Family assembled: Madonna posted a photo of her six children on Instagram for the first time. Madonna - biography

Madonna (Ciccone Louise Veronica, Madonna, Louise Veronica Ciccone) was born in 1958, in the month of August, on the 16th in the city of Bay, Michigan. On this hour height 162 cm, weight 54 kg. Bust (figure) parameters and dimensions (girth): chest volume 92 cm, waist volume 61 cm, hips volume 87 cm. Shoe size feet 39. Eye color green. Hair color is light brown. By religion she is a Kabbalist, formerly a Catholic.

Ciccone's father Silvio is an engineer at Chrysler and General Motors. After the death of his wife (Madonna Fortin), citizen Ciccone married the maid Gustafson Joan, who subsequently gave birth to two children.

Ciccone's mother Madonna Fortin (Madonna Fortin Ciccone, born in 1933) is a technical engineer in the X-ray room. She is a French Canadian by nationality. By religion she is a Jansenist (French Catholic movement). She died in 1963 from breast cancer (probably due to radiation exposure at work).

There are five brothers and sisters.

Studied at St. Andrew's, St. Frederick's, Western high school(West), at Adams High School in Rochester (Adams), at the University of Michigan. Since 1973 she studied ballet and choreography.

Since 1978 she has lived in New York. She worked as a dancer for Pearl Lang. She worked part-time in eateries and as a model for filming. In 1979, she was noticed by producers Perrelin and Van Lieu and collaborated with them in Europe for a year.

She was a drummer in the band Breakfast Club. Then, in 1980, she founded her own group, Madonna and the Sky, later Emmy. Since 1981, Barbon collaborated with Camille, who became her manager.

Since 1982 he has been collaborating with Stan Seymour. As a result, cooperation with Warner Brothers continued right up to 2009. The first album entitled “Madonna” was released in 1983. She received all kinds of Grammys (as many as 7!) and Golden Globes. There were also golden raspberries. The song of the same name, from the second album, “Like a Virgin,” was included in the two hundred most iconic songs in the Rocknroll Hall of Fame. “Like a Prayer” from the third album of the same name was ranked 3rd in the history of popular music by the British magazine New Music Express, and 2nd by VH1.

And always some song from her subsequent albums, like “Bedtime Stories”, “Ray of Light”, “Music”, “American Life”, “Confessions on a Dance Floor”, “Hard Candy” and “MDNA” took pride of place prize place on some chart.

She starred in Specific Victim, Visual Search, Desperate Search for Susie, Who's That Girl, Dick Tracy, and the documentary Madonna. Truth or Dare" (in our box office "In Bed with Madonna"), in " Dangerous game”, in “Body as Evidence”, “Best Friend”.

In 2007, she filmed “Dirt and Wisdom” with the vocalist of the group “Gogol Bordello” Nikolaev Evgeniy Aleksandrovich, better known under the pseudonym Evgeniy Gudz (his mother’s maiden name). In 2010 she filmed “We. We believe in love." In 2013, the short film “SecretProjectRevolution”.

In 1973, she dated Long Russell (born in 1956).

In 1979, she lived with Dan Gilroy (the head of the little-known rock band Breakfast Club).

In the same 1979, she lived with Stephen Bray, a drummer.

In 1983, she lived with John Benitez, nicknamed “Marmalade.”

From 1985-08-16 (this is her birthday, by the way) until January 1989, she was married to Penn Sean.

According to unconfirmed information, in 1988 she had a relationship with Bernhard Sandra (Sndra Bernhard, 1955-06-06).

In 1990, she lived with Beatty Warren (Henry Warren Beatty, 1937-03-30, director), but refused to marry him.

In 1992, she had a relationship with Van Winkle Robert Matthew (1967-10-31), better known as Vanilla Ice.

In 1996, in October, on the 14th day, actor and fitness instructor Leon Carlos gave birth to a daughter, Leon Lourdes Maria Ciccone (to put it simply, Lola Leon).

In 1998, she lived with Andy Bird, an actor and screenwriter from the UK.

From 2000 to 2008 behind Richie Guy. In 2000, in August, on the 11th day, she gave birth to her son, Richie Roco. There is also Richie Ciccone's son, David Banda, adopted on 2008-05-28 (born 2005-09-24) and Ciccone Cifundo's daughter, Mercy James, adopted on 2009-06-12 (born 2005).

Since 2010, he has also been cohabiting with break performer Zeba Brahim.

Celebrity biographies


16.08.14 09:51

Her contribution to world culture it is impossible to overestimate: she is a living legend, evidence that perseverance and hard work can move mountains. Madonna's biography can be published as an excellent guide for those who dream of ascending to the heights of fame.

Biography of Madonna

First loss

Residents of provincial Bay City, nestled on the shores of luxurious Lake Huron, did not suspect that in 1958 (namely on August 16), a girl would be born into the family of a radiographer and design engineer Ciccone, who would glorify her town and be called the queen of pop music.

The mother of the family, Madonna Louise, had French roots– her great-ancestors arrived to conquer America from Europe, her husband Silvio was proud of his Italian ancestors. After two boys, God finally gave them a daughter. And to celebrate, they named her after her mother.

Probably, the profession with its constant danger of radiation was the reason that the mother fell ill with cancer (at that time she was pregnant for the 6th time, so she refused treatment). Time was lost. And six children were orphaned. Madonna Sr. was only 30. The future singer was never able to forgive the heavens for this loss. Just as I couldn’t understand my father - he got married after 2 years of widowhood, it was difficult for him to raise such a crowd alone. The stepmother, Joan, turned out to be a real despot, she gave birth to two more children, and all her love was directed towards them. So Madonna's childhood was not easy. She was bullied by her brothers who were addicted to drugs. Having seen all sorts of horrors, she herself swore to ever succumb to this destructive passion.

Difficulties of growing up

Catholic schools gave way to secular schools for the girl, where she was able to try herself in student plays for the first time (her mother sang well and knew how to play the piano; Madonna, who was similar to her in appearance, also inherited a pleasant voice).

The father did not like the young Madonna's ballet classes; he wanted a profession for her that would bring her a guaranteed piece of bread. With her excellent grades (they say that the schoolgirl’s IQ was 140 - an incredibly high figure!) she could have entered any educational institution, but she decided to act in her own way.

After school, the girl studied dancing at the University of Michigan. Then she left for New York. Fate continued to test future star. Part-time work in choreographic groups brought in pennies, Madonna lived from hand to mouth, huddled in closets, but did not give up.

Talent plus perseverance

In 1982, young Madonna became a member of the Breakfast Club group (she played percussion instruments). Ambition took its toll: she wrote songs, performed them herself, mastered the guitar and showed herself as a leader. In general, “I pulled the blanket over myself.” A contract with a producer was a great happiness for the aspiring soloist, and in 1983 she was able to release her first album.

That disc, "Madonna", was not a very bright event in musical world, but after the release of “Like a Virgin” they started talking about her as a new star. The compositions topped the charts, they were played on the radio, they were sung along, and listened to countless times. The album sold 26 million copies. This is how she stepped onto the first step of her fame, and from then on Madonna’s biography resembles an endless, vibrant music video.

The disc “True Blue”, born in 1986, consolidated the unexpected resounding success of the singer. The public was looking forward to new works, eager to attend concerts where the performer gave her all - to the point of exhaustion.

Some argue that at first the star was shocking - she exploited sexual images and “flirted” with religious symbols. But talent, incredible perseverance and a constant desire for self-improvement did their job.

Ups and downs

Were in creative biography Madonna has its ups and downs. The Golden Raspberry anti-award called her the worst actress of the century (the films “Who’s That Girl” and “Body as Evidence” were failures; they spoke unflatteringly about her role in the “Bond” film “Die Another Day”; she was terrible last work on the screen - “Gone”). However, the musical film about the second wife of the Argentine president, who did a lot for the country and sadly died early from cancer - “Evita” - became a real cultural phenomenon. The song for the comic book film “Dick Tracy” performed by Madonna was awarded an Oscar.

Madonna's personal life

First marriage, first daughter

The passionate feelings our heroine felt for Sean Penn were overshadowed by scandals that even led to fights. Madonna's personal life turned out to be an eternal "action". The young husband was not ready for life together, and when two such hot temperaments collided, “pieces of paper literally flew through the back streets.” The singer did not endure the beatings for long. Having married in 1985, 4 years later she divorced the actor.

On the set of “Dick Tracy,” the director and leading actor, Hollywood legend Warren Beatty, became interested in her, but Madonna limited herself to an affair and did not marry the artist.

Her daughter's father became her Cuban boyfriend Carlos Leon in 1996 (the diva would break up with him six months later). Madonna's daughter was named Lourdes, she has already celebrated her 19th birthday, and she has a joint business with her mother - her own clothing line.

It was during that period that she became acquainted with Buddhism, yoga, and Kabbalah (since then Madonna has been an adherent of this teaching).

New albums, millions earned, and finally won a Grammy gave strength to the performer.

With and without Richie

In mid-1998, together with her then friend Andy Bird, the singer attended a party with Sting. There she met with director Guy Ritchie, a British man who would later become her husband and change Madonna’s personal life, and very much!

In 2000, Madonna moved in with her lover, and the couple's son Rocco was born in August of the same year. She became fascinated by British life, enjoyed getting to know the traditions of a new country, but did not forget about work - in 2001, a world tour took place, which attracted sold-out audiences.

Alas, the second marriage did not become a union “to the grave” (although in addition to Rocco, an adopted black son, David, appeared in the family): in the fall of 2008, it became known about the couple’s separation. Soon the star adopted a girl from Malawi, Chifundo Mercy, and her British wife was replaced by her Brazilian boyfriend Jesus Luz. In 2010, Madonna began dating dancer Brahim Zeiba. And at the beginning of 2017, the media started talking about how Madonna and Sean Penn were seeing each other more and more often. Maybe they decided to restore a marriage that collapsed many years ago?

Her fortune is estimated at almost $1 billion, and she has her own chain of fitness clubs. Film “We. We Believe in Love,” which the singer staged, was scolded to smithereens, but she still has so many new ideas! The world will be surprised more than once by the phenomenon called Madonna!

She's always good

Madonna(Louise Ciccone) - famous American singer, songwriter, producer, dancer, actress, director and screenwriter. She was born in Bay City on August 16, 1958 in Michigan. She became one of the brightest stars in the history of pop music. Madonna was born and raised in a Catholic family. The family was large, the girl was the third child in the family. The singer's mother, Madonna Fortin, died of cancer at the age of thirty. Little Louise lived with her father. But he soon got married and his stepmother gave birth to two more children. Madonna studied at different schools, attended classes at a ballet studio. She continued to practice ballet even after finishing school.

While still a teenager, Madonna showed her musical talent. She became interested in dancing and then studied it both at school and at university. In 1978, the girl left for New York. There she takes dance lessons from famous choreographer Alvin Ailey, and also works as a model. Somewhat later, she created such groups as “Breakfast Club” and “Emmy”. The musicians performed in nightclubs. But soon the singer leaves the groups she created and develops a solo career.

Start of a career

Madonna met Mark Kamins and lets him listen to her audio recordings. Within a few days they were accepted by the public and were an incredible success. Casemis really liked Madonna. He was always trying to find her a good producer. For a long time, attempts were unsuccessful. But then such a person was found. It was Rosenblatt. A contract was signed - Kamins, Rosenblatt and Madonna began to work hard on the first record. Madonna's first song, "Ain't No Big Deal," was a flop. And there was no time left for re-recording.

The composition “Everybody. Soon, Madonna's songs began to occupy major places in the charts. The success of the young star was amazing.

Madonna released her second album, “Like A Virgin,” in 1984. The singer's 11th place in the US charts was brought by the title track, written by Tom Kelly. A video was shot for the single “Material Girl”. Madonna appeared before the public in a striking image of Marilyn Monroe. In 1985, Madonna became a real national star. Her marriage played a big role in her career rise. She married famous actor Sean Penn.

With children and ex-husband Guy Ritchie

Path to glory

World fame fell on Madonna between 1985 and 1987. “Crazy For You” became a chart leader in the United States. and “Into The Groove” reached number one in the UK. Madonna began acting in films. She had a small but memorable role in the film Certain Sacrifice. Then she had a role in “Desperately Seeking Susan.”

Together with her husband Sean, she starred in the film “Shanghai Surprise”, but this film failed. In 1988, Madonna divorced Penn. Madonna's work is controversial. It gives rise to various rumors and opinions. The Catholic Church condemned the video for the song “Like A Prayer.” After this, Pepsi decided to terminate the advertising contract with the singer. But the hype is only good for Madonna. The album of the same name becomes a bestseller.

1992 becomes a fruitful year for the singer. She starred in several films and continues to release music albums and starred in several films simultaneously. Madonna is even trying to write books. The year 1993 for Madonna was marked by filming in the thriller “Body as Evidence.”

Hard work takes its toll on the star's health. She becomes depressed. In the film "With a Despondent Face" she performs cameo role singing postcards.

Creative takeoff

The year 1996 was the year that Madonna's creativity in cinema took off. In the successful musical "Evita" she plays the main role. Another important event occurs in her life - she becomes a mother. The singer gave birth to a daughter and named her Lourdes. And the film Evita brings her a Golden Globe. But during this period, Madonna decides to devote herself to her family and leaves cinema for a while.

In 1998, one of her best albums, “Ray Of Light,” was released. A year later, she received three Grammy awards for her 1998 album, Ray Of Light. Madonna stars in famous film“Best Friend” returns to cinema again. During this period, she married director Guy Ritchie. They have a son. Together with his family, the pop star moves to London and returns to his audience.

Madonna continues both her musical and artistic career. In the film "Swept Away", which was directed by her husband, Madonna played the main role. But the film was not successful. But the film “Die Another Day” became iconic for Madonna. She was nominated for two awards at once - Golden Globe and Golden Raspberry. In her next album, "American Life," Madonna demonstrates her dissatisfaction with the Bush administration. Madonna sends a letter against the authorities. The song “Hung Up” becomes the most popular hit in different countries.

In 2006, the pop star became a foster mother for the boy David, who had previously lived in Malawi. This decision by Madonna leads her to dedicate herself to family and charity. Two years later she released the album “Hard Candy”. It sells five million copies.

Madonna tried herself in various professions. She was an actress, a writer, a singer and a fashion designer. And everywhere she achieved great success.

in 2008, Madonna decides to separate from her second husband Guy Ritchie, an English director, with whom she lived together for more than 7 years.

With Jesus Luz

The secret of her youth

Actress, singer, Kabbalist Madonna always arouses the admiration of the public - both for her creativity and for her appearance. The 53-year-old star looks like a 35-year-old. She is constantly improving both externally and internally. Madonna undergoes a number of procedures every day in order to look young and beautiful. She runs, pumps up her abs, hits a punching bag, and does push-ups. According to rumors, she constantly visits plastic surgeons. But the pop diva herself tries to hide this fact. The newspapers write that Madonna uses beauty injections, has had a facelift more than once, and has had her nose corrected. They say she even had her breasts enlarged. But within reasonable limits.

According to individual sources, Madonna still uses some anti-aging procedures. The essence of one of them is that oxygen of highly concentrated preparations containing antioxidants and hyaluronic acid is introduced under high pressure under the skin. Madonna has been using this method for many years. She even has a device with which she carries out procedures on her own.

Or maybe yoga helps an older beauty retain her charm and youth better than any other cosmetic procedure, healthy image life, effective diets, an absolutely sober lifestyle (she has not drunk alcohol for 20 years).

Hundreds of thousands of women around the world dream of looking as good as the Queen of Pop Madonna at 53. Or perhaps it’s a matter of love relationships. Until recently, her name was associated with the name of her young boyfriend Jesus Luz (Brazilian model), who younger than the singer for 30 years. There were even rumors that the couple was going to get married according to the rules of the Cabal. The pop diva adheres to this doctrine.

But it didn’t come to the wedding. The Internet is full of new messages about Madonna's personal life. Her chosen one this time was 24-year-old dancer Brahim Zeibat. They met at the launch of the pop star's new ready-to-wear collection. Brahim performed a solo number. And after the performance, the world-class star herself approached young talent. He was stunned by this. After this meeting, they began an affair. They do not hide their relationship in front of the public.

And Madonna's ex-boyfriend Jesus Luz returned to New York. He dreams of finding a girl to start a family with. Recently, photos of Madonna in nude style appeared on the Internet. It is believed that the pictures were “shared” by the star’s ex-boyfriend Jesus Luz. The racy photos were taken behind the scenes of one of the pop diva’s photo shoots.


  • Madonna (1983)
  • Like a Virgin (1984)
  • True Blue (1986)
  • Like a Prayer (1989)
  • Erotica (1992)
  • Bedtime Stories (1994)
  • Ray of Light (1998)
  • Music (2000)
  • American Life (2003)
  • Confessions on a Dance Floor (2005)
  • Hard Candy (2008)


  • Religions of the stars. Part 1. Madonna found answers in the teachings of Kabbalah women's magazine myJane

Madonna Louise Ciccone(English: Madonna Louise Ciccone) is an American singer, songwriter, producer, dancer, writer, actress, film director, screenwriter, entrepreneur and philanthropist. She was born on August 16, 1958 in Bay City in the Midwestern United States. Moving to New York in 1978 In pursuit of a career in a dance troupe, Madonna first became a member of rock bands and then a successful solo performer and songwriter.

Madonna became famous for constantly “reinventing” her music and images. She became one of the first female musicians to have a successful career on a major label without losing creative or financial control. The singer's videos are an integral part of MTV, adding new themes of texts or images of video clips to the mainstream. Madonna's songs have generally received positive reviews from music critics, despite frequent media controversy regarding their themes of racism, gender discrimination, religion, politics, sex and violence. Madonna's debut album of the same name was released in 1983 on the Sire label and became the first in a series of successful albums by the author/singer. The artist has a record 20 MTV Video Music Awards and 7 Grammy Awards, including prestigious nominations for the albums Ray of Light (1998) and Confessions on a Dance Floor (2005). The singer has many chart records and hits that reached first place on the main music charts, among which the most successful were the songs “Like a Virgin” (1984), “La Isla Bonita” (1986), “Like a Prayer” (1989), “Vogue” "(1990), "Frozen" (1998), "Music" (2000), "Hung Up" (2005) and "4 Minutes" (2008).

The singer is considered the most commercially successful performer in history according to the Guinness Book of Records with 275 million confirmed licensed sales. Time included the singer in its list of “25 Most Powerful Women of the Last Century,” assessing her influence on modern music. The singer is also the best-selling rock artist of the 20th century according to the Recording Industry Association of America and the second best-selling female artist in the United States with 64.5 million certified album sales. Billboard recognized the singer as the most successful artist in the entire history of recording among solo female singers. According to the NY Post, the singer's condition is 2013 exceeds $1 billion, but according to Forbes magazine, this figure is a little overestimated and does not take into account the fifty percent tax. The singer's 2008-09 concert tour, Sticky & Sweet Tour, takes first place in terms of income among solo performers throughout history. Madonna’s recognition in music and cinema is known - since the late 80s the media has called her the “queen of pop music”, and in 2000 year The anti-award Golden Raspberry named her the worst actress of the 20th century. The singer has 1 Oscar award for the song “I Always Get My Man” in the film “Dick Tracy”, 2 Golden Globe awards for her role in the musical “Evita” and for the authorship of the song “Masterpiece”. Madonna's films as director and screenwriter “Filth and Wisdom” and “WE. We Believe in Love" were crushed by critics and received limited theatrical release.

born August 16, 1958 in a town on the shores of Lake Huron, Michigan, USA. The singer's mother and namesake, Madonna Louise Ciccone, was French-Canadian and worked as a radiography technician; father, Silvio Ciccone, Italian-American, worked as a design engineer for the Chrysler/General Motors defense design bureau. Madonna is the third child in the family, there were six children in total. The first girl in the family was named Madonna Louise in honor of her mother; this name was never officially changed. The name "Veronica" was chosen by Madonna Louise Ciccone at age 12 for the traditional Catholic sacrament of confirmation and is not official.

Madonna's mother was descended from the Jansenist early French settlers, and her piety bordered on fanaticism. My mother played the piano beautifully and sang, but she never wanted to perform in public. During her sixth pregnancy, Madonna Ciccone (the eldest) was diagnosed with breast cancer. The mother adhered to the ideas of the pre-Vatican period, which still recognized sex as an immoral act, and abortion as murder under any conditions. She refused treatment for the rest of her pregnancy and died a few months after the birth of her sixth child at the age of 30. Madonna (Younger)'s rejection of the fact that God could allow her mother to die became important aspect life and work of the singer. Two years later, the widowed father of the family remarried the maid Joan Gustafson - a simple woman and the complete opposite of the first. The couple's first child died, but soon they had two more children. The stepmother cared mainly about her own children, but the father forced all the children to call the woman “mom,” which Madonna never did, considering the father a traitor to the mother’s memory. The family was quite wealthy, but Gustafson brought into the family the Protestant spirit of total economy on clothing and food - the family ate exclusively semi-finished products and the children almost did not wear store-bought clothes. Joan's methods of education were like a sergeant-major, which further strained the atmosphere in the family. Madonna gave her stepmother a feeling of female competition due to her strong external resemblance singers with their late mother. Madonna was subjected to severe bullying by two older brothers who were drug addicts, who fought with her for their father’s attention, which, according to biographers, early laid in her a hostile attitude towards drugs.

The Ciccone family lived in the Detroit suburbs, where Madonna attended St. Frederick and St. Andrew and West Catholic schools and was a cheerleader on the basketball team. The singer graduated from high school in secular school Rochester Adams, where she participated in theatrical productions and school musicals. Ciccone studied with excellent marks, and the teachers took on the role of a mother in her upbringing. The singer named the teacher of philosophy and Russian history Marilyn Fallows as one of two the most important people of your childhood. Despite her grades, Ciccone was considered by her peers to be a “good girl”; she was disliked for her excellent academic performance and position as a teacher’s favorite, and boys were afraid to ask her out on a date.

At the age of 14, Madonna was influenced as a pop lyricist by her friendship with the future recognized poet Win Cooper, who studied with her in the same school a grade older. According to Cooper, the girl was shy and a little aloof, avoided society, dressed modestly and especially loved the books of Aldous Huxley and the novel Lady Chatterley's Lover. The key event of Madonna’s childhood is considered to be West’s performance at the school talent evening at the age of 14. In it, an artist covered in green and pink paint in a top and shorts shocked the audience by performing a dance to the famous song “Baba O" Riley” by The Who. The reputation of an exemplary excellent student girl was hopelessly damaged, the performance was discussed for a long time in the city, and the father put his daughter under house arrest “The heroine of the day”, the brothers and sisters began to tease: “Madonna is a whore,” although this had nothing to do with sex. From the age of four, Madonna Ciccone imitated the dances of Shirley Temple, but took up ballet at almost 15 years old, which was acceptable for jazz choreography. -modern choreographer Christopher Flynn had the greatest influence on her. Flynn took her time to classical concerts, exhibitions and, to broaden her horizons, to gay clubs. Flynn was gay 30 years older, so the student’s love remained unrequited. , according to the singer’s recollections, this was the only person who understood her. Appearance excellent students changed towards a sloppy bohemian appearance, scaring off others. Biographers Andersen, Taraborrelli and Lucy O'Brien point out that although at the age of 14 Madonna had a reputation as a lecher, it was only at the age of 15 that she had her first sexual experience with 17-year-old Russell Long, which the whole school learned about at the instigation of Ciccone and father. According to Lucy O’Brien, the fight against stereotypical attitudes towards women based on the “virgin/whore” criterion and the desire to tell others about her love experiences became the main themes of the singer’s work.

Madonna Ciccone graduated from high school in 1976 a few months before final exams. She continued her dance education on a full-time basis at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, where Flynn received a professorship. The choice of a “frivolous” profession put a rift in the singer’s relationship with her father, who wanted his daughter to become a doctor or lawyer. The father believed that his daughter could find better use for her excellent certificate, successfully passed the IQ test (according to biographers Christopher Andersen (1991) and Randy Taraborrelli (2000), the singer’s result at the age of 17 showed 140 points) and excellent recommendations from teachers. The right to receive a free higher education in the United States is given to very few people, and Madonna moved into a university dormitory full of hopes for her brilliant future. According to teachers and colleagues, she had rare stamina even for a dancer, which was further developed by ballet training, and subsequently allowed her to become less out of breath while performing songs with simultaneous dancing. According to the memoirs of choreographer Gaia Delang, young Ciccone was “very slender and light, her dance was infectious.” However, in technical terms, the budget Madonna was inferior to many ballerinas, causing their rejection and envy, and the inability to be absolutely the best caused protest and a desire to further stand out, as much as possible in a ballet class - with torn tights or unwashed short hair. In her free time from studying, Madonna visited clubs in Detroit, in one of which she met black drummer Stephen Bray, her future collaborator and co-producer.

Personal life

Madonna's first serious romance with Sean Penn ended in marriage in 1985. The press closely followed the couple's relationship and began to call Penn "Mr. Madonna." Sean did not like this “name” and rivalry began between the spouses. This resulted in a public row. The couple broke up after four years of marriage. After the divorce, Madonna began a relationship with famous actor and womanizer Warren Beatty, which ended in nothing. At one time there was talk that Madonna had tender feelings for actress Sandra Bernhard. However, the singer stated that she does not welcome same-sex love. However, model Jenny Shimizu stated that she had a lesbian relationship with a celebrity.

Madonna gave birth to her daughter Lourdes from her personal sports trainer, however, the singer said that she saw no point in marrying the father of her child. In 2000 Madonna gave birth to a son to her second husband, English director Guy Ritchie. The couple met in 1998. However, after 7 years of married life, the couple separated. After this, Madonna turned her attention to a young 22-year-old model from Brazil, Jesus Luz.

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Biography, life story of Madonna

Madonna Louise Ciccone (stage name Madonna) is an American singer and actress.


Madonna was born on August 16, 1958 in Rochester, Michigan, USA. Her family lived in Pontiac, as Michigan was known at the time, but the decision to open up to the world came to her when they visited her grandmother in Bay City. Madonna was named Madonna Louise Ciccone, but her family called her "Little Nonnie." When she was just five years old, her mother died of breast cancer. According to Madonna, “One of the hardest things I've faced in life was the death of my mother and I definitely haven't come to terms with that day.”. Madonna learned early to be strong and independent, but she always remembered her mother's courage: “She tried to hide her fear deep inside herself so that we wouldn’t know - she never complained.”.

After the death of his mother, the Ciccone family fell apart. Madonna and her brothers were sent to various relatives, and a couple of years later, to Madonna’s horror, her father Tony married their housekeeper Joan Gustafson, a guardian of strict order. The father forced the children to call her mother, but Madonna found it extremely difficult to do this. In fact, she never called her mother. Madonna was the oldest of eight children, so it was on her shoulders that the greatest burden of responsibility was placed. Madonna recalled: “As the oldest child in the family, I felt like my entire youth was spent caring for children. How I wanted to escape from all this then... I was the most typical Cinderella.”. Madonna said about her father: “If we didn’t have schoolwork, he’d give us homework—he was extremely adamant about forcing us to be useful.”. And also: “But if he weren’t so strict, I wouldn’t be who I am now.”.

When Madonna was little, she loved to sing along to songs on the radio while she helped with housework. She recalled: “There was always music playing in our house - either gramophone records, or the radio, or someone humming in the shower.”. Soon her father wanted her to take piano lessons, since most of her family played the piano. musical instruments, and her father was really obsessed with it. But this was not destined to come true - Madonna was her father’s favorite and persuaded him to let her take dance lessons instead of the piano.


Madonna was 12 years old when she entered the local Catholic school high school. Tyranny reigned in the school: “You’ll get hit on the butt with a stapler if you don’t listen.”. But she also took classes that were of great service - tap dancing, jazz dancing and gymnastics. And here she revealed to the world the sociable Madonna, who until now had only been seen in the family. “I wanted to do everything and everyone told me that I can’t, I can’t wear makeup, I can’t wear tights, I can’t cut my hair, I can’t go on dates, I can’t even go to the movies with friends.”. She attracted attention for wearing fancy socks and was filmed in a friends home movie with a fried egg on her belly. She was also noticed when she participated in a local talent competition, dancing in a bikini with body paint to the music of The Who.

As mentioned earlier, she wanted to do everything that she was forbidden to do. She turned her uniform skirt into a miniskirt, ran to the bathroom to put on makeup and put on tights. She flirted all the time. But when she wasn't flirting, she devoted herself entirely to her studies. Madonna recalled: “I tried so hard to study at school because my father rewarded us if we got straight A’s in our diaries. I wasn't as interested in studying as I was in wanting to save a lot of money with the 25 cents my dad gave us.". It's no surprise that Madonna shone in school theater, where she played leading roles in productions. After high school, she took dance classes at the University of Michigan. Her teacher was Chris Flynn. As she recalled: “I truly loved him. He was my mentor, my father, my imaginary lover, everything.".


Almost immediately after the University of Michigan, Madonna decided to go to New York to fulfill all her dreams. Everyone was against this idea, but her dance teacher said "Drive" and, fortunately for us, she went. So she was finally in New York, standing in the middle of Times Square (upon arriving in the city she asked the taxi driver to take her to the middle of everything) with $35 in her pocket, a bag full of tights and dance boots in one armpit and big doll in another. Madonna recalled: “When I arrived in New York, I flew on an airplane for the first time, drove a taxi for the first time, in general, did everything for the first time. And I arrived there with 35 dollars in my pocket. It was the bravest thing I've ever done. My goal was to conquer the city and I felt that I would have to". And also: “Even though I quickly got used to New York, I was really lonely.”.

“I could take anything in a taxi wherever I went. I took a deep breath, gritted my teeth, wiped away my tears and said, “I will do it - I have to do it, there is no other way.”. This was the beginning of Madonna's difficult times. She lived in a terrible house - there was no money for a better house. She recalled: “When my father first visited me, he was stunned. Cockroaches were crawling everywhere. There were drunks lying around in the corridor and everything smelled of spoiled beer.”. Then she won a scholarship to the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater, where she spent two years working hard during the day and even harder at night without losing her job at the fast food restaurant where she worked part-time.

She also occasionally attended the Blue Froggie Club, where she met Steve Bray. He was talented musician, but his relationship with Madonna was more physical. A little later, Madonna realized that the path to the top for her was not the completion of pure modern dance. It was not the competition that hindered her, but the lack of prospects. There were so many people trying for so few professions. She auditioned for theater and musical roles and achieved that she was taken to Paris to take part in a revue, standing behind Patrick Hernade. Hernade's administration realized that they had gotten their hands on something valuable, but they were too slow - when she asked for an increase in her fee, they refused. So, goodbye Paris and hello New York.

The desire to sing

Madonna returned to New York with a burning desire to succeed in the music industry. She returned to live with her old boyfriend, Dan Gilroy. He and a couple of friends he met at dance school created The group Breakfast Band, they needed a drummer - just for Madonna. Then she persuaded Dan to write a couple of songs for her as the singer of the group.

After a few months of being in the group, she realized they were going nowhere and formed her own group with herself as main singer. Over the next few months, they performed constantly in dubious New York clubs so that their name would become known in musical circles. It wasn't easy. Her group went through many changes in its composition and name. Clubs were more interested in punk and new wave, but Madonna pored over her goal. She was invited to model a little and take part in a short (one-hour) art film, A Certain Sacrifice.

Madonna finally landed a deal with Gotham Records, earning $100 in a week. Steve Bray went with her as drummer and songwriter. She continued to persist and finally landed a deal with Sire Records for just $5,000 and released her first single, Everybody. When it was first released to radio, many fans confused Madonna with the African-American disco diva. Music companies also didn't put Madonna's photo on the cover - they wanted people to think she was black in order to sell more records. The song Everybody sold over 250,000 copies and peaked at number three on the charts. John Jellybean Benitez found Madonna the song Holiday, which became an immediate hit, but she won first place with Borderline. There were rumors that her voice had been mechanically altered to sound like a girl's. Her first album, Madonna, released in 1983, received a great reception and won the hearts of millions of fans, as well as invitations to star in films.


Madonna not only set the tone for music style, she also created new fashion. IN music video Lucky Star she showed off her Boy Toy image. Madonna's style was so popular that world famous lingerie store Fredericks of Hollywood reported a 40% increase in sales, which they attributed to the Down to Earth Girl look.

Never one to miss an opportunity to make a quick buck, Madonna sets up her own label, Wazoo. Among other things, Wazoo produced rubber bracelets and Boy Toy belt buckles. It wasn't long before millions of female fans around the world snapped up the rags of their No. 1 pop heroine. But it wasn't just the clothes that raised Madonna's sex reputation. Her music was about to take a turn in the other direction. The new album Like A Virgin made Madonna popular and soon everyone at home had their own disc with the album.

It instantly achieved triple platinum status on the American charts. Interestingly, Madonna's first album was still popular on the charts. 1985 was a very busy year for Madonna. The Material Girl video was released on February 1st, the Vision Quest film was released on the 15th, and the Desperately Seeking Susan film was released on March 29th. Her role in Desperately Seeking Susan added a significant dimension to her character. Madonna's singles Material Girl and Crazy For You were in the top five. Crazy For You won Madonna her first Grammy. Madonna's first big tour (she traveled all over America) was named after her album The Virgin Tour (1985).


From small places to packed stadiums – it was a matter of a couple of months. While she was filming Material Girl, she met . And after the phrase "I wouldn't want to be Mr. Madonna anyway", she married him. Madonna recalled: “We were jumping on my bed, doing our usual morning ritual, and suddenly this look appears... I suddenly understand what he is thinking about.”.

“I said, no matter what you think, I’ll say yes!”. This was his chance and he took it. On August 16, 1985, they got married at the Malibu media circus, 13 helicopters with paparazzi flew in a circle during the ceremony, and the groom tried to beat up those photographers who were sitting in the bushes. Madonna recalled: “I didn’t think that I would get married with 13 helicopters above my head, it all turned into some kind of circus. At first I was outraged, but then I laughed.".

Incredible popularity

Since 1985, Madonna has been known as a person who can do everything: she is a singer, an actress, a composer, a stage director, and an official. Madonna was successful everywhere. She broke all records on every possible radio broadcast, video, sales and box office record, with more than 29 of her singles in the top ten, 11 of which were in 1st place. This is a world record! Take A Bow was at number one for 7 weeks, breaking the previous record of Madonna's hit Like A Virgin, which held number one for 6 weeks.

Madonna's No. 1 and No. 2 singles stayed at the top of the charts for 40 weeks - almost a full year of non-stop hits! Every studio album that contained her songs was in the top 15. All but one were in the top ten, and seven of them were in the top five. International sales Madonna's albums are estimated at 120,000,000. Besides the main thing - music, to the unparalleled success of Madonna - she has more videos and roles than any artist in the history of MTV. Having been awarded numerous times for these videos, Madonna made a significant contribution to the video art model as her endless musical tours, combining music, stagecraft, performance and dazzling charisma, filled stadiums for the next three weeks.

These huge breakthroughs mean huge amounts of money, which is why Madonna is the richest woman in the world, followed by Oprah Winfrey. At the beginning of the 2000s, Madonna earned $13,000,000 a year. All the upcoming albums, singles, videos and films kept Madonna on the crest of a wave.

As if she hadn't been busy before. Madonna gave the world another piece of joy in September 2000. No, not another child. Madonna devoted this time to Music, her first full album since Ray of Light, which won a Grammy. It was, of course, a hit, but one that no one expected. Music entered the sales charts in first place, and not only in the United States, but also in 22 other countries, such as in Madonna's new home - England. It sold 420,000 copies in the first week alone, in the US alone. Music was Madonna's first album to hold the top spot.

Throughout her hectic career, Madonna has released more than ten albums, starred in more than ten films and written (yes, she is also a writer) seven books. Madonna is a person who incredibly combines caring for her family and friends, and an incredible career, and social life, and charity. Her achievements are truly amazing. Many journalists claim that all people are divided into two types: those who love Madonna and those who hate her. That's the only way. There are no and cannot be indifferent to its activities.


Madonna, an incredibly beautiful and sexy woman, had many men, all of them completely handsome. However, not every one of them managed to reach the heart of the star. After a divorce from