Summary of the lesson “This Victory Day” in the senior group of kindergarten. Lesson on speech development in the senior group “May 9

Great Victory Day...

Teacher of the Children's Educational Institution "Kindergarten No. 18" Ladushki ", Gai

Target : To consolidate children's knowledge about the Great Victory, about soldiers, about children who fought the enemy for their Motherland. Develop coherent speech, enrich vocabulary(partisans, veterans, commander-in-chief G.K. Zhukov, war hero Lenya Golikov). To cultivate respect and pride for the people who defeated the fascists.

Material: Illustrations and photographs about the Second World War, Marshal G.K. Zhukov on horseback; excerpt from the story by Yu. Korolkov “Lenya Golikov.

Progress of the lesson

IN. That's right, Victory Day. This year our people celebrate the 73rd anniversary of the Great Victory over the Nazis in the most terrible war. The German occupiers wanted to seize our Motherland and make our people slaves. The entire people, young and old, rose up to defend their fatherland. Not only men, women, but also children went to the front. Our people won, and in honor of the dead and living who defeated Nazi Germany, monuments were erected in our country.

Fascist evil spirits attacked
There are no numbers for enemy tanks,
The Brest Fortress is fighting,
Under a hail of cast lead.
Sevastopol is burning with fire,
St. Andrew's flag spread out,
And protects with his chest,
Native Odessa sailor.
Moscow is protected by Panfilov,
In the ring on the Niva Leningrad,
But tired people whisper:
"Not a step, not a step back."

1 . Illustration depicting the “Monument to the Unknown Soldier”

IN. Guys, many soldiers died in battles, people were all buried in mass graves, their names remained unknown. Monuments to those who died on the battlefields have been erected throughout the country. The words are carved on them: “Your name is unknown, your feat is immortal.”

In our city of Gai there is a monument to the Soldier-Liberator, where people lay flowers to honor the memory of those who fell in the battles for the liberation of the Motherland.

2. Photos by G.K. Zhukov on horseback, K.K Rokosovsky.

Our army was commanded by talented commanders: Vasilevsky, Konev, Batutin, G. Zhukov, K. Rokosovsky. Thanks to their military talent, courage and heroism of our soldiers, we won Great Victory in this terrible war, defending their homeland, their home, their parents, their children. Our soldiers M.A. Egorov and M.V. Kantaria raised the flag over the Reichstag in fascist Berlin.

G.K. Zhukov commanded the first Victory Parade in Moscow in 1945 on Red Square.


What if everything in the world were the same color?
Would that make you angry or happy?
People are used to seeing the world
White, yellow, blue, red.
Let everything around us be
Amazing and different!

IN. Our people survived such a terrible, long war. And there is no family in Russia where its hero is unmemorable... The war affected every family... This is a very terrible war, where not only military men fought, but also women, who carried the wounded from the battlefield... Ordinary people created partisan detachments.

Today I will read to you a story by Yu. Korolkov about a boy, a hero - a partisan about Lena Golikov, who fought the enemy on an equal basis with adults.

3. Reading the story by Yu. Korolkov “Lyonya Golikov” (short version)

One of the ships Russian fleet named after the hero Lenya Golikov. In honor of the heroic deed of the partisan boy, monuments were erected in Moscow and Novgorod.

Now we live in a peaceful country, we have a clear sky above our heads, the sun is shining, thanks to those who fought for our Motherland. Every year, on May 9, our entire country celebrates the Great Victory over the invaders. Veterans of that terrible war put on all their awards - orders and medals, and gather together to remember the war years. They are all very old, many cannot walk... If you guys meet a person with orders, a WWII veteran, go up to him and say “thank you”, congratulate him on the holiday, thank him for the peaceful sky, for protecting our Homeland from enemies.

Years will pass, but we will always remember that Great Victory...

The song “Victory Day” is playing.

Galya Bzhasova
Summary of a lesson on speech development on the topic “Victory Day”

Summary of a lesson on speech development on the topic: « Victory Day»


1. Contribute to the education of patriotic feelings in preschool children;

2. Fostering love for one’s homeland;

3. Generalization of material on the topic « Victory Day» ;


1. Educational: to cultivate respect and gratitude for all defenders of the Motherland.

2. Educational: Generate interest in various types troops; to form and clarify children’s knowledge about the holiday-Day Victory; learn to agree nouns with adjectives; memorize proverbs and sayings about the Motherland and soldiers; Exercise children in composing a story based on a presentation.

3. Developmental: to give an idea of ​​the price our people got victory, evoke a desire to be like the brave Russian soldiers.

Preliminary work: examination of pictures and illustrations, postcards about the war, subject pictures (medals, orders, Eternal Flame, bouquet, poem by S. Mikhalkov « Victory Day» .

Vocabulary work: war, heroes, courage, Eternal Flame, parade, monument, veterans.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Guys, listen riddle:

There is a parade, fireworks are blaring,

Orchestras sound here and there,

Not only great-grandparents

They meet a nice one.

Children: Victory Day

Educator: That's right guys, today is ours class will be dedicated to this wonderful date. Before it came Victory Day, there was a long, bloody war. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers defended and guarded our Motherland from invaders. The war brought a lot of grief and destruction, but the people survived and defended their Motherland. Look at the pictures and tell me what the soldiers looked like?

Children: Military uniform, machine guns and rifles in hands.

Educator: Guys, what does our Motherland mean?

Children: This is our home.

Educator: You can say that too. Guys, the Motherland is the country in which we live. Motherland, Fatherland, Fatherland - you can call it in different words, the meaning will not change. But what is the name of our country?

Children: Russia!

Educator: And who defended and is defending our Motherland?

Children: Soldiers and military.

Educator: Well done guys. Now let's play a game "Who Serves Where" and let’s remember, and those who don’t know, will learn what military professions there are. I'll start the sentence and you finish it.

Sailors serve at sea

In the sky, the Motherland is pilots

At the border, the Motherland is border guards

In the tank forces, the Motherland is defended by...tankers

Educator: Great, guys, you're great! Well, now tell me, what should the military, soldiers be like?

Children: Brave, brave, strong, fast.

Educator: What do you need to do to be strong?

Children: you need to do exercises, play sports.

Educator: Great guys, then let's warm up a little!

Physical education minute.

Like soldiers on parade

We walk row by row,

Left - once, right - once,

Look at us all.

We clapped our hands

Friends, have fun!

Our feet began to knock

Louder and faster!

Educator: Guys, tell me how our country will celebrate Victory Day?

Children: Parade on Red Square, fireworks, flower laying.

Educator: This day Congratulations to war veterans. Who are these veteran guys?

Children: Veterans are war participants who defended our Motherland.

Educator: That's right, during the war they were also awarded orders and medals for courage and heroism. A military parade is held in honor of the veterans, and afterward the veterans walk, people congratulate them, give them flowers, and say thank you. There are monuments to fallen soldiers in all cities and an Eternal Flame that never goes out. Every year people lay flowers at the Eternal Flame.

Many years have passed since this war, but people still remember them; many films, paintings, songs, and poems are dedicated to them. Here, listen poem:

The war ended in victory

Those years are behind us.

Medals and orders are burning

On many people's chests. (S. Mikhalkov).

The teacher shows pictures depicting orders and medals.

Educator: What were the soldiers given awards for?

Children: For heroism and courage.

Educator: Only men received awards?

Children: No, but women also received it.

Game “Choose related words”

Children select related words to words victory, hero.

Educator: In our city, the memory of war heroes is sacredly honored and cherished; every year we celebrate this great holiday - Victory Day! Let's say thank you to our soldiers - our veterans, let's bow to them!

This is our class ends, Guys.

Educator: What did you like? What new did you learn today?

Children: That you need to love your Motherland, you need to be brave and strong, like our soldiers.

Educator: Well done, guys! Love your Motherland, grow up courageous, strong and honest!

Publications on the topic:

Summary of a comprehensive lesson on speech development and drawing “Victory Day” Purpose: Summarizing the material on the topic “Victory Day”. Objectives: To develop children's thinking, memory, phonemic processes; Activate the dictionary.

Summary of direct educational activities on speech development in the senior group “Victory Day” Synopsis of direct educational activities on speech development in senior group. Topic: "Victory Day". Program content: Expand.

Summary of the educational situation on speech development for children of the preparatory group “Great Victory Day”“Great Victory Day” Purpose: systematization of knowledge about the Great Patriotic War. Educational objectives: Clarify and activate the vocabulary.

Abstract open class in the senior group on speech development on the topic "Winter". Tasks: - activate the vocabulary on the topic “Winter”; -fasten.

Lesson summary on the topic: “Victory Day” Goal: To instill in children patriotism, a sense of pride in their people, respect for the veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Summary of the lesson dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory,

on the topic: “Hail, Victory Day!”

(speech therapy group “Rechetsvetik”)

Target: to form ideas and systematize children’s knowledge about the Great Patriotic War.


1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about how people defended their Homeland during the Great Patriotic War, how the living remember them.

2. Continue to work on the development of coherent speech, improve dialogic and monologue speech, and strengthen the ability to answer questions.

3. Activate vocabulary on the topic, enrich children’s speech.

4. Cultivate pride, patriotism, a sense of respect for the past, teach to honor the memory of fallen heroes.

Integration educational areas: social-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic-aesthetic, physical development.

Previous work:

1. Conversations: about the approaching date “70th anniversary of the Victory”, “The Army yesterday and today”, “Children are war heroes”, “Military professions”.

2. Reading, memorizing works about the Second World War.

3. Participation in the reading competition.

4. Making “Thank you for the world” greeting cards.

5. Joint exhibition fine works children and parents “Victory May”, “No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten.”

6. Decorating the group for the holiday.

Equipment: photo from personal archives, album “Military Roads”, cubes with the words “peace”, “May”, “Victory”, telephone, binoculars, toy machine gun, tablet with map, rope, parcel boxes, socks, scarves, mittens, soap , war letters, greeting cards, lyrics of the song “Sunny Circle”.

Educator: Guys, let's listen to the silence. In the silence you can hear the sound of the wind, the singing of birds, the hum of cars, and someone’s footsteps. Peaceful silence. You can’t hear the sound of a shot or the roar of a tank.

The sun is shining, the smell of bread,

The forest is noisy, the river, the grass.

It's good under peaceful skies

Hear kind words.

Good in winter and summer,

On an autumn and spring day

Enjoy the bright light

Resonant, peaceful silence.

Very soon, on May 9, our country will celebrate a great holiday - Victory Day. And it is remarkable because on this day the war, terrible and cruel, which lasted for four whole years, ended.

Unexpectedly, on a Sunday summer morning, when people were doing their usual things: relaxing, enjoying the sun and warmth. And suddenly there was a sudden rumble of planes. They are getting closer, and now the bombs are exploding with a roar. So our country was attacked by the enemy - Nazi Germany. The Great has begun Patriotic War.

What is war?

War is grief and fear, destruction and death.

War is a struggle when the enemy attacks and the defenders liberate their land from enemies.

War is an armed struggle between states.

Who did our people fight with? (With the fascists)

What did the Nazis want to do to our country? (The Nazis wanted to take over our country and turn the people into slaves)

Educator: This war claimed many lives. Let's honor the memory of all the heroes - the winners with a minute of silence.

A minute of silence is announced (Everyone stands up).

Please sit down.

The Nazis failed to defeat our Motherland because the entire people stood up to fight the enemy.

Lisa, what is Motherland?

"My Motherland"

Great land

Beloved land

Where we were born and live,

We are the bright homeland,

We are the Motherland of my dear

We call it our Motherland.

M. Lisyansky

Educator: All over the country, people erected monuments to war heroes. What monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War are installed in our city of Miass? (memorial complex"Grieving Mother")

They remind us and do not allow us to forget about the difficult war years. Listen to the poem (child reads).

“I didn’t see the war”

I haven't seen the war, but I know

How difficult it was for the people

And hunger, and cold, and horror -

They got to experience everything.

Let them live peacefully on the planet,

Let children not know war,

Let the bright sun shine!

We should be a friendly family!

Educator: Guys, we won because what were our soldiers like in battle? (brave, courageous, courageous, fearless, courageous, decisive, undaunted, they were ready to give their lives for their Motherland)

What do you call a person who showed bravery, bravery, and fearlessness in battle? (hero)

What do they call heroic, selfless, brave act? (feat)

What proverbs about heroes do you know?

  • The hero never dies - he lives forever.
  • A hero does not pursue fame.
  • A skilled fighter - well done everywhere!
  • Good in formation - strong in battle!
  • The maiden is beautiful with her braids, and the soldier with orders!
  • Gain intelligence in learning and courage in battle!
  • Stand for each other - and you will win the battle!

Well, you and I, like soldiers, will warm up a little (Conducted by a child).

Phys. minute "Soldiers"

We are soldiers, we are soldiers

We are walking with a brisk step.

To our Army, guys,

We just won't get there.

You need to be skillful

Strong and brave.

Educator: It was a difficult war for our people. Those who fought many years ago are still alive today. But they are already very old.

What are these people called? (veterans)

I would also like to remember those heroes who are no longer with us. Many families still keep letters from the front and photographs.

I invite you guys, together with your parents, to talk about the life of your great-grandparents during the war.

We will always remember the people who gave us the world.

Poem “Even then we were not in the world”

When fireworks thundered from one end to another

Soldiers, you gave to the planet

Great May, victorious May!

Even then we were not in the world,

When in a military storm of fire,

Deciding the fate of future centuries,

You fought a holy battle!

Even then we were not in the world,

When you came home with Victory.

Soldiers of May, glory to you forever

From all the earth, from all the earth!

Thank you, soldiers.

For life, for childhood and spring,

For silence, for a peaceful home,

For the world we live in!

M. Vladimov

Now we’ll play and divide into three teams. Each person is given cubes with letters, from which you need to form words (peace, May, victory).

Let's shout in unison: "VICTORY! HOORAY!!!"

What is Victory Day?

The poem “What is Victory Day?”

(Two children read, alternating)

What is Victory Day?

This is the morning parade:

Tanks and missiles are coming,

A line of soldiers is marching.

What is Victory Day?

This festive fireworks:

Fireworks fly into the sky

Scattering here and there.

What is Victory Day?

These are songs at the table,

These are speeches and conversations,

This is my grandfather's album.

These are fruits and sweets,

This smell of spring...

What is Victory Day -

This means no war.

Usachev Andrey

I want to check if you know who fought bravely for our Motherland?

Game "Tell me who fought"

(Children stand in a circle, name the words, passing the star to each other: pilots, sailors, tank crews, soldiers, orderlies, doctors, artillerymen, mortarmen, sappers, border guards, signalmen, machine gunners, telephone operators).

Educator: But it was hard not only for soldiers, sailors, tank crews, and pilots. It was hard for all people during the war.

What did the women do in the rear? They stood at the machines in factories (illustration), worked day and night, producing weapons, shells, tanks, and airplanes for the front.

How and with what did teenagers help? (illustration) They also stood at the machines, prepared cartridge cases, assembled rifles, and sewed clothes for the soldiers.

Guys, what kind of work was there in the fields? (illustration) (They plowed the land, sowed grain, grew it) Yes, because a person needs food. People sacrificed everything: their health, time, sleep. People really wanted the war to end as quickly as possible.

Educator: Guys, remember what and how our city of Miass helped the front? What did our factories produce for the front? (The factories produced cars on which the famous Katyushas, ​​engines for airplanes and tanks, mines, and shells were mounted)

Let us now fast forward to those war years and watch several combat episodes.

(Children come out in costumes with elements of military uniforms)

Sketch “We are military” by S. Mikhalkov

Telephone operator (with telephone)

Hello, hello, “Jupiter”, I am “Almaz”.

I can hardly hear you at all.

We occupied the village with a fight,

What about you? Hello, hello.

Sailor (looks through binoculars)

There's an airplane on the horizon.

According to the rate full speed, forward!

Prepare for battle, crew,

Leave us alone, our fighter.

Submachine gunner (carrying a machine gun)

So I climbed into the attic.

Perhaps the enemy is hiding here?

Cleaning the house behind the house

We will find the enemy everywhere.

Pilot (with tablet and map)

The infantry is here and the tanks are here

Seven minutes left to fly.

The combat order is clear:

ALL: The enemy will not leave us!

Only strong, fearless, skilled warriors were able to win this war. Well, let's check if there are any clever signalmen among you?

Attraction "Signalmen"

(children are divided into two teams, wind up the “telephone wire”)

Not only adults, but also children helped defeat the enemy. We talked a lot about children - war heroes (pay attention to the exhibition). Schoolchildren studied and worked in factories on an equal basis with adults. Girls and old grandmothers knitted things for the soldiers, and then collected parcels for the front.

What else could people put in packages for soldiers? (Knitted socks, scarves, mittens for warmth, soap, tobacco, and be sure to write a letter in which they wished victory over the Nazis)

Now we will try to collect such a parcel.

Relay "Who will assemble faster parcel to the front"

(Two teams of children of 6 people each participate. Participants hold one item in their hands: a knitted scarf, socks, mittens, a bar of soap, a box with the inscription “Tobacco”, a triangle letter. At a distance of 4-5 meters from the teams there are parcel boxes, Children take turns running up to them and putting things away. The team that completes the task first wins.

And now in peacetime When the war remains somewhere far, far away, we say from the bottom of our hearts: “Thank you to the Heroes of Victory.”

Listen to the poem (A child reads, and two other children carry out the Victory Banner “Happy Victory Day,” holding it horizontally).

“Thank you to the Heroes of Victory”

Thanks to the Heroes,

Thanks to the soldiers

What the world was given,

Then - in forty-five!!!

You are blood and sweat

We won the Victory.

You were young

Now they are grandfathers.

We this Victory -

We will never forget!!!

Let the peaceful sun

Shines for all people!!!

May happiness and joy

They live on the planet!!!

After all, the world is very necessary -

Both adults and children!!!

Olga Maslova

(Two guys raise the Victory Banner, children and guests read the inscription in chorus)

For Victory Day, we made greeting cards for veterans. If you meet an old man with orders on May 9, then go up and congratulate him on the holiday, tell him “Thank you” for defending our Motherland from enemies. Veterans will be pleased that we remember that difficult and wonderful Victory.

I would like to end our holiday with a song

Song "Sunny Circle".

Children line up at the board and sing along with their parents.

The teacher invites everyone to tea.


MBDOU No. 63, Miass, Chelyabinsk region

Summary of the integrated lesson “This Victory Day” in the senior group with elements of socio-game technology and the use of ICT (information and computer technologies)

Form: dialogue (conducted like a conversation between a teacher and children, discussion current topic).
Integration of educational areas: “social - communication development», « cognitive development», « speech development", "artistic and aesthetic development", "physical development".

Target: continue to acquaint children with the events of the Second World War, consolidate knowledge of how people defended their Homeland; to educate children with moral and patriotic feelings.

Software tasks:

1. To develop in children an emotionally positive, effective attitude towards the soldiers - heroes of the Second World War.
2. To cultivate a sense of patriotism, love for the Motherland, and a sense of pride in our country.
3. Give the concept of the expression “Parade on Red Square”, “Great Patriotic War”.
4. Develop conversational speech.

Educational objectives:
1. Expand children’s knowledge about the events of the Second World War (1941 – 1945), about the heroic past of the people;
2. Give children an idea of ​​the significance of Victory Day;
3. Give the concept of “Great Patriotic War”, why the war of 1941 - 1945. so named.

Developmental tasks:
1. To develop children’s curiosity and horizons, the desire to learn more new, useful, and interesting things about the history of their country;
2. Develop the ability to empathize;
3. Develop memory, attention, thinking, coherent speech, listening skills;
4. Develop the ability to answer questions full sentence, take an active part in the dialogue with the teacher.

Educational tasks:
1. Foster a sense of respect for the memory of the victorious soldiers, for the tradition of continuity of generations;
2. Cultivate a sensitive, friendly attitude towards comrades.

Methods and techniques:
— techniques of socio-game technology: a game for getting into a working mood: “Magic Wand”; game “Flies - does not fly”; socio-game technique of dividing children into teams.
— visual: computer presentation of slides of photographs, paintings and illustrations of military battles, monuments, victory parades.
- verbal: teacher’s story, conversation with children on the content, children reading poems, listening to audio recordings, answering questions.

Materials: laptop with slide show; video projector; cut and whole pictures depicting an airplane and a tank; photos of the war years (for collage); photos of relatives - WWII participants for the “immortal regiment”; Whatman paper with images of blue sky and fireworks; prepared silhouettes of a dove - a messenger of peace; glue, brushes, napkins; recordings of the songs “Holy War”, “Victory Day”, “In the Dugout”, “The Grove Was Smoking”, “From the Heroes of Bygone Times”.

Preliminary work:

1. Reading stories about war:
— L. Kassil “Monument to the Soviet Soldier”, “Sister”, “Bogatyrs” from the book “Your Defenders”;
— excerpts from Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin”;
— Z. Aleksandrova “Watch”;
— A. Mityaev “Dugout”;
— A. Barto “At the outpost”;
— Y. Makarenko “Victory Banner”;
— S. Mikhalkov “Victory” (poems).

2. Looking at paintings:
- Yu. Neprintsev “Rest after the battle”,
— A. Khudyakov “Nurse”,
— V. Babikov “On the Northern Borders”,
— M. Samsonov “On the Border.”

3. The teacher’s story about the heroes of the Second World War– Grigory Ekimov and Evgenia Rudakov, after whom the streets in our city are named, an excursion to Rudakov Street.

4. Show recordings and slides on the computer about the heroes of the Second World War.

5. Study of methods and techniques of socio-game technology, classification of games into:
— games for a working mood;
- games - warm-ups (discharges);
— games for creative self-affirmation;
- freestyle games (outdoors).

6. Learning poems about war with children.

7. Design of the stand in the music hall of the MDOU “Our Immortal Regiment”.

8. Making whatman paper with painted fireworks for a wall newspaper - collage “Great feat of a great people”

9. Children’s drawings on the theme of the Second World War– exhibition of children's works in the music room.

10. Targeted walks and excursions to the museum, visiting the rally on May 9 (together with parents), laying flowers at the memorial to fallen soldiers.

11. Looking at illustrations and photographs of the war years in the book “It Was on the Karelian Front”, ed. "Karelia", Petrozavodsk.

12. Making postcards for Victory Day with children.

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the hall to quiet music along with the teacher. Game in a circle “Magic wand” look into a friend's eyes.) For example, words: holiday, circus, gifts, laughter, tickling, walk, etc. (- There are also sad words, Guys. What “sad” words can you name? (children's answers). For example: illness, injection, separation, medicine, etc.

- And there is, guys, the word “terrible” - the word “war”. Why is it so scary? (children answer) and sit down on chairs.)

- Let's open the window. What sounds do you hear from the street? - children's answers, for example: birds sing, the wind, cars drive, hum, etc. These are good, peaceful sounds, the sounds of a peaceful life.

Many years ago, or rather, 71 years ago, there was the same warm and sunny day. And suddenly people learned that our Motherland was attacked by fascist enemies and the Great Patriotic War began. (Great - because it was on a very large scale, both temporary and human: it lasted 4 years, a lot of people went to the front and died; Patriotic - because people fought for their Motherland, for their fatherland.)

K. Simonov “That longest day of the year.”

The longest day of the year
With its cloudless weather
We were given a common misfortune for all
For all four years.
She made such a mark
And she laid so many on the ground,
What are 20 years and 30 years
The living cannot believe that they are alive.

These sounds were heard from all sides. (audio recording of aerial bombing). Scary sounds of war? Is it pleasant to listen to them? (children's answers).

Fascist planes flew in, tanks arrived, and fascists came with weapons. The war brought a lot of grief. Fascist planes bombed our cities and burned villages. Houses burned and collapsed, people died.
Our entire people, all as one, stood up to defend the Motherland. Men, young and old, fought heroically at the front, defended home country, their families. They endured hunger, cold, and hardships, but step by step, day by day, they approached victory and beat the enemy.

Listen to the song, the words of which were written by Vasily Lebedev - Kumach, the music for it was selected by Alexander Alexandrov.
In those years, there was not a single family from which a father, son or daughter would not go to the front.

And our city was defended by heroes, after whom the streets of our city are named. These are Rudakov and Ekimov streets.
Rudakov Street, guys, is named after Evgeniy Rudakov, Hero Soviet Union, who fought here during the Russian years - Finnish war. I will tell you about the last battle of a brave officer. The fearless battalion commander on the T-26 tank approached enemy firing points and destroyed several dugouts with cannon fire and large number enemy forces, facilitating the advancement of rifle units. In this battle, the brave hero - the officer died.

Grigory Ekimov - Hero of the Soviet Union, senior sergeant of the 7th Army of the Karelian Front with his platoon on June 21, 1944 crossed the Svir River near the city of Lodeynoye Pole and took a bridgehead on the western bank of the river, repelling numerous enemy attacks. He died a heroic death in battles in the Pitkyaranta direction and was buried in mass grave on Gorky Street in Pitkäranta.

Behind enemy lines, women and even children worked day and night. They grew bread, vegetables, and livestock to feed our army, knitted mittens and scarves for soldiers, and in factories they worked on machines and made guns and shells.
And women fearlessly went into battle on an equal basis with men, defending their families, their children, their country. They were nurses and pulled wounded soldiers and officers from the battlefield; flew on airplanes, fought in tanks.

The great faith of our entire people in victory, the heroism and steadfastness of our soldiers at the fronts helped us defeat our enemies. They began to drive out the Nazis from native land to their most important city - Berlin. And on this very day (and it was May 9, 1945) they declared victory over the enemy and the surrender of Nazi Germany.

How people rejoiced at the end of the war! Everyone cried with happiness, smiled, congratulated each other, sang songs, danced and... remembered their fallen comrades.

The lights of a bright festive, victorious fireworks flashed in the night sky in the capital of our Motherland, Moscow.
And then on main square Moscow - Red Square held a parade of winning soldiers, led by Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov.

The war went on for 4 years. During this time, more than 20 million people died - soldiers, officers, old people, women and children. It is customary to observe a minute of silence in memory of those who died during the Second World War.

Those heroes who fought in the war are usually called veterans, now they are already very elderly people, they have many wrinkles on their faces and are gray, but they are still stately, beautiful and courageous. Every year, veterans meet on May 9, Victory Day, to honor the memory of those comrades who did not return from the war. We must honor, respect and love veterans and remember their feats.

Monuments were erected to fallen warrior heroes. An eternal flame always burns at their feet. It never goes out and reminds people of the terrible word “war”, that this should never happen again and of the untimely deaths in that war. To these monuments and to eternal flame people come to honor the memory of fallen heroes, lay flowers and thank the warriors - veterans who defeated the Nazis and liberated our land from enemies.

(The boys prepared poems for the guests.)

Vanya I. Poem “There was a war”

There was a war and people died
And the soldier went for his homeland.
He fought and he was brave
And he beat the fascists all in a row.
And so he reached Berlin,
He fought for four years.
So I'm talking about grandma's dad
I told everyone about Victory Day.
Yarik K. “Victory”
Great War victory
We must not forget!
Grandfathers fought in battles
Sacred Motherland - Mother!
She sent to battle
Your best sons.
She helped with prayer
And with your righteous faith.
Great War victory
We must not forget
Our grandfathers stood up for us
And life, and the Motherland - mother!

On this day, the song “Victory Day” is always played and festive fireworks are displayed. Let's listen to a wonderful, joyful and solemn song.

— Guys, maybe you have questions for me?

(Children can also ask questions throughout the story and slide show).

“Now we’ll rest a little.”

I suggest you play interesting game"It flies - it doesn't fly."

- I name the word (noun), and you complete my tasks. If this object flies, you show your wings, if it doesn’t fly, stand at attention. (Example words: helicopter, dugout, plane, dugout, airfield, soldier, airship, pilot in an airplane, guards Katyusha mortar, bullet, machine gun, T-34 tank, bullet fired from a rifle, grenade, grenade thrown by a soldier.

And now: Stand up straight, guys,
We walked like soldiers.
Lean left, right.
Stretch on your toes.
One – jerk (jump),
Two - jerk,
Have you rested, my friend?
Wave your brushes together
We need to work now!

- Guys, now I ask for increased attention!

Here are pictures cut into several parts. Each of you will take 1 piece, go to the table and, together with the other guys, assemble the whole picture. Collected - say “We are ready” (all together). There are whole pictures on the tables so that the children can see what they are collecting. (Pictures of a tank and an airplane).
Children remain standing at the tables where their picture is collected (thus the children are divided into teams): a team of tankers, a team of pilots.

— Tankers, your task: to create a collage of photographs of the war years and photographs dedicated to Victory Day. For this we have a wonderful fireworks display, against which we will make a photo collage.

— Pilots, your task is to launch the white doves of peace into blue sky so that the sky is always peaceful and clean.

Get to work.

When you finish, say in unison “We are ready.”
(We are considering finished works show it to guests).

Final part:

- Guys, please stand in a circle and hold hands.
-What new did you learn today?
- Which is scary word?
—What feelings does war evoke?

I see everyone good mood. Rub your palms together. How do you feel? (warm). This is the warmth of your grateful ones, good hearts and shower. And there are important words: mother, Motherland, happiness. And another important word is Peace. The world is the earth, the world is the sky, the stars. The world is people, the world is children, the world is a calm, joyful life. Everyone needs peace!


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Summary of a lesson on speech development (patriotic education) in secondary

group for Victory Day on the theme “They fought for the Motherland.”

 contribute to the education of patriotic feelings in preschool children;  continue to work on the development of coherent speech: develop dialogic and monologue speech, strengthen the ability to answer questions;  foster love for one’s Motherland.
1. Educational: to cultivate respect and gratitude for all defenders of the Motherland. 2. Educational: to form and clarify children’s knowledge about the holiday - Victory Day; develop interest in various types of troops; give an idea of ​​the Russian army. Learn to coordinate nouns with adjectives, expand your vocabulary, memorize proverbs and sayings about the Motherland and Russian soldiers. 3. Developmental: to give an idea of ​​the high price our people paid for their victory; evoke a desire to be like strong and brave Russian soldiers. Previous work: examination of reproductions, illustrations, postcards about the war; reading a story by V. Tvardovsky
"Tankman's Tale"
, poems by Belozerov

, S. Bogomolova
. Progress of the lesson. Conversation about the upcoming holiday - Victory Day. Educator: Guys, what great holiday does our country celebrate on May 9? Children: Victory Day. Educator: That's right, today our lesson will be dedicated to that significant date. Before Victory Day came, there was a long, bloody war. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers defended and protected our Motherland from invaders. The war brought a lot of grief and destruction, but the Russian people survived and defended their Motherland. Finger gymnastics
“We must not forget this date..”
Let us not forget this date (with your thumb touch each finger in turn) That ended the war. To the winner - the soldier, bow to the ground hundreds of times! (right palm on the chest, head tilt)
Educator: What does our Motherland mean? Children: this is our home. Educator: You can say that too. Guys, the Motherland is the country in which we live. Motherland, Fatherland, Fatherland...can be called in different words, the meaning will not change. Educator: Guys, what is the name of our country? Children: Russia! Educator: What city do we live in? Children: in Noyabrsk. Educator: That's right, this is our small Motherland. Guys, the Russian land is beautiful and generous, but it cannot defend itself. And therefore, protecting our native land is the responsibility of everyone. Who defended and is defending our Motherland? Children: Military and soldiers. Educator: Great. Let's play a game
“Who serves where?”
and let’s remember, and those who don’t know, will learn what military professions there are. I'll start the sentence and you finish it. In the sea...sailors serve in the sky...pilots protect the Motherland in the tank forces...tankers protect the Motherland in the tank forces On the border...border guards protect the Motherland Educator: Great, guys, you're doing great! Tell me, what should the military, soldiers be like? Children: Strong, brave, courageous. Educator
: Of course, it’s not for nothing that they say about the Russian soldier:
The Russian soldier knows no barriers. A smart fighter does well everywhere. A brave one wins, but a coward dies. The teacher reads a poem: (discussion) The Russian warrior protects the peace and glory of his native country.
He is on duty and our people are rightfully proud of the army! Educator: Guys, what do you need to be strong? Children: Run, play sports, do exercises. Educator: Great, then let's practice a little, warm up!
Physical education minute:
Hands to the sides - take flight Let's send the plane! Right wing forward, Left wing forward. One, two, three, four - Our plane has flown! Educator: Guys, why do you need to defend your homeland? Why did our soldiers fight the invaders 70 years ago? What were they fighting for? Children: For peace! Educator: That's right, guys! for peace, for a calm, happy, peaceful life! The teacher reads a poem. Peace is the most important word in the world, Peace is very necessary on our planet! Adults need peace, children need peace! Everyone needs peace! (S. Bogomolov.) Educator: In our city, the memory of war heroes is sacredly revered and cherished. In the center of the city an eternal flame burns in memory of the people who died in battles during the Great Patriotic War. And every year we celebrate this great holiday - Victory Day! The day that gave us the opportunity and happiness to live on! let's say thank you to our soldiers - our veterans, low bow to you! This concludes our lesson, guys. Educator: What new did you learn today? what conclusions did you draw? what did you like? Children: (answer options) That you need to love your homeland and protect it; you need to be brave and strong, like soldiers and others. Educator: Well done, guys! Love your Motherland, grow up honest, courageous and brave!


"The Tankman's Tale" Alexander Tvardovsky
It was a difficult fight. Everything now is as if from sleep, And I just can’t forgive myself: From thousands of faces I would recognize the boy, But what’s his name, I forgot to ask him. About ten or twelve years old. Poor, One of those who are the leaders of children, One of those who in front-line towns Greet us like dear guests. They surround the car in the parking lot, Carrying water for them in buckets is not difficult, They bring soap and a towel to the tank And they shove unripe plums... There was a battle for the street. The enemy fire was terrible. We broke through to the square forward. And he nails - you can’t look out of the towers, - And the devil will understand where he’s hitting from. Here, guess what kind of house He was perched behind - so many different holes, And suddenly a boy ran up to the car: - Comrade commander, comrade commander! I know where their gun is. I scouted... I crawled up, they are over there, in the garden... - But where, where?.. - Let me ride on the tank with you. I'll give it straight away. Well, no fight awaits. - Get in here, buddy! - And here we are, four of us, driving to the place. The boy is standing - mines, bullets are whistling, and only his shirt is in a bubble. We've arrived. - Right here. - And from a turn we go to the rear and give full throttle. And this gun, along with the crew, We crushed into the loose, fatty black soil. I wiped off the sweat. It was choked by fumes and soot: A big fire was going from house to house. And I remember I said: “Thank you, lad!” - And he shook his hand as if he were a comrade... It was a difficult battle. Everything now is as if from sleep, And I just can’t forgive myself: From thousands of faces I would recognize the boy, But what’s his name, I forgot to ask him.

Victory Day Belozerov T
The May holiday - Victory Day is celebrated by the whole country. Our grandfathers put on the Military Orders. In the morning the road calls them to the solemn parade, And grandmothers look after them thoughtfully from the threshold.
World (S. Bogomolov.)
Peace is the most important word in the world, Peace is very necessary on our planet! Adults need peace, children need peace! Everyone needs peace!