Rowan branch activity in the preparatory group. Summary of direct educational activities with elements of mnemonics Topic: “Rowan branch in a vase” for children of the preparatory group. Objectives of teaching drawing in the preparatory group

Tatyana Titova

Integration educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, social and communicative development.

Target: develop children's visual skills using non-traditional drawing techniques - printing techniques.


Expand and clarify children's knowledge of mountain ash;

Learn to recognize rowan by appearance;

Learn to depict rowan leaves and berries in an unconventional way using different techniques drawing: draw leaves using the “dipping” method and stamps, berries - with cotton swabs and stamps;

Develop curiosity and interest in nature;

Develop the ability to notice the beauty of nature;

Develop coherent speech fine motor skills.

Preliminary work: looking at rowan trees while walking; examination of illustrations on the topic “Trees and Fruits”; coloring of ready-made contour images “Branches of different trees”.

Demo material: natural rowan branch with berries, pictures of rowan branches, sample drawings, gouache paints brown, green, yellow, red, orange color, brushes, stamps, cotton swabs, water in glasses.

1. Organizational moment. Riddle about rowan.

What kind of tree is this

Decorates the forest in winter?

Red clusters on the branches -

Well, guess kids:

Not alder and not aspen,

And the beauty (rowan).

Message on the topic "Rowan".

Rowan is one of the most beloved and revered trees in Russia. Rowan is considered a symbol of Russian beauty. Rowan becomes especially elegant in the fall thanks to its bright red fruits. People say that rowan is considered an adornment of our nature. Autumn is dedicated to rowan folk holiday- “Rowanberry”, which is celebrated on September 23. Rowan is a tall tree from 4 to 10 meters. Rowan lives for a long time - from 100 to 200 years. Rowan fruits contain many vitamins. Jam, syrup are made from the berries, and the juice is squeezed out; Rowan fruits are used to make medicines and vitamin supplements. Furniture and musical instruments are made from rowan wood. wind instruments. In winter, rowan berries can feed hungry birds: tits, blackbirds, bullfinches. In the forest, not only birds eat fruits, but also animals: squirrels, wild boars, martens. There are many songs about rowan. People have loved rowan for a long time. Rowan was considered a symbol of happiness and peace in the family, so people always tried to plant a rowan tree near the house.

Didactic exercise “Say kindly about rowan”:

rowan, rowan, rowan.

Didactic exercise “What happens in mountain ash” (-th, -th, -s):

decoration, necklace, ring, dress, berry, foliage, leaf, bracelet, outfit, wreath, beads, earrings.

Didactic exercise “What does rowan give?”:

vitamins, jam, jam, jelly, juice, honey.

Folk signs associated with rowan:

Late flowering of rowan - for a long autumn.

There are a lot of rowan berries in the forest - autumn will be rainy, if there are few - it will be dry.

2. Examination of a rowan branch: structure, shades of color, shape of leaves and fruits.

3. Showing drawing methods.

First drawing method(leaves - by "dipping", berries - by "poking" with cotton swabs).

Let's draw brown paint rowan branch with small twigs.

We depict the leaves with a thick brush using the “dipping” method using shades of yellow, green, and orange.

We draw rowan berries using the poking method with cotton swabs.

Second way of drawing. Image of a rowan branch in unconventional technology using stamps. After the leaves and berries are dry, draw veins on the leaves with a felt-tip pen, and black dots on the berries.

Sample 1.

Sample 2.

Sample 3.

Sample 4.

4. Finger gymnastics “Autumn Leaves”

One, two, three, four, five,

We will collect leaves.

Birch leaves, rowan leaves,

Poplar leaves, aspen leaves,

We will collect oak leaves.

(bend your fingers, starting with the thumb)

5. Artistic and creative activities of children.

What a wonderful picture?

This is a sprig of rowan!

Bottom line. The symbol of our group is the rowan tree.

Therefore, we could not ignore this beautiful tree, especially elegant in autumn time. The children in our group mastered various techniques for depicting rowan trees, including in an unconventional way.

During the walk, we organized the outdoor game “Rowan and Birds” with the children.

Thank you for your attention! I wish you creative success!

Publications on the topic:

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Drawing lesson notes
Topic: “Rowan twig.”
Goal: Learn to portray watercolor paints on a piece of paper a rowan branch, using different drawing techniques: dipping, drawing with the tip of a brush, drawing with a finger.
Develop the ability to mix paints on a sheet of paper or on a palette.
To develop the ability to notice and reflect the beauty of nature in drawings.
multilingualism: mountain ash - sheten - mountain asc.
equipment: image of a rowan branch

Progress of the lesson

Riddles about rowan:
Lots of berries - lights
It will be on it in the fall.
And he will give it to Marina
Red beads...(Rowan)

Examination of a rowan tree branch with children: the structure of the branch. The teacher suggests drawing the same branch yourself. Draws children's attention to what they will draw in an unusual way.
Putting watercolor on a brush brown and diagonally draw a drawing of a rowan branch. With the same paint and brush we draw small branches at the end for the first rowan brush and for the second. Use green paint to paint the base for the leaves.
Drawing berries:
To draw rowan berries, we will use the “finger drawing” technique. We dip the pad of one finger into red gouache (as if we were putting paint on a finger). We make a fingerprint in the place where we planned to draw the berries.
Thus, we form rowan brushes.
TEACHER: What beautiful berries they turned out to be!
Your fingers are tired, wipe them off the paint
fingers with napkins, and let's
Let's do exercises for them:
(Children pronounce the words together with the teacher, squeezing and unclenching their fingers):
TEACHER AND CHILDREN: “They drew, they drew!
Our fingers are tired!
One, two, three, four, five,
Let's draw again!"
TEACHER: Your fingers have rested, they can draw again.
Guys, who can tell me that we haven’t yet drawn a rowan tree near the branch?
Children's answers (Leaves).
TEACHER: That's right, leaves.
We will draw the leaves by “dipping”, i.e. Apply the brush with paint to the place where you planned to paint the leaves. Draw children's attention to the complex shape of the leaf. The small parts of the leaf, which we paint with a brush, are located opposite each other. To mix paints, you can first put on a brush yellow paint, then add more green to the tip. The leaves will be multi-colored, real autumn. into a friend. Without waiting for the leaves to dry, we begin to paint the veins on the leaves with dark paint (brown, dark green).
The teacher monitors the children’s work and helps with difficulties.
To make the berries look exactly like real ones, use the tip of a small brush to paint one black dot on each berry.
TEACHER: Well done guys, look how beautiful our rowan branches turned out. The teacher invites the children to hang their drawings on the stand.

Summary of organizational educational activities using TRIZ for drawing in senior group(integrated view)

Topic: “Rowan sprig”

Material: yellow, red, orange gouache, brush No. 3, brush stand, A-4 sheets, jar of water, pencil, herbarium (dried rowan leaves), napkin.

Program content:

  1. Secure the structure of the rowan tree, its appearance, characteristic features.
  2. Teach children to convey the characteristic features of a rowan branch: the structure of the branches, leaves, their color, shades.
  3. Teach children to think through the placement of the drawing on the sheet and with a simple pencil Draw a sketch of a rowan branch using thin lines.
  4. To develop aesthetic perception, continue to train children in finger drawing (pointillism), and introduce them to the drawing technique of imprinting.
  5. to cultivate accuracy when drawing with gouache, the ability to evaluate one’s own work and the work of peers, as well as the desire to draw in non-traditional techniques.

Methods and techniques:

Literary word, slide show, examination, conversation, question and answer, explanation, help, analysis of work, praise.

Progress of organizational and educational activities:

Part 1.

Like cobwebs

Rowan sprigs

Reds are beautiful

Satin berries

We won't tear them down

Birds love to peck them.

Guys, what is this poem about?

0And, do you want me to tell you about the mountain ash?

Did you know that rowan is a tree up to 10 meters tall?

Rowan fruits are spherical, berry-shaped, red, sour, bitter.

Rowan blooms in May and early June.

The fruits ripen in September.

After frost, the fruits become sweet and tasty, remaining on the tree until late winter.

The fruits contain a lot of vitamins; rowan is used in medicine, as well as in the food and confectionery industries.

Would you like to try rowan berries?

Part 2.

Today we will draw a rowan branch.

Let's remember again and say what berries look like? Leaves?

Pay attention to the structure of rowan branches, how are the leaves arranged? What about berries? (bunches

What color are the berries? What about the leaves?

You and I will draw a rowan branch in an unusual way. First, we will draw the twig and berries with a simple pencil, without pressing too hard (we make a sketch), and the leaves using prints (apply paint to a dried rowan leaf and apply it to paper).

Now let's start drawing the berries: the tip index finger dip it in red gouache, and then touch the paper with this finger, you get beautiful rowan berries.

Let's start creating...

Now that everything is ready, let your drawings dry and we'll play with you!

Game “Whose leaf?” Children are divided into 2 teams. The first team is given rowan leaves, the second team is given birch leaves. Pictures of trees are placed in different parts of the group. Music plays, children move around the group, the music ends, children make a circle (each near “their” tree).

Part 3.

Well done, your rowan branches turned out very beautiful! A real “autumn opening day”! Which of the works did you like the most? Do you want Seryozha? How about you Katya?

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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State budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 70 combined type of Primorsky district of St. Petersburg


with elements of mnemonics

Subject:"Rowan branch in a vase"

for children of the preparatory group

Prepared by:


View: Productive activity (drawing)

Integration of educational areas:

ü Educational area "Cognition"

Expand and clarify children's understanding of the rowan tree

ü Educational field "Communication"

Develop all components oral speech and free communication with adults and children

ü Educational area "Reading fiction"

Continue exploring illustrations by famous artists.

Improve performance skills when memorizing poems using a mnemonic table

ü Educational field "Artistic creativity"

Continue to learn how to draw from life, conveying the shape of the vase, the design of the branches, and beautifully placing the image on a sheet of paper

Strengthen the ability to outline the shape of a vase with a pencil, and in subsequent work continue to teach children to draw with watercolors

Continue learning to draw with a pencil using different pressure

Improve finger drawing techniques and develop fine motor skills

Reinforce the technique of “infusing” one color into another.

Technologies used:

Gaming technologies


Music influence technology

Preliminary work:

Observe the rowan tree while walking, draw children's attention to the shape of the leaves, their color, and the fruits of the rowan tree.


Illustrations of images of rowan, rowan branches, vase, landscape sheet of A-4 format, watercolor paints, brushes, napkins, wax crayons.

GCD move:

The teacher shows the children illustrations depicting rowan:

Rowan, Rowanushka, Rowan - this is how people affectionately call this tree. Like a thin-bodied young girl, a rowan tree stands in autumn attire. She threw a shawl made of multi-colored carved leaves over her shoulders and put on scarlet beads made of berries. Rowan is not only a decoration autumn landscape, wintering birds cannot do without it.

But not only birds feed on rowan berries; it is a favorite delicacy of pine martens and bears; its branches and bark are readily eaten by moose and hares. In early autumn, rowan berries are bitter and sour, but as soon as the first frost hits, they become pleasant to the taste, and there is no better treat for birds than rowan berries.

Rowan wood is used to make musical instruments, it is suitable for both carpentry and furniture making.

The bark dyes the fabric red-brown, the branches black, and the leaves dye it brown.

Look what beautiful rowan branches I brought. Where can we put them?

That's right, in a vase.

Look how beautiful they look in it. And now I’ll read you a poem about rowan:

A vase of fresh rowan berries was placed on the table.

He noticed her immediately as soon as he entered the room.

I won’t eat rowan, I’d rather get some paint,

In the drops there are beads of amazingly beautiful dew.

Did you like the poem? I suggest learning the poem using a mnemonic table. (The teacher and the children sort out the mnemonic table and memorize the poem)

Physical education lesson “Rowanka”:

- There is a mountain ash tree on the hill,

Keeps your back straight and level.

(Stretching - arms up)

It’s not easy for her to live in the world -

The wind turns, the wind turns.

(Rotation of the body to the right and left)

But the mountain ash only bends,

He is not sad - he laughs.

(Bends to the sides)

The free wind blows menacingly

For a young mountain ash.

(Children wave their hands, imitating the wind)

Educator: Guys, let us together, as the poem says, take paints and draw rowan branches in a vase from life, like real artists.

The teacher explains the sequence of work:

First, we make a sketch with a simple pencil, pay attention to the arrangement of the leaves - the leaves of the mountain ash are complex: there are several of them on one cutting - they are all paired, and one at the end does not have a pair. Then we paint the vase, branches, and leaves with watercolors. Look how autumn painted the leaves with a variety of colors, the colors seem to flow into one another. And we will draw the berries with our fingers. After the work has dried, we will make the background with wax crayon.

(children begin to work - the teacher monitors how the children draw, reminds them to use paints carefully and correctly, and promptly wipe their fingers with a damp cloth).

Well done guys, you did a great job. Let's look at what rowan branches you got. (Children's work is placed for viewing).

It seems that autumn itself has visited us and left us with its colorful trace as a souvenir.

Topic: “Rowan twig.”

Program content: Introduce children to the non-traditional technique of drawing with cotton swabs. Strengthen the techniques of painting with a brush (practice in painting with gouache, brush with the whole bristle and the end of it). Develop a sense of composition and color during use various techniques, to create an expressive image of a rowan bunch, develop cultural and hygienic skills. Cultivate in children an interest in visual arts, love of nature.

Integration of educational areas: " Cognitive development", "Speech development".

Preliminary work: Looking at the rowan tree while walking, looking at illustrations, autumn paintings; reading poetry, didactic and word games.

Materials and equipment: Posters “Autumn Park”, audio recording (Tchaikovsky “Autumn”), illustration “Birds on the Rowan Tree”, cotton swabs; red, orange, brown gouache; brushes, napkins, glasses of water - for each child.

1. Organizational moment. The teacher reads a poem:

Lingonberries are ripening,

The days have become colder,

And from the bird's cry

My heart became sadder.

Flocks of birds fly away

Away, beyond the blue sea.

All the trees are shining

In a multi-colored dress. (K. Balmont)

What time of year is this poem talking about?

How did you guess?

What happens in the fall?

What autumn months do you know?

Name the first autumn month, the second, the third?

Guys, do you want to visit the autumn park?

Guys, close your eyes, and we will now be transported to the park. (Children cover their eyes with their palms, music sounds, the scenery changes in the group: trees appear: spruce, birch, rowan, maple...).

Children open their eyes (the teacher puts an autumn wreath on their head).

Guys, who am I? (Autumn)

Children, together with Autumn (the teacher), take a tour of the park.

2. Excursion around the park.

Guys, now we are walking along the alleys of the autumn park, and to find out what trees grow in the park you will need to solve riddles.

Yellow and red clothes,

Each leaf is like a palm.

In autumn it is brightest.

Did you guess it? This is... (maple)

Look how beautiful, colorful leaves the maple tree has?

White bottom, green top -

The summer grove is the most beautiful!

There are stripes on the trunks.

Good... (birch trees)

What color are the leaves of a birch tree?

Decorated by their people

Every time on New Year's Eve.

Instead of leaves - needles.

Name the trees! (Christmas trees)

How is spruce different from other trees?

Guys, tell me, what kind of tree is this?

He grows up like a knight in the park and in the forest,

He will give you acorns on time.

Both the forester and the lumberjack

We are familiar with him. This is... (oak)

Autumn: - Guys! And now you and I will continue to walk along the alley. Look how much beautiful trees around, some have yellow leaves, others have red, that’s what “golden time” means.

Autumn: - Guys, let's play?

3. Outdoor game “Autumn Leaves”. Children stand in a circle. Leaves are scattered on the floor. Children, together with the teacher, pronounce words and perform movements:

The wind is blowing,

Blows and blows. (Swing left and right, arms in front of you.)

yellow leaves

Blows off the tree! (Waving their hands from top to bottom in front of them.)

And the leaves are flying

Straight along the path, (They spin around in place.)

Leaves are falling

Right under our feet! (Stop, squat down, hands down.)

Guys, look how beautiful the leaf fall is, how many colorful leaves are falling from the trees!

Let's collect them!

Ulya, Arisha, Seryozha, Semyon collect the leaves. Ulya collects oak leaves, Arisha collects maple leaves, Seryozha collects birch leaves, Semyon collects rowan leaves.

Well done, you collected all the leaves correctly.

Guys, let's remember what our leaves are called.

What kind of leaf does a birch have? - birch. What leaf does the maple have? -...What leaf does the oak tree have? -...What leaf does the mountain ash have? -...

4. Examination of the rowan tree. The teacher asks a riddle:

In May it was warm, green,

I put the bunches on in the fall.

There is bitterness in the scarlet berries.

What kind of tree? (Pock)

Autumn: - And in the fall, rowan trees grow in the park; berries ripen on them in the fall - a favorite delicacy of bullfinches. In winter, the forest is cold, hungry, and the birds have food on the branches.

Look carefully at how friendly her berries are, growing one next to the other. There are a lot of berries, they are collected in a brush or bunch.

Tell me, what color are the berries? (red) and shape (round)

Guys, look, there are few berries on this rowan tree.

Why do you think? (Rise up strong wind and picked all the berries on the rowan tree, they fell to the ground, and the birds ate them).

And soon the bullfinches will arrive, but there is no favorite delicacy! Let's help the bullfinches and draw a rowan branch with berries?

5. Examination of the sample: “Rowan twig.”

– Guys, look what bright, colorful rowan branches autumn has prepared for us. A rowan branch consists of berries and leaves. The leaves have an oblong shape (oval), the berries on the branch are round - red; large and small. Guys, please note that the berries are collected in an inflorescence.

6. Demonstration of drawing techniques.

Today we will draw a rowan branch. We will paint the branch with brown gouache - a brush. We will paint the leaves of the rowan branch with orange gouache using a brush, and the berries with red gouache using cotton swabs.

Dip the tip of the brush into brown gouache and draw the main rowan branch from the lower left corner to the upper right corner. Using the same gouache we draw small branches for the rowan brushes. On small branches we paint autumn leaves with orange gouache. Pay attention to how the rowan leaves are arranged: parts of the leaf are opposite each other. To draw rowan berries, we need a cotton swab. Let's take it cotton swab and dip the tip into red gouache and draw the berries “with pokes”.

7. Independent work of children. Invite the children to draw a rowan branch. Pay attention to children's posture.

8. Finger gymnastics: “I’ll rub my palms hard...”.

9.Analysis of work. Reviewing children's work. Pay attention to the most striking works. Praise the children.

10.Return to the group.

Autumn: - Guys, it’s time for me to return to my fairy forest, and you guys join the group!

Guys, close your eyes...(music sounds, children close their eyes and the children find themselves in the group again).