Museum of Local Lore, Tomsk, Russia. Tomsk Regional Museum of Local Lore Tomsk Regional Art Museum

The idea of ​​creating a public museum in Tomsk came from the city's intelligentsia. At her insistence, the city authorities in 1911 decided to open the Regional Siberian Science and Art Museum named after. Alexandra II. The implementation of the plan was interrupted by military and revolutionary events (1914-1919). On February 14, 1920, after inspecting the Bishop’s House (the former estate of gold miner I.D. Astashev), the commission decided to open the “Museum of Antiquity and Revolution” there.

The ways of creating museum collections were varied. Intelligent, highly educated artists, architects, and university teachers piece by piece collected objects that had artistic and historical value scattered by the war and revolution.

The first exhibition of the museum opened on March 18, 1922. Only in October 1922 did the museum receive the name “Tomsk Regional Museum” corresponding to the direction of its work (subsequent names of the museum: 1940-1946 - Tomsk City Local History Museum; from 1946 - Tomsk Regional local history museum).

Formation museum collections occurs through a comprehensive ethnolinguistic and archaeological study of the indigenous population Western Siberia with the interaction of museum staff and scientists from TSU and TSPU. The museum's collections correspond to its local history profile. The museum has its own ongoing scientific publication “Proceedings..”, and is the initiator and author of publishing a series of local history collections on the history and nature of the administrative regions of the Tomsk region.

Since 1984, as the parent organization, it became part of the museum association "Tomsk State United Historical and Architectural Museum". In 1999, the association included: Tomsk Regional Museum of Local Lore, Kolpashevo Museum of Local Lore, Asinovsky Museum of Local Lore, Narym Museum of Political Exiles, Podgornensky Museum of Local Lore.

Since 1998, the museum has again been called the Tomsk Regional Local Lore Museum. Classes are held in the halls for schoolchildren and students; excursions, lectures, meetings with war and labor veterans. The museum invites exhibitions from different cities. Work is underway on a scientific concept for a permanent exhibition. In 2005, the restoration of the buildings of I.D.’s estate was completed. Astasheva. In 2009, the placement of a stationary exhibition began - the hall "The Age of Stone. Paleolithic on the territory of the Tomsk-Narym Ob region" opened.

The museum includes both departments in the city (the NKVD Investigation Prison Memorial Museum and the Tomsk Planetarium) and branches in the Tomsk region. The museum is a methodological center for all museums in the region.

Winner of the competition "Changing Museum in a Changing World" in 2013 - the project "Siberians Free and Unwitting" and 2015 - the project "Chain Uprising (an experience of documentary theater in a museum"

On October 4, 2007, a unique museum of its kind in Russia appeared in Tomsk. Slavic mythology. Surprisingly, despite the popular and sought-after topic, such a thematic museum has never been organized in our country before. The museum appeared on the basis of a private library in Nakhanovich Lane, which contained collections of books on the history of the Russian people. Its director Gennady Pavlov decided to attract a new audience to reading books in an unusual way.

The library collections were reorganized into a museum. In addition to books, paintings and artistic images on the theme of Slavic mythology. Excursions are designed for different age category. If children come to the museum, then the emphasis is on legends and fairy tales; if an adult group gathers, then a historical component is added to the program. In the Museum of Slavic Mythology you can learn a lot of interesting things about the most common things, for example about Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. Or, for example, you may know how are connected Slavic goddess death and the familiar bride, what the name “Baba Yaga” means and why the brownies cry.

Another interesting point visiting the museum is that local guides, at your request, can explain the original meaning of fairy tales familiar from childhood. For example, in the original version of the fairy tale “Kolobok”, each animal bit off a piece from the main character, thereby symbolizing the waning of the moon. Except art gallery The museum has a folk arts and crafts shop where you can get acquainted with traditional Russian painting - Gzhel, Khokhloma, Gorodets and Lipetsk painting. Local guides will tell you in detail how one curl differs from another and what symbolic meaning carry basic patterns. Here in the souvenir shop you can buy a box or other keepsake item.

Museum of JSC "Tomsk Beer"

Today, the oldest enterprise in the Tomsk region, OJSC Tomskoe Beer, has opened a museum. It was created in 2004 as the first museum of this kind beyond the Urals. The museum at the enterprise contains unique beer-themed exhibits - unusual and antique beer mugs, rare labels, bottles and other things related to the mystery of brewing. All exhibits date from the 18th century to the present day.

Excursions to the museum of Tomsk Beer OJSC provide a unique opportunity to see in person how beer is brewed at modern equipment from the first stage of malt crushing to bottling finished products. You can go into each workshop, stand next to the workers and ask all your questions. And of course, in addition to inhaling the real aroma of malt and hops, museum guests have the opportunity to go to the tasting room and try all the beers available at the enterprise.

Unfortunately, the tasting time is quite limited, but those who want to continue have an excellent opportunity for this - next to the museum in a beautiful park there is a cafe-bar “At Kruger’s”.

Tomsk Regional Museum of Local Lore

The Tomsk Regional Museum of Local Lore appeared in the city thanks to the initiative of the local intelligentsia. The idea of ​​creating such a museum existed for a long time, but the revolutionary events of 1917 postponed it for several decades.

Initially, the city authorities allocated space for the construction of a building for the Regional Siberian Science and Art Museum named after Alexander II, but soon changed their decision and it was decided to locate the museum in old manor gold miner I.D. Astasheva. The museum was eventually named the “Museum of Antiquity and Revolution.” Gradually, the archives of the museum collections began to receive a variety of materials from local artists, architects, and university teachers, who piece by piece collected objects scattered by the war and revolution that had at least some artistic and historical value.

The first exhibition in the museum was opened in 1922, and it was then that the museum received a name corresponding to the direction of its work. Today, the Tomsk Regional Museum of Local Lore, in addition to exhibition activities, is engaged in scientific and educational work. It is the methodological center of museum work for all museums in the region.

Memorial Museum NKVD Investigative Prison

The memorial museum “NKVD Investigation Prison” in Tomsk is one of the structural divisions of TOKM. This is an absolutely unique and one-of-a-kind NKVD Museum in Russia and the world. It is of great interest not only for ordinary tourists, but also among government officials, journalists, and the public. The exhibition hall of the museum is located in the basement of the building at 44 Lenin Avenue. From 1923 to 1944, there was an internal prison of the Tomsk city department of the OGPU-NKVD. The entire area adjacent to the building served as the courtyard of the prison. Nowadays there is a Memory Square on this site. In 2004, monuments to the victims of political repression on the Tomsk Lands were erected there. Today the museum and the square represent a single historical and architectural memorial complex. The permanent exhibition of the museum is a reconstructed prison corridor and a cell for pre-trial prisoners. Nearby is the completely original interior of the investigator's office.

The four main halls of the museum are located in former prison cells. They contain thematic exhibitions “Chronicle of repressions on Tomsk land”, “Great Terror”, “Execution Cross”, “Bialystok Tragedy”, “ChSIRs”, “Their Tragic Fates”, “The Fate of a Priest”, “Kolpashevo Yar” and “GULAG” and special migrants of the Narym region.” An interesting fact is that all the documents on display are originals or copies of investigative files, the originals of which are stored in the museum’s archives. Here you can see original documents, photo albums, as well as embroideries, paintings, drawings, playing cards, crafts made of wood and stone, made in camps and exiles. Recently, the museum established a library with a photo and video archive, which is constantly updated with new materials. In it you can get acquainted with an open electronic data bank of almost 200 thousand people who, during the years of Soviet power, went through the crucible of “chekas” and troikas, dispossession and mass deportations of peoples.

Museum of Tomsk History

The Tomsk History Museum is located in a building built in 1859. It was founded in 1997, but only opened to visitors on June 7, 2003. The opening of the museum was marked by the permanent exhibition “Portrait of Old Tomsk”. In addition to this, in the museum you can visit the exhibition “The First Century of Tomsk”, which presents unique exhibits of the 17th century, as well as reliable reconstructions of household items and urban life in Tomsk of that period. It contains rich illustrative and textual material that reveals the themes of the development of Siberia, the founding of the city of Tomsk, as well as the life and activities of Tomsk residents in the period from the 17th to the 19th centuries. Within the museum there is a permanent exhibition “Russian hut of the 19th-20th centuries”, “Panorama plan of the city of Tomsk in the first quarter of the 20th century”.

The halls of the museum regularly host temporary historical, ethnographic and art exhibitions related to the city. The Tomsk History Museum has a special program for preschool and school age, allowing you to get acquainted with history hometown. For this purpose, the museum staff organizes not only excursions through the halls of the museum, but also walks around the city with visits to its historical places. The museum has a unique observation deck located in a former fire tower. This is currently the highest equipped view point in the city. In 2006, a dummy of fireman Afanasy was installed on it in memory of former times.

Tomsk Regional Art Museum

Tomsk regional art museum was founded in 1979, although the official opening took place only in 1982. The first exhibition was based on the collection of the only art department in the city of the Tomsk Museum of Local Lore. It contained small sections of Western European art XVII- XIX century, several ancient Russian icons, as well as Russian paintings and graphics artists XVII- XX century.

Today this collection has grown significantly and is a permanent exhibition that occupies two floors of the three-story museum building. The museum's holdings include more than nine thousand different objects of art, although most of it today is represented by an extensive collection of works by contemporary authors. In addition to exhibition activities, the museum conducts active research and educational work among different groups population. The museum houses a lecture hall and a video lecture hall, as well as several art studios for children and adults who work according to individual author's programs.

Zoological Museum of Tomsk State University

In 1887, Tomsk State University was founded zoological museum. Its creation is associated with the receipt of stock material, which included collections of animals of the Arctic Ocean made by the expedition of the famous polar explorer and scientist Niels Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld. During his through voyage from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean on the ship "Vega" he was awarded the highest award of the Russian Geographical Society- Gold Konstantinovsky medal.

At the end of his expedition, all the collected materials, of which there turned out to be a lot, were donated to the university. After this broad gesture, the Governor-General of the steppe region of Russia, Gerasim Alekseevich Kolpakovsky, handed over his serial scientific collection of bird skins from Kulja and Semirechye. Under the leadership of the first Siberian professor of zoology N.F. Kashchenko, it was decided to found a zoological museum in which all the materials obtained could be available to the public. In addition, Kashchenko organized Siberian training camps with the epicenter in the Tomsk region. Today the Zoological Museum of Tomsk state university has the largest collection of animals from the territory of Western Siberia, Altai, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, as well as some places Eastern Siberia and Primorye.

In addition to exhibition activities, the museum organizes research work closely related to the study of birds and butterflies various groups. Particular emphasis is placed on the study of bird migrations, which is used to monitor and control the state of the world's game bird stocks in Western Siberia.

Tomsk Museum of Wooden Architecture

Tomsk Museum wooden architecture is located outside the city. It is located in an old two-story log house, which in itself is a permanent exhibit and an example of Tomsk wooden architecture. It is a rather complex structure with an attic made in the Art Nouveau style. The entire configuration of the building is a series of protruding volumes with numerous decorative decorations that emphasize the plasticity of the log walls.

The museum building is an architectural monument of republican significance. The museum's exhibitions themselves are located on the second floor and in the attic. There are six isolated rooms that open onto a common corridor. The museum's collection includes more than two hundred items. Among them you can find numerous wooden fragments of houses, carved openwork window frames, pilasters, cornices and other examples of carved decor not only of external architecture, but also of interior interiors.

Photo: Tomsk Regional Museum of Local Lore

Photo and description

Tomsk Regional Museum of Local Lore is located in the very center of Tomsk, in a house that previously belonged to gold miner I.D. Astashev. The museum introduces Tomsk residents and guests to the history, culture and traditions of past times.

The founding of the museum was initiated by the city intelligentsia, at whose insistence local authorities in 1911 and decided to open the Regional Siberian Scientific and Art Museum named after Alexander II. However, the implementation of the plan was interrupted by military and revolutionary events. In February 1920, the commission decided to open the “Museum of Antiquity and Revolution” here. Highly educated intelligent architects, artists and university teachers collected pieces of objects that had historical and artistic value. The opening of the first museum exhibition took place in March 1922. About six months later, the institution was given the name “Tomsk Regional Museum”. From 1940 to 1946 the museum was called “Tomsk City Local History Museum”.

The main purpose of creating the museum was to explore the region and educate local population. An important role in scientific organization One of the first leaders, M. B. Shatilov, played a role in the work of the institution.

In August 1941, the museum was closed, after which its premises were used to house military schools evacuated to the city of Tomsk. The Tomsk Regional Art Museum was opened in 1979-1983. From 1985 to October 1997, the institution was closed again, but this time for renovation. In October 1997, their museum was returned to Tomsk residents.

Today, the Tomsk Regional Museum of Local Lore has more than 141,000 storage units, of which 130,000 are items from the main fund. Museum visitors can see a unique collection of bronze cult metal plastics of the Kulai culture of the V - II centuries. BC, an oriental collection, an ethnographic collection of the indigenous peoples of Siberia, a collection of Old Believer borrowings from the first half of the 20th century, a unique collection of early printed and handwritten books, numismatic collection, furniture collection and much more.

It cannot be said about the regional museum of local lore in Tomsk that the silence of the museum halls reigns here. The main visitors to the museum are not familiar with silence, because they are students and schoolchildren. The local history museum is located in the halls of an ancient mansion; it has become a temple of muses. Comes here often large number guests. In this museum you can feel a touch of the history of the Tomsk region, which is marked by victories, glory, pride and troubles. The museum administration offers to look at images of past years in the museum showcases, which are full of museum enfilades. This museum is an amazing institution from where today's descendants receive greetings from their glorious ancestors. Compare exposures with .

Throughout the history of its existence, the Tomsk Museum of Local Lore has faced the tough question of closure or further functionality. Sami local residents they say the museum is open until today, because Tomsk needs him. Therefore, you can carefully study the history of this famous institution.

Creation of a museum

The city's intelligentsia came up with the idea of ​​creating such a museum. Only their efforts to found such an institution were unsuccessful. Although Tomsk had significant potential for creating a museum of this scale and profile. After all, a large number of interested and educated people lived here, as well as accumulated cultural wealth that was in private collections. In 1920, Tomsk was a front-line city in a tragic war. It was during this stormy time that the idea of ​​creating a public museum in the city arose. They wanted to implement this idea without delay. After all, there was an urgent need to save and store at least some of the ancient objects of art, since they were lost during the war period.

The section on museum issues was formed in 1919 in Tomsk, this committee included professors Smolin, Dennike, Bogaevsky and architect Shilovsky. Gradually it transformed into a subdepartment, with departments being added to it each time. For example, an architectural section was added. In 1921, this subdepartment became a provincial committee dealing with museum issues and the protection of ancient monuments and art. It was run by the artist Tikhomirov. A number of people contributed to the formation of the first museum collections and collections, among which there is requisitioned property that was saved from the destruction of cultural values. Today, the preserved exhibits have become a real asset to Tomsk.

The first exhibition was launched in the former Astashev mansion in 1922. This happened on March 18, today this day is celebrated as the museum’s birthday. In 1920, the commission inspected the Bishop's House, which was the same estate, and as a result they decided to open the Museum of Revolution and Antiquity here. Museum funds were collected in a variety of ways. Piece by piece they collected historical and artistic value, which was scattered by the revolution, this activity was carried out by university teachers, architects, highly educated artists and simply the urban intelligentsia.

In 1922, the first museum exhibition was opened. Note that in the same year, the museum began to develop in the appropriate direction, receiving the name Tomsk Regional Museum. Then in 1940-1946 it was called the Tomsk City Museum of Local Lore. And it received its modern name in 1946. The first director of the museum was Mikhail Shatilov, who significantly developed the scientific organization of work. Around this era, the Society for the Study of Tomsk, the Council of the Tomsk Museum and development specialists worked alongside him artistic creativity.

The purpose of the Local History Museum

The main objectives of the museum were to explore the Tomsk region, as well as present the materials found to a wide range of the population. As today, the museum collection was formed through a comprehensive archaeological and ethnolinguistic study of the population of Western Siberia, in collaboration with a group of scientists and museum staff. It should be noted that the museum collection fully corresponds to its local history profile. Today, the museum continues to publish a scientific publication called Proceedings. This museum is the author and initiator of the publication of a number of local history collections on the nature and history of the Tomsk region.

Since 1984, as the parent organization, the Museum of Local Lore has become part of the museum association of the State Tomsk Historical and Architectural Museum. By 1999, the museum association included the Kolpashevo Museum of Local Lore, the Tomsk Regional Museum of Local Lore, the Asinovsky Museum of Local Lore, the Podgorny Museum of Local Lore and the Museum of Political Exiles of Narym. In the end, it was this year that the regional administration decided that this museum association would now be called the Museum of Local Lore.

The museum exhibits both its own and imported exhibitions, and also hosts various interactive programs designed for the audience of different ages. In this case, museum collections and exhibition materials are used. It is noteworthy that the museum has become a methodological center for everyone regional museums who carry out museum work. The Board of Trustees began its activities at the museum in 1998, and B.A. Maltsev became its head. - Chairman of the State Duma.

Chronological history of the Museum of Local Lore

The museum gained state status back in 1923-24, and around that time it began to be financed as independent organization. The following year, the museum became the founder of the Organization for the Study of the Tomsk Region. During the same period, art lovers and artists united into the Society of Artistic Creativity. Today, the museum has ethnographic and linguistic circles, as well as a circle of fans of antiquity. Basics ethnographic collection were laid in the twenties and thirties. Shor materials appeared in the Museum of Local Lore thanks to an expedition to the territory of Mountain Shoria in 1923-24.

In 1927-28, objects of Russian ethnography, which were collected by members of expedition groups, began to enter the museum collections. Later, the museum collection was enriched with metal-plastic objects that date back to the Early Iron Age. Thanks to this exhibition, you can get acquainted with the Kulai culture, which is the brightest example of West Siberian archeology. A fruit plant nursery was established at the museum in 1928, and active work is underway to grow mulberry trees, garden crops, and medicinal plants. In the natural science department in 1929, specialists began collecting and studying soil samples, which made it possible to draw up maps of Siberian soil zones.

To this day, collections are brought to the Tomsk Museum of Local Lore fine arts from funds State Museum, Rumyantsev Museum And Tretyakov Gallery. Gradually, museum exhibitions are becoming richer. For example, already in seventeen halls there is a stationary exhibition. In addition, it is worth noting that the museum is distinguished by its local history structure, in other words, there are industrial, oriental, artistic, historical-revolutionary, natural science and other departments.

The year the Second World War began, the museum was closed. And here various institutions were located, for example, a pedagogical institute, a weapons technical school, and the Belotserkovsky Military Infantry School. A significant part of the museum property, paintings and furniture were transferred to theaters, hospitals and other organizations. But this did not stop the museum from continuing its activities.

Local History Museum today

Thanks to the interesting exhibition “Once Upon a Time,” visitors have the opportunity to get acquainted with the basis folk culture Rus'. It is interesting that the first hall is made of a traditional Russian hut, where you can see the iconostasis and the red corner, as well as a built-in stove corner. The traditional cradle is located next to the stove. Here visitors are allowed to sit on the table or climb onto the floor and stove. In general, every element here introduces the traditions of the Russian people. If you agree in advance, you can organize a photo session, during which you are allowed to dress in traditional Russian attire.

Another interesting exhibition is the Tomsk-Narym Golgotha, which allows you to get acquainted with tragic destinies people during the Soviet period - many parishioners and representatives of the Russian hierarchy Orthodox Church Then they turned out to be persecuted. Of course, various thematic exhibitions help to learn more about the history and development of the Tomsk region. Comprehensive information can be found on the official website of the Tomsk Museum of Local Lore.

March 18, 1922 in the former mansion of gold miner I.D. Astashev the first exhibition was launched. This day is considered the museum's birthday. On February 14, 1920, the commission decided to open the “Museum of Antiquity and Revolution” in it; in October 1922, the museum received the name “Tomsk Regional Museum” corresponding to the direction of its work. Subsequent names of the museum: 1940-1946. Tomsk city local history department; since 1946 Tomsk Regional Museum of Local Lore. A significant role in the scientific organization of the museum’s work belongs to one of the first directors (September 1922 - April 1933) Mikhail Bonifatievich Shatilov (1882 - 1937). During this period, the Council of the Tomsk Regional Museum (1924 - 1933), the Society for the Study of the Tomsk Region (1925 - 1928), the Society for the Study of Artistic Creativity of the Tomsk Region (1925 - 1926) worked under it. The defining tasks of the museum were there is research of the Tomsk region and education wide circles population. The formation of museum collections occurs through a comprehensive ethnolinguistic and archaeological study of the indigenous population of Western Siberia through the interaction of museum staff and scientists from TSU and TSPU. The museum's collections correspond to its local history profile. The museum has its own ongoing scientific publication “Proceedings..”, and is the initiator and author of publishing a series of local history collections on the history and nature of the administrative regions of the Tomsk region. Since 1984, as the parent organization, it became part of the museum association “Tomsk State United Historical and Architectural Museum”. In 1999, the association included: Tomsk Regional Museum of Local Lore, Kolpashevo Museum of Local Lore, Asinovsky Museum of Local Lore, Narym Museum of Political Exiles, Podgorny Museum of Local Lore. Since 1999, by decision of the regional administration, this museum association was named after the name of the main museum. The museum exhibits its own and imported exhibitions, conducts interactive programs for different age audiences based on materials from exhibitions and collections. The museum is the methodological center of museum work for all museums in the region. In 1998, the museum began its work on September 1, 1922. M.B. was appointed to the position of director. Shatilov. In October 1922, the museum received the name “Tomsk Regional Museum”. In 1923-1924. the museum acquires state status and is financed for the first time as an independent organization. In 1925, the museum becomes the founder of the Society for the Study of the Tomsk Region. It includes M.B. Shatilov, B.P. Yukhnevich, N.N. Vvedensky, N.N. Bakai, P.A. Paramonov, N.I. Molotilov, M.A. Khozin, E.G. Mako-Tyumentseva, M.A. Slobodskoy, A.K. Ivanov and others. In December 1925, artists and art lovers united into the Society for the Study of Artistic Creativity. At the museum there are linguistic, ethnographic circles and a circle of antiquity lovers, to which active assistance is provided outstanding educator P.I. Makushin. In the 1920-1930s. the foundations of the ethnographic collection are laid. In 1923-1924. as a result of expeditions to Mountain Shoria, the chairman of the provincial committee for museums and monument protection Z.S. Gaisin, Shor materials appear in the museum. In the summer of 1924, from an expedition to the Narym region, M.B. Shatilov brought Selkup and Evenki objects, then Khanty ones from the Vakhovsky expedition in 1926. Russian ethnographic objects collected by employees on an expedition to survey the old-timer population in the area of ​​the river. Chulym and Shegarka were added to the museum's funds in 1927-1928. Metal-plastic objects from the Early Iron Age from Kulaika Mountain were added to the museum's funds in 1925-1928. from the archaeological expeditions of I.M. Myagkova. He also justified the identification of the Kulai culture - the brightest phenomenon in West Siberian archeology. In 1928, under the leadership of N.A. Ivanitsky, a fruit plant nursery is being established at the museum and work is underway on the acclimatization of garden crops, mulberry trees and medicinal plants. In 1929, in the natural science department of the museum R.S. Ilyin begins to collect soil samples, study them, and draw up maps of the soil zones of Siberia. Collections of fine arts come from the funds of the Tretyakov Gallery, the Rumyantsev Museum and the State Porcelain Museum. Since its founding, the museum has become a research center for the comprehensive study of the Tomsk region. In 1930 -e years a program is being developed to survey nearby areas in such areas as the state of crafts and trades, assessment of fur stocks and fishing resources, study of flora and fauna, study of wooden architecture, ethnography, linguistics, archeology, history, local history and even meteorology. The first four volumes of the periodic series “Proceedings of the Tomsk Regional Museum” are published, where the results of the research conducted are published. Museum exhibitions are becoming richer. By 1930, the permanent exhibition already occupied 17 halls and had a local history structure with artistic, natural science, historical-revolutionary, oriental, agricultural, industrial and anti-religious departments. In 1933, the OGPU authorities arrested the director of the museum, M.B. Shatilov. In 1933-1937. The activities of the institution have practically ceased due to the constant change of leadership and instability of the museum staff, most of the museum’s exhibitions have been curtailed, the premises have been leased to various institutions. The museum is gradually turning into an institute of ideological propaganda. Propaganda work to support the party's policies is unfolding, "corners" of collectivization, industrialization and atheism are appearing, the number of lectures, conversations and "readings" is increasing. The “red thread” of the permanent exhibition is the idea of ​​class struggle and the inevitable victory of socialism. In August 1941, the museum was closed. Its building houses first the Pedagogical Institute, then the Belotserkovsky Military Infantry School and the Tula Weapons Technical School. Most of the furniture and paintings were donated to hospitals, theaters and other institutions. Nevertheless, museum work continues. The fund collection is replenished with letters from the front of Tomsk heroes, artistic drawings MM. Shcheglova, L.A. Ostrovoy, E.I. Plekhan, materials from the Tomsk workshop “TASS Windows” are being purchased. At enterprises in educational institutions The traveling exhibition “Siberians at the Front and in the Rear” is on display. In 1943, the Tomsk Museum of Local History accepted for temporary storage more than 1000 paintings exported by M.P. Kroshitsky from besieged Sevastopol. An exhibition was set up on the basis of the evacuated collection in 1944. In 1944, the museum building was cleared of third party organizations, employees are working to return the collections, but some of them are lost forever. Difficulties of the post-war period, lack of funds, major renovation buildings delay the restoration of the exhibition until 1954.1950–1961. rise time. The museum has a unique team of employees: N.M. Petrov, R.A. Uraev, I.M. Markov, S.I. Osipova, V.D. Slavnin. Work begins on creating a permanent exhibition; people are involved in its design best artists. The museum and local history council, which includes scientists from Tomsk, begins to work. Museum funds are constantly replenished. On the initiative of N.M. Petrov, the museum receives materials related to the life of the Siberian explorer and social and political figure G.N. Potanin. Prominent figures of Tomsk musical culture M.I. Malomet and N.K. Alexandridi, donate their albums, photographs, posters, documents, and memories to the museum. In 1957, at the Tomsk television studio, the first in Siberia, throughout the year, museum employees conducted a series of programs about museum collections. Since 1962, the museum has been closed for repairs, but under the leadership of TSU professor I.M. As the acceleration progresses, work begins to create a permanent exhibition. In the next decade, museum employees are sent to the areas where oil explorers and field workers work, to build railway Asino - Bely Yar, to timber industry enterprises to collect new material. In 1977, a museum exhibition opened. In 1979-1983. An art museum is being created based on the collections of the Tomsk Regional Museum of Local Lore. In 1980-1982. one of exhibition halls transferred for the installation of an organ and the construction of a concert hall. In 1984, the local history museum was transformed into the Tomsk State United Historical and Architectural Museum (TGOIAM). Its branches include: Kolpashevo Museum of Local Lore, Narym Memorial Museum of Political Exiles of the Bolsheviks, House-Museum of Ya.M. Sverdlova in the village of Maksimkin Yar, Verkhneketsky district, and the architectural and ethnographic museum in the village of Kolarovo, Tomsk region. In July 1985, specialists recorded the emergency condition of the main building of the museum. After closing in 1988 for repairs and restoration, not having its own exhibition space, the museum organizes traveling and stationary exhibitions in the halls of the Palace of Youth Creativity, the Tomsk Regional Art Museum, the Tomsk Higher Military Command School of Communications, the Seversk Museum, and in branches of the museum association . Research activities continue; in 1994, the publication of a collection of scientific works was resumed. The return of the museum to Tomsk residents took place in October 1997, when, after a long renovation, part of the exhibition space was opened. Since 1998, the museum has again been called the Tomsk Regional Local History Museum. Classes are held in the halls with schoolchildren and students; excursions, lectures, meetings with war and labor veterans. The museum invites exhibitions from different cities. Work is underway on the scientific concept of the permanent exhibition. In 2005, the restoration of the buildings of I.D.’s estate was completed. Astasheva. The new halls house exhibitions that have received recognition from viewers. In 2009, the placement of a permanent exhibition begins - the hall “The Age of Stone” opens. Paleolithic on the territory of the Tomsk-Narym Ob region.” Today the museum is full of energy, creative plans and is united by one goal - to preserve and increase the unique collections that are the property of Tomsk residents. Currently, the Tomsk Regional Museum of Local Lore named after Mikhail Bonifatievich Shatilov is the largest cultural institution in the Tomsk region. TOKM includes departments and branches not only in the city of Tomsk, but also on the territory of the Tomsk region.1. Head Museum2. Memorial Museum “NKVD Investigation Prison”3. Tomsk Planetarium4. Asinovsky Museum of Local Lore5. Kolpashevo Museum of Local Lore6. Narym Museum of Political Exile7. Podgornensky District Museum of Local Lore