Sleeping ship at sea. Big ship

A journey to the sea is a beautiful story that occurs quite often. Sailing on a ship evokes vivid feelings in people - joy, the desire to fulfill their dreams, to visit distant countries, to feel like the captain of their own destiny. Various dream books There are different interpretations of what dreams of sailing on a ship mean.

But the general meaning is the same - the emergence of new impressions or new life challenges. What exactly should you expect in reality? An analysis of such details as the weather during the voyage will tell you, appearance sea ​​vessel, your role during sleep.

Sailing on a beautiful, modern ship in a dream means moving towards the fulfillment of your desires, increasing your well-being and generally feeling great in all areas of life! This meaning is especially true if you see that the water is calm and clear, the wind is pleasant, the sun is shining cheerfully and brightly.

New prospects at work and in your personal life are definitely waiting for you. It is possible that we can also talk about purchasing real estate (if you have long dreamed of this and have set such a purchase as your goal) or about a good, successful trip. General value dreams - fulfillment of desires, implementation of plans.

You can judge the scale of success by the size of the ship - if you are sailing on a huge liner, then significant success awaits you. If you are traveling on a more modest ship, this means that your successes will, of course, please you, but they will be expected and quite real.

Dream Interpretations believe that one of the best signs of fate is a dream in which you are caught in a storm, but your ship survives natural phenomenon, as a result, the bad weather gives way to calm. This means that you will pass the test of fate with honor and emerge victorious.

Also good sign when you control the watercraft yourself. The dream says that you are completely independent person, which is not subject to someone else's dangerous influence. You make all the decisions yourself, and that's great!

A dream foretelling problems

A dream that foretells problems for you is associated with bad weather, the poor condition of the ship, or your anxious state on board the ship.

Bad weather indicates that external circumstances are stacked against you, now is not the time to act, it is better to hide for a while and wait for the best moment. A boat that looks unreliable - perhaps old or damaged - indicates that your internal state right now leaves much to be desired. You are now not in good shape, there is no energy, there is no strength to move forward. Visit your doctor and get some rest.

If you are sailing on a beautiful ship, but for some reason you are anxious and scared, then such a dream has a negative meaning. A big trouble awaits you; it is recommended to analyze all areas of your life. Think: where can trouble come from?

Meaning according to Miller's dream book

Miller believed that a dream about bad weather at sea speaks of possible problems in your life. Great weather is a prediction of good luck, joy, family happiness. If the sea is blowing strong wind, then this indicates possible troubles that will not affect you too much. The time of day matters too - traveling at night warns you that you are prone to taking risks. IN given time Don't get carried away with adventures.

Meaning according to Freud's dream book

Freud believed that the dreamer's position on board carries a special, erotic meaning. Being at the bow of the ship means that your relationship with your partner has most likely reached a dead end; it’s time to think about what you can change in your personal life. If you see someone accompanying you on land, then this is a prediction of an imminent divorce or the end of a relationship.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Why do you dream about a ship:

Under construction - exciting joy
manage - prudence in enterprises
without a mast - a misfortune from which there is a way out
drowning - unhappy news will strike you
floating - big loss
entering the port - salvation in great danger
at anchor - do not back down from your decision
unloaded - expect distant friends
airy - fulfillment of aspirations
flying on it is the fulfillment of bold aspirations
loaded - profitable deals
Riding on it is a joy.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Seeing a ship in a dream means:

The ship is a symbol of a new and happy era of life.
Seeing a ship with golden sails or other decorations is a symbol of happiness that will come in the country where the dreamer lives.
Seeing a ship with a white sail means that happiness will come only when the life of your country is inextricably linked with a powerful and prosperous northern power.
Seeing a ship in red is a symbol that foreshadows bloody clashes and strife in order to establish happiness and achieve prosperity.
Seeing an old, destroyed ship - this symbol indicates that hopes for happiness are in vain, it is necessary to throw in the towel with another country or change the political situation in home country.
When you dream of a burning ship, it symbolizes a sudden collapse of prosperity, a declaration of war, or a powerful natural disaster that will worsen life for a long time and bring a lot of grief and suffering to the territory of the country where the dreamer lives.
Seeing a ship explode is a symbol of a catastrophe on a universal scale: a collision with a cosmic body, an explosion ecological crisis, nuclear war.

Ukrainian dream book

A dream with a ship in the dream book is interpreted as:

Miller's Dream Book

Dreaming of a ship means:

Seeing ships in a dream means honor and an unexpected promotion for your lifestyle.
Finding out about a shipwreck in a dream means a disastrous turn in business. Your enemies will deceive you.
If you dream that you died in a shipwreck, it means that someone very close to you will call on your honor and your life.
If you dream of a ship in a stormy sea, it means that you will find yourself unlucky in business and will not be able to hide some intrigue from the public, while your business partner will try to deceive you.
If you dream that others are shipwrecked, it means that bankruptcy and shame await you, and your attempts to find protection and shelter with your friend will be in vain.
Seeing warships in a dream means a long separation from friends and your country.
If you dream of a wrecked ship, this promises political intrigue.
In general, a dream about ships can usher in a period of energetic activity in your life.

Miller's Dream Book

Ship dream meaning:

To see is honor, an unexpected promotion in rank, which will entail an improvement in the standard of living;
hearing the crash of a collapsing ship is a terrible turn of events in business, betrayal of friends;
die in a shipwreck - your life or honor will be at risk;
ship in a stormy sea - settlement of disputes, you will look for ways to hide some intrigues from society, while your partner threatens you with exposure;
to see others being shipwrecked is a vain attempt to protect your friend from dishonor.
Also see Wreck, Liner, Ice drift, Is this the correct interpretation of the dream? (2)

Slavic dream book

What does it mean if you dream about a ship:

Watching the sailing away means good luck in money, in love; arrival - unexpected success; sailing on a ship - important changes, new beginnings, hopes, as well as a long wait; climbing aboard a ship via a ladder is a successful undertaking; ship in the sky - happiness (for the healthy), death (for the sick); the sinking of a ship means early marriage (for unmarried people), divorce (for married people).

Small dream book

What a ship might mean in a dream:

A dream in which you see a ship indicates that glory awaits you. Also similar dream is a sign of selfless labor and inexhaustible energy. Seeing a shipwreck in a dream means that you are in danger of trouble in business. Dying in a shipwreck means that you will have to show willpower. If you dreamed that other people were shipwrecked, then your attempts to help your friends will be in vain. If you dreamed of a ship sailing during a storm, then expect failure when concluding a deal.

Old Russian dream book

A ship in a dream means:

Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

If you dream of a ship, it means:

Dream book Meneghetti

English dream book

Seeing your own ship sailing on the sea with goods is a dream foretelling that you are on the path to wealth. Seeing yourself in the cabin of a ship sailing on the ocean is a harbinger that you will emigrate to a foreign country. If you see yourself on a ship that has a leak, this is a sign that your upcoming trip will be unsuccessful. If a pregnant woman sees ships in a dream, it means that she will have a son who will become a sailor.

Ship in a dream from Esoteric dream book

New achievements in public sphere. To be on a ship - to work in social sphere, in public work. Sail on a ship - rush to big changes. Those who remained on the shore will fall behind in life. Sinking with the ship means succumbing to group interests. Negative Impact group karma. Build - create your own business, party, organization.

Ship in a dream from Dream Interpretation Alphabetically

A dream in which a ship is present is a sign of unexpected acquisitions. Traveling on an ocean liner in pleasant company and enjoying beautiful weather means happy events await you in reality.

Seeing a ship in distress on the open sea is bad news; if a ship disappears into the depths of the sea before your eyes, this means that bankruptcy and shame await you, and any requests to a friend for help will be met with indifferent silence.

Sailing on a small boat alone far from the coast - in reality you will suffer significant financial losses, while getting caught in a decent storm means that in reality you will show complete failure in business, looking ridiculous and helpless in the eyes of your enemies.

A ship with a mast blown down during a hurricane is a harbinger of misfortune, from which there is only one way out, but it lies through many obstacles. If your ship has been torn from its anchor and is drifting to God knows where, rising up giant waves, – you should not retreat from once decision taken- only this is your salvation in the current extreme situation.

Coming out of a sea scrape alive and unharmed is evidence of a prudent approach to the undertaking. If you dreamed that you died in a shipwreck, it means that one of your close relatives will seriously need your help.

Seeing in a dream the skeleton of a ship under construction standing on the slipways of a shipyard means that a passionate feeling awaits you ahead, which may well grow into ardent love. A finished ship being lowered from the slipway, on the side of which a bottle of champagne is broken - such a cheerful dream really foreshadows a happy rescue in an extremely dangerous situation.

A ship unloading at the port portends a meeting with distant friends; standing under loading - to profitable business and profit. Climbing aboard a ship means entering a streak of luck and success in reality. Sailing on a ship calm sea in complete calm - in real life indulge in an easy, completely harmless hobby. Seeing a ship with bright lights sailing towards you on the open sea is a harbinger of prosperity and happiness in everything. Looking at the mast of a ship in a dream promises long and pleasant journeys, the emergence of new friends and additional property. Seeing the wreckage of a ship smashed against the rocks means unexpected changes in circumstances caused by the need to postpone anticipated pleasure.

The broken shell of a ship that has landed on the coastal reefs means good luck in life awaits you. To dream that a ship is leaving the shore, leaving you on it - such a dream foreshadows minor worries. Seeing a ship sailing towards the horizon in a dream means winning, generally good luck in the game. A ship sailing toward the light of a lighthouse foretells that the path to success will be open to you in the very near future; for those who love such a dream - a prediction of family happiness and many years life together.

Ship in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Unexpected promotion. Small - your subordination will be small, but very friendly team like-minded people.

Launching a ship - a new beginning profitable business.

The ship is loaded with goods - new position will be the first step on the path to wealth.

Seeing yourself in a ship's cabin - work related to foreign business trips.

Throwing something overboard means you will be able to beat all applicants for the position.

The ship is sailing from the shore - the destination will be the starting point of a rapid career growth.

Building a ship is a profitable marriage.

Traveling on a ship is a symbol of hope and dreams.

Get off the ship ashore - cherished dream will become reality.

If you get caught in a storm, the outcome of a dangerous undertaking depends on your decision.

Seeing ships entering the port means friendly support will help you complete the job you started.

The ship has sprung a leak - it is necessary to correct the direction of movement towards the intended goal.

You are the captain of the ship - the desire to control the situation and manage the chosen course of life will come true.

The ship is drifting - expect new ones advantageous offers.

You were late for the ship - vain worries about a missed opportunity. This saved you from irreparable mistakes.

Standing at anchor - do not deviate from the decision made, no matter what arguments are given to you and threats thrown at you.

A ship with people - you will have a pleasant holiday fun company.

Entering on board a ship is unexpected wealth.

Shipwreck - your bachelor existence has come to its logical conclusion.

Imagine that you are the captain or owner of a ship.

Ship in a dream from 20th century dream book

The symbol is very large and important enterprise. Symbol of ghostly dreams.

A luxury liner seen in a dream means that you are busy or may soon be engaged in some very promising and profitable business.

Silver color of the liner: may portend that your cherished dream will soon come true.

(but be careful that the word “Titanic” is not written on the side of the liner).

Merchant Navy vessel: portends success in commercial affairs.

Fishing boat: a symbol of a profitable enterprise.

Warship: May hint that to truly succeed you will need qualities such as toughness, courage and strength of character.

Pirate ship: warns against risky business.

A beautiful sailboat in a dream: a sign that you can take advantage of favorable circumstances.

Airship - a dream suggests that the plans you are hatching are not supported by anything and have no chance of success. Perhaps in reality you should do something more realistic? A dream in which you see danger threatening the ship: means that you should be more careful and work out your plans more carefully, otherwise your big business may end in failure.

Ship in a dream from Rommel's Dream Book

Seeing a ship passing or boarding a ship means good news, success in business, a happy marriage.

Sailing on a ship on a calm sea has the same meaning.

Seeing or taking part in the construction or repair of a ship means recovery or the acquisition of something.

Traveling in a storm means taking risks in business.

Watching the sailing, seeing off the ship - to good luck in money and in love.

The arrival of a ship means unexpected success.

If you are in a shipwreck or others have suffered from it, this dream means betrayal of loved ones, treason, bankruptcy.

Warships mean separation from friends, and sometimes from the country.

A wrecked ship means political intrigue.

Ship in a dream from Astrological dream book

Do you think that only children dream about ships? Only for boys who dream of growing up and heading towards a new life full of adventure, delight and breathtaking emotions? Or just the girls who, believing the story, are waiting on the shore for their ship under scarlet sails?

But no!

A dream ship is not the same anymore rare occurrence for adults or even very, very adults, self-confident people devoid of romanticism.

So, in this article I propose to figure out with me,

According to Russian folk, it has always been considered a symbol of hope and the realization of dreams. And this, of course, is not surprising. - Let us remember, for example, the mighty fleet of Peter the Great, which was the stronghold of the entire state.

A ship in a dream often means fate, salvation, as well as physical and emotional fatigue and the desire to take a break from everyday worries and affairs. A ship proudly rising on the water promises a win, and one standing at anchor warns that you are on on the right track to achieve your goal, so you can’t retreat in any way, otherwise fortune will no longer accompany you. If you are sailing on a huge and beautiful ship, happiness awaits you, and the construction of a new ship symbolizes love.

And, conversely... A sinking ship has always been considered a harbinger of bitter news or a whole series of misfortunes.

IN women's dreams? The female interpreter says that if a representative of the fair half of humanity managed to see a dream ship, then honor and promotion will definitely await her.

But disasters that happen to a ship in a dream are automatically considered harbingers of troubles in reality. For example, a ship struggling with a storm is a sign of failure; to learn about the shipwreck - to the cunning of enemies and deception. Military cruisers, as a rule, dream of a long separation from close friends or the country as a whole. Special attention pay attention to the dream in which you supposedly die in a shipwreck - someone really needs your help.

And finally, we come to the latest data. So, what do scientists dream about about a ship? People doing modern science about dreams, oneirology, they conducted a lot of research and as a result found out that if in your dream you are looking intently at the side of a ship, this may mean that in the near future you will have an opportunity for entertainment and relaxation. Hanging overboard and looking down means global changes in life. But the rocking symbolizes that, in the end, successful implementation of your plans awaits you; you just have to cast aside doubts and calmly think about what has happened.

A calm sea is a sign of “full speed ahead”, luck is on your side, and if you are also in love, then your chosen one is exactly the person you need next to you for the rest of your life. But with a dream on a ship-steamer, the situation is very twofold: if you meet a ship or are simply on board, you will experience long-awaited meeting with a friend, but if you are setting off on a long voyage, or a ship passes by you, you are most likely living and in the future an event awaits you that will completely change your usual way of life.

A shipwreck always brings tears to your dreams, but going ashore from a ship that has just arrived is a good sign - you are confidently moving towards your goal! Having taken part in the construction of a ship in a dream, take a closer look at those around you - they want to help you find a way out of the situation.

So, why do you dream about a ship? The dream is generally positive and favorable. This is the achievement of set goals, and joy, and the implementation of plans, and help, and hope, and success, so you can safely wish anyone falling asleep: “May you dream of a ship sailing towards you under proudly inflated sails. Good night!"

Why do you dream of a sailing ship on the water? The dream book gives varied interpretations to this symbol. So, the plot can promise travel, honor, profit, stability. However, sometimes a vision in a dream warns of an incorrectly chosen course or the need to resort to outside help.

Dream details

Remember what happened to the ship:

  • arrived - unexpected success;
  • dropped anchor - do not deviate from your decisions;
  • sailed - good luck in love;
  • walked in the distance - news;
  • a lot of people on it - prosperity;
  • boarding a liner is great for the poor, but dangerous for the rich;
  • to swim - there is a road ahead;
  • go - achieve the goal.

Miller's Dream Book: bad luck in business

Did you dream about a ship in a stormy sea? The dreamer will have no luck in business: he will not be able to hide some kind of intrigue from strangers. Meanwhile, the sleeping partner will do everything to deceive him.

Recognition, luck

Why do you dream of a ship on the water? According to the dream book, this is a good omen, promising honor, recognition, and an unexpected promotion.

Seeing him in a dream also means: the sleeper will win, but not only lottery winnings. Luck can smile when making a bet or competing for a good deal.

A sailing ship on the water represents the dreamer’s life course, a purposeful movement towards something new.

Relationships with others

Did you dream of seeing other ships and boats from yours? A difficult situation will arise when you will need the help of friends and acquaintances.

Why do you dream of sailing on it? The dream book explains: you are about to experience a change in your relationship. Go to distant countries- you will have to console your loved ones.

What was he like?

The interpretation of the dream also takes into account the type of ship:

  • sailboat - romance, but you should not lose control over your life, as if surrendering to the will of the wind;
  • boat, dinghy, canoe - symbol spiritual development;
  • lifeboat - you need help;
  • tanker - hard work ahead;
  • steamship - stability, reliability;
  • motor ship - a person will appear who can change your life and teach you a lot;
  • military - separation from loved ones;
  • liner - a profitable business awaits.

Be careful: there is danger ahead

Did you dream of seeing a ship on the water that was wrecked in a storm? You have chosen the wrong path, so disaster and failure are possible.

To be there during a storm in a dream, feeling the rocking, means: the dreamer constantly doubts, gives in to panic. You should analyze your doubts and change your goals.

Why dream of drowning on a ship, especially if you steered it yourself? The dream book gives two interpretations: a warning of impending danger or loss of control over oneself.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (brief)

Seeing a Ship in a dream

Dream Interpretation: Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

Seeing a Ship in a dream

  • Shipwreck - tears.

Seeing a Ship in a dream

  • A ship or steamship is a symbol of hope.
  • What happens to him symbolizes the dreamer himself, the life situation in which he finds himself.
  • To ride on it, to be on it - a change in relationships; road.
  • Traveling to distant countries means consoling loved ones.
  • He walks by - saying goodbye to a friend or the environment in general.
  • A ship leaving into the distance - worries and sorrows remain with you, but hopes will sail away.
  • To leave it is to achieve the goal.
  • He drops anchor - some kind of embassy to you.
  • Seeing a big one near the shore means success in business.
  • Small – small joys.
  • Shipwreck - tears.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Dream Interpretation Ship

  • A ship or boat entering a port is salvation from great danger; you have found a “shelter” and someone who will help you. The ship is at anchor - you do not need to deviate from your decision.
  • Building a ship means new romantic trips, joy. Being a captain on a ship and steering it is prudence in life.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Ship

  • Ships dream of honor and unexpected promotion. As they say, for a big ship, a long voyage!
  • A shipwreck promises a disastrous turn in business. Your enemies will probably deceive you.
  • A ship sailing on a stormy sea means your loss to a business partner.
  • A warship dreams of a long separation from friends and homeland.
  • A wrecked ship promises political intrigue.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about the Ship?

  • Sailing on a boat brings happiness. However, if the boat is sailing on rough seas, you will be extremely busy. Any sailboat can also be considered a symbol of spiritual development. Steamboat - slower but more reliable vehicle, so the interpretation is the same. Lifeboat - you need rescuing, try to get out difficult situation. See also individual species boats.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

Why do you dream about the Ship?

  • If you dream that you are traveling on a ship, this indicates your desire to change your life situation, and your belief that you are on the right path in this quest. It's good if you see yourself as the captain of this ship. If the ship is drifting, then this expresses fear of life without a goal. If the ship is sailing away and you are late for it, you are missing out on your lucky chance by your inaction!

Dream book: Ancient French dream book

Seeing a Ship in a dream

  • Seeing a ship in a dream - lucky sign. He promises you sure luck. If the ship is richly equipped, it is possible that good times will return to you soon. If you dream that you are on a ship during a storm, this is a sign that your situation in life is stable and you have nothing to fear. But if your ship crashes in a dream, the dream warns you against danger or reckless actions.

Dream Interpretation: Ancient English Dream Book (Zadkiel's Dream Book)

Dream Interpretation Ship

  • Seeing your own ship sailing on the sea with goods is a dream foretelling that you are on the path to wealth. Seeing yourself in the cabin of a ship sailing on the ocean is a harbinger that you will emigrate to a foreign country. If you see yourself on a ship that has a leak, this is a sign that your upcoming trip will be unsuccessful. If a pregnant woman sees ships in a dream, it means that she will have a son who will become a sailor.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern women's dream book

Why do you dream about the Ship?

  • A dream promising a quick and successful marriage. Dreaming of a shipwreck means trouble. Dying in a shipwreck is a sign that you need to show willpower.

Dream Interpretation: Aesop's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about the Ship?

  • This symbol is associated with hope that never dies. The ship is a symbol of salvation in hopeless situation. In this regard, the ship was endowed magical power and attributed to it capabilities inaccessible to conventional means of transportation.
  • If a ship appears in your dream, perhaps in reality you simply dream of taking a break from everyday worries and affairs. In some cases, a ship can mean a dream or destiny. IN Ancient Hellas The Argonauts carried their ship on their shoulders across the desert because it was considered a symbol of hope and life.
  • The very first ship was the ark, built by Noah at the behest of God in order to save the most worthy. Therefore, this symbol can be interpreted as salvation and refuge.
  • Seeing a ship sailing across the sky means that in a difficult situation you will find a way out without outside help, because you have enormous energy; to a happy streak in life; To lucky coincidence circumstances.
  • To see a seashore, to which many ships are moored and gradually they all catch fire - this dream foreshadows bad sad news from afar; to loss of hope; to disappointment, which will lead to strong changes in life; to giving up everything you have achieved.
  • Seeing a ship sailing on the waves in a dream is a symbol of hope and faith.
  • A dream in which you are sailing on a ship means that you have come to terms with the reality of life and are simply going with the flow of life without making any effort.
  • If in a dream your ship crashed, in real life you will need the help of your loved ones.
  • A dream in which you go on a long journey on a ship indicates that you are tired of the monotony and want to change the situation and have a little fun.
  • Seeing an unusual ship in a dream is a sign that you need help and spiritual support.
  • A ship with lowered sails symbolizes difficulties and health problems.
  • Repairing a ship in a dream means that with your hard work you will achieve a lot and overcome any difficulties.
  • A dream in which you saw how a storm breaks the ship on which you are sailing means that in reality you are so carried away by your passions that you are not aware of the real danger that they pose. “It is not the sea that sinks ships, but the winds.”

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Ship

  • Seeing ships in a dream means honor and an unexpected promotion for your lifestyle.
  • Finding out about a shipwreck in a dream means a disastrous turn in business. Your enemies will deceive you.
  • If you dream that you died in a shipwreck, it means that someone very close to you will call on your honor and your life.
  • If you dream of a ship in a stormy sea, it means... You will find yourself unlucky in business and will not be able to hide some intrigue from the public, while your business partner will try to deceive you.
  • If you dream that others are shipwrecked, it means that bankruptcy and shame await you, and your attempts to find protection and shelter with your friend will be in vain.
  • Seeing warships in a dream means a long separation from friends and your country.
  • If you dream of a wrecked ship, this promises political intrigue.
  • In general, a dream about ships can usher in a period of energetic activity in your life.

Dream Interpretation: Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Seeing a Ship in a dream

  • looking at the sailing - good luck in money, love;
  • arrival - unexpected success;
  • sailing on a ship - important changes, new beginnings, hopes;
  • shipwreck - betrayal by loved ones.

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

Seeing a Ship in a dream

  • A dream in which you see a ship indicates that glory awaits you. Also, such a dream is a sign of selfless work and inexhaustible energy. Seeing a shipwreck in a dream means that you are in danger of trouble in business. Dying in a shipwreck means that you will have to show willpower. If you dreamed that other people were shipwrecked, then your attempts to help your friends will be in vain. If you dreamed of a ship sailing during a storm, then expect failure when concluding a deal.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Dream Interpretation Ship

  • Riding a ship means success in business; in a carriage - honor; riding - trouble; to see people riding in a carriage or in a shuttle - a date with an absent person, a new friend.
  • Ship - honor, wealth; sailing - victory over the enemy.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric Dream Interpretation

Seeing a Ship in a dream

  • New achievements in the public sphere.
  • To be on a ship means to work in the social sphere, in public work.
  • Sailing on a ship means rushing towards big changes. Those who remained on the shore will fall behind in life.
  • Sinking with the ship means succumbing to group interests. Negative effects of group karma.
  • Build - create your own business, party, organization.

Dream Interpretation: Longo's Dream Interpretation

Seeing a Ship in a dream

  • If in a dream you saw a ship sailing on the sea, it means you simply don’t have enough fresh air, space. The dream can be regarded as an invitation to a country holiday. Sailing on a ship yourself in a dream - soon you will have a very difficult situation when you really need the understanding of your loved ones, but they will be busy with their own affairs, few people are interested in how you feel. So that you do not feel offended or unpleasant, give up all hope of understanding and rely solely on your own strengths. A sinking ship is a symbol of the fact that you once made a mistake, and this happened because of your naivety or short-sightedness. Now you are trying to correct the consequences of your mistake, but so far in vain. There will probably come a time when your attempts will be crowned with success.

Dream Interpretation: Italian Dream Book by Meneghetti

Why do you dream about the Ship?

  • Means company, community, or penetration into a mother's relationship.

Dream Interpretation: Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

Seeing a Ship in a dream

  • Ship - The desire to escape from one’s environment. Fear of routine and stagnation.

Dream Interpretation: Loff's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Ship

  • Boats can symbolize completely different things: wealth, TRAVEL, isolation, danger, romanticism, and even complete disappointment and frustration. Boats and canoes generally only bob on the calm waters of lakes and rivers. Therefore, if in a dream you dream of a boat located far out on the open sea, then this implies a severance of peaceful relations with someone. Analysis of the surrounding situation will help to obtain a more detailed interpretation.
  • The meaning of a ship's symbols depends on its type. The most likely interpretations are isolation, danger, escapism and romance. Sailing and rowing ships are often found in similar environments. Sailboats portend wealth or disappointment; they can symbolize prosperity or romanticism, but are associated with a certain risk: after all, we are not always spoiled by a fair wind.
  • The steamboat symbolizes power, control, wealth, competition or travel. The likelihood of a dangerous situation is minimized - only an engine breakdown can interfere.
  • A sinking ship means fear of water, fear of drowning or incompetence. But more often than not, a sinking ship is an allegorical image relating to some specific aspect of your life. To more accurately determine the interpretation, look at who is sailing on the ship or, conversely, who is clearly missing there.
  • Also analyze whether it is clear from your dream why the ship is sinking.
  • Do you recognize the ship?
  • What feelings do you experience - joy and relief or fear and anxiety?

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Why do you dream about the Ship?

  • The ship is a symbol of a new and happy era of life.
  • Seeing a ship with golden sails or other decorations is a symbol of happiness that will come in the country where the dreamer lives.
  • Seeing a ship with a white sail means that happiness will come only when the life of your country is inextricably linked with a powerful and prosperous northern power.
  • Seeing a ship in red is a symbol that foreshadows bloody clashes and strife in order to establish happiness and achieve prosperity.
  • Seeing an old, destroyed ship - this symbol indicates that hopes for happiness are in vain, it is necessary to link one’s destiny with another country or change the political situation in one’s native country.
  • When you dream of a burning ship, it symbolizes a sudden collapse of prosperity, a declaration of war, or a powerful natural disaster that will worsen life for a long time and bring a lot of grief and suffering to the territory of the country where the dreamer lives.
  • Seeing a ship explode is a symbol of a catastrophe on a universal scale: a collision with a cosmic body, an explosion of an environmental crisis, a nuclear war.

Dream Interpretation: Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Ship

  • Under construction - exciting joy; manage - prudence in enterprises; without a mast - misfortune from which there is a way out; drowning - unhappy news will strike you; floating - a big loss; entering the port - salvation is in great danger; at anchor - do not back down from your decision; unloaded - expect distant friends; airy - fulfillment of aspirations; flying on it is the fulfillment of bold aspirations; loaded - profitable business; Riding on it is a joy.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Azar

Seeing a Ship in a dream

  • A ship entering the port is salvation from great danger.
  • see an airship - fulfillment of aspirations
  • waves - a lot of work

Dream Interpretation: Egyptian Dream Book of the Pharaohs (Kenherkhepeshefa)

Why do you dream about the Ship?

  • If a person sees himself in a dream sitting in the cabin of a ship, it is bad - the dragging of his own heart.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing a Ship in a dream

  • To control the ship - you need to subordinate your actions to reason; A ship in a stormy sea - to a conflict, stressful situation; A ship after a storm or aground means illness; Drowning is a sign of danger; Floating, loaded - to health and high performance; A small boat sailing from a pier or from a large ship - to pregnancy and childbirth.

In the dream book the site itself big dream book Runet contains 75 best dream books: Chinese dream book Zhou-gun, dream book of happy omens, noble dream book N. Grishina, Italian dream book Meneghetti, Tsvetkov’s dream book, dream book catch phrases, Loff's dream book, numerological dream book of Pythagoras, dream book of Health, dream book of symbols (symbolic), dream book of Martyn Zadeki, erotic dream book Danilova, eastern women's dream book, male dream book, modern dream book, Schiller-Shkolnik's dream book, Chaldean dream book, gypsy dream book, Assyrian dream book, old English dream book (Zedkiel's dream book), Slavic dream book, lovers' dream book, Vanga's dream book, women's dream book, and others.