Julio Iglesias personal life. Julio Iglesias and his tangled love affairs. Tragedy and recovery

Julio Iglesias ( full name Julio José Iglesias de la Cueva) is a Spanish singer and artist, one of the world's legendary musicians. Thanks to creative activity, selling over 300 million records, has achieved the status of a successful commercial artist in Spain. The biography of the great personality is filled with bright events that arouse extraordinary interest among his fans.

Childhood and youth

Julio was born in Madrid (year of birth - September 23, 1943). The musician's father, Julio Iglesias Puga, was a famous gynecologist in the country, and his mother, Maria del Rosario, was the homemaker of a happy family (housewife). Another boy grew up in the family of the future singer - his younger brother Carlos; the age difference between the children was very small.

According to Iglesias’s childhood dreams and plans, he was supposed to become a diplomat, a lawyer, or build a sports career, because while studying after school at St. Paul’s Catholic College, he became seriously interested in football. From the age of 16, a young and promising young man played for the Real Madrid club as a goalkeeper, he was distinguished by excellent athletic abilities, and high hopes were placed on the guy.

But life decreed otherwise. On September 22, 1963, Julio was in a terrible car accident and lay in a hospital bed for 2 years. The lower limb was crushed, the spine was damaged, there was practically no hope that Julio would walk again. Fortunately, the hands of the failed football player turned out to be uninjured, therefore, in order to somehow distract the young man, the attending physician allowed him to play the guitar.

Here in the hospital young guy a new talent was discovered - composing music and songs. At night, suffering from insomnia and body pain, he often listened to the radio and wrote poems on high topics (romanticism, human destiny).

Iglesias did not give up, first he stood on crutches, diligently developed his legs, read a lot of books on neurology and defeated the disease. Now only a minor scar on his face and a slight limp remind him of that terrible period.

After being discharged from the medical institution, Iglesias returned to university, and after graduation he moved to England to study English. He studied in London and Cambridge, returning to Madrid and enrolled in the Royal Academy fine arts, where he received his education in opera (tenor). But even at St. Paul's College the choir director, having heard vocal abilities boy, recommended that he choose any profession in life with the exception of musical activity.


Julio decided to study English deeply for a reason. Friends liked his songs, so they invited the future musician to take part in national competition, which was supposed to take place in the resort town of Benidorm. To participate, you had to choose an English song.

In England, Julio Jose had the first impromptu concert in his life. The singer accidentally visited the Air Port Pub in the company of friends. There, in the hands of a stranger, he saw a guitar and asked him to perform a song. Spanish composition “Guantanamero”, which tells the story of the unhappy love of a Cuban girl, magnificently performed young man shocked the audience present here. On this day, Julio received his first musical fee.

Later, the talented guy began performing in the pub on weekends, performing songs by popular musicians of that time: The Beatles, Engelbert Humperdinck, etc.

In Cambridge, Julio met one person - a French student Gwendoline Bollore. It was she who became his muse and close friend. Julio dedicated a song to her, which became a worldwide hit (“Gwendolyne” - 1970) and brought the singer a future fourth place at Eurovision.

Returning from England to hometown, an aspiring musician and composer began searching for performers for his songs. Having donated several music products to one of the Madrid recording studios, Julio soon receives advantageous offer– sing on your own and become a participant music competition Spanish song.

Then, performing a song under the symbolic title “La Vida Sique Igual” (“Life Goes On”), the still unknown singer managed to win three awards simultaneously in the following categories:

  1. "For the best performance."
  2. "For the best text"
  3. "For best song».

It was a success. After a short period of time, Julio Iglesias worthily represents Spain at Eurovision (1970), participates in long foreign tours, and performs at prestigious European venues.

Talented musician stood out clearly among the idols of those years. Julio always appeared on stage in a black tuxedo, a white shirt with a bow tie, and while singing he actively gesticulated, which aroused both admiration and ridicule among the audience. This manner of behavior was liked by the public, and his career quickly took off.

Within a few years of the Spanish Song Contest, Iglesias had won the title of his country's most famous and successful singer, as well as the most popular Spanish-language artist on the planet.

In 1969, Julio recorded his first disc. The musician’s hard work and unique talent led to the release of more than 80 albums performed by him. Over 300 million Julio Iglesias records have been sold worldwide. He has performed more than 5,000 concerts in various cities around the world, including Moscow.

The musician performed in a duet with the most famous performers of our time: maestro, and other celebrities. The big name of Julio Iglesias is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Among best compositions singers can be distinguished: “Amor Amor”, “Besame Mucho”, “Abrazame”, “Baila Morena” and others. Thousands of views of the artist’s music videos on YouTube indicate his constant demand among listeners. It is possible to compare Ilesias's performance with vocal hypnosis, which has an amazing effect on psychological state person.

Personal life

In 1970, a young but already famous musician met the amazingly beautiful model and journalist Isabel Preysler. After interviewing Julio, the girl received an invitation to his next concert, and already in 1971 their wedding took place. But in 1979 the family broke up. From the first barque, the musician left three children: son Julio Iglesias Jr., daughter Maria Isabel, a famous son, with whom he continued to maintain relations.

The marriage with Isabel turned out to be strange and unsuccessful various reasons. Famous musician was constantly jealous of his wife, making her a hostage to the “golden cage”, while he himself enjoyed amorous connections with different women. Soon after the divorce, Julio's children moved to live with him in Miami, because... It was not safe for them to be in Spain. The singer's father, Julio Iglesias Puga, was kidnapped by terrorists who demanded a huge ransom, and his mother decided to send Mario, Julio and Enrique to America.

On the one hand, the children were comfortable here, they did not need anything except the attention of their famous and constantly touring dad.

The second and real marriage of Julio Iglesias was with a girl 22 years younger than him. Miranda Rinisburger – former model, gave birth to the artist three sons (Rodrigo, Miguel and Alejandro) and twin daughters (Victoria and Christina). Despite her status as a mother of many children, Miranda managed to maintain a beautiful figure, and at the wedding ceremony, which took place 20 years later, they life together, looked charming. This woman managed to win my heart famous performer, who claims that he is ready to live with her until the end of his days. Their love only grows stronger over the years.

Julio Iglesias's age can be called venerable, but the musician continues to write songs, release new albums, and travel around countries on tour. On May 25, 2016, he visited Moscow, speaking with solo concert in the Kremlin Palace and presenting to the audience his new album"Mexico". Julio boldly compared the Russian audience with the Spanish audience, finding similarities in temperament.

The great Spaniard admitted to Russian journalists that he adores and respects women, considers them life teachers and believes in energy feminine power that can change the world.


  • Yo canto - 1969
  • Gwendolyne - 1970
  • El amor - 1975
  • Aimer la vie - 1978
  • Hey! - 1980
  • En concierto -1983
  • Starry Night - 1990
  • Tango - 1996
  • Love Songs - 2003
  • Romantic Classics - 2006
  • The Collection - 2014
  • Mexico - 2015

Julio Iglesias was born into a family of a doctor and a housewife. As a child, the future singer dreamed of becoming a diplomat or lawyer. After graduating from school, he entered St. Paul's Catholic College and, becoming interested in football, dreamed of building a sports career.


Profession: singer
Date of birth: September 23, 1943
Height and weight: 178 cm. 85 kg.
Place of birth: Madrid, Spain
Best works: Und das Meer singt sein Lied
Awards: Grammy
Social networks: Facebook , Twitter

At the age of fifteen, he became a reserve goalkeeper for Real Madrid's youth team. After college, Iglesias planned to continue his career as a football player, but his plans were thwarted by a car accident, due to which he was hospitalized for three whole years, during which he was almost completely paralyzed.

During this period of helplessness, he picked up a guitar for the first time, and after much practice, he masterfully mastered the instrument. While still in the hospital, he wrote his first song called "Life Goes On."

Having found his feet, Iglesias graduated from university and went to England to study English. At first he studied in London, then in Cambridge at the Bell Educational Language School. And after that he entered the opera school Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, from which he graduated in opera (tenor).

The aspiring performer immediately managed to win three awards in the categories: “For Best Performance”, “For Best Lyrics” and “For Best Song”. He then successfully represented Spain at the Eurovision Song Contest and his songs Gwendoline and Un Canto A Galicia quickly became hits.

Over time, Iglesias becomes not only best singer Spain, but is also gaining popularity around the world, performing at the best European venues: at the Olympia in Paris and at the Odeon in London.

In 1978, Julio Iglesias moved to Miami and began releasing songs on English. The famous Spaniard also recorded duets with stars: Willie Nelson, Stevie Wonder, the Beach Boys, Diana Ross, Sting, Art Garfunkle, Dolly Parton and the legendary Frank Sinatra.

During his career, Iglesias Sr. released more than 70 discs, the total circulation of which exceeded 250 million copies. In addition, he is the proud owner of almost all the most prestigious music awards, including Grammy.

Personal life

Married twice. From his first marriage to Isabel Preysler, the singer has three children: daughter Maria Isabel, son Julio Iglesias Jr., and the famous son Enrique.

In 2010 famous singer married his girlfriend and mother of his five children, with whom he lived in a civil marriage for about 20 years, model Miranda Reinsburger.

Miranda and Julio have three sons, Guillermo, Miguel Alejandro and Rodrigo, and two twin daughters: Victoria and Cristina. At the age of 57, Julio Iglesias became a grandfather, his eldest daughter Maria bore him a grandson.

Interesting facts

Julio Caracas, a character from the Canadian humorous animated series "Nut Heads", is a parody of Julio Iglesias, and his hit "When I Saw You" is a cover version of Iglesias' hit Begin the Beguine

Julio Iglesias was a football goalkeeper in his youth and played for Real Madrid.

The lyrics of his songs use 12 languages: Spanish, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Hebrew, German, Neapolitan, Catalan, Galician, Japanese and Tagalog

Sold about 300 million records of his songs

During his career he sang in tandem with greatest performers of their time: Diana Ross, Frank Sinatra, Paul Anka, Willie Nelson, Dolly Parton, Dalida and many others


1969 - Yo Canto

1970 - Gwendolyne

1972 - Un canto a Galicia

1972 - Por una mujer

1973 - Und das Meer singt sein Lied

1974 - A flower de piel

1975 - A Mexico

1976 - America

1976 - En el Olympia

1976 - Se mi lasci, non vale

1976 - Schenk mir deine Liebe

1977 - A mis 33 años

1978 - Sono un pirata, sono un signore

1978 - Emociones

1978 - Aimer La Vie

1979- Innamorarsi alla mia età

1979 - A vous les femmes

1980 - Sentimental

1981 - De niña a mujer

1981 - Zartlichkeiten

1981 - Minhas canções preferidas

Julio José Iglesias de la Cueva (this is the singer's full name) was born on September 23, 1943 in Madrid, in the family of a doctor. He graduated from a Catholic college, where the choir director, having tested the boy’s vocal capabilities, strongly advised him to do anything but sing.

And the fifteen-year-old boy gladly switched to football, where success was obvious, and was soon invited to the youth team of the most famous club in the country - Real Madrid. Perhaps after a while another good footballer would have appeared in Spain, and we would never have heard the songs of Julio Iglesias, but there would have been no happiness, but misfortune helped."
At the age of 19, as a law student at the capital's university, Julio finds himself in a terrible situation. car accident and spends almost two years semi-paralyzed in a hospital bed. The singer recalled that time like this: “When I realized that I would live, I began to think about how to live further... I missed human warmth and communication, and I began to look for them, writing songs and playing along with myself on the guitar.” .

Having found his feet, Julio, on the advice of friends who liked his soulful songs, decided to try himself on the professional stage and take part in a national competition in the resort town of Benidorm. And immediately a great success! An unknown newcomer won three awards: “For Best Performance”, “For Best Lyrics” and “For Best Song”. And the winning song was very symbolic for young singer title: "La Vida Sique Igual" ("Life Goes On"). This is how a singer appeared in Spain, completely different from the public idols of the late 60s. Julio went on stage in a dark suit, white shirt and black tie. He gestured very little while singing, which caused reproaches and even ridicule from journalists who were accustomed to a more temperamental style of performance. However, the listeners, and especially the female listeners, were delighted with Julio. They liked his pronounced romantic image. His creative career has been developing upward: Iglesias successfully represents Spain at the Eurovision Song Contest, his songs become national hits: “Gwendoline”, “Un Canto A Galicia”...

It only took Iglesias a few years to become Spain's No. 1 singer and by far the most famous Spanish-language artist in the world. He begins to tour abroad for a long time and triumphantly performs at the most prestigious European venues: at the Olympia in Paris, at the Odeon in London.

In 1978, Julio Iglesias decides to move to Miami, where he buys a luxurious villa with several swimming pools, a private pier and two snow-white yachts. Iglesias' albums are beginning to be released in English. He records songs with such superstars as country singer Willie Nelson, Stevie Wonder, the Beach Boys, but his collaboration with Diane Ross was especially successful. Subsequently, Julio Iglesias continued this tradition in his work on the super-successful album "Crazy", where he sang along with Sting, Art Garfunkle and Dolly Parton. And after the patriarch of American pop music, Frank Sinatra, invited Iglesias to sing a duet with him on a disc called “Duets,” the Spaniard achieved his goal and conquered the American Olympus. For my long creative career Julio Iglesias has released more than 70 discs, the total circulation of which has exceeded 250 million copies, he is the winner of almost all the most prestigious music awards, including the Grammy, and he has millions of listeners all over the world. Iglesias is, by the way, a record holder of the Guinness Book of Records, which awarded him a unique diamond disc as “the musician who sold the most large number albums on different languages peace."

In terms of the number of concerts he has worked, Julio Iglesias is also not far from the main workaholic of world show business, James Brown. Iglesias performed approximately 4,600 concerts on five continents of the globe. One music critic wrote: "" Music mods and tastes often change, but the fashion for Julio Iglesias does not go away, and the famous Spaniard, like good wine, it gets better over the years."

Julio José Iglesias de la Cueva (this is the singer's full name) was born on September 23, 1943 in Madrid, in the family of a doctor. He graduated from a Catholic college, where the choir director, having tested the boy’s vocal capabilities, strongly advised him to do anything but sing.

And the fifteen-year-old boy gladly switched to football, where success was obvious, and was soon invited to the youth team of the most famous club in the country - Real Madrid. Perhaps after a while another good footballer would have appeared in Spain, and we would never have heard the songs of Julio Iglesias, but there would have been no happiness, but misfortune helped."

At the age of 19, while a law student at the capital's university, Julio gets into a terrible car accident and spends almost two years semi-paralyzed in a hospital bed. The singer recalled that time like this: “When I realized that I would live, I began to think about how to live further... I missed human warmth and communication, and I began to look for them, writing songs and playing along with myself on the guitar.” .

Having found his feet, Julio, on the advice of friends who liked his soulful songs, decided to try himself on the professional stage and take part in a national competition in the resort town of Benidorm. And immediately a great success! An unknown newcomer won three awards: “For Best Performance”, “For Best Lyrics” and “For Best Song”. And the winning song bore a very symbolic name for the young singer - “La Vida Sique Igual” (“Life Goes On”). So it appeared in Spain

Xia is a singer who is completely different from the public idols of the late 60s. Julio went on stage in a dark suit, white shirt and black tie. He gestured very little while singing, which caused reproaches and even ridicule from journalists who were accustomed to a more temperamental style of performance. However, the listeners, and especially the female listeners, were delighted with Julio. They liked his pronounced romantic image. His creative career has been developing upward: Iglesias successfully represents Spain at the Eurovision Song Contest, his songs become national hits: “Gwendoline”, “Un Canto A Galicia”...

It only took Iglesias a few years to become Spain's No. 1 singer and by far the most famous Spanish-language artist in the world. He begins to tour abroad for a long time and triumphantly performs at the most prestigious European venues: at the Olympia in Paris, at the Odeon in London.

In 1978, Julio Iglesias decides to move to Miami, where he buys a luxurious villa with several swimming pools, a private pier and two snow-white yachts. Iglesias' albums are beginning to be released in English. He records songs with such superstars as country singer Willie Nelson, Stevie Wonder, the Beach Boys, but especially

His collaboration with Diane Ross was successful. Subsequently, Julio Iglesias continued this tradition in his work on the super-successful album "Crazy", where he sang along with Sting, Art Garfunkle and Dolly Parton. And after the patriarch of American pop music, Frank Sinatra, invited Iglesias to sing a duet with him on a disc called “Duets,” the Spaniard achieved his goal and conquered the American Olympus. During his long creative career, Julio Iglesias has released more than 70 discs, the total circulation of which has exceeded 250 million copies, he is the winner of almost all the most prestigious music awards, including the Grammy, and he has millions of listeners all over the world. Iglesias is, by the way, a record holder of the Guinness Book of Records, which awarded him a unique diamond disc as “the musician who has sold the largest number of albums in different languages ​​of the world.”

In terms of the number of concerts he has worked, Julio Iglesias is also not far from the main workaholic of world show business, James Brown. Iglesias held about 4,600 concerts on five continents of the globe. One music critic wrote: “Musical fashions and tastes often change, but the fashion for Julio Iglesias does not go away, and the famous Spaniard, like good wine, gets better with age.”

“There is music that transcends generations, which is stored somewhere in the corners of a person’s soul and pops up in memory from time to time. It is passed on from elders to younger ones. Elvis, Frank Sinatra, Nat Cole - everyone has probably heard their songs at least once. And, I dare to hope, my music is of this category,” says Spanish singer and composer Julio Iglesias.

Julio Iglesias "Natalie"

Julio José Iglesias de la Cueva (Spanish: Julio José Iglesias de la Cueva; September 23, 1943, Madrid) is a Spanish singer who has sold more than 300 million records and became the most commercially successful Spanish-language artist of all time. He recorded most of his songs in his native Spanish, then in English and French. In addition, his repertoire includes songs in Italian, Portuguese, Hebrew, German, Neapolitan, Catalan, Galician, Japanese, Tagalog and other languages. At one time he performed with the legendary American singer Diana Ross.

His life and himself - best example how misfortune strengthens a person if he has courage, will and desire for personal growth and improving yourself.

On the eve of his arrival in Moscow, the maestro met with a TN correspondent.

— Señor Iglesias, you’ve been on stage for 50 years—where do you get your energy?

- I consider this a gift from above. normal person At my age, I’m usually already retired. And I’m ready to travel around the world and sing for people - even more than before. The point is that I don't waste time. I am often invited to various public events. For example, one of the organizers of the Grammy Awards is a friend of mine. He stayed at my villa and persuaded me to come to the ceremony as an honorary guest. But I refused. Just like I refuse many meetings, social parties, interviews. For me, concerts are more important, and this requires concentration.

Over the years, it has become increasingly difficult to maintain a balance between public life, creativity, business and family. But the two hours spent on stage with my audience is the most important part of my life. I can sacrifice a lot for this. It is at this moment that I truly live: the blood runs through my veins at double speed, my brain awakens, my heart beats faster. I feel like I'm making love to ten thousand people in the room. Nothing can compare to this. You can't be a true artist if you don't inspire passion in people.

— In your youth you were a promising football player. Did you go out on the field with the same passion as you do on stage now?

- How could it be different, because I loved football. He played in the youth team back then. best team world - Real Madrid. Of course, I was not a super player, but I fought until the end.

— Do you think that if it weren’t for the car accident that radically changed your life, you would have achieved great success in sports?

- Hardly. To do this, you need to have certain physical characteristics, but I didn’t have them and don’t have them. I could never boast of any particular strength, and besides, I was always thin. So everything, apparently, did not happen by chance.

— What helped you then not only survive, but also not remain disabled?

- Passion for life and discipline. I was 20 years old when I had an accident. (On September 22, 1963, Julio and three friends were driving his car to Madrid. He lost control, the car overturned and fell down a steep slope. Iglesias’s friends were practically unharmed, but Julio had a crushed leg and a severely damaged spine. - Approx. “TN.”) The consequences were terrible: partial paralysis - my legs couldn’t move. Like anyone else in my position, I became desperate. I was told that I would remain disabled for the rest of my life. But it is not in my character to accept such a verdict. I crawled at night, did exercises, developed muscles. And little by little - first the tips of my fingers, then higher and higher - I began to feel my legs and body. I was forbidden to walk, but with the tenacity of a maniac I continued to move. How could he, of course? This test did not pass without a trace: I learned to survive, to truly fight for myself.
If it were not for this will to live, nothing would have happened. I wouldn't give you an interview now, but in best case scenario would sit in wheelchair at home - lonely and disappointed in life.

— How did it happen that it was at that moment that you became interested in music?

— When the body does not listen to you, the brain begins to work differently, the soul wakes up. Gradually he learned to walk again and began to flirt with life. The orderly at the hospital brought me a guitar, and I started picking out some melodies, composing songs, and singing. I was depressed then, and this was my way of communicating with people, with the world. I hold the record for the most records sold worldwide. Why do you think? I just know what I’m singing about, I’ve lived through it all.

- Do you believe in God?

“Rather, I treat him like a friend who is always there.” I believe that luck is with me and this is not without reason. I didn’t die then because God gave me time.

— This was not the only test in your life. In the 1980s there was terrible story with your father. How did you survive that nightmare?
“For me it was an even stronger shock than the accident.” Dad was kidnapped by Basque terrorists and demanded a ransom of $2 million from the family. And although my brother and I collected the money, we no longer hoped to see our father alive. God forbid anyone should experience this. Fortunately, everything ended well: on the twentieth day the police released him. It was a real miracle!

You know, over time I even forgave those terrorists. Thanks to that story, I realized how dear my dad was to me. From the moment he was released, he and I were practically never separated. For almost 25 years, until his death, my father was both a companion and a friend. We had dinner together almost every evening, he flew with me on tours, was nearby at concerts. He lived happy life and died at almost 91 years old.

My father was a talented doctor, one of the best surgeons in Spain. He was distinguished by incredible discipline - dad was a workaholic. Dr. Iglesias is my idol. I often think about him in various life situations, without his advice I would have made many mistakes. Dad fostered inner freedom in me, I inherited from him a passion for life. My mother was also a wonderful person. But mom is love. And a father is more than love. This is mine main lesson life. He was an example not only for me, but also for my brother. By the way, my brother is also a doctor. In general, we have very strong family, each with character.

Interestingly, Julio’s father, the famous Spanish gynecologist Julio Iglesias Puga, also has nine children. 90-year-old Señor Puga died when his wife, 42-year-old Ronna Keith, was two months pregnant.

— Have your grandfather’s genes been passed on to your children?

— My father’s genes were primarily inherited by Enrique. They have the same attitude towards life. The three of us - dad, me and Enrique - are united by strong character, strict discipline and passion for life. Handsome guy Enrique, really? I'm proud of him.

— Doesn’t Julio Jr. look like his grandfather?

— Julio is a charming guy, active, talented. Handsome too. He is still looking for himself. But his character is a little different - softer. And he lacks self-discipline.

— Chabeli’s daughter is not working now, she is caring for the children, Alejandro and Sofia (she is only a year old)

— Do you maintain a relationship with your first wife, Isabel Preysler, the mother of your older children?

- Certainly. I can’t say that this is a close relationship; we see each other quite rarely: each of us has our own life. Isabel - beautiful woman, good mother. I would call her superwoman.

— You and your current wife, Miranda, have been together for 20 years. Aren't you tired of each other?

- God forbid! Our whole house rests on Miranda. She easily manages five children and her husband. I got a caring and loving woman and an incredible beauty. I value our relationship very much.

— Do you have family traditions?

- Like all people - Christmas, New Year. But the most important tradition is that dad is always at work.

— You probably don’t have enough time to communicate with your children?

(Julio with his wife Miranda and children Miguel Alejandro, Victoria, Cristina, Rodrigo and Guillermo) | Photo: From the personal archive of Julio Iglesias

- Well, what are you talking about! They bring me so much joy - I adore them and spend all my time with them and my wife free time. Moreover, I often take my family with me on tour. Soon we will all fly together to Dubai for two weeks, then to China, Korea, and Singapore. They are used to long flights. We travel on a comfortable plane - where the children can sleep and play. As a rule, two of their teachers also travel with us. These are my angels. (Shows a photo on the tablet.) This is the youngest, Guillermo, my favorite, funny little boy.

-What do you teach them? Do you give your children freedom like your father?

— The word “freedom” can mean different things. It's one thing when you allow your children everything. This is not about me. I understand freedom as a necessary condition for choosing the right path. Life is a wall that must be jumped over, and this requires strength. Only a free, well-educated person can gain strength, overcome a high wall and achieve success. Now the world is open to everyone. Millions of educated and motivated people from Russia, India, China and other countries are capable of making a brilliant career. Information is available to everyone, there are computers, the Internet... Previously, education was a privilege of the upper class, but today there is incredible competition among young people. To survive, you must enter the competition and win. And this requires discipline and character. That's what I try to instill in my children.

— Senor Iglesias, this year you have about 100 concerts planned in different countries, and for the umpteenth time you have included Russia in your tour. Admit it, do you love our people?

- Very! I lost count of how many times I came to the USSR, then to Russia. You know, I have some kind of associations with every country I have visited. When people talk about Russia, I imagine a mother holding her child's hand tightly. In the 1970s, when I first performed in your cities, it was winter. There was snow on the streets, it was blowing strong wind, and I saw how mothers take their children to school or kindergarten. And when they ask me about Russia, I say: “This is the mother country.” This is the image I had then. Russians draw strength of spirit from their mothers. Your women have had to endure so much that you involuntarily shudder. They continued to give birth and raise children during the war, under bombs. They raised them alone after the war, since hundreds of thousands of men - their husbands - died. IN Soviet years Life was hard for them too. You are very strong people! And passionate.

— Are there any countries you haven’t visited yet?

— I’ve been almost everywhere. This is my life and I'm happy with it. Of course, at 69 years old, it is not easy to withstand such loads that many young performers cannot bear. In addition, I have a business that also requires time and attention. You have to deny yourself many of the joys of life.

- How do you relax? Maybe you practice yoga or meditate?

— I hate yoga - in my opinion, it is the most boring activity. And I don’t need to meditate: I can perfectly control my emotions and consciousness without the help of spiritual practices.

- How do you support? physical fitness?

— I eat very little; for the last 10 years I have had an incredibly boring life - in terms of food. (Smiles.) In the morning I drink coffee, eat a banana and a little honey. If I have a concert, I don’t eat anything all day, just bananas. IN ordinary days I have dinner at seven or eight o'clock in the evening: it is, as a rule, fish with boiled potatoes and olive oil or soup without salt. And no sugar. I’m so used to eating this way that if I eat something “wrong,” I immediately feel bad. In addition, I do exercises daily according to my system. A joyless life, you say? But all this makes me strong, helps me maintain my inner composure, gives me the opportunity to travel around cities and countries and, most importantly, to sing. Naturally, 20 years ago my life was completely different - you would have liked it better. (Laughs.) She was crazy - but only until I realized that I could no longer afford to lead my old lifestyle.

— Now you live in the USA, in Miami, and you have several villas in different countries. Which one do you feel more comfortable in?

— Most of all I love my home in the Caribbean, in the Dominican Republic. It stands right on the ocean. Have you seen the movie "The Blue Lagoon"? There is the same beauty there as in this film. Huge empty beach and blue warm water. My family spends a lot of time there, especially when the children are on vacation.

— You’ve been in public for so many years, and, of course, sometimes you want to hide on a desert island.

— A true artist has the ability to remain alone and among the crowd. For example, I can build an invisible wall around myself. But if in fact I’m suddenly left alone (and this happens), within two minutes I feel like I’m missing something. Fate has given musicians and artists the opportunity to capture and convey the emotions and soul of the world. Therefore, it would be selfish on our part to lock ourselves within four walls. There is no greater privilege in life than the love of people.


wife - Miranda Riinsburger, former fashion model;

children - Miguel Alejandro (15 years old), Rodrigo (13 years old), twins Victoria and Cristina (11 years old), Guillermo (5 years old);

Children from marriage to Isabel Preysler

— Chabeli Maria Isabel, journalist (41 years old), Julio José, singer, actor (40 years old), Enrique Miguel, singer, composer, actor (37 years old)

Education: Faculty of Law, Complutense University of Madrid
Career: the total circulation of his discs exceeded 300 million. He released more than
70 albums, including: “Hey!” (1980), "Crazy" (1994), "Romantic Classics" (2006). Holder of a diamond disc from the Guinness Book of Records as a musician who has sold the largest number of albums in different languages ​​of the world (1983), as well as stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame (1985) and the Grammy Award (1988)