It means breaking up with a guy in a dream. Why do you dream of parting with loved ones, with your loved one? Basic interpretations - why do you dream of separation?

Most often, the interpretation of a dream about parting with a loved one is auspicious symbol. Sometimes such a dream warns against rash actions that can lead to a quick separation. If you listen to the warnings, your relationship with your loved one will be long and strong. To correctly interpret such a dream, it is important to pay attention to some details and features of night vision.

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Breaking up with a boyfriend or divorcing your husband in a dream

Many girls believe that a dream about breaking up with a guy threatens to soon repeat these events in real life. But that's not true. No matter how bad the dreamer felt from what she saw at night, in reality it promises an improvement in relationships. You can expect the establishment of complete trust and mutual understanding between the girl and the young man. There is a high probability that a new level of the couple’s relationship will develop.

If married woman I saw a divorce in a dream from my current husband, which means she is too focused on this man. There are omissions between the spouses, the discussion of which would call into question the authenticity of the wife’s feelings. Such a dream predicts a quarrel between spouses and a showdown in reality.

A dream in which the couple reconciled after breaking up suggests that although the current relationship will continue, the girl will not be completely satisfied with it. If the initiator of reconciliation is a young man, this means that he is uncomfortable in the relationship. To prevent quarrels that could lead to a break in the relationship, partners are advised to talk frankly and listen to each other’s feelings.

Don't pay attention to similar visions girls who have experienced a breakup with a loved one in reality. In this case, the girl experiences the event very emotionally, which is reflected in her dreams.

The dream book of American psychologist Gustav Miller also gives several options for interpreting dreams about breaking up with a partner:

  • If a girl had such a dream, then in real life the relationship is not in danger, it is strong enough and will last for a long time.
  • A dream in which only one of the partners wants to end the relationship indicates that the couple has some disagreements. But they do not pose a threat, and a heart-to-heart conversation will help resolve controversial issues.

The guy wants to break up

If the initiative to break up comes from the guy, then such a dream is a harbinger of the end of the relationship in reality due to the cooled feelings of the young man. In the current circumstances, the most successful solution to the problem will be a conversation with your loved one.

But if a guy breaks off a relationship because of his beloved’s infidelity, the dreamer’s own feelings are no longer so strong and ardent. The dream promises the appearance of a new person in a girl’s life, to whom she will have strong love and affection. The new relationship will become much more pleasant and stronger than the previous one.

Emotional state in a dream

To correctly understand the meaning of a dream, it is necessary to take into account what the dreamer’s state of mind was in the dream, her feelings, emotions:

  • During a breakup in a dream, the girl begs her lover not to break off the relationship between them - in real life, mutual understanding reigns between lovers, they are used to trusting each other, and this trust is justified. A girl is worried about relationships, which means that her beloved is truly dear to her.
  • If a girl cries because of a breakup in a dream, then in reality she should expect an event that will bring great joy. It should be noted that tears in a dream, whether tears of grief or tears of joy, are a good sign that foreshadows the receipt of pleasant news and brings joy.
  • If the breakup of a relationship in a dream had no effect on state of mind the dreamer, she reacted to this situation with indifference, indifference, then in reality the girl lives a boring, monotonous life. In the near future there will be changes in better side not expected.

What day did you have the dream?

For the correct interpretation of a dream, the day of the week on which it occurred is also essential. Depending on the day of the week, the separation seen may be a warning or not carry any negativity.

Every night is under the auspices of one of the planets, which influences the reality of the dream.

From Monday to Tuesday

Dreams this night have deep energy. Thanks to her, such dreams have a warning character and prepare the dreamer for unpleasant developments.

If a girl dreamed that she broke up with her boyfriend, then now is the time to think about dramatic changes in life, reconsider your view on love relationship.

When interpreting, one should take into account whether the separation was calm or hot, emotional. In the first case, it is worth taking the relationship seriously, otherwise it will become mundane and tiresome for both parties. In the second, you need to try to smooth out sharp corners, otherwise conflict situations may arise.

From Tuesday to Wednesday

Dreams this night are influenced by Mercury; they remind a person of events that have already happened in the past. Also, dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday predict the future. But don’t be upset if you dreamed about something unpleasant. There is always an opportunity to change something.

A dream about breaking up with a loved one predicts the appearance of a rival for a girl, so you should be attentive and fight back in time.

A dream in which a girl and a guy separated by mutual consent is considered favorable. This will strengthen the relationship and enhance the love connection.

From Wednesday to Thursday

Being under the auspices of Jupiter, sleep from Wednesday to Thursday does not have a noticeable effect on love relationships. Jupiter characterizes changes in the financial sphere of a person’s life and in work activity.

Therefore, the dreamer who saw a dream from Wednesday to Thursday in which she is at odds with her loved one does not need to worry. No changes in relations are expected.

Such a dream speaks of the emergence of opportunities for personal growth and advancement. career ladder. At this time, self-education classes will be most productive, especially if you study with a partner.

From Thursday to Friday

The dream that night has colossal influence to the love sphere. He is under the influence of Venus, symbolizing love, passion, sensuality. Dreams on this night are often prophetic, but they come true only if you don’t tell anyone about them.

The dreamer’s dream of a breakup on the night from Thursday to Friday predicts complications in the relationship in reality. In order to avoid troubles in your personal life, you need to tell your partner about your dream and discuss it. You should also think about strengthening your love connection, try to bring passion back into the relationship by creating a romantic atmosphere and arranging some kind of pleasant surprise for your loved one.

If the girl is satisfied with what was predicted by the dream, then to fulfill it she only needs to keep the dream a secret from everyone.

From Friday to Saturday

On the night from Friday to Saturday, the patron of sleep is Saturn, which marks imminent changes and promises difficulties in life. However, such a dream not only serves as a harbinger of troubles, but also helps prevent them.

If the dreamer sees her loved one with someone else or if she dreamed of separation from her boyfriend, then in reality she urgently needs to dilute the grayness of the relationship bright colors. The young man feels discomfort, in some aspects - dissatisfaction with the girl, but fearing to offend her, he hides it. To maintain a relationship, a girl needs to listen to her partner, become more sensitive and attentive to him.

If a girl dreams of an emotional, stormy breakup, then some news will soon appear. However, it is not connected with love and personal life. When the dreamer sees a quiet and peaceful parting in a dream, then it is best to take a short break in life. Such a vision symbolizes fatigue from routine and relationships. In this case, you need to break the monotony or take a short break.

From Saturday to Sunday

The Sun influences dreams this night. It illuminates the right way solving problems that have arisen. Sometimes dreams from Saturday to Sunday turn out to be prophetic. If the dream is prophetic, then it should come true on the same day that it was dreamed.

The interpretation of a dream about parting with a loved one, which occurred from Saturday to Sunday, is quite simple. If the dreamer saw her lover with someone else, then in reality the young man is visited by thoughts of betrayal. If in a dream the dreamer committed treason herself, then this is a signal to leave behind a relationship that does not bring happiness.

From Sunday to Monday

The moon has its influence on the night from Sunday to Monday. Therefore, if you dream of parting on such a night, then what you see is a warning about the onset of unpleasant events soon.

Interpretation of a dream in which you break up with a guy Every young lady dreams of a long and happy relationship. And if that person appears in her life to whom it is quite possible to give the role of a life partner, then one of the natural manifestations of love may be the fear of losing a loved one. Often such thoughts provoke the appearance of dreams in which all our nightmares are embodied. And therefore, you should not be surprised by the dream in which you broke up with your boyfriend, because this is a product of your experiences. But you still need to think about it if you are not afraid of anything like that, but you still had a dream. Let's take a closer look at the explanations of dream books about breaking up with a boyfriend or current spouse.

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Photo gallery: Breaking up with a guy: does this dream foreshadow trouble?

Interpretation: why dream of breaking up with a boyfriend or divorcing a spouse

Despite the tragedy of what was experienced in a dream, most interpreters interpret such a picture as a good sign. Very often, girls who dream of a breakup think that something similar will soon happen in real life. But don’t worry, because the interpretations say the opposite. Very soon there will be much more trust and agreement in your relationship. It is likely that your feelings will move to a new level.

Dreaming of a divorce from your current husband suggests that you are too fixated on this man. Also, perhaps you are not telling your husband something that could be a reason to doubt you and your sincere feelings. Dream books interpret this dream as an upcoming showdown or scandal with a spouse.

If the dreamer imagined this picture and the breakup of a relationship or marriage took place in her real life, then this speaks only of one thing - the woman experiences this event too much, and emotions begin to be projected even in such a mysterious way.

If you dreamed that the guy wanted to break up

A dream in which your boyfriend is the initiator of the breakup is, in a way, a warning that he is deceiving you or his feelings have cooled down. It is possible that similar dream may be a harbinger of the real departure of a loved one. Try to talk to your boyfriend about his feelings for you.

When in a dream your loved one wants to break up with you because of your betrayal or other deception, then in this case it is worth reconsidering your feelings. Perhaps, soon after what she saw, the dreamer will have a bright acquaintance with a person who will be a more winning match than her current boyfriend.

Emotional coloring of a dream

Begging and begging for you to continue your previous relationship is interpreted as mutual understanding and loyalty to each other. This also indicates that you really have sincere warm feelings for your chosen one.

Cry in your sleep. Usually, any tears, whether from joy or grief, are interpreted by dream books as imminent joy or good news. In any case, soon some event will make you rejoice.

A breakup that you accepted with some indifference can be interpreted as living an empty, monotonous life. You can't expect any significant changes for the better.

Based on the above, what dreams of breaking up with a guy mean has many completely different interpretations. The final interpretation will depend on how exactly this event occurred in your imagination, and what feelings you experienced at the same time.

With a guy, you should definitely look into the dream book. Preferably, several at once. In these books you can find several interpretations that can help you understand what to expect from such a vision. And since the topic is interesting, that’s what we’ll talk about now.

Miller's Dream Book

If a girl didn’t want to break up with her boyfriend in a dream, and therefore the breakup was accompanied by hysteria and tears, then there’s no point in being sad about this in reality. Oddly enough, vision is considered good sign. It portends success in love and a very tender relationship filled with sensuality.

The girl, shedding tears, broke up with a young man who, in fact, does not exist? This promises her an interesting acquaintance that will happen in the near future.

If a girl had a dream that she broke up with a guy with whom everything was actually perfect in the relationship, this is good. Such a vision foretells them a long and happy life together. The more violent the breakup was, the more harmonious their relationship in life will be.

But if she broke off the relationship without any regret, then there is no point in rejoicing. In a dream this will bring relief, but in reality minor failures are coming, both in your personal life and at work.

Women's dream book

In a dream, a guy broke up with a girl, and everything went smoothly, but an unpleasant aftertaste remained? This portends the emergence of serious problems in life, the solution of which will take a considerable amount of effort and time. Where exactly should you expect failure? It is impossible to say with certainty, but it is recommended to prepare to overcome them.

Although such a dream can also be perceived as a signal from the subconscious. Perhaps the girl herself feels a gradual distance between her and the young man, which is happening in reality. It is possible that something about the guy “stresses her out.” In general, the vision simply warns the girl about the upcoming natural end of the relationship.

Interpreter Vanga

This book is also worth a look if you want to know what it means if you had to break up with a guy in a dream. It says this is more of a warning than an omen. The vision indicates the girl’s improper behavior. Perhaps she should become more attentive or less picky about her young man.

If the breakup was accompanied by a quarrel and intense anxiety, this is a good sign. Very soon the young man will give the girl a very unexpected surprise. If she doesn’t have a boyfriend, then perhaps she will find her soulmate in the near future.

A break with her ex-husband promises a woman a disease for which she will have to undergo treatment for a long time. But if in the vision she was divorcing her husband, with whom she at the moment lives happily in marriage, this portends a bright future for both of them.

Dream book of lovers

It would be logical to look into this book of interpretations. Here's what it says:

  • Did the girl leave the guy after allegedly learning about his infidelity? This raises doubts about his integrity in reality.
  • If the initiator of the breakup was a young man, then there is no need to worry. The dream suggests that very soon the girl will find complete harmony in her relationship.
  • Did she beg him not to leave on her knees? Such a dream speaks of the softness of her character.
  • If, after a breakup in a dream, a girl came to a guy and asked him to come back, it means that in reality a difficult conversation with her partner is coming.
  • Did the dreamer suffer greatly, and tears flowed like a river? Oddly enough, this is a fun time.
  • Did her boyfriend cry during the breakup? This indicates that there are omissions in their relationship. It would do well for partners to be more sincere with each other.
  • Has a girl seen how, after a breakup, her ex-lover immediately leaves for someone else? This is not good. Very soon someone from her inner circle will deceive her.
  • In a dream, after breaking up, did the girl immediately find another boyfriend? This means that in reality she will be able to solve a complex problem.

By the way, if the breakup obviously occurred due to misunderstanding, this suggests that in reality the girl is too demanding of her boyfriend. She should stop constantly nagging him for petty reasons and start trusting him more.

What feelings did you experience?

This is also important to consider if a girl had to break up with her boyfriend in a dream. Interpretation depends on the emotions experienced. Here are the proposed interpretations:

  • The girl begged her lover to come back and try everything again? This promises a showdown, conflicts and quarrels in reality.
  • Did the dreamer take everything calmly and with understanding? Perhaps in reality she doesn’t particularly value relationships. If this is the case, then this union is not worth fighting for.
  • The breakup caused the girl so much pain and anxiety that she even woke up in tears? Such a dream promises a long and harmonious relationship.
  • Did the girl take the initiative to break up? This suggests that in reality she sees this turn of events as the only way to resolve the disagreements, problems and misunderstandings that exist in the couple.
  • If the dreamer happily agreed to part, it means that a new promising acquaintance will soon happen.

Many girls are very worried if in a dream a guy said: “We’re breaking up!” Which is understandable, because a breakup is always painful, even when feelings have already faded. But, as you can see, this dream does not always have a negative meaning.

If it's not forever

Sometimes “parting” is a synonym for the word “separation”. And sometimes you dream about it in just such a context.

Separation from a young man, as a rule, indicates that soon the girl will have to do very difficult choice. It will not necessarily concern relationships.

Did the girl experience a strange feeling of relief after she broke up with her boyfriend in the dream? The dream book believes that this indicates her fatigue from this relationship. Perhaps it's time to take a short break. Then everything will definitely work out.

If in reality a girl thinks that everything is fine in their relationship, but she has such a dream, she should be wary. Perhaps a serious quarrel is coming.

Also a bad sign is a vision in which the prospect of separation did not appeal to the girl at all. If at the moment of farewell she sobbed inconsolably, it means that in real life she will have problems at work. Perhaps due to the inability to find a compromise with the boss, companions or partners.

Breaking up with your ex

Sometimes I dream about something like this. If a girl breaks up with her ex-boyfriend in a dream, then this will at least surprise her. Why break off a relationship that is already over?

Be that as it may, such a vision indicates the regret she feels about what she has lost. Perhaps the breakup happened not so long ago, and therefore the feelings are still alive. It is possible that the girl considers this separation premature.

Have the young people actually separated a long time ago? Then the dream says that it is he who remembers ex-lover, and may be looking for a meeting.

But if you dreamed of a divorce from ex-husband, then you should be wary. There is a possibility that the new relationship will be unsuccessful, so you should carefully look at potential suitors.

Interpretation by days of the week

What exact night the plot was dreamed about also needs to be taken into account if a girl wants to know what she should expect if she broke up with a guy in a dream. In any case, it’s unpleasant to see such a picture, but interpretations will differ. The following interpretations exist:

  • From Monday to Tuesday. There is a possibility that their relationship is missing something. And if you want to preserve them, then it’s time to add “spark.” It is also possible that the girl’s lover greatly needs her support during this period.
  • From Tuesday to Wednesday. It is possible that the girl has a rival.
  • From Wednesday to Thursday. Perhaps changes are coming in your personal life.
  • From Thursday to Friday. It is believed that prophetic dreams occur on this night.
  • From Friday to Saturday. The vision is symbolic. It may indicate that things are really not going well in the relationship and need to be worked on.
  • From Saturday to Sunday. The dream may promise separation in reality.

But the vision that appeared on the night from Sunday to Monday, as a rule, does not carry any semantic load.

Why do you dream of parting with your loved one in a dream?

Parting with a loved one in a dream usually promises a long and happy life in pairs. Sadness and crying when parting - You will be successful in love, and if in reality you are not involved in a relationship, the dream foreshadows a quick acquaintance.

If, when parting with your loved one in a dream, you do not feel any bitterness or regret, it means that in reality minor troubles may await you. The more emotional the separation from your loved one, the more positive the prognosis for the next real events.

In some cases, parting with your loved one symbolizes your subconscious refusal of something, the severance of previous connections or the refusal of new offers that at first glance seem tempting.

In our dream book you can find out not only about why you have dreams about parting with your loved one, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see parting with your loved one in a dream in online dream book Miller.

Why does a girl dream of separation?

Most likely, a girl who had a dream where she broke up with her lover will worry for a long time, but do not despair. Perhaps this is just a reflection of thoughts. A girl who is fixated on relationships may well dream of a breakup.

If a girl dreams of a breakup, such a dream does not necessarily foreshadow a breakup with her loved one. Before sounding the alarm, you should look into the dream book and find out why the girl dreams of breaking up. Parting with friends or colleagues means trouble.

If in a dream a girl breaks up with her enemies, then such a dream speaks not only of success in business, but also in love. You should be more attentive to meetings that promise money, otherwise you may miss the opportunity to earn a decent amount.

Separation from loved ones, in particular from brothers and sisters, is a dream of love disappointment and jealousy without reason. If a girl dreamed of parting with her father and mother, such a dream will bring success. The sleeper will receive a reward for his labors.

A dream in which you break up with a young man speaks of the complexity of choice. This choice will need to be made in the future.

If a girl saw separation from her boyfriend in a dream, then in reality she was simply tired of a tense relationship. You need to take a break, take a short break and then everything will work out.

If a girl sees in a dream how she is parting with her pets, then soon she will have an addition to the family, possibly pregnancy. If the person sleeping in real life has already broken up with the person he dreamed about, and the same thing happened in the dream, then this is a warning that should not be ignored. You cannot return to this person. It's better to throw him out of your life. Forget and move on.

Separation from best friend predicts a fun time, perhaps the sleeper will be invited to a large-scale celebration: a wedding or anniversary.

If in reality a girl does not expect to part with her beloved, but she saw a dream where they are breaking up, she should be on guard in the relationship, otherwise there will be a serious quarrel. And all because of an insincere attitude on the part of the partner.

Don't get upset right away. It is better to analyze the dream, remember every little detail and only then interpret it. For example, if at the time of saying goodbye to her beloved in a dream, the girl was not very upset, then, most likely, this will be the case in reality. Sadness and melancholy will quickly go away, before the sleeping person has time to blink an eye. Soon she will be surrounded by the attention of other guys. If in a dream she broke up with her lover violently, emotionally, for example, with swearing or a fight, then in reality troubles are coming, which the girl will successfully cope with.

If you dreamed that your relationship with a guy ended abruptly, you shouldn’t worry; most likely, this dream will bring success in love.

If during a breakup a girl cries and sobs, then in real life she will not be able to compromise with her companions.

According to psychologists, most often dreams where you have to part with people indicate a fear of loss. It should definitely be noted with what emotions the girl woke up. If she experienced fear, then she definitely needs to find its origins.

Usually dreams tell about the secret and hidden experiences of those sleeping, so you should understand the relationship and, if necessary, put an end to it. If you dream of breaking up, it is likely that subconsciously the girl herself wants to break up with her boyfriend, but is deceiving herself, thinking that she is in love.

Why do you dream of Parting?

ABC of dream interpretation

Dreams about divorce and separation are more often a fear of such a reality than the news of it. They call for independence of opinion and self-realization of the dreamer.

Breaking up with someone means change, self-affirmation, new meetings.

Breaking up with someone in a dream means loss or separation awaits you in reality. Don't try to get back what you lost, it's useless.

Eastern dream book

Why do you dream of Parting in a dream according to the dream book?

Parting with friends means minor troubles; parting with enemies means success in love and commercial affairs.

Family dream book

A stormy separation from friends portends a lot of minor troubles.

If you abruptly break with ill-wishers in a dream, success in love and business lies ahead of you.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream of Parting?

A dream in which you part with friends and companions means that small troubles will overshadow your daily life.

If you dream that you are parting with your enemies, this is a sign of success in love and commercial affairs.

Dream book for lovers

If in a dream you part with your enemies, success in matters of the heart awaits you in reality.

Dream book for a bitch

Parting - you will be haunted by small but annoying troubles and problems.

Breaking up with someone in a dream means success, good luck in business and love relationships awaits you in the future.

Miller's Dream Book

If you dreamed of a stormy separation from friends or companions, this portends a lot of minor troubles in your everyday life.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Parting - an overly emotional parting with friends or business partners foreshadows a lot of minor troubles in everyday life.

If you abruptly break with ill-wishers in a dream, this is a sign of future success in love and business.

Esoteric dream book

Breaking up with someone means meeting someone or strengthening ties.

With something - to acquisitions, successful purchases.

Online dream book

Meaning of the dream: Parting according to the dream book?

Parting with friends or business partners - you will be annoyed, but you will not experience serious difficulties.

Break with your enemies - you will be lucky, both in business and in your personal life.

If you dreamed of parting with a loved one - as evidence that you are constantly worried about the well-being of your relationship in reality and thereby attract various problems that will not keep you waiting in the very near future.

If in a dream a young lady sees a breakup with a guy, she should be prepared for a series of minor problems that will significantly spoil her mood.

If a man dreams of breaking up with a girl, in reality he will have to go to long journey, and this occupies all his thoughts, even causing anxiety and panic.

Why do you dream about breaking up with your boyfriend?

When a girl meets you on her life path the very man in whom he sees his destiny, there is a natural fear of losing him, because all thoughts are concentrated exclusively on him. The fear of losing is just a manifestation of love, which can cause dreams of breaking up with your beloved guy. You should not attach such a dream special meaning, since this is only the work of the subconscious, where a person’s most hidden fears can become reality. But still, we recommend that you remember the dream again in all its details and try to interpret it.

Why do you dream about breaking up with a young man?

Despite the tragedy of the picture seen in a dream, most dream books interpret this as a positive sign. Often representatives of the fair half of humanity believe that such a dream foreshadows a break in relationships, but this is not so. This symbolizes that soon harmony will prevail in the couple’s relationship, and there will be significantly more trust and agreement than there was before. If in a dream you saw a picture where a guy initiated the breakup, this can be considered a warning; it indicates that he may be deceiving you or his feelings have cooled down. To solve the problem, talk to your loved one about your relationship.

If you dream of betrayal and separation, in this case it is also worth reconsidering your feelings. Perhaps soon the girl will meet a young man who will be a better option than the man who is next to her at the moment. If a strong force prevails in a dream emotional coloring, you beg and beg the person to continue the relationship - this speaks of mutual understanding and loyalty of the partners to each other. It also confirms the sincerity of feelings. If you dream of breaking up with a guy, and you cry at the same time, any tears symbolize the approach of happiness and joyful events. A breakup in which you do not experience any feelings can be interpreted as living a monotonous life in which there will be no significant changes in the near future.

Breaking up with a guy in a dream - dream book

A dream of this kind is interpreted differently according to other dream books, for example, if you have a dream where you broke up with your ex-boyfriend, and at the moment you are already in another relationship, this symbolizes that in the near future you will be faced with the problem of choice . Also, a dream of this kind for a girl is a sign of her fatigue from the relationship. If in reality a representative of the fair half of humanity did not expect to part with her loved one, but in a dream the situation is completely opposite, this indicates an approaching quarrel. If the events that took place in the dream were emotional, for example, accompanied by a fight and swearing, then in reality the girl will face troubles that she will cope with without much difficulty.

A breakup that occurred abruptly and unexpectedly symbolizes success on the personal front. Some dream books interpret tears and experiences in a dream as success at work or promotion up the career ladder.

Psychologists say that often dreams where there is separation speak of hidden fears of losing loved one, regardless of whether it is a guy, a friend, relatives. It is important to pay attention to what emotions you woke up with; if the awakening was accompanied by fears, you definitely need to find the reason. Often it is dreams that reveal secret and hidden experiences. If a couple's relationship ends, a dream of this kind is a completely understandable phenomenon, and the girl is only deceiving herself that she is in love.

Dream Interpretation Breaking up with a girl

Why do you dream about breaking up with a girl in a dream according to the dream book?

If in a dream you saw a breakup with a girl you love very much, then the prediction is generally favorable. Will soon arise psychologically difficult situation, but together with your loved one you will overcome it.

This will give you a chance to verify mutual devotion, sincerity of feelings and seriousness of intentions. As a result, your mutual understanding will improve, your relationship will become deeper, and you will become even closer to each other.

Why do you dream about the person you broke up with?

Very often, a girl in a dream may dream about her boyfriend, whom she dated for a long time, but due to certain reasons she broke up. Basically, seeing a former loved one in a dream means that the sleeper is thinking about him, worrying about him and hoping for the resumption of this relationship.

In order to correctly understand why the loved one with whom the girl broke up is dreaming, it is necessary to take into account following features. A good sign It is considered when a girl sees her ex-lover very handsome and happy in a dream.

In reality, fame and popularity await her; she will be able to realize her most difficult goals. However, if a girl dreams of a scary and ugly guy, then in reality the beauty faces betrayal from loved one, which can turn all her plans upside down and negatively affect her personal and professional spheres of activity.

You should also be wary of new acquaintances and dubious events. A person can be highly susceptible to various stressful situations.

If a girl dreamed of a loved one with whom she broke up quite a long time ago, then in real life they will make peace again and be together. Over time, lovers will forget all the insults caused to each other and legitimize their relationship by marriage.

In a dream, seeing a loved one talking or kissing another girl means that the breakdown of the relationship is to blame for the rival, who was able to lure him to her side. Such a dream indicates that it is worth fighting for your love, that a man doubts the choice he has made. There is no need to despair and cry into the pillow; the girl needs to get her ex-boyfriend back in every possible way, since it is with her that he will be truly happy.

If in a dream the loved one with whom the girl broke up is in splendid isolation and very sad, it means that he constantly thinks about his former lover and wants to return, but cannot take the first step towards reconciliation himself. This dream is a signal that the relationship can be saved if the girl takes the initiative.

A dream in which a girl dreamed that she broke up with her loved one and then made peace again means that in reality, on her life’s path she will meet peculiar men who will bring her a lot of suffering. Frequent conflicts and scandals will become an integral part of her relationships with the opposite sex.

If a girl dreamed of a guy with whom she broke up because of his relatives, and in the dream the guy was with his relatives, it means that he misses her a lot and wants to be close, but his family does not approve of their relationship.

If a girl in a dream is looking for a loved one with whom she broke up, then this means that she cannot come to terms with the idea that she will not see him again, that they really broke up. Such a dream says that the girl needs to realize that he has his own life. Otherwise inevitable depressive state and depression.

It is considered a good sign to see a former loved one together with a handsome stranger. In reality, the girl will meet her future husband with the help of her ex-boyfriend. Acquaintance will be quick if in a dream two young people chatted vigorously or had fun.

Basically, seeing a loved one in a dream with whom a girl broke up means that she does not want to let him go. You should pay attention to how the guy looked: happy and joyful or sad and sad. If in a dream he was unhappy, then the relationship can be started over, and if he was carefree, then everything is fine with him.

Why the dream that you broke up with your boyfriend?



That's how it is. Towards lasting and good relationships.

Tatiana Ilyukovich

Perhaps you are simply afraid of losing him, so your fears come to you in a dream. Relax and enjoy your relationship!


If you dreamed that you were kissing your loved one in the dark, then you cannot avoid condemnation and gossip from others; if in the light - to decent behavior from your side. If a bride dreams that her beloved has married someone else, then in reality she will be tormented by causeless jealousy. A dream in which you are upset that your loved one is indifferent to you, then in reality you will be tormented by the question of choosing between marriage and independent life. If you dream that your husband or wife loves you, this means that nothing threatens your family happiness, and your children will delight you. Cheating on a loved one means deception on your part. If you dreamed that your loved one was cheating on you, then be prepared for the fact that your trust could be abused. However, if you cheat out of revenge, then your family life will be hassle-free. Receiving a photo from your loved one means that he does not love you, but is only using you to achieve his goals. For a young woman, a dream in which her lover gives her beautiful, expensive gifts promises her a rich, decent husband. If in a dream you are walking through a beautiful well-kept park with your loved one, then the dream promises you a pleasant pastime, as well as a successful marriage. For a young woman to dream that she is having dinner with her lover means that they are threatened with a quarrel and even separation. However, if they are very happy with the dinner, then their relationship will be cloudless. Saying goodbye to your loved one means that in reality you will feel his indifference. If you don’t feel sad when you say goodbye, then there will be many fans in your life.

Why do you dream of parting with your loved one in a dream?


Kira Charosheva

Dreams often mirror. So everything will be the other way around. Dreaming of crying means success. Fight - something will happen between you, thanks to surprise regarding his past.

Vangelia Pandeva

means your fears about the future

Alexey Revenkov

Dreams in which there is a camera or photographs, portraits, videos, monitors, televisions, storage media, a mirror, seeing yourself from the outside, being in the past or future, this is an indication that our whole life is recorded by the world of the adult mind and will receive an assessment in due time, this is a warning to live life in such a way that you are not ashamed and painful for your misdeeds and crimes, to prove worthy of becoming an adult with intelligence.


your fears



For me now the interpretation of sleep is very important!! My man serves in a hot spot!! We had a quarrel, and today in a dream another man came instead of my man, I immediately realized that this was not my man, that I felt mine, I called and he told me I’m trying to forget you... I woke up in tears...




My boyfriend had a dream a few days before leaving. that I tell him that we are not suitable for each other and are breaking up, what does that mean?


my beloved guy, who is in the army, had a dream from Friday to Saturday. I dreamed that he broke up with me and was dating a girl he knows well (but after the dream he didn’t remember her), but then he wished that he broke up with me and ended up being alone. and from Friday to Saturday I dreamed that he had left for a contract. Should we believe these s0us?


I dreamed today that I had an argument with my boyfriend, they seemed to have broken up, that he was constantly talking to someone on the phone and hiding from me, after that I went to the sea, and there was very little water there, the shore was visible on the other side, the sand was dry and pleasant, the water was clean too!!! what could this mean?


Good afternoon.
I dreamed that another girl came to my boyfriend, and he calmly stayed with her, and I was very worried about this.


I dreamed that my beloved left for another city unnoticed by me, we didn’t even say goodbye... I try to call her, she doesn’t pick up the phone.. I’m excitedly trying to get through and suddenly the answering machine answers me - “don’t call her, she has another person.. I I’m crying in a panic.. I’m confident within myself that she still loves me and that’s all that’s happening now, it won’t last long.. Later I’m still trying to call, she finally answered and tells me, don’t call me, we won’t be together anymore.. I’m crying .. I ask her - why? What's happened? What's happening? Explain to me at least.. she is silent on the phone.. I say that I don’t believe in it! And with that I woke up...


I constantly dream that I am breaking up, arguing or something like that with my boyfriend, although in reality everything is fine with us. Then, sometimes it happens that these dreams are also prophetic and then we quarrel, quarrel or break up.


My friends meet in reality, in my dream they parted peacefully, as if they didn’t care. And then I started dating my friend and we fought constantly


I saw that he kissed another and hugged her and talked to me as if nothing had happened and then in the end he told me that I don’t love you and we broke up


I dreamed of a young man I liked. And he told me that I needed to end this. We need to go our separate ways. I was upset, but not too much. Then he got high.


An acquaintance of mine came up to me and kissed me, and my boyfriend saw this and wanted to hit him, but I stood up for my friend and then I broke up with the guy and started dating Sasha (an acquaintance)


I met my boyfriend in a dream and was terribly offended by him, then I met my ex-love he confessed to me that he loves me and without leaving my real boyfriend I started dating this guy


My husband and I don’t live at the moment, I dreamed that we went on vacation together, but at some station, he went to get his luggage, called and left in the other direction, and I was very worried, I waited


I dreamed that my beloved said that we would grow apart and that I didn’t correspond to him. At that time I was on the train, he got off and I left. In reality, we have difficulties, we separated but did not break up, we see each other. A completely ridiculous situation happened and I am sure that we will get along not now. ion basically too.


Today I had the following dream: a man whom I recently met in real life and he told me that he was crazy about me, etc. today in a dream he said: we can only be colleagues, and I will ask you not to come into my office! He is for me. I called in my dream and said this


I dreamed of a correspondence with a guy, where he wrote that he didn’t love me anymore, then he wrote about a girl he supposedly liked, I went to his page and saw sp: in love with .... (I don’t remember) I started crying and woke up.


We were in the kitchen, in our kitchen at that, he was packing things up and insisting that I was boring and angry, and that he had met a nice and good girl and had already cheated on me with her!! I cried and asked him not to leave, but he didn’t listen to me.


When I dreamed 1 time when we broke up it was as if I just didn’t notice him all day and he didn’t notice me, I was swimming all the time and he just looked at me and I didn’t know about it, I only found out about it when evening came. When I dreamed that we broke up 2 times, we broke up there because we were just sitting in the entrance and then suddenly he confused me with my best friend, he almost kissed her, but her boyfriend pulled him away and he came up to me and I to him She said that we were breaking up, he kept asking why? I tried to go home but he stopped me and beat me.


I dreamed that I had a fight with a guy on the phone, he came and talked about something, he asked me to close the door behind him, he came out, the girl stood there, hugged her and walked away


I was sitting at a round wooden table with my boyfriend, opposite each other. we discussed and argued about a recent situation in our relationship. In reality this situation brought me a lot of pain and tears. and in a dream, after screams and a showdown, we parted. this is where the dream ended and I woke up


I dreamed that my boyfriend told me on the phone that we were breaking up and hung up. Then I dialed it myself and he didn’t answer, then he completely turned off the phone.


we were sitting in a noisy group, then why did she start kissing someone other than her boyfriend, but he saw everything and didn’t mind, then we silently argued and parted, I ran away and hid, then I came back and looking at him, tears began to fall, I left them and started crying a friend came up to the stone and asked, I told him, he left and I woke up in tears


I dreamed of breaking up with my best friend, we were going to different cities, in the dream she drove up to my entrance, I cried and she drove away in her car

Alena Yurievna:

My boyfriend broke up with me, I was standing somewhere on the side, and he was with some girl he knew. I had a very hard time in my sleep. I opened my eyes at night and tears flowed. I felt very bad at heart, it was hard.


in a dream I saw my boyfriend, that he had changed a lot and that he had been drinking before that... that he didn’t take care of himself... growing hair and a beard... I asked where he had gone, he told me that he didn’t want to talk to me


I dreamed about my boyfriend (whom I am dating) then my friend, And her friend, We were walking, and my boyfriend went somewhere, And my friend’s friend hugged me from behind, And we walked like this until my house, then when we got there, my friend appeared a guy with a girlfriend, I went home for some reason (I don’t remember), I go out, and then I see a picture: My boyfriend is standing hand in hand with a friend, I come up yelling at them, and that is, we quarrel very much, and then I always fall apart at the moment of a quarrel.


Hello! At first I dreamed about my wedding. It was quite modest. Just me and the groom (at the moment this is my boyfriend). We got married and suddenly the picture changes, I break up with my husband, but I don’t get divorced even when I meet or get to know others men, I say that I am married. What could this mean?


A guy and a friend tried to rape me, then I ran away, after which the guy started calling and texting me, but I didn’t answer, then I went up to my boyfriend and asked, do you love me? To which he replied No, no, I don’t know at all.


I dreamed that my boyfriend, with whom we had been dating for 8 months, told me in a dream that he had just broken up with another girl but was already dating me... What does this mean?


I had a dream that we broke up... ((Dream clear water, blue, then, I had a dream that I was arriving at a bus stop - she was standing at the bus stop - I approached her, hugged her and she held her in her hand mobile phone and an SMS came to her phone and it said “ Good night sunshine. “, although I came to her during the day. . Then I just snatch her phone, read the SMS - and leave... I come home, go to VK and she deleted the joint venture from her friends too…. ((((Why dream about this!!?


Hello. I dreamed that I broke up with my beloved girl, then left another because of her, and began to look for my beloved. I had a dream on Friday, the 10th.


Hello! Such an unpleasant dream. We had a big fight with my boyfriend and the next day I had a dream in which he lost interest in me and was rude to me. The reason for his behavior is revealed - he could not resist sexual contact with a girl under certain circumstances. After which they became together, she gloats over me. I was very depressed, crying and screaming. This girl is from reality, I don’t know her, but we work out in the same gym: she and I with a guy. My boyfriend runs up to give advice, and looks at me askance. Knows that we are in a relationship.


I'm talking to a guy, I like him, but he has ex-girlfriend in a dream he chose her and they wanted to get married and I was in a lot of pain in a dream I really wanted to cry but it didn’t work out


In the dream, my friend broke up with his girlfriend, and she started pestering me, and then we went to deal with magical glowing objects.

Akdaria Ermek:

Today I saw my boyfriend in a dream, he broke up with me, but he didn’t break up in real life, but wrote a message about the breakup that he would no longer bother me, what does this mean?


In a dream, I broke up with a guy I love very much, we broke up with him via SMS, the dream was similar to reality, but last hour it was October 5


I dreamed that my boyfriend left me after a small conflict with my dad, I calmly accepted it in the dream, but asked if he had cheated on me in two years, he said that he had cheated on me a lot.


I left my boyfriend in a dream and since I remember I went to someone else but I didn’t want to do it, I cried and called back but he left


A guy and I are sitting on a bench in someone else’s yard. It’s autumn. I’m sitting waiting for him. I’m persuading him to go home. He says we need to go to a friend’s house next door, then let’s go. In the end, I said, I went, began to leave, but he didn’t even look in my direction. I went, turned around the kindergarten, met some girls, maybe women, I don’t remember, I remember that the gender was female, we left together. Then... at home I call him and ask if it’s all right now, we don’t communicate? He says: What do you think?.. I told him: Why are you talking about nonsense now... I had to leave...


I was with my boyfriend... then I heard by chance that he was kissing my friend... I went to find out all this... we were arguing, I was running away from him... there was a quarrel... he tried to explain that it happened by accident... that when I was offended by him and left ... he saw that girl, he hugged her and kissed her by accident, which he didn’t think he had done... I couldn’t stand it... he tried to hug me, hold me close, explained everything to me... but I pushed him away and argued with him and proved my point. In the end, he abandoned it all and left with the words “I’m already sick of this... I’m leaving.”


This is the second time my boyfriend has dreamed that we are breaking up because of my ex-husband. In the dream, he sees that I am leaving for a meeting with him regarding documents and we are breaking up because of this.


I dreamed that my beloved and his friends were in the sauna. After the sauna, we got into some kind of gazelle and they took us home, but my beloved did not have enough space and he went on foot. I was sitting in the front seat and we almost turned over on the gazelle and I almost died. Then we went out near the entrance, but my beloved never came. The guys got into their car and went after him. But in the end they didn’t return and went on to rest. I called him and told him that I was leaving him because He’s not going home. He said go, we’re all breaking up. I hung up and started packing my things.


hello, I dreamed that my wife and I separated. I don’t know exactly why I don’t remember. But after that, how we separated, I got a new foreign currency of some kind, I don’t know or I don’t remember, either I bought it or stole it, I don’t remember, I remember that I separated with my wife Why did I dream this? is this true? how to make sure this never happens. thanks in advance


Hello. I constantly dream that I am leaving my husband, although he is very good and has not done anything bad to me, and then I regret it, try to find a reason to make peace, but he avoids me, does not contact me


Hello Tatyana.
It was like this:
It was early evening.
In the dream, she and I had our own two-room apartment, I was alone there, watching TV.
Suddenly my girlfriend came home, in a suspiciously good mood.
I asked her where she had been, she, in turn, did not answer me clearly.
I asked again a couple more times. (I pressed myself to say so.)
She answered me with a blank face that his name was Maxim and that they met this morning. I didn’t answer her and she started getting ready to leave somewhere, and I didn’t even try to stop her, although I really wanted to.
And so she leaves the apartment, I silently follow her.
She leaves the entrance. And then she is met by some guy on a motorcycle.
I looked at them for a couple more seconds and couldn’t stand it, I went home.
At home I walked into a large pale blue room. I turned on the TV again and just watched it sobbing...
It was quite realistic.
I would like to know in more detail what this could mean.
Thank you for the time I stole from you.


I dreamed that I broke up with a girl who was just an acquaintance at the moment, and after that I saw an old empty basement from which I couldn’t get out because the door was covered!


I dreamed of a man with whom we are not communicating now; when we met, he hugged and kissed me, and then we literally went in different directions.


I broke up with my boyfriend, and then started dating another, but he also suggested breaking up, but still, then we were together again.


Hello, please decipher the dream. I dream that I’m losing my husband, I’m looking for a long time, and when I find him, he doesn’t want to be with me. But then I fight for him and he agrees to be with me again. And the second dream is that I’m looking for him again and he appears, but it’s not him. But in the end I still find it. Thanks in advance


Good afternoon! I would like to understand what I should expect from my dream.. my boyfriend and I have been living together not so long ago, but the relationship has changed a lot.. and against the backdrop of all this, I had a dream last night... in this dream he openly tells me that doesn’t want to be with me, that he can only be friends with me... and also named the date when I should leave him... although this date is still far away... he said that I need to leave him from June 20-25.. This really hurts me... maybe he really thinks so? Maybe it’s a prophetic dream?? Help me figure it out..


I don’t really remember anything, but I somehow made a bad joke, thereby offending you very much, you cried, I asked for forgiveness, but you said that you were tired of everything, I don’t remember the exact words, but it seems you said we need to break up ... And then I got angry, but not at you, and said that WELL, OKAY, you ran away, I also left, then I ended up in the building and I felt very bad, I still remember this feeling of loss...


at first I dreamed of a girl with whom I am in love, but we don’t meet in life. In the dream we met, walked and for some reason rode motorcycles, she rode herself and I was with some person who rented motorcycles, we reached I don’t remember either the mountains or shore, then I don’t remember, but in the end we parted


my husband is sitting, I dreamed that I was sitting with other guys in the same establishment, talking to that guy and my husband heard everything, and when I saw him, I looked at my husband, he left without a word, I know this guy, but in the dream she called him by a different name? Tell me I’m very afraid of losing my husband. Why did I dream about this???


This is not the first time I have dreamed that my boyfriend is leaving me, and I call or try to do something - it doesn’t work. And various acquaintances of his come up and seem to console me, but very often they are sarcastic on this topic.


in a dream it was as if a man I like called me on the phone, but we are not officially together yet and says that we are breaking up and without a second thought I continue the conversation about nothing, as if he didn’t tell me this, but then he asked again, I heard or no and said yes


I passed by his house, his parents called me to his house. We were sitting in the kitchen with his parents and I said - why am I here, after all, Kolya and I broke up. And we actually broke up


I dreamed about it at lunchtime. We were sitting in a restaurant separately for some reason... I was with three girls and she herself... and then
she came up to our table and not knowing how to say, with tears in my eyes, I’m leaving you and left with some sportsman...


Hello. I dreamed of breaking up with my ex-boyfriend. It seemed like they had already broken up, but in the dream I still felt resentment and pain. Why would this be? Thank you


Constantly filming a breakup with a girl for two weeks... my relationship with her is normal, but my dreams make me tense


I broke up with my boyfriend a long time ago, yesterday before going to bed I wrote him a message that I was letting him go, and in a dream I dreamed that he was writing that he wasn’t letting me go


I dreamed that my girlfriend (we’ve been dating and living for 2.5 years) goes away and talks on the phone (suspicious) so that I don’t see or hear it, and before that I saw some kind of correspondence on her phone (suspicious but nothing more)


it was in the kitchen, my fiancé’s mother was present, he and I. His mother asked if I really behaved indecently with him in the cinema (although this is not the case) I replied that I think it’s better for us to separate and for him to live with his parents .after which his mother answered the same thing, and he resigned himself. Moreover, I felt discomfort in the dream


I like a girl, but she’s with another guy, and in a dream they broke up and she came to me, we kissed, why would we suddenly have such a dream?


My boyfriend brought me to the village with his friends, he was having fun, but I wasn’t at all, I was alone, we started arguing, I said that we should break up, but he said that he would never leave me, I said that I would do it myself and ran away from there, he took the money and phone, I still ran away, while I was running, a gypsy boy clung to me. I ran away from him, ran home, told my parents that if my boyfriend comes, then I’m gone


I dreamed of a girl, I met her on the street, she didn’t want to meet me. Then we somehow started talking. And then on the bus she said that we could break up.


I just started dating a guy and we've only been together for 2 weeks. Last night I dreamed about him: I saw him on some non-existent social network. Network his page, where it was written that he was in love with Angelina or Angelica, something like her name. I immediately told him that I could no longer communicate with him when he offended and deceived me so much. He didn't mind and didn't care because they were in love with each other. Then I dreamed that I lay down on the sofa at home and began to do bench press (barbell chest press). I do body fitness professionally, and the gym is part of my life.


I dreamed that I broke up with my beloved guy, just at one moment I realized that he left me and I began to suffer


Hello! Today I had 4 dreams last night and in each one my loved one abandoned me! I cried all the time, but when I was calm, he did me a favor, kissed me, but not for long! But he didn’t care about me at all in a dream, and in Java he’s afraid of losing me, but what scares me is that this is not the first time I’ve had such dreams!


as if married to an unfamiliar girl and after three days she leaves me. This dream proceeded in calmness and indifference


I woke up in tears, I have a girlfriend, but in real life we ​​have one problem: I am leaving at the behest of my parents for Moscow to study, and in a dream I dreamed of our separation, we stood next to my house, grabbed each other and cried, There were unbearable emotions, after which I woke up at 4 in the morning in tears :(
Please explain to me what this means?


I recently met a girl, everything is developing rapidly and very well, but at first I was afraid that I did not correspond to her status, now I hardly think about it. And today I had a dream in which my girlfriend offered to break up due to the difference in status... What could this dream mean?


At first we were talking normally on the phone with my girlfriend, then I started saying something about the guy from whom she copied something from her diploma, like I asked, do you want to break up abruptly, she said yes and laughed, I heard male voice and he was talking complete nonsense, I can’t remember a single word and the girl laughed, I didn’t hear it on the phone anymore, then silence and laughter, no matter how many times I called back, he either laughed or was silent, I said that I would kill him and called her, waking up at 3:30, I didn’t remember sleep but now I remembered in a dream I was very panicked and fear closed me down.


I had a dream in which the guy I live with told me to pack my things and leave, because... we are breaking up. At the same time, my ex-boyfriend’s mother was present and supported the current boyfriend in everything. Then I went to pack my things, and when I had almost packed them, he stood next to me and wanted to make peace with me. But I had no such desire.


I dreamed that my boyfriend was seeing off one girl and kissing her on the cheek, I thought it was his sister, but then I came closer to the window, I knew this girl, then he saw that I was looking from the window and he ran away and I started crying, I woke up with fear


I dreamed that I broke up with my boyfriend, I told him that I didn’t want to see him, and he silently left! It all started when I told him to remove one girl, but he continued to communicate with her! Then I broke off the relationship


in a dream I dreamed that the guy betrayed the girl. He took her beautiful and young, and when he got tired of her, he left her. I didn’t see any specific tears or grief. I just felt sorry for the girl.


Good afternoon! my friend approached my friend with kisses in front of my eyes. When I said that he should calm down, she told him to leave her phone number and then we’ll continue. In connection with which I broke up with her. Tell me what this is about? I’ve never talked about this and didn't even think


My young man was sitting with another girl in my presence, after which we had a fight and he sent me and he stayed with her


Hello, I dreamed that I was breaking up with my loved one and he said the following phrase to my friend: “you can take her for yourself” (meaning me). Then I dreamed of the house in which we lived with this guy. How can this be interpreted?


Hello! Five years ago I communicated very well with one of my friends, but then we quarreled and stopped communicating. He got a girlfriend. But just recently, he and I began to communicate well again, as if there had been no quarrel. And I dreamed that he was breaking up with her, and I was watching them quarrel. What is this for? Maybe this is just a projection of my consciousness, and I dreamed of what I really want?


my husband avoided me and went somewhere and I caught up in the crowd and then he seemed to pay attention to me and soon left with friends in the car for a walk, I called him but he didn’t pick up the phone


Hello. I often have almost the same dream. I’m losing my husband and worrying about where he is. It’s as if I’m alone, doing something and thinking where he is, how he lives now... It’s as if I’m asking someone where he is, how he’s doing .Sometimes flashes in dream husband, me I see him, but he doesn’t see me, or we meet him, as if after a long separation and I wake up,


I was talking to my girlfriend on the phone, but something went wrong, she got into a car that I didn’t know was driving and drove off, I called her on her phone and she broke up with me via SMS via phone, I called and the number was after that turned off, I was afraid that I wouldn’t see her again and woke up.


A dragon with many heads crawls out of the ground and my whole family lies on the ground and the dragon is on them, they only have their heads and arms visible, and on the rest of the body there is a dragon sitting and he slowly and mercilessly begins to bite off their fingers...


Hello. From Monday to Tuesday I had a dream that my friend broke up with her boyfriend. In life they have a lot good relationship, they very rarely quarrel, they meet more than a year. And I dreamed that we went for a walk with a group of friends, and my friend was smoking (although she quit because of a relationship). For some reason I knew that they had broken up. Everyone asked why they broke up, tried to make peace, but they refused to make peace. Please explain why you have such a dream?


I dreamed that my boyfriend came to me and we went to the store, then I noticed that his attitude towards me had changed and I said let’s break up, he started to be rude and that’s it, and then I cried a lot and my friend calmed me down


I dreamed that I was walking along the road with a friend, smoking marijuana buds and remembering that I broke up with my girlfriend


I dreamed that someone called the guy and I heard that it was some kind of girl, he didn’t want to admit at first, but then he said, I asked you don’t love me anymore, he said yes, then I answered that I don’t love him either and said that I also cheated on you , but I didn’t sleep with anyone, although there was a possibility, I also asked if we were definitely breaking up, he said yes. I asked why, but he said something that he didn’t like my last name, I said that the last name is completely normal! in general, the feelings have passed... this is such a dream, like a real one. but I stayed calm and in general it didn’t hurt. all this happened near his house in a car. I remember the dream very well. and even now there is some coldness in our relations...


He showed indifference, and it turned out that he said, I’ve stopped loving you, I’ve been wanting to go out with another girl for a long time, but I still won’t part with you.


We sat down on a bench and started kissing. I really liked it, and then he stood up and said that he was leaving me. Then I woke up


I dreamed about a girl I like breaking up with her current girlfriend via SMS. what could this be for?


Hello Tatyana! I dreamed that my boyfriend said that he liked my girlfriend and we needed to break up. I cried a lot.


Every day in a row my boyfriend dreams that we are breaking up, and after a while I already have another one. I'm worried because... in the dream book, separation means major conflicts, up to a break in relations. Is this true?


I dreamed that I saw my boyfriend and he didn’t even say anything to me, then my friend told me that he left me


I dreamed that my best friend broke up with her boyfriend and started dating me, how much I like her and even very much, but I don’t get involved in their relationship and then they break up and she immediately started dating me, why would that be?


I and my beloved were at some event, something like a birthday, in a cottage, the dream was about how my girlfriend provoked me by communicating with her ex-boyfriend, spreading her legs in front of him, relying on the fact that she was simply changing clothes in front of his eyes , and flirted with him. There was no such separation in him, but she provoked it. She can't behave like that in real life. And tonight her mother dreamed that we were breaking up, and she came home in tears, very upset. What could all this mean???


Hello, Tatyana. I dreamed that a couple of my friends, who had been in a strong relationship for quite a long time, were separated. I'm very afraid for them. Could this be a prophetic dream? What can I do? These are the people closest to me... Help, please!


My name is Artem. I was at home in a room, my wife (civilian) called from the kitchen and said that we were breaking up, I came to the kitchen (I don’t remember the conversation exactly), asked why, she said: well, you yourself were going to separate, and then I kind of woke up.( [email protected])


I had a dream as if I was standing next to my boyfriend and my boyfriend was standing next to him ex-boyfriend, I understand that my boyfriend and I are breaking up and I’m starting to date my ex. What could this mean????


I don’t remember him, but I definitely remember that when we broke up, I was very scared and when I woke up I was in an incomprehensible state


This time I dreamed of a guy I like. I would like to note that I dream about him quite rarely (although I think about him often).
The dream was that we were at my dacha and just talking. He asked me simple questions, I didn’t ask anything, I remember one of them: “What kind of ice cream do you like? ") In general, the essence is clear.
He even agreed to stay overnight, and then he and the company that was with us at the dacha went somewhere to the city, and this crowd returned without him.
Then he declares that we are breaking up.

Everything would be fine, but in real life we ​​don’t even meet, because I like him, but he doesn’t like me (this has been going on for two years now).
What would that mean?
The action took place in the evening.


I dreamed that my boyfriend and I were walking through a park with attractions, he was riding on a water slide (but it was as if it was actually made and there was not enough water, just a terrible slide) ... And my beloved injured his face while sliding, it was a little bloody , I started demanding money back for this attraction, but they refused me, the guy began to calm me down and say that it’s okay, everything will be fine and began to take me away. Then we found ourselves in some kind of shopping center and somehow it happened that he said that we were breaking up, I don’t love you, I liked someone else... he had a wedding bouquet, he said make a wish and whoever catches it is your destiny, I made a wish to love and be loved, he threw it into a crowd of people going up the escalator and he was caught by his friend Denis... I was simply in shock and then my beloved woke me up. We've been with him for 1.5 years, I'm 20 years old


I dreamed that I broke up with a girl (whom I see for the first time only in a dream in reality, I don’t know her... and as if after breaking up with a stranger, I came to my girlfriend (whom I’m dating in real life) and told her EVERYTHING I BREAKED UP WITH HER NOW WE WE CAN MEET CALMLY AND NOT HIDE...after she answered me YES SERIOUSLY? I answered YES SERIOUSLY and then I woke up!


I had a dream last night; such a dream had never bothered me before.
I broke up with my girlfriend due to my own fault, because of my too close communication with another female person, although in reality I would never do that! We broke up on her initiative, but through my fault.
The dream was colorful, it’s hard to say which colors predominated.
The dream was fast and sharp.
I fell asleep in the morning and after an hour of sleep I dreamed about this horror.


In my dream common-law husband leaves the house, taking things, and at this time I have guests... they are preparing something from food; for some reason, my daughter ends up in this house (although she is now in America)………., I see a lot of chocolates in the nightstand... .and they also give me a huge mushroom (looks like a butter dish) I want to take a bite of it, but I understand that it is raw


I dreamed that my boyfriend had been hanging out with his brother’s girlfriend and his old friend lately, starting to avoid me. When we met, he told me that we needed to break up.. I told him that he didn’t love me and doesn’t love me. He confirmed my words and said, I LIED TO YOU, STUPIDLY LIED TO YOU.. I DON’T NEED YOU.. I had a dream already under morning, I woke up I had tears in my eyes, and everything inside was squeezing me so much, my heart ached, as if this were reality.


Hello! Today my husband and I officially got married! And at night I had a dream that we had a fight at the registry office and they didn’t sign us up and we broke up. The dream was just from Thursday to Friday. Why do you dream of separation during a wedding?


I dreamed that my boyfriend was kissed by a girl pooping, I don’t even know her, and I saw and was jealous and my boyfriend saw that I saw that that girl kissed him and he ran to me. And there was some boy next to me, so I asked so that he would kiss me on the cheek, but he kissed me not on the cheek but on the lips, and I wanted to break away from him but he didn’t let go and my boyfriend saw this and I don’t really remember what happened next, but I remember that we faced off


I dreamed of breaking up with a young man, I was the initiator. Having learned that I wanted to break up, he began to scream, but then calmed down, after the breakup there was a feeling of regret and as if something was missing.


I dreamed that I broke up with a guy (I don’t remember the reason), and the next day he was already dating someone else... I tried to get him back, but he didn’t want it


We were at our house, me, my friend, my boyfriend, and someone else, we drank, we ate, everything was fine.. The dream was very confusing, I can’t remember much anymore... But I saw someone else’s opinion in the arms of my ex-boyfriend’s child.. I lost the current one in a dream, that is, they disappeared from the dream with my friend, I was left in the arms of someone else’s child and started calling to look for my boyfriend, but alas, in a dream I had very long hair


In fact, in reality, my boyfriend and I have not lived for three months. Both he and I still have feelings, but he is very proud and does not agree to reconciliation. I dreamed that I packed my things to leave my loved one a person, on his initiative, and in a dream he tells me that he will not stop me, and at the same time expresses some signs of attention, but does not stop me


I dreamed that I was drying my hair with a friend and her boyfriend came up to us and told her that he was leaving her and leaving for another and called my name


At first we were walking. Then we started having a misunderstanding and we started arguing. It was already evening, it was dark, I met a friend, we talked after the conversation, the girl was not there. I called her, she said that she was at the bus stop. I approached and she said I’m not pleased there was something like that, and she started hugging someone else’s guy. I got angry, hit the guy and slapped her on the back of the head. Then we walked and fought a lot. And while we were walking, I gave her a small hit on the back of the head 3 times. We got to my training, as if with a coach I had a fight. And I was so fed up with everything, I didn’t feel good. She and I both started crying. Then a woman called her, it was the mother of the boy who worked out in our gym, and I was the coach. We talked, I was in pain. I went out From the hall I watch her wash her face. I walked by and am standing on the street. She comes out and looks at me, I tried not to look at her because it was very painful. Then she says something and leaves, I stop her. She tells me with a smile it will be better this way, I understood everything, I say that’s it? We are no longer together, she is not, and leaves, I felt very bad, I took her hand, she tells me everything has been explained, I myself don’t want to be with you and don’t I love you, maybe only in 2 years I will start a new relationship. And then I woke up


I dreamed that my wife and I were loosening flower beds near a 5-story building and a guy with flowers drove up, I asked her if this is your fiancé, she answered yes and I started saying unpleasant words to him, then I took her away and said that I won’t give you to anyone. At this point At the moment we live separately, in rubbish, we live in private houses.
Why is this dream?


Lately I have been dreaming that I am leaving my current husband for ex-husband, and every time I really regret it, I want to go back, but I’m afraid that he won’t forgive.


I called my girlfriend in the morning thinking that she was at home. She picked up the phone (I asked her where she was?) She answered guess what: I realized that I was at a friend’s wedding. And she told me on the phone that we were breaking up in a cheerful voice


I broke up with my girlfriend, and after that I had a dream that I met another girl and fell in love with her, and she with me too. It could be prophetic dream? or what does this mean?


I dreamed that I and my boyfriend went to another city just to do some shopping, etc. I left the store, and he drove away and left me alone, I asked some guy to call someone, I called somewhere and ended up at home with a stranger’s phone number


Hello! I dreamed that we were walking with my boyfriend and I told him that I was pregnant, he told me that either have an abortion or we would break up, I answered him that I would never kill the child, then he told me that we were breaking up, I followed him for a long time, cried, asked that he came back to me and then agreed to have an abortion, I told him that I would get rid of the child, just stay with me, to which he replied that I don’t need to have an abortion, that he said this out of shock


Write your dream here for interpretation... in real life we ​​broke up with my husband 2 weeks ago, in a dream my husband invited me to visit... where everything was going well, suddenly he announces that he has decided to break up with me! I was very upset in my dream that I woke up and couldn’t understand because we had already been separated for 2 weeks! but in my dream I didn’t want this!


I dreamed that I came home with a guy, it was either a reunion or a holiday. I was in beautiful dress, we went there with my boyfriend and girlfriend. Then the dream ends and I go to buy some seasoning (cloves) and my friend and her boyfriend leave, standing in a long line, and I called the guy but he didn’t pick up, I called my friend, she said that they were on the shore and they were fine without me. I was in tears and hysterical, called the guy and after repeated calls he answered and said that he got drunk and slept with my friend. Then the dream is shaved and I dream of some kind of transport and I’m going somewhere with unknown guy and I watch my friend and my boyfriend how good they are. Then I dream about some children and that I put on gray, yellow and red hats for them. Because I’m in my yard, I look into my friend’s yard and her lily is blooming, something happens to me and I throw it at her and my soul. This is what I think is a strange dream.


I dreamed of a house, even a hostel. And there was my beloved man and he left me for his wife


The girl left for someone else, her ex, and told me about it by phone while I was on a business trip


Hello! I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend arrived, but didn’t stay the night with me, I looked for him for a long time. When I found him, we started quarreling, then he tried to calm me down and kiss me. And suddenly he changed his behavior and was about to leave, I tried with him talk, cried, tried to stop him, but just left.


Good morning, I had a dream that my girlfriend and I were going through passport control to another country, two lines were very large, one of which moved faster (line 1), she pulled me towards the fast line, when we were waiting for stamps, she said take out your passport, I take it out of my back pocket two passports, one with one laminated page and the other with a bunch of pages. I give a passport with one page, they put a lot of stamps on us, they can’t give us the last stamp, because it has run out on us and they still let us through, while saying, come on Monday for the last stamp and we immediately received citizenship of this country, and I will find out we signed with her. But I don’t mind, I’m glad that they signed with her. We immediately go with her to the market and do some shopping. I ask the seller where I can rent an apartment. The seller pulls me, he says my brother is renting out a house, let’s go and show me, at this time the girl tells me, no, no, no, they’ll give us free food and gives money for groceries. I remember that the seller nearby forgot a bag of groceries, too, so I went back and asked him to weigh everything that was in it again. The seller speaks now and walks towards the sea to the beach, I follow him. On the beach I see that he is not going to weigh, but has come to rest. I ask him again when you weigh the onions and carrots. He drank a glass of vodka while sitting on the bedspread and breathed in my face and laughed, I couldn’t stand it, I threw sand at him (the sand was river sand) and walked towards the 9th floor, and I saw the sea or the river, the beach is very beautiful here, not reaching the 9th floor, I am greeted the kid is about 5-7 years old and leads us to the apartment that the girl and I were given. When I enter the apartment I see a girl, she says clean up, I’ll come now, turning around in the window I see a beautiful view of the beach. (even when I was at the market I saw something resembling fields with plants.)


My girlfriend dreamed from Thursday to Friday that she left me for another guy, without hiding it from me. Then she realized that she had made a mistake, regretted our separation and returned to me. At the moment in life, our relationship is in question because of her cooling towards me.


Your loved one is far away now. I dreamed that he came to say that he was leaving forever


After lunch I went to bed and I dreamed that my boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend was calling me, her name was just that, well, I answered and as she started to say something, I disconnected, I got scared and started calling my boyfriend and this ex-girlfriend answered the call. I kind of passed out and cried


first dream, Dreaming means this to me... After training, I leave the building and see my girlfriend, let’s say her name is Lisa, and she doesn’t like kissing with the tongue, and what do you think? she kisses me with her tongue, and after the kiss she said a phrase (that I’m a bad kisser) and smiled, after which we went for a walk and it turned out that I was walking barefoot…. and yes, she and I are now a little in a mess, we haven’t communicated for about 2 days, but literally 5 minutes ago this: I’m riding a bike and she’s next to me, I find out that she was at a party and kissed a guy, she said that they say maybe he squeezed her, that’s all


I was walking with my loved one around Moscow. He has a girlfriend (both in a dream and in reality), and for several weeks I have been waiting for definiteness from him - me or her. And I'm in once again I ask him how things are going with our difficult choice, and for the first time (in a dream) he does not meet this question with a gloomy or irritated expression on his face. “Do you want me to leave her?” - he asks and, without waiting for an answer, goes on VKontakte and writes in his status (not in her personal messages!) that he is breaking up with her. Then he smiles at me and seems to kiss me.


In general, in a dream I broke up with a girl, this was not shown, but it was clear that we broke up (In real life we ​​love each other very much). And then I met my former classmate, I don’t remember what happened to her in the dream, but I remembered one thing, she said that something was wrong with her, it seemed she was pregnant (in the dream it was clear that it was not from me, but from the relationship with her ex, with the person before me in general), I stroke her stomach and that’s it, nothing more.


My mother-in-law suggested separating from her husband.....and to my question: would he mind? answer: no


She turned to me all in tears, and even pulled back sharply when I touched her shoulder.

- Why?


I dreamed that I made a date, but because of work I was late. Before the meeting, I left my briefcase in the subway (consciously), straightened my tie, and headed towards the girl, her back was standing. Touch her:
“Hi, sorry I’m late,” I tell her, smiling.
She turned to me all in tears, and even pulled back sharply when I touched her shoulder.
She immediately hugged me tightly, continuing to cry, and as if in hysterics she said:
- Today is our last meeting, I don’t need you anymore.
- Why?
- I learned this about you only in last moment.

Then I suddenly woke up. I can’t imagine what she could have learned that was so new and shocking.


I had a dream that I was arguing with a guy, but for some reason he had my bike, he brought it to me with his brother and they started fighting with him, I didn’t like it and we grew up


I dreamed that the girl I was in love with broke up with her boyfriend.


Hello, I dreamed of a girl I worked for, in real life we ​​haven’t communicated for more than a month. But in a dream we met. We were in an apartment, there were a lot of people, but it was not noisy. At first she and her friend took knives and wanted to stab me, then they laughed and said it was a joke. I tried to tell her that I would like to work for her again, but she did not listen to me and did not want to cooperate with me anymore. Later we resolved the issues and came to the conclusion to disperse peacefully. I was happy that I could finally live in peace, that she wouldn’t touch me, because in real life she always looked for me and caught me, because she needed me as a worker. What does this mean? a truce with her or something else?


Good afternoon, Tatyana!
Help me please, I can’t find a place for myself. I am sick myself and it was very difficult to fall asleep at night. I fell asleep myself in the morning and it seems the dream was in the morning. Friday to Saturday. January 15 to January 16, 2016.
I myself am dating a guy who will be a month old next week on Thursday. I started communicating with him on September 29, and proposed to meet on December 21, that is, all this time we were just communicating with him and getting to know each other better. The most offensive thing is that when we had not yet built up, he sought me out, called me, wrote to me often, but when he realized that I was already his, the relationship somehow began to cool down. I’m not saying that it’s not common at all, it’s just that at this stage the relationship is somehow incomprehensible(
Since I’m sick right now, we haven’t even seen each other for exactly a week. It already happened that he wrote to me on VK that we needed to break up, but to follow up. the day he apologized so much and proved that it was not he who wrote it, but his friend!
The dream... was that we were walking with him, but I didn’t like something and I went forward, and he walked behind me. And when I came home and went on the phone, that is, on VK, I saw a message “Forget me” something like this... I don’t remember well, I got up suddenly and was very scared, but then I fell asleep and the dream continued, as if he was starting to tell me calm down and talk. that it wasn’t a relationship and all that... When I got up, I couldn’t find a place for myself, because I really really like him and I wouldn’t want to lose him. So many memories that will simply kill me!
I want everything to be GOOD!
Please help, Tatyana. Thanks in advance.


I dreamed that my friend was playing football in the gym, 1 vs 5. Later I joined the game for him and it was like reality. When we sat down on the bench, my friend was confused, and his girlfriend looked at him with disgust. They started talking about something, she reproached him for something. And at the end I remembered one sentence - you and I are no longer dating. It was said with a smile. All.


I didn’t see my beloved in a dream, but I met a friend who told me that he often writes to her. She told me that we broke up. And then in a dream I realized that we really broke up - it became so bitter. I woke up with this.


The girl and I were talking, arguing, making up, then I was talking about something for a long time, then I looked at her and she wasn’t there, and I turned around and she was leaving with her friends. At this moment my nose starts to hurt terribly, as if it had just been hit hard. well and then I shout to her that we are breaking up
and I don’t need such relationships


I dream that my friend is breaking up with his girlfriend (and I see this) and then he invites me to be with him or something like that... why am I dreaming?


In the dream, my friend and I were sitting at the same desk, and then she stood up abruptly and said: “I cancel our friendship!” I roared loudly and ran away….


I was walking with a girl and we had an argument, I walked away from her and wrote an SMS on my phone “let’s see you soon,” and in response I received “Why did I even date you, you ruined my life, I now hate guys.”


Good afternoon I saw in a dream that I broke up with my boyfriend (and in reality we love each other) and started to be friends with another guy (but not seriously, we just communicate), then I wanted to get my boyfriend back, I felt that he was very worried, cried a lot and woke up


Hello! my name is Alesya, I’ve been dreaming for three days now that my boyfriend and I are breaking up, we have a child, we live together, this happened before and we broke up, now I don’t need a place for myself, I don’t know what to do.


Hello!! This is the second time I’ve dreamed about my ex leaving me in a car, and in the first dream after our quarrel he goes to meet a girl, and in the second he takes me and leaves.


I dreamed that I broke up with any girl, I ran after her everywhere... At the last moment I ask if she loves me, she says: “No”


Hello! Tonight (i.e. from Thursday to Friday) I had a colorful, very emotional dream about breaking up with my girlfriend (after a small quarrel due to the inability for us to talk privately because next to her, in addition to her child, there was another child, whom she She didn’t want to take me to another room under any pretext, we don’t have children together in real life, she has a 7-year-old girl), and she was more radical that we needed to separate. It feels like I was ready to compromise, but she definitely wasn’t. I said goodbye to her parents and realized that the relationship was most likely over. This was the dream.


I was a vampire and all my friends too, other vampires attacked us (there was a war between clans). my best friend in this dream left for America forever, but before that she stole her bag


Good morning! In the dream, we were sitting in a room with the girls, then my boyfriend called one of them and asked her to open the door. He came to us, he was with things from the road. kissed me. In the bag he had white bed linen. we were left alone. then I don’t remember whether it was night or not. Then we walked along the corridor, hugged and kissed each other. He took me into the room, asked me to wait, and I got scared and ran away. I walked along the corridor and saw the commission. Then I remember some meeting, they lifted me up and then on the screen there was a video declaration of love from him. I burst into tears. And then I somehow found myself on the deck of a ship (although the thought flashed through my mind that 4 years had passed since the confession and there was no news from him). The room where we watched the video, there was an explosion and we all went down to the ship's cabin. And the end of this dream - I’m walking along the embankment - he comes up from behind and confesses to me that he missed me and loves me. I turn around and we kiss.
Thanks in advance!


I dreamed that my boyfriend sent me a text message about a breakup. I cried and was very worried, but in the dream I didn’t show this to him and I just answered him ok) ... but when I woke up I was very worried about this.


I dreamed that I was leaving my boyfriend and didn’t feel any pain. In reality, before this dream, the night before there was a conversation with him about our relationship and about the things that he did not like in my behavior.


It was night...we stood talking with the guy, and then a guy came from somewhere, whom I know and I really like him. We talked and talked and it turned out that I left my boyfriend for a second one (I don’t remember the details, but I remember the essence). And then the second guy and I went into some room and sat there talking...


I dreamed of my friends breaking up. They are actually dating, and in my dream he suggested breaking up with her. What is this for?


I dreamed that I broke up with my girlfriend and started dating a friend. And it’s like not a friend, but an acquaintance who I don’t even like. But I love the girl very much and I don’t want to break up, we’ve just been quarreling a little lately


I was sitting with my girlfriend at dinner, her ex was there and then her mother said that you were both her exes, I asked why and her mother replied that the girl was leaving somewhere and did not want to communicate


The other day my boyfriend and I had a really big fight and we didn’t talk for 2 days. in a dream I saw that I was coming home and he told me that everything was over between us, pack your things and leave. In the dream there was also an old woman, like the one I know. I got ready, got a little upset and went to my friend.


Well, I dreamed that he was cheating on someone else and leaving me...or maybe I just dreamed that we were breaking up


My name is Daria. I have been dating a young man for a year now, and we are planning to get married next summer. But I have an ex-boyfriend who reminds me of himself (I haven’t cooled off a bit towards him), but that’s not what I’m talking about now. With whom I have been dating for a year, I dreamed that we broke up and in the dream I didn’t understand whether he left me or I left him. But in the dream I cried so much that I even fell to the ground and sobbed, and woke up all in tears. I'm very afraid that we will still part, he is the most best man in my life. He is my support and support. Why did I dream about it?

Swearing in a dream with a loved one Dream interpretation of a bus with people

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream of Parting in a dream according to 10 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Parting” symbol from 10 online dream books. If you haven't found necessary interpretation on this page, use the search form for all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

I had a dream as if I was standing next to my boyfriend and my ex-boyfriend was standing next to him, I understand that my boyfriend and I are breaking up and I am starting to date my ex. What could this mean????

This time I dreamed of a guy I like. I would like to note that I dream about him quite rarely (although I think about him often).
The dream was that we were at my dacha and just talking. He asked me simple questions, I didn’t ask anything, I remember one of them: “What kind of ice cream do you like? ") In general, the essence is clear.
He even agreed to stay overnight, and then he and the company that was with us at the dacha went somewhere to the city, and this crowd returned without him.
Then he declares that we are breaking up.

Everything would be fine, but in real life we ​​don’t even meet, because I like him, but he doesn’t like me (this has been going on for two years now).
What would that mean?
The action took place in the evening.

I dreamed that my boyfriend and I were walking through a park with attractions, he was riding on a water slide (but it was as if it was actually made and there was not enough water, just a terrible slide) ... And my beloved injured his face while sliding, it was a little bloody , I started demanding money back for this attraction, but they refused me, the guy began to calm me down and say that it’s okay, everything will be fine and began to take me away. Then we ended up in some kind of shopping center and somehow it happened that he said that we were breaking up , I don’t love you, I liked someone else... he had a wedding bouquet, he said make a wish and whoever catches it is your destiny, I made a wish to love and be loved, he threw it into the crowd of people going up the escalator and his friend caught him Denis... I was simply in shock and then my beloved woke me up. We've been with him for 1.5 years, I'm 20 years old

I dreamed that I broke up with a girl (whom I see for the first time only in a dream in reality, I don’t know her... and as if after breaking up with a stranger, I came to my girlfriend (whom I’m dating in real life) and told her EVERYTHING I BREAKED UP WITH HER NOW WE WE CAN MEET CALMLY AND NOT HIDE...after she answered me YES SERIOUSLY? I answered YES SERIOUSLY and then I woke up!

I had a dream last night; such a dream had never bothered me before.
I broke up with my girlfriend due to my own fault, because of my too close communication with another female person, although in reality I would never do that! We broke up on her initiative, but through my fault.
The dream was colorful, it’s hard to say which colors predominated.
The dream was fast and sharp.
I fell asleep in the morning and after an hour of sleep I dreamed about this horror.

In a dream, my common-law husband leaves home, taking his things, and at this time I have guests... they are preparing something from food; for some reason, my daughter ends up in this house (although she is now in America)………., I see in there are a lot of chocolates on the nightstand... and they also give me a huge mushroom (looks like a butter dish) I want to bite it, but I understand that it is raw

I dreamed that my boyfriend had been hanging out with his brother’s girlfriend and his old friend lately, starting to avoid me. When we met, he told me that we needed to break up.. I told him that he didn’t love me and doesn’t love me. He confirmed my words and said, I LIED TO YOU, STUPIDLY LIED TO YOU.. I DON’T NEED YOU.. I had a dream already in the morning, I woke up, there were tears in my eyes, and everything inside was so tight, my heart ached, as if this was reality.

Hello! Today my husband and I officially got married! And at night I had a dream that we had a fight at the registry office and they didn’t sign us up and we broke up. The dream was just from Thursday to Friday. Why do you dream of separation during a wedding?

I dreamed that my boyfriend was kissed by a girl pooping, I don’t even know her, and I saw and was jealous and my boyfriend saw that I saw that that girl kissed him and he ran to me. And there was some boy next to me, so I asked so that he would kiss me on the cheek, but he kissed me not on the cheek but on the lips, and I wanted to break away from him but he didn’t let go and my boyfriend saw this and I don’t really remember what happened next, but I remember that we faced off

I dreamed of breaking up with a young man, I was the initiator. Having learned that I wanted to break up, he began to scream, but then calmed down, after the breakup there was a feeling of regret and as if something was missing.

We were at our house, me, my friend, my boyfriend, and someone else, we drank, we ate, everything was fine.. The dream was very confusing, I can’t remember much anymore... But I saw someone else’s opinion in the arms of my ex-boyfriend’s child.. I lost the current one in a dream, that is, they disappeared from the dream with my friend, I was left in the arms of someone else’s child and started calling to look for my boyfriend, but alas, in the dream I had very long hair

In fact, in reality, my boyfriend and I have not lived for three months. Both he and I still have feelings, but he is very proud and does not agree to reconciliation. I dreamed that I packed my things to leave my loved one a person, on his initiative, and in a dream he tells me that he will not stop me, and at the same time expresses some signs of attention, but does not stop me

At first we were walking. Then we started having a misunderstanding and we started arguing. It was already evening, it was dark, I met a friend, we talked after the conversation, the girl was not there. I called her, she said that she was at the bus stop. I approached and she said I’m not pleased there was something like that, and she started hugging someone else’s guy. I got angry, hit the guy and slapped her on the back of the head. Then we walked and fought a lot. And while we were walking, I gave her a small hit on the back of the head 3 times. We got to my training, as if with a coach I had a fight. And I was so fed up with everything, I didn’t feel good. She and I both started crying. Then a woman called her, it was the mother of the boy who worked out in our gym, and I was the coach. We talked, I was in pain. I went out From the hall I watch her wash her face. I walked by and am standing on the street. She comes out and looks at me, I tried not to look at her because it was very painful. Then she says something and leaves, I stop her. She tells me with a smile it will be better this way, I understood everything, I say that’s it? We are no longer together, she is not, and leaves, I felt very bad, I took her hand, she tells me everything has been explained, I myself don’t want to be with you and don’t I love you, maybe only in 2 years I will start a new relationship. And then I woke up

I dreamed that my wife and I were loosening flower beds near a 5-story building and a guy with flowers drove up, I asked her if this is your fiancé, she answered yes and I started saying unpleasant words to him, then I took her away and said that I won’t give you to anyone. At this point At the moment we live separately, in rubbish, we live in private houses.
Why is this dream?

I called my girlfriend in the morning thinking that she was at home. She picked up the phone (I asked her where she was?) She answered guess what: I realized that I was at a friend’s wedding. And she told me on the phone that we were breaking up in a cheerful voice

I dreamed that I and my boyfriend went to another city just to do some shopping, etc. I left the store, and he drove away and left me alone, I asked some guy to call someone, I called somewhere and ended up at home with a stranger’s phone number

Hello! I dreamed that we were walking with my boyfriend and I told him that I was pregnant, he told me that either have an abortion or we would break up, I answered him that I would never kill the child, then he told me that we were breaking up, I followed him for a long time, cried, asked that he came back to me and then agreed to have an abortion, I told him that I would get rid of the child, just stay with me, to which he replied that I don’t need to have an abortion, that he said this out of shock

Write your dream here for interpretation... in real life we ​​broke up with my husband 2 weeks ago, in a dream my husband invited me to visit... where everything was going well, suddenly he announces that he has decided to break up with me! I was very upset in my dream that I woke up and couldn’t understand because we had already been separated for 2 weeks! but in my dream I didn’t want this!

I dreamed that I came home with a guy, it was either a reunion or a holiday. I was in a beautiful dress, we went there with my boyfriend and girlfriend. Then the dream ends and I go to buy some seasoning (cloves) and my friend and her boyfriend leave, standing in a long line, and I called the guy but he didn’t pick up, I called my friend, she said that they were on the shore and they were fine without me. I was in tears and hysterical, called the guy and after repeated calls he answered and said that he got drunk and slept with my friend. Then the dream is shaved and I dream of some kind of transport and I’m going somewhere with an unfamiliar guy and I’m watching my friend and my boyfriend how good they are. Then I dream about some children and that I put on gray, yellow and red hats for them. Because I’m in my yard, I look into my friend’s yard and her lily is blooming, something happens to me and I throw it at her and my soul. This is what I think is a strange dream.

Hello! I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend arrived, but didn’t stay the night with me, I looked for him for a long time. When I found him, we started quarreling, then he tried to calm me down and kiss me. And suddenly he changed his behavior and was about to leave, I tried with him talk, cried, tried to stop him, but just left.

Good morning, I had a dream that my girlfriend and I were going through passport control to another country, two lines were very large, one of which was moving faster (line 1), she pulled me towards the fast line, when we were waiting for stamps, she said take out your passport, I take it out The back pocket has two passports, one with one laminated page and the other with a bunch of pages. I give a passport with one page, they put a lot of stamps on us, they can’t give us the last stamp, because it has run out on us and they still let us through, while saying, come on Monday for the last stamp and we immediately received citizenship of this country, and I will find out we signed with her. But I don’t mind, I’m glad that they signed with her. We immediately go with her to the market and do some shopping. I ask the seller where I can rent an apartment. The seller pulls me, he says my brother is renting out a house, let’s go and show me, at this time the girl tells me, no, no, no, they’ll give us free food and gives money for groceries. I remember that the seller nearby forgot a bag of groceries, too, so I went back and asked him to weigh everything that was in it again. The seller speaks now and walks towards the sea to the beach, I follow him. On the beach I see that he is not going to weigh, but has come to rest. I ask him again when you weigh the onions and carrots. He drank a glass of vodka while sitting on the bedspread and breathed in my face and laughed, I couldn’t stand it, I threw sand at him (the sand was river sand) and walked towards the 9th floor, and I saw the sea or the river, the beach is very beautiful here, not reaching the 9th floor, I am greeted the kid is about 5-7 years old and leads us to the apartment that the girl and I were given. When I enter the apartment I see a girl, she says clean up, I’ll come now, turning around in the window I see a beautiful view of the beach. (even when I was at the market I saw something resembling fields with plants.)

My girlfriend dreamed from Thursday to Friday that she left me for another guy, without hiding it from me. Then she realized that she had made a mistake, regretted our separation and returned to me. At the moment in life, our relationship is in question because of her cooling towards me.

After lunch I went to bed and I dreamed that my boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend was calling me, her name was just that, well, I answered and as she started to say something, I disconnected, I got scared and started calling my boyfriend and this ex-girlfriend answered the call. I kind of passed out and cried

first dream, Dreaming means this to me... After training, I leave the building and see my girlfriend, let’s say her name is Lisa, and she doesn’t like kissing with the tongue, and what do you think? she kisses me with her tongue, and after the kiss she said a phrase (that I’m a bad kisser) and smiled, after which we went for a walk and it turned out that I was walking barefoot…. and yes, she and I are now a little in a mess, we haven’t communicated for about 2 days, but literally 5 minutes ago this: I’m riding a bike and she’s next to me, I find out that she was at a party and kissed a guy, she said that they say maybe he squeezed her, that’s all

I was walking with my loved one around Moscow. He has a girlfriend (both in a dream and in reality), and for several weeks I have been waiting for definiteness from him - me or her. And I once again ask him how things are going with our difficult choice, and for the first time (in a dream) he does not meet this question with a gloomy or irritated expression on his face. “Do you want me to leave her?” - he asks and, without waiting for an answer, goes on VKontakte and writes in his status (not in her personal messages!) that he is breaking up with her. Then he smiles at me and seems to kiss me.

In general, in a dream I broke up with a girl, this was not shown, but it was clear that we broke up (In real life we ​​love each other very much). And then I met my former classmate, I don’t remember what happened to her in the dream, but I remembered one thing, she said that something was wrong with her, it seemed she was pregnant (in the dream it was clear that it was not from me, but from the relationship with her ex, with the person before me in general), I stroke her stomach and that’s it, nothing more.

She turned to me all in tears, and even pulled back sharply when I touched her shoulder.

- Why?

I dreamed that I made a date, but because of work I was late. Before the meeting, I left my briefcase in the subway (consciously), straightened my tie, and headed towards the girl, her back was standing. Touch her:
“Hi, sorry I’m late,” I tell her, smiling.
She turned to me all in tears, and even pulled back sharply when I touched her shoulder.
She immediately hugged me tightly, continuing to cry, and as if in hysterics she said:
- Today is our last meeting, I don’t need you anymore.
- Why?
- I found out about you only at the last moment.

Then I suddenly woke up. I can’t imagine what she could have learned that was so new and shocking.

Hello, I dreamed of a girl I worked for, in real life we ​​haven’t communicated for more than a month. But in a dream we met. We were in an apartment, there were a lot of people, but it was not noisy. At first she and her friend took knives and wanted to stab me, then they laughed and said it was a joke. I tried to tell her that I would like to work for her again, but she did not listen to me and did not want to cooperate with me anymore. Later we resolved the issues and came to the conclusion to disperse peacefully. I was happy that I could finally live in peace, that she wouldn’t touch me, because in real life she always looked for me and caught me, because she needed me as a worker. What does this mean? a truce with her or something else?

Good afternoon, Tatyana!
Help me please, I can’t find a place for myself. I am sick myself and it was very difficult to fall asleep at night. I fell asleep myself in the morning and it seems the dream was in the morning. Friday to Saturday. January 15 to January 16, 2016.
I myself am dating a guy who will be a month old next week on Thursday. I started communicating with him on September 29, and proposed to meet on December 21, that is, all this time we were just communicating with him and getting to know each other better. The most offensive thing is that when we had not yet built up, he sought me out, called me, wrote to me often, but when he realized that I was already his, the relationship somehow began to cool down. I’m not saying that it’s not common at all, it’s just that at this stage the relationship is somehow incomprehensible(
Since I’m sick right now, we haven’t even seen each other for exactly a week. It already happened that he wrote to me on VK that we needed to break up, but to follow up. the day he apologized so much and proved that it was not he who wrote it, but his friend!
The dream... was that we were walking with him, but I didn’t like something and I went forward, and he walked behind me. And when I came home and went on the phone, that is, on VK, I saw a message “Forget me” something like this... I don’t remember well, I got up suddenly and was very scared, but then I fell asleep and the dream continued, as if he was starting to tell me calm down and talk. that it wasn’t a relationship and all that... When I got up, I couldn’t find a place for myself, because I really really like him and I wouldn’t want to lose him. So many memories that will simply kill me!
I want everything to be GOOD!
Please help, Tatyana. Thanks in advance.

I dreamed that my friend was playing football in the gym, 1 vs 5. Later I joined the game for him and it was like reality. When we sat down on the bench, my friend was confused, and his girlfriend looked at him with disgust. They started talking about something, she reproached him for something. And at the end I remembered one sentence - you and I are no longer dating. It was said with a smile. All.

I didn’t see my beloved in a dream, but I met a friend who told me that he often writes to her. She told me that we broke up. And then in a dream I realized that we really broke up - it became so bitter. I woke up with this.

The girl and I were talking, arguing, making up, then I was talking about something for a long time, then I looked at her and she wasn’t there, and I turned around and she was leaving with her friends. At this moment my nose starts to hurt terribly, as if it had just been hit hard. well and then I shout to her that we are breaking up
and I don’t need such relationships

I was walking with a girl and we had an argument, I walked away from her and wrote an SMS on my phone “let’s see you soon,” and in response I received “Why did I even date you, you ruined my life, I now hate guys.”

Good afternoon I saw in a dream that I broke up with my boyfriend (and in reality we love each other) and started to be friends with another guy (but not seriously, we just communicate), then I wanted to get my boyfriend back, I felt that he was very worried, cried a lot and woke up

Hello! my name is Alesya, I’ve been dreaming for three days now that my boyfriend and I are breaking up, we have a child, we live together, this happened before and we broke up, now I don’t need a place for myself, I don’t know what to do.

Hello! Tonight (i.e. from Thursday to Friday) I had a colorful, very emotional dream about breaking up with my girlfriend (after a small quarrel due to the inability for us to talk privately because next to her, in addition to her child, there was another child, whom she She didn’t want to take me to another room under any pretext, we don’t have children together in real life, she has a 7-year-old girl), and she was more radical that we needed to separate. It feels like I was ready to compromise, but she definitely wasn’t. I said goodbye to her parents and realized that the relationship was most likely over. This was the dream.

Good morning! In the dream, we were sitting in a room with the girls, then my boyfriend called one of them and asked her to open the door. He came to us, he was with things from the road. kissed me. In the bag he had white bed linen. we were left alone. then I don’t remember whether it was night or not. Then we walked along the corridor, hugged and kissed each other. He took me into the room, asked me to wait, and I got scared and ran away. I walked along the corridor and saw the commission. Then I remember some meeting, they lifted me up and then on the screen there was a video declaration of love from him. I burst into tears. And then I somehow found myself on the deck of a ship (although the thought flashed through my mind that 4 years had passed since the confession and there was no news from him). The room where we watched the video, there was an explosion and we all went down to the ship's cabin. And the end of this dream - I’m walking along the embankment - he comes up from behind and confesses to me that he missed me and loves me. I turn around and we kiss.
Thanks in advance!

I dreamed that my boyfriend sent me a text message about a breakup. I cried and was very worried, but in the dream I didn’t show this to him and I just answered him ok) ... but when I woke up I was very worried about this.

I dreamed that I was leaving my boyfriend and didn’t feel any pain. In reality, before this dream, the night before there was a conversation with him about our relationship and about the things that he did not like in my behavior.

It was night...we stood talking with the guy, and then a guy came from somewhere, whom I know and I really like him. We talked and talked and it turned out that I left my boyfriend for a second one (I don’t remember the details, but I remember the essence). And then the second guy and I went into some room and sat there talking...

I dreamed that I broke up with my girlfriend and started dating a friend. And it’s like not a friend, but an acquaintance who I don’t even like. But I love the girl very much and I don’t want to break up, we’ve just been quarreling a little lately

The other day my boyfriend and I had a really big fight and we didn’t talk for 2 days. in a dream I saw that I was coming home and he told me that everything was over between us, pack your things and leave. In the dream there was also an old woman, like the one I know. I got ready, got a little upset and went to my friend.

My name is Daria. I have been dating a young man for a year now, and we are planning to get married next summer. But I have an ex-boyfriend who reminds me of himself (I haven’t cooled off a bit towards him), but that’s not what I’m talking about now. With whom I have been dating for a year, I dreamed that we broke up and in the dream I didn’t understand whether he left me or I left him. But in the dream I cried so much that I even fell to the ground and sobbed, and woke up all in tears. I am very afraid that we will still part, he is the best man in my life. He is my support and support. Why did I dream about it?

I dreamed that my loved one was going to go visit a friend for 3 days. I didn't want him to leave. At the station we quarreled and I left, wishing him a safe journey. When I returned for him, he had probably already left. I called and cried, but to no avail.

I dreamed from Thursday to Friday that my best friend was major quarrel with a guy.
In a dream, I was walking with my friend and met my friend’s boyfriend with a bottle of alcohol. He was very upset. The guy starts telling my friend and I that his girlfriend (my best friend) doesn’t understand him, doesn’t support him, etc. I wrote to my best friend (from now on I will call her Masha) so that she would go outside and talk to the guy (let’s assume his name is Dima). Dima began to talk about how he wanted a real relationship with Masha (in reality they have an open relationship), but she scared him off with her calmness and indifference. They shouted at each other for a very long time, remembered all the mistakes, and in the end they went in different directions without even saying goodbye. Before going as far as possible from the place of the quarrel, Dima came up to me and said “seven” and left. What could this mean?
In reality, Masha and Dima have been in an open relationship for about half a year. He writes once a week and often ignores Masha. My best friend has been wanting to talk to him for a month now, but she hasn’t gotten around to it. In the last week she tried to meet with him and have a serious conversation. How can a dream be related to reality? Should the dream be considered prophetic, or is it just an ordinary dream? Please help me explain all this.

I dreamed that my friend was leaving me, although in reality we weren’t even dating. But when he called me in a dream, for some reason his voice was that of my boyfriend... he told me: “forgive me... I know that I hurt you...” I no longer remember what he said, but for some reason I cried very much then , I was very hurt because of his words...

Hello! I dreamed that my girlfriend wanted to break up with me, I said I was tired of her, but I said no, I won’t leave you all my life!!! but I said this with sadness because I understood that she didn’t love me anymore, and everything seemed to me I woke up, the neighbors were drilling so loudly that I woke up)

I'm a friend and my boyfriend (in reality I don't have a boyfriend), we were shopping and suddenly I saw gold decoration with diamonds in the shape of a star and I wanted to buy it, but I didn’t have any money with me... I decided to call my mom to borrow money from her, but my friend dissuaded me... Then I took the guy aside and said that we need to break up... Why he took out that same gold jewelry and said: “I wanted to give it to you later, but if so, then this is my love for you.” The next day was supposed to be his birthday... I asked my mother and friend not to come to him and they promised me this... And on his birthday I can’t get through to my mother and friend... I immediately realized that they were at his place birthday and went there... I go in, and my mother and friend are sitting there. I didn’t say anything to them, but I looked at them with disapproval. Then I took off my jacket and sat down at the table... I only remember that I drank a glass of some kind of alcoholic drink in one gulp and told my boyfriend that I love him, and what I said yesterday was because... (But that’s why I don’t remember ).

I dreamed that Cora’s boyfriend was dating me for half a year, we just didn’t communicate, he passed by and didn’t notice me. I dreamed about this twice in a row during the night. It seems to me that this may be due to the fact that we quarreled yesterday and it was the same as in a dream, but then we successfully made up

My pillow and I were walking and his friends were there, they were watching us, then he ran up to me and started yelling why I’m not home yet and why I’m walking. Before that, he either looked at me angrily or with a sad look. His girlfriend was there all the time.

Hello. I dreamed that the guy left me, but not yet started dating me. In real life, we know that we like each other, but he is not comfortable communicating with me, and he is faced with the choice of dating or not communicating. In a dream he makes this choice. It’s hard for him but he still leaves

Hello. So I start to quarrel with the girl. She calls a taxi, she doesn’t tell me about this, I hear it all, it was all on the phone, and then I ask her why did you call a taxi, she says yes, I’ll go to my friend. I ask why? she says to meet guys

I was sitting in a cafe, a guy comes to me to my friend and says that they broke up, he suggested going to the store, on the way we met the friend with whom he broke up, she was jealous, but I said what are you doing, you’ve already broken up, yes and even more so I just support him

I’m a guy, I came to see my friend and they are in such a fuss... there are a lot of people, it’s clear that they are preparing for a celebration.
after our conversation on the spot, I go somewhere, and then quietly approaching her, I see that she is secretly writing me an SMS by e-mail farewell letter. which I should have seen after leaving her,
I ask her what happened, and the answer is: I’m getting married and we shouldn’t communicate anymore, and you shouldn’t have seen this SMS here! after which I leave her in a rage and finally wish her happiness

I went to America and somehow met two acquaintances there. I went into the toilet; the stalls had a hole at eye level. A guy came in, I just closed the door, he started looking into my eyes and asking what I was doing. A drop of blood flowed out of me, I removed it and left. To which I answered coldly; when he asked why I did this, I replied that I like to remain in the hearts of the guys. He and I went out together and talked. There was a yard. They talked and played. Later, I went on to study America, but I whispered in my ear that I was waiting for him. He followed me. We talked to him, he took my hand. Then for a long time I watched the car park, where there was one exit, but we went through the other, although it was open. We walked to different places, the sunset was terribly beautiful, I found out why he speaks Russian so perfectly. Then she ran off to run on the sand, but the sand was kind of caustic. She returned to him, after which there was a lake below, where people swam and created the shape of a flower, it glowed. Later we got to the airport, where our paths diverged, he and his friend rode the escalator to the left, and I went straight and also with a friend. I asked her: “Has it ever happened that you don’t love a person, you love someone else, but you’re not with him”: yes, it happened, she answered.
and I thought that maybe it was worth breaking up to be with that boy from America.

a friend came to me in a dream, I was with her, we laughed and chatted, then I went into social networks and I saw that my beloved had removed the photos with me, I called him to ask what this meant, he replied that we were breaking up, because I don’t devote time to him, I’m always with my friend, what does this mean?

In general, we met a guy named Vanya. And one fine day I left him and started dating my best friend’s boyfriend. We walked with him for a couple of days. And I decided to return to Vanya again. I apologized to him for a long time.

I came to the army to see my boyfriend, someone told me that he cheated on me, I decided to check. I arrived and asked if you had cheated on me or not, to which he answered yes. In the end, he leaves me, but I still don’t leave, but try to win him back

I was sitting at home with a girl I didn’t know in my room and considered her a friend, then we left the room and smoke appeared in the apartment, something was burning in the kitchen. Then I stirred the food. And there appeared a stranger to a couple, but he was my boyfriend and this girl was his sister, she began to interfere in the conversation, I told her not to interfere. I told her that my mother had prepared a ramont dinner for me. Then I went to my room to change clothes, when he came in, I hugged him and we talked about something unpleasant. Then I followed him out of the room. He started shouting at me that he was tired of everything and we were breaking up. I started crying a lot and puffing out my cheeks. Then I woke up.

In a dream, an ex-boyfriend appears to me, for whom I still have feelings. He has a girlfriend now. In the dream, I understood that this girl leaves him, and she is left alone. Then in the dream, we are going somewhere. Me, my ex-boyfriend, my rival, and my girlfriends. She started to be rude to my friend. I stood up for my friend. And in the end, she immediately switched to me, as if that’s what she wanted. And we started to fight. And in general, the dream ends with a fight.

I recently broke up with my girlfriend. We broke up within a month because he came to her, she chose someone else. We were together for 3.5 years. Today I dreamed about her as if we had parted in the dream too, after the dream we remained negative feelings. Why is this dream?

Hello, Tatyana! I dreamed about how we broke up with a guy, he left me, explained that we didn’t need to be together, I started to ask him, in a little panic, for the reason, he explained to me, I began to worry very much, I followed him and we parted ways. different sides. Something like this.

I dreamed that my boyfriend and I were at my house, there were a lot of guests and we were celebrating new year and I have no old feelings to my boyfriend and he annoys me, then I hear him complimenting some girl, this makes me angry and I kick him out of my house, he doesn’t want to leave, but my father shouted at him and my boyfriend left. I immediately regretted it and went for my martyr

I had a dream about how I came home, my wife’s friend and the wife herself were sitting, the friend was laughing, and my wife told me, we are breaking up, I immediately had a question why, she began to cry and answered, I don’t want to live with you anymore. I don’t want to live anymore, I turned around and left, all drooping, pathetic, called my mother-in-law, my wife answered the phone, said no and hung up, I started looking for my wife, although I knew in the dream that it would be 100% impossible to get her back, and then they woke me up, why is this?

We stood on some bridge with a loved one, below was the sea and it was very dark color.. in the dream, love was also with us and we were running from someone and something very scary... after we walked through the tunnels and reached the point we needed, one person took a flashlight and shone it on the walls from them blood.. we ran back and the bridge began to collapse. I run and understand that my beloved is on the other end and cry very bitterly.

a few weeks before this dream, my beloved and I were arguing over alcohol, he swore to me that he would never drink another gram, and today I had a dream that we were sitting at my work, I left the office for a while, I came back and he was already standing drunk! and in a dream I left him. and the next dream was that I met a man and some girl constantly wanted to take him away from me.

The dream was quite long, despite the fact that the events in it developed quite quickly. Having met an unfamiliar girl in a dream, we spent all our time together. She was unlike anyone I had known in the past. We felt good together until the end of the dream. In the end, we broke up because someone forbade her to have a relationship with me, she asked for forgiveness and said that this is how it should be. But I, for some reason unknown to me, agreed with her and said that it was easier to be alone, after which the dream ended and I woke up.

I don’t remember exactly, but it happened that he came and said that it was time to leave. And it’s like I’m leaving with the child and we look out the window and there’s some kind of satellite there and he’s so close. I turn my head and he walks and smiles and again we need to talk. And I walk away, don’t talk to him, and in my heart I don’t let him go.

I dreamed that a guy I had liked for a very long time broke up with his girlfriend and was with me. In real life, we broke up with this guy 1.5 years ago, he still couldn’t forget me, and recently he got a girlfriend, she’s a casual one, that is. She would rather have a drink in a bar than be with him, also with him, for the sake of the car. But he doesn't understand this. I also dreamed about his parents, I dreamed many times that we were together again

It was at school. The guy was sitting with my classmate and talking, next to there was a vase that I gave him. I tried to talk to him, but he didn’t pay attention, then I took the vase and threw it on the floor, but it didn’t break, all the contents (papers with 100 reasons why I love him) fell out. He didn’t care, then I said that we were breaking up and ran away. I started telling my friends about this jokingly, but then I got scared, I wanted to return everything, I came to school, he wasn’t there, I started collecting the pieces of paper back and ran towards his house.

Hello. I had a dream this afternoon, my ex-boyfriend is breaking up with me again, and he introduces me to his new girlfriend towards whom I don’t feel any ill will. After talking with him, I left, and already on the balcony of a high-rise building I see a portrait drawn with blue and white chalk where he was depicted, on the left side a new girl and with right side I. His image in the portrait was turned to left side To new girl and there was a smile on his lips. After he finished the portrait, he turned in my direction and shouted: You’re smart, don’t do anything stupid, and disappeared. After that, I was already on the street, tried to follow him, but he was nowhere to be found it happened, he disappeared.
It’s been almost a year since we broke up with my ex, before that I had never dreamed of him, so I would really like to know what this dream means.

First I saw myself. Not very long. Then the actions are observed from the first person: I and several other young guys are standing (either at the barracks or at the police station...) there is a wait (which is unknown), then 2 people come out, a man (about 35-40 years old) Russian (it seems in military uniform) and a young woman (no more than 18 years old. Maybe less) not Russian, the dialogue flew by in an instant, the man shouted something condemningly at the guys (inclusive), and the girl, putting bracelets on the guys, began to put them on and put them on me quite quickly (while looking into the eyes) but she fastened it poorly (and in the meantime, all the guys entered the room (?) along with the man.) when I looked away from her eyes, I only saw how she quickly left (turning around) then I looked at the handcuffs and saw that one side was not fastened I smiled in surprise and tried to catch up with her (I caught up with her) I didn’t know her name (as well as her name) but she was incredibly beautiful. Having called out to the girl, I raised my hands and with my left pointed to the right one (the right one was unfastened), she smiled lightly and walked on a moment later, I opened the left one (how?) and added a step behind her, called out again and said “and the left one, of course,” I pointed to the hand (no longer wearing the bracelet) she smiled a little stronger and quickened her pace. Having caught up with her once again, I saw her sad face followed by “Andrey, we can’t be together) I stopped, it turned out that we were a couple of meters from her house (I think it was a small remote village surrounded by forest) behind the house under a canopy sat (as I then thought) the girl’s father and not kind (maybe even menacingly) looked at me. Then, as if in rewind, my clothes changed (from winter to summer) and I walked past her house (slowly) in the hope of seeing her beauty. Never saw it.

I dreamed that I broke up with a girl over the phone, the initiative to break up was hers, she wanted it that way. The dream was as if everything was real, I was very scared, and there is also such a suspicion that it was not she who corresponded with me, but it felt like she was...

I dreamed that my boyfriend and I (there is no boyfriend in our lives) were in some cafe. The reception there was not very good good company, she and the guy knew each other. They offered to play cards for him for something (I don’t remember exactly). I was against it and asked him to leave and not play, but the guy decided to play and I said that then I would leave and we would separate. He agreed. For some reason, we were wet, as if after rain, and I was wearing different shoes, not mine, they gave them to me temporarily while mine was wet. I started to change my shoes and get ready to leave, looked at the guy and waited for him to stop. I felt angry, hurt and upset. And then the next dream was that I was lying in an embrace with another guy on the sofa, the sofa was on the street, and other girls were trying to hit on the guy, I felt that he was a womanizer. I knew that we were not a couple yet, but there were feelings. In the end, he leaves me, tells me to sleep and goes somewhere

In a dream different worlds and my dad, the king, is friends with the king of another world, and I am friends with the son of another king, and we fell in love with each other, but because our fathers quarreled, we have to part. Five years pass and I decide to watch a DVD with films and the 12th film was about this guy and I decide to go to the 12th world
When we already arrived there was security (previously we paid 10,000 coins for entry, which was not a lot for that time) we went there and they told us that everything is different, I start crying because I understand that I am losing my love and the guard lets us through just like that . We run to the place where we used to talk and play and there he stands. I shout: “Sasha!” And we run to each other and I tell him: “I missed you so much!” And he tells me that he loves me very much! And we start talking like 5 years ago!
But then we have to part again
I'm already getting on the bus with tears in my eyes. And I understand that I love him very, very much and cannot live without him, I jump out of the bus and run to him and at the same time he understands that he loves me very, very much and cannot live without me and runs to meet me, we hug and We say that we will never part again and I will stay to live with him!

Today I had a dream in which a guy offers me to break up, that nothing good will come out of our relationship. I was very upset because I’m in love with him, I’m afraid of losing him. And then such a dream. Why could this be a dream?

I dreamed that I was in an unfamiliar apartment with a woman and a man unfamiliar to me. In the dream, I was first a chipmunk from the cartoon, Alvin and the Chipmunks." All my friends were like that too. I had the idea that they had caught us and we were living with them. My friends and I tried to escape many times, but we failed. Then the man and woman said that we were leaving for Moscow (at that time I did not live in Moscow or Russia, so it was an unfamiliar city to me) after these words I was already myself. My mother came, I cried a lot and for a long time, because I would go there without her, maybe forever. (I'm 11 years old) so I cried. This is where my dream ended and another one began.

I dreamed that my boyfriend and I were having a scandal, I felt like he was cheating on me. I snatch the phone out of my hands, and there is direct evidence of this. He leaves. I looked after him for a long time, shouting curses.

I have a current girlfriend, but there is one person whom I really like, but we are not dating. In a dream, I started dating this person and I was very happy. I feel good and interesting with her in my dreams and in real life. But in my dream I didn’t break up with my current girlfriend. I don't know how to tell her about this. I'm afraid of offending her. Throughout the day I still didn’t confess. But I felt good that we were finally together with that special one. I was very happy, I felt so good. She was also happy, but I was itching to be the first to admit this, because she doesn’t have anyone like me. I'm afraid to leave her alone. The dream was in warm colors with the special one, and with the first one in grayish ones. I think about this in real life, but here I am in a dream. What to do. My email I dreamed that a guy I really liked in real life broke up with his girlfriend, he was very worried, but in the end he left for me. Before this, he came to our house with his parents, where we nursed him after breaking up. His ex insulted me, and the guy beat up the guy who caused his girlfriend to leave. I remember everything very well and all the emotions too.

Good afternoon
That night I had a dream that, out of jealousy and resentment, I told my mother next to my boyfriend that I was growing up with him, looking into his eyes! And my mother was next to us, I was in tears and I was scared that this would actually happen now...
Afterwards, the dream suddenly continued like this: I see his eldest son talking to me warmly and we are agreeing on something, but at the same time we decide not to tell my boyfriend’s dad, he notices that and gets angry for some reason..
After that, I started looking for my boyfriend in all the stores in fear and in the end I found it, I find not my boyfriend but my ex and I don’t understand what’s happening, but at the same time I tell him where you were, we are looking for you and I love you! Saying these words, I want to see my boyfriend, but my ex is there...
Incomprehensible dream, please explain why all this could have happened.
Thank you.

I dreamed that we were relaxing in the company of friends and somehow smoothly parted ways, I didn’t even understand how, he and another girl, and I’m with his friend, but I was always drawn to him, it hurt as if in reality, I called him, showed my character, but I couldn’t stand it and started crying, I said that I couldn’t and didn’t want to be without him, as if in reality it hurt, the tears were literally choking me, why did he He told me to repeat it tomorrow.
Also in the dream there was his ex, they didn’t fight, nothing was neutral

I dreamed that in a dream I was breaking up with my beloved guy, then a Korean guy appeared and I began a relationship with him. Then I understand that I don’t love the new guy, but I love exactly the guy with whom I broke up. I start to feel sad, I understand that my feelings have not cooled down and I want to return my first boyfriend with whom I broke up, because I love him. I realized that I didn’t love the new guy and I only needed my boyfriend with whom I broke up. In the end we come together again and stay together.

I dreamed that my wife and I were getting a divorce and she came for things. I didn’t want to grow up and when I approached her I hugged her, but I couldn’t resist and cried so emotionally that she also started crying and even responded to short kisses, but was still determined to leave. It was so real that I woke up sobbing with tears in my eyes.

My husband left me unknown and said that he was tired of me, then when the guy came up to me, I don’t remember what he looked like, but I was pleased and I said his name Yura, then another picture that I was walking out of the room and saw 3 little boys coming in to the toilet or bathroom, and the other was sitting on a potty in the kitchen, I saw his face, but didn’t remember. It seemed to me that quite a few years had passed i.k. I also saw 2 older children of opposite sexes. I started calling my parents what happened, and why I live with another man and I can’t find my current children...

For several more days in a row we accidentally crossed paths and started a conversation. And on the third day, I finally decided to break up with my current boyfriend. There was no sadness or regret at all, only happiness that I finally broke up with him. Everything was just wonderful with Sasha and that’s where the dream ended. Hello, this afternoon I had a fight with my girlfriend, I left her to go home to my parents, there was no call from her, nothing, and recently I had a dream that she was calling me and asking me to come, I say that I won’t come, to which I receive in response that we are not together and I seem to remember that she has a replacement for me, and then I saw in a dream some incomprehensible message from her and then I woke up