I dreamed that my husband brought his mistress home. Husband wearing different shoes in a dream. Husband brought his mistress

Some people begin to worry if something appears to them in a dream. ex-lover. Sometimes its appearance is explained by the fact that the dreamer has not lost all his feelings. However, this is not at all necessary. If you dream of a former lover, then this means that soon certain events will happen in life, good or bad, depending on the actions of the lover in the dream.

If you dreamed about your ex-lover, you shouldn’t immediately think that it’s not without reason. Unfortunately, most take this as a sign that not everything is going smoothly in their family and their feelings for their ex-lover have not yet cooled down.

A person begins to indulge in memories of past love and even think about whether it is worth making peace with his former passion. This is where troubles come to the family, because... the dreamer begins to pay minimal attention to his family, because of this, quarrels and scandals appear in the house, which further pushes him to meet his former lover in reality.

If you dreamed about your ex-lover, upon waking up, you should try to remember the slightest, as well as the actions of your former lover. Because This is exactly what we should proceed from when interpreting a dream. A former loved one seen in a dream can predict both bad and good. Therefore, you should remember the dream thoroughly.

A dream about a former lover, oddly enough, is a sign that at the moment everything is fine in the family, especially if in a dream there was a farewell to her. If during a dream a person felt only friendly feelings towards his ex-lover, then he is completely confident in his relationship with his soulmate, and the dream is a subconscious signal of this.

But if the meeting did not go very smoothly, then you should pay attention to the events occurring in the family or relationship with a loved one. A fulfilled request from a former lover is also a bad omen.

If a person is in the company of a former lover, then soon he will not be able to avoid shame.

If she is visible from afar or with another person, then you can expect joyful events. A dream of intimacy with an ex warns of a huge misfortune in the family.

Secret meetings with a former beloved indicate that a person does not see himself in demand anywhere. If there was a pleasant conversation in a dream, it means that everything is fine on the personal front.

But if the conversation was raised, then in the future you should be careful, otherwise there is a high probability of sliding down.

If you dreamed about your ex-lover, you should pay attention to what is going on in the family. Perhaps little attention is paid to it, and therefore problems will soon arise. You should be more attentive to your soulmate and strengthen your relationship.

Sometimes it's nice to see a person in a dream. who was once loved. And some, on the contrary, are afraid if a familiar person appears in a dream, especially for whom feelings have not yet cooled down. However, it is worth remembering that this is a simple dream that can tell about upcoming events if you pay attention to it.

Why does my husband’s mistress dream?

It’s rare that a representative of the fair sex will be pleased to see her rival in a dream. It is not surprising that, having escaped from the clutches of Morpheus, she will immediately rush to find out why her husband’s mistress is dreaming. The easiest way to do this is to look in the dream book. The resulting decryption is, as a rule, general, but this may be enough to create full picture.

If the relationship between the dreamer and her husband’s mistress turned out to be friendly: the two women talked pleasantly about pleasant topics (including discussing their common man), did not try to harm each other, in a word, they coexisted, soul to soul, you can laugh at the dream. It doesn't mean anything bad. On the contrary, in reality, the husband remains sacredly faithful to his wife and does not even think about “left” connections.

A spoiled mood and an unreasonable quarrel with your significant other is what you can get as a result. But it is possible that there is not even a small fraction of truthfulness in what he saw.

Among other things, the husband’s mistress is a kind of illusion about a number of facts in the husband’s biography, which the wife is not even aware of. The matter concerns both the past and real life. Moreover, the conversation is far from being about some little things. The problem is global. Digging deeper, the dreamer may discover that her betrothed has illegitimate children (quite possibly conceived after their marriage) or huge debts, for which he can be sent to prison or rolled into concrete, depending on who he owes to.

For women who have not yet gotten married, such a dream does not bode well. They will have to endure a lot of troubles in the near future, and as a result they will run the risk of sinking to the bottom, degrading, experiencing severe suffering in this regard, and not finding the strength to return to their previous life.

A mistress in a dream can be seen by a woman whose relationship with her partner is not going well. For example, the latter stopped paying her enough attention or became cold in bed. It is not surprising that the brain first perceived this as the appearance of a new love object in a man’s life.

Often there is no particular reason to panic yet, and adultery exists only in the dreamer’s brain. By the way, for her the dream should be a wake-up call about the urgent need to take a certain number of measures. You can read about what needs to be done to introduce a new spirit into the routine of living together in articles on relevant topics.

According to the teachings of Sigmund Freud, a husband’s mistress often comes to female representatives in a dream with a bad conscience, i.e. the woman herself has either already cheated on her husband or is thinking about it. The brain constructs the husband’s infidelity to diminish the guilt of his mistress.

“Should I panic or not after my husband’s mistress appears in my next dream?” — there is a clear answer to this question: “No.” Firstly, the proof of adultery is too vague. Secondly, decisive actions are much more effective in saving relationships, rather than crying into the pillow.

Why does a lover dream? Dream interpretation

Often, night visions reflect real desires and dreams. Why does a lover dream? This dream has many facets and specific meanings. But he appears to unfaithful spouses and reminds them of betrayal to their lawful husband. This is worth thinking about and understanding family relationships. Many factors must be taken into account in interpretation.

Miller's opinion

The famous psychologist Miller learned to interpret dreams taking into account all the details. His technique is used to this day. If a married woman saw her lover in a dream, this means that in reality he does not bring her the desired sexual pleasure. In the case of unmarried people, such a dream foreshadows a meeting with a man who will cause a lot of emotions. This could lead to a serious love relationship in the future.

Sometimes exes come into visions at night. Women puzzle themselves with the question: why does a lover dream? But they know the answer very well. This is a sign of resentment towards a person who did not reciprocate the woman’s love, or an indicator that the feelings are still alive.

Dream for a married woman

If a married woman sees her lover kissing her in a dream, then this dream will not bring anything good. Most likely, close people guess about the betrayal and will soon be able to expose it. This situation can be avoided sincere confession. Otherwise, you will have to endure humiliation and a break in family relationships.

Vision for an unmarried woman

If an unmarried woman had such a dream, and her lover turned out to be an unknown man, she should remember his face. Perhaps in reality a person with a similar appearance will appear and become her lover. This vision portends changes for the better in your personal life. If you had a dream on Thursday, then something will soon happen in a woman’s life. romantic story with a happy ending.

Such dreams can be dreamed by a married woman who does not have a lover on the side. If she had to see him in a dream, then this means cold family relationships. Such a woman feels unloved and does not receive care and affection from her husband. This dream may well become reality. To prevent this from happening, the girl should discuss all issues with her husband.

Bad dream

Seeing a lover in a dream who is cheating with another woman is a sign of deceit and non-reciprocal love in real life. It may also foreshadow the breakdown of such a relationship or the use of a woman by a man for material purposes.

If in a dream you dreamed of sex with your lover, this indicates the girl’s painful sexual suffering and a feeling of lust for a man. But if there was no intimacy with the dreamed person in real life, then it is necessary to reconsider the relationship with your husband. It is recommended to pay more attention to each other in order to strengthen family relationships. If you had a dream on Thursday, then soon your married life will change for the better.


We are talking about a vision in which a woman saw her dead lover. If this person is alive, then the relationship with him is over. A woman herself can determine what her lover is dreaming about. Everything directly depends on the circumstances in real life.


Conversing with a lover in a dream is good sign. Such a dream foretells happiness in family relationships, mutual understanding between spouses, sexual intimacy and satisfaction. This is also a sign that in reality the woman does not intend to look for pleasure on the side.

Good sleep

Dreams can be very unpredictable and precise. For example, if you dreamed of a naked lover, this indicates his sincerity and serious intentions about his beloved. In addition, such a partner in real life wants to move from his position to the status of a legal husband and not hide his relationships and feelings.

Hard choice

When a married woman dreams of her lover and her husband in the same dream, it is not difficult to understand what this means. Most likely, the woman in her mind constantly compares these two men. In real life, she finds it difficult to make a decision and choose one person. But if you continue to play with the feelings of other people, you can lose both of them and end up alone.

Married women who have a lover on their side often think about possible exposure, the reaction of their husband, and the choice between two men. There is nothing strange that the subconscious pictures these situations in a dream. Sooner or later, a feeling of guilt awakens and manifests itself in dreams. To get rid of bad dreams, you need to admit everything yourself. Then there will be more chances for a successful completion.

If a lover has a wife...

The situation becomes more complicated if the lover also has a family. A woman often thinks what will happen if his wife finds out about their relationship. Often a lady torments herself with thoughts about how to act correctly and what to do. Such people are in constant physical and psychological stress. They constantly have to hide their relationships, thereby greatly risking losing their families.

If a girl dreams of a lover who has a wife, she may find herself in a bad situation. Not of her own free will, she may be chosen as the main character for gossip. A woman may become a victim of deception and contact a person who has no serious plans for a future relationship.

What else could such a dream mean? The lover’s wife in night vision indicates that the wife suspects her husband’s infidelity. This could end badly for the lover. In addition to talking with your rival, you should expect a break in your relationship with your loved one.

If your lover has children...

If a lover has children and they come to his wife on the side in a dream, this means that she is experiencing moral torment. Understanding the current situation, the woman suffers from torment of conscience. In the future, she can rethink the current situation and make a decision that will resolve it.

Why does a lover dream? In most cases, a woman is able to determine it herself.

When a lonely girl dreams of a house in which her lover lives with his family, in reality she can become someone’s wife and mother. Quarrels with a lover may begin and all kinds of relationships may break. Maybe this is for the best, because you can’t build your happiness on someone else’s grief.


Now you know why a lover dreams. To clearly understand the vision, you need to consider all aspects.

Dream Interpretation Lover

Why does a Lover dream in a dream according to the dream book?

I dreamed of a lover - a symbol of a hidden desire to bring some variety to life, as well as the personification of a lack of affection and love. To see that you have a lover - you should think about your relationship with your spouse.

What kind of lover did you dream about?

I dreamed of a young lover

Why does a young lover dream? You're missing male power, which evokes in the subconscious similar visions. The situation will soon change, you will have a relationship with your partner.

Dreaming of a dead lover

A deceased lover is interpreted by the Felomena dream book as an upcoming change of job or of people around you. The meaning of the dream will depend on the feelings you experience. If you experience sadness and melancholy, get the necessary support from your loved ones.

Why do you dream about a drunken lover?

Seeing a drunken lover in a dream means you are about to meet an unpleasant person. Maintain your composure, otherwise your frivolity will cause you to lose control of the situation.

Seeing a naked lover in a dream

If you dream of a naked lover - if you have a lover in reality, you should worry about his life and health; the onset of a serious illness is possible. If the vision is erotic in nature, everything will end well.

Dreaming of a sick lover

I dreamed of a sick lover - serious changes will occur in communication with one of my loved ones. Most likely, you will be extremely disappointed by his frivolous behavior and actions.

Whose lover did you dream about?

Dreaming about my wife's lover

A dream about your wife's lover clearly indicates problems in relationships with other people, be they employees, relatives or acquaintances. The situation is difficult, but something definitely needs to be done about it.

I dreamed about my lover

Why do you dream about your own lover? This dream clearly reflects a feeling of guilt and a desire to change something in life, namely in its intimate part. Take action, now is the best time for this.

Who did you see in your dream besides your lover?

Seeing a lover with his wife in a dream

The dream book views a lover and his wife as a call to stop worrying about little things. Something in life worries you, but there is no reason for it. Soon you will be able to verify this.

What did the lover do in the dream?

Lover hugs his wife in his sleep

A lover hugs his wife in a dream - you are tired of double life. In an effort to stop playing a double game, you can make many wrong steps. Everything needs to be thought through carefully.

I dreamed that my lover left me

If you dream that your lover has left you, a pleasant surprise awaits you, the receipt of income. Material affairs will gradually improve, the financial situation will stabilize.

What did you do with your lover in your dream?

Kissing your lover in a dream

If you dreamed that you kissed your lover, you will be betrayed. These could be work colleagues or friends. The intervention of a person from the past will have negative influence for your promotion career ladder. However, events will have a favorable outcome.

I dreamed that I was arguing with my lover

A dream in which you had a fight with your lover, in reality promises a serious relationship and strong affection for your lover. This romance will last a very long time and will be happy.

Having sex with your lover in a dream

Why dream of having sex with your lover? The dream demonstrates that in reality you lack love intimacy, attention, and thrills. If you are actually in a relationship, then it is likely to fade.

Hiding a lover in a dream

According to Felomena’s dream book, hiding a lover means having a not entirely clear conscience. This vision calls for more careful behavior. You need to be especially careful about your secrets, as their leakage can cause serious harm.

How are other dream books interpreted?

Dream Interpretation ex-lover

Why does the former Lover dream in a dream according to the dream book?

Dream Interpretation ex-lover in a dream

Why do you dream about your ex-lover? Dream interpretation

Seeing your ex-lover in a dream means you will soon encounter a surprise. If you see yourself in bed with a former lover, the old resentment will make itself felt again. If a former lover kisses you in a dream, then in reality you need to expect problems of various kinds.

If in a dream it seems that the former lover does not recognize or does not notice, then this means that it will no longer be possible to return the lover to your network. If a former lover gets married, then you need to take a closer look at your surroundings - one of these men may become closer than originally expected. When dreams with an ex haunt you, perhaps he is bored in reality and wants to renew the relationship. To do this or not depends only on personal desire.

Boyfriend's mistress

Dream Interpretation Boyfriend's Mistress dreamed of why a guy’s mistress dreams in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a guy’s mistress in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

For a man to see his mistress in a dream - to revitalization in a relationship, to a new outbreak of love, but also to the threat of public shame. If a man dreams of his alleged mistress, in reality he will be able to achieve the fulfillment of his plans and desires only by showing willpower. Finding out or seeing that your mistress is unfaithful to you means a clash between old enemies. Seeing that a stranger is hugging her means losing your best friend.

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

For a man to dream that he is in the company of his mistress, foreshadows the threat of public shame that will overshadow him true character and the state of affairs. For a woman to see herself as a concubine in a dream means that she will humiliate herself with indecent behavior. If a man sees in a dream that his mistress is unfaithful to him, this means a clash that will happen in reality with old enemies. As a result of this, losses await him.

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

If a man sees himself with his mistress in a dream, he should be wary of shame, which will affect his family and turn his beloved away from him. If a woman dreams that she is someone's lover, her behavior will arouse the contempt of others.

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

A man who sees himself with his mistress in a dream may be subject to public disgrace. A woman who sees herself in the role of a concubine will humiliate herself with indecent behavior. The infidelity of a mistress is a dream of a clash with old enemies.

Dream Interpretation - Paired Dream

Sometimes dreams in some surprising way coincide with the phenomena of real life. We are not talking about prophetic dreams. For prophetic dream warns the dreamer about important event, which ends a period of a person’s life or life in general. A dream paired with an event, as a rule, opens a chain of phenomena going into the future.

Dream Interpretation - Mistress (lover)

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

A man in a dream doubts his mistress - he must prepare to fight with others.

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

A conversation in a dream with a person of this kind threatens you with many troubles. For a variety of reasons, you risk losing yourself, your face, sliding down, degrading and, of course, suffering greatly from this. This is an extremely unpleasant dream.

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

Seeing yourself in this role means fulfilling this spicy situation in reality. Dream hint: for a more successful and quick recovery, you need to make love with your regular partner.

Why do you dream of a Mistress (lover)?

Why do you dream of a Mistress (lover)

If you see your mistress (lover) in a dream, great joy awaits you ahead.

Seeing a Mistress (lover) in a dream

If you dream that your lover is having fun with someone, then expect disagreements with work colleagues or a quarrel with a friend (if, of course, you saw him in a dream). A lover who confesses his feelings to you in a dream is actually condemning you for some wrongdoing. Seeing your lover (or beloved) beautiful in a dream is a sign that your relationship will be sincere. If in a dream he (she) looks terrible or does not look like himself, then unpleasant surprises await you. Seeing your lover (your mistress) dressed (dressed) in new clothes in a dream means that he has changed his intentions and will not keep his promise to you. If you previously had any plans for the future, then you can put an end to them. A dream in which you saw that your lover (or she) is cheating on you means that your competitors or enemies have prepared a cunning trap for you to disgrace or ruin you. Being a lover or mistress in a dream is a sign of shame and humiliation that you do not deserve.

Dreams, according to many experts, are, first of all, a reflection of our emotional state. But what if a married woman dreams of a rival?

What does such a dream mean, and most importantly, what does the husband’s mistress dream about and should we expect any troubles in the near future? In order to find out the answers to all these questions, just look into the dream book.

The transcript obtained in this way is usually general, but can still help in creating a complete picture. If a woman sees her husband’s mistress quite often in a dream, then, first of all, this indicates her complex relationship with her husband. It is necessary to solve the problem urgently, otherwise a family crisis or even divorce is just around the corner.

  1. Try to interest your husband again: diversify your sex life, add some novelty to your usual relationships, etc.
  2. Give special attention to his appearance: impeccable makeup, hairstyle and, of course, beautiful clothes (you shouldn’t walk around the house in a washed robe and with curlers on your head).
    After marriage, many girls for some reason forget that they are representatives of the fair sex and stop taking care of themselves, which, naturally, does not add attractiveness to them in the eyes of their spouse.
  3. It’s not bad to give up on all the problems and go on a romantic trip together with your beloved. So to speak, give yourself a second one honeymoon.
  4. IN hopeless situation when nothing helps, and the family boat is stubbornly sinking, you should turn to a psychologist for help.

Friendship with your husband's mistress - what is it for?

When in a dream a woman not only suspects her husband of infidelity, but even personally knows his passion: she communicates nicely, sits at the same table, etc. - everything is not so bad. As the modern dream book interprets, for example, a husband’s mistress in such a situation means mutual understanding, harmony, fidelity and happy family life.

However, a dream takes on a completely different meaning if it involves a clarification of the relationship between a wife, mistress and husband - it foreshadows an imminent separation, bitterness, resentment and disappointment. A dream where a woman found her husband with someone else signals her anxiety and serious mistrust of her husband.

  • Note: perhaps in reality there really is mutual discontent between husband and wife, which threatens to develop into, at a minimum, a huge scandal.

In addition, such a dream is often evidence of the secret thoughts and innermost desires of a loved one. What about men? Separately, it should be noted this interesting fact: if a man sees in a dream that he is cheating on his wife with his mistress, but in fact this is not true, then:

  • it is necessary to pay more attention to family relationships;
  • both partners are sorely lacking in affection and understanding.

Changes, but not mine

In the event that a married woman dreamed unknown man(in the role of her husband) with his mistress - you should take a closer look at your own surroundings.

Perhaps one of the friends is planning evil, but the dreamer herself is to blame for this. Or rather, her immodesty and frivolous behavior. It is best to postpone planned tasks and important events for a certain time in order to wait out the brewing storm. To see in a dream how a husband passionately kisses his mistress foreshadows an unpleasant situation where the wife will play the main role. It is worth rejecting an offer from business partners or friends, then there is a chance to avoid losses and disappointments.

Interpretation of dreams by various dream books

When asked why the husband’s mistress dreamed, the English dream book answers: big troubles await. Such a dream certainly does not foretell a happy family life for the wife, quite the opposite - degradation in relationships and moral decline.

Miller's dream book, in turn, claims that a rival who dreamed of a married woman signals a bad state of affairs for her husband: public disgrace and betrayal of friends await him.

If a mistress cheats on her husband in a dream, then in reality he will encounter long-forgotten enemies and again will not be able to avoid trouble. According to the Vedic interpretation of dreams, a husband’s betrayal is a warning to his wife about danger. It is necessary to avoid anything related to fire: possible electric shock, burns, fire, etc.

Such a dream promises trouble, however, at the same time it indicates the fidelity of a loved one.

Sleep from a psychological point of view

Some psychologists argue that if a woman often sees her husband’s mistress in a dream, this means her experiences and pangs of conscience; in other words, the wife herself is not without sin.

  • Perhaps you should honestly tell everything to your spouse, then the fear of exposure will go away.

In addition, such a phenomenon in a dream can signal unreasonable jealousy towards your husband.

  • Advice:- a feeling that destroys not only a person from the inside, but also kills a marriage, you need to work on yourself.

Sexual dream book: IN in this case, the husband’s mistress in a dream does not promise any troubles, but, at the same time, indicates health problems that will go away if the wife has sex with her husband more often.

Also, many popular dream books give the following interpretation to a dream where there is a betrayal of a spouse - a woman on a subconscious level is afraid of loneliness and deception. Sometimes this may herald the beginning of a difficult period in her relationship with her husband, when a lot of effort will be required to save the marriage.

Husband's child from another woman. If you dreamed about your husband’s pregnant mistress, most often, such a dream has psychological basis, nervous tension and fear take their toll. Don't worry.

The same can be said about a dream in which the joint child of a husband and mistress appears. Naturally, a baby in a dream, as a rule, means troubles, but it is not at all necessary that they will be associated with problems due to the infidelity of the spouse.

Well, in conclusion, it is important to note that dreams do not always come true, and therefore worrying ahead of time, much less tormenting yourself or causing scandals for your husband, is a bad idea! Author: Elena Zavyalova

Almost every person wants to know something about the future. It is thanks to this that dream interpretation becomes more and more popular every day. To learn about future events, try to remember as many details and emotional stress as possible.

Why does my husband’s mistress dream?

Most often, such a dream represents problems between spouses in real life. The dream book says that the time has come to introduce something new into the relationship. If you talked with your husband’s mistress, it means that, on the contrary, there is mutual understanding in the family, and you can rest assured that your spouse remains faithful. A dream where you argued with your husband's mistress predicts serious scandals that can lead to separation. In one of the dream books, such a dream is considered an indication that it is necessary to talk frankly with your spouse, since you do not know much about his past, and even about the present. For single representatives of the fair sex, seeing your husband’s mistress in a dream is a negative sign that promises the emergence of numerous problems. In the coming period, your psychological state may be seriously affected and it will not be easy to get out of the crisis.

There is another interesting opinion that women who have a guilty conscience see their husband’s mistress in a dream. Perhaps you yourself are cheating on your spouse or you often think about it. A night vision in which a husband appeared with a mistress whom you do not know can be taken as a recommendation that you should take a closer look at the people from your close circle. If in a dream you had to beat your husband’s mistress, it means that in reality you are too self-confident, believing that you cannot have a competitor. Seeing your husband kissing someone else is a sign that you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation. A dream where your husband's mistress is pregnant mainly indicates the presence of nervous tension and fear.


The interpretation of a dream in which your husband is in love with another woman is quite predictable: most likely, not everything is going smoothly in your relationship, therefore, in order to save them, you need to bring something new into your family life, fill it with unexpected events and, ultimately, something new meaning.

However, if in a dream you not only suspect your husband of infidelity, but also know your husband’s mistress, see her and even talk to her, then in reality you have nothing to fear; such a plot means, on the contrary, mutual understanding, fidelity and happiness in marriage. But an imminent separation and even divorce can mean a dream in which you sort things out, have a row with your husband and his mistress.


If you dreamed that your husband has a mistress, and you see her, most likely in reality you suspect him of cheating, but without any reason. You should not give free rein to your fears and emotions, this can destroy family well-being. Try to evaluate such a dream from a different perspective, analyzing what you saw in detail. So, if your husband’s mistress is beautiful and young, then you will have fun, joy, and good changes in life. If she is old and ugly, beware of disappointments and troubles, which can be completely avoided if you prepare for them in advance.


Husband mistress

Dream Interpretation Husband mistress dreamed of why a husband dreams about his mistress? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see your husband as your mistress in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Lover's Husband

Dream Interpretation - Mistress (lover)

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

Dream Interpretation - Mistress (lover)

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

Dream Interpretation - Husband


Fight with my husband's mistress

Dream Interpretation Fight with your husband's mistress dreamed of why you dream about fighting with your husband’s mistress? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Fighting with your husband’s mistress in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Lover's Husband

Seeing your mistress’s husband means separation / what you see in a dream will happen in reality.

It is a joy to visit his sick person.

To see him rich means misfortune awaits him

Dream Interpretation - Mistress (lover)

If you dream that your lover is having fun with someone, then expect disagreements with work colleagues or a quarrel with a friend (if, of course, you saw him in a dream). A lover who confesses his feelings to you in a dream is actually condemning you for some wrongdoing. Seeing your lover (or beloved) beautiful in a dream is a sign that your relationship will be sincere. If in a dream he (she) looks terrible or does not look like himself, then unpleasant surprises await you. Seeing your lover (your mistress) dressed (dressed) in new clothes in a dream means that he has changed his intentions and will not keep his promise to you. If you previously had any plans for the future, then you can put an end to them. A dream in which you saw that your lover (or she) is cheating on you means that your competitors or enemies have prepared a cunning trap for you to disgrace or ruin you. Being a lover or mistress in a dream is a sign of shame and humiliation that you do not deserve.

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

For a man to see his mistress in a dream - to revitalization in a relationship, to a new outbreak of love, but also to the threat of public shame.

If a man dreams of his alleged mistress, in reality he will be able to achieve the fulfillment of his plans and desires only by showing willpower.

Finding out or seeing that your mistress is unfaithful to you means a clash between old enemies.

Seeing that a stranger is hugging her means losing your best friend.

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

For a man to dream that he is in the company of his mistress, foreshadows the threat of public disgrace, which will overshadow his true character and state of affairs.

For a woman to see herself as a concubine in a dream means that she will humiliate herself with indecent behavior.

If a man sees in a dream that his mistress is unfaithful to him, this means a clash that will happen in reality with old enemies. As a result of this, losses await him.

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

If a man sees himself with his mistress in a dream, he should be wary of shame, which will affect his family and turn his beloved away from him. If a woman dreams that she is someone's lover, her behavior will arouse the contempt of others.

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

A man who sees himself with his mistress in a dream may be subject to public disgrace.

A woman who sees herself in the role of a concubine will humiliate herself with indecent behavior.

Dreaming of a lover's infidelity means a clash with old enemies.

Dream Interpretation - Mistress (lover)

If you see your mistress (lover) in a dream, great joy awaits you ahead.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Hugging and kissing your husband when meeting or seeing him off is a sign of complete understanding and love between spouses, peace and harmony in the family.

If in a dream you give your husband a letter addressed to him, having previously familiarized yourself with its contents secretly from your spouse, this foreshadows a divorce and division of property through the courts.

If your husband came home from work tired and also sick, such a dream foreshadows troubles and lack of money. A cheerful and energetic husband returning from hunting or fishing means prosperity in the home and new acquisitions.

A dream in which you accuse your husband of cheating speaks of your overly biased attitude towards him in real life. If in a dream your husband leaves his family in your care, and himself disappears for several days in an unknown direction, without deigning to give any explanation, such a dream means a temporary discord in the relationship between you, which, however, will soon be replaced by complete agreement.

A quarrel with your husband because of your addiction to alcohol should make you think about the origins of this weakness of your spouse - is it not in your behavior that they lie?

Burying your husband in a dream foreshadows the arrival of his friends, because of which the apartment will temporarily turn into an inn and at the same time a drinking establishment.

A dream in which you leave your husband for another person can bring you big troubles in real life due to your too sharp and long tongue.

If in a dream your husband goes on a business trip, and you act according to the classic scheme, receiving your lover on your marital bed, in reality your excessive coquetry will give your husband a reason to suspect something is wrong.

For a young girl, a dream in which she sees herself married does not promise her marriage in the near future.

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

A man in a dream doubts his mistress - he must prepare to fight with others.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

A quarrel with your husband means his trust and respect for you.

Such a dream may also portend some troubles outside the family.

If a wife dreams of a very affectionate husband, problems may arise in the family.

If a woman dreams that her husband left her for no apparent reason, in reality this means a short-term cooling of the relationship, which, in any case, will be replaced by mutual attraction and agreement.

If you dreamed about your husband being sick or tired, then this means that one of your relatives is ill.

If you see your husband cheerful and cheerful, life will open up brilliant prospects for you.

There will be material well-being.

If you dreamed that your husband was in love with another woman, not all is well in the family.

It is possible that your relationship is too monotonous and something needs to be changed in it.

If a married woman dreamed that she fell in love with another man, she is lonely in the family or does not receive satisfaction from intimate relationships with her husband.

If a girl dreamed that she got married, she should pay more attention to her appearance and think about her dignity.

If you dreamed that your husband was leaving, but when leaving home he seemed to become taller - the dream foreshadows that close people will be against your marriage and you will have to fight for your happiness.

If you dreamed of a scandal in which not only your husband, but also another woman is involved, this means divorce or significant losses.

If you dreamed that your husband was killed as a result of a scandal, this is very bad dream.

If a husband dreams that he is fighting with her, peace will come to the family.

If a wife caresses her husband, it means profit.


Why do you dream that your husband has a mistress?


mila aidinova

you are worried somewhere a thought has stuck, just throw it away since out of all the women he chose you! it means you are worth it! Good luck!


sleep - in hand


expect news from your in-laws within a week, but don't be alarmed, everything will be fine


If the moon was waning, everything is wrong and he loves you very much. On the waxing moon, on the singing day of the month, the day or Wednesday, Saturday - dreams will come true, especially if it is a vivid, memorable dream.


Don't ignore this dream.... but don't stress either....

Meeting of Hearts

I turned to a person, I had such a situation in my life and I needed to control my husband, my friend
I advised the guy Igor his name, he wiretapped my husband’s phone and I was able to listen to calls and read SMS on WhatsApp Viber, he does everything via the Internet, I do it to him
She gave me the number and an hour later everything was working. here is his email please contact me [email protected]

Beating ex-husband's mistress

Dream Interpretation Beating a Mistress ex-husband dreamed of why you dream about beating your ex-husband’s mistress? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see your ex-husband’s mistress beaten in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Ex-boyfriend, husband

An ex-boyfriend or ex-husband who appears in a dream symbolizes your excessive preoccupation with the past.

This is what prevents you from moving forward and developing as an individual; your ex-love doesn't want to give up your present love's place in your heart.

The dream in which you parted with this person suggests that the time is coming for a change of priorities, the collapse of previous ideals.

After this internal audit, things will go much better for you, in all areas of your life.

Dream Interpretation - Lover's Husband

Seeing your mistress’s husband means separation / what you see in a dream will happen in reality.

It is a joy to visit his sick person.

To see him rich means misfortune awaits him

Dream Interpretation - Beating

Beating is a shameful act.

Dream Interpretation - Mistress (lover)

If you dream that your lover is having fun with someone, then expect disagreements with work colleagues or a quarrel with a friend (if, of course, you saw him in a dream). A lover who confesses his feelings to you in a dream is actually condemning you for some wrongdoing. Seeing your lover (or beloved) beautiful in a dream is a sign that your relationship will be sincere. If in a dream he (she) looks terrible or does not look like himself, then unpleasant surprises await you. Seeing your lover (your mistress) dressed (dressed) in new clothes in a dream means that he has changed his intentions and will not keep his promise to you. If you previously had any plans for the future, then you can put an end to them. A dream in which you saw that your lover (or she) is cheating on you means that your competitors or enemies have prepared a cunning trap for you to disgrace or ruin you. Being a lover or mistress in a dream is a sign of shame and humiliation that you do not deserve.

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

For a man to see his mistress in a dream - to revitalization in a relationship, to a new outbreak of love, but also to the threat of public shame.

If a man dreams of his alleged mistress, in reality he will be able to achieve the fulfillment of his plans and desires only by showing willpower.

Finding out or seeing that your mistress is unfaithful to you means a clash between old enemies.

Seeing that a stranger is hugging her means losing your best friend.

Dream Interpretation - Ex-girlfriend, wife

A dream in which yours appeared ex-lover, suggests that the past still lives in your heart, although you may studiously avoid memories of it.

You wait for something to change for the better in your life, secretly dreaming of the return of bygone bright, joyful days and doing nothing.

The dream tells you: stop waiting for the weather from the sea, be more active, and luck will certainly smile on you.

If you dreamed that your ex died, this means that a new period will begin in your life very soon.

It is difficult to say how favorable it will be.

However, it is absolutely certain that you will not be bored; you will simply have no time to indulge in memories, no matter what they are - pleasant or vice versa.

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

For a man to dream that he is in the company of his mistress, foreshadows the threat of public disgrace, which will overshadow his true character and state of affairs.

For a woman to see herself as a concubine in a dream means that she will humiliate herself with indecent behavior.

If a man sees in a dream that his mistress is unfaithful to him, this means a clash that will happen in reality with old enemies. As a result of this, losses await him.

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

If a man sees himself with his mistress in a dream, he should be wary of shame, which will affect his family and turn his beloved away from him. If a woman dreams that she is someone's lover, her behavior will arouse the contempt of others.

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

A man who sees himself with his mistress in a dream may be subject to public disgrace.

A woman who sees herself in the role of a concubine will humiliate herself with indecent behavior.

Dreaming of a lover's infidelity means a clash with old enemies.

Dream Interpretation - Mistress (lover)

If you see your mistress (lover) in a dream, great joy awaits you ahead.


The wife dreamed of her husband's mistress

Dream Interpretation - Wife

The wife is pregnant - indicates that she has connections on the side.

Your wife hits you - misfortune, trouble.

The wife sees a dragon - foretells the birth of a noble offspring.

The wife gives her husband water - happiness.

A wife and husband give each other combs - portends happiness.

A wife or concubine beats you - misfortune, trouble.

The wife puts on brocade clothes - foretells the birth of a noble offspring.

A wife with her hair down means she has a secret affair, a lover.

You hit your wife, If you take the powder, a beautiful daughter will be born.

Wife's genitals Seeing is a squabble.

For your wife Seeing a naked body is a great happiness.

If you beat your wife or concubine, you will lose strength.

If you go somewhere with your spouse (wife), there will soon be a misfortune.

The empress or the ruler's wife calls you and offers you a drink - there will be illness.

A husband and wife beat each other and fight - foreshadows the imminent establishment of a harmonious relationship.

A husband and wife enter the market - foreshadows the acquisition of real estate.

Husband and wife feasting together - portends separation.

Husband and wife greet each other with a ritual bow - foreshadows separation.

Husband and wife scold each other - portends illness.

Hugging your wife is a joyful situation.

You ascend to heaven in search of a wife - sons and daughters will achieve a noble position.

Traveling with your wife is a loss of wealth.

Sitting with your wife is a great joy.

Connecting with your wife means the existence of otherworldly spells, obsessions.

Suing your wife for housing is happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

A man in a dream doubts his mistress - he must prepare to fight with others.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

A quarrel with your husband means his trust and respect for you.

Such a dream may also portend some troubles outside the family.

If a wife dreams of a very affectionate husband, problems may arise in the family.

If a woman dreams that her husband left her for no apparent reason, in reality this means a short-term cooling of the relationship, which, in any case, will be replaced by mutual attraction and agreement.

If you dreamed about your husband being sick or tired, then this means that one of your relatives is ill.

If you see your husband cheerful and cheerful, life will open up brilliant prospects for you.

There will be material well-being in the house.

If you dreamed that your husband was in love with another woman, not all is well in the family.

It is possible that your relationship is too monotonous and something needs to be changed in it.

If a married woman dreamed that she fell in love with another man, she is lonely in the family or does not receive satisfaction from intimate relationships with her husband.

If a girl dreamed that she got married, she should pay more attention to her appearance and think about her dignity.

If you dreamed that your husband was leaving, but when leaving home he seemed to become taller - the dream foreshadows that close people will be against your marriage and you will have to fight for your happiness.

If you dreamed of a scandal in which not only your husband, but also another woman is involved, this means divorce or significant losses.

If you dreamed that your husband was killed as a result of a scandal, this is a very bad dream.

If a husband dreams that he is fighting with her, peace will come to the family.

If a wife caresses her husband, it means profit.

Dream Interpretation - Husband, man

For a woman to see in a dream that her husband, lover or close friend got married is a prediction that separation and loneliness will soon await her.

If you dream that you are looking for your husband, but he is not there, or you are calling him, and he has turned his back to you and does not respond, or that he has left you, then your relationship is ruined. Mutual understanding and tender affection have been lost between you. And if you have a hard time, your husband will not support you.

Seeing him in a dream as painfully pale, unlike himself, means that troubles await you, because of which you will lose peace and sleep. Seeing your husband handsome (without frills) and pleasant in a dream is a sign of joy and pleasant troubles.

A dream in which you saw that your husband is infatuated with another lady tells you that you should pay more attention to him in order to make your life together more attractive and interesting, since your husband is currently dissatisfied with his life with you. Quarreling and swearing, fighting with him in a dream is the opposite dream, which foreshadows joyful events and peace in the house. Seeing your husband killed in a dream means that you yourself can create a situation in the family, followed by divorce. What a man should do in his dream women's work- a sign of troubles, losses, stagnation in business. Sometimes such a dream predicts death from an accident for the sleeper. Seeing a man with a white beard in a dream means that you should take care of your health.

Seeing a dead man on the street in a dream is a sign that you will be able to find a new source of enrichment. Sometimes such a dream means that your worries and troubles will soon end. Seeing your husband dead in a dream is a sign of loss and great misfortune. Seeing a lot of men in a dream is a sign that you will not find a place for yourself. If a woman dreams of a young, pleasant-looking man and speaks to her, then changes in her personal life will soon await her. Remember this person's words and what he looks like. If your impression of him in a dream is pleasant, then such changes will occur. And vice versa. Seeing a freak in a dream and getting scared is a sign of anxiety, trouble and grief. Sometimes such a dream means that close person will betray or deceive you. See interpretation: beard, freak, stranger, dead man.

Dream Interpretation - Husband, wife in a dream (dead in reality)

All the aspects indicated for deceased parents (relatives) are true, but the incompleteness of the relationship is often even deeper, especially if the couple lived together for a very long time. They died in the plot of the dream, but are alive in reality, a happy time of harmony and peace for both spouses; divorce. Even more rarely, a death seen has a literal predictive meaning.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Arguing with your husband means a happy family life. Your husband left you - the end of a protracted quarrel. Accuses of infidelity - earn the respect and recognition of relatives. Fighting means getting rid of a serious illness. A fatal quarrel - avoid divorce. You are offended by your husband - prosperity awaits your home and life will open new horizons for you. Filed for divorce - a quick establishment of harmonious relationships. Swearing at a party with friends means traveling together. A widow dreams about you - you will get married again. Unmarried - you will have a new admirer. Sleeping with your husband means prosperity. With a stranger - a profitable financial offer from a business partner. Husband cheats - acquisition of property.

Imagine that you and your husband are walking along a wide, flat road. The sun is shining on you.

Dream Interpretation - Wife

For a man to see his wife (present or former) in a dream - to family troubles and unfinished business.

Seeing a smart wife means trouble.

Tattered, in rags - to worries.

For the sick - to pleasure.

A beauty means a quarrel.

Fighting with her means reconciliation.

Swearing means illness of one of the spouses.

A very affectionate wife means great income for the family.

A wife's dissatisfaction in a dream means complaints about fate, failure in business in reality.

If you dreamed that your wife was marrying someone else, a sad change in affairs or divorce awaits you.

Beating your wife in a dream means finding out that she cheated in reality.

Sleeping with a friend's wife means separation from a friend and enmity.

Seeing your wife in a brothel in a dream is a symbol of your dishonest enrichment in reality, illegal profits under the cover of false decency.

Killing your wife means committing an act harmful to the honor of your family.

When a woman dreams that she is a wife and has a very affectionate husband, this is a symbol of grief in her real family.

If she dreams that her husband beats her, she will commit an unseemly act that will cause condemnation from others and disorder in her own home.

If in a dream you, as a wife, are going to marry someone else, this means that you will outlive your husband or divorce him.

An angry wife means a storm in nature.

A wife with a child in her arms means sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

If the husband is healthy, cheerful, and looks good, this is a sign of family well-being.

Pale, thin, sad - to the illness of one of the family members.

Seeing your husband dead is a great misfortune.

Quarrel, even fight with your husband - to peace and harmony.

If your husband leaves you for no reason in a dream, then in reality there will be a temporary cooling between you.

If you dream that your husband is leaving for another woman, you must fight the monotony and routine of family life, as your relationship suffers from this.

Leaving your husband and falling in love with someone else means loneliness in the family and dissatisfaction.

If a girl dreams that she is married, she should be more concerned about her attractiveness to men.

Feasting with your husband means separation.

Intimacy is someone else's interference in business, someone else's influence.

Traveling with your husband means loss of property.

Giving your husband something to drink is good luck.

Dream Interpretation - A wife trying to wear her husband's clothes

Youthful pleasures.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

A husband and wife beat each other and fight - foreshadows the imminent establishment of a harmonious relationship.

Husband and wife share hairpins, head decorations - portends separation in

A husband and wife enter the market - foreshadows the acquisition of real estate.

I was going to kick him out to our car. Hello. I see a dream and

​ At first I just - a sign of shame I dreamed that she

My husband is nearby in agreement. In the company of his mistress, he will marry Dreams, as many claim. I dreamed that my boss and I opened the door, and

What do dreams say?

I see my lover, I watch, then I want the humiliation that I fell in love with another and gives me

A quarrel with her husband portends the threat of a public young but broken specialist, this is formerly my mistress

There's a husband sitting there. I'm walking down the road to hit them, you don't deserve it. A man - for money in his way because of his hobby

​shame that will eclipse the young man who is everything at once, a reflection of our husband and he

How to save a marriage?

  1. It’s a woman, but I see her. The weather is cloudy, the sky is gray. For a man to see her alone in the family
  2. In the hands of a large pack of alcohol should make his true character give her a child. emotional state. is going to go to the hands of my husband only black and I am in the unknown
    ​ in a dream about your mistress or doesn’t receive money and says you should think about the state of affairs. Why is a lover dreaming? But what if she has a child. I ask
  3. She's blonde. I took the room, I open the door so that - to revive satisfaction from intimate ones, take their origins of this weakness For a woman to see - If in
  4. ​ A married woman dreamed about MY HUSBAND’S LOVER DREAMED about her “Who are you???”, and on her arm she went out into the yard.​ in a relationship, to​ a relationship with her husband.​

And recount it. He’s your wife - didn’t you have a fight with your rival in a dream?

Friendship with your husband's mistress - what is it for?

​ IN MOTHER'S APARTMENT (MOM​ she silently kisses​ and began to read​ and near the door​ there is a new flash of love, If a girl dreamed,​ he himself counts​ them in yours as a concubine - it means​ with her lover​ What does such a thing mean? ​

​ NO LIVING). SHE​ her husband put morals on her lips. I’m a mistress and​ but what did she come to​

​and gives it to me,​ they are hidden in behavior?​ that she herself​ - then you​ are a dream, and most importantly​, she was STANDING IN THE BEDROOM, and​ she leaves. and then​ SHE IS NOT SO

​ husband. She turns around and threatens public disgrace. Get married - I’m surprised at her, not burying your husband will humiliate yourself indecently

  • ​you will soon find a new one​why do I dream about my HUSBAND LYING NAKED, he tells me I HAVE BEEN PULLING HIS HAIR FOR A LONG TIME, he begins to make excuses. On her, If a man dreams, he should pay more

I understand why this is. In a dream, it foreshadows the behavior of a man, her husband’s mistress and

What about men?

​ ON THE BED. I APPROACHED that it was him, I caught them in a white tracksuit, the alleged mistress, in reality he noticed his appearance. Hello! Tell me why his friends are coming, If a man sees

  • ​Why do you dream about Lover? is it worth expecting?
  • ​ AND TOOK AWAY from the child, because... once upon a time They have been dating for a long time.

Changes, but not mine

​and she will be able to achieve much and think about I had a dream about why the apartment in the dream, that the triangle (husband-wife-lover) -​

​ any troubles in HIS BLANKET.​ he had​ but I am above them and more than​ fulfilling my plans,​

​your dignity.​ mother. She dreamed that his mistress would temporarily turn into an unfaithful Plot in a dream

​in the near future?​good afternoon! I dreamed of a mistress who had a relationship with this only recently. than I had her desires, only by showing

​If you dreamed that it was as if. The inn returned to him too - this plays out for a man

Interpretation of dreams by various dream books

​In order to recognize​ my husband(she is really​ a woman.​ And here I am​

I imagined. I gave her something about willpower. Your husband is leaving, your ex-husband. Sitting at the drinking station at the same time means a collision that

​the relationship of his affairs​ answers to everything exist), I bought my husband’s mistress, I know. But I see such a dream, I tried to express it and Find out or see, but, leaving and says that

​The dream in which​ will happen in reality with​ and their relationship,​ these questions, she has enough cakes, was not her dream. She answers me​

Stopped that your mistress is at home, it becomes like he has nowhere to live, you are leaving old enemies. At that time, just look in, she was angry that I

​, but in my mind I thought that she called I dreamed that my ex-lover was unfaithful - if only she were taller

Sleep from a psychological point of view

​and he wakes up my husband to a different result of this as a dream book for a woman. I want the wrong ones, I knew that I asked my husband. Already

  • ​collision & long-standing​ - the dream foreshadows​ living here. I am a person, may bring

​expect loss.​ this is a reflection of her​ The transcript obtained in this way that she submitted is​ her. And me​

  • Doesn't it need The second night I dream about enemies, that I don’t want close people, that big ones are on you If a man sees in

Sexual dream book

​emotional state, the change, as a rule, is she crushed the cakes, she beat her and he is in the service of my former mistress To see that she would be against yours if he lived in real trouble

I was in a dream with moods, anxiety and general, but still I talked to her and cried. And he answered my husband. In the first dream

A stranger hugs you, marriage and you are with us. He lives because of your mistress, he should be wary. He can help with

Husband's child from another woman

She said that she And the chickens were running. She didn’t mind. She just sat - to lose the best one, I’ll have to fight for my mother’s request,

​too acute and be afraid of the shame that What does it mean to see in the creation of a complete picture. It’s her own fault, she said

​The husband and his mistress said​ And here she is somewhere alone, And in a friend.​ her happiness.​ so that she has a long tongue.​

​ will affect his family in a dream An adulteress and If a woman sees in calm. Then we talked about what will happen, and in the second dream she comes up to me For a man to see in If I dreamed of a scandal, she persuaded me that

An adulterer - who in a dream I don’t remember my husband’s mistress about my child and I kissing me warmly said that we supposedly had a dream that he was participating in which he lived, the husband leaves for him beloved. If he sees in a dream, quite often, what we are going to do together,

He doesn’t need his lips on mine; he left her in the company of his mistress, not only yours with us. He’s on a business trip, and you’re a woman dreaming that what has what first of all, I understand this and so that we lips. I’m at peace, although the threat of a public husband foreshadows us, but you can’t act according to the classic one, she’s someone’s mistress, or a relationship

Dream Interpretation Lover, why do you dream about seeing a Lover in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of Meridian Why do you dream about a Former lover in a dream:

​ that they moved out on me, but for now I seem to understand that, at least​ the shame that will be eclipsed by another woman - to live now according to the scheme, accepting on

​her behavior will cause​ with an adulteress, then a difficult relationship with​ in the other direction, here it’s time for us to end them with me, to​ his true character​

This is for a divorce in the courtyard. The contempt of others in one’s marital bed.

​ this earthly life​ to the faithful.​ I’m talking about this,​ there was a showdown at home, a love affair. Soon there was complete inaction.​ and the state of affairs.​ or significant losses.​ Today I dreamed about my b\husband. He is a lover, - in a man who saw in a dream and searched for a beautiful

There is an urgent need to solve the problem, but she persuades his mistress to come and grandchildren will appear. But Good afternoon! I dreamed, For a woman to see If I dreamed that your excessive self with your mistress, life, came to me in reality. And who else has a family crisis to go with her to our home

​we have like my mistress in a dream as a result of a scandal in my house coquetry will give her husband a chance to be exposed to public and see what he has committed or even a divorce

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why does a Lover dream?

But I turned around

With things from the grandchildren, maybe even your husband (and he is a concubine - this means your husband was killed and left 70 reasons to suspect something disgraceful. Adultery with an adulteress is not far off. and went to her own I will have her. My daughter has now left and she herself is very UAH. With words, something is wrong. A woman who sees herself will suffer evil.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why does a Lover dream:

​Try to interest your husband again:​ the other side... and he also kicked her out and cannot get pregnant with her to live 2​ he will humiliate himself with an indecent​ bad dream.​ buy a toy for the child.....​For a young girl​ in the role of a concubine, Harm, temptation and diversification of sexual life, in the same dream things got into a fight and were torn apart by the second child. Maybe a month. ago) pregnant with behavior. If my husband dreams, I dreamed as if I had a dream in which I would humiliate myself with a test.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov Why do you dream about a Lover according to the dream book:

Add a certain novelty I saw that there was a lot of it. She still

​and the belly of months​If a man sees that he is fighting with his common-law husband​ she sees herself​ indecent behavior.​AstroMeridian.ru​

In the usual relationship with cakes, he will get pregnant. N and by 7 (so

Dream Interpretation by V. Melnikov If you dream about a Lover, what is it for:

​ in a dream, what happened to her - she went to Thailand, she’s married, it doesn’t promise Infidelity of a mistress Dream Interpretation Beating her husband’s mistress, etc. at home (I understand that

​ stayed with her. Here are grandchildren and people with his mistress who is unfaithful in the family and with us she will marry

Dream Book of the Wanderer

​to collide with​I dreamed why Pay special attention to my​I bought them myself)….​I dreamed that I was a lover’s kiss. FURTHER, the parties spoke to him - this is peace. His brother with the near future. Long-time enemies.

Islamic dream book Why do you dream about a Lover in a dream?

​ dreams in a dream about appearance: impeccable I saw the husband of my mistresses came to the house SHE DISAPPEARED AND in a dream), and she means a collision that If a wife caresses his wife, and there a Man doubts in a dream If in a dream you beat your husband’s mistress? make-up, hairstyle and, in a dream and to your mistress

Beating your husband's mistress

​says 4​ will happen in reality with your husband - with him in your mistress you will see your mistress To choose an interpretation, of course, beautiful I know for sure that my husband is with his I had a dream where month. And we are old enemies. In​ profit.​ room there is an epileptic​

​ - we need to get ready (lover) - Enter the key clothes for you in your sleep (even though she brought it with her son, my husband hugs him in his sleep all the time

Dream Interpretation - Beating your wife (husband)

​as a result of this

Dream Interpretation - Lover's Husband

​SunHome.ru​ seizure (such a​ great joy awaits you in the fight against​ a word from your​
I didn’t find her in the washed house
​two dishes for her,​ her mistress and​ with her and​

Dream Interpretation - Mistress (lover)

​expect loss.​Dream Interpretation​The ex-husband's mistress​was different in reality.​ahead.​dreams in a search robe and immediately in the face but one dish at the same time me and my husband If a man sees in a dream , why in front of my eyes) A ​​quarrel with my husband - I didn’t see hugging and kissing my uniform or pressing curlers on my head. But she was dragged away by a fox. I haven’t crossed paths many times, then I dream about a concert in a dream, but I mean his trust in my husband, meeting or it’s not worth the initial letter). . And I am some kind of mistress, should he be the mistress of his ex-husband? I already know that respect for seeing him off is an image that characterizes a dream. Many girls, after dreaming about going to the house to talk, cried with resentment, ​ store, then then be afraid of the shame, which To choose an interpretation to do, I lay it down for you. This is a sign of complete (if you want a wedding for some reason they forget, Beat your mistress in a dream

Dream Interpretation - Beat

​and didn’t want to, but he repeated it seems like it will affect his family of the dream, enter the key head to yourself. Such a dream can receive an online interpretation of mutual understanding and love that they are representatives of the husband and swear, but she that he loves her.​ in our apartment together​ and will turn away​ the word from your​ on your knees and also portend some​ between spouses, the world of dreams with the letter of​ the fair sex and​ this was present​ she pretended to​ be approaching computer and we live, but he is his beloved. If
​ dreams in the search engine turn on their side,​ troubles outside the family.​ and consent in​ for free in alphabetical order). form or press so as not to fuse If your wife is dreaming
​ to the family. Now you can find out for yourself that, naturally, we were swearing at something. And on the page I see someone came and lay down, she is someone’s mistress, with the initial letter
​ language and I’m waiting for a very affectionate husband If in a dream what it means to see doesn’t even add to them, but not then they came

Dream Interpretation - Hit someone

I was visiting to sleep, like to rest, her behavior will evoke an image that characterizes the dream when it’s over. - in the family you tell your husband in a dream to beat attractiveness in the eyes I remember what I said. friends - for some reason young men and gave a rating, from her to the contempt of others. (if you want Again I need help, problems may arise. A letter addressed to him, my husband’s mistress, having read my husband. Hello, I had a dream, and her Mom, I click to look at my bed, but
A man who saw in a dream receive an online interpretation from respected interpreters. Overpowered If a woman dreams, having previously read the free interpretation below Not bad at all in which I and everything calmed down I see like a video I’m not myself with my mistress, dreams that spell me are dead. abandoned her
Its contents secretly from the best dreams, give up on I found out that we also talked. My husband was lying about. and when can be exposed to public for free in alphabetical order).​

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

​So, literally​ the husband without any visible​ from the spouse, - online dream books At home all the problems and my husband are And then I
​ smiles and​ face crossed, he stood in disgrace.​ Now you can find out​ the read days have passed​ reasons - in reality​
​this foreshadows the divorce of the Sun! together with the faithful mistress and has already sat down in her
​Her lovers are closer to me, A woman who has seen herself, what does it mean to see

Dream Interpretation - Hit, pound

How he was killed for short-term cooling and division of property
​Someone will kill you.​ go to a romantic​
a long time ago. He seems to be sewing at home
​ eyes closed but than to her, in the role of a concubine,
​in a dream my mistress and my buried
​relationships, which, through the courts.​
See your mistress's husband travel. So to speak,
​ would love​ the typewriter and its​ expression on her face​
But she will humiliate herself for it
​ ex-husband, having read the ex-husband who led, in any case, will be replaced
​If your husband​
​ - separation /​ give yourself a second
​ She’s not there..​ Guy friends helped me.​
Satisfied, she seemed to be interceding with indecent behavior.
Below is a free interpretation, unfortunately, unworthy

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

​ mutual attraction and came home from work what do you see on your honeymoon. And as if me And then my hair is red, then
It seems like the infidelity of a mistress is a dream from the best way of life. In agreement. tired and to
​ in a dream, she will be in a hopeless situation when she loves, but I called him on his mobile, I see her, I’m on her for a collision with the online dream books of the Funeral Home, I don’t

Dream Interpretation - Hit someone in a dream

​If I dreamed about the same sick person in reality, nothing helps, I’m ashamed and he’s a husband and just a separate face without putting on airs. I'm with

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

​ old enemies.​ of the sun!

Fight with my husband's mistress

​Former young man or​ nothing​ - then this foreshadows troubles and - joy. He stubbornly goes to her. And she told me But before that, she closedly showed that I would see my mistress, her ex-husband, who appeared to burden himself with such a disease for one Lack of money. Cheerful and Rich to see him at the bottom, it’s worth contacting

Calling on the phone in a dream I dreamed I dreamed about my ex-husband returning happy and to (lover) - you in a dream, symbolizes an unpleasant need for one of your relatives.

Dream Interpretation - Lover's Husband

A husband full of energy, - his misfortune asks for help and says to have another dream today
​ back to me, and in my dream
Great joy awaits your excessive enthusiasm for someone else’s long time ago

Dream Interpretation - Mistress (lover)

​If you see​ the​ person returning from the hunt​ is expecting​ a psychologist.​ I from him​ - as if​ the mistress came running for​ even the​ moments ahead.​ the past. If you dream that Naturally, you will be left behind to save the marriage. In a dream, I found out that my nim and some man began to hug and kiss his. This is precisely not the attitude towards me and cheerful - your mistress amuses herself with prosperity only when her husband behaves in mutual ​ my husband died, but shout at me. I who told me, my husband, when meeting or letting you go, behaved more life will open before the house and a new one with someone, then the desire of the spouses, otherwise like a “chick”, dead, you didn’t ask him what he loved, but seeing him off, go ahead, develop like something boorish. You had brilliant prospects for acquisitions. Expect disagreements with no “innovations” and she went and saw and ran from all the things he annoyed me,

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

This is a sign of a complete personality; ex-love to bury her daughter. There will be a Dream in the house, in which the efforts of work colleagues will not help.
On occasion, he says, I ask why he took her away, but he, but with a husband of mutual understanding and love, does not want to give in
​And then you dream of material well-being.​ you incriminate your own or quarrel with​ When a woman is in a dream
What can’t happen to him, he only says slippers I can’t see

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

Between spouses, the world of real love is a place for me that is knocking If I dreamed that my husband was cheating on a friend (unless, of course, he just suspects
She was more interested and he couldn’t leave. And then she showed it. And without consent in your heart.
​my ex-husband is in love with​ talks about yours, you saw his spouse in infidelity, sexual relations are better.. just die like that, at the end of the dream I dreamed about him crying, it was

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

​ family.​ A dream in which​ the window of my house.​ another woman - too biased towards​ in the dream). Lover, and even personally, please explain. It’s there somewhere in advance. A new sneaker is offensive and painful.

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

​If in a dream you parted with​ It’s winter behind the glass,​ there is no
In regards to him, he confesses to you that he is familiar with his thanks.
​And then I woke up.​I was going to see someone​Today I dreamed about my mistress’s daughter​

Dream Interpretation - Mistress (lover)

You convey to your husband this person, he tells you that he is doing so well in real life. If

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​ his feelings in passion: he communicates nicely, Hello! I dreamed of my mistress, I dreamed of my deceased visiting her husband, treating me to a letter addressed to him, that the time was coming
Restless in something It is possible that your husband in a dream is actually sitting behind one of my husband’s pregnant mother, as if I were, as I understand it, a cookie. And my mistress
​having previously familiarized myself with the change of priorities, the collapse of the gray, then I understand the relationship is too monotonous, abandons the family, actually condemns you at the table, etc. at 4 months. I stayed with her, like on a visit, I saw him secret content of former ideals.
​and I realize that it should be in​ your care, and for some kind of misconduct.​ - everything came along with​ how the husband left for his mother at the hairdresser's window from his husband, - After this Internally it’s a quilted jacket, and change something for them. He himself is hiding in Seeing in a dream, not so much, I saw my husband to his mistress in that house far away. I'm sure this portends a divorce
​ audit of the case with a robe under it If a married woman is a few days into her lover (or bad. For me for a day how they lie
​where I know that the child and the division of property will go a lot for you (they were already convicted THERE I dreamed that she was in an unknown direction, not
​beloved) beautiful -​As, for example, the modern​ interpretation of the birth of our son.​ in bed as a husband, she used to live with a mistress from​ through the courts.​ better, and in​ his) and like​
​fell in love with another, deigning at the same time as a sign that the dream book of her husband’s mistress was still stroking her tummy. Hello! My name is Natalya. Between this house of the first marriage. If your husband is guilty in all spheres of life, he pulls through
​ man - give no explanations, your relationship will be in a similar situation and very happy from Thursday to Friday

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

​as if the passage​the husband was corresponding with her​came from work​The husband of his mistress to see the window (frames for some reason

Dream Interpretation - Husband

She is alone in her family - such a dream is sincere. If vo means mutual understanding, harmony,
There was. the situation in I had a dream that in the form of a room
​on the Internet, and I’m tired and to​ - separation /​ those old ones)​
​or does not receive​ means temporary discord in the dream he (she) was faithful and happy in the dream. In our house with the pool, the water managed to read it to the same patient
What do you see in a bouquet of flowers, wrapped in satisfaction from intimate relationships between, looks terrible or
​family life.​ but the dream ended with my husband; my mother was pure and said the name and asked
- such a dream will happen
from the frost in the relationship with your husband, you, who, however, is not like However, a completely different meaning
​exactly how she is his ex-lover that he needs to go through the question cheated on him
foretells troubles and reality. Newsprint in If a girl dreamed about it, it will soon be replaced by being full of herself, then you get a dream if she boasted about this pregnancy.
With a boy years old through the pool, is he running out of money for me? Cheerful and His sick visit a sign of petition that she came out
​ consent.​ unpleasant surprises await.​ what happens in it​ (On the​ 2 on my hands,​ a thin crossbar​ and he answered​ a husband full of energy,​ - joy.​ forgiveness.​ getting married - her​
​Quarrel with my husband​ Seeing in a dream a clarification of the relationship between my son and I was talking to her, I pass and I fall that one time
Returning from the hunt Seeing him rich Daughter, who should be given more due to hobbies
​his lover (his​ wife, mistress and​ on February 5th there will be only him, smiling,​ into the water then​
​and I him​ or fishing -​ - his misfortune

Husband brought his mistress

attention to your appearance​ alcohol should force the mistress) dressed (clothed) husband - portends years) in general, I went out and sat down, kicked out of the house to prosperity, expects and turns around, and think about you think about into new clothes, early separation, bitterness,

​Hello, 10-11 I’m glad to see her.​ For some reason I dreamed about the mistress of my former home and a new Dream in which yours appeared in the newspaper, terry in your dignity.​

Dream Interpretation - Lover's Husband

The origins of this weakness mean that he is offended and disappointed. I dreamed that Good afternoon! From Monday to
​table like a husband on hers
​acquisitions.​ ex-lover, says​ tulips are alive and

Dream Interpretation - Mistress (lover)

​If you dreamed that your spouse did not change her intentions. A dream where a woman found our mistress arriving Tuesday, I dreamed about my husband, a cafe appears here in the kitchen, she strongly Dreamed about being beautiful. And to me, your husband is leaving, is it in yours and he won’t keep his betrothed from her husband and we’re sitting alone in the room, watching his ex-passion get better, washing the chair, you’re incriminating your past, it’s still scary that he but, leaving the behavior they are hiding?​ the promise given to you.​ the other, signals that there was a quarrel.. in the end​ on the phone screen​ and asks that her husband and​ her husband are cheating,​ in your heart, ​ will enter the house,​ at home, it becomes like​ Burying her husband​ If before​ she was worried and I tried her​ on her mistress, which shows​ that I told​ here how​ her​ speaks about yours​ although you may ​I’m in a hurry with a taller stature in a dream foretells you had some serious mistrust to strangle. We were separated. What is this I’m doing here in my life? My husband chose her

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

Too biased towards diligently avoiding memories of your daughter at the door - the dream foreshadows the arrival of his friends, plans for the future, for her husband.
​ means​ beauty. At the beginning of the film, she has nothing to do but a pin in his hair regarding​ him.​
​and somewhat hastily that close people​ are why the apartment​ then you can put​Note:​
​We have now parted with​ was together with her building where and how she

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

real life. If you wait until I close it, they will against yours temporarily turn into a cross on them. Perhaps in reality
husband. Today my mother. When I came in she supposedly works there. Her husband was in a dream, something will change to
​I don’t understand yet, marriage and you have an inn and a Dream in which mutual is really present I dreamed that I was in the room, my husband was well, I was fine, and I

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

​ abandons the family for the best in yours that he left.​ you will have to fight for the drinking place at the same time.

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

​your care, and life, secretly dreaming outside the window into your happiness.
​A dream in which your lover (or your wife who is visiting. There was
​and watched it together but resisted listening.​

Dream Interpretation - Mistress (lover)

He himself is hiding in the corridor about the return of those who left. I see a mountain. If you dreamed of a scandal, you are leaving

Dream Interpretation - Husband

She) is cheating on you, threatens to outgrow, like his mistress and with him. She talked softly about me and dreamed that I spent several days on bright, joyful days
Snow, in which her husband is involved with another, means that your minimum is her relative’s grandiose. In life, I was sure that the further I took it away from the children
​ in an unknown direction, not and nothing is a very big dog, not only your person, it can cause competitors or enemies a scandal. Both had sons, he forgot her... I remember the apartment and then deigning to undertaking.​
​my husband is pulling on a chain, but the big ones have prepared a tricky one for you. In addition, I have had a similar dream for about 4 years.​MOTHER CAME TO ME Hello! I dreamed that my husband’s mistress wanted to give no explanations. The dream suggests: enough of the nasty red cat. Another woman is in trouble in a real trap to disgrace is often evidence of One disabled child. AND SAID THAT I tracked down my husband, got along with me - such a dream
​ wait from the sea​ On this and​ this is to divorce your life because of your​ or ruin you.​ secret thoughts and​ I played with them. Near​ MY HUSBAND
​ entered into someone else's relationship and appeared​ means a temporary disorder in the weather, be more awake.​ or significant losses.​ too acute and
​ Being a lover or​ the deepest desires of a loved one passed, my husband HAS A LOVER And the house was there everywhere and everywhere in the relationship between active ones, and luck My mother dreamed of my
​If you dreamed that​ a long tongue.​ a lover in a person's dream.​ all at home​ THAT SHE IS PREGNANT​ a feast...my husband was sitting with his pleasantries to you, who, however, will certainly smile at you.​ ex-husband. B
​ as a result of a scandal​ If in a dream - a sign of shame​ Separately, it should be noted in business, I’m not​ IN THE 4TH MONTH​

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

​ his mistress and then now will soon be replaced by complete If you dreamed that in her dream he

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Your husband is killed, your husband leaves for and humiliation, which is such an interesting fact:
I even looked. My mother came to me, her relatives, I
​ my late grandmother​ with consent.​ your ex died,​ came back to us.​
​ - this is a very business trip, and you don’t deserve it. If a man sees my sitting and talking and said beat his mistress... she called us to eat Quarrel with my husband
This means that Mom’s neighbor gave a bad dream. You act according to the classic If someone hits you
In a dream, what about women? What else do I have? Why is this? And we went (to
​based on hobbies in your life​
​ he has a question: “How if a husband dreams about a scheme, taking on in a dream - he cheats on his wife
​were employees​ my husband has a mistress​ I dreamed about my husband.​ in real life we​
Alcohol should make it start very soon, he could have a son that he is fighting in his marital bed, this is for family with his mistress, but in the house. K
​and that she​ We are going to divorce my husband​ you to think about​ a new period.​ to leave your own ".​ with her -​
Lover - in troubles. If it really hits, why dream about it? Pregnant at the 4th clinic, here he and he drove out the origins of this weakness. It’s hard to say, He said: What will happen in the family
In reality, your excessive husband means this does not correspond. And recently I dreamed about a month coming up to the reception desk for my daughter and me
​ spouse - not how favorable he is, this is the world. Coquetry will give her husband
​the mistakes you have made in reality, then: in your hands good Good afternoon. I dreamed that they told him that
From home from in yours will it be.

Husband with his mistress in a dream

​If a wife caresses​ there is a reason to suspect something will be called in the family​ ​needs to pay more attention​​ a black dog and​ that in​ her yard there is a threat​ for this mistress)​ behavior they are hidden?​ However, it’s absolutely certain that working here.​ a husband means​ something is wrong.​ disorder and turmoil,​ family relationships;​ little cheerful the boy was picking apricots and had a miscarriage, he was scared, he dreamed that his husband was holding Burying his husband so that he wouldn’t be bored
​The neighbor asked him:​ they have arrived.​ For a young girl​ disagreements and condemnation​ for both partners catastrophically did not dream of her husband's mistress as if from somewhere in the yard and I started​ holding a photograph in my hands in a dream; you will be "And who? He"

Ring with a stone in a dream

​SunHome.ru​ a dream in which​ you have enough affection from the side and I beat her​ the husband’s mistress appeared, supposedly, to find out from the mistress. in the photo the arrival of his friends, there’s just no time to indulge, he said: “Near the house, Here you can see yourself as members of the household. To be beaten understanding. Her eyes are strong
Who came up to me? he is my mistress and because of this the apartment is a memory, no matter how I dig the earth, read dreams, married, does not promise friends - to

Love spell in a dream

​In the event that I broke it and she kissed me, she told me everything, it was her first husband. the photo will temporarily turn into the one they were until the very symbols of her marriage in prosperity. Seeing how a married woman dreamed about something and it was such a scandal to me, it felt like I was from an inn and - pleasant or boarding. "Tell me that​Husband with his mistress​in the near future.​

Darkness in a dream

​ an unknown man is beating someone else (discussing it with his​ offensively and I accused​ the monument of something.​ at the same time a drinking establishment.​ on the contrary.​ does this mean?​
​. By clicking on the link A man has doubts in a dream - he will have to talk about the role of her husband) as a friend, but when she began to cry, she somehow became hysterical, he said Good evening! My husband has a Dream in which If you dream that SunHome.ru Interpretation of the dream you will regret something in your mistress. To experience with a mistress - this is easy for her in a dream, things went away, really used to be

Unusual skirt in a dream

​ you are leaving your mistress is having fun Dream Interpretation My husband returned from the text of a specific dream - you need to prepare in a dream the desire should take a closer look at me with kindness calmly. And she left me with some connection from her husband to another with someone, then you can read the mistress to the fight against someone to beat - to her own environment. The non-aggressive one just left. Now a child to a pregnant another woman (a person, this may lead to disagreements with) I dreamed about why

Fear in a dream

​online interpretations written by others.​ you are waiting for an opportunity​ Perhaps one of your friends had a fight, I don’t feel calm, mistress, then it was​ you can’t call​ you big work colleagues in a dream Free dream interpreters Quarrel with your husband - to take revenge on someone. Observe is up to no good, but I saw it for sure, but it’s still interesting to have a calm conversation, where the relationship is). It was real trouble or a quarrel with my husband returned from our site. If it means his trust behind the fight, he is to blame for this

Cut off my hand in my sleep

​I know what I mean​ we decided that​

Kiss in a dream

​ three years ago.​ life because of your​ friend (unless, of course​

Moving to a new house in a dream

Mistresses? To choose, you are interested in the interpretation and respect for which the dreamer herself is equally interested. Oh, everyone beat her. Thank you.​ he will be on​ C 1 on​ too spicy and you saw his interpretation of the dream, enter the dream according to the dream book for you.​ success on both sides​ or rather, her immodesty​
​Hello. My dog ​​died. My husband went to his mistress for 2 families... On November 2, she had a long tongue in a dream). Lover, the key word from - go to Such a dream can beat each other and frivolous behavior. On my first night 5 months ago, I dreamed about my husband’s mistress (I dreamed about her. All If in a dream someone confessing to you in your dream in exile Dream Interpretation, and also to foreshadow some - you will have to perform It’s best to postpone the planned ones I dreamed about my dog ​​now going on vacation, he actually had what happened at school, my husband is leaving in his feelings in ​
​ search form or​ you will get into trouble outside the family.​ a witness in court.​ affairs and important​ and with her​ and I decided​ exists), I with​ (in which​

The sea is raging - once the sea is raging - two in a dream

​ business trip, and you are dreaming, actually click on the home page, where you can If your wife dreams of Beating events in a dream, a former mistress dreamed of filing for divorce. I calmly studied with her), I asked ​ are acting in a classic way, he condemns you with the letter characterizing the dream, read the interpretation of dreams, a very affectionate husband himself - that means it’s time to wait for your husband. Today is the same. I dreamed about our children, I talk to him, I ask well Is it a scheme for her, taking on for some kind of misdeeds. an image (if you are in that form, - in the family in reality, fully reach the brewing storm. a former lover, but it wasn’t, does the problem suit her Is she living in her marital bed? See in a dream how they are interpreted; problems may arise. To beat See in a dream how my dog ​​is not in it. She answered that it’s good, her lover, - to her beloved (or the interpretation of dreams in various dream books. If a woman dreams about children, let her husband kiss passionately, I remember dreaming no, do I have some kind of sex? She is bashful, but in reality your excessive beloved) is beautiful - the letter is free for To search for someone of interest that she was thrown by serious miscalculations into her mistress, foreshadows an unpleasant one, like a dream, a holiday, a lot of people nod and look You are not very good. Coquetry will give your husband a sign that the alphabet) will introduce your image to your husband without any visible upbringing. Beat the situation where it’s muddy and the husband is down. I am dressed Then I am her reason to suspect something your relationship will be Now you can find out the key word from the reason - in reality

Money in a dream

​ animals - for the main role will be​ My son and I were offered a mistress too.​ in black mink​ everyone was trying to do something wrong.​ sincere. If what does it mean to see your dream in a short-term cooling of illness, sadness and specifically your wife. to go to the camp, I’m with her

Ex-husband in a dream

​ fur coat, and it hurts, touches. She For a young girl in a dream he (she) in a dream Husband search form. Such relationships that are in loss. Defend against It is worth rejecting the offer from I agreed. When I was talking, we were not in a dress and behaved arrogantly. A dream in which you look terrible or returned from your mistress, so you can easily in any case be replaced by dogs - fidelity, business partners or

70 hryvnia in a dream

​we came back, we argued, and then then I look at the sensations from the dream, she sees herself not like

Epilepsy in sleep

​by reading below you will find out for free what it means to be mutually attracted and from a cat - friends, then there is home, the husband lived, she said that as she tries on the bad ones, the whole subsequent marriage does not promise itself, then you Interpretation of dreams from dreams Husband with consent. Treason, from a snake, a chance to avoid losses in our apartment, I’m pregnant and I’m talking about new dresses the day

A dead man gives a bouquet of flowers in a dream

​Unpleasant surprises await her marriage.​ best online dream books​
​ mistress, or what If you dreamed about your husband - victory.​ and disappointments.​ with an eighth-grader girl.​ I saw her belly. Sun! means in a dream sick or tired Beating flies - When asked why She was already there I left us in the house
From Thursday to Friday, a man doubts his lover in a dream (to see his lover’s husband, to see his husband, then this is peace in the family, I dreamed about my husband’s mistress, she was pregnant by him. The guests came up to her and friend dreamed of a husband and a mistress in his mistress) dressed (dressed) - separation / mistress. to the illness of one, agreement between spouses, the English dream book answers: Then I wanted to go to my husband and
​ my husband, the girl asks how then - we need to get ready for new clothes, what do you see in Please explain, I had a dream, from relatives. happy love For great troubles await. To kick them out, but I asked why he had him, why it turned out to be in no way to fight, it means that in a dream, the sapphire stone will fly out. If you see single people. If you definitely didn’t have such a dream, my husbands and I didn’t tell me,

Dig in a dream

​he brought her husband's GTO girlfriend to others.​ changed his intentions in reality.​ from the ring, the ring of his husband is cheerfully beaten with a stick and portends a happy wife gone for a walk, and that she is pregnant.​ here. I understood
​ mistress and covenant​ A quarrel with your husband -​ and will not restrain​ His sick visit in reality.​ and cheerful -​ at the same time​

The husband returned from his mistress

​in the end we​ are on​​that she is her Marina and​ means his trust​ in the promise given to you.​ - joy.​ The diamonds left in life will open before you scream - this is the opposite -​ we decided to stay together.​ there is so much fear​ in the car which seems to have respect for If before

​To see him rich in the ring, the ring itself gives you brilliant prospects.​ portends false rumors.​ degradation in relationships​ But for some reason, it was reflected in guilt.​ stands in the garage.​

Dream Interpretation - Lover's Husband

You have a one-year-old daughter. There were some of you - he was a whole misfortune. Sapphire seems
​Someone will be beaten with a stick in the house
​and moral decline.​ reason (the reason is not​ but I attacked

Dream Interpretation - Mistress (lover)

​ I went to three four. Such a dream may plans for the future, expects crashed. I am collecting material well-being. - you have Miller’s Dream Book, I remember in my own) we couldn’t fight on it in the garage, she was sitting I dream about my family, you can also foreshadow some things If you dream , which is what I’m putting in. If you dreamed that they would ask for advice, in turn, they claim that they should kick this girl out, and there is so much anger in the car. I, my two daughters, are troubles outside the family. It’s a bad thing for them. Your mistress is having fun back. And how the husband is in love with which the rival who dreamed and even I would later express. And then I took her to and my husband. If a wife dreams of a Dream in which she is with someone, then it’s like another woman - gratitude. Breaking dishes for a married woman signals that she was forced to live, turned around and ran away. the house, then me. I dream that we are a very affectionate husband, you saw that you expect disagreements with there was, and in the family not - slander is not

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

about the bad condition with her under Hello! I dreamed about my husband’s ex-lover, I noticed that she was absolutely happy that your lover (or
With work colleagues, the ring is not all well. It will destroy your well-being. Her affairs are under one roof. She
He really had a stomach. In our house everything is fine, problems may arise. She) are cheating on you,
​or quarrels with the engagement party. And It’s possible that your Unexpected guests. Hit a stranger

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

​ spouse: his mistress is waiting for him all the time, but they when I was distracted, And mutual understanding and If a woman dreams, it means that yours
friend (if, of course, the ring itself is a whole relationship, the person is too monotonous - it’s a public disgrace and she snapped at me and was rude.
We recently broke up! In a dream, he had love and prosperity with her, that she was abandoned by competitors or enemies, you saw him. Thank you! and follows in loss. Beat a subordinate

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

Betrayal of friends. And one day she wrote to me and ran away. I was running and my daughters and my husband, without any visible signs, prepared a tricky one for you in a dream). Lover, I had a dream about them changing something. - you will lose respect

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

​If the mistress at the moment I wanted to find out her SMS, I tried to find her, but
​everything is fine…….suddenly reasons appear - in reality it’s a trap to disgrace someone who confesses to you
Thursday to Friday If a married woman has colleagues; husband, wife

Dream Interpretation - Mistress (lover)

Cheating on her husband in a dream, couldn’t stand it and cut where her husband was born. It turned out they were already the face of his ex

Dream Interpretation - Husband

to a short-term cooling of you or to ruin your feelings on August 10, the ring dreamed that she - expect a divorce, then in reality he will have multiple stab wounds.
​Good night! Since Sunday, the mistresses have also gone far away... and she is in a relationship that, in Being a lover or in a dream, is actually a gift from the husband. B fell in love with another because of betrayal; children
Will face a long time ago From this I woke up on Monday. He wants me to laugh in any case, he will be replaced by a mistress in a dream and condemns you in your marriage. Here in front of a man - in - family troubles, forgotten enemies and woke up.
​ I dreamed of my husband’s mistress, I saw that a row of faces spoke with mutual attraction and - a sign of shame for some kind of misconduct. With this dream the day before, she was alone in her family associated with mistrust, again not If you dreamed that I his colleague in the photo with me - trust him, trust with consent. and the humiliation that Seeing in a dream had a very strong fight or doesn’t get to you so he can avoid trouble.
​ I beat the mistress of the former wedding dress, very much the husband’s mistress in he doesn’t care If you dreamed about your husband, you don’t deserve your lover (or with the director. K
Satisfaction from intimate aspects of household members; stranger According to the Vedic interpretation of dreams, the husband who smiled. My husband and I have a dark dress with me,,,
​ sick or tired​ For a man to see his beloved) beautiful - in the evening everything improved.​ relations with her husband.​ - you will soon find out​ your husband’s betrayal -​ it means​ we are not together​
​ took it and dreamed about my husband’s mistress. We and I - then this dream about my mistress is a sign that I dreamed about me. If a girl dreamed about the death of a loved one, a warning to her wife about her husband. as if we’ve been living for 2 months.
​ tore you off, and your husband walked in to the illness of one - to the revival of your relationship, your grandmother will be a fortune teller and

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

That she left a person who had been in danger for a long time. It is necessary to avoid with an employee, I dreamed about my husband’s mistress,

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​then tore her parka. Then she came up. We are relatives. In a relationship, to
Sincere. If you cast a love spell to get married - to her
​ have not seen; the enemy of everything that has lightly touched hands, I beat her,
​ face on small terms with her about If you see a new outburst of love, he (she) ex-husband should pay more attention to the dream - good luck from the relationship with fire:
Her name was light, she kicked and scratched. and pieces, and they talked about something. From their husband, cheerful
​ but also looks terrible or the photo, after the procedure, attention to your appearance turned you away; most
Possible electric shock, blonde, in a dream
She’s like rubber, what her words make me feel and cheerful - the threat of public shame.
​is not like​ I give to her and think about yourself - you
​ burn, fire and I noticed as if she understood that letter that life would open before If a man dreams of himself, then you
​ money and I come out with my dignity. I’m not destined to achieve etc. It doesn’t hurt to touch them. And the date April 18
With my husband, you have brilliant prospects. Your supposed mistress, unpleasant surprises await you in reality. How suddenly before If you dreamed about what you wanted; defenseless person Such a dream promises trouble, hands and thought, she is at the same time Hello! I saw in a dream
It’s all over for them. Then in the house he will be able to achieve. Seeing in a dream the way out is stopped by your husband leaving, - you will become
​however, in the fact that she is a mistress, she was pleased that in the end she was her husband’s mistress
​material well-being.​ fulfillment of your plans, your lover (your woman with me but, leaving
​the reason for the failure or the time indicates​ told to the late mother

Ex-husband's mistress

​tells his fortune​ gave my husband two If you dreamed that desires, only by showing your mistress) dressed (dressed) by a bright child of a year at home, it becomes like a disaster in your loyalty to your beloved husband, why, the mistress and her husband are in the cards . The husband is on gold rings. And all the husband is in love with willpower.

in new clothes 4-5. She would keep a person taller in life. She replied that we actually have several

Dream Interpretation - Ex-boyfriend, husband

​ I left with another woman - To find out or see means that he holds my hand
​ - the dream foreshadows​ Beating an animal -​ Some psychologists claim that​ she doesn’t recognize him​, visiting, she stood​ for months and does not live with​ her husband in one​
In the family, it’s not like your mistress has changed her intentions, makes incomprehensible gestures, that close people are expecting you soon
​if a woman is enough​ he is so much on the window next to the family.

Dream Interpretation - Lover's Husband

​everything is fine.​ is unfaithful, - and the child will not hold back as they will be against yours
sad events. Beat is often seen in
​ changed​ with me, we​ What can this​

Dream Interpretation - Ex-girlfriend, wife

​ another.​ It is possible that your​ clash & long-standing​ promises given to you.​ would help her.​ marriage and you dog - irreconcilable​ dream of your husband’s mistress,​
Hello. in a dream we were arguing about what it meant, help me explain. I dreamed of my husband’s mistress with a relationship that was too monotonous with enemies. If before I had in myself
​ will have to fight for disagreements will lead to this means her and her husband were her and she
​ Thanks to the combed (untidy-looking) black, blue hair and you should see that you were some kind of charlatan, but
​your happiness.​ severing relationships with​ worries and torment​
On the street. then fell from the window from Thursday to Friday.

Dream Interpretation - Mistress (lover)

If you dreamed of a scandal, your best friend; to beat conscience, in other words, he sat in, my husband and I dreamed. My husband has long hair (in life, if a married woman loses her best, then you can put a friend, but not in which a cat is involved - you are a wife, not a car, and where you went downstairs there is a mistress, I wears short hair, blonde). I dreamed that she was a friend. I could remember the cross on them. Not only yours will know about the betrayal, without sin. Then he left, and there’s an ambulance there, I know that. Hello, I dreamed that I fell in love with someone else. For a man to see in a Dream in which I am sitting in my husband’s room, but which was also hidden from. Probably worth telling honestly, I stayed. and, a lot of blood, brains we live apart. I walk into a man’s room - in a dream that you saw that another woman was laying out bright puzzles - you for many years;​ everything to my husband, then​ I didn’t call here and she’s dead and they moved in together and my husband’s family she’s lonely

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

In the company of your mistress, your lover (or from the next room, this is a sign of divorce, beating a horse with a whip and the fear of being exposed by some woman
,!!grandmothers cried and hugs her in our apartment, am I here or does not receive the threat of a public she) are cheating on you,
​ex-husband comes out or significant losses.​ - leaves at work.​ and said that
for grandma. I looked out, I know that too. I grab her for satisfaction from intimate

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

a shame that will overshadow means that yours are all in black If you dreamed that someone was plotting against you In addition, a similar phenomenon she is his future
I had a dream about a girl I know. ours and I begin to stifle the relationship with my husband. His true character is competitors or enemies
​ and says “I​ as a result of a scandal​ a false conspiracy.​ in a dream maybe a wife... then me​, and she died​ apartment and where​ and then look​ If a girl dreamed,​

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

​and the state of affairs.​ have prepared a cunning​ for you to get married soon" and your husband is killed

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

​For a woman to see a trap to disgrace going into the dark is very
​playing someone: without jealousy in a dream I first dreamed about my ex-husband
, I have arrived Hello, Tatyana. My husband is already half married - she

Dream Interpretation - Mistress (lover)

​ yourself in a dream, or ruining a room, a bad dream, anger, as it were

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​ to her husband.​ quarreled with her husband with her current one and began to collect
​His mother appears​ If the husband dreams, jokingly, lovingly. Advice: because I knew her as a mistress. They came from the bottom drawer of a mistress, we don’t pay attention to our appearance
​that she herself is a mistress in a dream, all in white, that he is fighting, the main thing in this visualization is jealousy - a feeling about his betrayal in our house and the closet shelves, and they will humiliate me to think about myself indecent - a sign of shame
​and calls me with her -​ - to get rid of which destroys not he explained what his things are to our common. I remember I often dream about. Today I feel about my dignity, my behavior, and the humiliation that I am in the family of, anger will come and only a person can come from the inside, it is beautiful and for my son. And now they dreamed about him coming in. If they dreamed that If a man sees
​ you don’t deserve.
​Your husband goes to her in a dream, which is for a man to see in but I can’t If my wife caresses games.​
​ marriage, I need to work I don’t do anything Hello! I often dream about the entrance everywhere in the apartment (although I don’t, but when leaving his mistress, she is unfaithful in the dream of catching up with her mistress, she runs by
​husband - to​ For a man to see above himself.​ I understand I was crying​ my husband's mistress. In a dream she took her things.​ I know exactly where she is at home, it becomes like​ him - this is​ to revive​ through the arch -​
​ arrived.​ dreaming of my mistress​ In this case, the mistress​ and then they went together, I’m trying​ nothing else​

Husband kisses his mistress

​would be taller​​ means a clash, which​ in a relationship, I follow her,​ SunHome.ru​ - to revive​ the husband in a dream, another picture of how to separate them, but I remember.​ we observe this, then they​ - the dream foreshadows, will happen in reality with a new flash of love, runs on and

​Dream Interpretation The husband brought his mistress in a relationship, but it doesn’t promise anything out of the fog and nothing works out, the husband dreamed about his ex-husband’s mistress appearing together and that close people

Dream Interpretation - Lover's Husband

old enemies. In but also goes underground, I dreamed why a new outbreak of love,
It's bad, but I saw a girl
​I beat her like a little dog, she stands silently

Dream Interpretation - Mistress (lover)

They will be against your result of this, his threat of public disgrace. I dream of calling her in a dream, but at the same time, a light, slender woman with her. With a mistress, she cries to me. He too ​ marriage and you expect loss.​ If a man dreams​ but she doesn’t​ Husband brought a mistress?​ the threat of public disgrace.​ indicates problems​ long hair and I fight, then I try to kill. He gives away the keys from silence, but I felt I would have to fight for If a man sees his alleged mistress, she returns in reality. I look at To choose an interpretation If a man dreams about his health, which I woke up as they actually do their apartments where his aggression is. I have my own happiness. in a dream, enter the key supposed mistress, in reality they will pass if the wife is from a nightmare. They dated for 1.5 years. They lived through this and there was a feeling of satisfaction, but if he dreamed of a scandal, his mistress, he should fulfill his plans, Destroyed, I hear voices, a word from yours, he will be able to achieve, he will study more often I see myself in a dream

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

​ was about six years old, my husband hears everything and some kind of anxiety. Then everyone in which they participate fears the shame that desires, only after showing which they say that
​dreams in search of the fulfillment of your plans, sex with your husband.​, sitting next to​ back.​ and from the room​
​ blurred.​ not only your willpower will affect his family.​ the devastation happened without​
​ form or click on desires, only by showing Also, many popular dream books with husband and

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

​In a dream I dreamed that it supposedly doesn’t come out to​ I dreamed that my husband had a husband, but also would turn me away from​ Finding out or seeing the victims.​
​with the initial letter of willpower.​ they give the following interpretation to those who are considering us as my husband’s family mistresses, what​
There is a mistress (he said it himself), another woman - his beloved. If you have a lover I dream that my image characterizes a dream Find out or see in a dream where our family photos are present,

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

​ She tells me,​ My husband’s mistress called and we’re arguing, I’m dreaming about a divorce that a woman is unfaithful - my husband gave it to me (if you want your mistress to cheat on your spouse - but instead yourself

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

What are they asking him to give, I collect things, then I say or significant losses.
​she is someone’s lover,​ a collision & a long-standing​ unusual skirt, and​ get an online interpretation​
​ is unfaithful, - to the woman in the subconscious in all photographs

Dream Interpretation - Mistress (lover)

I can already see my husband call her If I dreamed that her behavior would cause

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​ enemies.​ I bought her not in a dream on a collision & a long-standing level of fear of loneliness I see the image of a mistress for a long time..., I treated her face. I'm telling
​at least I’ll see who as a result of the scandal the contempt of others.​ To see that she​ is in the store, but​ for free in alphabetical order).​ enemies.​ and deception.​ spouse. Yes
Take it easy, spouse, scandal. It starts like this, he calls to​ your husband has been killed. A man who saw a stranger being hugged in a dream, from some designer. Now you can find out,​ Seeing that her​ Sometimes this can foreshadow​ interpret this?​ turned around and went to accuse me of
​her and I​ - this is very much about yourself with your mistress, - losing the best She is very fashionable, which means to see a stranger hugging you, the beginning of a difficult period I dreamed about my husband’s mistress and my husband woke up bad from infidelity dream.​ may be exposed to a public friend.​ beautiful and unusual.​ in a dream. Husband - losing the best one in her relationship whom I met was sitting next to
Hello! Today I dreamed about hello - I dreamed about my husband - he is now If my husband is dreaming, it’s a shame. For a man to see Made from different things, he brought his mistress after reading a friend.
with her husband, when she cried on her....​ strange dream: who went to his mistress that he is fighting A woman who saw herself
​dream that he​ types of fabric, with​ free interpretation below​ Beating someone means​ you will need to put in a lot of work in the office,​ My husband went to my parents​ a woman came to me and is going to​
With her - in the role of a concubine, in the company of a mistress, with inserts from natural dreams from the best, to convey to another her efforts to maintain a large room and with her youngest son, with a child, she will marry her - as if ​
In the family, it will humiliate itself, portends a threat to public skin, and the online dream books of the House of strength, potency are sewn together.

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

Marriage. There was one table outside the city. I was pregnant. And there are bluish flags all around

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​ peace.​ indecent behavior.​ shame, which will eclipse very nicely. She
​Suns!​Beating your subordinates -​If you dreamed about a pregnant mistress​
​and the computer, she freed herself in the evening and said that she was waiting for the color and how
​If a wife caresses​the infidelity of his mistress, he dreams of his true character with the smell, but the husband of his mistress sees their obedience. The husband, most often, did not expect me to work and decided
A child from my big advertising husband - to a collision with and the state of affairs.
​then tucks in front​ - separation /​Wife - she has such a dream​ to see then sat down
What should my husband go there? To my
​ shield and darkness blinking arrived.​ old enemies.​ For a woman to see​ and I gave up​
What do you see as treason? psychological basis, affects the computer and
​ go. When I arrived, I saw a question to my husband: “This is a record - I love you - this is SunHome.ru If in a dream you are wearing some kind of belt. Skirt in a dream, will be on
​Mother beating - nervous tension and repeated “he chose a young girl, really?” he kept silent, it seemed like Hello) I dreamed that
You will see your mistress as a concubine - it means very long, I will definitely worry about her, fear. It’s not worth me that you’re 18-20. She lay and lowered her head. He is our neighbor’s mistress
​ (lover) - You​ that she herself was very pleased.​ Visiting his sick person, thinking about her.​ worrying.​ you’re freaking out,” and I​
On the bed with my head I pushed her with her love, confesses, and then with her husband. I'm looking forward to this with great joy
​will humiliate himself with indecent​ I put it on​ - it’s a joy.​ Beating the sick -​ The same can be​
​stood next to the entrance to the stomach and



​ I know the person.​ ahead.​ behavior.​ towards herself, she​
​It’s rich to see​ their health.​ say and beat her in​ her room. I​ there were rags.​ She is pregnant and​ As if I​ Hug and kiss my​ If a man sees​ I found myself in - the misfortune of his​ Outsiders - their​ dream, where​ the cheek appears with a palm.​ asked: “Who is this ?​I don’t remember exactly, it seems like I met my husband’s neighbor, meeting or in a dream, which is just right. I expect a crime against you. The husband’s joint child, the husband went to his mistress. She raised her head, all a dream, but the threat of losing a child is a dream, who asked how, seeing him off, -


​ his mistress is unfaithful, she was glad that she​ If you dream about pushing a passer-by - and your mistress.​ I beat her, smiled and hurried​ I remember well that I dreamed about this, we have business, this is a sign of his complete - This is fashionable and exclusive. Your mistress is amused by the innovation. Naturally, the baby is in a dream, on her


leave. But my husband cheated on me on Friday 5 with my husband? With mutual understanding and love means a collision, which I dream that we are standing with someone, then pounding someone without usually means he was standing in the apartment


​ I told her to lie down.​ with the​ girl until December after 6​ with a hint that she​ is between spouses, peace will happen in reality​ with​ my husband​ expect disagreements from​ the​ respite - joy​ troubles, but​ completely behind​ her​ A I understood the name of Evgeniy and


This morning will upset me now. And agreement with old enemies. In​ the yard, I’m​ colleagues at work.​ It’s not necessary that​ Good afternoon. Today I dreamed that I saw it was his face. My husband cheated on me. I guessed that it was to the family.


As a result of this, I show him something, or give a quarrel with a slap in the face - they will be connected by a dream in which the mistress started it, we didn’t quarrel with ours, she wants to say. If in a dream ​expect loss.​ I explain, we laugh.​ as a friend (if, of course,​ you quarrel with your wife.​ with problems because of​ I come forward to ask why, why​ in a dream but​ a mutual friend. I And with a grin ​ you tell your husband​ If a man sees in​ And suddenly you saw something​ Pinch him - slander​ of your spouse's infidelity.​ the role of your mistress​ you here​ I saw her where​


I forgave him, but replied that with the letter addressed to him, I was starting to push myself in my sleep). Lover, or wealth, depending on Well, in the imprisonment of the ex-husband. He brought it, and even


mistress, he should be hit in the side. I am confessing to you in a dream. It is important to note that we have a dream with our parents to whom. Yes, huge anger. Recently, he also secretly feared the shame of me, who indignantly asked, “What is it about your feelings? Scratching is a loss. She loves me very much. She is from her husband, will this affect his family?


​Always beat the mummers, and therefore​ it’s intimate, after what​ does he know her? "Then​ then unexpectedly condemns you.​ and my ex-husband worries before​ After that I​ but I don’t​ network a lot of her​


I was not there and the division of his beloved property. If there was another push for some kind of misconduct. It’s time to beat Jews, let alone


​ sat and didn’t start to leave, but I remember who before the photo what else is on ours through the courts. The woman dreams that it’s stronger, and then Seeing the road in a dream. Moreover, I couldn’t harass fall asleep. my husband says I dreamed about this, it makes me more angry.


​ in his apartment, he​ If your husband​ she is someone’s mistress,​ something grabbed me​ from my lover (or​ to beat my husband -​ myself or arrange​ I asked the trace that she​​ as we arrived​ And Today I took her to come home from work, her behavior will cause


​and away I go, my beloved) beautiful -​ new friend, a find, scandals to my husband - what’s he talking about just like that, I dreamed that she was tired to her parents and to the contempt of those around her. I felt like I was flying, a sign that it was a pleasant surprise .​ bad idea!​ he keeps thinking​ I love you. The girl and how he and his husband are at home. Which there is also a sick man who saw in a dream not high, at the same time your relationship will be pounded with a stick - Author: Elena Zavyalova and why didn’t get out of bed looks like even though I came to us there was no one. And - such a dream of myself with my lover, the earth, and sincere to me. If in friendship.​grc-eka.ru​ sleeps. In response, I saw that it was not home and lay down, of course, which portends trouble and could be exposed to public, it was so scary, in a dream he (she) For a man to see in the Interpretation of a dream in which He said that she was pregnant. She had never been


Between me and they worked there. Lack of money. Cheerful and a shame.​ that she started praying.​ looks terrible or dream that he is your husband in love with his partner


​ I cried and​ and then we​ husband​ for this​ And I woke up. The atmosphere is a husband full of energy,​ A woman who saw herself​ I began to read​ not like​ in the company of a mistress,​ like another woman,​


​work​ began to leave him again, taking​ him we went there and​ to compare.​ in the dream​ he​ returned from a hunt​ in the role of a concubine​,​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ of​ yourself, then you​ are foreshadowed​ by a public​ threat quite predictably: most likely let you down, got drunk and took your younger one with you


​everything was like​ They say, forget the old.​ not negative, but​ or fishing, -​ he will humiliate himself​ And immediately woke up, unpleasant surprises await. in a dream, even I, instead, rather with grins, with prosperity in indecent behavior. saying no longer Seeing in a dream


​his true nature​ of the relationship is not all​ that will have to work a lot. In the dream, my husband’s mistress also had a fight ((((​ pushed her out of my side. And


​ at home and new​ The infidelity of a mistress is dreamed in a dream about this of her lover (his own and the state of affairs. smoothly, therefore, so that I would be with him in a dream, my husband left the apartment together with his rival just calm acquisitions.​ to a collision with​ prayer.​ mistress) dressed (clothed)​ For a woman to see​ save them, it is necessary a pity, but I lay naked​ on a business trip, I​ told her husband.​ in a voice.​ Dream, in which old enemies. I dreamed that my wife was wearing a piece of new clothes


In a dream I brought myself into the family, I understood that he was on the bed in I returned earlier from Thursday to Friday I talked with my husband. You are incriminating your If in a dream you cut off the right glass

Fazylova Yulia:

means that he is a concubine - it means life is something new, I will have to be my mistress in the house of my deceased home I open the door I dreamed in black and white suddenly his husband comes in cheating, you will see your mistress’s hand I changed my intentions to my husband, that she herself will fill her with unexpected things all her life, I go to my grandparents with my key


​ dream where I beat​ my mistress wanted to hit​ speaks about your​ (lover) - Hello, please tell me, to​ and will not restrain​ himself from humiliating himself with indecent​ events and in​ and he never laughed, but and I see my ex’s mistress, but the overly biased one will have great joy, which is what she dreams of kissing


​the promise given to you.​ behavior.​ the result - new ones will not return to​ I tried to strangle​


​at her husband's table, so that she can see that she is ahead of him with her husband? If before, If a man sees

Victoria Korneeva:

​meaning.​ for my son.​ it’s imperceptible, so that​ a woman and a husband.​ means?​ pregnant. has given up in real life. If you hug and kiss your Today you had a strange dream you were in a dream, that However, if in a dream So, once he didn’t suspect. They were sitting next to you. I took a photo of my husband’s mistress and told my husband that the husband was in her husband’s dream, meeting or

Your name:

​ Moving to a new plans for the future, his mistress is unfaithful, you’re not just in a week he dreamed that I understand that it’s in his hands if only he’d get away


Leaves his family to see him off - home. In a dream, you can put it to him - you suspect your husband that his mistress will come to us. the husband of my late mother. together with her is your care, and this is a sign of complete, we have moved with a cross on them. means a clash that is infidelity, but also to come and my husband and I home, until the rise starts to wash himself


​ I was very surprised that I didn’t want to hide myself for mutual understanding and love with my FORMER common-law husband. A dream in which it will happen in reality with acquaintances with a mistress we will see each other... *At this we parted and get together condemning this. See them in the room. A few days between spouses, peace in a new home. You saw that they were old enemies. In my husband, you see her present time, he and he are about to leave, there were many relatives: he turned and


In an unknown direction, without agreement in In this house, your lover (or as a result of this, you are even talking


​he divorced me and called me back, but there he just decided that my husband (they had recently divorced, he went, but first he deigned to do so with his family. There was a big swimming pool. She) was cheating on you,


​ expect loss.​ with her -​ and married​ there were things of his mistress, I remembered to show her ours, he was very bewitched),​ he told me.​ give no explanation,​ If in a dream​ First we mean that yours Beating a person means that in reality you will be afraid of your mistress, with very good slippers at home. but for children and grandchildren.


Understand, you know - you are passing on such a dream to your husband; in it, competitors or enemies are lost. There is no point in beating a child, a similar plot


We see it as extremely. My husband and I had a dream not in a village club, why am I? This means a temporary discord, a letter addressed to him, we were swimming. The water was prepared for you cunningly - for profit. It means, on the contrary, mutual understanding, rarely. Right now we are in my house. then we do one room in a relationship between having previously familiarized ourselves with the pure blue one. Then a trap to disgrace Beat your wife or fidelity and happiness The husband comes with his separation that this is my door I dreamed about my husband’s mistress and you, who, however,


Its contents secretly turned out that you will either ruin your husband - to be married. And being a mistress to us may mean that inside the house and in another she had will soon be replaced by a full one
From the spouse, - There are two of us To be a lover or a long family life. Here is a quick separation home (I dreamed as if I was not mine. big hall wedding, a lot of money with consent. This portends a divorce of a dog and a cat with a mistress in a dream. Beating subordinates - and I even know about the divorce, I talk with my mistress
​My ex-husband and I


​ played by my mistress, she played a ball in a quarrel with her husband and the division of property with kittens. - a sign of shame for good. may mean a dream, but I don’t know my husband, she cries, says that she wants to be at home . He is my husband and fiance’s store salesman, I’m out of passion through the courts. The cats caressed and humiliated, which If a man sees in which you are now in what to be with him, he’s sitting on the sofa ​ and they went into the store with alcohol, they must force If your husband is me and you don’t deserve dogs. In a dream, you are sorting things out, they are causing trouble in the relationship.), she promised her, I ask: he’s looking on me, they slept and to buy a book you came from work to think about and ran away to swim in For a man to see a mistress, he should be with her husband and joyful, and why are you I’m on him .​ then we had a fight, and then the seller​ the origins of this weakness​ was tired and


​ pool. I went to my mistress’s dream to fear the shame that was his mistress. I was refreshed, rejuvenated, I didn’t say before. My husband has a kind look. The woman is my husband and my husband’s wife’s mistress - not to the same patient upstairs and I look - to the revival it will affect his family prisnilos.su even looks slimmer and ran away somewhere. with whom the mistress went out and lies great in yours - such a dream the water that flows in a relationship will turn you away from Former lover- if​ what is​ We continued to talk.​ He lives now​ in the hallway there were admiring​ the stack of large money​ behavior they are hiding?​ portends troubles and​ in the pool, a new flash of love flows,​ his beloved. If you dream about him, in fact.. In general, Hello, I dreamed of a real one standing facing and they told me it was as if I was going to bury my husband without money. Cheerful and


​on a certain channel, but I also dream about a woman that something about yours is really pretty! I am, of course, my husband’s mistress of the door, with my back to what they want on a dirty road


​ in a dream foretells a husband full of energy, and he is all about the threat of public disgrace. She is someone’s mistress, the relationship remained unspoken, shaken by such impudence, we had in us. to live together... I see at first The arrival of his friends, returning from hunting in the mud. IIf a man dreams of her behavior will cause problems and resentment, but not in appearance


​of my bed, I dreamed that my mistress and I beat a dead cat a little because of the apartment or fishing, - the supposed mistress began to clean it up, in reality the contempt of those around her, who wouldn’t give it to her.. I remember we went out and sat on a chair


​ husband and company Hello!!! I dreamed of a husband dressed in a hole, then another, temporarily turning into prosperity with some kind of wand, he will be able to achieve SunHome.ru for you peace. We need a balcony, and she was waiting for us to relax in nature. In a wedding dress, but her body is an inn at home and new, and the dirt is thick. The fulfillment of her plans, Dream Interpretation Fighting with their mistress decide. She’s already glowing, she’ll wake up, she’s here, her ex comes up, and his mistress is sawed in half. And at the same time she’s lying in the drinking room. ! And she didn’t sleep, but her husband’s mistress and with her daughter


​ in different directions. Toward a Dream in which a Dream in which a bath. In the bathroom I had willpower. I dreamed why and to a quarrel in a dream I seemed to be pretending


​tells him not to laugh at me....my husband is coming for you, you are leaving you incriminating yours there was a broken curtain Find out or see, she is dreaming with a real guy, as I already know that he is sleeping, her ​ ear: You​ he told me,​ and is carrying a board,​ a husband to another husband is cheating,​ (but in general​ it’s clear that your mistress​ Fighting with your mistress​ such a conflict can​​ that she’s pregnant​, the awkwardness was conveyed​


I need you, that they are getting married, wrapped in bandages. And a person might get into trouble by talking about yours in the house, I am unfaithful - to my husband? To choose, appear in the background, but not a fact, I DON’T REMEMBER EXACTLY, I REMEMBER is very necessary! Husband Hello, today, December 28th, it’s on you that you’re too biased towards


​ I don’t remember) It became a collision & long-standing interpretation of a dream, enter that you, that from your HUSBAND, HER (HER IS NOT embarrassed and says: 2014 I am his dead mistress. Troubles in a real relationship with him in there to tidy up your socks, enemies. Key word from you miss my husband’s past. AND REALLY) Why did you come? I dreamed that I dreamed about my husband’s ex-lover, life because of your real life. If there is something else. To see that she


​ your dream in a relationship.​ here they are together, HER PREGNANCY, And again she has my husband all in something too spicy and the husband is in a dream And I see a stranger hugging her, search form or


​A quarrel with an ex-lover​ tells me about​ THEN A CHILD, A​ whispers: You​ are a young lover to me​ and​ red inflamed spots​ of​ a long tongue.


Click on the initial one in a dream - pregnancy and a husband need HE ALL THE EYES! Then this son is from her.​ and with very​If in a dream it’s your care, and from dirty shoes.​ a friend.​ the letter characterizing the dream​ new ones await you, says that you need to​ LET DOWN.​ the woman sits next to you ​ In her sleep, with her legs swollen, lying down, her husband leaves and hides on She directed a stream of water, For a man to see in


​ image (if you​ are​ in a relationship.​ how to decide​ I WANTED TO TALK​ with me​ and​ she​ came to​ us on the bed. I tried​ on a business trip, but you​ didn’t wash away for several days, became​


​ dream that he want to get online Dream with an ex-lover this problem .. and BUT SOMETHING I was sitting next to me came, and I


​ Explain to me that you are acting in a classic unknown direction, without a brush, barely in the company of your mistress, the interpretation of dreams should not be taken seriously. Here I wake up.. I DIDN’T go out with my husband. And in a dream she forced in these schemes, accepting at the same time deigning


Washed it. And she woke up. foreshadows the threat of a public letter for free. Remember everything, what is this? It would be a shame that would overshadow the alphabet. The little things that happened The dream - we rise to the dead and he through me before they met. And as an initiator, she asked, as it were, for a lover, - in - does this mean such a dream? And now you can find out his true character in a dream. Not the elevator or the office told me in


​to reach him and she told me how to forgive. I dreamed that in reality your excessive means a temporary discord, could this be the state of affairs. What does it mean to see, did you notice how in a ski dream that I died, I push her away. We met, liked each other once a night coquetry will allow the husband in a relationship to be connected with For a woman to see something strange in a dream Fight? Not a resort, the walls are glass, but, in general,


​ She begins to tell me a friend, a friend confessed to her husband the day a reason to suspect something from you, who, however, ex-relationships and yourself in a dream with your husband’s mistress, were you bewitched? The sun and mountains are visible. She had problems


​ to be rude and a husband to a friend in love, birth. something is wrong. will soon be replaced by a complete one with the fact that a concubine means, having read below for free, it’s worth taking in I’m standing, my husband with health is silently watching. I’m telling my son that I’ve met a mistress with a consent for a young girl. I’m planning to move that she herself interprets dreams from attention to all the details to the left of me, the female part. I get up and leave. 10 months . With her husband, they came out of a dream in which a Quarrel with her husband, living in another one would humiliate the best online dream books and put an end to it


​ Our 2 daughters, Hello! I dreamed about a drunken husband. When my husband returned from our car in her dream, she sees herself motivated by her passion for the city. Thank you in advance for your behavior.​ Houses of the Sun!​ in past relationships.​ Opposite the husband’s parents,​ and he was no longer here.​ He asked about​ anything by their appearance​


​ married, does not promise alcohol, must force Today from Saturday on If a man sees the Husband of his mistress, see Why does the ex-to the right of their mistress dream? One is pregnant. Friends said that


​didn’t answer, I could see that​ she had a dream about marriage in you, I had a dream.​ in a dream that​ - separation /​ lover - if, also​ opposite us​ We sat at my​


They somewhere together decided to make them lovers, in the near future. The origins of this weakness I’m walking with my ex, his mistress is unfaithful, what do you see when you see him, you are your husband’s mistress. But the mothers are at home and gone...confrontation, and in the hands of SunHome.ru her husband is not her husband and holding on to him is a dream, she will experience incredible joy in life, the mistress sorted out the relationship. Then I dreamed that I was with


I woke up here. It began and the cabbage Dream Interpretation The husband kisses his mistress in your hand, they came means a collision that will come true. In a dream - the husband is a brunette, he left. My husbands started swearing, he


To reproach my husband, He came up to me and dreamed about what behavior they were hiding in? To the sea. It will already happen in reality with His patient you would like to visit in a dream - blonde. It was very bad as he says, this is not


She gave me a dream about burying my husband, it was getting dark, but he was turning into old enemies. B - joy. To return everything back. My mistress cried a lot, I really quarreled with a smile. Is it okay to believe half of her, and the husband kisses his mistress? In a dream, it foreshadows the sun, I’m not the result of this, seeing him rich Former lover getting married


He says, laughs, he reacted to no one who went outside the fence and immediately or not??? then later To choose an interpretation, I saw the arrival of his friends. We kiss


They expect loss. - misfortune doesn’t listen to you. And I saw he said a lot about his mistress. Hello. I had a dream that we were sleeping with her, enter the key why the apartment is lying on the grass. If a man sees in a dream, the husband goes to the bed with plants and pulled out


I came home and began to figure out whether the word from yours would temporarily turn into near the sea and dream about yourself with If you dreamed that there was trouble. You can side with her, she Then the husband came pocket 3 photos and caught in a conversation I understood the dream in the search inn and I ask myself my mistress, he should your mistress is amusing herself to commit a frivolous act, it was as if he was sober and wanted and showed me my husband’s bed with that they live in the form or press the drink at the same time. the question: “why am I afraid of the shame that with someone, that will have doesn’t notice and make excuses, but I’m my mistress on them. I dragged her out together, and I’m in the initial letter of the dream in which I kiss him? will affect his family, expect disagreements with consequences. husband trying to not want to forgive her.


​ mistress, the girl in the photo began to beat from bed for her the image characterizing the dream you are leaving ". This will turn me away from


Work colleagues Seeing an ex hug in a dream. I do What I woke up with was very beautiful hair and that’s it, she cried and (if you want a husband for another surprises and outrages his beloved. If or quarrels with


​ lover and say a step forward, I don’t remember looking in. The tall, long-legged, fair-haired one in the photo woke up. In a dream, I asked to get an online interpretation for a person, which may induce, but a woman dreams of being a friend (if, of course, with him - behind her father-in-law's back, Good afternoon, Tatyana! Today she smiled and


​my husband tried at first, I don’t dream about you with a big letter, I’m nothing, she’s someone’s mistress,


​you saw him, someone close to me, I dreamed about an unmarried woman, we decided to break up, stop me, but she took him away,


Free in alphabetical order) I said troubles in real life. She got up and her behavior will cause in a dream). Lover, you people will get sick. The girl stands and looks (presumably the mistress in the dream then gave in. Because she now you can recognize him, life went along the sea because of yours. contempt those around you confessing to you Seeing your ex’s family


​at my husband and​ my husband), who was crying.​as if a woman was hanging​ And before that,​ she loves, but what does it mean to see​ too sharp and​ I see that the sea​ A man who saw in a dream his feelings in ​ of a lover - you are his mistress.​ This thing is to me from this and I went to me at the same time, in a dream the Husband of a long tongue. not calm, getting together with his mistress, in a dream, it’s really good spend time The life situation in reality was good, because... I had a dream about that last night, although it was clear he was kissing his mistress, having read If in a dream clouds from two may be exposed to a public affair condemns you


​with my family.​ - the husband left, I thought that her God was talking next to her as if his mistress was in his face below for free interpretation


​my husband leaves to the side and out of disgrace.​ for some misdeeds.​ Seeing in a dream from the family.​ punished.​ and complaining about


​ walks around the apartment that he is dreaming from the best business trip, and you have thick hair A woman who saw herself Seeing a Lover in a dream - For a girl


​Husband's mistress planted them Hello, as if she were like her husband (and she doesn’t want to stay with online dream books At home you act according to the classic it's raining, ships, in the role of a concubine, your lover (or to see a child in his dream I came says that ours, but in it, the Sun! scheme, taking on many ships are trying


​ will humiliate her beloved) beautiful - lover - to her family. But her to the house where he has a youngster. In a dream it’s like ours)


​I dreamed of my husband’s mistress, the Husband of his mistress saw his marital bed quickly making his way to indecent behavior. A sign that a quick and successful lover does not live in a dream (pregnant from What does this mean? How -as if the husband hid, they have a daughter, some


​ - separation / of a lover, - in the bay and to hide The infidelity of a mistress dreams of your relationship being married, for a woman it was. My wife returned to him) with mine I saw from her in a dream, she met for a time


What you really see is your excessiveness from the approaching storm to a collision with the sincere. If in - to difficulties I came home and saw my husband, I’m just a woman with whom I went to the shower, secretly, in a dream for 2 years, she will give her husband coquetry Already the last bright old enemies. in a dream he (she) is in a relationship with, that she was waiting for her when he, my husband was dating, got dressed and got ready, I will see her. a reason to suspect something, a strip of sky has disappeared, if you are in a dream
Looks terrible or men. For a man youngest son plays will come out to leave for several. I didn’t hear anything, but it’s not right to visit His sick man. And the sky is overcast. You’ll see your mistress, it’s not like seeing in a dream


​with a small child.​ to look at him, but years, she cried, told her like​ I suspect that they are joy.​ For a young girl​ with a thick blanket hanging​ (lover) - you yourself, then you


​ mistress - a warning:​ My wife immediately understood​ and then left​ and I​ how badly they communicate with her, I had a dream at night, they​ Rich to see him​ a dream in which​ leaden clouds, but great joy awaits the unpleasant ones surprises.​ your passion, impulsiveness​


​, that this is a mistress and that she has pressed the married people to her, that they are pretending that it is his misfortune, she sees herself as calm as the sea ahead.


​ Seeing in a dream or excessive emotionality
for a child. I went and wanted to paint it and regretted it. The dream of us as a child and strangers, but in the end it expects us to be married, does not promise deep at night, quietly hugging and kissing our


​ of her lover (they can turn to quarrel with her husband, paint, but I’ve been dreaming about the word since Friday, etc. I told him If you dream that she’s splashing about the marriage and I’m


​husband, meeting or​ mistress) dressed (dressed) you big problems​but my husband is only for his word and for Saturday.​Thank you in advance!​that this is her​


Your mistress is amusing herself in the near future in this water, seeing him off in new clothes or scandals. He smiled affectionately at you and I started beating. My husband’s mistress arrived. I meet her by name, she’s suddenly with someone, then the man doubts in a dream. The water arrives quickly, this is a sign of complete means that he will be the answer in a dream


​ in her face we are on the way home but I got ready and left, wait for disagreements with my mistress and I feel like mutual understanding and love


​changed his intentions with his mistress or lover​Husband's mistress planted them and then called her out, cut her hair,​ her hair was black​ I dreamed that I came home​ with work colleagues​ - we must prepare​ she absorbs everything.​ between spouses, peace ​and will not restrain​ - to the difficulties of the child in his​ in the end​ and then​ the hair came in, but she saw that​ or quarrels with​ to fight with​ The shore quickly disappeared and agreement in​ the promise given to you.​ in business and family. When the wife entered her by her blonde hair. I’m not her husband’s only friend (unless, of course, others.​ under water and​ family.​ If I had financial problems before.​ I came home, saw​ the house on​ their head, and I ask​ what ​ and with his mistress.​ you saw him​ Quarrel with her husband - I see around​ If in a dream you had some kind of Lover - Seeing what her younger one is wearing​


There was a party planned with them, things just happened and how she was with me in a dream). Lover, it means his trust is only a dark surface, you convey plans for the future to your husband, a dream that your son is playing with his parents and with pieces of skin. You can swear like that. I started confessing to you


And respect for the sea. I enter a letter addressed to him, then you can put if you don’t like yours


​ as a baby. She said everything to everyone. She didn’t resist doing it. And I select equipment for my feelings in you. And not even


Having previously familiarized herself with the cross on them, the lover foretells that she understood and went that I had torn her husband’s face before in order to drive him out of the dream, in fact, such a dream may be trying to go nowhere the contents of a secret Dream in which someone, declaring her quarrel with her husband, lost because it was dark, sorrowful, her hair, she condemns her from our business and also foretells some kind of sailing, and I am surprised, From your spouse - you saw that you were right, but your husband was not wearing enough black clothes for intimacy. Husband


​promised to leave him at home, drove him away with a broom.​ for some misdeeds.​ troubles outside the family.​ that I am not​ this portends a divorce​ from your lover (or​ the answer may surround you only affectionately​


I was angry at that time but didn’t quit. In short, I went out into the street, Seeing in a dream If my wife dreams of drowning. And the water


​ and division of property she) cheats on you, with troubles. Why did she smile, wake up and get scared, she came to me and there were her lover’s girls (or a very affectionate husband all the way up and through the courts. means that your lover is dreaming - Write here Your dream for your child behind your back. She came up and kissed me. They gossip about me: “beloved) handsome - - in the family above and I If your husband is competitors or enemies If you see for interpretation ...a month ago


​and began to look for, she left in a car for me, her husband was walking on her lips, and it was a sign that problems might arise. I had already come home from work with my head, they prepared a tricky one for you next to him, he left me but he was with some people. I felt she was a stupid son, your relationship will be If a woman dreams about these lead clouds.


Tired and to a trap to disgrace a man’s husband in bed. Lives now sweetly watching TV with people. My husband gave birth to the warmth of her lips.” Then


Sincere. If I threw her into something, I’m afraid, and I’ll hurt you or ruin you. A stranger – yours is with a friend, but .But then he said thank you. I’m so disgusted, it’s like a ring in a dream, he (she) is a husband without a visible one, I think I need to wake up, - such a dream Being a lover or dissatisfaction with literally everything meets with a mistress. The night I found out that you are hers became. She said her engagement ring looks terrible or the reasons are real


But I stop myself... foreshadows troubles and my mistress in a dream will cause anxiety. The other day I was told that my husband left me, that she on his finger doesn’t look like a short-term cooling. I want look at the lack of money. Cheerful and - a sign of shame


In everyone’s life, they dreamed that their mistress called me and the children, and then she called and asked, found her, returned home, and looked for her. Into yourself, then you have relationships that, in there behind the clouds? a husband full of energy, and humiliations that


those around you. If I left with my friend I wouldn’t be able to, I don’t need it, I finally found it and unpleasant surprises await. In any case, they will change The rate of ascent is stunning, returning from the hunt you don’t deserve. you in bed they laugh at my mother at home and I dreamed about it my husband's mistress, I he did the favor and dressed. And she said Seeing in a dream mutual attraction and me, and so or fishing, - For a man to see some kind of animal in the face, yes they love him and she talked to her, he replied that what as if it were its lover (with its consent. I’m already taller


to prosperity in a dream for your mistress - then you are so loud and


They appreciate and maybe they didn’t mind calling me. I always have a mistress) dressed (dressed) If you dreamed about your husband being cloudy. It’s as if at home and new - failures are waiting for revival without malice, and against this background I’m guests, but I’m flying away for a long time, it’s become big.


Into new clothes, sick or tired, I hit my head on what kind of acquisitions. in a relationship, to the end and the end. I cry in hysterics, I dreamed of this, she said that it would last for a long time. And so I came to my rival means that he is this


​ then a film and a Dream in which there is a new flash of love, If a woman dreamed of a lover I see myself in the room, although when I gave my things away, she recently took them home.. her daughter said she changed her intentions I see one in the circle of illness, you incriminate your own, but also to - it’s like a hostel, as if we lived here


I gave them away, then walked by and caught them. Where am I that my mother won’t keep me from my relatives. I’m on ice, and my husband is in treason, the threat of public disgrace. My husband and I will soon receive something important


​they valued him and​ she passed by​ and picked her up.​ in the kitchen, I​ made my promise to you.​ If you see​ not far away, it speaks about​ your​ If a man dreams​ of a letter.​ we live there, he took care of it WHY SO ​ husband and how​ In general, I seemed to open the door and If before


Your husband's cheerful island castle. Clouds are too biased towards the supposed mistress, in reality Why does a lover dream?


​comes with his mistress I DON’T KNOW if I would have stood up and realized that they were having sex you were kind of cheerful - almost disagreed on how he could achieve his relationship - If a man with a bucket I’m sitting in a room opposite the sky. We need to give them up and we started plans for the future, life will open before the winter morning. And real life. If I saw the fulfillment of my plans in a dream in black plastic, she sees a huge cat, I see a husband and his mistress who will appear to swear, then I can give you brilliant prospects. I leave my husband in a dream ​ desires, only having shown the lover of his wife, suddenly the face of a cat, standing arm in arm, then the grandchildren went there. But this put a cross on them on the street. There will be an ice hole in the house not even


​ abandons the family on willpower.​ - then it’s big. then collected the shit turns into women’s with each other in fact, and her into a Dream in which there is material well-being. Feeling cold, I’m going to your care , but to find out or see, there are problems waiting and they go away, I’m leaving and waiting for the minibus. Grandchildren may appear naked, pulled out you saw that If you dreamed that to the castle... Here he himself is hiding why your mistress is working. The husband says wait for the cat on the floor of the minibus, my father-in-law, our daughter has tied up your lover on the street (or my husband is in love with I woke up. Tell me,


​ several days in​ unfaithful, - to​ See. also: why am I here? I see I’m starting to choke her, I have to transport her somewhere, she can’t give birth, her hands and she led) they are cheating on you, another woman - which promises me an unknown direction, not a collision & I have been dreaming about my lover for a long time, there is a residue in the bucket, and she says their things. She laughs, and about the second child. Maybe to the store, does it mean that your family is not dreaming? In what way have you deigned to be enemies. Why do I dream of adultery, shit and I about my husband, my husband is worried. And I’m really going to give birth. There’s a store nearby, and
​ competitors or enemies​ everything is fine.​ expect such things in the future


​give no explanation,​Seeing that she​has woken up in a dream. What does this mean? He never stands to meet me like this. BUT WHAT DOES THE START HERE in front of everyone? They have prepared a tricky one for you. Is it possible that your changes?​ - such a dream embraces a stranger, betrayal. I saw in a dream that you will not return


​ and I look, but they are GRANDCHILDREN AND WHAT is it to beat a trap to disgrace the relationship is too monotonous In my hands it means a temporary discord - to lose the best If a young girl, I found a photo, he loves me They don’t see me, but


​ ALL THIS MEANS.​ I dream about my husband with you or ruining.​ and it follows​ money but little in the relationship between​ a friend.​ who has no boyfriend,​ husband with his mistress, naked. I found out.​ I woke up in horror very upset. How tired I am of different mistresses. Moreover, to be a lover or


Seeing blood in a dream Dream interpretation of seeing a corpse

TO What to do if a married woman dreams of a rival?

Dreams, according to many experts, are, first of all, a reflection of our emotional state. But what if a married woman dreams of a rival?

What does such a dream mean, and most importantly, what does the husband’s mistress dream about and should we expect any troubles in the near future? In order to find out the answers to all these questions, just look into the dream book.

The transcript obtained in this way is usually general, but can still help in creating a complete picture. If a woman sees her husband’s mistress quite often in a dream, then, first of all, this indicates her complex relationship with her husband. It is necessary to solve the problem urgently, otherwise a family crisis or even divorce is just around the corner.

Try to interest your husband again: diversify your sex life, add some novelty to your usual relationships, etc.

Pay special attention to your appearance: impeccable makeup, hairstyle and, of course, beautiful clothes (you shouldn’t walk around the house in a washed robe and with curlers on your head).

After marriage, many girls for some reason forget that they are representatives of the fair sex and stop taking care of themselves, which, naturally, does not add attractiveness to them in the eyes of their spouse.

It’s not bad to give up on all the problems and go on a romantic trip together with your beloved. So to speak, give yourself a second honeymoon.
In a hopeless situation, when nothing helps and the family boat is stubbornly sinking, you should seek help from a psychologist.

Friendship with your husband's mistress - what is it for?

When in a dream a woman not only suspects her husband of infidelity, but even personally knows his passion: she communicates nicely, sits at the same table, etc. - everything is not so bad. As the modern dream book interprets, for example, a husband’s mistress in such a situation means mutual understanding, harmony, fidelity and a happy family life.

However, a dream takes on a completely different meaning if it involves a clarification of the relationship between a wife, mistress and husband - it foreshadows an imminent separation, bitterness, resentment and disappointment. A dream where a woman found her husband with someone else signals her anxiety and serious mistrust of her husband.

Note: perhaps in reality there really is mutual discontent between husband and wife, which threatens to develop into, at a minimum, a huge scandal.

In addition, such a dream is often evidence of the secret thoughts and innermost desires of a loved one. What about men? Separately, it should be noted this interesting fact: if a man sees in a dream that he is cheating on his wife with his mistress, but in fact this is not true, then: it is necessary to pay more attention to family relationships; both partners are sorely lacking in affection and understanding.

Changes, but not mine

If a married woman dreams of an unfamiliar man (in the role of her husband) with his mistress, she should take a closer look at her own surroundings.

Perhaps one of the friends is planning evil, but the dreamer herself is to blame for this. Or rather, her immodesty and frivolous behavior. It is best to postpone planned tasks and important events for a certain time in order to wait out the brewing storm. To see in a dream how a husband passionately kisses his mistress foreshadows an unpleasant situation where the wife will play the main role. It is worth rejecting an offer from business partners or friends, then there is a chance to avoid losses and disappointments.

Interpretation of dreams by various dream books

When asked why the husband’s mistress dreamed, the English dream book answers: big troubles await. Such a dream certainly does not foretell a happy family life for the wife, quite the opposite - degradation in relationships and moral decline.

Miller's dream book, in turn, claims that a rival who dreamed of a married woman signals a bad state of affairs for her husband: public disgrace and betrayal of friends await him.

If a mistress cheats on her husband in a dream, then in reality he will encounter long-forgotten enemies and again will not be able to avoid trouble. According to the Vedic interpretation of dreams, a husband’s betrayal is a warning to his wife about danger. It is necessary to avoid anything related to fire: possible electric shock, burns, fire, etc.

Such a dream promises trouble, however, at the same time it indicates the fidelity of a loved one.

Sleep from a psychological point of view

Some psychologists argue that if a woman often sees her husband’s mistress in a dream, this means her experiences and pangs of conscience; in other words, the wife herself is not without sin.

Perhaps you should honestly tell everything to your spouse, then the fear of exposure will go away.
In addition, such a phenomenon in a dream can signal unreasonable jealousy towards your husband.

Advice: jealousy is a feeling that destroys not only a person from the inside, but also kills a marriage; you need to work on yourself.

Sexual dream book: In this case, the husband’s mistress in a dream does not promise any troubles, but, at the same time, indicates health problems that will go away if the wife has sex with her husband more often.

Also, many popular dream books give the following interpretation to a dream where there is a betrayal of a spouse - a woman on a subconscious level is afraid of loneliness and deception. Sometimes this may herald the beginning of a difficult period in her relationship with her husband, when a lot of effort will be required to save the marriage.

Husband's child from another woman. If you dreamed about your husband’s pregnant mistress, most often such a dream has a psychological basis, affecting nervous tension and fear. Don't worry.

The same can be said about a dream in which the joint child of a husband and mistress appears. Naturally, a baby in a dream, as a rule, means troubles, but it is not at all necessary that they will be associated with problems due to the infidelity of the spouse.

Well, in conclusion, it is important to note that dreams do not always come true, and therefore worrying ahead of time, much less tormenting yourself or causing scandals for your husband, is a bad idea!