Work in Austria for Russians. Job search in Vienna. Types of work permits

Vienna is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, which regularly takes first place in various international rankings for such indicators as quality of life. IN Austrian capital stunning architecture and interesting streets. Here is the famous opera house, many parks and art galleries. High level economic development attracts foreigners not only to work in Vienna, but also to run their own business in Austria.

Large quantity students from abroad are eager to obtain higher education in Austria, which will greatly facilitate the process of finding a job in Vienna and will allow them to stay in this beautiful city forever. For example, in a prestigious University of Vienna, who gave the world 9 Nobel laureates. Salaries in Austria after taxes exceed 2,200 euros per month, but living in the capital is very expensive. Next, we’ll find out how to find a job in Vienna in 2019.

According to official information from local statistical offices, the population of Vienna in 2019 is more than 1.8 million people. It is the largest city, as well as the main political, economic and cultural center countries. According to some estimates, up to 40% of local residents are migrants, and in general ethnic composition the capital includes about 182 nationalities. Over the past 10 years, the largest groups of foreigners who have immigrated to Vienna are Germans, Romanians And Syrians.

Work in Vienna for Russians, Ukrainians and other foreigners from the CIS countries in 2019 is available in many directions, including information Technology, industry, construction, medicine, tourism, agriculture and unskilled labor, but is associated with huge competition. After all, employment in a prosperous European state attracts many foreign specialists from different parts of the planet.

Austria's capital generates about a quarter of the country's gross domestic product and provides jobs up to 800 thousand people, many of whom come to work in Vienna from nearby cities. Local experts predict that employment in the city will only increase, but mainly due to the demand for skilled technicians and healthcare workers. Therefore for successful employment in Vienna it is necessary to have a profession in short supply.

How to find a job in Vienna

The Austrian capital region is one of the richest in Europe. Udachnoye geographical location operates in Vienna huge amount large foreign companies and international organizations, including representatives of the UN, OPEC and IAEA. Compose a competent resume and cover letter. Write job offers to Austrian employers directly.

Pay attention to large companies in Vienna, e.g. Raiffeisen Bank International, Erste Group, Telekom Austria, Frequentis, OMV. Very often, foreign specialists with knowledge of only English are required here, and in general, work in Vienna without knowledge of the language is practically unavailable. In most cases it is necessary Good command of German.

Job search in Vienna

Austrian Public Employment Service-

Austrian Migration Government Portal-

Popular job search sites in Vienna

If you can’t find a job in Vienna without intermediaries, contact the official recruitment agency. See the list of Austrian companies.

Jobs and salaries in Vienna in 2019

Vienna has a very developed economy, but most jobs are concentrated in the service sector. Trade, real estate, leasing, financial and banking sectors are especially highlighted. There are about 650 agricultural companies operating in the city, and there are many vineyards on the outskirts. In addition, Austria is considered the largest tourist destination in Europe. In each of these areas there are vacancies in Vienna for Russians in 2019.

Austrian legislation does not provide for an official minimum wage. Rates are fixed in collective agreements separately for each sector of the economy. Before taxes monthly income capital workers in most cases exceed 1500 euros. Average salary in Vienna in 2019 after all mandatory deductions is approx. 2300 euros per month. It all depends on the profession, qualifications and experience.

Current vacancies in Vienna for Russians or Ukrainians with high wages(more than 3,000 euros per month) are programmers, doctors, engineers, builders and financiers. Social workers and nurses are in demand. Housekeepers, nannies, nurses, maids, cooks, waitresses, salesmen and representatives of some other professions that do not require special qualifications are also often invited to work in Vienna. Salaries here range from 1,200 euros and above.

Austria is a model of calm and stability. It is part of the EU and is located in the center of Europe, therefore it is economically closely connected with many developed countries. This is a “giant” of industry, the prospects of which are amazing. The country is developing in all areas and is constantly in need of labor. Living and working in Austria now attracts not only Europeans, but also citizens of the CIS and Russia.

The average unemployment rate in Austria for 2017 is only 10%. Compared to other countries, this is a very low figure - in most European countries unemployment reaches 11-15%. A stable economy allows you to pay good salaries - in Austria the average salary reaches 2000 euros per month, and even a foreigner can find a good position with a decent income.

Another reason to stay in Austria is the proximity of the Eastern Alps, which occupy a significant part of the country. Some Russians fall in love with Austrian ski resorts and stunning nature so much that they are willing to stay there just for them.

A Russian immigrant has 3 main options:

  1. Studying Russian-language sites for finding work abroad. As a rule, Austrian employers do not trust such resources, especially when posting a vacancy for a serious position. The only advantage is that information is provided in Russian.
  2. Job search on Austrian sites. In this case, knowledge of German is required. Austrian portals post vacancies for highly qualified specialists, and you will have to respond to employer offers in German.
  3. Studying the job market directly in Austria. The most problematic way is that the applicant must be highly qualified and obtain a permit under which he can legally seek work for six months. If during this time the applicant has not found a job, he is obliged to leave the country. He can visit Austria for the second time for the same purpose only in a year.

Independent job search involves a thorough study of the labor market, tracking changes in all available sources, which cannot be done without knowledge of the national language. The website of the Austrian employment service is a must-see.

For those who want to do without spending hours studying websites, there are job search agencies. For a fee, an employee will help you select vacancies, explain the terms of employment, and help prepare documents. But you can’t do without knowledge of the language - the applicant goes through an interview with the employer independently, and the result depends only on him.

Vacancies and cities for work

When studying the labor market, you should pay attention to large industrial cities and tourist centers - Vienna, Tyrol, Salzburg, Innsbruck and Graz.

Russian immigrants in these cities are treated loyally, but good job a foreigner can obtain it by possessing special skills or applying for a scarce place of work. A Russian or Ukrainian can be hired for the position:

  • Electrician or installer with higher education.
  • Specialist in the field of mechanical engineering.
  • Turner, milling machine.
  • Roofer, experienced builder with education.
  • Registered nurses or specialists in caring for the elderly and bedridden patients.

Applicants for these positions are eligible to receive an RWR card for job search purposes. Young people with higher education in mathematical and technical specialties can also obtain a permit. Those without higher education and special skills will have to find an employer willing to employ a foreigner before receiving a card. Without an RWR card, you can get a job as a nanny, housekeeper, or take part in seasonal work.

Salaries in Austria

For Russians, wages in Austria seem very attractive: the minimum salary in Austria is 1,200 euros. Qualified specialists receive up to 2000 euros, highly qualified specialists – up to 4000 euros. Salaries by specialty may differ as follows:

  1. Cook, waiter, bartender, secretary – 1200-1300 euros.
  2. IT worker – 1800-2200 euros.
  3. Banking specialist, manager – 2000-2200 euros.
  4. Engineer, architect – 2300-2500 euros.
  5. Doctor – 3000 euros.
  6. Project manager – 3500 euros.

Legal employment

Local authorities are doing everything to attract foreign specialists to Austria. And while access to the Austrian labor market is open for Europeans, a permit system has been introduced for third-country citizens.

First of all, it allows us to weed out immigrants from poor countries who are not capable of conscientious work. Work in Austria for Russians without permits is available to certain categories of specialists:

  • Diplomats representing the country's interests in negotiations with international organizations.
  • Correspondents or journalists.
  • To university teachers invited by Austria to give lectures.
  • Exchange students.
  • Researchers conducting international research.

In all other cases, a permit and a long-term Austrian national visa are required. There are several types of permits, which are issued depending on the qualifications and education of the specialist.

Blue card

Issued to highly qualified specialists and allows them to live and work in EU countries. Several grounds for extradition are required:

  1. Availability of an employment contract for at least 1 year.
  2. Lack of applicants for this position among Austrians and Europeans.
  3. The applicant has completed higher education.
  4. The qualifications correspond to the chosen position.
  5. The salary offered is 1.5 times the average annual income in Austria.

An application for a blue card is submitted in Russia after all points have been completed. The review process takes about 2 months. The permit is tied to the selected employer and is valid for 2 years with a possible extension.

Red-White-Red Card (RWR Card)

An innovation of the Austrian government, relevant since 2011. The peculiarity of the receipt is a check, based on the results of which the applicant is awarded points. Their number depends on qualifications, work experience, knowledge of foreign languages ​​and experience of the specialist. 50-70 points out of 100 are enough to approve the application.

Getting an RWR card is somewhat easier than getting a blue card - it is not tied to a level wages. However, specialists of a certain level can apply for a red-white-red card:

  1. Particularly qualified specialists. It is possible for them to receive a card without an employment contract. The permit is issued for six months, which are provided to a foreigner to search for work in Austria.
  2. Specialists with rare qualifications in demand in Austria.
  3. Others key specialists highly qualified.
  4. Graduates of Austrian universities.
  5. Owners of their own companies planning to develop their business abroad.

Important! The RWR Karte only applies to employment with the employer for whom it was issued. After 12 months of working under a permit, a foreigner has the right to request an RWR Karte Plus, which gives access to the entire Austrian work market.

Jobseeker visa

Foreigners who do not have high qualifications and have not concluded labor contract with the employer, have the right to obtain a visa for the applicant. Issued for six months to search for work in Austria. To receive it, by analogy with an RWR card, you need to score 70 points as a result of verification, and prove the presence cash sufficient to live in the country. On average, about 1200 euros per month are required.

In addition to work permits of any category, . For work, a national visa of category D is requested. An application with a package of documents is submitted from Russia, and upon arrival in the country, a residence permit is issued with the assistance of the employer.

Important! The applicant's visa gives the right only to study the market and search available vacancies. Employment and subsequent work are available only after receiving an RWR card.

Illegal employment

If the government of the country discovers the fact illegal employment without permission or a long-term visa, the foreigner is ordered to immediately leave the country. If the order is ignored, the immigrant will be forcibly deported.

Illegal work in some cases may also result in a financial fine. The most a terrible consequence for an illegal immigrant, there may be deportation from the country followed by a ban on entry into all EU countries.

Business in Austria

Austria is very attractive for entrepreneurs due to its stable economy and preferential tax conditions. According to the laws of the country, businessmen can open their own business in any field, with the exception of:

  • Banks and insurance companies.
  • Media.
  • Postal services.
  • Activities related to the transportation of people by public transport.
  • Conducting lotteries.
  • Energy enterprises.

Foreign investors have the right to obtain a residence permit, and subsequently.

It's not just high salaries that attract people. If you have to quit after working for a long time, the government pays unemployment benefits or payments in case of temporary disability. Caring for visitors and citizens of the country only supports the reliable and stable status of the Austrian state.

The Austrian state attracts foreigners with its ski resorts, ancient attractions and a variety of opportunities to have a fun and active time. But this country is of interest not only to tourists. Many choose it as a springboard for career growth or just a good way to earn extra money. Working in Austria is not only an employment option, but also a route to emigration to one of the most stable and comfortable countries in Europe.

How to find a job

The main difficulty that all seekers of a happy and comfortable life face is how to find a job in Austria. And there can be two options here:

  • through specialized websites or agencies;
  • by submitting the appropriate application yourself.

The first way is good because the intermediary takes on all the burdens of preliminary selection of vacancies according to the requirements and capabilities of the candidate. Here they will offer not only suitable positions, but will also tell you what package of papers needs to be prepared. Most often, the labor office helps to collect and prepare the necessary set of documents.

The lucky ones are those who are lucky enough to have relatives, friends, or at least acquaintances in this country who have already traveled a long path of labor migration. With their help, adaptation will be easier, and the algorithm of actions itself will be more understandable.

You can also find good options on Internet resources, where you can contact the employer directly. After all, the agency’s services will have to be paid for in any case, and sometimes they are quite expensive.

When a place of future employment has already been found, you should proceed to the stage of applying for a working visa. At the same time, the employer must contact the representative office of the Ministry of Labor at the place of its registration in order to obtain permission to hire a person of foreign origin as an employee.

When searching on your own, the process looks a little different. Anyone wishing to find a job in an Austrian company must apply for RWR KARTE PLUS - a special visa stamp that is issued for six months and makes it possible to search for work directly on the territory of the Austrian state.

The result of searching for a suitable place is greatly influenced by a correctly composed resume, which needs to be given special attention.

In any case, whatever the path to finding a job, you will need a visa of the appropriate type to cross the Austrian border. To begin with, you should understand that, according to local legislation, a company that intends to hire a citizen of another state must obtain permission to carry out this activity.

The process of obtaining a work permit in Austria looks like this:

  1. The employer opens a vacancy.
  2. Submits an application to the local so-called employment center.
  3. After this, the search for an employee among local residents begins.
  4. If a suitable candidate is not found, the ministry issues a work permit for the foreigner.
  5. If the applicant applies to the consulate for a visa to look for work, then after the job search is successful, he does not need to return home to open a work visa and enter the country as a foreign worker. The validity of the stamp that will be given to him upon entry is simply extended for another 12 months. Further stay in Austria is carried out on the basis of a residence permit for work reasons (EU Blue Card or Red-White-Red Card).

    Accrual of points

    The Austrian authorities are quite loyal to hired labor coming from abroad, but only if the candidates have the appropriate education and qualifications.

    For a more adequate and quick assessment of applicants, it was developed special system points, thanks to which you can evaluate all the parameters of a future employee.

    Based on this assessment, the selection of applicants is greatly simplified, which makes it possible to weed out those who do not meet the requirements and interests of the state, and to simplify the employment of those who are professionally beneficial.

    To get a visa stamp, you need to score 70 points. In some cases, exceptions are possible. Most often they concern representatives rare professions, For example, medical workers and engineering and technological specialists. If the applicant belongs to one of these specializations, then it is enough for him to score only 50 points.

    A special commission awards points. Each criterion meets a certain number of them. When considering an application, the following parameters are taken into account:

  • applicant's age;
  • speciality;
  • experience;
  • qualification;
  • level of foreign language proficiency.

It should be noted right away that working in Austria without knowledge of the language is practically unavailable. So how are points awarded? For a certain length of service, you can immediately receive 10-20 bonuses. Representatives of foreign countries under 35 years of age also receive 20 points. Those who have already crossed this line can only count on 10.

Having a higher education and a specialty in short supply gives you a chance to get another 20 points to your total. For each year worked in your specialty, you can additionally receive two more points. But if the experience has already been accumulated on Austrian territory, then every six months is assessed at 10 units. Holders of a scientific degree receive another 40 points, and patents and distinctions add an additional 20 to this amount.

If the score reaches the required level, the candidate receives a visa stamp for 6 months and goes in search of an employer. If one already exists, the applicant immediately receives 50 points and, based on the permission received by the employer, travels abroad.

Otherwise, the consulate simply refuses the visa. This is due to the fact that salaries and prices in Austria are quite high, and therefore they simply do not need migrants who cannot provide themselves with a decent living.

Extension of visa stamp

The sticker that is affixed to the foreign worker’s passport has, as already mentioned, a limited validity period of 6 months. This visa cannot be extended; it only allows the immigrant to look for work. If the search is successful, you will need to apply for a specific work permit - a blue or red-white-red card. Both documents are issued, as a rule, for 12 months.

The further fate of the work permit is determined after the expiration of these 12 months by the employment contract. If it is extended, you can obtain a visa for the entire period of its duration. After the required number of years has passed, you can already count on a temporary residence permit. If the contract is not renewed, the foreign employee will have to leave the country.

Types of work permits

Since a work permit is mandatory for the exercise labor activity on the territory of the Austrian state, it will be useful to find out what types of this document exist in migration practice. So, a foreigner can obtain a permit from one of the following categories:

  • for a period of up to 1 year;
  • for those who need seasonal work in Austria;
  • for business travelers - for a period of four to six months;
  • long-term - you can get it only after 52 weeks of stay in the country. Its effect is about two years;
  • special - issued after 8 years of work in Austria or upon entering into a marriage with an Austrian.

In order for an employer to obtain a permit for its foreign employee, he will need:

  • copy of the potential employee;
  • registration;
  • confirmation of qualifications.

The document issuance period is 1 month. Externally it is presented in different options, the most prestigious are those that are red-white or blue.

The following categories of citizens have the privilege of entering the country without permission:

  • from persons participating in the signing of interstate agreements;
  • diplomats;
  • representatives of foreign media;
  • university teachers who were invited by the Austrian side to give a course of lectures;
  • students participating in the AuPair program;
  • researchers participating in European projects.

Red-white-red card

Validity period – 1 year. Opportunities: employment with a specific employer for a strictly defined period. They can get it:

  • highly qualified workers (for this you need to score at least 70 points);
  • highly qualified workers in shortage professions (50 points);
  • representatives of other professions with a minimum salary of 2300-2800 euros;
  • graduates of universities in Austria (point system does not apply);
  • entrepreneurs and self-employed workers (the point system is also not taken into account).

The requirements for all candidates are extremely strict, which cannot be said about the procedure for obtaining the card itself, if the applicant meets all the requirements of the country.

Red-white-red Plus card

After the red-white-red card expires, foreigners who have worked for at least 10 months in a local company can receive a red-white-red card marked “Plus”. It no longer limits access to the Austrian labor market.

In addition, the following can become its owners:

  • immediate relatives of foreign workers who are holders of a red-white or blue card;
  • relatives of employees who have already received a residence permit.

According to Austrian law, “immediate” spouses are spouses official marriage, as well as adopted and natural children who have not reached the age of majority.

Blue Card

To become a Blau Karte holder, the applicant must meet the following requirements:

  • have higher education;
  • provide an employment contract with an Austrian company for a period of at least one year;
  • have a job that matches your diploma;
  • the salary of a foreign employee must be 1.5 times higher than the average salary in the country;
  • As a result of the verification, there must be no applicants with Austrian citizenship for the vacancy he occupies.

This type of labor permit is tied to a specific employer and is limited for a period of 2 years. In this case, the scoring system does not apply to the candidate. The main emphasis is on the amount of wages.

What kind of work can CIS residents find in Austria?

Get workplace in this country a representative of any state and any nation can. Work in Austria for Ukrainians most often relates to the medical field or a technical field.

Representatives of highly specialized professions – engineers, builders, programmers, biologists – are especially held in high esteem here. But all of them will be able to get a job only if they speak English or German, and those who have mastered both languages ​​have even better chances.

The only exceptions to this rule can be considered domestic staff, seasonal workers and those who are not afraid of work, for which the Austrians themselves prefer to hire migrants. Nannies, housekeepers, cooks, and loaders are in particular demand here. In addition, they are quite willing to hire even students and people without any specialty at all. But only the following professions are available to them:

  • waiters;
  • bartenders;
  • administrators;
  • maids;
  • kitchen workers;
  • auxiliary workers.

Work in Vienna for Russians, as well as in all other large Austrian cities in the service sector, will not take long to come. Various resorts also open their doors hospitably to foreigners. And not only for those who intend to relax on them, but also for those who are not averse to earning extra money.

Just don’t forget that, according to local legislation, students can devote only 20-26 hours a week to work. The rest of the time they must study.

Salary level for foreigners hired employees directly depends solely on qualifications. Regardless of citizenship, an unskilled worker can receive an average of 1000-1200 euros per month. If you have education, work experience and high qualifications, you can count on a salary of 2-4 thousand euros. The average income growth in this country for highly qualified specialists by year can be represented as follows:

YearSalary (in euros)
2006 2208.3
2008 2354.6
2010 2392.9
2012 2476.9
2014 2554.6
2016 3224.3

The average salary in Austria in 2019 by profession is:

  • doctors – from 3000 euros;
  • engineers and builders – from 2500;
  • architects – from 2500 euros;
  • bank employees and managers – from 2000;
  • IT specialists – from 2200 euros, project managers from 3500;
  • service personnel from 1200-1300 euros.

In addition, the level of wages largely depends on the city and region of employment. Vienna and others have the highest salaries major cities. It is here that even the most unskilled worker can easily secure an income of just over a thousand euros.

Seasonal workers are recruited within the current quota. These jobs include ski resorts or agricultural work such as grape or fruit picking. But you can get such a place only if among the Austrians themselves there are no people willing to work.

Interestingly, for a very long time the minimum wage in this country was determined by collective agreement. It was only in 2015 that the authorities decided to set the minimum threshold at 1 thousand euros.

When looking for employment options, you should remember that the amount of payment is usually indicated in advertisements without taking into account income tax, which is quite high in this state. So, for example, with a total income that does not exceed 11 thousand euros per year, it is zero. Those who earn from 11 to 25 thousand will have to pay 36.5% of their earnings to the state treasury.

With all this, Austria attracts quite high level social security, which ensures its place in the top ten countries with the most favorable living conditions.


A small country in the heart of Europe offers quite large internship opportunities for those who are just receiving higher education, as well as for those who are already the proud holders of a diploma. You can gain professional experience in the following areas:

  • Art. Artists, musicians, designers, and architects will be able to apply themselves here. Most popular city- Vienna. The Vienna Academy offers a unique opportunity fine arts and the Museum of Modern Art.
  • Linguistics. Very popular this direction Used among language university students, translators and linguists. Almost every university is ready to accept those who want to study or improve their German language, as well as master the unique dialect spoken by the Austrians.
  • Volunteer projects. The Austrian state has a very widely developed policy of mutual assistance. It is for this reason that teachers and social workers are especially welcome here. You can make your contribution to the process both in schools for orphans and in nursing homes.
  • Research activities. This country has the largest library collections, which enable scientists to conduct research at a high level and with the largest knowledge base. Collaborative projects are especially valuable, and truly talented researchers can even become participants in fellowship programs. The average salary for an intern is 600-1500 euros, and prerequisite is knowledge of German or English.

How to find a job in Austria: Video

Working in your specialty abroad, especially in Austria, provides not only career prospects, but also good earnings.

It is very easy to do this through an agency or website. Experienced employees will tell you how to find a job in Austria: they will select a suitable position and help with documents. In this case, you are insured against stupid mistakes due to bureaucratic subtleties. If this is not possible, it is better to consult with friends who already have similar experience. They will probably be able to tell you how to avoid difficulties.

Without intermediaries, you can find a place via the Internet. Often various organizations directly post advertisements on websites about available vacancies. Anyone can submit their resume or write an email for further details. If the applicant is satisfied with the employer, then an invitation and a job call are issued. But even in this case, it cannot be guaranteed that the embassy will allow visiting the country.

The third option is to count on finding a job in Austria after moving. According to the law, it is permissible to spend up to six months searching. If you haven’t been able to find a job anywhere during this period, most likely you won’t be able to extend your stay in the country.

How to get a visa?

The government opposes unskilled migrants, since the developed economy attracts residents of less prosperous areas. At the same time, the state experiences a shortage of specialists in some areas. These areas include technical professions and medicine. Scarce specialists are more likely to get positions, and it is also easier for them in the future. When deciding whether to admit a foreigner or not, other characteristics are also taken into account: gender, age, education. To make the procedure more objective, a point system is used.

In 2019, in order to get to Austria to work, a threshold of 70 points was set for Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians. Representatives of shortage professions (engineers, builders, doctors) will need to gain 20 units less: only 50 will be enough.

Points are distributed taking into account the following factors:

  • Age. Applicants under 35 years old receive 15-20, while older ones can earn no more than 10.
  • Previous experience. Each year of work experience will increase the number of points by 2, and if the applicant worked in the territory of a given state, then every six months will bring 10 points.
  • A scientific title (candidate or doctor of science), the presence of patents and inventions will add another 20 to 40 points.

If you manage to collect the required amount, a document called “RWR KARTE PLUS” (work visa) is issued. In fact, this is done in order to assess the migrant's chances of employment after arrival. Elderly people without education are unlikely to be able to find a suitable position, which means they will qualify for unemployment benefits. The Ministry of Social Policy is not interested in the influx of parasites from all over the world, which is why the selection is so strict.

After the contract with the employer is signed, the visa can be extended for another year or even longer time. First of all, it depends on the duration of the contract.

What else will you need?

To get a job in Austria, Russians, like any foreigners, need to obtain a permit. This is done directly by the employer. The only people who will not need such a piece of paper are residents of the European Union.

There are several varieties of this document:

  • Up to 1 year. This is the most common option.
  • Up to 6 months. This type is also called seasonal.
  • From 4 to 6 months. It is intended for those who came on a business trip.
  • Long-term, up to 2 years. It is quite difficult to obtain; this opportunity appears only to those who have already lived in the country for at least 52 weeks.
  • Special category. This includes those who have worked in the country for more than 8 years or were legally married to a citizen of this state.

To apply, you need a passport, health insurance, diploma or certificate of education. The whole process will take 20-30 days. This certificate looks like a medium-sized card, and differs in color depending on the person’s qualifications.

As with any rules, there are exceptions. Diplomats and politicians, journalists of international media, professors of higher education can work freely on the territory of the state. educational institutions who came to give lectures and students under the “Aupair” program.

Vacancies and salaries

Specialists of a narrow profile are valued in the country. We are talking not only about doctors and engineers, but also about biologists, mathematicians, programmers, and technologists. Employees can expect an income of 2000 to 4000 euros per month and even more in some cases.

Average monthly salary statistics, Euro per month

You can earn the most money in Vienna, but in some situations even small cities, thanks to private clinics or enterprises, will bring decent income.

Sometimes you may need to confirm your diploma. This will take about a year or two. However, even with professional qualities, you can’t do without knowledge of the language. Not only English is required, but also German.

Unskilled workers may apply for positions service personnel in the tourism sector. The following vacancies are especially popular for Russians:

  • bartender;
  • waiter;
  • housemaid;
  • administrator;
  • cook;
  • dishwasher.

A separate area in which a non-German speaking person can find success is finding a job as a servant. Russian-speaking families often take on their compatriots as nannies, housekeepers, and cooks. Working in Austria without education will bring no more than 1000 euros per month. However, this is not bad money.

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Working in Austria is rightfully considered one of the most profitable and prestigious in Europe. This is due to the high standard of living in this country and the low unemployment rate, due to which there is no competition with the local population in the labor market. On the other hand, Austria is a very small state, and there are not enough places for everyone. Therefore, to get a job in this country, you will have to try.

The salary level in Austria is quite high.

Unskilled workers receive from 800 to 1000 euros monthly. Highly qualified employees and persons with higher education receive 2000-4000 euros per month. In Vienna, the wage level is significantly higher than the national average.

Search for vacancies

The following vacancies without higher education are available for Russians in Austria:

  • all construction specialties (bricklayer, welder, electrician, painter and others);
  • working specialties (turner, milling machine, carver, tinsmith, etc.);
  • medical attendants.

To work, you must know one of two languages: German or English. German is the official language, English is popular in all European countries. The minimum level of proficiency is intermediate conversational.

You can find a job in Austria yourself using the Internet or specialized organizations who help with employment for a fee. Once suitable advertisements are found, be sure to contact the employer and discuss the employment opportunity.

Once the necessary agreement with the potential employer has been reached, apply for a work visa. At the same time, the employer will issue a labor call and work permit.

In Austria, as throughout civilized Europe, an excellent resume can greatly reduce the time it takes to find a job or find a higher-paying position. Therefore on correct composition this document is not worth wasting time and effort on.

Work visa

To obtain a visa, please contact the Austrian consulate located in Moscow. Information in work visa takes into account all the operating parameters of its owner using a special scoring system. These points are assigned based on the following characteristics:

  • on the age of the employee;
  • his work experience;
  • specialty and level of qualification in it;
  • knowledge of foreign languages.

For example, from 10 to 20 points can be awarded for work experience, plus 2 points for 1 year of work in the profession. If you have work experience in Austria, an additional 10 points are awarded for every six months. If you are under 35 years of age – 20 points, over 35 years – only 10. For a rare specialty or a diploma higher education another 20 points. A scientific degree adds 40 points, existing patents for inventions – another 20.

If there is no work call and work permit, you can open an RVR Karte Plus visa. This visa allows you to stay in Austria for 6 months to look for work. You must score at least 70 points to obtain this visa. But if the candidate has a technological or medical specialty that is in short supply, minimum quantity points can be reduced to 50. If there is an employer who has issued a work call, 50 points will be enough to open a work visa. An insufficient number of points closes the way to employment in Austria.

For the first time, a work visa is issued for 6 months. At the end of this period, it can be extended for 12 months if its owner has a job. Further extension of this visa depends on employment contract: the visa is extended exactly until the contract ends.

Work permit

Foreigners in Austria employees are required to have a work permit. The exception is citizens of member countries of the European Union. This permission can only be issued by the employer.

The following types of permits are distinguished:

  • standard for 1 year;
  • seasonal for a period of 1 to 6 months;
  • business trip for a period of 4 to 6 months;
  • long-term (for 2 years) - issued if the employee lives and works in Austrian territory for at least 2 years;
  • special permit - issued after 8 years of work and residence in Austria or subject to marriage with local resident(resident).

When applying for a work permit, the employer must have the following list of documents from the employee:

  • foreign passport;
  • registration;
  • insurance certificate;
  • document about the acquired specialty.

The period for obtaining a work permit is 1 month from the date of submission of documents. Depending on the specialty of the employee, the color of his permit may be different. The most highly qualified personnel have cards designed in red-white or blue colors.

Certain categories of citizens

Austrian legislation provides for special categories of foreign workers who are exempt from obtaining a permit:

  • participants in interstate agreements;
  • diplomatic workers;
  • media workers;
  • university teachers invited to Austria to conduct seminars and lectures;
  • students undergoing training under the aupair program;
  • researchers working on behalf of the European Union.

Common types of work

It is much easier to find a job in Austria than in Vienna. Workers in technical and medical specialties are in high demand. The list of professions in short supply includes engineers, builders and biologists with a narrow specialization, as well as programmers.

Knowledge of the language greatly helps in finding a job. Ideally, you need to be fluent in German and English at an average level. Without knowledge foreign language work can only be found in the narrow sector of domestic service personnel in Russian-speaking families.

Those without any specialty have access to vacancies for service personnel in hotels, hotels, restaurants, and cafes.

Attention! Due to latest changes in legislation, the legal information in this article may be out of date!

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