How to learn to dance popping for beginners. Popping: the dance style of the future. Can a beginner learn popping dance?

Modern directions youth dances are significantly different from the dances of our grandparents. And rather they are a set of intricate sports exercises under modern music. Today's youth dances demonstrate not only the plasticity of the body, but also its training and physical endurance. Popping, the history of which is connected with the seventies, can also be safely included among them. At that time, this style of dance was characterized classic style clothes - hat, shoes, horizontal striped shirt, jacket. IN modern world Poppers (as the person who dances popping calls himself) do not adhere to the original style of clothing, but consider a hat to be a mandatory accessory. The dancer resembles a robot who, after each movement, fixes his body, as if freezing for a moment.

Of great importance in the popping style is a sense of rhythm and clear blows at the end of each movement, which are performed through the technique of rapid tension and relaxation of muscles with fixation...

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Popping (from the English Popping) - the style of this dance is based on the technique of rapid relaxation and muscle contraction. Therefore, the effect is created that the dancer shudders sharply during the dance. Such winces, combined with various movements and postures, are continuously performed to the rhythm of the music. Dancers imitate the movements of a robot or an animated mannequin to the rhythm of the music.

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Learn to perform strong muscle contractions, as a result of which the body seems to shake and vibrate. Similar movements - characteristic feature this street dance. There are such “shudders” in dance...

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Video demonstration of popping dance style

The popping dance style was born in the 70s of the 20th century in the western region of the USA. The name of the Popping style comes from the word pop, which was pronounced by one of the founders of the style when he rhythmically tensed his muscles in beat music. In Russian, the name Popping is pronounced “popping” or “papping” (the second is even a little more correct). Sometimes they write poppin or poppin." On the Russian Internet, you can find the spelling popping. But let's return to the dance. It is built on rhythmic muscle blows that the popping dancer (whether a girl or a guy) makes to the rhythm of the music. The popping style itself, in its visual manner, is the ancestor had a robot dance style. From this direction, popping inherited a certain illusoryness and irony, to which danceability and groove were added. Today, the popping style has had a strong influence on the formation of other dance styles, such as. hip hop, dubstep, electric boogie.

To successfully master the style, you...

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Home » Popping Popping dance training (video lesson)

The video lesson “Learning popping dance” was created for fans of positive and funky dance. The popping technique is based on the rapid contraction and relaxation of body muscles, which allows you to visually create the effect of a wince. Popping is not the easiest style to learn, but your first successes will make you very happy. Popping will give you a great opportunity not to blend in with the crowd, but to stand out with your spectacular and unique movements.

The video lesson “Learning Popping Dance,” which is located on our unique portal, will help you learn how to dance popping even from scratch.

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POPPING (popping): the highest dance skill

In the second half of the last century, many dance styles appeared in the world, which were strikingly different from everything that existed before. One of these trends was popping, which emerged in the 70s - a fantastically beautiful dance that surprises every time, amazes the imagination, and shows the skill of the dancer. The beauty of this dance was immediately appreciated, and over time, based on the movements from popping, cool modern dances arose, of which there are a huge number.

Today popping is very popular all over the world, even after forty years it remains relevant and modern. And the reason for this is the originality and unusualness of the movements, which create a feeling of unreality of what is happening. At the same time this dance, like many modern styles, is quite difficult to master, learning requires effort, complete dedication and clear understanding goal set for yourself.

Do you want to learn to dance...

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If you are eager to learn this dance, then listen to the following tips. Choose music for your classes. It should be very rhythmic, somewhere around 90-120 beats per minute. It is very important to be musical, to feel the rhythm of the music.
Learn to perform strong muscle contractions, as a result of which the body seems to shake and vibrate. Such movements are a characteristic feature of this street dance. When dancing, perform such “shudders” continuously, combining them with various poses and movements.

Remember that the basis of this style- hit. Practice it with your legs, arms, neck, chest in different variations. Learn ten basic movements and 5 - 6 typical ligaments. Then perfect your popping technique. Try to copy the movements of the robot, make a small stop at the end of each movement performed, this will further emphasize the sharpness of the next movement.


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Hello. Well, then I’ll start with the fact that it’s never too late to start dancing, and 15 years is just right for graphs, in many schools they are also completely absent =) ..very often teachers give chaotic information =) ...I personally did popping mostly on my own, as for the graphs of other dance styles, here is the classic layout:
1 - first of all, there is a high-quality warm-up, which should last at least 20 minutes. You need to warm up almost every muscle, ligament and joint, otherwise the training is worthless. You can also use the warm-up to practice some movements. You can get the information from here:
2 - after that, several movements are taken for one workout, and they are practiced for a very long time and tediously! There is no need to practice 50 movements at once. Spraying will lead to the fact that in the end nothing will be worked out and will not be remembered! When a large group works, it is, of course, much easier. IN...

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Dance popping

Choreographer Viktor Shaw in a video lesson club dancing for guys he will show in great detail the popping dance technique, the basis of which is the rapid contraction and relaxation of muscles. The popper dancer creates the effect of a sharp shudder and does this continuously to the music, combining this with various poses and movements. At the end of the lesson, Victor will demonstrate a small dance combination to music. So you can watch videos online, repeat the movements and learn club dances without leaving your home.

In the following video lessons, Victor Shaw will show other basic club dance movements - fixing or blocking different parts body, a wave through the body, which is typical for creative and emotional dance in the locking style. Making a wave is not at all difficult, and you will definitely learn, the main thing is to remember the movements and try to do them quickly and smoothly. Well, Victor Shaw can definitely inspire you.

See also other club dance lessons on our website.

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If you learn to dance at home, or go to dances, then correct technique You need it.
Fixation is an integral part of popping, robot, dubstep, hip hip, electric boogie styles.
However, it turns out that often instead of fixation we see indistinct twitching. How to make the dance look cool and technical?
In this video lesson, I will tell you one secret that allows you to learn to dance faster, making your fixation much more beautiful and confident.

If you liked this video, don't hesitate to like it;)
By the way, it is not at all forbidden to repost it to yourself.
We will be pleased!

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How to Dance Popping is a great video lesson that will teach you how to dance the basic sequences and dance movements. Popping culture has existed and will continue to exist for a long time. This style is becoming increasingly popular among young people. Don't miss this wonderful chance to learn from professional dancers who explain step by step every step, every movement. Learn on your own with our video right at home, experiment and create your own unique tricks!

Everyone can watch the online video lesson “How to dance Popping” directly on our website at any convenient time. We wish you good mood!

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It’s not for nothing that popping is considered one of the most expressive and vibrant dance styles. It appeared at the end of the 20th century, when funk music ruled the world. This fiery dance borrowed some elements from locking. His technique requires control of the body's muscles, their contraction to create characteristic thrusts, and then suddenly stop. At our school you can learn to dance popping for beginners and beginners in Moscow, Central Administrative District and South-Eastern Administrative District. Did you know that the legendary “moonwalk” is a popping element?

Learn to dance popping in Moscow: how to become a star?

Popping Dance, in its movements and techniques, is somewhat similar to the animated dance of a robot. Previously, it was often confused with upper breakdancing, but these directions are completely different. Papping today can be found on the dance floors of discos and clubs. The emphasis in technical terms is on isolation of movements, full control of one's body and development muscle contractions- “dads” or “hits”. Our teachers are prize-winners of international and all-Russian competitions, the best choreographers of the CIS countries, and they will teach you all these subtleties.

Do you want to learn popping dance? Make a first step

Each popping lesson begins with a traditional warm-up, then the basic movements are learned. The lesson ends with the basics of improvisation, which are performed to appropriate music. For beginners this best direction and new dance elements are learned without any difficulty. Even if something remains unclear, our teachers will explain and show everything. Learning to dance popping for boys and girls at our school near the Dubrovka metro station means becoming a dance floor star in real life. You just need to start. At the same time, age does not matter: we invite everyone who is 10 years old or older.

It’s worth learning how to dance popping for girls in a studio near the Proletarskaya station and Volgogradsky Prospekt. By owning your body, you can better manage your emotions. As a bonus, you get an excellent physical fitness and the boys' attention.

At our school you are expected to:

  • opportunity to learn popping dance in as soon as possible from the very basics;
  • new friends and like-minded people;
  • experienced mentors;
  • comfortable and spacious rooms;
  • a lot of pleasure and inspiration.

Learning to dance popping for children and teenagers is not only simple, but also accessible. Moreover, the first lesson is absolutely free. You can quickly reach us from Avtozavodskaya and Krestyanskaya Zastava stations. Sign up now!

In the second half of the last century, many dance styles appeared in the world, which were strikingly different from everything that existed before. One of these trends was popping, which emerged in the 70s - a fantastically beautiful dance that surprises every time, amazes the imagination, and shows the skill of the dancer. The beauty of this dance was immediately appreciated, and over time, based on the movements from popping, cool modern dances arose, of which there are a huge number.

Today popping is very popular all over the world, even after forty years it remains relevant and modern. And the reason for this is the originality and unusualness of the movements, which create a feeling of unreality of what is happening. At the same time, this dance, like many modern styles, is quite difficult to master; learning requires effort, complete dedication and a clear understanding of the goal set for oneself.

Do you want to learn how to dance modern dances? Are you interested in popping dance? Are you ready to work hard to get real satisfaction from the work done? Then popping lessons from website – this is a great opportunity to realize all your dance dreams!

What is popping?

The name "popping" (or "papping") comes from the English concept "pap", which means rapid contraction and relaxation of muscles. All movements of this dance are based on a series of contractions and relaxations of various muscles of the body, which externally look like winces, twitches and short but intermittent movements individual parts body or whole body. However, this was only the case in the past; over the years, the dance has evolved, changed, and over time has been divided into many styles.

There are several styles that are popular today that you are probably familiar with. For example, Waving – it is based on wave-like movements of the body. Or Gliding , the most famous movement from which is the famous “moonwalk” of Michael Jackson. Styles are also popular Strobbing (intermittent, as if the dancer’s movements are interrupted by strobe flashes), King Tut and Finger Tut (in which the dancer builds figures from his hands or fingers), Puppet (“puppet dancing” - all dance movements are performed as a puppet on strings does), Slow Motion (dance in slow motion) and others.

And let us remind you once again that popping gave movements to modern dances - many styles that arose in the 80s and 90s of the last century are based on the characteristic movements of popping. And, of course, breakdancing came out of popping; moreover, this style in Russia for a long time was mistakenly called nothing other than “upper breakdancing.” So if we look at the elements modern dance, then we will very often see dads in them.

What is the secret of the popularity that the popping dance has? The answer is simple and obvious - it is incredibly beautiful and creates a feeling of unreality in the viewer, which not many modern dances for beginners and experienced dancers are capable of. When you watch a popping video, or see a performance (or better yet, a battle) of dancers, you can’t believe that everyone is doing it simple people! It simply boggles the mind how a person can perform such movements, control his body so much, and fill the surrounding space with drive and a lot of positive emotions.

But in reality, understanding how to dance modern dances, including popping, is not so difficult - you just need to put in a little effort, follow the advice of a trainer, and try to understand the meaning of performing the movements. And we are sure that the popping school is also available to you, you just need to try and believe in yourself!

Can a beginner learn popping dance?

Contemporary popping dance lessons are not simple, but you don’t have to give up right away and throw aside your dream of dancing. Because today there are popping lessons for beginners - with their help, even a beginner who has never danced before can master basic movements and combinations. Although, of course, you will have to try for this.

What does it take for modern dance lessons for beginners to achieve the expected results? To do this, just follow a few simple recommendations.

Firstly, you can study modern dances at home, but for this you need to follow all the recommendations of the trainer, watch online video lessons several times to learn and practice the movements.

Secondly, you should regularly watch papping videos, learn new elements from the dancers, “spy” on them, try their style and try to learn the skill from the example of more advanced pappers.

Thirdly, every modern dance lesson should begin with a warm-up and stretching, otherwise the lesson may result in pain in the muscles and joints, or even injury.

Finally, fourthly, in order to master new modern dances, you need to really want it. Only with effort will you learn to dance a beautiful modern dance on your own that will not leave anyone indifferent on the dance floor!

Popping lessons for beginners on the site

We are pleased to present you a course of online video lessons “Popping” with Alexander Pautov, which will help you master the basics, subtleties and nuances of this fantastically beautiful and unusual dance style. Poppin online lesson and are designed in such a way that even a person without initial training can master them and achieve success in this style. To see this, just watch the first video lesson on modern dance on this page.

Learning modern dances using lessons from is both mastering movements and The best music for popping, and mass positive emotions at every lesson. And most importantly, these lessons are available online - modern dances can be taught at home or in any convenient place where there is access to the Internet. No one will distract you, you will be able to learn modern dances using video lessons exactly at the time that is convenient for you and when you really want it. And this is the key to success!

Popping from the site – modern dances, which are pleasant and accessible to everyone to learn!




Lesson 1 (free)

Watch online video lesson

Lesson duration: 58 min

The first online video lesson will open the world of popping for you, and you will be convinced that anyone can learn to dance popping, if only they have the desire!

In this lesson, you and your trainer will learn the basics of popping - a few basic movements and simple connections. Learn to correctly perform arm movements, body tilts, small steps, as well as one of the foundations of this dance style - proper fixation of each body position. Recommendations on choosing music for popping are also given here.

This lesson is not yet sufficient for dance performance, so we recommend viewing and studying the entire course to achieve success.

Lesson 2

Available by subscription

Additional equipment: no

In Papping Lesson 2, you'll continue learning the basic movements and leg work and learn a few new moves, including knee bending moves. This online video also discusses such an important component for popping dance as diagonals in movements.

At the end of the online popping lesson, under the guidance of a trainer, you will combine all the learned movements into a simple combination and perform them to the music. And after training, you will be able to independently perform simple movements in the club, amazing the imagination of your friends!

Lesson 3

Available by subscription

Lesson duration: 60 min
Additional equipment: no

The third online popping lesson, the video of which is presented on this page, is entirely devoted to working on the basic movements. Here you will continue to work with knee rotation and learn to perform more complex variations of previously learned movements. Also, this popping lesson for beginners will help you learn many new elements and learn how to integrate them into connections.

After this popping video lesson, you will master the basic movements that do not involve the core. The following lessons will be devoted to the work of the corps - we recommend viewing them for the most complete study of popping.

Lesson 4

Available by subscription

Additional equipment: no

The fourth popping lesson is entirely devoted to the main component of this dance - the work of the body. Only the execution of movements of the legs and arms together with the work of the body makes popping truly beautiful, giving it a special, inherent only to this dance style character.

This lesson (modern popping dance lesson) will end with the performance of a combination of learned movements to music. Having danced this combination, you will see how beautiful, dynamic and unusual popping is when the body is involved in the work.

Lesson 5

Available by subscription

Lesson duration: 1 hour 02 minutes
Additional equipment: no

Fifth video lesson on popping.

Today we will work with top part our body, namely with our hands.

As always, let's start with a warm-up and get ready for good work.

In order for you to be able to combine and dance sequences in this direction without hesitation, you need to constantly practice the learned movements.

Stand near the mirror and repeat everything you remember from the previous material.

Pay attention to the correct position of the arms and legs that Alexander spoke about.

Lesson 6

Available by subscription

Lesson duration: 1 hour 01 min
Additional equipment: no

Each subsequent lesson becomes more and more interesting!

We are sure that you have worked out everything down to the details, and have already managed to use your imagination for various variations and combinations.

Today we will pay attention to simple shapes such as rectangles, squares, semicircles, triangles, lines.

And of course, we will include the body in the work. Go!!!

Popping is based on the technique of a rapid period of muscle contraction and relaxation. Visually, the effect is created that the dancer shudders sharply. Muscle movements are combined with the rhythm of the music, intertwined with different poses and body movements. This is a popular style for depicting a robot or a mannequin that suddenly comes to life.

The following tips will help you master the technique of rapid muscle contraction/relaxation and, in fact, learn popping. First you need to choose the music you like. It is desirable that the rhythm be in the region of 90-120 beats per minute. You also need the music to be rhythmic - this way the beginning of learning popping will be more successful.

Then you need to try to perform a strong muscle contraction - as a result, the body should shake. By alternating strong contractions and rapid relaxations, the body will begin to vibrate. This is the most main feature this street dance. During the dance process, such movements occur continuously, complemented by various movements and poses.

The basis of the style is the blow, it needs to be emphasized: with hands, legs, head, any manifestations of the body in different variations. By the way, for a dance, about 10 basic movements and 5 “classical” combinations between them will be enough. After learning them, you need to perfect the popping fixation. It is based on a short stop at the end of each movement. The result is an even greater emphasis on the sharpness of the following movements.

Crisp corners and sharpness

Hands are a vast source for creating angularities and gestures in popping. Once you master them, the dance will become even more interesting. Popping is usually performed in a standing position. However, there are excellent dance options with a transition to your knees and even to a lying position - this is where the hands come to the fore.

Hand movements are performed very sharply. You can do anything with them: describe circles, point with your finger. The main thing is to do it energetically and quickly. In this case, the brush is often positioned as if it were trying to cut the air. Remember mimes - you can use your hands to create an illusion as if you are swimming or flying. Hands are indispensable in forming a “wave” along the body.

Legs are also important. They can slide across the floor. Therefore, it is worth mastering the brilliant technique of sliding and rolling the foot from toe to heel.

Repeat some movements after the same amount of time, because the robot is a certain predetermined program. This is also used to create the illusion of a strobe light effect.

Popping is worth improvising as you dance. You can use already known elements and connections between them. And in the process of training and rehearsals, you will hone your own dance technique.

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