Moon in Aquarius in the 8th house for a man. The moon is the most magical planet in the solar system

People who have the Moon in the 8th house have a strong sensitivity to the hidden in the environment. This heightened sensitivity concerns all matters of the 8th house - taboos, loss, death, abuse, the occult, shared resources and sex. This Moon desires emotional fusion with others. Wealth and property can come from others. Planets in the 8th house are often associated with businessmen, especially if indications of organizational abilities are present in natal chart. Psychic abilities are also indicated by planets in this house. Sometimes this position means inheritance from the mother; The 8th house shows what we inherit from our ancestors, and it is also associated with deep and dark secrets and all types of dysfunctions that have blighted the lives of many generations before us.

The Moon in the 8th house can be a symbol of powerful unconscious complexes that exist below the surface of life; a person may find painful memories from the past here. Typically, they express extreme forms of hatred, passion and jealousy, as well as depression. This is a difficult emotional nature - there may be confrontations different types. Their intensity prevents them from skimming the surface of life. This person usually has a more honest and deeper understanding of life than many others.

Challenging aspects to the Moon can mean difficulties in separation, parting (with the old) and perhaps they can get entangled in power games. This person will instinctively explore everything that is mystical, hidden and forbidden. There is a huge need to feel intensity and probe the dark depths of the soul. People with this placement can be powerful healers. Powerful intuition. Help others develop. The Moon in the 8th house is aware of dangers and has an overly strong defensive instinct. On an emotional level, these people instinctively respond to a deep, sexual level of relationship.

This is a translation of an entry from The Astrology Place blog -

The eighth house is the house of acute awareness of emotional and psychological forces. Almost all of this awareness will stem from a newfound ability to spontaneously perceive information from these subtler levels rather than from a rational analysis of any situation. It is the intense awareness of subconscious emotional and psychological issues that spurs conscious insight into human behavior. This realization can be upsetting, and you may see and know more than you ever wanted to see or know.

Keen awareness is also associated with the Sun in the eighth house of the solar return chart, but with the Moon here you are more likely to be emotionally involved with relevant issues and people. It is likely that someone in your immediate family or circle of friends will need counseling. During this year, you become more aware of your own emotional needs and psychological strengths, and you also learn to recognize these influences from Others.

It is very likely that you will study psychology during this year, but you may begin to become aware of psychological influences naturally, without any education. Initial understanding may come from connecting with people who have mental disabilities. The intensity of their psychological abnormality is captivating yet frightening. Moon in the eighth house of the solar return chart is a common position for professional psychotherapists and astrologers just beginning to counsel others. People with mental disorders do not have to play an important role in your life and can simply be acquaintances. They are not the real focus of your awareness, but act as a catalyst.

You need to become more aware of psychological influences that affect you and your immediate relationships. Intense awareness associated with strange people will give way to the ability to penetrate subtle manipulations and power games. After all, psychological awareness can occur during the simplest interactions with other people. If you are caught in an emotional power struggle, it will become more obvious to you that you and/or others are manipulating rather than communicating clearly what you need. Psychological complexes and hurt feelings confuse relationships and make it more difficult to deal with problems rationally. Subconscious feelings can undermine conscious decisions. Controversy is common. Obsessive-compulsive behavior, jealousy, guilt, inexplicable anger and helplessness are common hints that something is wrong.

Awareness and understanding of your own psychological idiosyncrasies will give you greater power over your own life. Gaining insight into your defensive reactions can help you overcome some of the barriers to intimacy. Increased intimacy is especially important as superficial relationships and superficial discussions will not satisfy you this year. You need the opportunity to discuss in detail and deeply what you are feeling and perceiving. It is during these conversations that initial realizations are included and later confirmed. It is during these conversations that you also formulate and express new patterns of behavior that circumvent psychological imbalances.

Emotional situations tend to be more complex and intense. Issues are no longer black or white, good or bad. Decisions are less direct, especially if you feel responsible for the well-being of others. For example, if you have children and are offered a job transfer to another state, you would not make the decision without careful consideration. On the one hand, moving can greatly improve your career opportunities, but on the other hand, it can have a big impact on your children. You must consider the emotional and psychological ramifications of your decisions as they are likely to affect others.

If your partners or family members are easily moody or hesitant, you will need to think before you speak if you want to avoid upsetting reactions. You may be in a delicate position that requires great diplomacy and tact. Other people may misinterpret or exaggerate what you say. You will be dealing with intense feelings and may expect other people to involve you in highly emotional circumstances. If you consult others professionally, it will be easier for you to control these situations. If these situations appear in your personal life, you can effectively resolve them on your own or seek advice.

Increased intuitive accuracy will encourage your trust in this form of perception. Psychic and intuitive awarenesses become stronger, but may seem less controllable. Even if you don't consider yourself to have psychic powers, this good time to trust your hunches, but if you're psychologically stressed, you may be less able to distinguish true mental impulses from fears and anxieties. In such a case, you should postpone making a decision until your ability to understand becomes stronger.

Moon in the eighth house solarium may indicate changing shared resources or economic dependence. If you share funds with your marriage partner or some other person, the amount of money you receive will vary either positively or negatively. This change can be reflected in aspects to the Moon. On the other hand, your own personal resources will most likely decrease. The reduction may not be large, but you will likely feel more dependent than economically equal. There may be very good reasons for this. For example, you may be on maternity leave or may be attending school.

Financial power struggles are symbolized by the Moon in the eighth house in opposition to a planet in the second house. You and your partner or anyone else may be fighting over how to handle money or pay bills. These disputes can be very emotional and also complicated by unresolved psychological issues. Being clear and willing to discuss needs will help you reach a positive compromise. Moon in the eighth house also indicates a change in debt. Debts either go up or down, but rarely stay the same.

The mother plays too big a role, interferes and controls too much, rules the house with an iron fist. With age, the power of intuitive insight into the essence of things, understanding of partners, and interest in psychology and metaphysics develop. Difficulty in finding emotional balance and calm. It is necessary to strengthen emotional connections with the environment, especially after becoming a parent.
Sensitivity to invisible forces. Deals with inheritances, insurance, taxes. Financial affairs under the influence of marriage and partner.
Although you have a great need for close relationships, you often isolate yourself from others and do not trust those who would like to get to know you better. You are very sincere in your feelings and relationships with people and want everything or nothing from the people you love.

B. Israelite. Planets in houses

Evidence of passionate nature who strives for unusual experiences, seeks danger in Everyday life, “thrill” sensations.
A person has great sensitivity and senses signals from the subtle world (“evil eye”, vampirism). He is haunted by fears and nightmares if the Moon is afflicted.
Difficult relationship with mother. When the Moon is affected - loss of mother, abnormal situation in the house. If the Moon is not afflicted, there is a constant struggle with the mother; the mother is a powerful woman who strives to dominate.

Francis Sakoyan. Planets in houses

Death for one's homeland does not make one happy.
The Moon in the VIII house is in symbolic decline.
However, with a harmonious Moon, a person is psychologically and physiologically well adapted to overload, stress, changes in lifestyle and its main circumstances: marital status, work, place of residence. Moreover, under constant circumstances of external life and especially in the absence of internal life, after a while he begins to get bored and subconsciously (and sometimes consciously) look for dangerous adventures, borderline states and tragic situations. He's attracted to something scary stories, horror films or, at worst, high-profile divorce proceedings.
With harmonious aspects of the VIII house and the chart as a whole, all this can be limited to a completely social framework, but with the defeat of the Moon, irrational phobias, a strong (sometimes very frank) death instinct, a tendency to destroy one’s health, and at the same time some kind of unnatural egoism are likely. All this intensifies and leads to internal crises with significant changes, which a person simultaneously fears and secretly desires, in the hope that they will entertain him (which is often fulfilled) and solve internal and external problems(which is unlikely, at least without great job above oneself).
This person is intimately connected to the group and its internal problems, which influence him more than he thinks. He needs to understand that most of his emotions and feelings are induced by society or his own lower subconscious programs, and that his emotional states and meditations have a strong magical effect on the world and on himself, in particular, his emotions of hatred and desires for destruction are actualized both externally , and inside it.
Here the work follows the difficult path of mastering your thoughts and feelings and developing honest, constructive life position in relation to the world and to oneself personally.
True religiosity does not appear until a person accepts himself, his psyche and physical body as God's creations, and not a concentration of abomination and sin.

Indubala. Planets in houses. (Indian tradition)

Usually this arrangement corresponds to a strong and strong body combined with weak ones. mental abilities.
Such people are interested in the mysterious, and during their youth they suffer from some loneliness and emotional distress. With this position of the Moon, one can expect average duration life, eye diseases, decent inheritance.

No Monster. Planets in houses

After marriage - improved social and public status, but life is less happy. Death outside the home, for example on the street or while traveling.

Bill Herbst. Horoscope Houses

Union. The position of the Moon in the 8th house indicates hunger in intimate relationships. This is a basic need, not the same as a contractual obligation. Let's say more, it has nothing to do with agreements and obligations and is associated with a different reality. The basis of joint relationships is the emotional expression of sympathy and intimacy, the openness of these feelings. The trap is to be too dependent on your partners to feed you these feelings, believing that your partners will empathize with you regardless of whether you give them something in return or not, or open up or not. The task is to make contacts that satisfy your emotional need for a temporary but real union, and to avoid interactions that are “closed” or take a lot of energy from you. Warmth and emotional gentleness are the basis; if it is present in life together, then you are taking excellent care of yourself.
Transformation. The magnifying glass symbolizes the emotional need for security and self-confidence, however, by definition, ego death creates a feeling of danger even in the safest environment. For you, safety is hidden in intimate, hidden danger. Other people sense this danger by sensing the intensity of your feelings. You perfectly capture the supernatural in human sensations. You don't have to do anything to be receptive to the supernatural; you are naturally attuned to it, thanks to your unconscious locator. Live in such a way that every day some, very small part of the ego is released, and do not allow your emotions to become explosive. The task is to create a sustainable existence through the rhythm of regular and continuous change.
Sexual fusion. Your deep sexual urge is temperamental; it is an automatic way of maintaining homeostasis. What you need is not so much simple closeness or intimate contact, but rather a deep sense of emotional calm. You need a safe release because it is in the release of orgasm that you begin to relax and release your defense mechanisms. You may live and work with partners who provide little or no external security, but when it comes to sexual union, security must exist. Trap - emotional dependence from a lover. You are drawn to him by the need for release, so be careful not to “glue” to your partner, just as a child “glues” to his mother. And equally, don’t foster dependency in your lover. Let your needs be met, but don't get hooked. The task is to feel the entire rich spectrum of emotions that arise in sexual relations; Cultivate a mutually relaxing relationship.
Focused Intuition. Your intuition is automatic, omnipresent, and impossible to ignore. You tend to be hypersensitive to other people's feelings, especially when you are emotionally involved in a relationship. People become more aware of their own needs when they're around you, and that's a good thing. However, when you are close to other people or want to be, your own needs may overwhelm you, or people's needs may become dominant in your emotional perception. The trap is giving in to these needs and losing touch with the true messages of your intuition. The goal is to protect your integrity even when you are bombarded with emotions.
Joint property. You are dependent on the advantages created by partnerships or family inheritance, you spend a lot of energy, work overtime to protect them. This is not to say that you feel a very serious responsibility for them, but rather that you identify yourself so closely with the partnership that you take on the role of educator. You have the ability to support your partner at a certain time in life, and if this is done with trust and respect, then this experience can be the most fruitful for you. Choose a partner who is trustworthy when handling money because suspicion can drive you crazy.
The trap is the loss of a sense of security due to lack of resources or money. If you start thinking about what you don't have, you will "inflate" your need to such an extent that you will become unhappy. The goal is to fill your life with tangible evidence of mutual virtue and respect.

Universal interpretation. Planets in houses

Such a person feels an internal need for security. He often has psychic abilities and is interested in strange problems, for example, the afterlife. Love and sex are of great importance to him, but if energy is used incorrectly, there is a tendency to abuse his sexuality. Money can come through a partner, mother or some woman. Often such people have to manage other people's money. They successfully handle inheritances, insurance and taxes. After marriage, they often become immersed in resolving financial problems. Sensuality and sex life must be strictly controlled, as passion is sometimes excessive. Such people have increased resistance, significant self-confidence and high responsibility. They show interest in art and music, and their dreams sometimes become so real that they become hallucinatory. They can profit from social activities or as a result of the death of a partner. Possible prophetic dreams and clairvoyant gift. Such a person needs to beware of accidents and premature death, the likelihood of which increases when the planet is severely affected.

B. Huber. Mars, Venus, Moon and Neptune in the twelve houses

The Moon and Neptune greatly shape our ability to love. Any planet located in the VIII house must be considered social structures. Already in the 7th house you need to adapt to them, but there the individual with his dreams and desires is still more important than social rules. And the VIII house, by its nature, confronts us with the social laws of our culture, its moral code, the responsibilities that it imposes social status, etc. The influence of status is reflected in our relationships at any level, it is significant in everything. In the 8th house we find what allows a person to rise socially or get rich quickly. I call the Moon in the 8th house “the filling of the sandwich” because its emotionality is sandwiched between all sorts of considerations regarding status and social restrictions. We don't feel free to respond spontaneously to a potential partner. Fixed ideas about love bind us like a straitjacket, so we miss out on many promising contacts. Our feelings are suppressed and full of dissatisfaction. But, oddly enough, I often meet people with the Moon in the 8th house who, apparently, are completely unaware of their problem. When you try to point it out to them, they respond something like, “Thanks, but I’m fine.” These people completely suppress their feelings and their pain, otherwise they would have to suffer too much. But this succeeds for the time being. Many of them at one point experience an internal explosion that crushes all moral barriers, entailing a state of permissiveness and total rebellion against society. Such an explosion, however, requires a special predisposition, for example, the Moon in Aries, aspected by an opposition or a pair of squares. A favorably aspected Moon (blue and green aspects) in the 8th house can lead to escapism - escape from life through alcohol, drugs, etc. - which is very difficult to overcome. To rise above negative consequences this provision is required increased level self-awareness, which means a lot of hard work. A person needs courage to reconsider all the rules that have so far guided his life and brought confusion into the subconscious. Having done this, he will be able to subsequently use these rules, already controlling the situation consciously. This result is quite achievable if we learn to observe ourselves honestly and with sufficient detachment, as well as to resist social pressures. VIII - the house of prejudice, especially in connection with Mars and even more so with the Moon.

How to raise a child with the Moon in the 8th house?

In this article I will consider a special case when the child's Moon is in the house of unexpected events, transformation, death, rebirth, crisis and secrets. By analogy, by including logic and imagination, this scheme can be extended to other positions.

One of the first theses that we learn when studying astrology is that the Moon in a person’s horoscope is his mother. We wonder how to raise a child and spend most of our time worrying whether we are the right mothers.

By and large, our only and most global task in relation to the child is to be an integral person who lives a life filled with feelings and events. The more often the state of happiness, joy, and peace arises, the more the task in relation to the child is realized. Such states come if relationships with oneself, with people, and the world as a whole are properly built. The generation of joy comes from everyday communication and interaction with people.

The moon in your child's horoscope shows what will he most react to in you?, through what sphere and how he will explore the world around him, where his ATTENTION will be directed.

If your child has the Moon in the 8th house, he will automatically react to that part of your state of mind and behavior that is associated with experiences and shocks, irrational fears, cravings for mysticism, and states of catharsis. Simply put, he will be like a sponge to absorb your states and behavior patterns when the ground is knocked out from under your feet and you are in a borderline state of mind. At the same time, you can be any kind of mother with your own unique conditioning and not closely associate yourself with the indicators of the 8th house - mysticism, death, secrets and sudden events, not work in an ambulance and not save disaster victims from death.

But there are moments like this in every person’s life, at least occasionally we wonder what’s beyond. And the child’s attention will be pulled out from the entire film reel of your daily life by these very frames. Your own Moon may be in a different place, and your attention will be focused on other areas, such as work and social fulfillment. But for a child, his Moon is important, and his mother, who is constantly present nearby, is the conductor of this lunar energy, through her he receives his first impressions. And through his attention and reactions, including psychosomatic ones, the child draws you into the sphere of the 8th house. He is interested in secrets, terrible and sudden events, ghosts, depths, depths and dungeons. He may experience fears, especially fear of separation from the family, since the 8th house is opposed to the 2nd - family of origin, basic assets, security and material support.

The Moon in the 8th house is a difficult position. It is called Baal Arishta - “damage to the child” and is associated with danger to his physical body. It is believed that until the age of 8, a child needs to be closely monitored, because a “fast” planet in the 8th house causes rapid transformations, and the Moon is the fastest moving graha. It’s good when such a Moon has aspects of Saturn and Jupiter, which slow down processes.

If you are raising a child with the Moon in the 8th house, it is important to teach him to cope with irrational fears by providing him with support, especially satisfying his most basic needs, primarily food - mother's milk. We need to make it clear to him by all means that he has a stable base where he can return and receive love, support, and understanding. The mother of such a child appears strategically important task– learn to feel comfortable in the state between life and death. Unreal... unless you live in the consciousness that all life is a moment between the past and the future.

Raising such a child is the development of fearlessness and trust in life, it encourages one to deal with issues of karma and reincarnation. It is necessary to saturate his attention with positive images associated with the 8th house: to maintain interest in research and secrets, scary stories, where good wins, healing, detectives, spies, rescuers. The sign and nakshatra of the Moon will give even more clues on how to interact with it. Fairy tales about reincarnation and resurrection from the dead will be very useful, for example, The Frog Princess. The experiences that a child acquires through fairy tales form constructive models for getting out of difficult situations. You can “be afraid together” by watching horror stories.

For such a child, it is very important how the mother behaves in crisis situations, whether she falls into a stupor and hysterics or sees a way out of the critical situation. difficult situation, whether she gives in to surprises. The experience of interacting with doctors, for example, dental treatment or surgery, is very important to him. If at this moment he is accompanied by an adequate adult who knows how to cope with feelings, express fear constructively and can explain the essence and purpose of such terrible events, this is a big plus for his psyche. The experience of the death of a loved one will also be imprinted in his mind for a long time. He will look closely at how those around him react to this, and first of all, the close person- Mother. The same applies to the death of pets.

Another important point What the mother of a child with the Moon in the 8th house may encounter is an increased focus on the genitals. It is important to talk about this, answer questions and be calm about children's experiments. Every child has a period of increased attention to this area, but the Moon in the 8th house contributes to a more vigorous involvement in these issues. It is very important to prevent taboos from arising. Prohibitions, condemnation and ridicule will have a bad impact on the mental and sexual development of the child.

A strong Moon in the 8th house is the position of a healer, rescuer, detective, researcher. If the Moon is weak, the child must be provided with additional positive images and behavior patterns, providing him with emotional support.

We analyze in detail each position of the Moon in the child’s horoscope during the course.

Anna Lastochkina © Mitra-Varuna Project

Usually this placement corresponds to a strong and strong body combined with weak mental abilities. These people are interested in the mysterious, and during their youth they suffer from some loneliness and emotional distress. With this placement of the Moon, one can expect an average life expectancy, eye diseases, and a decent inheritance. (Tom Hopke)

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in the 8th house

Illnesses in childhood, youth marked by loneliness and worries, separation from the father, good restorative powers of the body. Average life expectancy, possible eye diseases, inheritance (Indubala)

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Moon in the eighth house: The Moon here gives material benefits from a partner, but shortens the life of the spouse or mother. (Shri Govind Swaroop Agarwal)

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Moon in the 8th house: It is very bad to have the Moon in the 8th house. This is the worst position for the Moon. The 9th house is prosperity. The 12th house shows losses. 12th from 9th house = 8th house. This is a loss of well-being. Here the Moon gives a difficult life and poor health. They may be damaged by water. Damaged Moon in the 8th house gives early death. This is very known fact. Of course, we also need to look at how the rulers of the 1st and 8th houses are located. To have a stable life, you must have a favorable 8th house. The moon does not provide stability. Happy life possible only when other planets are strongly positioned. When the dasa period of Moon begins, the person will be in big trouble. (Mahesh Darmadasa)

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Bhrigu-sutra - ka-gha

The owner of the horoscope will have few means of transportation. Watery places - ponds, reservoirs, wells - will be dangerous to his life. If the Moon occupies the 8th house, the owner of the horoscope will renounce his relatives for his wife (or woman). When the Moon is exalted or in its own sign, the owner of the horoscope is destined long life. The waning moon speaks about the average life expectancy.


For reasons unknown to us, the sutras describing the characteristics of the position Moons in the 8th house, are indicated not by numbers, as usual, but by letters.

The 8th house is one of the most unfavorable houses in the horoscope, as it is the twelfth (losses and loss), counting from the 9th, the house of luck and prosperity. Planets lose all their good properties when they enter this house. The waning Moon, weakened by its position in Dusthana, indicates that the owner of the horoscope will not be very smart, since the Moon is a manas karaka, and during the periods of childhood and youth (the age ruled by the Moon) he will experience loneliness and mental suffering. A waxing or full Moon can bring an inheritance to the owner of the horoscope. The 8th house is an indicator of accidents and the Moon is a water planet, so the owner of the horoscope faces danger from water.

The separation from a partner by marriage, which Bhrigu Muni mentions, can be explained by the fact that the 8th house is the second (house of death) for the 7th house. By the nature of the Moon one can judge life expectancy, but in order to draw final conclusions, it is also necessary to take into account the strength and location of the owners of the 8th and 1st
houses, as well as Saturn, as ayush-karaka - an indicator of longevity. The position of the Moon in the 8th house of the horoscope is considered as one of the strongest negative combinations, or Arishtha Yoga, but its harmful effects are neutralized if the person’s birth occurs in daytime during the waning moon or at night during the waxing moon. In these cases, the Moon in the 8th house becomes one of the factors that protect the owner of the horoscope from all negative influences.

In addition, the Moon in the 8th house gives a tendency towards mysticism and magical abilities, as well as the ability to foresee. The horoscope of the Russian mystic Daniil Andreev illustrates extraordinary possibilities full moon in the 8th house.

Other opinions regarding Moon (Chandra) in the 8th house:

"Brihat Jataka" - the owner of the horoscope will be sickly and have a fickle and restless mind.

“Phaladipika” - a short life, suffering and illness await a person if the Moon in his horoscope is located in the 8th house.

“Saravali” - the owner of the horoscope will be smart and famous, but sick and weak. His life will be short.

“Chamatkar-chintamani” - the owner of the horoscope will constantly be surrounded by doctors due to numerous illnesses. He will suffer due to terrible calamities, misfortunes and hardships.

Note: All treatises, except Saravali, talk about the negative characteristics of the position of the Moon in the 8th house. The intelligence and fame that Saravali mentions can be expected when the Moon is in the signs of Cancer and Taurus, as well as when conjunct Jupiter or other benefic planets.

Bhrigu Sutra with commentary by Indubala

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"Jataka-Bharanam" 17:20


A person whose Chandra is in the 8th Bhava has a decaying body due to many diseases. He will be extremely poor, will receive troubles from enemies and the king (government) and worry in his mind and heart.