability to highlight the main problems raised by the author in the work; systematization of knowledge according to the system of images of the story.

Meta-subject: introduction to independent research and creative activity; development of analysis skills work of art, the ability to create a generalization.

Personal: spiritual education moral personality, self-determination, cultural education verbal communication.

Lesson progress

    Organizational stage

    Updating students' knowledge

Which of the heroes aroused respect, and which aroused hostility?

Why is the story called “Caucasian Prisoner” and not “Caucasian Prisoners”, because there were two prisoners?

(The story is called “Caucasian Prisoner” and not “Caucasian Prisoners”, because the writer pays main attention to the story about Zhilin. Zhilin and Kostylin are the heroes of the story, but only Zhilin can be called a true hero).

    Work on the topic of the lesson

    Comparative characteristics Zilina and Kostylina as follows rough plan, which can be written down in a notebook.

    Portrait of a hero.

    Character traits.

    Attitude to loved ones, others, the world.

    The attitude of others towards him.

    Behavior in captivity.

    Conclusion about life position the hero and his role in the work.

    Compilation comparative table

Talking about Zilina and Kostylin, we begin teaching children comparative analysis. The development of the ability to conduct comparative characteristics heroes in the future, so we’ll give special attention compiling a comparative table. First, let's discuss the meaning of the characters' surnames.

Students take turns reading the text of the story. Finding definitions or facts that characterize the heroes from one side or another, students, at the teacher’s suggestion, stop reading and write down a quote, character trait, or action of the hero in the table. Compilation of the table will be completed at home.

Table option




The meaning of the surname

Veins - blood vessels, tendons.

A crutch is a stick with a crossbar placed under the arm, which serves as a support for lame people or those with sore legs when walking.


“And although Zhilin was not very tall, he was brave.”

“And Kostylin is an overweight, fat man, all red, and the sweat just pours from him.”


“We need to go out to the mountain to have a look, otherwise they’ll probably jump out from behind the mountain and you won’t see it.”

“Zhilin already fed her” (the dog) in advance.

Attitude towards the horse

“The horse near Zhilin was a hunting horse (he paid a hundred rubles for it in the herd as a foal and rode out himself) ...”

“The whip fry the horse, now from one side, now from the other.”

Bravery - cowardice

“-...I won’t give in alive...”

“-...With them, shyness is even worse.”

“And Kostylin, instead of waiting, as soon as he saw the Tatars, he ran as fast as he could towards the fortress.”

“And Kostylin became afraid.”

“Kostylin fell down in fear.”

Behavior in captivity

“Zhilin wrote a letter, but he wrote it wrong on the letter so that it wouldn’t get through. He thinks: “I’ll leave.”

“Zhilin was a master of all kinds of needlework.”

“Kostylin wrote home again, he was still waiting for the money to be sent and was bored. He sits in the barn all day long and counts the days until the letter arrives, or sleeps.”

Tatar opinion about captives



Observation, curiosity

“Zhilin began to understand their language a little.”

“Zhilin got up, dug out a larger crack, and began to look.”

Endurance, courage

“He jumps from pebble to pebble and looks at the stars.”

“Kostylin keeps falling behind and groaning.”

Loyalty, devotion

“’s not good to abandon a comrade.”

Kostylin left Zhilin in trouble and rode off on a horse.

    Literary game “Who are we talking about?” (by groups)

Students are divided into groups and then given cards. The guys must guess the characters in the story based on the description.

    And smart, and good, and has property. (Bride Zilina)

    Fast, lively, and walks all on springs. (Abdul)

    Although he was short in stature, he was brave. (Zhilin)

    Squeals, teeth bared, gun at the ready. (Kazi-Mugamed)

    He used to walk in his turban, prop himself up with his crutch, like a wolf, looking around. (Old man)

    Some kind of man, fat, barefoot and ragged, with a shoe on his foot too. (Kostylin)

    She ran up the mountain like a goat jumps. Only in the dark can you hear the monists in the braid on their backs rattling. (Dina)

    Vocabulary work. Entry in a literary dictionary.

Plot is a chain of events occurring in a work

- What is the plot of the story “Prisoner of the Caucasus”?

The story is short a narrative work that is united by one plot and consists of several episodes.

- Which of the works read in 5th grade can we call stories?

Composition - construction works, arrangement of parts, episodes and images in a significant time sequence.

Let's say that such a sequence is never random.

The composition of the story “Prisoner of the Caucasus” is based on its plot.

    Final conversation.

Prisoner is a person who is in captivity. What image and what associations do you have when you pronounce the title of Leo Tolstoy’s story?

- Which of the heroes is more like a Caucasian prisoner and why?

Pay attention to the writer’s use of the word “prisoner” in the singular. How can this be explained?

- What is the instructive meaning of the story? How does the title of the story reveal the author’s attitude towards the characters?

- What can you advise a person like Kostylin to learn not to give up and overcome themselves?

- What qualities of Zhilin’s character would you like to have?

IV. Homework

Compare the characters in the story “Prisoner of the Caucasus” by filling in

the table we filled out in class.

What conclusion can you draw?

    Reflection stage

Students have cards on their desks where they highlight what they need.

During the lesson I was:

- Interesting

- boring

- indifferent

Me in class:

- worked

- rested

- helped others

My results:

- I understood everything

- learned more

- much is unclear

Used literature:

    B.I. Turyanskaya, E.V. Komissarova, Literature in 5th grade, book for teachers, M., Russian word, 2000

    I.V. Bulgakova, Non-standard literature lessons for grades 5-7, Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2003.

- a story by Tolstoy, who introduces us to a Russian officer who was captured by the highlanders. This happens during the Caucasian War. While reading the story, we meet the two main characters - officers, whose comparative characteristics we were asked to do at home.

As we have already said, the main characters of the story are two officers of the Russian army, Zhilin and Kostylin. They have both common and distinctive human characteristics. Perhaps it should be said about them general outline, which makes the heroes similar. This is their common service in the Caucasus. Both of them noble origin, serve as officers, go on leave at the same time, and are captured at the same time. And then the reader sees how different people, different not only in appearance, but also in behavior. One of them is a hero, and the second is weak person, which only causes disgust. Let us dwell on the heroes of Zhilin and Kostylin in more detail.

Characteristics of Zilina

Zhilin is a person who deserves respect. No matter what, he always remains human. Although Zhilin was small in stature, he was a daredevil in everything. This is an officer whose courage and strength are immediately visible, but he never tried to seem like a hero. Even in difficult times, Zhilin thinks not about how to save his own skin, but about how to protect his mother from the news that he was captured. Zhilin is independently trying to find a way to solve the problem. He organizes the escape, which fails the first time because of Kostylin. But this did not break the hero. Zhilin does not give up and finds salvation. This hero strong in spirit and even his enemies respect him. Zhilin is brave and decisive and it is impossible not to admire this.

Characteristics of Kostylin

But Kostylin is the complete opposite. Outwardly, he is an overweight, fat man, pitiful and insignificant. Its very description evokes hostility. And when you get to know this hero of the story further, you completely begin to despise him. Kostylin is an egoist by nature, it is important for him to save his own skin, so he immediately rushed to write to his family so that they would prepare a ransom for him. Kostylin is a vile person who does not know the concept of friendship and certainly cannot be called a hero.

Story by A.N. Tolstoy’s “Prisoner of the Caucasus” was written under the impression of real events in which the author became a participant while serving in the Caucasus in 1853. He was almost captured by the mountaineers and lost a comrade in a clash with them.

Later, returning to the events he experienced, the writer created the image of officer Zhilin, who found the strength to get out of Chechen captivity and managed to preserve human dignity in a difficult life situation.

The main character of the work Zhilin- a representative of the noble class, but from an impoverished family. There is no sense of lordship or arrogance in his character traits and behavior: he is easy to communicate, knows a lot, and calmly endures the hardships of military service.

Finding himself in captivity due to the indiscretion of his comrade Kostylin, Zhilin does not lose hope of release and, knowing well the customs of the highlanders, tries to find live contact with them: he repairs broken watches, makes toys for children, and behaves confidently during negotiations.

Kostylin is not as durable. He is morally crushed, dejected, almost falls into despair and unquestioningly fulfills the requirement to write home about a ransom from captivity.

Zhilin indicates the wrong address in his letter to his mother. He is convinced that he cannot make his loved ones worry and relies only on his own strength, convincing Kostylin to flee without waiting for a ransom.

The escape turns out to be unsuccessful, and this complicates the situation for the prisoners. They stop feeding them, put them in a hole and put them in stocks. Zhilin continues to fight for his liberation and tries to support his comrade, who is unable to independently withstand the current circumstances. Kostylin’s life comes down to waiting for a ransom - only in this he sees salvation and refuses to take any action to return home on his own. Kostylin ceases to be the master of his fate and completely, slavishly submits to the will of the mountaineers, who increase the ransom amount.

Zhilin is helped by Dina, a thirteen-year-old girl who has become attached to the Russian officer for his kindness and resilient disposition. The second escape, which Kostylin flatly refused, saves Zhilin from certain death.

The heroes are endowed with telling surnames. The author uses this technique to emphasize the resilience of his main character and the weakness of his comrade’s character. Portrait characteristics serve the same purpose: Zhilin is thin, fit, agile; Kostylin is so slow and heavy that he suffocates when walking. The contrast between the heroes is not striking, but serves to reveal the main idea of ​​the work: Zhilin is free only because of his personal qualities. Kostylin's fate remains unknown, but the reader can assume that the broken man is unlikely to wait for deliverance.

Conclusions website

  1. Zhilin knows life well. He is not rich and can only rely on himself. Kostylin is gentle and well-to-do; In captivity, he immediately accepts the terms of the ransom.
  2. Zhilin is active, observant, and friendly even towards the mountaineers who captivated him. Kostylin is passive, depressed, withdrawn, incapable of difficult situation make your own decision.
  3. Zhilin is fit, easy to move, patiently endures pain and hunger. Kostylin is overweight, physically weak, and ill. His vitality not enough to get out of captivity without help from relatives.
  4. Zhilin is fighting for his life and does not lose his human dignity. Kostylin cannot cope with difficulties and, under conditions of captivity, degrades as a person.