The meaning of the name Roman for a boy according to the church. Name Roman for a boy. The meaning of the name Roman - interpretation

The origin is very ancient and represents a unique monument to the developed civilizations of that time and world culture. Not only is it a heritage passed down to us by our ancestors, but it can also tell a lot about history. Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece and the period of the formation of Christianity.

What does the name Roman mean?

So, if we turn to the Latin language, it will tell us that the name Roman comes from the words “Roman” and “Roman”. In those days, being born a Roman meant great luck, as it endowed a person with many benefits and protection in the territory of all countries and states conquered by Roman soldiers. To be a Roman meant to be a man with a capital M, who would be taken into account in any society and whose interests would be respected under any circumstances. Not only patricians, but also plebeians who were lucky enough to be born in Rome in those distant times were provided with privileges and honor. The prestigious status that came with Roman citizenship brought its own bonuses to those who bore the name Romanus. Origin played a decisive role in this case: those who bore this nickname had the right to it only if they were born in the coveted capital of the empire, so the name itself opened many doors for its bearer.

Thus, to be called Roman meant to be a person with rights, power and advantages. In the Greek interpretation, the name Roman originates from a word that means strength and strength. Thus, translated from Greek, Roman means “strong” and “strong”.

The main characteristics of the name Roman

This name has both positive and negative sides. Naturally, knowing the negative component, you can make some adjustments to your worldview and thus significantly improve the quality of your life.

The positive properties of a name include the following qualities:

  • easy-going nature and love of life;
  • cheerfulness and the ability to rejoice;
  • breadth of interests;
  • creative skills;
  • kindness;
  • wit;
  • gentleness;
  • talent;
  • ability to learn new things.

The characteristics of the name Roman are quite extensive. makes its wearer easy to make decisions. The novel will not suffer for a long time, worry, weigh and analyze. And, most interestingly, most spontaneous decisions lead to positive results. Negative properties of a name include such qualities as:

  • inability to keep one's mouth shut, that is, talkativeness;
  • inconstancy and amorousness;
  • impulsiveness and unreliability.

The name Roman has “spoiled” the character of its owner through laziness, which often becomes an obstacle to achieving goals. But just try, and what you want will become real. Thus, main enemy the one called Roman is his laziness, which can turn even a trifling obstacle into a real mountain of problems.

Name Roman: what is the predisposition to diseases?

Those who wear it ancient name, have a predisposition to respiratory diseases, stomach diseases and are prone to allergies. For this reason, pay attention to your health and take various preventive measures to combat complications. You will maintain vitality and be able to avoid many chronic diseases.

Features of the name Roman

Mothers who named their beloved sons Romans should teach them to be responsible in completing school assignments, since these students often try to avoid having to do their homework. Be the first to try school years monitor the implementation of each homework, then in high school the child will already be able to organize himself independently.

Parents, try to be unobtrusive and not disruptive inner world your talented child, help him complete his education. It is not uncommon that Romans can quit studying at a prestigious university (in their last year) for the sake of, for example, a career as a non-professional actor.

The name Roman, whose origin is due to some degree of self-confidence and amorousness, does not carry any serious problems if its owner has boundaries and limitations.

Name Roman: business success

Since these men are not distinguished by constancy, in the years of youth and youth they tend to change life guidelines. Therefore, they can begin to study completely different directions, and complete their education, as a rule, having already entered adulthood. Boring sciences and “sitting” in the office will not appeal to Roman, so professions that do not involve learning new things, discoveries, travel and making acquaintances can be discounted right away. As for their own business, the Romans are too generous to become truly rich. There will always be people who want to take advantage of their natural kindness, so be vigilant and careful so as not to end up in debt yourself. By the way, as for a military career, Roman may well realize himself.

Psychology named after Roman

He will always bring a spark of joy to any atmosphere. This character trait is indispensable in the company of friends and colleagues. With Roman it is easy and simple to find mutual language. He will not let you down in a difficult situation and will always be ready to help. However, to insult or offend men with this strong name you can’t, because you can hurt him so much that he no longer wants to be near you.

Artistic Ambitious Hardworking

Roman Abramovich, billionaire

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

What does the name Roman mean?

What a beautiful, romantic and independent name - Roman! The meaning of the name Roman implies such character traits of its owner as activity, sociability and curiosity.

The energy of such a person is very unique, and it manifests itself in recklessness and frivolity. Let's give an example: If Roma ends up in difficult situation, then he will be upset and worried, but will not do anything, allowing events to develop as usual.

With age, he will develop a whole philosophy that will be associated with humor and optimism.

The patronymics - Romanovich and Romanovna, suggest a certain image: The character is contradictory, impulsive, in communication such a person is complex and without developed sense humor.

Would you name your child this name?

Trying to find out where this name came from, you can find out that it is of Latin origin, and in translation the word “Romanus” is interpreted as “Roman”. But if you remember how independent the inhabitants of Rome were, and how many centuries they ruled other nations, then we can assume that its meaning presupposes the independence, strength and pride of its owner.

The origin of the name Roman also has a Greek interpretation, which reads: a strong and strong man.

The patron saint of the name, whose feast day is celebrated on February 11, is the Holy Martyr Roman. He suffered mortally for the faith of Christ in 297 AD, condemning paganism and pointing out the errors of the infidels. For his Christian preaching, he was tortured and then executed by hanging from a tree and nailing his head.

The history of the name Roman may be displayed in images famous people modernity: oligarch Roman Abramovich, famous figure skater Roman Kostomarov or scandalous director Roman Viktyuk.

Name forms

Full: Novel Short: Roma Affectionate: RomashaVintage: Roman

Roma is most often a sickly boy in childhood. During the boy’s formative years, parents need to carefully monitor his health so that the child does not develop complications. But in general, the boy Romka is characterized by a developed and lively mind, but unfortunately, he cannot concentrate on one thing.

It is simply impossible to force him to perseverance and monotony. At the same time, regular punishments force Roma to skillfully deceive adults.

The characteristics of the name Roman reveal its owner as a supporter of everything new and original. He does not tolerate monotony and routine, he is capable of leaving the university shortly before graduation and going to work, or, deliberately skipping receiving a diploma for the sake of a dubious job as a non-professional actor, going on the run..

In Roman’s characterization, it is striking that he is interested only in work that brings a decent income.

Romka dreams of exploring the unknown, and he has the opportunity to become a scout, missionary, military man, police officer, or politician. He prefers professions that require constant communication with people.

Roman is vain, ambitious and an unbalanced egoist. Being an artistic man, he is often in an internal fantasy world, playing a certain role in a fictional one-man theater.

The character of the name Roman represents its owner as friendly and open person, but if you show dissatisfaction with him, or put pressure on the entity, he will become furious.

Like a man, you need to stroke him “on the fur,” admiring his virtues, and then you will not feel his anger and cruelty on your own skin.

A person with that name - interesting companion with the gift of persuading others. He is a sensible plebeian with the tendencies of a mannered old man: a boring, organized, independent and patient man.

He is vindictive and does not forget the insults inflicted on him, but at the same time he is not influenced by others - he is objective and self-confident.

Such a person wants to be free from other people's opinions and does not want to limit himself to moral principles. He has a negative attitude towards anything that could interfere with the progress of his affairs.

According to Roman’s description, he is an enthusiastic person, and when he becomes interested in something, he quickly lights up, dragging those around him with him.

The secret of the name reveals in Roman a reckless person who is not afraid of difficulties. In a difficult and unpleasant situation, he always takes a wait-and-see attitude, and if he decides to do something, then calmly and without strain.

In society, Roma is considered a respected person due to his sense of humor, poise and balanced pride.

He will not strive for leadership, but he will conquer his associates with his commitment and charm.

The mystery of the name characterizes its owner as a person with whom it is easy to communicate without burdening him with obligations. Roman does not tolerate restrictions on his freedom, and will break all ties with an interlocutor who is trying to use him for selfish purposes.

Character traits









The name Roman embodies the characteristics of an amorous and fickle nature.

But, if this young man truly falls in love, then, imbued with all his feelings and soul for his chosen one, he will generously give her gifts, without feeling remorse due to the change in the object of desire and adoration.

What prevents him from becoming an exemplary spouse is the eternal desire for variety in relationships.

His restless passion and love for novelty in relationships will be a test in anticipation of his new chosen one - an ideal and perfect woman who will be ready to completely devote herself to her spouse, pushing all her personal interests into the background.

According to what the name Roman means, with the birth of children he can calm down, and peace and love will reign in the family, but he will still remain a leader.

The meaning of the name Roman for a boy

The name Roman has Latin roots and means “Roman”, “from Rome”. It became a derivative form on behalf of the legendary founders of Rome - the brothers Romulus and Remus. In Russia it has gained popularity and fame among modern young parents.

The meaning of the name gives this child: mobility, leadership qualities, stubbornness, self-confidence.

As a child, Roma grows up as a closed and suspicious child. He is characterized by sociability. He is able to ignite people with his enthusiasm. This is a wayward boy who acts according to his views. The child is enterprising and remains calm in a critical situation. Roma is restless and impatient. It's difficult to keep him in one place. He quickly loses interest in anything if a feeling of routine arises.

This child has an addicting nature. His head is full of new ideas and plans. When Roma takes on the implementation of such ideas, then at this time better than a boy do not touch. He goes in for sports, most often prefers martial arts.

Forms of the name Roman

Short form of the name Roman. Roma, Romasya, Romulya, Romanka, Romakha, Romasha, Romanya, Roro, Ro. Synonyms for the name Roman. Romanus, Romano, Raman.

Short and diminutive options: Roma, Romka, Romanka, Romasha, Romakha, Romanya, Romasya, Romulya, Romchik.

Patronymics: Romanovich, Romanovna; decomposition Romanych.

Name Roman in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 小說 (Xiǎoshuō). Japanese: 小説 (Shōsetsu). Georgian: რომანი (romani). Hindi: रोमा (Rōmā). Ukrainian: Roman. Greek: Ρόμα (Róma). English: Roman (Roman).

Analogues of the name in other languages: English Roman, Belarusian Raman, Bulgarian Roman, Hungarian Roman, Spanish Romanos, Italian Romano, German Roman, Polish Roman, Romanian Roman, Ukrainian Roman, Finnish Romaani, French Romain, Czech Roman

Latin transliteration in the Russian passport - Roman

Origin of the name Roman

The name Roman translated from the Latin word “Romanus” means “Roman”, “Roman”, “from Rome”. The name of the city of Rome was originally given from the names of the brothers Romulus and Remus; the name Roman is a derivative, a variant pronunciation of the name Romulus. The paired female name is Romana.

The patron of the name, who is remembered on February 11, is the Holy Martyr Roman, who in 297 suffered for the Christian faith in Syria. He denounced paganism, debunked the misconceptions of the infidels, and for this he and his comrades were tortured, then hanged on a tree and their heads nailed down.

Roman's character

Romans love everything new, but they find it difficult to complete everything. Everything distracts me - either illness or new hobbies. Every time he eagerly rushes to implement his idea, but he requires enormous patience and endurance to achieve results. But if this succeeds, the result will be impressive!

Roman is a little reckless, frivolous, he will not look for a way out of a difficult situation, but will prefer to let everything take its course, give up on what did not work out and take on another matter, not at all regretting the missed opportunities. Roman is an optimist by nature and tries to see the good in everything; he will try to look at any bad event in his life with humor.

Astrological features of the name Roman

Planet- Saturn

Color of the name Roman- lilac

Auspicious tree- poplar

Treasured plant- violet

Patron named Roman- swallowtail butterfly

Talisman stone- amethyst

Numerology of the name Roman

Holders of this name number always occupy an active life position and always know clearly what they want to achieve. They are the best at navigating complex and even extreme situations. life situations, they cannot be embarrassed by dramatically changed circumstances or caught off guard by difficulties. However, “long-term” projects are not their strong point - they quickly lose interest in the matter and let go of the threads, which automatically eliminates them from the list. business people. The strong point of the “units” is the execution of assigned tasks, and the more complex and difficult the task is, the greater the likelihood that it is the “unit” who will solve it faster and better than anyone else. Men and women of the “unity” are courageous and confident in their abilities, they know how to earn money, but they are also easy to spend. Tend to make impulsive and rash decisions. In most cases, they are the life of the party and reliable friends.


Planet: Sun.
Element: Fire, warmth, dryness.
Zodiac: .
Color: Yellow, bright red, gold.
Day: Sunday.
Metal: Gold.
Mineral: Peridot, heliotrope, carbuncle, diamond (especially yellow).
Plants: Heliotrope, mistletoe, peony, ginger, laurel, cedar, lemon, wild rose, olive, almond, oak.
Animals: Lion, eagle, falcon, scarab.

The name Roman as a phrase

R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
Oh He (Oh, Oh)
M Think
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
N Our (Ours, Yours)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Roman

P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
O - deep feelings, ability to handle money. To be fully realized, however, a person must understand his purpose. The presence of this letter in the name shows that a goal has been prepared for it and you need to use your rich intuition to highlight it from the bustle of existence.
M - caring personality, willingness to help, possible shyness. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to “pull the blanket over himself.” By being predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself.
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
N - protest sign inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”

Sexuality of the name Roman

There are many women in Roman’s life, but, as a rule, he does not leave them unhappy, with a broken heart. The novel is characterized by a love for complete personal freedom, autonomy and independence, an unwillingness to subordinate one’s sexual behavior to generally accepted norms and patterns. He does nothing under compulsion, his goal is to learn, to give pleasure and happiness.

For Roman, a lot depends on his mood, and it, in turn, is determined by the state of his affairs. In the whirlpool of business life, in the turmoil of urgent business meetings and contacts, settling financial issues he is able to completely forget about women. But when things go badly for Roman, he seeks oblivion in sex and becomes uncontrollable in this sense. Often acts impulsively in relationships with women

“Winter Romance - with a stormy temperament and a strong sexual constitution. His attitude towards sex is often prosaic, especially if Roman is not connected with his partner by deep feelings (in this case, for him, intimacy with her is simply “not a reason for getting to know each other”). He easily subjugates a woman to himself, demanding that she completely dissolve in his sexual desires.

Sometimes it is difficult for Roman to understand what his partner wants from him - he is vain and believes that he does everything as required.

Roman is a gifted person, witty, able to belong in any company; women often fall in love with him at first sight. His many hobbies do not pursue the goal of collecting victories, he is looking for true love, and not erotic pleasures. Happens in repeated marriages, is often disappointed, but, having gone through a series of divorce proceedings, remains a romantic.

Physical intimacy is important for him in marriage, but if the attraction to his wife fades, Roman looks for a new partner, a new object of his passion. He is a devoted and ardent lover, but he is not used to advertising his connections.

Characteristics of the name Roman according to P. Rouget

Character: 92%

Radiation: 87%

Vibration: 100,000 vibrations/s

Color: red.

Basic features: will - hard work - intelligence - sexuality.

Type: these mysterious people have the talent to convince others. They are so reasonable that at times they seem boring; very organized and patient.

Psyche: Novels never forget the insults inflicted on them, are not influenced, are objective, and devote themselves completely to the task, however, if such a need exists. Self-confident.

Will: outwardly calm, but underneath this calmness there is a volcano.

Excitability: Somewhat sadistic, especially when learning about the misfortunes or troubles of others.

Speed reactions: disturbing. I would not like to demonize these men with their enormous intellectual potential and efficiency, but their reactions are so violent and filled with such subtext that they often confuse others.

Activity: these people are able to implement long-term projects, they manage to bring them to completion.

Intuition: have excellent intuition.

Intelligence: They are more intelligent than they might seem. They act secretly, pulling strings from behind the scenes.

Susceptibility: They have deep, even passionate impulses, which, however, rarely manifest themselves outwardly.

Moral: always strive to be free. In no case do they want to bind themselves to moral standards. They have a sharply negative attitude towards anything that could interfere with their business.

Health: good, although they suffer from diathesis. Must monitor the digestive organs. They like combat sports: wrestling, karate, rugby.

Sexuality: more than average. They have many problems in sex, since these men do not know how and do not want to wait, their desires are more likely based on instinct than caused by love.

Field activities: find satisfaction in work, but for an appropriate fee. Would like to explore unknown areas. They can become unrivaled intelligence officers, missionaries, police officers, and politicians.

Sociability: not very sociable.

Additionally: Such people must be resisted - only under this condition will you enjoy their respect.

The meaning of the name Roman for life

Roman is vain, ambitious, unbalanced, and an outright egoist. He is unusually artistic, lives in a fantasy world, always plays some role, and is rarely himself. He wants to be friendly and hospitable, and for some time he succeeds, but the slightest dissatisfaction with him or, God forbid, the exposure of his true self, infuriates Roman, and the mask of nobility immediately flies off. You need to stroke this person’s fur, express your admiration for him, then perhaps you won’t find out how cruel he is. It’s as if two people live in it, completely opposite friends to a friend. It's folded in family life, irritable, impulsive, domineering, difficult to please. He himself does not know what he wants in the next minute, but his wife is required to predict this. He marries several times, and rarely does any of his ex-wives regret breaking up with him. But Roman also has good qualities: if he loves, then with all his heart, although not for long; If he decides to help someone, he will get hurt, but he will keep his promise. Loves children, but not to such an extent that he would sacrifice himself for them. Doesn't worry much if relationships with them don't work out. He loves comfort, entertainment, and cannot deny himself anything. He doesn’t show much zeal for housework, he’s lazy, he only cares about his health. He prefers to live with a woman in a civil marriage, but in an official marriage he strictly delineates the rights to property and will not give his own to anyone.

Meaning of the name Roman for sex

In relationships with women, he often acts impulsively. "Winter" Roman has a stormy temperament and a strong sexual constitution. His attitude towards sex is often prosaic, especially if Roman is not connected with his partner by deep feelings. He easily subjugates a woman, demanding that she completely dissolve in his sexual desires. Sometimes it is difficult for Roman to understand what his partner wants from him - he is vain and believes that he is doing everything great anyway.

Compatibility of the name Roman and patronymic

Roman Alekseevich, Andreevich, Artemovich, Valentinovich, Vasilyevich, Viktorovich, Vitalievich, Vladimirovich, Evgenievich, Ivanovich, Ilyich, Mikhailovich, Petrovich, Sergeevich, Fedorovich, Yuryevich does not tolerate monotony, often gives up one hobby, etc. switches to something else. Very amorous, he often changes his chosen ones without much remorse. It takes a long time to choose a life partner, but he is rarely faithful even to the one in whom he sees the ideal woman. Family life with Roman is difficult, he is unpredictable, unyielding even in small things. He demands the unquestioning submission of all household members, although he does not try to perform the functions of a full-fledged owner. In general, he cares much less about the economy than about his own person and personal life. Even after marriage, he will never give up his habits and hobbies. On the contrary, he will force his wife to submit to his wishes and fulfill all his whims. Roman only knows how to take from others, without giving anything in return. But it’s interesting to be around him, he is inventive, smart, witty, loves art, is often musically gifted, and shows literary abilities. He is married several times, has sons from his first marriage, and does not want any more children.

Roman Aleksandrovich, Arkadyevich, Borisovich, Vadimovich, Grigorievich, Kirillovich, Maksimovich, Matveevich, Nikitich, Pavlovich, Romanovich, Tarasovich, Timofeevich, Eduardovich, Yakovlevich is very quick-tempered, emotional, fickle in everything, but cheerful and cheerful. In no hurry to get married, leads a promiscuous sex life; has several mistresses at the same time, twists and turns if he is caught in infidelity or lying. Cunning, inventive, resourceful. He does not burden himself with any obligations to women and keeps them in uncertainty. After the wedding he calms down a little, but he cannot be called a faithful spouse. With the birth of his sons, this Roman usually settles down and becomes a wonderful father. In the family - a leader, not stingy, knows how to earn money, but lives for his own pleasure, loves entertainment, beautiful women. Often such a Roman remains completely alone in his old age. The children do not remember his care, because it never happened, but ex-spouses They have suffered so much from him that they don’t even want to remember him.

Roman Bogdanovich, Vilenovich, Vladislavovich, Vyacheslavovich, Gennadievich, Georgievich, Danilovich, Egorovich, Konstantinovich, Robertovich, Svyatoslavovich, Yanovich, Yaroslavovich is cunning, self-interested, regardless of others, does what is beneficial to him. He is an egoist, but with people dear to him he is kind and honest. Unpredictable in behavior, acts spontaneously, it is very difficult to predict how a relationship with him will develop. He has a strong will and stubbornly pursues his goal. Seductive, knows how to impress women. It’s a pleasure to spend time with him, he is cheerful, hospitable, witty, loves to travel, and knows how to look after. But in family life he is unreliable. Difficult to compromise, uncompromising, domineering. Being overly jealous, in a fit of jealousy he is rude, unrestrained, and can start a fight. Marries at least twice. Has children of different sexes.

Roman Antonovich, Arturovich, Valerievich, Germanovich, Glebovich, Denisovich, Igorevich, Leonidovich, Lvovich, Mironovich, Olegovich, Ruslanovich, Semenovich, Filippovich, Emmanuilovich is loving, but very freedom-loving. He diligently avoids a long-term relationship with one woman, not wanting to get used to her, and does not show any hope for something serious. His love is light in nature, he loves entertainment, a beautiful lifestyle, comfort, and expensive pleasures. Not stingy, but only towards himself. For the sake of good earnings, he is able to completely forget about women; work can captivate him completely. For such a Roman, divorces occur much less frequently than for his namesakes. He has children of different sexes, knows how to win their love, because he is attentive and caring towards them.

Roman Alanovich, Albertovich, Anatolyevich, Veniaminovich, Vladlenovich, Dmitrievich, Nikolaevich, Rostislavovich, Stanislavovich, Stepanovich, Feliksovich, as a rule, is a gifted, intelligent person with a subtle sense of humor, the soul of any company. Captivates women at first sight. He himself often falls in love, but true love comes to him only in adulthood. If Roman marries early, then disappointment and divorce await him. Then he marries repeatedly, goes through a series of divorce proceedings, but does not lose hope of finding his happiness. He falls in love again, makes mistakes again, but does not lose heart. It's not easy with him in the family. This Roman is most hampered by excessive love for himself, his freedom and independence. He cannot live under someone's constant supervision, much less pressure. He will never give up his habits and attachments, which becomes the reason for his divorces. From his first marriage he has children of different sexes, but does not have children in subsequent marriages.

Positive traits of the name

Cheerful and easy-going disposition, politeness, courtesy, creative talent, breadth of interests, wit, kindness, gentleness. The novel is easy to follow. Likes to travel to fun company. He can sincerely sympathize and help, if it does not take a lot of time and effort from him.

Negative traits of the name

Inconstancy, frivolity, talkativeness, laziness, unreliability, impulsiveness, reluctance to put effort into anything. As a rule, Roman does not go well with his studies due to his restlessness, although he has a sharp and inquisitive mind. This behavior of Roman causes a lot of trouble for parents and teachers. He is capable of resorting to lies in self-defense. Roman can behave defiantly, even insult elders, but not malicious intent, but for the purpose of self-affirmation. Having become carried away by something, he lights up and gives up his previous job, but a new hobby can also be short-lived.

Choosing a profession by name

Roman does not tolerate monotony: he can change places of study and work. The exact and boring sciences, the work of a clerk, a simple employee are alien to him. The greatest success awaits Roman in professions related to working with people. Theater, music, literature, art may be a successful area of ​​activity for Roman. In addition, he can realize himself as a military officer.

The impact of a name on business

Roman cares little about money and often does stupid things financial affairs and gets involved in many scams, suffers financial losses, but still miraculously “gets back on his feet.” Natural generosity, as well as a love of luxury and extravagance, can lead Roman to large debts, but there will always be people who will help him “get out” of the debt hole.

The influence of a name on health

As a child, Roman can often get sick. Due to his impulsiveness, vegetative-vascular dystonia, diseases of the stomach, and gall bladder are likely.

Psychology of the name

Roman knows how to make others laugh. It’s easy and free with him, if you don’t bind him with obligations. Roman does not like restrictions on his freedom and will stop communicating with any person who tries to burden him with responsibility or use him for selfish purposes. From childhood, you need to develop in him perseverance, interest in some task, and teach him to bring it to the end. Roman must not be insulted, humiliated, or cruelly punished. This will instill hypocrisy and adaptability in him. It is necessary to find other methods of influencing the lazy, frivolous, but kind Roman.

Romance and pets

As a rule, Roman loves animals, but to an extent that suits him, provided that it does not burden him too much. He can have a purebred dog, but only if it provides some benefit. Roman can get a certain breed or dog, which he will need as a guard.

Famous people named Roman

Roman Viktyuk (theater director)
Roman Klein ((1858 - 1924) Russian architect)
Roman Vreden ((1867 – 1934) founder of Russian surgical orthopedics)
Roman Kartsev (pop, theater and film artist)
Roman Balayan ((born 1941) film director)
Roman Girshman ((1895 – 1979) French archaeologist)
Roman Ivanychuk ((born 1929) Ukrainian writer)
Roman Yakobson ((1896 – 1982) Russian and American linguist, literary critic)
Roman Polanski (one of the greatest post-war filmmakers)
Roman Kostomarov (Russian figure skater)

Z famous name bearers: Roman of Caesarea - deacon, martyr; Roman Sladkopevets - deacon hymnographer, author of church kontakions; Roman Syrian - hermit; Roman Uglichsky - noble prince; Roman IV Diogenes, Roman I Lacalin - Byzantine emperors; Roman Mstislavich - powerful Novgorod prince; Roman Gruber - musicologist, doctor of art history; Roman Kondratenko - general, led the defense of Port Arthur in Russian-Japanese war; Roman Klein - architect.

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Incompatibility of the name Roman

The name Roman is of Latin origin and means "Roman". The city of Rome was founded by two brothers named Remus and Romulus. The name Roman is derived from the name Romulus. In Russia this name is very popular. It has been widespread at all times. Let's find out in more detail what the meaning of the name Roman is?

The meaning of the name Roman for a boy is positive; from birth he is everyone’s favorite. Parents and grandparents try to fulfill all the whims of the baby. Boy with the name Roman is very active and inquisitive, he does not know the word “impossible”.

Since childhood, such a child has high self-esteem; in order to avoid problems in the future, parents need to be firm in some cases, otherwise the difficulties that arise in life can break the adult Roman.

boy studying He doesn’t like people with the name Roman; he feels sorry for wasting time studying boring subjects. He does not like to do homework; he believes that lessons at school are quite enough. Roman is very sociable, he has a huge number of friends, he spends a lot of time with them, and may even skip classes.

It is useless to force a boy named Roman to do homework for hours. Despite his reluctance to study, he will not be in the class among the slow students. Thanks to his excellent photographic memory and well-developed oratorical abilities, he receives good grades.

Roma is an enthusiastic person; he always has many hobbies. It would be good if the parents enroll Roman in some sports section or circle.

The novel is unpredictable and contradictory in nature. It is impossible to predict Roman's reaction to this or that event; his actions are unpredictable. For example, he may change his mind about getting married an hour before registration. Such a person greatly values ​​freedom and independence, so he often chooses an appropriate profession where there are no strict boundaries and restrictions.

The name Roman endows its owner with both positive and negative character traits. In general, he is a cheerful, kind and sympathetic person. He knows how to enjoy every minute of life. TO negative traits character include the following: frivolity and talkativeness. But he has a sense of his own dignity, he is incapable of betrayal.


A man named Roman loves women and knows how to treat them. He is very amorous and passionate nature, but in love he is fickle. Often breaks women's hearts. Roma is attracted to beautiful girls with a bright appearance. He knows how to care for women and can charm even the most unapproachable beauty.

It is difficult to keep a man named Roman; as soon as the love passes, he immediately disappears. But if he really fell in love, then this means that Roma will most likely get married.

His life partner should not only be beautiful girl, but also a true true friend. She should share Roman’s hobbies and help bring the most daring and original ideas to life. He creative person, therefore, does not tolerate monotony, and can get carried away with other women. He needs a wife who can turn a blind eye to fleeting affairs.


With age, a man named Roman changes, becomes more serious and responsible. He makes a good family man who takes care of his wife and children. He strives to make a successful career in order to provide his family with everything they need.

  • She doesn’t know how to save money, so it’s good if the wife manages the family budget. He likes to spend it on entertainment rather than saving it for a rainy day.
  • A man named Roman has many friends; they love him for his open and cheerful character. Noisy groups often gather in the house and fun themed parties are held. Nobody gets bored at such evenings.
  • For children Roman a true friend, he does not tolerate violence and cruelty, so he tries to educate them by his own example, achievements and successes.
  • He helps his wife with housework, can take out the trash or take the pet for a walk.

A man named Roma gets along well with both his parents and his mother-in-law and father-in-law. Relatives often visit his house. He loves to celebrate holidays with his family.

If a man named Roman does not marry at a young age, then the marriage usually turns out well. After 25 years, he is ready for a serious relationship and family life, he becomes more responsible and can already take care not only of himself, but also of his family. It’s easy to get along with such a man, he always looks for compromises, and is ready to take into account his wife’s opinion.

The only thing that Roman will not forgive is infidelity, in which case he immediately files for divorce.

Business and career

A man named Roman cannot stand boredom and monotony, so routine and monotonous work is not for him. He is always in search of new sensations, there are a lot of things in his head. original ideas which he wants to bring to life, but, unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out. Often Roma does not have enough patience to finish the job he has started.

Roman Arkadyevich Abramovich (billionaire, entrepreneur, former governor of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug)

  • Most likely, he will not work in an office; such a person would be better suited creative professions related to cinema, theater or music.
  • He knows how to get along with people and can find a common language with anyone. That is why professions related to communication are also suitable for Roman, for example, he can become a manager.
  • In addition, Roma can organize his own business, he has all the necessary qualities, he is responsible, reliable and sociable.
  • For a man named Roman, it is very important that his work is adequately appreciated. Low wage he is not satisfied, he will quickly change jobs.

Such a man knows his worth, so he won’t work for pennies. Money is a kind of incentive; if they pay little, then there is no point in working.

With colleagues Roma gets along well, he quickly finds common topics for conversation, he has no difficulties with communication. They respect and love Roman for his open and friendly character. But because of his talkativeness, such a man can accidentally reveal someone’s secret, so people, knowing this flaw, usually do not share their innermost secrets with him.

We found out what the name Roman means, it has both its positive and negative qualities. In general, the name has positive characteristic, it is beautiful and euphonious, which is why it is so widespread throughout the world. Before choosing a name for a child, you need to know its meaning and characteristics. Each name has a certain energy that influences the fate and character of a person.


The name Roman is believed to be Latin in origin and most likely first appeared in ancient Roman culture. Could come from the Latin word "romanus", which can mean "Roman", "Roman" or "man from Rome". In modern times it is considered one of the most popular in Russia...

The male name Roman has very strong energy and is capable of endowing the bearer with a whole bunch of important and required characteristics. Plus, it has very good compatibility with most Orthodox female names, both modern and outdated...

Conversational options: Roma, Romasya, Romulya, Romanka

Modern English analogues: Romanus, Romano, Raman

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Roman can promise a lot to the bearer good qualities. Roman is usually a calm and reasonable man with a penchant for adventurism and unpredictability. This is a narcissistic representative of the strong half of humanity, confident in his actions, making decisions on the fly, without subjecting them to criticism, and doing everything with only one goal - to satisfy his own pride.

His character is not simple, but predictable, and it is quite easy to unravel it. Decisive, generous, kind, self-confident, never stops at the sight of obstacles, always achieves his goals, and never gives up. His opinion always carries weight, and his actions are sometimes too illogical. Moreover, he is most often right and rarely wrong.

Advantages and positive features: self-confidence, determination, willingness to go headlong towards a set goal, inability to give up and willingness to overcome any obstacles encountered along the way. Roman never stops there and tries to constantly improve himself.

Roman treats him badly people who do not respect other people's opinions, selfish and deceitful individuals, traitors and women who do not respect themselves. He will never allow anyone close to him who has ever been caught in a lie or betrayal.

It is believed that the name Roman came from a Latin word, but it was never popular in Europe...

Character of the name Roman

The nature of the name Roman is such that it promises the bearer of this name form a simple nature, almost never calling others to discontent. The character of the man so named is so simple that sometimes it is simply amazing; he rarely quarrels. Almost never does bad deeds, at least intentionally, and is always ready to help. In addition, his character provides for the presence of such a trait as sociability, which contributes to making friends and easy adaptation to any environment. Roman is a person whose character simply does not allow him to have enemies, and such people practically never have ill-wishers. At the same time, the character of the name of the bearer of this name bestows incredible self-confidence and self-sufficiency, which, alas. For modern men often very lacking.

On the other hand, the nature of the name form is a so-called “ghostly” parameter, that is, theoretical, which means that everything in the case of each individual boy with the name Roman may be different. By the way, in most cases, this whole theory comes true, but the intensity of manifestation of many of these qualities depends on upbringing.

Early childhood

IN early childhood The boy for whom his parents decided to choose the name Roman is full of good moments. The meaning of this name can bestow in early childhood a boy named Roman with such traits as calmness, harmlessness, goodwill, obedience, activity, energy, determination, hard work, the desire to develop and be the first in everything that his life touches, eloquence and talkativeness .

This kind of person is never bored, he is always busy, never sits still, always looking for something to do, and at the same time practically does not become rowdy - the extreme case is when Roman begins to be rowdy and play around, and such cases are incredibly few.

And the energy of the name Roman bestows him with sociability, which helps him make friends even where it is almost impossible. But that's not all.

As for the relationship with his parents, everything is simple - he will never allow himself to disobey his mother, and even more so his father, he respects their opinion, even in moments when he does not consider it correct, and in general, he tries not to let his parents down or disappoint them , which is pretty good.

But with his peers, everything is much more complicated - on the one hand, he is sociable and able to get along with everyone without exception, and moreover, he can even become a leader, albeit unspoken, but on the other hand, his reluctance to indulge and go against the will of his parents can lead to to misunderstanding on the part of peers.


The teenager runs the risk of remaining the same obedient, talkative, eloquent, calm child. The only thing that additionally rewards the meaning of the name Roman is diligence, commitment, responsibility, and diligence.

He has the greatest chance of successfully graduating from school, he can succeed so much in his studies that teachers simply cannot help but be proud of him, but there is one “but”. The fact is that the teenager Roman is very much subject to outside influence - that is, anyone can influence him, both positively and negatively. Seducing him with pampering and adventures is as easy as shelling pears - he can change radically at any moment under the influence of negative factors and people, and, as they say, go downhill. Parents should pay special attention to this moment and protect it, because otherwise it will not lead to good.

Eloquence, dreaminess, romance, courtesy, attentiveness, caring - these are the qualities that set a boy named Roman apart from other children, and with their help, by the way, he will build a very active personal life.

Grown man

An adult man named Roman, the meaning of this name additionally endows him with such characteristics as hard work, curiosity, desire to develop, and the ability to win over people. Such a person has someone to talk to, he is a welcome guest in companies, a humorist, the kind to look for, a joker and a leader, but at the same time he is not a brawler, but simply a merry fellow who makes everyone around him move. Thanks to this, he can make an excellent manager, boss, leader.

Another important property is that he does not like injustice, plus he is ready to help a person in need. He will never leave anyone in trouble; he will gladly help even a stranger in the most difficult situation. This boy, or rather man, has the soul of an angel, he is by nature kind and cheerful, positive, optimistic, and will never ignore anyone’s grief. A good person in all areas.

And he also has no enemies - Roman is a good person, always following his principles and never offending people; he is endowed with a character with which it is simply impossible to have enemies.

Interaction of the character of the novel with the seasons

Summer - a bearer of the name Roman born in summer, a boy subject to the meaning of Summer, will grow up to be a merry fellow and a jokester, positive and light-hearted. This one will be prone to financial success, but will rarely pay attention to this, because he does not like money as such - he easily partes with everything that can make him stand out from the crowd, he is extremely positive, proud and persistent.

Winter - here a guy from adolescence will demonstrate hot temper, impulsiveness and extreme emotionality. He does not forget the insults brought to him, has a vindictive nature and a complex character - he will take absolute revenge on the offender, he is cruel and despotic. Not very lucky in his personal life!

Spring - and here he will become a soft, plastic man by origin of soul and nature - will easily adapt to any circumstances. He is emotional and narcissistic, but this will be demonstrated extremely rarely - he is closed and mysterious, rarely will he reveal his true face to anyone, which will interfere with his communication with people.

Autumn - under its auspices, the prudent and mercantile will grow. Will look at the future with a realistic look, smart and decisive, balanced and clear in mind. You can’t deceive someone like that, you can’t betray him without his knowledge, but you shouldn’t expect something like that from him either. Successful in the love sense.

The fate of the name Roman

The fate of the name Roman in love, in relationships with representatives of the opposite sex, and in marriage - this parameter is one of the most mysterious, but also one of the most interesting. True, unfortunately, be that as it may, fate is unpredictable, and it is quite difficult to predict it.

However, judging by history, the fate of this little name suggests the emergence in the personal life of a guy with the name variation Roman huge amount problems, and in particular, due to the fault of Roma himself. This is a calm, albeit optimistic, and cheerful guy, and during adolescence he will be lonely for the most part. the main problem, which fate promises, lies in his personal inability to attract the attention of girls. But in adulthood, fate may reward you with a different schedule for your personal life...

So, having reached maturity, Roman can become an excellent father, a caring and attentive husband, a true master of the house, a family leader on whom everything will rest, and family well-being, and the happiness of all family members, and the home microclimate. Although, again, all this is just a theory, and, unfortunately, no one knows how it will actually happen.

Love and marriage

Romance with youth basks in the attention of women, but ladies should not count on a strong, serious relationship with such a man. He has an overly amorous nature, so the number of his novels is growing by leaps and bounds. He can choose a woman who was able to give him all of herself to the last drop, and also devote every minute of her life to him. She will have to forget about personal independence and freedom. However, even such a sacrifice does not guarantee that Roman will still decide to give up his freedom too.

Roma is driven by his thirst for new sensations, feelings, and the desire for variety, so even after the wedding, Roma can continue his numerous affairs on the side. Early marriages most often fail very quickly, while later ones can last longer. It all depends on his wife and the degree of her patience.

IN family relationships Roman immediately takes the position of an unquestioning leader, whose decisions cannot be questioned. It is quite difficult for even the closest people to establish friendly contact with him, to achieve his trust and affection. In addition, Roma can be a cheerful and hospitable host, putting all his energy into arranging the family nest.

Roman as Father

Roman's frivolous attitude to life collapses with the advent of children, and although he does not become an exemplary family man, he will certainly become more serious and attentive to family responsibilities. He will approach fatherhood with all responsibility and will try to ensure that his children do not need anything. He will not be lazy to earn an extra penny, and will do everything possible to ensure that everyone in his family gets what they crave.

Roma will become a support for his children, an older friend. He will never begin to ignore children and their problems, will never refuse help, and will always help his children solve all their problems. And in general, it can turn out good father. And let him not sacrifice his freedom for the sake of his children, but let him do everything in his power for the sake of their happiness.

According to Roman, a woman should be involved in the care, upbringing and education of children. And the father must be the breadwinner, the breadwinner. Children should perceive the time spent next to him as a holiday.

Compatible with female names

The most best compatibility the name Roman with such female names as Antonina, Anastasia, Ada, Dora, Elena, Lina, Marianna and Frida.

With Lydia, Tamila, Elvira, Isolde, Vasilisa, Albina, Lolita and Nadezhda, he can build a strong and truly happy marriage.

Victoria, Vladislava, Regina, Flora, Ninel, and Seraphim - Roman has no compatibility with such names at all.