Dana Borisova: biography, personal life, latest news. The fate of Dana Borisova. "I'm learning to look at life soberly"

Russian TV presenter Dana Borisova. It became widely known thanks to the “Army Store” program. She was awarded a certificate of honor from the leadership of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation “For success in patriotic propaganda.”

Biography of Dana Borisova

Dana Alexandrovna Borisova born June 13, 1976 in Belarusian city Mozyr. After some time, the girl’s family moved to Norilsk, where Dana and her younger sister spent their childhood. It was her sister who became Dana’s best friend and play partner.

When Dana was about sixteen years old, she saw an advertisement for a competition among teenagers to study in a television journalism class. Dana successfully passed the selection and soon appeared on the screens of Norilsk television for the first time.

At school, Dana studied excellently, graduated with a silver medal, after which she decided to move to Moscow. In the capital, the girl entered the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, in order to continue her career as a TV presenter.

At the same time, Dana decided to take a risk and take part in the casting for the role of TV presenter of a TV show launched at that time for military and civilians - “Army Store”. Having outstripped all the TV test participants, Borisova achieves her desired goal.

Dana Borisova: Moscow greeted me kindly. I guess I was just lucky. I didn’t have time to experience any horrors or get scared, and after six months of studying at the journalism department I received an invitation to host the “Army Store” program. As for Moscow State University, in my opinion, 80% of nonresident students study at the journalism department. In addition, medalists only take one exam. And I graduated from school with a silver medal.

Dana Borisova. TV presenter career

In 1996 Dana Borisova adds more points to her growing popularity by agreeing to shoot for the magazine “ Playboy" It was the issue of the magazine with photographs and interviews with Dana that became the best-selling in 1996. People started talking about Borisova abroad too. For example, famous channels, including the BBC, began to be called Dan Borisova Russian “secret weapon” and new “ Russian Marilyn Monroe ".

In 1997, Dana stopped hosting the “Army Store” program, but her popularity did not lose momentum. Soon the girl returned to the project. In 2002, Borisova was recognized as the most popular girl on the Russian-language Internet. Search queries named " Dana Borisova"breaking all records. The number of anecdotes, photographs and search queries with her name exceeded all conceivable limits at that time.

A year later, in 2003, Dana took part in the high-profile Channel One project “The Last Hero”. The appearance of a spectacular blonde in this reality show in a swimsuit, and sometimes without, her ingenuous behavior and conflicts with project participant Elena Perova provoked new wave people's attention to Dana.

Dana Borisova: “I had the experience of “reincarnation” in “The Last Hero.” I participated in this project twice. This was truly a reality show that left an indelible mark. It was a school of life. It turned my whole life upside down, I became a different person. I took part in the project primarily for my own sake, especially for the second time, because I knew that I needed it. I would, of course, go there again with pleasure.”

Then Dana Borisova For a short time she hosted the program “ City of Women", after which she moved to NTV, becoming co-host of Elena Hangi in the talk show " Domino principle" In 2005, Dana finally said goodbye to the Army Store project. Since 2006, Borisova has acted as the host of an early broadcast on the NTV channel - the program “This Morning”. During the two years of her work in this position, many famous people came to visit Dana, with whom the TV presenter talked on air on a variety of topics.

In 2008, after breaking up with common-law husband Maxim, Dana Borisova took part in the project of the Rossiya channel “Star Ice”. Although before that she didn’t know how to skate at all, she still decided to test her capabilities and went out on the ice with a skater partner Sergei Sakhnovsky. At rehearsals, Dana gave her all, so as not to lose face in front of millions of television viewers, she spent 7-8 hours training.

In 2012, Borisova appeared on the RBC TV channel in the project “ Speculator's Diary", the main goal of which is to demonstrate in practice how to make money on the stock exchange. Perhaps Dana agreed to take part in this program, since this topic was close to her earlier - in the mid-2000s, she tried herself as an actress in the film directed by Valery Nikolaev “ Bear hunt"(2007), the heroes of which were stock market players. And already within the framework of “ Speculator's Diary» Borisova, taught by an experienced trader Oleg Dmitriev, competed in trading profitability with an RBC journalist Zhanna Nemtsova who traded independently.

Also from October 2012 to January 2013, Dana was the host of “ Business morning"on the same RBC. In 2013, viewers saw Borisova as a participant in the sports TV show “ Tower" - the Russian version of the Dutch entertainment show " splash" Dana performed in the team " Dolphins"together with the Kaveen man Dmitry Kozhoma, a connoisseur of the “What? Where? When? » Valentina Golubeva, actor Vladislav Demin, singer Mitya Fomin and TV presenters Victoria Boney and Maxim Sharafutdinov. Borisova managed to reach the fifth round.

Despite all the gossip and rumors, Dana remained a working woman, appeared on television, and hosted various corporate and public events. The TV presenter took a break from her career only during maternity leave - in 2007. Then in August, on the 27th, Dana Borisova gave birth to a daughter Polina from her common-law husband - a businessman Maxim Aksenov, with whom she later broke up.

On June 22, 2015, Dana married a businessman Andrey Tishchenko, however, this marriage did not last even a year. In March 2016, the TV presenter herself filed for divorce unilaterally through a magistrate judge. Andrei, according to Dana, referred to being busy and did not want to resolve the issue of parting with her through the registry office.

Dana Borisova gave a comment online about the unfulfilled union and Tishchenko: “I thought about a lot in Lately, my failed marriage, which lasted 10 months, occupied a lot of my thoughts. I won't say anything new, but after putting on wedding ring, you still have to constantly conquer a man, surprise him. At the same time, pay attention to your own interests, do not move away from friends... Do not turn into a constant whiner... In my case, there were also huge “jambs” from my ex-husband. But the fact remains... Since the divorce in March, I have never seen my ex-husband, I don’t know his phone number, I have no idea where he lives... We are learning to learn lessons...

Six months after the divorce, Dana began an affair with a 41-year-old producer and captain of the KomAr hockey team. Alexander Morozov. The romance is over loud scandal, in which Dana was accused of treason and largely ruined her reputation. It was at this moment that the former common-law husband, Maxim Aksenov, first took Dana’s daughter Polina away. The presenter was able to return the girl only by contacting the police.

After everyone knew the truth about Dana’s drug addiction, Aksenov took Polina back to his place. Initially, Dana assumed that she would part with the girl only for the period of rehabilitation in Thailand, but upon her return she realized that Maxim Aksenov did not intend to return the child to her. Moreover, in judicial procedure Aksenov won the right to limit meetings ex-wife with your daughter at your own discretion. According to Dana, this is a very painful ordeal for her, and she hopes to get her daughter back.

Filmography of Dana Borisova

  • Maximum Impact (2017)
  • Bear Hunt (2007)
  • You're right for us (TV series, 2014)
  • Machine (TV series 2014)
  • My truth (TV series, 2007 – ...)
  • Comedy Club (TV series, 2005 – ...)
  • Prank (TV series, 2003 – 2012)
  • The Last Hero (TV series, 2001 – 2009)

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Recently, TV presenter Dana Borisova became the heroine of Andrei Malakhov’s show “Let Them Talk.” The star’s mother addressed the program and said that her daughter was taking drugs. This topic quickly gained momentum on the Internet and became one of the most discussed. Where is Dana Borisova treated? What is her condition? How dire is the situation really? Not only the presenter’s fans are looking for answers to these questions, but also, it seems, all the glamorous journalists in the country.

According to producer Lera Tuvina (works with the star), Dana Borisova is now undergoing treatment for drug addiction in Thailand, on Koh Samui. Russian star turns out to have all the necessary medical and psychological help, nothing threatens her life and health. According to Lera, Dana is aware of what is happening, understands the need for treatment, follows the regime and listens to specialists.

According to the producer, Dana Borisova bought drugs from her stylist Ray Samedov, who even managed to take the TV presenter’s car as payment for the substances. Relatives, friends and colleagues of Dana Borisova are sure that her mother sounded the alarm at the right time, because just a few days of delay could have cost her daughter her life.

Ray Samedov himself stated that Dana Borisova became a drug addict long before she met him. Mutual friends support the stylist. So, according to the host of “Let Them Talk” Andrei Malakhov, it was Ray who became for Dana “the personification of a strong male wall and, in general, all the testosterone in the apartment” during a difficult period for her. Samedov himself said in an interview that he helped Dana as best he could - he carried her in his arms from room to room, fed her, looked after her.

On the air of “Let Them Talk,” Ray Samedov said that he did not know that Dana Borisova was using drugs, and that he saw the presenter’s mother once in her life, during her quarrel with her daughter. According to the hairdresser, Dana Borisova’s mother “does everything to get custody of her granddaughter.” He also said that he had repeatedly suggested that Borisova “go to a remote village” and even flew to Sochi to negotiate employment for the presenter. He also added on the air of “Let Them Talk” that Dana Borisova’s car is in her garage, and he only has the keys and documents that the presenter herself gave him, so as not to drive while intoxicated.

The meeting between mother Dana Borisova and Ray Samedov on the air of “Let Them Talk” became a real bomb (see for yourself, video above). After the woman hit the stylist, the presenter’s friends accused her of being guilty of Dana Borisova’s drug addiction.

The head of the Anti-Drug Union, Nikita Lushnikov, stood up for Dana’s mother. According to him, the woman’s reaction is quite understandable and her worry for her daughter and granddaughter is a consequence of fear for their future. An experienced narcologist, in addition, reported that there is shining example codependency, when loved ones support the addict not in his desire to be cured, but in understanding the reasons that pushed the person onto a crooked path. Our specialist drew the attention of the audience and spectators to the fact that Dana’s mother did the right thing, finding the strength to break out of the circle and take a truly significant step to save her daughter - an appeal to Andrei Malakhov, with whom Dana had known for more than 25 years, was the decisive step that ultimately allowed her to begin treatment of Dana Borisova for drug addiction.

Where is Dana Borisova now?

Currently, Dana Borisova is in Thailand, on Koh Samui - in a drug treatment clinic. Getting a drug addict out of his environment, tearing him away from friends and codependent relatives, cutting off the supply channels for narcotic substances and drugs is one of the the most important steps on the path to treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts. It's summer on the islands, and treatment takes place in excellent conditions. Dana has come to her senses, she is aware of what is happening, she wants to be treated, she adheres to the regime and follows the doctors’ orders. There is no doubt that she will recover and return to Moscow the same, healthy and independent of drugs. Friends, parents and daughter Polina are waiting for the TV presenter at home. The girl still lives with her father.

Another important reason why many drug addiction specialists recommend sending people to Thailand for treatment is the complete ban on drugs in this country. For their storage, distribution and use, a person faces the death penalty. This is an additional guarantee that the drug addict will not relapse and obtain illegal drugs from somewhere until the end of the rehabilitation course.

If you are faced with drug addiction in your family, hurry to save loved one. Our drug treatment centers located in different regions of Russia and abroad are at your service. This includes a rehabilitation center on Samui, where Dan Borisova is currently undergoing treatment for drug addiction. Contact us and find out all the details. Calls are completely anonymous - hurry to get qualified help. Remember that it is almost impossible to escape addiction on your own.

Rehabilitation is the longest stage, the task of which is to consolidate the positive effect and teach the patient to live without drugs. For this purpose, the integrative model of the Therapeutic Community, the Minnesota model, group and individual therapy, as well as family psychotherapy are used.

Social adaptation

This stage implies comprehensive psychological support for the patient and his family at the stage of readaptation to ordinary life. It is carried out on an outpatient basis.

Dana Borisova is an actress, journalist and TV presenter. A blonde star of the Russian media sphere, who destroys existing stereotypes about blondes. Sparkling and bright Dana did not cease to attract the attention of the press, even when she began to appear less in public.

Dana owes her success not only to her attractive appearance, but also to her determination and ability to overcome life’s troubles, reacting to problems with irony and a smile. The biography of Dana Borisova is the story of a bright and courageous personality, whose life is far from being like a fairy tale.

Dana Aleksandrovna Borisova was born on June 13, 1976 in the small Belarusian Mozyr, but hometown doesn’t remember - when the girl was only a few months old, the family moved to Norilsk. The girl owes her self-discipline and strictness to herself to her parents. Alexander Borisov, Dana's father, served in the police. Ekaterina Ivanovna Borisova, the mother of the future TV star, worked as a nurse.

As a child, the girl often had to stay at home alone, because her parents were constantly working and her relationships with her peers did not go well. Being thin and inconspicuous, the boys did not like Dana, and her peers could not forgive her activities in clubs and sections, as well as good grades in all subjects. Dana was partial to music and played the piano.

My younger sister, who was born 3 years after the Borisovs moved to Norilsk, became an outlet for loneliness. Dana recalled more than once that she read books to her sister and always shared the candies that her father brought, feeling guilty for not spending enough time with the children.

As a teenager, Dana Borisova once saw an advertisement for enrollment in a television journalism class, which was organized by the Norilsk television and radio company. “What if?”, Dana decided and went to try her hand. Borisova herself was surprised when she managed to pass the strictest competitive selection. The girl did not have a very high opinion of her abilities, so the results of the selection were pleasantly surprising. This is how Borisova’s career in journalism began.

Projects and popularity

Dana first appeared on television at a young age - at 16 years old. Borisova liked the media sphere. While studying in high school, Dana hosted a program for young people called “Zebra” and established herself as an announcer on the Norilsk TV channel. Later, Dana became the host of the TV show “Congratulations.” Convinced of her own talent, the girl decided to try her luck in the capital and immediately after graduating from school she moved to Moscow.

Dana Borisova in the TV show "Army Store"

Since 1993, Dana Borisova studied at Moscow State University. Lomonosov. But, unlike admission, the student could not call her studies there successful due to absences caused by filming in a TV show for conscripts called “Army Store”, where the girl ended up at the same time, in 1993. Of course, combining study and the work was not easy, and Dana preferred career.

After the “Army Store” program, the media started talking about the bright blonde. This is where Borisova’s success as a TV presenter began. Even in her youth, the girl began to be recognized on the streets of the city, and among the soldiers for whom the program was intended, Dana became an idol - every day the TV presenter received a lot of letters with declarations of love.

And although such a life looked wonderful and problem-free, Dana had a different opinion: for her this period turned out to be difficult. The star’s family just moved to Sergiev Posad. Therefore, after filming, the girl ran to the last train, where she repeatedly became a victim of theft. And not all was well in the family - the parents separated, the TV presenter’s mother moved to Moscow, and her father moved to Belarus.

Dana Borisova - photo shoot in "Playboy"

The actress’s personal life was not easy, but her career, on the contrary, was in for a meteoric rise. In 1996, Borisova did something that none of the former TV presenters dared to do. Soviet Union before her - she appeared almost naked in a photo shoot for Playboy magazine. This led to an official investigation, but every cloud has a silver lining - the girl’s popularity flared up even brighter. Dana left the Army Store in 1997, but later returned to the TV show.

In 2002, Dana was recognized as the most popular girl on the Runet, thanks to which the blonde was invited to the reality show “ Last Hero 3: Stay alive." This show clearly demonstrated to the tender blonde that life is harsh on desert island- not for her. After leaving the show, the girl came to another television program - she became one of the hosts of the “City of Cougars” program. This work somewhat changed Dana’s usual role, and already in the TV show “The Domino Principle” the blonde appeared before the audience in a new image - now Borisova became colder and sharper, which corresponded to the format of this program.

Dana Borisova in the program "Domino Principle"

Then Dana Alexandrovna began to try herself as an actress. The film “Bear Hunt,” however, became Borisova’s only acting work.

Until 2012, Borisova disappeared from the screens, and then there was a triumphant return - the TV presenter appeared in the popular Ukrainian TV show “Battle of Psychics”, and then in the Channel One show “Vyshka”. In 2014, on the Perets Borisova channel, she began hosting the TV show “Machine” together with. These programs eventually became popular.

In 2014, Dana Borisova and the singer attended the TV show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” The celebrities managed to answer the TV presenter's questions, winning 800,000 thousand rubles.

Drug addict

In April 2017, a scandal broke out in Dana’s life again. On the air of the “Let Them Talk” program, Dana Borisova’s mother said that her daughter is a drug addict. The woman publicly reported her star daughter’s drug addiction, turning to the studio for help. Ekaterina Borisova decided to take this step because, according to her, Dana had reached a dead end.

Ekaterina Ivanovna stated that Dana’s moral and physical condition causes concern among her family and friends. The woman said that she personally saw narcotic substances in her daughter’s house, although the TV star had previously undergone treatment in a special clinic. The fact that Dana has a severe addiction to illegal drugs was confirmed by some of the TV presenter’s friends.

According to Ekaterina Ivanovna, her daughter could have been hooked on drugs by her producer Tim Brik, who died of a heart attack in February 2016. Such assumptions will come soon. Dana Borisova herself denied the existence of a problem, refused to communicate with her mother, declaring that she was an absolutely healthy person.

Having learned about the celebrity’s drug addiction, Andrei Malakhov promised to influence the situation and turned to Dana right in the studio, asking her forgiveness for the fact that he could not do otherwise - the TV presenter insisted on compulsory treatment for Dana Borisova.

In the second part of the program, which came out a little later, the studio tried to find out about Dana’s health. It turned out that the celebrity was undergoing rehabilitation in Thailand, on the island of Koh Samui. Also in the studio appeared stylist Ray Samedov, whom Borisova’s mother called the main culprit of Dana’s drug addiction.

Personal life

The TV presenter was credited with many novels. It is known that Dana lived with the singer for several months. Borisova herself told reporters about this novel. Dana knew that the musician had a girlfriend who was pregnant with Danko’s child, but preferred not to think about it. The relationship broke up when the singer became a happy father and returned to his family.

In 2005, Dana Borisova met a businessman who became the common-law husband of a TV star. After some time, the couple began to live together in Maxim’s apartment, which is located in the center of Moscow. In August 2007, Borisova and Aksenov had a daughter, Polina, and less than a year later, Maxim left the family.

Then followed a difficult period for Dana Borisova, depression set in. Financial issues ex-lovers decided through court. However, subsequently Dana and Maxim established friendly relations.

After this unpleasant period, Borisova began to actively take care of herself and lost weight. The girl did not hesitate to say that she had a good attitude towards plastic surgery, which led to new rumors about a possible facelift, as well as attempts by fans to analyze photos before and after plastic surgery, which may never have happened.

Soon the TV presenter’s personal life improved again, and the celebrity got married to Andrei Troshchenko, her new lover. According to Dana, at that time they had known each other for 3 years, lived together, and their relationship was just great. Dana got married on June 22, 2015. The actress and her future husband they just came to the registry office without beautiful suits and guests and formalized the relationship. The ceremony took place only 2 months after this.

Journalists and fans liked the couple; the press began vying with each other to write that Dana had given birth to a second child. But neither a new addition to the family nor a strong union happened. 8 months after the wedding, it became known that Dana had filed for marriage, although, as journalists later found out, Andrei himself made the decision to leave.

Soon after the divorce, Dana Borisova went out with a new boyfriend. The hockey player became the chosen one of the TV presenter. The affair began in June 2016, but by the fall of that year it turned into a scandal. According to press reports, Dana was invited to the USA to film, but Alexander was against it, forcing him to choose between him and his career. And Dana Borisova chose the second.

There is another version of the star quarrel. In one of the TV shows, the hockey player claimed that he left Dana because of her infidelity. An unknown person, introducing himself as Borisova's lover, sent Alexander intimate video With girl. Later, the “unknown person” turned out to be Denis Kozlovich, a former participant in the show “House 2,” who told reporters that Borisova lived with him for several days, forgetting about her own child.

Borisova denied having a relationship with Kozlovich, and her little daughter said on camera that her mother did not go anywhere and did not leave the girl alone, but the TV presenter was still bombarded with accusations of treason and irresponsibility. Detractors stated that the TV presenter often appears drunk in public because she suffers from alcoholism. In response to the bullying, Dana recorded a video, which she posted on Instagram, asking him to leave her alone.

In parallel with one scandal, another erupted. According to media reports, Borisova’s email was hacked by hackers, and photos of the TV presenter posing topless were posted online. Slander and threats from all sides crippled the celebrity, Dana began to fear for her life and the life of her daughter and even left suicide note V in social networks.

But the TV presenter’s misfortunes did not end there. As journalists found out, Polina went on holiday with her dad during the New Year holidays and disappeared. Dana tried to contact her to no avail. ex-husband, and later received a message from him that his daughter liked living with her father and the child would not return to the woman. In January 2017, Borisova was able to return her daughter with the help of the police.

Dana Borisova now

In April 2016, the press was informed that the car driven by Dana Borisova was in the north-west of Moscow. According to the publication L!FE! , the TV presenter’s car was cut off by a BMW at the intersection of Halabyan and Sorge streets. No one was injured as a result of the road incident. Law enforcement officials soon began to establish the circumstances of the accident.

In 2017, information appeared in the Russian media that Dana Borisova was deprived of parental rights. The daughter of a TV presenter has been living with her father in Moscow for a long time.

Borisova confirmed that the court announced the deprivation of her parental rights, while she cannot return to Russia, fearing to lose the progress made in treatment. Now the star will be able to see her daughter only in the presence of her father for an hour.

“I think this decision is unfair. I will not interrupt my recovery. I want to recover myself and help other addicted people,” Borisova noted.

In June 2017, Dana Borisova announced on Instagram that she would interrupt treatment in Thailand for one day. Soon the girl published a photo from a Moscow hotel, confirming her stay in Russia.

“I am happy that my example inspires millions of people who are now “in trouble”, and that I can simply tell what strong thing– rehabilitation. All the details will be in the next issue of “Let Them Talk,” Borisova said on Instagram.

Having visited the “Let Them Talk” program, Dana spoke about her experiences and the progress of treatment, shared her plans for the future, saying that everything has changed in better side. Borisova noted that she has already recovered and will never use drugs again. According to the TV presenter, she plans to open her own rehabilitation center to help people who not only suffer from drug addiction, but also find themselves in difficult life situations.

TV projects

  • Army store
  • The Last Hero 3: Stay Alive
  • City of Women
  • The Last Hero 5: Super Game
  • Domino principle
  • This morning
  • Business morning

Dana Borisova is one of the most famous TV presenters Russian show business. She practically changes all standards, and proves by her example that you can be beautiful and smart at the same time. Despite the fact that she has been trying to avoid public attention lately, Dana Borisova’s personal life is still under constant surveillance from video cameras.

She achieved success in her career not only thanks to her external data, but also with the help of her determination, ability to bypass life's troubles, reacting to problems with irony and a smile. The biography of Dana Borisova is the story of a bright and courageous personality, whose life is far from being like a fairy tale.


Borisova Dana Aleksandrovna was born on June 13, 1976 in the city of Mozyr (Belarus). But her family immediately, after the birth of their daughter, moved to Norilsk. Her father, Alexander Borisov, was a police officer, and her mother, Ekaterina Ivanovna, worked as an ambulance paramedic. Dana also has a younger sister, whom she happily took care of as a child.

Dana as a child with her parents

The girl very quickly became independent. Her parents often left her at home alone, as they had to constantly work. She had difficulty finding mutual language with her peers: she was very thin and unremarkable, because of this the boys did not like her. In addition, she participated in various creative circles and received only good grades; her peers certainly could not forgive her for this. One of Dana's favorite activities was playing the piano. She simply could not imagine her life without music.

Student years

While still a teenager, Borisova accidentally came across an advertisement from a television company about enrollment in a television journalism class. She instantly made a decision and immediately set off to open new horizons. But Dana never dreamed that she would easily pass the rather difficult competitive selection process. On the contrary, she strongly doubted her abilities and did not believe in her success until the very end. It was from this moment that her difficult but successful journey as a journalist began.

Borisova first appeared on television at the age of sixteen. She liked the image of a television diva. Also in school years Dana was offered to host the youth TV show “Zebra”. Naturally, she accepted the offer and established herself as an announcer on one of the main channels in her city. After some time, she became the host of the “Congratulations” program. Gradually, Dana began to believe in herself and her talent, so immediately after finishing school, the girl went to conquer the capital.

Carier start

Arriving in Moscow, Borisova successfully enters the Moscow State University them. Lomonosov. But the educational process is extremely difficult for her; Dana constantly has to combine study and work. It was during this period that the girl was offered to become the host of the TV show “Army Store”. Therefore, she decides to interrupt her studies and develop her career.

Borisova host of the “Army Store” program

After the release of this program, Dana Borisova became one of the most discussed personalities in the media. It was from this moment that her career growth began. As she walked down the street, she was surrounded by a crowd of admirers, and soldiers watching an army television show sent stacks of letters declaring their love.

It seemed that such a life could only be dreamed of. But for Dana it was a difficult period in her life. At this time, the parents moved to another city. After filming, she had to get to the station to catch the last train. As a result, she was robbed several times. In addition, the parents did not get along well with each other. And after some time they decided to file for divorce. Dad moved to Belarus, and he and mom went back to Moscow.


Meanwhile, unlike his personal life, creative biography Dana Borisova was rapidly gaining momentum. She took even the most risky steps to achieve popularity. So, for example, in 1996 Borisova she starred almost naked for the famous men's magazine"Playboy" Thus, she increased her popularity several times more. For some time, Dana left the filming of the TV show “Army Store”, but a few months later she returned to the team.

D. Borisova host of the “Domino Principle” program

In 2002, she was recognized as the most popular girl on the Internet. It was thanks to this that Borisova was invited to participate in the TV show “The Last Hero 3.” But Dana very quickly realized that she could not remain in such living conditions for long. After leaving the show, the TV presenter took up a new project, “City of Cougars.” Many TV viewers noticed that the girl began to feel more relaxed and confident. But in the “Domino Principle” program, Borisova completely changed her role as a cute blonde.

Long-awaited success

In 2007, Borisova decided to diversify her activities and act in films. She played a role in an episode of the film "Bear Mountain".

After which the TV presenter decided to take a break from her career and disappeared from television screens for several years. But in 2012, the TV presenter resumed work again and appeared in the shows “Battle of Psychics” and “Tower Tower,” which was broadcast on Channel One. Two years later, the presenter began hosting the TV show “Machine”. Her co-host was Viktor Loginov. Paradoxically, all of the programs listed subsequently became very popular and all thanks to the bright and extraordinary blonde - Dana Borisova.

Dana Borisova famous TV presenter

In 2014, Dana Borisova, together with Stanislav Kostyushkin, attended the program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” Famous guests managed to answer the tricky questions of TV presenter Dmitry Dibrov, and won a large sum of money.

At the end of next year, Borisova decided to leave television and try herself as a PR manager. For some time she worked in one of the elite plastic surgery clinics.

Dana Borisova: biography, personal life, children, photo

Despite the fact that Dana Borisova received great pleasure from her favorite work, her personal life for a very long time brought only negative emotions. She could not find exactly the man who could give her his warmth, care and love. She sorely lacked a serious relationship.

Only at the age of 29 did Dana decide for the first time to have a civil marriage with businessman Maxim Aksenov. Two years later, Borisova gave birth to a daughter, Polina. Literally immediately after the birth of the child, the couple began to experience discord in their relationship, and they broke up.

With her first husband Maxim Aksenov

Their breakup had a huge impact on psychological condition Are given. She fell into a deep depression, which led to alcohol abuse. After a while, the TV presenter finally pulled herself together and continued to live for the sake of her daughter.

The relationship with her former partner continued to deteriorate. Maxim categorically refused to help raise their common child, so Borisova filed a lawsuit against him. She won the case. After which the businessman several times offered her a large sum money, but on the condition that Dana abandons her daughter. Only two years later, the former lovers managed to improve their relationship.

In the spring of 2014, scandalous publications appeared in the media. intimate photos with Borisova. This happened after the TV presenter broke off her relationship with a young man who was several years younger. Thus, the guy decided to express his grievance. But Dana reacted more than calmly: “If he hoped to upset me with this act, then he did not succeed. When I started dating him, I wanted to try something new. I'm tired of famous fans. I wanted something real, that’s why I trusted him so much...”

TV presenter with daughter Polina

In 2015, Dana’s personal life changes for the better, as she begins to experience serious relationship with a young man named Andrey (joint photo later in the article). They knew each other for several years, he was her neighbor: “We met 3 years ago, when we started living next door. At the moment when my car was towed, Andrei kindly gave me a ride, and that’s how we started a friendly conversation for the first time.” Despite the fact that Andrei was married, they began a relationship, and after a while the man left the family. For more information about the biography and personal life of Dana Borisova, watch this video.

Their wedding took place on June 23, 2015. But the lovers hid this date until the last moment, so as not to attract increased attention from the press. They lived together for about 8 months. After which the TV presenter filed for divorce. All this happened due to the fact that Troshchenko decided to leave his wife, taking his wife’s two foreign cars with him. Dana filed a report of car theft with the police.

With Vladimir Shirokov

Once Dana Borisova amazed TV viewers with her appearance on the TV program “Let's Get Married!” One of the contenders for her attention was businessman Alexey Pankov from Germany. Later, the girl admitted that she immediately liked him. After the transfer, they began a relationship, as a result of which Dana decided to move to another country.

She began to pay great attention to his appearance: constant exercise, exhausting diets and even changes in breast size. Unfortunately, their romance ended very quickly. According to the TV presenter, Alexey was an ordinary gigolo. He borrowed from her a large amount money and had no intention of returning it. But Pankov also decided to tarnish the girl’s reputation and said not the most pleasant things about her. In addition, he made several threats against his former lover.

Dana Borisova: latest news from her personal life

For a long time, the TV star hid some details of her personal life. She was repeatedly accused of taking various psychotropic substances and alcohol abuse.

Beginning in 2010, her mother sent her several times to various clinics to combat alcoholism. But as it turned out, she needed to be treated not only for this. Dana became seriously interested in drugs, but stubbornly did not admit her addiction.

And only in the spring of 2017, Ekaterina Ivanovna began to ring all the bells. She turned to the “Let Them Talk” program, where she talked about this problem and asked for help. She didn't know where else she could turn to save her daughter. According to her mother, Borisova was in a complete dead end from which she could not get out on her own.

Dana Borisova with Andrey Troshchenko

Despite the fact that Dana was treated several times in a special clinic, her psychological state did not improve. Some people from close circles confirmed Ekaterina Ivanovna’s fears.

The TV presenter of the program and close friend Andrei Malakhov promised that he would do everything possible to ensure that Dana received the necessary treatment and got rid of this illness. Immediately after the end of the airtime, he and several other people went to Borisova’s home to trick the girl into undergoing treatment. Luckily they succeeded.

Dana Borisova: personal life 2017

Now the personal life of Dana Borisova has become the subject of discussion among many famous personalities. Despite this, she continues treatment for drug addiction in a clinic in Thailand. She really hopes that by the end of this year she will definitely overcome her inner experiences and cope with all the difficulties. Borisova believes that many horizons will open up before her, and thanks to her talent she will be able to reach unprecedented heights.

Dana Borisova undergoing drug addiction treatment in Thailand

In addition, Dana lifted the veil of secrecy and said that she would return home very soon. Borisova is going to return to television again so that viewers will notice her great changes. She is even planning her participation in several popular projects. In addition, the TV presenter really misses her daughter. In one of her interviews, Dana Borisova said that she hopes for significant changes in her personal life; the TV presenter dreams of having several children.

Among other things, she plans to build another Rehabilitation Center and lead it.

Many fans wish Dana a speedy recovery and support her in all her endeavors. We are sure that she is a strong personality and will achieve everything on her own. Let's all wish her good luck together!

Dana Borisova is one of the most popular blondes in Russia, a sex symbol, successful TV presenter, born in the Belarusian city of Mozyr on June 13, 1976.


Almost immediately after the birth of their daughter, her parents decided to go to work in the North. So early years The girls' lives were spent in snow-covered Norilsk. Soon Dana's younger sister was born there, and the girls spent most of their time at home, playing with each other.

In young age

The girl did not like northern life too much. It was cold to play outside. Relations with her classmates were not very good, so she had no real friends. It’s not that she was completely uncommunicative, but somehow too mature for her age. She was not interested in cool gossip and stupid fun.

Children don’t like it when someone separates themselves from them, and soon the team responded in kind, and in high school the girl began to be teased, as she became tall and very thin.

The only outlet was School of Music, where her mother sent her to study. And, although the girl did not shine with obvious talents, she mastered the instrument perfectly, since she had nothing to do at home and sat at it for hours.

In high school, Dana learned about enrollment in a youth journalism school that was organized at a local TV channel. She goes to the selection without hesitation and easily passes all its rounds. And after a few months, the girl becomes the host of a youth program, and a little later, a congratulatory program.


Journalism fascinated Dana so much that she decided to devote herself entirely to this profession. After receiving the certificate, Dana sets off to conquer the capital. She always studied brilliantly, so passing the entrance exams was not difficult. And pass creative competition and even more so - the years of studying at the school of juniors were not in vain. The girl becomes a student at the prestigious Moscow State University.

Soon the parents moved to Moscow, closer to their daughter. Dana enjoys her studies, but after the first year, during an internship on one of the TV channels, she received an offer to constantly host the “Army Store” program, which replaced the once popular “Serving the Soviet Union.” This work brought Dana fame in military circles, but caused her to drop out of the university.

However, Dana did not regret it. The format of the programs changed quickly, and its popularity grew. And she soared to stratospheric heights when Dana became one of the first Russian TV stars who decided to take erotic photographs for Playboy, which had barely appeared in Russia. A day after the issue was published, everyone was talking about her.

True, this act caused obvious disapproval among the channel’s managers. A scandal broke out, and Dana left, slamming the door. But very soon she was called back - the ratings plummeted without Borisova. I said goodbye to Borisov’s Army Store twice more. But the final break occurred in 2002.

Then Dana moved her creativity to the Internet, but soon returned to reality as a participant in the extreme show “The Last Hero-3”. This further fueled the audience’s interest in the blond beauty, and after returning from the tropics, she received a very interesting offer - to host the popular program “The Domino Principle” on NTV.

Dana continues to actively collaborate with this channel to this day. When the Domino Principle closed, she was entrusted morning broadcasts. Borisova worked at NTV for two years and during this time managed to try herself as a film actress.

However, the acting debut turned out to be very mediocre. After a forced break of several years, Borisova returns to the screens and today hosts the “Business Morning” program on RBC.

Personal life

Naturally, the personal life of one of the sexiest blondes in the Soviet Union has always been stormy. However, Dana herself claims that she was credited with more novels than she actually had.

But the relationship with the singer Danko was quite real - the couple even lived together for some time. When it turned out that Danko’s ex was pregnant with his child, the singer left Borisova and became a happy father.

Her other lover, businessman Maxim Aksenov, with whom she lived in a civil marriage and even gave birth to a daughter, also left Borisova. Maxim left them when the girl was less than a year, and Borisova took this breakup very hard. They say that at this time she tried drugs for the first time.

With Maxim Aksenov

But after some time, Borisova returned to television, lost almost 20 kg, put herself in order and even met new love. Her chosen one was her longtime friend Andrei Troshchenko, who turned out to be a reliable support during that difficult period for Dana. They got married in 2015, but a year later they officially divorced.

With Andrey Troshchenko

As it turned out later, the reason for this breakup was drug addiction, which Borisova initially very skillfully hid. Plus new novel Borisova with the famous hockey player Alexander Morozov. But this union did not last long - Morozov left Dana because of the intimate photographs he received of Borisova with one of the participants scandalous project HOUSE 2.

With Alexander Morozov

In 2017, all of Russia witnessed a scandalous program, the main participant of which was Borisova’s mother, who announced her daughter’s drug addiction.

She turned to Malakhov for help, and he actually organized a rehabilitation course for the girl in Thailand, most of the cost of which was paid by Channel One. Today she has fully recovered and started working actively again.