Business plan for a children's clothing store with calculations: main points for starting your own business. How to write a business plan for a children's clothing store yourself

Selling clothes for children can become profitable business, despite the fairly high level of competition in this area. After all, kids quickly outgrow their clothes, so parents have to regularly update their wardrobe. Work on an idea begins with collecting and analyzing information and drawing up a business plan for a children's clothing store. Important points in organizing this income are market analysis, identifying the target audience and building an original concept. It should be borne in mind that the demand for children's clothing drops somewhat in the spring and summer, so it is better to open a store closer to autumn.

Business Features

Before you open a children's clothing store from scratch, you should delve into the intricacies of this business in order to avoid mistakes. If adults, in order to save money, can buy things that are not of the highest quality for themselves, then for children the best is chosen. Therefore, high quality children's clothing is main criterion when developing the basic concept and valuable advice on how to properly open a children's clothing store. Ideally, purchases should be made directly from the manufacturer, and quality certificates should be displayed for buyers to see. For many today it is important to make sure that the goods purchased for children are safe. However, prices for children's items should be affordable for the target audience. Elite children's goods will not be sold in an ordinary residential neighborhood, but in a closed business-class residential complex they will be in demand.

When choosing a place to locate an outlet selling clothing for children, it is important to understand that proximity to a zoo, circus, children's attractions and other similar establishments is impractical. After charging positive emotions, kids and their parents have no time for shopping, the store will stand without visitors. Analyzing the competition and finding a good place to sell things for the little ones - this is where to start opening a children's clothing store.

Despite the clearly high demand for goods for children, budding entrepreneurs are still worried about the question: “Is it profitable to open a children’s clothing store?” If you do everything correctly, take into account the experience of those who have successfully implemented this idea, consider several examples of business plans for children's clothing stores and come up with your own “tricks”, then the chances of success are quite high. In addition, the markup on goods is usually 120-130%, which is quite good.

Institution format

When deciding on the format of a retail outlet, you should take into account that it is easiest to sell things for newborns. They are less influenced by fashion. The main requirement for them is high quality and functionality. With clothes for kindergarten-age children, it’s also more or less clear. Boys still wear whatever their parents choose for them without any objections. The main requirement is wear resistance and, preferably, powerful protection from pollution. And girls prefer bright things with ruffles. Dressing schoolchildren is both more difficult and easier. They wear a uniform to school, and for the rest of the time they need comfortable, discreet clothes. The hardest thing is with teenagers. Their tastes and preferences are unpredictable. Therefore, at the start of a business, it is better to open a small (with an area of ​​20-50 sq. m.) narrowly focused store designed to dress a certain category of children.

Important points in the business plan for a children's clothing store from scratch are the work schedule and personnel selection. Recommended operating time is 10 hours a day without days off or breaks. Given that young customers are quite impatient, the adults accompanying them will not have the opportunity to wait until the lunch hour is over and you will lose customers. As for sellers, if you want to open a children's clothing store, it is better to select not only experienced trade specialists, but also loyal, patient and courteous employees. Young buyers are very sensitive to insincerity and can easily persuade their parents to leave the place with an unpleasant seller without making a purchase.

Advantages and disadvantages of business

The obvious advantages, taking into account which you should open a small children's clothing store, are increased mass demand for things for continuously growing children, good turnover of goods and ease of business registration. In addition, you can think about helping to sell used items at an existing retail outlet. This option will be relevant in ordinary residential areas, where the income level of some families is below average.

Like any other type of activity, selling children's things has its drawbacks. These include:

  • A huge number of competitors due to the ease of entry into business;
  • Inevitable competition with chain stores of children's goods;
  • Quite a high cost of renting well-located premises;
  • Seasonality of sales (it is difficult to compensate for the summer decline even by introducing accessories for summer pastime into the range).

Is it worth opening an online children's clothing store from scratch? – controversial issue. On the one hand, our citizens are already accustomed to online shopping. But many will doubt the quality of the product or whether the clothes will look good on their children. Most likely it will be enough large number returns and unflattering reviews from parents whose children’s items did not suit them for some reason. Therefore, opening an online children's clothing store from scratch is quite risky. But you can think about this after successfully entering the market in the usual format.

Registration of activities

An important advantage of selling things for children is the fairly simple procedure for registering activities. Registering as an individual entrepreneur and choosing a taxation system without submitting complex tax reporting forms (single tax on imputed income) is what you need to open a children's clothing store. The list of documents for starting a business includes the following items:

  • Certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur;
  • Document from the tax office regarding registration;
  • Certificate of inclusion of the store in the unified trade register (valid for 3 years);
  • Conclusions from the Fire Service and Rospotrebnadzor.

Criteria for choosing a store location

The profitability and success of a retail outlet directly depends on the location where it is located. This point should be carefully considered before opening a children's clothing store.

There are several principles of location:

  • Near new residential complexes (there are probably people living there huge amount young families with children);
  • Near schools there are kindergartens, premises where classes of various sections and clubs take place;
  • Close to parks and family recreation areas.

In addition to the main approaches, when choosing a location, they are also guided by the principle “near places frequently visited by women” - cosmetics, shoe and accessory stores, hairdressers.

Of course, it is desirable that there are no competitors nearby. But if this is not possible, you need to highlight your store with the help of some kind of “trick”. This could be some kind of entertainment for children or the presence of an original product that competitors cannot offer to customers. To understand where to open a children's clothing store so that it brings good profit, it is necessary to analyze where the flow of potential buyers passes.

Premises equipment and interior design

Once the location has been determined, you can start a business by opening a children's clothing store. Specificity presupposes the presence bright colors and fairy tale elements in the interior. To properly decorate a room, it is better to hire a designer. In addition, it is advisable to equip the room with a corner for children with bright characters from famous cartoons and fairy tales, as well as a TV continuously broadcasting cartoons. Beautiful mannequins standing against the backdrop of colorful scenery from fairy tales or cartoons will attract attention.

An important point in design is lighting. Bright colored lamps will highlight the advantages of the product.

IN ready business plan for a children's clothing store, be sure to include cost items for room decoration and interior design.

The store should have several fitting rooms large enough to accommodate a child and a parent. Place mirrors and hangers in them so that it is convenient for children to use them.

All children's items must be placed on the sales floor in such a way that little customers can reach them. You can place panels with hangers on the walls, and “island equipment” in the free space, between which it is convenient to move around in search of the right thing.

Financial investments

By drawing up a business plan for a children's clothing store with calculations, you will receive an approximate amount of financial investment necessary to start a business. Of course, in the process of implementing the idea, additional costs may arise, especially since the economic situation in the country remains unstable. In order to say how much it costs to open a children's clothing store, you need to take into account all possible expenses:

  • Registration of individual entrepreneurs, obtaining certificates and permits (RUB 10,000–15,000);
  • Rent (RUB 50,000–80,000);
  • Costs for repairs, interior design and commercial equipment (RUB 250,000);
  • Office equipment and consumables (RUB 40,000);
  • Purchase of goods (RUB 500,000);
  • Advertising (RUB 30,000);
  • Salary (RUB 60,000);
  • Utility bills (RUB 30,000).

Thus, about 1,000,000 rubles. - that's how much it takes to open a children's clothing store.

Video on the topic

Store profitability

If you take into account all the tips for running a business selling children's items, you can earn about 200,000 rubles. per month. This level of profit is possible due to mass demand for the product, a good location of the outlet, an original concept, high quality of the items sold, and a good advertising campaign. Therefore, the answer to the question: “Is it worth opening a children’s clothing store?” obvious - worth it. This profitable business with the ability to make a high markup on goods, they will expand, and at the same time open online stores.

Payback period for the store

Many optimistic forecasts in the business plans of children's clothing stores say that a small retail outlet can pay for itself in 6 months. However, practice shows that despite the massive demand for children's items, the store needs time to attract the required number of customers and reach a certain level of profit. The average payback period is 12 months.

Selling children's items requires immersion in the business process in order to clearly understand the needs of customers. Without preliminary collection and analysis of information, it is impossible to successfully start in such a saturated niche. By following the recommendations of experienced businessmen and implementing your own non-standard approach to interior design and creating a store assortment, you can create a competitive retail outlet that will generate the desired income. You should start with a small store, aimed at a specific contingent of children, in which everything is thought out to the smallest detail, all kinds of styles, colors and sizes are available. Then the outlet will quickly find regular customers and begin to generate stable income. Of course, bringing a business to this level requires a lot of effort, but you can simply open a children’s clothing store as a franchise. It will cost much more, but many issues will have already been resolved and all you have to do is improve your business. Having an existing business selling children's things, you might think:

The surge in birth rates after the early 2000s led to an increased demand for children's clothing. This area entrepreneurial activity special: since children's wardrobe needs to be updated annually, even in crisis years this area of ​​business will be promising and profitable.

The first thing you need to pay attention to when organizing a business in the field of selling children's clothing is: format of the future enterprise. Exists a whole series possible commercial projects, and which one will be more profitable in this case, must be taken into account after conducting a certain marketing research and finding out the current relationship between supply and demand.

The most budget option would be to open second-hand children's items. Many families turn to secondary market stores with a lack of high level income. There is always a demand for such things, however, the issue of proper sanitary processing of the goods will be important. But this issue is resolved quite simply, now there are large enterprises on the market engaged in such wholesale, the cleanliness of things is important for them an important condition working with partners. Therefore, they strictly monitor and sanitize all things.

Popular today and format of the sale (stock) hall. In such a store you can purchase new, but stock or confiscated, high-quality items at affordable prices.

Citizens with above-average incomes are happy to purchase clothes for their children in brand salons and even boutiques. Their prices are significantly higher than average, while customers are offered not only high-quality, but also exclusive goods. A preliminary marketing study of the market will help determine the relevance of such stores.

If you don’t have enough finances, you can consider opening a business on children’s things in the format online children's clothing store or organize joint purchases, specializing in children's products. Moms are the ideal target audience and the easiest to work with, since they are already prepared.

Stages of creating a business selling children's clothing

Regardless of the chosen sales format, one of the main conditions for establishing a clothing store will be tax registration of the business. There will be two main options: get status individual entrepreneur and open a legal entity - LLC.

Both organizational forms have individual advantages and disadvantages. An individual entrepreneur will be a simpler option for registering a business and conducting regular reporting, but an LLC provides greater opportunities. The period for registering an individual entrepreneur is minimal, it is no more than three working days; LLC registration will take a little longer.

For most clothing stores, no more licenses or permits are required. The only thing the owner needs to do before opening a children's clothing store is to notify Rospotrebnazdor by submitting a corresponding notification to this body.

  • UTII, which allows you to pay tax once a quarter, regardless of the company’s profit. The size of the tax determines the area of ​​the store;
  • simplified tax system, in which the tax is determined by the level of income of the enterprise and is usually 6%;
  • PSN – suitable for individual entrepreneurs and requires payment of the cost of a patent.

Since the clothing trade is a risky business, you should consider methods of accounting for goods. Documentation of all incoming and outgoing transactions will allow you not only to compile statistics and understand the level of demand, but also to control the assortment. To do this, you need to keep records of invoices, delivery notes received upon delivery of goods, and conduct regular inventory, counting the entire assortment.

To avoid theft among employees, you need to enter into an agreement with the seller performing the function of a cashier on financial liability, which he will bear and pay for the shortage if it occurs.

An important aspect of the future rental business will be the equipment of the retail premises. The store must be equipped with all necessary furniture for placing goods, a buyer's corner, as well as equipment, including a cash register, a terminal for payment cards and an alarm system. It is better to entrust the drafting of such an agreement to a lawyer in order to prevent possible challenge by the employee.

Even at the stage of preparing a store for opening, it is imperative to obtain permission from the fire and sanitary services, and you should also enter into an agreement with specialized companies for waste removal.

Thus, the question of how to open a children's clothing store is solved in several aspects at once: economic, legal and some others. By taking an integrated approach to establishing such an enterprise, you can achieve significant success in this business.

Selecting product content for a children's clothing business

After the organizational aspects, a logical question arises: what kind of goods should you fill your store with? This issue can be easily resolved if you have experience. If not, here are some tips to help you organize your business correctly.

  • Do not try to cover all age groups of products. You will not be able to satisfy the entire volume of demand and will lose customers, including due to distrust - the store format is “products for all ages”. Focus on products that are in demand by specific age groups. For example, offer for sale products for children from 1 to 3 years old. This way you will provide a wider selection of goods, and customer loyalty to your store will be higher.
  • There are three groups of goods - cheap, mid-price segment and expensive. Ideally, you need to focus on one product group. But in reality, you usually have to cover two neighboring directions. Cheap and average. Average and expensive. This will offer an alternative choice to your customers and increase your sales. Buyers usually purchase cheap goods incidentally and spontaneously, seduced by the price. But don’t make a strong price contrast; the price should attract, not scare away. So a very high price against the backdrop of cheap goods will be a deterrent. And vice versa. Having bought expensive things, the client is “afraid” to buy extremely cheap ones.

Despite the unstable economic situation in the country, some areas of business remain relevant and profitable. One of them is the sale of goods for children and pregnant women. But in order for even such a promising industry to make a profit and attract potential partners, as well as investors, you need to think through a competent business plan for a children's clothing store with calculations.

Features of business in the field of trade in children's goods

To start a profitable trade business, an entrepreneur needs to think through in detail a plan for opening a children's clothing store. Decisive factors determining business profitability:

  • Universal range;
  • Low prices;
  • Favorable location.

Children's products are in demand among the following target audience:

  • Pregnant women;
  • Mothers with children aged 0 to 5 years.

Competition in this segment of business is quite high, so the question of whether it is profitable to open a children's clothing store in a particular area must be approached very carefully. The optimal location option is new neighborhoods with a large number of young families.

The formation of a product range should be based on:

  • All-season clothing for pregnant women;
  • Children's clothing;
  • Shoes;
  • Toys;
  • Diapers and other accessories for newborns;
  • Baby food;
  • Children's radio technology.

An extensive selection will ensure a large flow of customers.

What assortment should a children's clothing store have?

Entrepreneurs who decide to try themselves in this area of ​​business should not limit themselves to standard offline trading. Business will be more efficient if you combine it with selling goods online in an online store.

According to rough estimates, if the average revenue from a children's store is 5,000 rubles per day, the costs will pay off in 18 months.

Opening a children's clothing store: list of documents for registration

The first stage of business planning is its registration with official bodies. To do this, the entrepreneur needs to choose a business form. It could be:

For beginning businessmen, an individual entrepreneur is ideal. This is one of the simplest organizational and legal forms, distinguished by the following advantages:

  • A small state fee for opening;
  • Minimum reporting;
  • Small fines;
  • The opportunity to work on the patent tax system.

To register a business, you will have to select in advance the appropriate type of activity in accordance with OKVED. For trade, KVEDs are located in section 47.19. It is worth noting that clothing production is not included.

Where can I find KVEDs for registration?

To register an individual entrepreneur, you will need the following documents:

  • Passport;
  • Completed registration form indicating the activity code;
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.

If a person decides to register his business in the form of an LLC, then in addition to these documents, before registration he will need:

  • Develop a charter and prepare constituent documents (you can take a model charter as a sample);
  • Open a bank account;
  • Obtain permission from the SES;
  • Make a print template.

When registering a business, an entrepreneur should think in advance about the optimal form of taxation. So, for an individual entrepreneur the best option is UTII, and for an LLC - UNS. Also, individual entrepreneurs can choose for themselves the PSN, that is, the patent taxation system. However, this can only be done if the actual retail area of ​​the premises is in the range from 20 to 50 sq. m.

The value of a patent is determined differently in each region. Thus, in some regions of the Russian Federation it depends on the specific number of meters of retail space, and in others on the number of employees. Such information should be clarified directly with representatives of the Federal Tax Service at the place of planned registration.

If an entrepreneur wants to open an online store along with regular trade or is interested in how to open commission shop, then the only available taxation system for him is the simplified tax system.

Criteria for choosing premises for trade

An entrepreneur planning to implement the idea of ​​opening a children's clothing store in 2018 needs to choose the premises wisely. You can locate your retail outlet in:

  • commercial real estate property;
  • own store;
  • rented store;
  • non-residential premises;
  • shopping complex;
  • on the market.

The right choice of retail location ensures 50% of the success of the entire business. In this matter, you need to focus on two factors:

  • Price expectations. If an entrepreneur places a store with a high markup in a very visited, but at the same time cheap place, there will be no trade. This is due to the fact that compared to other points the prices will look unnaturally high;
  • Indirect competition. In search of a target audience, many businessmen choose entertainment complexes or other vacation spots for families with children and open nearby. This approach is not profitable due to the fact that when visiting these areas people do not intend to make purchases and are afraid of spending too much money.

The best option for implementing an idea for a small business would be to rent a retail space in a large complex focused on selling things. In this case, the beginning entrepreneur will be helped by the fact that the complex has already been promoted by other entrepreneurs and private investors who managed to implement their ready-made business plan.

The main indicator that you need to focus on when choosing a center is the flow of clients. If the traffic in the center is up to 100 people per day, it will not bring enough profit. It is best to choose those shopping complexes where traffic is from 500 people per day. Potential tenants should not believe the owners’ words, but rather talk to other entrepreneurs or estimate the number of possible clients themselves.

When renting a room, you should pay attention to its appearance. The store should create a cozy atmosphere. If the room size exceeds 50 square meters, it is worth using design design.

If there is no money to rent such a retail outlet, then a place in the clothing market may be an alternative. However, such a retail outlet has one significant drawback - the lack of opportunities for business advertising.

Necessary equipment for a retail outlet

Equipment for the premises requires minimal financial investment. For the department to work properly you need to purchase:

  • Trade racks. These include racks, shelves, display cases, mannequins and more;
  • Laptop. For reporting, searching for suppliers, working on assortment formation;
  • MFP. For printing price tags, in-store announcements, preparing invoices and more;
  • ChMP or cash register. Which device is worth purchasing depends on the chosen taxation system;
  • Internet. To work with suppliers, track fashion trends and do accounting, you need a stable Internet connection.

An important role is played by the layout of the room. So, there are two zones:

  • Warehouse;
  • Trading hall.

It is best to place the cash register in the center trading floor so that it can be accessed from anywhere.

Where to start recruiting staff?

As in the service sector, the key acting character There will be an administrator in the store. The person occupying his position must have certain knowledge and competence in the field of personnel management, as well as leadership qualities.

The successful operation of the store is guaranteed by a clear system of distribution of duties and responsibilities of employees, as well as control of their work. To create such an atmosphere, regulations, instructions and other tools must be actively used.

Requirements for sellers may be:

  • Age from 21 to 40 years;
  • Pleasant appearance;
  • Competent speech;
  • No bad habits;
  • Accuracy;
  • Communication skills;
  • Politeness;
  • Stress resistance.

It is best if there are female salespeople in the store, this will win over the target audience and help them feel more comfortable. As a rule, sellers work in shifts of 2 to 2.

What do salespeople look like in a children's store?

The motivation of sellers should be based not only on the personal component, but also on the level of sales of the store as a whole.

Advertising and marketing plan for a children's clothing store

  • One-time;
  • Constant.

The following types of constant advertising are most effective for the clothing market:

  • In elevators;
  • Business cards;
  • Leaflets;
  • Discount cards;
  • On the Internet.
  • Signboard (must be thematic and attract attention);
  • Signposts at the entrance (necessary for any retail business);
  • Business card website (the website may contain product catalogs and general information, it is worth thinking about the description for the online store in advance if you plan to double trade).

You shouldn’t write off word of mouth either. Quality and affordable prices will ensure success in this type of advertising.

How to open a children's clothing store from scratch: costs and profitability of the enterprise

A business plan for a children's clothing store necessarily contains a section that takes into account the store's expenses, which are divided into one-time and permanent.

One-time ones include:

  • To prepare a business for operation (registration of a business, purchase of equipment, etc.) About 50 thousand rubles;
  • For renovation of the premises. (when renting premises in a shopping gallery or market - 0 rubles);
  • For one-time advertising. About 66 thousand rubles.

TO fixed costs include:

  • Insurance premiums. About 2,3000 rubles;
  • Taxes. For the patent system, about 4,500 rubles;
  • Advertising. About 45,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of products. At least 500,000 rubles;
  • Rent of premises (if available). About 60,000 rubles;
  • Seller's PO (if available). About 20,000 rubles.

Thus, it turns out that to open a retail outlet in the center, without hired workers, you will need to spend:

  • One-time: 50,000 + 66,000 = 116,000;
  • Monthly: 2,300 + 4,500 + 45,000 + 500,000 + 60,000 = 611,800;
  • Total: 116,000 + 611,800 = 727,800.

Nevertheless, this business is considered highly profitable, because its main performance indicators are:

  • High markup. For certain categories of goods the markup is 500%, and the average – 200%;
  • Constant influx of clients. Children grow very quickly, and therefore once or twice a year parents are forced to buy new things.

Of course, it is worth considering the seasonality of the business. In the spring-summer period, there is a decline in sales for all product groups, except for products for newborns. At making the right choice opening time and taking into account all the features of a business can pay for itself in less than 12 months.

A children's clothing store is a profitable business that, with the right approach to organization, brings good profits to its owners. But in order to implement such a project in practice, you should not neglect such an important tool as a business plan.

IN lately Children's clothing stores are becoming an increasingly worthy type of business. This is largely explained, of course, by the fact that children grow by leaps and bounds. Thanks to this, every year any child needs a new pair of shoes and new clothes in the form of blouses, panties, tights, and dresses. In addition, although adults can save on themselves, they do not do this on their children, at least while they are very young.

Here you will learn about how to open a children's clothing store and a business plan for this. This information will help you start your own business.

Business plan

Marketing, the market and your competitors

Like any other business, a children's clothing store must begin with planning, studying the situation and prospects in this type of market. The structure of the children's market consists of 34% children's clothing, 18% toys, 12% shoes and 36% other small items for children. The annual turnover of children's clothing in Russia is about 3-4 billion dollars and grows by a quarter every year. At the same time, 80% of supplies come from abroad, mainly from China, Finland and Germany.

Each family spends about 20 thousand rubles per child per year, taking into account the number of stores in the city and the population, one can easily imagine and calculate the profitability of a future business and its prospects. You should study the location of competitors' stores and their assortment.

Retail space

After all the calculations, you should start looking for premises for the store. Storing clothes and toys does not require special conditions, so when choosing, you should rely on your own financial possibilities and the location of the children's clothing store - it should be easily visible and within walking distance. The emphasis should be on design, it should attract adults and delight children. Rent of a small room and paperwork costs on average 30-50 thousand rubles.

Registration and documents for starting a business

Everyone is registered, as a rule, as an individual entrepreneur. The client base consists of individuals, unless you are engaged in wholesale deliveries to other children's clothing stores. In addition, this reduces the tax burden and reduces the already considerable paperwork, making it easier to work with tax reporting. Registering as an individual entrepreneur costs less than an LLC, and filing documents with tax authorities It’s simpler – you only need a notarized application and a copy of your passport.

Furniture, equipment and inventory

To fully operate a children's store, you will need a minimal but necessary set of equipment: various shelves, racks, shoe cabinets, mirrors, cash register. All this should fit harmoniously into the design of the room. The total cost of equipment ranges from 40 to 60 thousand rubles, costs higher are a matter of desire. In addition, it is necessary to develop a sign and it is better not to skimp on this. If you don’t have money for equipment, you can rent it.

Store staff

Children's clothing store size shows required quantity personnel. For a small store, two salespeople are enough, who must know which size corresponds to which age. Salaries are set based on average salaries in the region. In addition, do not forget about the accountant - this is important person in any company.

Financial plan

In the financial part of the business plan for a children's clothing store, it is worth considering that, depending on the salary of the staff, contributions are made to compulsory pension insurance, the amount of which is 14%, and also the personal income tax, which is 13%. Maintaining tax and accounting It’s a complicated thing, so you should choose the UNS – a simplified taxation system. If we apply the tax base “income”, then the taxpayer’s tax rate is 6%.

If we take, for example, that revenue per day is 5 thousand rubles - 150 thousand per month, then you can estimate the expenses:

  • Equipment and furniture as a one-time cost – 40-60 thousand
  • Rent of premises – 30-50 thousand
  • Salary – 20 -30 thousand
  • Pension insurance – 20 thousand x 14% = 2,800 rubles
  • Taxation – 15 thousand per month
  • Personal income tax – 20 thousand x 13% = 2,600 rubles
  • Tax according to the National Tax Service – 150 thousand x 6% = 9 thousand rubles.

As a result, expenses amount to 100-150 thousand rubles with monthly expenses 60-90 thousand rubles. The profit will be about 60-90 thousand rubles per month. In addition, a children's clothing store can and should be made popular. The payback of such a business in the worst case scenario does not exceed a year.

Don't forget that children's clothing is always in constant demand.

In this material:

We present to you a business plan for a children's clothing store with calculations. This material can be used as a ready-made guide or as a sample for developing your own unique project.

Description of the store, goals

Relevance of the business idea

Children are always born, and they always need to wear something. They need a lot more things than adults due to their rapid growth. According to RBC estimates, children's clothing accounts for 20% of the average monthly “children's” expenses in a family. That is, this everyday consumer product is in relatively stable demand, and the business is easy to scale to the current demographic situation. In addition, despite the huge number of outlets selling children's clothing, you have to look for things:

  • good quality;
  • comfortable and beautiful;
  • at an affordable price;
  • in a large assortment;
  • in a comfortable, modern store with decent service.

Important! Small cities with up to 1 million inhabitants suffer especially from the lack of such proposals.

Benefits of selling products for children

  1. Stable demand, little responsive even to crises.
  2. The business can be easily scaled to suit the current demographic and economic situation - from a store with regional coverage to a large point in the city center.
  3. Parents and relatives tend to deny themselves rather than their child. They want their son or daughter to look decent in the garden and at school, during informal communication among peers.
  4. Among children, from the beginning of socialization, peer assessment plays a significant role - and this additional tool pressure on parents.
  5. Children's clothing is stored for a long time and is less susceptible to damage. Goods can always be sold, if not at full price, then with a minimal markup during seasonal sales and promotions.
  6. Things take up little space and weigh little - reducing costs for warehouses and loaders.
  7. Beginners do not require special approval procedures with the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority, as when opening a grocery store or catering outlet.

Preparatory stage of work

Market overview

The Russian children's clothing market is represented mainly by 5 categories of retailers:

  1. Large federal networks like “ Children's world” is a children's goods store that sells toys, clothes, shoes, and food.
  2. Regional networks with local fame.
  3. Brand stores/boutiques are presented mainly in shopping centers, shopping centers, and malls.
  4. Separate clothing stores are usually for people with higher incomes.
  5. “Market” retail outlets with often dubious assortments (from wholesale bases, from Chinese marketplaces), with different pricing policy, usually with a low level of service.

Competitor analysis

Basically, market players gravitate towards two “poles”. Federal “giants”, private stores, branded outlets - these are above average, high and very high prices for children’s clothing, and people often are not willing to regularly update them under such conditions, especially in the regions. At the same time, the quality of things is good or high.

The second half of the market consists of outlets with an assortment of varying quality, mostly low. The cost is low or average, sometimes it is inadequately inflated: financial planning there is based only on the owner’s appetites. The main disadvantages of the category are the quality of clothing and the level of service.

Determining the target audience

The core of the client audience should be parents of one to three children aged 0 to 15 years with average, by Russian standards, incomes. In the first quarter of 2018, according to Rosstat, the average monthly income of 22.6% of Russians amounted to 27-45 thousand rubles, for 18.9% - 19-27 thousand rubles. per person. In total this is 41.5% of the population.

These are representatives of generation Y (since 1983) and already Z (after 2000), who love brands and love quality clothes, but know the value of advertising and therefore do not want (or are not yet able) to go to expensive stores. At the same time, children and the development of children are a super value for such parents, so motivating them with fairly good service, modern furnishings and functionality of the store, and IT technologies.

Organizational plan

We list the steps necessary to open a children's clothing store from scratch.

Registration of a children's clothing store

The most popular organizational and legal forms for this type of business are individual entrepreneurs and LLCs. Let's compare them in the table.

Registration time, days5 5
TaxesVAT, simplification, imputationLikewise
Duty, rub.800 4000
Add. costR/sCharter, addresses, seal, account, authorized capital
Social contributionsRegardless of work and profitExempt on certain grounds
LendingBanks operate under strict conditionsBanks have more confidence, softer conditions
StereotypesIP is an unreliable partnerThere is more trust in LLC
Financial responsibilityYou can lose all property except real estateOnly within authorized capital or property of the organization, otherwise - in court

Search for premises

The place to open a store selling children's clothing, taking into account the specified audience, should be quite top-notch and passable, in some well-known shopping center in the locality. Otherwise, the image of a category that is qualitatively different from “bazaar” points will not be maintained.

The combination of high rents and attractive prices will need to be achieved through a thorough search for suppliers, working on medium and large wholesale terms directly with manufacturers.

When choosing a place to rent, be sure to find out the actual traffic weekdays and on weekends. The shopping center most likely overestimates this figure. Try to calculate the traffic yourself at the intended point in half an hour or an hour on weekdays, not during rush hour and on Saturday, between 12 and 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Get average flotation.

Creating the interior of a sales area

The interior of the trading floor must be maintained in any of modern styles suitable for children: pop art, hi-tech, minimalism, eclecticism. Colors must be branded, based on the brand book.

It would be great if the hall had play areas, at least minimally: inflatable slides, tables for drawing with pencils and paper, etc. The level of acceptable comfort is limited only by finances.

Purchase of assortment

Before opening a store, you have to work with all suppliers. These are domestic and imported brands with an average and high level of product quality, the scale of production and business in general does not allow opening regional brand stores. They will be happy to promote you at your outlet and will offer special conditions for wholesale purchases.

You can select brands at Wildberries: there, most children's clothing manufacturers are not represented by separate stores in our country.

The average final cost of an item in a store is 2-2.5 thousand for 2018 (socks - 30 rubles, winter suit - up to 5 thousand rubles).

Equipment purchase

List of mandatory equipment:

  • cash register (online cash register), payment terminal and counter;
  • warehouse cart;
  • racks and hangers;
  • fitting rooms;
  • racks;
  • branded uniforms for employees (separate branded insignia are possible for a general dress code - for example, ties);
  • clothing chips and entrance frame.

You will also need to order a sign and entrance plaque, roof advertising or street stand.


In addition to the director (aka chief accountant, marketer, lawyer, supplier), the staff must have at least two cashier salespeople (aka storekeepers, loaders, cleaners) with a shift work schedule. This is enough if you rented a small apartment in a shopping center. It is still advisable to invite the cleaning lady separately.

The optimal scheme for calculating staff remuneration in terms of motivation is salary-bonus. It is advisable to be 10-15% higher than the regional average - so that employees stick to their jobs, and at first there is no need to change personnel. Corporate bonuses would be useful, at least in the form of discounts on goods, bottled water, and microwaves.

Working hours

When planning, it is advisable to immediately provide for work without weekends and holidays, from 9-10 am to 8-9 pm, during the shopping center’s operating hours. Parents are busy people and really appreciate the opportunity to shop outside of standard work hours. At the same time, mothers on maternity leave usually go for morning shopping not too early.

Conducting an advertising campaign

The very first steps are a marketing strategy, naming (brand name and slogan), purchasing the main thing, all key and similar domains, corporate identity and brand book. The advertising campaign should further be built on the basis of corporate design and marketing strategy.

It is better to choose cutting-edge promotion methods:

  • a fully functional online store with adaptive layout, with a set of measures for SEO, contextual, and banner promotion;
  • SMM and advertising on social networks;
  • ad services Avito, Yula, etc.
  • outdoor advertising.

Traditional and expensive channels: TV, radio, offline press - can be completely neglected. You can purchase advertising for the region on children's TV channels.

Financial plan

Attention! Actual amounts vary greatly depending on region and locality. Here is an approximate calculation.

Investments in a business project

Initial investments are aimed at:

  • store registration (2-5 thousand rubles);
  • purchase of equipment (35-40 thousand rubles);
  • purchase of primary assortment (50-80 thousand rubles);
  • outdoor advertising (2-5 thousand rubles);
  • a website and a group on social networks (can be postponed for a year and a half, but not advisable; about 20 thousand rubles).

Total, according to rough estimates, this is at least 90-110 thousand rubles.

Operating expenses of the store

  1. Staff salaries - for two shift salespeople in the regions from 24 thousand rubles per month in total.
  2. Rent of premises - from 25 thousand rubles per month.
  3. Costs for communication, cash register, consumables, water, cleaning, advertising, etc. - about 10-15 thousand rubles. per month.

Excluding taxes and contributions - about 60-70 thousand per month.

Sales proceeds

Income directly depends on traffic and the percentage of conversion, as well as markups. The normal conversion percentage is 25-30%. If it is smaller, look for what the problem is.

With the average cost of an item in a store being 2-2.5 thousand rubles. the average bill will be less - about 700-800 rubles. On average, at first there may be 10 buyers per day, that is, daily income is 7 thousand rubles, monthly income is 210 thousand rubles.


We have already determined current expenses to be approximately 60 thousand rubles. Taxes for a monthly turnover of 210 thousand rubles under the simplified tax system of 6% will amount to 12.6 thousand rubles per month for individual entrepreneurs. Contributions for yourself and two employees are about 10 thousand per month. Total expenses are 82.6 thousand rubles per month. This means that the profit of the individual entrepreneur will be 127.4 thousand rubles. To get net profit, you need to divide it by at least 2 (with a markup of 100%) and it will be 63.7 thousand rubles.

Profitability of a children's clothing store and payback period for investments

To calculate the payback period, you need to divide the initial investment by the profit. In our example, the payback is less than a month, even with the costs of the website: 110 thousand rubles + 82600 / 63.7 thousand rubles. = 3 months. But this is an ideal picture that does not take into account the additional purchase of goods; even in a good state of affairs, the payback period stretches for 3-6 months.

So, a children's clothing store is a business with good profitability that quickly pays for itself. We hope that detailed recommendations and calculations will help you open your own business.

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