How to open a dumpling shop from scratch? Dumpling: a promising business idea

The business of producing and selling dumplings is considered one of the most profitable. Profitability is determined by several factors: constant demand, popularity of the product, good difference between cost and selling price. In order to open a dumpling shop, you need to stock up on equipment, hire qualified workers, and develop a marketing policy.

How to open a dumpling shop? A business plan consists of several sections. Each of these sections is equally important and requires detailed study. The key to success of any business consists of a careful calculation of expected expenses and income. You can start a business from scratch only after all the components of the business plan have been written down on paper and analyzed, and all costs have been calculated.

Business organization options

There are several options for organizing a business for the production and sale of dumplings. The first option is the production of frozen semi-finished products and their subsequent sale through wholesale and retail outlets. In this case, a novice businessman will not have to solve problems associated with opening and legalizing an enterprise catering. But also The payback of such a business will be lower: In order for the business to generate income, production will need to be immediately launched on an industrial scale.

A good option is opening a dumpling cafe based on our own production. Dumplings and dumplings are always in demand; they do not lose their attractiveness compared to other fast food inventions. In this case, you will also need to rely on production volume, since the main advantage of dumplings is their low price.

When opening a dumpling cafe, you should immediately decide on the methods of production. If the cafe is located in a “pass-through” area, you can afford to purchase equipment for automatic production of dumplings. IN residential area It’s better to practice “home” cooking: making dumplings by hand.

Counting funds

The main advantage of a dumpling cafe is the ability to sell products at a price 3-7 times higher than the cost. It is estimated that The average bill for a dumpling shop is 350 rubles. Similar establishments generate profit through turnover. Dumplings can be sold not only in cafes, but also in retail outlets, positioning the products as hand made.

According to the most conservative estimates, opening a dumpling cafe will require an investment of at least 3 million rubles. We are talking about a simple dumpling shop, which will sell only dumplings, khinkali and dumplings, without other culinary delights and alcohol. To open a more substantial establishment, you will need about 7 million rubles.

Legalization of the “brainchild” and search for premises

You can open a catering establishment only after receiving a solid package of documents. First of all, a new businessman must go to the tax office and register How individual entrepreneur, and then obtain a license to open a catering establishment. Also in tax office will need draw up documentation regarding the use of cash registers.

The next stage is visiting the sanitary and epidemiological station and fire service. After familiarizing yourself with the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station, you can begin to bring the premises into proper shape.

According to the instructions, the production area of ​​the dumpling production workshop must be at least 50 square meters. meters. The workshop must be equipped with heating, communications and electricity. Work can begin only after receiving permission from the SES and fire inspectors.

Despite the fact that the dumpling shop is a democratic establishment, you should pay attention to the interior design. The design should be unobtrusive and attractive, tables and chairs should be durable and practical, dishes should be beautiful.

Under no circumstances should you use disposable tableware. Plastic plates make a poor impression and instantly recreate the unforgettable 90s in your memory. As in any fast food, the dumpling shop should have good lighting.


Equipment must be selected depending on the production method. Hand sculpting requires special skills among personnel, but involves the use of less equipment. For a hand sculpting workshop you will need buy a dough mixer, a powerful meat grinder, a microwave oven, and stoves. A manual modeling workshop is cheaper at the input, but has lower profitability compared to an automated one.

Automated molding makes it possible to set up production on an industrial scale. Using a forming machine you can get about 700 kg of ready-made dumplings per day. The price of a good forming machine ranges from 150-180 thousand rubles.

For storage finished products You will also need freezers. For storing meat and minced meat - refrigerators with medium temperature conditions.

In addition, you will need to take care of purchasing equipment for the hall. This equipment will need to be selected depending on the specifics of the establishment. For the bar - bar equipment: blender, coffee machine, electric kettle. For cafes - heated trays and refrigerated display cases for selling related products: salads, desserts.


Special attention You need to pay attention to personnel selection. Typically, entrepreneurs practice two approaches: hiring qualified workers and training unskilled personnel “on site.” Both the first and second options have their advantages. In the first case, a businessman receives specialists who are ready to start work immediately. However qualified workers you will have to pay a higher salary.

In the second case, you will have to spend time and money on training employees and, as a result, get personnel who work strictly according to internal standards. Unqualified personnel will cost less, but money will be required for his training.

Ultimately, the second option turns out to be more profitable, since over time, training costs are recouped due to strict implementation of standards and relatively low wages.

All employees must receive safety training and equipment use. The employer is responsible for everything that happens at work, so there is no need to conduct instructions “for show”; it is better to tell people everything in detail once, than to later pay them for injuries sustained at work. It is mandatory that all employees (including the business owner himself) must have medical records and undergo a medical examination in due time.

Manufacturing technology and menu development

A dumpling is a piece of dough wrapped in dough. minced meat. There is nothing complicated in the process of producing dumplings; the main thing here is speed and compliance with sanitary standards. The dough for dumplings should be non-sticky and elastic, the minced meat should be homogeneous, moderately dry and moderately viscous. Availability of herbal supplements not welcome, but allowed by GOSTs.

When deciding whether or not to use herbal supplements, you need to take into account the fact that modern buyers are well versed in the quality of minced meat and no longer want to pay money for dubious products.

When opening a new cafe, you need to develop a menu in advance. Since we are talking about dumplings, the main dishes should be dumplings and their varieties: ravioli, manti, khinkali, dumplings with with different fillings. All these dishes are produced on the same automatic lines as dumplings. To diversify the menu, you can come up with several ways to serve the main dishes: in pots, with cheese, with different sauces and seasonings.

In addition to dumplings, the menu may include a variety of desserts and drinks. The entrepreneur must decide independently whether to include alcoholic drinks in the menu. The presence of alcohol will give the establishment a certain focus: a dumpling shop can turn from a fast food option into a glass shop option. To sell alcohol you will need a special license.

Marketing policy

If we talk about the “promotion” of dumplings, then the best marketing policy would be to improve the quality of the products. Selling high-quality, tasty dumplings will attract regular customers to the establishment. Gradually, a “core” of regular customers is formed - people who come to the dumpling shop to have a snack during their lunch break or after work.

Marketers joke that the success of any business related to retail sales, depends on three “m” - place, place and again place. The dumpling shop should be located in a “passable” area with good transport links. Undoubtedly, best place for cafes – this is the first floor of the house, located near crowded places - markets, retail outlets.

You shouldn't bet on stops public transport, it is better to pay attention to such objects as train stations, bus stations, parks. Subject to availability good place advertising costs are kept to a minimum.


A novice businessman can expect problems of all kinds. Firstly, there are problems with regulatory authorities: SES, firefighters, tax inspectorate. All organizational issues must be resolved before the opening of the cafe in order to avoid possible delays when money has already been invested in renovating the premises and purchasing raw materials.

Problem number two is dishonest suppliers. Need to be treated very attentive to selection of suppliers, since the reputation of the establishment depends on the quality of the raw materials. The meat must be fresh, the flour must be good grade, without foreign odors and impurities.

Opening a dumpling cafe is a promising business. Experts say that with a good flow of visitors such a cafe pays for itself in 5-6 months, maximum in a year. The dumpling shop generates a stable income, practically independent of seasonal fluctuations in demand. This is a great start for a new entrepreneur.

Having settled properly “at the start”, you can continue to move forward: open a network of dumpling shops, organize delivery ready meals to enterprises, increase production volumes and sell frozen products under the company logo.

Have you decided to open your own catering establishment? Now, like 20 years ago, dumpling shops, where semi-finished products are made right on the spot, are extremely popular among the population. You can have an inexpensive and satisfying meal here, relax, and even celebrate an event. Having studied this material, you will learn how to open a dumpling shop from scratch, how profitable it is and what risks may await you on the path to prosperity.


The so-called dumpling business can be started in various formats. It could be:

  1. Classic home production hand sculpted with subsequent sale to friends or relatives.
  2. Organization of a small workshop for the production of dumplings with sale in stores or cafes.
  3. A dumpling shop that will serve its own products.

The dumpling shop allows you to sell semi-finished products with a markup of 3-5 times

The easiest and cheapest way to organize the first option is that you don’t even need an initial investment. The most difficult and expensive is the third option. But with the right approach, it will provide you with a constant high income, which will not depend on the crisis or economic situation in the country - people will always buy dumplings, because this is truly a national dish.

Please note: You can organize your own dumpling shop as an annex to the production workshop. This will allow you to sell some of your products at triple the price, increasing your own income.

Where to open

The location is very important for a dumpling shop, because it is, essentially, a fast food establishment. You need to focus on the number of servings sold rather than the price. On the contrary, the cost needs to be reduced in order to increase the number of visitors and get them used to eating at your place.

Walk-through and crowded areas are suitable for you. You can open a dumpling shop near the market, in a shopping and entertainment complex, near office buildings, factory or just at central street. Catering establishments also function well in residential areas, but here it is better to focus on “homemade” modeling rather than factory-made ones.

How much money do you need

A dumpling shop is a full-fledged catering establishment, so a lot of funds are needed to open it. Approximately, to open an inexpensive outlet with an area of ​​150 m2 you will need 3 million rubles. If you want to open a serious establishment with an extensive menu and alcohol, you will have to prepare at least 7 million rubles. But first, it is recommended to open a small dumpling shop, for 10-15 tables. This number of clients can be served with manual modeling.

The average bill in such a public catering establishment is 350 rubles per person. This is not much, but it passes through the dumpling shop 5-7 times per day more people than through a cafe. In addition, you can sell semi-finished products in other cafes or stores, increasing sales.

Dumplings - high-quality, nutritious and tasty food

How to register

Since this is a catering establishment, you will have to go through a rather complicated opening procedure. You will need to obtain an individual entrepreneur or LLC certificate, then obtain the appropriate license, purchase a cash register and register it. After this, repairs are made to the premises and permits are obtained from the sanitary station and fire inspection.

Many people dream of opening their own business. Beginning entrepreneurs are especially attracted to the idea of ​​starting a business from scratch. Previously, we have already discussed, in this article, let's take a closer look at another idea for making money - how to open a dumpling shop from scratch. What is needed and how beneficial is it? this type business.

A catering business is a fairly profitable and stable way to generate income, even despite fierce competition. A well-chosen direction will allow you to short terms recoup all investments and get good profit. Therefore, before starting a business in this area, carefully study the market, demand, competition and costs of implementing the idea.

Theme of the establishment. It should be noted that themed establishments are more popular among the population. For example, a dumpling shop, sushi restaurant or anti-cafe has a much better chance of attracting people’s interest. As an example, we recommend reading.

Dumpling shop: pros and cons of business

  • Great demand. Pelmeni is a popular dish of Russian cuisine that is in great demand among consumers. Many people like to enjoy hot dumplings with their favorite fillings and sauces. Therefore, opening a dumpling shop is quite a cost-effective and profitable business.
  • Narrow niche. The competition in the catering industry is quite serious, so it is advisable to choose a narrow niche in which to really gain a foothold. Since the dumpling shop is in demand, why not choose such an attractive and less competitive business option.
  • Little competition. Dumplings are present on the menu in almost every restaurant and cafe, but some establishments that serve dishes according to different recipes, practically none, so it makes sense to open such a popular themed place in your city.

Disadvantages of opening a dumpling shop

  • Financial investments. Opening a cafe or restaurant requires quite serious financial investments. It is necessary to rent a place, purchase equipment, hire service personnel etc. All this requires a lot of money, which is why many people are stopped by such a significant disadvantage of this type of business.
  • Payback periods. The return on investment for a dumpling cafe will not be immediate; everything will depend on the location, attendance, and popularity of the establishment in your city. Therefore, you should not expect quick profits. If you are looking for an income that guarantees you a quick income, then opening a dumpling shop is not the case.

How to open a dumpling shop from scratch?

Opening a dumpling cafe from scratch is quite possible. Naturally, this cannot be done without material and physical investments. Not only do you need to have money for material expenses, but you also need to invest time and effort into developing your idea. As an example, we recommend reading. This will help you compare costs and evaluate the profitability of the project.

Where can I get money to start a business from scratch?

  • Credit. The first option that comes to mind is, naturally, a loan to develop your own business. But this can cause problems. Firstly, business is always a risky business; no one can guarantee that everything will work out and that you will soon achieve success. Secondly, banks do not always finance unpromising projects, so take out a loan a large sum money is quite difficult.
  • Investment. In my opinion, this option of starting a business from scratch is less risky and more promising. You need to find someone who will finance your project. Investors are people who invest money in promising business ideas for profit. Finding such a person is not easy, but it is quite possible that a well-drafted business plan will help you with this.

Dumpling: business plan

A dumpling business plan is a document that will display all stages of business development. Particular attention should be paid to the financial section, where all the costs of implementing the business idea will be detailed. This point is most interesting to investors. It is also necessary to calculate approximate payback periods and possible profit from business.

Stages of a dumpling business plan:

  1. Financial section (calculation of costs for implementing an idea, payback period, profit);
  2. Hired personnel;
  3. Purchase of equipment;
  4. Renting premises;
  5. Business registration;
  6. Choosing a direction: studying the nuances of organizing a business in a certain field of activity (demand, profitability, competition);
  7. Advertising concept and further development business.

These are approximate points of a business plan; you need to support them with detailed calculations, calculate the profitability and payback period of the business and draw conclusions about the profitability or futility of the project as a whole. Only after this, start opening your own business in the catering industry.

Business registration

Any type of activity is subject to mandatory registration with the relevant authorities.

First of all, decide on the material and legal form of the activity. You can register as an individual entrepreneur or found a company with limited liability.

In addition, it is necessary to obtain permits for activities from the sanitary-epidemiological and fire services. Labor standards, equipment, food preparation technology and premises, everything must comply with established norms and rules. Catering establishments are subject to strict control by Rospotrebnadzor, so do not try to circumvent or violate the requirements.

The minimum area of ​​the dumpling shop is from 50 sq. m. it is also mandatory to have water supply, sewerage, electricity and heating in the premises.

You can make dumplings directly or sell ready-made semi-finished products. Focus on your financial possibilities. Naturally, selling semi-finished products is much cheaper, but the quality of the dishes in this case is noticeably different, decide for yourself.

Renting premises

In order to open a dumpling cafe, you will need to rent premises. It is very important to choose the right location for your future establishment; the success of your catering business depends on it.

Where to open a dumpling shop?

In the city center. Renting a space in the central part of the city is quite expensive, but the foot traffic there is quite large, so there will be plenty of visitors who want to eat out.

Sleeping area. A good option is opening a dumpling shop in a residential area of ​​the city near high-rise buildings. Such an establishment will also be popular near educational institutions, schools, and hostels. Prices in the dumpling shop are generally low, so students and schoolchildren will certainly become your regular customers.

Shopping mall. You can open a dumpling shop in large shopping center, there are always a lot of visitors who don’t mind having a quick and inexpensive meal. And since dumplings are the favorite dish of many children and adults, the attendance at your establishment will be large.

Analyze all possible options and choose the most successful location for your cafe.

Dumpling business at home

Naturally, it won’t be possible to open a cafe at home, but it’s quite possible to start producing dumplings in your kitchen. First of all, you need to register your type of activity, as well as obtain all permits from sanitary and other services. Only with certificates confirming the quality of the products you produce will you be able to sell them at a decent price.

Equipment for preparing dumplings

Most of your finances will be spent on purchasing equipment for the dumpling cafe. First of all, decide on production volumes. To serve a small cafe, you can make dumplings by hand, but if you plan to sell the products in large volumes(a network of dumpling shops), then you will have to purchase a machine for producing dumplings.

Required equipment:

  • Refrigerator for food storage, freezer;
  • Electric meat grinder;
  • Microwave oven, gas or electric stove;
  • Flour sifter and dough mixing mechanisms (combine with dough kneading function);
  • To serve visitors, you will need to purchase special dishes (plates, cups, glasses, cutlery).

Scheme: Factors influencing the choice of semi-finished products

Also, a decent amount of money will be spent on interior decoration and purchasing furniture. Visitors should feel comfortable in your establishment, so you need to create favorable conditions and provide a good atmosphere.

Making a menu

Pelmennaya belongs to a number of eateries, so an extensive menu is inappropriate here. People came to have a snack, so the food should be prepared quickly, be strong and, of course, tasty.

How to create a menu correctly?

Depending on the location of the establishment, the price range will be formed. Having a snack in a dumpling cafe in the city center will be more expensive than in the same establishment located in a residential area, so be guided by this.

The main dish on the menu, of course, will be dumplings, where would we be without them? You can also offer visitors other hot dishes, soups, and broths. Don’t forget about snacks; salads, sandwiches, cheese and cold cuts would be appropriate.

Scheme step by step process cooking dumplings

Alcoholic drinks. The menu should include both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, so that every visitor can choose something suitable for themselves. You can’t do without coffee, tea, cocktails.

You can diversify the menu and also offer visitors desserts, such as ice cream.

Work staff

To work in a dumpling shop, you need to hire experienced staff. First of all, you need to find an experienced chef who will monitor technological process, and be responsible for the quality of prepared dishes. Assistant cooks and dishwashers will also be needed.

Waiters and bartender. You should hire several waiters to work in shifts and a bartender. The authority of the establishment and attendance will depend on their work, so carefully monitor how the staff communicates with customers. The waiter must be attentive, responsible, cultured, and competent. It is advisable to hire employees with experience in such establishments.

The dumpling business has always been considered highly profitable. The product is popular and has a good markup, especially if the dumplings are made by hand. But it doesn’t matter at all whether the dumpling shop will offer hand-made or automated products - it will certainly become a popular establishment. Of course, if you think through all the stages of its organization. Below we will talk in detail about how to open a dumpling shop.

Premises and documentation

Before looking for premises or selecting equipment, you must register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur. Documents for cash registers are also prepared there. Without them, the cafe's activities are prohibited. Since a cafe is a catering establishment, you need to obtain the appropriate license. After this, you can familiarize yourself with the SES and fire department requirements for the premises and look for the required area.

If your plan includes opening a cafe from scratch, be guided by the fact that the premises should have an area not only for guests, but also for the production workshop. The latter will require at least 50 sq. m. According to regulatory requirements, all necessary communications must be provided to it: water, electricity, sewerage, etc. The area for guests must be decorated in a single, memorable style. Be sure to include in your plan the purchase of simple, high-quality tableware. Under no circumstances should you offer dumplings to guests in disposable plates - these are relics of the past.

The type of equipment purchased depends on where the dumpling shop will be located and what its turnover plan is. For example, if an establishment opens in a busy area with high traffic, you can set up automatic production aimed at large batches of dumplings. When a cafe opens in a residential area, the emphasis should be on exclusivity and the highest quality. Then it is preferable to make dumplings by hand.

Production equipment

Before deciding how to open a dumpling shop, you need to decide what dumplings will be offered in your cafe. The set of purchased equipment depends on this. So, if your business plan involves hand-sculpting, the production workshop will need:

  • Flour sifter.
  • Dough mixers.
  • Meat grinder.
  • Farshemes.
  • Refrigerators.
  • Microwave ovens;
  • Plates.

To open a cafe with high traffic, it makes sense to buy an automatic production line with a capacity of about 700 kg/day. The cost of such a forming apparatus is 150-180 thousand rubles. But it does not require highly qualified personnel, as, for example, with hand modeling. In addition, the device can serve fewer workers, and per day it issues more products compared to manual production. Accordingly, an automated business is much more profitable than a manual one.

But you need to consider the audience your business is designed for. If these are people who value excellent taste And high quality, you should focus on an expensive but handmade product. Also, the business plan should include various offers of salads, sandwiches and other light snacks in addition to the main course.

When a cafe opens from scratch, you need to think about purchasing furniture for the hall. Tables, chairs, various decorative elements. Bar equipment and refrigerated display cases will be required to display and store additional products. Your business plan should take all these details into account.

Production and feeding technology

When creating a plan for purchasing raw materials for the production of dumplings, focus on the consumption of a kilogram of minced meat per kilogram of dough. For the dough you will need salt, water, flour, eggs, and for minced meat - meat, salt, spices. As a rule, beef, pork, and chicken are used. But to expand the range, you can offer dumplings with fish, vegetable filling or seafood. It all depends on how successful the start will be at the beginning.

Please note that GOSTs provide for vegetable and other additives in minced meat. With their help you can reduce the cost of the final product. But they bring it down a lot taste qualities. Clients immediately note this. Therefore, it is better to adhere to the purity of technology.

You can diversify the assortment with offers from other “relatives” of dumplings. For example, Italian ravioli, Georgian khinkali, manti, Uzbek chebureks or Japanese gyoza, even the usual dumplings. Essentially this is the same dish, but various shapes, method of preparation and serving. Their production technology is identical, so you can use the same equipment. In addition, they can also be served in various variations: with various seasonings, sauces, with cheese, in pots, etc.


Since the main product of the cafe, which will create its image, is dumplings, it is necessary to carefully select personnel for the production workshop. In this regard, you can go two ways. The first is hiring qualified and experienced employees. They will immediately produce high quality products, and your establishment can quickly become popular from scratch. But such workers will require high wages. The second way is to hire unqualified personnel, gradually teaching them all the intricacies. In this case, quality and productivity may initially suffer. Such employees are paid significantly less, but they invest in their training. True, with proper organization labor relations, after some time this money will be returned.

Another question is how many employees are needed to operate such an establishment? To ensure production in the workshop, five workers can be hired for automatic molding. In addition, you will need 2-4 waiters and 1-2 bartenders to work in the hall in shifts. You will also need the services of a technologist, accountant, and cleaner. These workers can be outsourced. Please note that all permanent employees must have health certificates and undergo mandatory safety training, rules for using equipment, and fire safety techniques.

Advertising, marketing and pitfalls

Your business plan must have a clear and thoughtful marketing policy. Let us note once again that the most decisive factors for success are the right location and high-quality dumplings. Visitors will vote for the quality of the dishes offered with their choice and money. Only delicious dishes and beautiful presentation will help form a core of loyal visitors who will attract other customers.

For your business to flourish, it must be opened in a busy place with good traffic. Your plan should include renting space on the ground floor of a building near markets, train stations, recreation parks, and office centers. Good transport links will be a big plus. In any case, you need to take care of a beautiful sign and at least a minimum of advertising. Ads in the media, leaflets and, of course, your own website will do.

The biggest problem in opening an establishment may be bringing it into compliance with SES and fire safety standards. This should be taken care of even before opening in order to eliminate possible friction with regulatory authorities. Another pitfall is the quality of raw materials. We must ensure that suppliers ship only high-quality products. To do this, you can hire a technologist on staff.

Profitability of the establishment

The question logically arises, how much money will have to be invested in initial stage and what they will spend on. Depending on the type of equipment and its manufacturer, you can allocate from 300 thousand rubles for it. up to two million. You can save money by purchasing domestic or Chinese units. But we must ensure that they do not affect the quality of the final product. Initial investments in advertising will require about 30 thousand rubles.

Every month the establishment will require the following expenses:

  • Employee salary – 80 thousand rubles.
  • Minced meat and dough – 357 thousand rubles.
  • Rent – ​​35 thousand rubles.

The cost of one dumpling depends on the production technology, but on average it is 17 rubles. The markup on a product also depends on the technology. Usually no more than 20% is bet on automated ones, and on self made– 50%. Based on these indicators, approximate income per month will be 210 thousand rubles, and after paying all bills - 95 thousand rubles. If you establish a good flow of customers and delight them with quality food, such a dumpling shop will pay for itself within six months. In less rosy scenarios – in a year. In the future, you can develop a network of similar establishments, add a service for delivering dumplings, and even sell them at retail using the already familiar logo.

In this material:

Thinking about how to start own business In the catering industry, you've probably wondered how to open a dumpling shop. It’s a good idea, considering the fact that American fast foods cause the majority reasonable people persistent disgust, and the ancient Siberian dish enjoys popular love and popularity.

Relevance of dumplings

Dumplings have never lost their relevance. There was, of course, a slight decline in the 90s, when the country was flooded with American McDonald's, but this trend has already died down significantly. Now any person will happily eat a portion of delicious dumplings, regardless of their social status, whether he is a taxi driver or a top manager.

Of course, a small diner has a risk of going broke and going bankrupt, but with the right marketing, selection of personnel and the place in which you are going to work, success is guaranteed. It is not for nothing that economists estimate the profitability of a dumpling shop at 40-45%, that is, such an establishment will ideally pay for itself in about 1-1.5 years.

Collection of registration documents

How to open a dumpling shop? At the beginning of any business, it is necessary to formalize it; this must be done so that in the future public services control there were no complaints or questions to you. If it suddenly turns out that you have not completed everything legally, then instead of the expected profit you may receive a fine and seizure of property. The advantage is that if you work as an individual entrepreneur, you will be able to enter into a contract with organizations to provide lunches for their employees. So, what documents need to be completed:

  1. First, you must register as an individual entrepreneur with the tax office. It is also possible as a limited liability company. It must be remembered that such registration will not be done without a rental agreement for the premises.
  2. There, at the tax office, you must register a cash register. Without cash register the work is not legal.
  3. You must provide the SES with a list of the products you are going to offer and the technology for preparing dumplings. Also, the SES will have to check the availability of hot and cold water in your room, its proper ventilation, and the level of illumination.
  4. A work permit must be obtained from the fire department. All requirements of this organization must be met.
  5. You must have a company charter.
  6. It is necessary to keep a book of complaints and suggestions.

All these documents must be submitted to the city government, which must issue a work permit. Yes, you’ll have to run around, but believe me, it’s much better than sitting in the prosecutor’s office and giving a confession.

Required premises

It is important that the room is hot and cold water. Electricity is required, preferably with three-phase input: you may need to power some serious equipment. There must be a proper ventilation system and windows, that is, a basement will not work.

The premises should have separate rooms for administration, storage, and a toilet. The area of ​​the hall for clients can be small, for about 30-40 people. When the business becomes stable, it will be possible to expand it or open a new, larger one.

Eat certain factors things to consider when choosing a building:

  1. Your cafe may be next to a big one educational institution, for example, a university. Then your clients will be students and teachers.
  2. You can open a dumpling shop in a business center, where there are many offices and companies around.
  3. It makes sense to open a cafe on the territory of a large supermarket. Its visitors, as well as store employees, can become your clients.
  4. If you open a cafe in a park or beach, you must understand: your cafe will only be open during the spring-summer season.

You should not open a dumpling shop in an area where there are already several of them. Due to high competition, the flow of clients is unlikely to meet your expectations. But it is very important to study the work of competitors. Assortment of dishes, prices, production technology. You will need this for your marketing developments.

Another important factor is the design of your room. This is why you need to study your competitors. Appearance your cafe should not only be cozy and beautiful, but also unique. In addition to regular chairs, install several soft sofas. Organize a dressing room in the room where clients can leave their outerwear: this is much more convenient than hanging their jackets and coats on the backs of chairs.

Required equipment

After studying market opportunities, when you have relatively accurately estimated the expected number of customers, you should purchase necessary equipment. So, if you plan to make 700-800 kg of dumplings per day, then you will need the following equipment:

  1. Large electric or gas stoves.
  2. Oven.
  3. Microwave ovens.
  4. Large meat grinder for minced meat.
  5. Flour sifter.
  6. Dough kneading machines.
  7. Molding machines for making dumplings.
  8. Large refrigerator and freezers.

This equipment will pay for itself in about 6-7 months with constant load.

Staff and menu offered

The more extensive the menu, the more staff you will need. That is, of course, there will be only one chief cook, he will just have more assistants. Further, it is imperative that there are waiters, a cleaning lady, a dishwasher, a cashier and an accountant.

All personnel working in the kitchen must have medical records. Workers must undergo regular medical examinations.

If your chef is a professional, then you need to pay him a correspondingly high salary. And if your cook is a son of the steppes with an incomplete secondary education, then you will of course save on his salary, but remember: in this case you will also lose in the quality of the dishes. The menu should be varied and include various salads. It will be good if it is complemented by desserts and drinks.

Advertising is the engine of trade! An important aspect in the operation of your cafe is effective promotion on the market. Don't skimp on advertising, especially at first: people need to know about you. In addition to a bright sign, it is useful to go around all the surrounding buildings, offices and dormitories and post advertisements there. You can advertise on local radio, place ads in the newspaper or on social networks, especially if you are going to sell dumplings to take away.

What are the costs and pitfalls?

So, we looked at how to open a dumpling shop. Now you should carefully calculate the expenses in order to understand how much money you will need to start such a business:

  1. Rent of premises, its repair and arrangement.
  2. Purchase of necessary equipment.
  3. Purchase of furniture and utensils.
  4. Staff salaries.
  5. Purchase of raw materials.
  6. Regular payment of electricity, water and utility bills.
  7. Advertising.

It is known that the cost of the raw materials from which dumplings are made is several times cheaper than the finished product. Thus, their return on investment is very high.

In total, it may take you 3-7 million rubles to start a business, but, as already mentioned, in about 1-2 years the investment will pay off and the business will start making money.

In any business there are risks. In your case, suppliers may let you down. Only an experienced technologist can recognize high-quality raw materials. All documents must be in order, otherwise you may simply be closed by the fire department or SES.

no matter Auto Jewelry and accessories Hotels Children's franchises Home business Online stores IT and Internet Cafes and restaurants Inexpensive franchises Shoes Training and education Clothing Leisure and entertainment Food Gifts Manufacturing Miscellaneous Retail Sports, health and beauty Construction Household goods Health products Business services (b2b) Services for the population Financial services

Investments: Investments 39,900 - 60,000 ₽

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