I am a patriot of my country. Class hour "I am a patriot of my country"

Subject: I am a patriot of my country
Target: formation of Kazakhstani patriotism among students
- education of patriotism and active citizenship in the context of the implementation of a national idea by studying the history of the country, native land;
– fostering a sense of love and pride for one’s country;
- fostering a sense of love and respect for Kazakh language, customs, traditions Kazakh people, other ethnic groups and ethnic groups Kazakhstan;
– spiritual and moral education of children;
– development of intellectual abilities
Job description: This class hour is held on September 1. This event is aimed at developing Kazakhstani patriotism. It expands the children's understanding of the history of Kazakhstan. The technique of critical thinking is used.
Forms of work– whole class, group, individual.

Organizational moment
1The anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan plays
Hello guys. I am very glad to see you all in our class rested and matured. I wish you success in the new academic year, health to you and your loved ones, peaceful skies in our state., I invite you to our first lesson of this school year.
What should you be like in class? (attentive, resourceful, active, ...)
I think that you will all be attentive and active, and most importantly, show what you know and how you can work.
And now we need to divide into 3 teams and get ready for work (according to the color of autumn leaves).

Today we will spend a great hour with you. What do you think is the name of the class hour?

"I am a patriot." What associations do you have when you hear the word patriot? Can you explain the meaning of this word? If we cannot explain the lexical meaning of a word, where should we turn? TO explanatory dictionary.
3. Conversation on the topic
a) Work on the dictionary.

Vladimir Dal claims that a PATRIOT is one who loves his fatherland, is devoted to his people, and is ready to make sacrifices and heroic deeds in the name of the interests of his Motherland.

“Being a patriot of your homeland means carrying Kazakhstan in your heart!”

N Nazarbayev

b) Cluster: Let's define the traits that are characteristic of a patriot. (We draw a person, stick on the features. We justify the choice. Each group has an envelope with cards on their desk - find, read, stick and prove)
1 envelope
He studies well.
Doesn't like to work.

Plays sports.
Loves animals.

Doesn't listen to his parents.
2 envelope
Doesn't want to study.

Decorates the Motherland with his work
Additional material:
The coat of arms of Kazakhstan has the shape of a circle. The central element is shanyrak, which personifies the hearth, is symbol of family. Shanyrak with its rays represents the unification of many peoples. An important part of the coat of arms is two mythological horses, because The whole life of nomads is connected with the horse. The horses seem to protect the shanyrak from both sides. Five pointed star used as a symbol of happiness, peace, a sign of eternity. The ears of corn represent the wealth of the Motherland.
The flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan is blue, which symbolizes unity and cloudless skies, peace and prosperity. The golden sun with rays symbolizes wealth and peace, the rays symbolize the friendship of all peoples living in the country. The soaring steppe eagle symbolizes generosity and vigilance, the height of thoughts.
The National Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a solemn work. In the life of any state, the anthem plays a big role. It unites the citizens of the country. They open official meetings of state leaders. The anthem is performed at special holidays, military parades, sports competitions. They listen to the Anthem while standing, showing respect for the main song of their country.
3 envelope
Destroys birds' nests.
Ready to defend the Motherland
Throws trash.
Reads well, writes poetry
good friend.
Okay, well done guys!
-Can you call yourself patriots? Are you like these little people?
Guys, I want you to grow up to be real patriots of your fatherland. And for this you need to love and respect your Motherland. The homeland is the most important, the most precious and everything favorite word. Every person has his own homeland. By this word we mean our school, our family, our beautiful city, our entire huge Republic of Kazakhstan.
Motherland is a friend and peer to match,
The homeland is an aul and a village.

I suggest playing the game “Linguist”. Rule: for each letter of a given word, choose an adjective for the word patriot. Each group is given a card.

P-loyal, truthful, first

A-active, neat


R-hard-working, joyful

I-sincere, interesting

O-responsible, open, responsive

And you can grow up to be real patriots of your fatherland. Love and respect your Fatherland. What words can replace the word FATHERLAND?

Homeland is the most important, dearest and most beloved word. Every person has his own homeland. By this word we mean our school, our family, our beautiful city, our entire huge Republic of Kazakhstan.
Homeland is your father and mother,
Motherland is a friend and peer,
The homeland is your land and capital,
The homeland is an aul and a village.

There is a wonderful legend about the creation of Kazakhstan.
It reads: “In the days of the creation of the world, God created heaven and earth, seas and oceans, all countries and continents, but forgot about Kazakhstan. I remembered it at the last minute, but there is no material. He grabbed a piece from different places - the edge of America, the edge of Italy, a piece of the desert of Africa, a strip of the Caucasus, folded it and stuck it where Kazakhstan was supposed to be.”
It is impossible not to believe in this legend, because on our amazing land you can find everything: the eternally bare, as if cursed by the sky, expanses of waterless salt marsh and the most picturesque contrast of the mountains, and the blue of the sky merging with the vast expanse of the sea, and magnificent life-giving forests.
Circle the border of Kazakhstan with a red pencil and get to know the border states. What word can be used to call all citizens of our state? Kazakhstanis. When does a person become a citizen? In what book can you find out about this?
The Constitution is the fundamental law of our state, which has the highest legal force, direct action and applies throughout the state.

The word "constitution" means "establishment", "device".

The Constitution is a set of Laws by which all citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan live. Every person must respect the laws of his country and not break them. Respect the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, respect the State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan (coat of arms, flag, anthem), feel proud of your country. Study and know the state language - Kazakh, speak Russian and English languages. Be a true patriot of your country. Love and respect your land, your homeland.
The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan contains a lot of laws, and there are also laws in the Constitution that concern you, schoolchildren.
Article 30, paragraph 1.
“Citizens are guaranteed free secondary education in government institutions. Secondary education is compulsory."

But along with rights, you must fulfill responsibilities. Those. you must go to school, study well, be worthy citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Because you are the future of our country and you will build the future of our country.

What, at this stage of your life, is your most important right and your main responsibility?

The right to go to school and receive an education is Important right, which is written in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

You have the right to go to school and receive a free education. What responsibilities arise from this right?

Every citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan is obliged to receive secondary education.

Do you know that there are many of your peers in the world who do not have the opportunity to attend school and do not even know how to read and write.

All of us and each of us individually are parts of a huge country - the Republic of Kazakhstan. We are citizens of our country. Citizenship not only gives you a sense of belonging to your country, but also great rights and responsibilities.

Every child has the right to life, to live in a family with his parents, to receive education, to rest, to freedom of speech and faith, to health care and free medical care, and to have his own opinion. Every person from the moment of birth becomes a citizen of his country. But it’s not enough to be born a citizen, you also have to become one.

We have people of many nationalities living in Kazakhstan. Everyone speaks different languages. But the state language is Kazakh. We play the game "Tilashar". You need to translate these words into Kazakh.
people-khalyk, ate,
memleket state,
family - bass,
friendship - tattoo,
native land– Tugan zher.
You did a great job with this task. What task will be next? Solve anagrams.
GFAL flag, famous designer and artist, Honored Artist of Kazakhstan, Shaken Niyazbekov.
BERG-coat of arms, architects Zhandarbek Malibekov and Shot-Aman Ualikhanov
NIMG-hymn, Shamshi Kaldayakov to the words of Zhumeken Nazhimedenov (1956), Nursultan Nazarbayev (2005).
LOSCYTA is the capital.
Our proud coat of arms and flag
Given to the people and the state.
Let him always keep freedom
Our sovereign Kazakhstan!

4. Physical education minute
-If you are happy to go to school, raise right hand.
- If you think you should study the history and culture of your country, take a step forward.
- If you think that we should respect the rights of people, regardless of their nationality and social background, take a step back.
- If you care about the fate of our country, clap your hands.
- If you believe that the future of the country depends on you, join hands.
- If you consider yourself patriots, raise both hands up.
- If you think that you need to study and obey the laws of your country, sit quietly at your desk.

Game "Kazakhstan Expert"
Attention question:
1.What holiday is celebrated in Kazakhstan on July 6? (President’s Birthday and Capital Day)
2. Which language is the state language in Kazakhstan (Kazakh)
3. Which language in Kazakhstan is called the language of interethnic communication (Russian)
4. The bird depicted on the flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Symbolizes freedom and independence. (eagle)
5. Our president N.A. Nazarbayev set us the task of speaking 3 languages, Which ones? (Kazakh, Russian, English.)
6. Solemn song, a symbol of state sovereignty. It is performed in schools at lines, at various meetings. (Anthem)
7. The holy book of Muslims (Koran)
8. How old is the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan? (26 years).

3. Reflection

Kazakhstanis have something to be proud of. Firstly, Kazakhstan is the land from which man stepped into space. Secondly, Kazakhstan is the first country in the world to voluntarily abandon nuclear weapons. Thirdly, Kazakhstan is the first country in the world to organize the Congress of Leaders of World Religions. Fourthly, Kazakhstan is the country where the OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) Summit was held. And there are thousands of such examples! The republic is growing rapidly, it is independent and respected by other states. We are openly looking to the future! And we can help to the younger generation learn to love your country and be proud of it!

"Free microphone"

a/My Motherland is...

b/ I am grateful to my country for the fact that...

c/ I would like my Motherland to be the most... (5-10 adjectives).

d/ When I grow up, I...

Continue the sentence.
I attended a class called...
What I remember most was...
My emotional state...
This class is teaching me...

A patriot is one who loves his fatherland, is devoted to his people, and is ready to make sacrifices and heroic deeds in the name of the interests of his Motherland.

“Being a patriot of your homeland means carrying Kazakhstan in your heart!”

N. Nazarbayev
P -__________________________________________ Fatherland






"Free microphone"

a/Our Motherland is…………………………………………………………………………


b/ We are grateful to our country for the fact that…………………………………………………………



c/ We would like my Motherland to be the most ………………………………………………………

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……….. (5-10 adjectives).

d/ When we grow up, we …………………………………………………………………


1 envelope
He studies well.
Doesn't like to work.
Plays sports.
Loves animals.

Doesn't listen to his parents.
Loves the place where he was born and raised.
2 envelope
Loves and does not forget his mother, his home
Doesn't want to study.
He proudly realizes that there is no country on Earth better than ours.
Not only loves, but also protects nature.
Does not give up his seat to elders on the bus.
Knows state symbols
Decorates the Motherland with his work
3 envelope
Knows his state language
Destroys birds' nests.
He knows the history of his country and is proud of his ancestors.
Ready to defend the Motherland
Throws trash.
Reads well, writes poetry
Good friend.

Continue the sentence.




Continue the sentence.
I attended a class hour called…………………………….. …
What I remember most is………………………………………………………………………………….

My emotional state………………………………………………………..

This class hour teaches me................................................... ........................................................ .



Continue the sentence.
I attended a class hour called…………………………….. …
What I remember most is………………………………………………………………………………….

My emotional state………………………………………………………..

This class hour teaches me................................................... ........................................................ .



Continue the sentence.
I attended a class hour called…………………………….. …
What I remember most is………………………………………………………………………………….

My emotional state………………………………………………………..

This class hour teaches me................................................... ........................................................ .



Continue the sentence.
I attended a class hour called…………………………….. …
What I remember most is………………………………………………………………………………….

My emotional state………………………………………………………..

This class hour teaches me................................................... ........................................................ .



“We have one homeland, one destiny and one land” (N.A. Nazarbayev)

What is patriotism? In my understanding, patriotism is love for the Motherland and people, devotion and desire to protect the Fatherland in difficult times, pride in the social and cultural achievements of one’s country, remembering the historical past of the Motherland, the desire to preserve inherited traditions and strive for a bright future. This is a feeling of attachment to the places where a person was born and raised, sympathy for the suffering of his people, respect for his native language and state symbols Republic.

Patriotism has its roots in the family. Parents who show love and respect for their country, interest in national culture and traditions, instill these feelings in children, thereby raising children to be patriots.

The child repeats after everyone and does everything he sees. A parent must teach not only with words, but also with actions; the parent himself must be like that. And the child, seeing that his father and mother are hardworking, sympathetic and brave patriots of their country, will think that this is how it should be, that this is the norm, that this is a true citizen of his republic. Therefore, it is important to raise children and the main thing is for society to understand the importance of this process.

A patriot of his family will become a patriot of school, university, and he, in turn, will live and work for the good of his Motherland. Society must create all the conditions for the formation of a healthy family, and a healthy family must become a source of healthy citizens. The surrounding society makes an important contribution to the upbringing of a child. It instills a sense of patriotism through its attention and familiarization with the history of the people.

A good example is work with children of prosecutors, as was done this summer. While the parents fulfilled their duty and served the Motherland, the state took care of their children.

According to the Action Plan for the summer period for organizing leisure time for children of employees of the prosecutor's office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zh.K. Asanov, children were able to visit various museums, where they got acquainted with the history of the emergence and life of the Kazakh people, visited various institutions related to security and protection of the population, were able to get acquainted with the work of their parents, participate in competitions and, together with their parents, attend sports relay races.

This is how we work with the younger generation. It is carried out everywhere, starting from kindergarten, further in secondary school, college, institute, university. This is how a true citizen of his country grows.

IN modern world citizenship and patriotism are key characteristics of the relationship between a person and the state. They have a number of similarities, but at the same time, patriotism and citizenship are two phenomena that are different in nature. The main difference between citizenship and patriotism is that citizenship is a political and legal state that presupposes the presence of rights, freedoms and responsibilities enshrined in the rules of law, and patriotism is most often defined as a feeling.

Citizenship is one of those problems of social development that never lose their relevance. Moreover, the theme of citizenship begins to play special role in difficult periods of development of states, when it is necessary to unite the efforts of citizens and take high responsibility for the fate of their fatherland. However, citizenship is not only love for home country, but also the conscious and civilized fulfillment of one’s civic duties and one’s civic duty.

“If you are a child of your country, if your heart lives with its joys and sorrows, if the honor of a citizen is dear to you, work for your country by the sweat of your brow so that it becomes stronger, nobler and more beautiful. Don’t forget that only you are the owner of both the land and the country!” - this is what the leader of the country Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev says.

Since ancient times, our ancestors have protected our lands. If we recall history, it took Kazakhstan more than two hundred years to gain its independence. Thousands of people fought for the freedom of our country and many died. They showed courage and will for a common victory. It is thanks to these people that we live in a free and independent state. The unity and cohesion of the people provided us with a bright future.

We must remember these people and be proud of the true patriots of our country. We must be eternally grateful to those people who gave their lives for us. They gave their lives for the sake of those who were not yet there, whom they did not yet know.

Every citizen of Kazakhstan remembers the significant day, December 16, 1991, when we gained independence. Twenty-five years have passed since that day. Today, independent Kazakhstan can confidently set goals and make plans for the future. Since our independence, we have done a lot: we built a strong state, created one of the most dynamic economies, and improved the standard of living of people. Now we, the people of Kazakhstan, should not stop there, we need to move to new heights.

Today there are many problems in the country. Some live with the dream of leaving the country, instead of contributing to the development of the country. No need to leave in search better life, but you need to create it with your own labor, in your own country. Others blame blindly state power, without the desire to improve their way of life and lifestyle. Still others are carried away by the Western way of life, forgetting history, culture, traditions and their native language. Remembering the words of the President of the Republic: “ True love towards the Motherland does not tolerate patriotic rhetoric, because with this alone a person is unlikely to make his Motherland happy,” now in peacetime You need to do specific everyday things as much as possible to improve the condition of your homeland. Schoolchildren need to try to study better, students need to learn the basics of science, and civil servants need to work for the good of the people, the military should properly defend their homeland, scientists, doctors, public figures, people of culture, entrepreneurs - everyone needs to do their job at the highest level.

As the leader of our country says: “Our country needs citizens who have inherited from their ancestors and have absorbed a feeling of ardent love for their father’s land and native people, who would selflessly serve our independent state, have erudition and breadth of thinking, are deeply and comprehensively educated, and resourceful and smart, courageous and responsible, healthy physically and morally.” The “Kazakhstan-2050” strategy and messages from the leader of the nation, Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev, to the people of Kazakhstan have become important stages revival of the system of patriotic education. Because people cannot be restrained by strict laws and fear. In our time, we need other incentives and our President points the way to instilling patriotic feelings among Kazakhstanis.

Today, no less hot topic this is the formation of respect for the Constitution, laws and state symbols of the Republic. Respect for the Constitution, law and symbols of the Republic acts as one of the elements of legal culture.

Legal culture is not just knowledge of the law, first of all, respect for its norms and real actions in accordance with the law. To respect the law, a person first needs to understand social values ​​and general legal principles. The foundation of respect for the laws lies in the proper performance of one's duties, respect for the rights and freedoms of other citizens and intolerance for any violations of law and order. In everyday discussions about the problem of legal culture, one can often come across statements that there is no legal culture in Kazakhstan and that legal culture is inherent only in a society with a developed state of law. We cannot agree with this. So, neither the individual nor the society can be deprived of legal culture.

“The duty of each of us is to appreciate and respect the Flag, Coat of Arms and Anthem of our Republic...With them we are recognized, recognized and welcomed throughout the world,” said N.A. Nazarbayev.

Yes, everyone who considers themselves a part of Kazakhstan understands that symbols are integral attributes of our state, personifying the identity and sovereignty of the country. The symbols of our country accompany each of us everywhere. life path. During official ceremonies and events, the national flag is raised and the national anthem is played, showing who we are and what we represent. At competitions, symbols show that you are not alone and that behind you there is your people and homeland who are rooting for you and supporting you. It is impossible not to treat symbols with respect, because this is the attitude towards the state itself.

Kazakhstan is multinational, and this is another advantage, because we are all one, and we are united by our Motherland, friendship, respect and general culture. More than seventeen million people live in Kazakhstan, representing more than one hundred nationalities. And all this is accompanied good attitude and sympathy for each other. All Kazakhstanis have one past, one present, one future. Now comes the century of a new generation. The future of Kazakhstan is in the hands of the young. To do this, young people must remain carriers of their native culture; they need to be enriched, but not depersonalized. Our task today is to set the right direction for citizenship, patriotism, to form respect for the Constitution, laws and state symbols of the Republic and to preserve the historical and cultural heritage countries.

The time of independence of the republic showed that the most the right way– this is a combination of interests of all citizens of the country. The transition to a civil state of society, the formation of a single people in Kazakhstan becomes the core of the national idea. The President spoke about this in his Message: “We, Kazakhstanis, united people! And our common destiny is our Mangilik El, our worthy and great Kazakhstan! “Mangilik El” is national idea our all-Kazakh home, the dream of our ancestors.”

Over 25 years of the country’s sovereign development, the main values ​​created unite all citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan and form a strong foundation for the future of the country.

The national idea “Mangilik El”, which was put forward by the head of state as the 85th step out of “100 concrete steps to implement 5 institutional reforms”, gave us a credit of trust, which is a matter of honor for every Kazakh citizen to justify.

Only we and the future generation will reap the benefits of her success! There is no need to be indifferent to the fate of the country, start today! Together we can raise “healthy” citizens and patriots of our Motherland! Let's build the future of our country with our own hands!

P.S. This article was prepared by the senior prosecutor for organizational and control work on the topic: “Propaganda of citizenship and Kazakhstani patriotism, formation of respect for the Constitution, laws and state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan,” which was published in the scientific, legal, socio-political magazine “Zan zhane zaman” in 12 (192) issue of 2016, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

“We have one homeland, one destiny and one land” (N.A. Nazarbayev)

What is patriotism? In my understanding, patriotism is love for the Motherland and people, devotion and desire to protect the Fatherland in difficult times, pride in the social and cultural achievements of one’s country, remembering the historical past of the Motherland, the desire to preserve inherited traditions and strive for a bright future. This is a feeling of attachment to the places where a person was born and raised, sympathy for the suffering of his people, respect for the native language and state symbols of the Republic.

Patriotism has its roots in the family. Parents who show love and respect for their country, interest in national culture and traditions, instill these feelings in their children, thereby raising their children to be patriots.

The child repeats after everyone and does everything he sees. A parent must teach not only with words, but also with actions; the parent himself must be like that. And the child, seeing that his father and mother are hardworking, sympathetic and brave patriots of their country, will think that this is how it should be, that this is the norm, that this is a true citizen of his republic. Therefore, it is important to raise children and the main thing is for society to understand the importance of this process.

A patriot of his family will become a patriot of school, university, and he, in turn, will live and work for the good of his Motherland. Society must create all the conditions for the formation of a healthy family, and a healthy family must become a source of healthy citizens. The surrounding society makes an important contribution to the upbringing of a child. It instills a sense of patriotism through its attention and familiarization with the history of the people.

A good example is work with children of prosecutors, as was done this summer. While the parents fulfilled their duty and served the Motherland, the state took care of their children.

According to the Action Plan for the summer period for organizing leisure time for children of employees of the prosecutor's office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zh.K. Asanov, children were able to visit various museums, where they got acquainted with the history of the emergence and life of the Kazakh people, visited various institutions related to security and protection of the population, were able to get acquainted with the work of their parents, participate in competitions and, together with their parents, attend sports relay races.

This is how we work with the younger generation. It is conducted everywhere, starting from kindergarten, then at secondary schools, colleges, institutes, and universities. This is how a true citizen of his country grows.

In the modern world, citizenship and patriotism are key characteristics of the relationship between a person and the state. They have a number of similarities, but at the same time, patriotism and citizenship are two phenomena that are different in nature. The main difference between citizenship and patriotism is that citizenship is a political and legal state that presupposes the presence of rights, freedoms and responsibilities enshrined in the rules of law, and patriotism is most often defined as a feeling.

Citizenship is one of those problems of social development that never lose their relevance. Moreover, the topic of citizenship begins to play a special role in difficult periods of development of states, when it is necessary to unite the efforts of citizens and take high responsibility for the fate of their fatherland. However, citizenship is not only love for one’s native country, but also the conscious and civilized fulfillment of one’s civic duties and one’s civic duty.

“If you are a child of your country, if your heart lives with its joys and sorrows, if the honor of a citizen is dear to you, work for your country by the sweat of your brow so that it becomes stronger, nobler and more beautiful. Don’t forget that only you are the owner of both the land and the country!” - this is what the leader of the country Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev says.

Since ancient times, our ancestors have protected our lands. If we recall history, it took Kazakhstan more than two hundred years to gain its independence. Thousands of people fought for the freedom of our country and many died. They showed courage and will for a common victory. It is thanks to these people that we live in a free and independent state. The unity and cohesion of the people provided us with a bright future.

We must remember these people and be proud of the true patriots of our country. We must be eternally grateful to those people who gave their lives for us. They gave their lives for the sake of those who were not yet there, whom they did not yet know.

Every citizen of Kazakhstan remembers the significant day, December 16, 1991, when we gained independence. Twenty-five years have passed since that day. Today, independent Kazakhstan can confidently set goals and make plans for the future. Since our independence, we have done a lot: we built a strong state, created one of the most dynamic economies, and improved the standard of living of people. Now we, the people of Kazakhstan, should not stop there, we need to move to new heights.

Today there are many problems in the country. Some live with the dream of leaving the country, instead of contributing to the development of the country. There is no need to leave in search of a better life, but you need to create it with your own labor, in your own country. Others blindly blame the state authorities, having no desire to improve their way of life or way of life. Still others are carried away by the Western way of life, forgetting history, culture, traditions and their native language. Remembering the words of the President of the Republic: “True love for the Motherland does not tolerate patriotic rhetoric, because with this alone a person is unlikely to make his Motherland happy,” now in peacetime it is necessary to do as much as possible concrete everyday things to improve the condition of one’s homeland. Schoolchildren need to try to study better, students to learn the basics of science, and civil servants to work for the benefit of the people, the military to properly defend their homeland, scientists, doctors, public figures, people of culture, entrepreneurs - everyone needs to do their work at the highest level.

As the leader of our country says: “Our country needs citizens who have inherited from their ancestors and have absorbed a feeling of ardent love for their father’s land and native people, who would selflessly serve our independent state, have erudition and breadth of thinking, are deeply and comprehensively educated, and resourceful and smart, courageous and responsible, healthy physically and morally.” The “Kazakhstan-2050” strategy and the messages of the leader of the nation, Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev, to the people of Kazakhstan have become important stages in the revival of the system of patriotic education. Because people cannot be restrained by strict laws and fear. In our time, we need other incentives and our President points the way to instilling patriotic feelings among Kazakhstanis.

Today, an equally pressing topic is the formation of respect for the Constitution, laws and state symbols of the Republic. Respect for the Constitution, law and symbols of the Republic acts as one of the elements of legal culture.

Legal culture is not just knowledge of the law, first of all, respect for its norms and real actions in accordance with the law. To respect the law, a person first needs to understand social values ​​and general legal principles. The foundation of respect for the laws lies in the proper performance of one's duties, respect for the rights and freedoms of other citizens and intolerance for any violations of law and order. In everyday discussions about the problem of legal culture, one can often come across statements that there is no legal culture in Kazakhstan and that legal culture is inherent only in a society with a developed state of law. We cannot agree with this. So, neither the individual nor the society can be deprived of legal culture.

“The duty of each of us is to appreciate and respect the Flag, Coat of Arms and Anthem of our Republic...With them we are recognized, recognized and welcomed throughout the world,” said N.A. Nazarbayev.

Yes, everyone who considers themselves a part of Kazakhstan understands that symbols are integral attributes of our state, personifying the identity and sovereignty of the country. The symbols of our country accompany each of us throughout our entire life journey. During official ceremonies and events, the national flag is raised and the national anthem is played, showing who we are and what we represent. At competitions, symbols show that you are not alone and that behind you there is your people and homeland who are rooting for you and supporting you. It is impossible not to treat symbols with respect, because this is the attitude towards the state itself.

Kazakhstan is multinational, and this is another advantage, because we are all one, and we are united by our Motherland, friendship, respect and common culture. More than seventeen million people live in Kazakhstan, representing more than one hundred nationalities. And all this is accompanied by a good attitude and sympathy for each other. All Kazakhstanis have one past, one present, one future. Now comes the century of a new generation. The future of Kazakhstan is in the hands of the young. To do this, young people must remain carriers of their native culture; they need to be enriched, but not depersonalized. Our task today is to set the right direction for citizenship, patriotism, to develop respect for the Constitution, laws and state symbols of the Republic and to protect the historical and cultural heritage of the country.

The time of independence of the republic showed that the surest path is to combine the interests of all citizens of the country. The transition to a civil state of society, the formation of a single people in Kazakhstan becomes the core of the national idea. The President spoke about this in his Message: “We, Kazakhstanis, are one people! And our common destiny is our Mangilik El, our worthy and great Kazakhstan! “Mangilik El” is the national idea of ​​our all-Kazakh home, the dream of our ancestors.”

Over 25 years of the country’s sovereign development, the main values ​​created unite all citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan and form a strong foundation for the future of the country.

The national idea “Mangilik El”, which was put forward by the head of state as the 85th step out of “100 concrete steps to implement 5 institutional reforms”, gave us a credit of trust, which is a matter of honor for every Kazakh citizen to justify.

Only we and the future generation will reap the benefits of her success! There is no need to be indifferent to the fate of the country, start today! Together we can raise “healthy” citizens and patriots of our Motherland! Let's build the future of our country with our own hands!

P.S. This article was prepared by the senior prosecutor for organizational and control work on the topic: “Propaganda of citizenship and Kazakhstani patriotism, formation of respect for the Constitution, laws and state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan,” which was published in the scientific, legal, socio-political magazine “Zan zhane zaman” in 12 (192) issue of 2016, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory

State budgetary professional educational institution

Krasnodar region

"Krasnodar Assembly College"



Master of industrial training A.I. Aliyeva

Group No. 94

Krasnodar 2015

Lesson objectives:

Education in a person moral qualities, feelings of love for the Motherland, desire for peace, need to work for the good of society:

A feeling of attachment to the places where a person was born and raised;

Respect for the native language;

Caring for the interests of the Motherland;

Manifesting civic feelings and maintaining loyalty to the Motherland;

Pride in her social and cultural achievements;

Defending her freedom and independence;

Respect for the historical past of the Motherland and the traditions inherited from it;

Patriotism is called upon to give a new impetus to the spiritual healing of the people and the formation of a unified civil society in Russia. Therefore, the development of such a class hour is necessary for the patriotic education of citizens, its theoretical foundations is an urgent task."


To form a sustainable interest in the history of the native land and the desire to actively participate in the life of their village, to let children feel the importance small Motherland.

Nurturing respect and love for our small Motherland using specific examples:


  • increasing intellectual level; manifestation of independent creative activity;


  • develop skills in working with various literature;
  • ability to use personal experience, accept the opinions of others;
  • continue to develop information technology skills;


  • cultivate a culture of communication, develop communicative qualities (the ability to communicate in the process of pair and group interaction);

“Cultivating love for the native land, for the native culture, for hometown, to native speech is a task of paramount importance, and there is no need to prove it. But how to cultivate this love? It starts small - with love for your family, for your home. Constantly expanding, this love for one’s native turns into love for one’s state, for its history, its past and present, and then for all of humanity.”


D. S. Likhachev.

Patriotism is a manifestation of love not only for a strong and beautiful, great and powerful country, but also for a country that is experiencing better times: poverty, misunderstanding, discord, or military conflicts. It is in our time that cultivating a sense of patriotism, citizenship, responsibility for the fate of one’s country is one of the most important tasks education.

Modern society needs patriots, intellectually and spiritually developed people who love their Motherland, who honor the traditions of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who are capable of self-sacrifice at any moment in order to save the lives of other people (their fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, wives, children), sacred revering the attributes of state power.

The soldier is silent and sad

He leaves, into foreign lands

Ridding the world of dark spots

His will is stronger than steel.

He rushed at the tank with a grenade

When hundreds of fighters retreated

He dug trenches with a shovel

Received orders and medals.

He is not afraid of a German mine

River waters and fires flames

He walked from Moscow to Berlin

He hoisted a banner over the Reichstag.

Dmitry Suchkov

The history of Russia shows that the engine of social forces in difficult times for the state was patriotism - love for the Motherland, one’s people, and the best. national traditions, which was embodied in the desire to fully serve the interests of the state through their actions.

True patriotism is the highest civic duty of everyone. The main goals and objectives of military-patriotic education are the development of citizenship and patriotism, the most important spiritual, moral and social values, formation of the quality of defenders of the Fatherland, education of loyalty to constitutional and military duty, military honor, courage, perseverance, valor, courage, high responsibility and discipline.

A patriot is a person who serves his homeland.

N. G. Chernyshevsky.

No matter what you say, your native language will always remain native.

L. N. Tolstoy.

Historical facts indicate that in different eras our country emerged victorious on the wave of a nationwide patriotic upsurge. The greatness of Russia was determined not only by its territory, population, the power of the economy and science, the equipment of the army and navy, but also by its spiritual potential. Selfless devotion to one’s Motherland, a willingness to put its interests above personal ones in big and small things, to even make self-sacrifice in the name of its safety - this is what Russia has always been strong about, this is the core of its national spirit.

In one of his speeches on Russian television, President Russian Federation V.V. Putin said: “Patriotism is the main thing. Without this, Russia would have to forget about national dignity and even national sovereignty.”

Academician D.S. Likhachev wrote: “I adhere to the view that love for the Motherland begins with love for your family, your home, your school. She is gradually growing. With age, she also becomes love for her hometown, for her village, for her native nature, for her fellow countrymen, and having matured, she becomes conscious and strong until her death, love for her country and its people. It is impossible to skip over any link in this process and it is very difficult to fasten the whole chain again when something in it has fallen out or, moreover, was missing from the very beginning.”

The feeling of patriotism is a feeling of involvement in everything in the culture and civilization of one’s country, joy for the fact that it brings the opportunity to live and develop for any person in one’s country and not interfere with the lives of people of other countries, and regret, pain, the desire to overcome the fact that this or that otherwise it interfered and is interfering with friends and others (S. D. Polyakov). The formation of just such a feeling of love for the Motherland, based on generosity, is the main task of patriotic education today.

Any child begins to explore the world from his small homeland. This path sooner or later leads every person to realize that he is part of a certain integrity, not only social, but also a geographical integrity that is very close to it: family, class, street, city, country. Patriotic feeling in to a large extent grows out of a feeling of love for the small Motherland, respect for national traditions and culture, and a sense of pride in one’s people.

Patriotism is manifested in human actions and activities. Patriotism, a feeling of love for the Motherland, embodied in serving its interests, occupies an important place in the system driving forces development of society. True patriotism does not just mean a feeling of love for the Motherland, it is, first of all, a high consciousness of civic responsibility for the fate of the Motherland, a deep conviction in the need to subordinate the interests of everyone to the interests of all.

The effective side of patriotism was also emphasized by P.Ya. Chaadaev: “I do not know how to love my Fatherland with my eyes closed, with a drooping brow, with my mouth clenched. I love my Fatherland, as Peter the Great taught me to love, I think that if we came after others, it was to act better than others, so as not to fall into their mistakes, into their delusions, into their superstitions.”

Raising a patriot means forming a person who is characterized by love for the Motherland, a desire for its prosperity and power, and a strong civic position.

Love for the Motherland and patriotic feelings are formed among the younger generation gradually, in the process of accumulating knowledge and ideas about the world around them, about the history and traditions of the Russian people, about the life of the country, about the work of people and about their native nature.

Cultivating the first feelings of citizenship is the cultivation of love and respect for home, school, the street on which he lives, to his hometown; respect for the defenders of the Fatherland, pride in the courage of the soldiers who won the Great Patriotic War. A child’s love for the Motherland is characterized by a bright emotional coloring: the beauty of the native land, revealed through fairy tales, fantasy, and creativity, is the source of love for the Motherland. Events, conversations, good common deeds help to learn and understand the beauty of their native nature and the people around them. Children with disabilities who live and study far from their home have the most acutely developed sense of love for the Motherland.


I am weaving a wreath for you alone,

I sprinkle flowers on the gray stitch.

O Rus', peaceful corner,

I love you, I believe in you.

I look into the vastness of your fields,

You are all - distant and close.

The whistling of cranes is akin to me

And I am no stranger to a slimy path.

The swamp font is blooming,

Kuga calls for a long vespers,

And drops ring through the bushes

The dew is cold and healing.

And even though your fog clears away

The stream of winds blowing with wings,

But all of you are myrrh and Lebanon

Magi, secretly doing magic.

Sergey Yesenin

“Patriot, who is he?”

  1. Everyone who loves the place where they were born and raised.
  2. The one who loves and does not forget his mother, his home.
  3. Who proudly realizes that there is no country on Earth better than ours.
  4. The nature of Russia is fabulously rich. Someone who not only loves, but also protects nature.
  5. Ready to defend the Fatherland.
  6. Defends the prestige of his country.
  7. Knows state symbols.
  8. Ready to give all my strength and abilities to my homeland
  9. A patriot is one who adorns the Motherland with his work
  10. Builds his future, connecting it only with his fatherland
  11. Knows his native language.
  12. He knows the history of his country and is proud of his ancestors.

Patriotism fulfills various functions, it helps maintain the unity of a certain state or nation, helps protect it from external adverse factors.

We see especially vivid manifestations of patriotism during military operations, where one person is only a small part of his people and his country, and he himself, feeling this, is able to go to great lengths to protect it, often sacrificing himself for the sake of the common good.

Patriotism is often assessed as positive quality, it is valued and rewarded by the state and the authorities, they write about it in the literature and devote headlines to the means mass media, but not everyone considers it useful and good.

What it means to be a patriot, according to Leo Tolstoy, is to experience a rude, harmful and immoral feeling of patriotism, which becomes the cause of wars. And there are reasons for this point of view: after all, if the unity of a people is very strong, then a feeling of “we” is formed, which expresses the thought “we are all alike and we need to stick together and protect each other,” while at the same time a feeling of “we” is formed - they,” which tells a person that everyone who does not belong to his people is different, they are not understandable, they are not as good as his compatriots and that means he must defend himself from them and cannot accept their views. Such patriotism turns into radical and becomes nationalism, but it is this that becomes the cause of wars and interethnic conflicts. At the same time, patriotism here is only an initial initially positive feeling.

Patriotism also had a negative connotation in the Soviet Union, since there a person was left with no other choice; having been born in the USSR, he was obliged to be a patriot, devoted to his state, and if he expressed any ideas that contradicted this, it was punished by the authorities.

If you want to be a patriot, then you must develop the following qualities in yourself:

  1. If you want to be a worthy person and citizen, do not speak badly about the country in which you and your parents live, where your ancestry began.
  2. Study the history of your country, its past and present, its joyful and bitter days.
  3. Get acquainted with the memorable and historical places of your homeland, get to know yourself and tell other people about it. Believe me, our country is so rich in its history that your story will be interesting to anyone.
  4. The more often you visit museums and historical places in your country, the more interesting it will be for you to return to them again and again.
  5. Remember that the more you express dissatisfaction with every day you live, the fewer friends and comrades will be near you. People don't like people who are dissatisfied with something all the time.
  6. Show yourself in a positive way, don’t be afraid to be proactive, try to show your knowledge and skills, erudition and curiosity.
  7. Watch programs and movies that tell about people who have glorified the country in which you live.
  8. Do not be indifferent and indifferent to the events that are happening in your country. This is the country you should live in for many years. Her interest in your fate depends on how you show interest in her fate.
  9. Feel proud of the people who glorify your country.
  10. Be proud that you are a citizen of the great multinational Russia!