Museum of Archeology and Ethnography of the Univ. Russia, Ufa “Museum of Archeology and Ethnography. The world of Bashkir culture

The Museum of Archeology and Ethnography, together with the Department of Source Studies, Archeology and Ethnography and students specializing in the department, represent a single harmonious organism studying cultural traditions Komi region. The department and the museum, together with students of the Faculty of History, have been studying the material and spiritual culture of the peoples of the European Northeast for 30 years. During this period, archaeological and ethnographic expeditions were organized to different regions of the Komi Republic, and a special seminar was created to study traditional culture Komi and a laboratory for the study of historical and cultural monuments, during the course of which significant archaeological and ethnographic material was accumulated, on the basis of which numerous scientific works both university staff and students.

The museum, on the one hand, is one of the educational structures of the Faculty of History, which is part of the Department of Source Studies, Archeology and Ethnography, on the other hand, it is a reflection of the research successes of archaeologists, ethnologists, and museologists of the university. The work of the museum combines various functions- scientific, educational, cultural, educational, educational. But since the museum is a university museum, the main activity is aimed at ensuring visibility in the teaching of specific disciplines. In the work of the museum, a special place is occupied by the promotion of historical knowledge among schoolchildren; a special methodology is used that takes into account age characteristics schoolchildren's perceptions.

Historical background

The museum's first collection appeared in 1973. Archaeological finds were presented at the exhibition. This practice of demonstrating the results of field work has become a tradition. However, working within temporary exhibitions has become difficult. The accumulated material on various archaeological eras, the design of visualization in the educational process put new task- organization of permanent exhibition. And in 1978, the first permanent exhibition of archaeological material was organized, arranged in cultural and chronological order. All work to create a scientific concept and design the exhibition was carried out on a voluntary basis. And only in 1982 the museum officially received its status. Initially there was only an archaeological exhibition, but later an ethnographic exhibition was also organized. In 1999, in connection with the relocation of the Faculty of History to a new building, a new exhibition was created that meets modern requirements of science and museum design. Vuzovsky museum complex this level is the only one in the northern region of the European part of Russia, which harmoniously embodies the latest achievements scientific knowledge in the field of archeology and ethnography, new educational technologies and modern museum design.

The Museum of Archeology and Ethnography means the totality of scientific archaeological and ethnographic funds of the Institute of Ethnological Research named after. R.G. Kuzeev Ufimsky scientific center RAS, some of which are exhibited in special rooms - the halls of archeology and ethnography.

Founder of the Institute of Ethnological Research named after. R.G. Kuzeev UC RAS ​​with the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography - Kuzeev Rail Gumerovich (1929–2005).

The scientific school created by the founder of the IEI UC RAS ​​R. G. Kuzeev gave impetus to the development of a number of scientific areas modern science: ethnology, archeology, archaeography, source studies, sociology of culture. Dozens of candidate's theses on the most pressing problems archeology of Eurasia, ethnic history and geography of the peoples of the region, ethnopolitical processes in modern society.

The opening of a specialized museum in 1976 was a natural result of targeted archaeological and ethnographic research by scientists of the republic and the region in the 50–70s, carried out on the initiative of the outstanding scientist R. G. Kuzeev, who was at the origins of the MAE and the Department of the Peoples of the Urals, Center for Ethnological Research, and then the Institute of Ethnological Research. His fundamental works on ethnography, theory of ethnicity and culture, ethnology were included in the golden fund national science. He trained dozens of candidates and doctors of science, and created his own theoretical and methodological school of ethnology. R. G. Kuzeev - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Academician of the Academy of Sociology of Russia, Honorary Academician of the Chuvash National Academy, Academician of the International Turkic Academy, Member of the Society of Orientalists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the South Ural Branch of the Archaeographic Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honorary Professor of a number of Russian and foreign universities.

Many years of work scientific achievements and public activities of R. G. Kuzeev, which contribute to strengthening friendship and mutual understanding between the peoples of Russia, are highly appreciated by the governments of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus and awarded with orders and medals.

Coordination of work and methodological guidance of the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography is carried out by the Museum Council under the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Academic Council of the Institute of Ethnological Research named after. R.G. Kuzeev UC RAS. Based on the results of its activities, the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography annually submits to the Museum Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences a report on research, organizational, exhibition, stock, expedition and scientific and educational work.

The main activities of the museum are acquisition, systematization, accounting and storage of archaeological and ethnographic funds, popularization of the latest results of archaeological and ethnographic sciences in the field of studying history and culture Southern Urals.

Partner organizations:

  • State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg
  • Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography named after. Peter the Great (Kunstkamera), St. Petersburg
  • Russian Ethnographic Museum, St. Petersburg

Museum of Archeology and Ethnography in Ufa (Ufa, Russia) - exhibitions, opening hours, address, phone numbers, official website.

  • Tours for the New Year to Russia
  • Last minute tours to Russia

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The Museum of Archeology and Ethnography in Ufa will be interesting to visit for all tourists who, by the will of fate, ended up in the capital of Bashkortostan. Today, the museum has four permanent exhibitions. Let's start with the one called “Archaeology of the Southern Urals”. Here, visitors are presented with artifacts dating back to the Paleolithic era (think: Stone Age). These are tools of labor and everyday life, jewelry and even wardrobe items of ancient people. What is there, in the middle of the exhibition hall of the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography in Ufa, the skeleton of a real Khazar mammoth is on display!

The exhibition entitled “The World of Bashkir Culture” tells tourists about the life and culture of the Bashkirs since the 19th century. In the center of one of the exhibition halls there is a real Bashkir yurt. Interior decoration dwellings fully correspond to the conditions in which nomads lived several centuries ago. In the same exhibition you can get acquainted with the traditional crafts of the Bashkirs: horse breeding, beekeeping, hunting, fishing.

A tour of the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography in Ufa will not leave anyone indifferent; all the exhibits exhibited here are real and came to us from the distant past. The exhibition dedicated to the peoples of Bashkortostan presents costumes, jewelry and traditional musical instruments nationalities that have long lived on the territory of the republic.

Once at the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography in Ufa, do not forget to visit the exhibition hall “Gold of the Sarmatians”.

This exhibition features a unique collection of deer figurines, which are made of gold and date back to the 4th century BC. e.

In addition, here you can see all kinds of utensils, weapons and jewelry that once belonged to ancient nomads.

Practical information

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, from 10:00 to 17:00, Saturday and Sunday - days off.

Entrance: 400 RUB, for schoolchildren and students - 200 RUB, for preferential categories of citizens - free (without visiting the exhibition “Gold of the Sarmatians”). Every last Friday of the month, excursions for schoolchildren and students are held free of charge.

How to get there: by buses and minibuses No. 6, 13, 31, 59e, 75, 207, 226, 228, 249, 255, 256, 266, 290. Stop - “House of Actor named after. Yusupova."

Ufa Museum of Archeology and Ethnography, opened in 1980 by Dr. historical sciences Rail Kuzeev, is the largest repository of ethnographic, archaeological and anthropological collections. The richest collections were formed from finds from excavations carried out in the territory of the center of Russia, the Volga region and the Southern Urals. The uniqueness of the museum lies in its collaboration with the Center for Ethnological Research at Russian Academy sciences dealing with problems of people's culture, demographic and ethnopolitical relations in Bashkortostan.

The museum's holdings amount to more than 190 thousand storage units, of which the most unique are the material and spiritual values ​​of the ancient settlers of the Bashkir region. The pride of the museum is the reconstructed skeleton of the mighty giant of the ancient fauna - the mammoth. Also in the museum you can see a model of another Bashkir attraction - a small copy of Shulgan-Tash (Kapova Cave) with rock paintings mammoths, horses, woolly rhinoceros and symbolic signs left primitive people twenty thousand years ago. The Ufa Ethnographic Museum is also popular for its famous collection of precious metals - “Sarmatian royal mounds”.

Nowadays, the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography of the Institute of Research of the Ural Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences is actively social activities, carries out regular visits with students to archaeological excavations and constantly expands scientific research on the study of the history of the Bashkir people.

The idea of ​​creating a Museum of Archeology and Ethnography at the Ufa Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences was first voiced in the mid-1970s. This idea was voiced by the famous Bashkir ethnologist, Professor Rail Kuzeev. In 1976, it was decided to create such a museum, and four years later new museum received its first visitors.

The Museum of Archeology and Ethnography simply amazes with its magnificent collection. This is one of the largest repositories in Russia of archaeological, ethnographic and anthropological materials obtained by researchers during numerous scientific expeditions. The richest collections on various periods of ancient and medieval history of the Southern Urals and extensive collections dedicated to the culture and life of the peoples of the region are stored here.

The Ufa Museum operates within the framework of the academic scientific institution- Center for Ethnological Research of the Ufa Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Leading experts in the field of ethnic history and ethnocultural interactions of the Turkic, Finno-Ugric and East Slavic peoples of the Republic of Bashkortostan and the entire Volga-Ural region work here.

Bashkir State Art Museum named after M. V. Nesterov

Bashkir State art museum was founded on November 7, 1919, and the first visitors were able to enter its doors almost three years later - in 1920. basis museum collection was the collection of a native of Ufa, Mikhail Vasilyevich Nesterov, a famous Russian artist turn of the nineteenth– XX centuries. In 1913 he donated hometown more than a hundred works of Russian artists, among which were several dozen of his own works.

The museum's exposition is located in a mansion that belonged to the Ufa timber merchant Laptev, built in 1913 in the Art Nouveau style according to the design of the architect from Samara A.A. Shcherbachev. Over the next decades, the museum collection was replenished with exhibits from Russian museums, among which were the St. Petersburg Russian Museum and the Moscow Tretyakov Gallery. There were also receipts from private collections. A little over forty years later, in 1954, the museum was named after its founder, M.V. Nesterova.

Currently, the museum’s collection includes over 11 thousand exhibits, distributed in several sections: ancient Russian art, Russian art of the 18th–20th centuries, art Western Europe and countries of the East and national Bashkir art. Exhibition area eight exhibition halls is 359 sq. meters, and the funds occupy more than 400 sq. meters.

Memorial House-Museum of S.T. Aksakova

House-Museum of S.T. Aksakov is a unique example of wooden architecture dating back to the end of the 18th century. It is located in a picturesque location of the ancient city on the banks of the Belaya River. The museum was built from Ural larch; the enfilade structure of its rooms has been preserved to this day. From 1795 to 1797 the writer’s family lived here.

The memorial part of the Aksakov Museum has an exhibition recreating the interior of the second half of the XVIII century and introducing us to the “family chronicle” of the Zubov-Aksakovs. Here we can observe how family, urban environment and everyday life shaped spiritual world creator The literary exhibition of the museum presents materials that tell about the student period of S. T. Aksakov’s life, as well as about his theatrical and critical activities.

The house-museum fund includes about 1,583 items. For recent years he became quite famous cultural center not only in Bashkiria and Ufa, but also outside Russia. First of all, it acts as the center of the International Aksakov Festival. Every year scientific readings, Aksakov days, exhibitions, Maslenitsa festivals, literary and musical evenings, as well as chamber concerts of classical and ancient music are organized here.

National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan

The idea of ​​creating its own museum in Ufa arose back in the 1860s. The first museum was created under the provincial Statistical Committee, but in the first years of its existence main problem there was a lack of suitable building. The problem was solved by placing an exhibition in one of the halls of the men's gymnasium, which was done in 1864 - agricultural, forestry, forestry and mining departments were opened.

The museum's collections were constantly replenished, and within a few years the Ufa Museum took part in All-Russian and international exhibitions. As the museum expanded, it became increasingly difficult to provide free access for visitors to the small halls, and in 1865 the question of moving to a separate building was raised. Until 1871, the museum's holdings and library were based in a private house. The construction of its own building dragged on until 1886, after which, in the year of the city’s 300th anniversary, the museum opened a new exhibition to the general public.

In 1926, the regional museum moved to more spacious premises, where it remained until 1989, actively engaged in exhibition and educational activities. Nowadays, the museum has more than 30 exhibition and exhibition halls. Hundreds of exhibits from various fields of knowledge - history, archeology and ethnography - are presented to visitors.

Sights of Ufa