The word specificity refers to formal business. Formal business style

Sometimes, after reading the next contract, you understand why it is customary to use specially trained people to work with them. This happens due to the peculiarities of the official business style, making it difficult to understand. But this manner of presentation also has its advantages, otherwise its use would have been abandoned long ago.

Signs of an official business style of speech

Of course, for us, the main indicators of the officiality of a document are the seal of the organization and the signature of the person in charge, but when it comes to the style of speech, completely different signs come to the fore.

  1. Objectivity, information content and reliability.
  2. The absence of words that can be interpreted in two ways.
  3. Impeccable construction of phrases and documents from a legal point of view.
  4. Conciseness of wording, the desire for maximum brevity, the use of complex sentences with frequent use of complex conjunctions and verbal nouns.
  5. Neutrality of presentation, lack of emotional coloring, preference for direct word order, almost complete neglect of individualization of style.
  6. The use of speech cliches when constructing phrases.
  7. Using standard phrases to describe typical situations.
  8. Logic of presentation, its narrative character.

All these features of the official business style of speech make it the most closed and stable among all book styles. Time brings its changes to this language, but the main points - phraseological units, specific speech and syntactic turns - remain unchanged. In other styles of speech, the use of cliches has long been considered a disadvantage, but in formal conversations they are welcome. Actually, this kind of templated text, combined with a lack of emotional coloring and a large number of enumerations, which are also a sign of the official style, is what makes documents so difficult to read and.

The purpose of the formal business style of speech

At first glance, all this linguistic inertia and conservatism were invented to emphasize the isolation of business from other spheres of life. As a result, the average person gets a headache from trying to understand all the intricacies, and is forced to pay money to specialists.

On the one hand, this is true, a number of specialists (document specialists, lawyers, archivists) are partly translators from official business speech to colloquial speech, understandable to the majority of the population. But you shouldn’t look for the tenacious clutches of a global conspiracy here, because on the other hand, the official business style of speech is designed to minimize the likelihood of errors and simplify work with various kinds of documentation. IN colloquial speech we often use expressions with vivid emotional coloring, we love ambiguity, often use argot and do not disdain irony. Can you imagine what, for example, a supply agreement written in colloquial language would look like? On compliance with delivery deadlines, liability for violation of the agreement and the conformity of the delivered goods ordered could be forgotten. That is, a special style of presentation for official papers was created to exclude the possibility of speculation and different interpretations of information depending on the education of the people working with them. And to speed up work with various kinds of documents, drafting standards have been invented. Everything is regulated: from the location of the details to the order in which the address is written on the envelope. This allows you to quickly find the information you need without revising the entire document. For example, an accountant paying for the rental of premises is only interested in the terms of payment, details and duration of the contract. The clear structure of the document allows you to quickly access this information; otherwise, the time for processing the contract would greatly increase.


Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 Linguistic features of an official business style of speech. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.1 Lexical features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.2 Morphological and word-formation features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.3 Syntactic features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 Genre diversity of official business style of speech. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

List of sources used. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Official business style is a style that serves the legal and administrative and public spheres of activity. It is used when writing documents, business papers and letters in government agencies, courts, as well as in various types of business oral communication.

The most important functions of this style - communication and influence - are implemented in such official documents as laws, regulations, decrees, orders, contracts, agreements, business correspondence, statements, receipts, etc. This style is also called administrative, since it serves the sphere of official, business relations, area of ​​law and public policy. Its other name - business speech - indicates that this style is the most ancient of book styles, its origins are in the business speech of the era of the Kievan state, in which legal documents (agreements, “Russian Truth”, various charters) were created already in the 10th century. century.

The official business style stands out among other book styles for its stability, isolation and standardization. Despite the great variety business documents, their language is strictly subject to the requirements of official business presentation: the accuracy of the formulation of legal norms and the need for absolute adequacy of their understanding, the composition of the mandatory elements of document design that ensure its legal validity, the standardized nature of presentation, stable forms of arrangement of material in a certain logical sequence, etc.

For all forms of business writing, strict compliance with the literary norm is required at all language levels: the use of lexical and phraseological means of a colloquial, colloquial nature, dialect, professional slang words is unacceptable; non-literary variants of inflection and word formation; conversational syntactic constructions. The official business style does not accept expressive elements: evaluative vocabulary, high or low words (joking, ironic), figurative expressions. The most important requirement for the language of a document is objectivity and “dispassionateness” in the presentation of facts.

The official business style operates primarily in written form, but its oral form is not excluded - speeches by government and public figures at ceremonial meetings, sessions, and receptions. The oral form of business speech is characterized by a complete style of pronunciation, special expressiveness of intonation, and logical stress. The speaker can allow a certain emotional elevation of speech, even interspersing foreign-style language means, without, however, violating the literary norm. Incorrect accents and unliterary pronunciation are unacceptable.

In official papers, the set of linguistic means used is predetermined. The most striking feature of the official business style is linguistic cliches, or so-called cliches (French. clich). A document is not expected to show the individuality of its author; on the contrary, the more clichéd a document is, the more convenient it is to use (see examples of clichés below)

Official business style is the style of documents of different genres: international treaties, state acts, legal laws, regulations, charters, instructions, official correspondence, business papers, etc. But, despite the differences in content and variety of genres, the official business style as a whole is characterized by common and most important features. These include:

1) accuracy, excluding the possibility of other interpretations;

2) locale standard.

These features find their expression a) in the selection of linguistic means (lexical, morphological and syntactic); b) in the preparation of business documents.

Let's consider the features of vocabulary, morphology and syntax of the official business style.

2 Linguistic signs of official business style of speech

2.1 Lexical features

Official business speech reveals a tendency towards vocabulary that is extremely generalized in terms of semantics, where everything that is acutely peculiar, specific, and unique is eliminated, and the typical is brought to the fore. What is important for an official document is not the living flesh of a given phenomenon, but its “legal” essence.

Official business speech reflects not individual, but social experience, as a result of which its vocabulary is extremely generalized. In an official document, preference is given to generic concepts with broad and poor semantics, with a limited number of semantic features:

premises (cf.: apartment, workshop, hangar, lobby, shelter, monastery, apartments), person (cf.: individual, person, man, girl, guy, small, owner, tenant, passerby), parent (cf.: mother , father, father, mother, ancestor), serviceman (cf.: soldier, lieutenant general, artilleryman, recruit, soldier, serviceman, sailor), punishment (cf.: reprimand, fine, arrest, scolding, reprimand), arrive ( Wed: to come, to arrive, to sail, to gallop, to burst in, to arrive, to arrive) and others.

The lexical (dictionary) system of the official business style, in addition to general book and neutral words, includes:

1) linguistic cliches (clichés, clichés): raise a question based on a decision, incoming and outgoing documents, control over execution is assigned upon expiration of the deadline.

2) professional terminology: arrears, alibi, black cash, shadow business;

3) archaisms: I certify this document.

It is unacceptable to use in official business style polysemantic words, as well as words with figurative meanings, and synonyms are used extremely rarely and, as a rule, belong to the same style: supply = supply = collateral, solvency = creditworthiness, depreciation = depreciation, appropriation = subsidy etc.

2.2 Morphological and word-formation features

The word-formation and morphological features of the official business style are inextricably linked with its general characteristics: the desire for accuracy, standardization, impersonal and obligatorily prescriptive nature of presentation.

The inappropriateness of the expressive coloring of official speech makes it impossible to use interjections, modal words, a number of particles, words with suffixes of subjective assessment, adjectives in comparative and superlatives. Nouns denoting positions are usually used in the masculine form (accountant, director, laboratory assistant, postman, controller etc.).

In official business speech, the highest percentage of infinitives compared to other verb forms is observed among all functional styles. This is due to the purpose of most official business documents - to express the will of the legislator. Here is an example from the Convention on the Rights of the Child: "The child has the right to freely express his or her opinions; this right includes the freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of any kind, whether or not granted, whether orally, in writing or in print, in the form of works of art or through other media of the child's choice.".

Of the conjugated forms, the present tense forms are most often used here, but with a different meaning compared to the scientific style. This value is usually defined as the present prescription. The verb form does not denote a permanent or ordinary action, but an action that the law requires to be performed under certain conditions:

"The accused is guaranteed the right to defense."

When designating a person in an official business style, nouns are used that designate a person based on a characteristic determined by some action or attitude, which is intended to accurately designate the “roles” of the participants in the situation: defendant, tenant, tenant, reader, guardian, adoptive parent, plaintiff, witness, etc.

Nouns denoting positions and titles are used in the masculine form even when they refer to female persons: police officer Smirnov, defendant Proshina and the like.

Among the word-formation models of nouns, verbal formations are widely represented, including na-nie, sometimes with a prefix and non-: non-compliance, non-recognition, decision, execution. For example: “Children left without parental care and located in educational institutions, medical institutions, social protection institutions and other similar institutions have the right to: maintenance, upbringing, education, comprehensive development, respect for their human dignity, ensuring their interests.... "(Family Code of the Russian Federation, p. 149).

Stringing nouns with the suffix -nie can be considered a striking sign of an official business style: “Preparation for a crime is the search and adaptation of means or instruments or the deliberate creation of conditions for the commission of crimes...”

The official business style is rich in constructions with a verb that takes on purely grammatical functions. The number of verbs that act as grammatically supporting words and serve to express almost only grammatical meanings amounts to many dozens: conduct (campaigning, installation, observation, negotiations, preparation, searches, development, investigation); make (additions, corrections, clarifications); give (consultation, appointment, justification, explanation, refutation, refusal, assessment, instruction, permission, clarification, order, recommendation, consent, instruction); conduct (voting, meeting, research, testing, search); undergo (examination, training, inspection) etc.

Extremely characteristic of official speech are the methods of composite word formation - stem and word composition, fusion, as a result of which in the lexicon of a business language two (or more) root formations are represented by a very extensive collection: marriage, offense, taxation, land use, passenger transportation, disability, tenant, landlord, dacha owner, paper holder, cultural and entertainment, material and technical, repair and construction, administrative and economic, autumn-winter, bakery, apartment intermediary, knowledge-intensive, transport-intensive, low-paid , low-income, person-ruble, vessel-day, passenger-seat-mileand many others.

The business style’s predilection for complex words is easily explained: they are transparent in structure and meaning, and have idiomatic effects. To an even greater extent, the need for semantically clear names is met by the phrase; the number of names created in this way in the official business style amounts to many thousands of units: vehicles, wages, official, confectionery, securities, travel document, reception center, executive committee, cashless payment, work injury, bodily injury, public places, occupational disease, catering establishment, high demand goods, on-the-job training, right to rest, search warrant , demotion, loss of rights....

The convenience of “analytical” models is expressed with particular clarity in the nomenclature of institutions, professions, positions, etc. that makes up a gigantic layer of official names: chief researcher, deputy regiment commander for engineering service, Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University). Transcaucasian Railway, Volyn Household Chemicals Plant, State Duma deputy...

Formal business style is designed to serve legal relations between citizens and the state, and therefore it is used in various documents: from state acts and international treaties to business correspondence. The most important functions of the style are: message and impact– are implemented in such official documents as laws, regulations, decrees, orders, contracts, agreements, statements and many others. This style is also called administrative, as it serves the area of ​​formal business relations, the area of ​​law and public policy. Its other name is business speech- indicates that this style is the most ancient of books, and its origins must be sought in business speech Kievan Rus, because legal documents(Russian Truth, various treaties, charters) were created already in the 10th century.

The official business style is distinguished by its stability, isolation and standardization. Despite the wide variety of business documents, their language strictly obeys the requirements of official business presentation. It provides for the accuracy of the formulation of legal norms and the need for absolute adequacy of their understanding; the composition of the mandatory elements of document execution that ensure its legal validity; standardized nature of presentation; stable forms of arrangement of material in a certain logical sequence, etc.

For all forms of business writing, strict compliance with the literary norm is required at all language levels: the use of lexical and phraseological means of a colloquial, colloquial nature, dialect, professional slang words is unacceptable; non-literary variants of inflection and word formation; conversational syntactic constructions. The official business style does not accept expressive elements: evaluative vocabulary, high or low words (joking, ironic), figurative expressions. The most important requirement for the language of a document is objectivity and dispassionate presentation of facts.

The official business style operates primarily in written form, however, it is not excluded oral, in particular speeches by government and public figures at ceremonial meetings, sessions, receptions. The oral form of business speech is characterized by a complete style of pronunciation, special expressiveness of intonation, and logical stress. The speaker can allow a certain emotional elevation of speech, even interspersing foreign-style language means, without, however, violating the literary norm. Incorrect accents and unliterary pronunciation are unacceptable.

Vocabulary official speech is characterized by the widespread use of special words and terms (legal, diplomatic, military, economic, sports, etc.). The desire for brevity leads to the use of abbreviations and complex abbreviated names government agencies and supranational entities, as well as institutions, organizations, societies, parties, etc. ( RF, CIS, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Airborne Forces, Air Force, FDI, Housing and Communal Services, LDPR, MUP, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Health, Rosstat). Since the structure of government bodies, the names of parties and social movements are subject to change, many new words appear and this part of the vocabulary is constantly updated and replenished.

Business and official texts use words and expressions that are not accepted in other styles: above, below, above, proper, prohibited, deed, punishability etc. This also includes stable phrases: preventive measure; cassation appeal; civil status act; act of disobedience; recognizance not to leave etc. Regular use of such words and expressions, which do not have synonyms, contributes to the accuracy of speech and eliminates misinterpretations.

Morphological The features of the official business style are largely determined by its nominal character: here there is an absolute predominance of nominal parts of speech with little use of verbs. The inappropriateness of the expressive coloring of official speech makes it impossible to use interjections, modal words, a number of particles, words with suffixes of subjective assessment, adjectives in the comparative and superlative degree. Nouns denoting positions are usually used in the masculine form ( accountant, director, laboratory assistant, postman, controller etc.).

The high frequency of verbal nouns is a consequence of the consolidation of stable figures of speech (synonymous with verbal expressions): the procedure for drawing up and executing a transportation plan; in order to improve the tax collection procedure etc. In such figures of speech, a chain of forms often arises genitive case nouns ( clarification of the conditions for committing a crime; checking compliance with passport regulations), which gives the phrase heaviness and sometimes makes it difficult to perceive.

Adjectives and participles in business speech often act in the meaning of nouns ( sick, resting, the undersigned); short forms of adjectives are productive ( must, obligated, obligatory, necessary, accountable, jurisdictional, responsible). The use of such forms is dictated by the prescriptive nature of business speech: Calling experts is mandatory to establish the cause of death(Criminal Procedure Code of the RSFSR).

The selection of pronouns in business speech is indicative: personal pronouns are not used here me, you, he, she, they due to the complete lack of individualization of speech and specificity, accuracy of the statement. Instead of demonstrative pronouns this, that, such etc. words used given, present, corresponding, known, indicated, above, below etc. Indefinite pronouns are not used at all in business speech: someone, some, something etc.

To characterize verbs in official speech, its nominal structure is also important, which determines the high frequency of linking verbs ( is, becomes, is realized), replacement verb predicate combination of an auxiliary verb with a noun naming an action ( provide assistance; carry out control; provide care etc.). Compared to other book styles, business style has the lowest frequency of verbs: for every thousand words there are only 60 (in scientific style– 90, in artistic speech – 151). The prescriptive nature of the official business style, the predominance of stating and descriptive types of speech in it over narration and reasoning determine its static nature, the displacement of verbal forms by verbal nouns.

Among the semantic groups of verbs presented in business style, the main role is given to words with the meaning of obligation ( follows, must, imputes, undertakes), as well as abstract verbs indicating being, presence ( is, is). See for example:

Persons who were under constant education and support, obliged deliver maintenance to the persons who actually raised them, if the latter are disabled and in need of assistance and cannot receive support from their children or spouses.

In official speech, impersonal forms of verbs are more common - participles, gerunds, infinitives, which especially often appear in the meaning imperative mood (take note; make a proposal; recommend, withdraw from use etc.).

Present tense forms perform the function of prescription: Enterprises are responsible...; The tenant is responsible for the property(such verb tense forms are called hereby regulations).

Future tense forms are acquired in context various shades(obligations, prescriptions; possibilities close to necessity): Borders will as they existed on October 1, 1941 g. (i.e. established by agreement); Military command will highlight... (= "will have to highlight"). Another meaning of the future, typical of business texts, is the conditional (unreal) future, which is usually found in complex sentences with subordinate clauses: The insured amount is paid if during the year will come permanent disability.

The functioning of past tense forms is completely consistent with the tasks of business speech. One of the typical meanings is the past of an emphasized statement, a clearly expressed fixation of what is being communicated in writing (agreement, contract, etc.):

Ukraine confirms that it translated funds... to pay off part of the debt for previously supplied Russian gas; We, the undersigned..., examined, measured, compared drawings and accepted single-apartment panel house (deed).

Imperfective verbs, as more abstract in meaning than perfective verbs, predominate in the genres of business speech general(constitution, codes, charters, etc.). Perfective forms are used in texts with more specific content (orders, instructions, minutes of meetings, resolutions, acts, contracts). Such forms of the verb are used in combination with modal words in the meaning of obligation and express a categorical command, permission ( must report; has the right to prescribe; obliged to convey; I undertake to provide), as well as the statement ( the ministry reviewed, took measures, made a proposal; organized, paid, completed etc.).

Syntax official business style reflects the impersonal nature of business speech ( Complaints are submitted to the prosecutor, Cargo transportation is carried out...). In this regard, passive constructions are widely used, which allow one to abstract from specific performers and focus on the actions themselves ( The competition included...-, Ten patients were admitted; 120 applications registered; The order fulfillment period is extended subject to...).

Syntactic constructions in official speech are full of clichéd phrases with denominative prepositions: for the purposes of, in connection with, through, on the basis of etc. ( in order to improve the structure; in connection with these complications; without cooperation and mutual assistance; based on decision taken ). Such clichés are specific feature formal business style. The use of such syntactic constructions is necessary to express typical situations; they facilitate and simplify the compilation of standard texts.

In official business documents, coordinating conjunctions are more common than subordinating ones (since the law, the charter prescribes, and does not explain or prove). At the same time, a feature of business speech is the predominance of complex syntactic constructions: a simple sentence is not able to reflect the sequence of facts to be considered in an official business context.

Conditional infinitive constructions play a large role in the official business style (especially in the texts of laws, where this is motivated by the target task - to stipulate the conditionality of the legal norm). A characteristic feature of business speech is also the use of infinitive and impersonal sentences with the meaning of obligation. In order to achieve laconicism and accuracy, parallel syntactic constructions (participial and participial phrases, constructions with verbal nouns) are often used.

The syntax of a business style is characterized by a strict and specific order of words in a sentence, which is due to the requirement of logic, consistency, and accuracy of presentation of thoughts. Stylistic feature is also the primary use indirect speech. Direct speech in an official business style is resorted to only in cases where verbatim quotation of legislative acts or other documents is necessary.

In the design of texts in an official business style, paragraph division and rubrics play an important role; details– permanent elements of the content of the document: names, dates, signatures, as well as the graphic design adopted for this document. All this is of paramount importance in office work and testifies to the literacy of the document compiler, his professionalism and culture of speech.

Formal business style is a style that serves the legal and administrative-public spheres of activity. It is used when writing documents, business papers and letters in government agencies, courts, as well as in various types of business oral communication.

Among book styles, the official business style stands out for its relative stability and isolation. Over time, it naturally undergoes some changes, but many of its features: historically established genres, specific vocabulary, morphology, syntactic phrases - give it a generally conservative character.

The official business style is characterized by dryness, the absence of emotionally charged words, conciseness, and compactness of presentation.

In official papers, the set of linguistic means used is predetermined. The most striking feature of the official business style is language stamps, or the so-called cliche(French) clich). A document is not expected to show the individuality of its author; on the contrary, the more clichéd a document is, the more convenient it is to use (see examples of clichés below)

Formal business style- this is the style of documents of different genres: international treaties, state acts, legal laws, regulations, charters, instructions, official correspondence, business papers, etc. But, despite the differences in content and variety of genres, the official business style is generally characterized by common and most important features. These include:

1) accuracy, excluding the possibility of other interpretations;

2) locale standard.

These features find their expression a) in the selection of linguistic means (lexical, morphological and syntactic); b) in the preparation of business documents.

Let's consider the features of vocabulary, morphology and syntax of the official business style.

Linguistic signs of official business style of speech

Lexical features of official business style of speech

The lexical (dictionary) system of the official business style, in addition to general book and neutral words, includes:

1) language stamps (bureaucracy, clichés) : raise a question based on a decision, incoming and outgoing documents, control over execution is assigned upon expiration of the deadline.

2) professional terminology : arrears, alibi, hblack cash, shadow business;

2) the presence of passive structures ( payments are made at the specified time);

5. The style under consideration is characterized by a wide distribution of impersonal sentences of various types, since in modern scientific speech the personal style of presentation has given way to an impersonal one ( You can say, there is an unspoken competition of projects for future social reconstruction.For modern man this easy to understand on the model of transition to the market).

6. Scientific texts are characterized by clarification of cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena, therefore they are dominated by complex sentences with different types of unions ( despite the fact that, in view of the fact that, because, due to the fact that, whereas, meanwhile, while etc.).

7. A group of introductory words and phrases containing an indication of message source (in our opinion, according to belief, according to concept, according to information, according to message, from the point of view, according to hypothesis, definition etc.). For example: Answer, according to the author, always ahead of its true reason - the goal, and does not follow the external stimulus.

8. For scientific works The compositional coherence of the presentation is characteristic. The interconnectedness of individual parts of a scientific statement is achieved with the help of certain connecting words, adverbs, adverbial expressions and other parts of speech, as well as combinations of words ( so, in this way, therefore, now, so, in addition, besides, besides, also, nevertheless, yet, nevertheless, meanwhile, besides, in addition, however, despite, first of all, in first of all, first, finally, finally, hence).


Journalistic style is a historically established functional variety of literary language that serves a wide range of social relations: political, economic, cultural, sports, etc. Journalistic style is used in socio-political literature, periodicals (newspapers, magazines), radio and television programs, documentary films , some types of oratory (reports, speeches, speeches at meetings, rallies, in state and public organizations etc.).

The selection and organization of linguistic means of a journalistic style determine its main functions - informative and influencing.

The function of the message (informative) is that the authors of journalistic texts inform a wide range of readers, viewers, and listeners about problems that are significant to society. The information function is inherent in all styles of speech. Its specificity in the journalistic style lies in the subject and nature of the information, its sources and recipients. Thus, television programs, newspaper and magazine articles inform society about the most diverse aspects of its life: about parliamentary debates, about the economic programs of the government and parties, about incidents and crimes, about the state of the environment, about the everyday life of citizens. The method of presenting information in a journalistic style also has its own distinctive features. Information in journalistic texts not only describes facts, but also reflects the assessment, opinions, and sentiments of the authors, and contains their comments and reflections. This distinguishes it, for example, from official business information.

Informing citizens about the state of affairs in socially significant areas is accompanied in journalistic texts by the implementation of the second most important function of this style - the function of influence (expressive). The goal of the publicist is not only to talk about the state of affairs in society, but also to convince the audience of the need for a certain attitude towards the facts presented and the need for the desired behavior. Therefore, the journalistic style is characterized by open bias, polemicism, and emotionality, which is caused by the desire of the publicist to prove the correctness of his position.

A journalistic text is often constructed as a scientific argument: an important public problem, possible ways to solve it are analyzed, generalizations and conclusions are made, the material is arranged in a strict logical sequence, and general scientific terminology is used. This brings him closer to the scientific style.

The journalistic style has much in common with the artistic style of speech. In order to effectively influence the reader or listener, the speaker or writer uses epithets, comparisons, metaphors and other figurative means, resorts to colloquial and even colloquial words and expressions, phraseological expressions that enhance the emotional impact of speech.

The journalistic style is characterized by alternating standard and expression, logical and figurative, evaluative and evidential, economy of language, clarity, conciseness, consistency of presentation with informative richness.

Language featuresjournalisticWowstyleI'm speaking

Lexical features

1. The functional purpose of the words and expressions used in the journalistic style is not the same; Among them we can highlight neutral vocabulary and phraseology ( event, play a role, form, buyer, situation etc.) and stylistically colored, emotionally-evaluative – positive ( mercy, fatherland, fraternal, dare) and negative ( clique, puppet, philistine, instill, sop to public opinionyu).

2. In the journalistic style, ready-made standard formulas are used - speech cliches ( matter, need amendments, cause damage, reform course, government composition, ruble exchange rate, negative consequences, financial market, pay attention etc.). Newspaper clichés (set phrases and whole sentences) are used next to expressive, expressive means of language that have an emotional impact on the audience.

3. The journalistic style is characterized by a combination of “high”, bookish style ( power, self-sacrifice, army etc.) with a conversational style, colloquial and slang vocabulary ( fuss, fuss, wet– meaning ‘to kill’, run over– meaning ‘to make a claim’, etc.).

4. In the journalistic style, socio-political vocabulary is widely used ( humanity, transparency,president, democracy, peace-loving, federal etc.).

5. Journalistic style is characterized by the use of phraseological units and stable combinations.

Word formation features

In journalistic style the following are often used:

1) abstract nouns with suffixes -ness , -stv (O), -nij(f), -andj(e): personality, greed, cooperation, reversal,trust etc.;

2) nouns and adjectives with lexicalized prefixes inter-, all-, general-, over - : international,All-Russian,nationwide,ultra-modern etc.;

3) nouns and adjectives with international suffixes and prefixes -ism- ,- ist-, -ant- , -atsij(A), anti-,counter-,de- : globalism,authoritarianism,moralist, figurant, computerization,anti-vandal, counter-reform, depoliticization etc.;

4) words with emotionally expressive suffixes, for example, -schin (a): military, Stalinism etc.;

5) words formed by addition: socio-political, socio-economic etc.;

Morphological features

The morphological features of the journalistic style include the frequent use of certain grammatical forms of parts of speech:

6) elliptical sentences - sentences incomplete in composition, in which the absence of a predicate verb is the norm: Behind the actor’s house there is a large garden.


The conversational style is contrasted with book styles in general. This determines its special place in the system of functional varieties of the Russian literary language. Conversational style is the most traditional communication style serving the everyday sphere of communication. It provides for close acquaintance, social community of conversation participants, and the absence of an element of formality in communication.

The conversational style is characterized by mass use. It is used by people of all ages, of all professions, not only in everyday life, but also in informal, personal communication in the socio-political, industrial, labor, educational and scientific spheres of activity. It is widely represented in fiction. Colloquial speech occupies an exceptional position in the modern Russian language. This is the original style of the national language, while all others are phenomena of a later (often even historically recent) period.

A specific defining feature of colloquial speech is that it is used in conditions of unprepared, casual communication with the direct participation of speakers.

Language features conversational style speeches

Intonation and pronunciation

In everyday conversation, for which the oral form is primordial, intonation plays an extremely important role. In interaction with syntax and vocabulary, it creates the impression of conversationality. Casual speech is often accompanied by sharp increases and decreases in tone, prolongation, “stretching” of vowels, prolongation of consonants, pauses, changes in the tempo of speech, as well as its rhythm.

Everyday colloquial vocabulary is words that are accepted in everyday life in the vocabulary of everyday colloquial speech, in addition to neutral, words that are characterized by expressiveness and evaluativeness are included. Among them: words colloquial and vernacular colors (excites, wretched, living creature, blond, crazy, infuriate). The everyday conversational style is characterized by an abundance of colloquial phraseology.

Colloquial speech is also characterized by words with situational meaning, the so-called situational vocabulary. These words can denote any concepts, and even entire situations, if they are well known to the participants in the dialogue ( thing, thing, carousel, music, parsley, bandura, business, question, trifles, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, pies, toys). For example: I just can't figure this thing out! i.e.: “I just can’t understand how (TV, vacuum cleaner, washing machine) works.”

The main signs of colloquiality in the field of word formation are:

1) the use of words with suffixes of pronounced expressiveness, emotionality, stylistic decline, for example: - l (liar), - ash - (trader), - un - (chatterbox), - ush - (huge), - ast - (armed), -sha - (doctor), - ikh-a (watchman);

2) widespread use of words formed according to specific colloquial models of “semantic contraction” (abbreviation), i.e., combining two or more words into one: evening newspaper- evening; urgent Care– emergency room; foreign literature courseabroad : higher mathematics– tower; thesis- diploma.


1. Morphological features of everyday colloquial speech are manifested primarily in the very set of parts of speech. Thus, we can note the absence of participles and gerunds in colloquial speech, short adjectives(in their syntactic opposition to complete ones), a decrease in the proportion of nouns, an increase in the proportion of particles.

2. Colloquial speech is no less unique in the distribution of case forms. Typical, for example, is the predominance of the nominative case: House shoes / where to go out? Porridge/ look // Isn’t it burnt?

3. The presence of a special vocative form is noted: Roll! Mom!

4. In colloquial speech, truncated versions of function words, conjunctions and particles are widely used: so, what, so, at least, as well as truncated versions of nouns: five kilogram orange (Right: kilograms of oranges).

Conversational style syntax

The colloquial syntax is very unique. The conditions for the implementation of colloquial speech (unpreparedness of the utterance, ease of verbal communication, the influence of the situation) have a particular impact on its syntactic structure. The main syntactic features of the colloquial style of speech include:

1) the predominance of simple sentences;

2) widespread use of interrogative and exclamatory sentences;

3) the use of words-sentences ( Yes. No.);

4) use on a wide scale incomplete sentences, the so-called “chopped speech” ( This dress/nowhere. No/well, nothing at all/if with a belt);

5) in the syntactic structure of colloquial speech, pauses are allowed, caused by various reasons (searching for the right word, the speaker’s excitement, an unexpected transition from one thought to another, etc.), repeated questions, repetitions.

The named syntactic features in combination with expressive vocabulary create a special, unique flavor of colloquial speech:

A: Are you cold? B: Not at all!; A: Did you get your feet wet again? B: But of course! What a rain!; A: How interesting it was! B: Lovely!-, A: The milk has run away! B: Nightmare! The entire slab was flooded //; A: He almost got hit by a car! B: Horror!, A. They gave him a D again // B: C crazy!. A: Do you know who was there? Efremov // B: WowYou!. A: Let’s go to the dacha tomorrow! B: It's coming!


Style fiction (or artistic style) is used in works of fiction: novels, stories, plays. Its functions are not only to inform the reader and influence him, but to create a vivid, vivid picture, depict an object or events, and convey to the reader the emotions and thoughts of the author. Unlike other styles, the style of artistic speech also has an aesthetic function. That is why the artistic style is distinguished by expressiveness, imagery, emotionality and aesthetic significance of each of its elements. It involves a preliminary selection of linguistic means.

Imagery of artistic style created using tropes(metaphors, comparisons, personifications). Can be used in artistic speech archaisms, historicisms(to give color to the era that is being narrated), dialectisms and even conversational style elements(to more accurately convey the speech of the characters, to more fully reveal their images).

Thus, fiction stylecombines features and elements of different styles. That is why it is not always distinguished as a special style of the Russian literary language. And yet it has the right to exist as one of the independent styles of the language. Thus, an artistic style has only its inherent expressive means of speech. These include rhythm, rhyme, and harmonic organization of speech.

IN artistic style speech is widely used speech polysemy of a word, which opens up additional meanings and shades of meaning, as well as synonymy at all linguistic levels, making it possible to emphasize the subtlest shades of meaning. This is explained by the fact that the author strives to use all the riches of the language, to create his own unique language and style, to create a bright, expressive, figurative text. The author uses not only the vocabulary of the codified literary language, but also a variety of visual arts from colloquial speech and vernacular.

Artistic speech, especially poetic, is characterized by inversion, i.e. changing the usual word order in a sentence in order to strengthen semantic significance any word, or give the entire phrase a special stylistic coloring.

The official business style of the modern Russian literary language functions in the sphere of administrative and legal social activities. It is implemented mainly in written form: in the texts of laws, decrees, orders, contracts, various official documents (applications, certificates, powers of attorney, receipts, etc.), in business correspondence of legal entities and individuals.

Main features of official business style:

1. Precision of presentation, not allowing the possibility of other interpretations. This is due to the necessary absolute adequacy of understanding the documents.

2.Detailed, exhaustive presentation.

3. Stereotyping, standardization of presentation (heterogeneous phenomena of life in an official business style fit into standard forms(form, certificate, instruction, law, application, business letter etc.), in business (legal) relations everything is regulated, so standards make it much easier).

4. Properly prescriptive modality (character) of presentation. Business speech is characterized by a special way of presentation - a statement, an assertion.

5. Formality and unemotionality.

The named features of the official business style are manifested not only in the system of linguistic means, but also in non-linguistic ways of designing specific texts: in composition, the nature of headings, highlighting paragraphs, that is, in their standard design, which allows them to be presented in the form of ready-made forms, where part of the text fixed, fixed and cannot be changed.

Document- is a means of securing in different ways on special material, information about events, phenomena of objective reality and human mental activity, intended for transmission in time and space for the purposes of storage and public use.

Documents are divided into official And personal . Personal documents include documents created by individual citizens: autobiography, application, power of attorney, receipt. Documents such as passports, ID cards, and education documents are also considered personal and are issued to citizens.

Official documents come on behalf of institutions, organizations, enterprises or representing officials.

Traditionally distinguished 5 main groups of service documentation :

1. Organizational – regulations, charters, instructions, rules, schedule;

2. Administrative - resolutions, instructions, orders;

3. Reference and information – letters, telegrams, reports and explanatory notes, protocols, acts;

4. On personnel – orders on personnel, personal files, characteristics;

5. Suggestions, statements and complaints from citizens.

In addition, the documents classify:

1. By place of compilationinternal(created by the institution itself in the process of documenting its activities) and external(come from outside, from other institutions, organizations and individual citizens).

2. According to the complexity of the contentsimple(reflect one question or address one topic) and complex(dedicated to several issues at the same time).

3. By shapeindividual(compiled on an arbitrary basis); typical , representing sample text; stencil, when part of the document is printed in advance (constant information), and part of the text is entered when it is compiled (variable information).

4. By stages of creationoriginals(documents created for the first time by an individual or collective author) and copies(repeated, absolutely accurate reproduction of the original, certified in in the prescribed manner). The most common types of copies include extract– a copy of the part of the document that is handed over; vacation– a complete copy of the sent document, filed in the file of the sending institution, duplicate– has the same force as the original.

The state standard for organizational and administrative documentation introduces uniformity in the execution of documents, which helps speed up their processing. The maximum composition of document details has been determined ( props is an information element of the document). Each of them is assigned a strictly mandatory place. It is the set of details that determines the type of document. Each document must be drawn up in accordance with the form adopted for this variety ( form- this is a set of details inherent in a certain type documents arranged in the prescribed sequence). In total, 31 details are provided for organizational and administrative documents. Let's list some of them: name of the ministry or department, name of the organization, name of the type of document, place of compilation or publication of the document, date, addressee, signature, seal, text - the contents of the document, which can be drawn up in the form of a table, questionnaire, or a free statement of the essence of the issue ; when including several questions, decisions or conclusions, it is advisable to highlight sections, subsections, and paragraphs.

The document can be drawn up on a form in accordance with the requirements of the adopted standard. Form- this is a sheet of paper with permanent details or parts thereof reproduced on it in a typographical manner. There are two types of forms - for letters and for organizational, administrative and other documents, as a rule, in two formats - A4 and A5. The use of forms gives the information an official character, facilitates the execution and further use of the document. Forms for documents of a mass nature, as a rule, contain stencil parts of text, which are supplemented with variable information when preparing the document.

Let us dwell in more detail on the features of drawing up some personal documents: autobiographies, statements, powers of attorney, receipts, resumes.



I, Tatyana Petrovna Smirnova, was born on April 15, 1992 in Tver, in the family of a military man.

My father, Smirnov Petr Nikolaevich, is a retired colonel of the medical service. Smirnova’s mother Elena Dmitrievna is a doctor at a regional clinical hospital.

In 1999 she entered high school No. 32 in Tver, which she graduated in 2009 with a silver medal.

In 2009 she entered Tverskoy state university to the Faculty of Psychology and Social Work with a specialty in Clinical Psychology. Currently I am a third-year student and the head of group 33.

01/15/2012 Smirnova

Statement. This document is addressed to the head of the institution. Details: addressee, addressee (last name, first name, patronymic, position - for internal documents, address, telephone - for external documents), content, signature, date.


To the Rector of Tver State University

Belotserkovsky A.V.

4th year students

Faculty of Philology

Petrova A.M.


I ask you to change my last name from Petrova to Ivanchenko in connection with my marriage.

Enclosure: photocopy of marriage certificate.

02/25/2012 signature

Power of attorney. This is a document indicating that one person (the principal) grants the right to some other person (the attorney) to perform certain actions or receive inventory items. Powers of attorney can be issued by officials (in this case they are written on letterhead) and by individual citizens (in this case they are drawn up in free form. Details: title of the document, last name, first name, patronymic of the principal (often with indication of passport data); last name, first name, patronymic of the person to whom the power of attorney was issued (often indicating passport data), contents of the power of attorney, signature, date; signature of the official who certified the signature of the principal; stamp, date.


Power of attorney.

I, Baranova Maria Nikolaevna (passport 2904 No. 759302, issued by the Zavolzhsky District Department of Internal Affairs of Tver on May 15, 2005), trust Vera Nikolaevna Burenok to receive my salary for September 2011 (passport 3502 No. 543819, issued by the Central District Department of Internal Affairs of Tver on July 10, 2002) .

09/30/12 signature of M.N. Baranov

Signature of Baranova M.N. I certify.

Head of HR Department signature N.L. Stepanova


Receipt. A receipt is a document certifying the receipt of any valuables (money, things, documents). The receipt may contain a circumstance that is recorded indicating the return period. Details: title of the document, contents: position, last name, first name and patronymic of the person who issued the valuables, list of valuables indicating the quantity; signature, date.



I, the librarian of school No. 7 in Tver, Elena Ivanovna Zakharova, received from the warehouse manager of PTNP LLC Alexey Fedorovich Stepanov bookcases for equipping the school library in the amount of 10 (ten) pieces with a total value of 100,000 (one hundred thousand) rubles.

Resume. The contents of this document will give the potential employer a first impression of you. The resume must be written correctly. Focus first on your strengths. professional qualities. The document is left neatly and no more than two pages.

Among the information about yourself, be sure to note:

1. Name, address and telephone number.

2. The position you are applying for.

3. Previous track record.

4. Education.

You can indicate those additional knowledge and skills that, in your opinion, may be of interest to a potential employer. It is not necessary to list all the references you have, but you should indicate that you can provide them if necessary.

Be completely honest. Don't exaggerate your abilities or write about having received an education that you actually don't have. If the deception is ever discovered, you could lose your job.

Instead of focusing on the negative aspects of your past experiences, it is better to concentrate on positive aspects. There is no need to show wit or depth of judgment in your resume. Write everything clearly and clearly, honestly describing the qualities that you possess, but in such a way that it does not look like boasting.

The resume should be printed on good paper and look neat and attractive.


Monicheva Irina Sergeevna

170005, Tver, Komsomolsky prospect, 9, apt. 35

52-11-19; 89038887766

e-mail: [email protected]

Goal: Getting a job as a clerk, secretary, assistant

Age – 22 years


2006 – 2011 Tver State University

Faculty of Management and Sociology

Specialty: Documentation

2007 – 2009 English courses

Professional skills and knowledge:

- work with documentation (in Russian and English);

- conducting business correspondence;

- organization of the office work process;

- organization of office work;

- participation in negotiations with partners;

- English language- free;

- working with office equipment;

- confident PC user (Windows, Word, Excel, Internet Explorer, Power Point)