What do the lines on the left palm mean? Which hand is the life line on and what does it mean? Life line in palmistry

Pagans and modern esotericists use reading lines on the hand to predict the future and describe a person’s personality. Interpreting the meanings of the lines on the palm is an important part of this lesson. You will need to learn to recognize both key and minor lines. This article will talk about how to interpret the lines on the palm.


Reading the main lines

    Select a hand to read the lines. In palmistry there is the concept of an active and passive hand. The active hand is the dominant hand, that is, the one with which you write.

    • The lines on the passive hand represent the qualities given to you from birth. They should be treated as a basis.
    • The active hand will display any deviations from innate qualities under the influence of life events.
    • If the lines on the hands are very different, this indicates that the person has worked hard on himself.
  1. Find the four main lines on your palm. These are the heart line, the head line, the life line and the fate line (not everyone has the last line).

    • The heart line is located horizontally at the top of the palm. It reflects the state of your heart on a physical and emotional level.
    • The head line is located horizontally in the middle of the palm. It indicates the state of your consciousness and brain.
    • The life line bends at the base thumb. It starts between the index finger and thumb. Many people mistakenly believe that this line indicates how many years a person will live, but in fact it reflects aspects such as vitality and prosperity.
    • The line of fate is located vertically. It starts at the base of the palm and runs through the middle (not everyone has this line). It reflects aspects such as success, career and calling.
  2. Learn to read the heart line. It can be read in any direction (from the little finger to index finger and vice versa) depending on the teaching. The heart line determines emotional stability, personal life, emotional state and the health of the heart as an organ. This line should be interpreted as follows:

    • If the beginning of the line is directly under the index finger, it means that you are selective in your personal life. If the beginning of the line is located under the middle finger, in a relationship a person thinks only about himself. If the line begins in the middle of the palm, the person is very amorous.
    • If there is no heart line, this means that the person is guided by logic and not by emotions. A weak line indicates that the person is detached and attaches little importance to emotions.
    • Direct and short line heart indicates that love is not very important to a person. A long and curving line indicates that a person freely expresses his emotions. If the line has a wave shape with a lot of bends, this indicates that the person has many partners, but none of the relationships can be called serious.
    • If the heart line is straight and parallel to the head line, this means that the person knows how to manage his emotions. If the heart line comes into contact with the life line, it is easy to offend a person.
    • If the heart line is broken or crossed by small lines, this indicates emotional trauma. A closed line can mean depression.
  3. Find and examine the head line. It determines intelligence, communication style and thirst for knowledge. It should be interpreted like this:

    • If there is no head line, the person is lazy and slow. If the line is weak, the person has poor memory and concentration, and often daydreams. A pronounced line indicates good memory, concentration and the desire to be guided by reason.
    • A short head line indicates that the person is practical and likes to talk to the point. A long line means that the person is focused on tasks and is very successful, but he is often selfish.
    • A straight head line indicates that a person is a realistic thinker, logical, organized, and attentive to detail. wavy line means that the person is restless and cannot maintain concentration. A curved or downward line indicates a bright creative personality.
    • If the line starts from the line of life, the person has a strong will. If the head line is separated from the life line, the person loves adventure and life.
    • A broken head line means inconsistency in thoughts. Intersections on the line indicate that important decisions can have a significant impact on a person's fate. Islands or chains on the line indicate intrapersonal conflict and emotional difficulties.
  4. Examine the life line. It determines physical condition, health and important life decisions(for example, life disasters, severe physical injuries and changes in residence). The line should be interpreted as follows:

    Study the line of fate. This line determines the degree of influence of factors over which he has no power on a person’s life. The line starts at the base of the palm. It can be interpreted as follows:

    • If the line is deep, a person’s life is controlled by fate. Remember that not everyone has this line.
    • If the line of fate starts from the line of life, a person achieves everything himself and begins to understand what he wants very early. If the line connects with the life line in the middle, it means that the person in mid-life will need to forget about his own interests and concern himself with the interests of others. If the fate line begins at the base of the thumb, the person has strong ties with family and friends.
    • If the line is interrupted or changes direction, a person may experience many changes in life due to the interference of factors that are beyond his control

    Reading other important lines

    1. Find other important lines on the palm. Apart from the key four lines, there are other important lines to pay attention to: the health line, the fame line, the marriage line, the money line and the travel line.

    2. Study the health line. This line determines the state of health and material well-being. Usually it is present when the life line is not entirely clear and noticeable. If a person has a weak line of fate or success, the line of health plays a large role in determining the material condition. The health line runs from the base of the little finger across the palm to the thumb. Sometimes it can connect with the life line. It is interpreted like this:

      • If there is no line, the person will have few or no health problems. A strong and continuous line indicates the ability to do business and the will to work hard and make money.
      • The wavy line means possible problems health problems due to anxiety and stress.
      • A broken line means that a person is either in poor health or has problems in business. If the line is crossed by other small lines, the person is prone to accidents. If other lines extend from this line, it indicates life-threatening situations in old age. If the line is enclosed in a square, it means that the person will be protected through either treatment or assistance in running a business. If the line breaks and forms a double circle, the person will require hospitalization.
      • If the lines of life, head and health form a triangle, this means that the person will be lucky: the larger the angle, the greater the luck. This triangle is called the happy triangle.
    3. Read the line of glory. The Line of Fame determines social success and rewards. If this line is noticeable, it usually starts at the wrist and runs through the palm to the ring finger parallel to the line of fate. It should be read like this:

      • If there is no line, it means that glory should be sought in other lines on the palm. A person can be successful, but without attracting the attention of the general public. If the line is clear and deep, it means that the person will be successful in work and will enjoy it.
      • If the line is broken several times, it indicates a series of ups and downs in social acceptance.
      • If the line comes from the index finger, the person will become famous in the field of art. If it departs from the head line and passes through the heart line, the person will work hard and achieve success in adulthood. If the line splits into two thin lines at the end, success may be mixed.
      • If the line of fame ends under the ring finger in the shape of a star or triangle, the person will achieve success in the field of art ( acting, singing, dancing). If it ends under the ring finger in the shape of a square, the person will be helped by a patron.
    4. Study the marriage line. The relationship is expressed by a small line or lines that are located directly under the base of the little finger. The closer the lines are to the base of the finger, the later this relationship will be. Look out for the following signs:

      • Several weak lines are several novels. Clear and clear lines are a marriage. If there are many intersecting small lines on the hand, this indicates that the person will cheat. If there are lines that do not intersect, this indicates that the person will have children.
      • If the lines extend beyond the palm of your hand back side, this suggests that the relationship will be long-lasting. Branching to the bottom of the palm means separation (with or without divorce).
      • If there is a line at the end of a marriage line that abruptly ends that line, it means that the relationship will end due to death or divorce. But if the lines are interrupted and then layered on top of each other, this indicates that after breaking up the partners will be together again.
    5. Read the money line. This line is not a direct indicator of a person’s material condition - it reflects a person’s ability to earn a fortune, and also suggests how this can be done. The line should be interpreted as follows:

      • If the line runs from the base of the thumb to the index finger and ends in a star, the person has a natural talent for making money.
      • If the line runs from the base of the thumb to the little finger, the person will receive an inheritance or will be helped by relatives. If the line runs from the base of the thumb to the middle finger, the person will earn money in business. If the line ends under the ring finger, crossing the line of fame, the person will receive money through luck and surprise.

The lines on the hand and their meaning serve as the main subjects of study of palmistry - the esoteric science of deciphering the future and present with the help of knowledge about the secrets of each mark on the palm. Every person has such lines, even if not in full.

In the article:

Basic signs on the palm

Classical palmistry uses seven major and minor signs on the hands. There are collections for beginners that will teach anyone to distinguish features and not make mistakes when making predictions, and will explain the basic concepts of palmistry.

First, you need to decide which hand to work with. Active hand lines talk about qualities or meanings that have changed in a person's life. On the passive (left hand of a right-handed person) lines are marked, showing what is given to a person from birth. Changes can be for the better or for the worse: people do not work on their mistakes and aggravate their impact. Comparative analysis both hands will show more than separate fortune telling for the left and right.

There are three options for fortune telling by hand. You can determine the meaning of all dashes. It's easier to do the same with the main seven signs. Short version - decoding of four marks (line analysis heart, life, mind And fate). Not everyone has the latter. A simple version of fortune telling by hand takes a few minutes.

The meaning of the main lines on the hand

The meaning of the lines on the palm will help you learn about a person with the help of an interpreter.

Top horizontal. It may start between the index and middle fingers or below. Rarely are the marks straight, so the term “horizontal” is relative. The first thing the line speaks about is the state of the heart. Having deciphered the meaning, a person learns about the corresponding diseases and emotional state. The trait expresses the ability to love and experience other feelings. The heart line indicates character traits, creative inclinations and other interesting skills.

Where is the life line? This is the feature that separates the thumb from the rest. People believe that this is the period that a person is destined to live, but the life line speaks of energy, its reserve and ability to renew. Long and pronounced predicts longevity. Based on the interpretation of the line, you can find out what to do - look for sources of energy replenishment or enjoy savings. The mark also indicates prosperity.

Or the head sign is closer to the middle of the palm. It is located horizontally, sometimes parallel to the line of the heart. Shows the physical condition of the brain and indicates diseases associated with it. Determines the level of consciousness. With the help of interpretation, you can find out how a person thinks. The trait does not reflect intellectual abilities, but you can learn about willpower and talent.

Not everyone has a destiny line. The line is positioned vertically, starting at the base of the palm and running through the center to the ring or middle finger. Often not fully formed: it reaches the middle of the palm or lower. The line of fate speaks of a person’s calling, life path. Has broad meaning- predicts the future, contains the secrets of human life.

Using the decoding of the signs on the hand, palmistry will reveal secrets and show the way to difficult situation. The interpretation of four lines is enough to obtain a short (and sometimes detailed) prediction. If you want to get an accurate and detailed forecast, you need to identify and decipher all seven lines in the palm.

The Belt of Venus or the Ring of Venus is an important feature for divination for a potential partner. Indicates debauchery and love for the attention of the opposite sex, speaks of capriciousness and demandingness when choosing a life partner. The Belt of Venus is a sign that indicates the impossibility of creating a family and strong relationships in principle. The line extends from the index finger to the ring or little finger.

If there is no on the hand, this is a good sign that indicates good health. The line is opposite the life line: indicates weaknesses physical condition, weakened immunity and low resistance to disease. If there is no line of fate, it indicates material well-being. A clear and pronounced health line speaks of a dizzying career, willpower, and the ability to make money.

They are located above the line of the heart, under the little finger. By the number of lines you can judge the number of marriages and experience in relationships with the opposite sex. Feelings, emotions, unhappy love, connections that a person could not enter into, but passionately desired, are reflected.

By deciphering the main signs using the rules of palmistry, you can learn more about a person’s character and his future. The secondary lines will give a detailed forecast, especially if you learn to combine their interpretations with the decoding of the main ones.

Minor lines in palmistry

The main lines on the hand give an understanding of the main aspects of life. With the help of minor ones, they learn details that have a serious impact on fate.

Line of Fame runs parallel to the line of fate, heading towards the index finger. It will help to identify a person who will become famous and recognizable as a result of creative activity.

Travel line identifies people who are often on the road or change their place of residence. It is located on the hill opposite the thumb. These signs run horizontally, there may be many of them, or there may not be any at all.

Horizontal lines between the lines of the head and heart, located on the edge of the palm - signs of confrontation. They talk about obstacles on the way to goals.

They will tell you the number of descendants, who the children will be, their health and intelligence. These dashes also answer questions about marriage and the father of children. Problem pregnancies, miscarriages and abortions - everything can be found out with the help of palmistry.

Trait of Intuition talks about the ability to predict events. Called the line of the medium. Rarely encountered, it speaks of abilities for magic, clairvoyance or other talent.

Mark of the Curse- karmic mark. Allows you to judge the availability ancestral curse, damage or heavy karma.

or money triangles They will tell you how profitable the business is, how a person will earn a living, and how much he will succeed in material terms.

The ancient science of palmistry has been extremely popular since ancient times. It was from the lines located on the palms that people learned not only to predict fate, but also to read the character traits of a particular person. Special role The life line has always played in palmistry. If you look at it carefully, you will notice that it is special for each person. Where is the life line on the hand and what does it mean?

How to find the life line in the palm of your hand?

It is impossible not to notice the life line on the hand, since it covers the entire tubercle of the palm under the thumb. This line may have dotted lines, interrupting sections, branches, and the study of these features helps to decipher not only the fate of their owner, but also his character.

You need to look for the life line in the palm of your dominant hand. For example, if a person is right-handed, then it is better to guess his fate by right palm and vice versa.

The life line can reveal the following secrets of fate:

  • approximate life expectancy;
  • his health at different stages of fate;
  • opportunities to realize your potential;
  • presence or absence of relatives and friends;
  • preferred type of activity.

The life line may change slightly at different stages of life. In palmistry, it is believed that certain events in a person’s destiny are reflected in the drawing of his palm. The life line is not an exact, but only an approximate interpretation of fate. The features of this line can be perceived as tips that help you avoid trouble, become better, or realize your potential.

Which hand to look at - decoding

Ideally, the life line should be clear, moderately wide and continuous. The fewer defects there are on it, such as dots, dotted lines, intersections, the calmer and happier a person’s life will be.

The length of this line also speaks volumes. If it is insignificant, then the person is waiting short life and vice versa. Interruptions of the life line promise a variety of difficulties in the form of various fatal cases that do not depend on the actions and health of the individual: fatal illnesses, disability, betrayal.

When analyzing the line on the palm that is responsible for life, it is important to consider how exactly it begins. The line begins for all people between the index finger and thumb, where it intersects with the line of the mind. Many people believe that this sign in palmistry is regarded as a reflection of exceptional wisdom, but this is not so.

The intersection of the life line of mind and life indicates that a person is generous and sincere, but these qualities apply only to close people. Such individuals behave distantly with others.

If the line of mind and life go together, forming a solid line, and then branch, then this is a sign generous person who shows compassion towards everyone. If both lines do not touch, then the person is very selfish and is only interested in material wealth.

There are other features of the life line that should not be ignored. What does the life line mean:

The life line of many people resembles a chain consisting of a large number of intertwinings. Such a palm indicates that a person has an easy character, which makes it easy to build relationships with others. Such people are destined for interesting acquaintances and exciting adventures.

End of line - meaning

When fortune telling by hand drawing, it is important to pay attention to the end of the life line, since by its features you can read a person’s fate. If the end is directed towards the Mount of the Moon, life will end as a result of an accident, fight or natural disaster.

A branch going towards the Mount of Venus predicts testing a life partner with illness.

About promotion career ladder, successful studies and exciting travels evidenced by a branch going to Jupiter. But luck in a person’s life will be short-term.

The branch of the life line going towards the middle finger (Saturn) warns of problems at work, tense family life and conflicts with children. If the branch of the life line goes to the ring finger, associated with the Sun, then the person will have constant luck and excellent opportunities to realize his potential.

A branch going to the Mercury line foreshadows a successful marriage and true friendship. If the line of life branches towards the line of Mars, then we can expect large number exciting travels.

If there are serifs on the life line that cross the line, then this can be regarded as testing by stressful situations provoked by loss of health, breakup, betrayal, etc.

An interesting feature of the life line is the presence of a triangle looking at the Mount of Venus, since it portends winning a large sum.

If the life line suddenly changes trajectory, but is not interrupted, the person is most likely to move and live away from home. This event may be associated with marriage to a foreigner, work in another state.

If a line moves to the side in a specific area, then this can be regarded as a personality crisis, giving impetus to grandiose changes in a person’s fate. This could be a completely new worldview, significant acquaintances and other significant events.

We immediately need to dispel the myth that life expectancy is directly related to the length of the life line. The latter encircles the eminence of the thumb and different people differs in its length (you can read about the location of the lines on the hand in the article Palmistry).

Studies were carried out on the hands of those people who died of natural causes. The purpose of these studies was to determine the relationship between the length of the life line and the number of years lived. No direct relationship was found between length and years lived. In a number of cases, the owner of a long life line died much earlier than the owner of a short one. This news, will undoubtedly please those people for whom the length of the ill-fated line causes grief.

So how to determine life expectancy by hand? A careful study of the hands of centenarians showed that the main thing is not the length of the life line, but the distance at which it is located from the fold located at the base of the thumb. Moreover, it is not the actual dimensions in centimeters or millimeters that are important, but the proportion relative to the middle and ring fingers.

To properly take into account proportionality, two axes have been introduced - the main and additional ones. The main axis is taken from the middle of the fold separating the middle finger from the palm. It is carried down to the base of the palm and runs parallel to the edge of the palm. The additional axis is drawn strictly parallel to the main axis and is taken from the middle of the fold separating the ring finger from the palm.

For greater clarity, the material presented is reflected in the figures. They show the relationship of the axes with the life line. It is by them that the life expectancy of each person is determined.

The rules here are very simple and clear. If the line of life on both hands does not touch the main axis (Fig. 1), then you need to measure the distance between the line and the axis. The resulting millimeters should be subtracted from 80 years. The resulting number will be equal to life expectancy.

If the main axis is in contact with the line of life on both hands, then the person will live 80 years (Fig. 2).

If the main axis crosses the life line twice (Fig. 3), then the life span allotted by fate increases to 95 years.

If the life line touches the additional axis (Fig. 4), then this indicates a 100-year stay on sinful earth.

But when the additional axis crosses the life line (Fig. 5), then such a lucky person is given a 115-year life span.

It often happens that the proportions are different on the left and right hands. In this case, the number of years is determined separately right hand and the corresponding number of years on the left hand. The resulting values ​​are added and divided in half. The resulting value will be the true number of years.

Don't forget that this technique determines life expectancy based on the hand without taking into account negative factors. That is, it characterizes the body’s safety margin, but does not take into account bad habits and tragedy.

These are drugs, vodka, smoking, car and plane crashes, terrorist attacks, death in war and other negative aspects. Other signs on the hands tell about all this. And most importantly, take care of yourself and try to live as long as fate has given you.

Egor Laskutnikov

The ancient occult art of palm reading is called palmistry. The lines on the hand are one of the key elements when making a prediction. They, in combination with additional signs, help to look into the past, predict the future, and determine the strengths and weaknesses of a person.

Passive and active hand in palmistry

The science of deciphering lines helps to compare different signs V big picture and make predictions about the future of a specific person waiting as truthfully and correctly as possible.

Before reading the lines on your hand, you need to pay attention to the fact that in palmistry great value has the concept of active and passive palm. Each of them is responsible for a certain area of ​​a person’s life and influences his future and actions.

During fortune telling, it is important to understand the meaning of both palms. For a right-handed person, the active hand is the right, and for a left-handed person, the active hand is the left. The pattern of the active hand itself plays a leading role in the prediction.

The lines on the left palm are responsible for events from the past, his innate character traits and hidden talents.

It is also important to understand what the lines on the right hand mean. The active hand predicts events that await a person in the future and determines special traits acquired during the past days. Therefore, the future can be correctly and correctly deciphered only by the stripes on the right hand.

Main lines on the palm

In palmistry, the lines on the palm are conventionally divided into major and minor. Each trait tells about a certain area of ​​the owner’s life. What matters is its appearance and what signs are located on it. This can radically change its influence on a person’s destiny.

Palmists distinguish four main lines:

  • Life;
  • Hearts;
  • Heads;
  • Fates.

It often happens that only three main lines of the hand can be read on a person’s hand, since not everyone has a stripe of Fate. The absence of any of the stripes also has its own interpretation. If you correctly decipher each of them, you can find out what needs to be corrected in the life and behavior of an individual.

IN modern world Reading palm lines is more accessible and easier because there are resources that provide information with pictures and explanations. With their help, you can find out the name and description of a particular trait.

Life Line

The Life Line is one of the most important and significant lines in palmistry. It originates just above the thumb and goes around the Mount of Venus. This line can tell the most important information about human life. Using it, you can foresee possible difficulties and dangers that a person will encounter on his life’s path.

Depending on the appearance of the line, its meaning may also vary.

  1. Sometimes people mistakenly believe that the length of the Life Line affects how long its owner will live, but this is not so. This designation of lines on the hand in palmistry determines only the state of physical health. A long line indicates strong immunity and high energy potential.
  2. A clear line of Life indicates that a person is successful, full of strength and ambition. People with a fuzzy streak have problems with self-esteem and the respect of others.
  3. A straight line indicates a calm and measured life. If the line bends or is broken line, then along the way the owner will face many trials, losses and struggles for a place in the sun.
  4. If parallel to the main line of Life there is another small stripe on the hand, then in the fate of this person there will be someone very close to him in spirit, with whom they will go through all the difficulties together.
  5. If this stripe is missing on the palm, it is bad sign. A difficult life filled with anxiety awaits such a person.

Signs and symbols on the line

Various symbols and signs located on the strip also mean a lot during fortune telling. In order not to miss anything, you need to study in detail the meaning of each of them and check your palm for the presence of symbols.

  1. A line crossing the Life line means that a person is destined to experience a strong emotional shock, which will then have an impact on his entire life.
  2. The cross is also a negative sign. It means hard times for its owner, possible severe stress and tension.
  3. If there are breaks in the line, then this is a sign of health problems.
  4. A person with a triangle sign on the Life stripe is often distinguished by high skills in communicating with people, knows how to effectively resolve conflicts, and is able to find common language with anyone.
  5. The circle or island sign is a symbol of a serious, often incurable, physical or mental illness.
  6. The cross symbol warns of a life-threatening situation.

Life line location

It is also worth paying attention to the location of the Life line. If it reaches towards the center, this is a good sign. Such a person will always have a lot of energy and vitality for all his endeavors. This is a strong personality who is able to overcome any obstacles in his path with a smile on his face.

When the line is too close to the base of the thumb, it is a sign of a weak and insecure person. He is prone to frequent apathy, is afraid to try new things and easily gives up; he cannot complete a single task.

People whose Life line starts higher than usual are very dependent on the opinions of others. They try to please everyone, love to be the center of attention and stand out from the crowd.

Head Line

The Line of Mind (Head) is located just above the Life stripe and runs through the middle of the palm. It determines a person’s way of thinking, his intellectual abilities. The appearance of this strip may also differ.

  1. If the Head line is long, this means that its owner is a person prone to critical thinking and analysis of the situation. He is able to make long-term plans and predict possible developments of events. A short streak occurs in people whose thinking is concentrated on performing practical and solitary tasks.
  2. How clear the Mind strip is determines the quality of a person’s memory. The more visible the line is, the better it is.
  3. A straight line indicates that a person makes decisions based on logical considerations. People with a curved line of Mind will always have their emotions and feelings as a priority.
  4. A person whose line of Mind bifurcates towards the end is prone to inconstancy and often requires changes in his field of activity.
  5. When such a stripe is completely absent from the palm, this is a sign of a lazy person without a purpose in life. Such a person may also have a tendency towards severe mental disorders.

Head line location

Usually the Mind strip is located close to the Life strip. If the distance between them is small, then this is a positive sign. This is a person with a broad range of thinking, open to new ideas and views. He sets goals for himself and boldly goes towards them, not paying attention to obstacles or the condemnation of others.

It also happens that the lines of Life and Mind originate at the same point. In this case, the person is calm and balanced. He assesses the situation sensibly and always gives preference to a stable, familiar way of life. Taking care of his family is his main value.

If the Mind strip departs from the middle of the Life line, then its owner is not distinguished by critical thinking. Such a person does not have his own opinion, and the herd instinct is clearly expressed. Such individuals quite often become victims of religious sects and prefer to be part of some subculture or social group.

Signs and symbols on the line

On the line of the Head there are also many signs that have a fateful significance for a person’s life. To decipher hidden information, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  1. A person with a triangle symbol on the Mind strip is distinguished by determination and fearlessness, and is always ready for rash actions.
  2. A cross on this strip indicates that a person is prone to self-deception and thinks subjectively and narrowly.
  3. If the shape of the line resembles a chain, this means that its owner often has difficulty concentrating his attention on one task.
  4. A break or line on the line indicates possible difficulties at work. Financial problems are possible.
  5. One of the worst signs is the star. This may be a symbol of heavy psychological state, severe stress and even suicidal tendencies.

Heart Line

The Love (Heart) Line begins under the little finger and usually ends between the index and middle fingers. It talks about a person’s emotional state and his success in relationships. To guess by this strip, you first need to pay attention to its appearance:

  1. A person with a long line of Heart lives with faith in his ideals. He has high moral qualities and principles. He tries to make the world a better place. If the line is short, then this is a sign of a person who thinks only about himself.
  2. If the line is deep and clear, then its owner is a sensitive person. He takes other people's experiences to heart and is easily stressed. When the line is thin and unclear, we can say about its owner that he is used to hiding his feelings, rarely opens his heart to others, is often silent and withdrawn in communication.
  3. The owner of a direct streak of feelings will have a long and happy life. romantic story. Those with a crooked trait will face problems in their personal lives.
  4. Sometimes on the Heart line you can see branches in the form of small stripes. If they reach towards the top of the palm, then this person is a romantic person with high ideals. Downward stripes indicate uncertainty and fear of taking the first step.
  5. If the Heart line is absent in the palm, then such a person should be expected to have a cruel attitude towards others.

Line location

If the Heart line crosses the entire palm, then its owner is a kind and sympathetic person who is always ready to sympathize and help in difficult situation. He actively shows concern for people close to him.

When the stripe ends under the middle finger, then we can say with confidence that this is a faithful person who prefers a quiet and peaceful family life. He easily establishes contact with new acquaintances and adapts to a new society. When the line ends under the index finger, then its owner is rather an impulsive and romantic person, following the first call of his heart.

A line located close to the Head stripe indicates that a person prefers to make choices based on logical reasoning. Such a person is constrained in expressing his feelings and emotions and keeps to the side.

Signs and symbols on the line

Among the most influential symbols that can appear on the feeling strip are the following:

  1. If there is an island sign on the strip, this indicates that the person will have to live with a strong sense of guilt for a long time. This will drain him emotionally and physically.
  2. A small line crossing the main strip is a sign external problem in a relationship with a partner. This could be a rival, parents or friends who oppose the relationship.
  3. The cross on the Feelings strip indicates big problems in personal life and emotional trauma experienced in this area.
  4. When a gap is visible on the strip, you should be prepared for difficulties and severe long-term stress.
  5. The square symbol warns of difficult, non-reciprocal love.
  6. The star sign brings its owner luck and good fortune in all his affairs.
  7. If there is a triangle on the strip, then this person is able to control his emotions.

Line of Fate

It is located in the center of the palm and crosses it vertically. This stripe determines the individual’s individuality: her lifestyle and her own path, bright character traits.

By appearance This stripe can tell you a lot about a person.

  1. A clear line of Fate indicates a strong personality, high goals and desire for constant development. If it is poorly visible, then this is a sign of a weak-willed and insecure person.
  2. If the stripe resembles a chain in its shape, it means that its owner will have an unstable life, full of changes, ups and downs.
  3. A split at the end of the line indicates that a person will face a painful separation from someone close and dear.
  4. An uneven, torn line indicates many problems and difficulties that will have to be overcome on the way to the goal.
  5. The absence of such a stripe on the palm is a sign that a person is not able to choose his life path. His fate was predetermined.

Line location

It is important to pay attention to who this streak originates from, since the character of the individual and her entire life path depend on this. If the line begins at the center of the wrist, then this is a sign of balance and strong character. Such a person is always responsible for his words and actions, is able to sensibly assess the situation and make decisions.

When the line originates on the Life strip, then it can be said about its owner that the main priority in his life is family values and stability in everything.

The beginning of the stripe on the lunar hill speaks of a hot-tempered and emotional character, mobility and social activity. Such people are open to communication and self-development.

Signs and symbols on the line

To learn more about a person’s lifestyle, you need to look at the signs located on the Fate strip. The most common of them are:

  1. The line crossing the line, as well as the island sign, indicate that the owner of these symbols will face great financial difficulties. Sometimes this can lead to a person starting to steal.
  2. A cross on a stripe is a symbol of problems moving up the career ladder. Difficulties may arise with implementation in the professional sphere.
  3. If there is a square symbol in the palm of your hand, then this is a prediction of changes for the better.
  4. The triangle indicates that a person, when solving problems that arise in his life, prefers to make decisions using logic.
  5. A star on the Fate strip is a sign of emotional exhaustion and problems at work.

Secondary lines

In addition to the main ones, there are lines on the hand that are called minor. They are less pronounced in the palm and concern more specific areas human life. They can also be found in special drawings with explanations. Deciphering these bands also requires certain knowledge. There are no signs on the palms that are simply created by a random coincidence of lines.

The decoding must be as correct as possible. To do this, use resources that contain palmistry with explanations and appropriate visual support. Among them are the following features:

  • Health;
  • Marriage;
  • Glory;
  • Travel.

Health Line

The Health Band, or as palmists call it, Mercury, originates on the Mount of Mercury and vertically crosses almost the entire palm. It helps to learn about possible and existing health problems of the owner, upcoming operations, etc. This may be due to the condition of the internal organs, nervous system, mental health, etc.

The absence of such a line is considered a good sign, since the person does not have serious illnesses. If the Health bar is clearly visible in the palm of your hand, long and clear, this is a sign of serious problems with your physical or mental condition. In this case, it is worth doing a full medical examination.

It is important to pay attention to the special signs located in the area of ​​this trait, because with their help you can understand what problem the owner has:

  1. Any line that crosses the Health line indicates one or another possible disease.
  2. The symbol of the island is a sign of a severe, incurable, often chronic, disease associated with internal organs person.
  3. A break in this band is often associated with liver problems.
  4. If there is a star symbol on the line, then such a person has a high tendency to infertility.
  5. Small dots located on the main stripe are signs of chronic headaches and exhaustion of the nervous system, which can subsequently lead to serious breakdowns.
  6. Square and triangle are good signs. They say that a person’s illness is curable. You should expect a full recovery soon.

Line of Intuition

On the Mount of Venus you can find a rare feature - the line of Intuition. It means that a person has hidden extrasensory abilities or clairvoyance, well-developed intuition. If the line is thin and interrupted, then the person does not yet know about his abilities or simply does not pay due attention to them. A clear and deep streak of Intuition indicates that its owner is able to control his supernatural abilities.

Signs that appear on the Intuition strip:

  1. The island sign indicates the high intellectual abilities of the owner. It is also a symbol of a stubborn and changeable character.
  2. A gap in the strip means that a person has a distracted mind - it is difficult for him to concentrate on performing one specific task.
  3. If there is a triangle symbol on the line, then its owner skillfully uses his abilities and gets the maximum benefit from them.
  4. If the line of Fate resembles a chain, then this indicates serious mental disorders and instability.

If you know what the lines on the right palm mean and what place the Intuition trait occupies in this picture, you can focus on developing this particular feeling.

Marriage Line

The Marriage Stripe is a small line under the little finger, located parallel to the arc of the Heart. It is very popular among women. Sometimes there may be several such traits - this means that a person will marry several times. The number of Marriage bars indicates the number of possible unions.

A long and clear stripe indicates that the union will be strong, long and happy. If the line ends with a fork or is completely broken, then this indicates a conflict in the relationship, a difficult separation.

The Marriage Line may be completely absent from the palm. This means that the person is either not interested family life, or there will be no real and strong feelings in his destiny.

Signs that influence the meaning of the Marriage strip:

  1. A star is considered one of the most negative signs. Its presence in the palm of your hand indicates that one of the partners does not experience real feelings, but only takes advantage of his position.
  2. The symbol of the cross represents the problems that the couple will face in their relationship. They can be conflicts, relationships on the side, misunderstandings.
  3. An island on the strip indicates that a person will have to suffer a lot because of his feelings.
  4. Dots or specks on the Marriage line are harbingers of the loss of a spouse.

Children's Line

The lines that extend from the Marriage stripe are called Children's lines. Using them, adults can determine how many children there will be, what gender and from what union.

The number of traits indicates how many children a person can potentially have. If there are four such features on the hand, then there can be two, three, but no more than four children. You need to tell fortunes about children as follows:

  1. If the line extending from the Marriage stripe is clear and deep, it means that a boy will be born. If the line is hard to see, then you need to wait for the girl.
  2. In the case when the Children's trait bifurcates, then this is a symbol of twins.
  3. Violations on the line of Children are a sign of abortion or miscarriage. This deviation occurs more often in women.

Glory Line

This line crosses vertically the entire palm parallel to the Success stripe. Decoding this trait allows us to determine social status personality, relationships with others and success in professional activities.

To do this, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. Breaks and damage on the line indicate that the owner of this sign will face difficulties on the way to reaching the top.
  2. If the stripe ends at the base of the index finger, then a person should look for himself in the field of art.
  3. The absence of a line on the hand does not mean that its owner will not achieve success, but only that he will not attract a lot of attention by its activities.