Executive Director of Production. Job Description of the Executive Director

  • What responsibilities are included in the competence executive director
  • What personal and professional qualities should an executive director have?
  • Where to find a suitable professional - in your company or in external circles
  • What salaries are set for executive directors at various enterprises, depending on the scope and scale of activity

The executive director of the company can confidently be called the “right hand” of the General Director. Unlike direct deputies, the list of responsibilities of the executive director includes supervising all aspects of the company's work.

Simply put, the head of the company draws up a business plan, and the executive must propose tactics for implementing the plans. Thanks to this division of labor, the CEO is able to focus on communicating with the company's business partners and clients, without having to lose resources to resolve and control the internal issues of the organization.

Powers of the Executive Director

As a rule, the executive director has the right to participate in meetings of the board of directors, representing the interests of the company in third party organizations. And at the same time, similar to the general director, the executive can sign documents within economic activity companies.

The main function of the executive director is to control production and timely fulfillment of contract obligations. Let us focus on the detailed list of tasks of the executive director in our company.

1. Production management:

  • drawing up production plans for the company, monitoring their implementation;
  • providing the necessary resources for production (including materials, equipment, suitable personnel, etc.);
  • coordination of equipment maintenance at the enterprise;
  • monitoring compliance with safety standards, product quality, costs and productivity;
  • taking measures aimed at increasing production efficiency, reducing the level of defects, optimizing technological processes, increasing labor productivity.

2. Personnel management:

  • planning the number of employees;
  • planning of personnel costs (including investments in their training);
  • operational management of administrative personnel (staff of more than 100 people).

3. Monitoring the timely fulfillment of the organization’s obligations when working with customers.

4. Solving other operational issues. Among other things, the competence of the executive director includes issues related to production services, information technology, technical support and the like.

CEO speaks

The executive director of our company is responsible for a fairly wide range of important issues. In particular, he controls the expenses of the enterprise, the execution of the company’s budget, ensuring income (including those received from key clients with whom this manager personally works), and directly profit. The executive director is also responsible for monitoring and ensuring the efficiency of internal corporate processes in the operation of the enterprise.

In our company, the right of first signature is traditionally given to the deputy general director, the right of second signature is valid for the financial director. We recently decided that signing rights will soon be extended to the executive director. In this case, he will also be held legally responsible.

In their practice, they note 4 categories of all executive directors. The right manager for a company depends on its goals.

  1. Innovator. Many businesses are trying to find an executive director who can be entrusted with leading a new strategic direction, with the implementation of a set of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of the entire business. The best option is to search for a charismatic personality for the company who can attract attention, interest people, drawing them along with him.
  2. Mentor. In the work of such a specialist, the main task is to help an insufficiently experienced general director in debugging the necessary business processes (including marketing, financial accounting, sales, etc.). If you need a mentor, you should look for a competent manager with extensive knowledge and significant experience in applying it in practice, as well as established useful connections and networking opportunities.
  3. Successor. If you are planning to transfer management of the enterprise to the executive director, you need to find a professional whose approach to business, experience and vision of future business prospects coincide with yours.
  4. Partner. You should invite someone who shares your values ​​to fill such an important role. It will be optimal if you can complement each other with him. As an example of such a duet, we can note the work of a relatively soft general director, prone to the principles of liberalism in management, and a tough executive director, who carefully understands all the details. To others effective option can be considered a general director who is passionate about development, who is actively searching for new niches for the enterprise and new business partners - together with the executive director, who ensures control of all financial flows and business processes of the company.

Our company has an executive director who belongs to the mentor type. In his work, he ensures control over the work of key functional blocks of the organization - including the IT department, project department, finance, marketing, administrative services and personnel management departments.

What should an executive director be able to do?

Like all top managers, it is desirable for the executive director to have a higher education and at least two years of experience in management positions. Also, certain personal qualities are required from the executive director; various skills and knowledge are important for effective work. Let's focus on the main ones:

  1. Active life position.
  2. Personal organization and time management skills.
  3. Analytical skills systematic approach to solving professional problems.
  4. Ability to make responsible decisions.
  5. Organizational skills, with delegation of authority.
  6. Adaptation to dynamically changing jobs, employee stress resistance.
  7. Ability to simultaneously work in an ERP system with a significant volume of documents and production tasks.
  8. Public speaking skills (in particular, positioning yourself as public company. Consequently, the executive director will be required to regularly participate in various conferences, communicate with the media, etc.).
  9. Ability to find original ways for work, survival and further development companies.
  10. Knowledge of various technical aspects (including production technology), with an understanding of the specifics of production processes.
  11. Knowledge of current regulations and legislative acts that cover the financial, economic and production activities of the company, understanding of the country’s environmental and tax legislation, regulations government agencies at local, regional and federal levels.
  12. Knowledge of economic, technical and social prospects in the development of a particular industry.
  13. Knowledge of nuances general structure companies.

How to choose an executive director

The executive director of a company is, in fact, the first deputy general director. Unlike deputies, the executive director oversees all aspects of the enterprise. His main task is to implement the strategy developed by the CEO. In other words, the head of the company is general business plan, and the executive director offers tactics for its implementation. This division of labor allows the CEO to focus on contacts with clients and partners, without being distracted by solving current internal issues.

Read CEO magazine's article on how to choose the best CEO for your company.

Responsibilities of the Executive Director

The responsibilities of the executive director are similar to those of the general director. After all, both act as directors of the company (except for situations where personal responsibility is established for the general director). Article 277 Labor Code regulates that the head of the organization bears full financial responsibility for damage. The condition for the manager’s responsibility does not need to be fixed in employment contract. But in our company, the employee has to enter into a certain condition “about financial liability for direct actual damage to the employer due to guilty actions on the part of the employee.” The responsibilities of the executive director are discussed in detail in his job description “The executive director is responsible for:

  • personnel management;
  • providing reliable information on the state of work in the designated area;
  • untimely provision of various data in your reporting;
  • failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions from the general director and members of the board of directors;
  • failure to ensure compliance with executive and labor discipline on the part of employees who work subordinate to the executive director;
  • material damage to the company;
  • violation of internal labor regulations, as well as safety and fire safety rules in force in the company;
  • violation of labor discipline and other offenses within the scope of their activities.

The executive director, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 30 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is also responsible for the consequences decisions made if they are beyond the scope of his authority. Responsibility also remains for actions committed by employees to whom the executive director has delegated his rights. It is possible to apply against the executive director all disciplinary measures prescribed by law - including dismissal under clause 5 of part 1 of Art. 81 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Like any official in an organization, the executive director also bears responsibility, which is established by administrative, civil and criminal legislation.

What is better: look for an executive director from outside or promote an employee of your own company

The company was given a difficult task - it had to strengthen its leading position in the smart card market. We needed an experienced professional who would not require additional training. Therefore, we started looking for a third-party specialist, without trying to develop such an employee within our ranks. Moreover, the company at that time did not have employees who were potentially suitable for this task. But sometimes situations are possible when the head of a company is more important than the employee’s loyalty to the organization than his qualifications. In this case, a candidate can be attracted from the personnel reserve of his company.

CEO speaks

Alexander Buidov, General Director of the company "R.V.S.", Moscow

It is better for the company to attract outside specialists, although this option is not without certain disadvantages. When trying to find an executive director, they needed a fresh look and new solutions. Only under this condition would they be able to identify existing shortcomings that were perceived by existing employees practically as the norm. Therefore, an employee who had not previously worked in our company became the executive director. But when choosing a specialist, be sure to consult with business partners, taking into account their recommendations.

Alexander Orlov, owner of the Nota Blanca restaurant, Moscow

It is logical that it is difficult for a shareholder to transfer management of his company to a third party - after all, he has invested significant funds, time and effort in his business. There is always a certain trust issue. Often, new managers begin to perceive themselves as full-fledged business owners, confusing personal profit and enterprise income. Therefore, it is important to attract “your” person. In my case, it was my son who took up restaurant management. Now we are equal partners, but all administrative issues are on his shoulders. I decided to free myself from many routine tasks; I don’t have to worry about the problem of abuse of powers of this executive director.

I can confidently call family business ideal option. But still, the relative must be truly a professional.

Executive Director Salaries

The total remuneration of a specialist is formed from salary and additional bonuses. Depending on the list of responsibilities and the scale of the enterprise, options are possible for the executive director if he achieves the specified KPIs, and the provided social package may also vary.

  1. Executive director of an all-Russian retail chain. The fixed salary is from 15 thousand dollars per month. To attract such a manager to a region where lower salaries are expected compared to Moscow, it is necessary to provide an expanded social package, options and bonuses.
  2. Executive director of a large diversified holding company. The fixed salary is from 20 thousand dollars per month - and is supplemented by bonuses. Total monthly income can exceed 30-35 thousand dollars per month.
  3. Executive director of a metallurgical company. The salary is in the range of 20-50 thousand dollars per month. Remuneration for executive managers at subsidiaries turns out to be lower, from 10 thousand dollars.
  4. Executive director of a small enterprise. The monthly salary is from 7 thousand dollars.

I approve
General Director of JSC (LLC)
Order N ____________________
from "__"_____________ 200 _ g.

Job description executive director

1. General provisions

1.1. The Executive Director reports directly to
General Director of the company.
1.2. The main task of the Executive Director is to implement
operational management of the company (planning, organization of work,
control, ensuring work motivation).
1.3. The executive director manages all functional
divisions of the company through the managers of these subordinates
1.4. The executive director is appointed and dismissed by order
General Director.
1.5. The Executive Director replaces the General Director (according to his
order) during his absence.
1.6. During the absence of the Executive Director, he is replaced by
by order of the Production Manager.
1.7. The following conditions are established for the Executive Director:
concerning his working time and rest time:
irregular working hours;
additional leave to the main one, the provision of which
provided in agreement with the General Director.

2. Qualification requirements and the required level of knowledge

2.1. Required level of education and employee experience:
higher education in economics, finance, accounting
accounting, management, marketing, business, jurisprudence;
work experience in commercial companies - at least 2 years.
2.2. The executive director must know:
legislation concerning commercial activities, including
foreign economic activity;
corporate regulations of the Company;
the company's mission;
strategy (policy) of the company;
her tactics;
forms and procedure for financial settlements;
procedure for processing financial transactions;
organization of document flow in commercial activities;
procedure for acceptance, posting, storage and delivery of goods;
rules for conducting inventory of goods, settlements and payment
rules for conducting inspections and documentary audits.

3. Responsibilities

3.1. Organizes the work and effective interaction of production
units and structural divisions based on:
production budget and resource assessment;
operational ones formed by him and approved by the General Director
company plans;
optimal distribution of resources among departments;
developed communication system (lighting information system
and progress assessments);
setting tasks and forming work plans for individual
structural parts of the organization;
forming the goals of individual managers based on the goals of the company,
plans for their activities according to goals;
implementation of a system of material and moral incentives;
monitoring the implementation of work plans of departments;
procedures and rules for interactions between departments, structural units and
company employees.
3.2. Participates in the development of the company's strategy.
3.3. Conducts operational financial and economic analysis
activities of the company and divisions. Regularly informs about results
analysis of the General Director and his deputy.
3.4. Organizes, monitors and is responsible for the implementation of all orders
General Director and his Deputy.
3.5. Working on improving the motivation system
(remuneration) for the company's employees and is responsible for its implementation.
3.6. Regularly informs the General Director and his deputy
about the progress of work in the company and the implementation of plans.
3.7. Carries out operational assessment of the company's performance,
shortcomings and develops plans to correct them.
3.8. Responsible for implementing company policies and carrying out events
on development value orientations in the activities of the company.
3.9. Responsible for compliance with labor discipline and execution of orders
and orders.
3.10. Responsible for the proper organization of office work in the company,
legal and economic elaboration of contracts, contracts, agreements
etc., preparation of documents.
3.11. Organizes effective work the company's apparatus and provides
uniform workload of personnel.
3.12. Prepares weekly financial and resource analysis form.
3.13. Draws up operational plans (monthly and ten-day) for the company with
their approval by the General Director.
3.14. Organizes a system for informing company employees and
coordination of actions (bulletin boards, meetings, etc.).
3.15. Monitors the activities of departments according to their work plans.
3.16. Ensures the implementation of the material incentive system.
3.17. Takes care of normal working conditions for employees
3.18. Ensures compliance with goals, principles, policies, rules and
procedures adopted in the company, works to improve them.
3.19. Responsible for the implementation of all orders for the company.
3.20. Prepares company meetings.
3.21. Prepares draft contracts, contracts, agreements.
3.22. Monitors compliance with labor discipline.
3.23. Identifies and resolves independently and with guidance
shortcomings in the company's performance.
3.24. Responsible for logistical support of activities
company apparatus.
3.25. On behalf of the General Director, organizes or carries out
personally individual tasks and assignments related to the field of activity
3.26. Determines the course for the efficient operation of the company’s apparatus and
uniform staff load.

4.1. The executive director has the right to independently decide
decisions and organize their implementation by subordinate staff within the framework
its competence, determined by section. 3 (responsibilities).
4.2. The executive director has the right not to implement decisions
Director General, if they contradict the current Constitution,
legislation and corporate regulations.
4.3. The executive director has the right to make proposals
to the General Director for improving the work of the commercial service
and the company in general and receive a response to your proposals.
4.4. The Executive Director has the right to represent to the General
proposals to the director of the company to encourage employees for good job and about
punishing persons who do not fulfill their assigned duties.

5. Responsibility

5.1. The executive director bears disciplinary responsibility for
fulfillment of the duties assigned to him:
for failure to fulfill the plan;
for failure to make decisions on issues within his competence;
for untimely and incomplete submission of the established
for the accuracy of the data provided in outgoing documents;
for ensuring compliance with the level of qualifications and competence
personnel for the tasks to be solved;
for ensuring the commercial secret of information transferred to him;
for the safety of documents constituting a trade secret, when
subject to pre-qualification of such information and documents as
containing a trade secret, by a person authorized to do so, and the creation
conditions for ensuring the storage of documents constituting a commercial

An executive director is a leader who reports only to the company's CEO. If the director submits ideas for improving the company’s activities, then his right hand develops tactics that will help achieve the goal. In other words, the responsibilities of the executive director include complete supervision of the company's activities.

How did the profession of manager appear?

Each profession has its own history of origin. In the case of a manager, everything is quite simple. In any society there must be a leader, and this applies to both groups of animals and people

Among animals, the leader is the strongest, the bravest. The animal that can protect its flock and lead.

As for people, everything is quite simple here too. The economy was constantly developing, and a leader was needed who could take the helm. First, the director appeared - the most important person in the organization. Over time, he needed help, a right hand, and this is how the profession of a manager appeared.

Manager's responsibilities

Job Description of the Executive Director:

  • Production process management (drawing up plans, monitoring their implementation, optimizing the process from a technical point of view).
  • Personnel management (recruitment of employees, their initial training and coordination of work).
  • Ensure that all work is completed on time.
  • Optimization of enterprise operation.

The rights of the executive director include hiring employees, signing documents, and attending meetings with other managers.

Manager rights

The newly appointed top manager has the following rights:

  • Within the limits of his authority, act on behalf of the company.
  • Represent the interests of the company at meetings with business partners.
  • Within the limits of his competence, dispose of certain property of the enterprise.
  • Receive from the main manager the necessary information on the activities of the company.
  • Make adjustments to the work structure.
  • Hire new employees, including a personal assistant.

Requirements for an employee

Every person dreams of achieving success in their career and occupying a leadership position. Executive director is not only a prestigious profession, but also in demand. You need to have special traits to occupy this position.

Basic requirements for the candidate:

  • Availability higher education(preferably economic).
  • Work experience in a similar field is preferred.
  • Experience in company budget planning and preparation.
  • Ability to negotiate with potential clients and investors.
  • Having organizational skills.
  • Characteristics of the personal plan - determination, good discipline, resistance to stress.

Categories of managers

The job title of an executive director depends on the purpose for which the company hires him. There are four main categories:

  • Innovator. Very often there are companies that are looking for a manager in some new project. IN in this case a leader must be a charismatic person so that people are attracted to him. An innovative manager takes the company to the next level new level, optimizes its operation.
  • Mentor. This is the executive director whose responsibilities are to be the right hand of the general manager. Such a person must have extensive experience in this field in order to give competent advice and help the boss in everything he asks for.
  • Successor. It is possible that the chief director is soon going to leave his post, in which case he begins to look for a replacement in advance. The CEO must be a forward-thinking person, show initiative and constantly provide ideas for the development of the company. Only in this case will he become a good successor.
  • Partner. If you decide to find a partner for yourself, then the person who shares your views and values ​​is suitable for such a position. It is advisable that you complement each other and find common language. The director must have full confidence in his right hand, only then will they become good partners and achieve effective results.

Personal characteristics

The executive director of a company must not only be an excellent professional in his field, but also a strong personality. Having the necessary qualities, he will be able to lead the staff, defend his point of view and raise the company to the highest level.

What a good manager should be like:

  • Have an active life position and clearly know what result he wants to achieve.
  • Be disciplined so that staff can follow his example.
  • Be able to find an approach to solving problems of any complexity.
  • Be able to make responsible decisions, be able to say “No” when necessary.
  • Be a leader, but do not use your official position for personal gain.
  • Be able to speak publicly in such a way as to position yourself as a successful, confident person.
  • Make the staff believe in him, support his point of view.
  • Deal carefully with conflict situations.
  • Know all the nuances of the company’s work structure and understand the legal and economic aspects of its activities.

Manager's Responsibility

The executive director's work instructions indicate that he has the same responsibility as chief representative companies. The only exceptions will be those cases when this is recorded in the document. The manager monitors the functioning of the enterprise and is responsible in the following cases:

  • For non-compliance by staff with discipline and failure to fulfill their direct duties.
  • For late submission of accounting reports.
  • For causing material damage to the company.
  • For violation of safety regulations (basic rules).
  • For violation of labor discipline.
  • For the consequences of decisions that were made outside the scope of authority.

Where to look for a good manager

The CEO is often faced with a very difficult task - to find an external manager or to promote one of his employees. TO this issue needs to be taken very seriously.

Of course, an employee can always be found through an advertisement. But there are risks here. A person may have an amazing resume, but in reality it turns out that he does not have the necessary leadership skills. In addition, a stranger will need time to establish relationships with staff and understand the structure of the organization.

It is for this reason that very often the head of a company decides to promote one of his employees. This has its advantages:

  • The staff knows the person, trusts him, it will be easier to establish contact, this will make the job easier.
  • The job description of the executive director is already familiar to the employee; it is possible that he even has an already developed action plan according to which he will quickly establish the functioning of the enterprise.
  • The main manager already knows all the strengths and weaknesses of his employee.
  • The employee knows well the structure by which the company operates.

Employee motivation

The executive director, whose responsibilities are clearly defined in the regulations, must be well motivated. A person should not only love his work, but know that his work will bring certain results.

Motivation can be either further promotion or wages. Certainly, financial side question interests every employee.

It is advisable that chief executive provided the manager with a salary scale according to which he could calculate how much he would receive. Fixed rate and permanent bonuses are the best option.

The salary schedule must have indicators that must be achieved new employee. Based on these indicators, the size of the possible bonus will be calculated.

If the CEO knows that he is constantly receiving rewards, he will strive to work even harder to earn more. As a result, the structure of the enterprise’s functioning is improved.

Why do you need an executive director?

Sometimes the chief executive of an enterprise believes that he does not need to hire additional personnel, including managers. This decision is unjustified. Help is always needed; you cannot rely only on your own strength.

If you neglect such a profession as a manager, then you have to believe that the company will not stay afloat for long. Exactly this person fully monitors what is happening within the company. The manager resolves conflict situations and prepares financial reports.

The chief director then only has to double-check how correctly the work was done.

Let's sum it up

The manager is very important person for any enterprise. Good specialist will not only keep the company afloat and ensure that the staff fulfills their duties.

A good manager will do everything possible to optimize the operation of the enterprise and improve employee relationships as much as possible so that conflict situations do not arise.

Approach the selection of personnel for management positions very carefully, then your company will achieve high results in a short time.

Most often, when they see signs with the inscriptions “CEO”, “Executive Director” or “Chairman of the Board of Directors”, people think that it “doesn’t matter”, and “CEO” is for solidity. Unfortunately, sometimes even novice entrepreneurs who draw up the charter, for example, of a company with limited liability, do not know how an executive director differs from a general director.

In fact, there are differences and they are quite significant. In order not to look misunderstood (or even worse, funny), you need to know this difference in order to correctly name the corresponding position. Sometimes there are titles that make you smile, such as CEO.

Before defining the difference between a CEO and an executive, let's consider what unites them. Firstly, both of them manage a team of subordinates. Secondly, both are accountable to a higher authority and are also responsible to it. Finally, thirdly, both can be appointed and removed from office by the owner of the enterprise. The procedures for appointment and dismissal are usually clearly written down in the company's charter, contract, or job description.

General Director

The phrase “CEO” implies that there is a “director” subordinate to him. The structure of large enterprises often provides for the positions of financial director, human resources director, production director, and so on. In this case, the head of the enterprise (firm, organization) is the general director, who heads the directorate of the company. He is the one responsible for the activities of the entire organization. His position is secured by an order that establishes the structure of the enterprise, as well as the functional responsibilities of the managers assigned to him. senior management.

The general director's responsibilities are described in more detail by his job description and contract. When establishing a large multi-industry enterprise, this position is secured by the charter.

When creating a limited liability company supreme body is general meeting participants. Russian legislation interprets quite broadly the names of company participants who have a share in the authorized capital.

Read also: Job responsibilities of a watchman

They may be named as founders, members or directors. IN the latter case the chairman of the meeting (sometimes this is the company participant with the largest share in the authorized capital) is called the general director. However, in this case, he is not responsible for the operational management of the organization. Sometimes the board of founders, headed by the chairman of the board, approves the general director for the operational management of the company.

General Director in in full is responsible for:

  • financial condition the enterprise/organization entrusted to him;
  • development of the enterprise, increase in sales volumes/revenues, profits;
  • compliance of the enterprise structure with its activity profile and development program;
  • representing the interests of the enterprise, interaction with commercial organizations, government agencies;
  • compliance with laws;
  • maintaining an effective personnel policy, especially among middle management;
  • development and adjustment of enterprise development plans;
  • reduction of non-production costs;
  • efficient use of enterprise assets.

The rights and responsibilities of the general manager are described in more detail in his contract (employment agreement), as well as in the job description. These documents must be agreed upon (approved) by the owner of the enterprise or an authorized body.

Executive Director

The executive director can manage the enterprise, both as a whole and its individual divisions. It all depends on the size of the organization, its functions and purpose. Let's consider such situations in more detail.

If the general director heads the board of participants (founders) of a limited liability company, then the operational activities of the enterprise are managed by the executive director. That is Both the general director and executive director are responsible to the owner. The difference in this case is not significant, but lies in the legal formulations recorded in the constituent documents.

In the case of a large structured enterprise, the differences between the general director and the executive director are quite significant. Let's consider this using the example of an enterprise that is headed by a general director, and along with other directors, he has a production director subordinate to him. The latter is not responsible for:

  • financial position of the enterprise as a whole;
  • correct payment of taxes, financial discipline;
  • conducting accounting, legal support of the organization’s activities;
  • errors in the implementation of marketing policies, supply of raw materials;
  • use of the organization's assets;
  • for the development of internal acts and organization structure;
  • for interaction with self-government bodies and federal authorities.

Executive Director is a prestigious position that many applicants want to fill.

His work is quite multifunctional. He must control the financial condition of the company and the work of its personnel.

A person holding this position must have a number of qualities: be responsible, purposeful, organized and stress-resistant. Applicants without specific work experience and mental abilities will not be hired.

Therefore, before applying for the position of executive director, you need to familiarize yourself with his responsibilities and nuances that may arise during his service in this place.

What does this position entail and its relevance?

With the growth of enterprise activity, senior managers have a need for assistants who can take a leadership position and motivate employees and monitor the work as a whole. Therefore, positions such as executive director and director in charge of the company were introduced. The executive director holds a leadership position and reports only to the general director, who has the right to delegate his powers.

Manager's competencies described in constituent documents companies. An employee of this kind is needed by large firms and organizations engaged in diverse activities. The amount of work at enterprises is quite large, so a director (executive) is needed in order to control the entire organizational process.

Personal and professional requirements for the candidate

To fully implement job responsibilities executive director, person must have personal qualities. These include:

Without professional qualities You won't be able to become an executive director. Employers have the following requirements for potential applicants:

  • availability of higher education in the specialty profile;
  • experience in a similar field (from 3 years);
  • knowledge of current laws and regulations directly related to the activities of the organization;
  • experience in conducting negotiations and business meetings;
  • availability of budgeting, planning, and organization skills.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then easiest way do this using online services, which will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization, and you are thinking about how to simplify and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services will come to the rescue, which will completely replace an accountant in your company and save a lot money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed electronically and sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

Functional and job responsibilities

The executive director typically works irregular hours. This is due to the presence of a large number of officials and functional responsibilities which are assigned to the employee.

The main function of a manager is to control the work of all departments of the company. He must draw up plans to promote the development of the company and its branches, and ensure that all links organizational structure they were adhered to.

Occupant of this position obliged to control activities of enterprise employees. His powers include drawing up and signing orders, imposing fines and incentives on workers. He has the right to conduct and select suitable candidates.

All documentation of the HR department:, etc., is checked by the manager. This also applies to other departments in which they prepare reports and carry out transactions with finances and material assets that are the property of the company.

Responsibilities related to clients, customers, third-party companies:

  • timely verification of receipts cash to the company's account from counterparties;
  • holding business meetings and negotiations with clients;
  • work with debtors (to the judicial authorities in case of non-payment);
  • attracting audit companies to audit financial activities in divisions.

Executive Director must keep under control All business transactions related to money. Under his leadership, the planning and distribution of the organization's cash flows is carried out.

The manager holds events among shareholders and monitors the timely payment of dividends. Organizational functions also include holding corporate seminars and meetings.

Rights and responsibilities

The executive director has rights. These include the right:

Executive Director bears responsibility for the following:

  • the quality of your work;
  • damaged or lost company property;
  • violations in the workplace in your presence;
  • efficiency of the enterprise;
  • wrong decisions that resulted negative impact on company affairs;
  • concealment of financial statements;
  • financial result of the organization.

What to include in your resume

In order to apply for the position of executive director, you must indicate:

Features of the position

Any field has its own characteristics regarding the specifics of work.

Executive director who works in a construction company, must have a higher technical education and at least 5 years of experience as a manager in the construction industry. He needs to know the laws regarding capital construction, as well as all technical regulations.

Regarding HOA, the executive director in this area is appointed through elections. He must be honest and protect the rights of owners of apartment buildings. Before taking office, he must convene audit commission to verify all property belonging to the partnership.

IN associations The executive director is elected for a period of one year. He has the right to assemble commissions to resolve issues related to the problems of the association and take into account the interests of all members of the association.

The importance of this position in the work of any company is described in the following video lessons.
Part 1: