How to open a pawnshop and what documents are needed? What documents are needed before opening a pawnshop? Central location has disadvantages

Opening a pawnshop is a rather specific type of business. You need to be good at your job similar establishments to be successful.

In this article we will look at all the nuances of such an event, and also provide detailed business plan.

Is it profitable to open it?

There is and cannot be a specific answer to the question of whether opening and further maintaining a pawnshop is profitable. Here everything will depend on a number of factors: office location, advertising effectiveness, rent for premises etc.

It is best to choose the busiest place with a lot of people for this undertaking. The optimal option for office location is the city center, in close proximity to major shopping centers, shops, hypermarkets and other establishments with a high level of attendance.

However, this is not a guarantee that the new business will generate stable income. The issue of organizing a pawnshop should be approached seriously, carefully calculating all expenses, risks and the level of expected income. In addition, you need to draw up a detailed business plan, focusing on special attention economic part.

What documents and permits are needed?

Any business activity requires the availability of appropriate documentation, a number of regulations and permits. Opening a pawnshop is a very troublesome undertaking; you need to be prepared for this from the very beginning.

The fact is that the legal aspects regulating the work of a pawnshop are not the same in different regions of the country. The list is also not the same necessary documents and certificates. It may vary depending on the type of pawnshop you are going to open. Most often, a new entrepreneur is required to:

  • sales permit jewelry;
  • Assay supervision certificate, if you are going to issue loans secured by jewelry. To obtain it, you need to register with the Assay Office;
  • all kinds of certificates, documentation for submission to the tax service;
  • you will have to register with the financial monitoring service;
  • documents confirming the accuracy of laboratory scales;
  • obtaining certificates for pawn shop employees, etc.

The list of required certificates, confirmations and permits is quite impressive. Moreover, some certificates demonstrating the honesty and legality of the company’s activities will have to be submitted to the relevant authorities more than once: every month, six months, year, etc.

Types of pawnshops

There are several types of pawnshops specializing in:

  • accepting various types of equipment as collateral;
  • accepting jewelry, jewelry, 500-carat gold and other valuable metals as collateral. A jewelry pawnshop does not require additional storage space for items. However, it may take a long time to resolve legal aspects and collecting the necessary documentation;
  • antique products, accepted on a very good deposit. Visitors bring paintings, awards, ancient souvenirs and coins here. They can also accept expensive clothes from natural fur(mink, lynx, chinchilla, arctic fox, etc.). This pawnshop is a favorite place for many collectors;
  • issuing a certain amount of money as collateral for a car. In order to open a car pawn shop, you will need additional parking area. However, the income from operating such an establishment can be quite good.

Step-by-step procedure for opening and running a business

To open a pawnshop from scratch, you need to carry out preliminary organizational work which may include:

  • Thorough market research. The pawnshop business in Russia is only gaining momentum. Therefore, in some regions of the country, pawn shops can be found almost everywhere, while in others you cannot find a single establishment of this type. The reason is the lack of serious online players.
    Before making a decision to organize a business, you need to calculate all possible risks and try to predict whether it will be successful. this project, whether such services are in demand in the city and region, is there competition and how strong is it, etc.
  • Choosing the type of establishment. A pawnshop can be: jewelry, technical, automobile, antique, etc. It is necessary to decide on the type of services offered, as well as the relevance of their provision.
  • Preliminary investment calculations cash . At this stage, you need to calculate the funds that will be needed for registration, registration and collection of documents, purchase of equipment, etc.
    In addition, further monthly expenses on wages employees, renting premises or parking. Based on the amount of monthly investments, you can calculate the interest rate of loans that will be issued by the institution using property as collateral.
  • Choosing a location. The main requirement here is high availability and visibility. It is best to locate a pawnshop near busy streets, highways, shopping centers and other places with good traffic. A laconic and memorable name, as well as a catchy and well-lit sign will do the trick.
  • Registration legal entity . It is worth considering that the principle of taxation of an LLC or CJSC is general. The charter must clearly define the activities of the institution:
    • issuing a short-term loan secured by movable property;
    • storage services for valuables;
    • provision information services and consultation.

    The name of the legal entity itself must certainly include the word “pawnshop”.

  • Preparation of documents, obtaining certificates, permits and certificates. This is a very troublesome and difficult stage, requiring a lot of patience and attention, and also taking a lot of time. Currently, compulsory pawnshop licensing is not applied. The list of required documents will largely depend on the type of institution, as well as the area where it is located.
  • Design development, logo selection, as well as a number of other works aimed at creating a cozy atmosphere and presentable appearance establishments.
  • Equipment purchase. It all depends on the type of pawnshop, as well as on the personal preferences of its owner. However, it is unlikely to be possible without:
    • commercial equipment: display cases, shelving, counters and racks, chairs for visitors, information boards, etc.;
    • office equipment: computer equipment, MFP, telephone, Internet connection, etc.;
    • equipment to ensure the proper level of security: security system, surveillance cameras, reliable and durable metal doors, locks, etc.;
    • special devices: high-precision scales, equipment for checking the authenticity of jewelry, etc.
  • We need to work on internal documentation. We can talk about preparing a cash register, a log of instructions on what to do in case of fire, compiling employment contracts, as well as orders establishing interest rates and the cost of precious metals and other products.
  • Advertising. In order for people to know about your existence, you need to tell them about it. Signs and posters placed on the facade are quite relevant. Sometimes they resort to posting notices or holding events in honor of the opening.

Selection of premises and personnel

Most often, the offices of such establishments are located in large business centers. However, if this is not a network of branches, but one single pawnshop, and its organizer does not have enough funds to pay the rent, then you can choose a more economical option.

When choosing a premises, you should take into account the type of pawnshop. For example, an establishment that issues loans secured by equipment or antiques requires a separate room for storing things and accessories. A car pawn shop must be equipped with a parking lot. This will require separate costs for renting the territory.

When the pawnshop is ready to operate, it’s time to hire staff.

After all, they will have to deal with jewelry, all kinds of equipment, and even cars various brands. It is important that the employee has a good understanding of this type goods and knew how to correctly estimate their value.

In addition, an establishment definitely cannot do without cashiers, loaders (in the case of work with large equipment) and sellers. A separate role is assigned to the pawnshop manager. True, sometimes the appraiser takes over his functions.

Security issues

Before starting work, you need to make sure that security is ensured at the proper level. After all, everyone knows that a pawnshop is the very place where not only money is stored, but also all kinds of valuables, jewelry, expensive antiques and much more. It is necessary to ensure reliable protection from burglary.

Special attention should be paid to the presence of a panic button and alarm. It is possible to cooperate with a security organization or hire security guards yourself.

Control over everything that happens in the establishment, as well as maintaining order, is ensured through choice software. This will help, among other things, to check the honesty of the staff, identify the presence of theft, etc.

How much does it cost and what will be the income?

Opening a pawnshop from scratch is a troublesome and very expensive business. The cost of organizing a business will directly depend on the type of establishment and the services it provides, the location (city, district, region, etc.) and a number of other factors. The rent for premises in the center of a metropolis is several times higher than the same rent for an office in a small provincial town.

On average, it takes from 1 to 1.8 million rubles. The period during which the business will fully pay off and begin to make a profit can be about 1-2 years. So, a small pawnshop after a 3-year period can bring a profit of 100-150 thousand rubles.

The period from the opening day to the end of 6 months of operation of the establishment is especially important. This period of time can be called critical: money has already been invested in opening and developing the business, but it has not yet turned into a plus. In order to make a profit, you need to achieve high daily traffic: on average, from 30 to 50 people per day. Otherwise, the establishment will continue to bring only losses. That is why, after six months from the date of opening, over 30% of pawnshops simply close.

Interview with the owner of a chain of pawn shops

On video - detailed story about business associated with these establishments:

Without exception, all people in their lives are faced with a situation in which they need to find a certain amount of money in a short time. The reasons are different for everyone: repayment of a debt, a profitable purchase, etc. But the question of where to get the money is often the same. People who do not want to spoil relationships on this basis refuse financial help from family and friends, and they don’t always want to get involved with banks.

That’s when the idea comes to turn to a pawnshop for a solution to your problem. Such situations happen everywhere. That is why the pawnshop business is considered very attractive for a large number of entrepreneurs. If you also share this opinion, then the article on how to open a pawnshop will be useful for you.

What is a pawnshop

Pawnshop – special kind business whose activity is to provide short-term loans to the population secured by movable property, as well as providing services such as storage of clients’ personal belongings.

As with any other activity, there are certain features. For example, these organizations are not authorized to sell property that remains unredeemed. To carry out trade, you need to register another organization.

Also, the features of the work of these organizations include the following:

  • loan term – no more than one calendar year;
  • upon provision of collateral, an agreement is drawn up;
  • reserves the right to send for sale items that were not returned by the owner before the expiration of the specified period (property worth more than 30,000 rubles “leaves” the auction);
  • conducting accounting for the return of collateral and for the preservation of property is carried out separately;
  • persons wishing to work in a pawnshop are required to undergo special training in order to carry out “clean” operations.

For all services provided, the pawnshop calculates interest. Interest rate may include the amount of use of the loan, safety and insurance of things that were pledged, but all this depends on the specific pawnshop.

In Russia, such a service as storage of property is not particularly popular among pawnshop owners, unlike in European countries or North America. The reason for this is the fact that the accrual of interest for the above service is not provided for by law, but taxation is present.

Procedure for opening a pawnshop

Opening this organization is different from opening any other private business. This is due to the fact that the process of opening and operating a pawnshop has quite a lot of legal requirements and is under constant control public services. But still, if you overcome all the difficulties, this business will be a source of significant profits.

The first step towards opening a pawnshop is detailed study laws. The main law that regulates the work of such enterprises is Federal Law dated July 19, 2007 No. 196 “About pawnshops.” From its contents you can learn the following:

  1. The pawnshop provides only two types of services: securing loans for citizens and preserving property left as collateral.
  2. Property left as collateral must be insured.
  3. When a client contacts a pawnshop and provides services, an agreement must be concluded. It indicates the name of the property, its nominal value, the size of the loan and the period for which it was taken, as well as the interest. The document is drawn up in two copies, and its signing means that the parties agree with the information and conditions listed in it.
  4. A pledge that has been overdue for more than 30 calendar days is subject to sale.

In addition to the above law, labor activity pawnshops are also regulated by Rosfinmonitoring dated August 3, 2010 No. 203, order of the Ministry of Finance dated August 29, 2001 No. 68, etc. If compliance with laws is ignored by pawnshop managers, then fines may be imposed as sanctions. If violations are not isolated, the enterprise may be liquidated.

Anyone who knows how to open a pawn shop understands that it is very important to have a business plan. In a business plan, it is necessary to calculate how effective its activities will be. To make such calculations, you need to analyze what contributions will be needed to get started and expenses for each month. This information will help plan activities, namely attracting clients in order to reach required quantity loans for profit.

Having reached the stage of registering an organization, an entrepreneur must go through several steps:

  1. Registration of the organization as a legal entity and notification of this to the tax service in the form of registering the pawnshop. When choosing legal form it is best to opt for a society with limited liability.
  2. Determination of the type of activity.
  3. Resolution of the organization to register with the financial monitoring service. This procedure must be completed no later than 30 calendar days after registration.
  4. If the manager plans to accept products from precious stones and metals, you need a resolution to register with the Assay Office.
  5. To avoid insuring each property received as collateral separately, you can take out general insurance for a specific amount.

When legal issues will be settled, you can think about where the pawn shop will be located. In order for all investments to pay off in a relatively short time, the company must be popular with customers. This may be facilitated by its location in a central area with high population density and frequent traffic.

An enterprise will never operate without the necessary equipment and personnel. Mandatory employees must include an administrator, a cashier, a security guard, as well as an accountant and an appraiser. If the entrepreneur is the owner of a small pawnshop, these functions are performed by two, and sometimes even one, employee.

The final step in organizing the work is organizational issues. This includes preparing documentation, drawing up work schedules, etc.

The effective result of the work of any enterprise is always considered quick payback And high level net profit. If you know how to open a pawn shop and are confident in your abilities, nothing will stop you from achieving your goal.

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Pawnshops distributed throughout the world and bring considerable profit to their owners. Pawnshop clients are middle-income people. In our country, pawnshops located in the city center are in great demand, which must be taken into account when looking for premises for a pawnshop.

The pawn shop makes a profit all year round, but spring and autumn are considered the most profitable. As a rule, this is due to the fact that most people prepare for vacation in the spring, and need money in the fall after returning from vacation.
In this article we will tell you what is needed to open a pawnshop, how profitable this type of business is and what risks a businessman who wants to open a pawnshop may face.

Opening a pawnshop, like any other, requires starting investments. Apart from the necessary equipment, rental premises and employee salaries, as a rule, you will not have to incur any additional expenses.

In order to open a pawnshop you need the following:

  • rent a premises and take care of its proper protection;
  • install video surveillance;
  • install an alarm system;
  • purchase safes, lockers and other special furniture.

If you plan to open a universal pawnshop, the optimal area of ​​the premises should be about 100 m². For a pawnshop specializing only in accepting jewelry, 20 m² will be enough.

The following are important for the full and smooth operation of a pawnshop:

  1. software that will help you serve customers efficiently and quickly;
  2. necessary equipment for assessing and weighing accepted jewelry;
  3. the presence of an advertising stand in front of the entrance to the pawnshop to attract visitors.


As a rule, a pawnshop employs a small team consisting of a security guard, an appraiser, an accountant and cashiers.

The selection of personnel must be approached with the utmost seriousness. However, the most serious need is to select candidates for the position of appraiser. An employee holding this position must have good experience and high qualifications to distinguish a fake from a real precious metal. The profitability of any pawnshop depends on the work of the appraiser.

Any entrepreneur who wants to open a pawnshop must, first of all, decide on the type of legal board - OJSC, CJSC or LLC. You can first consult with lawyers and even order legal support. Many companies, for a fee, provide services and help with the preparation of the necessary documentation.

So, in order to be able to open a pawnshop and carry out legal business activities, you must have the following documents in your hands:

  1. registration certificate;
  2. documents proving ownership of the premises or lease agreement;
  3. permission from the SES.

The procedure for operating a pawnshop is quite simple and transparent - a person brings and gives a certain value to the pawnshop, for which he receives part of its value. The assessment is made by the appraiser and announced to the client. Such loans are issued for quite short term, often not exceeding one month. At the end of the appointed period, the client brings the money, pays the established percentage and takes back his valuables.

If the client cannot redeem his valuables after the appointed period, the loan agreement is extended while maintaining the original terms. After several extensions, the pawnshop has the right to put the value up for sale.

Practice shows that clients who need money are much more willing to turn to pawnshops than to banks or microfinance organizations. This is understandable, since money can be received on the same day and there is no need to provide large number documents. In addition, pawn shops do not require a guarantor.

Pawnshop owners take less risk when issuing money to customers than banks. Having issued money, the pawnshop leaves certain valuables as collateral - gold, silver and other jewelry. Even if the client does not return to fulfill the terms of the contract and return the money, the pawnshop does not lose anything, since it can sell the pawned jewelry and get its money back. That's why this type business activity is considered the least risky of all existing today.

Pawnshop payback

Practice shows that the payback period for a pawnshop does not exceed one and a half years. However, the specifics of pawnshop work are such that the first six months can be very difficult financially. Most pawnshops do not survive this threshold and close without even a year of operation. Therefore, the most important thing is to stay on the market for at least two years.

If the crisis period is over successfully and the pawnshop begins to make a profit, then its size can reach up to 4 thousand dollars per month. So, a pawnshop is the least risky and quite profitable type of business, which has a short payback period. It is very profitable to open a pawnshop as an additional business, having an existing one.

Possible risks

As with any activity, there are certain risks in this type of business. Let's identify the main categories that are worth paying closer attention to.

The first risk is associated with the difficulty of determining the value of accepted products. In order not to work at a loss, you need to make sure that you have a qualified and experienced appraiser on staff who can distinguish real jewelry from fakes.

Another risk is related to the origin of the goods being sold. It is almost impossible to be sure whether the client is the owner of the valuables being handed over. Therefore, in some cases, law enforcement agencies may seize stolen valuables, which will lead to certain losses.

Good luck to you!

Catalog of ideas for making money:

How to open a pawnshopThe popularity of this search query is due, first of all, to the economic feasibility of the pawnshop business, which has been repeatedly confirmed in practice. Read everything about the procedure for registering a company for pawnshop activities - from choosing a name to property insurance - in this article.

What you need to study before opening a pawnshop: preparatory work

The pawnshop business is one of the most difficult segments of entrepreneurship from the point of view of legislative regulation. In particular, this is where the concentration maximum quantity requirements and restrictions, failure to comply with which may result in heavy fines and, in some cases, criminal liability.

What is a pawnshop?

Before deciding how to open a pawnshop, you should understand what it is. According to Article 2 of the Law “On Pawnshops” dated July 19, 2007 No. 196-FZ, a pawnshop is a specialized commercial organization, the main focus of which is providing loans and storing things.

At the same time, the norm clearly states the organizational and legal form of a pawnshop - it is only a legal entity. That is individual entrepreneur cannot engage in pawnshop activities. In the vastness of the global network, you can often find directly opposite information, however, any statements that an individual entrepreneur has the right to open a pawnshop are a priori erroneous or false - the law is the same for everyone.

But there are no special requirements for the form of ownership of a pawnshop - it can equally be either a limited liability company or joint stock company. The main thing is that the organization is commercial, that is, its main goal is to make a profit.

IMPORTANT: Forms of ownership of legal entities are listed in Article 50 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, from the content of which it is clear that various consumer cooperatives, partnerships, self-regulatory or public organizations, associations, communities, foundations, etc. are non-profit organizations, that is, you cannot create a pawnshop on their basis.

Types of pawnshops

The answer to the question of how to open a pawnshop directly depends on the choice of the type of future organization. In other words, a lot depends on the items of collateral and storage - whether it will be products made of precious metals, equipment, cars, etc.

There are restrictions on this matter, and all of them are stipulated in paragraph 3 of Article 2 of the Law “On Pawnshops,” which allows any movable property as collateral, with the exception of things prohibited or limited in civil circulation.

IMPORTANT! Issuing loans secured by real estate is the prerogative of banks. Of course, such advertisements from organizations positioning themselves as pawnshops can be seen in various information sources, but they are illegal.

How to open a pawnshop, do you need a license for this - the most popular questions asked by those who want to organize a pawnshop business. The answer is clear: a license is not needed. All types entrepreneurial activity, subject to licensing, are reflected in the law of the same name dated May 4, 2011 No. 99-FZ, and pawnshops are not among them.

Basic requirements for owners and managers

The relevance of the question “How to open a pawnshop?” for those who have a valid criminal record for crimes in the economic sphere or against state power, is postponed until the criminal record is expunged or removed - Part 1 of Article 2.2 of the Law “On Pawnshops” prohibits such persons from being among the founders or shareholders of a pawnshop.

The same applies to citizens who were brought to administrative responsibility less than a year ago, provided that disqualification was imposed as a punishment.

How to open a pawnshop: step-by-step instructions

In essence, the procedure for opening a pawnshop as an organizational stage of starting a business comes down to registering a legal entity. However, due to the specifics of the chosen type of business activity, this will require a significant amount of time, the lion’s share of which will be taken up by collecting and processing documents.

Stage 1: choosing a name

Clear legislative requirements begin to apply already at this stage: according to Part 2 of Article 2 of the Law “On Pawnshops” in company name The word “pawnshop” and a reference to the organizational and legal form must be present (for example, limited liability company “Silver Hoof Pawnshop”).

Stage 2: determining the form of ownership

The law does not prohibit registering a pawnshop in the form of a joint-stock company, but from the point of view of expediency, it is better to choose a limited liability company (LLC). In addition, the principle of operation of an LLC is closer to the structure of pawnshop activity - it makes sense to open a joint stock company for business related to production, since it is in this segment great value devoted to third-party investments.

Another argument in favor of LLC is the relative simplicity of establishment. To open a JSC, a preliminary issue of shares, their registration, etc. are required, while an LLC does not imply any such conditions.

Stage 3: Determining the address

To register a company, a legal address is required. This can be either rented premises or owned by the founders.

IMPORTANT: if to open most legal entities it is allowed to use the place of residence of one of the company participants as the address, then in the case of a pawnshop this is impossible. That is, you will have to worry about finding a suitable room.

Stage 4: preparation of documents for registration of a legal entity

  1. Selecting an activity code.

Updated from 01/01/2017 OKVED codes. From this date, the activities of pawnshops providing short-term loans secured by movable property correspond to code 64.92.6. IMPORTANT! To sell pledged and not redeemed property on time, it is necessary to create an independent legal entity - if necessary, this is possible with the same participants. But the pawnshop itself cannot engage in trade in any form.

  1. Making a decision to establish a company (LLC).

If the future pawnshop has a single participant, the decision is made individually, if there are several, based on the results of the meeting of founders. In any case, such a decision must reflect the following points:

  • name of the company (pawnshop) - full, short, foreign language (the latter is mostly relevant for companies opened in constituent entities of the Russian Federation that have their own language);
  • legal address and location (actual address);
  • amounts and methods of contribution authorized capital;
  • approved charter of the company;
  • information about the manager and his appointment (the manager can be either one of the founders or a hired employee).
  1. Preparation and drafting of the charter.

The requirements for the organization's charter are set out in Article 52 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Since 2014, there is no need to enter information about the location of the company and other data that must be reflected in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. The main attention is paid to the presence in the charter of data on the purposes of creating the company, the structure and size of the authorized capital, as well as the principles of the organization’s activities and the procedure for its liquidation.

  1. Formation of authorized capital.

The minimum amount of authorized capital is 10,000 rubles. Since September 2014, it can only be deposited in cash; Contribution in the form of property is allowed only in the part exceeding the lower limit.

Stage 5: registration of a legal entity

At this stage, everything is also standard - the procedure boils down to submitting an application in form P1 1001 to tax office at the location of the legal address, payment of the state duty (4,000 rubles) and provision of all previously collected documents in stitched and numbered form.

IMPORTANT: the application is signed by all founders of the company in the presence of a notary.

The application review period is 3 working days. If the Federal Tax Service employees do not have any questions, after the specified time the applicant will receive a package of documents:

  • certificate of state registration legal entity;
  • tax registration certificate;
  • a copy of the charter with a registration mark;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

At this point, the registration of the company is completed, but the question of how to open a pawnshop - what documents are needed, still remains relevant. The collection of these documents should begin immediately after registering the newly formed LLC in Pension Fund, as well as in the Social Insurance Fund - this is prerequisites for all companies, regardless of the type of business activity.

Stage 6: registration with Rosfinmonitoring

Within 30 days after registering a pawnshop, it must be registered with Federal service on financial monitoring.

To do this, you will need to submit a complete package of documents to the territorial division of Rosfinmonitoring, including:

  • card of registration as an organization carrying out transactions with funds and other property;
  • copies of constituent documents;
  • copies of documents confirming the right to the premises in which the pawnshop is located (lease agreement, certificate of registration of ownership);
  • certificate of presence of a manager and chief accountant in the organization;
  • certificate of availability of a special guarded premises for storing collateral;
  • a certificate confirming the existence of internal regulations regulating the activities of the pawnshop;
  • certificate of availability of equipment for recording information and funds, as well as for property valuation;
  • financial statements at the time of commencement of business, prepared in accordance with accounting standards.

From the list of documents required for registration with Rosfinmonitoring, it follows that simultaneously with registering a legal entity, you need to take care of drawing up special provisions, equipping premises, installing alarms, software, etc.

Stage 7: registration with the Assay Office

This stage is relevant for pawnshops planning to accept products made of precious metals and stones as collateral. The requirement for registration is stipulated by the Instruction on the procedure for recording and storing precious metals, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance “dated December 9, 2016 No. 231n.

To register, you must submit a corresponding application, a certificate of availability of specially equipped premises, and also confirm compliance with the requirements for the preparation and training of personnel accepted to work with precious property.

IMPORTANT: the confirmation format is constantly subject to changes, so it is better to clarify this procedure immediately before registration. Updated information is available on the official Internet resource of the Russian State Assay Office under the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Stage 8: property insurance

Property stored in a pawnshop is subject to compulsory insurance in favor of pledgors - in case of loss of valuables, their destruction, etc. The choice of an insurance company can be made at your own discretion - the law does not contain any restrictions in this regard.

For reasons of convenience, it is best to take out insurance for the total amount - without reference to a specific item, otherwise you will have to enter into a separate contract for each item of collateral, which is not always technically possible.

The insurance stage is the last stage of opening a pawnshop. This will be followed by various organizational issues related directly to the business, and not to its establishment: recruitment and training of personnel, approval of the work schedule, etc. By the way, the schedule may be free, but there is still one requirement of the law - opening a pawnshop is not earlier than 08:00 and closing no later than 20:00.