Characteristics of the zodiac sign Gemini, constellation and element.


There are always 2 people in this sign, and it is very interesting to follow the changes in his character. They can quickly change clothes, work, place of residence, their decisions and manners. They jump around all the time, even when reading a book, they can start from the end, from the last page. Geminis are good at debating. They are always surrounded by nervous energy. Most of them speak quickly and are poor listeners. These people are very impatient with conservative people. But they have some kind of friendliness towards others. They are fast and graceful. You should never try to convince them of anything. Geminis can easily get out of any situation. They think things through quickly, can be sharply satirical, and are smarter than other people. Many of them take pleasure in surprising slow-witted people with the speed of their mental processes. If only anyone can cope with Gemini, it is.

When a Gemini is in love, they can constantly surprise you, their main secret lies in their duality. They can do several things at once with less effort than other signs. Any routine and everyday life makes them feel like a bird in a cage. They hate monotony in everything. They are usually not punctual and are often late. They rarely write down the story of their life and do not like to write letters. The reason is that they do not have a permanent opinion. That’s why they often write under a pseudonym. They love and know languages, French is their favorite language.

Their tendency to easily give up their opinions can lead to dishonesty. But nevertheless, they are too great idealists to become criminals. These are the biggest spenders. No matter what project they take on, angels always smile on them. They are the greatest improvers in the world. At heart, every Gemini is a merchant. Geminis need to sleep twice as much as others to give rest to their constantly working brains. At the same time, they often suffer and therefore rarely get complete rest, as a result of which they are in danger of nervous exhaustion. Only the sun and Fresh air. The most common Gemini diseases are diseases of the shoulders, arms, fingers and palms. The lungs may also be weak, and they may also be at risk for rheumatism, migraines and arthritis. And another strange thing is that they more easily experience an emotional explosion from melancholy than from unnecessary activity.

Deep inside themselves they strive for the ideal. Their the main problem understand what it is? Anything can be an ideal, because... his imagination knows no bounds. Money, fame, wealth, love - it is never enough for him. It will always seem to him that it is better where he is not. Perhaps they are looking for something unrevealed in themselves. Their eyes are sharp, their talents are numerous, they have a lot of diplomacy and subtlety, but they lack consistency and patience.

Geminis trust only themselves. They are strangers on earth.



Living with him, it may happen that if you send him to the store on Monday, you may not see him again until Tuesday. Do not try to look for him at the same time and do not hang on his neck if he is about to leave. Once you learn to understand his restless soul, only then will you be able to adapt to him. You will never be sure where or how far he has gone. This is precisely what brings back all your doubts, which love, it would seem, should melt away. When you are in love with a Gemini, you will never be alone, there will always be two people with you, and both of them are him. Remember that this one combines a double personality, this is a dual nature... These are the favorites of any housewife, he adores the public, the more of them, the more fun he has. The rare Gemini is not a great conversationalist. He has refined taste, he is full of witty remarks, and his compliments are masterpieces of sincerity. Geminis have excellent manners and can direct society in the direction that interests them. This is the most intelligent sign.

But before you marry him, make sure that you are able to live with a person who will provide you with a completely uncertain future. His moods can usually change quickly, his life goals can also change very dramatically. He may confess his love to you today, but postpone the date until tomorrow, leaving you completely bewildered. And after a while he will begin to express doubts that you can be happy together. If you go through this, then in a few days he will propose to you again and you will forget the troubles. And now you are engaged to the mystery itself.

The Gemini man will not be tomorrow what he is today. He remembers yesterday poorly, not for long. It is constantly changing. These changes are possible for the better, he can strive for the better, but this is always associated with an element of surprise. If you are a gambler, you will make good couple. But all good players must understand the game well before placing a bet. And this you must remember. Their goals are always unstable and ambiguous. Often Gemini husbands hide their love under the guise of rudeness; they have a subconscious desire to hide their true intentions, covering them with completely opposite words and actions. Basically, they want to confuse you, and then they change 100 percent and become open and frank, which is how they win you over.

Loving a Gemini man can be easy and enjoyable if you don't try to get too close to him. He has an inner core that belongs only to him, which he will not share with anyone. Take this lightly and calmly, do not be too sensitive and practical, do not bother him. And in this case, your romance with him will be quite original. Don’t rebel against his fickleness, change with him, be interested in life the same way he is interested, otherwise your romance is doomed. He needs, first of all, an intellectual partner, one who suits his mind or sometimes even surpasses it. He is a realist and loves an intellectual duel. The silent mouse does not suit him at all.

He has a tendency to leave old friends for new ones, but not because he is heartless. His own personality is constantly changing, so he is looking for new people who are interesting to him. He can feel at home everywhere and rarely gets attached to old things. During long periods of loneliness, he may shed sentimental tears, but these are caused solely by loneliness, and not by dreams about the past. He does not like, he is even afraid to be left alone for a long time. Many Geminis marry more than once, especially if he first married in his youth (this again reflects his duality). Concerning financial side, then he may be very generous person, and then become simply greedy. He has no desire to accumulate money, as well as knowledge. He loves to consume everything. Its main function is to earn new ideas, while displaying its bright mental abilities.

Will he be faithful to you?! In my own way, yes. Since he loves to socialize and is attractive to women, there is always a lot of gossip around him. It's rare that a Gemini man will allow himself to be dishonest towards you if you truly trust him. He is always able to catch any of your secret experiences. However, you should not expect him to shun all women just because he is wearing wedding ring. He can have fun with women, drink with them, chat with them. This is a natural state for him. This does not mean that he is having affairs with these women. When trust is not justified, it deeply hurts him and puts him in a state of depression. In this case, he seeks to calm his emotions. There is no need to be afraid of his emotional or physical infidelity, this is his normal state.

He is with the children good father, don't be strict with them. Relations with them are close, but somewhat free. They often spoil their children. He needs to learn to keep his promises, which he often breaks.

Jealousy is something you don't have to worry about with a Gemini husband. Possessiveness is not his character trait. He tries to get rid of suspicions. The physical side of love is not in first place for him.

He hears, sees and feels more than other people and his impressions are always very vivid. His love is somewhat airy and illusory in nature. Sometimes it seems that she lacks the earthly passions that other signs possess. He must feel a complete fusion of mental and spiritual qualities before he is overcome by physical passion. This is the only way to his heart.

You need to get used to the word "if". “If I loved...” (ignore these words, he says them as a precaution). Rough critical remarks and scenes will quickly cool the sensitive Gemini man. He must have two mistresses at the same time, there is an opinion. Yes, he needs two lovers, but it doesn’t have to be two different women. That's the whole mystery. If you truly know your Gemini, you will know how to solve this riddle.



If you like a harem, marry a Gemini woman. In this case, you will have at least two women, and sometimes 3 or 4. Naturally, this comparison is conditional; she is distinguished by her lack of interest in earthly passions. It is very difficult to get her to sit down and do anything seriously. Her mind is constantly traveling. But look deeper. And you will see a romantic woman capable of... strong passion. Moreover, it will be combined with mental, spiritual and physical qualities. How to preserve the changeable character and inner essence of a Gemini woman? This is the crux of the whole problem. Her age should be very important to you, because... Until she grows up, her novels will be just a game for her.

Her behavior can be incredibly unpredictable. At first she may admire you, and then she will begin to criticize everything about you with rare sarcasm and great mind. But don't let this put you off, because... it is always dual. She is not as heartless as she may seem at times. She's a dreamer. And the novel is the most easy way for her to express her fantasies. She transfers all her fantasies, all her dreams to her novels. This woman needs your pity, not your anger. It is difficult for her to devote herself to any one person. She may admire you, but at the same time calmly notes that you are not well versed in music or, for example, poetry. And when she finds a person who understands music or poetry, she will find some other shortcomings in him due to the duality of her character. Therefore, constant conflicts occur in her soul. But you have to give her credit. She usually keeps all the complexities of her character to herself without burdening you with them.

She is usually a cheerful and cheerful partner. Most of the time, she is bright, smart, individual, and a good conversationalist. She really likes all sorts of romantic and sentimental gestures. No other woman will charm you like this in original ways love and charm like her. She can blink her eyelashes very gracefully like a typical woman, but she is helpless to earn a living. She can be very different: at first she is cheerful, light woman, then she can be an adoring wife, a serious woman, and suddenly she can turn into a bundle of nerves, fears, etc. She's not the same! An example of this is Marilyn Monroe. A Gemini woman can be very different in different situations. She always dreams of falling in love for real. But she fails. She also strives for motherhood, but this also does not always work out. In every man she can find several good qualities, but strives for perfection, which is always unattainable.

She can be your good friend. She can participate with you in any activity that interests you. At the same time, she always manages to look very soft and feminine, and also show her intelligence. Moreover, her sharp and quick mind manifests itself very clearly when she meets a new man. She is sincerely convinced that she is in love with you, but at the same time she may be passionate about another man too. If she is not by your side all the time, she may forget you faster than any other woman. This is her nature, striving for constant change and looking for it. If she does not learn to manage her behavior, does not learn patience and stability, then she can ruin her entire life, and at the same time yours. Fortunately, for a man in love with such a woman, most Gemini women come to a deep understanding of their nature. Once she accepts your proposal, you can feel sorry for all the other men who are doomed to marry only one woman. You will have several wives if you marry her.

Wife number one. She can adapt to whatever you want in her, and if you need loyalty, she can be faithful, provided you are interesting enough to win her love. This refers to a combination of mental, spiritual and physical qualities. In this case, the physical side comes last, like the pepper we add to pizza. This wife will suit you in everything. She has good taste, loves to travel, and will not blame you for the fact that your future is not stable, because she is interested in everything new, even unstable. She will help you by expressing original thoughts. You can count on her in difficult times. And although outwardly she gives the impression of a frivolous woman, this is not true. This is a deep thinker.

Wife number two. May have a different mood, you can expect that too. There may be times when she will be sarcastic and cynical. She can challenge you in an intellectual debate. But a man needs to be stimulated, right? Come on, defeat her in this argument and, by the way, this is what she wants from you. Life does not shock her, she has no... She can take part in a strike, a protest march. If you stay late, she won't ask questions about where you've been. But don’t ask her such questions either. They trust you, do the same towards her. This is a very independent person.

Wife number three. Will be tired and depressed, from homework. The beds will not be made, the dishes will be dirty, while she dreams, reads, smokes. You may be served canned food for lunch without even opening the cans. But nevertheless, even in such moments you will find in her an excellent interlocutor. It will satisfy your emotional and intellectual impulses. He will listen to your opinion with curiosity and will admire new projects. In short, he will keep you pleasant company. She will also treat you with love because... you didn’t scold her for not dusting or preparing dinner. During such periods, she may spend money recklessly. And if you offer her a trip, she will happily start packing, without asking stupid questions about how to get tickets or what to do with the cat left at home.

Wife number four. She will be a cheerful, smiling mother. She will not want children to limit her activities and changeable nature; children will imitate her independence and will take care of themselves. She spends little time with children, although she gives them a lot of love. Teenagers love to talk with her, she will be their friend, because... her imagination is like that of a child.

Wife number five. She will be an excellent hostess, an excellent expert in table settings, placement of candles, etc. You can invite any person home, everyone will be fascinated by it. She loves the theater, exhibitions, and feels good everywhere. Everyone will look at you with envy. She can be romantic, hyper-feminine, or write you a poem for your birthday. You will want to buy her velvet dresses and expensive perfumes as her grace demands it.

Thus, you have many women at once. Her dreams and aspirations make her run all the time. Try to catch up with her, keep pace with her and slow down her running. Secretly, she dreams of relaxing. Try to help her with this, she needs you.

The third sign of the Zodiac is Gemini ( May 21 – June 20) and its bright constellation got their name thanks to the beautiful myth about the hero brothers. Pollux was gifted by Zeus with immortality from birth and could not endure separation from the deceased Castor. Then the Gods gave the twins eternal life, surrounded by the glow of the night sky, uniting them forever. Two bright stars Now they bear the names of the immortal brothers, the constellation is easy to find precisely by their brilliance.

Gemini includes 14 stars visible to the naked eye, two nebulae - Medusa and Eskimo, and a rather interesting object - Zeta, a star that constantly changes the intensity of its radiance. The constellation attracts scientists with this mystery. It is highly valued by aesthete astronomers. The beautiful spectacle for which the constellation is famous - a huge cluster of stars, which seem to be innumerable in the small part of Gemini, can be observed through a fairly powerful telescope.

Gemini in the Zodiac

The beautiful constellation Gemini has a symbol - two vertical lines, personifying the gates of knowledge, the unification of dualities. This zodiac sign is designed to maintain the connection between opposites, resolving duality. In astrology, the constellation Gemini governs pairs of antagonist signs, maintaining a powerful attraction between them, maintaining the liveliness of relationships.

The invisible presence of Gemini throughout the Zodiac helps representatives of each sign to establish contacts and gives development through the knowledge of diversity.

The planet located in Gemini at the time of the birth of a child or the date of the expected event changes its characteristics. You can judge a person’s qualities or determine possible further actions, combining a description of the Zodiac sign and the properties of the planet.


The planet of beauty, pleasure, and the arts, Venus in Gemini means a special desire for perfection, harmony of thoughts. Peacefulness, the ability to negotiate, a sense of humor are the main descriptions of people who have Venus in Gemini at the time of birth. Their characteristic is tact and beautiful presentation of their thoughts. They love to give names to events around them. Venus in Gemini gives its owners a good sense of words. Happy people, like children, enthusiastically perceive poetry and often write it themselves. They have obvious literary talent.

Quite often there is a description of some inconstancy love relationship when a man has Venus in Gemini. Temporary women, fleeting hobbies, random connections characteristic of such events and people. This horoscope factor sometimes determines romance, the ability to charm, and earn a woman’s favor. beautiful speeches.

The afflicted planet is laziness, sloppiness, vanity. Evil Venus in Gemini often indicates some confusion in financial matters, extravagance combined with commercialism.

Characteristics of Mars in Gemini

The air element of the Zodiac sign has a beneficial effect on fiery Mars, softening some of the rudeness. Main characteristics people, at the time of their birth, Mars falls into Gemini - the ability to highlight the main thing from the huge amount of incoming information. They easily comprehend the essence of the event. Aggressive Mars gives confidence to the character, but greatly reduces the diplomacy inherent in the zodiac sign. Such people are inveterate debaters, making enemies because of their own wit and careless words.

Mars easily turns their frankness into rudeness, the desire to give humiliating names and nicknames to the interlocutor.

The position of the planet indicates frankness, energy, a quick search for some way, a solution.

For a woman, Mars in the zodiac sign Gemini decorates relationships with an aura of romance. Her love interests are more platonic, filled with beautiful speeches and ease. Such women do not associate happy romances with sexuality - a sign dominated by the element of Air suppresses physical attraction, the legacy of passionate Mars.

Moon in Gemini

The emotional Moon and changeable Gemini make for an interesting combination. When the air element makes events filled with unrest, the obvious wanderlust and instability increases. IN male horoscope The Moon, which is responsible for sexual sensuality, in Gemini gives relationships not in words, but rather in plans. It reduces the need for physical contact and replaces it with conversations and light flirting.

People with the Moon in Gemini are very attentive, observant, and diplomatic. Women are somewhat prone to anxiety. They easily overcome difficulties and gain new impressions through spiritual communication. The element of the sign supports constant movement, and change develops emotionality. The moon helps you intuitively feel the mood of your interlocutor during important negotiations.

The qualities that the Moon in Gemini gives are very helpful in the profession of a psychologist, lawyer, and consultant.

When the Moon in Gemini is present in the horoscope of parents, their children are the happy owners of an unobtrusive, caring father or mother. They truly understand their child, becoming their best friend. Their names are often cited as an example of exemplary relationships, filled with warmth, a soft connection.

The Evil Moon and its characteristics, guided by the qualities of a rather windy zodiac sign, give thoughtless lies, cunning, emotional distress, and excessive touchiness. Such writing is often caused by mood swings and a changing sense of the world, which are determined by the element of the sign.

Main characteristics of Gemini

The sun is in Gemini for a month - between May 21 and June 21, the characteristics of people whose birth date falls during this period often coincide with the main qualities of the bright zodiac sign.

The changeable element of Air is the main one for the sign. It allows you to easily adapt to any conditions, find friends, and communicate. This element is responsible for the ability to quickly process and transmit information, which is very helpful in obtaining an excellent education. Happy Geminis have an easy-going, somewhat superficial character.

The patronizing planet of sociable Gemini is Mercury. The main characteristic was determined by him. It gives the personality of the representatives of the Zodiac sign incredible erudition, sociability, curiosity, and a sharp, easy mind. Often the names of typical Geminis can be seen in popular magazines, blogs or on the cover of a fascinating book.

Proserpina in the exaltation of Gemini helps them clearly structure a huge amount of information. Chiron in the fall of the Zodiac sign speaks of a harmful desire to generalize everything, which leads to some superficiality of judgment.

The weak position, in exile, of Neptune and Jupiter gives a negative description of Gemini's organizational abilities and aspirations for spiritual quests. The air element of the sign is too changeable for religiosity or serious work that requires monotonous concentration. They, like some children, often cannot stay in one place for a long time.

Defining lucky numbers omnipresent Gemini, astrologers to unanimous opinion did not come. Some recommend using four, the number of Mercury, others 5, 7 and those whose sum of digits is 7. Trying to embrace the immensity, Gemini here also has a fairly extensive list.

Professions, career, money

The ability to easily adapt to rapidly changing circumstances makes Geminis valuable workers where speed of decision-making is required. Activities related to live communication, travel, and knowledge will be best for them. Geminis make excellent reporters, psychologists, critics, broadcasters.

Often representatives of the intellectual sign choose professions related to information and science, as well as commerce and art, especially literature.

Monotonous work with a rigid, measured schedule is contraindicated for freedom-loving Geminis; any limits frighten them. A clear lack of perseverance and patience sometimes leads to conflicts with superiors or colleagues. Such bright personalities are simply not able to constantly engage in routine activities. It happens that this forces representatives of the Air sign not to stay in one place of work for a long time. The best way out Will there be freelancing or a free schedule?

Geminis take money quite lightly. Financial freedom is essential to their independent nature. They can earn money very quickly and spend it just as quickly. It happens that they experience short-term bouts of special frugality.


Gemini can be divided into 3 decades, the characteristics of which will be slightly different:

  1. Representatives of the sign born in May often have the description of the classic Gemini. These are experimenters, they are constantly searching new information, unknown sensations, both in love and social, professional activity. Such people are extremely talkative and prone to intellectual debate.
  2. Until June 11, Geminis are more often endowed with a craving for creativity, aesthetic sense, endlessly value harmony. They are friendly, witty, brave, and sometimes reckless. Such Geminis are incredibly romantic, love people, sincere, and often despise conventions.
  3. Geminis of the last decade acquire unusual air sign pragmatic traits. They have developed willpower, prudence, and discipline. They are distinguished by their desire for power and careerism. Observation, intelligence, and thirst for knowledge allow them to achieve true professionalism.

Gemini- This is an airy mutable sign. The energy of the Gemini zodiac sign is masculine in nature. The air element of Gemini is the most mobile and fluctuating, which in astrology is called mutability. The sun enters the zodiac sign Gemini on May 20th. Date (dates) of the beginning and end of the sign Gemini 20.05 - 21.06. The main characteristic of the Gemini zodiac sign is communication and mobility.

The characteristics of the zodiac sign Gemini will be more clearly expressed in typical Geminis, i.e. if most of the personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) are in individual horoscope will be in the zodiac sign Gemini.

People of the Gemini zodiac sign are very inquisitive, like children, they are interested in everything. Geminis cannot sit in one place for a long time and want to be aware of all events. Geminis do not need much persuasion to get off the ground, they are easy-going and travel is an integral part of their life.

People of the Gemini zodiac sign are the soul of any company, they are sociable and cheerful. The ability to speak beautifully, naturally and knowledgeably attracts listeners to them. There's never a dull moment around Geminis, they can lift your spirits good joke, they have a mischievous character and a great sense of humor. Geminis quickly and easily get along with people, acquire the necessary connections and can find people without any problems. mutual language with people of different classes. A person with the Gemini zodiac sign can be “on friendly terms” with both an influential boss and a simple worker.

Mostly Gemini, even with high position in society, they are distinguished by an even attitude towards people, they never try to show their superiority over others.

People born under the Gemini zodiac sign can look at a situation from different angles and take into account different points of view. Therefore, they often hesitate to accept a certain worldview and cannot make a specific choice. Geminis may feel that by accepting one option, they will lose the good opportunities of the other and it is best to choose both options. This is the two-facedness of Gemini - the desire to combine the incompatible.

The versatility of Gemini prevents them from developing strong beliefs that they will adhere to. Geminis often change their minds to adapt to any situation and those around them.

People of the zodiac sign Gemini perceive their interlocutor as a source of receiving a new piece of information, their mind seems to cut off feelings and emotionally Gemini remains detached. Geminis like to talk a lot, but they listen to their interlocutor inattentively, with half an ear, although they always catch the essence. This can sometimes offend or irritate their interlocutor.

Another drawback in the characteristics of the Gemini zodiac sign is fussiness; it prevents Gemini from concentrating on one thing. The desire to take on many things at the same time brings scattered ideas, desires, and views into the character of people of the Gemini zodiac sign. Although with such activity, Gemini, for the most part, manages to cope with all the assigned tasks quickly and playfully.

At low spiritual development, excessive love of communication can make people of the Gemini zodiac sign gossipers, those who, out of idle curiosity, poke their nose into other people's affairs. The saying “the curious Varvara’s nose was torn off at the market” is about them. Geminis do not know how to keep secrets and secrets; they will definitely spill everything. Although they will do this not out of malice, but casually, out of simplicity of heart. The simplicity in the nature of the Gemini zodiac sign makes them gullible. Often they have unreliable information, but when they are caught inaccurately, they without embarrassment make excuses, saying, “What I bought for is what I sell for.”

Twins take an active part in public life. They are always up to date latest news, new trends and events in different areas. If you want to know what's new in the world, ask Gemini about it!

With the advent of the Internet, the love of communication and information exchange is confirmed by Geminis 100%. The most frequent guests on the World Wide Web, people of the zodiac sign are Gemini.

The flow of information in the life of Gemini is so large that they do not have time to “sort it all out” in their minds. They are not inclined to deeply analyze the information received and get to the essence of things. But the karmic task of people of the Gemini zodiac sign is precisely the dissemination and transmission of information.

A lively mind and physical activity allow people of the Gemini zodiac sign to maintain themselves in in great shape until old age. Until their old age, Geminis are interested in everything; their curiosity and inquisitiveness do not wane over the years. Life for people of the Gemini zodiac sign is always interesting; they never cease to be surprised by new discoveries and rejoice like children.

Life of people, born under the zodiac sign Gemini, almost always takes place very stormy - full of meetings with interesting people, exciting travels and travel. Many changes happen in the fate of the Gemini zodiac sign; they practically never experience stagnation; you won’t get bored with Gemini!

Planet ruler of the zodiac sign Gemini – Mercury

The ruler of the zodiac sign Gemini is the planet Mercury. In ancient Roman mythology, Mercury was the patron of trade and travelers. It is known that initially Mercury very quickly carried the messages of the gods to each other, almost with lightning speed, which is why he is depicted in a winged helmet and sandals. Mercury rushed as fast as the thoughts in a person’s head. Therefore, the planet Mercury personifies the conscious mind of a person, his thinking, the need to communicate with other people and move.

Gemini owes its ability to quickly assimilate and transmit information to its ruler Mercury. Gemini needs information in any form like air! She is like food for their active mind. People of the Gemini zodiac sign communicate a lot and enjoy communicating. It is equally important for them to receive information and convey it. But it happens that they master several subjects not deeply, but superficially. They are like “walking encyclopedias” and know a little about everything.

Mercury is considered a sexless planet, therefore, falling into different conditions, a person with the Gemini zodiac sign can easily adapt to people and situations.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Gemini in career. What professions are suitable for Geminis?

It is better for a person born under the zodiac sign Gemini to choose professions related to receiving and transmitting information. The versatility of their intellectual abilities allows them to work in several directions at once. Often people born under the Gemini zodiac sign have two or more professions. One can only envy the omnipresent Gemini how they manage to do many things at the same time. Also, people of the zodiac sign Gemini can combine different types activities in their work at the same time. Gemini's flexible nature allows them to approach their work from different angles. They do not tolerate monotony and restrictions. People of the Gemini zodiac sign know how to work hard and fruitfully. An open and friendly character helps Geminis easily fit into any team. Thanks to their childlike spontaneity, Geminis can choose professions that have an element of play.

In the event of a negative development of events, the fate of Gemini in relation to their career may turn out to be such that they will not become professionals in any business due to their dispersal.

People zodiac sign Gemini They learn quickly and easily, and can themselves be excellent lecturers and eloquent speakers. Thanks to a good memory and excellent erudition, Geminis make ideal storytellers and commentators. It’s interesting to listen to them, it’s impossible to take them by surprise. Resourcefulness will always help out a person of the Gemini zodiac sign; he will not reach into his pocket for a word, he has an answer ready for everything. The ability of people of the zodiac sign Gemini to study foreign languages beyond all praise, they are real polyglots. People born under the Gemini zodiac sign have the gift of not only speaking beautifully, but also writing captivatingly. There are many famous and brilliant poets and writers among Geminis. Everyone knows it from childhood wonderful poems A.S. Pushkin, who was born under the zodiac sign Gemini. The famous Russian poet A.T. Tvardovsky was also a Gemini.

Gemini's openness and friendliness help them without special effort adapt to any situation. A person of the zodiac sign Gemini, like a chameleon, takes on the color of the environment in which he finds himself. Sociability and activity make Geminis professionals in trade, advertising and the media. People of the Gemini zodiac sign are, as a rule, successful businessmen, famous journalists and TV presenters. Everyone is familiar with the host of the TV show “In the Animal World” N.N. Drozdov, a charming and kind Gemini. Another example of the Gemini zodiac sign is V.Ya.Wulf, known as the host of the TV program “My Silver Ball”, Chief Editor radio "Culture" and translator. Also
A prominent representative of the Gemini zodiac sign is the popular parodist, comedian and TV presenter Maxim Galkin.

Characteristics of the financial sphere of the zodiac sign Gemini.

People of the Gemini zodiac sign are resourceful and inventive in money matters, thanks to the dexterity and agility of their minds, they will persuade others to buy anything, especially since Geminis often use their innate cunning.

Although in the financial sphere, Gemini may be “sometimes thick, sometimes empty” due to their restlessness and scattered nature. But still, Gemini will never be left without income, because... Their many talents and abilities will help them get settled in life. Geminis know how to benefit from the most unexpected projects, seemingly unrealistic ideas.

With low spiritual development, people of the Gemini zodiac sign skillfully use the ability to appear “at home among strangers” to gain trust. They will fraudulently convince others of the usefulness of their product and carry out any scams. Also, “low” Geminis can be pickpockets and thieves.

People of the Gemini zodiac sign can have several sources of income and work part-time.

What the Gemini zodiac sign needs to learn

People of the Gemini zodiac sign lack concentration; scatteredness prevents them from sticking to a certain course in life. In a hurry to do many things at the same time, Gemini may not have time to do anything. We need to try to identify more specific tasks and follow the chosen direction.

The restlessness, haste and over-active nature of Gemini keep them in constant tension, making them nervous. People of the Gemini zodiac sign need to learn to relax and give rest to their mind.

Gemini's excessive talkativeness can do them a disservice; by spilling other people's secrets, Gemini can make ill-wishers for themselves. Geminis need to try to “keep their mouth shut.”

When transmitting any information, Geminis need to better check its accuracy so as not to be known as idle talkers in their circles.

Authors Kokorina Olga, Kokorina Natalya. Copying the article is prohibited! When citing an article, be sure to include a working link to

Article publication date" Characteristics Zodiac Sign Gemini" 21.05.2012

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Characteristic social life zodiac sign Gemini

Characteristics of the intellectual abilities of the Gemini zodiac sign, what kind of mentality does the Gemini zodiac sign have?

Gemini zodiac sign is number three. The symbol of this sign was chosen to be two parts of a tree that are intertwined with each other. This sign personifies the connection between form and rhythm, the fusion of matter and spirit and belongs to the element of Air. It is ruled by Mercury. Jupiter is in exile.

Thanks to the patronage of Mercury, Geminis are born with great curiosity. They always show genuine interest in everything new and original. Geminis can be described as very sociable personalities; as a rule, they have many acquaintances and friends. They have fairly well developed written and oral communication skills.

Geminis are distinguished by excellent memory and analytical abilities. They always want to learn as much as possible. In addition, Geminis do not tolerate monotony well; they constantly want something new. This also applies to their hobbies. Geminis are interested in several things at once. Distinctive feature Gemini is a sudden change in mood. Just a minute ago such a person could laugh cheerfully, but now he is already sad. Because of this, it is sometimes very difficult for them to relax.

Geminis are receptive to a variety of information. They only need to read or hear a fact once to remember it for a long time. Those born under this sign are able not only to easily remember and process information, but also to transmit it to others. Despite this, they often treat everything too superficially.

The character of the twins cannot be called constant. They constantly show their duality and inconsistency. Sometimes it is surprising how clearly opposite passions and desires can be combined in one person. They are constantly trying to connect completely incompatible things, trying to do several things at the same time. But, oddly enough, in most cases they succeed. Geminis lead a very mobile and active lifestyle. This pushes them to constantly search for something new. They always want to expand their horizons.

Geminis can have absolutely any profession. They are quite well versed in various fields of knowledge. Those born under this sign are always aware of all the new products. It is not worth telling Gemini any secrets, since their safety cannot be guaranteed. The twins immediately want to tell anyone, even the most insignificant secret. And if someone asks him about it, Gemini will under no circumstances be able to resist.

Geminis cannot be denied eloquence. They are excellent at expressing their thoughts clearly and clearly. All their words and gestures are unusually accurate. Such abilities help Geminis master almost any profession. Geminis achieve particular success in journalism. It is here that they can reveal all their talents and demonstrate their skills and abilities. In addition, they will be able to achieve considerable success in the field of advertising and linguistics. Geminis make good sales managers. Geminis are great at politics. They also have a clear aptitude for teaching and working with electronics. Thanks to their irrepressible energy and sociability, Geminis often become television or radio presenters and pop stars. And any other art is often within their grasp. Geminis also achieve considerable success in commercial activities. But if Gemini decides to seriously engage in commerce, then he must always be on guard, since he can easily be drawn into some kind of adventure.

Jupiter is in exile. Because of this, those born under the sign of Gemini do not tend to make far-reaching plans. They are used to living for today. Geminis really don’t like to go into various theoretical discussions. For them, specific tasks and goals are much closer. They cannot develop a strategy, but they can go on the offensive. Jupiter renders significant influence and on Gemini's ambition. They constantly feel the need for self-affirmation. Because of this, they often want to seem very important and serious. In some situations, they may exaggerate their achievements or simply brag. But, like no one else, Geminis are able to laugh at themselves.

Individuals born under this sign have one interesting feature, no matter what business they take on, they always turn out to be right. Whatever the situation, Gemini will always present what happened as if they acted completely correctly. At the same time, it is simply impossible to convince them. Because of this tendency to constantly manipulate words, it is sometimes difficult for Geminis to build a family.

In their personal lives, Geminis also show their tendency towards duality. And their changeable and dynamic nature can sometimes play a cruel joke on them. Geminis are best at frivolous, short-term relationships, but building long-term, strong relationships can cause them difficulties. Geminis often try to compensate for the inability to build deep relationships with the number of connections. Since Gemini belongs to the element of Air, they tend to strive for freedom. They don’t like long-term obligations; they will definitely find a way to get rid of them. Most in love stories Representatives of this sign are attracted by novelty and originality. With age, Geminis begin to come to the conclusion that it is time to settle down. Usually, a large number of They have different hobbies only until they are 30 years old. Afterwards, they will choose a person with similar intellectual interests and start a family. But in such a relationship there will no longer be a place for romance and unbridled passion.

Gemini is a zodiac sign with the following positive features:

1. Mobility;
2. Flexibility;
3. Quick and easy assimilation of information;
4. Sociability;

But they also have disadvantages:

1. Optional;
2. Unscrupulousness;

Gemini is distinguished from representatives of other signs by a special duality, inconstancy in many manifestations. They are able to assess the situation from two sides at the same time, experience love and hatred at the same moment, and sometimes they themselves do not even understand the complex nature of their feelings.

Gemini is much more changeable than the weather. They could be considered absolutely obnoxious if they weren't so charming. Geminis are sociable, having conversations with them is extremely pleasant, and also interesting - they have a lot of adventures. In addition, Geminis easily absorb knowledge that is practically useless to them, and willingly share it.

Geminis are endowed with observation, but do not know how to benefit from it; worse than that, they often become suspicious, paying attention to little things and completely misinterpreting them. Geminis are prone to envy and, moreover, believe that they live among envious people, and sometimes even see enemies in their closest friends.

It is difficult to understand Gemini, and many suspect them of a tendency towards hypocrisy, not suspecting that Gemini, if they deceive, is first of all themselves.

Everything in the life of Gemini is ambivalent, even the attitude of the stars towards them: on the one hand, fate endows them with inconstancy in intentions, on the other hand, it tirelessly sends them trials in which Gemini finally gains perseverance and determination.

Gemini men usually develop their range of interests throughout their lives, but they do not go to their goal in a direct way, but in the easiest way - they do it by themselves. They might be interested various things, without seriously getting involved in any of them, and also to take risks without feeling afraid.

Gemini women are very smart and erudite. They learn easily and are also distinguished by their practical ingenuity. The Gemini lady rarely knows how to distinguish something truly important from the secondary; she seems absent-minded, but can instantly and without visible tension gather herself before a new breakthrough.


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