Is it worth sending your child to sports ballroom dancing? Ballroom dancing for children: features and benefits

And still dancing. I decided to write what I learned long and slowly myself - the basics of sports ballroom dancing. I am writing for parents like myself. For parents who cannot understand what is going on. For parents whose heads are spinning from the amount of information that needs to be absorbed.

Do I advise anyone to send their child to ballroom dancing? Of course not.
1. it's expensive
2. takes a lot of time
3. “takes off” a lot of weekends
4. these are waiting hours
5. have mercy on your nerves!

Let's say you enrolled your child in ballroom dancing.
At first, the child only has group classes twice a week. If the child is small, he is taught to dance:
5 years
children's polka, ducklings, disco
6 years
slow waltz, Berlin polka, disco
7 years and older
slow waltz, cha-cha-cha and polka

All clubs teach the same steps. These are the steps required for certification. For children, the tournament is equal to certification. But there are also certain programs, such as the Six Stages of Mastery (but more on that later).

When your child has learned the first steps, the coach says it’s time to participate in tournaments.

After your child’s performance, DO NOT FORGET to take a printed PAPER (looks like a ribbon) on which it is written how many points your child scored, who was the main judge, where the event took place, how many pairs there were, and your child’s number. Paste the piece of paper into the tournament book! If you don’t have the book yet, DO NOT throw away the paper, you’ll paste it in later!
Your child moves to the next level when the coach decides. Or when you score 100 points in tournaments.

DON'T FORGET TO BRING WATER! The kids want to drink! And a chocolate bar can be useful - it doesn’t overload the stomach before a performance and gives a small boost of energy :)
At tournaments, you should always have pins with you to pin your number on, as pins are not always sold.
At the beginning of the year, the coach usually collects money and makes an athlete's book. If the book is ready for the first tournament, then do not forget to take it with you. If the book is not ready yet, do not forget to take the child’s birth certificate or your passport where the child is registered.
Don't forget to find out the first and last name of the coach and the name of the club!

You arrive an hour before the start. Buy entrance ticket for yourself, your child, and if you want, you can also buy a cup of one dance, but this is not necessary. For example, the Polka Cup.
After purchasing a ticket, you go and register your child, they give you a number. Changing your baby's clothes:
nude tights, sandals, white swimsuit, black skirt or (if allowed, rating dress), bun on the head (hairspray must be without glitter, no makeup)
white long sleeve shirt, black pants, black tie or bow tie, black socks and black dance shoes

and pin the number on the child’s back.
At tournaments, solos, couples and cups are usually danced. For kids the program is called:
Baby 1 and Baby 2

For children aged seven years and older
H3, H4... H6 - according to the number of dances performed.
After H6 come classes E, D, C, B, A. Class A is the highest. Behind him is the master of sports.

At tournaments, your child dances his own program. The judges evaluate the child using a three-point system. The highest score for one dance is 3 points. The lowest is 1. Sometimes the judge may not give a score at all. The highest score in H3 is 9 points. That is, 3 dances with three points for each. Sometimes children who score 9 points dance again H3. And among them they choose the best - 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.

If you bought a cup of one dance, then the child dances one dance with everyone. If you're lucky, your child will make it to the semi-finals and then to the finals. Usually there are 7 people left in the final. From 1st to 7th place.

First they dance program H3. These children arrive earlier. When they complete their program and receive prizes, then naturally they are going to go home. And at this time, registration of children who will dance H4 is already underway.
If your child dances two programs, then you first register for H3, and when registration for H4 begins, then for H4. Naturally, the child will have a different number. Don't forget that you need to buy another ticket.

There is also a certification program "Six Steps of Mastery"
This is a system for assessing the dance skills of children 1-3 years of study. The youngest dancers (5-6 years old, 1st year of training are groups of preschoolers) participate in the stages called baby-1 and baby-2. Older dancers (6 years and older) gradually pass from levels 1 to 6 of skill.

During certification there are a number of rules and traditions that must be followed. Firstly, during certification a certain uniform- for girls this is a white leotard, black skirt, nude tights or white socks and dance shoes (from the 4th level it is allowed to dance in a rating dress), for boys - a white long-sleeved shirt, black trousers, a black tie or bow tie, black socks and black dancing shoes. Girls' hairstyle- a bun (other options are not allowed if the girl has a short haircut, all hair must be removed as much as possible using bobby pins and styling products), all hair must be collected into a hairstyle using hairspray or other styling products (no shine) and bobby pin. Clothes and hairpins should be free of decorations and sparkles. It is better to do your hair in advance, at home, so that before the performance you only need to straighten it. Secondly, at certification there is a tradition - children give flowers to your trainer. This happens before the start of each stage after the parade of participants. Therefore, you need to have a flower with you - since the trainer is present at the certification from morning to evening, and there are usually many students, it is better to give one flower with a mild smell and such that it does not wither. It would not be amiss for those who are taking the Baby-1 or Baby-2 or 1st level to bring with them some kind of container for flowers so that they do not wither until the evening (for example, a cut-off 5-liter water bottle) - this will be a manifestation respect for the coach. Thirdly, you must have with you 4 safety pins- namely English ones, they are necessary for pinning the number; ordinary pins can injure a child. Fourthly, Participation in certification is paid(usually this is 250-300 rubles per viewer and per participant, and the participant pays this fee for each level). And lastly, the coach informs you in advance what time you need to arrive for registration. Attention! If you are late, you may not be registered and your child will not be able to participate in the assessment. Plan your time in advance so that you can arrive without delay.

Where is the certification carried out? Most often, certification takes place in the Nika dance hall (Kirovogradskaya str., 21a, nearest Prazhskaya metro station). You have arrived for certification, what should you do next? First of all, you need to pay the fee for participation in the certification. Then you need to register. Lists of participants are posted next to the registration (look carefully at what level the list is posted for, sometimes registration is delayed). You need to find your child's name and number on the list. You provide this number and the school number at registration. If you suddenly do not find your last name on the list, you need to go to registration and simply give the child’s last and first name, the team and the last name of the coach. The person registering you usually asks for the child’s last name, so be careful. As your child is registered, his first and last name will be written on the diploma. After this you will be given a number. It needs to be pinned on the child's back. In the hall, try to be close to the coach and other children and parents from your club so as not to miss the parade of participants and warm-up (children are given the opportunity to repeat the dances before the performance). All children are dressed the same and look the same from the back. Be careful not to lose your child in the crowd))). After finishing the performance, you need to quickly take off your number and give it to the coach.

What dances are performed at certification?

Program “Dance Planet of Childhood”:

Stage I (baby-1) - children's polka, ducklings, disco
II stage (baby-2) - slow waltz, Berlin polka, disco

According to the program of 6 levels of mastery, the following dances are performed:

Stage I - slow waltz, cha-cha-cha and polka.
Stage II - slow waltz, samba, cha-cha-cha, disco
Stage III - slow waltz, samba, cha-cha-cha, disco
IV stage - slow waltz, rhythmic foxtrot, samba, cha-cha-cha, jive
V step - slow waltz, quickstep, samba, cha-cha-cha, jive
VI stage - slow waltz, quickstep, samba, cha-cha-cha, jive

You can see which figures are performed at which levels

What is the grading system for certification?

At certification, marks are given by 5 judges. Participants in the competitive certification are assessed using a 5-point system.

1 point- the participant does not dance competitive program
2 points- dances a competitive program, but not in accordance with the musical rhythm
3 points- dances a competitive program to the music, but does not maintain the lines of the body.
4 points- dances to the music, maintains the lines of the body, but technically does not perform the figures accurately.
5 points- dances to the music, maintains the lines of the body, performs the figures technically correctly.

Based on the assessment results, the participant is awarded: a certificate, diploma, diploma with honors. Based on the assessment results, the participant is awarded: a certificate, diploma, diploma with honors.

Number of dances


Number of points



baby-1, baby-2, 1st stage


Diploma with honors



53 or less



2 and 3 stages


In the life of any parent, sooner or later there comes a time when it is necessary to make a decision about where the child will study - in the sports section, theater studio or art school. Are you the parent of a wonderful boy, but a little shy and unsure of himself? Or is your child a girl who dreams of becoming a princess? In this case, you should consider an option such as sports ballroom dancing for children.

Surely everyone, without exception, has seen a dancer perform at least once in their life. Agree that this is a very exciting spectacle - the flexibility, plasticity, and grace of the partners evoke sincere admiration. But all the stars of ballroom dancing began their journey to the pinnacle of success precisely at a young age, when the doors of a ballroom dancing school for children opened their doors.

Sports ballroom dancing is ideal for young romantic people - after all, they wonderfully develop plasticity, teach not only to hear music, but also to feel it. Many girls, having watched couples perform on TV, are completely delighted with the ambience surrounding ballroom dancing - music, twirling couples, beautiful dresses. Few girls can leave this spectacle indifferent - that’s why almost all of them visit ballroom dance studios with great pleasure.

Boys are most often brought to the ballroom dance studio by mothers who want to raise their sons to be truly comprehensive developed men. And this is quite true - not only is ballroom dancing for children a serious physical activity that will help the boy maintain great shape, they also perfectly socialize a person in the future. Believe me, a man who knows how to dance well will feel comfortable in any company.

Dance training also has the most beneficial effect on the overall development of the child, being an excellent means of both physical and moral moral education. In addition, it wonderfully reveals the whole creativity child.

In addition, as already mentioned, ballroom dancing helps the child’s physical development - it trains and strengthens the most different groups muscles, strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the child’s body. The child learns to master his body perfectly and use it to convey his feelings and emotions. In addition, ballroom dancing classes have a beneficial effect on the child’s emotional background and teach him to keep his emotions under control.

Ballroom dancing – to be or not to be?

Ballroom dancing very, very beautiful. However, before you rush headlong to the nearest ballroom dance studio, you need to decide exactly whether you are ready for your child to study there. So what needs to be taken into account?

Ballroom dancing is a real art, but at the same time it is also a sport. Yes, yes, ballroom dancing is recognized as an official sport, so dancers are not only artists, but also athletes at the same time. And children involved in ballroom dancing develop not only creative abilities and artistry, but also dexterity and endurance.

In addition, in ballroom dancing, as in any other sport, the spirit of competition is very great. That is why it plays a fairly serious role in shaping the child’s character, teaches him to be purposeful and hardworking, set goals and achieve them - in a word, helps the child grow up as a purposeful and strong personality.

Since ballroom dancing is a real sport, like all its other types, it requires a fairly serious approach. If you want your child to take up ballroom dancing professionally, be prepared for the fact that, as in any other sport, the price of success can only be frequent and long-term training and the most serious approach and attitude to the matter, both on the part of the child and and from the parents.

Of course, before you decide to enroll your child in the ballroom dancing section, you need to know exactly what they are. So, ballroom dancing is divided into two programs:

  1. European program. The European program includes dances such as Foxtrot, Slow Waltz, Viennese Waltz, Tango, Quickstep.
  2. Latin American program. The Latin American program is the most exciting and includes dances such as cha-cha-cha, Rumba, Samba, Jive and Paso Doble.

In addition to these two directions, there is also sports rock and roll - a fairly heavy and complex dance, a peculiar mixture of complex sports exercises with elements dance moves. In addition, there are also elements of folk ethnic dances.

Why is ballroom dancing recognized as a sport?

Not so long ago, ballroom dancing was considered just one of the trends in art, but today it is recognized as an independent sport. Why did this happen? This fact is explained very, very simply. Ballroom dancing requires dancers to display exactly the same qualities that are inherent in real athletes: agility, endurance, determination, daily hard work, and the like. Below are the main criteria that allowed ballroom dancing to be recognized as an independent sport:

  • Physical strength.

In ballroom dancing there is huge amount a variety of complex lifts, similar to those that can be seen in figure skating. By the way, many of the basic lifts used in figure skating were borrowed from ballroom dancing. And their successful implementation often requires remarkable physical strength.

  • Body flexibility and coordination of movements.

In order to move freely on the floor without getting confused when performing dance lines and figures, partners must have well-developed coordination of movements and body flexibility. By the way, these qualities are necessary in most sports, not just ballroom dancing.

  • Musical ear and sense of rhythm.

Since we are talking about dancing, it is quite natural that both partners should have an ear for music and a sense of tact. Otherwise, they will not be able to interact properly.

  • Endurance.

Endurance is very important for dancers. And this is not surprising - all ballroom dancing competitions are held in several stages - from the qualifying round to the final round. And in each round, the performing couple must perform five dances, which last on average two minutes each. Agree that it is not difficult to imagine the level of stress on the participants’ bodies. But the life of dancers is not only about performances, it is also about regular, exhausting, hard, long hours of training.

  • Strict discipline and ability to work in a team.

Ballroom dancing, by the way, is a team sport. Moreover, a team can consist of more than just two partners. The largest ballroom dancing team consists of 16 people, that is, 8 couples. Judge for yourself what level of discipline the dancers should have in order to successfully interact with all members of the team at once.

Clothes and shoes for ballroom dancing

When deciding whether or not to have ballroom dancing in your child’s life, you cannot help but take into account such an aspect as financial side question. Ballroom dancing is one of the most expensive sports. And it’s not even about the cost of ballroom dancing training, although it’s not cheap either. However, the most expensive thing is ballroom dance costumes for children.

In addition to the fact that a child needs at least two training suits and a pair of training shoes, they also need performance suits. You can buy workout costumes in stores that specialize in selling dancewear. However, with costumes for performances the situation is a little more complicated - they have to be sewn only to order. And this applies to both boys and girls. And the cost of such a suit can vary greatly - starting from several hundred dollars.

And since our article is about children involved in ballroom dancing, we need to remind parents that the costume for performances will last for a maximum of one year. After all, children, unlike adults, grow very quickly, outgrowing expensive suits.

In addition to all the above nuances, one should not lose sight of such an expense item as travel to competitions. Not only will you have to pay fees, you will also have to pay for travel to the competition site, room and board. And this is also a considerable amount. It is much wiser to assess the family’s financial capabilities in advance than to later inform your child that you have no money. Believe me, this will be a severe disappointment for him and with a strong blow on the child's psyche.

At what age should you go on the floor?

So, the decision has been made and there will still be ballroom dancing. And here another question arises: at what age should you send your child to a ballroom dance studio? It is quite difficult to answer this unequivocally. On the one hand, in ballroom dancing, like in any other sport, in order to achieve results it is necessary to introduce a child at a very tender age. On the other hand, it is quite difficult for children who have not reached at least five or six years of age to correctly perceive and evaluate the demands of the coach.

There are ballroom dance studios that accept children from about three to four years old. However, before you take your baby there, really evaluate his strength. If the baby is not yet able to concentrate his attention, coordinate his movements and gets tired quickly, you should not rush things and send him to a ballroom dance studio.

However, if the child is developed enough to perceive the coach’s commands, has good memory, the ability to coordinate his movements well, and has musical ear, you can try and give your baby to dance. However, experts still say that the optimal age to start ballroom dancing is six years old.

How a trainer works with children

Of course, parents are interested in knowing how they work with children in a ballroom dance studio. So, your child has been accepted into a ballroom dance studio - what next? Typically, at the beginning of training, the trainer will conduct parent meeting, where parents will be given a list of what their child needs to purchase for further training.

During the first year of classes, children most often dance alone. Children are initiated into the basics of dance secrets. At this stage of training, the trainer’s task is to teach children the basics of rhythm and choreography, as well as basic movements in ballroom dancing. The basics of the main dances are studied - Cha-cha-cha, Slow Waltz, Jive, Quick Step, as well as some auxiliary dances such as Blues, Polka, Disco.

In the second year of training, when the children are 6–7 years old, the coach places the children in pairs. During training, children begin to learn to perform the same movements that they learned last year, but in pairs. It is in the second year of study that children begin to take part in the first ballroom dancing competitions in their lives.

Ballroom dancing competition

In the second year of study, when the children are already paired up and go to their first competitions in their lives, they begin their performances in the “Beginners” category. The competition judges show a little more leniency towards such kids than towards other participants - after all, they are not only beginners on the floor, but also the youngest in age.

If the year goes well and a couple of young dancers show good results, they are assigned dance class “E -4”. In this class, children compete in four ballroom dances: Quick Step, Slow Waltz, Jive and Cha Cha Cha. Children's dance couples who have been assigned this class are already considered full-fledged athletes. They participate in various types competitions, both in class and in open groups at children's ballroom dancing competitions, in the Children group - 1.

If this year at least one of the dancers in a pair turns ten years old, the pair automatically falls into the next age group “Children - 2”. In this group, the competition is much more serious than among kids. Moreover, a great advantage is given to those couples who, by the time they move to the Children - 2 group, have reached class D, which means that children dance not four, but eight dances at competitions: 4 dances from the European program - Slow and Viennese Waltz, Tango , and Quick Step, and 4 dances from the Latin American program - Rumba and Jive, Cha-cha-cha, Samba.

Children take part in ballroom dancing competitions in the Children - 2 class for only two years. As soon as one of the partners in a couple turns 12 years old, the couple is automatically transferred to the dance group Juniors - 1. In this age group children dance ballroom dances almost according to the adult dance program. And the judges’ requirements for such couples are also very strict - as for adults. In addition, in this age group, the requirements for the appearance of dancers - for their shoes, costumes and hairstyles - change radically.

Of course, not all the children who come to the ballroom dance studio will grow up to be Alexander Berezin or Victoria Rudkovskaya. However, in any case, ballroom dancing lessons for children will not be in vain. The elegance and grace of your son or daughter will allow them to always remain the center of attention!

Exercising is, of course, very important for proper physical and mental development child. In addition, a sports section or club can become a launching pad for a future champion. Of course, not everyone dreams of a great sports future for their child, but all parents want to see him healthy, happy and successful. And then the family faces difficult question: Which sport should I choose? In some cases, the answer is found quite quickly if the baby is already showing interest in something specific. And if not, what should I do? In many cases, dancing can be a great choice. In this article we will talk about their specific type - ballroom dancing. We will talk about what is needed for ballroom dancing lessons, at what age is it better to start ballroom dancing lessons for children, how to choose the right one dance school, clothes and shoes, etc.

Ballroom dancing (more precisely, sports or sports ballroom dancing) includes two programs: “European” and “Latin American”. Each of them includes several dances. First: quickstep, foxtrot, slow waltz, Viennese waltz and tango. In the second: drive, rumba, cha-cha-cha, paso doble and samba.

According to choreographers, ballroom dancing for children under 6 years old is often too difficult; children can be taught rhythm or children's choreography. It is best to start ballroom dancing classes at the age of 6-7 years.

Positive aspects of ballroom dancing

Arguments in favor of dancing include:

  • positive impact on the child’s health;
  • the baby will become more flexible, learn to control his own body, and get rid of “tightness”;
  • improved posture;
  • habit of discipline;
  • dancing ennobles, teaches to respect opposite sex, girls turn into feminine girls, and boys into gallant gentlemen. It’s not for nothing that dancing and music have been an obligatory part since time immemorial. educational program aristocracy;
  • Dancing develops not only the body, but also the soul. Children learn to be more creative, open, perceive the world more subtly;
  • any type of dance increases self-confidence;
  • Ballroom dancing training for children (as well as adults) necessarily includes participation in various competitions, which means that your child, firstly, will learn to win and lose with dignity, and secondly, will become more independent, because competitions take place in different cities.

Arguments against ballroom dancing

Like any other activity, ballroom dancing has its downsides:

  • danger of injury. While dancing, it’s easy to slip (especially if you’re wearing the wrong shoes), trip or fall badly;
  • compulsory participation in competitions often has to be paid (as well as travel to the city where the competition is held and, if necessary, hotel accommodation);
  • high-quality shoes and dance costumes can be quite expensive. Decide whether the family budget can withstand the appearance of such an expense item;
  • Ballroom dancing is dancing in pairs. This means that the problem of choosing a partner has not been canceled and your child will have to learn to find common language with him (her). And it just seems that in children’s couples everything is simple, peaceful and no one ever swears, and if they swear, then “not for real”, these are children, they quarreled and made up. You will understand the seriousness of the situation when you encounter it in life. Small grievances that accumulate over years can significantly ruin life.

What to look for when choosing a school?

Choosing a school is an extremely important and responsible decision. After all, the child’s attitude towards classes largely depends on whether the coach can find an approach specifically to your child: someone will happily wait for the next lesson, and someone will drag themselves to dance school, as if to hard labor, only because their parents paid for an annual subscription. Therefore, you cannot choose a school based on the principle of “closeness to home” or sending a child to a certain school just because it is on the way to work. From time to time, all schools hold “Open Days”, when you can freely come to the school, chat with coaches and administration, see group classes, clarify all your questions (cost, schedule, etc.). Of course, you can go to school and find out everything on any ordinary day, when it is convenient for you.

Of course, the administration and coaches are interested in recruiting students and will try to convince you that their school is the best. To determine how true this is, talk to the parents of several children who have been studying there for several years. Perhaps they will open your eyes to some aspects of the school's activities, and to ballroom dancing in general.

You are at a crossroads: which sports section, club or team to send your child to.

You have a quiet and shy boy, you understand that he is a creative person, but at the same time, he lacks physical fitness.

You have a girl who, when asked “what do you want to be?”, immediately answers: “of course, a princess!”

In this case, the optimal solution would be ballroom dancing. After all, this is a whole complex of different dance styles and directions where every child can choose what he likes. Sports ballroom dancing includes the following programs:

  • European. This includes such styles as slow waltz, Viennese waltz, tango, foxtrot, quickstep.
  • Latin American (cha-cha-cha, samba, rumba, jif, paso doble).
  • Sports rock and roll.
  • Some styles of folk dance

Developmental features of ballroom dancing

In addition to the intellectual and creative education of a child, ballroom dancing is also a serious physical activity. Dance exercises develop all muscle groups, have a beneficial effect on the cardiological and respiratory systems of the body, and correct incorrect posture. Dancing helps you feel your body, control it, and use the plasticity of your body to express your emotions and feelings.

Children who regularly take part in competitions become more responsible and collected, learn to make decisions and help others. Ballroom dancing classes, as a type of physical training, also have a positive effect on mental and emotional processes and have a positive impact on the development of the child’s personality.


Before sending your child to ballroom dancing, you should know that this is a very expensive type of competition. The main part of the costs here is associated with the high cost of dance costumes and special shoes. The suits themselves, as a rule, are made to order in specialized studios. Shoes are also required to be high quality and quite expensive. In addition, regular contributions are required for participation in competitions, etc.


Like any other sport, dancing requires regular training and serious attitude. This is especially true during the period of preparation for competitions, when missing training sessions is unacceptable.


Ballroom dancing is the most perfect view sports for girls. They learn to hear music and develop a sense of rhythm. And what an entourage! Beautiful dresses, swirling couples, beautiful music. Every girl deep down dreams of being a princess and dancing at the ball.

Boys are brought here, as a rule, by romantic parents who want to raise a real prince. Ballroom dancing can hardly be called a manly sport (despite the very serious physical activity), however, in the future they will serve the boy well. He will be able to show off his skills at a disco, and will also feel confident with the opposite sex. After all, not a single girl will refuse an offer to dance.

Every parent wants their child to grow up healthy and strong. But not everyone knows that the baby’s health needs to be monitored from a very early age. And especially his physical development. Most best way To improve your child's health is to send him to a dance school. After all, dancing perfectly develops a child, and for girls it is best view sports.

The best option for children is sports ballroom dancing. Unlike other types of dances, children can practice ballroom dancing from a very early age.

Ballroom dancing is useful for many:

  • develop motor skills,
  • coordination of movements,
  • sense of rhythm,
  • musical ear,
  • the ability to control your body.

In addition, children who dance are less shy and get used to the stage from an early age. It doesn’t matter where the child will work in the future, but he will overcome his fear of the audience.

Each age has its own characteristics of teaching dance.

As a rule, classes for children from 2 to 6 years old take place in game form, are based on numerous jumps, stretching, and gymnastics. Such techniques help strengthen children’s muscles and develop their general physical fitness. Dance technique begins to be required from about 6 years of age, when children are already physically ready for it.

Ballroom dances are based on various competitions, competitions. By participating in such events, a child from an early age will strive to win or try to take a prize.

This creates an incentive for the child to work on himself.

Ballroom dancing contributes not only to the physical development of the child, but also to the social one. After all, visiting dance groups, the child will make many new friends.

It is important to note the influence of parents on the child’s desire to dance. Often, parents send their child to a dance school and forget to take an interest in their child’s success. But the child wants to be praised and supported. Therefore, parents need to attend their child’s training and performances as much as possible. This will encourage the child to do as well as possible in order to please mom and dad with his success.

When choosing a dance and sports club great attention should be given to the dance coach. It is important that this is a person who loves his job and has teaching experience, preferably at least 10 years. Then the child’s education will be successful.

Advantages of sports ballroom dancing in childhood over other sports

When caring for their children, parents always attach great importance to the health of their child. In order for a child to grow healthy and develop harmoniously, it is necessary to healthy image life.

What does the concept of “healthy lifestyle” include? Firstly, it's correct balanced diet, containing a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements. Secondly, an active lifestyle. It is necessary to move a lot and play outdoor games. Play sports, preferably dance.

Today there is a very large choice sports sections, where you could send your child.

But in most types sport is on local load on certain muscles of the body, and not evenly on the entire body. This leads to the fact that the muscles of the body develop unevenly.

The main and correct goal is balanced development of the body, increasing endurance, improving appearance and the child's health status.

It is necessary to choose one sport that would meet all these requirements. This is a sports ballroom dance.

IN lately The first place in the list of parental preferences is confidently occupied by dance studios. As a rule, a child is not taken to such studios with the goal of receiving a return in the form of medals and other awards in a few years. Basically, the older generation cares about promoting health and developing aesthetic taste their offspring, and in this sport ballroom dancing is beyond competition.

At what age should children be enrolled in sports ballroom dancing?

Parents are faced with the question immediately after the birth of their child, what ability they can unlock and when is the best time to do it.

Some of them believe that as soon as possible, the better. But let's resolve this issue regarding dancing, since this is what parents choose for additional classes your beloved children. Let's figure out what dancing is like, which in its lightest form determines the load. Professionals set the age for dancing at six years. By this time, the child’s skeleton had already formed. By this time, the child is able to perform all the exercises and control their implementation. The best place There will be a dance school for the child. But parents must remember that they cannot demand good results from their child right away. You need to understand the purpose of dancing. This will happen for general development or for further dance classes.

In the first option - for general development - it is recommended to start classes at a later age. It all depends on the dance school and the teacher to whom the parents entrusted the child. Do not forget that for a three-year-old child these activities will become interesting entertainment and no more. They can be taught such dances in kindergarten.

The second option is serious classes with “prospects in dancing” - you need to start at preschool age. What will a child lose if he starts going to dance classes later?

As he gets older, he will find less and less time for these activities. When asking what age is ideal to start ballroom dancing, you should follow the advice of experts who can help you understand this problem. Trainers recommend starting with the preparatory stage. It’s good if a child starts doing rhythmoplasty from three to four years old. This will teach him the simplest movements and skillfully prepare the body for the load. At five years old you can determine what a child is capable of and if he has interest, then five years is the most wonderful age to start serious ballroom dancing classes.

Ballroom dancing lessons for children

Starting dance lessons is exciting for both children and their parents. In fact, ballroom dancing is a wonderful activity for children because it can encourage positive self-esteem in both girls and boys. Dance lessons can teach a child self-confidence, self-discipline and poise. The child who started dancing in early age A love of art is likely to develop, as well as a passion for rhythm and movement. And most importantly, dancing is just a lot of fun.

Starting ballroom dancing at an early age

Some people believe that a child should be enrolled in a dance school as soon as possible, and sometimes do this when he is only 2 years old. Toddlers and preschoolers usually start with dance classes rather than structured dance classes. If the child is 4 or 5 years old, it is worth considering his emotional maturity and the degree of personality formation. If your baby is very shy, forcing him to dance can completely discourage him from dancing. However, if the child is ready to do something new in a team strangers, then an early start to classes will have an extremely beneficial effect on his abilities.

Search for a trainer and dance school

When deciding where your child will study dance, there are several things to consider. Sports ballroom dancing has gained great popularity in recent years, and for sure, in each city there will be several studios from which to choose. Worth making a list possible options, and then go to each studio to look and decide. All dance studios are different and, of course, you need to take into account the level and professionalism of the trainers, and choose a dance school where your child can receive the best dance training.

Clothes for sports ballroom dancing

Probably one of the most important things when starting dance lessons is purchasing special clothing and shoes. If anyone is unsure about what kind of clothing a child should wear to ballroom dancing classes, it is worth asking the coach. In our dance school in the Sports Ballroom Dancing section there is a description of Clothes and shoes for sports dances, You can check it out and be aware in advance.

Beautiful posture, flexibility, coordination, balance, the habit of respecting the opposite sex - these are not all the advantages of practicing ballroom dancing. And if you are planning to introduce your child to this wonderful sport, or are already the parent of a dancer, you are absolutely done right choice, and we wish you success and victories.