Fun competitions for children indoors. Interesting entertainment and competitions for every taste or children's birthday competitions at home: how to organize and conduct

To make the children's holiday fun, you need to come up with games and entertainment for the kids. An adult acts as the host; other adult guests of the holiday can also participate in the games or help with them. If the holiday is held in an apartment, then you can choose games that are easy to organize in a limited space. To celebrate outdoors, we offer outdoor group games.

We hold games and competitions at home

If we call some kind of entertainment the word “competition,” we mean that we use this concept conditionally. After all, in a real competition there are winners and losers, but we don’t need such competition at all at our holiday. Our goal is to have a fun and joyful time. Therefore, all our participants are great, everyone gets applause and praise. Well, the one who fell behind or made a mistake can complete some comic task.

Riddles in verse

Children love to solve riddles. We offer you several thematic series of riddles in verse. The presenter reads the riddle, and the kids must add the last word of the answer in unison.

Riddles in verses about parts of the human body. (Children answer in unison, pointing to the hidden part of the body.)

I won't get sick in winter

I'll tie a scarf... (neck)

Mom gave me a hat

So as not to freeze... (head)

We walked along the road for a long time,

And we are tired... (legs).

We'll have breakfast with you!

I'll take a spoon... (with my hand).

I don’t want compote now -

Full of semolina porridge... (mouth).

I brought the flower to my face.

To smell, you need... (nose).

They're already used to chatting,

After all, lives in the mouth... (tongue).

Their lips hide them from everyone.

If you smile, you can see... (teeth).

Riddles in poems about animals.(Children finish the lines of poetry in chorus.)

Jumps through a forest clearing

Long-eared gray... (bunny).

The most cunning one in the forest

Everyone calls it... (fox).

Among the trees, among the cones

A clubfoot wanders... (bear).

He clicked his teeth terribly.

Everyone in the forest is afraid of... (the wolf).

Early in the morning at the window

Our paws are licked... (cat).

New Year's riddles in verse.(Children add words to rhyme in chorus.)

The winter holiday is coming to us!

We are celebrating... (New Year)

Green needles

At the elegant... (Christmas tree)\

The New Year's holiday is bright

Hidden under the tree... (gifts)

Who brought gifts for everyone?

Good Grandfather... (Frost)

Competitions for little artists

You can organize competitions for small artists, after which you can immediately organize an exhibition of works.

Complete the drawing. This activity will require drawing sheets, markers or colored pencils. On all sheets you need to draw the beginning of the picture in advance. It could be simple geometric figure, and a tree trunk, and a flower stem. Participants in the competition are given the task of finishing the drawing in 5 minutes. For example, you give children sheets of paper, each with a circle drawn on it. Kids finish drawing what their imagination tells them: a flower, a sun, a car or a person.

Decorate the Christmas tree. If you are celebrating a New Year's holiday, then as an assignment you can give out sheets with a picture of a Christmas tree. Children will have to draw holiday decorations on it.

Color it. For the youngest participants, you can give the task to color ready-made drawings.

Challenges for the Agile

You can conduct tests for dexterity among children. Such competitions are held if children express a desire to participate in them. You can eliminate the competitive element if the children complete the task one by one. But adult guests can compete by participating in the same competitions. We offer you several tasks.

Right on target. To conduct the competition you will need a ball of any size and some object that will be the target. You need to roll the ball so that it hits the target. The younger the children, the larger the size of the ball should be and the shorter the distance to the target.

Don't spill it. To conduct the competition you will need wide bowls of water, tablespoons and identical glass jars, on which a line is marked at the same height, for example, at a height of 5 cm from the bottom. Participants need to use a spoon to pour water into the jar to the indicated level.

Breeze. To hold the competition you need to make a small ball out of cotton wool. Participants must blow on the ball, thus moving it along a flat surface from the start to the designated finish.

Games for attention

Ear - nose. The presenter explains to the children that he will name parts of the body, and they must point to them. He himself will also point to a part of the body, but perhaps not to the one he named, that is, children should follow the words of the presenter, and not his gestures. Whoever makes a mistake performs some task: recites a poem, dances, portrays some animal.

Sun - rain. The game is played as the previous one, only only two movements are selected. If the presenter says the word “sun,” then everyone shows their palms outstretched, fingers up. If the presenter says the word “rain,” then everyone puts their palms down with their fingers and moves them. The presenter confuses the players with his gestures.

Comic entertainment for children

At a children's party, you can hold comic entertainment in which both adults and children will take part. We offer several joke competitions, and you can come up with others.

Make-up artists. To perform, you will need theatrical makeup. Children paint their parents' faces. Let them create images of animals using makeup.

Unusual outfit. To hold the competition you will need to collect different things from your wardrobe, it is best to find clothes large sizes and accessories for it. It is necessary to divide the company into pairs: a child and one of the parents. Clothes are put into boxes according to the number of participating pairs. The child becomes a fashion stylist and dresses up the adult using the contents of the box. Then all the adults show off their outfits. Don't forget to take photos for memory.

Imitation games for children

Children will enjoy taking part in pretend role-playing games. Here are some of them.

What's happened? Who is this? The leader of this game is the most artistic adult. He uses movements and sounds to show children animate and inanimate objects. Whoever guessed it raises his hand. After what is shown is guessed, the presenter invites the children to depict an action associated with the shown object. For example, the presenter showed a wolf. The children guessed right, and the presenter asks them: “How does a wolf click its teeth?” Everyone imitates this action at the same time. It is better for very young children to show animals that they know. Older children can also be shown inanimate objects or phenomena that are familiar to them, for example: wind, mobile phone, water tap, car. Older preschoolers will already guess the people involved different types sports and people different professions. Watching the adult presenter, perhaps some children themselves will want to act as artists.

Zoo. Each child is given a picture of an animal, secretly from the others. The presenter announces that each participant in the game must depict an animal from the picture that he received. The rest of the children guess the animals. All performances are supported by loud applause and praise.

Animal voices. The roles of animals are distributed among the children. These should be animals that can be depicted with a voice. After the roles are distributed, the presenter asks everyone to voice their animal in turn. The game is played in this way: the presenter names the animal, it must respond immediately. The game is played at an accelerating pace. Possible animals: cat, dog, cow, goat, mouse, bear, lion, etc.

Theatrical games for children

To play such a game, you need to write small script for several characters (animals, fairy-tale characters, plants, etc.). Here are some small plots for theatrical games.

Curious ducklings. One of the adults is designated as Mother Duck. The presenter calls Mother Duck to the center of the room and asks to show duck movements: hands on the belt, waving our wings and arms and quack. All children become ducklings and repeat the movements of mother Duck. The children are told that they will have to hide from Mother Duck and come out when she says the word “round dance”.

Leading. Mother Duck took the ducklings out for a walk.

All children line up in a column behind Mother Duck and walk in single file.

Leading. But the curious ducklings ran away in different directions.

The children run and hide.

Mom Duck. Quack, quack! Where are you, ducklings? Where are you guys?

She calls several times, but the ducklings do not come out.

Mama Duck. I know how to collect them. My ducklings love to dance in circles!

All the ducklings should gather near the mother Duck.

Leading. Let's start the duck round dance! Everyone joins hands and walks in a circle to the music. As soon as the music stops, everyone flaps their wings and quacks loudly.

The presenter unexpectedly turns the music on and off several times.

Bouncing Bunnies. The presenter lines up the children and says that now they are bunnies. You can give everyone a bunny mask or ears. For convenience, each bunny retains its own name.

Leading. What do bunnies do best? Of course, jump. But each bunny jumps in its own way. Each of you will need to remember your jumps.

The presenter calls the children one by one, announcing how his bunny jumps.

Leading. Sasha the bunny is the best at jumping on one leg! Show us all! Can you do that?

Everyone jumps like Sasha.

Next, the methods of jumping are distributed to everyone: one jumps back, the other jumps on each leg alternately, the third jumps holding a ball between his knees, the fourth jumps while turning around himself, etc. Then the bunnies jump to the music. As soon as the music stops, all the bunnies must sit down and not move. The presenter unexpectedly turns the music on and off several times.

Win-win lottery

We propose to include a win-win lottery for guests in the holiday program.

There are many ways to conduct a lottery. Can be done lottery tickets different colors and pack the prizes in appropriately colored boxes. You can make cards with images of prizes that guests will pull out of the bag. You can hang prizes with numbers on a rope and invite party participants to blindly pull pieces of paper with numbers out of the bag.

Children's disco

Be sure to organize a children's disco at the holiday. To do this, you need to make a selection of children's songs in advance that you can dance to. Children, of course, can dance on their own, but not for long. That's why we offer several group dance fun.

Dancer in a hat. The presenter is holding a hat in his hands (any children’s hat will do). The host announces the rules: only the one on whom he puts the hat dances, and everyone else claps their hands. So, the presenter alternately puts the hat on one or the other child. And it can also be worn by adults.

Mirror image. For this entertainment, the presenter must come up with a sequence in advance dance moves. Everyone stands in a circle and repeats the movements of the leader to the music. You can include some funny moves, even not quite dance ones.

Round dance. The most popular round dance on New Year's holiday— “A Christmas tree was born in the forest,” during which the round dance participants make movements according to the text of the song. Music is not required for a round dance, but a song is needed. If you are not holding a New Year's disco, then any rhyme that can be sung and dramatized is suitable for a round dance. Here is an example of such a round dance.

Round dance "Sun". The song is sung to any suitable motive and repeated several times.

Sunshine, sunshine

Everything around is warm!

(Children raise their arms up, turning around themselves.)

Sunshine, sunshine!

(Children holding hands walk in a circle.)

Gather in a circle!

(Everyone, holding hands, walks to the center of the circle.)

Hot dances. The leader invites the participants to dance in a special way, through short time changing the task. He suggests dancing like bunnies, like bears, like mosquitoes, like horses, like butterflies, like frogs, like aliens, etc.

Interrupted dance. In this dance game there is a condition for the dancers: if the music is interrupted, then they need to perform some action. For example, shout “Hurray!”, puff out your cheeks, sit on the floor, take candy from a box, or cover your ears.

Fantasize, invent, and all the guests at your holiday will have fun!

Well, who didn’t love their own birthday as a child? This is the day when all the closest and dearest gather, friends come, give a bunch of gifts, cut a delicious cake. These are the most fun and vivid memories of childhood, and to make them even brighter, parents need to work out a scenario for a children's party, birthday contests. The main thing is not just to meet guests and sit at the table, but also to entertain them, giving the child and his friends the opportunity to unite even more, have fun to the fullest and remember this day as the best in life. But what kind of competitions are needed for a child's birthday? We will offer you many options, and when choosing, be sure to take into account the age of the children and choose the maximum interesting games for everyone present.

Competitions for children 3-6 years old

Mind games

Intellectual competitions at the table are good because they help save parents’ home from the chaos and destruction that naughty preschoolers threaten it with. Of course, children cannot be captivated by such fun for a long time, but for a while they will be “neutralized,” and at the same time, watching their games will help parents learn something new about their child.

The simplest birthday contests for children can be represented by riddles that can be chosen for any age:

"Guess what I see"

The adult verbally describes the object, and the children must understand what is being said and find this object in the room.

An adult or child depicts something or someone, and the rest of the children must understand what or who it is.

"What's missing?"

Several objects need to be laid out on the floor, sofa or chair, which children must look at for a while, after which they must turn away, and the adult removes one of the objects. After this, the children look at the “exposition” again and must remember what disappeared from here.

Fairytale Quiz

Fairy tale quiz is also included interesting competitions for a child's birthday. Here you need to come up with a series of questions based on famous children's poems, cartoons and fairy tales, and provide prizes for correct answers - toys, chocolate medals, etc.

Board games

Mini competitions for children can be submitted by their favorite board games, which the whole family loves to spend their leisure time with. Although in our time they have been supplanted by tablets and cartoons, they can easily find a place at a children’s party:

Action games

Particularly interesting are the “adventure” games, where each player has a piece with which he moves around the playing field for the number of steps that is rolled by the dice. These games are good for groups and children can participate in them different ages. In addition, in modern games The chips are made unusual, and the manufacturers accompany the games with exciting tasks.


Now on sale there are exciting and colorfully designed games for children of all ages. With them you can play “Shuffle”, “Dobble”, “Dubbles”, “Memory” and many other games - everything that can be found on the Internet.

"Guess what you're eating"

This delicious game is suitable for any age. Children are asked to close their eyes and taste something edible that an adult puts in their open mouths. This is a very funny competition, because it turns out that it is not so easy to determine the taste of a dish without seeing it.

Outdoor games


The game is a variation of the classic hide and seek. An adult hides a toy in the room, and the children’s task is to find it, following the clues from the words “cold” and “hot.”

"Magic Tunnel"

For this game you will need a children's tunnel, but it can easily be replaced by a small table or chair that a child can crawl under. His task is not just to climb into the tunnel, but to come out of there in a new guise, portraying someone: an animal or fairy tale character. Other children must guess who came out of the magic tunnel. The one who guesses correctly goes into the magic tunnel himself.

Ball games

Competitions for 4-year-old children’s birthdays include good old-fashioned fun that combines tasks for erudition, intelligence, fun and moving elements. So, in the “edible-inedible” game, the leader sits the children in a row and, in turn, throws a ball to each child, pronouncing a word. If the word means an edible object, then the ball must be caught, and if it is inedible, then it must be pushed back with your hands. In another version, the children stand in a circle, and the leader throws a ball to one of them and asks them to name a color, fruit, vegetable or flower. Children need to simultaneously catch the ball and remember the appropriate object.

Role-playing games

Children love most when competitions for children's birthdays of 6 years old contain role-playing games. In order for a group of children to have a lot of fun, you can invite them to temporarily become brave Indians, overcoming obstacles, fighting hostile tribes and performing funny dances. You can transform into brave knights, beautiful princesses or fire-breathing dragons, into fairy tale or cartoon characters - the choice here is unlimited. Of course, such competitions are done with their own hands, so parents will have to try hard to create costumes and attributes. In addition, they themselves can take part in the fun with the children, releasing for a short time the child hiding in the depths of their soul.

Competitions for children 4-12 years old

It is most convenient to think about holding competitions for children's day birth if all children present at the celebration are the same age. However, often, especially at the birthday of preschoolers, not only peers are invited, but also relatives with their children, sisters and brothers - then a variety of children's ages can be represented at the holiday. This happens because the child himself still lacks his own friends and peers, so instead of them, relatives of all ages come who know the birthday boy from a young age and are happy to congratulate him. IN in this case ideas for birthday competitions for children will simply require a little more effort from parents, but in the end, the children themselves will find ways to begin to interact better, and besides, such contact between them will bring the younger ones invaluable experience in interacting in a team.


This game involves pairs of players, each of whom has a rope tied around their waist so that a small “tail” hangs from behind. The players' task is to be the first to catch their opponent by the tail and prevent him from doing the same. This fun competition can be enjoyed with lively music. The game trains reaction and dexterity.

Want to see even more fun and interesting competitions? Then go and read our other article about children's competitions.

"Collective Art"

To play this game, children need to be divided into 2 teams. The first members of each team draw a head and neck on the top of their sheets, while the rest of the participants do not see what exactly is drawn. Then the presenter folds the top of the sheet, covering the image, and only the lower part of the neck remains visible. After this, the second player approaches the sheet and continues the drawing. Then the presenter wraps this part of the sheet, leaving only the lower part of the lines of the drawing. So gradually the drawing grows downwards, and all team members put their hands on it in turn. At the end, the presenter unfolds both sheets and everyone looks at the resulting image in surprise. Such competitions for children at their 6th birthday perfectly develop their imagination.

"Art relay race"

This game, which develops creative imagination and thinking, the ability to work in a team, is interesting but calm. Children are divided into two teams, which are given the task of drawing an animal or other object within a certain time. Moreover, in one approach, each participant can draw one line (straight, oval, circle, etc.). In the end, the team whose drawing more closely resembles the intended object wins.

"Candy on a Fishing Rod"

Instead of a fishing hook, you need to tie a candy to the fishing line using a candy wrapper. Using a fishing rod, you need to bring the candy to your mouth, unwrap it without using your hands and eat it. The child who can handle it faster wins. This game develops dexterity and coordination.

"Volleyball with a balloon"

Thanks to this exciting game, children develop dexterity, reaction, and coordination of movements. Children need to be divided into two teams, chairs should be placed at a distance of 1 meter from each other, and all players should be seated on them. A rope stretched between the chairs in the middle of the floor marks a grid separating the teams. Then a kind of volleyball begins, in which you need to throw a ball over a rope, and players are forbidden to take the ball in their hands (they can only push it with their palms) and get up from their chairs. If the ball lands on the floor in the opponent's half, the team gets a point. The game can be continued up to 15 points.


When thinking about how to hold a child’s birthday party at home, it is useful to select competitions that develop communication skills, ingenuity and imagination in children, like the next “Nesmeyana” competition. One of the children is chosen as Princess Nesmeyana and sits on a chair in front of the rest of the children. The rest of the children must try to make the “princess” laugh, but they must not touch her. The one who succeeds becomes the next Nesmeyanaya.

"Guessing Game"

Before starting the game with the children, a specific theme is selected (holiday, animals, furniture, etc.), after which the driver makes a wish for an object that corresponds to the chosen theme. Players must guess what was chosen using clarifying questions to which the driver can only answer “yes” and “no.” The first one to guess what is planned becomes the driver himself. With the help of this game, children train communication skills and develop thinking.

"Hold the Ball"

Contests at children's birthday parties at home often require a lot of space, but not this one. Two pairs of players take part here. Each pair must be placed in a circle formed by a hoop or a circle drawn on the floor. Each couple is given a balloon. Their task is to try to keep the ball in the air for as long as possible, blowing on it, but without touching it with their hands so that it does not fly out of their circle. The pair that can hold onto their ball the longest wins. With the help of this game, reaction, dexterity, coordination, and breathing apparatus are trained.

"Eskimo blind man's buff"

A driver is selected from among the children, whose hands are put on thick mittens and blindfolded. After this, children approach him one by one, whom he must recognize by touch. If he succeeds, then the identified child becomes the driver, and if he makes a mistake, he tries with the next players. With the help of such a competition, children develop memory and spatial imagination.


Active and fun competitions for children's birthdays can train attentiveness, and the best game for this would be the “Blinkers” game. Children need to be divided into two equal teams and a leader must be chosen. Chairs are placed in a row, on which the first team sits, and a chair is placed opposite, near which the leader stands. Members of the second team stand behind the players sitting on chairs. The host looks around at the seated players and winks at one of them. The player who received the wink must quickly move to a chair near the leader, and the task of the player standing behind him is to grab him in time to prevent escape. If the escape is successful, then this player himself becomes the leader.

"Broken Phone"

By using have a fun game“Broken Phone” children quietly hone their attentiveness and hearing. The presenter whispers a phrase or word into the first player’s ear, after which he turns to his neighbor and conveys to him what he heard in the same way. Thus, along the chain, the message reaches the last player, who says out loud what he heard, and the presenter loudly says what he himself conveyed. After this, the leader is sent to the end of the chain, and the first player becomes the leader.


Children love cool competitions, where you can practice thinking, logic and attentiveness. All children need to be lined up in a circle, holding hands. Then the driver turns to the side, and the children begin to climb over each other as they please, but without letting go of their hands. After this, the driver, also without opening his hands, must unravel this tangle.

“We are writing a fairy tale for the birthday boy”

The presenter opens a book or magazine to the first page he comes across and blindly points his finger at a random word. The first storyteller needs to come up with a phrase in which this word will be involved. Similarly, all other participants in the game get words. You can even come up with not one, but several proposals. As a result, a funny story will be born in the game; all that remains is to write it down on beautifully designed paper and give it to the birthday person. Such games develop imagination and thinking, and expand vocabulary.

"Three, thirteen, thirty"

Before the game, the leader explains to the children which number indicates this or that action, for example, 3 - hands on the belt, 13 - hands up, 30 - hands forward. Then the children line up at arm's length, outstretched to the sides. Next, the presenter calls the agreed numbers in random order, and the children must perform the corresponding movements. Gradually the pace of the leader accelerates. The one who got lost and performed another movement stands next to the leader and tries to knock down the rest of the players with incorrect movements. At the end of the game, the most attentive and unprovoked player remains. Such competitions for guests at a child’s birthday train reaction and attentiveness.


Each player receives a serial number and stands in a circle. Then they all begin to clap rhythmically, alternating two handclaps with two kneeclaps. One of the players repeats his own number twice when clapping his hands, and the number of the other player when clapping his knees. The one whose number was announced, with the next claps of his hands, calls out his number, and with claps on the knees, the number of the next player. Anyone who loses this rhythm, forgets his number or calls a number that has already left the game is eliminated from the game. The last two players remaining in the circle are declared the winners. This fun trains reaction, memory and attentiveness.

"Liberation Action"

The dynamic game “Liberation Action” promotes the development of coordination, attentiveness, hearing, reaction in the leading player, and in the other players - reaction and dexterity. Participants in the game sit on chairs placed in a circle. In the center of the circle, a “prisoner” with his hands and feet tied and a “guard” who is blindfolded are seated. The task of the “liberators” is to untie the captive, and the guard’s task is to prevent them. As soon as he touches one of the liberators, he is eliminated from the game and removed from the circle. Anyone who manages to free the “prisoner” without being caught turns into a “guard” himself.


Active competitions for a child’s birthday can develop freedom, dexterity, and coordination of movements. In the game "Hunt", the names of the participants in the game are written on cards, which are then shuffled and distributed to the players. The player dances to the music and at the same time quietly looks at what name is written on the card he received. At the moment when the music stops, the hunter must catch the prey whose name is written on his card. But he also hunts for his prey. As a result, real chaos begins! After this, the cards are collected, shuffled again, dealt out and the game continues.

"Waves in a circle"

Make a circle of chairs standing close to each other, the number of which should correspond to the number of players. The driver is in the center of the circle, and the rest of the players sit on chairs. As a result, one chair remains free. The driver tries to sit on an empty chair, but the players must prevent him from doing this with their movements. If the driver manages to sit on an empty chair, then the player who missed him becomes the driver himself. Players move according to the driver’s commands “right” (clockwise one chair), “left”, or chaos (participants quickly change places, and the driver tries to take any free space). The player who sat on the chair that was free before the “chaos” command becomes the driver. Children train reaction, dexterity, and attentiveness in the game.

"Siamese twins"

All children need to be divided into two teams, in which there will be several pairs. Couples stand sideways to each other and put one arm around their shoulders. As a result, each "Siamese twin" has one right and one left hand. This creature needs to run to a plate of candy, unwrap the candy and eat it, feeding both heads. The pair that finishes all the candies the fastest wins. Task option for " conjoined twins“- make an envelope out of paper, tie the laces on your shoes. This game strengthens teamwork skills.

"The Fisherman and the Goldfish"

The participants of this game line up in a circle, and the leader in the center twirls a jump rope and a rope with a knot at the end. The end of the rope should pass under the players' feet, and they should jump in time so as not to touch it. Anyone who gets hit by the rope is out of the game for a while. The game continues until there is only one participant left, who becomes the winner. It develops agility, coordination, endurance and attentiveness.

"Copy of the monument"

With the help of this game, which develops attentiveness in children, they gradually get rid of shyness. You need to choose two among the children. One will be the “copier” and will be taken out of the room and blindfolded. The second one will be a “monument”; at this moment he should take an interesting pose in which he will freeze. Next, a “blind copyist” is introduced, who must determine by touch the pose of the “monument” and take exactly the same one.

"Broken Fax"

In this game, children are seated one after another so that each next one looks at the back of the head of the previous one. The first and last players each receive a pen and a piece of paper. The last player draws on paper a simple figure, and then reproduces it by running a finger along the back of the player sitting in front. He, in turn, draws with his finger on the back of his predecessor what he felt on his back. The player sitting first transfers his feelings to paper, after which the initial and final drawings are compared. With the help of this game, memory, hand motor skills, and attentiveness are trained.


The floor is divided by a tape or rope, on either side of which two players stand in the starting position - on one leg, facing each other, with their hands clasped behind their backs. Everyone should strive to cross the border to the opponent’s side without touching the floor with their other foot or releasing their hands. At the same time, you still cannot allow the enemy into your territory. You can only push with your chest or shoulder. Anyone who breaks these rules is considered a loser. The game develops strength and coordination.


The players need to be seated close to each other, placing their left hand on the right knee of the neighbor on the left, and the right hand on the left knee of the opposite neighbor. If the circle is not closed, then the end players place one hand on their knee. In the game, you should quickly slap your knee with your hand without breaking a certain sequence. If someone clapped out of time or even just raised his hand, then he hides that hand. There may be several winners or just one. To make the game more interesting, you need to maintain a high pace. It trains reaction, hand motor skills, coordination, and attentiveness.


Players stand one after another and place their hands on the belt of the player in front, forming a “caterpillar.” The first one becomes the head of this caterpillar, and the last one becomes the tail. Then music sounds, and the caterpillar begins to crawl forward, while the head performs various dance steps with any parts of the body, and the rest must try to repeat these movements. Tired, the “head” turns to the next player, strokes his head, and then stands at the tail of the caterpillar. Liberation, coordination, and attentiveness are trained here.

Which competitions did you like the most, and which ones did you take note of? Perhaps you have conducted other children's fun competitions– be sure to write about them in the comments!

Any holiday where there are 7-year-old children becomes a real mystery for adults, because a logical question arises: what to do with 7-year-olds so that they have fun and don’t distract their parents? The answer is very simple. You need to offer fun and entertaining competitions that are perfect for their age.

Preparing the holiday

When planning to celebrate their child's 7th birthday, parents most often invite his friends. Such a holiday will be fun if there are interesting and active competitions.

Competitions are types of games. But their main difference from games is that each of the participants or only the winner receives an incentive prize. This is why children love to participate in them so much. Birthday competitions for 7-year-olds differ from those offered to children in that here the children are already “adults”, they go to first grade, they know how to communicate in a group and make friends.

To make the holiday truly fun, you first need to complete a number of preparatory activities:

  • decorate the room where the holiday will take place: with balloons and other little things, so that competitions and games are fun and entertaining;
  • arrange all the furniture correctly so that it does not interfere with outdoor games;
  • take care of the table setting: dishes should be bright, interesting and varied (if so, then some dishes can be laid out in the shape of an anchor or a ship);
  • don't forget about musical accompaniment, because without it, even the most fun competition scenario will seem boring and uninteresting;
  • invite a photographer or film everything that happens yourself in order to leave a long-lasting memory of this wonderful day;
  • buy a lot of prizes (albeit small, but very interesting and necessary for children): candies, small toys, stickers, as well as other interesting small things related to the themes of competitions and entertainment.

Competition scenarios

Today there are many different competitions. Here are some popular tasks that can be used to conduct children's party. Here are some of them:

  1. "Drawing". Find beautiful picture on the Internet and print it on a printer. It may depict an episode from a cartoon or fairy tale hero, known to seven-year-olds. Cover the top of the picture with multi-colored pieces of cardboard and open the elements one by one. Whoever is the first to guess the not yet fully open image wins.
  2. "Racers". To conduct this competition you will need toy cars, regular pencils and colored thread. Cut several pieces of thread of the same length at the rate of one rope for one machine. Tie one end of it to the toy and the other to the pencil. Each participant picks up a pencil and, on command, begins to wind a rope around it. The winner is the one whose car is next to him first.
  3. "Guess the riddle." Before the holiday starts, you need to write riddles on pieces of paper. Then they are rolled into a tube and placed in a hat or a beautiful box. At the birthday party, participants take turns pulling out riddles and guessing them. Whoever gives the most correct answers wins.
  4. “Make a chain.” The same number of paper clips is placed in a pile in front of all participants. At the leader’s command, everyone begins to form chains. When the competition is over, the winner will be determined - he will have the longest product.

These, as well as many other fun competitions for children 7 years old, will bring joy not only to the little participants, but also to their parents, who can act as presenters or judges.

Pirate competitions

Pirate competitions always cause special delight. They are very relevant for this age, because children, most likely, already know exactly what pirates are, what their character and habits are. Perhaps some guys have already watched popular films or cartoons about these sea villains.

To make all competitions on this topic more fun, you can dress the children appropriately: blindfolds, vests, torn pants. Hang a toy weapon on your belt, put on bandanas and take pipes in your teeth.

What's your name?

Each participant is given a badge or a boat cut out of cardboard. Everyone must write their new invented nickname on it. It will begin with the first letters of the first and last name. So, for example, Konstantin Vasilenko can call himself Great Captain or something else.

Get the treasure

Pour a lot of water into a large deep basin and put round vegetables or fruits in them. These can be apples, lemons, oranges, tangerines. Each player must take turns, with their hands tied behind their backs, using only their teeth to pull as much treasure out of the water as possible. The winner receives an interesting prize related to the marine theme.

Guess the secret word

Children are divided into two teams. In front of each hangs a Whatman paper with cells drawn on them. Each cell corresponds to one letter of the word. Teams receive the same number of balls, inside of which riddles related to the sea and pirates are written. By popping the balloons, the children must guess riddles. The initial letter of each answer will form an encrypted word. They need to be written on whatman paper. Whoever completes the task first wins.

Hit the target

Children are divided into teams. An empty or filled bucket of water is placed opposite each one. All participants receive small plastic balls or balls that need to be thrown into containers. The team that hits its bucket more times wins.

You can diversify all pirate competitions for children 7 years old with interesting quizzes, crossword puzzles, tug of war, catching plastic fish and dancing.

Exciting games

We should also not forget that, in addition to competitions, there are also interesting and exciting games. Such games can be logical, sedentary or very active. Most often, all guests like them, because both adults and children can take part in them.

They differ from competitions in that the winners do not receive prizes. At the same time, everyone's mood rises, excitement plays out and cheerful laughter arises.

Among the very popular children's games for children on their 7th birthday, the following should be noted:

  1. "Cow". A long-known game that is not only capable of creating good mood, but also to develop creative and acting abilities. You must write in advance on pieces of paper interesting words: these can be the names of animals, professions, habits or characteristics of other people. Taking out a well-folded piece of paper, one participant tries to imitate what is written on it. At the same time, you cannot talk. It is not forbidden to laugh, joke and make assumptions about what you see.
  2. "Ring". One of the players becomes the leader. He takes the ring and approaches each participant. Everyone's palms are folded in such a way that they resemble boats. The leader passes his palms between the palms of everyone and says: “Whoever has a ring, let him go out onto the porch.” The player with the ring must very quickly jump out of the crowd of children who are trying to leave him in his place. If he succeeds, he becomes the leader.
  3. "Cobweb." This game is perfect for birthday parties because it involves as many people as possible. more people. Everyone is getting into big circle and hold hands. One of them all remains on the sidelines and turns away from the other participants. Children and adults standing in a circle get confused with each other (turn around, crawl under each other). The presenter’s task is to unravel this web without breaking it.

Wherever a children's birthday or any other holiday with the participation of children is celebrated, no matter how many guests there are, it will always be held on top level only if there is a friendly atmosphere, fun competitions, games, jokes and dancing. Therefore, always think through the holiday scenario in advance, and your children will thank you very much for this!

For this competition you will need dragee candies. There is a bag of sweets in front of the participants. At the “start” command, each participant takes one dragee from the bag (at his own discretion) and builds a tower, that is, he tries to carefully place one candy on top of another. Whoever manages to build the tallest sweet tower in one minute will win.

It's the other way around

All children love candy, but they are used to unwrapping it. In this competition it’s the other way around; the candies will need to be wrapped in candy wrappers. The guys are divided into teams of about 4 people. For each team, piles of sweets and candy wrappers of the same quantity were prepared. At the command “start” the guys begin to wrap the candies in candy wrappers. The team that completes the task faster will win.

Name your profession

For this competition you need to prepare appropriate pictures in advance. The presenter takes turns showing a certain combination of pictures, and the children guess the profession from these pictures. Whoever guessed it raises their hand and answers, for the correct answer - a point, and whoever has more points in the end receives a prize. And examples of pictures can be absolutely anything: brick, concrete mixer and trowel (builder); microphone and stage (singer); stethoscope and white coat (doctor); handcuffs and police cap (policeman); broom and trash can (janitor); scissors and hair (hairdresser); pots and white cap (cook) and so on.

Build a pirate

Well, which of the children has not heard about pirates? In this competition, the guys are divided into equal teams of about 4-5 people. Each team receives a bag with things, among which there will be pirate things (hook, wooden block, cocked hat, pipe, toy parrot, treasure map, pirate flag, etc.) and other things (bag, tie, mirror, encyclopedia or any book and so on). At the “start” command, each team must choose one participant - a pirate - and assign to him all the pirate items from the bag. The team that can figure things out and build their own pirate faster than the rest will win.

Heroes of good fairy tales

For this competition you will need small pictures with heroes good fairy tales, for example, three heroes from each fairy tale: Pinocchio, Artemon and Malvina from “The Golden Key”, Cipollino, Cherry and Tomato from “Cipollino”, Hare, Wolf and Kolobok from “Kolobok”, Little Humpbacked Horse, Firebird and Ivan from “The Little Humpbacked Horse” and so on. The guys are divided into teams with the same number of people, approximately 3-4 participants. Each team receives a stack of cards (pictures) of the same composition, in which all the pictures are mixed. At the “start” command, the guys must arrange the pictures according to the fairy tales, that is, three pictures from one fairy tale, below - three pictures from another fairy tale, and so on until all the fairy tales have been collected, or rather the pictures of their heroes. The team that completes the task first will win.

Line up, one, two

The guys are divided into 2 teams with the same number of people. The leader gives commands, and the guys line up accordingly, for example, Line up in a circle! Form a triangle! Shape yourself like a heart! Build in a square! Form in a semicircle! Line up in two straight lines! And so on. The team that will cope with the formation faster and more deftly will receive a prize.

What will come of this?

The guys are divided into teams and each team receives a bag with the same set (watermelon seed, pumpkin seed, apricot seed, apple seed, dill umbrella, dandelion umbrella, poplar fluff, - any seed of any plant that can be found). At the “start” command, the guys must write on a piece of paper all the plants that can grow from the seeds in the bag. The team that is the first to correctly write all the plants will be the winner.

Arrange in alphabetical order

Children are divided into two teams with the same number of people. In each team, captains are chosen, who, at the command “start”, begin to arrange the guys of their team in alphabetical order, for example, Anna, Borya, Vitya, Olya, Sergey, Tanya, Yasha and so on. The team whose captain completes the task faster and, most importantly, correctly, will win.

Little frogs

Each child is a frog who must catch as many mosquitoes - balloons - as possible. They let people into the hall and pour out a lot of inflated balloons and which of the guys can collect the most balls and hold them in their hands, in their bosom, in their legs, will win.

Commemorative drawing

The guys are divided into small teams of about 3-5 people. Each team receives large leaf papers and pencils (markers). The presenter shows a bright and colorful drawing to the children for a minute (absolutely any picture that depicts many different objects). Then the presenter closes the drawing and gives the “start” command, according to which the children must reproduce the picture on their piece of paper within a certain time, for example, 5 minutes. The team whose members can display the picture they saw as accurately as possible will win.

Birthdays and other noisy celebrations involving children should be fun and energetic. Everyone knows how mischievous children want to play and have fun. When choosing competitions for children's birthdays, you should consider age category And then, among the active types of games there should be several calm ones. Remember that each competition can be rewarded with a prize for the winner and consolation gifts for the losing children.


Mobile competitions

Mobile competitions for children's birthdays can be held at home, on the street and in cafes. The main thing is that the space allows and the necessary equipment is at hand. When selecting competitions, it is important to take into account the character of the children. Not all children love energetic competitions.

The first "Cat and Mouse" competition

Inventory: chairs.

Carrying out:

Arrange chairs in a circle in the room, with the seats in the center. Divide the children into two groups, one of which has one less child. Those playing the role of “mice” sit on chairs, and “cats” stand behind them at the backs. One “cat” should not have a “mouse” on the chair. The “cat’s” task is to wink at the “mouse” she likes, who must run across and sit next to her on an empty chair. The task of the “cat”, who is standing behind the mouse, is to grab it with its “paws” and not let it run over. If the “cat” has missed its “mouse”, it begins to wink at the other and so on. After 10 - 15 minutes of the competition, you should change roles.

Second competition "Flowerbed"

Equipment: colored hoops.

Carrying out:

Place hoops of different colors on the floor, tell the children that these are some kind of flower beds, and they will be flowers. Each child is assigned a colored hoop, which will be his flowerbed. The “flower” squats down in its “flowerbed.” The presenter turns on the music, the “flowers” ​​must run out of the “flowerbed,” waving their arms and moving to show that they are opening. When the music stops playing, you need to run to your “flowerbed” and not confuse its color.

Third competition "Fire brigade"

Inventory: chairs, personal items.

Carrying out:

In the middle of the room, the leader places chairs with their backs facing inward, equal to the number of children. Children walk around the chairs to the music, and when it ends, they need to put an item of clothing or a personal item on the chair opposite which they find themselves. The competition continues further. When there are 3-4 child’s things on the chairs, the leader gives the signal “Fire!” The children's task is to find their things on different chairs and get dressed the fastest.

Fifth competition “Fishermen and Fishes”

Inventory: none.

Carrying out:

Among the children, two players are chosen - “fishermen”, the rest will be “fish”. Two fishermen join hands, walk and begin to sing a round dance:

“Fishes live in water,

There is no beak, but they peck.

There are wings but they don't fly,

There are no legs, but they are walking.

They don't make nests

And they take the children out.”

When the song ends, the fish scatter in different directions. The fishermen's task is to catch at least one fish in the net, without releasing their hands. When at least one fish is caught, it joins the fishermen and the “fishing” continues.

Sixth competition “Who wears it more carefully”

Equipment: balls - 6 pieces, two mats or baskets.

Carrying out:

Divide the children into two equal teams and line them up. The leader gives three balls to the first players. The players' task is to carry three balls to the other end of the room and place them on the mat there. The first participants begin to move at the command of the leader; they must walk carefully, since the ball, if it falls, is difficult to pick up. The second player runs up to the balls, must take all three in their hands, bring them to the team and pass them to the third participant. The winner is the team that moves the balls back and forth the fastest without rushing or dropping them.

Seventh "Simon Said" Competition

Inventory: none.

Carrying out:

Children stand in front of the leader next to each other. According to the rules of the competition, children must repeat what the presenter says only if the phrase begins with the words: “Simon said...”. For example, the presenter says: “Simon said to spin.” All participants must spin. The presenter says: “Sit down.” Children shouldn't do squats, they'll say, "Simon didn't tell us." The competition is held at a fast pace so that children do not have much time to think. The one who makes a mistake misses a turn, the most attentive participant wins.

Eighth competition "Attention and coordination"

Inventory: none.

Carrying out:

Children stand in a row in front of the leader. The presenter gives various tasks, children should do the opposite. For example, the leader says: “Lean to the right or raise your hands,” the children lean to the left or lower their hands. To complicate the task, the presenter must also show his actions. Each inattentive child leaves the game, the winner is the one who made the fewest mistakes.

Ninth competition "Children's bowling"

Equipment: skittles, balls.

Carrying out:

The leader divides the children into two teams. The children stand in a line. At the other end of the room, the host sets up pins, like in a bowling alley. The leader gives the ball to the first participants. The task of the children is to roll the ball so that it knocks down more pins. Before the start of the competition, the presenter determines the number of attempts for one child. The presenter records the number of pins knocked down and at the end announces the winning team.

Tenth Constructor Relay Competition

Inventory: Lego or something else, chairs, tables.

Carrying out:

Divide the competition participants into two teams and line them up. Place the construction set on the chairs, mixing all its parts. Lay out the “foundation” of the future house from a construction set on the tables. At the command of the presenter, the first participant runs up to the chair, takes the construction piece, runs to the table and attaches it to the foundation. The first participant runs back to the line and passes the baton to the next child. The relay lasts as long as the music plays; children can run in the second and third circles. The team with the best results wins. beautiful house from the constructor.

Eleventh competition "Obstacle"

Equipment: long stick or thick rope.

Carrying out:

Two adults stand opposite each other at different ends of the room. The adults hold a stick or a rope in their hands. Sounds funny music, the task of children is to pass under the obstacle. First, the stick is set high so that the tallest child can pass without difficulty. Then the obstacle gradually becomes lower by 10 - 15 centimeters. The lowest height of the stick is until the children crawl under it. Those who accidentally hit an obstacle are gradually eliminated from the game. The winner is awarded a prize.

Sedentary competitions

To prevent children from getting too tired, it is necessary to dilute active competitions with calm ones. Sedentary birthday competitions for children are suitable for holding in a small room.

First "Big Picture" competition

Inventory: Whatman paper, markers, chairs.

Carrying out:

The facilitator divides the participants into several teams. Each child is given one marker. It is important that all children on the team have markers of different colors. In front of each team, the leader places a chair and places a piece of whatman paper. Children stand in a line, at the leader’s signal, the first participant approaches the Whatman paper and within 30 seconds we draw on it whatever he wants. After 30 seconds, the presenter says: “next” and the second participant approaches the Whatman paper and completes the picture at his own discretion. The team with the most interesting overall picture will win.

Second Ring Toss Competition

Equipment: plastic rings, long poles or sticks.

Carrying out:

The leader divides the players into two teams, which line up. You can involve two adults in the game, who will stand opposite each team and hold a stick on which they will need to throw rings. Each child is given several plastic throwing rings, which can be purchased in stores. The task of each participant is to hit the stick with the ring from a distance of 2 meters. The team whose members put the most rings on the stick wins.

Third competition "Confusion"

Inventory: none.

Carrying out:

Using a counting rhyme, the leader is determined, who goes into another room. While the leader is not looking, the children hold hands and begin to get entangled in the so-called “knot.” When the children are confused, the leader comes in and begins to unravel the knot so as not to open the children’s hands. If by chance the hands become uncoupled, they are clasped again and the leader looks for another place to unwind the knot.

Fourth competition “Funny Answers”

Inventory: pieces of paper, cards, pen.

Carrying out:

Before the start of the competition, the presenter writes various pronouns on pieces of paper: “kiss”, “pen”, “crocodile”, “donut” and others. Write questions for children on cards, for example: “What will you eat for dinner tomorrow?”, “What is your favorite food?”, “What gift do you want for your birthday?” etc. The presenter takes out a card and reads the question, after which the child takes out a piece of paper with the answer, which most often turns out to be funny. So, each child takes turns pulling out the sheets with answers.

Sixth competition “Drawing on a ball”

Inventory: balloons, marker.

Carrying out:

The presenter gives each participant an inflated balloon and a marker. Assignment for children: in the allotted time, draw as many animals as possible on the ball. Time allotted: 2 - 3 minutes. You can tell the children who to draw: a horse, a cow, a cat, a dog, an elephant and other animals. For young children, you can give the task to draw as many elephants as possible. After the allotted time has passed, the presenter counts whose ball has the most animals drawn on it.

Seventh competition "Greedy"

Inventory: balloons.

Carrying out:

Before the competition starts, inflate large number balloons and scatter them on the floor. The balls must be without strings. The task of each child is to pick up and hold as many balls as possible. You can put the balls under your clothes, squeeze them with your feet, hands, or take them by the “tails” with your teeth. The child who can hold as many balls as possible wins.

Eighth competition "Lost Color"

Inventory: none.

Carrying out:

Children stand in a circle or in a row in front of the leader. The presenter explains the rules of the competition. According to the presenter, “One, two, three, yellow find”, children must find the named color in an item of their clothing or on someone else’s. Place your palm on the color you find. A child who cannot find the specified color is eliminated from the game. The presenter calls another color, and the competition continues until there is only one winner left.

Ninth competition “Guess who eats what”

Inventory: none.

Carrying out:

It’s good to hold this competition at the table when the children have not yet gotten to know each other very well. The presenter says that the theme of the competition is “Animals”, and the children’s task is to remember what animal eats what. In turn, the leader names an animal for each child, for example, horse, dog, cat, cow, wolf and others. Children must respond by eating the named animal. For a correct answer, you can give the child a small gift, for an incorrect answer - a consoling candy or sticker.

Tenth competition “Box with a surprise”

Inventory: box, various small items.

Carrying out:

The presenter puts various small items into a box before the competition. For example: candy, a construction piece, a toy car, a keychain, chewing gum, a tangerine, a pen, a notepad, an apple, and so on. Cover the box with a lid and make a hole in it so that the hand of the thickest child can fit through. The task of each child is to stick his hand into the hole, feel the first object he comes across, name what it is and pull it out. If the item is named incorrectly, it is placed on the table; if it is correct, the child takes it as a prize.

Eleventh competition "Jelly"

Equipment: a plate of jelly, napkins, toothpick.

Carrying out:

A funny competition for older children, as it uses a toothpick, but its end can be blunted. The presenter gives each participant a plate of jelly and a napkin so as not to get dirty during the competition. Children's task: take a toothpick and use it to eat the offered jelly. The competition is held for a time, after which the presenter evaluates who was able to eat the most jelly. The winner is given a prize, the rest are given spoons to finish the jelly.
